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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
' :' ' i t :r ' , ' xJy'--::y, ' ' y .J- i'-'- 'y' V A...-.' ; ;'V- ' . ST'--:-:. . . - Av I J ,-...'., ' .-tV-- . . GECTION TWO ... '....i" It PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY . 82, 1905. yy . - . : : -WHI Public Ta: Rooms Second7 Floor. , ;" -. Under auaplces of -Portland I. VA. z2 Orananni'' Munra. boitcia. Koda7, Jan. B3, 108. " Tml Coffe, ChocoUtik. - . r: .Zillllc In Bottle. ... ,. . Chlckan Boup. : i '- ' Fruit SaliitU Hot Bolls. Ham andwlebM. v;:3rad and Butter. . - '- X- ,Cooklo,.....;,l.;.. -, .,. SPLENDID AND UNUSUAL Miltoery ValucsIn" NewAMillinery Halb--Sccond Floor Annex New Hats, New Ideas, and looking ; for new customers ' . 8atiad that our hoata, at old pat rooa will surelr ' com bar ta their alora your atora when" In want (of aartnins embraced, In (Irat-rat mil'' llirjrv Assortments her today 'are equal to those in the. arerae stores at J"hlBh eson"-thl Js aa aJl year "round tnllltnery - store. New ' advance styles are here also, and -eyery thing; at the Clearance prloe, These extra tpeclais for Monday and week of jeaaery : CHILDREN'S 70 CAPS - Children's . Caps, assorted colore, - ralaee te -tei special, your choice, : each . ........ 4 18 iadiks' 76o Caps c - Ladles'- Automobile and Toartst . Caps, silk and wool, black. brown . and- mode,' regular Value 7 So; spe- - clai. each T. . . .-.... . , . . . .. m49 ISo'POHrTRTMMETJHATS WORTH . TO 14.00 Alf Ready to Wear Hats. French. Bailors Turbans and Fancy , Shapes in scratch felt. all eolora with contrasting ehadea, ; values to .14.00; special, your choice, . each ....... . j ... , . 98 UNTRIliMKD SHAPES J5e . Eyery. 'Jarrlmmed Shape, value to ILOfrt apeclal, each .......... .25e A small line of French Flowers left; speoUU at HALF PRIOR. Every Ostrich Plume, Tips. "single and in. clusters, Breastav. Pon Poaa, WAiga and - Quills; . special at Just HALF PRICE. . - - Women's and Children's Hosiery Bargains .FIRST FLOOR. ; .. A'.:' ". hosiery. . Infant's Ftnn Ribbed Black Cashmere Hone, seamless, alsea 4 4 to . pslr lKe ChlliWn'r'Tlne Rlblel Black" 'Cash -mere Hoae. seamlesa, double knee. '' lha and lOo value, pair. .....i. 184 Children's -Double . Ribbed Winter Weight. BUcki Wonted Hose, seam , leea. Jvalue to lOfc,' all slsee; , pedal,- pair . i '.v . .v; a t . . 18 Children's Black Cotton. Hoae. seam ..lose, double knee.slaes to H; special, pair ... N. .......... ..lO Children's Black Part Wool Hose, fine ribbed, sum H and T, lie -. value1 ............k....iaH Children's Black Cotton Hose, fine and double ribbed, seamless, goodr winter weight, value to lie; special. 12H Boys" Iron Clad Hose, One ribbed, '.these are genuine iron dadm, slses V- 7, I. . I4. tie value, pair,. 18 A lot of Women's Fancy Hoee, me dium and J dark shade.' dots and " stripes, alt alsea. Ita value, pr.19 Women's Black " Cotton Hose, aeam less, good weight, lao value; ne- clavpetr .,..1T Women's Black Cotton Hose, extra SISO leg miwm, iw wuwr (or. pair 25 "Souse --CONTRACT. GOODS-UPON CH MANUFACTURERS - ALONE DICTATE PRICE EXCEPTEDv ' Fot. Later Supplementary Lbt of Extra Special Val ues for -Tomorrow and Week See MatayJMoni--ing and , Evening Paperlt FIFTH AND NEXT ,TO THE ; LAST WEEK OF THE MOST IMPORTANT- UNDERPRICED MERCHANDISE MOVEMENT OF THE TIMES t V A SALE OF SALES THAT IS MAKING NEW HISTORY-IN -PORTLAND STORE-KEEPING I WHOEVER NEGLECTS TO PROFIT, BY ITS MYRIAD 1 These ftre.the dajrt when the Jowest prices of the year prevail. .The volume of business accorded us" the pat four jtveeks of Clearance ' Season certainly- demon - strates' that we must have given.a..large ,measureiotisacn to the punchasing public We shall make the", next twoweeksBiatend the Clearance Sales for 1905 even more satisfactory to our public, if. the lowest prices on the best obtainable or makeable values are what ouxtrading folk desire." Don't overlook the smallest item on this, bulletin if you appreciate generous money savings. " Ntwithstandm tioutyevery department for the same -quality of -merchandise, than any other house, noi only In Portland, but in all the West, we are enabled, thro circumstances, A "' i ' ; ' Ty.fJ;y''''.-- XO dd to their economy- inducements ,the following incomparable extra specials for the week of " r A- T-':yy 'x BARGrAMp rAAA share Moiicialnd elC II I ' 1 ' t . i . . J .. ' . " I T ' . I )!' .. if Remarkable Vcilues in Domestic Aisles FIRST FLOOR -Mtislths. : dalntyTT ae w Tub 'kjUL MIOHTT AVALANCHB OF MATCHLESS BARGAINS In fabrics for home and every-day wear,- Sbeets and PUlow Caaeav-Bed Soreadav Towels and Toweling. Ooods. Flannels andOutlag Flannela. All features' 6f ommandlng' interest to. economists, and, included among'the Clearanoa Sales BbocuUs In the Domeatio Section, First Floor. ? A regular bohansa, for be, thrifty housewife and hotel keeper, -'Housekeeping and. Hotel Supplies lightly priced for jhe Oreat Clearance Sale's fifth, week. .. : - '. -. . -. , ; ' "s- r'''''''r c- i Thes is rare opportunity for large S--- Botets. sonoois, Doariung- ouses. 4to,;;,,.J. ;.. ... j . i . : SHEETS 48,000 OF THEM. - ' Mads of good 'round .thread sheeting, positively - thev beet values ever -ef- fered. for the - money, else -fists Inches; special Clearance price, r each ..... ; . . ,. . . ; . .46 Blse tlz0 Inches;, special -Oearancw " prtoe,- each ,- ... ..,, ...49 "Made efnlce, amooth""musllni ' with center seam; slse 710 inches, only 0ft sheets In this lot; special Clear anoe,Sale price, each. ........ 36 ' -. , BSS SPRBADa 'Another new line of handsome BeS Spreads just received to take the place of thoe which have been going out so rapidly since the great Clearance Sals began. ":' ' .-. COLORED BE3 8PREAT)a Light blue.-plnkr, dark blue and red; apeclal Clearance) price, . .. . '., each 1.25 SINGLE BED SPREADS. rt Our. 750. value; special. ClearaAoe '.u-t. prtoe, "each, , vm . . . . i5S. FOCR - SPEXHAL - VALUES.. IN -. BED SPRBADS, at - each. . 85, fl.OS, fl.2B and f 1,48. ; - :. TWO BIO SPECIAL 'VALUES fi v FRINGED BED SPREADS" with out oorners. f or . brass heda, . fu slsei' - speolal Clearance prices. ( J each ......... ,fl.60 and 81.69 v...r puxow CASES. f . 'Made of good standard round thread muslin, soft finished Ironed and ready for- use the best values for the price ever offered.. About 10,000 of them, divided into five different lots. LOT lOur HHo value; speolai.v.- Clearanee prloe, each.. 9. LOT I Our 14a value; special Clear-, anoe price, ..eacbj ............ .11 LOT Our ic value; special Clear t anck price; each .............12 LOT s Our lTo value; speoial Clear . ance price, each .r.-... 13 ZZZ PILLOWCASESon.nnM5 LOT-s-Our lc valuer spechuV-Clear enc .price, each ........ ...14 y ' JFLANNELS. :fXx ! FOR" OtflNO FLANNEL 10.000 yards of White Outing Flannel, full , Dieacneor nice sor quaiuyi-apeeiai f Clearance price, the yard. 5 rtT- . J'liAElAi-ContrnuedT: SAXONT" FLANNEL WORTH " ? FOR ,'Ho Oood - quality White - Saxony Flannel for chlldfn's weary -ourvtfre value; apeelal at, the - Fd, . v . . V . 2 8 . NAVT BLUB FLANNEL WORTH 45o FOR' lo NavrrBlue,"-AU .Wool , Flannel, Oregon make, extra weigh W zor shirts, sairts and ' children's dresses, our So value; .special at. . ....... j ... . A9er 1 HEAVT 'ALL tINXN-TOWELlNa-3 Our ItHo value; special at, th . . r lO ' "-Tttt Extra Heavy Weight '. OuM valuet . special at The "' "" r BLEACHED MUSLIN. . IjQood.: strong quaiitysostaroV-er dressing, - . inches r wide; speoial Clearance Sale price, the yd.... 6 WAlSTTNO FLANNElisWORTH 60o FOR lo-Waltlng Flannela. of a .. specially fine grade. for waists and house dresses. In all colors, our 0o vatner special Clearance price, ' the yard ....... .f. rr. , . ..39 OTTtlNO FLANNELS WORTH 150 . FOR lOo Printed Outing Flannels.. :' good "heavy quality, dark colorings In aeet figures, our lta va hie; spe. dal at, the yard ...10 Jlemraed. good wearing quality, nlos "and soft, two slses : Slse 17x1 J Inches; special Clearance price, each v..,. .8 Blse ltxIO inches; special Clearance price, each . .;.,..,lo W H ITB- ."OOQD8 WORTH I FOR "lOoSa pleoes Of Fine Striped and ' Checked Dimities. Nainsooks. Lace , Striped' Lawns and Fancy . Plalda. suitable for children's and ladles dresses and aprons, also used for curtains, our too value;' special at. the yard ..lO I Eortland's. Largest, Leading: Garment Store Dressy-Women GRAND SALpNS-HSECONbl FLOOR. . "Start Monday a Clean-Up Sale of remarkable Importance to every woman within shopping distance of Portland. SUITS, WAISTS AND WRAPPERS of high grade at ONE FOURTH TO ONE THIRD LE88 THAN OTHER STORES OFFER. This la a tale that so Wholly overshadows any attempt at competi tion that the so-called, sales of others dwarf themselves into weak and practically -ridiculous imitations. We make thee matchless offerings with, the utmost enthusiasm, knowing that the careful planning with Which wk have prepared them will bring us a prodigious volume of business Monday and all weekJ -It provides an opportunity, for women to purchase the very, highest grade garments at a mere fraction of their .actual value. These few specials are not mere 'fleaders only, ' but ( representative values that exist throughout the- stock for you to Judge the economise of this great sale, r - Women's $12.50 to $28.50 Street Suits for A sals sure to create sensational selling. . These Suits are) all rrora our own splendid stocks, strictly man-tailored Street Suits, and mad4 up In first-class workmanship. All the fa vored materials. 'wanted colors and smart mixtures. In reigning styles, plain tailored and in all stylish trimming effects now in vogue. A drastic clean-up of the lines of Suite, ranging In price from 51150 to II160 (most stores 515 to S() all tn one lot-about ISO at the wonderfully and rt- L-JUCUiouij.amau eunosx sin prtoe ..... iiwtVVi '; j Hardly jtha fair taluattoa SALE 1NO I WOMEN'S $15.50 SUITS 1.I6 iHlah-grade of the skirt Mlonevl f . . m TO 1 Sf3.S examples of i the wmmmm. t m d' Wmr -y lISi - ' I I . . . mas) tollor'a art, These suits are -sv gathering of the ! aristocrats ef the suit stocks hand some man -tailored models, made ap wtla es--qulalte i skll and en pert- workmanship. In smart street styles-MChevlots, Homespuns and Serge 4n plain i brown, black, gray and blue mixed colorings, inewest ideas In trimming ef fects, fend 'ktrlctly plain tailored. 1 This! sale j offers " chants to obtain a swell and expen- . slve suit at th pries- of the cheafwst grades1 ever carried by this great t'Styla Store." iOnly about 1H lii the! lot. 1 Monday, and while they1 last, th usual fair) priced 515.5. to 113.50 j values) are offerft at a fchoice. SQ QC 'forA.,.,..-.,.. .Uvf sj)iyOiX .1 bit of advice: I Gel a early ehole. - ' -7 -Extta aaleskneh khd fitters on aand. i vrtinirvis I't.oo! taiLored''w1ihti tti J Tillored styles, tn sergw, flannel, stem I nee and f brllllantfhe Plain colors in a line een bracing , reds, blues, browns, tans and plain blacks; also seme very smart, attractive) plalda Made In. splendid workmanship. I very trim sad Jaunty, styles;. Best 5100 values. Monday ( Q tnd until sold for. each.. ......vplel" 1 WOMEN'S HANDSOME llfO HOUpH WRAP--PERS. MONDAT. pc ratrtorrUade. hi' at tractive style In latest Models and trimming effecta Of pretty bercalej and flaahehttte ma terUla. and all, newest mei-wariteS colorings and (color combinations, i Ctu fulljort latest Im proved patterns, (No skimped wrappers tn the loO j All the product of Qn4 f the best fae toriea la ' America. I Na aweatiaheo trash, but 1 splendid housej garments made Under sanitary conditions and with perfect workmanship. Val- i in this offtriag up to 1.I0( Choice) ....... I 7 -; ' y -y'X tHB.MATCHJJCSS VALUES IN,THI8- WEEK'S bilk and Uress ; ; - ' (Fifth St Annex First Floor) :. . v --:-( And ;ta. Dress - Goods Aisles) , ... - ; IS A RE7ELATION IN REAL BARGAIN CREATIONS f And febly Illustrates our absolute supremacy la selling - ef .Silks and Dress Ooods fabrics. ' The sales thurfar this month, have been th biggest for a similar period ever la the history of this bona. This proves conclusively that we've mads good every assertion. We nave prepared a list of bargaias for this f vweek that can bu tncreas th wonderment wtth which this . sal has been viewed by all who have any knowledge) ot) the! In-, trlnalo value of such splendid, high-grade goods u art. to be found in 'this offering. Fabrics of rare individuality and char aetef. typical of the OLDS,' WORTMAN Jt KING store. We , tUustrato th spirit ef savings that rules th sal bjr the items Monday and: While thOy last for'. t ANOTHER GRiEAT WAIST SALE TE8, TWO. . 4MQN8TER SALES COMBINED IN ONE! ' '! MONDAT AND UNTIL CLOSED. .'X IWOaiEN-S HAkTJSOME 55.00 WAISTS $1.05 Attractive, aadl seasonable thee waist sav rnsa. Th waurts are,ta tailored styles, mate rials are French flannels, btiHIaatlnes and serges. Colors blue, red. brows, tans and plain blacks. Superbly tailored and beautifully made. Values; as to 15.00.'. At a, choice Mon day and untU Sold for. .. I 4l Q ach 15I.VO 00 VaL in 54 and,-. told of below: - ... 1 LOT 1 Our reg. 1115 and tlOO 50-ln. Hard-Twisted Suiting and I Imported : Engl lah Mohairs,' splendid for street, and -shirtwaist ulte; special Clearance price. for ' this week, per yd........-,..K,..81.S3 LOT t Novelty Frenob! and English Suiting, in Illuminated Carrena Plaids, Chemsesi and . . Chameleon Suitings, the very latest novelties . shown hi JMrope, all at exactly half 'price Reg. 5LT5 vaX; special, yard.... ..8714 Reg. 51.00 vaX special, yard.. ..i.. .81.00 vaL; special, yard. 81. 12 H Reg. 5150 vat; special, yard.'.... ...81.25 LOT 5 Neat Tailor Suitings.' 55-tn.; Imported r , French Camelebalr. 45 In.; a large color and ' style assortment, our reg; 51-50 per yd, vaX; . special ClearanceJBale price f?r the. "week y Only. ydT w-m Wm rVCT. i , .w.T6 LOT 4 45-Inch- Tailor Suiting. Covert and . Venetian Cloths: also 44-45-ln. Novelty Lacev .Voiles, aH wanted colors In the lot, our re.'' 7 $1.15 per yd. vat; special Clearance Sale Price, yd. . . . . ........... ;Wt. LOT, 5 Jlluminated Tweed Suiting. Heather Scotch Mixtures, in neat, stripes, flaked and. nabbed effects. These are being shown by ' other dress goods stores and called "cheap" ' .: at 00 and 50c; our speoial Clearance Sal . price, only. yard..,..,.. 30 LOT 14-In. All-Wool Voiles. Serges. Tweeds. In pratn and plaid effects, a grand assort ment to select from, our reg. 50e qusX spe cial Clearance Sale price only, yd. .....32 EXTRA SPECIALS IN BLACK DRESS OOODS FOR THE WEEK. Reg. vaL 55 and 55.50 Novelty Silk and Wool Crepona and Silk and. Mohair Novelties, th . ; Very latest novelties shown-; special Clear- , ance Sal prios, yd. . ; . ...8a.T8., Reg. 52.10 and 5125 val Novelty Italian Mo- hairs aad Crepons, a splendid assortment to ' ehoosa from; special .Clearance Sal price, yard , . . c .; 81.39 1 Reg. 51.T5 and 51.5 -ln.. all wool nd fast ' colors, consisting of Panamas. Canvas Cloth, Spangles and Novelty Cbevlota, wnequaled v vaL at our reg: price; special Clearanc Sal , price, yd. T2 uoods Sale ATLmClsftJlUl T Slack French and German. Black Broadcloths. 1 the best known grades, specially -priced for !c this week's sell Ins . .. - Reg1 54.50 grade, 54-ln,Vwpeciali-r.t...,.83.'83 rtegj .ee grace, 4-in.; special.. ...... S3. 33 Reg. $5.50 grade.. 54-ln.; special.. .....ia.OS Reg. 55.00 grade. 54-ln.; apeclal. .82.57 . Reg. 53-50 grade. 54-ln.; special.. ...... 82. 09 Without rear of contradiction ws state these are th best varuee offered and the grandest opportunity to secure a handsome Black Suit ing at a big saving, v. ' SILK SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK. . ' , Prtoe cut deeper than ever. New lines put out ' on bargain tables. Bargains that can be found .' only at this, Portland's Leading Reliable Silk Store. Imported Black Swiss Taffeta at half -prtc onr as they mat You say. "Why half price, on staple black taffeta r?.-Plalnly stated and te the point We sell Bonnet's Black Silks, i the best in the world. W have no spar for 'anything except th beat ' 80 Imported Bwls Taffetas gov. starting Monday, at half prtce- Reg. 51-50 grade fouyard.,..,,T...r. .75 Reg. 51.75 grade for. yard... 87H Reg. 53.00 grade for. yard .81.00 , Reg. 51-50 grade for. yard. -8125 Aad Black Satin . Rhadara and Do- ' cheese are placed on sal at H price: Reg. 51.75 vaL for, yard.u., ..87H Reg. It tit Val. for. yard ..l.OO -Reg. 52.15 val, for, yard.TT.i . .il.iaH Reg. 52.50 vaL for. yard. ....... .T..81.2S - .SILKS ON BARGAIN TABLES Special On bargain tables In Silk Store 5th St. Annex LOT 1 Consists of 20 and IVln. White India , Silks. 11 -In. Black Taffetaa, and a grand as sortment of Swell Suit Silks; special Clear anc price, yard -...!.'.....'...; 67 . LOT 2 Consists of"neat etYects in Foulards, - 17-m. White India Silks, Blur All Pure Silk , Taffetas and a big Una of Smart Suit Silks- special clearance price, yard .-. -77 LOT 5 Consists of Swell Evening Silks. 17-ln. : Colored Pongee, 17-ln. Colored end Black Taffetas.. Cheney Bros.' Foulards, In neat stapl patterns; ale a large assortment of Suit Stlka, th newest and beet silks found on th coast; . special Clearance Sals rr,S . yard This Men's Store, SIXTH ST. ANNEX FIRST FLOOR, i One of th hardest tasks we've had to, perform, to t vpbuiMtnS and" bisttar-l Jng of Our atorekeeptng has been to gt the growth of this business, bal anced.! - Folks got the - notloir that' OLDS."- WORTMAN 4V KINO'S was a woman's store and is of course, a woman's! store, the best not only tn Portland, but in all th west - But .'tis Just as thoroughly ."s" - A MfeN3 STORE the .best-In - town.. Msn's - goods chose it by men' experts .In men's wat Shown carefully and ea-snen like to be shown, . by men. , Pollt,tbltging rfel- lowa In a store apart from women's goods, right handy to the Sixth street entrance. Manned by men-for men. and women who buy for men. . In eea- aon-and out we've advertised for mcn trad for -years told . honest truths about honest goods tor all sorts ot men.--Far a tun It seemed a hopeless case hopeless as butting down the end of our eteef-fram building with your head. But after a while we won --men's "trade by th- thousands. And now, .when We advertla bargains Ilka these foremen, they come for 'em or -send. They'll be here Monday tn throngs, and all week, or send their. wives, sisters, roomers, sweetnearts. They'll all be here bet a t cookl coma and see." '....,7 ' MEN'S EXTRA'. ; - SPECIALS FOR THB . WEEK OF MONDAT. JANUART J1. Men's Best 1 5 LOS , 1 Undershirts and Drawers. In natural . gray merino; special, par garment .......... TO Men's' Best 7So. Gray Merino Shlrta "X 'ant'Drawers.T In' good serviceable .weight; special, per garment;. SB $1.00 SHIRTS 60o - ri - ; 1 All remaining Fancy Shirts, with, stiff bosoms,. beat 51.OO grades, in chiding! such well-known make as .Griffon. Eclipse. Monarch; special, 'to close BO 1.50 SHIRTS 5100 - AU our 51-50 Stiff Bosom Shirts, In cluding the beat makes; special, each,... .61.00 11.00 SHIRTS'' AND DRAWERS 73c Men's Medium Weight Natural a ray Merino - Shirts end Drawers, non- ' shrtnkabte, rib" bottont silk faced. reg. val. 51.00 special jti. 73 51.00 NIGHT ROBE8 4o . - .Men's Best Quality Outing Flannel Night Robes, reg. vai. 51.00; spe cial . ... . ........... ....69 BOYS 50 NIGHT SHIRTS ISc Bofs Flannelette Wight Shirts, In vsoft warm' fabric and winter : weights, sixes 11 to 15. best 50o vaL; special . . . v .........-35 t5 SOX 15o . .' ' .' ' Men's Medium Weight ' Seamless . .. Black Cashmere Sox. reg. vaL 15c; apeclal. pair , . . r.-r . '. . i , r . j 1 18e- SILK MUFFLERS HALF PRICE-- All-remaining Bilk Mufflers. - tn black, whit and fancy colorei spe cial on half Brtcw. : .- THE FAMOUS BTALET AND frTTTT- GARTER UNDER WEAR -Reduced during clearance, . th only time of th year you eaa avan..yoanterf of cut prloe en - thee well-known makes Of TTndergaiewesits. Art- Goods and A J' Children's Wear SECOND FLOOR ANNEX AND THOIt- I- OUnHFARB A1SLE-J Ecru Heavy Hardanawr Llnaa Hem- stitched Dotlte. Ceoterpleoea, Lanoh Clota.nd Bcmrfa Regular price from. to 511" Special prices from if 0 SLfS With many In-bet we alsea and price at Art Department . ... Children's Bath Robes and Kimonos m plain pink, blue and oar- I c- fancy atriped la pink and v bin and white, silk 1 bound at sleeves ervl , wool cord and t to 10 yeara f..i-f r1n ' 1 I 'JP ' 'y:,:. y 'AAl. 7 . I X I - ,