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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
. . u . -:r::V- ,-.V- '7'" ' THE RAILROAD, COMBINE : . HULCTED SHIPPERS Full Text of Agreement Between Southern Pacifio and Santa Fa -Wherobyoast-Terrrtoty-Was Divided tuyi Fofitatrf-TYro- - Systems Pooled at " Paul Morton and J. C. Stubbs Signed Papers Binding Both Com panies to Work for Each Other's Interest Against Competing V 1 Lines No't Only" on the Coast but in Eastern States. "."...'; RiwrUl Mnatva kr lm Wlr to Tb Joarael) Chicago. Jan. IL The full text of an - agreement between the Southern Paclflo and Santa Fe railroad ehows In detail, : aver tb signatures, of nigh offictala of the lw companies, how the shippers of California were to be mulcted doling : Memorandum of agreement ' entered Into on tbe 18th day of May. IS9, hav ing In "View the adoption; and malnten of reasonable .ralea :to and. from common' competitive pointa aa oeiweon the Southern California Rail war com pany.. first, party, and the Southern Pa cific -company, second party, covering ' orrlinriM and commodities as follows: rommencln at Santa Barbara and fMlawina the rail Unea thence via Bau -gua to Los Angeleer thenc to Mentone via' the most northerly line of either party hereto; . thenoe an Imaginary line to- San Diego,, drawn via Banning and 8nJaclntoUUienee following the.coast Una to Santa Barbara; territory above described to be known as Southern Call' fornla territory. AH of California. Jr ' Commencing at- San Francis oo and following Southern- Pacjf to company's rails to Saa Joae, thenoe via Nlles, West naklanoV Marlines and Stockton to Sac ramento,' thence , yla Bulsun fcto .Napa iiinctioni ; thence an - Imaginary line drawn to San Francisco;' tert-itorywlthln this boundary to- be known as northern -California territory. All freight business picked ?u and laid down within... southern California territory shall be reported at actual Mta aaoV to the other. - All- freight (whether Pacific coast domestic, Atlan tlo coast domest lr. or foreign) Xrom .or to southern Calif ornia points within above described territory,- received and delivered ttt southern California ports Port Los Angeles, Bedondo. San Pedro. Kast San Pedro. Newport and Ban Diego) to- be reported at actual rates each to the other. ' - .j-r.x-... ' -. - -" " At Agreed All rati freight between northern Call- - fomla territory as denned and southern ; California territory ,as defined except to and from Ventura .division ana cnat , worth Park branch, to-b.-reported at . '.agreed - rates or. proportions, of through j rates to and from southern California -M porta" Port Los Angeles, Redondo, San Pedro, Bast Ban Pedro, Newport and San (Dleao.) - r" .'" To southern .California territory-from ,all pointa In California. Oregon, Arizona " and , New Mexico, the. following commodi ties - Building .stone,: coaUlonr.llme, ' jsewer pipe, timber and Its products, and wood, to be reported at agreed rates : each to the other; that Is to say: . - Building stone - for Flagstaff ter be- '"-'reported at" rates "prevailing from Seeps . i to southern California territory, with . . Ithe exception of Saa Diego; on such ' . business to ba yepOrte " on "basis oft l Iratea prevailing from fpe to Loa Aa- ;. r, - -, .,r: v .All , Cmaaodltts. . - -, . Coaf to be reported at Tates prevail I Ing to and from southern California t porta -(Redondo, - San ' Pedro, ' East San " i Pedro, Newport, Port. Los -Angeles and 'San Diego.) ' ,r I. ' - ' Flour to be reported at screed 'rates I prevailing -or - proportions of-through " rates to and from southern California 1 ports (Port Los Angeles, Redondo 'San 'Pedro, East San Pedro,,. Newport- and ' - 'San Diego.) :p.-"- : '' w -f,. r Lin, 0 be reported a( ' agreed rates prevailing or , proportions . pt . through 'rates to and from southern California '' ; ports (Port Los Angeles, Redondo, Son '- Pedro, aat Saa Pedro. Newport and Saa Diego) with the exception that Ume for Oro Orande, Tehachapl and San J a . clnto will be reported on basis of . the lowest "prevailing rat from either polnjt, provided,'.- however, that lima te.Baa Diego shall be. reported at rates pra 'vailing from Tehachapl tr Oro Grande to Loa Angelas. 'Sewer pipe to be reported at propor ' -tlons of . rates prevailing to and, from southern California points Port . Los 1 i Angeles, Dedondo. San Pedra, aa Ban .Pedro, .Newport and San Diego. :. .-4---V ij rroflta Cat. - Jr. Timber and Its productions (including box stuffs) to be reported at agreed -,.,-Tates or proportions of rates prevailing . jta and from southern California ports - Port Los Angeles, ' Dedondo,' San Pedro, East San Pedro, 1 Newport - and Ban wom w m reponer at actual raiea THlvALUE OF CHARCOA L , yw Veopla Know Sow Vsefol it Is la t TusMilng Xealta. aad Beanty. , Nearly everybody knows that char--.coal la the safest and most efficient dis infectant and puiifler In nature, but few. realise Its value when taken InLu .the human system for tbe same deaas- . hng purposa uns arcoal Is a remedv that tha mnra you laaa-oi n xne Detter; it is not a drug at all, but simply - absorbs-the f rases and impurities always present n tbe stomsch and Intestines and car ries them out of tha system. Charcoal aweetens the breath after smoking, drinking or after eating onions and other odorous vegetables. Charopal effectually clears " and ' 1m- ? roves the complexion, it whltecs the eeth-and further acta as a natural fend alacntiy aaleaaUHtrtwi, in. . It absorbs the injurious gases which collect In the stomach and bowels; It ' disinfects the mouth - and hroat ;from the poison of catarrh. - a AIL druggists eeu. cnarcoal la 'pna- Torm or inoiarr. vm pruuiuiy ine Dei rharooel and the. most for the money Is In Stuart's Charcoal IJXenga; they sre composed of the finest powdered Willow charcoal, 'and other hermlees 'antiseptics In tablet form, or-rather lei .the form of large, pleasant tasting, losi onges, .the charcoal being mixed with honey.- " ' . . . ' " ' The dally ass of these losenges wffl aon tell In s much Improved condition of the general health, better complex- Ion, sweeter breath and purer blood. and the beaury or II isw tnai no posaioie harm, caft teaUlti from their continued but oa the contrary, great benefit ' A Buffalo Dhyslclan, In speaking or the benefit Tor charcoal, says: "1 advise Htuarf s Charcoal Losenges to all - patients suffering from gas In stomsch . and bowels, and to clear tha complex ( Inn land nurtfv tha breath, mouth and ' throat; I also believe tha liver is greatly rwnenteo: ny tne oany ase or inem; hev mat but twenty-five cents a bos st 1 drug stores, and although to same sense a (stent preparation, yet I believe I wt more and better churroa! In Sto art's 'fpna Lnsonaes than la any pf tha ordinary charcoal tablets." . , , Expense of Public. ' , i - Oress sura . represented - by such re ports shall be divided as between the two Interests, aa follows: To tha South ern California Railway company, per pent; to the Southern Paclflo com. pany, . percent...' Settlements shall be made monthly and as soon as possible after the close of the month. .Tha form of - reports and manner and 'date of set tlement shall - be determined by the audltoi s xif-the"partles hereto. Frelsht rates between southern Call. fornla territory and northern California territory- by-the - all-rail" line" Shalt ' be higher-than the water and rail-line; on carloads, 'not lesa than 50 cents per ton. and .on less than carloads not less, than 11.. per lon, : .--.I-.,.. . -,. . ... . . .. volata Ooraraa. ; ? It is the Intention and understanding for Joint, tariffs- as", between Southern California Railway pointa and . Paclflc system Southern Paclflo Company points. and la so far ss Southern .pacific com- I pany - can coatrol , to ' or - from - points where It haa4olnt tariffs, aa, follows: Utah common points Montana com mon points, Spokane and common points, Seattle and - common points, shall be published, . subject to agreed.: divisions; t ho particular oonsidVinution for this concession to be . that . the . ' Southern California Railway company agrees to exercise-Its beat. Influence In favor of the all-rail through lines thus formed. I Is mutually agreed that freight rates between polntfe In territories as above described are to be made only by Joint consultation and, agreement, said, rates to ba subject' to western classification and such amendments as may' be agreed on by tha parties hereto from. time to time; and It la further provided that in terchange of tariffs and special rat no tices or rules and conditions affecting revenueor rates subject hereto shall ba made.- "'.',.":.-'.,".';-:.-., r.--- '-Waa Work Togetha, - " " The spirit, of this understanding; Is that' tha relations tot the parties hereto shall be In harmony aa against ' other lines, so far as can ba lawfully, - and preference shall ba given tracks of each other against outside lines, and compet ing lines snail be debarred rrom the rights and privileges accorded hereunder so far as can ba lawfully. It is agreed that -the Southern Pacific company will retira from data of exeeu. tion of this document, or as soon there after as may be, -from freight buslnass between southern California pointa and all Colorado - and New Mexico' points south of the Denver ft Rio Grande rail road main line from Grand" Junction to Pueblo) on the other-'hand, ttls "agreed that tha Southern California-Railway aom pany will at the same time, retire from freight business between Southern California territory and points ;weet -of Buena Vista- on the Colorado Midland railway and Salida. on tha Denver As Rib Grande railway, and In addition between Southern "Cal If om la . territory and t9- mtng, N.- M.. and El Paso, Tex. " -."..J r-- Wgaad by afortoa. . " This agreement to take effect on the 1st day of June, 18, and. to continue fn force nintil the list day of December, 17, after 'which date it may be can. celed by 4fher -party giving days' "no nes in wriiius fSianed) ' . : ' N THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNA RAIL- ... WAT COMPANY.- " , By Paul Morton, Second'Vloe-Prea. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANT.4 VIOLATED LAW. - Contract Between VTwa - ystems ansialy U Bestrainf of' Ttt,' ' (Special Dlip. Wby teased'wire to Tas Jeanel) ; Ban " Francisco, Jan.--11.- Trafflo Dliector J...C. Stubb, of the Harrimkn lines.' has afwaya ,ejnd with, emphasis denied -that-the Southern Paclflo com pany had any poollnav agreement with the Santa Fe or any.aort.of agreement to divide earnings. Mr. Stubbs has made these denial on .aattefmany times, the most recent Instance being his testi mony In this regard in tha orange rout ing cases, tried before the United States district -court of southern California. That proof the Examiner now aupplies In the shape of, the contract made In 1811 between the Southern Paclflo com pany and tha Southern California Rail way company which at the time repre sented -the Santa 'Fe system In Cali fornia., : Under this agreement territory was divided not only In California but Ta other states. t. '. -" -"-... - . . - The contract ,1s In affect-a direct violation of the Interstate commerce law and Jiie JJhermaa law -forbidding. agree menta in restraint of trade- and compe tition. - - ' ' ''-,' KILLS DOG tO SAVE A -TRAIN FROM WRECKAGE (Special DU patch by Leased Wire ts Tb Jewnall ... Mankalo,' Mlfln., -Jan. 2t-Taker Henks, a farmer who Uvea south of thla town, deserves a share of the Carnegie hero-fund. Hewaa driving to town at full speed to fetch a doctor for his son, whe-had beea4n4ured, when, coming to the railroad crossing at the top of Bent ley' hllL he saw that a rlalroadculvcrt had been; Hurried beyond gyhajm Ctfvt 'a rTalTfoad track. . i ' He -saw a freight train coming far away: Henks sprang out of his wsgon and with a club killed bis dog, that had xoiiowea tne team.- it was a-fat dor. and cntttng -the body up hastily. Henks greased ths truck with it for several rods down ths . sharp grade south of the crossing and drove on his way at a gal lop This (heavy train' was stopped by tha slipping of tha wheal and-the train men dlscovsred the burned- culvert. .. EDITOR SHOOTS MAN - WHO INSULTED WIFE " ' ' "' "'" " ' "" '- ; r-' (Rperlil Diapatch by Leased Wire to The Jesrasl) Storm Lake, la., Jan. 21. Albert A. mlth, publisher - of 'the Storm Lake Vldette, thla afternoon shot Harvey p. Schults, a leading lawyer, two bullets taking effect. - There were aa witnesses. As the second bullet struck him Schults leaped from his seat behind a desk and dove brouKh the front window of bis office.' Half i. way to . the ground he caught a' tangle of telephone wires, which stayed big' fail, and. fee landed OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAIi , PORTLAND. SUNDAY 1 ' 1 l JJJJJfSJsZBZsBBBBBBBBBBBsaZxlBB MANTEL fi.'-' AssbbI idy ibr arid how aU duririe the same as though they thus stfatioh bltheirim interested in this sort of furniture ?twill be Voi Couch Covers - We've all ; kinds of ; pretty Couch . - Covers to show you on our second i floor. Oriental designs in Wool and Silk, t Oriental and Ronian Stripes, , Bagdads - and imitation - Bagdad; rTapestry Covers in all the latest de ' signs. Turkish -and -Indian -Covers i in Silks and W00L : The prices are . : - ' , - as pleasing as tne patterns. ; Prapery Department r Secoild Flobi4 -J -.- ' 1 . . : . . '.'... r..1 . , - - 1 .'. -.- . -- 1 ja on the pavement, snounns . ' . L .1 ' MI1V1 Bmltb has shot me!" On examination 11 was louna inax nna bullet had taken effect In the chest. the other in the abdomen, .- Sohalts will probably . die. . ' Bis weeks aa, according- to smiu i storr, SohulU went to tne umun nome one evening- when Mrs. Smith was alone, made Improper proposals snd finally at tempted force to accompiisn ni aesiirna. She escaped, and soma time afterward Smith called on Schulta and told him km must leave town. - His ultimatum wa that "If Schults should be foand in town 14 days later he would be shot On slant, - Smith had told people of his ultimatum to Schulta, andsobody be lieved be would shoot. - Tha Ume- limit expired today, end the tragedy occurred exaotly aa Smith' said it would. Smith aava himself up and was locked la JalL Smith expressed remorse after his pas sion ' had cooled. Schults'. was . married and had one child.; '. . . The senatorial winner la Washlnctan lata la a bard guess, . . ' ' . ALL THIS WEEK IN OUR CORNER WINDOW :BEDSr 'UPRIGHT ..Ae...' IntanV jianol i: tt4r0iZr4iCrAAtrf.Ti.mAo 'T?rAAeJ aiiFcrigXpuche use.?' W easily tliey be bperatedso well have iari attendant in the' window the da t ": ';- - - ..;-':'-'. -. '. ."I:;,,'..' ; . ; "' '' ' ' "' " ' '" ' '.'-f';.' ''; ' ' " ' V i -r'': ' ' -' .'i ' - -z '': '". . ;;' x Folding: Steel Couches Bed GOVERNMENT SEIZES ; MRS. CHADWICK'S GEMS . 'V' ' (Bpcdal Dbpatck by 1mm4 Wlr to Th J oorssl) Cleveland, Jan. Jl.Two arms of the United States government, have taken possession pf valuable Chad wick proper ty at tbe home of Mrs. Casals I Chad wick at 1S24 Euclid avenue, and there Is likely ta ba a clash. Soma time ago Nathan Loeser, as receiver In (he Chad wick bankruptcy case, took charge "bf all of the Chad wick personal property: ' Me atlU maintains custody and Is aotlnf for tha United States district court. Collec tor of Customs Charles P. Leach raided the Chadwlrk home last night and seised property which he reftfsed to let so un til the duty Is paid upon It. . - Tha claim ' ts - made by- the " customs officials that considerable v.' Chad wick property was smuggled Into this coun try. Mr. Leach and an. officer,, from Waahlpgton have- been looking over the contents of the house and p!rkd out about 110(009 worth of furs, laoe, nd MORNING, JANUARY 3. , FOLDING BEDSr; FOLDING: DAVENPORTS, WELCH; FOLDING BEDS . Fitted with the Celebrated National Spring ; FOLDING DAVENPORTS With Receptable for Bedding' by Day. - Folding Lounges 'and Muslin Couches" .; I - I "t I - 1 lowif TEHS I ivory which they' believe was smuggled into this country. " . It became known today that tha goods were taken charge of by , customs of ficials. They were not. removed from the "Chad wick home, but were piled to gether and sealed In charge of a watch man, 'r-'.-i'"- -- ' f ' The goods taken by the customs dill-' elals were also goods held by 'Receiver Looser. - Mr. Leach will not let go until the, duty la paid and Mr. Looser cannot pay ths duty. . . ,r WESTERN PACIFIC TO ERNPr TO WORK AT ONCE (Special Dlkpatek by LhmI Wlr tn Tta 7earst ..San rranclsco, Jan. II. Prealdent.W. J, Barnett of the Westara Paolflo rail road la on his way home from New Tork with certain definite Instructions from Edward T. Jeffsry about ths beginning of actual construction work oa tls new overland project. Jef fery, who Is a di rector n4 vice-president at - tha saw -r--'- , . - . - . . " , .- lgCJ. IDEAS IN :S AYE-ROOM 1 BEDS ,T. 2.'. giving you a practic your w to see this exhibits 1 Box Couches: IIAKEYDUB 0WNTT2JJ3I oompany, Js president of the .Gould lo Grande system between Ogden and SaM Lake and Gould's right-hand man. In the management of his western lines. Jef fery and two other new eastern directors in the company, Edwin Hawley and Wil liam H. Taylor, are to come lata In Feb ruary ta look after certain matters. In spite of winter weather, surveying corps are out making a final location for the company's line between Orovllle and the Beckwlth pass, this state, and from that point on lnto Nevada. Fully lit men under Engineers Gibson. Arnold Penfleld. Green, ' Harlow, . Lorarae and Norrls are making tha final location la the dlffoult mountain country out from the town of OrovlDt. to and through the Beckwlth pass. . BRICKLAYERS ELiiCT -, , BOWEN AS PRESIDENT ttpwial Dlapatcb r U4 Win to Tbl raa1) Ban Francisco, Jan. 11.- The Bricklay ers' and. Masons' International union, faattl -x.-m ,,. . TrtrVaaw WeC5 - ..-.'; rrT' - Beddinq -.'In our Bedding Pepartment on the . - second floor we carry a splendidly Z assorted ' stock of Blankets in all - grades and prices," Sheets and Bed- spreads in all qualities, Pillows with 7 w . feather and down filling, Cottortand ."" Eiderdown Comforts in sateen and j" I Art Silk' Covers and a long lineiofi "J Silk and Wool SlumberRugs. Redding Department : :x Seconds Floor convention today .re-elected W.iiam tT ' Bowen, Of New York city, president, and v also re-elected Thomas R. Preere, of Chi- cagb, first vice-pretldent Other off I. - " cars elected were: George T. Thornton ' ' : v Wsshlngton, t. C, second vlce-prenU " ' dent; Edward. J. Brandon. San Fran Cisco, third -vioe-presldent; Thomas Is- ardU Torontor-fourth -vice-president: William Dobson," North Adams, Mass secretsry; Patrick Murray, Albany N ; T.. treasurer. Bert Chllds of St. Louis ' ' 1 . dsfeated A, Moffatt of VhlladelphU for - ' re-election as editor of the official Jour-- -nal. - ' T " Minneapolis was eh'nseik ss, the m'eeu' ' Ing-plaoa of the next annual conven-T " tion. : . ' , . t The matter of granting a charter for ' another Union In Chicago -was referred i " to the incoming executive board The' committee on general good reported fa, - vorably on the request, but owing to ri regularities in the application the netl tlon could not be granted by the eonven-: tion. It was ths sense of the eonven-- tlon that if a new application In rem- V lar forra was presented tha executive committee should grant ths) request. . -1 ... J. '; ' S