The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 15, 1905, SECTION TWO, Page 24, Image 24

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Winners Are Declared In vCThe
Journal's Unique' Campaign
: irrp
for New Subscribers.
1 J
ttrtfr r :V; AT HEAD : OF LIST
- !- , T fl.' - - I JL , ' J.- l J I ; J I- i i :
i Y i 'i i. tt rr. i l ti rrr a am t i . i arr t . r -i rr i v. m w. x i v j
I Bbh 111 , : W r rLllly illllCI" !- 1 X .- . I . I I I
It Was Most Successful, Ten
" Thousand Dollars Coming,
to the Paper,
, r ; , q. x. Johnson, Clerk. . . " O. H, Crouch, Consul Commander.
1 ' Ipfficeni of WontsVUU Camp, Woodmen of ths World.
MontavUla ctmp.' No.' 87, Woodmen of
th World, will, entertain their f lianda In
the. hall at th Mrnar of Tills ay ran
and Hlbbard atreet, on M on flay arenlns.
An attracthr program has bean 'pr
pared. Head ; Bamter. rV.- Cooper, will
peak. , and an effortwlllTe made :ta
make Ahe occasion enjoyable to all who
attend. The Weatcra JLoadwny of Mualo
haa taken charge- of the mueleal
turea. The program follows: i
Bartlcme eolo. 'Creole Iiots Sons,"
(Buok, Mr. Ronald-. Bradbury;' piano,
solo, Mr. Mordaunt A- Ooodnough; messo
.IIa Mill Ulu -Maa Stvallni .dMu T
V. Coo par; messo soprano sola, "Without Pr-
The" Journal's "Bargain Dey" prises
have been awarded.' MraG. B. Halt of I
Conrallla won" first . prise, she ' hevlftjl
unl In anhu.(nl4 M .mmintlll. - tftt
Hilt. L. Other . prise-winners . sent in' j jTCI.'S StVlP
amounia ranging u-UM WTiron nam
to -The contest proved far more
Interesting than -was expected. " -.
-"Bargain Day" wss originated by The
Journal Auguat 18. 1908,. at which time
over , t,000- was received for subscript
tlons. ' . .' - - ,-.
On December 14rlt04. the last "Bar
gain Day," nearly $10,000 was received.
The Idea of "Bargain Day" Is to give
everybody a chance to subscribe for The
Journal at a special rate for one year..
Tea special prlsea were offered for thoae
who sent in the largest sums for sub-,
scrtptlona. The awards are as follows:
.First prige Btudebaker .rural ; mall
wagon or any vehicle of the same make.
er value; Mrs. O. &.. Ball or Corvalla,
who sent In aubsonptlons amount-
COanrcnccs Monday; Jzzzzry ICtht
CIcccs Saturday, Fctnidy 1 Clh ' :
- !
. We return our sincere thanks to our many customers for their yery -valuable patronage during the
ri pest year and hope careful att
''T- ?' K";': This Clearance:; Sale, besides being a notable reduction In priceahhaa an additional attraction for '
our customers in the Trading Stamps which we give with every purchase o 10c or oyer, jjrhis gives a ?
Tdouble culBCount::on;all purchases for SO working
r MTTt
Thee," (p'Hardelot). Mias Bertha Royal;
reading. Mies Xoulse Oodard; baritone
solo, "The Horn," Mr. Bradbury; messo
iss Mae Bresll
Circuit Court Has Not Adopted
x Recommendation of the
: '.vti-lfivv-v Grand urys
Cpecutation Regarding Identity
of the Lawyer. Who May Be
Chosen for Work. . 7 .
- - The late county grand Jury having rec
ommended to the-clrcult court that a
sealous and competent attorney be ap
pointed assist the district attorney to
proaecaie, ine cinminai cases inai ,wux
appear on the docket," courthouse em
ployes and officials are speculating; ss to
whether or sot the court wUi follow the
suggestion, i It la within the province of
the court to name a lawyer to assist or
' even to assume complete cbarae of errm
' inai cases, when the clrcumatanoea ap
. Dear to warrant suoh radical action. ,
Doubtless the grand Jury had In tqlnd
the pressing of the lndlctmenta against
tne city oriiciais ana gamblers as the
main reason for making auoh a reoom
- wendatlon.-Dletriet -Attorney Maiming
having moved easmlsaal or the indict
ments against Mayor. Williams and Chief
of Police fiunt, upon which motion Pre-
-Xmo of the bla oases have been disposed
of. - Boms of the gamblers have pleaded
anility, too, but -upon the docket remain
the ease, a gainst ex-City Enalneer Wil
liam C Elliott. Inspector Caywood. 8ur-J
eyor chandler, i ontractora E. W.. and
R. M. Rlner. B. D. Blgler and some
posed of. . . - ;
Of course, none of the four judges of
the circuit court' here will discuss the
.question.. However; the large foroa of
clerks snd deputies in the courthouse
have been apeculatlng aa to whom the
court would appoint la the event that It
la decided to name someone. -
As soon aa the grand Jury report was
made public and that particular reoom
mendatlon .was -learned, mention was
made of Judas Henry E. McOinn in 'con
nectlon with the appointment, but theJ
xaci inat jaage mminn is reuunea as
the attorney for Sheriff Word and is
Aavotlna sn mtlrh time to tha Inl ef-
ralrs of that ornclar. it was obviously
Impossible to same him.
utnera are regaraea iss possininties,
and it is not improbable that William
O. Munly, A. F. Flesel, R. W. Montague,
R. a. Morrow or Miller Murdoch may be
elected.'' . . . .
The strictures of the 'grand 'Jury were
So severe and tta recommendation were
so apecifte that it is regarded aa prob
able that the court will not ignore the
suggestion, but will appoint someone to
take a hand in prosecuting the tmpor
tant criminal cases yet to be fried. '
:" ' ; j: .-'.iv',:. T r-'""-v. "
Vow Jrsoplo Xaow Sow Vsefml It is la
Tuasnlng Xealtk sad Beauty. ,
' Nearly ' everybody knows' that char
coal is ths aefeat and moat efficient (dis
infectant and purifier in nature, bul
few realise Its value .when taken into
Jhe human system for the same cleana
ng purpose. ' (
Charcoal is a remedy tbat' the more
Jou take of It the betterj it la hot a
rug at, aU. but simply - absorb the
rases- and impurities alwaya present
in the otomacn ana intestines and ear
rice them out of the system.
iJharcoai sweetens the .brtath after
amoking, drinking or after eating onions
ana otner oaorous vegeiaoiesii -i
riroves the complexion,' it - whitens the
eeth snd further acta as a aaturali'and
eminently safe cathartic. - - - - . ,
It absorbs the Injurious arases -which
rolleot in the . etomach 1 and bowels: it
tilalnfecta the -mouth .and 'throat .from
the poiaon or caiarrn. ,
All dragglata sell charcoal In - one
-form or another, but probably the best
charcoal end the moat for tne money
in Biuari a cnarcoat ioaengest they
-e compoeed of the finest powdered
. Illow charcoal, and other harmless
ttlseptlcs in tablet form, or rather in
-e form of large, pleasant tasting los
.r, the charcoal being mixed with
vey. . '- '-
, the dally -use of these losenire will
'"on tell In a much Improved -condition
t the general health, better' complex-
m, eweeter breath and - purer - blood.
-4 -the beatty-rf-H 4er-thet no pontbls
-rra ran result from their continued
v. hut en the contrary, great benefit.
A huffalo ' phyaiclan, In speaking of
tfce benefit ef -i eharcoal, . ears: ., "I
e arise Stuart s Chsreoal Iosengee to all
dents suffering- from gaa In stomach
4 bowele, and to clear the complex
fi and purify (he breath, mouth snd
root; 1 alae believe the liver la greatly
neftted by. the dally use. of them:
ev coot but Iweaty-flve jc enta a box at
. ri stores, and although In some sense
a jeteat prenaratlna, yet I believe I
t more and better cnareool In Slu
t's Charenal Teenges than in any of
bar coal tablet" . o- ,
e ordinary
ins to 8141.11.
Second prise Doubts set of "harness;
J. HI Todd of Dayton, Or, who sent in
subaertptbms: amounting to 1114.1
. Third prise One Columbia talking
china, with 11 records, value 850: W. K.
T4te of Wasco, Or., who sent In sub
ecrlptlons smountlng to tlll.10. t; v
Fourth prise One Journal gun-metal
watch, warranted - a -timekeeper, -value
tit; It A. Snyder of Aurora, , Or., who
sent ' In subscriptions--, amounting -to
tl.T. , ' . . . A r - :
Fifth prise A Pendleton Indian robe.
or a first-class borae blanket; Claudia
MoKnlght of Bclo, Or., who sent in sub-
-"-SI - 1
. , :
If -iVou VCait :d Dcrgcra in SiiitiiP
Suits as low aV;l,i . T,; , . . , . .e6.9!S Ladies Jackets K
.Long. Coats
?5.05 S ? i Children's Coits
Ladies' Dress Skirts as low as...
Greater: Percerrtage of,Appli
ftiorts Accepted Hre Than
-Anywhere In the World.
..t :
Splendid' Tribute ald Orei
1 gona Climate by One Who, X
Vr Has Tried Many OtharsVTf-
dicltonary; OrvilleC Lee of Sheridan,
Or., -who sent In-subscriptions amounting
tev--ei.ia.4, ....
Seventh prise A Columbia talking
machine; with 11 records, value 810: A.
J. ' Sherwood, Coqullle, Or., who sent .is
subscriptions amounting to 180.88.
Eighth prise A one year's subscrip
tion to Ths Dally and Sunday Journal
Jasper O. Stevens of Cove, Or who sent
in subscriptions amounting to 177.04.
Ninth prise A one -year's subscription
to Ths Daily Journal; John fl. Clark of
Island City, Or, who sent In subscript
tlons amounting; to 170.00.
Tenth prise A one year's subscrip
tion to -Ths Sunday- Journal;. Q. I. Mo-
Allister of She. w. Or, who sent in sub
scriptions amounting , to t8l.7t, '
. Fifty others .sent amounts rangln
from 110 to ISO and ths Ths Journal
-"There is a greater percentage of ap
plications for life insurance accepted in
j-iie , f-acinc - oonowest v than anywhere
else in the world," declared a prominent desires to thank them for their, efforts.
new jora uie insurance sresiasnt, ana
this statement Manager Tom Rlchardaon
of the Portland Commercial club -made
the-cllnohlng argument in a-speech at
the annual . banquets of - tha Portland
chamber of commerce Wednesday sven-
"I havs been somewhat In the posi
tion of A. JU, Mills in. telling storiss to
my xrtendsm the south about the cli
mate of Oregon.''- said Mr. Richardson.
"Mr. Mills waa asked by soma old friends
in New England fof soms facts about
this- country.' He sent them reports
about the repep and -Trtietr be -got back
there- he plainly saw that his reports
wars doubted. Mr. Mills came home and
got affidavits from farmers growing ths
crops referred to. He forwarded them
east and -got beck, t ha reply that -even
the justices of the peace and notaries
J. E. Shepard Confers a
-Honors on Himself in Po-
... I liCwC0Urt; VJ
nublto out here were llarad
rue annual rainfall tin it years at
Portland has been 80.8 Inches, whllo-at
New-Orleans it waa 48. t. The only ad
vantage tbat the Crescent City has over
ths City of Roses the matter Of
molsturs IS that It takes mors time for
the rain to fait here than It does there.
1 have a very affectionate regard for
New Orleans, and I- shall not make any
comparisons between this city and th
Creole metropolis as regards summer cli
mate,. for it la bo eomftllment to Portland
to ssy. that hsr summer. weather la de
cidedly more attractive than that: 'of
Montreal, the most, delightful summer
climate of the great -country immediate
ly north or us; than ths climate of Buf
falo which holds the (palm as ths city
for summer residence among the metro.
politaa centers of ths United states. No
man can . appreciate the Indesorlbably
beautiful summer climate enjoyed - by
the people here without going through
ons of ths summers.. Free from the dls-
advantages of the cities and- resorts of
higher altitudes., surrounded by ovary
character of natural scenery for outings
If - one desires to leave home, Portland
and - thle - section of - Oregon have no
counterpart in the civilised world; and
as I ssid before. I believe all this will
bs realised by ths people of the United
States aa a result of ths Lewis and Clark
centennial exposition here next . sum;
mer." ....... -. .. . ;
Citing practical Instances of horns life
Ss proof of ths mild weather he had ex
perienced here in Portland this winter,
Mr. Richardson said ths water in his
house - had not been turned off once, a
condition he never bad seen duplicated
In the south, -the roses that often bloom
at Christmas time In New" Orleans had
their -duplicates hero this holiday-sea
son, and even up toXi
during November he. had -the grass cut
on bis front lawn - In Portland some
thing he never had- dons In New Or
r "t
" "I am the king of Judes. "the prince of
Galilee and the emperor of Macedonia,'
said J. B.. Shepard tq . Municipal Judge
Hoaua.veatardav. -:--.4,.' .-.-j ':
Shepard appeared Defors ths couif; to
answer in onarge or naving morpnme in
his posaesslon. His . complexion, waa
white and hie eyes were glased. He Is
what la know in polios parlance as
"hop boas." r.--r --- .fx-
"Is that all 7 - queried the Judge.
"Aren't you something slss besides those
"Tea 1 1 am ; more." resumed the
fiend" excitedly; "I am .the ruler of
Bohemia, - the ambassador ' to Nineveh,
the -mayor of Babylon, city clerk I of
Sodom and tax collector at Pompeii. 1
crossed the Alps with Hssaiibal and wopt
with Alexander.'-1 led-Me barbarians
when they swept dowa upon Rome long
before "Hoch der Kaiser William knew
how to slo a stein- " -: -- . t
"Back up yet" . Interrupted Bailiff
Oolts. "Smog all you please, but sky
noddlnss about der Vadarland. - "
"I prepared a story for the local pa
pers on hoar they could free ths city pf
corruption, ' and offered them an inter
view on "who's who in Oregon City,?"
ho continued. ."The office boje told me
to return January 82. Then I will pub-
liah to the world things It nsvsr know.
t will show thoae who brought mo here
that they are baas conspirators."
"Choke him off, shut him up," welled
the court. "It's 810 or ft days for you.
Oivs your interviews to your friends on
th rock pile.". , : .lc. ...c:r L
'Plans for ths quadrennial convention
of the anti-cigarette leagues of the
world are being rapidly formulated and
general publicity of the event, which
win ha una of the marked occasions of
ew Year's day; andjthe Lewis snd Clark, centennial, is being
pushed -under the direction of the press
committee of the international league.
The local campaign1 in Oregon la also
being pushed with vigor and efforts are
being mads ' for the paaaage of,; more
adequate protective legislation. . It Is the
purpose of the state worf era to extend
was 4UST Making coat
JlHAVE4T-JnESSE0 lthsducaUgnaL-Work of ths, lceKUe-jolanlaf tan this . weak wllLprsaent-dlmt
the Interior towns.
T L j .- - proilQWingoniDe aucceeHiui. campaign
. Mniwi, anas vvooo. im DOiice I In.t nunii aiikl In Pnrtlsnil a remarkable
believe they have one of the cleverest interest in this question is. shown
sneak thisves that over .Operated In fhls throughout the northweat. and call a are
f. Ti' ""'asj' srrestsd : by "Detectives coming to headquarters for lectures upon
Hartman and Welner yestsrdsy, -, ' th. ,ubisct. Dr. Cullen Ewlnc Cllne
Wood had an overcoat' In his posse.
sloa.whlch he is sald'to-havs atolen from
the office of Dr. Mlller in the Dekum
building. He wore a star. 'which pur
porled to be that: of a detective In an
eantern aakoclatlon. lej . ,
He claims to be a solicitor for a clean
ing and pressing concern, snd took ths
coat, he said. u bars it renovated. He
Intended, returning it - While officers
were searching him" they endeavored to
find a pair of gloves which were known
to be in the pocket of the stolen eoat.
Ths prisoner dextroualy removed .the
sloven snd hid them, before the eves of
the searching of f leers. They were found
later: - : ; -i -c .
It la charged that Wood has stolen In
numerable' garments'- by. repreaentlns
hlmaelf to be a sotlcltor for a tailoring
the subject. : Dr. Cullen Swing Cllne
will give personal attention to the field
work of the league during the next few
months, and -will co-operate with Or
ganises titrable In 'campaigns In soms
of ths larger eltles. ,..;
Dr. Struble, the general uperlnteo-
dent, is In Salem . and will - thla week
carry on a campaign of organisation and
education' among the students of that
city. Ha has been granted full permis
sion to speak in the public schools by
Superintendent Trsvers, who Is, warmly
In sympathy with the league work.
Charles JTfoserr otto of the pupITs
of Hawthorne school, has been elected
stste field secretary, and will devlote
much of his time hereafter to the gen
eral work" of the league in Portland.- ,
Profeaaor Bergs Juvenile .claes
sntertalned by Miss Carrie Leo Chamber
lain at the Govs residence la Irrlnxton
last Friday evening. -
From "ths Cleveland Plain Dealer.-V
'What did hr father ear when you
fold him' you wanted-', to1 marry - hla
danghterf". -' -i ' ,-,
.."Hs kicked."-.;' , . - ,
"And then what did you Ssjf ,
fl asked him to kick my bat out, too."
sSf 1
Ladles Furs as low as..,. .... . , . .9S
ladles' Wrappers as low as.. .....49
Ladles' Underskirts as low ss. . . ..23e
Ladies' Oujtlng Gowns aa low ss. .494I
Ladles Dressing Barques' as Xow as 39 si
J ,LadleaWool Waists -aa low as., ;.T9e.
lWiea- corsets as low as. . . . .. . .23
r Ladlss' Fleece Underwear aa how as 18g
- Ladies' Hose as low ss, pair.',.,. - S4
Full slss Comforts as low as. ...954)
Full slss Cotton BIsnkets ss low as 29 ,
Full sis Xoublo BIsnkets as low as 59e)
10-8 Wool Doiibla Blan(sta aa iowr.i.v.-
- as k . . . v . . . , . . . . . 92,98.
10-4 Wool Mix Double Blankets as.n
."- lOW'aS ..ViTr;VV...-...i--.8J1.2R-.
Full slss Bedspreads as. low aa'.. .'.69 .
8 Inch Brown ualli aj low aa. yd, 5 .
' Good quality White Muslin as low
Good quality t-4 Sheeting as low.. .' .
as,jra.rd.,t. . . .j....'-i. . . . .2041
Bath and Hand Towels as low. ss,
; iSach '" , v. . V'.1. .B
Full Slss Pillows ss low ss.,ii ;.48e
KW yard Lace Curtains as low aa, ;
7- pair tT... T. ... .Tf w54l
Ruff Swiss Curtains .as .lowas.-.x.'...
palr,, , , ......: vv.4Ssy "
Men's Heavy Underwear as cheap '.--V
Men's Wool . Fleeeo Underwear '. as, " ; '
'VjChesp as ..,..f y.ii. t. .-,., B9
-Men's Random Undetwearnshesp-rT""
; kd.; . . . . .J v. . . . . ..' a . . aU$4
Men's Heavy Sweaters 1 as cheap as 4S4
Boys Heavy Sweaters as cheap as SSd)
.JMenjs Heavy Bocks as cheap ss,... ;
Men a Suspenders as (jheap-aa,., ,. 5s'
Men's Hats as -cheap-as. . .....if 5 .
...... 4: ;60A
Boys' Hats as cheap as
Boys' SuKs as cheap ss.'., . .
.Men'sCoUars ss oheapas
Men's ( Handkerchiefs as cheap as
Lltrht Wnd.DMk. Cali.00 as. cheap as, ' ;
p. yaru v.y.i ...-. ... , .. ;
Heavy Outing Flannel aa cneao as.
m -r- .. jt t t .jr t v v w -v. -tw w.j - j-w j,w T. T. ? .f SSPe
'Flanelettof ,'aa heap as,.V.......TH '
88 Inch Percale aa cheap as. ;V:8 l-3e '!
, Apron Gingham aa cneap as'. . . ;.S ;
School Plaids as cheap as........,' 9 .
1 Inch Wool Suitings aa cheap as. .19eV
J Inch Wool Sultlngaaa cheap as 394
II Inch. Cheviot , Shritlng aa cheap -
aa .' a '....;"- . . a a-.-, 4 .104
Comforter ,!Oaints as cheap as. 54
Hair Pinsks cheap aa, paper,". '.Wt
' ifimbroldery 811k' as, cheep aa, spool '!
, Pins .s'S theap. ai, paper :j y ,y.. ' 4
Tof)ot Pins, as cheap as,; box.,,.. 2 4?
Men's Tweed Suits as cheap as.fB.50 1 Sewing Thread aa cheep -as, 'spool - 24
Men's and Boys' Caps as chenpa..JOe J Children's Oloyes as cheap as, pr. 5
Hands . Resignation) Manage''
ment to Take Effect In
" . Three Weeks. ,
Miss Lou Ppwerand Frederick
EsmeftonHave Left for , "
the! East,
Miss Louisa Brandt, ths popular young
Ingenue of the Columbia theatre stock
company. - tendered- to Manager Ballard
last evening her notice of resignation, to
take place at the end of tne customary
three, weeks. Ths reason given is dls-
satisfsctton with the salary she Is re
ceiving, mingled with a desire to rest
for a few weeks. She will then begin
In earnest her rork on the -starring
project announced some time ago.
Miss Brsndt's Ability . was an un
known quantity whan shs was first en-
eased to Dlay In the Columbia company.
but from the f irst. her personal stock
has been on the up-grade, and sne nas
attracted much favorable attention.
Edgar Baume. the leading man, retires
at the conclusion of this week's bill.
Frederick Esmelton. late of the Colum
bia stock company and formerly a mem
ber Of the Baker stock, left Portland yes
terday for Chicago. On the sams train
went Mlssvlaou Power. -a well known
Portland girl. . whom Mr. Esmelton put
on the stage 'while directing the Mel
bourne MacDowell productions .at, the
Baker last fall. - j r -'
. That Portland has been overstocked
with 10-cent vaudeville has been forct.
My demonstrated within" the past 41
hours. Ths iayns ana tne bijou wiee-
tres hsvs determined to change policy
atooM comnanles in orlalnal farces." 1
business-to the Star. Grand. Baker and.
Arcade,' but it opens a new field of
amusement in this : city. The under
standing is that both houses have se
cured clever writers, who will throw to
gether new and up-to-date material each
week, the creations to bo preeenteoV'by L
sketch -people well known on the circuit,
while vaudeville acts of a simple nature,
such aa ths illustrated! songs and mov
ing picture machines, will be Introduced
between the acts of the farces.,- ,
There are two reasons for the change
In the policy of theae houaes. The f lrat
la the over-suppiy, and .ths second is
ths difficulty experienced In obtaining
new vaudeville acts on : the weetent
coast - '' ' ' ,. ; !
But ttr McClintock Hit Ruth
' ' Grayson, He LAighed at
' " : Her Mother. ;
-;: ; f JiVrv
A Little Witness' Assures Judge
Hogue That He Wasnt
,m . - - ,'
- : P00R 1. J
For ths rainy day It would be to have -your
money Invested tn securities that
you couldn't turn into cash quickly, or "
without loss to realise on them at once.
Put your money into a-good savings .
bank, where you can draw on It within , .
an hour, .and where It Is Invested safely
and pays you 4 per cent interest at ths '
name. ume.
Oregon Covings Donf
s -aV m mm
ejtUlklsag BsMaiS. 1T"' -
t, J, --. r 7-Hnr.eJ,'irjr
r 1 1
PAsTS3.sTrf I ism
Bear in Mind, v
When In need of gss and electrto chan
deliers that ths M-i J. Walsh. CO., 841
Washington street, have the largest snd
most up-to-date line weet of Chicago.
They also carry a beautiful selection
of glass were In the different tints and
etchings. They also make a specialty
of electric light wiring snd gss piping.
Phone them or see them. at their sales
rooms 841 Washington street.' corner
Seventk, - - - - , , .
When Fred MeCllntock slapped Ruth
Grayson aha called him a "nlean old
thing" . and cried. Ho ran homo, hid
himself behind a fence, so that ha could
see the girl's furious mother searching
for him, and. laughed as If it wre the
beet Joke he ever heard. .
Mrs Grayson found him, however; he
sprang from his hiding place and ahook
hla fist at her, ahe said. Hs laughed at
hsr, and ssid he would hit the daughter
whenever he pleased, and the woman
said she would havs him arrested. ' And
she did. .-. Then she told her story In mu
nicipal court yesterday. The trouble 00 I
-. a a ,l 1 ... I
vurnq in jilDini, ' t ..-v- ....
There were half a dosen freckled faced
youngsters at ths trial, each of whom
gave expert testimony on what makes a
girl cry. . Ons said his slstsr cried every
time he pointed his finger at her.
"Do you know what ah oath Is r asked
Judge Hogue, aa a diminutive. ,touseled
lad took, ths 1 stand, ."what. It means to
swear that you will tell the truth, and
what will happen to little boya if they
don't T"
Come off wid ye," retorted the young. I
star. wnatcner Biaain . me xeri - 1
wasn't horned ylstiddy." .
. The stories of the witnesses differed
marvellously In practically all details
From the abundance -of Juvenile testi
mony it - was finally disco tie red. that
ssvenhnnren had oeeTi ara rga into
po'lra court by the girl's mother aa the
result or a neighborhood quarrel. But
Freddy MeCllntock wss found guilty and
fined 810.. Former Municipal Judge &
M. Smith appeared tn bis behalf.-
, ', ' '''. ' i; - - - f
Charles r NebersalL who has :
known to Portland people aa ths blind
cigar dealer; has secured ths right to In
stall a tobacco and candy stand In the
hallway of ths court house. " Nebergall
Is now receiving tit a month from the
county,' and waa desirous of obviating
ths acceptance of charity, hence his offer
to the commissioners. 1 Consent- was
given, and County Judge Webster-will
arrange with hlmo establish his new
business.... il... ,
Nebergall Was formerly .-employed In
the-Hotel .Pendleton, la Pendleton., as 4
bartender. He lost hla sight by the ex
plosion of a -bottle. One. eye - was de
stroyed, and the .other waa lost by sym
pathetic affection.. Nebergall formerly
conducted a cigar atore on Fifth street,
between Alder snd Wsshington streets,
but recently found it. necessary to apply
for county aid. He In a graduate of the
state school for ths Mind.' , . .. . . ;
1 . . 4 J.:-, . -, :''.::. ''. - -
r'nfuiiiini if mnu
la, '
assaaksa sal t e
i it j -j - 4v -"."m-v.. -it- t',
I-.'- t-.t., J ' -7 "V-V-' y -" -naf.-W '-' a. . - - - -' "'
We believe f
v ,ia the BEST"
1 1
..'i' I
Coiigh and
i -Cold Cure
V v' . ' '." '
MADE It won't
, replace yciur physician
' but .it ,
Will Give .
..Relief at Once
-1 - -