s'f !, - i' , I -1 TlliS OREGON PAILY; JOURNAL; PORTLAND, MONDAY ' EVENING. ' JANUARY" 16, 1805. ' 1 f,!0.f E POLYGAFilT S MARKETS All Livestock I Showing a Strong Ton To- ; day Cattle Advance) 25 Cnta Fancy Po tatoes Are Firmer Buying -Pries)". Higher. - !. w4nl I 0DAY' THAN IN mm 1. - v swiaca ex mHM, or liar trsneportetlun Ibreugk th Bella M nml leisss natter. ' u i """" 4- PaSBnae foe - a , . HBlBSSe OfOCS. .. - i i I i i i i U0 ' mwxuv urmiiat kiranxHTATiTX. ' T"-BetigsmlB Speetsi Advertising Agency, T T 52 STI! "r" Tribune kuUd- T 'ft'jr Jonrnsl. with Sunday! lTNrw.HH i iz rr:: : year ..., e.w - rvZii iSi1,' -V""-"1,, 'U Sunday, month. S T l '2 J?.'." months...... S.80 JonruL with Sunday. mosths, .B Jh n. r imm!: s bmumT?.'.-. ....... ,, i.so ... ,Tb Datlr, per wo, dUvr4, , Huriktoy j-r vMM v, sun.-' ' : j" vorMV " . i r. The. t . . ,' T Jnl7 looraal, 1 jr.. Thm lulu Imd. a uatha i n Itoal-WMklr JnnaL to 11 mm J uranraiao, luu urkct l- (': port, i Mr 4... .,....rM,fl.M . .T1i WWkl? Jminul,. 100 mlainna of rrti- ' . iM Mnk turn. Illwi... full ..V.V .' ; '. rpotn row.'. ..........ii............. It.OO HauinM baal4 ft br arafta. wiui - oidtm araxr d infl . unoanta ar piirti: ' 'HOIK IIUHfl-M 2C'HICA0O foMefOc wi, COBPtar 1TI Dr 7 bora Mrtwr. . PEWVEH. COrX). K.mdrtrk Baok BUtlomrr , cnnpanr. Hll BTratBtk ttrnt; 4. iuiinii ana Corfu trwta. l ' KiNgA CITV V Mor.Nw mniir, LOB A NO ELKS B. F. Gardner. 8A flanta " . iin -tr.; Ollrr . Haloak. Sua lovta 1 V Rprin llmt" . tTHtA, """"" fc ;1KW yflmr CTrr Bmtaan'; Vtkm aqaara. oilliFK oda eoaiBan7 OMAHA Miliar Hotel ncwa ataad MrfMtk '. Btatloowr rompaar. 1108 rarnuai atrwt. , SALT LA KB CITV ICanron HoUl Mn atand; Barrow Hroa.. a waar wind atrcat. Beaia. RT. LOUIS I'hlllD aVaKlM. 1 Laruat atrrt. UK FaVANCIttOO W. . Ardln. Palaca Hotat aowa ataad: uoidamita Hroa., aw iratiar 1 ; atnwt: frrd W. Pitta, lor Markat atraet. -v froKANB. WAHH Joha W. Graham Oo. TACOMA. WASH. Cabin) Maira aaapaar, 113 ' Br Portland Aartloa raoma,' tal Itrat atrart. -at M . ai. ' paia at rurnltara. - Uta A. um, auftlftaaa. i . " . v , Br Oorra Bakar A O).; Park ' and Aldar - atraata, at lo a. m. . Ban r rnraltora. carpata, ate. wanra Baaar ., aaetioaaara. . VXATHXB toOaV.-- Mild, taarparataraa prarall rmrallT la tka Partoa atataa aad graaral bat light ralaa ' aara odtartrd ta California,, Orvaaa, Wiahlna tna and porttoaa f Idabs. Taa waatbar ana. tlanaa cnld la taa -Mlaalaalppl valley' a ad -am '. '- tampwalaiaa ara rapnrtad la taa Dakataa, Mla- ' iKiaoia, towa aaa nroraaaa.. rnwaina araapara- toraa wt ai i ad Ml maralac ta tba aair atalM. a ntntaHOa at M daaraaa bala raparcaa. tlUfW r Orlaana. Id daaraaa at Atlanta aad S3 dagreaa ' at Jackana-rlUa.- . - , . .Tba tadlratlnaa baa far ran ar aaW Tara. .air aaaa. f tha fhaiAda auiatalaa aA m ill -i ablp raljwaatbar ta th araat af thla raaaa. j wm aa eoaiar aonignt la iNiai firaaoa aad waatarn Waablnatoa . aad molar- Taaadar In tha aaatara porUoaa at tbaaa atataa and WaoVHav Carda. W. . tnrttb a Co.. Waab- jam aia-.,.eor. roarta aa waaningtoaj ata. AWlr) Jatmary aa- ttr.' tad Wra.- m rndirr. 1020 Pattoa itraat: a daaabtar. KKWEI.IWamtarr Id., to Mr. aad Mra. Braaat - Oarar NawalU ItM Uaoadaai atraat; a daaaa '" BPKKCIHt-iamary T. to Mr. aad Mrarfiarrr ;. .'I Nrlaoa Bpanear, M4 Oorbatt atraat; a and. ' H1RHCH January . to Mr. aad Mra. Myat lllrach. add iobaaoa atrart; a danahtar. 1K1IKI NO Janoarr 1ft. to Mr. aad Mra. Jamad . oraa, iuu uaiawat atraet; a mm. . , .'Tf OOKTAOIOlTf aiBaVajgaC?, BORINSOH lanaary .IB, Waa Boblnaoa, BaO I nloa araaue; aearlrt farar. ' - TA RI January 14. I.lllla aad Violet KarL 1 21 pcarr airaai; cmcaanpoa. w Kl.ljfl January 14. vardl walla, 144 ronrtk atrratr aaaiVrt tarar.' - -...-. kAMBET Jaauary 14. tlaaal- Kamaex, 423 , aaa Baraai atraat: acariat tcrar. . , :. 9XATBB, ii -tv1--; ', JOT1NRO! Janaarr 11. Afna M Inbaaoa, kad 84 , yearn, at Oood Rama rl tan hoaplul; - eaaao, aaritealtla. , Burial , at Maltaoaak -jr ramatrry. i , CONNOU.T Jaanarr IS. 'Oartrade CeaaolM, . a rw, at w aaii ahiaiaiin anawuar lauaat pranamata. Burial at Lona Kir rrmatary. . XAWLK88 January 11. Bridget Law laea, aged - ,t0 yoara, at Bt. 1 -Tlnceat'a aoapttal; eanaa, pneamoala. Bvrlal. at Meant Calvary eeave- creaMtonaa) oa oragna ctry ear Hoe. near " Ball wood; modern, erlentldr. tnatplata. Chaigea arniii, aaoi rnimrvn. ao. riaicora w a. an. to p. an. Portlaad OraanatJoa aaMdatloa. Portlaad. Oragoo. . ' Tba Kdward Holmaa Uadertaalaf eaamay, .. funeral- directors aad . eabalnera. .220 Third aareet...'4'ooaa am. , . , , :J.;IV Molay A Boa. (aaeral elrertanr'and . emnalaaara, hare - rmorad ta their aaw eetab- iianatena, corner xaira ua Maaiaoa - atraata. ! Set, aaoaea Mo. T : .. .- -' rimeral wraatha and out flxwera k tpadalty at Roae City Oroeaboaae. Twaatr-aerond aad ' -Xaat Morrlaoa, opp. caaaatwy. . iii-' MXAXr UXATK YBAXBrXABr - John D. Hrwftt and wlfa to Title Ooar., -. aatae A Truat rompany. lota B. 10 and ' II. block t, Holladay Park add!ttoa...4,BM P. H. Martay aad wife ta Portlaad Lam - bar company, dOiKal teat beginning 00 " r .Teat eaat af aonthaaat rorarr Muck A. ' .Carathara' addltloa . .v . ....... 1 ' Pater COTarerlch aad wife ta O. C. ' ,Oaer. 601 100 reet argtbama au feet j.. i . went of aortbweat earaer Tblrty-aaeoad and Dlrlaloa atraata , BOO Portland Truat rotnpany to 7. F. Hng-1-" gina, mta 14 aad 10. block II, Tra aa I'laea .J. 0. Roberta and wlfa to O. T. La Toar- ' naaa, lot B. block I, Banana addlltnn. John M. Ptttlnger and wife to J. M. Law', ana at at., lot 10, block B, Maegly Blk Und .,. II an cork Street loBproranent roaipany ta B.- M. Lombard, lot 11. Ftrnwood A. L. Btona at. aC to J. K. Bnoeer. block 111 except lot 14. block 80; lota S-ll, In- cVnelTe, block 20; lots I and . block , JT; lota T, B and B, block 22, Falrrlew. tJnlna Market eaeoclallon to People's Mar- ketaaaoelatloB,. block 1M, city .tst..t.. W. B. Jonee at ak to J, W. Boon tt al.. Parcel land l)ooglaa . doaalloa . laad clalnr , Otto Ruedjr and lfe to I. Bchaalta. weat S3 feet' lot 8, block , Plaaaaat Tlew - addlUon , Joaeph II, Radar and wife ta C. Abea dratb et aL, aaa lb t feet lot a Mock . B, rarathera'- addltloa - Caratbers'. aildltle- .ml A . -ll-r n salt Sllba lata 1 and t, block B -A. Wttt to o. Meier St It., blece drop-" . erty bgtanlng Inter aeiUoa Cpahar and Twentieth a I recta .... Joan Mock, traatae, to A. U Caplea rt . at. parrel land eertloa. IS, towaaala 1 l.soo 400 1.000 t,B0B VI 1000 UMO Bra m. eurin,. reoee a watt Craia ta I.' r Crale u . . -. . ......... raig and S, blecf M, McMOlra a adMltloa aad - ether nrnaarta i t . Portland Tniet eaaapaay to I. K. Butrida, lot 1. .black, IS, Tra .r'ae ...... Cbarlee F. Paula le H. A. Latoorell, anrthweat nortkweet aortioa 82, owaahlp 1 north, range eaat ...771' Edwin W. Hnrlhtirt and wife ta wnilaai Hull. TIHtlM feet aorfliweet cnrnW ,at . I. Highland acbnol Hoiiae smirtotv ... ' Jeha H. Carton to l. P. Nteleea, At , . hlock S. Flrat t lac trie addltloa ta Al- 1 kl aa ... r dtBBv)BB mftr -""'ji 100 i,soo rr oo ;;r J" a rer , w.w 2J Wr J."r,M4. with Sunday, f mosths, I TS Th Oally Jeurnat montoeT:,... i-T6 ' 5'" JoernaL 'with Sunday, S months. 10 J Wily Joornsl, months..... t.40 loav, M aBVaiU.. . .w .mi 1.00 FM POTATOES;. ARE HI DEfMD San Francisco Market Is Better and Prices Are Highef. for: -.1 Buying Orders. ONION MARKET REMAINS T IN VERY GOOD SHAPE More Sales of Hops Reported at Former Figures Small " Egg Supplies. Front B tract, Jsa. Id. -To principal market rear area are: i . . Fancy. aoUtaaa ara la demand, , , Onloa market la mod a nape. . - . Better weaUur will aotea maata. . . Mare hope ara 'sold today. ' Eggs eery slow In arriving. ' :. 't. . ; Poultry receipts aanll. - , - Heaey arrleskt of wild Mrds. --. ' Fhmr again selling to far ss$b.. Bat BMls doing In wheat., , .n.....1..,.......;.....,.-.-1.;;; . -l--!- .. , '' Taney Petateee Are fat Damaad. There la aaw a-ood deaun for Tsacy Ore gon Barnaaks from the Man Frandaoe auuraat, Nothing pnt tha eery beet stork Is wanted, as tha 'aft - araeee eee -aery- aleatlfM tece a. For tha fancy. Oregon ateraa better price, ara rul ing there aad boring prices In tha country nga from, roe - to - ane- per - Bnaorea poands. aa adranca of Be over former flgures. It I rat tmaoMtbla for local efclpper to get lata tba Arlioea or Texas territory oa aeoaont of tha vary law Sgura eallna la tba CoUarade market. Helling prices aa) tba atraat show a cuaegee veoey,- - . ..ji.. ... ' V' Oaiaa Harnet m ead tha pa. Tba enloa aurket Is la good aha do. tba da- maad palng better. Tula aaa eaaeea taa grow ers ta again bold aad barer any that It le almost Impossible ta secure supplies at areasat aalaaa. , chamgef , In. prices today. - - - Better Waather Wffl Softs Keats. Tba warmer weather will bars a softsnlng arreet apaa in freak most maraet. in a sup plies ara no larger today aa tna nmnana is aet aa. goad aa It baa bean roe toe past week. Warmer - weather always causes weaker feeling ta prevail. No changes today . .. Kara Baas An Sold- Today. . . ' :r Kara aalea of bona ara ratwrtsd (odsy bat the asset names af the dealera and tba prices paid cannot be secured antH tba stocks are take In by tha pur rr, tears thla afternoon ar to- tn. - The nnrea para, - sccoraing to . toe best Information. wlU range from Bsc fog. prims ta S8 for choice shippers : Xggs Ar Vary Slaw la Arrbrtag, SttDSlIss of ears ecmld be abowlng a aia terUl lacraase'-nrer what they are at present and prices weald not weaken. . Tba warmer liy eaaeea a aarse locreaaa in recelDta . sad within tba Beit few daya tna metuia.nt mar become rery urge. Peeltrr Beoatpts Ara Small, The receipts of poultry are' aot large but tba market la aot say toft Brm, - Beeeral af tba ' dealers ' carried 'arer. small opptlee from Batntday. ' The . receipts ef wild birds from Willamette TSMry aslnta war rary urge axlay and anlta a large supply was emrrled srer rrom tba areTloos week. .;;.'."'...'.;. rTlsw Again Sailing, ts Jar BaaOul. Boane small order for Portland Boor are belne received from the far aoatbera- statee. Alabaaj an Teres are taa principal inquirers. bat some lfsw orders sre coming from New England, jusrai traaa connnors auii, ..unentsj IS, tend - bat price eeetleoe aoeatle- fscterr. . . Iraeat Bmlsas Is Hsmiaal, Trade - in tna Wheat varket Is ' aemiaaL Thar Sre sosae rail for atorka from tna east bat the price nmit are yet too low, aome forv blnestem remain annuo. Today's inline wholesale selling pries sre rein, JTenr aad TeseV WH BAT New sad old Wslla Walta,.SSa Becv, hlaestem. 8See: Taller. S70. BARLBT feed, 2lM; rolled, 2S.T!r; brew. lag. S23.B0. -- - . - CORN Whole, 2B-o anil erarxeo, fzr.00, BTB 41 Per cwt. OATft Producers' wire No, 1 white. B2T.BO; gray, azo.uoia'i-v - . - , FLOUB Eaatera Oregon Pateets.' $4,B5: strslghts. 1 7n: Tiller. 4,10; grahaaa, , Va, MlixjITrFFB Bran. (18 00 Barton: mid. annas. Kao.w; so or is. . cvuuu-r. aa.ous eoou. 118.00... , ' ' MAI eTooacers pnre -irmotny, winamens Tallcy, fancy, Slt.OOQLB.OO: ordinary, 113.000 14.00: eaatera. Oregon, tl5.0oai4.AO; mixed. (IS.00tia.00; Clover, n inaix oo; k grals. iu.W4jl3.0l; eheat. lU.OOtJIlOO. : ...Hspa,TaalJ aaifWi. .'A-yU- BOPS 1804. i tat Choice : BSsaSBU for primes aaa sneaiuma. U'nrif Contracts 1MB ells Taller coei to medium, jeQlTei ana, 17 Si lac ssstsra .Ora- gon, inc. i . MOHAIB-iJfsw, SO.' :r r ' BnBBPBKINB Shearing. lOSSOsi short wooTT Bocmod:' Btedlnm wool. tOdoOc. . loiur wooL SOrtlSl O0 each. . -c- T A I.IA) w i-rime, per id, atjnc; na.,a gad eeee, tatt. '. CHITTIM BARK c per Tb buying price. HIDE Drr hides. He. L 1 lbs sad an. 15jlSlt per lb: dry kip. No. L B to It lbs, ISe: dry calf. Now 1. under S lbs. 14: dry salted bulls Sad a tags, t-t leas thae dry Blat; ssltsd bldea, stsera, sound, B0 lbs ar ever, f tfc; tq to o lb. Be; nooer oo ina.aaa oows. 7 a err Stsgs and balls, sound. Be; - kip. IB to BO lbs, tUe; sound. 10 to 14 the. Bet ealf, sound, ander 10 lbs, BHl green ansa 1 ted 1 le per lb kreai Tculla. le per 16 mm: bores hides. ID Ma sslted. sack, 1.I.TK; dry. each. BLOOQl to; colt bldea. esck, iKQSOc; goat aklas, eomaaoa, each, loaiBe; A agora, with wjot aa, sack StcOtl.00. . " - sauar, aBa ana rwrnrj, BUTTER FAT Sweat. SBVattsic: soar. STO BtTTTER City creamery, bast, BoeaSHe; second grade, z2A2oe; autsld fancy, t7Wci ordinary, SOc; cold storage, 2SVC, oesiara as California. 22Ht2r: store, 12Stt14o. -' EO08 No. 1 fresb Oregon. BOc: sea tern. SBstSTc. ' :, ...... A . ' uiiEEsn new ruu cream. . iwia,- - I4e; xenng Ameiics, 15e; eaatern, life. B Viiiia nuiri iv iwv aastran, lin;, POPLTKV Prodseers' pries t 'kick en 12ll2Hs per : bene, 12 He per lb; old. lie per lb: yoang. , iti&iavte rLTKi Producers' pries t 'a lea ens, mlaed. roostrrs, nee Ih: broilers. liHQl.V per lb! fryere. Uy per lb; ducks, aid. lOVic per poead, yoang, llflls per lb; geeee, tSAe per lb; tarkers. ia 17 per lb; dreasrd. laBltd per Tf. T L WILD OAME Teal. I IBOayl.TII: wldgeoa, tt on; mallard. S3.s0OB.00; caurssbacks. 4.fc0 tie. 00. , gratia aa eagstasiss. POTATOES Brat Oregoa. BoCtll Ber cwt: beyers prices. 751V: second srsde, 701 75c ssrkj baying price, aoQOVi sweets, best. 11.40 6 I SO; crated, $1.S01.0 aeW CaUforaU, tc SsreisBt'siri6igwrnnifa Nettle OlhSs and baebsnd ta C. Othna, IctaHl and 0. block SN. Jam's Johns' ReeoBd sddlttna to Bt. Jihns .1 Nettle Olhua to L. . OHins, anuthweet H , mra a aaa s. .omcx zn, Jamea eosne' Second addition: to St Johns ......... Tltls lnsrsntee A Trust company to L. -CF. Mctiraw, went 4A feet h.t 4, block : St. Plrst addition to Holladay Park addllloo . ...-w.. I..... -v . ? 1 - flet ' vow Inaaranre and a hat recta ta - B3S real estate from the Title Guarantee A Trast paay,. Chamber .of Commerce sanding. . ; BUTLOIirS PZBKITS. CLARK January 14. L. A. Clark, tetory ats, aoatheset corner Bierentk sn dsffer- tibWui i. XS! t. fnji. SEILD-January II. w. V. Nellfl." MttlfS, Kent' FirteentB aerween Multnemtb . sad Kherett etreets: oust. t-VM. . -- CHAPMAr-Jemiary 14. M. U Bhapmsa. eo- . tag, Mettoa aetweea MeeeateaBUi aad Nine trenthstreetet.ceac.tlO0. , JVBT1J January 14. W. T. Juetln. eoltsga. Fsst rirtaenta Between MultBosaah, ana ajeeetr etreera! rttmt fVlO . . CARLHON Jsnssry 14. Victor Carlaoa. real- deaos. nortBesst corner Memo a a Bortb- wlrk afreets: Mist, tl.faal. SMIVK Jaaaarr 14, 6. M. Smith.' four S-etary rewldenees Lstoa avenue oetwcea Fargs street and Cook (Tenae: mat. M.SOrt. TOINUFKHPORF Janasry 14, U Toaagree- orf.- cottage, aerthweet c.et. M Ilea axle avenae and Rhine streets: coat. Il.aiiu. WllJ.IAMa January I, v. n. Wlltlame, reel. ence. MHItnomaa srenne netweca Kant rif teentb aad Eaet . Seeenteentb strssui soat. aounrrv, 20H10; garlic, tfllOe ' psr Tn. . SI9H FalUITB Applea. extra faacy, 11.60 - faacy Oreroa, 1.00 par-- box I cheap grades, aujie - pee - aee ssansae. uai.l. Vl.I0il2S per boxi. ssedUnga. 1.3 per box. Haaaanns. i. per box; jap v. nuw uer aaje , eia.au, ee per io lessons, choice, Ai.SS par box; faacy. St.Tt per bob: iiroea. Mexlcaa, ane per 1U01 plns acplsa, et.ftOt.0Ot pears. fl.OOOl.BO: (rapsa, ll.ao psr box; etaassriles, BB.OO per pbi; Jaracy, till no per hbl: prunes. Be per lb. vgUKTAaLEa Taralps, S1.00 per sack I sat. rots, 1.00 per sack; beets. BI S par sack; Oregon radishes, lae Bee dna: aabhea-e. OreeoaL 2 ewt; California, fl.40fjl.a0; lettuce, aotbouee wieisec per ous gross peppers, 7e pea Ibi esln pepp tnma lie per Ibi celery. BOslooe aer doa: CsllforaU, 42.00; usrsstnsk To tt Die at. lte pee Bi strlna I bos as. lc; canuriower, SI per oa; natter neaaa. Bc: pampklsa, le per lb; borseradtab TOMS per H1 sprouMi-fBo: artlcbokes. a0jMO' per doa; nM. lib. IK. ' . k.. lb; eucaiabers. California not- kouse. tl.TSdos DRIED FRUITS Applet, sts pore ted, TOr par lb; aprloota, BH4(lSe per lb; seeks. Its psr lb less: aeacbas. kit 12a tier Ibi aaara. per Ibi prunes. ItsUsa. Sw04e per Ibrf rrenca. sss4He per ai I'aUIornia Buck, per lb; California white. per lb; plama, pitted, per Ibi da tea, golden. Of per wj tajrwa, pi.eo pea ae-ia aoa, - . . " Sismrlsa,' Beta, BtsvrV yv-:r SUOAR Back basis Cuba, IS. 40; powdered. Wr fruit graaulated, B0.1S; dry granulated, as in. K 1 . . i.m, . . . . f . . goldea C, BS.Sb; bbls, 16e, t bbU, 2Ac, boxes too savsnca oa aacx Daaia, leas 30 an lur casa. IB days; maple, 14tti8e par lb. B0NET 14lAl(lc COPPEB Psrkags braads. tit. SALT Floe Bales. 2s. s. 4s. as. 10. B1.S0; tsble. dairy. Bus. to.60111.o0i . iaos. i. ou; loos. luiported Wrsrpool, ' eos. I18.00jl.00l eie.euwio.uu; XZ4S, 24a. til lUUtld no. aaira Bna. bl-Ia. Sa. ta. &. 10a. 4.Sb; bulk. t2 lba. 4-00; aackk, BOs, Bc. - . lump rock, lS.outIS.B0 per ion; 60-lb rock, ed-2na 76: 100s, I6.T60B.2B. - " - -., (Aboeo prices apply to aulas of tea tha car lots. Car lota at special prices sabjsct to Bnctnatlons. GRAI BA01 Calcutta, $3.7T.no pee 100.. RICK Imperial Jaisn, Vo. 1, 441 No. S, 4c; Now Orleaoe Jiead, (VaOtet Adjaek, BH1 Creole, 4c. - - BEANS BmsD white. 41 large white,' Pink, c; aayou, ic; Umas. to; Mailcaa retla. NDTR Peseuts. Tle: )amboa. tHa par lb: raw. to Ids per lb rossted. aoeoaaata, BsejvOe per 'doar walnuts. 14016 lb; pins Jul. iviaiMte per in: hickory aum.ioe par in; chestnuts, ea.tera,-IBO'" per Kh Brssll nata, xoe j per in;niosrtS, -U1M per 10 J luucy Pecans, 146 16e per lb? slmonds. 18016S par lb. Keefcj, Visa aci xWslons. -' - FRESH MEATn rmnt street Iteef. ' el. II a. 406Hs per lb; pork, block, HO4 Pee lb parksrs. H 064o per Ibi baUav-BWa pec lb; fows, BQ.nc per lb: mutton, wethers sad lambs; S'uTc; swes, SORc; rest, satra, tic 10, njuinary, oc per ID. - , HAMS. KAl hn 1-Tf pweiaaj a.eb 1eee1 bants, 10 to 14 lbs. 12e per lb; 14 to rB lba, 1240 per lb; 18' to SO lbs, 12c per lb; Sottas., 8U,e per H break (aet bacon. 14Q1HC par Hl picnics,. e per lb; regular short clears, an amoked, 10e per b; smoked, lis per lb; clear backs, nnsmoked; K per lb; smoked, lofie per lb; Union butts, 10 to IS lbs. snamoked. se per Ibi smoked, Be per lb; deer belllss, an moked. Us per lb: smoked, 12c per lb. - LOCAE LARD Kettle leaf. loe. 10H pes lb; 6s. 1040 ner lb: 60-lb tins. 10c ner Ibi stesm rendered. 10s, B4 per lb; Bs, per ee, ve per id: aompauna iiercea, ami. pea lb! tubs, dsie per lb; 60s, o per lb. CANNED kAf.UOH tVlnmJ. Awmr 1-IK 4.11a tl.SS; t lb tslls, txMKV; fancy, l ib Bats. tS OO; -lb tanry tata. l.2S: fancy l-1b orals, 2. 75: AUsks tails, pink, 8O0c; red, (1.B0; -nominal SB, Ulk .0O. ' ' - . . riBII Rock cod. Te per lb: Sounder. N pe lb: halibut. .To ner mi eve he. X la ner doaU-1. etnpea pass, intjiac per lb; catflaa, Te per id: salmon, atselbesds, sue per lb; frosea sneer sides,. Btts P" lb; hsrrlngi Be par lb; so lea. Be per lb; shrimps, 10c per lb; shad, 4reeeed, per lb; parch. Be par'lb; shad roe, par lb; shsd. Be par lb: blsck cod. aV. psr lb: Co lumbia fteer emelt, lr pet Hi; silver smelt. Be 10; . MOSTera, rrssn mscasrei, sc per lb; erswBsh, BOe par lb: sturgeon. Te ner la. b; erawBah, BOe par doa; Boaadera, 6 per loramn, -ic per OYSTERS Shoal wster-- bay,, par gal.- SZ.XS t sacs. g.oo aet; uiympia, par aaca, so xo ii.Aim mini artell. ner an.. HZ.au claxu, B2.00 per; box. , 4 , raOnta Oaal n. Its. ROPE Pure Meetla:- lect atsndard- ltet Slaal, loa.r; Istls brand Bl.al. ta4e. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatralr Cases, Sie pr aan water wnite. iron nnai. aovac ner asi wooden, 1T per ral; beadllght, 170-drg, - caeei 23c per ral; Iron bbls, ! .per gaL UNSEED OIL Pork raw, la bbls 62c par gaL cases BT per gal; genuine kettle boiled, cases 60c per gel, bbls 64c per sal; ground cake, car lots 28.00 per ton, toss than car iota $30.00 per ton. t jr-r . OA.snLTwa-SScg," esaea lie per ga'. Troa oois, coc ' per gal, siaeavtsass . as'tt. as ai. Iron bbla lsc per aaL - BENZINE OS-dear. aaaaaT ISa ner" aaL area upie to 30 per ga I. r , rxini oil ksw, - pnia ane per cal, cases le per gal: bollrd, esiea 0e per gal. TUItPENTINK In aeeee tfie nee ral.- wooden bbls, Ble per gal. Iron bbls, T psr gaL 10-lb caae lots R4C per gaL. -- '' WHITE LEAD Toa lota Tfie ner per Ibi BOO-lb lota.-Tc per lb: less lots tc per lb. nK NA1U preaent bass) tt Bt-VO, . CATTLE MARKET IS ' A QUARTER HIGHER Receipts : Again Smalt Hogs Very Firm -Tone in Sheep T IsjGrowIng Better. . ( r Portlsnd TJulon fltoekysrds. Jsn. 1. There Is a stronger feeling la the hog taarket and prices sre. being beld eery Arm at 6 He for tba pest stock. A. stronger ton la cattle Is noticeable snd todsy the quotations .are SBc per hundred poands higher. The sheep market is arm with tha heat stocks selllna resdllv at 4Tbe receipt today were 14 bogs, 46 tattle snd 260 sheep. onicisi ruling prices teas y: Hose Rot eaatera Or re on. ga an. beet WIT. t. .... ii.. ape in. 1,-,. . . 1 - ... f , VV ...u., - 11 ., l.4 4.uv; stocxers sna leeders, aa.lDM4.Z0. - Csttle Best asatera Oregoa eteera, 14.00J 4.26; light and medium steers, t3.60t3.Tft; beet cows,- SB 60; medium eows. t2.604f2.T6i old snd light enwa, tB.00OB.SB; storkera and feeders, $2 2:,2.60; bulla, 2.0(Hf3. 2fe Sheeo-Beat fancy sheep, 4.60; ewes, $4.00 04. 26. 3 ' CHICAGO H00S LOWER. Chicago, Jsv 18. I.Ives tot receipts . 1 ; -.. Hoara. Cattle. Sheen. Chicago.. ,....66,u(X) Bx.000 aa.ouU Kaneas City ....... .45.000 -.-- o.i.a) g.(-., Omaha 4.6O0 ' "t.ooo ' ' 4.60O H"ra Closed Be lower with 4.000 left over, Receipts year ago were SN.Ouv, Prices: Mixed snd hntchers, s4.S04T4.T6: giod heavy. B4.A0ti4.T6; rough beaty, 4.a6il4.66; light. es.oaie.eu. Cattle Steady r Bbeep Steady.. m Tdmx oorm kasjuct. , New Tork . ' Jaa. I. Coffee fnrnrea eloaed unchanged to B potnta higher . Of ttrlal price. tvuaf 1 MR : Bid. A.k. , , , Bid.. Art. ..7 65 7.70lJuly ......,,. 38 08.40 .. T.76 T.fiAugiiat ..... B.4A B.60 .. T.ftO T 05! September .. 8 68 8 Mo S.()0SCC,ictobee 8.B B.TO January . Pehrusry Msrrh .. April ... May ... 8 IS. S 2ilNovemher .. 8.70 t.7.V) June 1.. I aotnerrmber . .. BTB B 8U Total sales todsy, ao,ouo bags. Tsrslga Oeffsa Karketa, New Vnt-k. Jan. 1. Rio coffee rerelDteJ r . n, Bemi etee, vtw.utnF ray., mersec quter. Hanfe recelrta, 1.tW0 bsga; stuck. I.O28.O11O bagai market .ready, At noon the market waa unchanged, with sales amounting to 2S,oin baser Hsraonrg. 10 s. m. : Market advsaoed point; sears, iv.teaf sags. -r;'" Bsw Terk Oaak Ceffee. , New York. Jsa. 1. caab coffee: K. T Rr. BaCi Na.4 Esatos, 0Hc , New TerkfJsB.'ld Dow, Jones A Co. aar: fMidoa Is steady stent parity. lyooeVre le re ported te be buying stocks tbls msralBg, Ntnety-oeven roads for November show . sa average net Increaee nf 18 14: 27 roada for the flrat week In January show aa average gmas Incresae nf 8.42. Tha banka gained from the subtressary BI.6dT.0ou.- Bnslneea condlltoaa la general ar aery favorable ta taa trade. . Demead Btevtlng, f New Tork. Ja. 18. Foreign exchenga mar ket opened firm with demand sterling 487.40 O48T.T0; 0 dsys Mils. 4HA.2oCi4M6.SO. BOBTLAJTD BAVK BTATXKZBT. . .... rtesrlng .ITT3 tl 3a Balaacra 10S.04a.OT RATtBUL-CAUSES LATE REACTION Introducing of Measure In Con . gress Today Has Bad Ef-. X:-'- .1 feet on i Stocks. - T7. ALU MADE A GOOD ',!: GAIN EARLY IN DAY BroekTyn ' Ha Largest Rise - ,?-and Illinois Central the :r:'B'We'Drop.r'" stock inrixru Anaconda .,.-.$ .BS-IBteeL pfd I .TB sugar ,2w Colo. Fuel .23 j Katyv cma .... . .12V4 Katy, pfd rfi Autalganisptd ; ameicar Alton - ....... lMla, 'A Naeh Mlaensvl Pao , . l-taJ .60 onu. si vtesi., .rut OS .tBOT.vr' .BTH Rao. BteeL afd. 2A PacHle Kali .hTU Reading, com .1 .tc7 Tsoiiaana ileel 1.26 l. .T-fdrv-TVt J.rWJU.BwmJ.w,! .- arrAf'V tindina Atchteon ... ...t I2V4IBalt. Ohla..B1.00 Bt. Paul ,,..., ..2 Canadian-Pae .. .HTV4 isris, com ,2a iiunoia cent ..fjk.m Erie, 2d pfd..,.. ".60 Manhattan u.,J '.T6 Erls. 1st pfdTT. 1 .ISMtMetrononua .1 .12 U2VkNor(ofk A West. .12 Rock la., com.. .26 Buuthora Rr .. J6 z Buatasra ny ,. jm BoutBorn rso ,. .BZVsiU. P., com ..... .lxti (Furnished by Orerbeck, Starr A Cook Co.) - New lock. Jan. IS. Tne sloek market todsy bad good adrsbes early Wt moot of - thU was mat before the close, Unioa PsclOc com- moa was rsry actlva sad at one time during the session sold a ma no 1201A. an advance of $1 ever the closing of Saturday. It loot all or this be tore the end of us sessioa. Ausigs. mated Copper showed heavy trading, as did tba Bleel " Issues. - Tha - largest gala - todsy wss by Brooklyn Elevated, which' roa I1.S7V4 aver tna previous close, tbo largest Kaa was or Illinois Central, which eloaed S1.S6 -down. It Is said tha Introducing of aa admlatstrstlon rate bill la congress today waa tba principal csuss or toe reaction. Today' official tor , BMrkatr . ... f-n-i! DEBCBIPTI0N. nacooda Mining Co. ...I Anil, copper o in ssCi win avicnison. com.,, do pre Im. Car do preferred. A Found., coax 84 do oref erred... Am. Btigsr, com...,,,., Am. Binelt,, com,,..... do preferred. . aA, Am. Ice. com, i.,.,.. 142S 82 H 112 -00 preferred ......... Baltimore A Ohio. eem.. oo- prererreo .... . ... , Brooklya Rapid Transit. ' A2V t'aadstan factnc, com Chi. A Alton, com...., tut Breferred .... Chi. A North., com.;.' Chi.. MIL A At. Pa si. 1T41A .n, ilBTUI,, CTBB)-tMFt Chi. T-rmlnal Rr...,,.. ". A. k-ek - ClMt3pMk ObteWs.k Colo. Fwl 4b Irotv fm. Cok Rottth.. com....t. da zd prTrrA u( prarrra...f.. ut 111 ware) tinqaon..r n. ar. a., ptd... BsriS- eODU see e e e s ' d 1st prirfifriw, f , Illinsls Central , Lool.vllle A NsshTllto.., Metro. Traction Co...,, Manhattan- Elevated...., Mexicsn Central Ry.,. M . 84. P. A Sis. U...., do preferred......,,.; Missouri Pacific. ........ M..' K. A T., com....... ' dd nreferred.'.-.';rTTr.'. New- York CestrsWm, Norfolk A Westaxa, com. do 'preferred. North A mertcoa. ...... e. N. r Ont. A West..... Pennaylvanla By...,..-. P. .; L. A C. 60...... Pressed Bteel Csr. com. . iiflikiitT rtaoiiitoO a 140 nmv, lirTH 81 14M T0M 41 1ST a. S7t I07fi an . wi, umvrrcu. ........ .. a, 1 in: aaeii mhmmwia w. Reading, com.......... do 2d 'preferred do 1st preferred. ...h Ban. Iron A BteeL com. do preferred......,. Bock I. land. com.,... do preferred......... io-ai Southern Rr.. com.,... orererre-, Southern Pacific. - do preferred. St. I. 8. F. 2d afd. 25 61' S, St. L, A S. W., com., .4 00 Drererren...,.w. .- Texts ft Pacific........ Tenn. .Coal A Iron..... T., Bt. U A W com.. o nreferrsd Onloa I'aelflc, com.... do preferred... ...... Vf. Leather, com..... do preferred......... C. Q. Rubber, eoia do preferred....,,., 0. S. Bteel Co., som.. do preferred Wheel. L. E., com. do Sd pft frrred, do 1st ore f erred. ... . Tf laconaln Central, Som , 00 nrererea Western Union Tela, .e Wabash, com. do preferred.. 44Hi.434l 4.1V "total ssles for day, 1.272.S00 shares. Money, Sfc per cent. sa FaABciscjoBiir. ooau,'- -- Baa Iranclaea. Jan. 18. Official mining ana. tatioBB, morning eeeeion; , Bid. Hid." Bullion ,.......$ 6 Belcher ....... .20 . sTsgs I .43 Potoal,v.V'... -.IT I'nloa Con .... .71 Tallow Jacket.. .2T Rxcaeqaer -, , , - .68 -Hale A Norcross. 1.80 Con. CaL-Va ,.. J.T5 Ophlr B.tH Caledonia ...r, .41 Meilcaa .i.... S 10 Conv Msrene-. ,84- l TONOPAR STOCKS. 1- Bid. Adams ......$ .10 ColumMA. Mt... .30 Oolden Anchor.' .28' (lold ruid ...... - .71 Mohawk ., IS Jim Bstler .... ,40 Jumbo i .88 Jnmbo Ettea . . .28 McNsRisrs '......28 Ray O'Brlea .0 1 .' :, Bid.' Montatia ..,,...$2.10 Red Top .. ,1S Rescas .........o Maud Storm- .60 I Betmont -,r, , , .TS . r eveaia .11 Tonopsh Kites. t.61 Hold Mount -.18 North 8Ur -,2S Midway - ....... ,ta Ban Fraaclaco. Jsa. 1.- Local ktocks closing, -T-'-'-Biarr' A.k. ......... 88 8 - a 10:30 a. ax. 1 ; i - Spring Valley Water.... Central- I-Uhf .. S. F.-aa Klectrle. .... Ilawsllsa, Sugar ,,T. litutokes Bugsr. i .,,..,, 81 Mi 82 Sni-, ....... 1. 4 ri'-, DO Hutchinson Sugar.,,.,,.. Kiianes sngar... Paanhen Siiaar.. B 24 Onotnea sugar. Alaska Packers. ........... Oceanic Steamship. BO TO SECLAJLE SIVtBKBB. ' x r. New York, Jsa. 18 The dire, lies ol1 flreene Conaollda led Copper rompany will meet January 26 ta art on dividend No. I. Preelilant Greene says: eTb rtnaing of bnnks foe the payment jtl)) Isst dlrtdend a bowed the stock to bs mors wldrlqWMrmred-TBsfl Tt Btt eveFTWenT rhepreeent msnssement swns snd mnfrols Am- stock todsy than st any tlms la tba la.t two years. In November tba rompany Sold ,(. 18.0110 nonnds nf copper st aa average of 14.247 cents per pound, la December It sold t.'Xu.flno poonda at aa acsrsge of 16.12 cents." -- BOSTO STOCK XASKXT. - . Bee toa. Jaaaarr 1. Official (nppar closing: Rid. I . - Rl.l Advetibir Atlantic T td I Rhode Island. I S i0 , IT 76 Mhsnana 8.7S Bingham . ... Copper Rsnga Italy West., rlreene Copper Mohawk , .... 014 IVxa .... Osceola ....4 88.76' Tamarack .... 130 on. an.60 iTrlelly ...... pin-' P8.I2HI Victoria If, 28 NTsltinoaa ..... 12 no , B4.0U rWolvertna .... In8.no S no Tlsle Rnysl .., J7.60 M 0 I'alUd State. tl.T8 , CHICAGO-WHIrAT ' THREE EIGHTHS OFF July Option Closes Down rFive Eighths of a Cent--Sepe vj; temberThree Eighths. SMALLER, CASH DEMAND ' ; THE PRINCIPAL CAUSE Primary Receipts Steadily Grow. jmg Lst--The Minneapolis.: V 'Stocks Show Decrease;. e ' THE WHEAT MARKET- '. 7 Open- . . Clone Cfnea ' -Today Today " ahtt , toss -Todsy .OH, May. ..'..... iV $I.16SBI.I4' July.,,.....,, ,.i' ,oev .. .uo A .lares n-.. ,4 ",HH A ,1 B (Funitehed be Overberk. - Starr " A Oooke Oo.) Chicago, Jan. 18. Logan A Bryan ssy: la wbett .the nrlmara market, renort. the ee ah demand aa dull. Minneapolis atorka de creased 68,000 bualiela fur two dsys. Early strength In the market- Induced sums selling and uncovering ef stop orders brought .tha market" to -a very weak closing, , Trade hee ruled extremely sjuiet snd very prufeeslnnsl. Tha -letting ap--1n- the-eaeh demand - added to the already existing bearish feeling In the trade. - Tba market has bsd a wash's strength and It Is only natural -to expect n" reeellou-J w c'iu w.w,.ii,ih w i . u,i , in, an urirr r.ln any telling by the commanding Interest. us, 10 - our - mi no. - isarss tna aaoeriying eoadltlona ef the situation UBehsnged. While there was.no urgent selling pressors at any time, tba character of safes would Indies ts dribbling eat by commission houses gener ally. The weatneee at the close todsy might bring about somewhat lower prices tomorrow, noi we aanss esntion snout getting toe en thusiastic on ths short side of breaks. The market la narrow and aaally get oversold. --: " -' ' - Oora Salad Oalst. - The eeee market - h. . .rain mled - emtet. Tba early undertone was quits firm,, eubee- inentiy easing orf In sympathy with Wheat., "he small Increase la tha visible had no affect oa the market, Tba principal support seems la coma from a cash and elevator concern, selling sppsrentlr. through commission bouses on alight advances.' It le a narrow aeofssslenel market and we sea nothing st tha moment to, Ik pro re Its lone. , - .- .- Oats Zxtremsly Light. . . " Tha aet trade waa axtrsmslr airiet with very II tt IS cMatstde bus1iM.ss. , We see nnthlna to hetne xboutny Important movement. U Provisions Tina and Strang. - . rrlaione rmfket ruled firm and Strang all through tba sessioa. Ignoring weakness In either of .fee other markets The action nf the market Is oulte encoaraxlnx. not wo doubt If any aastslned adranca will take place until bc packers change their sttlluds. Todsy a Orrlclal msrkets: - .... :.rVHEAT.ii.C . J Onen. Hlxh. fw. V:- Clnee.- I May.Wv.f 1.18 s 1.17 1.IBH-SI. I6t uiy, Juno Oept..... " .x : , .;-,.SlfcA : corn". Jsn.,,X, Ma.,,.-- -.42 .4S-Al 48 ' -.;, .-.6t4r'1-?-'.''.4V'.'--.4 ' ' .44 . . .46V4 ,'-,! July..iT:i46Vi aepiwi-r3s . OATB. . . -- V. Jan...'. . s-r .SOtf BiiH B0 , ,' .SOU Mey...- ,.IH i ., .814 - .81 -.81 A July...-. .HW M , 41, . ' Il l Jsn.-1B .1S4 ,4l4ft.-V 1S4T M -1AB 18.TS - LARD. May...... 8.8S 8.8T 8 86 " 6 87 B .BT . B.TS f,BB jmiy. : B.S6 T OO ' 8.05 ' - SHORT BIBS, -- - s.'",-t--n.. ' - ; B.TO I 8T2 .T0 I' A8 ' B.H6 ' B.a5 " Jan.;. Mar.. July.. NO i5ALES IN MAY- OPTIONS' MADE TODAY (Faralshed-by Overberk, Starr " A Cooke 00.) asa Francisco, Jaa. is. a. r: nutton at Co. y: There .has been eery little doing la beat. , todsy outside f scalping. December ss traded In sparingly jit-41.Blr There pre no sales of Msy. Barley continues stesdr and will Signer. The small" stocks of barley la ' the lets make Jb easy to: manipulate the mar het. . - ; .".'' - -. :.,',- .v . .-1- Ww effldsl 11:30 I.- m. market: ' ;'.., ' - WHEAT. - ; . ., Open. High. Low. 'i.'si'v Close. Msy.... . . , ., .Bl.AfttiB ....... Dec... 1.81 V 1.8184 S1.46J, B A HUE, I. Msy.....; LIT I.1TH , J.ltS" tl.lTH .. .M)a ,I..a. .BS . .88.. Dec i Primary, , fehlpmant aad Olsa raaaa, - Chicago,-Jan. Id. Primary receipts: JOOSJ Year Ago ( Buah. Xfuan. 838,000 1 11,000 Wheat' 872,000 KJorn nblpmentat- v best tr , ,,, re.., S04.000 2M.000 ..... 883.000 480.000 Cora vieeraucee . w ejur, 481,000 bushels. 41,000 barrels; corn. Chlosre Cash Wheat. Cblcago, Jaa. 1. Cash whsat: Todsy. hi, LION l.U' :Ij l.isi -1.20! 1.10 1.06 Na, S rod Ka. eea ...i.....tl N- 1.14 No. S herd winter.. r... ,114 No. herd winter irr... l.ot No. I aurthern spring......... l.to It S nortbera spring......... 1.10 spring. 1.03 HI OUTSIDE "WHEAT CLOSES. ' , ' . MAT, (OPTION 1 - loflay Bsturday Cbtcage ,r.pi.ioni ...... 1.16B 1 16 ,v. 1.16 ...... LOfie 1.18 Minneapolis ...... 1.1 IS 118HB St. Louis......... IHilutk : .' . n: . .. Kanssn City....... ' 1.0814 1.18,B 1.4 .- sw lora... 1.10X Baa Fraactsea. per eestal. .. .46B CHTCAOO ORAIB CAB LOTS, Chicago, Jap, 18. Orsln csr lots! ' , , Csre. Orada. Bat. It04. Wheat ...:T., .10 .. .18 m Corn .' 2 ' . ,-' S68' '-3!8 Oat .7. ...m B9l 68 Amsrioaa Orala Visible. Chicago, Jsa. lo. American grals risible apply ... a i'T Today . BTeek Ag f Year Ago B-loerr-.'. Bii. Inc. - - Bu. Inc. Wheat ,.f.eW1.0ilO .-esM.WlO . 178.0QO 88. Oats BU2, 018 l.doO.O'JO eua.uwO peereess. : ' ' World's Orafa Visible. "Chicago.' Jaa. 18. World's grain risible tap. piyi. " " ' . . ' , loney xeereBrt '.' ftnah. '" ftneh. ' Incresae Rush. ' Ta.wnd Wheat ....... Sn.6H.V0nn 40.276.onO t'orn ...,...l l.xfv.ieer - o.noe.i.e . ai 81.01 6, Cm HI lte ., 20,300,000 .8Ci.(J,ll 0Ul IScressel' - -7 ' " ' " - I , - . 1 . ': : - - ' VThsat aa" Pssssgs. . . .".! ' Chicago, Jaa. IA Wheat on passage 1 ' - - Deeressa .. .. .. . . Bush.""'- Buh. Today no o-nnoo iM.nnn lat weex. ... ...... , . .Jei,u. x.x-H.iaai last year. ....! .81,684.000 2.8J.() - I .World' Brsla Bhipawsrta. ' Chicago,' Jsa. 18 World's grain Alpmenls: tJ Lst Week Pre. Week Le.t Veer ' r Bu.h. Bn.h. Bneh; Wheat , .....T at2.ooo , T.Tin.onfl- l w Cor .4.480. 000 2 I.Ja4,00 ' lauo.uuu ' . Lirarpsal iwrala Markat.' ' Ueerpnol, Jaa. 1. Close:: Wheat, Msrrh, Ts Sd. nd ap: Mag. s -11H, 4,4 ap; July, s lid. M4 ap. - . . Ora March, 4a ld H apt May, 4a Sd. ed aa. ,. - ' - : Vsw York Saaar Market, Ksw York. Jsa. 18 Refined sugar anrhsngrd put trm: rsws..stmngi cent.. 6kr: 6Sc, MoL. fiSr; Londoa beet arm and haaoer: Jasasry, IBs 114; February, ' las Sd. VYitnessT In Smc; inquiry Say Evil Is Rapidly Pecreasing i..", -Throughout Utah. - ' DICTATION OF CHURCH ' ' ' IS DENIED BY, MORMONS Salt Lake Banker Says That i't. Every Person Is; Free to Follow 1 Inclinations. .. , (Journal Spsdal Bervlrej ; : . Waahlnston, D. C, Jan. !.: 3udg Jam A. Miner of Salt Lalt, formerly member of .th tuprarp court of Utah, again testified jrt th Bmoot Inquiry to day.- ' II aald '. that Hmoot haa alway atood far th anf orceracnt. of lawa anil aaa regarded aa one of th eomlns men of the atat.' ' -. . . ' .1 . - Polygamy wa s decreaatna a rapidly. th wltnes aald, that he believed that in ten rear Utah will be better off In this regnrd than any atat In the Union. "Their Til flo mor polyssmou or un lawful ohabiUtlon In Utah than thar la In Nw York or In tha Platrict of Columbia," tha wllnaaa added. Ellaa A.-Bmlth-of Bait lk, cashier of th Bseret Savings bank, testified that he wa a Mormon and a member of the .People' party until It waa dla- boiv,J: He denied that the church dic tated political affiliation for Its member,, and Bald that every person waa free to follow hls-:crn inclinations. - SALMON TRUST GASPS IN THROES OF DEATH ' (Jonraal Special Berries.) - JT New "York, Jan. !. Xftef repaatad efforta to raorga.nlae and rahabtlltat th bankrupt Paclflo . Packlna A Navigation eompartr. oommonjy known, aa th aat- mon truat, plain Intimation la officially given that tf the latrat raoraanlaatlon acham 1 Irapractfcab!, thn aa a last recourse tha ata of th concern will be distributed tmong ' th stockholder who wwrw Induced to Tint money into th. enterprise. - " -'. ' , Tha asaet conalst ,of rarlou pur- chaaad- propertlaa, which . will . be Jlqul datcd soon aa poaslble and th pro ceed; distributed- In dividend to 1 1 tockbolder wJio. will flrat b paid In full for their eaeh oontrlbuttnna with In terest '-at seven per cent. Th balanc received by the liquidation will b di vided pro rata, tmong th atockholdara. A- Tree ' electrical- nanoram at th corner of Third and Aldr atraata, from S JU. m. to B p. m. - - - ;j - - . COTTON SIX TO NINE POINTS ADVANCED (Furnished by Overberk, Steer A Cook Cb.T Now York. Jsn. 1. Cotton" future dosed S lo points hlf her. The official eottoa mar- Open.' High. Loir.- "Close.- Jsnusry ,,, ,. 6T8B 8 881 861 renruary, ..... 8M0B 808 oo 8061 -Vol. April r. . nor Msyi.T Jane nlwi . ...... ..rr.'... 0T i TOS ' 808 - T6i ,..,l..,, TUB . i-. TIOi , tna - TW TOT '. T16 .LiTII T2I"-V14-rTH Til v ... ... T22 ......... TIB r TJS : TSO V26( Augasx-.. September October ' . Liverpool Cottoa .Higher. . . Llrerpoot. - Jan. 18. Cotton fntnrea eloaed 1 to 1 polnta higher. Market la atesdy. NONE SURPASS FELLOWS For supplying Portland families with hlsh-srad "srocefle or" choice Put of meat.- It matter not what "th other fallow" la . doing, .FELLOWS deliver the good when It comes to grocrl and meat.Evr triad hlmT . SOME SPECIALS fOR tT0M0R0rV 'z3-: - fi.00 ; i': j..::-; IT lb. Beat Granulated Sugar, i . 45 4. Gallon can Oood Tabl Syrup. ' si.00 Oalloa can Pur Maple Syrup.' " ;.-35 . : I bottle Snider CaUup. ' . .':t&f : Hi, pkg. Pyramid waahlng Powder. - II bara Oood Laundry Soap. .. 25 I pkga.. Condanaed Mine VI est 15?" - .- ;'f. t cans Condenaad Craam. , - Cars, Baker' or .OhlrardclU' Cocoa. I....:.-, .15f.. :..:... Pound sh - Roaat Costs Rica Coffee. ; 374 Washington Street. QtwkDeHvcryr Phono Irfaut 590 Wm SBJil. AU Diamond, Australian. Rosyln, y ntyt Wrasue. wasnea nut, ; . Elacksmith SfnU Weight aad VrompB SaUrary. KINO COAL CO. 1 afroat aa4 Xaray Sts. .Main 1425. - 7 tEatabllahad lgts.? -l- WKXAT AaTO STOOat UOCIM. Btooa. 4, CVroaad Plo. cnsABCBBB or ooiaaraos. " OVERBECK, CTr. t -- Kieil" C , r-j i. ttz.. ; ( ''T'-ll Dr. W. Norton Davis. ;; IN A WEEK W' treat eei 1 .fill, ell eeir saroalc dlaearee rf men. alee blood, ate mare. Been, neer, kidney end threat treahlas. Ws vers aifHILLIB (without mercury I ta ats cared forever. It M te t dsys. We rameea STRICT (JRKr Wltheal eperanea a, pala, la.- IS - ata. , Aralee.'. the Mat ef aeie. akSM. luiUMMttsretv. We eea reels., the sexasl etaee ef say axaa ander BO by mesua at local Breee- , sxeejf peeanar In aaraelvea, ... -r. -We Care Gonorrhoea In a WetVi The doctor. Ar nil. teattieie ere sfl eecata , svadastes. ha. a had saanv years experience,' have bees known la Portland for tb yearn, hsea a repctstlea ts BMlnfeta, sed will asaVe take aa caae sslees certain eare.caa be ef fected. -.- ...'.-...., ,;:.!. ' We swarsntee te mm In eaeae ease we aarteev , rake er charge aa fei. CMenltnrlnei free: Let. lere coefldeotlaL Inatractlve BO0KV0 BlltV , ana (led tree-' In "plain, wrannee. If -yea eanrxw ee") el office, write fee s. no blank. Home. I.aslnwnl ssweessfal . Of re hoara Inl. .ee) file a ; Randaea and aaBdaya ta .-!. - . .1 , ' '"'-''' r' 3 " Ieadlna',eeeder1f. 1 e Horn.sisstt.. ' Retard tahed 1888 ., ,.,'' Diw.Mortcn:Dav1s&fe Va Mtf - Hotel- a. x.Cotv Third land . Ma BtatsHa. ' . - t r t- VOBTJeAJi , tmSsMSt, ' -y W sen atacka-of tVall Papar' h wall '" :. 8 barrel of OLOBE -WBATHKR- -PHOOF PAINT.-the kind -with auar---r- antee In every package, " Th paint I so auperlor on haa to try It to know it ' wortn, ... PORTLAND PAINT AND ;WALL PAPER C0ev ; ; DltfiltorB, 188 Second St. TleplvaaV ' -4T; . ;..aR sara. 4. -, A.A.emnCH CO.....J Taylor Bt. OAR8TEN8 BROS. . . . . . . -Monlavllla - - J. B. M'DONALJr; .4 William avc. , tabllhd lsTSS. : Oregon Pkea. . -. , , . ---- i Portland HarbKlvMs SCHANEN NEO. Manufacturer of aad dealera InaU klndaof Marble, iranlte and i :. Stone Wort , "Tatlmatea Ol vea oa - Application. ' --- ' 2WTISST STBEclT ' Bel Madlsod and ; Jeftenon Btreeta PORTL-ANLX Or.-' WEINIURiyS City Brewery - tVtagwst - aad Bloet Oaaaplal. ; a th STosrtkWwaa. Bottled Beer a Specialty ''J'-Z n&anon . ts.' . '" f 1 osos I3tn 1 sad 'xsPBsias ' " PORTLANPk OREOOtt XitlaUkkx I Use Btgairnraaaataral IrrltaOeaS er uleeretMaa - sf maeeas n k t e . . - . EXtCailsi IX goal ar poimoaa. mciUTI,l 1 taM kg an lads. , . e see. le W" "fFri I by eseraee. areeeld ta J tt ta. or t bottles a rt. 1 . K . Cleaaiar leal ea eassaaV T-moonm aTcraa. on Enat Flanders d J.tti:- ew IM emeeiewmeie-wmi r Taneffr Vrte' V30. -lerina fM,--down arvl US car month. - V-Boorn Sroas snd large bsm, rn v aniithMst '' ef ' st ltri ana l e cino av. 1 . Terma. f-l T ' r assssTV . Pi! v f LAR0GC3IS1 A -.5 (A VINOUS BLUOU U l Physicians highly racornniend It as a tDadAe , rly to r ol ' " muuuAL rrvEKM, oouul iLOur oomrAixaofftoE. or r" xj. nwcf t a cs 34, 0r ir.iti , , ........ , .