The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 15, 1905, Image 33

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regph . Editor Forty-One Years iii v Harness
OT many men whe have estab
lished a newspaper tn a, cons
parattvslyinew country, r with
T . r-wnich -in ir aimed w --grow op
; ;.. hav remained th proprietor end pub-
' Usher of such newspaper for mora thao
40 year,.' Such cases ara rare, and Pr
- V hapa th only one oa thla coaat la that
; ..,.. maouoned -herein. .' . ' ?
un March 1,18. nearly 41 years
' 4M. Mr. K. R. Kincald started a. new
weekly paper In the then email town of
. , Eugene, which paper be baa owned, eon
trolled and edited ever since, although
, o(Jier duties kept him away from his
, hornet town during th greater part of
:. :-f. IB year.
.A - Harrison niltenhouse Kincald ta the
of four sons and four daughters,
and -was born In Madison county, Indl-
i -ana., January J. lift, ao that ha la now
1; In bla seventieth year.-Between -the
area of I and 10 he traveled with, bis
't parent through Indiana, Illinois, Iowa,
- 'Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee and Ar
"; ' kansas,' otherwise spending his boyhood
nil the ace of IT on his father's farm.
I -t. in, his parents, with their chll
nren, crossed the plains to Oregon. Har
riaoh. walking and driving" an ox-team
. the entire .distance, - He helped clear a
part or the donation land claim taken
near Eugene, and worked out as a day
(laborer, and In the mines' in' southern
Oregon and California, .until hie major
. Ity, when for two years he attended Co.
Mumbla -college. In Eugene, and then
learned the printer's trader working on
several local papers, until he started one
of bis own. He, waa married In Mlehi-J
. gan In 18 78,' -and has one son, now about
-M reare -of age. .- '. '
.- Mr. Kincald has nearly all his Ufa been
- an active and sealnua-but discriminating
Republican In politics. In 1IT0 he was
the Republican -candldst for state print
. er and received The highest vote of any
candidate on that ticket, but Oregon, waa
. thea overwhelmingly Be mot ratter Me
has been a delegate to two national con
ventions In 1888 and In 1171 and to
-many state convention From 188to
i; 1870 he waa a clerk In the United States
- senate; though contributing regularly to
jhla iw--r.-andeorrsnQndlngelso .lot'
Portland papers. " - .' .. , .
- Mr. Kincald. though a Republican, has
been for more than a. quarter of a oen-
'f-, ,
4 V-- '
::.i-.-'i.;rv:.T:.:,;v.v-"vw.T,-i:..',S' . .
VOL. 42: ; 42nd
r7 lM January $t 'iotot.c
Th Oreaon Slut Journal.
S-rcrad 4 tk rMtuAioest CvgMe.Uregas,
:: eaTABjJSHairMsats it im. ar
41 B. UHCaiu CoiTua 4.M0 rsurkixTOa
.. .rt'suaiKU avssr satvso? .
orr usi''i'gfiB.oaauos
iitunmoil. sue leer ts rinM.
.AUVSKTHMatli nwti wavm,M sef
, ' ms llu k laMnim spvetal ras
srsutMU MisisKite avvsBTtsfeeisiil
I, Snr- Immw,
t ,four lrS
a. .....ha- U.u.laia Miluw,. IU 1 N
. ... h.ii .... h - , ttl iLni
; iiNtr ut.- eJ iii-.
tar' W; .if tc
It - se -
iwe. rkis
v Cns RT?li:i3ii (ins rclpt
Tb continued uaa of Hura?
phreysWlicn . Htzi. Oil , t;
Relief Immediate ourw certain.
T a-. el-n-. w aie. giew
NrawM-. r nt s-mmM ea MIM af s-k-a.
"V-"" wyikMI aa
mcavou3 tnxuLrrz,
vital Weaknewa and Proetrm
Uoa from overwork and ouier
oeuaea. Humphreys' Homex
path to Specirui No. S8. n use)
ovei AO years, the oniy auoc-eaav
luiruneagi, bji porviatl, or speo
lal pelcVaga tor eerlous oases,
isr'. ,
-pronounced Wmetalllet.-and. 'this
was well known when In -18t he waa
nominated by the Republican party for
secretary, or state, to which office he
was lectecVbut when the Republloan
party Indorsed the single gold standard
ha left that party, and In Hit was the
candidate of Jhe Democrats, the Popu
lists .And - the - Free Oliver . Republicans
for re-election, and received 1.2X3 votes
'2. -IKi-Origmdl -Carpe
la New
Jackon, Mlas..' Letter
: '.- Herald.
N. a" forgotten grave In one-of the
'old oemeterlea lies the dust of a
man who 70 years ago, wielded an
extraordinary .political power over
a large portion of this aUte. WMll
; lila star waa in the" ascendant Ills popu-
. ilarity mads him -an object f envy i
men who were far. his-superior In point
of atUlnmenU as well as natural gifts.
- This was Franklin X. Plummer,;
.' member: oXthe ieglslature tot: 10 jears
and of congress for- three terms. lie
" Wur ba'aald to have been the original
'z.- "carpet-bagger.'Mhough his record waa
far . cleaner than' that or ina Daierut
4 , trtnewtnat- nocaea to juie cuunirj nv
decades later.
, It was In the spring jdurinr the first
decaxlaof tbe laat century that
gawky youth of 1 years was working
his way down to New Orleans on
-steamboat from-Plttsjjura;Born on i
parren Massachusetts ' . farm of . poo'
In ralrv tales, ta seK nis rortune. xiis
sale earthly possession when he landed
r in the Crescent City was a has- or clotn
-og and IS. ".Wheiw-4 go or what to do
waa a nroblem.
, Strolling up and down the streets, his
appearance attracted the attention of a
T1 good-natured sailor, who soon . learaea
. his history, snd. sympathising with the
. .. restless young spirit that had taken him
go far . from family and frlenda, re.
- solved to befriend him. - - I
- This eallOr was running a schooner on
Lake TonTcTiartraln and the lower Pearl
- : river, and he offered young Plummer a
f free passage t Elrllngton on the river.
where, he said, some Yankees were set
; tied. . The youth I went thither and met
- -several gentlemen from his native state
.. who hsdwon prosperity jn the new
- country.
i cabin school. He could "read, write and
:. cipher to the rule of three, and adding
' a ready wit and an exhattSTKss fund of
L ' .good nature he raa before long a Pooh-
"Bah In bis country, sheriff, clerk and
' ; judge fn one, all these offlelala depend-
ing on his pen to transact tneir. Dual
.nees for them, -a- .- - " "
Copleh county extended on both sides
., . of the Pearl river, but, soon after the
"7prtrtt of thrlver'was set off as a
" ' new county (Simpson) with the county
seat at - Westvllle. - Plummer -went to
' "Weatvllle and. hung out his shtngle as
attomey-at-law. -When he carried on
. any professional study no one knew, but
hla attainments, supplemented by his
quick wits, equaled the necessities of
'". - the period. , - - ' 'v
One who knew him personally thus
deaorlbed the cause -of ?luJBmer'a suo-
cess at the baf: -
"Ha talked fluently, his 'manner -was
'insinuating, his smile Irresistible - and
his good humor Invariably contagious.
J -' Further, he always knew His Jury.
-, ' fathomed the depth of the judge and
possessed the most unfailing audacity.
-He .won nearly every case he took, and
before long the fame of his skill had
brought him fully-nine tenths of the
, legal business In half a dosen counties.
This Incident Is told: .Two men of Lin
coln county had a bitter quarrel over
property, and the nekt day both started
for Westvllle by different roads. They
met at the door of ' Plummer'a offlo.
Each claimed Ms service as counsel, and
be made. them decide It. by pitching up
a dollar the man who won heads pay
ing h'lra the retaining "fee. :T -TT
Successful as was Plummet's career
at. the- bar, his political- ambition out It
abort.- Bo popular a man could: not rail
to be the representative of his district
in the legislature, and there-he led one
of tbemoet powerful- faction a. It is
said -that the secret .of his maatef y was
hlaacqualntance - with' . parliamentary
law,, wnicn renoerea it possiDie lor nun
to -embarrass' the house ..and mortify
members at will. ; He waa reflected to
this position time after time,- the ablest
men of the place and, period having to
gvawsy la Aim.
TABLUllKl 1892. :'
Cush Capital !
. . rrin ex jap
V'ThTMaaof 8wmi,
aevto4t riuaseof )
tiy RlUrt Hubhard, im
hued. ; svkvv two dulUrV
cruftera, Kaai Saran. H. j
. I btnglu thaj iMMk. T
saaef baf thf u rwtrw t)j
i l-lbrrtlabUr'sils.
snuHlervrrts I
s tcSitvr tuurb The .oti
aaa called larth r'iW-
grcatrat wsltrrr. JJCrnss
aiSfxis by writ lag a blr
na aarl llai grrater part
ta wnting a lifer el rw
iwbalim baae walk
Ibi proilHrt ol Na
kka tilmi
cal and J
V Tba GPwit of
aatt- ' ' adfcawaea
i 3
-a . r
1 r
1 - Jt
.a . ...
XniUrialie.JuB iS. stuck
CthaUas.W Elkerl
wee Walt WUrtdian.
Kineneei we e true Chris.
pais waa a CUrlauea.
oas a Ctmattan. tot-
Use.: There wi Chris-
aed Ckristna aiace
eve wbe ess s4ar
mm 3anl,L Veaa.S
eins'lf Msrl(.i - To
st Ppint ,w kf i
Hint jBtae elbtr quae's
aw ether siaM'a per
Msthke. es MluUtar.
etars . Ba bave gued
Wtirpt&Uf "Wntlt ews
rilderiiea of swrtalltt.
Tarat a.ea coavf
hrf ' aced coatcs-
M-athee da.
i.Cnral Peal ot 9te is This Aoewet le
i -t'RStiicBl kauaraelt,; ; ;r
- Prvidrat ttonaravll gr!Pta"Fl B a I
eofte 4 saaatiuaa. - BmI ', "uet J) ha
TaOUtf hsr coafc1l tv.Cailgcn bU ar
eueal eluiue that siorrird woceee
sboald not a -vnoiuitd l aturk is bar
UxWait ia-Mewli. to eajrVriate the
Char teat OS Cnurwr-Thv ete
auSie wbe are enable to are or UrMtm
that It la ear l .ftwaVnt kauerarll's
Ual-ra- TV- Kawe and tun ea
ot tbaee .""X sian wilh'e lurlWoe asi( a'
alary ol faO.OlO a rear ,te harlly a .4
judge to Orrlare thai ah induetriwe
nu, without aavluisK but bar brailh
and willingness Vueere baf-eaa liaiug,
kbalt be bsrmt wut- of rtmy mptrtaW :
baeotoitiloysiant. t fthr has sa Siwb
raht In ajorfc -u s Urio as Mr. . Ruoaa -
veil has to jbe rmtdrat oHht Vaitrd
'Statra. It wvuljl hr'wurb;tlrr. pr I .
XJbape. lo provide a tausbsad 4 I -' " I .
I Mrt sad hrttrr pmx hit bra; but) -. .
Loslof your ; bilrl f5omft
out by the combfulTf Mi
doing soihlnf? No gftti. la
lhll ; Why don't V041 iMti
Ayet't Hair lf,r tfed
e m .
promptly itop the railing?
Your hair wU begin tairow;
loo, and all dandruff will dla
'appcar'Could iron reaaoo'
biy itct anything better?
- r" . . ' Vlaa a) araat iiaffa '
laa wa tt(Hl. w-t ., baalr
nair vmo
. ia-af tirataiiittvaj am lift a,,-,..
i.i mUrm liliiswt ttiiU-c
s- la a
ItJ It ffSaWTgtT aWatar"
vl wltoia Mr.
'-. thrill UU
7H1 1H
T 1 f v nrrieweTi7
Hie eSiU,' '-i,
. lavr" lujwll
iUm'e V
HHi.aa..llw frnvxlrm-a Journal ThmrTl
-ul aurh,wiiiiaMue
in'ir.: ug;
prortd. nr. at trait puinl to aj
battaa-.than latur-workr thr
vrrtsinly Jm-.l tlie rig lit tt
unlunaiiala iMliira mala or
mint tml.'out vl llirit uil , , ,'
tu wake ab-'a m avt.W
wufid. r. - '
lrr:rtcut iluuMleai ait lU" '
knuwr) uppuMlHn t rare r4;
would, luu. Ia S yliiriou, tlil '
UKilhrr,"ui wiil,br inullav vl -.
(.amid ru rrhrrrl u4
r' utakljl ll1l
rM" budtrlw.-,.
1111- '
When, In 18zf, 'Plummer announced
himself as a candidate for congress the
most sulphurous annrruaire at a Mlasl-
'.ir.w tn a hi. rortuna. HliTtBIT,,,5,nl,ttn w leading Tsolltlclane-a
the assurance of this interloper.; How
ever, he took the stump and : won an
easy victory. Twice again. In the face
Of, opposition that no other politician
of the state would have dared to en
counter, ne appeaiea to ma mends ana
waa returned . to Washington triumph
ant. - - v .. ; ; . Vl . -
1 ' - Mhimwi VoUtlaal Moka. - '
He waa a prince of demagogues. When
Plummer was a candidate for. congress
second: time he made an agreement
with! Judge Cage, a rival candidate, that
the two should make the canvass to
gether. One night they stopped with
an aged couple. Cage recommended
himself by 'cutting a turn of wood and
bringing It in, for the old lady before
supper. In the morning he missed
Plummef. but: soon' found him at the
cow pen, the old lady' milking and be
holding the calf back by It tall. Cage
was runous. bo when they had ridden
mile or so. and came to where the
roads forked , Cage halted and aald:
"Plummer, here we part. ' Tou are too
aggravating. - Choose your own road;
If we travel ' together another day I
shall ahoot you." And so they parted.
In one of hla campaigns Hummer had
an anrmrentlV' dan aarnu a rtnrwtn.nt in
Judge PowVattan Ellis of Matches, one
or toe am est men in the- atate. . The
Judge, though ' a sound Democrat, waa
of arlatocratlo appearance and precise In
dress, A newspaper Item stating that
Judge Bills In crossing a swollen creek
had his portmanteau washed away gave
Plummer a cue.- He caused an adver
tisement to be inserted In a Journal of
the section to-the following effect:
Lost By Hon. Powhattan : Ellis, In
crosslng2the -Tallahela. the . folio wing
artiolea; Six Uwn handkerchiefs, six
cam brio shirts. - two nightshirts,' one
nightcap,, one pair stays, four pair silk.
stockings, hair brush, rasors and dress
ing glasa;1 also one bottle, each poma
tum snd perfume. ' The finder will be
auttably rewarded, etc."
Thla advertisement killed the Judge
In the counties east of the Peart river;
the "plney woods' could stand anything
but dandyism. ( '
Si - Monro- In Chicago Tribune,
yHARLBS T. '. TKRJQE8 showed
: - . which olass be belonged to when
V J ' ' he- waa only It years old. He
''-?ladr'ty dint of much hard work
and frugality, ' gotten e In tb savings
bank. Now, S la a prettr uurge sum
to any boy of 18 much mere to one who r finally -McPhereon said. Impatiently
has earned It my hard work and he
doesn't find it an eaay matter to part
with It -However, one day he found, a
store where, an auction waa going on.
- Thav-auotloneer put-tin-aboa- of. soap.
Toung Yerkea recognised it as the same
brand his mother used.' and "he knew
what It was worth. Quickly stepping
ItHo the crowd, he bid In the Soap. Box
after box waa put up, until Itr boxes bad
gone under the hammer, all of which he
bid in. . j ' - - , - .;
' Then he showed the' auctioneer ' hia
bank book and aaked him to holdi the
soap till ha could draw out his money.
On his way to the bank he stopped at a
grocery atore and mad a deal with the
grocer, whereby he doubled bis money,
He was not obliged to draw out his IS,
but-he- added- to it hla profit from the
aale of the aoap, and thla money formed
the foundation of the vast fortune he
afterward amaased. The ordinary hoy,
who becomes but ' an ordinary man,
would have watched others buy, holding
fast ell tb time to his own HtUe neat
egg. - . . . - ---.-j ..j-.; r- -
...Truly. "If we would see the color of
our future, we must look' for -it In ouW
present; tf we would gase on the star of
our destiny we must look for It In our
own hearts." Have, the courage to vol
unteer, and as you march mora light
Will com.
When General Grant was met by-hla
much-discouraged chief of staff. Mb-
Phereon. at the close of the first day of
th battle of Shlloh, a .day of heavy
onion loasea, the latter said lb him:
"Things look bad enough, general We
have lost about halt our artillery and a
third of the Infantry. " Our Una U broken
in several . places, and w ar pushed
back nearly- to th , ' j.t.
Qeneral - Oraat mad - no reply, and
"Well, general, what, do yon intend to do
aoeut itr - v - --.
Quick-as a flash cam th answer
"Do? - Why, I -shall reform the lines and
attack them, at daybreaJk. I.ord, wen't
tney Deaurprieedl"
Th outoome: Th confederates - in
full retreat next . morning before I
o'clock.? -rTi -c-r
. JS Very man who has suooeeded has
met Just such crises, and has averted
disaster -byj prompt reforming of lines
and early attack- - v '
Isaao M. Singer, who died worth 1,
000,000, waa a poor adventurer who had
tried many ways, to win suocesa, falling
in them all before .' he finally won
through- his- aewlng-machine Invention.
And . this . success 1 cam about purely
through his indomitable will and de
termination. He had Invented a carv
ing machine, and. In trying to raise
money on it he met a machinist, who
told him the'-eewlng machinea he han
dled had defects, which. If Singer could
eradicate, would mean money to him. '
Singer believed he could do It. but
he had not a cent In th world to spend
Id making th attempt. A friend at last
cam to his rescu and loaned him 140.
He worked day 'and night, aleeptng bat
three hours, and eating but on meal a
day. ' At midnight on the eleventh day,
with a companion to hold the light, he
fltilahed" his machine and undertook to
run It. It would not go. Completely
dlsoouraged, he: closed the - ahop-and
started - to his ; boarding-house. . The
nervous tension which he was under,
caused by th long vigils; th clos work,
the thought, of tbr lost money, gave
way, and In a sUte of utter coltaps he
sank down on a. pn of boards, every
hope, blasted, all strength' gone. 111 It
self almost gone.- v , !r---
Suddenly It flashed upon nls mind that
ha had not adjuatad the tenaion upon th
needle-thread. He sprang up and went
back to the ahop, adjustfsd ths tension,
and ills machine was a success; From
this invention he made his millions.
Often when defeat seems crushing In
upon us some slight adjustment reverses
the entire situation. Th successful
man la he who, though crowded to earth
by disaster, Ig yet able to discern the
fresh point of attack, to arise and go
bravely at it again. The' lull gives re
newed strength and keener djaceirnment.
F. "Hopklnson Smith," th successful
artlatrauthof and playwright, points out
ss the most satisfactory achievement of
his whole life the construction' of 'Rao
rock lighthouse. In New London harbor,
which waa accomplished after six years
if AAntftillAtla llni ,,1. Kawaa mm mmA I
man. He conquered, and - this .victory
gav htm th strength ot character to
conquer everything else he has attempt--.
eo He says himself: Th mastery of
Race rock showed m th wisdom of de
pending on myself." .
We muet settle it with ourselves, first,
that a thing Is to be don; then find a
way.. We must be with ourselves like
General Orant was with one of his com
manders. He told him to take a certain
point. Th ooronvander replied! "Gen
eral, it wlU take half my men." .
"1 see you understand the order, waa
th general's only response. This Is the
only thing necessary to success aa un
derstanding of the order. : ' -
more than th average of the ticket.
which was. all defeated. In October of
that year, at a special session of th leg
islature, he waa th candidate of those
Ing Joseph - Simon. - Sine November,
18.Mr, Klnoald has served as one of
the regents of th state university, and
Dartles for United States senator, the
Republican majority at that- time-elect-4 change in Oregon: Is seeing it changed
on July 1 last com plot ej fe yeavrs
term as county Judge of Lane county, to
which position hs waa elected by a plo- "
rallty of one vote, nearly all the rest ol
the ticket suffering defeat ' ; -, '
F"ot over 4 year Mrr-TUaeakt ha4
been, publishing local and the most Jnw
portant of the world's hews, ami die
cussing ably and fearlessly and aocorda
Ing to bis,Blncer -convictions all th po- '
lltlcal, social and moral lamia of th
times as they have arisen.' While a man
of firm convicttpns, he has always beer
open to the admission Of new light and l
teachable by the events thattwnbservec.
While a staunch adherent of a party that
he believed " 'r the main right, ha
had tbe courage, even when In an. offlo
conferred- by that party, to oppose it
when he wa eonvlneed that It was
wrong.' ..'(.' '," '-
The high-esteem In- which Sr. KlnnaH
Is held by hla neighbors and large numa ,
tir Of pets-inal-acquaintances has beeq
repeatedly demonatrated, and be Is. uul
vereally respected . eveA- by, those who
differ with him in opinion. He has lived) ,
an active, useful JJfe, never yielding
a newspaper man to sensationalism, o
snything In-the nature of scandal, but
quietly, sedately,-temperately, purtra I no
bis cHhseo vocation, and so built tip 'a ;
character notable for uprightness and
solidarity rathe--; thanf or, brilliancy .oa !
untnuenee. -
. White daily papers have sprang tap and .
grown Into important faotors In th life '.
of Eugene and Lane eowit y.- Mr; Kincald
has. pursued the even tenor of his way
as the publisher of a- weekly, which,
however much the dallee may be neerW '
ed or appreciated. Is still prised by many,
especially, nr doubt, by thos to whom
It has been a welcome visitor for many
years; To them it has the volo and
appearance of an old friend and eompan(
ion. aa the younger and more newsy
papers do not. '.
For mors' than half a "century, except
Ing a few months In California during ...
hla youth, Mr. Kincald has been a resta
dent of Oregon and of Eugene or vlcln-t
Ity. . From an emigrant ox-team driving
boy of 17, he has grown to be a well
preserved well-to-do "and well-respected
man of nearly 70. H JiaS seen many
now faster than ever. May he onlcy
year yet of -the mellow autumn of at
well-spent life. .. - , --- .
San ; Antonio Correspondeno New York , "Toti hav haoflung troubf and ' very
sever attack of pleurisy; here, -wnioni
nearly-coat your llfel" . ' '
In this manner he goes' on with each" .
one present, always telling him '- the
truth and- never -mlas Ing it in any par
tlculai. ', ; ' . '."- '
Several persons who have been "cured"
by .him hav the moat expllolt faith in
hla power, to heal the 111.. On case In
particular Is a Mexican woman, who
declare that Mr. Navarro cured her of
rheumatism. -Another-la th orgsntst eg
St- Patrick's church In this city. . -
Th healer state that It Is not nece.
sary for th patient to visit him In pera .
son, but that ha can locate th die
and cur the person by taking a gar
ment worn toy that patient. -' ' -
, When asked te make a' statement for
publication, be said that he did nog
care for notoriety, but after some per
suasion finally consented to give 11. :-' "'
X was born In Case. Blanca, Cuba, la
186l."My father was er Spaniard and,
my mother waa of French parentage, be
NOTHKR divine healer has ap-
- Beared Navarro by nam.
-- ; He la not of the type that
. travels about the countryrtell-
lng fortunes, reading- palms, pronounc
ing curses' and defrauding weak minded
persons out f their savings. , i
Mr. - Navarro Is aif unassuming old
gentleman, living all alone In simple and
humble., manner, four miles from .his
nearest neighbor, with no company ex
cept pet dogs and eats and other do
mectlcr animals, and with only an oo
t caslonal pilgrim who has traveled many
miles, perhaps on root, 1 to raacn tnis
Mecca,- where his -Ills ar cured and hla
pains alleviated.
.Th traveler may see on a gat, as he
pasaes'elocg the public road, about SO
miles west of this city, a neatly painted
sign, which reads r "NAVARKOi - HA VKN
M0it persona pass by pusxled at the
meaning of the-words, and soon forget
the incidents Some read tbaislgn, pause,- )ng" born ln New Orleans. I wss but
1 -'.J
Lucky Man Sat on Coffin
I'.-., c
' 1 v-V,TimmmJJ
f " tfUW solving ottha' myatery' aur-
- , 1,- rounding th murder of Jamea
Oarrett,. ,a atockman whose
- - . ranch-waa In the northwestern
portion of South Dakota, by the confes
sion of Otto Erickson, aged It, who ad
mitted that he committed the crime,
with two brothers, aged U and 14, again
shows th doubtful worth ot clreumstan-
- tlal vldeno. -i. ---'
Ous Mat eon, a stockman, who lived
' near Garrett's ranch, was arrested soon
after the disappearance of Garrett, sev-
ernL weeks ago. on th charge of hav-
inm murdered and hidden iho,TKWiy- or j
in man. Everything appearen ror m
' .time tor point to Mataon aa the murderer
or hie friend and former partner,
' llatson. when first arrested, admitted
that Garrett had been at his ranch a
short time before his disappearance, aad
that they drank together. From this snd
ths diac-overy- ot a trail lending across
the pralrlo from a point- within, a few
miles of Matson'o home, and giving evi
dence that It had been made by the drag
ging of a bodv along ths ground, many
tielleved that Matson was responsible for
the disappearance of Garrett. ... -But
for the confession of Krloksort the
.tat would have teen abl to present a
strong chain of clm4mstantlal evidence
. Another . clrcumstano ..which would
have strengthened th case against him
waa the- agitation shown by him when
Informed in tils cell that the body of
uarrett nao Deen round after a ays.
tematlo search tasttng many daye. When
told of th finding oftb body Mataon
exclaimed: :. -r va.,..
"My Oodl Roys, you can kill m now,
but I am Innocent" .. . . ,
His agitation waa thought to be evi
dence of a guilty conscience, but It Is
awt-apparent that MaUoa reallnetL the
poemon he was -U,-and that, althous
Innocent, he might be unable to establish
his Innocence had the case eorae to trial.
So firm waa th belief In his guilt
and ao. bitter Jhe feeling agmlnat.hlm
that stockmen -whrt were engaged 1n the
search for Garrett's body proclaimed
their Intention of taking Mataon from
JgU..,..j.-..a iT: v - '
... , . Teehaloal Sefense Ogerea. -
';''.'' From Colller'a. - -!, '".
'What reason doea 'he give for not
paying hla wife alimony T
"He says that marriage la a lottery
and bene alimony Is a gambling debt,"
. ' ; :' " '' " . ' ,
""I From the New Tork, Telegraph."
tk-yCIXinJOir.attiuliif roaulta.!
I aald . Prank Lane, who In hla
J time haa been a good actor, a
; ttr ; good baaeball' umpire and also
a liberal and merry .bookmaker, "the
moat remarkable piece of gambling I
ever heard of - was described by a friend
of mine who used to run an engine down
south many years ago. In hla own
words, here Is th story:
"My train on night waa sidetracked
at a way station, with a washout ahead
and another behind us. It was while
ws were killing time that thla gam waa
played, and it makes my hair stand to
this day when I recall the way in' which
a corpse cam t life rn th saMst ei the
play.- ; -, "
"My train was scheduled to leave at
I p. m. Before leaving we had to make
connection with the through train from
the north. , and on ' account of th,' bad
condition of the track It got in several
hours -late. ' It was o'olock- when my
train', No. it,- pulled out. .- -
- 'We'll have a bad run tonight ! am
thinking,' said the fireman, as he climbed
Into the cab, "and they have A dead man.
In th baggage car to keep us company.
If these rains; continue I think we'll
hav more coffins to fetch-back tomor
row."""-' --- --' .",-,
. "We traveled slowly, and when about
SO-miles out 1, saw a dim lantern on
hlthe tracks and 4he brake -were given"
h (sudden jerk. ' , ' ' ' r --
7 MI.' cried the msn who ha flagged
ua, ths trestle shead has been washed.
clean away.- There Is no. chance to cross,
and you'll have to go back.' . .-
"The conductor gav order to pull
back alowly to a high trestle.! miles
In our rear. On our side of th trestle
there waa a long stretch of straight
track, and when two miles away w aaw
the headlight of a freight, thundering
down at full tilt The engineer ran right
on to the bridge without slackening hid
speed. - Just when the freight got mid-dajr-os
th Vidro thera waa a eraah ,
and bridge, train and all went down.
W ot-Up lowy.There waa no algn
ot life,- and we realised that we were
cut off In both direction Nothing could
be done, so our. train pulled up a. mile
and atopped at a aiding.
"In the baggage car there waa a tele
graph Instrument hut no operator. The
express messenger said be knew a fw
calls, and he thought he. could tell th
superintendent . Of .th wreck'. ''' A loop
waa hooked oni th main wire and the
instrument was connected, hut ths mes
senger was not good at the business,
and, after trying for SO minutes, he had
tO Stop. '-t
" If thla guy in th hos here waa not
dead. aald thi-agggemaBui-'wiiil
b In town. : He was a fins operator be
fore heaahed in hla chips.
"he moat worried msn on the train
was a cotton dealer from New Orleans,
who was traveling with a barrel of
money. The man came in the baggage
car and talked frantically- of ths delays.
After a time, ; however,-be got mor
cheerful, and stood around and watched
u4 playing card a 'ythen we had changed
from seven-up to poker, the cotton man
asked If he could get In. and w were
all glad to hav him. j
"There were five in the game the
conductor, express messenger', baggage-
master.-cotton broker, land a newspaper
man. The meesenger waa th best gam
Tlf aw th train, s art he got av trafc-wf-
lurk after a time. . Th newapaper man
and th baggagemsster dropped out. th
conductor sticking to j mske the three
The meesenger. Sprunt, waa Bitting on
the foot of the coffin and the flagman
aald that thla waa why ha waa having
luck. . .. - .
"Th playing got hotter and th con
ductor dropped out leaving Sprunt and
the cotton man. a big fellow, who Intro
duced himself as Smith. . ) had been
losing steadily, but he brought out
bunches of new bills every few minute.
On or two pota had been rich. - In one
there wag at least 11.091. and th en
.;.'.-..-... . ,,V f.'.'. ...... ...
following had fuUy $1.S00. The two
pots came Over to Sprunt , - 1
, "It was not along gainev - Th play
Ing had been quick, though the finish
cam, Strang to ssy. In view of sub
sequent events." on a deal by Smith. But
Sprunt was 'so kllck that I am not satis
fied to this day that the thing waa
square. When the crlsl earns Smith
waa - dealing. Hs shuffled 4h cards
carelessly snd rolled off 10. . Everything
was a Jack pot. Sprunt said he Could
not open It hut Smith emaahed It with
a handful of banknotes. Sprunt aur
prlsed us- by coming hack with a heavy
rat as, and for a moment th raising wss
Wild. .I'-. ' , ' ' ' ... .
"e-mail I drew sne eerd i and Smith-
and out ot curiosity pass through-th
gat and go In search of this Haven of
rest and com In fight of ths humble
stone hous. '
Mr. Navarro cornea out to meet them.
They are cordially lnvtted to unhitch
their teams and remain over night wnicn
Invitation la accepted.' During th eve
ning while amoklng and chatting with
the old gentleman around his primitive
fireplace they learn of hla power to heal
th sick. Each of th party Is told in
a surprising manner racta anout nia aie
posltlon, character, past. and present life
snd physical ailments. Numerous ques
tions asked mentally as he Indicate ar
answered In a most wonderful wsy. Hs
st ts facing you with a small board rest
ing on hla kneea and the visitor's,' and
by laying the hands palms downward, on
the same and concentrating th mind
upon tho visitor's question for an in
stant, hs immediately - writes out th
answer n a sheet at paper. -."--:;-?-:
Mr. Navarro taken a knife, ring, or
any garment worn or anything uaed or
carried by a person, and from that ho
gets impressions. - He. took a knife of
four bladea from one ot a' party- and
aald: "--)- . . .
"This Is ths blsde Intended to be. used
for trimming the finger naila, but you do
not use It for that purpose. This other
small blade Is the one you us for that
aa I hav, ths inclination to clean, my'
nails with It.". ' -
Then he paced -u and down-tha room,
aa If In a rage. r
"Thla la the way you act "when you
ar' angry. I would advise o-ou to con
trol your tempetx Anger Is very wear
ing on the whole system. ': At on time
In your life you have run races of some
sort, t would say' on a bicycle, aa I have
the desire to ride fast and It gives
me a fatigued feeling In my legs. -
He took a-rlng from th hand of on
of th subjects and immediately began
to cough and show signs of pain, clasp
ing his left slds over the lung. i
T years of. age when I first discovered
my power .to heal the ill, but I never
p radioed it much -until after! my moth
ers death, aa she seriously objected to)
It and did not believe in such nonsena,
aa ah called it " .i
"I lived In New Orleans until 181V -when
I cam to Texas, and have lived
right her ever sloe. I wss a man of
the world for many years, hut since X
came out her J bave given, mora- at
tentlon to thlnga spiritual and m
power.of healing has grown greater ac'it
year", v.,-,.' . .'.
- "How do you perform these latter flaw
miracles' .. - .... .
"That to difficult to answer. God ha
given me this power and I am using It
for ths benefit of humanity. ' X cannot
explain How It .Is done. When my pa
tients are nressnt I oura them by lavlnst
on of hands. . -
"Why do you " not " go to th larg
Cities. , lik Schraeder and other. an4
make your fortune. ,
,T would lose my power If X mingled
with a great number of -peopla And,
furthermore. If J charged Tor my serv
ices I could heal no one. -' My work M
mostly smong tho poor. 1 1 do not ear
to treat th rich. They , hav alt thai
luxuries of life, and can employ th best
physicians, v Thes poor people, . com
here, from a distance of four to -180
mile. Sometime they walk nearly alt
th way. , I hav had pattente com)
her for- treatment and remain a waeta
and t reoelved nothing for boarding and
curing except their gratitude, hut that
la sufficient . . r - '
"How do you make a living heref
"Oh I I live weU enough. I own S
acres and rent 04. I have my own cows,
chickens and horses, Tnd my tittls farri'
supports me nicely. . I do a little) Irrt .
gating, you know.! 1 1 .
"Do you over get lonely ' out here) -
alone T ,
"No; I am never alone; God ta always
with me. - ..
Stood pat. The betting continued until
Smith had put up hla laat dollar. Sprunt
still had a small amount but hs said hs
would call. Smith felt sure of what was
In sight whan he laid down four deuces,
but his breath atopped short . when
Sprunt put down four fives. - . ' ' "
"All th whll Sprunt had been sitting
on ths coffin, .
- -mere m something alive in this
box. he said.' )- i
'Tor a moment everything was atUL
There waa a faint tapping, and the con
ductor took an ax. knocked the lid off,
and there was th man with hla eyes
open, breathing. The man apoke and
called for a drink. Ten mlnuteev after
be. waa lifted eut, He sevlved end
talked. He was Jenkins, a telegraph
operator. We were still let th car star
ing at Jenkins. when ths report of a
pistol .outside was heard. Ws went out
to Investigate snd found Smith ston
dead. - He had blown hla brains out
"Papers In his pocket showed that he
was a factor's clerk and waa taking the
money which he had lost to pay for cot
ton. The Iocs of fl(,000 had upset him,
and fear. of. results had caused htm to
commit suicide. .We took the body back
to- the baggage car and put it In the
coffin formerly uaed- by Jenkins. After
thai night Sprunt quit the road.-.---
, t' . 1 . ' , : - "
.From th Chicago Trlbttne. ' -'t result t that under fa vorabl '.
KrS33QB.pAitmyfpi pQhf-Uhsxjririwg
I great naturalist and president of I narllyJ It has a similar ef
, ths BhtUh assocUUon, says that
In course of time the present day
will be prolonged to 56 days." It has
ben discovered that the days sre gradu
ally lengthening at relative ratea which
arecalculable, though th absolute rates
tn time are 'unknown. -The time t com
Ing when the day will be equal in length
to two present days, though' the month
will be probably aa long as 17 present
days. ..-ir . v..: : w-v,. ......
-With th' lengthening of th flay a
there Is to . be a prolongation of the
length of man's life. - It has been shown
that tree proper application of aoetic acid
will considerably prolong life, and- ac
cording; to on authority Ihta CKI1: als"
o acdompliahed by drinking sour milk.
It appears that sour milk contains a
friendly bacillus, which, when Intro
duced -fnto th mala In tens tine, benefits
' These Is said to be no doubt that the
stature-of man is Increasing, and It Is
poaslbls tbat the future raw may be
giants. In fact, Dr, Hatal, profesnoriof
neurology at the University of Chkitgo.
claims to have discovered a wonderful
food substance called lecithin, which
will produce giants. It make animals
grow sbnormally lars. The professor
tried til :t i ltg t'-X with ua
tf ttuta,.prdl
r effect uta
human beings, and tho growth la normal .
knd healthy. -.' ..... ,
Then there is th Invention ef Nikola,
Tenia, which will put newspapers out ef
business. This Invention 'will transmit
mesnagea to th uttermost parts of th i
world.- In order to attain this snd TesLs
Is erecting a gigantic transmit Hug tower
on long Island. If th Invention prove) '
a succees, a man may stand In t he. m Ida I
of tha Sahara and by means of an ner .
perislv little Instrument which he cere
rise la his pocket-h may receive the)
new of New fork '.
Th future man will have no aeed ef '
glasses to help his vtilon. Eye mastHtga
which Is gentls snd grndual anT rausaei
nonaimjmLjnift iy -lerjj-r tho vi
Ion. Tbo -stomach and - Intuatfnsa "wlj . .
also be unne-easary. and It has bawaaugx
gested that the organ will be remov4
by a surgical operation. ' Their plao
will be taken by a tube. Info whleh pre
pared food will be dropped. Tabloids of
prepared, compressed and digested frx 1
will be used, and there will be no
to waste th amount of time Iter? '
obtain food nowadays.
"".'' ' Tie- ' "
"Weill well! c '
to the fli
' "It wr j f
. '