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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
V. ' , - i'..,. -y ., . .. - v -A ------ . . - - .TIIS 'OREGON SUNDAY. JOURMAIi PORTLAND,'. SUN v'HORNiNQ,' JANUARY S2, 1905.V V ........ n - SrtRoAl) nBRTARtn. ,;. Marvelous Revelations-TlieVorlds Famous Greatest Living (IMi CLA I RVOVANT A. I KNOW "THY : FUTU R Ell j8PRCIAJLTHISWnEIC: . , r J. i- ' " i ' -r a ' . . m' I. ii in r-nm - r J :,. ft7 Ana rev Sir f rends BeTt 30314 .WMhloctoa Ordained to as whst-tiw-doe by (ohm ttruit, aoaeea power, wboee potent Influ nc 1 fell by every creature an the fae o( th earth, wboae .power la mi Ib th " (arras of Datura, thle woadetrul 'Bad gifted nana demoaauatss hi power In rase, pre. Be,, while yaw took, listen, and wander. . Tb deed, of b prupbt ln4 tb aria km f eld ere- eutden. by IbUimaji and siraterloue seer of - modern ttne. Pross wnenrd. cvn this wonderful power T Pro. faaelusal mea aad woman ara I'Mlnrk, tb Buhlt In anwnl I auaauwa. apafeb- ,1M. Ha4 ba baa a born Is ttmaa of aupar- iltkw kin work wtmlC n tlaaaad an utua than anlrtclcn. ..- -. v . T" SIR 303J4 -WASMIMaTOIN ST. FiPTM AND "M THE PEOPLE'S LETTERS -J - futloB tor artdrw. ......BPrtJRnd.. Q. Jan.. 0.-To thi Editor vi;i--:'--i-.- or 'ih:jourrin J gontkii - thdj Taipaera leavguav of th n-.t.icUyof -ortland mad ,an attampt to "-. ' Drtiteat aaaln tha tuiain ttt houna hill h . - P . . .No''UO.'f6r.:ooMtnioiiM--f;"'','itu'biie' i .,i.brldipa wherever required. . They claim " . tlinf the property moat, benefited nhould ' tT for -the iBonetruetton of said- brldsea , ' in aald district. . They also claim there ;''Tit noillnilt to thai eter.oX, the djstilct i . rTtHiHeflted. tint tmi aatlori in ihe benefits; derived, y Takln; it4 for aranted ; that what the leaRU says Is loslcaj, any ralr-ralnded mas. will , wa that the . rf11 rm ar. Hit t rnmnarativalir little benefit to th parlies noaf Maessed.llVr ,lti in-the Yfclnlty prjuioa brllas In -t'at-dlTl't. . ;, ,- . f -' Moat tf th people who. no reside la tha porttofta.Of those district are poor ' men, who own their own homesteads. .and their .property is already tutd or tts-'Tull value, ndr-otrttiiB to th mal-nd- : . ,rnlnlBtratlon of the affairs of th city T. V rxovernment a Rreat deal of the property rr-r-wouW not-brln. tfe..montlt 1. ' -ThePartlejwho---are) : really- -beiirtTted ,'. ;.-:' ' by Rorxf public ?oa1 And avenue are (ho bunlneaa man or tb city. It la unjunt ' - : "and unfair':, for men. owning ;the best .-property In Portland and: wbooe- pro 'Y Ipertty depends updn 'tb easy aecns to this metropolis to thus object; It ahows r-. 'a woefuHacai of publlesplrttron- th part of th wealthy Btn and property-owners - i : Jwho own and ontrot-tb best property .In th city and who ar only taxd ona- nrtb or th valu of their property. It seems Incredible that. .... such men ahoolit want "to shiftrthelr Just" t- responsibility of -contrlbutlnr their quota toward a tb support and maintenance of , i the nubllo highways, ATM try to shift j -, . th burdens upon th maass of th poor peopl who are already taxed to euoh an ."extent that tha" property , lnmany In-' ' stances la virtually, confiscated by. ,laad hark who live on th misfortu&a-of their fellow cltliens. . ' . - Portland aratest mtsfortun' Ir the . manner tn . which the city-la voverned. Instead of conductlnsr the affaire on. a 'broad RauR and for the benefit of the -.masses the great body. of th people Are lRnored, And th affairs of the city a re manipulated In the interest of various cllau and th weal and welfare f the 'c1ty Is entirely lRnoTed.'- In 41 w41 . Roverned cities the, publlo utilities are ' always provided for by a Rene ml tax. - An to the charter on which the- lema-ue .- place so much stress,, t should not -b - violated in any manner. - There baa ben ' more corruption and rottennesa since It ; baa been In vogue than existed previous- -;ly In th history Of Portland. ' Th only rinea who seem to benefit by It ax dts honest contractors and disreputable or f tola la. . - . f - . mfwyp ?fwyp ZlClalS. THOB, UUINBAN, i lTotetias Chun Birds. Portland Or.. Jan. 11. .To tha.Rdltar or tds journal Kierrin( . xOvProposea legislation In th Interest of .our game . blrda, I wbuld suggest th fine for kill ing, marketlfiR or ehlpplng out of sea- on be inoreaaed to 800 or 1600, 1100 of the fin to mo to th Informer. Thl : wlir Interest vrjr farmer boy in' tha preiervatlon of tb blrda and glv them nvopportunlty to make a little money ' It hunters persist' In violating the law, and 1t will give tb birds protection - wlthout- Rnv; :addl lonal cxpena to- the state, i- .;,. t Oar gam law ar now openly vio lated, aa every hunter knows, and " will . continue to be until a premium fa offered -fr-lformatlon thatwill lead to- th rrest and cnnvlctiorr of vlolatora.One undra dollar rewam wtll pu awry farmer' boy in Oregon on hi -mettle. an nor will be done to- protect the game than an appropriation of 110,000 - for additional deputies would accomp- "frmh. -If the preservation of our gsme - is .desired and not-an -opportunity, for ' deputy warden to mak money, thl will urely give ,4 he birds, th - muob - to, unijia protection . I. if. : rotectloa Sot Aaked . Portland. Jan. fl. To th Kdltor of The Jotlrnap-I hav addrenaed th fol- lowing letter to Senator Rand at 8alem: "Dear denator: Th bll before you, Ko. it. make It obligatory to file all "fontracts of vartoua kind,' with aom ofrirlal namod In the bill, for protecting nr eei irr 05 rsonai iproperiy. i 1 hi "moahs,"wh(ref the mail mlnrar- 4 Ties, I sea a safe to a party or parties In .the interior. If said party. I dinhoneftt or 'In collualon with th official' (this Is not Impoaalble) where contract la recorded, he or they pan aell th aaf (o R. third party and record It, and I have ' no re- dreaa after, fir day: bealdVa. It la a ' question of boarR -with auolt aa intro mAnt i-r "Then thr are honorable and honewl man who need and ar worthy of credit. ' but would not consent to be advertised by commercial agencies that they bought f en lime, for it la a detrU men to their, credit, while In reality aa buelneea men they ar convinced that cmc $10 Complete Life Readings o oxABoa traxaaa aATxarAOr tow oas aa rxa rtmaa. AXtWATM . oonnt - Baallalnr thar ar mnnr ataptlenl ; pi In r-ortland, am) that ttala city bal bank, orrrran wllb prctnndarn aaW th rala of , ClalrToranca, I'aliulatrr a ad BpIrltnvUatU -Madlnmnblp.- and that manr of Ita bnt dtlaana woold b anlj too anxiona to a tru elalrrojant nrdlnm, HI rjlANCIS PBAKR wlU Ita conrlnco tba ijohll of Jortlaod of his auperlorlt arar. all If, loam. Palmlata nd Clalrreynntn) stro for ,on waak onl, HnUDIgs, too, . - H0UK(W-l(r TO V. DAILT AKD iCXDAT . - nx rxAcn. sun - - XaXABIJIKIO . 14 TIABf,"-: ' ' ' xx voHTLAiro. ; . V rev , '"' " ' FRANCIS DRAKE tt w aovAia oa abtm xm aof they need aueh protection even In th In' lerest of their debtors. V"' t'" An mttOrney may come around and in rt"rA"lTmtute"a questionable .ult" ther ar such attornejrs-rand th only thing that he can aee in sight Is aom personal property out of which he expects to Ret bis pay. and If there is no mortgage re corded 'on am h wins and takea my property when n Knowa that I have not received payment therefor,' but It-Ja a legalised transaction, -therefor ha owes no one any .moral obligations, and by trusts, and not without a cause, for th reason that they are using their Influ ence In part to secure legislation, both nations and stat (not only Missouri to legalise robbery. Tbla fa a strong trm. gentlemen, bift shaiV I call White -""This bill may b hi tb intefeat of A certkln class of attorney, but certainly is-not In' th interest -of th only peopl that have an honest olnlm to th good a Why Jeglalat : to ... dectlTely proteet I r4,er -r ttZrV th seller T . It results: In. robblnR th Whv do th gentleman from tlutt nomah assume to b a kuardlaav over our psnperty When w do not dealr K.T a Th reason for hla action must i for a class who lntrt roe to t th other, fel low's nrooerty. and to this w most ra- phatlcaliy pray your ooay to turrr a own mi ciasa jegiaiaiioa.. -.. rrI .think a - little rnor Teddylam in all lawa would be more wholesome. --"Thanking you In- advance for your fa vorable aetlpnrwhlch I with confidence anticipate, I remain. Srour trniy. - "J.H. . DAVIa.,, . Crowded Itreet On riatforma. Portland. Or.,. Jan. ll.To th Editor r : The imonal a-t.-'nererrlnw to vour article regarding th crowding of stredf flee nlatforrns Tir smokers, this que- Ttlon, Ok- all other, has two ids. . Iflo on dispute th tact that a lady too (often has to bea pardon and frequently Tkmbarrasa herself in order to make er way in or put.of.a tfeet car. Borne people, w moff tvotif ess, object strongly to th smell of a cigar and much-mor so to th smell of a cigarette, and we agree that they are entitled to their likes and dislikes. In this regard.- " On the other band, there ar -paopl who much prefer to ride In the open, air to being closed up In what la often A poorly ventilated car. These people, too. ar entitled to satisfy their fancy. If possible and tb street Oar companies, who ar public servants, should aim to cater to th Inclination of-the public, I, know some peopl who it make sick to rid In ' ar closed car, and provision can be made by which, such peopl may fid In comfort ' - ' - i'Vrhll iom . people dtsllk and ven disdain -smoking, there ar many Who enjoy , a smoke, and If It can b mad posstoi tor tnes i two ciasaea to o separated, and thus enjoy aqua! .prrvl leges, stich convenience should certainly be granted. Men will smoke and why not provide for the m accommodations such as thy require? - ; - It aeema that on aom liranchea of our atreet car system, th problem has been partially solved. An extension bai been built on each and of th cars, or th car bav been constructed In auoh a manner aa to accommodate 11 persons alttlng and asveral mor standing With out ncroachlng on the paasagaway In and out of th car. 1 However, while this la Intended to accommodate th class in question, wlthout.doabt th passageway should be : kept open, - and .when both platforms of th car ar .filled to a certain capacity, others should be com pelled to forego their personal Incllna- rw?--4nW"fcBBBBBS side th car or walk. ,. ; , O. T. M. .Yolo Trom Boar, Platform. Portland, Janr-Sir -To-th Editor-of Th Journal I-really wouldn't seek tr obtrude Jbn th Rrandeur of your soli tary Idea on th o.oa.Ued streetcar slat- form nuisance If ft wer. not for th triv ial fact that I bltvV i-4e wagging It tall at th wrong dfab. Tour cleverly conceive and weu-executed cartoon and, your powerfully wr1tnn "roasts" on th man -who. stands on the back platform Illustrate, but do not illumine, it he con dition. Rometlmr-n th man who stands on th -rear platform. r hansj toss. teeth and f Inkers on the platform Sfeps. Is not there rrom choice; a glance Inside might show that the sardine ar parked ar OgTOyS-TnSy-BiC" he Is there from choice, having -gently but firmly Insisted that a woman tired from her afternoon's encounter with th bargain aalea should take th seat that possibly he may have walked aom blocks toward the oau'xatartlng-polnt to secnr. Rather - thati toss and roll among thardlne .h goes out on th pisiform.- - v - I n admiring you just much aa you should be admired for th lofty position you hav reached on th aubjact of th struRgla of .the women to get on th car, and I carefully not what you any about -worn exhausted from th tolls of shopping, battling -fiercely to- snake . HI " VILliTBLL TOO rtTIXi KAMJt. oa, Ot-OUPATION, AND WBOM AND WBKN TOq. WILL MA KB I. .., vr winr roKsmt am infirioa if. DU af WHEN BIB FBANOl" DHAKB. THB AKKNOWLBIMKO LCADEK 1V - THKIf I ALL IB HtKI 'INI) HID fU II NO HK1HKK THAN TH08B. USB COMPnV 1 DO HEREBY BOLBklNXT AOBEB AMD OCARANXkB to ntak jruv Bo char U I tail to rail oo bl nam In full, naataa - f yonr frlanda, aWmlan or rlrala. ' I ' pronla to tail yon whether yar baaband. Wlf or awaatbaart I true or fa la, tall ou bow. to fain tb lor of tb on -yea moat damr, rn though miles away; boa; to anrcaad la baaineaa, nvavalattea, laa aulta; how to marry rb on f yanr rhMra; bow t r(l- youth, health aod-ltallty, Haaaoees ll Influenrai, enrea drlak habit; locatea. traaanr, curt all aurrn dUeaaas. 'how can t Vo4" Inrk t " r T- r Horn ran I aurcMd In baalnaf , How ni I jukt my bom bappyl '; How can I conquer' my anemlaa) . . ; - . How can' I marry tb on I cboaaot - "" Tv How n l marry 'wIl t -p - ... Mow aooa can I marry I " , :t.:'''.'T j;c " How can I. conquer my rlvult " i. How ran I mak any aa tor ma) , -How aoon will my law Ore pee e ) , How rani (t a gnod poaltloaf ' -' , How eap. I remoT bad lnflnat . ----- - How can I control any an T ' How mak dlafant an think at mt " . llow ran I eettle my qoarralt j . Hew can' I bold my knahand'a lorat s Bo c I kp my wlf' tnral - BIX FRANCIS DRAKB til aB and Ma aka fnastlona. .rmonmom. rs WA8HINOTON 8T8. their way through th clouds , of foul smoke. ' It . would be unwls-to urge that women abandon th bargain counter a little earlier and leave th car to tb mn who may want to enjoy a amok on their way from a hard day's work, and who ar selfish nough to stand on th rear rrfatfprm Imperturbably puffing pip,' cigar ot cigartt or, Juat swear- in to themselves. I - Of cours. there's another sldeTo Oils you hav 'overlooked' it; -but I s th company hasn't. ' lii thl evening" Issue of your deservedly widely read paper tha company manager aay mat 11 is ouua Ink a number of oars, whlcb will be put on Immediately on -completion. 1 can. without exposing -f- any unwarranted knowledge of the. way th Consolidated does buslneaa, aay that those car never fwoujfi ,hav bcea-ijplapned or puiit ir, in (neceaiBlty for thjVfp. had, pot sPPM frbn tn casual to tn imperativei Ana-may be when the number of oar and th crowds ar In mor friendly approxima tion you -won't- hav to boll, oyer, R bout the man On th platform. - - - With dlstlngalshed regards f am very truly yours, ? ; A ,malb bardine. ' : Wbar Bo tba Difference ot Portland. "Jan. , 11. To th Edltopf The-JtrTial- A remonatranee' ot over 85 per cent of the proprtyownrs on Williams avenue was placed before the city, council1 and executive board against awarding .-. tht . contract v for . bltulitbio Improvement tfWilllam) ayenu tr one bddr, the apeolfioatiOBa cailJnR f oc a patentVsoV- attiol which. 1 . patent! in nam only at an exorbitant prloe-sof '17.(1 pr squar yard .far-pavonC and b cents r cubio yam lor xcavauon,. ana 60 cents for filling. -Th city council end-exouUve board pIAoad tbes remort strances on file, and thaseoutlv board awarded th contract.,?.: : Z " In the United Stat conaul'a" report for. November, VIOO, you Will find th same pavement as specified has ' been but dowft 1A OntArlo. Canada, tor 70 to is centa per squar yard, without any jt ent It would seam to b'sr-Rood, fat thine; to divide up th difference between ba cents ana. 2.ui as per tiiia naiiimm, Ona word mor In f egaf d to tb gen- t reman who- call himself - th large nrnnertV-Owner.. . Who Claims to b al ways 1n favor "of .improvementsl It would be wall to ask him If he did not appear before - the -council wberfith bridge at Broadway ana wiiiiam. ave nue .was closed, i where he owns prop erty, and absolutely refuse to' pay any thing for, the repair, and the same la on record that th money for these reps Irs was taken from th general fund. ......... ..f.L....Small Property-Owner. r BANKERS EAGER TO " r- 'COMETO PORTLAND A surprisfng number of replies Is being received by th Merchants Na tional bank of Portland from recipients of a handsom calendar In honor of th Lewis and Clark fair, seat out by th bank him weeks ago. The calendar wa sent exclusively to bankers of tb mid II and eastern tale, and was ac ompanled by a letter from th Portland bank. - Cashier Kaipn- w. jHoyt naa r-' reived replies from every 1 state, and' If all th banker carry out tbelr praaent plan there will be enough of thra in Portland to form tn biggest oanaers- convention ever held . In - th Pactflo northwest. ' W. H. Beeb. cashier Of the Ravenna, O.-Becond National., writes: "Quit a colony from here located in your stat a year-ago, and all seem-wen plea sea. William Mlddlekaupff, Argentine, Kan., accepts .th Invitation with thanks. , L C Brubaker, at Randolph, jMeo.. saya, -am planning to go." Cashier John H, Welch, of th First Stat bank, Waphetbn. Ia., replies. "W will meet you on the trstt." H. M. Carpenter, cashier, Montieello, la., wrltaV -"AlUiough expoaltlotia are worn threadbare, yours attracts us because Ik WTIt fnritmriUwtst." There are score ot similar - replies tmtn MIssourL' Oklahoma. Indian terrt' toryr Ohio, Illinois, MlssottrV Wisconsin, Nebraska, Kansas, North and South Da kota. . Minnesota. Idaho, nevaaa, wyv- mlng and othr states, ' r - f Solved th Window Screen Prob- W. 3. Cook IS showing a device which will revolutionise th window screen business. H ha tb right to sell a screen which can ,b adjusted to any window in such a manner as to Toll tip nd down with th window as though it wer a curtain. Tn screen is mane of- a fabrla - supersaturated ' with a water sild f Ira-iproof-SOluUQrU-jms k IJJJL ALul vJiejLJnn t f m clear and decisive as With ordinary usag practically in destructible. A large company has been formed to manufacture tha material and get the screen to agents who will sell them to th consumer. Th screen ' I without R fault. They do not rust or breelt. snd will taut twlc a tong as ordinary aetoena, - and- -do -no oost -as much. It 1 evident these screen win ell at sight;, they ar rtw In America, but bar been used in Canada for the past fmif year.: Mr. Cook ha a very Interesting offer to those who ar reedy to enter a profitable business. ' He can be eeen ai wuit tot, oregonian building. Portland. Of. ': : . $10 Complete Life Readings The Veiled Prophetess TXZXa TOTT WatBRT ATTD WXOaf TOV "X..- wTuMfa 1CABJBT. . axraa tov m iiout how to r- OMAMM AM9 OOJrTBOaa, tmarrt z tiar. -a-'- pmAorxoxaa - - : CbAZBTOTARTT, aj-rr 'Bo poeltje am 1 of my pewar to teU-tbe ' Beat, praaent and -fntur and usctly what yo wsnt know, that I will make -- - - - i. - ' . V : HO CHARORl KO CHAROltTT'. knleaa Jon. obtain perfect saiiatsctlos and And ' sm BoparioC to all fa EDIUMnY CLAIRVOYANTS aad rALstlRTR in this lty. ' , ., now tht nrnrRK. - II rRRRI-- rRXXI --4 ''-.- .:-:.., IT MOT OORRIOT. Poaltlraly SMaUoalag roar sweetheart' '.-..''J', fall nam. " - - - C, - ' .-...,.. Rattle krr qaarrsla and promptly r. site tb separated, no matter bow long sUndlag. She telt yea vaytblng, coad ar bad; y , yikM the rtrstb, .and, noblng bnt tba '' ". ... Bha' glass readlsg In Ingllah, fYencb - and Garmaa.- . -v" Me- mas ar- woman ba arer na eonsnlted Is mora notable affair than ah. In Borop ad Aaaaric aha ba - adrtaad tboasaBda 1 vaxions walks of lit, sod always to tbelr vaatag. M. Ai mA (Continued- front- Pa R Seventeen. for'alRht , given si the statue of Men- thu. her father. The return of vlalonil re-eetabllshea her right to rule. - -- But In the Tower of yorgetfulness, with weird. paRan rites, she eleota to caat-herslf Into the Adelattq until the sounds of the ,.wddlnR revelfy of Kaeso and "Julia persuad her- to" tak tha ihrona and- wreak a terrible ven- keanckf uronl' hr" falthlia .lpver. - i.She brder4(hlnt tor by wlMfhorsra, '( bujt after a 'momerttuoua. scene of wavering decision she hRS htm'draRged before her and kills him with her father,ssw0rdL to deliver him from worse tortures.. Eight years later In the epilogue she meets -the son of the faltbless- Kseso and Julia, and - wlth. that love- f or th man who forsook her still enduring, lets tn-th sunlight, blinds herself and -de liver ' to him th throne. . Thus does ! she-remain true" to her first passion of lovei. ,-.-.''.;' '- . --ti-r l-lTha--ltlc-aaemtaIjb-Omwhal divided In thelr-OPiniowor Ilia play. though all admit that It Is produced with great sumptuousness and lavlshncss and beauty. Tho Bun aaya: .' . ; , V . "Th making of .the omelet dramatic requires the breaking ot dramatic eggs. (and a whole Easter of gorgoua shells will not furnish forth th food of the Pl.rItiAi scon - aftrseentnoyd across. the view In gorgeous pageant and entr'acte succeeded entr'acte, some of thetn lasting twor than half an hour by the watch, it becara Increasingly evi dent that the play wa not th thing. It was a tale told by Mr. Belasoo, full of me-ueiascan sound ana rury tana, 1 as fttaual, BlgnJfyinR nothing.- ' . 'The subject that .of a- soldier who, to further his -nmbltioaw marries a pathetically blind woman whom he loves to at loathsora court jester involves passions so cynically baa and a fat so piteously Bordid as -o be-redeemabl only by consummate truth and beauty of treatment ;The soul of "thejgreatest I poet- would have been taxed to in ut most to 1nvst It. with. th least shadow of Intelligent Interest. Iast night the weight of that ponderously magnificent production sat on-Jt .Ilk an Incubus, strangled U possibility of life out Of It and reducett It td the lnvertabrate pulp of an opera' took bereft -of thnnusio la opposition to this may be placed the following from th Tribune: "The nJrtoriarTrafddy of "Adrek." by Belasoo and Mr." Lofig, that was proa duced- last night at the 'Belasco theatre, la a fabrto of exceptional tmaglnstlye scop aad ' of Rreat dramatic power. It 1 a play without -historic basis; an authentic creation of the In ventive brain; a "Vigorous ahd splendid work of art. moving freely In a, broad field.'' Its chief persons are monarch and warriors. It deals with. : great themes great passions, crimes and sor rows; great and terrible punishments of sin; and th spectacle of great character, mad subllm by RrtBf. - Much of Its movement - proceeds - lit - th open air; torn of It beneath th vault of-night. and -It web Involves " th terror of tempest, and th mystery and dread of spectres from th. realm of death. Tb form and color of it ar modern . form and .color of roy amplitude and voluptu ous luxuriance, but the feeling that pervade it I th ominous feeling of the old Greek tragedies of fat and doom. Its -defect la excess an excess of persons, objects, pictures, emotions and Words; the superfiux that proceeds from intensely passionate feeling In the conception of th story, and, especially. n tne conception ana development or ItRCentral cbaracter Exccaa. however. can b modified; and. In the mean, time. n. affluence of fancy Is more grateful than the frigid sens of want. . Of Mrs. Carter's acting. Alas! Dale says "in Th American: . VMrs. Carter, harsel f, Jnpae to -th Rrt;estIilRhl this tlm,a a tragedienne.'- Although I hope that aha will -not over-cultivate ber splendid tragtd not, and desert her unsurpassed motrotlallnra for the rr- clonics, her work last night made u all marvei. 10 in soprano outnt sn aoaea eoDtralfo accessories. Never has ah showed her declamatory power more markedly. . Tt in momenta that nearly every other actrena, including Bernhardt, would hav rasped snd. ranted, Mrs. Car ter gothcr effects without a suspicion of IbouRh chiseled. i Th Times: "U may ba aald at the Outset that in several scenes Mrs. Carter attained heights even- th proibla .of Which hss bardly been revealed! in the past. And ' there were moments when sh srmd wanting In the . trenendnV dignity necessary to the. fullest expres sion of the prt-of Ad re, and when her physical, mental and histrionic rapac Ity fell -short- of 'th actosl. demnnds mad upon her, sh I still to b eredlt-d with a very ennaldersbl achtevement'' - Further consideration of ithls play must be deferred until a later time, t Miss Viola AUen last Wedaeaday gsrvi . :The . Drama': in - THE: WONDERFUL BERNOUE -in . . Te!l; YourNjme Thla-OCCXILT. WONDETR 'la placed Jn a olaba by bar self, - towering bead and shoulders .over every rival.' and la recognised by j tb IPROFE88ION aa their: - II , 1 1 ad BRIGHTEST STAR, VrlV VAMMJIVJ VI CLAIRVOYANT SlOiOO Complete- 'Life Readings Bead Carefully.. .As Xatst Proposition. ..:"' ''-' ctofi to b Pall Jadga) ' ' ' ' . yxaronarydlabvBVant ; pewar, ombln4 with bi auDerior knowleda 'of occult fore. nabla..blm- to-ed bumaa Uf with -laherrliif' nccurscy fronv Infancy to old are. - Ills powers are wnnaermi .ana inniapntabie; - nis a arte I reliable; bi-hi for mat ton clear, ennela and to tb point an Lot, doortahlp. klaerlaa. Dl varc. fMle. Will, i'stenta Journey. PenatoM, IflTeatments, Bpecnlatlonav Property, Penaloa, MortsagraQU aad sllning VU1 -Wltlapi ltheut Asking- Qnesfioa. Without any ' pre'vlone knawleng,' and having no- natural mana of knowing wb yon are, wbene c for what you cam, he t-lb) your Sain, as," ecenpation. where you Uve-w He tells yoo of .friend and amt, wn I true and wb a false) trlla-you whom and when yoo will marry, (irlng name, datea,' facta, and loestioas. takm u fen In dTanr. and accepting Bene sale sstlsfsctloa' Is glrea. i fSOO.00. Porfalt. ' ; I will forfait B600 where I fall tn teach roe how to faerlnata anyon you dealr, bow ta make , yoatr ' enemleajuut.j f riaoda, aaua a. apeedy' mariiasc with th on of your -choice, sir yon good luck snd make you srcawfnl In yonr buatneaa, re mora evil lndnasjcea. re nnlt tb apa rated. gl yos lucky number, locate tb eantb,' burled treasure, act 1 1 -tb old aataw that time ba placed beyond tb lawyer' ehrawda, and- paslttTely complat your huslnea. , atOVBS. X0 to R,' BAItf AaTD StrMDAT. f COSMOS BUILDING 268 MorrlsonSt. a special matinee of -Twelfth Night" In which ah had considerable success last year. Barring Miss Allen's own acting It may be said that throughout th work was unsatisfactory and In many casei flagrantly ablfurd. "Twelfth, Night" Is a comedy.' on of th most exquisite In th language and any attempt' tor make It a' fare cannot be ' too highly con demned. And this Is exactly what hap pened In certain scenes. In regard to Miss Allen herself sh .again -showed what a really charming actress shs 1st IfVr Viola la a creature of grace and womanliness and delight. Placed the setting of .a good' Supporting company this characterisation would tank as one, of Miss Alien' beat.- ' - '' r- 3Jentlonof a novelty. .Is slso made. Thufsday afternoon at tH Man- hattan theatre Ol Bang gave a recital In Norwegian of Ibsen's dramatlo poem, 'Per Oynt." The entertainment was In a way unique audwaa contrary to what one might expect enjoyable even to those who did not -understand Norwegian. Tba Orelgjaiuslo was played and eung as an accompaniment to th reading. . . i ' t "New Dress-Making System. .. Mis J. B. Gray on next Tuesday will oprn In th Allsky building, at lit Morrison street, . f branch - ot . Kelster Ladles' Tailoring college. The system taught by this college baa proved most popular In the east, for by It the most perfectly fitting and properly made gar mrnts are produced. - In drafting and cutflninrtrTSrryatt lowed, the squar sad .tap Una only be ing employed. By th Kelster system very patten shown on' the .fashion plates csn be accurately produced. Th branch of the college In this city Is equipped -to teach ladles' .tailoring and dress-making la -all Its .branches. " At the opening on next Tuesday afternoon Miss Orsy. th principal, wilt explain the system and every lady calling will receive a card entitling hef to a shirtwaist-pattern out to-measure. Person living outshls of.Tortland ran obtain in formation by writing th college for a booklet. , ' tr PrblTMcI 50c r r " B6rn With a Ooub! Veil Educated . In OcciiK Science to Ejrypt ni ladU- Lsndos'S most fas palmlat and etatrvoy. Bat at ackaowledeed by preaa. sad pnbll area teat Bring DBAO TRANCR MEDIUM. h tetl what yon can for be for yon sttae a word; dob not nak aMastlon. a matter what year troabla may b. . - - (all aad she will raid M with eartslaty ' klsher tbaa bnaaaa power,,. Xtlla you tb trata. pw a aaa. - . it may b at vital tat itareSt to ye, to know. auteoaa of ran araaaat dbttrae, . - Tb - hapilnea- of year fatur 11 fa amy d. pnd a poo tb right aolutlo nnd proper adTica. : Tbra ar I no mUtakea In th prdlctton r made by tb great sad wander fill dead franc medium. - . . Von am wlak t knew If It Is adrlaabla ta make a cnange la kesln,. la tor, la aur? : rlag. -"Shall 1 aneeaed la my aew Bdrtmgr', "-- !'r,an I nhlaln my jipaa. my wbib , my 3bltt.mar'- - - . -"Shall t enjoy th hrnrus-ef waaiUI" -' "Can I treat my friend t" .1 -'-. , "When- shall I marryr'..'' ' . '. '.-. "How often Bbsll I nwrry i.. .-' . " 'flball 1 erer be dlvorcedr' . , .; ''Doe heather ah tb lev that rightfully .baknn t mr' "--- - . Vlf , whom f" r .'. "Am I kiT.d in return r - " -- -" " "la that a. rWl la my Itrr ' " 'When sbsll my bn Rir' tarswaat la marrtaseT' - ' - I ''Wbn. .abatl an avueeette enmnie Mar- "How can I "Whaa abal: "Whr do I mare my lit and boms happy y ill niy aheent friend rttura Tw . not.eaH.le attrr r"!a ntf dtaeaae etlrahleT, -ball I wis my Uwaultr'T SUNDAY AND DAILY. f 1'.- i f ' ll Jl DR. JAY MAN POO vr-Is a bone fide phynlcl&n of Cfilna, and reRularly auallfled. Ma treats , successfully su private, nervous, -and -ehronto disease; , also blood. stomach, heart liver, .kidney,, and - all diseases of the body, by the use bf roots and herbs especially prej,- - pared for each ease. He mskes wonderful care of Sexual weak-' nees, gonorrhoea and i syphilis. v' If you. cannot, call i at his ofBce, - write for ouastlon binnk. for homJ wwisiam. cmsnranrioa rsws. "SAT" MAR IOO ROOT ARTS - No, 14? Second St., Bet. Alder and, f ' "-j- Morrison, PdrtlandV Or, . MERAKO iVSmEK X I Caa Rt( for una a turn l IrrUatlan e ntceratlsm, .. f mna mambraaw -r - ' raiaieee, aaa a asuta- ImEVABtCstRHUtCB, anlWiotaaeous k siBiBBAn,ix 1 ! mtf BkeakBsrast, V R.RA. . f" n seat in alala wraaae. Oieaalsr ant an raaaast. 1!3 Only Double-Track Railway betweea fhb Missouri River The OjIcAfro-Portiand Spedal, the most luxurious -train in the world. la wing -room sleepinjr csrs, dining car, buffet smoking ana library car (barber and bath). Lei i than three days Portlaod to Chicago, . . . i ThrpughTrains to Cblcaro are operated daily via tba Oregon K. R. ft Nar.Co, L. P. R. R. aad Cbkaro ft Norih-Weatern Ry. Chicago from PortlaaJ and points ia Oreroa aad Saslrs Wathinctoa. v Daily scuralatta In Pullman tourist sleeping cars (rom Port lead Ihrougb '' to Chicago without cbanre. B.R.RITCHIg'. - a,C. aAEBR. Saal Ait. ra Coaat. - . Seearai Aaaas. .-C.arl.-W. St.- C.M."w7k. ' r Market ttreat, ret Third atraet, . i rAi fmr ian, rn ii rmTinLm Ticket oao iaa Third at. Paon R0 V2. Tranaoontlnental - Train as Unlly- 1 HAST TIME TO SPOKANE. ST.- PAtTU DULtTTtL .MINNEAPOLIS. CHICAOO AND : ALL POINTS EAST. Daylight trip through th Cascade and Rocky mountain For full partic ulars, rale, folders, etc. call ea or ad dress t ' AT, SIOKROH. City TftofeH Ag, ixX Tbire StrM. PertlaaR. , " jou.i.:.m v.riTa ado . - f j Chicago Union Pacific ' TIUINSTHSTL)AILYr Tbrenrh Pnthnan rtaadard and ter(t rheai hay ears dally ta Omnfcn. Chle, Bpakaset tonrnrt eleenis ear dally t Kaaaaa Ctt throash Pullman tourist alaejtn ear fparaan. ally oadeted weakly ta Cfcleaea, ReeRaiaR abatl cars (aaata free) U the aat daily. ,. ' UMOH DEPOT.-' Learaa. am CU1CAOO POIVTLARD SPECIAL. yoXVtba Rant tin BRnt '1B.V IS B I Dally. - - RPORANB PLTRR. Par Raatarn Waehln ton. Wall Walla. Lew. tfd . m. Daiiy. ; tatoa. Ooaat dAIa ad fleaal a Rastaaca, Paiiy. . , paint. - ATLANTIC! RXPRRSS re the Bnst 1 Ban- t'p.vm. filS. m. Dally. Dslly. - - ""OelnmVla Rlvar DtvUloa. POR ASTORIA and way paints, eaaaeetinc with tmr. for Ilwsc and North beech, iln Bu salo, Aah-at. dock. - OS p. SB. tsiiiy. A beat ax. Bnsday ' Hstardar 10 on p. m, 1 ' Tamklll Rlvar aMtaT t(R DATTON. Orega City aad tsmhlli Blrer polnta, strs. Rarb aad T rOa. m. Dily. i s, Baadar :. a. Dally. i- aoaoc, aebt. dock. ; (Water permlttlaa.1 a. Ruaday Bnk River Reut. FOR LRWIBTOft. Ida. snd way polata from if'piria, w-Tb . stmrs. Sankan nd Lewtaten. IICKKT QrriCR. Third snd Wsablagtoa, st A.-L. CRAIO. Qenarai Paaeensee- A net. EAST. e-vla,- SOUTH DBIOH DRPOT. . 4 . Arrl OTRRLARD RXPREBM rratn. for Balem. Ros Nrf, - AahUad, Sasra bmbb, 0(dn. Ban Prne. rlaca, Btocktoa. Los As- S4fs aa sewv u ra new Or leans as ta aass. . Morulas , trsla I sects st " Woedbnrn f1ly eicaet. Bsaday JRS.BS. Mi with train foe MtJ f:l Ansel. Bit r t J Baaanurrlll.!! B a si a S3 .id. . WMUf an ni natrow. -- Albsnrsna seu at Waadbars wttal 1:IRb,uV Mt. Antal aad, BUveo toa meav -Oorraina pa Been ItJ :! a, mi T:S0 a. aa. 1 1 :00 p.m. UDertaaBF pai IRlnl apeily. IIDally. exeewt Bandar. rortaud-Oawas Ruburbaa lai ilss a4 TaSlBt . . MvisioS .- i .. Denet Ibot af Jaffaeana Bliael . --.' Lane Portland dally 0w f :S8 e a, 11:50, 1:05. 1:28, 0:20, :; T:B, 10:10 RtWa Dally 4sxecpC.8nndsy. 1 :,: SO. . a. m...d:O.lJ0 P. a. Suaday mlly 4sxecpt.Bnn!sy K S : 4:30. .1 :88. IB ' ' RM Batnrnlns frsaa Oswese, arrive Parti a ed d-ft-a :SO a. S.I I B, 118. d tfl. B:1S. t:,. , 11:10 n. a. - Aalfy (exerpt BsndarV :; , a :w tw-wa. hi m. an. Bscept MBBaay. pi Snnda aalv. In -Oft a. n La from Sam deoat fee PaTlas sad laiai ' edlsB points dsllv fexcvrd Sunday) 4:u p. sa .. Arrlv Pnrtlaad 10:10 a. m. aecrtn with Bonthern Padfle ompny'l at naiisa. aaa innerwnnene. Pfrut-elaBS far from Pnrtlasd ta RsKBBjm '.i and Ban rrBee US, berth IS: aeeaaeVaaaaa fare 118, eond-elaa berth $3.50. i Tickets to Enatern points and ttrp SIM arwB. fiina, rtenoinni ana 'aosrmna. City Ticket Of' eoraer . Third snd W hetna areeera. Phaaaa Main Til f w. imitflRR. . . w. a. rntfAV. TIME CARD TRAINS WI-AfSlDi CRIOR DSPOT. . Pneat ' Bound Limited. Dakar, for. Tneomn. ' Baa ttla oiympiB. sata sad Otap t pointa. North Cat LlmlreA for Tbcobu. Beattl. Rotte. St. Peal. Mla manolla Chi case. New Terk.! Boston snd palatal 1:01p.m. V- - TM a. at. naat soa nootoeaam. Twla-Clty Exprasa. far Taeetna, Beattl. Bp. kans. Helea, Bt. Paal, Minneapolis Cblesso, New Tork. Boatoa and all saints Bast and Southeast- ... .. . PasH Bowed - Raaa City jit. Lnula Special, for Tacrma. - Beattl. Spokane. Butte, Bllllnsa Denver. Omaha, Kan City. BL Lea la and all paints East aad Saata- U-dSfcs. MAS.! ' I. - ... '-.!. - l:Sts. sa. IM. an, aat. AH train - " ' - - " -- - -hraseh, - A. P. CBARLTOR. . AsslstBBt Oaaeral Punas ir ArbbR. ' IB Morrlaoa at. eor. Third. PortUaaTCB-. Astoria & Columbia niver Railroad Co. ' tnttOM DRPOT. . Arrives. S:oa . aa. Par Warfare, katatai stakssia. WaatfMiel PatlT. 11 Oil Dslly. . Ctltt-.- AaaaeU,- War reaaast i la eel. ' Bam. sore - irrevee. rarb SaaalSa Astoria and taaatera press dsriyj' Astoria Rxpiea, TStKS Daily. , ; - . . , - J. a Ma TO, . C A BTRWART. ComsMrcUl ARMtl, S AUtas' BA.IjriMORJt.Xr .OHIO Re fie Ali. TRAIN3 VIA WA.StJXNOTr:v I Q (OOOCN. snasul " i yoTaly f Atrivan. jBUrsOT I .. . .. . . t ' I . -'. . ...r- t . . . . J . T- .r A