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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
I THE QREGQr-SUNDAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. SUNDAV MORNING.- JANUARY 2. 16C5. . ACE TREATIES i ARE QT BINDING i Documents Are Half-Hearted In doraementa of Principles .1; . of Arbitration. STRONG FEATURES ARE - ELIMINATED BY SENATE Found Europe Could " Swoop Down and Collect Debts of yy Confederacy Under ; Them.- (Waahlngta Buresa at Tb Jowaal.) ' . Washington, ' Jan. Il.-A hw tki . '.. ng, when' arbitration y treat lea '. were drawn - up with -nearly every clvlllaed -.... the nap, amhaaaadqra. and : ministers followed each other in pro ' cession to the atate department and signed these instruments, the foreign . and domretlc press shrieked In tlx vlo- . ' lenee of approval. In particular did the organs of the two continent crow elo . ' iuent VheH the British ambassador, Blr !. Mortimer Duraad. set bis seal' On that ' haven of statesmanship which, Otney and Panncefote had fallMt:TO-reach. f . Then cam the-'lllustrion gpeck tron 8 Mm berg. 1 the i president 'a Intimate l friend, who, alined with . eternal pro .' A teatatlona of the kaiser's uafailipg lore. " ;.. Then Mr. Brunt; In benalfof Uenmarx .then Baron Mayor dee Planches-for the i boot peninsula, and the courtly. If lively. , , jusaersnd lnw&ehalf of la belle France. , It nil Beamed very fine.' but .really, it - - could notJmpreea any one out of hi y swaddling No the. Mr. Hay and the prealdent werVPrnaP 4 euthuslaatlci They wanted tiNmake too remarkable a record. -' ' - - - .- Tha minority "In the senate got out their strong glasses, and -behold., they ' found the'' most .wonderful, menaces in these seemingly narmiea aocumenta They dlacovered that If the treatlea . -were ratified, every nation' In Europe could awoop down on tha aouth for ' 'debt contracted during- tha war of Aba ' ,''.' rebellion, and under: tha terms -of the . convention no ciauna couia e eqi 10 The Hague fof final adjudication. The senator net to work to pare and ' to prune and to change ana to modify. V J The pretty little pa pern have been all - mussed -up. - They had "Tory JJew-real points of atrenrth In tha beglunlng be cauae Mr.; Hay haa wide experience of i what ' the aenate can do with a treaty, 1 .and he made theae Just, aa meaningless 1 , aa the diplomats, and their governments would permit Bat now they are a (half. , hearted indorsement J of . thaf ts-lnctple ef arbitration ana Dina tnis country no 'more than the laws of the Five Nations till hold . the commonwealth of Mew York. i i- v-..:-;yy ' ', BURNED TO DEATH WITH , . RICHES IN HISi GRASP " ...... .' (Special IHapatca t The JoaraaLV: Vancouver, B. C, Jn."21. Burne to " death In a Yukon cabin with, untold for v tune in hand, such is now disclosed after t ".'1 2 month , to have been the., fate of ; Adam Qoldworthy. who was incinerated -;T": while ' naaieep -near t.OB"rf abln, 7 on ""the - river above Dewabn. poldaworthyc waa -' ippoael to have dleT a poor man. He ' did not. if al accounta are true, -and .. what might have been left 4y; him a a ;: f tea lesacy ms ueira naa eacneaiea :lo-the covernment- and later has been fnfaJrci4X. , PPaTIAlTD T1TT8T COHTAVY OF OsZOOa'. , T . U XHIKO IT. .. . .' The Oldest Trart Ceamtay la Orsgea. - . . CAPITAL, fSM.000. W eesdaet a geaeral bknklag bntisaa. , ire r reeelve. Baring deposit., W lane Urn eer ; tlflrste u4 CTrtlftcts ofepolt parable poa M lUn' esll, SO-days call or So oars' esll, with lntere.r.1 JK.,,a ,.r..- Iper annum, rill or atad for oar . .bnokof ILLUfTEATlOXt.. T iW,'. J.K.....1.......,......resloi.t 5- KTTffES'" ' ,Vke-Prertdit 'P0BT"'..-. ..."eeretsry J. O. (iOLTB... .......... .AnlaUat geetetary ! 0TDO (Al B4CUC0.AaTtr jL,- -Jt-v zu -v,JKini.?fc,,. Obaaisar of Oemmsree BalUlag. Tkbd eal ."i,.'T'.' IV treeta. ' i St 'foesT'ee OM Broad "iuamC teadeav y This aenfe traasacts a general banking bnal- , aaea, ssases mass, aiseeunts bills end MM i letter of credit STSllable tar travabwa aiwf A. rJli! P" f werebandlae In any city of the i wwi-iu. waw m lurvwn ana aomesue tfffllim iBtenst paid o all time deposit. w. a. awiu, auaagar, '4 a a noum1 V4TJ0VAI. BA1TK. m to j. raAKic watbon . . ...FresMent K. I prRHAJC... ...... JVEORGa W. HOTT.,......?.AaaUfaat Caabier i . Tiasaaets a Mral laakisg Baeiaaae. . Draft and Letters f Credit laa4 Arallabl , . re an rsrta or tn World, (ooeetlooa a gpeeUlty. do, Boegtit SEOVBJTT tATISOg TBUIT OOHTAaTT. M alerrlssa St.. Perttaae. Or. ' Tmaaaet a General Baakjae SnsUaes, . ' ... BATIllOi DEyAkTBIEJIT. rtntarait Allowed en Time sod garlnn Deposit, f Acts aa Treats fnr Ksute. i Draft and Letter o( Credit Available la AD i, Parta ef the World. .. ... ? APAMS..... ....., ...Presfifent ,K A. LFWIg.. ...,.;. ..rirat Tlre-Prealdent A. U MtL'A...... second Vlw-Prealilent IV. V. , ....... .Secratary UVnXB STATFg WATTOVAt BAWX, .. Of yOBTXAKP. QBBOOll. , BOBTHWXtT COB, TEJBD AJTD OAK tTB. - ; r -,-. Ttaaml a Oeaeral Banking Tmtstn , .-VI. - ' '-.v t D BAFTS J. y AvatUble. la All fitlee of tlw Tjnlted State f; aad Karoas, Bong Kong ad Manila. . ' 'WHlECnOBi KADX OB FATOBABtl TZBbII preainem. i, C. AISSWORTn Vtee-Praslaeat. u .W. B. ATRH fa abler. , i,..B. W. SCHMFFR Aaslatss Cashier ..A. it, WRIGHT IHD. OBEfto Deslgsated Depeslteer and FlnaacUl Ageat ef 4ra.hle..,.....,...,.v . w. KIWKIRK lAaslataat Ceeblw . i ......... .W. C. ALVORP , aprnoa Aatlatant Caablee.. ,. B. . RTFTgNg ' Latter of Credit lw Available la Kurona and the Baatera Btatea. . Sight - Bwhanre. nd. Telearaphle TrsnafVr anlg mi New York, Beaton, Cbleaan, St. Lonla. ' St. Paal, Omaha. Ban FraArlac and tea fleet Hal aetata la tea Nerthweetj -. flsht nd tlma bllst draws tn Mm to son en Leanoa. , Parla. P-rlln. ynkrwtwn.tbe. : Mai. Hong Kane. Tokabasta. Cneenbaren rtirlt1-nla. Steekk"lm, SU retersbarg.-Moscow, Fnrteh. H"oltrtn. ' CellMtiea Kaa ea raverakl Tanas. Ladd ,mnir, bavxxbs. .. . T? (Istakllaaed ta 1 : " Traieaata a Oeaeral Baaklng Builns. Lettera f eredlt laaned mluku i. ' Eempe and all aolnts In th rutted State Klfht Riebance and Telegrapble Tranarers aeld oa New York. Wasblnrton. Cktrasa, nt tosts. -JVevar, Omaha. San Francisco and aao FMtlab Ontamhl. . ' BiHiange nld ea . Imndnn. . Parla. rWlta, Fraefirt., Hoef Bong, Xukokaaia., Manila aad Itnnolala. ? , M9BBTB BBOs. 4 CBBIITtVIEB. - Ut fin fttraat. , Pestlaaa, Or. Offer ilt-Xdsa Tnvaetn Bailnsd Beads. " is aTvaMsai sad Write aa OaU. MORTQAQB LOAIVS O PerUand Baal Xstata at Lewaat Bate. ' Ttlea Jeaarad. Aketraosi Faratabed. tlXLB OABajrTIK TBOST CO. fmm 4, Caaaiker ef Ceaasiarea. rqulrvd by other "wen and by the new owners found to be rich. The information haa i luat been celved Tiere that a atrlka has been made on claim, it on Henderson creek by men wno ataked there some time ae-o. When Goldaworthy died he owned the claim, 'but it was not known at that tlma that tha property waa rich. The two relocatera prospected near hill oif a aide where little work nad been done and located the pay streak there. Goldaworthy waa en route from Hen dereon to Dawaon laat winter' when he put up at a cabin for Jhe night. Some how theoabln caught fire .and -burned while be was there alone. All that waa found of the man waa hi charred re mains. - . ? i- .,..-.- - --..j-- PROSPECTS GOOD FOR W MANY NEW WARSHIPS (Special Dbpatra hLeaMd Win to The Journal) San Francisco, Jan., Sl.-8everl naval officers here are m .receipt of private letters from Washington to the effect mat - the prospects are favorable this winter for a very liberal appropriation by congress for new shlpa for the navy, as recommended by Secretary . Morton. The appropriation desired by the. navy department ia practically tt3.000,000'for three battleships, five scout crulsere, alx torpedo-boat destroyers, two aquadrorl coiners and six torpeaoiota. w ,. AUCTION SALES i8y: J. Tf WILSON "i?' Auctioneer. V-- " Monday, Tomorrow, at 10 A.M., - at Salesroom, 180 first St Auction flale. oomnrlslne Belect-tllnma Hulte, Bedroom Bultea, eprmg and silk floaa atattressesL Iron Bed trimmed in brasa; Hall Tree In golden oak it a va riety of choice Rockers, Vouchee. Jap anese x-onieres,. - ijii-f , vurtstnn, fur Oorarti- Jard Inter and stool, Phitnograph, Inlaid Linoleum (good aa new). Kitchen requi sites; a fine' assortment of Carpeptere' Tools, naroware. etc; wteel rtonge. cook oiovea. ana otner veiuaDica, . ': J. T. WII-80X Auctloner. Tuesday's Sale W The Reliable -New and Secorid- "Hand Store, 185 Front Street, Tuesday next, January Z4, at . Having; Instructions from. Jlt,..r)iil. roff. the owner, we wlll'aell at Public Auction all the select Parlor Furnish ing. Library and LHnlng Room Furnish Ingai Bedroom and Kitchen- Furnishings: alao a-fine line of Steel ISnnges. Cook and Heating Stoves, Steel Ware, Build ers' Hardware,, and quantities, of new a feoonainane nercnastiSA.f wei pegi i BST Ithaf Ithktis an lmlhehaa IiilwC of select furnishings, every article! first f ciaaa. wui sen in. iota to sun buyers and dealers. The. sale will continue on following date. See notice in morning and evening papers. ' NoteMr. Uuutroff la retlrln s-' f mm bualnesa and will close out this $7, stock at auction sale. r. . , . x XT. WILSON.' Auctioneer. Wednesday's Sale : At Salesroom,'. 180 First .'Street. at-ia A. M- Furniture, Car- pets JBedding Stoves; 4ugreat ale oi . Housekeeping Requis ites. ' ' .- a-y (:: ';JKiLJ:i- - X T. WILSON,. Auctioneer! : y - -y s oaie i Champagne," Whisky, jWine. and jLiquors, Fixtures, iat . Sales , rroota,. 18a First Street, aV 2 commencing- at I p. m., January 2. we will Hell at Public Auction, by order of Sheriff Word, all the Barrel, Bottled and caae goods Consigned from - storage warehouse; . also tnedlam-slsO " Bate, 1 Cash Register,'. Blot Machine. Phono- grapn, v loiin,, Aocoruton, -etc ' The liquors comprise about IS bbls.-of Whl- key Rum. Wlnev Gin. iTbe case good! comprise all the choice brands of Rran diea,. Champagne, Wines, and BltteaV There ie a . Quantity "of demijohns an assort- full of wine and liquors, also an assort ment of -llauors In kess. N. B.-W, call your attention to the fact that this Is a large, well selected' stock of liquors fixtures consigned to us for post sale. You will find everything on tive everything on .i. tur sv niuuern, -up-io-aa AO" and enough left to stock up yoi .a ins i si large aiooK ai worthy dealers. the attention of buyers and T. WILSON, Auctioneers Friday!sjSa.e; At Salesroom. 180 First Street. . ai 10 & Dry Goods, Gro ceries and. a varietv cf useful T goods. $: rri,- j ' ;T,4 A. large-consignment of .Beans ; bbl. of eai, eaimon ana otner necessaries. J. J. T.; WILSON. A.ctloneer. A" Few Choice ins 5-Room modern house, all lm prpved, for. $800. One half block from car line. . One biz house,; all improved; 'for -.i,itf6.;-; $5Q.. down; $15, per " month. - . ; If-. - romeout and gee, Joe Nash. ' In the While-House st Nashville station on mi. wim car line, cnoice nuiioing lots from $80 to flSO. $8 down. M per month. Talephone T'nlon 1501. ' 7 FARMS ISO ACatra 50 cleared 45 sla-hM; . easy to clear; good hous." I barns; running water: 10 acres in orchard; no graveli-10 miles out. S40 AOKKS Nearly all in cultivation; good buildings;: good aoU running wkter; railroad station, school and I" Ih!T,n rlnt br P)Jo. Price r I. ftoo. - ,. , ItO AOmxa Nearly all xl rulttratloni fair buildings; near' good e valley town. Price t3l per7 acre. , 100 -Kor 6 acres west of Lent, en . O. W. P. car Hne7V- y , Charlesoi . rTt -!. tit AUglty Blof. , "rfeoao West 3L iiiui 5UdV dddBXawiid.l r - , w NASHVILLE K: y ' -. y, -- , .-r. Auction Sals ' At R.e!dence, by he Portland Auction Rooms tim- Prager. fine furniture and household effects to be sold at public auction at her residence, 700 First St., cor ner ' Meade, , Monday, Jan. 23, at 10 a. m. Absolutely MO Reserve. Among ihe many thlnaa to he-sold, the auctioneer noticed a very fine FtTLI. GLAHU-SWKLL - VKONT MIRROR iTUrronier, with f. P. mirror. It. Kzt. Table, ennmelod- Metal Beds.' Y. T. Springs. llHttresnes. odd Dresser, Hotel Uressers, .Ceminodea, Chairs, nice oak Rockers. Sard Inters' and atanda, Brussels and Ingrain f'arneta. very fine Laos Cur tain, one large and one small Cook Btove, ... . , I .. .upAn. .......... tv. laDie, k. Treasure, Laundry and Kitchen Utenslld, several excellent - Picture Framea, and many other items of value, to be sold at this sale on- Monday. - There is money for you at 700 First-street. January 2i. at i a. m. .... v, ,. sf " . oua. . A. lowit,. Auctioneer. . '-'.v; r-f- '-'tx'.-i Auction aoio - At Portland Atiction' Rooms, J First it.,rPhone Alain , o55 - Tuesday, January 24, at 10 a. m.;.;,.-. :f Mr. Rheberts of South Portland ha placed -Jn our rooms, for : POSITJV1S HAMS the FINK8T. CLEANKST and noab desirable lot of Household Uoods (not-new, but PERFECT! we ever had the -pleasure of selling; It conaiata of selling; It PERtM Iur CLEAN Bed Linen. Com fort , Pillows, White Bpreada, Draperies, 1ju Curtains. Sofa Cushions; Towels, 1 lot I lea, etc mUul CaXDeta. Brussels and Ingrains;, fine little Cook Stove, BGAU TIFITL COl'fHKS. and Bed Lounge. Oak Sideboard. UPRlOHT PIANO, nice little Refrigerator, varloua styles of Dressers snrt commodes. Tinted Metal rieda, many maaes or springs ana mattresses, man tel Bed. numerous Chairs and Rockers, vrvny,. vnsmrmH, irvrnu uiiet oeKe, Laundry and Kitchen Ware. K. Ttrbles; and A. T.- Heaters, etc., etc., and all these rood things to' he Slaughtered at Auction Sale at 211 Flrai street, at 10 av-ntr-Tsesday-iiext.-T--r--r''':-'"yl. -LUZ. OU8.A..LOWIT. r"''',. ' ",. ' "" AucVuner. At Portland Auction Rooms, Thurs., Jan. 26, at 10 a. m. We are continually receiving ennata-n- menta ef F1JHN1TI RE and an kinds of iHOUHEHOLD OOOpS from, every .quar ter of ins cny.'ano youican aepwia on this sale to secuVe at a ORKAt 8AVIN1 almost any-piece of FUltNlTURa you may require. . . . -OUU A..LOWIT, '., Auctioneer. Auction Sale AT B. B. RICH'S CURIO STORE Be sirre to attend the Aqctioi. Sales' at B,' B. Rich's Curio Store, hi 23 Sixth Street. To be conducted by the Portland Auction Rooms. Tuesday, next. 2 and 7 n. iti. Tha entire stock must be closed out -immi- oiaieiy aa nr. xiien must vacate store. , , . ; : ; ova , A. LOWIT. . '" ',' Auctioneer. -JTdte Wo pay eash for any klad of rarnltnre. Vhone Mam ftt67- " Miction Sales Sale of ''-tHgh cUit Furniture 1 f 300 Yards Almost New Brussels Carpets, Axmlnster Rugs, Steel :l Range. Refrigerator, Etc, From t Mr. , O'Connor's Private Resi dence" nt. labor, Removed to Baker's Auction Rooms, Corner Alder and Park' For publlo competitton. ' comprlaing all Bra ea Cabinet, with real ,onyx top (coat $h5), Pulman Sofa staffed in white hair; elegant Parlor Suite (3 pieces), Morris Chalra. Fancy Rockers, latest designs; Library and Parlor Tables, Couches.. Settees, Bookcase and Deky Lady's Par lor Deak in choice quartered oak, cOatly v-urimna, diik. roraerea, isngrav ings And oil paintings, about 200 yards good Brusaela Carpet, various slaed; Axmlnster and Smyrna Ruga, quar- xlJ tered oak Ilnlng Suite, including Round Extension Table, with -pedestal auDDort. buffet. Sideboard, Dining Chairs. Havi-vf vninatjea oei, BIITerware, HaM Tree, Iron Beds, cbmplete with beat springs, hair and wool mattress, feather pillows; costly eastern oak, Dressers, also wh(te maple Dresser and Chif foniers., Heating Stoves for coalTand wood; almost new STEEL RANGE, Re frigerator, Kitchen Oem, and other use ful lots. l Sale Tuesday at 10 a, m. " ' " - OEO. BAKER & C(. . .''.. , ry ' -Auctioneers. ON THURSDAY7 NEXT 'r'::-AT io :'M M.-y OdFriday Ncx( af 2 P.M.U Full line of General Household Furnish ings from various housekeepers. Don't fall ' to attend nir aitleV If - vmt ere buyers for .good jrJaaa houaehold Furnl- ai pets, eiu, WR PAT PAKH irop VAT'O uttomt. TDRE Oft' SELL SAME FOR YOU ON COMMISSIONS 8ALKS AT RESI DENCES A SPECIALTY. ' 4 , OEO. BAKER ft CO., - ' . ' ; . - Auctioneers. . Phone Black 114. r . T Splendid Investment. Also . Site for Flats 0O Beautlfol full lot, with buildings lyy on eleven in streets close to City Hall; bringing already, tS per month: a anao. $11,000 CJegant 12-roora residence, on inn street, close in; lot 70x100 feet; splendid room for another 1,.,H Jl - IIIIIIUIFtB. wtek S..Il ta a 1 . m war a " u uu iwin ana ntei Park; m chance. : v v : H. H. STAUB , Morrlawa. Fhoae Bed tTL . P REE LAND IN OREGON g - k the rkheat pain, fruit and stock sactiea la the world. Thousand sf acrsi eflaa at acnal coat ' of Irrinrios. Deed atari from Stat ef Oregon.. WHITE TO-OAY. BOOKLET and MAP FREE. Dnrhulei Irriritioa n4 Power Cem- r07, l e-i i-i t McKay BuUiafcPorUaia,Orexoa. rpN'TiakiB you ran get i X f youve money o invest j- j. you may knowof the usq The -Journal.-- . THIS oxjst nm ooicrAjnr n y- . ; 0Baoa" - ; CAPITAL $300,000 ... : tr-,- i i-.V, Issaes Intenat bearing, certificates ef , posit payable at au.-h gud dates a yoa nay dealjmat. TKIT AT FkOIa it tXk CEST. - Fall partlralara ar- font allied In ear xx&inmaTzoir.'' - " Y Which w shall be. glad to seed yoa. . PORTLAND TRLST COMPANY OF OREGON ,-i--.i-i-4o.- third Tflrert. . PEN, t COHB!i. rr-..". . ,'. . . .If. ..i . Prealdent H. L. lMTTt'K,..',...,-.;Wlce-Prealleiit t. O. R)lTHA.............A3ltant Jleewtsty Empire Investment Co, '.'..'..Boon t Chamber of Contineroe.,. One 7 -room house, new and a B room cottage, all 'Strictly modern and very close In; west aide; lot 60x100: 8,0001 'SSJMO oaak. aaa terms on balaaoe. T-rtxim. Grant t.; between 1 mar line,; smaii lot; sa.evo. t-story brick building, renting for 11,100 per annum; KJIfiO - Good-ifot-on-Overton atteeneartl;-j - Price SLsoo. Warehouse property. - one-fourth pkock, lath and Raleigh; t000. --room house and lot. 13th and Taylor ats.Hull lot; -18,000. Terma, t-room house, full lot. N. 18th st.; fdrWa we nave property - In .all locations. nd west altrea 11 : ., j LIST -TOUR PROPERTY WTITH VB FOR QUICK SALES. ; -r- T-room house, lot .Si x&o. between two .car lines; va,00O. Terms. . 1 BAST SIDB -room liouse. stflotlv modern lot 80TW . ri. iiitn pi. i sikjui sjooo cbumv saiaaoe- bhiw per moau ' Trmont-Nah--addlt4oiths'et- hns In the addition; mortrn and up to dale; lot. 0x04; Sa.MO; 9MO0 caah) 'balaaoe easy terms, -l . S-room house, strictly Modern, ready to move into: iuii . lot: juasi Jltn at. Sa.500, half cash. - Stewart Dark, ft-room cottage, full lot M nanprovemenw; SI, quo: saou oaan, halanoe Sso peritatoaihi 1 i i 1 T .. 1 Nw 6oomeottdgek Si.too) Sesd eaahi Beuaaoe oxs per moavo., . H BLOCK IN HOLLAPAT'8 'ADDI TION. A BARGAIN; fATSa r ns 'orrT za QBOwnro aovTar. Buy some lots ' in the -TerwiUlg-er aaomssxeaa, ami -aaa ap. t . , e Investment Go. - r Booal ChawbO of Oomairoir Choicest residence district in St Johns," close( to car unes and near the mills and factories on the Great St Johns Fine view of. all snow-capped . f . mountains' Full sized Jots, 50x00 f t $5.00 ' down and p5.0O a month, t C LofsLef Let us show 1 you this property! St; Johns SCTohris; t)r. Phone Union 3104 .. , - - We have . 2 houses - left, that -ww can sell you on the easy payment j'-t.-' -; ' . plan. . - , rrf'-r Let your rent money buy you a . home. 'ri,y.,y. y'-' Portland Trust Company ' r Of Oregon '' ' ((wpital $300,000J " r vv:--" .:c:y-yy t : - : Through its real estate department. makes a business of buying and selling all kinds of real' estate, collecting; rents, paying . taxes, ' writing Insurance ' and taking entire charge of real property for clients."! ',.Mv'. K'.. r'.y :. iJiaviftgrampla.cttpttsl at-Ha -dlapoaal. this company is in a position to. make advances or loans, thus enabling it to carry through tranacU(na that wouhl otherwise fail. " " . The Oldest i Trust Company1 In Ore gon", solicits inquiry from people "who contemplate the purchaae of Portland real eatata ' ' ( : . ;: ; ... t PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 'j' " lot VhlrA anreei. Wcsdinere Park Lots $50 to' $125 f ISO down, $J.r,0 month. Water mains laid.' Houses -l-i-on Installment Take Mt v (tcott car at First and Alder -wtreeta to Oray'o Crossing, ."V Agehfton the ground. , . ' ,W. D. McNAlR BANK Land Co tlie mistake; of holding Voff buy Everybody At Laiirelwood No. 2 : Wt WZX.X, BUSbS TOV A SOVSB On a lot you may select at Laurel- wood No, 2 and you can pay us for - - . '- - Y - - . ..- .. ft On Monthly At same rate, per month aa you are now j?ayjng for house rent In the city. . - ZJLVBnWOOS "0. a la on the KOVaTT SOOTT OAS JJMU. and la a little the- (nst of all aildltlona on ,ttie Vine. Call at our office and see plans for the house we will build for you. end get our price and ' terms..'. .Post office, churches, , schools and stores within a few blocka .. tOTt SO a X0O . - WATafB SCaJsTS AXD.' ; Lot for sale on Installments of $ J 10 IS per month." Come at .once., and aeleot a deaign for your house. y , . , .... . .: .; - .. Knapp Room 2, Chamber o f Commerce ADelightf ul ioiuistiq a Delightful location .New modern t-room house, nicely finished throughout, having full baae neht, mantel, heated with furnace, laundry tubs in basement, hard piss, terr watts" ninety tlnledi small caanTpayment doii, balance mopthly-- . , -EVELYN -. WHERE YOU BUY HOMES - i v". WITH YOUR RENT MONEY) f , . . - -----.-- i - - Very best 'tract Irt Portland's fist, ? est growlngnsuburb, , Take' Mt. Have' you investigated the in-, :. ducementa we offer - renters to acquire homes ?r", . Houses At Cost Lots down, $3 - a month.- Houses and lots at rent rates one payment ddwn. Belling fast. Agent ' on ground;'- ..City office open even- ,r lugs. , ' ... ,. - Geo. W, Bfowri - sBom'toa ralllag knOdlng. ;,' ; ; rhoae KsJa SlSt. . REALT BARGAINS CIS fiti -room eolonial - new1 house; 4?7UU vp to date in every particu lar; choice location, east aide. COCfin New t-roonl colonial houae, 'w thoroughly modern in every detail; extra well. built; nice location, .300 to $500 cash. bai. monthly. . . . C)17t Kew.B-room - oottage,' with 4a.I7 attic, full basement: street Improved; good location, eaat side; 1260 caan, Daiance mommy. . - -- $1400 "-rnhouse; good location, ClfMVi -room cottage, nice location; 1UUUU in good ordor;;a great snap and cheap home. t k -Cltaf. Cor. E. Harrison and E. lltb; I fl V rood business lot e 4 AAA (0x100 lot -near east end of " -' steei nnage. CI 0in Choice 60x100. dor. H lltb 4asvw and IS. waabington; snap. $ Tre A 60x80. ES. Taylor and E. lth . JU st; all lmp.i bargain. , $(CA 60x116 good location, Wll- 77W llama ava; a good buy. ... $7KA Two lots, cor. , E. Ith - and u Going Bt; nice. $r AA- 17x100 on Belmont st; au 1m -vW nrovemehts made.' Maay 1 is bef 01 r other food, houses aaa lots. . Bee ore 70m nay. F.' W. TORQLER 101 Sherlock Building. : - O THE DUNN' LAWRENCE CO. asfa TM nm rmOaTT AWX TKBIB sVavataaajia auaaT zaaa ai.n, - t MOO For a grand - suburban home. handsome resldehce.'. baril and tenemenc-neuse; ait ainaa i fruit and berrlea , '10-roems,' modern ; ' conveniently situated on First street fllOO Full. loU conveniently , situated. t Close in, en a 1 siaej t-room nrnine; lot is worth 11.000, and the houae will rent for 116 per month. . IIOOO A complete oottage home on At- lantio aireei, one- Dioca eieoine .cars. - . . " - ' -. . 9 T50 Splendid 6-arre place, frontln on improvea street, in lu jOrove. . ' 9 SOO Very choice t-scre lots, convenl ... a - ent to electric oar. close in, -9 400 Full acre lot. near Arbor' Lodge maiion, on ine Douievara. ' : gXCIiT.T.llBrT lOTg ' near Brooklm svhool. npleiidld lots on law- .11'. I 11. 11 v rnup. iifis 1 JO t . Northern Hill, .beautiful building aighta 176 to $100 each. jvu on car iinei . Ton should not fan ie eall oa ma at 149$ FIRST-STREET - Parrlsh Wat kins it? ? Co. 'j,y I.(Satabllshedi872.i 11- .'4-, ' REAL ESTATE INHTTRANCK, A.NU . tiOAN RFNTAT AOENTS aMBl-.ll'.Bt,.e.,y " ii saa -XL. 7 1 , J 77 2GO Alder Street .things onthe market AUprcin Gets a Home the house and lot -: Instalmerits :'7y Mackey " ' r y v ireo . 7S0 Lots In nochers Second Jtddl . tlon. next to 1006 fair;, eaay terras. -9SO0 Two lots 14th and College. ' Sl.OOOf lhtlOO,. facing east on ISd. ' 91,800 Corner and cottage South Port land. . . ' - -i - laaOe-LOta.lPettTerovsinBar tflgh. -1 9tj500f-luaiibr blocfc Hall.JopoaUe . xuruauu Auauaiajr. .... . . . a . 91.TOO 60x55. Marshall street t 9100 Quarter block, 11th st pear on- - trance to ..ram - 91.M0 40x100. Marshall hear 20th."- 9a,0O Corner 162x104), Kings heights. aa,80o Two rota and -room tooua. - 9ZISftO East front lot, 11th st. -near Harrison., i.v - - : : -,. 93.BOO Quarter block, aw, cor. 11 th and - MerthTup. r - S3.T0O 75 feet on 26 th and Thurman entrance to 190 fair; houae on part - renting for $20. : '- '-. 94,006 Quarter block. "2S(h and Mar- uarter block. 2d and Northruo. name, later sz.vuu. MJOO 26x100. down "town. 97000 Two lots and house. 12th and . liarrlson, near .Academy. . . j. 900 Three lots, one corner," nw. cor, 22d and1 JOhnson, , 9H.00O. Building aylng I per cent net ''The Bancroft . residence ton Willamette Helghtsi will - consider onera, . Quarter block of warehouse property, facing track ' in. terminal grounds: - the only one left... . ..,..-'::y::--" Over the River 9TS LoU In Highland 1ark. ! -Ti, fff 9150 Corner lots- lit Willamette. ' v 91B0 end up Lots in Feurer'a addition. 00 Lot 1, block F. Kerrt'g addition. Union avenue and Iron. : s-.. 9700 East front lot. Oantenbelp. ave SO0 -Lota near steel bridsi r ' . 91,000 Two fractional comer lotl, Gold smith and Mississippi avenues. . , - . 91,000-Full lot 7th near Weidler. i 1,800 5-room cottage, WOUams ava 91.BOO Block '22. Patton a Second Addi tion; win iraae lor epoaane property. 99,00040 acres facing Base Line road; one-half price of adjoining land. 99.000 Quarter block, southwest corner of E. Sth and Broadway. ', -i t JOO New s-room house, Williams are, 9a160O S lots, southoast corner 17th and Tl..amook.. - " ' . .. 93.6O0 2 lots and modern S-room house. wiiuams ava - - . - - -.. 94.O0O10 acres near-'Tenlnsula station. 100 Corner - and modern 1-room ouse, E. 20th and Ankeny. - ' , 94.000 Corner : and , modern l-room house. E. Main and Hawthorne Park. ,000 1 - acre, E 2d and Stephens, 600 feet railroad frontage. . ' 95. 600 .Two, iota and 0-room modern nouse, m. uh near m; win iraae ror farm near Pendleton or Umatilla. 9T ,600 Quarter block,-! house rent for 60; room for 2 more. -; 1 c 9800 Quarter block, the best built and . up-to-oate nouse in irvington. Quarter block. Hi 20th and Salmon; will consider offer. Suburban Hortie ' We are authorised to 'offer for kale the beautiful home of La O. Clarke, lo cated at Mt. Tabor, conalatlng of about two acres or ground, large modern, well built residence and windmill. Will traoe, . ;.. . : ' ; -v. ' , W. H. Grlndstatt ' STAXX BT2UnT. BARGAINS 9 600 Will buy lot E.'22d. near Burn- . . sme; sewer ana street improve ""- ment paid. ' ....... . ' ; - 00 and upward for lots in East 'Port- ' land Heights. . 91500 Choice corner lot. East 14th and . . . Taylor. . -, - 9100100x100, southeast quarter Eaat 27th and Yamhill; small houses 9200075x100. East 12th street small .' house! room for 2 more hooaea. ' 9USOt -story house, with- one acre of ground, near irvington. -,-93SOO to 93000 d-room new houses, with an. tne viiodern conveniences. East 18th. near Burnalde. tLl l ' Biuc-Biresv. .. , ' 9100 ft-reom hoHse, 100x100 ground. ttsat r-oruand Heights. FARMS. 9 SOO 40 0 scree, near Hlllsboro: 10 aoraa cleared; level and good solh 91160 40 acres, near Hcappoose; housa RealEstat narn, -.orcnam;-'- neat or aolli stream nf water running through the place. . . ... j . v. sChmid io Oauuro atn "aax ram, sills Vortlasd's most rapidly growing sabarn. i y' - At the gateway to Vortlaaa atarbor. . , In selecting a location for a home or T. for real estate investment, alwaya bear '. In tnlnd these facta; . THAT HAH.--ROADS AND DEKP WATER HARBORS ' PRODUCE BIQ CITIES, . MIIJI ANI : FACTORIES BRINO population, and they go only, where I transportation duties are to tfe fotnd. - ' 'to Is pre-eminently an location mills anti. factories. 1 la-liaa tha deva St Juntas v'yyr.,-.y-':r,y ' . . ' Ideal location fOr : water harbor and rallreada. -.Factories locate at St. Johns at the rate of one every three montha. This is the recontl . -for three yeara past. The laat one lo . ' locate, at Pt. Johns la' the Brass Metal ' Worka-Thls- concern Will employ 31 ' hands, ' It you -have -not- already dono L. so, you should Investigate SL-Johna,. if you want to know alioun it call on or write us. We will supply yoa with In- -terestlng literature. , ,. ,- 1 vj -: : St. Johns Land Cor- 1 - The Pioneer Reai Estate Company.' t. ton, om, rhoae paioa sioi. : " 40 aere. 210 of which are rlph hot. -- torn; 126 DlQwed. balance timber: aood house, new barn, another hay barn; run-. . nmg .water; ricn son; practically no. Wast land: 226 ner acra -tne third or ... more down, . balance .on Inatallmeuta plowedbaTalifli kn?shtu,nd thn lr; fenced "falf bulldfngailHch soil:."1 13 pee acre, if sold soon; half on time - . ' at percent .j y;"y" .. ':"'-' '--'400 aorea, 14 miles from Portland; nil ' 1 rich bottom land; " good improvements ' and nicely located, for dlvMln-?lnlo 6 r 4 holdings; haa 76 scree rich onion land. A -first-class property and must bj ol'l - soon. Write for particulars. . . ." 1M aerea.' lO miles east of Portland. -on Sandy road, that cost present wwp- - 1 16.000 a year since. Is now -offered, ow- - -lng to sickness, fop $12,000. and fills In- 'l-r eluding all stock -and implements. ' etc' i -r This Is a fine dairy' farm and a' great --.!: bargain ;at price offered. i - (. -k -iea aOlWlheolumo boat 'landing; 120. acres !enred( .6.'-.',; i' acres bearing oruhard: rich soil: aioMi . ' ' ' houae, barn; large; new fruit drier, etc, ' Price $8.000 half on tlme.-rt T-" r: aeJTV ff ',OWlJlla tityfPierti,- . . T, O .1 U VUDI ."g ""nimr . , imw bouses in the beat residence district at reasonable prices and will lend 60 per . cent of purchase price, where necessary,' In aid of purchase. , , .We alao have choice building ' sites and substantial business properties at reasonable. prices full-Information re- , : specttng which will be given on appll-' cation. t- . . .W-- The Shaw-Fear-Co. s .-4-, i4s BTaJtx iraun, LOTS IN - Will seasle is vsJbs by sprtse, w . sew aasaat. wh essirs Soewa. will - ' Mleet thl tiaet, awlag.U It sn parlor - loostlea aad lesaditiaa. -ef the graasa. They sarsly will wiUiag to pay a arsmhuB ea taea let, waiab are all saaar ealthmtioa, sostaialsg ' , fruit tress ad hsrriss. . Water la Bifod ' - every 1st. all ready far eeaaestlag ; an Re. -,; , y ; Thsy ara aeld ea easy - tsnas, fresi 100 p 4 dews aad 6 par rnaatk.,.. - M-Biasts rtde-frsm BBart ef slty. - Take alaaat lost esa ta Kara aaa 1 ';. Kaa.rralr Park taUea. Aaaat ea the , greasd, else of io. at atation. . TM is. . formatisa givea at ay sfase, Sst-2M . -;'.JrrW StTBSt. .... ; y. HERMAN METZGER ---y-'KAXAOIXO rOWMsWx; ' . . Partiae anildiag will sad Inai. i . har yard aa the tram lees. . ..... r HOUSE 360IvyiStreet . '. Brand' new. full 1-story, modern .(room, bay-window-front house, V porcelain bath and sink, sanitary' . plumbing.; full 50xl00-foot "lot y 1 ready for Immediate occupancy. - WeakeAeldg Fries EL Co. 379 stark st. '', Phenm Main 14. y . Prettiest building spot oa western slope of Mt. Tabor, 1 00x100, r, covered - w!tb bearing ' orchard. -.-Abstract to dale," Imitilr of owner, . ,,.. - ,. ... , EDWARD DRAKE Car Meier '; Prank. 'f'T. . 1 i..-: -7 l