THE OREGON 1AILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY ? EVENING. JANUARY; 17- IKS.- CL.AIRVOYA1NT CUDAII CERfJIQUE CtAIRVOYAiNT ; This lYcshCtfy, CIC? Ufe Reading for ii Weaker Feeling ftulea In Pouftry--Heavy Re ceipt "of Wild Birds Causes a Drop-Sugar ?r Market fs Firming Up Again. 4 " V .:. J THE VEILED PROPHETESS T"AF"V AA'G m m ID F ' . i -. i. i POULTRY t MET -WEAK i. , - Receipts Not'Ufge But Demand 7 Seems to Have .stepped. . V; : for Time Being.:. ' ' ' - ' MORt EGGS NOW COME AND PRICE IS WEAKER Cheese Reoeipts Smaller-With Market m Half Cent Up- I. '. A"; . Sugar Firmer. '"'"'" Jj t . ;V r" Trent ' SfreatT Jin." T-jh prlaelprt market features today '!, - . ..', , ' Poultry, m.rh.t, rather -ares. ,:' . ? . Eggs U lsrgsrsupply; 'r V.. t a.r.a Bases, snowing nnv. t , Prodae receipts from souk keavy. ... -: Waeat I ahowlag battar tuna. - A Pish raeaiats remain lliht. " llftr Barkat U- tUfaniiia. , adtrr aterhat aUtkar Waak.' .. -Tha poultry aark.t today la .abowtkf otit- RATHER ward al(oa of wakaaaa. Fa fkancaa wara aiada la tkk prieaa, but ataeka abw .. rather t i iki dnf tandaacy. Tbara U tmt aaiaU la- -- (TMaa In ,ta rMalpUT today.. ; - Wl Id. bU- contlau to ceisa rary ..t ao4 tha markat 4a waak.r wltk arloaa abowioc -Ma el frooi . r Sfta to 60a par doaaav -Brea at U. ut uala-; , ItloM atocka now H toadaocy i si..u- ape ll-ullara ara kllaA ih- aad- ttulaa. prlcaa-aaa rut ratker a.T.raly. vbti-b would anabla than - to aatt at- lowar prlcM, tbay wlU Mt purckaaa. '.' Tkro U aow aulla a fab? daua4 tor torkaya, kit rondpta are aonlnal. , .. . u - - In Ara Im Xawcar tupely. J ' : Tba .aa-a market la ahowlu amall iBCraaaa : 1 -too euapUaa, el auolatlna raaaaia at 0a ' tor tha atrletlr traak kwat avade. Xke wurmai ''' wratbar will Tary Ukely cawe larer-abliDwnU .... t.i aoarkft toward tb rod of tin weak- and I"" dupr la, qaoUUoM are eapeotad by. ta Uti. . Okeeaa lUrkH fa tkewto Adraaet, , AU tbreufb Ibeyrkeeee awM ateok la abawa and today prleee .are adranrM 'fcv r pouul wltk full creaavtwlae qHotMl at UMr . anU Vooiig Amertcaa 15Ve- Deaiera My that Yvcelpta are very llfht end prleda abould aaow anoutet aOTaoce or o. tuppllu af Battar Saary. Tk eespllae .of ordinary eraaaary buttor .ra gnlt j baary, but tha tholreat ;rda arc t atriTlDK ae faat. Tkla cauaM- a amwr ' faallna-'lk the latter Brade. altbowk auou '' ' fhr i..r.f-. e.i auattiota kaaa 7v Buda by tha city creameriee to- adranra tbe- prfcr el tbelr- beet eeduat - l kitH iralibu. but-thla baa proaad a failure for " tha trade, tkan boorbt outalde atorka at 27 lie. i '.Tbara are aUU- aoaie receipt froot kaa " ' redaaa toeeltw) fream Seatk' Baay, ' ' ' Haoalplk 't- produe ' fropj-tlia--CatttornJa awk.ta are eulta bcarr. IhnioCtaa Mat 14 koara Iba followta were recelred: . Om car - awaat-ootatoaa. t-eara baakuaa. 1 car araBfoa, 1 .car ,clrr- aaa nuxea Tacauowe. i vraB . to bare dlaappeerad froai the market altogether and trading la wholly la tha t'alirnrbla product VTko potato market la trm. taiia aame oaodltloa prT.lla la outona. I'rttaa vachaBged. ". . : JVhMlL Jkewlac Tana. V Tbere la a Wttor feeUng la tha wheat mar . " and auouthma arB.VrBetlnalVy np le p huahrl, wltk burtsraa Mmlual. Tbara la a - aaull amount e ealley wweat caanelag handa, . .7 aa A aesarl amount of Wll Vfajla. i Bhtaatem kW a. keWer deelrtng good. ali-1 adTance ketore, perUng with kro Blh-e. The tob Ot the Bout atarbet. kkewe ' ak rtieago. . . n. ' - r yiak loaareto memala Ikht. r-. Mlrrra ia the lah market- reaiata - light Bioalt are ' comlu la email roi from th ; n..k r halne an amall that eueik tlnne are anally malnUlnad. upptlea of aalmoa from-the Ooknadila reaiala et lew abb. f ajthangre Ja, prlea. - ',- ) ';- T?. ; .. - ttagw Market Xa ttOTeatag. Baatarn aucar market coatlnuea to etlf. ' ' fa wltk aa adTence of abont 10 poiuM the eaet yreterday. Pralera la thla cltf,,t aof . ( predlctfrtg a riee oa im eoa.i. . ' ' - Today a whoiaaala aaUlng prlcrr, aa, xarlaed. -arg aa roiiowai , .w Srala. Fleer and read. . " WHEAT Walla Walla, HSbftc; bmeatea. w"- ' l ltA ... -1 ' ' - . - 2 iHN Whole $ 00-, toaj cracked, $27.00. , rU)UkV Ka.tera ' Oregoafiteata, 4.88i atnlckta, s.Ti - ealley. W-mj- gr.D.m. va, ' ZVtJ?. iL V. i- r.. BO... B6.00: balaa. LuTrKrBrai 18.00 be; mid- ' dllnga, .WJ BBOrta, ovauir,, aiaa., HAYProdacen' price Timothy, WllUmette : eallry. fancy. 14.00ai.00: ordinary, 1I Wfi " 14 00- ...tern Oregon. lo.00 ld.OOl mli.d. BiatlooT Ctoai7jll.w3l.0.- crate. ill.00ttia.00i cheat.- ll.ooi.w. 3 w i -.a vum mope, vtmmm 11 1 1 HOPC ISO. R eholeei J8Q38KC for ZE&ZtS1' rllp-Tallay. aoaraa to medtiiBkridUlIei M. aa.tara ira- , gon,. 16c. i: . - " SHKBlKINbUwerlnc,. 10Mcl abort : wool, . tnuoci medium wool, t060ci- loot wool, -2.4 akA uh .'I ! o lb. dOkl X had - nnn rw kiitaa. Na. 1. I Iba aad BO - lBti;H par lb; dryT klpe. I. to li , Iba. 13ci drV calf, ' No. 1, UDder Iba. lc;' dry ; iafted mlbTaad .t.i;.l- lea. ttaa dry fltht; Baited hmee, ateers, aound. Iba or erar, 50 to 60 Iba, S;. nndar M Iba aad eowa, TO He j aug and bulla, aouaa. Bc i ".- : u Ik. . atx.. anMiut lO to : 14 1DB. Bel . CBlf, aonndVander 10 Iba. Hei greaa (unaalted) 1 ' ' per lb leeo; eull. le.per lb lee.! Dorja aioea, ultad. each. Bl.2Sfll.TSi . eb, I1.001Q; kldee. rack. HRewei " '?. eommaB. raeh, 10lc;( Angora,. With M, each va. ..Jkl aVfk ' BUTTKR !TAT-weet. H01C1 Bfrar,' ZTJ ... . ni'TT.o-fin. memerr'. ' beat. - ao4k.t! . . . a- .eMirw,; auulda faacr. ST We lerdlnary' We; rlA atorage. ""l .","r o Iraiifnrnia. aaun26c: atore, 12W(,14c , BOOS Ko, i. fteah. Oregon,. ocj e..tar " ?mtElNaw-rBU;: "ream. .,, , 1- thu, aa.tara- InkJlaVk?. on&T.Tn v PMMtuaare nrlcB Chlcfceae, mired. ' 1212U., par lb: bene, 12fce per 'lb; raeatera, eld. lie bar lb; youag. izti. per 10; brvllera. l5uO" per llH trim. P" Ih; dueka, a)i. lOHe per peoad. yooiig. JIJJJ par lbx geeae, JUc per lb: tarkeya, IduJITe per id: areeaea, jn lb. Wll.b OAMK TeaL, lf; urtdgeaa. H.T mallard, eae.aehacke. H.bV. - Trait aai TegetBBlaa. Oregon, vOUl per "2ri.JK?!:i r:aL.rF.7So aai.noi eraiao. iLKj9ki.wi' aiwj v".v tS-loaS BO! tmrera'- Brleee, eountrT. 2.0cii 2111: e.rllc. ! Per IB. FRMH - mt'lTS ear Apple, ll.aO faeey Oregnn. . . 1.00 Bar bos .... cheap : gri dee, ItotiTee per newt en H.T.I, ' l.TB4lSo par box; . aredUBga. - par Bolt Mandarine. tl Tk ' per- nor: ,. -- arangea, 6n(Ue per boa: baaaaaa. Be p . leiaona. '-choice, la IB, per bni ; faner. ' . , 1 a.. inn, OP r lb; flTt P BP appla, IS ooe.l.OD; pe.ra. f OTNrtl 6J gr.i " II.M par bar: cranharrlr. S 00 par bbl) Jen 110 mi nee Mil: nrnaM. ta Bar lb. Jereoy, - . TBaitTABLRII. rnrnlpa. fl.on par eekj ear. -' rnta, tl 00 per- M"ki baeta. -! per aaek) nraena rHIka ilia Bee dnat e.bbeae. Oreeaa, f2ewt CalirnrAla. tt.f411.60; lettuce, aothoiiee lfflfr :' (reek peepere, Tc per lb; rkin - aennera. lfte oar lh: pelerr. BOttlne per "; tnaiatoae. California. 62.00: naranlpa, TlVe ' .'," era plaat. 13V4c per lb: alrlog beana. " I2r eaollfloWer, $1 per doa; butter heeae; Pel mmpklaa. 1 par lh; bOfBerarll.h, TO prf peae, ine per In; tucumbera, California bet annaa. kl.Tn dna. ' DRTRO PHMTB Applea, eeapnrat.d. TO par lb; aprlenta. irf par lb; eaeka. He 7 per IB lent peacnee, nnia per mt peara. -' per lb; nronea, lt.11. a. iAff4H per Hi I . , Praeek. tHt4M par lb: f'.llfornla Mack, ir par lb; California wblre. tar h plum, pi Had, par lh: datea, golden, par lb; erd. II M per Ik-It t -.4.. .kTuta. Its. . . Bb0A-f b, tube, .40j powdereo: 46 s (ml grsaulsted, $4.11; dry grsaalated, id 16: bwt iruulittii. to-OB: ottra. O, So.po; golden C, $.So bbla, 10c H kbls, boxes 60s savsnoa on sac tun, KM m HI ui MM, 14 dare; mepla, 14UI par lb. 1- HONEY l4wOi. "r i - - COKikaV Pacaag breads, BI5.8S. ALT rtaaBales. Xa. a. 4a. I. 10s. (t.SOl table, dairy, Sue. lO.SOajll-oO; lOOS, . $8.M; luioorted LlesrpooL 60s. tl&.OOtilo.oO; loos, tl4.Mlttll.00i, jCMs, $U.0OU14.BO. W bl.le. li, H, ns, Ida,. balk, K ne. $4.00: sacks. SOa. aM. ALT ground, late.. Mr bb. tS.u(t.tOj So per ton, 44.HOS.utu Liverpool tuiup rock. Iia.auvl Id 60 par val aO-'k rvck. ..;; low. ta.Ht.u. A.Bia nrtoaa aodla ta aalaa af laaa tkaa Car Inla. Car tow ( imoUI prlcaa ubjct uetaatloaa. SRAIM BiOH CalratU, S.TSkO par too. " BU B Imperial Juu, io. 1. " i Na UrUua bai4, tH(ioi Adjaek, S4ki Oraola, 4. - BlUNk n.U wklU. art larga wklt. ptak. ( kaau, c Usaa, kei Mulca rcda, IfCTS Pkaaat. rTS Psssst. Trnet Jumbos, IVi Mr Sgjlo per Ibj reaaLd, i aacoaaoU. Oa par dos; wslauts. 1416 Mr ibi flu lOexlVae pr U! hlchorr sum. M P ""I raw. asaaoa uta. lOakllUa Baa lh: hlrka. aula. 10 Da rKaataata. amMm UAth aaa ihl Hra&ll MUl par id: mioana, inv ioa par i pacasa. UOlM var Ikt aiaxwda. IkOlt tar Ut. lUakj. Flak asi rrmUlasa. '." ,.'r:. rKB kUATk riant auaat Baf, ataara. afttaa mt ,U,,Krk. ktock. kUfUka Pr lb; HHikc par uij- eaiia.. ato vmt u, ,aak oar lb! aitu. - aratkera aaa Uuba, kwTe; awaa, 4&&Vfca TaaVaitta. klat r id: ordioarr. HAM kaaM, lo plcnlea, par lkl ra(alar abort ckaara, aa- antukaa, lw par m: loa nar A1 eraukea. lie Mr Ibi dear DiK-k.. . ua HMBkoked. Be per lb; amoked, 1W Ibi Union bntta, 10 to U Iba, auawkea, ee auekedt per 4b; clear balUaa., aa lie per Ik: amoked, U par lb. , IitD-Zkettla leaf. lue. 10 He per Ibi 6a. 10 Dor le: 60-lb tla. 10a per lb; ateam readered, 10a,1ko per lb; ka, Ola per lb; frOa. w per lb: IcoBiueBBd tlareae. V4 per IbS tube, per Mj oi P lb. CANNED kALMON Columbia rlrar 1-lb talla. 11.80; 2-lb Ulla. S.0 faacy, 1-lb data. 2.00 ; M-lb faacy lata, $1.26: faacy 1-lb ot.1, i.T6: AUak Ulla, nlnk, wairVB; red, (1.60; Bomluai 2a, uil, k.OOV-7 w ' t . ,FUH-Mock cad, Ta par lb; Bounders, ao per lb; kaUbut, Ta per lb;, 11.26 per dud; atrjped Uaa, 10tjl2Hc per Ibi ontnak. Tc par id; ealmon, reauwaak. awe per u; iroaaa aurar aidea, evt per. lb; herrlar, ac per ibi 6o per lb; shrimp. 10a per lb; ekad. dreasad. per lo; parr a, ao per id; an. a .. ' par Ibi ahed a per- Itot black cod, - fc Bar ft I Co lumbia rlrar aaaaltae Mt lb; aUrer amelt. ke nar ibi lohatara. Hue: freak, mackerel. per lb; crawkkh, SO per Cost Boanderv 6 per is, Biargeoa, le per IP, . OYSTtKl Shonlwater bay. Tar gtL H per aack. .ea.oo Mt; Olympta. per aack. .. iiiAats rura sneu, per box, va-wi clams, (X.00 per box. , - rateta. Ooal on. Xta. ' - BOPE PniH. aUalla. 14: aUndard. ' ltKci Biaai. iue; orana aiaai, Be. COAL OILPearl or A.trkJ-Caae. Sla a.l: watwr white. Iron hhta. lDWc Mr x.l: wooden. lTo per gali headlight. 170-deg, casea 23c Der x.l: Iron bbbv Mtaa Mr gkL . . - UN8ECO Oily Pur. raw, la bbh) 62 par gal. aaaaa 7a nee eal: saanloe kettle boiled, cases 69 per gal, bbht 64o per gal , groual , cake, car lota $28.00 per ton,' less Uaa car iota $30.00 oar too. GA80Ur5-M-cr. tuM kto par g.t i Phis XrM par gal; s(i Iron bbls ise pr gal. gel; ateea,. cast MVhO per gal. bb,a zina as-aea, case X2 per gal,, kroa bM. UU.a aaa, e.L PAIHiT Oil. K.w. am - boo per cau oa aaa 3Se per gal: bollod. rrm 40o per g.L. - TURPENTINE IB Cases abC Mf X.l. WOOOek bbls. Slo pes gal. kroa bhla, TP par gal. 10-lb se me ace per gal. WHITE LEAD Tea Iota T per lb! 600-lk "i TTiC'per ! leas tot be .per in. . WIH6 MAlUk m teseat bass st $2.60, ' LIVESTOCK MARKET " SHOWS A GOOD TONE Portland Knlon ' StockTarder J.n, . lT.-,Taa rena of all Uraatock waa ateady today, tk re eelpta being fair. The arrlrala today wara 100 og and ST sheep. ' ' ,;. . . ; tirnriai ruiiag1 prtce maayi 1 ' Htm Beat M.tern Orecua. $S.a0: beat WIV- lamette r.ll.y. nrni, se uo; t ntaa rata, $4.00; atorkrra and feeders, 3.Z(M.2S. ' I'attla Raat aaatera Oreeon ateers. S4.00S) 4 Bfhliftit and BWMllura steers, M.BAZILT5; beat cows, nSS-ou: meaioro .-mwa, m. ''1, oio snd light raws,; ..torkera ana faadara. I2.26al 50: bulla. 12.00412.26. Fiherp Beat nacy soeep, f.w; swen, ..w 4J4-26. CHICAfiO H0M LOWMV .... j . ... - - m t. 'rhlnaao' 'l.n. IT. Livestock reeelnts. - . Iloia. . Cattle. Sheep, Chicago ............. 6.000 6.000 10,000 .anas ........ I. . ii.i.iu -. b.o.i Om.hs . 6.000 l.onu II". Opened fix Vrwer with T.K toft wer. Recelu Rceiuts a yesr sgo were os.uw. it Mixed, and " butcher., , M.80a4.TO.gobd ee. 4.noI4.T34: ' rough and hcaTX. 4.2oa 4.60; light,. 44 S64.50. tattle Htsady. Bheep kleady,' . - COTTOM LOST FOUR ' . 1 TA APIiril nAIIITft r . iu ocjLni run i d raraj.he4 by'orerBeck. Htarr 4t Ceok Co.) Maw Vurk. Jaa. 17.. Cottua futures closed 4 to T putats-ioaes. , ' Today a vltlclai otroa maraerr . . Ooen. Hl.h. Low. floaa. January a a 9"2 M 6N1 6N1HI reoruary a a a- eaxi exi Merck ....... TOO T04 6W) WoT tlsO rM.iwtll ... CMtttOT April a' m a m'.m ... ... Mar ... . . T1.1 Til 604 Ton T.l T20 Tlk 20 6H830T TO4W06 T10U TI6W1T T161 T16U20 June ....... Tot Ton July ... a - "21 ;.T2S Auauet.. a . , in ' im Meptenrber a a a : T26 , Ta October 720 ' 7B1 r : aw Terk Cash Oottea. - Hew' York. Jan. IT. Knot cotton, kteadr aad uncnaugea; miaaiings. tc., ....l TOEX COITZX kLAEKIT. Kew Tort. Jan. 17. Coffr futures cka.d is point lower. looay ornctat - cnrTes marart: , - , . Hid.. A.k.l . . Rid. A.k January ...$7 60 $7.6o July ,$.tA $s.20 rehruary ... T.0 T.oTii August .... 6.26 8.36 March .... T.TO T.T6bVptcoibr' .. 8.44 8.43 April ...... T.S6 T.PIIIOrtube .... 860 8.66 Msy ....... TPS 8.001 NoTrmber .-6.rjS H on June- I.U6 8.10 December'., $. 1.6$ X.rti Coffe' Crop Tailkr. Wskbliutton, D. ;C, Jaa. 'IT. Tha Hapttan mlnlsler mjt. "the coffee crop of that country Is s failure . aad not erer 60 per cent will be tared.,. .v" . ' i 4- Hew Terk Cash Oeffee. .... PJsw York. 'Jas. lT.-fpart coffee: No. Slo, 8tkc, yo. 4 Santos. P4.c. . " ' If rw Terk Burar alarkat.',r; ; KW York. Jak. IT. Reflned tuxsr oacbagn4 rsws strong st ' yaaterasr s s4rnnee; . cen trlfursl.Aac. Museo IHc. rani...... 4e. l.oa don beet i Iowa far January and) x'ebraary at lea i market ateauy at aecuue. I0A not SlPOSTt. r tJTernook J.a. IT, RroranhaU ssrs: . Kurope. Weather changeable, warm day, Period of several frosts, know rrrrertng goner' ally deficient, but crops' growlh brllrred to he gmd. It has ao far suffered jm harm, l- thniixb French srowers sr becoming snxkHta. Kuuts Shortags o;artcurtalUn; -sunidlas Kaw ' Cnndlrlon 1 of" cron ' splendid owing to th. timely lain and a bumper trap I la sxpectra, ; w ' ODTIIDl , WsIIAT CLOBU. ...' MAY OPTION i. Today j Monday ... Minneapolis ..I1 1AA II.I614B anaaa City. 1 l.t, 1. Mute i. ............ M6tZ -'l.lBtJ S Kraoclaco. per. rental... 1.4d 1.464.B Pt Baa BBAPITEIIT B BBA1W KtPOKT. , Chrc.ri. Jan. IT. Bradstreef detailed report of - arala siinnlr : Worst East of Rock lea, decreased 1, SOT. WO bnaheLi Karoo n nrmai. npcreaaea .. OOO Bnakela: total decree of I.nnT.oon buahem. . TTn IKT-. VI , .... i-... " -. Oats Deereass of kuakrte. . ' CKICASO BBATkT OAS tOtS. ' ' fhlrag, Jin. IT. Or. In ctr I..U: . Car. Grade. Et. VTbe.t , HI . ., ' -1 mi ...... 4t .. - e Oat IM . 84 .143 , l!X QUEER ACTIONS ' BY STOCK MARKET Amalgamated Goes One JT and Half Down After Early Advance. READING COMMON SHOWS THE HEAVIEST GAIN r Chesapeake A Ohio Very. Active jn Reports of 'Sfglhcriase ' - Jir baiiiuipit . . BTOnC TiOBSES. .t r Am.lx.mld,..$160 Brook It a L u.t .6214 At.-nisua ......... - .au Hole, i'usl ; .37 i Erie, com .12Vk N. T. (antral.. . .wi Erie. 1 Pad 0 Id pfd.... .86 J Psaasrrraaia .. - .874 i Mall.. ..37V,! Rep. Bteel. m, .114 , coat .12HIC. r, com...... .aivk P, UtaaL pfd ..... .12441 STOCK ADVANCE!. Pug.r. .;,.,..i.nv, Reading. . l.2'A .1 .26 nan. m umo... .ana Ont. A West , lean. Coal.. .' III. Cenual ... heaa. Ob.. J Ki . . ,'.2H Hmeltrr l.N7a LV N. W.-.60 . .87 Manhattan .62 ('anadlaa rac.M , .nit Krla. lt DCd.. .T6 Katy. evra .874 K.trVBfd 1.124 Lours. S.ah..;l2'Vl i , . . , j.ii noutbara mf ... . vvaua, i it v l.k.. V. AMH4r Blare A fnok. CI v . v b ... n Vk. mark, aotall OttVar todar acted Juat as if aomathlug waa going to happen, fti thr farorllea the urtuatlona were many, bit a large parte the-.list .-was not traded; la at all. The largest toe. today 'shown be Amaigamaiea, wnira bibw kl.M after aa early arlranc. The. kaarieat adrmce waa by Beading, eommoa, . wnlca .li ii than laat nlkht. Cae..- at unto was-rery airong oo rumor, n. nrary Increase In bualoeek. It Clua.d $1.00 up from la.t oignt. Tna oinciat swcb . xnr." ck . aayki PESCRIPTION. Anaeooda Sibling Oo.TTT 12 Amal. Copper Co....... Atchison, com.. , do preferred. ......... Am. Oar A round., com, do preferred. ......... Am. Bua.r. enm 101 Mi 83 142H Am. com.....,. 1 do Breferred, ........ 114 tar Ic. , - Com , rirt . rvr do Dreferrea. , Baltimore Ohio,, com. 102a02l 1014 do nreferred. iitfeit, RrnaklTn Ranld Transit. Canadisa rscinc, coin. . llMm334k ('hi. Alton, com...... do preferred Chi.- A Ot. Weet.. enm.. ( hi.. Mil. A Bt, Paul,. ChL 4 North., com...... Chi, Terminal Rr. ...... Chesapeake at onto.... Colo. Fuel Iron. com. Co to. Booth.. oom.... do 24 prererreaj,,.., do 1st Deterred..... ii Pelswir Ai Hndso.r.. P. 4s B. U.. Bid Erie,- com do Id prererrea... do 1st preferred.. ....... . . , lil.Tllle NkkkrllU,. llinoi. L.nir,i., i Metro. Traction (o...,. ManhatUB Kteestea... Mexlcsa Central Rr... M., Bt. P. A 8te. hi..'. do Bfererred. Missouri Psclae....... M., K. T.. rem...... BFSfdjTr'fl - r- "' Kew York Central..-... Norfolk Western, com an nrererrea ...... i. i. 1, Ont. as waai.,y.. 41 i ennay I ranis . jty fJST.. P. O., U C Oo,,, Pressed Btsel Car, com. 10T 87 Ta do Drerarred..,....,, Paclflc Mall Co. Reading, wm,.,.7... do 2d psererred.....', do -lab nreferred. .. . . Rap, Iron 4t h teal. com. preterreo. Bock Island, o ,... do preferrea Southern Rjr.v eom..... do nrslerrea Southern Ksdftc.. ....... do preferred. ......... Kt. U 8. P., 2d pfd.. St. L. 4 B. W.v com.... nreferred . . . .-v.. . . D St Texaa Psclnc Tenn. Coal A Iron...... T.. Mt. L. ex W., com.., in nreferred .......... t'nlua ParlBP. con..... lis Hl 11814 do nrelarreo aa 1414 8714 IS' C. B, Mather, com.. .- 14m do preferred. ,,,,....' 3 10214 87 100T4 12 .IT U. B. Kuliber, com. .... do Drererrea, .. a. 1004 loot4 804 0414 18 2H Cr,8. Steel Co., com,,., da Dreferrea....!...., PC iH 2H Wheel. Ac L. E., com... Wisconsin Central, com do Drererrea. u n Western Vol on Tele WSnasn, corns;.'. Sli 4H do prererreg ToUl galea tat Cay 118.800 aharaav . ava?l, 1V41 Pr, cent. ' AkT YxUKCISOa MnTTjrj STOCKAV ' Rtn Frsaclaeo, Jan. IT. Ofaclal Dining Quo- tstlona, 'raurnlng sessloa Bid. Bid. Iiulllon ... I 84 Saeag . I .41 PotDSl ........ .17 l!nloa Cna .... ,.o6 Yellow Jacket. . .22 Exrhsquer 66 Uils A Norcross 1.64 Coo. Cal.-Vs... i n Ophlr 6.25 Caledonia ....... .89 Mexican 2.10 Oua. Mercur.... .14 TONOPAH STOCKS. Bid. Adams ... . .....S ,10 Montan ' .. Red Tup .... Kvilursbla Mt .. iM Uolrien Ancbor, , .27 Gold rield; ...... .71 Mnbswh t ,.18 Jim Butler ...a. 40 'Jumbo .;v."rr. .82 Jumuo Ellen. ... .2T Mcrcsmara -.., .27 Has tt lte tea .. .. .06 Reerue nana ntorm Brhuoot Nersds .... Tan. Extra Oolil MountslB North Stsr Mldwsy .82 r - IAE f lAECISCO LOCA1 BTOCaX San rrsnclsco,sBlt.locar atockt closing, W; "i Bid. A.k Spring Vslley Water M 8814 tin Asnelwi IMS Electric ...... 6ol4 6014 . I A . - RO F . . ' lUwsltsa Sngsr S?4-.: fiH Ht.rM.kea Sugar. i - UntrhlMon fiugikr 1J14 ' Kllaneaw angel ..;.;. " M.k.w.ll Buxar ...'. Jt4,. 8 Onomes Sugsr V..............IM14.! 18 ...i,h.a Mtiaav ....,...,,,,,. 26' Ala.k. Packers' ' 8.1 Califurnls Wine Assorlstlon.. Oeesnlc Hteam.hlp . ,7 6 14 a B06T0E COPPIB BTOCXB.- Boaten, J."lT Official copper cloalog: Bid. Hid. Arennr-. Arnold .... Atltntle ,. Hlnehsm . . .$ T.6 , .T , IT. 76 . JW UK .$ PH. OO putney ...... Rhode Islaad . , a.00 Klisnnon .... ' k.76 Tamarack ... IM.isI Trlnliy -rr. 7 WlaMa - ,.-. . II.60 ... 1. v ' iHintlnliHi lrua.,, 1 CO 1.1 floral ... I7o Coiitenul.1 .. 24 60 foppee Henge.. .) Daly West... 1" Oreea tVpper . ' 27. 6U i' 10 76 , Mlehlrsa lt MIIbI Wat e-i w t " ' Old. Horn .... 27.00 MlBIBg3S.7 4 SsaiaBd Burling. ' Xew'Ynrb, Jta. IT. IhMnswl sterling 46T.40 O4ST.60; 00 cays. wsiw,i, , T01TLAED BABE STATIMIET. CVearlnsa- $dnrl.T46.rM ........................... lU6,03S.4g Da latere " " 4 "LIsrpol Oral ktsrhat. Ltrerpcml. Jan. IT. Clnae: Wkest Msrch, 6. MSd. lid hwer: May, OS lOHd, 'd down Julr. ih Inlid. lad down. - i -TB-March. 4 Hd 4eas.Uay, Is Ifflfa 6614116614 Bid. I2.0S ' . .14 .06 .46 T9 . ...4 261. .1.1 .22 Id. 14 " UEAT MARKET IS CDTII Air Options C osa Lower in Chi cago Pit Today-fCash - Js Quiet. MARKET IS NARROWEST ' FOR MANY A DAY , .7. t.i .. : ,:e.eV.-. Corn Loses Early AdvanceFair ' Trade In 0&ts Bears Lose , ; " ': In Provisions. p TODAY'i WHaAT . MABKET. r"" r Onea (be ." floss --! I "v" T Tod. -Todays Moo. Tod.y M.y., $i.i6 ,$i.iiAi.iyi- Julr . .kiilA, .SkCv - . .00 Bept Oil .Mi ,..! JWi fPttratehed by Orerberk, Btarr Onoke Co.k . k I ... 1 1 I .... n a, kni. aavt la wheal the rona kaa beea the awrrowest the market kaa exoerlenead for many daya. Trads baa ruled extremely. awlst; mws from outside market, resorted ' slow. The cash aemsnd Is slow, with lower prieaa. Tbara 1 le a poo flour demands-tills til comma mm a Mprea. .toa f the trader. The tendency f tha mar. ket seemed lower all through tk see. loa JO 4 kt M time did it show sny snap, si a: is i p. m. tupport sceme to M tenaerea, preeumaow. o the atrenE Interest la control of the market. The beartih feeling exteted ta the trade, sell In bring mo.Hr by local paopla. It 1 a. dull and unihterestlnB market sad One bard aadsrsUBd Ote-aajment. . , , vara ' " H ' . ram-I. aarlv desllrur this market Shewed better sdm, showing a fractional .4 ranee rer - yesVwdsy's doalng price,' ..wklek -was snhsequeatly-h..t. Trsds coatlnuss Ulst asd prWasiloasl. Ws eooUuu to feel that -receipt ere tke actor st ths moment. (Tbs cub demand la amall affair and receipts .re ample for present requirements. Ws are ansDi to see snytning. bus a e.-..iws aw.. tor tee time nin . . Pal Trass la Oats. Ths cats- aiarket continued ta abowr a fair roluma ef .tr.nitA all Urougtt ths session. PnmmtHl,, kwH. .asacated sums buying 4ers for moderate amount, but aslds from this the trade waa without feature, - Ths cash market Is doing s llttls sll tbs time, bat very alow. Trad la thla market continues rsry slow sria.jocsu ., 1 . 1 Bears' Vsrk Fstlls. ! ! - ....l.lcn. ths faatnra of tk' msrket . . . - ,.mn. r tha ' base - element to de es prices oa tne very .arse racwiyie .as vssterdsy snd today, but : there wss nothing much doing. At -the moment w se nothing to Chang present conditions. Had tu msrsei axjaa use a e-a.i....B Xoday sttlcisl mar seta: , .''--'.-JI.WHEAT, TciossT- Ope.... . High. M.dU:i6i:i5. a i.ise.14. Ila6aA. juiy..... ..6i4 ' r. : .n1k - ."ilk .41 ---.011 2:..:14 .-: cpt... ' ,Pl CORN.- JSB...., .42B Msy..... .444 . ' : . .? Jalyu..a' .4JI14-'. .46 , .-.464 ,0 i XAT1,- Jsa-Uw a..... i::;-7.ii;f - !?JrT JtB....aa- at..' M.y... - .80 f $1 7 .81 -.ub 'MESS POEK." 1 . 77.. v 12 is Msy.,.M 12,70 v 12.T214 . LARD. 12.66 rX7QB aTaiB. wp. , '4.1 StVy... 6.8k- July...-6I as -. 1 t.MU, - v .4.87.14 Wir 6.8714A. T.00 - 6.86. ' . 9 VlYt 8I10BT BIBS.. . , . Jan. Mar ...... ........ .. . a-w .T --- S.T2 ff- 6T.vt 6 7214 A " a) "'" "' e- 0.lWkl July MILLING DEMAND IS SHOWING GOOD TONE 7sw!alied 'kv frverbsck. Starr A Oooke Go. M n Vrm nclMW. Jaa. IT. SL - HUUAI SI . O ssy: TU wheat m.rx.l naa anowa conaiaeraoia atrength today. The oversold condition of tba market supplies demand store tbsa sgusl . t... nf farinas., v The. mllllna . demsud con tinues good, snd Baleen Some unforeseen Thins ksppens price, ought to M Dollar.. Bsrley Is somswhst weaker In ton tod.y on threatening weather and a tailing off la 4hs demand for shipping bsrley. Japan ha beea a gooa ourer in tnis sarin .or- na, 1.101a. ir rata.- namana coniinuea in. luivir -wu. so smsll that msalpulatloa will be easy.. Today'k of flctel 11 :80 a. m. market: - WHEAT. .... .. . " Open. High. . Low. fsy.......,$i.ei4 i.r-$i2 A.! A,eT L47. l.iik J.1T14 .I1 BABLSZ. 1 May.v , IMcrmasr, rKIXAlT, BHIrsUBTS TS CXEAEAECES. ntlsa.'Jsa.' IT. Prtmsrv rerelotsl , ' . . " Tod.y .. Yesr Ago 1. 1 h : ...i :,.. 'i'...uh. Bu.h. Wbest .827,000 Corn .... 616,000 1.206,000 Wbest .r .', ........ 227.000 - 641.000 Corn 8X6,000 004.11HU Ctesrsncea: rronr, is.u ou.uria, cvra, ,., 000 busbsls; Mts. 6.0W) hnsheia. --.N Oklrng Cash Waaat, ,' Ckletgo, Jan. i;. Jssh wheat: . Today Mondsv. No. S red......... No 8 red. V . .a hard wtster ....... 1.1MVN $1.2oN r A-14 J . 14 . L18V4 1.14 No. S hsrd winter....,...,;..- No. 1 ma-thera spring.. ...... 1.1H14N No. aortbera spring........ 1.11 No. S spring 106 l.un 1.20N 1.10 1.01 THROWN FROM TRAIN AND INSTANTLY, KILLED "(Mnerlsl Dlsnatck ta Th Jonrasl.l Ramacr. - Idaho, -Jan. IT. W. H. Toutr. a brsJteman on th Northsrn pa' clflo, was killed Instantly ' bjr belnc thrown from a train and f ailing Sindar tha-wheala.- Thla anclnar notlcad th jolt. atopprf-thJ train ana oun4 th boar m Oltcn Desiao jn uvea. -Ha waa a member ot th I. O. O. F. and A. O. .U. W. Th bodyV wiU ba burled In Spokane. : : r ' " . 1 . . 1 1 , ' Attention San " Francisco Pas ,...XJ.. , .r..r ,-a.y-"J-: - V .vv..r.rrsengers . '.:.jt Th ateatner RoanoKwlU leave Qreenwlch dock. Wednesday, Jru 11, at 1 n. m.. JnsteadV of tonight, adver tised. L ' 1 BY PARTt-VOTE-Ta PASS SHIP SUBSID 1 - tJonras! Special Bervlee., Washington. Jan. 17. By strict nartv vole tha houa commit tea on iner chant marina today directed that tha nhln subsidy measure be favorably re nortrd to the house. The effort ef tha Democrat to amead th bill wag deftat ed by a ps-rty votev - A free electrical panorama at th corner of Third and Alder alreeta, from ' TO alBTTAiaXaX TVaVAtw. Journal Special Berries., Indlanspoll,- , Ind., - Jan.- 17-The I'alted Mln workers' convention ' In session here, will, ' before It adjourn ment. adort measures to entablteh co. operative) atore In all district, ., Pnltrret Clock Canned B00A. .. ! A 1 4 ax KJaaasft Leae.I Tsl m WVW4I w waa-kmk . Sir Francis Draie 'ykjfft- ' r vy a . ri Washington . Street. - $10.00 Coistlete Life Reailnrs for This Wee Only ; I IX) niinr BOLBMMLY AOBEI AMD GUARANTEE to auk yea aa charge M I fall to call tob by Mm. la full, narnae of four frlsods,. enemlas or Vlrala. I promise t. tell ron whethek yonr kuahand. wife or sweethesrt k Im or' fslss, tell yow bow t gala ths lor of tbs one yea awsi oeaira, erea though mile away; how ta succeed 111 Business, . speculstlon, uwsuiv, new marry tha one of your choice 1 how to ' re gain youth, health and vitality. Be moras rll mauenee, core anna naraii .-aeowe trsssuree, cares all nervous dli ss Ml Baaa amd Mckt now succeed la butlnessf mat. my home hsppyi , conqnsr Bty anemia. T marry ths one I bal marrv "well 1 HOW CIS Bow CSB How esa now csa How mb 1 coaqner my rival! Row can I msks sny ens love as I How sooa trill my lover now can 1 get letter Una, . I mm 4 aenA I ... at Uttarf I get a good poalMosT How ta I remove bad Inflneacskf How ea I control any pnet . How auks dl.t.nt saes fhlsk ef sssl -!" How esa I hold my hoahend's leer How esa f ksea my wife's v BOHRS DAILY. 10 TO T, -AND SnNDAT, 10614 WASHINOTON ST., COR FIITil AND WASHINGTON STB ' REBUILD THEATRE r - FOR MISS BATES (Qoatlnued from Page One.) followed Portland theatrlcalA cloaly Im mediately act th matter. down aa one-ofH itrtmpitnwrhJkMow directed against Blanch Bates' appearantsa 4j(he armory. (1) A plan of Mr. HelHc to brine Melba to th . Marquam, , wMrt there lsiujJvttOi,Tiay In .whlch-caae ha would merely have to cancel one night of Ijoula KorrUon In "Faust, or (I ) A free: advertlelnf cam. "But '.'develop ment of. today tend to annul th Jutl- floatlon of any of the surmlsa. . "I waa never mor aurprtaed in my lfe.'r aald Manager HelUjr. "than when I read ot What Mr. Baker had dons. I knew nothinc of. It and am not creatly interested in th matter-1 have a con tract, and hav had for four month, for the ii6 of tha armory for the Melba concert on January 10. If ther 1 to be a fight, u la up to tha-national cuard to da -the fightings- My - acreement .la tth thm. They may do what they think best a to h .proteat.- I will -wager that I present Melba at ths armory. but even were that, Impoaalbl. I would till present hr In Portland. There are other halls. " - - Oen. C- u. Qantenbeln of tha Oregon Notional. Ouard, who has charge of the rental of the Armory, Bald:-"8jnca I have been connected -with the Cuard over 14 year It ha been" th custom to us th. Armory for any Proper pur pose, ao lone as. lta occupancy by ether did notinterfero" with regular guard work. Vaiaj 1 th fl ret protest we hav ever heard, and It strikes me that Mr. Baker" reaaonlnc. namely, -.that people going to- the Armory to ae big- attrac tions hav no money left to spsnd. at hi house, or house.. I decidedly unique. Other halls, notably th Bap tist ohurchi cive- concert and th Ilk right aloncr but no demand I mad for lloen. I do jiot know whether It will be neceaaafy .for lis to go to court or not I do know that I told Mr. Helllf he could have the Armory for th night of January SO. . There Isn't a acran of paper to ahow thl W haver not found It necessary to "make --written-, con trart : heretofor, ' and -.probably never will." i- - - "At th Tim Paderwkl appeared at the armory." aald George I Bakerr "I told Mr, HelUc It waa not right to tak big attraction to a place that pays no license and kill th business at the then-1 tree- I Intimated that I intended trying to Btov It, and t will. .1 am. dolus. It now because there) Is a teat esse In sight that, of Melba., Ther. would be no ad vantage In brihglng up the queatlon whea nothinc 1 booked there." '."I ther anythlrur In your action In tended aa an effort to keep Blanch Bat out of Portland T! waa askd. .. ,''MIs Bat, could not gst her produc tion on In any mentlonabl hap at th armory-," wa the reply. "If great, big production could be played in atore ana low. rakish buildings, what would be the use of building theatre with" bis loft for th accommodation' of the sceneryT No. ther Is nothing In that Idea." - Thi telegram waa received today: (Special Dlipstrk to The JovrMl.t -, Loa Angeles, Cat., Jan. IT. To' the Editor .of The Journal I hav been in formed by my advance manager that a combination of Portland theatrical men are attempting to keep "Th Darling- 'Of th Gods" out of Portland. I was born In Portland, and I respectfully request you to Tell the people of my natlv city that no theatrical manager or combina tion of theatrical managers will prevent m from appearing- in my . birthplace. I will play Portland with my entir company th week of January 10, If -w ar fbrcsd to put up- a tent to' do it. My manager.' David Belaaco, ha never nhown'the"whlte feather yet,- and I as sure you that I will not belle his repu tation, particularly in. my home eity.- BLANCHE BATES. BLUE RIBBONS SOLD TO; FAIR EXHIBITORS ''(JoBiMTTpec7jTrfcfv1c. ' St. lyouls, Jan. 17. Ia-applylnr for a writ of injunction to prevent N- E. Barnes, former manager, from carrying out a concession thev secured from the LoullAha Purchase Exposition company, th official guide of the Tompsny make th rhnrg that exhibitor at th world' fnlr sold blue ribbon medals forauparior- it? tCL'thoa who were not entitled, to them. Tke plalrfttff allege that Barnes, entered Into contracts with certain arms J to award ribbon ta conoernsjiot awarded recognition of .th kind at the sxpositlon and praya that, he be Te st rained from carrying out hi contracts. ' ' "A. BTarprl Party. - A plesant ' aurprla prty fry b flvkn to your, atomsrh and Jlver, by aklnc a medicine which will - relievo their pa'n and discomfort, ,vls.l lr. King's New I .If Pllln. They r a most wonderful remedy. ffvrdlns; nre rHf snd cur, for headache, dixslnen and constipation. J4o st Bed Cros . Phar tnacy. ftixth nnd Oak streets, oa th way to .$h postoOc. 50c . fa Mf " I TRLU YOUR ISAMe'" Srcdal This Weclt, 50c $10.00 Life Tier are M ml.rstss ia ta praoicuaaa made by th grsst snd wsndertul pssehle. Yew suy wUh to know It It I aavtssbl r.ks chssg 4a buslnas. la krr, l mar- 'sntTI I sncced In me new wtaidtir'-. ' "Ca I ebuis ny aope. my wishes, my blttnnar' . . "ShaU I ever enjoy the hrtvla f 'Csa I trust my frlsaaar' "Hare 1 enemies P" ' '. ' ... '.- : ' "'Whea shsu I. marryr"--" - .:: .;' v "How Bflea ahaU I ararry f - -:J. . "Shall I svsr be 4leorradr ' . ' fc. "Doe snother saars ths lor that rlghtfaUj belonga to" meT" ' , . ' "If as. whomr" . '" "Am f loved la retamr v - V ' "Whea shsU my kv sffslr tsrmlnst U mrH.gef" - awe'"" "Whea shTl my" efemesrls. ttcvM-f "How esa I msks my life snd bom bsppyr "Whea shsll my sbsent mno reiurar "WBy do I Bat receive leturr HODBri-t t I DA1LT AND SUNDAY. ': - Morrison St- Corner Fifth axae rioos C Xoatom Dantal Varlera. v on. Gu;::rs XLCOD !! KffiVE TONIC . A TABLBT TO WAE A xtBAli TTataV-- JUtla 6 th SkMd snd rewves H reptaM t 166 - Vi Pisssts, Ovtrwotk sr DlaarpsttS. ; -r j r rf t,r ot rtn . . . y .o kyea.MSS frem Aug Cass. . r Create Mere form. U Imprtv tk eaerees, T Step 1W - 01 MItiv' r Step far. 7 AfsJrel esr Ml. reCar CWns Din. Te Hmmaat Uvr feet. J Hoi Skin Cfesft To Curs Ossssawl. S.y..sts se1 Coaetsatos- SOLS BY 0RU00IIT, OR BY MAIL OH RKtlfT i ..-' OP PRICE, Too. A BOX; S B0XE1 $...,.,. ' OB. aoSAjTXO OO, TElLAPET.rTgLk. VA. ' COALr FOR rrOUSB BaveriNuf-CoV-dllvrd. t Jy- ? par ton-Tir'. i hi i t ntn : i . 81..TB Ravea Lump Coal, dllverd, at - u pr torr ,TTTTriTi.-Trv.-i.-tJ.OtJ Benton Lump CoaL delivered, at . per ton I.'. ..'......... ,.".T0O Australian CoaV dellvrd. at i par.ton .....T.BO Carbon Hill CoJ.UTrdV at per ton .............. .'......tJT,l0 Rocif flprln'cs Coal, dHrd, at -- pr ton , i . .... ,. .S8.B0 -" crnd Coal ruU- Wslfbts.. i' VULCAN COAL CO. OFFICE. PHONE MAIN IT7I. No. Ill ..' i : BUR1HB11J1B BTrUCJEa.' 7' ' T Star Coal How Is Yonr Sopply of . W have all Jtln'ds j of - flrst-clas screened Coal. ssckeuV-full weight, at f&.OO per tod and upv . , - .j . Star CtCcii- Phoa ICaU 161C. Offlo B3B Stark St. Headquarters lor"- Elastic Stockings 'Trusses IJVUE-DAVIS DRUG CO. Third and Yamhill Sts. WEINHARD'S City Brewery " tarrert Mrt Compl oa. . ta . Zfortkw.. . Bottled Beer a Specialty J- mxaneiri. bt n , Offlc 13th and Baiwald BtrMta. . . . ; PORTlaAND, -OBJEOOI. HiiamaM ana anouia Know . . . abuui toe woa4arfnl MARVIL WrMrUaa Spray a BW Brrsiaa. M. sleaeaa' Aerrtoe. rlrat-eUf. Moat f-onveniam. Aakeewenastatearlt. .' If he cannot tn polr th hSAH. KA acceiaso efe)er. sal .end MeanB for liinatrated hook ap.M. Itstve rail nartlpiilar. .ad direction. In Valsahle to ladies. Mill KA, CXh. tansaa aMds. Bsw keek. jowiaio. toj?saji4t n oo4 --- -tEstabllshed 181. ; .. a An BTOcat snoanms.-- ' Boos 4, Ortmad Ploor. CTaTABxarJim OP OOaajsinOaT. Co. 1111 1st O VERBCIC, CTAH C . ,S ... .' I - Membe'B c ' -o Frd T BADT.. - . 1S3 Th'-i Co- By Van Cortland The World's ' Greatest ' Clairvoyant and Palmist ;. - S1IH WAIElNOTOlf iT. I . ' '.'. . - aPLRMANENTLY ( LOCATED. , - -THIS wojenrart't. u.v vrin Tn'.rrf WHAT YOlf WANT - TO ENOW WITHOI T AHKISa A SINur.R QI'RrlTION. ME HAS BE DCCED HIS PKB TO SO CENTS. THE ' .; UREATEST CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST IS VAN CORTLAND. UK niVKlt IDVIIt ON. . BI 8INES8, INHCR AKCR, TRAVRLS. CHANOEN, j l.uB, LAWKIIIJ. SEPARATION. W1I.I.H. PKBDS, MORTJABS, PATENTS, CLAIM. ETC. HE WILL TKLL WHAT TRADE. BC8I- :.' NESS OR PROFESSION YOU ARE APAPTEIO rOR. TELM YOU WHEN AND WHOM YOU WILL MARRY. (ilVES Trtl'THFl'L REVEI- , TION8 OP AIJ. LOVE APPAIES. WILL TElJj YOU YOCS COB BELT AOS OR fORTEIX $eV. ' iNTtORSETy nr thr T.EAniNn men and " WOMEN OK THE NATION. INOI.miNO TBI PKBJHDBNT r THE TJNITED STATES " SOME .HANi8 READ BY YAW COBTLANDl . Preeldent Mckinley, Queeu Victoria. - , . Mrs, McKlnley. ..... U te, Preeldent CaraoC . - Barak 'Bernhardt. . Sir (jeorge Whits. . , ' " Admiral Dewey. Wu Tlng-Paag ' u . S rise of Wales. ; The Mikado. r mperaf William.- Emperor rraacl Joseph. Li llung Cbsn. - K Lord Cursoa, Viceroy sf Hlmrur "I. voiaa. .' IDOIB. Paderewakl. . Julia Msrlears. ' LllUsa EusssU: Maud. Adams, . CONSULTATION STRICTLY COSnDENTJAt,' '' SatlifsctloB Given or.Na Pee Acsaptedi ' " OfJee Uours jjalbr and Suaday, B a. m. t p. m. ' ' .- ' '- If interested cut out fhbj tdvertlssmtst. Vtt-;"'' Ns rremogs or-Bun,''',-';--?i?1?,;'' PROF. VAN COHTLAFvO, - 811H -WASHIEOTOsT BT.. COS SIXTH. - ft, Dr. Norton DavU. IN A WEEK ' We treat Mteastfally U private ssrauns as4 rhronle dleaaree e( smb. alee kloed. stosasr. aeart, liver, kidney- aad throat troubles. We rare STPHtLLIS -. iwlthont menarv) ts star , eared forever. In SO te 60 dsys. We remove .'.ibllitt, wiiaeai everanoa a paaa, aa vs. . Wa mtM. Jn-t ' ekwa eaanH ai aauT ah laiBMdlstely. Ws esa renter, the eaia.t vimai. . at say sua aadev ko by bm. kssu ws .... sunt pacallar . ts oaiialvea. , . - - We Core Gonorrliowfa a V?etX - ... . 't ' Th deetor ef thle rnetitat ar a rarsls ( have bed Baay yean exparwaca. , fceea known la Portias far lk year, bee rsectstloa ta amlntala, aad will ssSar " take a ssae snlvas eartaia esre ass H ." rsk a ehanre no fee.- CWnoalt.rloe frje. I- tars eeaflrlatla Tnetraerlve BOOK COB UmM : aiarraa ire la tai. wreonav." -a-i i If m eaanot earl at office.-writ fa saa nea bus. Heme treatment sbuiihia. OS M hear S. asd f hr e. -. ; kohdays. 16 s IS. sesdtng snerBr)tB ta the kT .-ntsnnsee laaa. v- UM. HbrtoDaivlsS Taa Star atJrUl, st. a. Ooa. Tkliw aasl PUa Tksa. -. : , y . ,.. .'" . ' jMlrnXJaAJTO. OBCttOet, - - r.'.:nCD" - The Q rut Chlacsw Doctor 4-4 - oalled great -v: cauaa bla wonilffl eursj are so, w.t known , throofhcwl , th United State. . and bcua o n : popl at than ul to him for ' avuuat uir htm OPERATIONS : I H treat any . all dlsa Wit pawsrful Chla hsrb, roots, bod, bark and vgtb. .hat ara sntiraly an I 1 known to coeaioal In thla ecaj). , try. and through th m eew aarww leas reedle.rhls P",11?I1. th acUon of over $0 lon VSiftTl that h has .uocsfully "laJ d Iseasea. H guarantMS to our eatarrsi. astTrnsTlunir froubls. rh.urr,stlsra. er- vousnesa stomach. ,Jv 'dVIiaisr mal trouble and all Private) a'"; Hundred of testimonial. tnargwS modsrata Call and brm. .... 7 CMB7TJXTATIOxf T?. .. i ' Patient out of th lty writ rear blank and circular. aamIos stamp. Ad 'THE C QEE WO CHLNESB - MEDICINE CO. . : ZSS Alder atreet Portland. Or. Stains way of Z&1H Alder street leads to of fice. Mention thla paper. . 04rrka,UiluA - ... r--. ." - V..eleilyeik.-.-.i... . r-acr3T0i:r.7" -' -v I rs;-' wtlr. Co. BxBBsawxeexPXa K - ; : : '