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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
..1 ,. - -l 1 .t .5 THE t OREGON SUNDAY. JOURNAU PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY ' 22. ' 1905. I I .Am-' aO-ehf f " - r. ' What wonderful things JOURNAL " WANT ADSi'-somctlmcs accomplish. They-do almost "mir rvi ' ... crcryininx-scii property, rent nouses or ruums. -iinu missinfr reiauves, , secure your new i . nit iirwf hrtarHre t-if . The-Kt nr hut nttu 'rt 1 vf he-ax mnnv w , . ..ww w.w .wr a,, s-esw T- ft things they dally accomplish. You should use them oftetrer xxxxxxzziExzxzunnwxxzz: r ' i 7n.n fU A I 1 J 21 Words for 15 Cents t --- RVEINKSB CHANCES. GREAT NORTHERN' MINE Blue Rlrer Sta telet, Limited, amount of treaeiiry stock now selling ot 26ct ssfe, -responsible awl highly ,,' urodtahW-; developed end- producing anus; laisnerilata,a am m BUHWff: Can refer : r to plenty, of reliable people who bar mad personal Investigation nJ auagbt stocs; -you. caano afford to mtaa lbs, present p--. portanlty. Call or adilreee H.. IV Mahou, 'i 215 Commercial mrh,- Portland. - , 1 ..iJ-THR. RKHT OPPORTUNITY IN EXISTENCE s..e. tor t IBTestmeol-OI email " iax- Rum ."-i.;:.;-.,.. o IUI awoojt, wbnra-l will Broduro Uriea : '-and atvidr nwiithljr rTnu wltlwat rlab - "4 f toaa; prlm-lpal ba-b 'on. dvmaud. ' Kur i fnl particulate, idrtrraa -VS, H.. Latimer, 7 ' . U Walrtit at.r IfhiUMtalphUi Pb. . ' "WAXTBIV-An , roMabU aad npfrrnml - . i. " "al Hlitf man to hanUlo lanro aud tbrtn - '-'lwharbaB traot . hU amaont food location. ;'-r rl(bl nrlcra, aaajr trrma; with pncr haadUu V ' V ahMildaoll raDtilln want buatW -who will V aucvtaltaf on thla: will rnaaa contract al t..wiM HkoMt maiiiHiM tu rlfht nartr. . A C " did bualucoa -all tbrourt-tbo St., lonta i v . nooaillou. Wa .now kuw and wo'IT -Jud "'. jrott ruomlnc bQM "d bualiuoara ot t u : ,uf, if. ' o .4 AMRRIOAM BOKBlT.(CTdA "St, '; HI Washington Building. . :BtAI.Lr bouao nd lot 10x100 at Kt. "Johna1 t- HMabta, m bluck from atatlon, SMO. . (Mm lot' 4UI1U2U,, a blorka from Bt. Johna alallou; baa 20 Koyal Ann cbarr traoa about tw vcara old. :il. - -- . OWNKK, Valraraltr Part. Pa wood at., fS4. , . , , fbono Union .'ltx.ara.wa doing mch.a Urn bmlnrai In ao abort tlmal- Wo won tbrouarh too 8t. lxwla Tuah .and know bow to mit th vro pic for lb leant nourr Id rooming aouacs aud .btwlnrab rhaneea. . -. -.. AM K Uir A N H ROK BRAOR GO,, - ;r-T :J gf Washington Bdtldlng. r'TTTt .'HAtOON-lBPIM'IAU Old rIUbl Mlonn man ' ' want vartner, being tlird ol hired, balp, " and will aoll halt intaroat la bin aalooa - for tl.auu. Thla la ' rar oppuftunltr for a . , arranger. faU Vb Btark at., Waatern Land OOw-: WHY ' can wa. get yrm-the cheapeat rooming bmoea and bualneeera? Boraiiao wo" War .r'Z Ihruogh tb - Uww- fair and know bow. - Com and aeo onr- bargain, - js AM K KK' AN HHUKKKAOR CO., - K Waablugtoa Building. krke lands in orkoon. Frrtllo aoll, purr water, dellcbtful rtlmatet ror iuu htbera rortland. tat for . Ne. inia iniwm' " ri I ' m mm wan r . right piano, for only 40. Thla la.Jk grrt AMKKiAit BR0KERACB C0!' -.. .;Jj-.r-..; T Washington Biilldlnf. .. . . - 'r.klH'KRV Well located comer, rood llrlng . rouaia. - fnrnlture - If wanted; t-U- Alao i ,ir 1 laad of. alfalfa, apulra. ana .cjurer. I llniirniailoa Uldreaa thg rIlimla f S h.Y'VTs Hit. rHl' H?a ' WR ban the rurnkdro; of a 6-roam .. .. . neat igrncery and finely furnlahed aiodera II rooming axmaa ror fnou. -ilJ ouwunt t'haaca Aneiviy. 1C Klrat aw ;... a-KOOM booaa, lot (UOxloO. wood-abed, chicken - i, boner, hem. fruit tree, email fruit, choice ' hrt(bterr, elty water, I blorka from Alonta ' Tlla car lino, 3 front acbool, Waat aia IlX I'liuaa I'DteB aadl. - - .r LOh;XO-- HorHB nr -ell-r i Moodae baa .. ahanc to bur a Ki-ronm .bowao at auch a ...abort ttOM. Call Weatrrn Land Co., 248 " KIRHT-rLAM" cleaning aad dyeing eatab llahmeut ', One bualnea location; atur and S . rooaoa; rent $20; leaao 2 yeara; owner In other tMtalmaa. raaaua -for aelllpg. Call 91 foartb ' WANTKO A partner wlth$I.6flO caeh for Mg v. paying, nualnewa; . will . Inreat S,fl0 Rat aoaassJUBtlMatr eei .equal , etM, :.zJk , rare. Jmt . I'. If yob ban ao caah pleaa don't reply. -FOR -I.BAHK Atiy act of Kioxaoi), Twraty l atxfb a no Barler, near fair ground; auttahlo - . . jt aaHairr. reoiaiiraat. ronnja, aaowa 400 feat Ittrk -J from ga to. McCoy. SR Truth, aear Rtai .t'AUTKKK wanted: owner, of 'caah hualneea e half jntcreat to rHBle.' energetic nian for and gnarantoa blot $20 weekly. For partlculara. -call' .4a 4 8tark at, . atKK na befnee yoa lnret lu rooming hoasea , ' ar bualnenaea. ..' : - AMKkirAJT BROKER A0B CO.. ; jt-'.- - tT - W'aahlngtow BulhJIng.' ' ' It.noo TAKER ebolca of foreign -patent right; "... I'. R. patent now pending; only tiring of Ita ' kind: guaranteed , aooaoymaker; laraatlgata, :Addreaa J. A. P., car of Journal.' ... , " WAITED Parttir ar-rawa tor beat raannfae. turiug hualnee In dty; $000 required; btml--" aeaa eetahliehed; 41AO per month gaorantoed. ' Addreaa -t to. ear of Journal. . j .,LWE"caa Te you money oa roomlDg kouae. . r -i vom ano seo our use . . . V . AMERICAN BROKERAOB CO...' .1 :.-.'- ' ,- 8T Waahlngtoo Building. i A PORITIW en,, caah nr term for clean, eleaant furnltnr of R-rooa corner boaae; room full; rent moderate, $1 Be Tooth cot ISK, Olio ueacs xrosa Harare t .: - po yon want flrattaaa peprtoflltlrm .In, ropm-. ing Booses j no u- oerore you ouyi f , -"AMERICAN BROKERAOB CO.. '. . . 17 Waaklngtna Building.- --GENTT.EMRN or ladle to Inreet la Art and ' Craft ' aaanrlatlon:- ery .. Intereatlng and prolltahle jiropoaltloa.' Fer particular- ad- oreaa w, a:w waaningtow at. i '2D ROOM honoe. oao block from Portland hotel; , ninat sell thl week for caah at a great eac . rifle on aceonnt of alckneee,. Call or addreaa If. A. II., S33 BUTDOldo at.. . . , ,, -VWE hare) great' bargain In rooming benaaa and , . AMERICAN BHOKERAUB CO., -- ' ' vr aVaeblngtoa BuibUng. . (IM BUVg half biggest paying bnalneaa Port rand'. Inrestment aeenred; no rlak; no ex - perlence reonlrod. Call Monday 234 Mur- riaoa i., .room A -,...r.- - -y-- FOR RALE Small groeery dot tig good caah . hue! ueea; real $14. Including tbre tiring room; party learlng city, car of Journal. Addraaa Owner, GROCERY West Bids, clean atnek. llrlng . room, aalea $4S day, lnmlco gl.snft or ax chauge for mnall ' farm, . Plunger, room v, aaoikMorrlaosi. . . ' . IERT XVK Tnf""aale.- ara m " 2V room tm mure table, lea fair period. (W rent, enlendld location, gaa boalseaa,. tiWS-M ,- Wahlngtoa al. - . . - -- - . iWAKTEt) $1,000 and aeriea of act It young mart to trf nroatahie snanaracmring enter. , price controlling x-laalr right. F 71, -'' earn Journal. . : ;. - , .: $12A Wlf.L boy complete, almost new furniture or monem a-room eojiaae . cvioo in. rent ait: ' a aacrlflc. City Bnaluao Caanca Agency, ' 22R Flrat at, .. (, SESIRABLR 11-roosa boas for aaleL tlon m elty. elea and well furnlehed; reason sole rent; room all fall; na agent. ' W. ST. , ' JuarnaU I ' ' - - - WANTED Energetic man . to aanee men- factnrer'a hnalneea hep! required ureated in " -t ; T" - ClOAR STORE Bnerlal for Monday ll good enteal Watlaai eery cheap at price aesed . TSO. Call W eaters Laad Co.. 248Vk Btark t. WAVTED Partner for kalf Interest In, well . eaitahllabed real estate baslaeaa ; loratloa -central. Can 148 Sixth at., room 2S. . PAR TY barlow Rn-foot front ne am Fifth mX cot. 0k and Pino, will bnlld brick building In mlt tenant. W ga. ear Jrnirsal. WANTED Actio mas wlta ' from (II not r $.nno to take an Interest fa a a established X sawmill. . Adores f 7, aar JaornaL . . BOOMING bonaea and hnalnea rbanre.. ; AMERICAN RROKERAtIR CO.. ' 87 . Wasblngtoa Building. ' W hare anata aanralsj ra mornlag honsea; .. . Hw antmrrMB proneety and farms. Madlsoa , Real Eatate Co., 02 Madlana ati, - : WM wlt bnlld roaj a honoe: nleaa and estimate - furnished. SO ajacleay HCg . . , wy"T . EMriRE invehtment CO. Kooat Chamber of CnminurM, Pbou Mala KU4. . W hare a few rhalro . rtnmlng hoaees for ale. Each no la, a good paying propualttnn. WE GI AKANTIK AlL T1TI.EM. WB lUi TEIT HO ill. ULVEIl ASU rtU.EI(. a-RfklM VfMllvlKxtra wrll' - furnlahed. .' in " good enrneT; ..walking dlatanoa; furnltnrf '. new litaa (ba.a muutua agu; rauttZS.- 1'rlca .ROOM FLAT flleam beat Included In rent. . Aamlnalar ruga, braafc brna, dm bedding, gaa ranges ownor aiuat Mil al a oca. trlca gaOO. 10 ROOMS Hauaefceenlnr. All now fttrnltnrr. . rood location, big Income:; a chance to make . Dig aaojia j ua a mail la rea i oien t. it ice aiju. t 1tOOM Nice eoroer. cioae' In. laraa Tard. furpiahinga way abora , iba average -rent, 130. ' Prlco luaih - " . reoraa full: rent (Wl; tbfn bouc la good for f izo a ntuntn locuma. , a-rwa fi.Bou., 20 ROOMS An excellent lur. on Keren tb at., 1 block . from Portlaud HoUl, good furniture, -extra good carpeta. neTee d oacaat .room; t owaer naa otner puainaaa. - ataaa oiief,--If ROOMtvKaw-fBrolrora ad -earnetai' g corner; Very eloae In; la. a Boner-isaKer: ball cash. rnco 22 ROOMIt RIffht downtown, good nioner -maker, good furnltara and rarpeta. I'rlce aa.Boo. . . .- - i . 82 ROOM Mxth at.: loratloa. nptown: all - honartreeprng. Teat $iV5, no recast room, in thl booae good fdrattnre and carneta; yoa eB ake- food - money from -thla; owing to III health thla tan ba nougat lor $z,zuu.A i3 - ROOM Elegant furniture Axmlnate car . pMa, ueia heat, good location for traaalaat , puain.., jt beat Buy in fonuno.: . 40 ROOMS Ada of tba good thing; axretleatty rnrnlabed. an brlca building, bouaa lull, rant $100, lee, rxcluajra. ITIc fa.ouo. , - CARDT, CIOARR AND BRAKCH BAKERT. ' Nle Utile nlac near acbool: bow balldtna. . good iUfrtg . roomy rant $2S TJrl $4uo.' CONFErTIONERT AUD LUNCH ROOM waab. at . , looatioa ano lor luncn aianai nm van -thla week; extra good ftiture;- good atoek: a illre-man can maka all klnda ot- money here; lease; rent $4Q. - Prtcawo. r .. RERTAVRANT New oak furnltnr. ererythlnl i la of (the beat: a rfwo-ton-ulac for-, . W Ifcan. Nbo eab nail 'gdl. In . til, ilae; GENERAL MKRCHANIUHE atore. on rlrer.-cha- al.llsg , or, general atocx. poatornca ana auppiy " atore. new store building, dork, -warehouse. .- bars and t ace' of good land; price of real rotate la rerr reasonable; stork t Inrolc. A chase . seldom offered for a good paying euaiueaa. run tnroraaauoa at oioce, . BOABniNO HOCTEfl st IS ' ROOMS Good furMtnr. rent $100.- Prle $1,800; $900 caah, bal: $0 month, i - SB .ROOMS Rent $2i ax reef . central, -; large dining room, boose ful uii.- rnca sj.tdu. - - EVPTRR 1" VICJtTblFNT ?o. Ko)ia 9 chamber of Oommerc. k.BQrARB flRXt, . BROrtEHAftK CO. - 12 Uerentk ate Kooma. 1, 2. o." r ) rnon Mam auw. W aaa . offer Troa. aom good bargalna la Roomlna. houae. Below I a rarrtal Hat. tome lu and let ua talk tba rooming bou a matter -orer wiisi ou. , . i . NWV'fl room, fit at., good bargain . .,vv.-f- IMU) room, cloa In. cheap root T&OH g rnoma, new rarnltnre, swell netgnbar- - hood; .nr; ........ r.. ........ ,'l.Ont) B rooms, rtese In, good le, cheap... . (M ronma, close -In, good furattnr -l.tMn id rooms, excel lent furnltur and carDets. Ofto 10 room, good, tocstloag anas 'fl 11 rooua, new building, good leaa l.loo 12 room; on 12th at., well worth U.V) 12-room,' rery cloa In, cheep at ...... 1.IIK) 1 2 roo, ' good flat, central ...... .,....( SOO 12 room, right downtown, bargain 1,109 12 room, rery gne neighborhood -r.,.. MOO la rooms, partly bonaekeeplng .......... l.ino adrnoma, gth sr, close la .............. 1.700 14 rooBia, all Oiled, rhban. lea I.auo 14 room, ntoat elegant furniture ....... S.N0 iiOnpnia, th ot cloee la IVroom flat, alwaya dried, anap ....... 850 15 room, rlos In. a bargain at .v... ' SO0 14-room flat, prominent ourner i. 2.2i0 IS rooma, cbrap, leaae. a money maker. , 2.S0 IK rooms, choice loratloa. rery cheap t. 1.790 2i room, good lease, lino furnltnr .... l.noo 22 roonaa,- aplcndld location, cheap rent.-, 2.200 Abora ar just few that wa consider good bargain. - W bar all klnda of houasa, with all klnda of furniture., la all klnda of location, ad all kind of price. . W bar bonaea from $ room ap to 160 room. Com la and. let talk It orer. : ROUARB DEAL BROKERAOB CO.,. . -129 flereath at. Phona Mala 4090. X4m QT: ARB- DEAL BROrIeRAOR, 'CO., ' iw oerenra at. Kooma i, g, a. , rnone Mam ien. ' . Her ar a few good bnalneaa -apportanltle They are worth your while to tnrestigate. Now at th Tims to get established In buslncaa. Cigars, ' frail and confectionery, llrlng room ................$ 2IW Cigar, light grocerle, etc I flse loca- tloai llrlng rooma ......;......r..W Cigars, tobacco, etationerr, at ..." 4() Clgara. bakery goods, cheap rent, lie- , Ing rooms ....... c-450 Cigar. . light grocer lea, . coo feet looery; , , anap ....i Son Clrara, fruit and itatloneryt big trade, l.WiO Clgara,.' confecilenery lea . cream, ato. rooma ... .:.......,..,...,.......... 1,000 inner cigar ana conrecunnery - arores. . " well located and with llrlng room. $.100 t ..c..-..e..f......,..i 1.600 orocery at or, na mcauoa: fanny trad ........,...:...... 600 flrorery and bakery, llrlng ronma ...... ano Oencerlea, Una bualneaai a anap 1.2iJ Otber grocery atork. from $0I0 to ,.,,2.non Reetanrant, well located, big trade...... "! Restsnrant, pic location; cheap at ..,.,.., o RXtaurant, .old atshllaued ...M...... eS) Restauraat, feeding gtio a day TOO utner rnop aouea aim reel aura ota. an Til urltfl. TT-rg ma tl ilm 1MB Saloons from $.va to $.uO0. Wa bare Mfoaer ot eamons ror sals, aad some are gooa nay, and . win auk money. Sea bont them - . . - - Barber shops), all . wH located, $250, $000 mm A B1 AM - .... . - r - Msat markets, aa la cheap at $050. and other at $l.rxai. . , - . . wa a Lns aare a hardware atore, some mil Mnery store, S-- fine phorogranh - gallery, a studio, a Jewelry stor and almost any oubI nea yon may wish. Coax la aad e as about tbem. - ... flgi ARB DEAL RROKRRAflR t0. . 129 Serenth at. Rooma, 1, 2, 9. $500 BEST -cigar atore In city, reiy roxlrxl. coeap rem. will inmiee arocs. ' iigar atore. mnrrennnery and lea cream Cigar, ennfeettnnerr and aroeeie atnee m. , good earner, tin trade, 5 llrlng rooma, good Ireae. rent $20; ' a hargala. $.125, . . $ann 4'lgar atore,-vary central, good trade. Cigar atore la heart, of dty; Ana business; g anap. 3iKl. Ktstanraat Washington at., central goad trade. $.Vs). " 9 Booms Central, alwaya fall, good fnrni- - tore, rent V. Sacrifice for $276. 21-ronm boarding and roaming nous, cbole location, swell furnttnrs. all aatatd rooms, rent reaaoaabB), lacama $500 per month. $i.soo. - . . . - 17 Roosas Very .central, good , furalturs, -toom alwaya full. IMA, -- 1 Rooms Ontral. $4nft. 1 -r-- ' Coraar- gmesry, laran trade. Will n at Inrolc. with S Bring room ; . rent $20, About $t.ano. i . OREGON ASSOCIATEtl tXCHAKCat .. . Wr Wajlngto t. WANTED to ' bar. an esry terrssL bneae oa wear lde; elate meaUuli aad tsraw. Addraaa) L IS, cart Jear aai. "' ' - ' ': .V' - '"v.-t . BVUKXaw CHANCEfl. R00MIN0 110LSE. UEADQC ABTE'BJl, . .v. ..-i;t TAFT CO, ' lla Ablogtoa Block. - Pbeoo Mai -lad. We 'auk ' a - SPECIALTY OF ROOMING flol'REM. and hare many of tba MOST DKSIR ARf.H LOCATIONS that ar tor eal. Good loeatlooa ar going fast. Not our pa rtial Hat holow of both lari and small oar. It thee Wt-aJit,-ll la, ' 'VJ-, r --eWe. ry t BOOMS Beat Iseatlwa in the-Mty, rent only 27S per msath, Inrlaiilug ateanx .beat; . i. ' 2-rear lease; ooelUrrly clrarlng orer .r " $.vx per month. . I'kwsa call foy par. tlcDIar. . - . , - M 'BOOMS Hotel, at earn ' beat ' w ' bHc - bnlldlng, strictly fiiern and ap to data; houae full of good people; aheap rest and lng lea; clrarlng now fc0 psr i- month; lease, . Prlca' $4,178. . 4 ,'BOOMSBeat -"prt 'of, 'Morrison "at.? rery .... . abosp rent and good long leaao. If you . ... want . a good tranaic lit boose and a .Vho money -ksaker.-'-Boa't fall to sea this. Price U. this week only. $d,0uo, part ,v, eaaa.-i....:.. ... '..,..&, , . . 2 aTOOMS Ron ton location, steam-heat, extra j well furutabed, only 2 bkx-Xa from .Port- - land Motel, cheap rent and good !, a 43 BOOMS BHek. tb YERY BERT LOCA i TION I tb dty, 2-year leaae. rent .. ONLY $195 per month; thla bouaa la . -. poaltirely clearing now $3au per amntb aimte all aipsaaea, , Prlc $8,000, part -' cart. ' ,;.,..-... 49 BOOMS -Beat location la the city; oiegiatly - furnlshedY rent onlr - psr month ; '. leaae for two yari clearing aoar f rtc$au0 a1- atewtb; steam best- aad oil modern marraloBce: for a money make. . during tba fair - thla bouaa Basnet b ,V,i Aaat. - Out - ak .WeWL-jty-' - 40 ROOMS New' brtok, aaodargi la ' way. - furiilahtng vary good;' all hair . Bt . Iiwiaa; far a qalck aell w kar ra . e' doccd tba. prlca. .to $1,475. S9- BOOMS New" furnltnr, a team beat, hot and mild watr In all rotns; good Ja; makliifj big asooey. $o,0uu. j ...... . as BOOMS-Moat alegaatly . furnlriied apart. mnt bousa la the city, now .clearing , -r-7 about $2110 per moetbi rest only $126; ' . teas. Csa ba had now for $4,500. 34 HOOMSt Siesta beat, hot and coUf water in an rooms, in very nx -mcatioB in ' tba city; baa beea -aader tba aama msnTcement for lo years: bona la clear ing i ano re u nenaeo ami' per rnooin. If ii are i)o4ln4 or dndiethlng good i( to aea'thls,. PrW $3.7504 , . S3 W)lrl Anrtment aonar, rent - $115 1 per monia, a years' Ma, i DM a goo? boy for $2,200. : . - .'' month, 2 years' leaa. St BOOMS -On Third at.; brick Villdlng aell . rum isoeo : . lease a years, biesj: n -1 oror $400,. per montk.. Prloa- $3,700. 24, ROOMS Elegant location for - tranalent rooma, an on on floor; modern Dunn ing: lease nntJI October, l0O5 rent $WI " clearing $150 monthly. Prtca for tew -wdwy $$.tW0.4- ,,. . . ; 1 28 ROOMS Rerft S6(- with lease fairly well Tunuaneo ana max ing . money; owner, has other business -a ndf" cannot attend to this, .and Inetrarted na to mt thai rlc to- $1.000. A, jleclded. bargalm SfTilOO irr-r-ef ytcbole "lbcndney:nona4i. new rumltur. rarnace best. Thla la on or rn aaateat and cwaneat Bonaea na ina market;, rent only $126; leas. $4,730, 24 B'OWS New brlek balldlag, stesi .beat, boc . ana cola warer in srsrr e-eerythlng new and In- gsod v rood leaaa; rent. $11; big nranay maker, l-nnu.lll' ..l. e I.W Dec ajoulh-. ii.wv. i ' .-V !1 BOOMS New. inodern balldtng, Bewjy fw v Blaiied, swell location, grsry room taken, ' rent onlr $123, liyear leaa. A -alckaa roe 92 Ann. . .. .... : , jrrf Rooms neat - incatton tn citV for fctgh . f el.M ,.-n-(.n. m mmm Aw nwiimm r.iil kino, rlesrlnc . aood money bow and during tba fair you eaamsha, all tba money yoa want. -TICS (sin 20 ROOMS Oa Elerentb atrr aaar Morrison: bearding: nicely (nrnlabed : - doing goad ouainesa , rent -only 9VJ. gs,sixf, ' ' .' , .... r i'- 12 ROOMS Wet finely furnlahed. swell Inea tlon, Tory rcafnaansx; good laeom. This la axclualre; for partlculara call. 10-ROOnT POrSE New. got furullura aad Thla la a good new; leaao for 1 year. -r-'. - $850.-. 9 ROOMS Elegantly fnrntsbed; rent only $45, L. witn lea; ,. tnia M a nrai-ciaa pay, ; Prlca $S20. . ' " ' 4. ,. ,- ,T 9 ROOMS Furnlrur all good; locatloa yaey central; rent right, pnea 7o. , ... IfSbfl. O , eOCT wrmm mvmtwim I m mow . i J , ooing -a msning ousioess, - oax , xiait sell on -account of sickness, i A snap xor (rn SALOON Best locatloa to iba cltyt cheap rent .and long leaae, and making good money; i 5 nice llrlng rooma aad with fnrnttara. Ooea for 3,250. . - GENERAL - IfRRCBANDISB STORE flood nm ii ii t i 'w u . uiiiiik m i . . ' . doti i. alcknea the cans for aelllng. . Thla la worts uogiag np. WE CAN MAKB TERMS ON ANY OF THB ABOYB.-- . . AM, TITLFS or-ARAWTFFn. BUYERS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. WB WANT 10. X0 A5-BOOM - HOUSES; ALSO 20 TO 40. .,- . . 110 i A . r TAFT As CO.i 122J 5-fl Ablngtoo'Slor.' lOdVj Third St. FOR . SALE First -crasa confectionery and lea cream... business.- Inctadlng csndy mannfae. tors, doing aiga gran ansine; gona rea aon for aelling. AdilreM Box SO, SaMO, - oregna. - ... EXCELLENT op porta nlty one with $2,000; cos- serrstlre bnslness aroposltlon; patented copy, right article. O m, cars Journal. FOR SALE SiwroIlL rrerythhif complete; wood basin;' will sell all or half Utereat. AaV - dreiXLcar JonrnaL Mjy1M fim f f t YOI'-NO man wleties the- acoualntanee of lady not orer 90: object matrimony. Addreaa X B S, -car Journal. , FOR SALE One kalf luTereet -nr whole owner. A- ship In eoonlry newspaper. -Fred O, Conlcy, Oresham. Or. 1 , ., f ATktr rne aale eatoAM In heal .f ImMm,. must be sold at once. Call at 47 North Sixth ex., gulcke TWO-CM AIR Earner abop, well equipped and gond loratloa; cheap rant, $100. W 99, cars Bf Journal. I f , LOST Satchel 'containing cxmettsrer's tools. Please rtturn to Mlet V Frank' third floor. Hewsra. REAL ESTATE. ' mnkymwt and baslnrss unday. It nnn rirRtllHH'.n- 11 -morn rncmlr hnoe. I'nlow are. , Address-Owaer, B 91. Jour as U. OOnrt reetanrant, with less, formal cheap, an First st. BARsnra ass uaBTiRnio. OREGON ROUND LI'MREB CO., st Phone Ortst 1171. ----- 181 CAirilfTIKS ARB BUILDERS, A. J. AI'THORS and H. R, WOOD, carpenter aad bnlldeta; repairing and Jobbing: a toe and afflca flxtrtrea ballt. Shop S09 Csjambm. Paoaa Clay 1S6L DEE HCFF. bnlldlng and remodeling; star flitarea a apacUity, 292 Flrat aC Psoas Clay 924. , ' IF YOI' WANT A CARPENTER cart Melts a. . TrL Mala 1797. Bbo sad fflcd M ttUaa. . FOB SAXX EXAL UIATE. 1HCHI11ARLB West Side orooerty la bard to get. . Our lung resilience In th city snsbles na to bare listed some Very desirable properties. Beautiful Id-room sous hod 1 lot on Thirteenth v ev. , sjouumi iiaia ' auu corner oa essw .., " -eWis In, yoayliijr big returns i 9 room cottsgs . and lot ou Fourteenth, cheap. . ou tstiiis; anarter bk,-k on HVTenth at.. 'paying H per eeut. Oa East aide w hare- beautifu) corner on tiaissy, fuse nil xor i,ouut -s wues, I la room, near Anksny car, walking dis tance; flue corner and good boose, Stephens addition. $2,500. The best suburban acreage, out .at.clty.all lmurored, east sk.i Mt. Tsborr II acres or lee, leaa than ' per . acre, ready to oecupy. - W bar loeattoo any dtrecttoa at right price. Nortbnip King, ruouur 210 and 211 Commercial tlk. WE HAVE Haled with aa for aale soma choice .residence- property In best neighborhood that ,sn be rented f'W orer lo per cent net oa th ' Inreatment. Yoa should Inrestlgats thla. Ws ' bat some excellent bargalna all arr the elty la latproaed and anlmproraa city prop - -erty.- -Tacsnt mts.and' acresg. and ar pre. 1 oared to make exceptionally good Term ef uaysarnt to buycra, i a 11 Ih and e n,.... . . BUU Ann IffcAii uxinu r 129 7th SI,.. Rooms J.. J, WT ."V..-. PaoiHt Mahr 406.r -.. . v'. ."' K. KRONER, architect and contractor. Bomea built In all parta of lha nty and Bold oa .monthly payment": puna and apactflcailona; aalldlng- aupertn tended. - Itoom B, Caw- rJs01ix.aikb:4 mwr Mcrteoa, r . , , ... : vi;v,V CHOtCB bta la Stswarfa Park. Mt. Scott car line. $4a; Msy term. - -- - .. CJirdrw corner tot' near- Highland acbool aad - Lnioa arrua. aaly $1$0. ' rery deslrabla lots In AlMna : Homeataad. 50x100 (net, letel aOd sightly; sack $350. Boaae and lota- la all parta ot city for sale OT SXCDSIlfw "I ' Cbele farms -for ssle or trade sar Portland:. Oregon Associated Eaxoang. anal, .xvaaainguia. FtoB SAW $.100 TO $500 !L: Large double Vita In Smith' Addltioa.' oa .'PortlsiwI Heights Bear 'Loop" i. r tine; the best opportunity to get a bom. oo,y term la th rapidly Imprortng Height dls- 'POBTLAUP TRtfT COMPiNT.; ' ; ' 1JP Third, gt. ., , " IlilMAf'HWrolt. farm, opposite HnodRlTer, , lh gear LgW. Wab.; good houae and bars,- on 'county Voadi gpring water al aouae;,aai bearing - trees. 5ia boxc - apples In .apple-bouse, , brn fuM--of hay, S horses, j hsroead, wabon, new lop buggy and all farm ing implements. II bead cattle and all furnl tur In bousa, farm all feared. $3,700. Ad dreaa Thomas, Kroeung, Box T2, Si. Johns, Or. FOB SALE- . . T'i--. : A choir S acra tract, aultkbla ror platting; localloB, Hawthorn ara. and Forty -eighth . at., ea O. W.. P. Co. car Un. , ' . ' PBICB RBASONABLB. r - ' " EASY TERMS. "' '" PORTLAND TRIST COMPAST . 109 Third gt.' .' " ALWAYS READY riT PD BTLAN D A UCIlOtK R001tl.rlltf rnwrt Ta pay you lull ralue la cash for any klad I 1 72- JnurnaL j..:.:C-r-). . I ' As thiraltHaraR. Phoa Jfalo 60&6. at 21t Flrst at- VERY desirable new -room boose, with recen- .. tlon ball, furnace, - fixture, etc - comiuete, v In nortbweat part of city, with magnificent view; email cash payment. . balance n ault - nuvrbaser; "a rery .aioodk buy.. A. H. lllrrcll. axa arckay Diag., cor. Jnira ano otara. $1,500 $150 -cash -and $10 re-r nwrtlrr a' new 5-rnoc cottage, eoment basement, not. and coiq water, porcelain bats, plumped I or gas, ' Wit grsded and street Improred:' 15 minutes - from tba center of the city. " Writ tb - owBer, J. :B., car the Journal. - - A' GREAT BAROAIN 21 acre near car tine .12 acre bultlTatedr good grtttr thla property waa taken oa mortgage and prlca la rery row. wlU take art trade. Sea awner, room 4,- 206ri Morrison at.. DESIRABLE modern S-rannx bouae, complete la erery raeiiecL wit full lot: east frontage, ' Twelfth St., near Montgomery; an Ideal borne. A. H. Blrrell, 2u2 McKay , blug or. Third and Btark. FOR BALR ' CHEAP New - T-room. modera bona, II conrenlencea, bard aft pi abed, 1 block " from street car. 2 blocka from Highland acbool : orsr 2 Urge lota, Partlculara phone FOR BALE 2 lota, flu location, ale fence nd all klnda of fruM; will build for pur- ruaser ir peaireo; owner going sway ana win sen at a Bargain, write Box litis, city, 1 HAVE two cboic modern Troora bonaea, on, - In Irrlngtoa, one la Uawthnrna Park; will seH either at reasonalile price and tarma. .1 ugieaiiy xoang, namner or totnmerca. 214 ACRES. 115 M cnltlratton r aerea-bops. good orcbsrd and good water; ainfsrm tools r at. raoaa aoott xini. m. notroro 4-R0OM koas and lot. or t lot. 1 block north of Stewart atatlon. Mount Scott line; small ; payaxeat down, as I. on Installments.', owner,-207 Third at. Pbona 8123.. IIODERN -room. e 2-story bone. In - Albtn recently Improred. Baa Iocs t km. 1 block from , car line.. reaaonsiHe. ror particulars can at nrra ar., cor. Aider, room J. 90 ACRES frnlt . land, oppoalt Hood Rtrer neaf l.yle. waabt: all leret, running water. on rounty hio. aear school,. $1,200, - E, J Hufford. Bt? Johna, Or,,. ' SIGHTLY lot for Bale by owaer on eaat Taylor ner. mneteeiiin aaa Twentieth at In ninre Hnrgard-Petteraon, tallora. If. W. cor. Third and YamhUl ate. - - . COTTAGE '9 rooma aad bsth. S lota lonxino, rruiT. uowera. .nesr a car lines, xiontsniis. $1,000. Snap , WUllama, 128 Serenth at,, OT pnnne ncott Yfier. .- -- 1IOI SB of 10 rooma. rent $25; centra I. Price anno caan. v stratum, noy, eixtn at., room-aw. - . 1- FOR 8AT K Hons snd ftll tot. Center add! lion.- svin csan. a flair as r. it, journal. " Rates VTVDER AST crAMIYJCATlOsl' sxsast .'Bitostioa wantaa) ' alaia ar rsmais, , ntad" I CENTS PER LIRE. Ceuatiag 7 werda to the Ua. it as 91 veiM raw it afAIag'lsss. TT" 'SITTATIOR WAFTED . adrrtlamat Itkar Mai or Fessal, laaartad eoe tuna frsa. ? SaU at Sandsy. . h WEIRLT RATE T Inaartiena flaelndlaa sno Basds lasuail XX CEMTsl mrm lit ; fas? umslt, .. f ; atORTRLT RATE (laoladlng alt Bsnday , taaaaa) 7$ CENTS Bsc Una pa saenta. ADTERT1SIMEBTR b'm ks hi fauraal , . baaiaaa efllo by 1 e'elosk weak . days aad by 19 'elok Saturday sreae ---lag to.aaaara liHatlaa. -.s A. D. T. kESSEROXR ROTS ara -J esraal 'waat xd. " aganxa. Olra them yaw ad. afflea rata aad tt will k dslleerad to Th Jaaraal sf- Sea without farther eeet to yen. Ra Er eell bog r pkM Western Tslea, $1T. . Journal "WantAd F0R SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE 20-acra farm, rlcac to Partlaadf ' tiuhroeement coat $3,000; will be sold nearlj x); will B aold nearly AddraM owner, kv 13, half coat; rt time. Ai -car oc Juurual. $3ut'lOWN bu'ya near 4 -room modera Jaottaga, immn ,s uB wstor: i I Agency, mrxiiai lot; graded streets; Bull Kui . oiiiy snnu, city . vusiocaa i. nance 2Z9 Flrat at- , a, TWO well faroUbed aouaaa for sal. Is n 9 rooma; good. - location;- reasonsbl- yoat ao p . . . fan, r mil .I.e. : pu u. I , . a w it 1712. ? Addreaa r ear Joarnal: 16-ACRB orchard aaar Portland; 9-rrxvn boa, onthulldlnga, tree, -full bearing, fin aondl tlon; oa y tarma. Addreaa vv.'TJ. B.,-ar 'of Joarnal. -i . -.' - - S ACRES of good lerel land 14' mil north of Vancotirer, on half In cnltlratluu, balaaca nnderhniah. loqnlra 2NI Larrabsai at., Cort land, Or. ,., i - r- -, ... ' $1,260 ELEGANT. 1 12-room kooa la central wr,ins.. w i in luruere am esq- onviy- me nlahed , rent only $r . leaaa orer fabv bV2 10 -ROtlM bonae, einee In, eae e(ur. etc to cars, inr two I a mi ilea or rooming i nouss. ao. Phono East ihxs after I p. ko... Terms. FOR SALE 40- acres Yamhill county gooxfop . Ind 0 ,artra almost rlesred, IhaL 'easily cleared; pVlce $0uu, . Addrees V ii. Journal. FOR -SALE Choice lot oa East Tayloa, near Twealythlrd; conrenlent to car line; excel, -lent nelghlorbood,(Apply L S, car Jouraal. '.'.-L y '" 1 .. . : : - SEVEN rooma. wall fnrnlataed. rent $30. yard, . woodnnos. coa ran lent. 9 rooms rented, close !JJeatJldC1JPrl!. faofigtij lMdlol L GOOD Inreatmeat, corner lot and bo us, well wnutn on car line, eeiiieu ior uer moata. Price $2,500, Apply John Bain, 2?4 Stark at. LOOK TiBREI Ara yoa going' to bnlldf t ua figure on tba carpenter work. ' We'll - do good work. Addreaa F 9, car Journal. I A HANDHOMB modera 6 Mriv-rooa terms;! a at Ruiinrelde, $1,900, ar terrna; ! a bargain. T. Imboia. seal estate. )M5t4 Morrlasai at. .i $1.2O0WNEAT cottage, ea Improrod street, rn Sunnyalde; maatell; awacr Jaarlag fltyi part cam, nsu pa mania, fauna ak .aoju. . 9 ROOMS, best forDltur.- beat Inea tlon, all fall; electric iignia, rurnac Beat, roeap renir prle $1)50. a bargain. 902 Madieoo. i NEW 9 rsura cottage: bathroom. sntxy.-.wood elevator, cellar aad hall tor sal, terma 19 per ,uoth. Call up pbua Eaat 740. BARGAIN 3-ronra house, lot 50x100, at Sell- wsoo airy waiex".ia nouee: price e-iou. ap- JiJy lioOH. Marrlaoa at.j-room Vr.'' I j. SooW coRsgi anfatxlUi Iparf ' jlf 'Ifaralfbr for sale; owner tearing tow a. laqulr 530 East Market near Klerentk at. "y ' GOOD big team, new wagon, abaap. Houae, . new UrnJ fruit tree. In A Iblaa ilomaauad, '. for $vuo. pbona Lnlon 9135. h - , A SNAP If aold at once 2 large- lots an beat rlew Portland' heights, . by owner. .... A. , L, Maney. 664 Elm aU t ' I, --' .... - 0NB acra cleared, and In frnli; 5-rooa cottage; ne- car rare; an ror ooa. AOnreM C. 12, owaer, care JournxL . - . ..'. . ." ".1 " REAL - estate - bargalna - and flrar tnguranc. Nortbnip King, rooms 210 and, 811.-Com, - Borpja! - bike---' . - .- -.-,- VKW a-mora bouse. 9 tots at St. Johns; small SNAP Furniture good Incatton, .Fifth at.--: of 22-room lodging bona, r . rearing cltjr; 203 WB bnlld boasee on essy payments; loti fur- - nianao ir- aeeiretl. ia--uomnieroiai Diog. VORTT TO L0AR. i -H ...i.'Wsiee 1 FRED H. -RTRONOi- FINANCIAL AGENT. ' " Moner to loan. Mo eommlsalou. - I am la a -poaltlao to make Immerllite losna ' an Improred real estate ar tor building -sr. - poses ; any amount; moderate Interest. W appror loans from plana and adranee money Banning proareaaes. N uptioa in repay. meat arter on rear. . i , - FRED B. StKONG.TInancHT Agent 109 Second at,, near Stark. . " ' THB: STAR LOAN CO ' Aay Mlarled employe, wsse-Mrnef, gaa gtt es nia no, a, wiuout nxorxgagv , 4-- Mpntb. H Montk. Week, f. 00 Repay to ua fli.M or 9d.06 ay 93 88 928.00 Kopay "to ua I 410 ar 91.95 I13.U0 Bepay to ur $ 4.00- or $100 or $1.00 iw meaay Drag.. SALARY LOANS You can borrow moaey froxa oa on soar sslsr or Incoms for on to six months. In any amount from $8 to tloo; , lowest rate of Interest : ao wait, a de lay; alt negotiation ar strictly priest aad confidential ; paymeata aospended la esse of alrkneaa. The Craacent Lou Co., SIT Ore. goolaa bldg. - f MONEY TO' LOAN ou real Deracmsl and col lateral security: special attention to chattel .mortgagee; notee noagnt. v.- w. a-auex. 904-6 Featon bldg., 94 Sixth at HIGHLY rea peers hi pises where ladle and gents can borrow money on diamonds aad "-"jewelry. . cenaterei bu Din, zoo sih Ington at. Phone Black 71, ' - SEB.tba Doss-LswreBcs , COv. real aetata and nanciai (genta; money to wan en mortgage securities at lew rate la Bums from 8300 to giauw, jaevk rirst st. MONEY ADVANCED salaried people, tea maters. 7-ete., without carl(7:"esy permenta; larg - et bu.lneee In 49 principal cltle. Tolmaa. wa Anington piag. . CHATTEL loess In' mount muring from 925 to 96 OOIK roomlng-hnoae a specialty, new Era Loan A Truet Co.. 909 Ablnf Inn bldg. MONEY Try -LOAN oa Improred or unimproved city property, in an ma to exit. I'arrun. rtai- aina m io., zoo Alder at. MONEY TO LOAN, la large or bob 11 xmonnM nn good security; iowrat rates. wiUlam UT Beck. 907 Falling Bldg.. ': : ..- LOANS et lowest re tee on furniture, nlaW anr secuntr antes nnrensaoa. ssaiarn xmb afflca. 449 Sherlock bldg. MONEY TO I) AN nn Clsckamsa eonntr laadk. E.. F. and r. B. Riley, txiaj tkamber ar com- PORTION D RRAL ESTATE IIANS. 9 AND 9 pec cent - Wm. Denbolm, 231 railing bang. MOV IT taitroTn- flft.-r?0 at tt r xeBt.iOBi, cm properly. 878 Stark etr ARTJfAfi TRAPS, f. FACET A CAMERON Mannfscturere of famous FBnat trap, one that kins animal without holding. Factory 129 I nlofl are , eaat side. BICTCLZ DEALIRfl. - G. P. 'RCSSEI.L. S8S R. BCRNSIOE. PHONE CNION J64 tTri, arKCIAI.iST. FISHING TACK I Jt. AMMCNITTON. '- RLANX ROOK KAaTuTAOTTTRIRS. HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM. irt) 111 Second sf. Flank book maimrsctarers; agents for Jones ImproyeiL-LooM-Lcai;. k-dgera: PBper-rulin bnokhlndlng. CIGAR ARB TOBACCO. ESBFRO-OCNST CIGAR CO. xneuiautora ar , . FINS CIGARS. OARXIA0X ARB RACK OOMFARTES, THE CNITRn CARRIAGE CO. Catrlsgea. . tally ho rigs and carry -a its. ini glerratk sr., eor. Morriaon. t-aou aiain m-rx. CZMIRT OORTRAOTORS. JOSEPH W1LUAMMON, contraeinr. eatlmatea -glrea an au klad of eooerete. aeaemest work ana eewerage. sia nsiary gtrees. . CHAR. H. CARTER A CO.. (forreerly Carter A Fill I cemeat contractor a, 974 Taggart. Phea Bast 1875, All work goaraataad. - .err t-'"--f.". T - V ":r', V" ., CfAIRTOYART ART FALRIST. MADAMS JOHNSTONf-Ctalreoysat. . pslmlst. card reader; I glee (facta, reliable and Im , portant on all affalrw'el real Ufa. , Headings 5uc. 99 Serenth at,; Bear Dak. ERICKSON'S RKHTAUKANT Merchant's ranch 11a. m. to 12 p. m. ; under new menace weat. 0.' B. EVANS, peep. Beoond and. Buraeld. THE OFFICE 28 Wxahlngtaa at. , PhsD Main 771. Pickett tk Vlgnesux. . CROCKERY' ARB GLASSWARE. - WHOI.KSAI.E crockery aad glaaawars.' Prael. Hegele A Co.. 100 to 109 Fifth, cor. Stark -St. :'.- LOOK OCT FOR FIRE! .' X . PRACTICAL .CHIMNEY 8WXJEP. -D. D. ' WOOll. ' Has. phooo Scott 9904,,. , -Leer wdnra at- A rery A - hardware atore. j -r hi xaira at., paone axainiBTX.t;; , ... r- i nnr. ii'.n. - i:t wxaiiiN-amN air r v era iHirnrD ROOF CLEANING, ... ? -PUONR MAIN 167S. , oomnssioR mzxcbarts. ' EVER DING A FARRELL, produce and annals loa aaercbants: 140 Front aUfurtUad. Or. Pboae Mala 179. , i ' 1 111 ' 1 COAL ARB WOOD, - GREAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 Hoyt ear. K lren1o-lVoducers end miners -at waabed .: luaw sad sat aootlae bouaa one la lump $9, -aat $6, dcilrered althla 1 axil of. yard; eatlefactloa guaranteed. Phone Mala 948. WESTERN FEED- FUEL CO.." cor. Front and JUoyt Itrset, dealers la domsatle and atekm - nsi, aiscssmiin oosx. -sxuxraoai -Pbona Mala lois; - j A LB I MA FUEL CO. Dealers la cordwood. coal and greea aad dry aUbwood. R. R. Bad Ak . bins are. 9 blocka eaat of tarry.-, . i $EAT()N BROS. Sar, asaors to Ertcksoa Wand Yard Deelere la beet anal and wood. 949 Second at. Phone Clay 699;' (- RFPERT Ft'EL CO. Tb best dry wood la . town. Doat forget to pbona East 1405, 250 'East Eighth at. cor. Madlsoa. , t, :. t 0. R. VEUM, arat-elaas wood gad eaalKefflee . SS Alblna ar., aear ferry. - Dry. aUbwood. STEEL BRIDGR TfEL CO.. dealer la Coal, I icord wood gn dry alabWjpg, PkoaejEast 42A. VoLCMBli Wsod A Coil Ward. ' Eali ilckft ana tiawinorae. " raoaa saer, soot, OREGON, FT EL CO.I all kind ef -coal aad $44 Morrison. Pbona Mala 99. - KIRK HOOVER. 81$ Wter at, weed and aoaL Phone Main 4.VM. - DARonro. MRS. GRANTS- adult aad -chlktrea' clcnaa. Western Academy. Morrlaon at., cor. Second. BWSXAXTRft. DRESSMAKING.--altering and refltrlnk- a . claUy. Mlaa Ida B, Bunemett, ASO!,. Waak- - ingion si. , room x. . ap siairs. UPJro-DATH dressmaklns. ladles' I Tsltortne . coau a spceUlty. Itootn 917. Allaky bldg. HRS. McEIBBEN. artlatle drcaa and closl; axaklng. 561 Morrlaoa at. - - DRESSMAKING Strictly ap to data: latest -- design. 4S9 Clay .- - .r-- PORTLAND irrEAkt -CLEANINfT A DYEING -: Work; practical batter Is cosneelloc: fMtber . hoae and plume cleaned aad curled by aa ax il! Fourth. , Phone Clay 704. t - CLOTHES -cleaned and ar eased $1 per saonth. Unique Tailoring -Cwrr-947 ' Wasblngtoa at : H. w, TtfRNER,- professional (It l and 505 Jsfrrsoa at. Phone Main 1519. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, 909 Btark at., Portland. O. K. for MMIIiIm I. tl,A JmMmI II Dlu,. I .. w . ', W 1 WW iww, - - . . f- OREGON Fsrnltnrs Manufacturing Compeny- , . - . . I . . " . L . ... . . .. . MuuieuHTi, V4, - aursiiurs , eSF i toe xraua Portlaad, 0. . r - .. , V. i FCRMTt'RE ma-iufacturlng tnd. apeciit orders. L. Bnreaaky'a furniture, factory. STQ Front et O0O ARB H0XE ROSmAX. DR. C. B. BROWN. D. V. S.. D. C. .If.. - horse hospital. . 903 Wash. , Pbonos Clsy 167i R. East 2535. - , . , . . DR. S. J. CARNEY. D. .. A. TXtrrlnary Ssr- gena, eeaaered to 989 OUaan St., kef Fourth sndj Ftftk sts. ' - - ) . . FOREST RXSXXYX SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE Ap. peored, anreatiicted, ready for Immediate aaet efllste aaet Klley.. 909 lowest- prices. ix. r, , at r. Chamber of-Commerce. GROCERS. .. WADHAM8 A CO., wholesale grocers, mana- facturers and commlaslon merchants. Fourth and Oak eta. ... - . -n - -;- ' ALLEN LEWIS, commission and produce me, chants. Front sad Daws sts.. Portland. Or, RXALXR. B. t-P. . NEWMAN, th heeler, room IS.GHsaa block; boura,. 10 to 12 and 1 to 9: phone Main 0222, -T R KAR HAIR ROLLS. J. J.-RORG, manfr. bnmaa hair rolle. 428 R. 9tb. nuaaAMt 221 i. Store, a Morrlaoa t JJJTCRSJORJAT SWITCHES made, eombtnga bought ar made to order. V4 a., rweltth at Phone Eaat 1710. HOTELS. J' HOTEL Portland, American plxa; $3, $5 per day. BELVEDERE: European pleat 4th and Alder ate. YRSITRARCC. ISA AO L. WHITE, are InaarsBce. 200 Dekuaj DHIg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability 4nd ln- ainnnxt accineet surety noaa ex all klada, Pboue 47. )2 MKay bldg. 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon Phone Clay 'Lai Plea liisui F1RB IK9I-RANCE J. P. Kern-iedr A Co., 221 Shrrlork bldg-. Phone Msla 1859. ARTHUR WILSON Fire teearence. Sherlock bldg. rbone Mala lism. - ITTMBER. ROUGH and dressed nmoer la ear loads. CaU ap i nka iht. LOCK9IITTR9. , V - - LOCKSMITHS 998 Eaat Buraalda. Pboae lnloii 64. . RU0RITI0 RXALXR 0. MRS. U rt. Hr.r Bu.safn", trsata all d's. ar T-o'' ' . t'A ..!, : r i tr t. ' X . v 1 . 1 . BrRAIXR. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS and mechan. les' clothing; anloa kids. MeuaUdta Bros., eg. n rr, -ortlSWiT, VW. PXIRTIRS. BCSH0NG A CO Frost aad Stork sts., prist-' Ing. ilthograpblng. blank books aad erne supplies; work done ea time; most complete ANDERSON A DI'NIWAY COMPANY, prtntTag, ' - "tWrsrhtng. blank book. - pfeaaa Mala 17.., svi-f aw (awrr BLe ' ,- 1 . -- . ., i. V . . artrnoAX. PI ANoS Corlllsn me If -playing piano , pronounced tb best by leading - musicians; aleo Ceelllanaplano eaaytrs. R, C, Wills Mnel IloaM.,960 Alder at. , - , , . SECOND-HAND musical ' rna Irs meets of all: klnda at lowest nrlees. eash or lnatallraesi.. t. Fbdter Music Co,. 190 Third at, - r MB, AND MRS, H,,A, WEBBER. Ma . Ilo. guitar lqatrurtUn. Mala 2ua. 179 W. Park, ' FALLING HAIR. Daadruff o RaldatBB riabrnet -t batba as.1 scale treatment xlrsn: otmnlas auad,. . ,vJ blsckhcada permanently cured.' 941 ilder at . . FRXNCH- nulla glre baths aad maassr trsa meni. aiw rina sx,. rnaaa Jtaia mm. in .rncRERS. D0NNEBBERG A RADBMACHER. eauxltary .Inmh-ra fi. ru,,!. . .,k - . . ' FOX A OO., sanitary nlamban, 231 Second bet Mais and Salmon. .Oregon Pboae Main 2001. . RXXSS ettrrTRCS. MAKE MONEY! ; USE PRESS CLIPFTNOSI -Aing up Black 11 and order a aMnth's aorrics, cowing oosry town la any er all ssat states; dally asaangst serrlce; ad rases rs , por ea aU eoxurxrt, week. Portland afflca iisj aecoaa et. , R00FIRO. TIN ROOriNG, 'gutterlnt, repairing and general Jobbing. J. Lea 11. 212 Jeffarsou st Tl, on, ARB GLASS. F. R. B9ACH tXIPIoaeay Paint Co., ssllfsa beat thing made fli bslntA ad geasral, . building materlalal wlnaow-alssx sad glaxlag, a specialty. 199 First at Pboae Main tied. RA8MUS8EN A CO Jobbers, paints. etLglaa assb and door. . Second aad Taylor1. "' IZATOrO. THB OREGON PLATING WORKS. 491 Wash. Ington at Phoa 2675. Pollening, plating' aad lacquering. -r . "' Ron, PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. Corner Foarteaath and Worthrap are.. Portland. Or. 'R'-BBER BTAKPaV STAMP WORKS." 949 Alder at. phoaa - Mala 710; rubber ntampa. seals, stencils, has. - gage, trade check;; send tor catalogue. SHOWCASES ARB 1TXTTOXB. SHOWCASES ef erery desert prlnat bank, bar -aad atore natures made to order. The Latks: Manufacturing Co.. Portland and Seattle, 7 TXJUfflFXR ARB -HA-LIRO. I OREGON "t9FTfi' cO? 14 North 'flhtr1!, ' Pbona Main, 99. Ileary hauling aad storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Na. SOOH Waskv -Ington st Phon Main 999. V - T I FX WRITERS. YOST TYPEWRITER READQCTARTERS- , - 230 Stark Strsat ' Wa rent, repair, well, echng typeniltoia. - ATI buppllee for kit sasehlnes. -Standard machines 425 and ap to $100. Da you want a stenographer er trplatl . W kar Hat ef good snplleaata... - " ' . Pbona Black S87L . . UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPE WRITE B, at 65 Front' at. Phone Red IBM. ST0RA0H ARB TRARSFER. SAFES,- Blanoe aad furniture aoorsd. sacked reedy for shipping and Shipped: all work . guaranteed: targe. S-atofy. arlck. fh-e-nreof " wirebonse for storage, office 129 First st . Ci M. OLSEN. Pbona Mala 547. 0. O. PICK, afflc 89 Flrat at., betwsea 9rk and Oak ate.; phone 509; pianos and furulturu Z mo red and packed for shipping: commodious firs-proof. . arlck warebooe. Frost aa4 ' Clay -eta. " - . STORAGR bps ns to let to our new bull -ting.! -374 Water et Slglsr Milling A Commission ursxsrrrai-n w. SIGH FAIRTTRS. VERLIN B, ARMSTjRONG CO.. Signs, aeenl ar. flat. Phone Re$ fel.- Cos. dtk and Conch at.. SAFES. 8-INCli thick wall, not fireproof: repairs gen. erslly; exchanged safes, bargains In thessi Canton steel celling: Irlebold work. Including Jsli; Inrestlgats. J. E. Darla. 99 Third aC LARGEST aback 4n city; Mebnld workt lodrosto opened. Repairs, jail work, ateol celllsg, treas- tnent and good meriting ou9 Batroaags. J. E. Darts. 99 Third et. TTRRER. I HAVE choir piece of Umber land la anther ureerm ror ssie ceeap. A a. Journal. towtx nmr. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb. brush, eoaa. . $1 per month. Lawrence Una.' Towel Supply i Co.. Fnurthand Conch. . Phona . WAXLFAFXR. MORGAN' WALLPAPER CO.. 1X4-1 Reooed t bet. Yamhill eed Taylor,' Portland. ' BOY REVIVES IN COFFIN ; WITH BRAINS SHOT OUT ' ' - .' (Journal Special aertlco. V ' ,' Marori. Oau ' Jan. tl. Althmigli . ih '; bra Ina of Jama) Wctlrlbb, a 6-year-Md -: boy, wra ahot out and be) had been -placed In m coffin Dead, tm ha -revived nnd phyalclana aay that tie wilt rocn-ver, ; Tho boy waa ahot daring th Clirlat- ' mna celebration by hie bn4ha, r Ttta i. bullet tntered the rihlldg head and Tils brains ooied out. Thw boy waa hellvd dead. . His bra Ina were put.hak In the ' hole madd tiy th bullet nnd thai bocly war prepsfad for burial and put in tb9 ' Coffin.! : - - " ' At the grave the fluMerfnt heart was,' noticed and th child taken home. V three waeftg the fnmlljr walled for tha fluuerlnc to slop, but today tb heart Action bora me norms! and th child y salnexl annai lousaoaa. Ilia reenvery w;J ba oompletg. ' "Now. ae hero." gold lb r lady, "ft I Ri F'W p' pmmlae not ia btujr b "Hiiro, ma'am " r" aln't 't r " I wr " -." J