The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 22, 1905, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 20

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    I '" ..'
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VT"V;." TvT ' alii .'rri" s-v :' , .iT-
Rul eo of tHe -
Snapshot Contest
- f
l LIT ; '-, , 'Oa tSNtfv? n rr I W&r n
H.V- --u--' V ' :1 ' f Y -- '-:''' ."'-. '-'' 1 1 .', . ' ; . -, r, , .1 KADDERLY Traafar CommlMloa Co. ; plaaoa
. .- I -.. -V-. .! . r-m,-!, j.-iL.--.- . - tl rUKTLANW AUCilUN BOOMS.'-' '- .
I . n ...... . . rV . ' I , - . ... ' -. -- ". If rinrt t. PboM MalB 6HI.
' liVT'J-l J '!-:- if - HwaaM thy par tb blsbeat prlc U eua
. -. 1 rV- 1 . - I - '-'--- - 11 WW- M Auottara.. . . -
1 -11-iJIB
' - BOTIUaV- -..---ri.-
riMKMls will be itwlwdw the marAr aed
-. , couiK-H ef Coodnn, Ullllam Atuntr. Qrr(nn.
--w rttnmrr I. it,-tot tbe drilling of one
,wll to arcnre a water MPDIT for aaia town
Bide tout he atrtclly, Is aWdan wltb-f
1: tbe ' written sperlflcatturia, vhlrb --wlU'b
nmunnfsi on ppurmiuui ai inr vinm . oi
1 the naaror. No propoaala jrlll be Mexldnvd
unlree arroaipaald br e errtlfled cberfe paf.
I to tba ordr ef tbe auar ef Cosdaa.
'rfTttfled br a rfaponalble bank for an amoent
"eqnal to 10 per cent Of tbe esgrefate pra-
rTfc"sf4aalTT'f"tfCiCC ftBff' atttd "bU"W4bV"4w
" hvfliy' " ' - : . -r, 'r , ' ! -
, Br .erder at tbe emrtrll.
" V - - J. T. KE18ACH IB. Mayor.
id PANV Xatlre la kmlii alTan that , a juwt-
...... trnr af the atoekbolore "of the Snake Kiw
- Valley kaliroad Company . will"" he' ttMd at
i tbe office of tbe enmnasy. rooei No. S3-Wo
vtir b'-xk. Inrtlaad. Orson, Monday.
- Wkroarr a IMS. at the honr of II olork
' . noon, for the enrpoM of ebrtlns dlrvrtare and
tranaartlnc ear other baalncaa that nay
prouerly come bfore tb martins. fat'd
at Hnrtlaad. . Drocon, January . 14. IMS.
Mmrnva or inn inwKHOLnKiteh-or thb
I ROAD COMPANY Notice la hereby slrra
- that s cmtlns of the atorkboldera ef tbe
Oroa. Waeblnrtoa ft Idaho Railroad Com
; pany will be held at tbe office of the com
pany, room No. 2S Vorceater block. Portland.
, Orrii, on Monday. Febmary S, 1S00, at IX
e cjock noon. lor tha parpoaae or elect ln
dlrectora' and traneartlns any other bnalneaa
tba auy properly coma bafnre the BMerlnr.
,- Dated at Portland. -Oroa, January 14, 1900.
1 JAMES fl. WfLSON. Secretary;
- worn any peraon from pnrcaaainf eny of the
- followlnf promlaaory- nntea yWen by ua to
i A.TJ. ffanweU. dated January IS. lftfKV. for
, . the fnllowtny asma-. One KIS OO on demand;
,' , , r one I200.AO doe In three, jnemtha; ona 42uu.iO.
dna in foar anontba; ona t21o.OO dne In fire
r a montba; tbe aane - baring beta obtained
through fraud.1
-"-'' - - : . F. . 1UM.
- u w. uons.
T: I. BTRNR ennonncaa that he baa porchaaed
. 'the entire lntareat in Rath Sandy 'a etnoular
, . rea
reetaorant at I4B rirat .aaqraa Alder at,
Merrhanta'. lunch dally from ll a. fn. to 1 p.
Huecla! dinner aerrea Bundarf rron 12 to
10 p. m. i '
MEN Tbe orlylnal Jao. A. Moler'a Barber
, colleae, 644 Clay at., gan rraadfeo. la tbe
', llybtaet and eolleao In
,j. AmerVat trade tanaht In I weeka; nnaltbma
' snarantetd; ' tnltlon tamed while learn I ns
." ' ." expert Inetrortorer eeneunt praetie, Write
-eorrart nnmber (S44 Ciay) for laraw.
: . .'WANTED sincere, dramatic- people. - perform
. ' era. analclaua. -ete.-bl aalary; or Taude.
. r Villa elrnlt. Portland Worl.1 a Fair, travel-
;: llna . eompnnlre.- etc. Me.mln'- Vandaatlla
TWniT.- tjHrilutel. B!lf lii(rWaiiIiIiiictbnT
MEN to learn barber trade la elybt weeka 'and
secure poaltlonai qnnatant practice; expert la-etrndlon--
eSf examination: wayce earned
while learnlns. Catalncoe mailed free. Molar
" Syatem Colleya. San Franelaeo. CaL '
, MEN wanted fTer-rwheea. tark alrna. dlatrlhate
. etrcnlara. aamplca. etc.: tkctPfanent-aempa-tlon;
prtod pay. American i'uh.a, ' ponttae
4ntds., t.-hleaco. ,v- c .
MEN t set their cleaned, and preaaed;
eulle ffle. paata c. ZTdtU, Waahlnfton at..
1. p atawa. riione Main 330. .
"'' Tl"lDB ewnke aaleetaen of rml anneara nee!
muat be bnetleeai on othora need apply. . Call
--e SWi MmHaua. eanei
WANTED Butcher with few dollars to etart
bla own twalmea. Addreaa P, 0. Box T2.
Sellarood. Or. . . .. .
TEAM ehnvet eneineeyi eapahle. experienced.
HANSEN'S OKHCB. , 2S K.irth Second at.
CARPENTER, to-fernlab material and bnlld
, aanea an inetaiinwnte. Moor, ea Tenth at.
WANTED at ear, s fl rat -clan
draucktaaaan. - Apply eos War
architect ti rml
etar block.
WtNTED firat-laaa enat and paata maker ei
Apply at TP) aealnrxon at.
POR RENT Small farm. 11 mtlea from Port.
laas. ae ev-aoll a roan: s acree la. goes
erHiard. cnod nooae, plenty of wood. In-
. anlre la rirat at..
FARM far rent with leea: 10 met, team and
wacm. aanwey and other a lock fur.aele
; Cbeafi a anep. avz auaiaoa, . r -.
- hit warrie-rrMALx;'-
SO AMATKI RS wanted Immediately
amney. eW, work, -ram.. vasdlta
loinee. written -ts . order; poaltMne eeured;T'llwuw rnp w--
Newman'e Kcboni or Acung, grange novo.
llb and Waahuntoa. ' .. 1
WANTED Tonng woman of neat appearance
.to take enarse of exhibit. ef folding beds. In
our frqpt - window; - good- aalary end eeay
"houra. Apply at one etore Monday S a.- m.
-TaU- Weliev Saaand and Morrlaoa-eta.
rOHITION. si eaahler by Udy wbe. baa had
ereraV yrra' . experience; gooo reierencea.
: Addreae F. 71, Journal otnee,
APPRENTICES wanted , tor dreearnttlng and
. dealgnlny; new . method ef teaching.. Call
ADVERTISEMENTS - under - this elasslfleattoa
Inaerted eoe time abaolsUly tree. Deity, aa
WANTED X poalttos In "reel aetata office
that, handle lamia, loans, collection, by a
realdeot of Portland; IB .years' experience;
beat ef reference.. Addreaa X SO, car of
' Journal. ., ' - 1
WANTED A poaltlou by young men ef 20. "to
learn hardware buaineea. or collector In any
line of buatneea; beat of I reference. P..A
So, care of Journal.
KLDRRLT mas wanta work around , private
place of any kind; kt alao a good gardener,
obey and handy with tools.- Addreaa" B 21,
ear ef Journal;
EXPERIENCED ell eroend dry--fnodelerk
wanta positron, wholesale nr retail; window
. trimmer and ad. writer. W. F. L.. Joornal.
TOUNO man of nnalneae '-experience wtabee
any kind of konorable position; O. K. reter
; as res, Addreaa K SO, earn of Jooraal.
WANTED Office work:, food edecatlon, rapid
, writer) good reference; can fill place ef truat;
age 22. John Vaughn, M Ninth aC
WASTED Peel ttoa by S white cooke.-Jwerklng
. toyethar; work unexcelled; Srat-claea , ref-
w e, care eownai. - v
SITUATION wanted by reliable - aMddle-aed
man. willing to work for expenses. Andreas
K 43. care ef Journal. - , T . .
SITPATI0N wanted by experience meat cutter.
Addreaa L. Beryer. dSVe North Third at.
"siTtUTion VABTto-rntAut. '
atDTERTISEMENTS under this elaaetfleatlos
Inaerted eae time abaolately free, DeUy ee
-1 Sunday. JI " '- - '.';
RKFINED. mlddle-ased woman would like po
. altlnn as housekeeper for bachelor or widower
-with a-nod borne; no ebjertlon to leering city;
- beat' of reference. F S, cars of Journal.
WANTED Poaltlou ee clerk or office work, by
roan lady with some- experience; esn give
- reference; want steady position. .F 42, care
of Journal. . ., " '
VrtliNtt sltl y Ih y
ef egev-'paed fasaMyt
-wonld like poaltlou a nuree. fall "WO Clack-
Bmaa ar.
TOl'NO ylrl trhnta, 'position aa nnrsa or as
' statanl hauaekseper. - i'bone I nlon 2381.
TOt'NO WOMAN desires paatttoa la office.
Address F 75, cere of Journal, ;
l'NO r wantn position tn - Sootors - of
See. CaU at 1M North Eleventh.
WOMAN wanta steady work Taeeday . sad
Saturdays. Phone Main liatfl.
A ll. kinds of male and female help wanted, canlivn-llrtsajdlrlXor
feneral housework. Pacific Coast Heal Es
ate A Emrlnrment Avency, 20 Vs North
neennu St., poone svew Jul. ...
XS N. Second at.
Phone MalB 1S2S.
nlahed free. Cell JbS First St., ee phone
Mala llf. -' - .. ..
tors; help tree t employers. 21S Morrlees.
HELP wsated and as prilled, wale or female.
R. O. DHAKE. SH Waablngtoa St. CUy 446.
1 TO 12 saw nnfnrnlshed reoma. Fehrnery 1,
fA.Sft mouth: ansa re sow. 1ST Mill.
TWO or three anfiirnlahed housekeeping ran me.
close la. M Tenth at, sear mark.
Csforalaked rooms; as chUdrta. MT WeUief.
i "....'. . ."..' .
DEHK. typewriter, and efdea areeeaorlee at
baryaln; atate complete deaerlptlon. price,
. where to be eaew ooenlns for aertner. Ad-
- dreaa.H 0 8, care Journal. - .
WANTED Actor with email capital to travel
with Independent a how ; full three tl ration per-
mlUed; 1 bare ebont Il.tWO In magical ap
paratna. Addreae room Xi, 206 4 Waahlnttou.
WANTED-r-More 'spraying and "
tno oniy..gai
outflt pa th
WANTED" to bnv. eottaa-i In sood' aelshbor-
'. hood. I0u down, balance . Inatallmenta: full
. particulars or no noUc. Addreaa A C U
- eere t JoumaL - . . '
PARTY to- pasture-And feed, 8 or P bead of
cattle" , balance p( winter) state name rand
prices wanted. Addreae A. K. J. Journal.
WANTED One or two larfy boerderat room,
board sad waahlng. fix. 172 Kaat Thirty
t-tteat at. Phone Bast sasBi-r- r-., t
CARPENTER wanta contract for bplldtng
. house, 4ctUfe; eatlmatse .- given, on repair
a work. 1312 East Stafij,.. 'JjL
WANTED Will lease St moderate price block
of around near new fair grounda. Addreaa. a.,
" S41H Corbett et.-.'" -' - :
i Hansen, second Sad Washington St. . Phone
Clsy 168S..- t- ,-- -,.. .-, .
WANTED Express wagon, horse and b amass;
, must be cheap. , Address O. L. 7, care
JoarnaL - .-'' . -' ,
WANTED Oood snare drum at once; must be
cheep. Call 2M Colombia. Mala 221S.
WANT to buy 1 1 tii S-room bouse -xm Baat
' Side. Addreae 0. ' 88, . Journal.
WANTED Horses, all kinds, .bat cheep, -for
, dug feed. Box TS, Selhrood. ' r" -
Shoes Repaired Johnaon'e, ni l Burnstde et
APTERTISBMENTS ander this elaaslflratloa
cost- 15c for SI word and s- valuable
-' premium free. Dally ar Sseday. , .
WANTED At once, 10 men of good appearance
. to canvas ta city; can make Iron M to gtv
day. - Apply room 20S Ifurny :bldg., Seconu
.and Taylor. .. , r
MAKE 85 to 110 dally, adsertislng novelties to
-dealers: 891 required; return It at end of coa
' tract; partlculsrn, room , 20 North Third. ,
WB pay tl8 a week and expense to, men with
rlya to Introduce poultry compound. Inter
. national Mfg. Co.; Pareona.' Kan.
WANTED Yotiny man- ar woman with 81H;
good proposition: call at reoa . IS, S12M
. Fcurfh et.. Sunday. .
waxtid to am.
BOOMS Is all parte ef the city, -forruahtd.
Apply 220 Ooodnourh bldg. '
Coder direction of ths Lewis sad Clark Fair
a. .Corporation, -
Phone Mala CMS.
WANTED Modern S roots house, la choice
. locality; Al tenant: smsll family. Wake
Oald. Fries A Co.. 229 Stark St. Phona M. 14.
WANTEIkNeat cottage from I to fl rooms en
- Installment plsa; centrally . located; - state
--price and term. Addreae F. Ii, Journal..
YOPNO tnas from Iowa wanta to rent- a for
ntshed farm ea Shane." Addreae B. A. g,
Jortrhal. -. -- - - :c
IFOR-BEKT Law...aat..S-jooa.aa aeth;
was os otaoie; -xnirty.nintn ena ateimect are.
Apply to Oeorge M. Strong., leg West Park.
LOWER flat, 2 Benny rooms, newly tiatesh new
Shanes, bath, gas, pantry, furnace, yard,
wslklng dlsteace., sear care. T Last Twelfth.
(12 80 4 ROOM-flat. 105 East Ninth near Bet
moot et. I'bone Rsst 1270.
WIKM to exchange as Interest la a neatness
which offers an extraordinary opportunity
to make hrnney for a reside sc la Portland.
' Addreaa p S. eere JoarneL
FINELY, f si slabs a. saylns' reoailBg. beese te
- exensnye - tor gone souse and lot
filial nee Chance Assncy. 228 First St.
.FOR BENT A large sample room or kalL tog
oar Apply elevator bms, Qpesnesgk Mag.
B48 Park at., 8 rooms. ............... ,$1200
(3 Kith at., S room. 10.00
IMM Marshall at., 8 rooms................ 18,00
Via Kt ,Orapt at., rooms... .......... Jd.00
T9I (Jorbett ..'. t reom...,...i.,.,.... 18.00
3i3 K.'berry st..-g rooms. ................ 2i.5
MAS Patton avsw. 10 rooms. 26.00
t N. lHth at., farnlahed. S rooma..,. 2.aO
INt Halsey. at., T rooms 28.00-
859 Lincoln st..- new, S roome. ......... no.00
770 liort st. S roome... ........ ....... 25.00
lit N. lTth at, T loome. ........ ......-H5.00-
4M K. ltth et,r 10 rooms..;. ...... 36.00
-, WAKKrlELD. JCaUt ai iCO-.r 222 Stars et.
T-rnoieP-cottage, not and cold ' water, ' bath,
.. sewer - conectlons, electric light: -s complete
- home,' No,, 1S6 East . Tblrtyeveath; '. rant
" 'cheep. '' --.'-.. - ' -' I
Nice 7-room bonse on Nebraska at., west side,
- 818.00. -: s ' ' ' " - .. : -
5-room cottage. Wo. 681" East Market, lleVr"
5 -room cottage, No. 403 East Pooch 81. , :
S-acre poultry ranch, nice cottage, good ban,
- poultry houses: Ost Orover 210. -; -j,.,.
14t- Ftret-etv----;
FOR RENT Voom cottage, 814 st month;
corner Grand are. and East Grant str Call
-. 287 L'nlon are, ar phone Union 842. . ,
FOR RBNT S-room cottars, 20 minutes' walk
business center, .west sloe;frse water, yard.
. Phone Mala MoT; rest fS. , -.'
FOR RENT 7-room boose on Eaat 81la. Is
walking dlataace, lift. Hatfield A -Smith,
Itttfr Fonrtk aU--rT-' ';; " - -'; :- : -
BEST bargak. la furalshed boose la. the dty;
10 rooms, low rent, good location, Knqulya
. 421 Sixth St. '
4-ROOM cottage,' Upper Albion, $14 e month;
Israre lot sad stable. . Beat tie A Hoffman, lot
. Fifth st. -
FURNISHED souse for rent for S months, 2S1
N. Twenty-fourU at. Phone Mala as2ftt .
S-ROOM cottage, 4M Mississippi svs.. nut.
814 per month. Inquire 288 Larrabce at
AN S-room beoea. modern eoaeenlsucsa, . 784
Water ex., cor. Wood, 818 per month.
S-ROOM COTTAGE, First and Arthur . - CaU
P8 Frost, or phone Front 1662. - .
OOOD 4 -room bouse for rent. 28 per a
Cell 20 . Warorlr at.. Peninsula, r r -
. - GET ON
---- . AND .. 1
" " ' GET AN ",. :''
IN TUB J. '.'""'
:: -' " ANNEX,- -v-r-,
T'.-T- ' WILL' BR ';"-
' ; 75 ROOM8
steam heat. . -
electric light, "
t . UAH, ' '"
... PHONB MAJ.V ofidl. ,
BEST rooms.
best board, electric light, gaa,
steam best, porcelain bathe, at the
. hotel. Market et. bet. -Third and Fourth.
Exceedingly low ratea.
THB AROYLB. IPS West Park, serves fine
Sunday dinners, Sfte. Phone .your order, one
room now vacant, first floor, suitable . for
two; table boarders, x , . , .- .
'TTrflNTBTl nrTromf 'with TKiard.ih fine' loca-1
tiom business section, walking distance: all
'modern conveniences; 88 a week. 092 0 liana.
THB TANSES8EB Cor. Fourth an Madiesn
newlr fnrnlahed. asodera eonvenlencaat
ylaae table board reaeonable, -
tott avd Fotnnv '
E8TRAT TAKEN UP One brown beree,'aged
about IS or 18 yeses, weight ebont 1,200
- sounds, about 17 hands blah, white etar en
forehead, white snip on nose, left hind, foot
' white ss bljtb ss fetlock, a bod all around;
was taken up st my farm at the Boff D.
, T. C, Jannary 6, 1006, and -was Is said
neighborhood alnee September 1, 4004, W, T.
YOn -. cea mors vesdlly 2nd a lost article
through 3a Journal's ehtaelRed oolumna than
" any other way. " In esse yon Snd anything,
be honest and advertise for tbe swans be
fore delating ss yea own. f
LOST OR. STRAYED A bey mere, about -8
rears eld. wrlghlsg about l.loo pounds, ahont
.a--t oanoa man ana or oervaae aiapaeitmn.
Heturn to .-teis f. uvea, wooestock
end receive reward. ... .- -
, l
FOUR lots ee Baker et., Nelaon, B. O t finest
location In the city for a hotel. Price 81,"0
esoh; else twa lota la Crsnbreok. B. C.
price 81,000 ssck: alee 190 acree unimproved
land H miles west of treat Falls. Mont..
j near the - rsee track; this le a besstlful
property. Price lino per eere. Wbst hare
yea In city or tows property which you
will exchange for slL or s pert ef this?
t all en owner. Was. C. MacBratney, 127
- lint et. room ev
'.i ' sen
- of
, any-
ADVRBTISKMENTS ander -this eUsetflcathia
cost 15c far 21 Words and s , Valuable
premium free. Dally or Boas.
206 S .WASHINGTON furnished and unfur
, nlabed. housekeeping - roome in aultea end
aliiala: einaie sleeDius rooms suitable for two.
with stove,-SLeO, per week god up. Pbone
Hood 448.- ';.--i. .
THB JKFFEB80NI AN Sixteenth and Jefferson
, streets; ftnelr farnubed boasefceeplng. aattee.
- nsw boose, all xoodera conveniences; call and
see them. : ' -. '
TOR RENT Three lares' housekeeping roome
on ground floor, wiut stove, hot ena coin
wster; no. children;, call aftcrnoorj. -- 607
Front st. - '','-. ;-'-:-- -
ONE nice, coxy housekeeping suite; alee fur
- nlaheg room with gaa ead atovet- private
residence. No, . 188 Kleventh. near YsmhflL
43A MAIN ST.. corner Twelfth Roome.- beoee-
keeping and atugle; modern; partly furnished
. list at ui rourteeata at. , l ooo main itws.
THB LINDA VISTA, nlcelr furs I abed
keepleg . snd single root; . hath, gas snd
pbone. 247H, Fifth.-near courthouse. -
FBONT-asdV back suite, comoletslr- fBrulshed
lur bonsekeeplugt rent reasoBablaV-hot-jaad
. coia water. , ovas Jrirst st.
11.75 PER'-- WEEK Largs. - clean, furnished
boaeekeeplng room, ktuodry sad path. 184
Shermea St., near Front. .
4-DNB anlte- front rooms, new furniture, new
bnlldlng, everything furnished. Big. per
month. 304 H Front sL x ' ,
TWO modem housekeeping rooms, fnrnlahed.
ss range, i rurnace be t;. prlTata realdsacs.
13 North Orand ever.-;
BC1TB ' of
freshly-. pepered. reasonable.
St., cor Columbia. "-rr
FOR BENT Three roome. furnished ee "unfur
nished, -rlth- naevet kitchen. 882 Carnthen
corner Second. - A-
BOITSEKEEPINO, sonny noma; ratea reason.
Me: electric lights and - phono Included.
'30H Water .et.'-' -('.-
FURNISHED - and aafninlehed ' ground floor
- housekeeping rooms, close la, . Ss Tenth st.
HOUSEKEEPING room, handaomely fnralahed,
- convenient to ear Una.- 414 Fifth St. psoas
Msla 1622.: 1 -
THREE light, -dean, pleasant ' anfaralshed
housekeeping rooms, u car. 802 Tillamook.
8Bt- TtTTRSKLlC at. T lower Alblna Comfortable
furnished housekeeping, alao furnished, rooms,
$10 Four large unfurnished room, private
house; gaa 828 Sen RaftaL Take C ear.
FOR RENT Fnrnlahed- housekeeping rooms.
168 North Eleventh t.
FOB SALE 60 pairs gcldes. atlver. Lady Ass.
. beret end Jspeneee phessaate. Imported Aar
gort ca ta. parrots, singing and fancy birds.
Portland Bird Co., 8o4 Third sad -27 Sixth
et., Horth. ... ,
BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rent ar tot
sale on eaay payments. ,
' . ' 48 Third St., Portland.
SECOND-hend eornete, alto, baeane. la perfect
condition: the latent thing la mutea for cor
nets sad trombones, expert repslrtng. '
. - V YORKS,- 104M let et. -
WB print pear ssme oa 80 calling cards, proper
alee end etrle. 25e: 260 bualness card. 81.
Brows Bchmale, 229 Flret, Portland, Or. f
W,,'J' V
redaction: in use month. Call at Mrs.
rvm. . Aonoti a, Hontstius, ur.
OOOD second band Ceclllas plane plsrsv' cheap
at E. V. Will s Music, 260 Alder st;,JMes
- rented - perfect condition. .-''.
FOR "SALRt-Pointer pups, g montba old.' by
Taylnr'a Brlyht; very fine. Call 1184 Haw
ONB est of Model steam enains rastlnga, pertly
. Salahed, alae 214x4 Inches, a 18. journsC
FOR choice r lists, trees. Tinea, etc., at Oekley
Green Nursery. Tk V ear. . Iilon 1221.
PRINTED envelopes, card, etatemeutn, 81 par
ftOO. Kurrka Co., ,Mox 818, Portland.
OriNEA' FOWLS For Bale. 1M per pair.
B. F. Bolllna Orebtm,-Or.
FOR SALE Oood eteel range with water sack.
CaU at Bit Rodney svenoe.
HOP ROOTS for east.
ly Kingsbury, ST
Hawthorne are., Portia
FOR SALE Oood, gentle, Appalsas boras. la
qntr B6B Madieow. '
MEDIUM slsed pntaoMS-st SSS Madison at,
' price per each 86c.
Shoes and Rubbers Johnson'. 84 B. Bnrnslds.
BIRDS 2fr Pea sorer et. Phone West 2381.
A HIOH-ORADB. plane at a bargals; swner
a, -asatuig iiy, as west -ara.
HS " JOURNAL photographers, lit thstr'auait tor siuio shots
durios ths, past wsalc, found soms excellent subjsots. - Ths
interest In 'ths contest" is unabated. One man (ays his ,
dauchter follows the same routs to school every day In ths -.
hope. The Journal camera flend will catch
riaht-Hfht and focus ana ths-pnotorTapner
picture. .:l:ry -..,-r..,;Jiw,t ::-..." " -v
!TtrAWvrkr Ti Tmirnal ta ti(nar fwimnllmnntl fin fta n(n. -
- prise. - That ths snap shots are studied- Is evident, for'' one man
when he earns to set bla prlas said that befors ho was out of bed
a friend telephoned him that his portrait was in The Journal snap :
' -. ' , 'hot gallery. lis got ths paper and there waa his picture. -. .
Ths persons, whoss pictures appear on this page were unaware
ther' were being photographed for The-Journal. They are cer-
talnly absoluts strangera, to Ths Journal's photographers. They -'.
. just happened to be In the right light and in the right focus when
the 'picture man preiaed the button. Bnap went the shutter andu
"her is ths picture... . v '., , -...,. :
Each, of these pictures ts worth II to th parson whose por- r
trait appears on .thlsr pag when ths -claimant proves his or her
identity. If your picture Is not here, maybe the- picture of a.'.
friend is.' Do that friend a good turn and let him know tale ,
, portrait is In The Journal,, for iti worth II to aim,. ",'
- All that is necessary for the claimants to 'do is to ooms to The '
. Journal of flce-and-eetabllah their Identity to the satisfaction of
'the Snap-Bhot Contest Editor. If claimants Jive outslds of the city
they should writs at onoe to the-' Snap-Bhot Contest ' Editor and -
their own portrait to be compared with
this page. : - .
No claim will be paid twice for the same ploture and no claim
the date of The Sunday Journal in which
Snap-Bhot Contest Editor will entsr
subject except as regards an actual
all questions arising out or tness-.ruies or on any eiaim tnat may . - r
be made, shall be final and binding. -Ths Journal will not be re
sponsible for any loss or delay In the transmission" tr delivery of '. .
any claim from outslds of the city. All claimants within Port. : ,
land will be paid their claims at The Journal o flics as sootas they
establish their identity. . ; " r J - , ; ?-
Next week The Journal photographers
cameras' will snap and snap and .next Sunday the pictures wlU be
published. Xook for your portrait and that of ypur friend. ;
t' -'-'-- ..,:.';:.'.. '.','; '" ,':-: j."--:-w' "
ADVERTISEMENTS ander this etaaelflearJoa
cost -loe for 21 words - and a
prembua free. Dally or Baadayr,.
IF- yoa want to board and roots to ths best
boose la th dty call at the '
: Horse rooking and everything flrstelasa st
: exceedingly low; prices. 261 Seventh St., eat,
Madison. Phone Main, S231.
NICELY furnlahsd-troot ream, with or without
hoard: term reasonable: suitable (or two:
t private family. Til Second St., between
aieaa ana nooser, ouu. . . . .
HOTSL BERG Thirteenth and Alder, -ander
new management; fins rnnnia, eliiam heet.
-'electrle' llghta; flrat-claas dining .parlors la
aanaaalloa, , . : ...
IsARQUAM BOUSB, 14BH Sixth St. 1
yult s etngle; - hoaeekeeplng. roome; gas
stores. Be w. -son;: esxctne-ugnig: transient
aoUclted.' -r- ... ,- . - -
NICELY furnlabed room, light snd heat,- for
near J&odBamarltan noapltal; board
nearj tctma -reasoosbl; refsxeuces.
box toot v
GOOD - front suites slso room-mate-for fine
young mmni modern coavenleoceo; central lo
cation: table the best.-. SP4 Coiumbla, alaia
2212. ,i . .. -
NEWLY fnrnlahed rooms' In prlvats family,
swlth nee st. bath and phone-.-Ja. .central loca
tion; furhacf beet. 253 Halsey at., cor. Boss.
NEW boas. nw furnished yooms: both, gaa,
electricity, phone end beat. 164 East Thirty,
fifth at. 10 minutes' ride to center of dty.
BIVERSinB TTOTtrJ-Mn Pant Oak-Furslahrd
, end unfurnished noheekeeplng roonai j lodging
tl psr wsek snd up. - Phone Scott 864. -
BIG, sice furnished" front room to' rent; bath,
phone end get ; for one or two gentlemen.
' 248 Montgomery,, Phone Mata-4T11. .
FOR RENT Nicely farnlahed front moat, sult-
able for " two gentlemen. S36 Mels, ear.
Seventh St., down sUlrs. t. -
1WJ nicei lunuaej innunmOTj witn eivnw,
: for rent oo first floor, at 452 Sslmoa at-1
gentstmeu prererrao
FURNISHED ronma with stoves, JS sad 88
per month. 2l)4WsteriD4 Clay. Mrs,
r M.-Saas. - .....
FOR KB NT 8 sunny rooms with bath: reasona
ble If tsgea how. 884 Flat at., ear. Carry.
CHEAPEST sad best located rooms In Portland,
fl weesvsp. Oilman, mat and Alder ets. -
910 Foot Urge unfurnished"-' rooms,' private
ras. azw sea atarssv. - -isss u-car.
FOR. BENT Two nicely furnished bedroom,
. nice nelghborbood.'v24S Moatgeaiery at.'
THRER large, light furnished roome: modern
priest ismuy; cioss in.. s intra st.
NEWLY farnUhed flat. - gas. - bath.
.- rooms 10 snd 12.. Phone Mala 5482.
NEWLY fnrnlahed, ottlet, tranelaat rnnma, 124
fourth st. Phone Red 2339. - - ,
S NICB fnralsbsd moms ea lower floor cheep
rent. 487 East Morrison St. ' -
CLIFTON. 28H rtrst St.. see. Celambla.
82.25 per week hod up...,. , '
FURNISHED BOOMS, 256 Eleventh st res.
sonsbls. j '' '
FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms, ceatrally
Iocs ted. 101 Fourth at.
FINB com fortsbl warm rooms, 201 Tenth St.,
corner Tsyhw. .
' D H Ml I : RB f ' hewTnoalnr-TTOnf
flat; walking distance; new furniture, ear.
- pets, f to. ; betb, gss, steel range. Inquire
-4iH Fifth t. - . -
FOR SALE Bargain, furniture S roeeas, cen
tral; rent 836; 8160 down, balance en time.
Boners Deal Brokerage Co., 122 Seventh SL
those 4080. ' -i '.
FURNITURE ef t-room flat; 136: rent $16, In
. rinding electrle lights aad "teem beet Cell
Set 101, Burkkart bldg. Phone East 10H0.
HOUSR for - rent, furniture for eale, within
2 blorka of custom bouse; very convenient
for roomers snd boarders. 408 Everett St.
14-ROOM house for rest' furniture for ealei
reasonable If taken et once; ens block
from Wsshtngtnn, 432. Star st. r
S-ROOM farnlahed boose' for rent asd furniture
In good condltloa for saw; cheap. Call at
261 Sixth at. .
GOOD work team., weight 2,800 lbs., $188,
Bay mars T years, nsw harness, top boggy,
tlRS. Browa tesm 7, S. weight 2.100 Ibe...
a mess and wason. 2180. Ladr'e aeddie
bore. 3S,JJ,8o &UbU. 122 Union, sec Bset
m IUPI, .
ONB pair well Batched bey hones, weigh
e.uai poooo; aise s neea small Borses. orlre
elngle ee seuble. toft Front, cor. Mill.
FOR earn or trade, good rellsbls work horse'
alao nice saldle pony, seddle sod bridle, Celt
Thlrty-elshth sad Hawthorn. ,
FOR SALE Horse snd good delivery warns
ea very reaeonable tarsi. I sou ire 234 Hatket,
her. it she (ets Into ths
w arouna ns wut st
- the picture published
.-. - .1 - -.- - , - - -.x'-
the cloture anneara.'
into no correspondence on "
claim, and his decision on
wilt be out again. Their ' ' ' ;
FOR SALS Hood Riser -farm, an
- So acree la cultivation: Una hnlldine.
dow, (reo irrigating water, wefl." areek.'.'
..springs; tour miles from Hoed Mvert tele.
E. rural deUvery, en ooonty road. . Price
- 810,000. . . , . . . '.
For. sale or lease. Hood RJrer'fsrm, 80 seres, .
; adjoining above farm: T acres Is cultivation ; V:
frood buildings, meadow, wall, creek, Irtigat- i
ng sratar; price 83.100; east SO seres, 22,200;
west 40 acre $1,100) oa county rogd; tor sals
. . eebject. to leaae- -r... .
For sslo A flne Improved stock and friilt" '
farm near White Salmon, -Wash.; lao acres - '
ander ' plow; SO scree clashed and burned; 10. .
acres sub-Irrigated by pipes from springs on '
8 lace; 00 callous per minute pure spring water '
ne .orchard, meadow,: all ander fence;' , -stock,
horses, all farm Implements nearly
Inoulrsf -John Lelaad Hendersoa, .Mood1 .Biter,
-wwr- uam.uuiu i.- mrs. eo,nax.
TO MAKE quick eales we offer a spleadld--
40-acro . farm. 12 miles from Portland, on. --, .
' good road, sll endtt hleh ata ta ef enltlsaT1
L; Hon. Hones nearly new; two good barns, -
, targe -cmeeen-nous snd other -buildings. - Wl . v
ar astborlsed to sell et a very low-ngnre, f
- and can make satisfactory terms of psymest.
Square Deal Uroheraga Co., 12U lib at.1
x phone Mala eOSO. - v -
A SNAP that wos't-lest losg -Seveuly- seres- -tea
miles from Port land; small bouse nd
bsrd; partly fenced: about tea acres culti- ..
. vsted, balence Sr 'timber. Nearly alt tbe
lsnd cen be cultlrstedUood soiLOne mile -
- from Willamette river. Price $80 per sere; .
Squsre Deal Brokerage vCo . 120 7lh et,l
phone Mala 4080. " . ,'
WB ILYB eotne splendid Improved fafms for
- saw, m muiuomsn, nasnuigtoa, I'lacaama -.
and Wasco count lee, Oregon, snd Clark , '
coonty, Washuigton. Wa hut large Uato( v
xaoe-sie. it yoa ere looking for land. T--.;
coma In and ess ua. iSquer Desl
Co., I2 1th ot.; paona Maui 4080.
" . j . i ii If
n ana eae ua. ijMiuare iesi nroxarass -
SO ACBES fine bottom - land near Pleasant
Home; easily cleared sad put la cultivation! -oa
county rood: running Wster:' Onir 81. Ola).
A snap for las buyer. William . Denholm,
w a viuf.
280 ACRES three; ml lea eat; good bonse end
oathulldlngs: two orchard; $30 per acre, Ad
dreaa Box 208, Harrlsborg. Oregoa.
FARMS FOR SALE From 20 to 160 acres. For
farther partlcuUrs sddreas J. W Dowtr,;
i CnrrlnevlBe, Oy. . - . V.
WHEN yoa want Mod cleared, address B,;j.
AJDVBBTTSBMBNTS ander ' this classification
cost IBs for 21 words end a valaable '
premlnm free.. Dslly or Sunday. . ,
A. VERY well-to-do ronag business vaas In a ,.
, proeperooe town ta the state of Oregon, would .
.like to form the acquslntsnce of a strlctlr V '
r- moral laoy or gooa, respectable ismily. with
a eiew or matrimony; inrta ana cunosltf
. sees era sara your .stsmps. Address W
- care or Journal.
CHANGS OF LOCATION 1 wish te Inform my-
pa v ,eu La ana inenas- tnst i Bars inaiviossuy
opet,ed s new ofooe st 81S Oregonlss bldg.
.'A. B. Devote, spsclallat ea dlaesaes of ths hslr
'and scalp, - Pbons Hood 1682.
MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve
Globules. One month'e treatment, $2: $
month. $8; cent securely sealed by mall.
. Agents. Woods rd, Clarke i Co., PertUsd, Or.
made oa any INDIVIDUAL, buetnaes or prop.,
erty; boohs exported; beet dty refsrsncsa.
Lock Box 274, Portland, Or, .
SING CHOONG, Importer of Cblneee root me 4.
--truies: -sell Chinese test that -te eertsln -
cure for all dlseaseo.101 Soohnd bt, Ysm.i-
A PRIVATE hospital.. has bees opened by Mrs .
. E. Hackman. trained nurse. Phone Ne, Eset
12TP. . 820 TllUmook st.( cor, Modnsy are.,
Portland. " r
LADIES When In need, send tor fees trial
et oar never-falling remedy; relief notch end
safe. . Pari Chemical Co.,i Mllwaukaa,, Wis. .
GENTLEMAN wonld meet tsdy matrimonially
Inclined, with eome mesne to start Chiracs '
ranch bear .city; references. F.-T4." loarnek"
-THB BOOK OF NATURE;" "Book of Life - .
"Mabel Gray," "story of s Slave." ";''
eatalogne free. A. Schmele. 222 First St.
YOUR preecrlntlons ere mors accurately and .
-reasonably Sited st .Eyeeel's Phsraaacy, 22T
. M.ssla.s st hat glean ..A a. a
GEO. ANDERSON Expert piss tnnlnc.
Murrsosi oo your wore, tare or Fisner Ms
care or Fish
Paose Bed Sua.
aw W. isv antra iu
LADY of bastnes expert eoc wishes ts bor
row .iou i gono intert rrom prlrsts Party
matrimonially lnc,ned. pot ft SO. ,
WANTED-To do plala sewing at owe boms.
Kama & JST- P"li'?-
books roe ever saw. Sackioses Boon gtort.
21 Alder et. '.
If AnajTI tesl ladlea mwmm k
wealthy: sddressee free. Stat, boa , Oak
land. Cel. .
T .5, 0 ,na 11 Pa ving Co. st rortlssd.
Ofnoe e&4 Worcester bla.