1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.' fOUTLAND,' MONDAY- EVENING, JANUARY 13.: wn nucn . DSr iIMTAfIT Portland Commercial . Bodies "t Think: Corigress Should Af- vi - -tpw Futt Sum. f or .VVorkrr: THEN LARGEST AMOUNT POSSIBLE FOR CANAL -1 Will Petition National Body and Mak.e personal Appeal to, "A- Chairman Burton, : The executive heads of th four lead. ' Ing commercial bodies la Portland ax a : unit In the--view -that congress ..should i- flrat allow the full appropriation : for ' (continuing th deepening of the 'bar at th ssnuth if the Columbia .river, and " that Che largest possible amount that . , van be secured should bo appropriated ; ., -for tb ' purpose of at leaat making ra ' borlnnin now on tho Cellist canal. . The ' navigation committee of the chamber of : commerce la la eessloa thla. afternoon 'a tht subject. and a strong : demand . '"will be made, firat for the full amount : for the mouth of the Columbia, and for action by th government fcesplng faith 'in -the matter or the canal. ', ,r resident . wiMwiwrif ht .mMi.mr -- -v f -; V "Some action -will be taken by the c chamber at onoe I do not know today ; what will W- deu. My personal -Idea -'would be to -memorialise congress and end a streng telesrram to .Congressman , Burton statlnf tnei position of ths cham- ..' " ber." - . . -. . ;..::---rv-(,,.,,..: : The board of .trad will act at once, and vlgorouely, said Prealdent Allan. ,Our executive coram It toe will -asset -r- Thursday. of thla week, and the 'matter will be taken: up. . We will go a fur - congress, the appropriations committee ' iaad Chalraaaji Burton individually. Wo vtake th .position that the mouth of the ..Columbia, should have its full aproprla ttlon first, snd th Cclllo canal ahould yet - enough money at tbla aeaalon to make a good-stsrt on Ha construct!!.?.. -t ' - Prealdent Cake r of the Commercial , Wubv-who la personally well acquainted 'with Chairman Burton, the congreesman having bean an of bia tutors at oollege. t: ,'ihaa fall faith that the. Columbia rtvor 7 t; -Will Moalve fair treatment at hia bands. . : 'L- am cirtaln that Chairman Burton -known the ittuatlon here aa well aa any ne, and that he la a true friend of -The 1 Columbia rtver" aald Mr; Cake., "Ths - people of PprtlaoVl and o( Orecotrshoani , .-stand aa (tunit n the propoattlon that . the mouth of Uia Columbia, river muat be opened flrat. and that tho- CelUo canal : 'Should have the. laraeataDnranrlKtlon -thar aii. be-jweured -ot.4etilnB- the -wera mere. - Mr Cake --waa 'am0n thoi ' ;"h r accompanied - Congreeeman r-Bur- , ton- on hit jtrtp.of lnapection J roA uwmon on ns snaa .nver to tne - mouth of the Columbia river. .He aaya the congrssaman. manifested- the deepen t lntereat. and that hla examination was o carefully made and so complete that - ns is aa well lorormed on the situation ' a any man In Orecon can be. . He be--2 -.Hares Confreaaman Burton, will do the , beat he canatWaahlnBon for the Co lumbia, 'and that bla policy la to push - the- Jetty -work firsthand lt: the. OIHe , canal follow. Prealdent, Holmea of tha . M anufacturera 'aaaoctatlon . entertatne ... :T simllar-vlw.Bv - ." '- 1 ... .. rr , - Jv . Mamberai it ih open river committee , . 'tt the Portland- Ohamber sf Commerce : '.. . srjll meet Ahla - afternoon or tomorrow to conaider Nie provlalonb of a bill that "wilt be -pmented- to the lealalatnre xa - provide for maintenance and- operation ' "V'of the Celllo poftaa road. The con- - rnHte will- aleo take up the question '-'.'arising from Congreaaman Barton's at titude toward tho icahal appropriation. ' Dlseqaalon of thla subject will only be Informal at title time, and further action will await the shaplng.of events of tha neat few days. -In view of the new - and surprising situation regarding funda .w4ai.4jt eanal workrtHe committee rlewa , tna importance or tha portage road with ,- .increaaing concern. .--. "THnldad, Colo., Jan. II During a - Sudden attack or insanity, Frank House it shot and. fatally wounded bla wife, while vh was lying in bed and then blew out '" nla own brains..". - .s 1 ..u i' sum Indiicstion? I Offer A Stomach Sufferers tt Fva i DolWs Worth of My . T-MrrhedyTeee .tp"Try7I"p - ' 'I eaa after at if fee si fen dollar's wnrtk ree ti im ale Is ae ereiasry reawdy. Oedl ' Wry reawdle treat araptnsia. My rrm4y . ' trcets th eeeate tkat sradw the eysntea. , Systpeaat treetnwsl But ha krpt sp forevar ' ' s loot es tse seose la br. My tnetstest auy a suepd as aooa pf It baa rBMe tha . aaa. far that Is always the ead e( tronhle. ... ,, HtAmaeh trouble I ant roally alrkea. bet s - . raptes. It is s sympteai tkat a certain set at Steves te alilnf. Not the volnnury narvae . Skat nakle yoa s walk and talk ant ef ' pUle aetoaaitle stoaarh nerves eeef wkkb -goer als haa no rrxitrm. ' - 1 I have not ronn her to explain how tbooe . onar. tiny nervva eeetrel and epmte Ike Stomarn, ' Hew worry hreaka tsaa down ane nnaaa inoisosttsn: - How almoe wvara thm t ent and eaaaa aysoopola. How nlcrt any hrint s- kldary. hrart and other trnabwa tfcrough ayapahy. I hava. not room to n Iplala how tkeoe wni any ho rrarked aae - J- fxrencthened 1 aad vlullnnd and aaoe woll hf a roaody I apont DO yeers In porfeHlns : sew- know a i hy nratsle'e eeerywhoee ae nr. ftooep'k RoMorettve. I nave not room la 01. . pteln -Sew -Male- eoawlr. by- eaolnlr tne- . raoae. pan a eertain m te iMisratloa. slrk. ',; la, benrtttnra. Maoaala. wiimdm . ye Bnaa.' AU of tkeao tklnca are fallr oz- plalnotl la the book I will aead ynn wkea yoa la nf thmm m aNtlllMMi h.iu. MtmAm I '2Z knows. It kas emod etonech trashUa not : osra, oat rvpMwdly ovar and evae acala. Tt yew any not have haard ef It or bearin ' any have delsyad oe aVmbtad. Bo I aako thla , part te yen. a etraeaor, that every naealhla mn ror .aoao any ne rvmevoa oney aake a ne nraalos uka no risk Manly writs and aak.- If yoa havo not trlod .ar reaesr. I will aond yen sa erdee en your ,' lOfafs'-t for s foil dollar hotl not a aaasla. . Hat tke rvsnlar atasdard holt la he keoea oan etantly en kU Swim. Tho Smrrltt will ro . . onlre ne enndltlnne. He' will arrvot ar ernVr aa rnof faliy" St Inungk )iif Qnllai laid ne ' fore kla. - He will aoad tne bill to aa. - . . 1U yoa eoroM tkla spoartualtr to bars af y ipo analatly. now to be rid fvr - ef att forms ef atoaach Wonbla te he rid not . only e the tenable, bat of the Vary eases . wkleb ssoSsead Itl Writ todays - v ,, , 1. ' nr a froe erdor for -oo 1 en lynriMia. , a lull dollar kottle B I en tba Hoart. !rs a not addrvaa Pook I en tha Itbuwya Ir. SJHoop. Haa STI. : Book nne WoaenL narlne. Wla. ' uw ' Book S for Mon. - . 'T'kich .boak. ea wantBaog ljajen WtlfSt. di. Sloop's HOUSE ALSO TAKES ; iiUPCELILOCANAt, W jHpraai 1'ixMira m iae Joornai-I' ' w Salem. Jan. H. A Joint .reeo- d lutlon' waa -Introduced by Bur . s-geaa of Waaco. jecUing tha gieatw d " Importance of the Celtlo canal. d '. Th work'' vndertaken -ty . the . e atate to secure the light of way, e and the fact that the government - d waa-pledged-to sn - Immediate , d ' Inauguration t of , the r- Improve-'' 4 W ment, and declaring as te-aenas rd 4 of the leglalatura that the im- rd provement ' la tof national Im- f w portance, and.congresa therefore "e d la petitioned to make an appro. 4 d ,-prlatlon during tha preaent sea. 4 alon to commence, the canal, and '; to authorlae Its completion by . d d continuing It 00. the ' contract ; d avntem.' ' ' . The, secretary or atate waa in- . d atructed. to transmit-this re so- . e lutlon by wire to Washington. . 5 e - . 1 . . --. ." r.- ..- ... 4 VETOED BILLS FAIL TO PASS THE HOUSE Auttralian c Ballot Amendment and Eighth Judicial District -HBilla .Meat Defeat. '"Jh -'.'-'') '...' Joarsal Vpeelal rvti.r h 'T j- i'.' y Salem. Ota' Jan. 1. A' bill appropri ating 110,400 to aid the Oregon Histori cal society" was Introduced by Repre sentative Llnthlcum this afternoon. Mlirer Introduced a bill requiring pan-' He school teachers to gtve the school board It days' notice- before resigning positions or forfeit. he right to teach ror tna remainder of the school year, Exceptions In oase of sickness are made. An amendment to the -Australian ballot failed "fo paaa over the governor's veto by a vota of If to a. Only Loughary, Farran and Rand voted In favor of the vewH.se et.W-VHi-cTr-i-i t it. y Senate bill 1S failed by a Tinantmoua vote to pass the retoj It created the eighth judicial district. One bill failed to- paaa the house last year and the governor vetoed the - other - because it left two counties without a court. RandV the author uf the bill, spoka In favor.of tne veio. - . .... , On motion of Millar, consideration of the other bills vetoed waa Indefinitely postponed.. ."-. t Hod son introduced ' a bill TrovTdlng that tbefore grand Juries return- Indict ments they must send for. the defendant I mnA tkmm Mm mlAm tm j . - t HiiQtvr niv iioq 'is lie eu uwtve w must be told who accuses him and th offense charged. - The bill la meant 1 avoid Indictments du? to the malice pf tna accunert:i-.,..,:u w LEUTH0LD RECEIVES MINIMUM SENTENCE '.TV.' ' 4 large number of criminal canes .were set tor trial when the criminal docket waa called thla morning in the olrcutt court. Th calendar waa filled much more rapidly than In the past as a result ef tha Inauguration of a new method In the conduct of business In the criminal courts. Hereafter all caaes brought to the record must have prompt attention and nd -delay, -wilt : be brooked : Hy--th JUOSeS. - - l,, TTt.. .::.-L-. h When N. Xsuthold wa brought flnto court for sentence, bis attorney. Charles Petrala, pleaded very eloquently for le niency. Presiding Judge- Qeorge-imposed the minimum- penalty,, two years - The maximum ta SO yearn. Mr. Petnaln was nly . cumplimanted on his address. which, was pronounced ao. unusual rsuc- mm in court pleas. e - Ieuthold -was-guntyOf ,,T6rgfhgran order on J.'", K. Gill V Co.- A aecond charge' against him waa dismissed. in dulgence In strong drink was given the reason for Leuthotd a downfall. Cases agalnat W. J. . Curtis. Henry plea and Oup Roqth war dismissed. LEGISLATORS RETURN iSl FROM JMNKETtNG JRiP , - tJonrnnl gpectal Rerviee.) . ' " Olympla, Jan, If With only 14 hours remaining before balloting . for , United S'aiet sen'aor the vltuatlon te prm'tintUy unchanged. . Apparently nothing resulted from the Junketing trip to Snttle at th Invitation of the mayor, of that clty.. - Today the legislators returned front the coast and - both houses .reconvened at noon. A number of bills, were Introduced but little was accomplished. -. - 'Tomorrow an Informal ballot Is' taken for .senator -In both -house and .senate. Wednesday the first Joint ballot will be taken, th approximate strength of the various candidates la claimed to ue about aa followa: " .' ' - . - t FOster W. Piles 40. Sweeny to, Wilson tl. Managers of the different candidates make nr fresh claims and atate that the first definite Information regarding th strength of the candidates will be aeen only after the first ballot, . ', AGED DAVID JOY IS 'W - rr; FOUND DEAD IN BED -r David Joy of 211 Kteventa street waa found dead In bed this morning by his daughter. Mrs. Laura B. - Stratton. ' ! 8everal years ago Mr.' Joy . . was thrown from a wagon and sustained hv jurteo t hi head. At th aam time he bad a aught stroke or apoplexy, and It la tha opinion , of tb Physician and Deputy Coroner A... L. . Flnley that. his death was caused by apoplexy. - He was1 61 years of age and bad '.lived here It years He leaves a widow and daughter-' ( -X,-, I': .W.,-, . DEFENSE OF TUCKER IN PQF MURDER CASE wnrsnr wwwww xa nwnnnsxsnieyBp-nxerwwnxexsso- , .. V(Jonmal gpoeUI Barvlcr.) I : Boston, Jan. 10. Tho defonse of Charles Tucker, ' charged with the murder of Mabel Page, begun today,' The atate has made a strong ease on purely circum stantial evidence. Thomas - r. - Vaboy made the opening argument' for the de fense." He said he would prove - that Tucker waa not guilty of the crime and that the owner, of the stickpin produced in - evidence, aSdTils pet son - who Wrote the liote. and th so-called "Mor ton address".. waa none other than Miss Page The- defense . admitted -Tuoker owned the knife - In . question,- that he broke the knife after having been under suspicion, which frightened.' him. He would prove also that th knife could not possibly Inflict the wounds on Misa Page's POOy. . . - , - .. ., ... t: ' .' , 1 rr i o-7 ; ; j r riimBOTni 1ST. rJenrsal Special gervlcn.1 Boise, Idaho, Jan. If. The Northwest Fruit gr were' . association began Its twelfth annual meeting In Boise tedsy and will remain In session for three days Prominent' fruitgrower ar In attendance front Idaho, northern Cali fornia. Washington, Oregon, Montana and British Columbia. . The convention will be addreesed by the horticultural experts of several prominent colleges. ( MANY WITNESSES ARE : CALLED OY GRAND JURY Only" Two Examined Today in wnectionjryith Blue MoAn.; ,J tain ; roren rteverve. . Onlytwovwltnesses were called be fore the fedhral grand Jury- thla morn ing, and they had previously testified. The first waa Prot J. A. Weaoo, tha handwriting expert, and th other John W. Rowland, chief clerk of the United States surveyor-general's office; who oc cupied the time of. the body until the noon 'adjournment. - He . carried ' with him a mass of official records, and It la presumed Ma testimony had some rela tion to tha Blue mountain forest .reserve, It- being understood that tha grand Jury is . new Investigating the feature bearing upon - Senator - Mitchell's and Congressman Hermann's connection with the. establishment of the reserve,, and upon which It Is 1 presumed additional Indictments will he-found against them. - Witnesses Ball, Bills and Combs have been subpoenaed1 In connection with charges that have been preferred agalnat the Butt Creek Land. Livestock at Lum ber company, a concern operating exten sively near Fossil, Wheeler county, about 100 miles southeast of The Dalles. It Is claimed tha corporation fenced In a great deal of government land and has repeat edly disregarded the-lnjunc-tlona .of th federal authorities t- refrain from fur ther trespass. ,! The company la also ac cused of harassing settlers In the ri clnlty flf their holdings, with a view of Intlmldntlng then) to th extent of abandoning 'their 7 homesteads, which would' thus fall Into the' hand of tha company. ..lnatancea have been reported to the effect that agents, or the com pany have been Inatrumental In cutting th fences of settlers-and annoying tbam In many other waya along those lines Ex-State Senatof. W. W. Btelwer la president. H. ii. Henderson treasurer ana O. n Kiphsrv eensrsl nuiuttr of the corporstlonr and It lslnteO thatTha methods they have employed. In aaqult ing tdelr titles will also. play an Impor tant- part-in tho- grand Jury:- inveewge- tlOna. ., J --; -. ; ' n , f ,. , . BILL INTRODUCED F0H CALIFORNIA'S DISPLAY tJoomal gjmfei gorvlee.) ' ' Sacramento, Jan. II. In the senate to day Senator Belshaw ef Oakland pre sented afe appropriation calling ' for 171,000 for th Lewis and Clark exposi tion at- Portland, the money to- be spent In preparing apd maintaining, an exhibit fortha statoof Callforala. -s -The Tkentlaaent. among tho Isglslatrtra In favor of large' appropriation for the Portland fair la very strong and there is no doubt that th bill will pass, without serious opposition, ..v i . his annual massage, oovernor far- das reoommendea sucn action, ana action on tn bin win oe rusneo, 1 ; . CHINESE DIED RATH El 4- THAN LOSE HIS-QUEUE fjsspondent because of the -rumor that all Chinese must remove .their queue Lin-Chung." employed at th Morning- side' sen I tort um at Mount - Tabor, com mitted atticld yesterday by hanging. He la aald to. have declared that It would be sacrilege to remove his nueue, L - Chung waa working In the dlnihg footn at the institution yesterday, and waa sent Into-the basement.-" He failed turn and Investigation showed -that he bad hangsd hlmselFTdTrptpe which ex tended along the floor, by means of a rope from bed' clothing."! " ; Coroner Finiey decided an Inquest ,Ws unnecessary. 1 'j.-v',,..---.- WORLD'S GREATEST- r LABOR BODY MEETS ' (Jenmsl SnacUl Service.) ". -Indiana polls, U Ind- Jan. . l(.-Between too and 000 delegates filled Tomllnson hall thla morning at the opening of tha Itttt annual convention of the United Mlne workers of America. The states most largely represented were Indiana, Penn sylvahia,. Ohio-and Illinois. Delegates were on band also from- Iowa, Michigan, Kentucky. West Virginia. Tennessee and other states In which the miner are di rectly or ; Indirectly fflllated.iUwltb.-the national nn .-, . -. . . - , j .,, . : PROMISED HIM.CASH -- , .IF HE. VOTED RIGHT (Jenrnal Bpeetai Serviced) ' ' Jefferson i City. Mo., Jan. It. Before the senate -committee today irewesanta tire Ceok - of Howell county tuetifled that A. F. - Hollenback, poatmaater at West Plains, told him Jie would b well cared for if ha voted for Niederlnbaua for senator, i witness too a toe statement a at a III be before tho committee this after- noon. " ; '- -"' 1. -.- -. ' " ' MOSCOW MAN BEATEN - TO. DEATH AND ROBBED -1. MBMa.. : . (gperlal IMapatek te The Journal.) " Moscow, Idaho Jan. ll.J-Beaten to death and than robbed, Knud Nelson was found by th roadald between Moscow and hla ranch by hla brother last night. He had considerable money on hla per son and waa returning from town. He did not arrive when expected, and his brother-went to make a search, which resulted In the discovery of the murdered men. - - -. There Ja no clue to hla murderer. sfcAjroa baths ooxisTOt stjbxi 7 "Toil may but in the roost emphatic terms at your command that on tha night .January JO, Miss Blanche Bates, undns the management 01 Pavld Belnacii. will open an engagement of one week In Portland In The Darling of the Oods't And aha will do It if It .becomes nsoes- ssry to pitch tent for that'purpose.-. M. n. Kiroy. Dusuiesa- manager or the Blanche Bates company, made the above declaration thla morning: at the' Portland hotel, anavlde-nflywarry rata at uguu.-.-.-.J". .2 - (flpeclal Otapstrk tn Tke Jonrnal.) . Summit. Waah Jan. I Th Pacific Coaat elevator .warehouse, six. boxcars and 1. 00 sacks of grain burned - here last night.-. Th loss Is ftt.OOO, fully fnsured. Th origin of tho fire Id un known. . 1 1 - :T4 B lam end Care. The latest newa from Pari la that they have diecovered a diamond -cur for consumption, it you resr consumpl tlon or pneumonia. It will, however, bel best for you to.tak that great remedy mentioned -toy W. T. Mciiee. of Vanleer, Tenn. "I had a cough for II years. Nothing helped me until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Cold a. which gavs Instant eiter, ana enociea a permanent cure. Tneousled aulck. curr for Throat Lung Troubles. At Red Cross Phsr macy. Sixth and Oak streets, on the wsy to the Bontofflc. Price too and tl.od guaranteed. Trial botU free. ' THE EIQ STOelX VI And it's. -this. Cahn, WsmpoM A Co Chicaf o, have retired frorri business after 50 years of active, business Ufa as wholesale l manufacturers of highest class Clothing. Ws bought their entire stack st CO cents on the $1 of wholesale value, .'enabling us to give the grsndest real bagsins in the very latest and most desirable qualities and styles in Suits and Overcoats. We hsvs I selected 100 styles of fine all wool tailor-made tweed Suits and high class Overcoats and will close them out at, : r . ," ; v Do not get this Grand Sale of highest class Suits, Overcoats and Trousers confounded with the rummage sales of odds and old' J vlots that arc termed clearing sfles. The Chicago does not make any of the so-called clearing sales. We dear out broken lots at the time they -occur. We do not wait Aintil goods are old and stale. When we quote special sales it is on new styles of the latest and most desirable kind. That is the kind of goods you want '" Are we right ? -r - rv ' ' ; ' -"-' ii r$6.85 WIU lak - choice of style of over 40 All - Suits, In Scotch twseda. . hand-tailored wool serge- linings, ' retaining shapes Suits that are per. feet In make and atyle and war mad ter. -tetatl-at ll and -tltr Tow -can -take-choice of the lot at tltti In alngl or , doubl breasted styles, - . 2 VMMK Wampold t Co.'s fine Im-. - aUsUl ported Tweed, made to re tail at tlt.tO, fit and 130; fabrics that ' can be found In aom of the beat tailor r ahopa - In: the land. . Cahn,- Wampojd Co. ware acknowledged masters In pro ducing high-class clothes, and this sst- offers opportunities that are without an -equal la the three Paciflo states. -There . la genuine satlsf action In buying clothes' , here."! No old styles or cheaply tallored garments In th big atoro. , " . , ' - . For choice of (0 atylea of Imported ".Tweed- Suits," $11.85 worth tit to. t2t.J W not make assertions thst ar not true. -. ..Thee suits ar of the newest and lateat '-"-styles and fabrics, tailored by the hlgh- est elass workman-and are on-sale t- : day In som of th most reliable clothing - store In America, at. tne above price. : and ar worth It. If we had to pay the usual wholesale prices wa Could not eall .them so wonderfully low Jn prlc. 'the purchase oXithe Cahn, Wampold , Co, wholeaal stock enables us to do It . ;- 0 centa on tb 11.09 wholssal buy-r- - Ing did lt'-wy i,,;,i..,..LiJ.;s2 ! r.V, s,,x-2 M Pants 0 -are over 1,000 fairs to xhoose . checks, hair lines, pin stripes, plaids, stripes, and mixes. . New,' fresh, up-toHdate Trousers frotri the great Cahn, WampoM & Co.-purchase and excess from our great Suit Stdcki. s - If you cart use a pair of extra pants tor two in the next 80 4aySr-doa't -overlook this opportunity. ' ' Odd for choice of 500 dark SlJW'to $2 all sizes, 34 PEEP AT DOGFIGHT ,.,f qOST SIX THOUSAND ', 1 v Brother of Nebraska's Covernof Loses Damage Suit Because r Ha Watched CanlnH. . s -'V X - """' -- . . . . -..!.'- v- .. - (jonrnal Special gerrlee.) '- ; Bes' Moines, town. Jan. llv Because B. S. Mickey, a brother of Governor Mickey pf Webraska, tutued-his-rtead -to watch a dog fight, .thut being guilty of contributory negligence, ' ba has lost a tt.OOt damage suit agalnat the city of Indianolc- . i : Mickey was' riding a horse up th street and looking back he saw two dogs In fierce combat...- Mickey Is a devout Methodist , and superintendent of tho Sunday school but h became absorbed In the struggle and did not notloe an antSNews, Ton "can hem and haul and argue a lifetime, but you can't dlny haV"' 'want ads" will do more toward selling your real estate than any other way yet devised. Journal "want ads" grow steadily because of the rrf J ault they give; not In one line but In slL ."s v.. . , ; ,-... .7 m - -wow, mere a msn wne naa a tot ror rent, nnaer -ror Kent aiiscei - ' laneous."-goes on to-ssy thst h will build' to Suit tenant, Is In central M Bart of cltv. Could you want mora ' Juat read tha nd. '" For Bale ttf0. Furnishing of In a good location." If you would under the heading "House For Rent " Her"' an ad for fandladle and DuM,ii 'hiiJm th, "ttra.UAj rooms in all part ef the city. They will telv you why. Call them up. . .What would yon term the beat policy T Spend a day or two looking for some one to buy what you have for sale, thereby losing hours, thst mean dollars, or apend a fw cents by.lnsrting a -want ad" tn The Journal'a claaalf led columna and -lay your hand on a dosen or more that want what ever It may be. Think It over you'll see the logic , ... ' 'Ti e lauds In Oregon " Weed thst . nvnn vinnvvo.. . it win vm otaro Irrigation Co. la making the offer.. Joaeph Williamson has listed hi ad!ln th classified directory, It can be found under the heading "Cement Contractors." Gives estimates on all klnda of concrete, basement work and aeworage. If you hav any work of tkl kind to be done be sure and see the ads under this classi fication." ' . ' -' ., '--. ' ' - -,' ,-' . ' - If you're out ef work yon will find that an ad Inserted In The Journal's i classified eo)umnsunor "Situations Just the thing to get you a-posltion. Tou may be surprised but it will cost you nothing for one time, No strings tied to thla offer, either. Com along, everybody... , ' .' ' . . Are you carrying a card In the bjslneas directory of The Journal t If not why not? Strsngera aa well a th older cltlsens depend on The Journal' "Directory" to find place of buslneaa. - if your ad la not ther then you r likely out' a job or bar lost a sal. Every buain man in Portland can afford to carry an ad In the "Directory." Be broad minded.' don't miss a -chance to sell all you can or do all the work yon can get. Consider the proposition Have th "Want Ad: man oalL It's no trouble; glad to talk It ovr. - mm mi m r v : 1 t f 1 v f .. ... . v x y I TllZ O? TIC CLOCK 69-71-73 ,T1V2S ST., C2T. OAII AO- P1NX Wool self- - dd -but -J --t.-g"' -. , 2--'' ' lf' rr?v")k "Tl . vv n : ". i;'.'---J! -"I ' vv.;; .1 -. , -- -.. v.-' '--- ,.-'..:.:., .' Vr-- 2- .-: -'- - Gives you an Opportunity: in tailor- , . made peg'lop .or . form fitting all ' -wooi--or- pure i worsted trousers ' : worth' $30(0,: Hand up to; $5ThireT from in black, 'Oxfords, blue, 't - 2 V Vests and medium color Vests, worth to 48 bust. , - , . electric wire just ahead of the moving horse., which caught It on the neck and threw It violently to th ground. ' Mickey sustained severe -spinal 1"1n Jnriea and brought suit against tha city fort.. Thijury wera. Instructed thst Mickey' act in- looking backward at th eW fight vitiated th right to recover and th Jury returned a rerdlct accordingly. .-.-v..--.- v -.':. PROMOTIONS MADE , -IN FIRE DEPARTMENT " Appointments and promotions have re cently been made by Chief Campbell of tho Itrs"depa.i tmenr as-f ollowsr-James Haines promoted from hoseman. engine company No. S, to driver ef truck) oom- pany.No, I; Dayton. Gray r appointed hoseman. engine company No. I; Mordle Keeney, promoted from ladderman, truck company No. 4, to engine driver, engine company No. t; Robert Weat, ladderman, truck company No. 4; J. iC Drain, driver hoee company No. K-Thornas- Van SSandt, ladderman, truck company No. 4. - (n't dlny an eight-room house, rent tit: It' know mom read-the advertisement ; -Furniture -For 'Bale." - , . . . landlords. "The ExposTflon Accom-v j e Hint" ,,-.1.1. C s1 amongth. cjasslf lcatlpnJtBual-T .iivoroo,. Tun. - aiio wviunoia nouinara j;" : " ' - r ,r Wanted Male or female" wlU prove - v SI and to -In- ''- 'if ....-....- r - . -,-..-,, 1 ' t - :'''.(.. SHOES Shoe-rly you know, of The Chicago good. Shoes. We are "positively headquarters on best quabty footwear, carry the larp-eat and beat varletV'and sell thousands of Dairs a month.k Every pair-we sell is guaranteed to give satisfaction and w -ww-sjtwajrn save vuu iiiuiij Lot Closing Sale of $3.50 patent, colt skin, vici, daafU0 veleur, box calf, dress weights, also heavy grade of U-xalf, pig aad water-buffalo. vGoody ear welts, very Select styles, j fresnstocK, au sizes and widths. Jf-'. Closing 30-4otsof box calf, giant calf and velour;7i P 100 - built -i Tor - service, - in - medium t andheavweight v '-'stock; regular $2.50' values. :;--w:---iT-i"-'";-;' 3r" v '."T -i---:':2W " r iBOYS SHOES "r -;1 $.65,tJ1.85 No special cut, as W Sell boys' s)l 00 goods at actual cost of handling. .We can say with" all truth and candor that you cannot do as well anywhere Jr -' '.Boys Shoes as at The Chicago. '. ;;. ' 1 y t-'-v 's'Jfy LADIES 0F G. A. R. VISIT - RICH MOUNTAIN CIRCLE (Sperlrt Dtapatch to .The Jonrnal.) '"Bugener Orv Jan.- H. -Th Ladl of th G.- A. j R, Made an official visit to Rich-Mountain circle of that order n this city Saturday Bight, and .Installed the new. Officer recently elected. Tb occasion was an Important one for the local circle, and the attendance at the meeting was large,- ' , , t. ' ,-;-s A. Ross and Thorns Kinsley.- real- danta of the "Mud Flat" section of the IHtiHtT'..)M,T DIAMONDS WE X BY r AK THE BEST VALUT FOR YOUR MOM Y i - W really tn , sell . Diamonds at it -to. lt ner cent - .lower than-any Jeweler In - al) our Diamonds consist of unredeemed pledge place us In a position to sell them cheaper. Besides,- yoa - can Jur,. from ua on-.'- -, -y 2i-i. ' v V-, EA&YLPAYMXNTS- ' Tou pay 'no more than . 'every Diamond we sell w liiteiy guaranteeing the -quality and value of your pur chase. Tour money back cent or the cash purchasing bought front as Portland .74 THIRD STi J2XZ2 OvqrcpotG ond; - W will cloa tt lot from tho flna . cann, wampoia s vs. atocs ai me jaw- . ?est -prlcea ever, quoted for go flnt s qualities and lateat styles Toua hard- V to- fit and hayd-to-pleaae men that pay fancy prlcea for' your Overcoats, should .-. fae there. DON'T BB CONCEITED, '--Xahn," Wampold eVCo.-garmfiU rar" : worn by the peat drefs in 'Amerlct' -They will please yoiwsk some ono that ! knows their mertU- . . .- i :i J-.,.,, r' O f" WUl take choice of all 110.-' Vf tr mni om evr ttr ' Vw Ovarcoata,. In- medium or : winter weight. '. They com in short or " moderate . long, . box . or extra, long .: Coaaack and belt back styles. There : are light, medium and dark colon and $8.85: Fall and winter weights, in . hand-tailored, full fashioned. -. elect tyles. tn smooth or - ' rough materials. Some full satin yoka2 ' with worsted body lining: tn all the preJ railing-' styles -of - length and color. " Made by Cahn, Wampold V Co. to retail at tit to til. and th best garments to ba -had at that price.;; ;-; , - 1.85 For choice "Of ieor of. tyles, very selact-hand-: tailored black astln lined opera length box" 1ack: worth up t2t. This closing out of lots Includes some of the-ultra-fsshlonabla Overcoata- all thO popular' and noveL atylea of thla season, and Is unquestionably tha. plnnacl of real merltorloua bargain Slvtag. -.' ..'..'...",.',' ':'A X'.'" . city, had a dlsput over "the rental of a house, resulting fn Kinsley striking" Rass across th fac with th aid. of al spade.-. Kinsley wa compelled to pay a Sn or 110 and boat. ' 4 ' - ' " 1 Al th annual Lane county delinquent tax sale 147 pieces of property ' wer old for 11.050. , ' r , -" Walter Eddy, who haa Just completed ft 19-oe.ys sentence 4n lall for wife : ing.. Is again -In Jail, this time for 2S days oh tha charge of being drunk and' disorderly.- When arrested the last time Eddy told the officers thst he wished' they would put him In jail for 10 years, as he would than get plenty pf food Snd would not havs to work. .. I'!' "i ' Krriwiiii,milili :Mmtiia,.,i,. .iiiii a m& :"Sl:: iSS'iii 'II the city, the fact that moat wer you to pay cash. . With give a certificate ' abso- within one roar,, less 10 per ., ; price, en any Diamond '... ; LoanOfHcb NEAR OAK t 1.-..' -. - , 1 v " ' '.V 2;'" !r X ' r . '' "' ----- V i