The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 22, 1905, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 14

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M cssafiefl. From A
:''--;'. "-.-wa attau aditot xukT I (
1 C J. .Downey, editor of the Dally Mln
Ing Record of Denver, has a high oplo
1 Ion of The Journal and wrtteer nV
. - beg to say that we have received-and
-,;; ,"ixanllad the copy of the special Chrlst
. maa number of the Portland Journal.
- which you have (mailed to us, and aay
'- "that we Tory highly appreclate-the- aane.
The servloes of local newspapers in pro
claiming th resources of ,the great, re-
glon on which they are themselves de
''.;' pendent, along wlfh all good cltUena,.
r-' Wa certainly of value, not only tol the
T neotlon tself,biit to the general public
; , - ; For ourselves, we are particularly
- Interested mining features of the
upecial issue you. end us. . The mining
':,' Interests of ' Orejton certainly deserve
.if 2 , H the attentlort the newspapers can
. - give them. . If you have mines let .the
' 1 world know It. .If you do mot let the
I ', -world know It, It will thjnk you haven't
'any. mines,., ' , . --.. :
"krf Charles. K." Knilht,' steeretarr of
the Busmeas Men' club mf ;
m Antonio)
Tm.. writes: 1 ' ;f 1 " l
am - in receipt 'of the Christmas
.number of the Portland Journal, which
i you were kind enough to forward me,
" The publication Is not only a credit to
jour elty and state, but ' would, be a
- credit' to the metropolis of the coun
.' try." -
ii Praise Tronr Illinois. '-f
z C P. Ptrry,- editor ot the Qulncy Optlo
7f Qulncy, 111., says: "I have Just, re
eel vodx the Christmas number icf the
Portland Journal, which I will look 4ver
aa soon as I can get time. .1 will men
tion It in next week's issue." When
j ... . Perry's .paper, appeared. . after re-
) ' . reiving -The Journal, he said: "The
- -txri-h' Commercial club ef Portia nd, Or, of
.' - which -Tom Richardson formerly of
'J ", . , i, tiulncy, .is the energetic and capable
'7 '", i "'. i manager, has again 'Hit the Trail.' In
i. 'the Interest of the coming Lewis and
j I Clark .exposition. The club l sending
'j v - v cut nples of the Christmas nnmber of
V - - , the Portland Pally Journal, conalsting
. .. ... ,.4,f 7J purges. ret'l('tn with interesting
reading matter and handsome illuatra-
-slona,. One h moTlntelng f-
u1l,!,t. ."'"i.rTrF1"?1" W'LR c"py" 't-nrt''tmasrorllr-adda fuel in my case to my earnest,
law. RTc?TTpend abuuV -yar - number .of Th JournaTTat hand, and desire to go And assist in the develop-
in Ita splendid work.'
i-in xfswspapert wors.-
J.l Ilarry - Tregoe of Baltimore,' Wh6
i la a Jeading mnber pf the National As
sociation of Credit Men. writes: "I
' received in the mall the Christmas num
ber ef the Portland? journai and--tt was
' looked over with a great deal of pleas-,
..' lira and interest. It was a personal
gratification to receive thla expression
' of fin newspaper work and of public
' energy thst should reflect in the greater
development of your Una city and state."
7 A'aTaw .Orleaaa Keasafe. , -
t" -J.'C Andrews Is southwestern pas
enger agent of the Southern railway.
; and his oontrfbutlon Heads; "'I beg to
- arknowledge receipt -of the Chrlstmss
nnmber of tha Oregon Jourssl. It Is a
amlendid meua. Tou are rertalnly snak-
Ing that' sectlow -ksown.- and this Issue
of The' Journal la astonishingly elaborate
and Interesting.- I observe that you still
etnjof ' your weual wnergy; and .push In
yoar Vork. and It Is telling It a ows tal,
everybody here seams to know about
he lastt and Clark centennial. ' I
reckon there will be quit a consider
able number of our people go that way
. next summer." . . - ....
A Pe4 Breaks Porta.
Mr. Charles O. Adaana, aecreUry of
the Buslpeag Um'l asaoclstlon of All-
wars, N. I, sends tha following la
v .i :v.i,..::..::.v;:.::--:-.THE
- 7
tchfeori, 'Xopc!ca ; and Santa
; OftWcf DvkWn fflrht"
8S I
O ' tinrppr ; publlahMi on th
' uoh a volum of prais for
' .ntarprta mm hai, been ahowered
on The -Jpurnal" for lt progreIven
1n "JprMenttna;- Itt big; .' 7l-pv 4band
omeljr ' lUUBtrsted $ Chrlstma edition.
Thla praise haa come, from U-eetloM
of the county. The people are amaaed.
to leaan. that Portland baa a paper that
compares -moat-faTorabljr with th bl
metropolitan dajllee. . The lettera ' not
only pralae The Journal for Ita .enter
prise, but also' compliment the Portland
Commercial club on glrlng Oregon such
wide - publicity by sending, out The
jQurnal which set forth. th resources
of the state In an entertaining and
oomprehenalye manner. , , j
: The Portland Commercial club, tbroufh
ManagerTom RlcHardaon; sent, out a.
number.' of .: copies ' of "the "Chrlatmaa
Journal." Letter in repif are now be.
ing recrtyed and -when, all mre" la thry
will e vefume intereifnnft ftdlng.
They show the etfeotlveneaa of news
paper advertising. They show ha,t The
Joumnl's- Christmas editlott'-not - only
advertised Portland. Oregon and the Par
letter: ' '"Your" Portland Journal Christ.
mas number of 71 pages was duly re
pelyed. and perused with a great deal of
pleasure. -If Portland and Oregon are
what they arsk -cracked up to be I ram
not surprised that the man wrote the
following verse, which ! found In, Pour
" -Say. If I couldn't rait y the prtpe, , ;
And wasn't blind or lame, I
And knew -that I was going to sea -
- what I have seen slnoe I came, 1
.j. Id get a pair of good,- stout shoes
. And strike the railroad track.
- Andwalk all ths-wayto-Oiegon i
And I never Woujd walk back."' ,
1 - Texas Sixes te Speak.
, The Galveston chamber of commerce,
Galveston, Tex., -of which -C R. Kltchell
Is secretary, says: "Wi are pleased to
be In receipt of The Oregon ' 8unday
Journal of s December 15. This " Is a
splendid edition and I have
where It will, receive wue. atten
MSssacnaaMts jrrajsss vregon
lit M. siawyer. secreiaryoi
of ' trad of Woreester Mass., in the
course of an Interesting -letter says:
"I have received enough literature from
your organisation, through you, to thor
oughly convince one that you have-a
hustling club In your city, but ths most
Convincing of all is contained In the Ore
gon Sunday Journal, the Christmas edt-t
Hon, fa which you. have ao well written
up, the Oregon Development league, for
which your elub is directly responsible
Prom a newspaper .standpoint thla edi
tion of Thtf Journal shows a bit of en
terprise that, I presume, is In keeping
with, the up-to-date hustle of your sec
tion of the country. From. a. news
s tandpotnt,- It certal nty-t ti winner, and
I am glad to learn that it la so kindly
disposed- toward your organisation . in
giving Its space so .freely to your efforts."-
. . ! r:.u : -
. Journal a Work of Art, '- T '-' "
. Railroad officials know-a good thing
whn . they see it, and E. C Ovlatt,
traveling passenger agent of the great
Canadian Pacific railway, with head
quarters a Battle Creek, Mich., is no
excepuon.- in a letter ne says:, -rioui
communication.- dated December 24, to-
I have pleasure In stating the paper is
a most cemplete digest wnd oomprhn
atvsj announcement - - It - is a :wt -of !
art, and I am sure Will be fully appre
ciated by any who are interested In your
beautiful clty.and'a great incentive In
wakening those who sre not." - - .
' Another stallroad Of fioial
8. K. Ilooper la a leading official of
the great and picturesque Denver A- Rio
O rail lie railroad, fullng' the' position of
general passenger and ticket agent. In
a letter from Denver he says: "I .am
ln receipt of your favor of December
tt, forwarding a copy of the Christmas
number, of the Portland Journal, which
Is a very creditable publication Indeed,
and one' that would do honor to any
newspaper in tha east ot west. I note
the story. .of ths Oregon Development
league and the Portland Commercial
club, and can only ssy In this regard
thaf ' such ' institutions ' as 'these are a
source of great benefit to every com
munity.. The Information giv
en in regard to 'the Lewis snd -Clark
centennial will be of more than ordinary
value to me In the preparation of my
folder, which I propose to Issue la the
Interest inducing travel to the Port
land fair,". , , .
' Mora XiaOr' Words. . "
J. W. Adams, president' cf the Amerl
canAssoeiatloa of T raveling Passenger
vr;.Tr .:r-T:.:r. ir;T...,. ......
mm m m - -"- -r
I ' 1 J VO """aasaSSBsBBSasa- ' ' " . rsvTf rKCElV' . .-'-f -. ',' , - - - V , ' - f- T--7.:r.t
u i i.aiL'kiiahViiiiiWi .-. .t.v . .-z-m. : -"--.. . - riOTT'iasTgflTgflTga-sHuk - . - .. i.--. ,
placed .it
s iJBiuaruej
the' board
dregon ,sfrNpAY" : journai; -Portland. Sunday
Fc Railway Sysicm
fore attempted, but without a, doubt the
greaUat-JftBSCIL taught "by these letter
is that the-newspaper as a medium of
advertising '. hag no equaJ, among the . used, to advance -business, to
buMd-up communities, or to make 1here
sourcea of Oregon known to- the world. -'
Ths Portland Commercial lub dw
serves a. large shffre of credit, for It was
throughthat , organisation ? that ' the
ChHstmu Journal was dtstrlbuto rn
such a way as to attract much attention
li) the east "The Cpmraerolal club la a
firm believer. In the value of newspaper
advertising. - That such publicity brings
results la evident from the-letter now
pouring In upon the club praising The
Journal . for Its enterprise In produolng
such an Incomparable ' edition- and the
CommerclaPelub" tor " adopting lt rag "a
minfTtiittTaetlng attention toOrifgen.
Every letter that ha- been received
and every resident of Portland and Ore-J
There .are' presented on this page?
a few ; extracts -from severaLhnndred
lAttera JOih one jihova that the cnun-
;;TKe.i Jqurnall Enterprise
Agents, one of the most Importlnt or
gaplsatlona "of railroad Official, i In a
letter from his office in Ban Francisco.
says: My. thanks are due you for a
very Interesting copy -or the Portland
journal, issued on December IB. In
rVTbleh particular attention Is paid to the
Oregon svevaiopment ' league and the
good work of the Portland Commercial
club," .'.;-;.-': , . - -.
. ' ' Uniiraled la the arorthwes. . ;
- Cyrua'.H.-".vyalker -of Albany, OrZ
writes! ' "Please accept thanks for the
-fChrlstmas number of thr Oregon-Joor-
nal. . It is a superb edition, an honor to
Portland and the state of Oregon, ' a
credit to the science of advanced Jour
nalism, and unrivaled by -any t. other
periodical in the Paclflo northwest, hay
ing 2 (t mora pages than Oregon's oldest
newspaper. -Its editorial, "Voices 'of the,
Christmas.! stands In, marked ana pleas
ing contract with that hi the rival; news
saDeif mentioned aboveU The article t-
.gairduig.,lfle work of the Portland Com-
saerciat-uuo uu tne vrregr'n ieveiop
ment league Is to be commended for. Its
concise and comprehensive - make-up.
That part Of Tha Journal devoted to
exploiting tha Lewis and Clark "fair is
worthy of ths grand enterprise it cham
pions-." .......... :.!-.
t Pennsylvania speaks. ..
A. W. Markle of-Clearfield. Pa..
writes: -1 thank you for. your kind-
nesa lnl sending me a copy of the Port
land Journal containing a splendid and
tomprehenslvo description .of - Portland
and ths resources of tOrego'h. - The dif
ferent subjects are so well treated and
various that one can find an answer
therein tolmostanyiuestioniAhat
atlsca. in hU mind , regarding the .cli
mate, resources . and development of
wonderful" Oregon. The result of m care
ful perusal f The Journal of this Issue
Is' that we cannot help but be greatly
impressed with the-magnificent future
that must be Oregon's. We doubt If
anyeasterner, who has had an oppor
tunity to" wad f"-Oregon's greatness,
does not 4vlsh that ho could be a resi
dent iof Portland at least during' tha cold
winter aeaaoa we are now experiencing.
r. know that the reading of The Journal
ment of grand old Oregon.
-,."7 """' 0cm testa Interesting-. f
7 O. T'. McNeill," city passenger - and
ticket' agent of the Northern . Pacific
railway at Minneapolis, writes: I re
ceived tha -Christmas- numbes- of the
Portland Journal -and wss very much
Interested, In tha contents. ,
From, the outlook at this time, I am of
the opinion -that there will be a very
heavy travel west next summer. There
ta more Interest la Minneapolis at this
.time over. tha Lewis and Clark fair, than
there was at any time In the fit. Louis
fair. Our -people realise that anything
that will build up the western country
cannot 'fait to help ' Minneapolis, It Is
a fact., that almost without exception,
all ef Our big lumber companies are in
terested In Washington, . Oregon ' and
California" timber lands, and . as their
limber here is all cleaned up they are
iriovlhg lnte' your country." . . ; ,
j-i teaay Soars of Oood Beading. .
'Villi K. Gordon of Ban Francisco, pa
cific coast passemrer agent of the Pled
triont Air Line, writes: "I do not know
that tha average railroad man would
make a success In writing an article for
a newspaper that would be of Interest
at all to the reading public, but I do
know that he appreciates tha effort as
put forth by the Oregon people. In this
their great enterprise, to bring to the
-- ; - ; ' -'- -'-j' S.- -'
: Rl
L t P ArT S
- V ' -v''
i tu . ai ti MOW r ANfi 1DMIO SOUTH WCSTtWrl .ftAILROA
T ft--11- till III -"jgafflgsslsHnHftgAa
and "Oregon"CThe"natlon"la; realizing the
unexcelled resources ef the state. With
the Lewis' and Clark exposition the tide
of 4mqlratlonw4U start to flow to the
Paclflo northwest. " Those who attend
Ihe fajr wttl learn rtore. -
stay.:; Others wlll "tn their friends and
In this way Portland and Oregon. will
lorg;? ahcad,. ,, ; , , - t ,r-.. ,
world'! attention the coming JalrTh
number of The Journal was read with
a great deal of pleasure and enough
'food for thought'-wajfj-contarned therein
to supply many hours of good reading.
. xooa xajaoma so Kaaa... . . r--...
, In 'a letter written from his office
la Chicago, George H. Maxwell, execu
tive chairman of the National Irrigation
association, says: "I desire to thank
you. for tha copy of the Christmas num
ber of tha. Portland Journal, which I
took home with i me-last evening, and
looked through With a good deal of care.
Truly It la. marvelously' comprehenslva
'It would seem allmost incredible that .lt
could be true. -: When we consider, how
ever, that., the states of Washington
and Oregon, taken, together, .are as Urge
as Great, Britain. Ireland, Denmark ind
Switzerland, dbmblned and the Mh. Wtal
population .o I Oregon and - Washington.
according to' the census of ltOO, . was
something less than' 1,000,000, and the
total' population -of ths t'jittea Kingdom,
Denmark? and Bwltxeflnhd at the same
time was over 68,000.000, one can form
an . approximate conception' . of the
possibilities -, of development .' in the
states of f Oregon and. Washington.
- It seems to me that your, plan
of 'uniting all the civic and commercial
organisations of Oregon la tha Oregon
Development lnague Is one that 'holds
enormous possibilities of benefit to your
people." v; r;.,;.
.. Ifacallg neaaiaat BeboUeotlonaT"'
Mr., R. D.,Hoek, of the firm of Hock
Weymnr, large lumber dealers of East
Lynn,, 111., says: "Through your kind
ness I received a. few days, ago a copy!
or tne chr;lstmoa Portland . Journal,
which rI have read with a great deal
of Interest - Tha perusal of Its columns
describing tha charma- and - advantages
of tha. stats - of Oregon recalls many
pleassnt recollections of my short resi
dence in your state, and strengthens my
purpose of making it my home In tha
near future. Therconing Lewis
and Clark exposition will be a great aid
In drawing people to the Paclflo oast.
And I ran "testify from my experience
that there le-ai undeflnable fatclnatloh
about ; the . Pacific-coast ounry tha
win aureiy iirauoe many - or them to
return to maka it their home."
r Ha terp rising- Western Ceujitry. ' ,
r yt. !.- -Cornell,--traveling - passenger
Ant -iOT the- Chicago. ; Burlington A
Qulncy railroad, with his headquarter
In Buffalo, says: "Wa are in receipt jif 1
tne Christmas number of th Portland
Journal and am very glad ta have re
ceived. same, for it shows us how -enterprising
and up-to-date our far west
em "country is. It is my opinion thst
the Lewis' and Clark exposition will do
a great deal -toward developing the
northwest." . .
' Advising Friends to Sew BxpoalUca. '
..John L. .Lott of th office of the so
licitor general of the United State In
Washington writes:- '1 thank you kind
ly for th copy of the Christmas' num
ber of The Journal which you sent me.
I liave read. It with, a great deal of
pleasure and' have passed It on to my
friends. Am advising alUmr friends to
visit the exposition." ' ' v
'telaps bf th Oregoa Freer.
17 K. Henderson, a leading wholesale
flour .and feed merchant of Indepen
dence, .Is," writes: -"The copy of the
Sunday Journal received and" must say
It la the beat and moat Interesting Sunday-paper.
I have seen.. snd I have re
ceived several from all th largs cities
from Galveston to Minneapolis. I had
an attack of coast fever last spring, but
' . -. -.--
tioRNiKg, January si
QlFr "TnH E; C Q
', ' ' i' ' ' - " B""
Many will . r " . . . . .. -
finally visited Texas Instead, but read
ing this paper 'has' brought on a relapse.
I hope to visit tha coast in the .near
luiurt,' - - -j '
' f From the Soatalaad.
P. 8. May o Montgomery.-Ala., south
easternpassenger agent of tha Mobile
St Ohio railroad, writes: 'The Christ
mas "number of the Portland Journal
has been received, for which please ac
cept my 'thanks. I shall take pleasure
in placing this paper where Itam sure
a paper where iitm aura
benefit! td the. Lewis and
(Jiata exDOsit
71 r
Rolland Shaven.. eecretJarv of tha Com.
merclallclub of Cedar Rapids, la., writes l
he handsome-Chrhtmae - number f
hm PoVtland Journal arrived in due
tnpv-T ' With such energetic
iorces as rne journal,, the Oregon De
velopment league and the Portland. Com
mercial club atiworkm her behalf, the
uregon country cannot fall to meet the
rondeet - hopes of her most ardent ad
mirers.'' ' .,,- j .. . , '
Jonrnal Tory Interesting. ' "
Charles il Schmidt of Hartford City,
Ind., aays: "Thanks to you.' I have lust
received the Christmas nnmhor nt Tha
journal, ana it was til very interesting
to me. tr an tne citlxens put aa much
pusn and pride Ja their enterprises ss
Tha Journal haa, Oregon with her nut;
ural resources wlllsoonbetJod'!l own
country,' if she. has. not. already gained
mat piace. . : ,. .. r, . . .
"'''"' Waata. More-Copies.' T
O. A. A. Deane, Jr., f Indianapolis,
InL, travel ng' passenger agent of the
Missouri Pacific Railway company.
writes: fThe Christmas number of The
journal -la certainly a wonder, and I
wish It were possible for you to send
us a' few more copies for .'distribution
in. this territory." j
Show Thrift, Saargyi aad Fusa.
J.' Bhlrley Cotk. of tha law firm' cf
I look ta look, or vemsnTrex wrifes:
i lake occasion to express my great
amassment at the unprecedented display
of enterprise, ' thrift, energy., and push,
not only f The journal, the Oregoa
Development league and the Portland
Commercial club. but. seemingly, of a
united cjtisensnip Of your great state."
"" : JJ. najeot is OverwheUniag.
.' A. J. Smith, general passenger and
ticket agent -of th-Ijake Shore ac Michi
gan Southern railway, writing from his
office In Cleveland, Ohio, says: "A busy
man Is at .once -overwhelmed with the
magnitude of his subject when he has
finished a careful examination -of the
superb production of The Oregon Jour
nal of December SS, 14. A tender
foot but- slightly acquainted with the
vastness snd variety of our Paclflo const
poeaeaston can hardly comprehend waat
Is meant when he reads, ; of "Walls of
100,000 sacks of wheat' I note, how
ever, that There Dover wss a better
vantage ground ior good, steady, earnes,t,
warrare itt lne accompiianmcnt or all
kinds of good results than Oregon.' I
have no riuuht but that thousands of
good people la. this part of the country
thoroughly believe that thla is so. The
examination of The Journal serves to In
dicate that your banks are, In good abapg.
your mining industries constantly and
rapidly Increasing in Importance; that
your lumber Interest are without doubt
th greatest In th world; that th farm-
- .'-; - - r , -
. '
OWe ef Oanarat ftaatarft Psaarf .;Ht:
tag possibilities are almost Incompre
hensible that -your social, moral . ;and I
religious aavanrages wiu compare -ta-voj-abl'y
with any '- other anywhera, I
J JujoV that your climate Is Invigorating
ana mer; rore nas an upuning innuence
to all whaxmayput themeelves within
IU influence." --7- r.-..-..v, r,
Waata to meprodaoe Sectioas. ' -
r.A. : Miller," editor ef the South Rend
pong letter1 and saVa he estrea tdi repro
duce In hi paier I he story lof ths Lewis
fend Clark i fair Portland. Progressiva.
Prosperous, Picturesque," "Interesting
Paonle at the Fair.? . "Picturesque Scen
ery of Oregon"- end "Famous Stage
coach. Which WU1 Be Been at wnsi-
1 position," In his letter Mr. Miller says:
l am in receipt or tne cnrfsimas num
ber 61 Tha Portland Journal and I wish
to tliank you sincerely for 1U It not
only represents ths newspaper enterprise
of the Psclflo coast, but reflect th mir
velbus growth and development of , Port
land, one of ths finest cttiea I have seen
In this country or Europe. Thla Issue
of The Journal Is marvelously compre
hensive In all Its departments. It makes
a apinwdid display of tha unlimited re
sources of Oregon and the matter la pre.
pared in a manner to entertain all read
ers. Th Journal deserve th heartiest
commendation for ths' Interest It Is tak
ing In the Lewis and Clark centennial
to be riven m Portland in the near future,-
If all of the newspapors of Ore
gon and 4hat part of th west wlir con
trlbuts as liberally of . their time and
space aa The Journal, the fair should
b a marked success." :'. ?.-
A SptoadlA Trtbat. a . "
Arthur F. Francis of Denver. Colo.,
gecretarjr of the tJ-ans-Mlsslsslppl com
merelal wngreas. writes: .'.The copy of
The journal received. That publication,
containing - as It " did. an , exhaustive
wrtte-Up' of the state s advanUges. Is a
splendid tribute to Oregon and bar mar-
veloua resources.?
, Xentnoky so Help.
S. J.' Gates, general agent Big Four
route, -Fourth -avenue,- LoulsvUla,
Ky.. writes: ' -
"Replying to your letter of December
14, would say that yoa can depend upon
tha Big Four-, route advertising the
Twls and Clark exposition very, exten
sively after th first of th yar."
People ! Com West. - J-
" Thos who hav visited th "Rose
City" are alwaye enthuetxstlc in their
expressions, and W. H. WhIUker. dis
trict passenger agent of the Northern
Paclflo railway, Detroit, -Mich., Is no
exception. He says:
"It 1 a little early, at thla time,- to
figure aa to th extent people la the
east will come out your way next sum
mer. Ws will, however, do everything
possible to Interest them la tha Lewis
and Clark exposition, and 1 am already
In touch with business- which hes ex
pressed an intention at visiting the x-
position. Is was mors thsn rsvoraoiy
Impressed with- your beautiful city and
Ita delightful surroundings, and I am
aura you -will be called., upon to en
tertain a great number of eastern peopl
during the coming summer and fall."
' From a Former Besldent'.'
Hven mora anthushurtlo than nur vis
itors are former resident of Portland
and Oregon, as shown by th following
, ' ' Mrut A.
I). J'
j CHAM J I. '
extract from a letter received from
Clark, district passenger agent of . th -Chicago,
Rock Island A Paclflo railway.
Of Cleveland, O.f ' . : - ".
"Waa very much pleased to have re
ceived ' your communication and - very;
glad to receive The Portland Journal,-,! ,
presume published in nchaff of the club
and fair. T can assure you there is con- 1
slderable talk concerning the. Lewis, and I'
Clark fHliltthroifcht4ht territory;
hat-ii talked with a (treat many feopla 1
wljo are going. tu tbko ad vantage, of tho ;
exposition rates, and I, hare no doubt,
that It well patronised. There
are a great many prospective passengers r '
who are waiting for the rato Mr go' Into '
effect and. I hav been booming Oregon '
owing' to the fact that 1 lived there a.
yar and waa very - much pleased with
ths country and climate. It ha been
one great source of pleasure to moto
tell people, that the grass 1st green all"'
th year round and I could always pick
a 'rose from th bush In our .front -yard.
-I wljl ba very glad to co-opera ta
and Indue all the business possible to
go via Portland this coming season.!!-
A Word of Information. .
' Tha Denver &- Rio Grande railroad is
not going to take a back seat -In ndver
ttnjhg the exposition, according to the
letter -addressed to the' Portland Com
mercial club by W. M.'Cundey, Its trav
eling passenger agent at Denver: .
"I wish to say that' the Christinas
huntbet Of Th Portland JOurhans an
Al edition and contains a world of In
formation, and I do not 'lie how It could
be Improved upon: Th Lewis and Clark
centennial exposition 1 already attract-"
Ing considerable attention In my tcrrl-"
tory, and I have bad. numerous Inquiries
regarding same. The D. ft -R.-U. R. R.
Is going to . advertise the' exposition '
quite extensively, and I for one am talk
ing' ir dally" " ------ r ' . ' :
.'.Will Speak a Oood Word. rZZH,4
i In addition., to. ...complimenting Th
Journal very JilghljjVA, S. Wagner, pas- ''
senger agent of tha Missouri. Kansas ;.
Texas railway, of Galveston, .Tex., com-.' f"
mends th methods.' employed by the
Portland Commercial chibc-v ,. , f
"Tour letter, I think, la as good as
any on this order I have ever had th
Dies sure of reading, end to one Inter
ested in advertising It Is filled with
timely suggestion. It will give me
considerable pleasure to speak a good
word In favor of youf exposition, tir
any on traveling ,ln your direction, anil"
I trust that, In the end, the effort will"
not be without success. Any advertis
ing matter yoa may cirs to (end to my
addrea will ba taken ear of." .
, ' JmxalgraUoa to th Sorthwaat.
The people of th eastern and central
ststes all seem to know about the com
ing exposition. If tha communications;
received by the club sre any Index. R.
H. Croiler, division passenger agent' of
th Burlington Route, says in part-
"While tha St Lou la world's fair
Z fflr17 "o history,
we feel that th Lewis and Clark expo
sition of KOt will command sUona. st-,
tentlon from this general section. Your
exposition has. already . been exploited
throughout this territory, and with th
rapidly Increasing- general summer
travel ta th far northwest, the attrac
tlvaneaa 'of the exposition . itself h.i"
large immigration from th central west
i,Contlaud a Page Fifteen.)