The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 22, 1905, SECTION TWO, Page 18, Image 18

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    " - '". i.-'
PHILE there neve, ! but
few lure af fair tn , so
ciety In . the paat -week.
there haa'" been much ' in-
. formal entertalnU'g. 'There Is a- dispo
union on ths part of -society- matrons
.to get thlr entertaining 'nut of the way
r,now because tnp Lenten LSon -will
soon be pa. ' With the ...beginning f
February social f unVUlon on a largo
- seal wUI cmm almost entirely, for thla
sreaenn. frMn HelHf-a mtian of ssrrlflc-e
tir -religion reasons, ha become Jthe
fashionable resting ,.tlmp from -efbclal
duties. It la the only time in the entire
year whan society really relaxes, for
' its summer rest merely shifts tbeiscen
of action. -The listen breakfast. Which
- Is supposed tn symbolise simplicity,' and
perhaps It - did-once, la a - form of So
ciability that can,-aaffly bp Indulge at
' this ufttaL-"-y-- -'--'.- Vf - ."
Speaking of breakfast.", social form
that Is-having much, vogue, down east
IMJW la Ih. bachelor's high breakfast
It Is given in the bachelor apartment
of up-to-date men at It clock.; or at
the latest K:I0., preferably Sunday
morning. The chaperons -takes i ths
. plscs of tm hostess. .-The table decora-
' tlnna are always simply roses. : . Ths
tout hai grown pot of Saturday night
v pntertalnnteBta which are supposed to
-Inake a lata breakfaat desirable. - - "-
. Mis '. Reb . Heyman. who -has - been
such a popular guest In, Portland alnoe
- the holidays, vwlll return to her home In
' Tacoma next Tuesday. " She, with her
Charming hostess. Mrs. Max Flelaehner,
baa been extenalvely entertained, ;: Other
gnestB or-the week are Mr. and; Mrs.
' George Walker of Alameda, Cal. .
. (-Among the entertainers tiest-week axe
Mrs. Templetoa and MlsS Hoyt.-.' v-
- . Mrs. F. .A. Jones was hoatess at a
large card party lastHigbt at her home,
JM NortuJTwentleth street. ., - - -;--.
Washington's blrthdey- next-3hyhtl)
. will be the occasion of colonial teas,
dances and . entertainments at many
homes' and halls, by clubs and" by Indi
viduals. - " 4
Ths marriage of Miss Laura Jordan
to Carl Williams of Seattle next Wed-
nesdey will be one of the ' interesting
events of the week. The Olrls' -Cinch
club, the Neighborhood Whist club and
-the 'iOu" dub will all entertain- The
. week promises to be full of social func
tions.. ; ''v' - - ' ' ,'.-r; '.
stacada mir be a small town In the
- ' twglnnlng of its growth, yet. ltA often
contains the 'Very.' best -society- of .the
north west, f or It -to one of the niost
r poptflar plaees around portlaneV for house
. parties. The- ride Is ev pleessrtt one.
long enough to be-lnterestlng and not
long enough Jo become a bore. r Under
- thb gracious ehaperpnage ot-: Mr. - and
'Mrs.-J. Wesley. Ladd a joUy party 6t
about (0 young people left on- special
car at I P'clock. Tuesday hlght for
r - Kstacada. Bridge whist ltpt them air
1 amused' th .she wsy down. - Arriving
- . there' they took possession of the hotel,
- -and to the sweet strains of music, dls-
. ' danredithe hours lloHg. till1 li0 o'(tck.1
& when 4 delicious' repast in ne supper
tnvm satisfied tHelr , wantk. I Their (car
. V returned Jate at night, and i one of the
V. a , h j. Ua inn .ml
" lssieissjsssaiaasssssfcjss
...brmighf tn a lnewhm tba Jetumed.
to ; their- rarlous homes. Among tne
sniets wers Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley
. - Ldd. Mr-and MrsInsley. Mr.ind Mrs.
Kolloch. Mr-and Mrs-Hunt Lewla, Miss
Wood, Miss Burns, Miss .Kathleen
- Bums, Miss Blbson. Miss Barrett, Miss
Honeyman,: Miss King. Miss Flanders,
Miss fltrong, Miss Heltshn, Miss Bryan.
.Mlss Btott, Miss Dolph, Miss Bltton. Carl
Hpuhn. Fred IJolnn," lnslns;r Stout.
"v John Carsony Wsltsr Bee be, Rodney
k- . . Ollsan Davids Honeyman,- Chester
y MurvMyv Harry ."Bladen, v Alberts Kerr.
Markin Dolph. Thalea Llnthicum. DaVe
- 1 wij--Whley -Watsoa,- DrA? Herbert
" Nlcnblt and Mr. Orella. . -
' : -.---'
v - ' Mrs. J. N. Teal's picturesque home' on
St.- Clair street was ' the scene of. a
., pretty gathering-last Wednesday after-
noon. . . Ari Invitation for.lbrtdge whlut
. hadcalldosether enough of her friends
to fill li . tables, and after a number of
rrnindsMrs. O. O. Gamons, Miss Estella
ilsjund Mrs. Charles Curry bad tbelr
. efforts rewarded With dainty . prlsea.
'. . , Handsome vaaes (ft carnations were the
. .t "imple decoration added to the exquls
. Itely furnished rooms. In the dining
room large yellow daffedlls adorned the
1 - tables. : Mrs. Charles Adsms assisted the
' iiostess In entertaining her guests. - The
refreshments were dainty and served IB
lovely- manner. "" 1 ;';; 11 ;
t ...f..r .v.;-s52.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Keenaa of 421 Mts-
, elsstppl svenue celebrated the twentieth
'-'anniversary of their wedding last-Wed-'-
neaday! hTght." 80me 4 .guests were
- present end enjoyed the Informal even
. ln. There wera songs; readings and
Instrumental muelc to sdd 4o the eriter
. .:, talnment. Electric lights shone through
. . garlands of Oregon grape and ferns and
potted plants aTtd eut flowers -were used
'" to-advantage. Some beautiful presents
. "la chlnaware were given, the host and
- 1 l hostess. - ,' - '
'. 1 ' , -tt"'-k ' ' ' " ' '
f ' - The members of the Chrysanthemum
. club-were entertained-Friday afternoon.
' - January 13, by Mrs. George Ijinglord
- ' st 111 Second street The afternoon was
. passed with' cards, MrV Fannie Ash re-
"'-tvtnrtrr-prtse--ana Mrs-Arthus
I EckJisrdt ' the consolation The roojns
T were -all in green and whly. The dining
table -was prefty with shining cande-
-. iabra and sprigs- of ; evergreen. ' Th
V hostess' ..'daughters. Misses I.ulu and
l.llllsn, assisted in serving.- The guests
'-were! Mrs. Clisrles Frltsch, Mrs. John
' McRoberts,-Mrs. Iiyton, Mrs. -Fannie
a ' Ash. 'Mrs. Arthur Eckliarat and" Mra
; nr,1"r -p-HH"vt -v---.. ; .
. , . ...... V . . . ... ' ,
VtMrsrTrMJTTTTO7Tiiief ehterWheir-4
number f' yonng wnmpn very charm
.vJngly at the Cvncordla cib- last week
. In honorof her. guest. Miss. Roba,lleyJ
.- rnsn,. of Tacoms. The hrtuf were spent
. with nve hundred, prises twlng a warded
'-- Miss ArkeTman and Miss Harris.. Miss
Mrtv Hlrsrh was granted rs ronsisatlon
. served at the card tables,
. One 'of the elaborate - affairs of the
week was sa afternoon at cards given
by Mrs. Mose Blumauer. and Mra.
' Kmattuel Berk last Saturday afternoon.
Only beautiful - flowers-were - used- In
simple decoration. . Five hundred was
the gsme aVjfViiajJdsome prlaee .were
awarded Mrs. 5iinUcbner snd Mrs.
N. I. BlrtOneTVTJhienu 'was very
dalnty.i- AmonVI0gjjeta were Mrs.
Charles Feldenhelmerr-iV4 Ed Khrman.
Mrs. Slgmund . Frfne-lMrs. Sarah
Werttmlmer. Mr. BeMrYQng. Mrs: Al-hert-Fel,letihelmer,
Mrs.. Jf. K- Simons,'
Mrs. Oberdorffer. Mrs. Msxl Hlrach,
Mrs. IAisv Mrs. Fells Frledlander, Mrs.
Mag Jlelschner. Mrs. 1. Blcfcrt, Mr. l
Rosenblatt end man -others ;i
' T- - I'-'''-.'
The Fortnight Clnxh club had another
.'of He. pleasant meetings .Tuesday nlglft
with Mr. and Mr. .V. A. Hathaway, at
14 Joenaen street. . Friges were won by
lira. . 1, ; WUsoa . and A. McCalman.
J '
4 :- I
Mr. and Mrs. Wfllurd Chester Stum
"': . ierjr qt Vancouver, Who '" Were
. Married in Portland .Yetterday. ' f
Second honors fell to Mra. Albert K.
Butterf leld and O. Fithlun. Refresh
ments were served at "the card tables.
The dob will meet next time with Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. tAJidlam, at tli Broad'
way.-i..'.: r : -! --r-l.
.. ":- - ; v - '- .
The Wishbone club was sntertalneAi'by
Miss Ruby Shearer -Thursday evening at
bor homo- 182 East Thirtieth street. Art
evening of -whist gave the first, prise .to
M4as Cornelia Wilson and the consola
tion to Dr. W. C. Shearer. : The score
cards were clever representations - of
mastiff dogs, the Initial letters of their
collar -names-spelling "Wishbone." - Re
freshments were served at " the '. card
tables by the hostess. Miss Guile as
sisting her. An enjoyable musical pro-
r-gramr was then given, conststing -or
piano aolos by Miss Bartholomew and
Miss Hlldreth. a' violin .solo - by Mr.
Bumara, and a song by Miss Guile. The
guests f the-lub were: - Miss Grace
Guile, Miss Bartholomew,- Fred Cheney.
William Claflln. Leor ljndhard and Mr.
Rumara.The Tlub: members aret-li IMS
Nell Baker. Miss Mona Baker,' Miss
norence Hlldreth, Miss Cornelia Wilson,
Miss Ruby Bhearet. Miss Graoe Smith.
Elmer . Anderson,- - Gus Cramer. .George
Jasmsn, - Steve iAwrence." TJrrVW.TTi
. --V if-.-. ; v- -' ';r
Mra., F. .M. - Branch enter. ained a few
friends charmingly Thursday, January
1 J,, celebrating ths birthday, ot her little
son. Howard. -"TBe rooms were, beauti
fully decorated .with . choice .1 flowefa.
The breakfaat room, where Howard and
bis ; little guests had,, their luncheon
served, with the flowers and - shaded
ianoj I inuptiprnmu wtpi -irs. a. -a.
lJWnnyhoiisrilrs.-V. 8. CSprtfcr,. Mrs.! 8.
Heart, I , Mrar (wi TWikC Mrs.7 Edward
ilowell, Mrs. Edwin Johnson, Mrs. P.
Egbert, Mrs. E. C FroSU Mrs.MC rA
Daly, - si Iss Marguerite Egbert," Mitts
Master1 Edwin' Johnson,- Master- -Wilson
- - . -
Duke, Master Tommy Nor by nd Master
The " engagement of - Msa Lillian
Do sen to Charles Henry Cooper of 8t
Louis was Informally announced to her
friends last - Saturday .afternoon, . at a
tea given by: W Poach and her Ulster.
Miss Camllle. Mrs. Worcester of Buf
falo and Miss Jeanne Wakefield of Oma
'lhrecelvedV wltfe; thaJjostesseev The
dining-room was pretty In red end there
dainty refreehmenta were aeryed by-Mre
-Fielding 8. Kelly and Mrs.: Frank Riley,
Miss- Etta - Honeyman and ' Miss Rulh
Maxwell assistrnr
, Mrs.' W. T. Marshall entertaTned with
a birthday party . Wednesday afternoon
In an; Informal way at her home, 10ii
Hawthorne avenue. Whist wss the game
played at four tables, the prises falling
to Mra. W. M. Howes and Mrs. J, EJ.
Wolff. The consolation was secured by
Mrs, N. A. Mathlot Mrs.-Fred Olaen
gave a number of songs in pressing man
ner. 'Dainty.-refreshments .were served
at the-tables. A number1 of handsome
presents were given the hostess in honor
of the occasion. . r-rx- rtrj--.
TRureka council Tfot J04.," K.;TiTVt
gave the -thfrd of lis series of progres-
stvsj Whist trontests last-Monday evening.
-There was a good attendance,. Mrs. L.
D.- Feeney snd -! H. Plymale winning
the' first prises,' and" Mrs. A. Beekats
and John' E. Tilden the second. The
next open meeting will be a masquerade
ball, February la,. ' - - " -
".'---. - -.. JB- )$. .--' ;..'.
' Mrs. B. Llpman entertained the whist
club at her borne on St. Clair and Wayne
streets Friday afternoon, ', The uu"al
eha'rnt of her Informal afternoons, at
tached Itself to the occasion. Prises
were awarded Mrs.. A. Bauer and Mrs.
Charles Roeenfeld. A dainty "repeat was
served at the card tables. -
The New Century club gave another
or Its series of dances at Parsons' hsll
Wednesday night. About J00 people were
present and-thfe attendance was limited
strictly to members. - Thls-'Was one of
their most successful balls, many hand
some gowns making a beautiful picture.
.-' ' ' ' -
The Z. B. R. B. club gave a dance last
Monday. night In the Woodmen hall, Eaet
Sixth and Alder streets." About SiO peo
ple attendedi- and - Parsons' orchestra
played l the 1 danca muslaj Punch
A. -MMcaJuil&fuiieh waa niahttp ;JavldJlaiiUBs--M0Of e jhs)j: MlsoAgn.ttxMIss Hlen ytle,
fd' rrm. ohrcofRor or-lfiaTfiail. "Tnr Ttaiant bishop and to-meet BlsbopJ. Mrs.,Ix)ls MacMahon. MUTHelcn, "Brlg-ance-.wlll-e--vaientlne-artn
jTnobuTttTif India. ,. The affair waa ham. Miss Edna Protiman. Miss Kath-
given February 1. and the -club plans
to make-It a big affair.
. The 1 Cathedrat Library association
gave a very successful whist party at
the hall over the cathedral on- Fifteenth
mnA 1 ta wla trMll last Vrinsitn v nlht
.... - - - - - - . . . - - j
ardadMr naitoq and Ed
Murphy Refreshments were Seryed- In
one ot the. smaller rooms. .
The Swam! Ram society met last Wed
nesday evening st the residence of Mrs.
Preston C. Smith.: 12 Market street.
Judge-Webster presiding. After the
transaction of the usual business A most
Interesting -literary and musical program
wss rendered,'- The musical selections
sang by Misa Mary Caee were excellent
She has a tars corttralto voice of unusual
range and quality, and has Just, re
turned . from abroad, where she spent
some years ln musical studies. The
paper' on. . Toga -philosophy by B.
Hawkins, and the reading by Mra. Pres
ton C. Smith proved very interesting
features of the program- The next meet
ing of the society win be held on Wed
nesday, February 1, at the residence ef
. - .,-:'." " V: '
II. W. Ttehnke snd I. M.. Walker enter
tained their atudents at an. enjoyable re
ception , Friday evening. Miss Sylvia
Bryant, Miss danders Stewart. L M,
Ml I
- - - '
Walker. and H. W. Bchnke received the
guests. A -very pleasant evening was
passed.' with" music by Prof. H. F. Rod
ney, -Mr. Abe Dellar and Mr. Ralpb Ruff
ner. - Vocal selections were rendered by
Miss Beetle mieek and Frederick -Vroo-4
man. Bpd chorus singing by. the student
lody. Miss Grace Hardnutn favored the
guests- with a recitation. . The rooms
were deoorated . with .. Oregon grape.
About 5Q guests were presentTand re
freshments were served. :.r.' r.
s I - . "eat5VZ- '
The home of Mr., and Mrs. Andre ws,Tarrled a shpwer effect of white earns
til East Morrison street, -waa the soene
of a pretty affair last Saturday 'evening.
the occasion being the celebration, of the.
fifteenth anniversary of their marriage.
The house decorations -were very pretty,
those" In the dining-room being of un
uutLbeuty. with .Pink the predominat
ing , color. Festoons . of . crystal crepe
paper Interwoven with smilas were sus
pended from the corners of -the celling
to the chandelier, where they werecaught
and tied Just -over ths -table with, pink
satin ribbon. -The electric lights, 'shad
ed in pink petals, gave a delicate light.
.Progressive: whist formed the evening's
amusement, Mrar Cobb and . Mr, . Camp
carried off first prises, while Mrs, Foes
and MrT T6rallnon won the consolation
prises. MrsrC." XX Lewnsdale and. Mrs.
T. W. Johnston- served punch - during
the evening. At 10 ;30 o'clock dainty re
freshments -were- served -at tete-a-tete
tables, umir the' supervisioa of Mrs.
Mary Johnston. - . - - -
Immediately after - the, strains), of
the wedding jrftrfh, i pigyea D xnra.
lwlsaule-Mr. t6ml1Hson, clad lh a Wng
khttl robe trlmfiefl it bliackV anf cerry
inif s, large -broom, disoended the stair
way anu procnuea w remarry iu vur
bratlng couple,. . the, broom ceremony
being used.' Mr; and' Mrs. Andrews were
1 h, rfirlnlentS'. ftt minv handsome ' and
I vaiuawe fuw-oi -crysuu. ana cuv-smh,
Their guests werer- Mrs, Mary Johnston,
Mr. and Mrs. 3, W. Wiseman, Mr, and
Mrs. N. P. Tomllnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Morgan, Mr end Mrs. George Miner, Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Foss, Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Camp, Mr. and MraS. B. Cobb. Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
Lownsdale. Mr.. -and Mrs. A. K. Currier,
Mr, and Mrs. J, K. Currier,-Mr.-and- Mrs.
W. C Cooper, Mr, and, Mrs. T. AV. Johp
ston, - Miss Clio Miller. : Miss Gladys
Lownsdale. OcatMHler.Oeorge0d
Merrill-Andrews. . - 4;
- -j -- ?'' vi "
" The Hood River Dancing club enter
tained with an enjoyable dance Thurs
day night. Evereefe-orchestra of Port
land played, and- all the society people
of the town and many who own country
homes near by were In attendance. The
receiving committee -consisted -Of P. 8.
Davidson. Q. L Slocum and 41 P-'Bdoth.
A delicious supper-was seeved late in the
evening. ..The dub bas 40 members,; and
they entertained as many guests,. . ' --'.'
'.' "-.v . 'w -' ;.".'.'... t..
. . One of 4b most delightful entertain
ments of ihJTweeJT was the sUgoClal
given In the- chapel Tuesday night by
the. Men'g league. of First Presbyterian
church. i- There-erp 44 ttables,'f rom
which ,xiafing-dlsr- i concoctions' were
served, each, man who. presided cooking
what he c6UIdV;lrrThe end a dellclously
tempting menu was offered, including
creamed "oygteTsr Welsh rarebit waffles.
oyster and chicken patties, soups, saiaos,
Newbergs snd a vurlety of other things
Managing the chafing-dishes were H. 8.
Butterfleld, H. Blttle Wells, Rorel-Wll-bur,
Louis Lamberson, Dr. Klngr Dr.
Moasman. Lnuren Pease, Mr.- Save ge.
Mr. Stuart. Mr: Ewing, Mr.- McClane Mr.
Warner and Mr. Dunning. The social
committee served coffee liberally... Some
100 men .were present- - - - ;
""The Clover Art club met at the home
of Mrs. J. P. Wager last Saturday morn
ing on account of matinee engagements
of some of. tha members.. The club Is
limited to 10 members and will, meet
at the homes or studios of the members,
and work together once a week. . They
wUl-have aji art literary, evening once
a inonthrat--whicherent-bappeBings
in the art world will be discussed, with
papers or lectures.-The- motto-of ' the
club is, as its name Implies, to develop
merit without pretenalon. " ;
,'...: - w' "-VT ? '-.'.
Many prominent speakers of the north
west gathered at the Patton Methodist
church .Wednesday evening to welcome
given under' the auspices of the Men s
Methodist Social union ot Portland and
the-president. Dr. Osmond Royal, .re
ceived th guests. He waa assisted by
Dr. Theodore Fesnlcr, J. D. Lee, Samuel
Conaell. J. K. GUI, J, W. Bell, Lee
mvi-aiHi vinvii. . ,1 - .1 tt m . . ... w v
Paget and ethers. -The .time from to
l.xVM jiassed joclallyjwfth introductions
to - the many guests' and'afterwgrd" af
banquet waa served by the women of-tce
church to the members of the union and
fhelr , wives. Dr. Royal presided. A
number of excellent speeches were made
by-- prominent . people -at the banquet
Including-Bishop Thobum," Dr. Wharton
of Seattle, President Williams of Ptlget
Sound university and President Colemsa
ef Willamette university. Bishop Moore
closed the evening, speaking of the work
before htm and hla hopes, snd .thanking
hi co-workers for, their kindness and
hearty welcome, - - li - ' v ,
- ' T
- At the next meeting ofYthe woman's
olub on Friday. .. the current -topics de
partment will have charge of th pro
granv Mrs. A. C JfewllJ presiding. An
ecdotes will be' given by members of the
department Miss Laura E. Warner wUl
render' a piano solo,' her own composi
tion, entitled BaeaJawea.',. A 'summary
for ths week will be. given by Mrs. A. C
Newell, follbwed ' by a vocal solo by
Miss Irene Fly no. . Mrs. ' Nina La row
will srlve two short' poems on current
topics. A vocal sola 'by Miss . Delia
Watson and five minute talks by ths fol
lowing members will close the program':
Mrst Chsrleg B. Andrew. Mra. E. ' A.
Hubble,' Mrs. Ed wsrd Jaeger, Mrs Nina
Larowe, Mrs.1 W. H. MarkslU Mrs. B. B.
Pague, Mrs. C X. Runyan and Mrs.; IX
M- Watbon, ' , " .' '.' .' " '
A'jreddlng of Interest to 'many .Port
land people Is that , of , Miss - Tekla
Mackle of Duluth, Minn., and William
Chester Stumberg, formerly ' of Port
land. ' now -of ' ' Vancbuver, Wash! - Mr.
Stumberg met his bride .in Portland yes
terday and In . the evening -the; were
inairied ;by:Jtey.-lt' e).-MiKkley-al 'hla
manse. Hi M1U street' Only a few
Intimate relatives witnessed the cere
mony. Mrand Mrs Stumberg will be
at home at 111 West Eight atreet,jVan
eouver, r'...;S .7: :..v;v'-';- v i
'. V--V-..-.Vr-.
" Miss Edna, F. Bender and Osoar C
MoGowan wers married last Saturday
evening rat the -borne or the -bride's
parents,' Vnlverslty Park.. -Rev. J, Hoye
performed the ceremony. ; Only Imme
dlkte friends , were present.. Mr. and
Mrs, MoGowan will continue to live at
University Park. . .,-'.-..'.:..,.,
.V-,):fi 1 r- ',:v,t, tt-1f -MV sai,V-i'j
-'The Jjome of Mra. M. IL Taylor of
Montavllla -was filled . with ' guests
Wednesday evening in attendance upotrf
tn wedding or her daughter. Miss Baran
E.. Taylor, to Charles A. Johnson. Rev.
Andrew , ' Monroe . - was - the officiating
clergyman snd about ' 41 friends were
present. ',.. .' - - .: ' .
Oregon grape, cedar boughs and eut
flowers were used, effectively In -decorating
the rooms. In the , bay-window
was suspended a horseshoe f white
carnations Interwoven with green. In
cluded in the bridal party were Miss
Kmily Johnson as bridesmaid and -Nell
Taylor as groomsmsn. The bride- waa
gowned In' cream crepe de Paris and
tlons and trailing -ferns. . Hsr attendant
wore a charming cream and pink null
arfar carried pink carnations. ,
After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
Johnson received informally tB rough the
evening- hours.:. Refreshments were
served. in the dining room by the bride's
friends, Mia .Lena Reynolds and" Miss
Millie Forsyth, . Mr. and Mrs. Johnson
will' be at home to their friends ' in
Montavllla after February I. : : . --
'- -"- r'' '
-Ths handsome country- home of Llllls
F. Smith, the Wheat king" of the Jnland
Empire, was'the scene of a pretty wad
ding In Colfax, Wash., Thursday, when
Miss Effje Faires, a niece of the Smiths,
was united in marriage with Prof. Reu
ben O. Prater, m member of the faculty
of the Endlcott publlo schools. Tbe
spacious ' home wa converted : into a
boweLOt beaUtyzgtid fragrance by the
Havlah use of choice, cut flowers and,
foliage. During the eerfmony, Ihjhlchi
waai biriormed fcy Rev. tT,)F. HaWvf pre-f
sldUig.efder oflthe Spokabe dlstlot fori
thefM. E. church, the brluaf party-atood
beneath' la 'hue floral weddlua:. bell. The
wedding - march : was played ..- by;. MrV
Craig. The brwe,- who la- a beautiful
blonde; never Jooked "fairer than In bar
wedding gown of white silk-mull over
stlkr h savrled hrtoe-reeee-An--elab
rate ..collation ; fonewed the -ceremony.
The bride received many handsome gifts.
Professor and Mrs; Prater- will reside In
Endteott --- ,,. ,
Plans for the appearance of Mme.
Melba and her conoert company at the
armory a week from tomorrow- evening
promise an ovation to thls-great singer
worthy of the publlo snd - the position
Mme. Melba hotda in the-world of art.
Although Mme. Melba1 has ' not vis I te
Portland Jn . recent ?eTf in wnf, una
Portland eager t do her homage and
testify to the admiration felt for her
mm rifts a slneer. -r The enterprise
of Manager Ellis In planning for'a Melba j
;" . : WEbDjNCsiTrrl
isV-O- B'.'isr-,--v
rtmcert will meet With a reaponse from 1 "to uie guest ot Mrs. ja Flelsch
this city that will amply.reward htm for w aeveral weeks, will go home next
his efforts.
- The nrokrama presented- - by Mme.
Mema and me srnata aasaciateqwua
her -this, season have-given satisfaction
wherever-the company has appeared, and
the oboice-nnd arrangement of the se
lections hay -been commended - by the
most, crltlcab v V- .
t It Is announced that ilm; Melba will
contribute-- the mad seen from DOni-
etti'a -"Locla,-the great aria-"Ah fors
lul-.from Verdi's .'Traviata." and the
famous vocal waits "8e Baran Rose" by
ArdltL All the Dther artists of ths com
pany will be heard In vocal and instru
mental selections well suited to display
their abilities. . The sale of seats for the
concert opens at the box off lea of the
Marquam theatre tomorrow at" octocx,
and a popular scale of prices has been
arranged.. With, out-of-town orders
stamped, addressed envelope should be
sent to Calvin B-. Helllg, Marquam Grand
theatre. ' -C
- v - " 1 ' '--'. -
Mrs. Lulu 1ahl-Miller sanr 'Crossing
the Bar" (Dudley Buck), at Rev. Henry
Mareotte a lecture on Tennyson, last
Monday 'night at Westminster church.
Mrs. Millers' sympathetlo contralto was
never heard to better advantage and she
oharmed her- hearers with -her .exquisite.
Interpretation of this beautiful song. -
. ... 4c if ' ' : : - -Th
Treble Clef club has resumed Its
weekly rehearsals under-th direction of
Mrs. Walter Reed and is adding a num
ber of new quartets to Its already ex
tensive repertory. The personnel of the
club this season is as follows: Sopranos,
Jeen .' Lawler,. Mrs, Jordan Purvlnei
altos, Mrs. Ernest Xaldlsw, Mra William
C Holman, Mrs. John F. Logan, Mrs.
Byron "E. Miller, Mrs." Berta Gftmes,
Mrs. Laid Dehl-Miller. Miss Ethel fenea.
Mrs. Walter Reed. The organisation for
aome years deservedly has been the most
populss of It kind In the city. . ...
Mra . 8 warts of "Vancouver"; distin
guished herself last week ft th role of
Queen Esther in the ' sacred cantata of
the same name. . Her soprano or spien
did range and sympathetlo quality met
with Immediate favor, and' she received
s notable ovation. Mrs. Swsrta l well
known in Portland where aha studlea
with Mrs. Rose Bloeft-Bauer. Bhe dees
a great deal of church musle work In
Vancouver. Her preparation of the role
In a remarkably short -time la taken as
a sign of ber true musical disposition
"" - ' ""U W W '"'" -""'- - "
Many will toe glad to hear that Mrs.
Anna Selkirk Norton, the popular con
tralto f the' beautiful volca. Is now In
Portland to remain. Albany regrets
deeply ber toss, but shs will spend a dsy
or two of every week there, continuing
ber work with- aome of ber pupils.. - -
. - - w -
At tbs meeting of the I. O. B. B. lodge
tn the Belllng-Hlrsch building Tuesday
night, Mra, Rose Bloch-Bauer waa enthu-
Mm. Melba, Who Will Sin
alaatlcally received - la - her nolo, "Im
Herbsf. Fransr which Is one -of her
masterpieces. She replied to an enthusi
ast le encore with Wllloughby's Stolen
Wings." a dainty little thing that showed
her voloe In direct contrast to the dig
nity add weight of the former -one.- -
,- -,-,,' - " w ' w"- .- .. .':.:,
: "Clan MacCleary Is making elaborate
preparations for. its annual concert to -be
given at Arlon hall,- Wednesday evening,
January IS, In memory ef the." birthday
anniversary of Bootland's - great' bard,
Robert Burns. '"Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer.
Mr. Walter Reed, Mr, Jones and Dom
J. Zan will form a quartet appearing
several times on Jha program. "The
same singers with others will appear in
solos. - Miss Leonora Fisher-will be-the
acoom'panlat.- -i--j-" - k-t;;-'
: v";r
Alex T. Samuels, who is singing hart
tone parts Inlh First Cuitberliod-Pres-byterlan
choir, Idtkervea s.eclal mention
fdrlthe really shUndld wojk he is doing.
Hejhas a voice) off Unusual) range, almost
tenbr in Its placement., . He has for
some time been studying with- Mrs. Rose
Blocn-Bauef. who is very enthusiastic
ojfer-ms voice. ..-r, i.-.v .
Mr. Jhn-Craig Of JSalera announces
me engagement ' of his . daughter. Miss
Lillian, to W. H.' Pennington tjf.Ontarlo,
ur . ins-, weaaing . to - take - place Janu
ary J... - ' -', . ';--
-Mr-and. MrauTheodore, Bernhelnv have
announced -the engagement of their sis
ter, ;Mlss. Florence Koshland, to Ludwlg
nincn. i-ney received laat Bunday and
Wednesday afternoons in honor of the
affianced ooupla. and a host of friends
called, Mr. Hlrach la now In the east
Miss. Reba Hsyraan of Tacom.-v who
Tuesday. She has been extensively en
terutned during her visits .V;: . ;
fCaptalnand Mra. James -Henry" Dege
01 lacoma, wasrv, were entertained by
Portland friends during the week while
on their honeymoon tour. Mrs, George
cj. nana, ezi jeriereort street at whose
home they visited, gave a chsrmlng din
ner in their honor- Wednesday evening.
They have left for California, whence
they will sail later for Honolulu, to be
gone ror-sevenirwe'eks.' . . " ' ,
Miss Agnes Hilt daughter of George
H. Hill and very popular ln the younger
set, is visiting In Seattle, where she is
being extensively entertained br - hir
Mrs. H. B. Miller of Eugene, wife of
the consul to Nluchwang, who recently
returned from Japan and China, by way
of Europe, ia visiting her sister, Mrs. A.
H. Tanner of 7S8 Johnson -street
, ' . : . -I'w
Sfrs. Ada Wallace Unruh spent, the
week -in Salem, addressing a number of
mass meetings on temperance work. Mrs,
Unruh is one of the most prominent- W,
C, T. U, lecturers. of the state. . C
Dr. J. R-WHson, principal ot Portland
academy, rare a lecture on Greece and
seme. of its more famous scenes. Wed-
needay evening at Pacific, university.
Forest Grove. Th lecture, which waa
Illustrated, wa very Interesting and well
attended. f -T. . - , ..i'ir.-;
.Mfs. . Lucia . Faxon Addlton, stafe
president of ths W. C t V. la la Salem
attending th Interests of the organisa
tion In legislature and agitating plan
tot. worx at tne 1-ewls and Clark fair.
Sh 1 th guest of Mra. C. A. Sherwood.
w " T" .
Conaul and Mra. H. ,B. Miller Of Eu
gene entertained- informally at cards
last week In honor of a number of their
son t Kenneth's " fellow studerua . at
Berkeley.. They were en their return't
oollage. . AmongOha sTUM tg q f Jj onor
were J. Fred Staver of Portland and
Carlton Harding of Oregon City..
,.". it if 1
- Mrs. Fred Tsmpleton will entertain at
bridge whist next Saturday afternoon. -
f - w v. -. ..1 -
A number 'of prominent 'society peo
ple will form a house party at Hood
River the end, of thla week, to continue
over Sunday. . . .
v -'v.' w ' ."-
'Mr. and Mr. .Georgp. Walker of Ala
meda. Cal., are' visiting Mra. Walker's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Wakefield,
at the Hobart-Curtls. They will make
an .extended visit here, remaining
through the spring. 'During the week
they have been entertained la a small
way and plans are on foot to entertala
more extensively in their honor.
..... ." w : . ' - ."
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher' Linn have gone
east on a visit ef about a month's dura
tion. Ther plan to go as far a New
York before returning. 'Mrs, Linn, who:
' ; stray BiTS. r i ' '
4 .i'.--r; f'T :;" : - "2
at Armorj Hall January 30.
I on of the leading- soprano- of the
city. wil", b greaUy missed both in
musical and - social- circles, - where tf
winning ways niake her a favorite. ,
'- Miss Martha Hoyt has Issued invita
tions for bridge-whist next Wednesday
afternoon. 1
- Th "105 -Glrla" have isesed invita
tions for ""their midwinter party, Wed
nesday' evening, at Artisan's ball,' 'in
Booth. Portland, . This to tb .third of
the series. - The chib members are Miss
Myrtle E.' Long. Miss "Anna V, Newby,
Miss Virginia D. Newby, Mlssi Annai
Lotfat tThelrj featroijeaaek 'aipi Mrs. f'
Longi lira. A-jNewby-gnk. Mra IX, Wa
- The Les Jeunesse club has Issued ln-
Vitatlona-for: A dance kt Persona Hall,
Friday': evehlns-"Thbalrones8edare
Mrs. C. L Mastlck. Mrs. C M. Steadman
and Mra J. F. Straubal. . . Th club con
sists of the following: Amos E. King,
HartfdC:-Howes." Bijrr.C"WgneT and
- .The Flv Hundred club, a small social
organization on the east side, has Issued
invitations- ror- a dance rat Auditorium
hall en Thursday, t- .- -r. -- :
- The Cathollo Foresters -are maklryr
elaborate preparations for the dance to be
given, in their ball tomorrow night.
--'-; . '.'
Company-Ct. O. N. G.. has Issued iiivl
tationa for the next oT1ts series. Wednes
day right -': '-'. V- ' - -" ':'.' ' ; '
The young ... wvmen of jSC lwreoce
will give a whlet party and social next
Wedneeday evening, ; January as, and
cordially Invite their frlende to attend.
'zrr"C -k " -
The suffrage department of the. Cen
tral W. C. T. U. will have charge of the
union meeting to -be held at theVnome
of Mra.. M. J. Jannevj It CUy street at
a o'clock, Tueeday afternoon. The mem
bers will discuss taking part In the or
ganisation of th . Travelers' Protective
association, -;..' i r-..-'.- . - . '.
" ; ;w.w- -
: The ladles' auxiliary, A. O.. 11., will
entertain their friend and members In
their halL Allsky buUding, comer Third
and Morrison Friday evening, January
27. . Th offlcere"a.nd members-are mak
ing an extra, effort to make thla the most
pleasant evening of the season, and are
looking forward to a large- attendance
All friends are invited. - ; " .
-The officers of the division 'are as fol
lows: - President; Mra. John Smith'; vice
president Miss Ella McCarthy; finan
cial secretary, Mies Nora Lawler: treas
urer, Mrs. John O. Hare; sentinel, Miss
Mary Chambers. --r. ---.-...-v
...... if '" "
The -Barred Heart cfiib wUl bold its
regular musical snd whist aoclal on
Wednesday evening. ... '
:. -, ...... , : w,- -:
"St. -Ann's society will give a card
Lohbi Marquam Onnd Theajr. ,.A.dyknc aaU;.-bX,'; ror'
:-':. J .:
---T 7' .-" . .'v-'t.'fTTT'' ' -T-- '. '-,.
"''",,' ': 5 "'I; -'-, ' AalaUd by' : t.-r i";fi?- -V:V
XT,Xja6aT TAJf HOOSa, Tenor. ' r- M. C. faXXBasf, Haritoae.
SzaaTOmzSA SASSOUC. Jfturptat. OSiSUI K. arOBTw, Fluturt.
aCXSS PATCCS, Vlamlst -
Monday Evening, January. 30, at 8:30 o'clock-
DDTPUC- axoott . . . M oo, sao, gi.oo.
a XvlwlwOf ' towaa ixooaa, sae, fs.00, aa.oo. ' V
ntrMr.TrtwM nRDERS must
Helllg, Marquam Grand Theatre.
social' In the cathedral ball 'next Mon
day night for charity. All are cordially
"Ml Emma Helen Baber of Good -Sa
maritan hoanltal tirj haen vUltlnar Ml nil '
Etha Wllllama of Eugne
Max Meyer, the artlat, vlalted Balem
th first of the week. " - - -
Mrs. W. W. Calkin nag returned to
Eugene after a abort visit here, -"'-
- Mr. and Mrs. Louie K. Hooker f Ok
lahoma were in the- city the middle of
tb week on tbelr way to Balem to vialt
Mr. and Mra M T.
Rlneman, Mrs.
Hooker's parent- "7 . :
-"Mra;-Matt H. Arnold of Eugene came
down last week te hear Mme. Gadakl In
ber- return concert. . -?, . --.
- Mr and Mrsv J.-lC "Weatberford "hv7
returned " ' to '."Corvallla , where " - Mr.
Weatherford is a member of. th Oregon;
Agricultural college.
Mayor Matlock of Pendleton attended' a
meeting of the .Scottish ..Rite-Mason's-
Wednesday.. 1 1 . .: . . - - -
-Max M, Bhlllock visited Pendleton and
Baker City during the week. : r r--".'
'.C. E. Glasa of Eugene attended. the
Oadskl concert last week." ; : . ! f?
Mr. and Mrs. . Frank -L. Chambers.
leading society people -ftf Ettgen;rar "
in the-city..' -r--, , ..- .....C:-.i .". .'- -tt?
Hon. -David MV Dune,","eollector of
Internal revenue, -wa . lo SaUm last '
week. : ... -.. .
r Mrs.' Arthur Hess ind 'son of Astoria -I
ar visiting Portland friends. '
" Mlsa Irene Parker has returned from
a -visit wtth relstlves In Astoria.- . -.- !.
Miss Cora, J. Litchfield of Portland
Is- Visiting at the-home -of her- father, -
ueorre y. utcnneid. tn saiem. . .
K J- N.,, Teal -was a Salera visitor lest.'.'
Week. - ' ,
Mr. and Mra Leon Cohen of Pendleton ,
arrived for a short stay Wednesday, ,.J- :
Dr. W. Cr Cheshire and B. Mayors n of-
Eugene attended a meeting of tne. Beet-
ttah.Rlte Masons. .In Portland Wednes-
' Miss Faith 'Powell has returned from -v
a visit with Eugene friends. . ' t ,.'x;
Mr. and Mrs. H. O, Lewis. of Roseburg "
ar In the city. -v "
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Craw are vislt-r;.
Ing relatives In Albany.' ; - ' - . :
. Robert Rountree spent Bunday at hli'U
home In Portland and returned -to the"
University of Oregon 'Mtndy. -- V . t '
-William Wallace Graham, the violin-1st-was
In-Salera the first of th week,..--.
Hon. fk.Jl, . Friendly end .Judge J. J,...,..
Walton of Eugene attended a meeting '
pf thp University of Oregon- board of T
-regent.' in- Portland' last week,. -: '
. . Mrs.--ears, Koss-or Astoria, wgs.nere
last week Vlsltlng'h4r son. Thorhaa Roaa,
or tne v. o.-mtdicai college. , ; ,,, t -
Miss Ethel Carters pf pafam ls Hlkttmg
w E rit. i l IV
ronianca --- T r - ff ' i
r 1
Mra ffleofreTTj Xfyeilet la all Visitor
at thp home of Mrl'-and Mrs. John Mor- .-rlaon-of
Balem.: .- -: .- '. - - - " '
- Prof, F. O. Young, "head 6f the dev
partment of economics and sociology- in '
the University: ol Oregon.; waa in the. J...
city last week from Eugene. - " -
. .Prof. ,W C Ilawley was In, th rlty ,
from Balem to represent Wlllginette 'uhf-' ,
vereltjr' at th educational conference.
held -hare Jasti WMk. ", Thp-4ueiuon-o L.
the" advisability : of boldlng an educa-
Monal congress durlngv the; Lewis fid ""
Clark fair . was dlacnsaad-r.; - v -----
- Mrs. Jerry Bronaugh ' bas returned
fronr.Trvlstt': with- her parents, 4r. and -Mrs.
George B. Dorrls of Eue:ene.
- Miss. Alberta Campbell Is visiting her--uncle,
President P. L. Csmpbell of the,.;'
University of Oregon,! a tf Eugene. -' - '' '
.JWrsv; Otto Ktausse vbas returned ;'ti;."
Portland from alalt with' her parents. -Mr;
and Mrs. J. J. Dalrympls of Balem.
She haa recently return .from an".ex
tended pastern trip. . - -. 1 , .
Miss Jewell McClure of Portland Is .-
th guest pf Mrs. Claud Oaten of Balem.
Miss Jessie Mitchell of Salem Is here' .
on a fortnlght'a . visits with- Mrs.- Fnul rtrr-
Mnndell. - .-- . -..Lt.: .;.;.-: ;
- L. A. MoArthurl stydent at 'Stanford
university, visited University of "Oregon
friends last wek. on'tais way to college. -Miss
Bessie ,1 Kelly of Busene visited " '
her -sister, Mrs. A. H. Tanner, of 1Z3
Johnson street- Isst week. - . , . ;
Judge' J.. J.. Walton of Eusena was In .
Portland the first of the week. - :.'-'
Hon. Phil Metschan visited Balem dur- - -Ing
tha WW. ... f. ."-.
Mrs--L E. Oallng of Weston la In tha .
city visiting her daughters. Mrs. P. A.
worthlngton and Mrs. P. H. Coffin.
- -. - Tanlng and. Xloomtioa ' ''
Mrs. Nina Larowe. hall Twenty-third
and Kearney. Open all the year. - Phone
Main aai. . . . ,-. -'w
' FoUewed Instraetlons.
From the Chicago Wews.
Mrs. N. was glvlfig Instructions to her
new servant Befor removing the soup
plates, Mary, always aak each person if
he or she would like sny more," ' r-
"Very good, msdam." " ,
Next day Marr respectfully bnwlns-
to on of the guests. Inquired: '"Would :.
ths gnntleman like some more soup?"
Tea, please." .-i
There Isn't any left" ' - :' ''.'
. V..-T-
be aecomnanled by MONry nann' :
NVELOPl Bend orders to Calvin
', V -,
- I,' - " I -
' ' ; ''''J-.' t