The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 22, 1905, SECTION TWO, Page 19, Image 19

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    " 7 T ''"7" ' , :. 7: ;v--;:--;r;. . ;
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( ri
. Entered it the poetufuce f Portias. Or.,
;r trsnsportatW through tha nulla M seoosfc
lan matter. T ' . ,
Postage tor single copies! For'aa 8. 10 to II-
sag, paper, i mt
i W
W pages, I ceaU
, page. . cent.
-r - - ii i i
'apsa. ,arwo wewwo ii:
. 1 . r J I I I l
New vYbrk- Tra'dere ': Exhibit
' t telzphomia ' '. ' -
.' Kdltarial Roam ....... .".Male
-a weurea viae...,. .....Mais
t :
. vreesndBenanila Kneel. I A t. In. AMiirv,
, ;: .'JW wu (tract. JSew York; Tribune Bull-
PS ) ; .
uMCaurno auxza. y
Imu h Ouilv. .'- '
lly Journal, with Susday, 1 year .IT M
lly Journal, 1 year..........,,,..., 4 00
I It Joanul. with SnaiUr a nimtha. I.TS
felly Jeurnal. fl months 8.00
ally Journal With SunAe. a Bsonths. I N
elly Journal, 8 menthe. . . . . . IW
Journal, wits Bunday, Oionio.. ,
' Included , , . ,,,,7, , . . . ', : .
Tba D.ijr jonrual. wlta Sundaj, 1 BWBtb.. .
.Tha Itallr Journal. 1 xnalh ..... . 60
"-'v. i),)u' Journal, 1 jaar. .......... .W
.. . ' uodaj Journal. montha..... .W
I ; , Th Pa
- -7ira Hall - ';-?
- ' Til rt.wttfc Buaotj. 1 jr...2 J
T L!1' Journal. 1 ar ...... I 8
T-Xit CV'1" Journal, with Bundaj, tnontba. 6 T5
Wlljr wlta annoar. (aaatlM, j.M
' Tha Ilallr JoarnaL a nHuiih. 1.40
-y- j-"''"'' amfc'WaalUjr JonraaU.
i.. ::..v,.a-aa.Waakl7. JamraaL to II
,v.i- '- aarh taauo. llluatntnt hll nirktt .n
'- ' Tka Waaklf Jaarsai. -
j ; n WMkly 'Jonraal. 10H ealunna of wad- '
-i.arT-.lafc eara laanos. lltnatratad. fun markat "
; , KDorta, 1 7aar....i...,,...4.j..-........l1.fl
, , KraitttaacM anon Id ba auda bf drafta. aoatal
-Botaa, rtprraa. ordcra and amall aaionata ara
P. O. Boa PorUand. Or.
J-.'-: - , T Jonraal eaa ba tound aa tala at tb toV-
piarm: , . .... ; i
-; CHICAGO PoatofBca Vawa.eoaapaar. H Daar-
i ZUENVER. tXr.-Krndrirk Rtattoaar
' .- romnar. 1 KawntMnth traatl X. Black.
rijiiacutB ana rnrtu atrrrta. .
-r - KANIAS CITY Van Nov Kwa MunmaT.
Dm AN0LK-ri. r, Oardnrr. . V ftmrk
, Sprint atraat; 0Uac a. Hainaa. f aul loatk
.VlNKAJ-OUftT-la. tj. Karasaacb. 80 tout
' Tnnro. '-"
KEW YORK CITT BrMtann', Union aqoara.
: .-(O'JDfTf 0d Nrwa company.' -
. OMAHA Millard IIoUl nrwa atand; Vrajaath
nraiionwr. romnany, W0 rarnnaa trt.
AIT LAKH CITY Kanroo Hotel nawa atand:
. Barrow Eroa.. 4S Weat anad atnwt. aVrarb.
... nr. LOI IH rbltl Knadcv,lll Loruat atnrtr
UN FRANCISCO W. K. Ardlnf. I'alaea Hotal
- am atand; Ocldamttb Bma.. 330 Mttar
rt trot: vrd W. intra. lOflS Market atraet. . .
firoKANR, WASli JoMi -W. Anbta aV O.
:.ilACOMA, WASil. CeLtral Kawa company, U21
-.- - Pact aa araaaia '
rtntEiAt xmofc
atARWHAMlir thla Vlty. at the ramtly-!-
tiw, K.t, Tot iillaaa at. January. 20. 1B5.
- .Maaid. Etaelya, wlta nf Dr. E. .A. Maraaall
-or thla HIT: . 9T TranL. rrinrii and
arnnalntanraa ara rwatTully ilBTltedt toiTt-
nur arrrii. wairn win a BJd
aaatan afr M''-W fi.i aj,
tha craaaaMluai prlaata. i... I
4ha rttr January 90. 1903.-K.
v.- h'ott-JT
: i -knt.' aad SO yaara. (atber of lira. J, E.
v- Mitchell and MM. John Hcbtenck. Tba'-re--:
'. ana Ine. will aa taken to- Tnraor, Or., Handay
- i- a. nr. rnotral, Monday, t a. an at Bub-
7 - ... iiniiy, iw. .; Marios county pa para.
,.,.......-! -eepr. - j J ...t.- i . -
BCH0TT JannarySn, K. Hrhott, ait-d SO yaara.
at the home f hta . dati(bter. Mra. J. U
Mltrhell, 48 Ella - etreet; - ranee. oaralrt.
. ?i Pnnerai at RnbHmlty, Or.. Sunday. Marvoa
r 7 r -rwiffiTy papera. piaaa ropyr - - -
KEimia ST0TI0Z.
-Memhara- will pleaaa ba nreaent- Tuaaday.
.j-1 January 24. Tbere will be 8U( Social.
.-aiee arars in aecoaa earee.
-A, jBRAt'KBr-gerTetai,
-i y T.' Wnaiai. ISO Ktret atiwt. at 10 tmi
Hal of furntture, - carper. Houae fttrBlahlnce,
.-eic. j. t. vrnaon. a(tioneert
Portland. Or.. Jan. tl A moderate dlarnrb-
nra la eenrral'tbla erenlnf eft taa WaahlnUn
eoaaC- tnaetna alowlr Inland. Soatkeaet norm
"A -wartilnaa were ordered dlaplared aloo the
. -I riirait r r nra. at trie moat a or xne coiumDia
J 4irer and amna- tae nrecna ooaat at 10 a.
. iaja anorninv ror aaa aoarneeat aniruna; to
araiibweat wlnda. Hlch easterly wtnda bare
-- nreralled taday- aloa the Stralta nf I'm, and
. I.rlak wlnda akm( the eoaet. At Tatonah laland
a aaaxlraum yaloelty ( 68 nulea aa bout, from
. the eaat waa reported. --,
- l.laht in moderately heavy ralna hare or-
' eurred today thronabmit the amrth PartSe
r---- atatea and In northern California, earept la the
. .anore eieyaren porn one nr aaarern Drvada. eaai
.. : errr Wajnyoonddabo. wberaanowjTell.
- -raiber In thla dlatrlrt Kunday, with rain- weat
- ef the raaeadea and rain or anow to tba eaal
f thla raaaw of mountain '
Onaemttlona te ft p. aa.: Maalnmm temnara
lure. 44 decree; minimum taoiperatnre. SS
aVareea : rleer readlna at 11 a. m.. 8.S feet
ehanye la pent 84 boiira. 0.4 feet: total prerlpl
T , lalliei. 8 p. m, to 8 u. m., 0.H3 Inch: total pre-
.ripltatlon ainre pepteuiner 1. wh. urnea:
'- ' nnrmat areelnttatloB alnre Brntemner 1. 1904.
- .-' . 84. Inehea; defldenryr 6.S1 inrhee: total emr-
7S?, i ahlne. Janaary t. inf.. 8.4Z;'peaalbl amwhlne,
January . IROd, 8.14: ba ronjeter tredared jba
Weddlnv Carda." W. r. Bmlrti A ' Waab.
. Id(Uio bids., oar. Ponrth and Waahlogtoa-ata.
. , rrematoiiam 00 Oreyoej pity ear rroe, near
., Bellwoedi modern.- erlenUfle. oopinleta. Caarfea
-tc1 Afluita, fnoj rnnnren, aa. vtaiiora a a. aa.
to 8 p. m. Portland ' Crenatlea aaaodatlun.
roriiana, uregon. . , . .. ., .
. funeral dlreetora and embalnjere. 210 Tnlrd
t- atraet. I'boaa but.
, " J. P. "Haley A Boti. funeral dlreetora and
- emhalmera, bare reroneea m tnetr new eatab-
nanmenr, eorner Tnira ana maaiaoa atraata,
. ...Both pbonea Ko. 0. ' -,, ..
' yoneral wreatba and rot Sowera aperlafty
at Roae flfy Greenhouse. Twenty, atwond and
T taat Momaod.' epp. ceiretir. . "3,
,"-flet vonr Inaaranea-.and anatrarta to
batata from tha Title Guarantee A Truet
paay, Chamber of CoaiBiere bulldlrts. . .
B0BT01f ?pPHR 8T0CK8.
Beaton. Jan. 21. Official copper floalnr
Arradlan ....
1 -a rmi
tlaatle la.JS .
- Btnyhara e.i,- X'J.Tn
ralnmet i. 870.00
femenolal ... . J1.80
Topper Rana ST. 80
" jialy Tfaat ... 18.00.
J)nmialon Coal SO.Ao
Santa P ....STti
Shannon, 8.38
Trinity on.i .- 8.00
Vlrtorla 8.1314
iMaaa. Mlnln.. IO.I14
Oreena Copper e. K7 H
. ' Old Dominion. 1 17.00
Mirniiraa r.,. ii.inj
Walverlna W.r 108.00 -
. ,, r, .8 84.00
........ 1B.
Ji -
PheealK'uu. 8.00
Uulnrr ....... 110.00
. . Chleafd) Jaa. SB. Uraataek reeelptai
" r Hoaa. Cattle- Sbeen
" ; T nli-aajn ........iii.niminmno l.mirtaxai
- y:jkanae Tlty ........ J. OHO ... TOO none
- timahs ,.i 8.808 .100 f.ono
Horn opened atrmc With 8.8T8 left arer. The
. feeelma a year ago were la.nno. Prleea:
l.lhi. 82"04.80: ailed. M.:ttO4.T0j beary,
. - $4. 4014. T8t ; mosb, 84.404. 10,
Cattle Hteona;. --v .. ,
Bheen Btmna;. " - :
,t i L.. U! 1, r .
. BOWBTIaTCr, lOtDn ft CK4 '
; . ' (EatabllahmJ ml.) , , U. '
" atoum 4, OroeueA Tloos. '
CafAKBSaa OT OOltaTjnOI.
. . - V Members Chicago Board of Trado. - : -' - " . ,
u"7 r;9nAx. raoTTAriosT, ooTTmr. aTTecxa Ammcmu,
-,: 101 Third Btrsoti McKajr Building. Portland, Or. . ' V V.
WM ao A BTaUOTXY OOssaaSSaUOaT BTJsTXnM. -- "'
Continuous Markots br Prlrsts Wlrs. -
iuuto) yauaua, aoa wniiao stiaisa 4MauaiiS4 MU OI jrorUAaOe
Arrival Come Front Evry Dlrec
v tion and thr Market Cannqt"'
- Stand Straln.T -.
-it J..-"
-t-i -
Eggs Much MorePlentiuland
Prices Drop Wheat and
. Flour Both Dull. - : '
throat Itraet. Jaa. II. A p. m. Tha prlnelpal
feature el tha Portland wboleaala . aaarheta
tba ,paat - waab -warai-jv 5 . . ,
Toa beary poultry reeetpta:' , .
Ea-aa plenUful aad lower. - n ,
ll p .market taken down rouraa.f ' 1
' Wheat and our both doll --Preab
meat abewad an adranee. - -
Great acarclty f aalmoa and amalt.
. PotaU market doea batter. .
pnlona are Bra bat snahaaced. . .'
- Itattaa market la allgbtlp brttar. --v
'-Xaa Haary Tonltry Raoaipta. -
Receipts of poultry during tba pa at raek
wra rery hear tha latter part of tba weak
tna'arrtrala being eapeelaliy large. Tkw
raaaad a weaker and duller loo t ruta aad
(ba aeual .reault lower ptieea rated. .... -
SPBINO CHICKENS There la uulte a
demand for earing cblrkana, but tha tone I
but aay out f tba ordinary. There la ale a
good call for .turkeya, but tha receipt during
tna paatweek were aery Hlifht Wild fame
in too pientirai aappitat aa aereral
auta vara aaaan la tha nrlrea. ' ia thla way
e rery thing ia tba poultry markat waa farced
off tba atraet. . Tha proeperta tba early part
of , tba coming weak ara . of tba beat for
to nrleaa. , -,r. . , ,
. i Em' TlaaiUfnl. aad lawny,
tt baa been many a day atnea tba racelota
of agga -were ao liberal aa of lata. Tblat doea
not exactly mean that receipt were anoranoaui n
they vera aery largo for Ula period of -AM
year. Tbla eanaad aereral cute to bo maoe
In tha ruling ajauUUona. At taa cloaa of tba
week the markat waa not In - good ahane
arouaaV-asc .per doaeo, for In atrlrtly treah
ranch atock. Kaaiara staraga. agga ara dowa
l proportion. - -.t..-. ..;'--':
. Hep afarkai Takaa -Sows Couraa, 'yr-
Wekneee Waa apparent da a rery alda of
tha boo-aaarhei durloar - the -paat Itt llU
Soma - few aalea were reported,, bat they warn
all at lower -price. At tba cloaa of tba week
t ear mra "to aa baatng tblna
ita own way aad aorna off ara 'to- aell fairly
good cbolc hop' around 2V4 pee pound war
turned dowa. . Tha priaripal oeaiera acre are
looking for art 11 farther reduction, la ,tb
1 ana ueji iaa anrepceianiu ana irtoeai
aeaawa. tioma ol trie dValera WwueeaHna
ha.ltuailtB) rlrW thd ifaaaoua tdoltar rkar.
that'tlmal within rfonr or Bra montna of
tha- tlmo bona bold at 81' a pound tha market
aagged ao badly that the price dropped nueely
to lac--Whether tt will do thla la a eery
eerloua ajuaUoe. - Tha . bearf, aay it . will the
bulla jut tba eppoaito. ;:
., :.y..anam 'MTtlaajP Ball. I-
Both the wheat and tba 8oor aaarkehr were
dull- thla week.- There la practically nothing
doing at all ta tba wheat aaarket aad-areeeut
mmAm.Imm ihmI Mmlnit In Oomp IImm
la nothing dolog snialde of tha regalae trade,
ertjo aalea te thd orient ara vary amall. ttt
only boalneea ( reaaltlng being far my Hull
BroombaU'e Cora Trad Kawa tba altaatloa In
tba. raMooa center la aa foUowa: t - , '
' I'KITKD .XINUDOM The weather Is tha
tatted Kingdom xatl II keep relaUraly mild,
although are baa had aome- fruat and 00 Id
aaatarly wlnda; oa tba continent, bowarart
eery aharp treat he followed a period of on
ramally , alld weather. t fat, aa tbla country
la ooocarned, the crop hare a atroaf healthy
plant and ara ..rery- unlikely taf ba daaaaged
by - ordinary - win try wcethet. " Vety - Httl
Kngllah wheat waa offered for aale mat 'week
and tba quantity officially reported waa oulta
aa amall aa tt nasally la during tba lat week
of the year. Tba areraga prlep reported. Tie.,
S0a-d abowee trMIng gals.- v
- BCSSJA Seeere f mat.' . op to AO degreea
Fahr., la reported,- and ' anlea - Ul baa bean
aecompaaled by s fait of anow tha rropa
may be damaged, -. Out;, lateat mall .advice
from tba aoath ware dlapetcbed" Juat aa the
treat wao-aattln In. Around tha Booth em
porta" and Is the Crimea there- waa no know.
but Interior dlatrlrt were reported to hare
aum corer. Dtf Arulttee of - railway
port atlll 'form a great hindrance to buataeea.
and preeent ouppUaa from coming forward
freely. . Port atocka hare bean -redarcd from
thla caaee, and at lea at It appeare to be af
fecting tba export aaoreaarnt. far there waa a
cood deereaaa. utet week. '
ROf MANIA A bltaaarA n aharp froat ra
renirted br telearapb
piled by telegrann rrom israua. i ruia-i
urd la mentioned, there Sea dotlDTleaa been a
heavy fall af anow. ao that tbo rropa a boa Id
bar protection from , tba, froat BblpmenM
are on a liberal acale.
Bl'LO A Kl A Our lateat advices from Bosrgaa.
dated December ST. aay that the weather con
tinued favorable for- tba crop.... .
HUNGARY Resorts- revolved Hut-week de-
orribed the weather-ad unaaaaonably mild, aad
If tha cold ware a truck the nelda before anow
yell the eotieeqnenceo may bo aerkma. t
' A aiirVTTI i TMtn hMe tmt anttH. VwIm.
Bf'ama. hava bees received which aay that rain
conunan to rail la aorinern aiamrta. ana
although harvesting there la flnlabed tt la poa-1
aioia tor rajn to aamir ine oaQiy.naoe taca&
Our own cable advices received laat Friday
eta ted -fbat barveat eanfianea to aaako satla-1
factory program aad. threshing nturna from
inn - sorts- are mora laroraoie. voro nrne-
pectl ar excellent. Shlpmr-uta both of wheat
and eora have fallen oft sharply, but It would,
ba remarkable If they did sot at thla ad-
Vance period of tbo season. . The - wheat
In fact. Batoned laat were wits a total
(lac Iodine Sour! of 88.000.000 buahela. mm-1
pored Wllh08.400.000 hwbel In 1908 and the
prerlone hlgheat jnf T8.800.0W bushela ta 1900.
AUSTRALIA- Tner M no nana ro wote
aa regarde tbla jwportar. There wit a fahr
hlpmeata last week and tea Hat of vceeela
chartered makea a-good showing, mt except
Tor - an. occasion
la being done. - - . , . I
j Uiyu-IW - v i" ' " " fnw.nuuu i
tba Pnajanb glvea tha condition aa favorable aa
for too tailed aod cestral province.; whrcb 1
wo awsttoned laat week. Aa regards aba. acre-1
age, . bawaver, too un.'a ngurea ar said
to a hew a 10 par rent deerraao. which ebon Id
effectively offset the Increase reported i for
tha tlnlred provlueea.
FRA NCR .Recent renorte save
ib loiaaofed by at feet.
nlsht of mHdsret weather: yesterday, how
ever; - telegram aaoouneed- aever froat- with-
ont anow. which may h re done oomo harm to I
late, , backward Jalda. Trade -on country mar
beta baa been- , very alow an prlcea have
farther declined So per ejr,
r GERMANY After s long period af anaeoally
mild weather rroe I aet In laat wees. A
followed aliaeat Immediately; but at tha end
of the week there -waa a aevera etnrtn. Meat
reporta aay that cropa ara not tlkefes to bo
Injured, bat our -Hamburg correanoadent wrttee
aa folio wa: "Wo have had Very sharp frosts
the laat two daya, after very wet aad atormy
WTinver-TiW ' laner pe lamrr saageta
tha crop.'
Paacy Pete. tea selliaf Batter..
Ther la s noticeable Improvement to the
potato market. Tha demand for faery goods
in abowliw vast Incrraeo and prlcea ta tbo
eonth are advancing wltb a good gait, la
thla city the buying price of fancy alack : ad
vanced a boat toe pee hundred -pounds daring
taa wees, in selling ngure aaawrng a use rise.
' Par the cbeaaer grade there la as tmorova-
BMnt -Is -lbs deanand. but tha price dee sot
to do much better. - There ara plasty
of ordinary ' pa la loco ta tha country, but a
abortago altera Is thai better gradee. . Accord
ing to the final report of the l:llrd Btatea
go rem meet tha potato crop of tba atato of
Qolc Borvlc. RE PE R EVCKft Lpad4 A
I 1 - , t . . , - 1 mT.i .-:... uir-aa-i a -i -j.--.-a . .- -,
ood . - I mi 1 .. - . M -"' ''.'V-;-
. ' 1 Tarcls Show Remarkable
Falling Off.:
Cattlfl Quotations Ud a Quarter
Takw " Wi a uoj Wi
'Block : Hon Hio-hfir. U:
- -. . ' " m u ' : " rl
Sheep AreFirmer."
Portland Cnlon fltorkyarda. Jas.l.A B. Tn.
I ll line of Hvatoej tba receipt were
quite amall tbla week, tha arflrata being Juat
about ...half of- laat week an s quarter ef tboao.
01 ua pr,vioua perioa. -
- ..'T ; OatU
"Is tl the market a good tone prevailed.
The - atrangthi In cattle was especially pro
nounced and prlcea during tha Week: ehowed as
advanoa ar sso par bsndras poonde.
- -rBIaoR Kbg8 Ara- Higher. "
" Tba- tone Is the boa: market waa Mood:' 'The
receipts amounted to juat SW head. aa. egefnet
911 bead a week ago merely nominal. A cood
tone prevailed in all Una of noga bat so other,
changes .n pricTajwere lecoraeu.
saeep araomptg aassiisn
Th' tone 1n abeep waa as tinprorement ever
that of tho previous' week. The receipta
amounted to 1.228 beacL' aglnt 3,818 head
tba ,previoua week. Mo change Is prices were
ma an. owing ua paat weea.
. The racelota ahowt V
.'--' i - , Thla Week.-Laat Week,
Hog ....................... em i . .v. pi
""""'r IS e.
mii.i.1 ...n, .. ,to- .r I
Hoe Beat eaatern ' Qrecon. , 88.80; light
blockeea aad China fata,1. 84.004.T8; etockera
aao reeuei a. aa-were.ou. '
Catthe Beat eastern Orecns ateere, It.OOia
4.2S: light and medium ateere. 83.80t.t.T8: beet
erei, 83.oomJ.2A: aiedlnm cow. 83.ooet8.T5:
old end light cowa. 2.oof J 25: stuck era and
leedere. sz.2o; bulla, Sl.sotr2.oo. .
Sheep Beat fancy abeep, tA-OO; awea, 14.00
.. .- - , - . , . . , .
I Orecoa amounre to 8.281.848 bnahahk . Tba
i following final report of the sweernmant as to
tbo laat cron and -tha nmductkia for h.
nat 2o Tears U . v 1 '
I . Arreac. Yield, bo
81.4.11 .- lB.eST.SH8
I tirw Hampahtre
10.8225. 2.SHB.4T0
Vermont -..,...
Rhode Island....
Cwnectlent ...
27. HA - , 8.06,eo4
. 82.2S4
. 443.2M
. O2.0T8
".-- T.SOt
, - so.owt .
, 82.M '
. ; 88.62T
, 8.T2S
. .. i S.842
. S.480
. B.T48
.. Il.lft.
. B4.03S
I Nov Vork.... ...
. -41, 120,622
- T.2H0.T4O
New - Jersey
, 17.174.200
J Hr-r S1S.4K4
I Maryland .......
I Vlralnle ... .
' T7.888
I North Carolina .
I Booth Carolina
1 neurala .J.....
- v ' 870.480
,. -4TI.8HS
Imrlslsn ,
.. S.240,112
Tvtt tlGWRP
Weat Vtrglala.
i l.748.lkW
4t- - 2.0T1.S48
88.81 1.1 '
WS, -e.2
Ohio . w
Michigan ....
- 18.O2R.40S
'.' v, tekVOaO
" 1B.848.3W0
249. DOT
vVlamoein -
" 134. tWH
7 sn.anr
- M.4.18
C. 24.028
. 13 905.BJ0
- 22.884.04
' v.. 8,12,TM
10.288. KIO
-.-. re.
Kanaaa '
Nebraska ........
South Dakota t...
North. Dakota
Montana ....
Colorado ........
r -ii iii
,- 8.ITS.2V6
-'-.'. 8,S1.44
' 8T.4NS
8 2SI.IU8
",0T ? 7' V
iMi.'''"' ' m
I oU : Terntory ,. . i . .r. S
Calted Btatea...'...i... 8.01 1. 078 882.8.10.300
Yearly eellmatea af tha Lalted Slate potato
by . the department el agrleulturar are
shows In the following:
T. Bnahelel . -
18T0. ..w . ... ISi.MBO.iaioi 102.
I s1 ........ I9. 1 40.0001 IH04 .
1 82 ........ I TO. 87 A OOJ l t MUS
1KH3 21 4.104 tOnllHOS.
...... 170.7X7. 1N1
bR . T !' WHlltViA ' IflA AA
H7 Pt l'.'H.. 2lu,927.0un
l sao . 2. aon.oooi iwn . .r.. . . , .iH7.Mis.oon.
lKm. .,...(. ew."n n '... ,ZH4..-vt.ieio
ltMl.J. .284.42T.0JOil8O4... 8.2, 840,3011
t ' baioas Timaf But TJnchaivged.
?Tha onion aaarket la firmer, but price are
Unchanged. The alruatloa all tbo waw through
(hows as Improvement. Ikere Is A sUghtly
'?vTr:Z7'r 7""i" .T.rTat-.
better daman from tba south, bat price .than
aro sot good. , .--'"'" . - . r ;
Srait toareKy ef BalmooT and smelt."
There la a. great aeaacdty ot fraab-aalmeai
la tha market at the preeent time. Tha ratrh
in the Columbia la .tha emalteat la year and
flab daalera aro wondering where they ara going
to gat their aflpprle. There waa alao a acaerlly
TW ruling pylaM at tti cloae (Of tba wfrk:
JL.. IU-....-fllsi; rwi .sail faad.-! - L
: TWIEAT Waila- Walla. , SieWcL, blueetrm,
lNk: valley, MCShc.
BARf.KV e-eed, 2a.50; rolled, 123. T6; brew
ing. 22JS0.
CORltWhoUv 2.0O ton: rraeked. -SST.Oa
fv RVE 81 88 pe ewt. . j. . . - - r '
-oats froaucera- prica eo.: 4 waiio, vzi.oo;
gray, 828.0048T.0O. ' -.
rLOChV-KaeterB - Oregon Patanta.":- 84.88;
arralghte. fa. 76; valley. 84.10:, graham, fee,
84.00; loa. S4 45: rye, 80a. 88.00: bales. S8.T0.
MIIiSTlirrB Bran, 81S.U0 . pee .toot nrtd.
dllnga,- 828.00 (. aborta,'oouut7, 22iog; chop,
lisToo. ; - - , e-r
. HAY Predocer" prlee-Ttmothy. Willamette
valley, fancy, 14.00J18.00: ordinary.- $18.oo
An H.(.n Onena. SlS.OOe 1A.0O biItmI
l?oot8.00; elovor; : 0?lOtsrats,
II. 00 5J IX wr; rnear. -an wty ra ou.
Hopa, Weet and HMa.t
HOPft 1804. 2S-H2e foe cliotca; te8H
for primes and xoediuroe. - 7-'
WOOl. Centracta. 1008 "rIlp--Talley7e8aiai
ta asedlamw-ISttiiei soe iQioCiaaatern Ore.
goo,- 10c. .
MOHAIR New: 80e. -
- BllKBPSKIKaV Soearteg, lOrtJOc; abort wool,
2)soc; siedlum wool... -80SOc, long wool,
BOceil.OO osaAW r ----
- TAluxw r-rin. hw io-ijoci rio.-s ana
greaae, 22We. -1- -
CHITTIaf BARK 4 sag l buylng nrlda.
i- HIDBB-Dry hldea, No. 1. -18 . tba., as- up,
18e)l8t pce lb; dry kip. No. L 8 to 18 Bm,
13c: dry calf. No. 1, under 8 lba, 10ct dry
aaTta bulla aad etaga. 1-8 leas than dry Blatt
salted hides, steer. Bound, ap .lbs ar over. 8
AO to 00 R, Sc; under 80 lba as sows'-
Ac- star and bulla, aoood. c: hlo. 18 to
SO Tba, SUc-: bound, 10 to 14 lbs.. 9e: 0Tr.
aound-under '10 lba. BHc-i' greea (anealtedl.le
per U lees; rull,r le per lDlees- sorse Bidea,
Belted, eaeb. I1.28AI T5: dry, each, ILOOtJlAO;
roll hide, each, 2ot00e! goat sk'ne, common,
each,-- lOfllBe; Angora, with west aa, each
28ctlll.0O. . . . -.
arBTier, - ens on
BUTTER FAT Sweat. S8HtT3lc: aoarj STth
28c... - - ...J .-
HrfrTIB. otr creamery, beat. ,MaUr:
aecond grade, 22I2ocr- auttlde feucy. STHci
ordinary, 2oc; sold atorage. eastern as
California! 2IVt2Sc eroro. laHtJJSc. .
EGOS No. LJDreah-oreoo ascic-eaat-
arn. 2423c. -, ' -r
CHikSav Nw-rn crem. twin. -iec;
Soung America, 18e; eaatern, ISQlfiVici
leddsr. 14 He. :
- POIXTRY Prodocera' pHce Chickens, mixed.
114112c per lb: hesa. 12o per Hi; ronatera.
fid,.' ..8ile- per lb; young. Ilfl2c
per 1h; bmlleiriTHI Tw--Hr fryere. Uut
Per lb; dncka, old. lhe per Ih; young. lBatlTUe
per lb; geese, BtfOUe per rh: tnrkeya, IttQlTe
per lb: dreeeed. ine-fJJHc-poe- rhr- .
WIM GAMR Teal. 81.80:- wldcenn. ll.TBifl
loo; mallard. 3.004t3,80; a-anvasbacks. $4.50i
8-00. . . ---'l-V, .. ..- '--,-
Trarta-oaa.. Tegataklea.
lWATtP3t-eaegon. I1M1.10 per cwt:
htirera jOSAOOe: second t eraoe .' 705 ftOe- nee
fsack p buying price, Toxtaor; sweets, best, fl.40
i. on; era tea. i.boji.ou sw tautornia. sc
per Ih. - 1
ONIONS toceC 140jr2r80V bayeTr . prlcea.
rountrv. liti'i 10: garlic. miOe per Ih. . ,
FRESH - FRUITS Applea. extra -fancy,
11.80 fancy. Orecoa. 81.00 per bos:
rbeep gradee. Toe per boi: orangre.
aavel. . 81.T802.28 pet box: - seedling. . 41.78
bos:. Msndarina. 11.78 - per box: Jaa
oranges, A0QS.V per boa; banana a, Be per Ih;
lemons, choice. S3 28 per box; fancy.. 8". 78
per Ms: nmeat Mexican, one, per 100: nl
aopiea, I2.2S; pears, f 1.0041 ftO; grapea.
box: cTannerr
hbl: nrnnee. 2c oer-'lb.
VEGRTABLRS Tnrulna. igl.00 per eark-r ear.
t3e: cauliflower. SOrAtt.oO dna: batter beana.
8c; pumpklaa. 1 per lb; borarradlsh. Tlae per
in: anronta. Tor: articnnkea. now hoc per -ant:
pea. 10a nor lb: cucumber. California hot-
Seneei SI.TB floa. ,
. DRIED FRTJIT8 A eplea. avaporated. . Taite
per Tb! "ipricotar 8fflSe)r: Tb: aacktVc
I" era, pvacnee. 1J per mi pears, '
fl praaee, -Itsllea, 8H14He pee - lb)
SMnaua ner fb: CaUtnrnla black.
RsyflHc Per lb: California white. per lb:
prnme. plfte. per rh: 1ttea, goldra, 8c
ywr iVf. i.e pwr lu'iv
wraoariaa. . jibdj. sto , ..... -STOAR
Sark besls-tlihe 88 40: " Powdered.
1 S3: fruit, rrannlated. drv granulated.
beet granulated. .V88'. axtra C, S3.o:
C 88.88: bble. luc. V. hhla. 28c. boxea Bo
anvanca oa aaca oeeia.- leae sao rvi xo essa.
18 daya: aaaple. 148t8 per lb. - . '
COFFEE Package bread. 818 8,:
11 r T 1u a. Id- 9m Am I. 4Aa 4 Bit.
labia, "dairy." B(. 0 sbgl't.SO;- -tooa: - 8 rW; j
aported Urarpool. bo. i ool (Mi
ie.aunia.wi 224.
bt ls. 20.' Sa. 10a. S4.2S1 ha lk.
820 lba.
'; caa, nun, aoe..
SALT Coarse Half ground. 100a. per taa.
S208 80;.8Oe per ana. S0.86es.sOi Urarpool
lamo rock. SlB.SoMlS.OO per aasi 80-Ut rock.
8AtnTS: looa, Bo.Tsasas. '
I Abo re aaice apply to aahs'of Waa thaa ear
let. Car lots at a pedal prlea ssbjead to
Soeraatlooa. . -
GRAIN B40Sc,v-itta, S,T8AO0.per 100.
UK It Iraorrtal Ja.en. K. 1. ii No. A
4c; New orleass head. IHOSe; AdJack, MI
Creole, sc. -
BEANS .Small -white. 4c r large whit. 8Hc:
plnh, 4c; bayoo. 2e; Umas, 8i exlcaa reds.
NUTS Pesssts. tuet wttabo. Be beV Ih:
raw, rl lte oer lb: raeeted. : cocoa aet.
BSejBOe pee doe; walnuts. 144118c per tb! pins
ante. 1041214 gar lb: hlrkocy ants, loe par tti:
cbeatnota, eaatees. 180 lOe nee Ibl Breall nuta,
18 par lb: albert. . ISsllOe. per lbs faacy
peeana. 14l8a per lb; almoada. 13018 pa lb.
atasa. Ftah u rreviaisas.
FSKgB MEATS mat atraet Beef, ataai'a. :
405Ho per lhj pork, block. StailTe pee Ih:
packer, 8044 Pf lb, baUa, J pw lb
I?1 2i KA ! lri-19 CANNED SALMfN-i-CQlunibla rtrcr 1-lb telle.
Oregon radishes. lSe per doe: cabbage, Oregoa. 8LS8; 2 lb Ulla tl Sv Sfincv 1-ln Sata. S2.00-
KSe rii'd"-.r2ure;,Ur2e Ih0-'". ' Jib oValT. IXTB
.nceVeeTerBoST '.'! X"K'n T'
2T.!r "J.rVjM:I. Ott? '!?; ParanlH". TSc 'riSH hock cod. Tc per Ttu Bonnder. Be Pet
May Opene Higher But'ffalls
Back -Prices Nominal and "
Llttla Rlioinatoa hnnm 2y "importMe propcrtle was : Increased and
-Business Wanes -:r 4thB' prosoecu are that there would be atlll
Poultry, Prices Have Ruled Quite
77r During Last Weekrl
(Bpecigl Mspatch by taaed Wire ta The Jouxnarj
- Saa - rraneUeJo. 21. In wheat, My
epeoea rractionally- higher .but fell back t
Friday' clbalng-prfca.'. December had. a elml
tar cloetng. Spot prices were entirely nominal.
1 Very- tittle business' wa doe, especially
turre we aou oeaicaiioB) ot tna
eteiiueuio -oai,iiBiige.
Barley, r Oat, Hay, Etc. May barley stiffened
and cloaed e per cental higher than, on rrt
Say.r Bosao- bualucee waa dona in Deaembar at
87er- Jlpot baelneaa waa at a atandstlll. All
other articles were quiet and practically un
changed. ,-
Flour, and Other1 Mlllstuffa. Thers were Bo,
reported change. Th -i receipt of Boar-were
light but g,92ILeark of bran, arrived aiT but
30 aacka being from Waahlngtonv-T'"
Fruits. Ralslne and Nuta Th. tnerket waa
quiet all around at snebaagnat , prlcea. . , Two
drawers of raapberrtea froiS San landro Want
at 82 each.: .... ITTtC'-- -.
Vegetable. Ther waa a quiet, feeling, with
prices generally remaining aa an th. preceding
day. Borne fancy augar pea from Uayward
waa held for a fancy price.
- Butterr-Cheeae, Eggs an Hooey, , Butter
waa nrm and In some Instances an advance waa
obfiiiMor-fr, fancy cftiBiwy.;. buraheXr
woTvinens - in loat aumios wse an seeerei
enough t 'establish a higher quotation during
the day.- Cheese wse easier. Ranch egga had-
a rnrther decline, with aoms souaea not qsotlag
above "28c per doaen. ;--e- J -.'
-poultry and Gajne The past week" waa-a
generally good on in the poultry market, prlcea
having ruled quits aatlafaetory fur the most
part. Only one case tot dressed- tarheya aa
rived. The demand dropped off toward the
close Of tho sreek,- The week receipta of
eaatern poultry were ell carload. - lath line
of game, prices were generally Srmer.
cowa, 8Q3t4 nor Tb: mattes, wether sad
latnh. suTc: rwc. 4413Wc: veal, extra. SVfcal
bc per in; nrainarr. aao per lo. - .
- -HAMS. BACON. ETC Paella ad each floral)
heme, 10 to 14 lba. 124e per lb; 14 to 18 lba.
12 ita per in; is to TO ine, ic per in; coitaga.
.c per to; oreetnat oacoa, Majioe per. lb;
vi. in,-, n nrr i d . rfxawr eaors vieare. it
moke. 10c per lb; smoked, lie per Ibl dear
back, onamoked. 8c per lb; amoked. 10e
per lb; Vnlna butts. 10 to IS lba. snsmoked. 8c
per lb: amoked. Oa aer lb: clear belUea. Bav
sDjoseo. no per in: amoced. 12c par IB.
LOCXh ' LARD Settle leaf. 10a. 10 He per
lb: Ba, 10 e' per lb; BO-lb Una. 10 per lb:
ataam rendered. 10a, per lb; Be. 9 per
in; (ho, se per lb; compound tierces, svk Par
e; xitm. owe per 10; wis. oaic per lo.
ner lb I crane. 1A.20 ner aoa:
etriped baaa. 10t)l84c-per lb; catBah. Te per
lb; salmon, 'teelbeads, 8Hc per lb; froaes ailver
aldea. S4e per lb: herrlug. Be ner lb: Boise.
8c per lb; ahrlmpa, 10a per lb; shad, jrasaed.
peo;MrcB. JIJ'"' P'-
lombla river smelt. Be per Ih; Oliver entelt, Ac
per Ih; lobsters. 1240 freah mackerel, 8
Per lb; erawflh.,j2ric per dua; Boundera, 5c par
Ih; atnrreon. Te par lb. - - -
; OYSTERS Sbealwater bay, per gat; 88.28
Par rack.14.00 sett UlympU per aaek.. 8.2S.
7 CLAMS Herd ahell, per boa, 82.00a . raaor
elaasa, 2.0o aee boa. -
- 8aaU. Oeal Ofla. Eta. -
. ROPE .Pure Manila, 14et ataedars. 12.l
Blaal. lOUc; la II bran Blaal. 94e.
COAL OIL Pearl ar Astral Casea. Slav per
gal: water white. Iron hhbi. lSy per gel;
wooden. 17e per galr headlight. , lT0-deg, ease
23c per gal;. Ires bhla.lWe per raL
LINSEED OIL Pare raw. la hbla B2e Dee raL
easee OTc per gal; jrenolne kettle belled., caaee
car ktta 129.00 per loa. leaa than ear lota 830.00
per ton.
OAHOLINE SS-drg. eases 82e per gal. hraa
ewes xne per gai; erova, case saw Bee gax
Iroo bble lac per gal.
n g z I n g 03-drg,
eases 22 per gal, hroa
torn ioc per ga I. .
PAINT OIL Raw.- bbla 88 Bar mL aaaaa
88c per gel: boiled.' rs saa go per gal.
TORPENTINB Is case 6c per gel. vroeses
bWe. Sla per gal. Iroa bbla. TS per gal. 10-lb
aaee Inte 84e per gaL -
WHITS LEAD Toa lots T4 pet Ibl 800-D
krte. T4 per lb: leaa lot So per lb.
x WI.RB MAILS rreaeet baaa at 82.80.
Hear Tort; Jan, '21. Today' sank atatetnent:
. - - - - - ' w,iTee
Reaerv ... . T20.478
.... a.iia.o-ei
84,474. DM
.... a.4.'M.lMl
.... l.OW.Ojil
.... s4,
.... aV,400
Meaerra leas U
Specie . . ....4..-..-,
: Marked Disregard for; Rus
sia's Internal Troubles." '
. 4 .
Erie One of Strong Features But
V Industrial List Shows No
Striking Ch anges.77--,
, - i t.t : ---.t.--,- y .7-.. - -
'.. ,2BmErle. 2d
--.70 riKrw, it
St. Paul 60 katy. oref. .so
Ji1- "aah. , .87 4 l-onneylvenla ... ,B71
I M",Par.--.Tr7i;ri'read Steel ... .80 .
iiljuiballan .28 Reading, com... .no
Miaaourl Pac 7tt'Rock laid..
.T8 .
JVOI. , ... .flC-iM. . COOL
Norfetk S WeaL. .IU
Hreei, eom. .
Amalgamated .024
Sugar 1.B0
Bait. A Ohio . . -fl'iii
Pacific Mall ....
Rep. Steel, sfd.
t-AUoa t.00
Southern Ky ci .IIU
Pean. Vnl .02
rt P m 7 . u2
Chea. A Ohio ,.i .T8 -
Erie. com. ,02ii
. .. . . . . jm
- TIMUri a
-.121. f gear:
pecUl Dispatch by Lease Wlr to.To JoutmI)
Irregular eurse fee tba . greater part of the
f oreooos. - Tbers waa a marked Aenraaalos la
sentlmeat abroad, and a corresponding all round
neovinaaevia price la bonana. 1'arla and Berlin,
but tha opening boor exhibited rather a marked
dlaregar for .the awriouaneee of Rnaala'a In
ternal diaordara, -which Aad ao asfavorabla aa
Inflaeare oa aecuritlea In Kaclan and on
tba continent. Iraacular chanaes la orlcea were
aaowa in in loraiopenlng, wblen waa rairly
animated, and toward tha end of tha first half
hour tha markets' tone waa one of eteadineee
with conelderabl strength la certain leasee.
Chicago. A Northwestern Bold un TU nolala
a bora laat nlgbt'a close, Ht. Paul I point, bat
there was so information forthcoming to ac
count foe tha - coincident rise. New York
Cootral was one or tbo strong stocks, especially
In tbo-oorly deal Inge, while la the, eutettte Biar
ketia . Northers Securities advanced aharply ta
HUH la tba first hour, maklua a sew hlgb
rexrr price;- Tiadlng on the curb furnished
alKMit.tbs moat striking development In Wall
street, a feature being i ni in thelprioa inf
tnterBoronehi to 1UO te the eerie See Ann. An
KadraAr of 13 point e4at Alght ciaoa.
'--. i-rreyae JJIrldasAar . v i
" If . baa bees aereral years since there has
been such -a general tendency ma., ,i ia nm
ilona toward- tba payment of larger dlvldenda.
Thla ta on of tba, strongest algnt of prosperity
wits WBica-iuiio opena. xnia weea ine Tata on
thw jwould- t atllll
larger dlabureements before the ,nd of
urat aia anomna. . . - - - - . -
Sosw of tha companies that hare authorised
large dividends are tba Pennsylvania with-an
Increase from 8 to 8 per rent. Lehigh Valley
front 8 to d per cent, Ioularllle A Naahvllle
from 8 to. 8 per cent, St. Lou la. Naahvllle A
Cbattaaaogs. frooa d to 8 per cent. Omaha
common from 8 to T per cent; IlUnol Central
from 8 to T per cent, llreenbay Debetiturea
from 4 to 8 per ctnt, II. 8 Cast- Iron Pip A
foundry from. A to T par out, Asaoolalod Mi
Chasta. first and aecosd preferred, x, of
per Cent extra,. Amalgamate Copper H of
per cent extra, with as ialtlat pay moat of
of 1 per cent on Reading 'common. "
These corporatlona repreoent en aggree-ate
capitalisation of gooo.oon.ooci aaa th extra dis
bureesaentav averaging A-per. oenV amount-to
i,ouu,ouu. - - , -T-
' Krla waa one of tho Strang early features.
Tha- industrial Hat showed striking change.
Iscrasa ta
- Tha total number of share sold -on the atock
exchange today was' 470,828. against 898,178 the
rama day last year, since January i tha total
tales hava bean 13,14,088-against 8,181.094
last -year. "Th par value of bonds sol, today
waa 88.830,000 against 83.873.000 tha Sara
day laat year, -tilnce January , 1 88T.3I9.O00
agaioat 8tll.nOO.000 but year.' Tba beak return
waa nothing abort of a remarkable aurprlae
to- tha atraet la tha matter of a- loaa account,
which Increased B84.4T4.T00. time making
new high record fur the weekly movement.
Hui It remaina to be said that tha expan
sion only follows the Una of precedent In thla
fiarticn IST" wees ja too paat. For Instance,
a 1004 ther waa an Increase of 130.809,400,
an In year Immediately preceding increase of
Burs toosorata proporUuo were reported.
f I f lf l ff
Aoacodna Mining CoJ
Amal. tapper Co. ...
100 .
Atcblaoa, com
87 Vi. SO 14
- do preferred rf.
am car ouna.. com
dee preferred mi......
Amer. Sugar, com". ....,
Aater. rSmelL. com. ...
do oraf erred
Balt.vA Obte. com,
BnmkrXaWansM 82
08 .
Cn, Paefflr. com t....ll334
do oreferrrd
cot. a ut. west., com.
t hi.;- Mil: St. Paul..
Chi. a Northwest., com.
Chi. Termlnel Ry.
t nee. at unia . ft , ,
Cnux Fuel A Iron. , com.
Colo. Southern, com.
o 2d preferred .....
dor let areferred ....
Delswsre A lludaoa ...
Dene., A Rio Or., com..
no orererea ...,..,
Erie. com. . .......
do 2d preferred . .... ,
do 1st neeferred T. . .
nilnols - Central .......
Metrop. Traction Co. .
Manhattaa Kiev, ......
Mexican Cent, Rr.
Mlna., St. P. A Ita. M.
do preferred .........
Miaaourl faclflc ......
Mo., Kan. A Tex., eom,
do preferred ....,..'.
Kew York Central ....
Norfolk A West., enm..
08 th
tv . i
do preferred ., ..... .
V.. Ont. A Western
Penns.rlranla Ry. lul ,
reo4e'a G. C. A f! ino
Praaaed Steel Car, com.
00-. la-ererreo . . .
r. Mall St. Co.
iti ! 45(i 44
88 r)J 88.2
Heeding, corn. -'.TT
do 2d preferred
do let Dreferred .
RetHb Iron A Steel, c.
so Dreferred
Rock laland, com. ...
do Preferred . ..
Bout ner a Ky...
do preferred . ,
Southern Pacific
do preferred .
tU4-A.t.. P. Id pfdlllla.
o. a, m o. i,t cobb...
do preferred
Texas A Pacific
Tens. Coat A Iroa ....
Tot.. St. U A W.. eom.
do preferred .
union j-acirie.
do , preferred
V. S. Leather.
80 "preferred
, I. Rubber.
4o preferred
, B. Steel Co., eem.,.1 9
Wheel. A L. Erie, com,
do 2d preferred .....
do let nee f erred ...
Wlacoaaln Cent., cam..,
so preferred
Weetera Un. Tl......
Wabaeh, com. .
do preferred ........
Amartras lea
do Veferre. i.-.t..-,I 801,1 8TK
Total sale for day. 404.100 share.
1 : Btw toxk cam corm. ' .
New York. Jsa. 21. 4'esh anffaa: Ke. f au.
A4 aw. aasataav X-18a, ,
Trade in General Expects Small
.itz Increase in the Visible-!
- it
July and September: Each Drop7"
7 Three Eighths of a Center -J.i
Provisions Irririroved. 1 v i '
ftnen. riooa. - Cloaa. . . lxa. , -.Sat.
Sat. -, Pel. -. Uu
IllBt 1.14 BLISA 8l7.i'!
Jorr - ......
.aw -. ,7'4 .98nVA-iMji
-I.HICAG0, Jant 21.-Ugan,A Bryan aay:
T?K""ML,ta ,pfK'r .maH Increase In oorl
T"iD. marketa retort so c.b bnalJ v
neea, though Mlnneapolla wire a fair demaadl
Thla baa been another aae- e e -w 1" . --
Of front Of Wheat Drieea'. Smm .1- IMu.!i.
Mevejoped at the opening. Higher rah lea in. ,
"7.' anorr corerliur. after" Which tbo
"'."letairged and ruled Bcrvoua through tbef .
"oat of ! the leaslon aelling down aharply Juat f
IH fork th eloae. .,'Traria mmm .K.
U'"t' ' the market eeam to
com with declining prlcea. t The actios of th
market, teada to increase and inteoaify the -bearlahneaa
exletrng in the trade, and oa every
ebow of strengih -thera iwuis tli ba a Tlirie
nore enort aeiing. At tb nsooteot, tho xaar.
get eeeme to. be waiting eemovUc with
a moderate range. The awlnga ara falrlv
irf.' ani " " cu cuh the stop aad hoM
It he can make money. We continue to feel
the day . ha arrived when wheat can. bo Sold
with lmpnnlty and sneered at the lei sure of the
Seller. We hellers It ! I. . ..
InKreera whe eeem willing to let If go Jut ao
far and then bring the- short np with a shsrp1
turn. - We see no Immediate prospect foe aoae
gtd avsltlons. - .
r Cora Otwwsr Wslttsg.
Is cora tbo important factor at thr moment'
! 'gMVU reeelpta .-which. Indicate a wontinned
feeMng on the nart of farmara to : tw.
actios of the market would Indicate quite s
llttls amderlrlng slrength. Th feeling ba the
trade la mostly bearish and tho abort .Interest
i large. It sttll looks to ua like a acalplng
market, but with s possible higher tendency. ,
' -.--' ' Tarp Dull ta Oats. ' '
;tt3t ar very ' alack, qutek and feeturetee.
Wa. ara, una bier -ito stee any tmmedlake pma
pecta far impravemeiit and fjel that Sit will
w'iMta present cut for homo tint yat.-- -8
Improvement In Prertsuma. kv .
Is provisions the tnprored tone end vla
crease strength la very gratifying and wa
feel with cny.poalttv Indication of a let-ap In -hog.
receipta that-thla market Is In a position
tnr-advane materallr. . The- abort Interest Id
Urge and fairly well scattered. - At tha ne-
noan-., tha market kaafca aa -than-eh ! Ml.h.
do better . . - , "
Jodays afflcis) saSreWvK'ir-P -s
My..... Mftv, l l.iK 11.11
-08 Vh
8cpt..... .80'. :
J. iVe- -Mar.....
July..;.., L,4le7
Sept...... 46 v ,
May.w.V.8Hs -
. ;
r44'' - ;-
. .40
- - 44 '
--.48 :
OATS. "-
.3H4 -JI0i
IHi '," eBotf-
uma nnsr .""
rn..., J7.DO 4 ......
May...., 12.78 "liTI
.- ' . ' 3. , LA R P..
Jas.,-T-ein ATS
Mar.:... Sao a.OT oar-
13.TT 9
8.7 N
81 .
-i t in A -
oiy..,. 7.02
felCpa. mf.
BBORT RIBS. 1 .......
-. 0.88 - i.dr - r8.S2.
Chicago, Jan. 21. Cash wheat clawed at the
louowing price:
- - .,. , cv- ,. sat. - - Frtv- -. -
'1""- .-.-.-V -"- f ie..MdvrlAi'"-7"
Jo. I red .,......4.,iav..l.lTik ll.IT
No. A-red ... ... 1.13. 1.12 1
No. 2 bar winter 1.12 1.13 - '
No. 8 hard winter it.j'.wwi.Ot V' 18
Ne. 1'northera enrlns ;..-..-Imu Ll l7li M
i. ' ee,u.s nn , i,-rm.4.ia, I,u
,V spring ....... m-M
I.08 l.o ,
wxixaxt . .tirxjranirrs axd
Chicago, Jaa. 21. Wheat r .. Primary -'hlo.
menu, today, 871.000 buahela against 08,000
bushels. Cora 020.000 bushel s gal net T2S.000.
Bblpmenta Wheet, - - Sl-.oiio bueheht agalnet
202.004 busbele. Com 244.000 bushela aealnat
89T.00O., . , "
Clearaarea are-re? Wbeet and flonr. 128.800
bnahela; eors, 208,000 baahele; ' aata, )2.u00
huahehx, - -- - -. . .
Chic. Jasv 21. Grain car lore:
V tar iM-so set.
Wheat ..a.
88 ' M
819 tro
lls 10V1
' : Liverpool 0rsia markat.
Ieverjoet. jaa. si, Close;
Wheat March, Ta IVad. ap:
llTa. up; July. 114d. H ap
Corn May.-a-8(4d,' S down; Mi
stay. ' Ss
- .ii r .,- tl.T2 - n 7i
: ....--'";..,. ';ll..o.... v.- .
March, ds 1
uverpooi, Jan. 21, Lki -
(PttrmsheA by Avarbeck. Starr A Cooke Co.
- New York, Jan. 21. T." A. Mclntyr A- .
aay; The cotton market la T to 8 polar off.
We consider tbo- situation thoroughly Bound,
and while eom Irregularity b ta ht expected
there" ta nothing ahead of a character antag
onistic to market improvement. We therefore
fa roc parchaeo of the better rtaes of atocka
especially on any react Ion and wo look forward
to a broader and higher markat la Beer future.
Tba crucial cotton market:
- ". Hum Uimm 1mm 1 e
January .'.
Februrry ,
March ...
AprU .....
... OH T'l .
Tl 071 TO
... ; ans-T4r
880 WI2'
... OMB-ST -800
ooo art
jnn ...i.
July . ....
August -..j
. T' Top
l4-To SOT 0114 -04
irrnsTi.rri' "J
October ...
T2 -Jii
... 1 T'-lo
T38 - 133-3B
.aav graaetaeo, Jas.' 81. Local ateeh "cloalngr
Aa. -
gewtra Coiita Water ..'
pring Valley- Watefr-fir..
.... Ad
.... 82 H
11 so ry a
.... 84
.... 17V
I.n 81,
. r. 'iaa a aueciric .....
lant Powder ......i......
84 hS
'0 ' :
Hawallaa Sirgar .....,, .
llonokea Sugar
Hutrklneon Sugar ........
Kllaneow- Sugar-.-.i ....
MakaweU Bagar
fsauhaa Sugar
Alaska fuckers .
i. rruu anners j , , . . .
84 -
Oceanlq Hleaswhlp ..,uu.u.ullt. -ftclSo
Statea Telephone ......... .10 lisl'A
Saa traocrsc.
, Jaa.
21-Offl-Ul mlalsg
raaHng: , ' ,
Bullion ....... I .23
Belcher ..... n.t 18
Bid. i
Oerag ......... I .34
U'oleal .......... .14
CsL Vs. l.aa
Cuh Co. .eT
1'allow Jeohet f
Exrheaner St
Ophlr ...........8 30
aiedenis ...... .
Mealcan ..1.... 110
Halo A Nor. ... 1.4u
Cob. Measur. .... .
A da ma ......... f.lO
Bed Tap 1 ....1 .18
Keaeae .04
loldea Archer . .w
Hold Field .....
Mokawk ....... .TO
IH.nd Basra ..It
Rclevml - ,o
lerada 10
T.a. gsrewet,!,- 4 :
fiJoM M'-Mniain ... .1
Sutler .ao
nm he ExUav "
MeNsmara ...... .1W
Kar u lsTlea ... ,
Mori Dim
Ue4aar ...
, .07 Asadail .'