r"" r-r r , t-vv--- a v --- --v " rT"" V 4--r-- T T V-j- : 1 - OBT of th clubs, societies ind organisations of vaiidua aorta hav devoted th past iwt to viewing their labors ana a at 1 tln In .Una for naw work. Pteus sr being laid lor renewed effort in social. '. literary and charitable linea. in variably tha flrat meeting of the new - "year-is full of renewed vigor., enlarged ; hope and freshened! enthusiasm; there Ma always better program than usual, . . mora1 appyeulatlv audlenoea .. and a . larger attendance. It la all in tha line with New Year resolutions. How long 4 It will last depanda upon to staying ' power of tha individual a. -. Tha snow the past few daya pas ', .been the occasion of much merry-mak-1 . .Ing among the "grown-ups" aa well aa '.' their rounder brothers and aletere. Coasting ' parties : followed" .. by ayatar - .suppers -hav -been la vogue and were no thoroughly enjoyed that if thla ware not .Oregon they might dlsplse dances -and -card part lea entirely. Tha few 'who owned sleighs were never ' more ... popular, even though, eome onlooksrs . , atood in green-eyedyenvy and failed to " aea any pleasure in euch thln snowed. ' . bumpy sleighing." The alaigh rider si ' .': way a. had to pay for their lofty poeltlea by becoming the target for the eoaatera . saewbslls. . -.'...' ' . . ' v- - . T The oold weather, far frftm discour aging Le society matrons, seems to Im part nesvlife.- and entertaining remains at It height. The dance .given by Mr. and Mrs. Burns. - Thursday night, and Mrs., Hopkins' afternoon led the octal vent of tha week,--- -r-r: Interest ' la keen among gblfers eon earning tha second qualifying round for the Miss- Flanders'.' cup nest Thursday: Invitations are. out, for a, number of Important social 'functions thla week, Tba wedding of Miss Laura Jordan nest week Is-of general Interest. Miss Olbba' wedding last week. attracted attention. , EVENTS OF THE YVEEK.1 -A brilliant picture of tight and beauty 1 was displayed at the homo of Mr: . and Mr. H. W. Wilson. 7 Hoyt street, Thursday evening, when Mr. and Mrs. r--W. J. Burns gave a danc for their two . daughters. It was one of lh brightest - affair of th city, calling out fash- lonabl and beautifully gowned throng, who enjoyed the evening to the utmost j.'; Josm guests ware received by Mn and Mr. Burna in tbajwepUon room, . , where handsome vases of white oama - tlons gavei a pretty effect.- under -tha aoft llghU. Mrs. Burns., who - is the .daughter of Mr. and- Mrs. "Wilson., was r gowned In spangled black Laos over tafy . fats. . Tha- two-young hostesses' wera barmlng. Mlaa Burna In t Aimhomi gown of white satin sod Miss Kathleen In 'dainty fljrured chiffon, and carrying ; pink roses. There wars pink roses' In, - the drawing ' room and pink carnations ' r In tha library; - Oregon grape lb all the cS" rooms gave tha , heavier ' deooratlona. rParsons'- orohsstrti played t latent - - danoa . music to- 'tempting style. - Re w. freshm'ents ''wars., served In the dining room lata In tbaevenTng -and, frucl was aiwaya at tha disposal of tba guests. A. .""AnoUier- of tha novefeard parties, for which tha Oregon Graps Whist- club , . is known. took place - Thursday after noon at the home of Mrs. Frank Mr '. gan, il4 Bast Twanty-llrst strotC . The - whiat score markers carried out the - color 'Of the pink' afternoon unlovely -wiUr plnlbt, atreet car transfers, data -- marks and time nurrk receiving punch as with shocking Indiacrlmlnatlom Mrs. T. W. Marshall, received ther moat, holes v and won first prisa. . Miss M. B. Zellet , won second prise and Mrs. N. O. MaUilot ' i: isa -consoiatwM. -i no uimng Toont was , dainty with pink decorations and Ore- lZMn grape, j- A oat glass vase -of pink carnationa on(a linen pleos embroidered . . with the asm e flower made a' poetty -. table decoration. Table service and re frashmenta sustained tha color scheme. '.The place cards presented tha prevail . tng Idea in the entertainment given by , each, woman to the club this season, ln ' eluding a violet card. a chrysanthemum . '' . card, a Chinese card, a Xratch card and various other. Mrs. It. Wise will re- eelve the club next time jtt her horns on Market i(rt ., ; ' ; - A very delightful event of Friday ave . , ring. January I, was ths-rs-snlon ' of . the Neighborhood Whlat club, held at , the residence of Mr. and Mrs.- EMward - - R. Root. l JSaat Eleventh street.' North. The . nous was beautifully decorated with evergreens arranged IS- exquisite taate. Prises at cards were won by --Mr. and Mrs. EL H. Carleton and Mr. 4 and Mrs. A. H. Averlll. Dainty rafrah ments wera served In th dining room. ; ' The.- table . was pretty . with r rod ; csrna- - "llons and red shaded candles, la -cut . ' glass -holders. Those present were Dr. end Mrs. E. B. Cable. Mr. and Mrs. A. . H. Averlll. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Carlton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Malarkey, Mr. , and Mrs. J. C. Olds,, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- - ward B, Root. Mr. and Mrs.- Charles . Rlchton, Mr.' end Mrs. Jt EVWerleln and - , .Miss Edna. Church - The - next meeting will be with Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Beach. , 1 East Ankeny street, on Saturday. . , . The regular monthly meeting of th '.-John Ivey Water-color -club was held " at th residence of Mrs. O. W. Noth r7rngier Baturdsy.. January T.T.Belnr the annual election there was s large at tendance and great. Interest' was man!- fested. The resul t was i ss follows: President, 4 . Mrs. A. M. WiUstt; nrat vic-prealdent. Arthur Jf. DVore, Organist and Di ; rector. Who Hat Recently Coma to ; Portland.' '. . . . . I. i n V ' X.:-' -, . " . s , '" ,v"' 7" Mr. and Mrs. Gay Halferty, Who preeldent.MrSi'E a'.Brtbakerr.record Ing secretary, Mr. Nothnegl '-(re elected); eorreepOBdlng -secretary,- Mia Fltsslmmons; -r-treesnrer, ' Mrs.. A.. H. Averlll: euatoulan. Miss a." trickier: as sistant custodian, Mrs. T. M- Melnard. , . . A rising vote of tbanka waa given -to th retiring offlcers. after-wnictmiang war discussed for the coming year, all pledging themselves to renewed effort to make it on of great progree. An Invitation from Mias M.' Meussdorffer for th jiaxt meeting waa accepted. , - ....... .1 - -tr ..'-; .- ' Mrs. Ralph' Trager gavs charming luncheon at the . Portland '. grill 'last Wednesday.- Covers were laid fo nine; Th table deooratlona of delicate Brides maid roses and dainty green traceries sf fern -were beautiful. - The .guest" of honor i was Mrs. Reba Ueyman of Ta coraa. The other guests wryMrs. Ed ward Khrman, Mr. Mx - Fleiaehnar, Mrs. . Fred .RothchUd. Mrs. Ban Neu- atadter. : Miss Florence Koshland.' Mias Oertrude white and Mtss Ray sPrger ... V . v : i T. J -i. Last ' evening Dr. and Mrs. -Man Welch-Smith entertained g. few-friend at.' dinner. Th color : plan was -pink; roses and pink candles in 'Silver cande labra war th decorations. - Those at table wr Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bennett, Dr. and Mrs. F. Burgette Short. Rev. Ralph Olllara. Dr. Elwin Houae, Dr. and Mrs. Alan Welch-Smith. ,-- . ; ' - -' w w Mrs. P. K. 'Brigbsun gav another o bar series of card parties last . WrdneaU day at ner noma, 71 Norm Eighteenth street.- There were eight, table of whiat.-th score card presenting prints or ramoua men. The first oris waa se cured by Mrs. Schuyler, the second by Mrs. Cardwell. third by-Mrs. Plttock and th consolation by Mrs. Lewis. The hostess was assisted In entertaining by Mrs. Lytle. Dainty refreshments war served at the card tables. . - - Mrs. Felix Frledlander entertained delightruliy at cards, laat Saturday af ternoon at ber homo, zOt . Thirteenth street. Beautiful chrysanthemums - and roses war seen In th different rooms. There were lx tablea.of tOO and hand some prises were awarded to Mrs. Fred Beller and Miss , Oertrude Whlte.: Art elaborate- menu wa served at th card tables.-' .r'.',T7"rT'.'.ir:i':u.: The New Tear's party of the Portasla club at Parsons' hall last-Wednesday evening was very successful, about, IIS couples being present. . Complimentary to ths Japanese victory and suggestive of tha wave of feeling. at the new. year tide the programa.wer printed entirely in Japanese, with the parenthetical, re mark below tha. head lines: "When read through a amoked glass means Portasla club. Parsons' hall, January 11. itos." Punch . was , aerved downstairs. - Th next danc will be the valentine party, February, t, ;, . .. ; v .i '. , . ., . .. w ' Th Browning Ireaditigiby Mis J"or. yth of SO lldeili Hall, lately of New York city, given at th home of Judge Williams Wednesday afternoon under ths auspices of Trinity guild, was large ly attended., Th readings were cleverly rendered and th audience was delighted. A short social session followed.. . i. Portland lodge. No. HOI, Modern For esters, received IS applications and Ini tiated a claaa of It at th regular meet ing Monday, evening. . Three - vacancies among ,th - trustees were- filled. The substitutes . were , Installed and entered upon their duties at once. ' They were Mrs. B. E. Van Alstlae. for three' years; James 'McKlnley. fer-two years, and U Belom ror one year, p r- ; - t-a w w-' Ths Kensington club had a delight ful social meeting Thursday afternoon at th home of Mrs. Aldea, 117 North Twcntyeeond street. . gome plana were mads for th year, and It was decided to give more time to -social -work. ' Re freshments were served by th hostess. w ' ' ... Friends surprised P. Grant Veldln last! Sunday evening on hla Jeth - birthday. Th hour war spent wry pleasantly with social chat and refrashsneata wars served la taw dUaiat rooas, Th flgares Wr Married Durinftht Wek.- - i il-J-f05'; war ' placed ln,,VJ SmU circle , about ths hoot's - plate, V at the bead of the table. ThoM present wire Mr. and Mrs. William Law son, Mr. and Mrs. Georg Burk. Mr. And Mrs. Gsorg Forqubar, Mr. and. Mra; C W. Baldln. Mr. and Mrs.' F. Grant Baldln and little wClBrk,-X F,-CJkin and - UoydJ tAwson. , . One of th delightful informal event of th week was - ths meeting' of -the Girls Cinch club of laat year Tuaaday afternoon when they ' war entertained by Mra. Louis Gerllngsr of Th Dallas and Miss 'Maud Hahn. at the latter' home, -14 - North Twenty-fourth street. Th afternoon was , a. pink one. ' the color being . sustained . ial deooratidna. score cards ' and th , .luncheon: Five hundred- was played and prises wer swarded Miss Lillian Caratene,, and M.las Delta, wataon. ; . - - . - - .. .i-i-r-.-r--...ii'.- Ta Monday HUtory club held th first meeting sftsr th holiday at th home of Mrs. Frank 8. Grant, t74 Eaat Salmon ' street. ' This V "Oregon" year for -ths club.: Mrs. C. O. Tipton gavs a short talk on "Coos and Curry Coun ties" .Mrs.- Lane read a carefully -prepared paper on "Newport by .the Sea." Mrs. Amedee, Smith, In a deorlptlv p per took th club from Toklo to Kyota. Japan.' All th meqabera an) on visitor wcrs pressnt. .. i . '. ... .. . ";- '" -.it it '. ' ' '.- ' .' Th' TIHlcum- club was "entertained last week by Mr. and Mrs, B. L. Lucas, at 10 East Fourteenth treet. North. Th program Included paper by Mr. C W. Pallett and Mr. John Scott on Ttte'l States General,'' and 4 reading Journey through Belgium and Holland byPAf. R. R. Steel.. Refreshments wer served during th social hour following. Tba next meeting will be with Mr. and Mrs. G W. Pallett, fA (51, East Aider .' H- '. '" w ;" - ; -, VA' very pleasant surprisd party was given to Mlaa Duella Segur by aom of her many friend, on Monday evening, at her residence, l v.Mallory- avenue. Games war played and dancing enjoyed until a late hour, after which light re freshments wer served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Shae, Mlases DuelU Segur, May Stlmson, Lena and . Nina Wentwortn, Nellie and Margaret Mann, Valley and Eather Collins. Lsvigns Mad den, Genette Has sard and Mabel Oulov on, and H. Hlngley, C. Haines, J. Haas, H. H. Keck. Georg F. Keck; F. Buck, Mr. Abandroth, H? Hsgedorn, Mr. Lan and Mr. Krumbeln. , ' ' '''..':: ' .' " . V . .,'.- P . '. One of th aocisl event at ..Oregon City was 'a danc . Thursday evening, given by. tb Com us club. with L. H. Druby as - host. About 14ft dancers at tended. ' Ths new thr-tp danc fig ured prominently on th program, "Roa- dale" being the favorite melody. - Ever est's orchestra played., and eipecially popular wer tha wgltgWy Lady of bls"and Bn Roaa," , '. " . -. it w. . - -'" ' - A pleasant eurpris party was g1vn to Louis Luecke) at th residence of his sunt, . Mrs. F. t. Schuldt, 8) Kearney street. January a. In honor of his 17th blrthdsy. . Th evening was delightfully spent in playing games, a guessing contest giving much amusement Th prises were awarded-to Miss Ma Rogers and Mlaa Ellen Johnson, after which dainty rttreshments wer served. Those present wer: Mr. sna Mrs. w. Sohsldt, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Wlnfleld, Mr. and Mra. I. R. Crlgar, Mrs. W. J. Rogers, the Misses Ms Roger, Llsxl Cone. Edna Worton. Lilly Swanson. Lulu Swanann.'Ada Kampe. Julia Crlger, Orac wmtUxeT. Ellen Johhotr.Ciaralcka. Grac avinfleld. Dora Crlger. ' Stella Daniel, - Heltn"- Crlger, - and Loul Lusck. Adam Clark, Will Ackelaon. Arthur Johnson,' Glen , Magwne. -Harry Johnson, Elmer Krus. Fay Crlger, El mer x-Worten, . John Bollok, William Schuldt. ;: . ' . . , '....'' ' -ww ' ". ; ' Th Ladle Aid society sf first Prekbyterian. church gav 'Its - monthly ts Wednesday aftarnooa at th horn of Mrs. J. E. Cameron, tit Ftrartnth tiwsc . A- differeeit f-smrsltt gtva ths tea each mhnth and thla time it was th turn of the cutting committee, Mrs. Beach received th guests in - the ball. Th rooms were decorated with Ivy, ferns tuft cut flower. . Mrs. W. H. Fear presided at the candy table and kiss a race Bennett served fruit punch. In the dining-room Mr. James Wilson and Mrs. Reed - presided. . Excellent program numbers wr given through tha afternoon.. Miss Names, Miss Brad ley and Mlaa PUc gav readings. Miss Gilbert, Mr. Miller and Mlaa ProUmaa sang, and Mr. Jeffrey. Miss Hagner, Mra. Slmontoa and Mla Canteroa gav plans number. . . ... w '. :" ' I". Tba annual bualneas meeting and par iah tea of the First' Unitarian church, Tuesday evening, waa largely attended by friends as well ss member. Th social hour, waa much enjoyed, promi nent women of the church acting a boat eases. In th supper-room Mr. Alls, Tyler and Mrs. H. 8. Oil poured coffee, and Mrs. Chsrles Know lea and Mr. J. D. Hart served tc -cream and wafers. .,.'.'. . . i ; ' Tha danc glva Veday' evening at Parsons hall by the Cathedral Ladies' Aid society waa vary well attended and was a thoroughly enjoyable affair. It waa' given for the benefit of tha Old Folks' home and a large sum was netted. The society officers ' received at the door Mrs. D. W. Burke, Mrs. J. R. Wy- lie, Mrs. John Hallimaa and Miss Mc Kay, and the members acted as floor hostesses '.About ISO people wer pres ent. ,'. - . . "-.' .vT. Royal circle. I: t. . of W gavs It regular monthly whlst party In the hail In th Arlington building, Thursday eve ning. The frrst prls for ladle, a beau, tlful sofa pillow, was won by Miss E. Roberts; th second, m decorated vase, by Mrs. F. F Baumgartnsr. Th first prise for men fell to Melvla Touasr, th second to J. E. Klly. At th. con clusion of th gam rf reshments wr served by th committee, .4 ;- . -. v-- 1f " - ' r The Fraternity, club gav another f its delightful dance laat nlgkt at Parr sons' balV ; . . BEDDINGS. Mr. Alaxsnder Muir and Miss KaU A. Olbba , wer married by th ' Rev. Dr. C C . Strattaa on Wednesday awning st th borne of the bride mother, Mrs. M. W. Glbbv Stt Taylor streeU Th brld I ths youngest daughter of th lata ex -Governor A. C Glbbs, sad 'ths date was the golden anniversary of his marriage to her mother.- - ; . ! Th ceremony-was performed In to bay window of ths back parlor, where ths . curtain, . wer draped -with amilax, true lover's! knot forming th central piece. During th " ceremony Cart Bohm's. "Calm aa ths Night" was softly played OH the! violin-by -Miss Cordelia Barker, accompanied, by Ralpl W. Hoyt.- Congratulations - war ' ex pressed by, relatives and ' friends' and th meeting' of many 'old-time aequaln-tanoas- .was a featur of the funotlon. Which wi delightfully Informal- -. Tha bride gowned In white silk with long--roll waa escorted by Tieif" 'brother, Charles. W. Olbba. of. Wallace. Idaho. and aocompanin, or hr sirteiv Mrs, P L' Packard, whw wor cream and pink net over cream sllla Tha groom waa ' accompanied by p. I. Packard. The hous-wss beautifully decorated' with long garland of . evergreens and big bunches of Oregon grape. -The dlnfhg room was in dainty pink, the evergreens using t used tnere ateo. Th - brlde'i mother was assisted tit receiving by Mrs. Charles W. Glbbs of Wallace. Idaho, Mias Kate Cusio and Mrs. J. ft Meek also Mrs. Georg A: Cooper, Miss Ann Farrell. Miss Anns7 Samuel, Mrs. I. Foga snd Miss Charlotte -Reed. 1 Punch wss served during the evening by Miss Sam uel land Miss Flnley-. In th -dining room Mrs-Amede M. Smith graciously presided, assisted by Mrs. Ralph Davis, Mias Taylor. Mlaa Fay and Miss Lewis. Mr. snd Mrs. Muir will be at horns aft March 1 at ML Tabor. ;., - f ' .- -. av J-Tf --r-r The marriage of Miss Grac Shaw to Guy Haiferty of Aberdeen. Wash., was solemnised Wednesday at tha horns, ofl ths bride aunt. Mrs. M. Wilson, 421 Third" street; Th bride 1 a singer ef soms promt nenc, th dsughter of W. A Shaw and th nleca of Mrs, Albert C. Sheldon, th popular soprano) how study. Ing In Paris. .. . The bride erftered on th arm, of her father' and stood with the groom under a Urge whit wedding bell of roses. Pev. John C. Hugh of. St Lawrence church read the1 ceremony, Th bride waa beautifully gowned In 1 whits satin elaborately trimmed with handsoms I act and pearl passementerie. - Sh carried s shower bouquet of Bride roses and lilies of th valley. , Her only ornament waa a sunburst of diamonds and pearls, a gift of Iter father. - Miss Mss Shsw, her only sister,' wss ths ons attendant and looked winom In. a gown of nils green silk, carrying a ahower of violet and ferns. Arthur J- ImhoK was th groom's attendant. .. ,t . - ' . ' Dainty refreshments- wer served In th dining room by th girl friend of th bride. Congratulatory' telegrams from -British Columbia- snd-Washington ana a cablegram from Paris wer read After a visit to Biitlah Columbia and th sound Mr. and Mrs. Haiferty .will b at hem in Aberdeen. Wash. ' r ' it it ' ' Miss Lela Alexander and R. H. Cat wer -married In Corvallis Isst Wednes day.1 Rev. T, T. Vincent performing th ceremony - in . th preaenc 'Of - a f ' friend. Mr. and Mrs. Cat ar at horn in Portland., - - '.-'.". rr : - - '. '- ' ,,;-': -Miss ,Jeaephln Msttson and H. W. Jones were married laat Sunday at tha noma or Mrs. m. A. paulua. It Taylor street. The ceremony was read by Dr. J. Whftcomb Brougher In th presenc 'w-'ry few frlemla .Mr. -and Mrs. Jones wlll reald In PortUnd, . Ww s Miss I Jennie Peterson and CharJIea H. Moeller, both of Portland, wer marrWd at St. Johns 1 hotel last -Thursday by Re. E. I House, D. D. ": Miss Dorothy Keeney of Portland wss married to J. H. Charles of San Francisco- at the Christian church In Eugene last Saturday-evening, -Rev. J.- 81 Mo Callunv? officiating. - Mr,' and MTC Charlea win mak their home in Cali fornia. 1.; '-1 r - v.- . . . "- ' -. .." Ons of ths pretty, quiet weddings of the . week. wa. that of- Ml -B-rtU Ja b ana Loul Fi led wlihh toorflrr-thi tn-rtanc sh. appeSTed id Ophellal pise at th horns of th brlde'e unde, N. Wagner, St4 Thurraaa street. Wd V' "VST H. B. LTTT k v r Fourth and Waahinfton Strcaia. 1 W hav greatly reduced th price f vry garment, sad hav special line f sacriflos value for ih Janaary pur chaser. - Our advertised fls.1 ladles and ilssss rolls hare distlw ttiaiiasa snd originality that cajHlval whsnsver Mm. Melba, Who ill Appear in Concert at Armory Hall Monday Erea ' ' Ing. January 30. ' , .y''X1 day evening. Dr, Btephen 8. WIe per formed the ceremony. Th decorathma In- ths "rooms were simple, . combining Oregon grape prettily with ' whit rib bon and roses... Ths bridal party, unat tended, stood beneath festooned garlands Of green In tho hay window. The bride waa pretty., In a simple traveling. u It .df brown.- Light - refreshments , er JorvfttU. .J,.:: 1Wtng Wft, WtJde with a few wfil-ci)oen words and Im mediately after Mr. and Mra.: Fried toft for- a- trip-through. lfornl, Xby will b a horns In Portland 1ft. about thr weeks.' . ... '. - - Ths horn of Mrs. B. E Hoyt. I Eat Ash street was th scons of a pretty Home wedding-on Thursday avenlng. the occa sion being th marriage of her daughter Myrt)Lto JWUs M. .Law rnceTh bouse waa beautifully decorated, th color schema being green , and white. Mis Fleets Msgers' presided -at - th piano, and to tho ,' stralnr iof . Men delssohn's wedding march th .bridal party entered tb front parlor and took their position- beneath a canopy of trail ing Ivy and Or son grac. intermingled with whit flowers. - The- ring ceremony wss read by Rev. Mr. Hepp of Centen ary Mathodlat church.' and Immediately after Jeta Dunbar sang "Oh. Promlss Me. ""Ths brld carried a bouquet of bride's roses tied with whits tulle, and wore whits rolls, Mr. and Mr. Law rence ar at' home at Twenty-fourth and Weldlpr streets, ... -' -r... . 4V m i: . MUSICAL NOTES. ' Madam Melba- was Helen Porter Mitchell.- daughter of Davtd Mitchell, a successful Victorian contractor and squatter. - who hailed from Forfarshire, Bh Is consequently a Scotch Australian. Sh was bom In 1841 at Burnley, on th Ysrra brass -close to -ths Qity of Mel bourne, but she waa reared In th bush, oa a station than owned by bar fsther, named KUlara, near Warburton, which la one of th most plcturasqu spots la Gippsland. .... , v. Miss Mitchell cam of a musical fam ily. v Her father had a rich, baas vole; her mother, Isabel A, Dow. 'wss an ac complished musician,, and her tw sis ters had On voice. Her flrat lessons In muslo wer the lullabies . of her mother. It wss her mother, too, who was- her rst Instructor on ,th plsno. Speaklntr -r: rvcantly on thla aubject. Madam Melba ssid: . . - - , "It 'seem that I waa fond of music when i a mere baby. I learned to play th piano by ear, after listening to my motlter, and later on I took a course on the organ, snd alo In harmony and composition. Those lessons have stno been of Immense value to me. I think it waa first discovered thst I possessed a voice a real voice when ' I . was It years' old.- After a few- lesions.: with Msdam Lucy Chambers, th Australian Marches!, I went to Paris, 'and there tudld under Marohael, to whom X owl a nig oeot r graiuuae. - . I In 114 Madam Melba went to Lon don, and ' made one or two --essays st nell says, - "no very marked .success." Shs ; wss not, however, discouraged, even though her parent were per lat ently opposed to her entering on a musical oa rear, but-commenced a eourss of training under th great Parisian teacher, Madame Marcheal. i who - con sidered her voles so good that sh pre dicted is stags success for her within II months. This promise, say Men. nell. wss more than fulfilled. Twelve months sftsr her first lesson Madame Melba appeared. vs Ollda, In Tllgolet- to." at ths Bruassls opera. Later she was engaged for th grand opera .at Paris and appeared ther with M. tjm sails., thai famous baritone. In "Hamlet." and waa very warmly praised by tb pre.. While studying with Madam Marchl h learned tha lesdlng roles of ten operas In ten months, which her teacher said waa an unprecedented record, - Under Plaque sh studied op eratic deportment, and Increased In art and fame. , , . Th Willamette Valley Choral union. which ooaduots a targe musical festlvil ev-ary year la May In me t t v " towns, win meet la PortiaaJ t ) j it ih n n i belng mad fdr It On account of th fair. Th representatlv choruses from sach city will probably bo much larger than heretofore Requests -hav . been sent but t the' towns included fn th choral union asking that each on send about 71 or 100 local . singers. Th manage ment hopes to get a:- chorus of about 1,000 voices snd it will probably, -b th opening dy. BIdes this it will hav ita usuaLJtsat .day or a week of J festival work, presenting om bf'Th greatest oratorioJ Th' leader of ths Eugsn force Is Prof. Irving M. Olen. director of th University of Orgon School of Music; of ths, Albany forces Is Pres. W. H. Lee of Albany ooller: of Oorvalll. Prof. Wallls Nh. a regent of .the .Oregon ' AgricttlturaX'.Collegeii'oX. ; MONDAY- MORNIJTO, irinouhcefhen , L S i i i ii ii ' a a F . At 10 o'clock,- Lobby Msrquam Crrand Theatre,' : ' r t ths Advance Sale of Seats Will Open fc f 7 , '; iD U - : THE WORLD'S GREATEST SOPRANO CONCEI Monday Evening, Januar0rl905 ::-:JSU.Kt- 8:30 '.O'CLOCK.:-'. -S.:-.-,:. ' rUADKUK MELBA Will Be Assisted by'y'- ELLISON VAN HOOSK.-Ttner V 8IONORINA SASSOLL Harpist M. Ch. QILIBERT, Baritoo CMAHLBS K. NORTH Flutist ' f ". -hraa DAVISS, Pianbt PBirrt; i Balcony $4, $3, $2 t Lower noor-$4, $3. $2 K. B. -The balldlos will be theraaftly wwsm. i. 'U ------ DIRECTION ' -- - - . , . . . . - . . . i . . . '', ' :-'Z, ' bWECflON LOIS STESRS 'Z': - a '. .it .-. y., -y- FIRST BAPTIST! CHURCH , :T"'-'rT"Tw'u,la snd Taylor &Jr1a . '. . , - ": ' ".' Wednesday Evcnrr-, ; S)em, Prof. Fraaceaeo Sealer, dean th musical department -of WlUarr antveraity. The data of tho festival w b later thla year because of the flr. It has slways been th leading muttcel vent f th state and this year it w' 1 h-on a much larger scalar Prof W. 1 1. Boxer. leader of . tb Portland choru j, will probabfy "b asked to. direct, a compliment customary given th ' t -rector of th entertaining rho-Aie. Th union waa started with th organlua tkm ander tb leadership of Mr. and Mra. Raymond C. Brooks of th Or, torio woclety of Eugene la lt7. Two years later Albany. Corvallis and . lem assisted " In th festival, and. tha Willamette Valley Choral union was-formed.- In 10S. whaa they met sgatn la Eugsn. th Boxer chorus of Port land -waa -admitted.- Tha organisation has during this- tlms given many of th leading oratorio. Including Handel's -Messiah." ' Hadyn's 'Creatine.." Men-,' delssoha'S St Paul" and "Elljah.7. Ro atnl e "Stabat Mater" . and Gounod's "Redemptlos, 1 ; One of the recent acquisition to mu aical Portland, who give brilliant prom ts, to Arthur N. D Vore, organist st ' Taylor, street Methodist church, II Cam to Portland early In the winter from, Indiana po!ita. wher he had been rganlst In -the large Meridian street. Methodist church, famous aa the ene President Harrison snd Vica-Preeldent, Fairbanka attended. At Christmas time, when the Taylor street church wax hav- . ing difficulty with a large mired ehorjua, th authorities hearing noma Of bis work, salted - f or- hfs -assisianc and -ht a "ahort'tlm h" had' th'-rMru' undr -v -nerf ecjueontrol. .1HI work waa ao sat-.: . Isfaotory that they engaged him aa reg ular organist- He la . now training a ohlldren chotr of some Tt vokwa, de voting pert of th tlma tov singing and", part , sight readings HI work, with. ... theos children shows a ; thorough com- 4 prehension .of hi Held and their re- markabls progress leads to ths - belief that hs will soo rum out s chorus any on would w lab to hear. Th saaterial -la raw and very few. know anything . about reading music,- so It ts not a smsll undertaking, if- . T " r. - Mr.- D Vore towspeclally good as an " accompanist, being both keen and sym pathetic. He ha don a great deal of, ' , work- with Mrs. Roa Bloch-Bauer and WlUlam Wallace Graham. For the" lat ter, h will Jb acoaenpanlat at th violin recital soon to be given. Mr. D Vor t ' I a composer sad arranger of music : -of no llttl merit. He -has written a . ' number-of -composition -entirely his own, but he Is especially foad of snak ing new arrangement of old music, a ' number of which hav been recognised, by ;the best publishers. . Mr. De Vor1 reoalved his early training from his mother, herself a pianist and 'teacher of recognised ability. He began th serloua study of aiusto- tn Pennsylvania at ths . BucknSll Unlveralty Conservatory - f Music HI work was. later continued nnder'sueh -teachers as Jallet - Aiken, ptanlate of New Tork. th Ute FJyee Avlrsgnet, Mu. D, of Psrls oonserva tory, in piano, orchestration and orches tral instruments, conducting- eompoel tlon and alTangenMnt; Charles Hansen, th Ibrat)ed blind orgatklat, and Max :: Leckner, for,,, many year president or., . . UOSU.; - -: n It j - TBaker'Ctty will, miss" tha hospitality of Mrs. "Etta Krebs for aom tlm. sh. having closl her horn th past w - (Continued on Pag Eighteen.) " Prof." Beggs ' children's das vry Saturday. Audlfbrium halL JANUARY 23, 1905 iD -'A Out-of-town orders must be ao--com pan led by aoy erdar and an drssa stsaaped savloo. 8end orders. to Calvin Heliig, Marquasa' Orand Theatre. v -.-. LOIS 1 r 1 r.r