The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 15, 1905, Image 12

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Tiis oncoN Sunday jouhal, rbTL akd, SUNDAY izz7Zz::o, ja:."Uai.v , i:.
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ATHER erly to bsgin onSpring Sdlcs' isnt it? - Of ourscwe tt
hiirni Springtime alongN
ahcad'of thetscason:;
! ; V Floor Cbyeringi5j
:Hif(night jWe'want ypu
aire going to offer them to yoii; at "Clearance Sale" prices.
Three exuioads of te designs; ; Just study the: prices
mm mm
r TIm'mw Zncraina ara Try attractlv, n fact taa .
bakt low prtcad Carpata wa'ra arar ahown. Tha fab-.; :.
: rlo la , extra haary and tha eolora ara dear an ;
bright. Tba bat affect for the least money. Floral., !
; Oriental and '"All-overt dealcne ' la tana reda. browna,
.-(raena and blue.. - .. ri'4r:."vC,',,'.r' ..,..,.
Regular Price 60c, SPEfclAL 54f:' U '
all-wool ectra pers?
,. . . . ,. t
.Hare'i a treat Carpet for the monyr ENrry bit
wool wlth a good, atrons weara that will, wear Ilka .-" m
'- Iron. Eapeolally aultable for hall and bedrooms, Flor i
aU OrlenUl and , "All -oyer" patterns In red a. tans, ! .
. Diaee ana orowna.-- vl:--7-. .. -- -r
Regular Price . 80 SPECIAL - 81 '-,
. i -
"A' rery neary Carpet mada with special weare that V"
' Sea a kudHHM Sraeaela affect. ' Oriental, Floral,.; ..
Scroll'. and Flemlih delna ln reda.. tana, r. bluea, -
areena and browns, ,.. -s. -.v
a. Regular Price $L15, SPECIAL 1.04-;
1 !'
Ererybody knows what a aatlsfactory Carpet t hie
Is when It's sood. - Ours aatlafy . becaoee they're 'the
beattfmada. "Waya some ' very handaome new patterns
In Floral, Oriental and Scroll deeigna, Also some ex-. .:,
tremely neat "All-orer" patterns In .. amall flinres. i ,
Bandeome color combinations In reds, creene and tana.'
7 Regular. Pric 85c,t SPECIAL 77
Keeuiar race i.w. sfJH.i,aAJU wr
- Regular Price $1.15,; SPECIAL ?1.04
.J- ,J , ,T
-. -4 .- .'
- Beautlf ol new . effecte In - two-toned browns, green '
. and taa, OrlenUl patterns; lattice affects in ' sraen, :
'V 'red and tan. Delft bine, two-toned greena; beautiful
" Bokhara design lared and brown. . , ; '
: Regular Price $1 23, SPECIAL 91.13
farm 1547. M
-: ' -' - -
H Cter lntti.aWt& Car JfCldJItf HT)atenJ&. l;19ttWBlts 'I tTV. Pre
ii . sar ex. ar r i
7 g'pJ
7i . - - -. 8CUFTI01I OF ABTlOXgr ' ' v. . . : WKOHT. BAlW AXOUITT.'
11 1 " 11 . 1 1 1 -r ' ;u i 1-
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j ;::" VY.' y.: y ; y--' ; . -r .-T-sY-t r:- , ,'. y -;y.,;i
; . " Above ia a reproduction of the. bill for freight charge on the first car, of new Carpets we.
received this year. Two more cars have come since then. We reproduce this "expense bill"
. Y.-jusff to show you this is a bona fide new goods sale and not a clearance of xdds and ends that
' 'have accumulated. during the past season," Every piece of goods we offer it ithese attractive
'rfrcr7 prices is fresh from the factory, bright, clean and. full of ilife.t It's a great opportunity we're
; offering you 4he choice of a newj bright stock of absolutely novel and attractive designs at
;-trv"' the ordinary "Clearance Sale" prices, we're not having any "clearance sale." - We havent any
: . old stock to Clear. " But we won t oe Denina in tne marcn ot progressive merchandising; so
IztzZWTI'Jnake f goods.Of course,- U conTes -liard-to-sell -new goods at -thesw
-t Hr-. '- UIU.U. -UUL H I UU1 AUBbaWBB't-aAB If SUU VUUlan ' 1 n
'-,iZ.'.i-: r S'-:Yt t-vi'.v' "' v. . . ,:;
... , . ..
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Eyej Fahrt From - the Factoiy
' ,1' '.
At clearance bale" Price
. V . W
Yr .This Is . medium prloed, blghgTade Carpet that v
.Iy;'.j comes'Y varjf'.-"' pleasing patterns; suitable-for - bed-
v rooma or. sitting, rooms. We're- showing Oriental, Flor- -
si and ScrolL ptUrns, ln.roaa,.tan,i gTeenr reda and ; --:
Diuesk taarrs a vamejsnair enect in one pattern tnat sp-.
very striking. Y
Regular Price, 1Z0, SPECIAL f 15.
.C' -.i!..".Y',, f-''
V;-y .-'.-;;.'..
:..i-.. . ' jf Y
,Y. - . J-- Z
.mls Is slightly better Carpet than the one above.'
' It has better backing and finer yarn In the face. Makes '
-Y, Y handsome - floor - covering for a email parlor or wlds '
hall. It somas in very dainty .'Floral and Scroll pat-J',
sterns In oomblnations of soft colors that never grow
Y' tiresome. tts of pleasing designs to seleot from.
; 4-
Regular Price I1.C0, SPECIAL
v -i . v.
' 1
1 '
For parlor, . reception ' reom or bed roomthea tsb
, rlca are unsurpassed. Tbey ars splendidly made of.
. - selected yams la soft 1 color combination with fine,
; relrety pile that gives a rich effecr In any room...
' . Every design was selected by- an expert buyer and our
' Y assortment represents the choice of the factory's pro'7'1
ductlons. . There are striking new effects in Floral and -
. Y Oriental patterna; dainty Empire effects In two-toned -
green and a handsome scroll design In the newt' two-..
toned rose. -
Regular Price (3.10, SPECIAL f 1.89
Y ''(- ' t vi
. 3 . I.. ,
J. .
. Thaee are very handsome fabrtc espedally Adapted U Yl
' ' for parlor, dining room or library. ; They have' a rich . ,
. velvet appearance and wear for years, The new ones
i 4 are' Scroll pattern la twr-tsned green, plain- greeny
. ;- with Para lan key border and a beautiful Empire wreath ' v -r
- dehlgra la soft , two-toned sraen. ' - . . .f .
yMiiMttU SPECIAL l?i.ed0r
n '''" '''-' Y .' . i . ;'.' ' ' ' '' ' '" T. ' ' ' . ', " ! "
. . '' v..
-i- ; ,f , . U '.
' Wi want yoa to alwjyg remember that this is ih mo at at
Ufactory store in town at which to purchase Linoleum. No
-matter what grade you want we have the - best quality at th;
. .lowest fsrice. We ve a number f new patterns in the srell
the thing for hkAs, bathrooms and offices. Cheaper, grades of
. inlaid Linoleums for kitchens and pantries.- Our Linoleums are
i ail' rnt. fitted and laid bv exnerta. . " Y- .
A most desirable fabric for bedroom . floors. ; Made from?
Iisrd-twisted fibdr invery artistic ' pattern.Y Wear , weir and -;
look wtll-Ht very desirable combination of qualities., Espec-'
ially adapted to flats and cottages .These fabrics. come in. Ori
ental, Florat and eoiivefltiorial carpet designs. The dainty 'coif
or combinations make them especially appropriate for .bedrooms
make them especially approter