The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 14, 1905, Image 4

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' .
the peoplb With the
kHERE ARE I Jot o congressmen,", eeys the
strongly Republican Chicago a noone, . wno
si am trv 1m eao-erl desirous of retiring from
' ;; nolitical life on the second Tuesday
TU.. hrif tttnf nrru lOT Tne
- ,. Kttt n know that the ax it
! 1 Till 'WI V-BI MVB-.a ii 1 1 win
. ' -This is undoubtedly mora nearly tru in sotneotber
parts of the United ,Sute7thanromhPaCffie. toast,
which is so generally prosperous that the standpat policy
- find tacit acceptance, but there is nevertheless an wider,
feerrent setting in evenhere that will eventually tcare the
(standpatters perhaps too late 10 save their necks from
; the axr-The oogressrpen who suppose the people will
-Jong be content with doing nothing and letting every,
thing-alone Tare not only, no statesmen but are, short
: sighted politicians. . ,,-, - . , . .
vThe people are going to r fellow the
.' if it K. -What it ia resorted to be.
;' ' standpatters. .The, people, have. confidence in th jresi-
i dent g intentions, purposes ana instincts, ana m wnj muo
.1 of. doubt of stress will have very little confidence in or
I respect for the standpat parrots o( poMc.r&Jr,f.f.
TTheTrarnietnen who-are against tariff fevieion-ar as-a
' JnUe against railroad regulation, -against Jncrealing; the
."uowers of the' interstate commerce commission, against
rr rnedlrng;
. m favor of a ship subsidy; ,Aiirtnese:
i- Speaker Cannort says that, it: is
inkirh haa iust been placed in sower
v i ing popular vote to .start in, at once to
N icies of the defeated party.; yvnetner
right and best or not makes
'- t ' - -: j..:.:,.... i:l TTn.I tn
-v if he tried that the Republican platform tacitly admitted
J, the desirability of tariff revision, aad trust curbing, but
'stated that this must be done by the friends 0 protection
' and business interests. But he; evidently eems t6rsup5
pose that the .platform meantanythingJKept to fool
. --'.the peopley'V. ". -. 'jljjjy;, .';:.-. .!,'- -J- 11
r -IThe fact is that the people voted foprHooseyelt, apt for
prc4ecticaaiamgley J6eywnted Kooseveit tor
-titesident but "did not declare thafthey
to let the tariff and the truits alone. .,They are with the
president now, and not with he congressmen, including
" those front the JPacific northwest, who stand against any
- tariff revtsioji, and against any reform generally. . -77',TThe
Chicago'Tribune elaborates its opinion quoted at
"i the otuset of this article thn8r" " j Y V-:i'
- -I In November rnext year -a new; congress. will-
- be elected. Before this time, if Preaident'Rooeevelt
. continues as hehaa begun, he will have forced every -
zmtn in congress to. take a stand one way' or the i
other. Thequestion will not. down.. It ' '
: - confined to-cloakroom conversations". Ijt wilt come
Tuf intvthif dpen.'TIt will demand
icy ofdelay and ot sobterfuge ; cannot - last much
longer nhress11. President Roosevelt's temperament v
has been most extraordinarily mitigated. The rail- -roads,
the interstate commerce Corporations, and the -
' r- ' . . it A 1 1 :TT' 1 j . I .1 ,1
wnciiciiriti oj, tuc Hcni win
champions-out-into-plain- view-on
house. President Roosevelt -trill have all those;
champion a marked before he sends 'them home to
- their onstituents."i"' He is not attacking wealth... He.
. 'nl'f ia mpy gifeandinyraqeaeg-LtMigTtrtn7'
' ... get it the men who have stood m hi.way,.will.jnanyaj
; ' ""ofthen" never have a chance to stand there again.
"I "T'V'AH of which'is true itgotbii-'r';;::.:.:
'HE Washington " Post-U characteristically ;op-imisru-
and diolomatic in it view of the rail-
- . tnat nurstinns. and thinks it.
escence on the part of therj railroad mkgnates- wUh the
: .i reasonable demands of th.president and the people that
fair eompromie-is- likely. ,, It has noticed that J. "J.
Hill, has been tendering some valuable advice as to how
"t get rid Of the trusts, and that A J. Cassatthaa ex
'f pressed himself iii favor of giving the interstate com-
I merce commission aJlittle more power. The Post says
that like these are .but for all the, dollars
' ' they can get,, they are - not Jahortsighted pettifoggers
who cannot be influenced by reason; that it is right for
:lUhem to Jiold onfo all they can get as long as hey can,
' -though 'intending to yield a fraction of what is de
. ' manded of them before allowing matters, to come to a
crisis;' and the capital paper; smoothlyradvanccs ithis
" Tpretty but frail theory: ' -V-- - . .
, ' 1 ,The forces arrayed originally against the carrying
companies and the great . industrial combinations were
7-radical, forces, r If they had been, given their full sway
- : unopposed, we should have ; seen legislation enacted
4 " which would have paralyzed all the activities of trade.
J By bpposing them till the public temper had been some
what cooled by -obstinate -obstruct ion a nd nrr s sirtn ak re
. . pulse, the managers of the corporations held their op
' . poncnti in check and led them to a safe and sane ground
where both sides could come together in a better temper
' and arrange a basis of settlement mutually fair and sat-
This is quite pretty and -pleasant
.- ful delineation. That asking for a remedy of admittedly
'"rank and as the attorney-general says "merciless an 4 op
t pressive" abuses is "radical" is news, as ts-elso the state-
ment that the more a wrongdoer resists demands that
T lie-do. right the better natured and more pliable the pea1
; ' pie wronged become. - - '"" i
.'.'..; . But the pleasant Post predicts that with the valuable
. . advice of Mr. Hill and Mr. Cassatt, and others like them.
;.;v..:L'trroitb Astorlan.) ;
', Oambllng haa" been stopped In Port-
land, doa to tha poller ot Miertff Word.
Thta wt allrolnaU tha igiMliig-ra-
SwiiUy tim m tmuUt im f9ttn4
. politic. : This la daalrabU front a pollt
- leal point of view, aa It Inaurra tha
;'. elertUm of honest men In the admtnla-
tration of municipal affatra which will
her an tnnevatloe tn Mvttnoman eounty.
. From - moral standpoint, it will be
' acquiesced tn by e lmrt "majority of the
'; people of tha entire atate, The gnod
I" example set by Portland will' probably
". be followed bv every city In the state.
' ' The tine has come when rambllnt' can
. 'ba dispensed with In Oregon aa it la no
lonr oonaldered an enterprise that
hoold be fostered or"lsHsd. : While
It . te true that to eoma-cltlea a large
mmn la realised from gambling, but
when the . Injury to the youth of the
. land I taken Inte eonalderatlon. there
le a large balance on th profit ind lees
side of the ledger. -The cities of the
east where no gambling le allowed, are
the ' moet proaproes. Merchants r--port
better buaJneaa and ability to pol
fleet monthly bills- from men who here
. tnfore tost all their ' money at the
gambling tables leaving their .bills n
paid, destroying their credit and their
Tamllloo la destUute elreumstajiea. . If
aa additional .tax 1 necessary to snake
I N D K P If N DKNT NEWSPAPER 7' t -: -1 C-f:, ';.'
- , f . POrtlAV OWgOtV ,
ami with theable
: A' " I.
of November, 1900.
IX ina u
being sharpened.1
- .
standpat members
adjustment wilbe
pie, even it tne
tract of land
. a
president' policy;
and not that of th.
th tties m srht be
go togetner.
absurd for a party4
This Chicago
by in overwhelm
carry out ft epoll
inosr poncicw
no,-difference to -a vner?
lm miffhf rmmKff
wanted congress
and the frailties Of
Very certain that
a vote. ;"The pol- 1
resources anda
nm to tn -loeir
the floor-tf thevy
ltinof both. In-it
sets sisns of acqui-
if e largely fanct
up the lose from the revenue ef gamb
ling, levy tha tax. Kin out of every
ten 'taxpayers prefer' to pay an addi
tional ax than sea their "son"' mined at
the gambling table - 'mere is oniy one
Sid to tBla-BttesTtOBT
TradmIU of hoi
tw tie iid bas solved he
questloa and Aatorla will hav a better
reputation abroad If the earns result Is
obtained here,
iow rear
o roos.
From ths London Time
Th medlum-slsed northern - Chinese
Junks make dret-claes blookade runners.
They are built very low In th water,
with the decks almost v awash r when
loaded, ao that only th bow and stern
rise noticeably . above th water line.
They are strong, flat-bottomed, and of
. i.T .1 f W rtt l1Vt
9 ., iii .i. .V11
colors about them. Propelled by from
IS to 19 oarsmen, if the sails falL they
gild through the water with no nolee
or (moke, and are very difficult of de
taction - Dodging, 'along the shore and
among th numerous Islets which e
tend from th ' SJhsn-tung peninsula
acrnsa the mouth ot.Pechilt gulf, they
closely resemble the low. brown rocks
and during the peat months hundreds, of
them Jiave evaded the Japanese watchers
and carried tons of tresh provisions' and
vegetables to the beleaguered Port
Port Arthur garrison. ,. .. , -
- Th Journal Butldtoc.
Fifth oid Yamhill
and vigorous services in behalf of the
C ---.. t XT.u Mutnn
everything will shortly be arranged on a perfectly lovely
basis.' '; .;;:' ?.';'; :: , I 'A,; ,
; The plan to allow lawbreakers and Oppressors to make
the terma of their settlement with the, people tney nave
wronged, and whomfhey desire to continue ta wrong, is
new7and""wiTtdoubnesfindgrear: favof wtth 'many
of eongresCbut we doubt if any such
permanently satisfactory to the peo
president aoes not duck at u.
boughtat .. government sale - a
in Chtcago 00 . oy .-3ao leer . in
for S6i.Its value .now. is more than
$f,ooo,ooo, or ovef $13,006 a front ;fopt It lies at-the
corner'df Clark and Madison atreets and was recently
leased for a new hotel site at $50,000 a year. . ; ,
" Think what a Touwg man with e few thousand or even
a few hundred dollars, who went to Chicago in the; early
worth, no w. or thatius MiJOJWgni.najfe
inherited, if 6ft had invested all hia woney in. such .pur
chases as this, and just held on to them. ' : f'
. -"Thi is happening in a greater or less degree n all
growing American citiesAJtere are nor eo many sucn
there are. many" for the man of good judgment and ot
foresisht ; A: f. -' i r
man's" flTSTUnants were chickens and
UWU COWS, WHIVM 1W V , . " .- " -
ceiveA comfortable fortune yearly from' that one little
patch-of land, around which a.grest'eity hat grown. ;
In a degree proportionate to the size of the two cities
manyr.Poitland -men Jhve-likewise aeen."small"1hyest
ments:fn"alm6srryaIueless,!and,'grow into comfortable
fortunes, though e majority of them have not now those
fortune ta abowSome resold early, some lost In busi
ness, some, left their holdings to heirs that dissipated
them; but the lesson is nevertheless true that investment
inicity that faofartP'bt-great. vvhileit4 yet email, is
the most surely profitable one that can be medec AH '
man. needs is .-thalwonderfully- alnablegift f-sora-
sight;:.;'.. i-Ati -' U'U-t-;r.--'----'
We think Portland is going to be a big city. ' It may
never overtake Chicago, but the schoolboy of. today may
see it as large as Chicago is now." Real estate value are
nrobablr high enough, considering the rate of taxation
municipal administrations, Taut it is
man who, buy city or suburban or
nearly country rei estate a reasonaoiejraiuanon
will make V good jprofit,'and very: likely a large one. "--v
HEREIS A-NEWNOTE la all pobKe gatherings
, h eld- in-Portland -and. the anntfal banqutt'of the
;; board of trade heI(Tlast night was no exception
to the rule.. It is a note of fuller appreciation oi th city
and state in which we live, a fuller consciousness of their
fuller determination to -realize tne"aes"-
all there is ene-other-significant fea
ture and tnat is qiat wniie tne orgniions my ut ex
clusively composed of-Portla,nd men their Jalk Is not of
Portland alone, but Portlaiid linked with OregoB and the
its public organisations .were so effectively active-re
now, so appreciative' arid-loyal to the general interests
and so determinedrd vigorously push the campaign of
cducationwhere it is likely to do th most good..
: In a material sense there could be nothing more gratifying.,-:
This year of J905 is destined, to do great things
for Portland, for Oregon and for the whole Pacific north
west.' in' that " Teatwork ill of these, public .bodies
should and wilf take" - COTSpicnoue-partrrAr-President
Allen pointed out the fair will place -new and greater ob
ligations, upon them and hey must . rise to meet the
emergency. .; All of th?ra have already inaugurated their
campaigns and all of them are better able than ever be
fore to do the work ahead of them.-Th.ia if,"Tiolonty
gratifying but it will mean much socially and materially
to the people and. state. ".. f ( " --r: --r
HE MOST, "burning" question before the "New
York legislature is that of the regulation of ,the
liqnor . traffic " in the titie.' The existing law
prohibits open saloons on Sunday, but it is not much ob
served.. District Attorney Jerome of New York city has
pefsistently-advocated local option not only with refer
ence to the sale of liquor, but with reference to Sunday
closing. He demands enforcement of .the present lawi
not because he favor it but because it would demon
strate the , futility of maintaining , restrictions not sup
ported by public opinion. . Governor. Higgins it also an
advocate of local option and in his message recommended
that the cities as well as the country districts should have
the privilege of deciding whether liquors should be sold
or not, and in what subdivisions thereof if any. '
: The present excise law is a large revenue producer in
New-York; yielding last year about $18,000,000, of which
the state gets one half- . .The Raines law, prohibiting the
sale of liquor under any circumstances rv Sunday, has
not been strictly enforced, and has called into' existence
the so-called Raines hotels, which are said to be nests of
all sprts of -vice. ; ; ; 'v.- ',-. t-.-J;r 'Ll'... l"
--A 'ocal option" law.fairljrtestedTand nnHer wjhich
prohibition will obtain where it is-really desired by the
peoplecan be. enforced and is the .only proper present
solution of the saloon queUon,vwr.iA-f .------
' Fronvthe ' Bt. John's 1 Review. . .
Well may we distrust all governments
and men In authority. , If ever there
exiaiea eny-grwn Tor tn various lems
swwi deelminents woeld
seam to justify them The average cltl-
ken may welt ask,- where will this ear
nival, of corruption -end? What ' the
remedy -and how-shall It be applied?
The" Ravrew- bellevea tb "yellow dog"
principle of partytsm, political partisan
ship, is largely responsible. -The condi
tion confronting this commonwealth and
the proud ,clty of' Portland Is-e -most
serious probtemv-and t properly solve
It ahould command th most serious con
sideration of every well-Intending cttl
sen regardless of political . prejudices.
Now that the pool of fraud, corruption
i m A nt 11 V'. . i . .
I HI U . I, J UmWJ Tfsn
opened. It should be thoroughly cleansed,
and ths trite old saying. "Hew to the
line let tha chips fall where they may,"
applied But who'll da th ."bewlngr
you ask. Well, let us hope that there
are still some men who are In public
place, honest snough to believe thst
psMlo trust Is not a license to become a
publlo robber. Every good cttlsra re
grets the present exposures, but should
be , equally anxious thst the general
cleansing process continue until the of
ficial atmosphere . Is thoroughly ' and
completely elarlfled. '
t .Small ; Ckangc
Those Pols hav long
What ha" happened -te Tom Lawsont
Is n Xrosen npl
A ship subsidy smeHs lust odor-
ously whsn. called ubvenUi
- NO kind of weather eaa fool th of
ficial Cbserrers eftsr it has come
nowgh name! It
la expressive of
The governor' - message wa fairly
presidential la length a well as good
In quality. , V "
Th. wtmm emta mmw b flhllr1 to eon
descend - to - notice Attoraey-Oenersi
Moodye remarxa. . t. .
mneteen hundred and Or ta expected
to bant 1B04 in everr reaooet but one J
it will have on day less. ... e
If to suggested . that perhaps 1 Mr,
Heney, being from California,, will try
to hav ur sreather Indicted.
Bo Oregon must suffer because of th
deficit In th rsvnues. But Oregon la
supposed to be jrpetuaiay '"safe
' Seorotaxy Morton' plan , to reeulat
the railroads ,1s to give them everything
they want and Invite them to tax mora.
Th senat and hous leader In eon
greaa ar quite1 agreed that they eaanot
agree to do anytblhg th people wan.
th wind a 1 protest against th em
ployment of a lot of useless, clerks tn
th legislature '- ;' .; . . -C"
Bad advlos: ' reckless - young women
woeld marry young man wtta a "past"
all th quicker; cautious young women
wouldn't marry at au.,j:. , j-,-
"-ThaFaolfl -northwest's member of
eongro are all atand-pattera. on the
UrUff. They wUt And out after awhile
that th people of this region ar not so.
Russia's dignity will not allow bar to
listen to any peace - proposition ' It
would be a Kood bargain for her to trade
oft a lot of het JlaTUty for jallttla com.
mon sense.
That statiroad to California. wflI"eo
vary well to talk about after the state
ha - good, local wagon road,- and lot
of aleetrle rallroeee, and other things;
Bntll -thien-lt la good only to dream
about momentarily. " r-. --
The leaders the Piatt,' Aldrleh, Alli
son. Soott. Oroavanor. Dalgraa, Pain,
and nearly the whole pack .ar against
any tariff reform, but If th president
will speak .up right cleany ana louaiy.
he will find moat ef the people wjjta
him. . . ." . ; , s)fu
Because Oerveral Miles chose t op
pose h Republican party lie la to be
punished by a decrease lit hi salary.
This-petty rwrenge la what might no
expect edUXrom e congressman Ilk Hill,
chairman of th military affair com
mittee, whoa notoriety Is wholly unra
vlabl. -. . .. :.. 4'tTr,.t.-.-
Th Oreaoalaa-- stlU -toslnuateathat
th governor - should .' have stopped the
rang outrages in central Oregon. Such
earplng i paerlle aelnlnlty, whoa. every
body knows that th govornoL had no
power whatever to .do anythtngL In the
premises. H might as well be blamed
for a floods a drouth or a Are and In
deed, since he la a Democrat, the Ore
gonlan donbtless hold him . responsible
for all such calamities. ,
I Oregon SideligKts; j
Independeac Doast of iclean treete
Wheeler county stoce of all kind ire
fr front'. dlseaa. -
tkevlew Indiana ar laying la their
supply of meat Jaokrabblts. .
Aooordtng to postoffloe reoelpta. Cor-
vallla grew IS per cent last ysuv , ;
Tlilamoox's ' first raUroad may be an
extension of th Portland-Forest Orov
eleotrlo line . ( m -' t : -; ' -Z7."
A Oervala man sued another for lit,-
tt damages for slander, and received a
verdict of all but flO.ltf.: ;
F1V years ago a man bought a quar
ter section of land near MayvlUo, Gil
liam county, for 1710. and sold 4t last
week for nearly It.tOO. .
Th Roseburg Plalndealer, .having
been . sued for ; 110,009 .damage, . sug-
sests to th plaintiff to amend - hi
complaint by striking out th last three
ctphera , :-, i ' ' - ,
An electrlo railway via Bel , and
Stayton to Lebanon la considered a cer
tainty. In the near future, and will be
of great advantage to thos towns and
ths contiguous oountry.-. . , - '
. .. . t '' .'".- aeaHBSBieaHsw ' 9 ' mriM- StVMi I f Wi nf Upt,-.
Oregon leads th world In prnn pro
duction, although many orchards hare
been dug up owing to the low price of
th fruit. Th largest prune orchard.
and the largest prune evaporator' In the
world, are In Benton sonnty.. . :; " s r
W are glad the Hood River people
sent' President Roosevelt .those fine
apples. ' Tbey will convince him that
everything is not rotten in uregon.
Irrlgon Irrigator. He will hav no oc
casion to, carry them up to an apple-ate
- i ' V.. .. ! - " " '" "
A, Warner man say thai since no'n
of th fair sex proposed to him . last
year, he wlU lake up ths search for a
tplf- where -h left "f'e year sgOr
only qualtncatlon being the
cated by a dress. And mere
posed to be women praying
bodyM.JonA.M ltl amn,..
There ar ' three - crabberies where
crabs ar cooked - for markef on
T equina bey, tw at T equina and on at
Newport. One of them ehlpped last
year 11 tone ..of ?rabe; ; They, average
three dosen to th 100 pounua and sell
for 71 cents a doaan. There are also
thre fish canneries In Lincoln county. .
- CR Dalrymple, Lakevlew lawyer,
thus summartres- tha land grant frauds
perpetrated In Oregon by th govern
ment Itself: . From Eugene-' to eastern
boundary of stato; from Corvalla to
T equina; f
anoa to eastern state
boundary -from
miles , a- i
mile ,
MSI.0 ar
160,000. In
fraude a It
followed t..e '
e eoralnr to Albany;
3oiao City and from'
Bay. In aU 1.104.7
ody equal to three
. i alternate sections.
. of land for Jess tha
vs t'leee wer all simply
is no wonder that people
Atcvlm la getting timber
Sunday ScKbol
";' ' .JLcsson; r ' '
By H. D.Vnklne IX D.. ta th Chleag
- ... - Interior. i .
January II. 1S Tople; "Jasu Win
His First Disciple." rJphn t M-Sl. ' j
Golden Text Thou Art th don of
Qod; Thou Art King of Israel." John i:
it ..... .
Responalv Reading Psalm UTr 1-tl,
TXr JaMtofoMam. : ) -p.;'
x- There' were brief moment ta ' eur
Lord's later ministry when be was "the
rage." - Eve th wealthy an raanion
ahla made feasts to which he wa In
vited, and tha most powerful feared to
expos themselves to puhlia . oaium . or
appearing aostll to him. At suoh times
It required no great eourag to enroll
oneself among hie follower. But It
wa quit otherwise t th first He
wa without wealth, prestige or patrons.
He lent himself to no polltloal party
and so had not readr-roade follower
He never sought popularity by fulsome
flattery of th mob.' There was abso
lutely nothing to draw toward him
thaaa flrat dlsolnlsa sxosnt hi Winning
personality and their own spiritual sp-
pre&ansion. ut i m' uv."
reveal ro us something of themselves
tn- mm allevlaneo' so formed, tt also re-
veala to us aiomethlng of th teaoher.
Jesus was content to And hi disciple
among th humblest classes: He did
not ask them - to withhold themeelves
untn he had mad friend of th ,rtoh.
He neither flattered the- rich nor In
flamed th poor. H old not besleg th
school nor did he appeal to the Igno
raho of the nlrned. If the first
convert " "lply plrttaal apUtudea,
Jasuaweisplay- spiritual . Independence!
For this reason the lesson of today has
a value peculiarly It . own. We And
ur Lord receiving these first disciple
.,itl. Ma waa not elated by their al
legiance' neither waa b depressed by J
tha rawness or ineir nuiuw .
church has always depended mor npoa
manhood than upon multitude . .. ;
Verse II. ' Thoae who had waited upon
Joha were . the. one aoonesr to rum
themael re face to. face with Christ
ritiiHtiaa nur men of sood Intention
had .expected to spend this week with
John, who never reached hi, place of
ministry. How many thing easily "pre
vent the execution of our beat Inten
tions! Thee firsts ttreom rato pr
sonal, ralatlona with Jesus were thos
wuo.rexialnea cioseax o nis loivmuuor.
Men receive "grac Jtor grace- Tn
way to find Christ Is to make compan
Iaiu nf rami man. -If TOO Oannot find
Christ, you at least can Xlnd some John.
Keep, close to him aaa ne wnom yw
ehv.wlll wdderdy SJid consequently
Mf fsfsl. Br li-T. l - ...
- Vers IA-- John we the aet spirt tu-1
al and consequently th moet oeeiy ana
mnrfiill imnrsssed. " BwatTthlng that
Jea-dld wa characterised of -hlmt but
whU om eould " not - biiv tn ni
Meoalahshlp vn when . he preached.
Johnettld" it vea ear b-walko
We ought to reveal Christian character
In the leaat dlattnothve of our personal
actlvlttee And "John -aaw daeply-tnto
th llf of Chrtot ' To hi praise, h
Lamb ef God." he seem to hav at
tach ad a sacrificial meaning (v. ), but
we have no veeson to assert that he
understood ell th meaning of Tlcariouef
redempUon. It la certain hewever that I
neither John nor any other spiritual
character la ecrlptur over eo.1s
nlf leant. phras as this or aaynoay
but jwe ,' - .sr-ir-.v--
, Verse IT. The phrase - "lieara mm
speak. ought to be cars fully pondered.
It would' baiffleult - to overestimate
th Importance which th word of God
lava 'noon oral testimony. Jesua him
self Insists upon publ to confession (
10: I3).4 It 1 tb open gat to accept-
anoo. -according - to-- 8t ' Paul ' (Rom.
10: 10). Whatever Joha might .nave
thought would not hav Influenced
Andrew and John, but hearing him speak
wrought conviction In thslr hearts. We
have no right to oonfsss mor than jws
believe but w have no right to eon-fess-lese
f ,'--"". V . , :
r Vera IS. - The r was from the first
an assumption of superiority upon th
part ot our lord, and in hi presenos" a
feeling of Inferlorttr upon th part of
others -always, - Jeeae -nevee- aaarassas
any on Rabbi, while men sven from
the first saluted hlrn. . . . . . -i
Verse IS. With all Ms royal mnnr
people were-attract ed. H wa as gen
erous as he wa great-- We win more
to Christ by hospitality than by dharity.
Jesus "kept open house' He did not
withdraw and - transaet hi - business
through a aeorstary. He did not ex
press himself aa wearied by their atten
tion. He himself understood th value
of social kindness (Luk 14s II). It la
good thing to establish aa "open
church," but th open bom win more
to th master..- ,
Vers 40. It 1 not th habit ef John.
th writer ef thl gospel, to mention his
own nam tn the llf of hi Lord, but
we understand that on of the two wa
Andrew and th other was himself.' It
wa true of Andrew, that honored a he
was end useful he waa, hi greatest
service to th church was bringing bis
brother to th Savior.' If wo oannot be
Peter, w may perhaps be Peter'
brother. It la significant that Peter did
not brine Andrew but, Andrew brought
Peter, th teaser performing th greater
servlcs in th Master' kingdom.
Vers 41. Jesus did not go around pro
claiming hi Messlashlp. but It was be
lief in his Messlashlp which attracted
his disciple from th first "The Christ"
mean tn Greek tb same as The .Mes
siah" in Hebrew, and each means; "th
Anointed,1' a nam whloh had come to
embrace within itself all the hope of
Israel. .?.. :' ? .:
Vara 41. It la always grateful to us
to hav men remember our names, but it
is still mor pieassni to navo moss ws
lovs confer upon us a nam which consti
tutes a bond between them and our
selves. : In th east, and In th olden
time especially, name were ehanged
more readily and mor frequently then
with us. The new .nam which Jesus
gave to fllmon waa Indicative of. that
rmness of character which despite one
lamented fall waa. to characterise his
loving and glorious apostleshlp. - -.
Verse 4S. But Jesus la not only
sought, he seeks. - A Jesus was return
ing from th South Country 'toward his
former, horn In Naaarath. he passed
through the larger part of Oelllee, in
com of whose town possibly he was
known. It I quit posslbls thst hs msy
hav been known to Phillip. - nd that
when this command waa spoken for It
was not a supplication but xn-order
Philip wa prepared to obey from what
he had known of Jesus. . Wr cannot
doubt that while assuming a public
functions. Jean was even .before his
baptism a marked character In hi own
Verse 44. Th notle of Bethsalda,
taken in connection with the Judgments
whloh- later- J earns pronounced- upon -H
(Matt 1111), show us how uperlor
gnod man Is to T his environment
Bethsalda as whole opposed and with
stood, the preaching 'or Jesua; yet at
least four of the disciples came there to
a knowledge - ef their Lord. He la a
poor man 'Who Is not mightier then a
mountain or.ejcNr- Th weakling tn
Rom must "do aa the - Romans do;""
but not so with' th Philips and ' th
Peter and th Andrews and tb ntnan-
aela of th kingdom.
Versa tt, Philip having been found,
become e finder. Th testimony of
PhUla- coincided with that of Andrew.
We hav found th Messiah, th hop of
asrseL ta Desire of all nation tuag.
11:1). To these, first disciples Jesus waa
not merely one ox mem selves raiseo u
hlarher Dowar. but tha one foretold in all
their holy . oradea since th daya of
Mosm. ,; - - - -- '
Verse 4., Thsre will always be some
objection to the perfection of Christian
evidences. . God has not seen fit to glvs
to any age, or to any Individual, over
whelming and ladlsoutabl .witness ot
th truth of th Bible Men can always.
will always, find some obstacle t be
overcome 'It was not In- aooordano
with their DresuDDoentione that th Mes
siah should come out of Naaarath, yet
this man, by hie .very title was sup
posed to hav been bora there. Philip
dtd not know how to answer -that- but
ha knew that ths presence ot Jesus
wept away even lnsupsrabl' objoo-
Vers 47. Nathaniel wa conspicuous
ta a dy of casuistry and quibbling for
openness and olnoarlty ot ehareoter. He
seems to hav carried In hie face' his
hatred of duplicity and hi lovs of ths
truth. In an ag when religion wa
lararal a matter of fraud. waa duties
watst llarhtlv axolalned away and the
ervto of 'God mads largely artificial.
Jesus eew in Nathaniel a truth-lover
well oaloulated to becom on of his
vaagelwte -.- .- - - -
. Vera 4t There Is no immodesty tn
th reply f Nathaniel., He' did hte
ahamsi and doubUess it had mora than
one brought htm into oonfllot with the
Pharisees of hi day. How did Jeaus
know that ef ell thing he hated the
nreralllna. form of Piety t . Jesus bad
Iseen him, perhaps naturally, perhaps u
pmnniniur, m wraw v 'uvm w 7-
hie distressed soul wee wo may oeuevw,
agonising before God. Bach e oul In
such, an ago must have known many a
night of eep-dlstro.i
. Vers 4S. Th aplrttuaj penAtratloa
whloh Jeaus manlfestsd eonvlnoed Na
thaniel that hs had to do with on very
different from aay rsiigioua tsaensr ns
had mat before. - - - -.- -- - ' -
.'Verse I0-IL- Inthi opening- een
of hi great mission Jesua 1 not found
waiting for th slow unfolding of a di
vine consciousness. He proclaim to hi
earliest disciples 4n th initial hour of
his ministry, In fact that in the prog
ress of that ministry he will be nooom
panted by divine support and celestial
observer :. ' " ;..;';; ,-v-
sKmgton Jul
' Item th'Wahlngtn JPoet '
Beaatonj Beverldg could .not undsr-
sland why, ; recently. . requesU began
coming In from Indiana for the eoaflr
matloa "of Governor Joha . Brady
nomination for another term In Alaska.
The nomination had been held op ev
eral week at th requeet of Pennsyl
vania commercial lntereeta In the terrt-
toTT.--But after several eejrsvae Indiana
editor wrote snowing tn reason, uor
ernor Brady la oraotloally aa Indiana
man. although the bias book- nuts -him
down a Now Trker.- '
Th governor's biographers nave more
than ' one- told how-h refrs,- a
homeless lad In the groat metfoporlo to
bo a useful eclsl'- rB" the far north.
The Indiana editor- supplied what they
have omitted that the homeless laa
wont west tn . boxcar and waa put off
the train at Tipton, ind. Ms rouna
friends in the Heesles town, a xeaauy of
sood people took him in. educated him.
and ventually he went to Tale eoUege,
became a minister, and moved, ta Alaska
a mlaalonary. Thl explaJnea why
so many people In Tipton county and
thereabouts wanted to give aa old friend
a lift v -- '
.It goes without saying that this In
creased Senator Bovsrtdg' Interest in
th nomination, which wa favorably
reported yesterday to the senate'- y
President Roosevelt ha been heaping
th traditional ocala of flro npoa the
head of xwRepresentaUv Joha B. Rob
inson of Media. Pa. Bight -year ago
th ambitions of ths two men clashed.
Mr. Robinson bad been 'defeated for e
nomlnatlon to congress. Being a gradu
ate of the Naval aoademy, be thought
himself well equipped to become as
sistant seorstary of th navy. How" Mr.
Roosevelt aspired to the m ofnoo Is
now e part of hi wonderful career.
Th - flfht - was pretty , spirited, and
Mr. Robinson said things about "Mr.
Roosevelt he would not care to j-ecall.
President McKlnley saw fit t nominate
th . latter, not knowing that he was
putting th energetic New Torker la aa
office that would prove e steeping stems
to a plac as his running mat and Im
mediate suooessor. -,- h -- -;i.'....n
, Some four year afterward President
McKlnley also took cars of Mr. Robin
son by nominating him as marshal for
th eastern district of Psnnaylvanla.
Ths pay wa 14,000, mor than . th
$4,(00 Mr. Roosevelt 'received --
slstant secretary of th navy, when the
relative cost of living tn- Washington is
considered. , Marshal Robinson . served
out hi four years term several months
ago, . . Testerday president - Roosevelt
ssnt his name in for four year more (
Representative Foster f Vermont,
who has repute aa a campaign orator,
entertained . th .cloakroom .. yesterday
with an. autumn stumping' experience -VI
waa out on tour with State Sena
tor Russell," said h. "Ws wers billed
for a town In -Vermont where I had
never spoken Jbtt ore Th hall was
packed with people and the chairman
of the meeting announced ua In a very
low: ton ef voice - Russell spoke first;
I spoke last - During th meeting I no
tloed a very attentive . eltlsen, well
toward the rear. When we filed out
after th meeting I happened to find
myself immediately behind him. ; I ever
heard this comment from him:". '
" Congressman Foster mads a' good
spechdldn'the; -. but it what la the
dickens did that last man want to speak
forrf ; ' ' .,
Representative John Lamb of Richmond-.stepped
In th hous document
room yesterday, where he was reminded
of a story he heard on we-last trip, out
Into th rural counties of Virginia. It
related to a negr ehuroh, whose "pastor
preach long sermons.
"Th sermon on th particular Sunday
In question," ld; Captain Lamb, .."was
with reference to th prophet Th
preacher had gone throngn a- long list
and finally came to th minor prophet
. " There waa Malachl.' said he ,Wht
place shall ws giv MalachlT '
-"An Irrevsrsnt -colored--worshiper,
restlee under th long-winded sermon,
at this rose up. -- .
"" Glve Malachl my ' place, Brother
Jones,' he said. , I'm tired,, and m
going borne'-'' .." : : j,".-L..U..'
"'-'"t. Sympathy for Th.' J ' '
From th Washington Post"
Another New York bookkeeper who
received a salary of 111 a week ha ben
arrested for embesxllng 111,000. It la a
little difficult to work up sympathy for
a firm that will pay a man 111 a week
and allow him to handle all th money. :
I i
V 11 ,TV. 1 A
,x ciioyv Jf em Jt9 a
'A JaplScc3:It.'l
Jlhel Haahiguehl in New fork World. '
la an address delivered on the depart
ure of German troops for Chin during ;
th Boxer wer Kalaer WUbelm said that
thst wa the beginning of a long war,
between th east and ths west ,'Thls
statement Is vary uggeattv of th pos
sibility of a racial feud. - :
For; a century England fought the
Hindoos and . occupied , India, Franc .
fought . th . Chinee and occupied Cor
ehin-Chln. and, again, England occu
pied Hongkong. : The world began to
pink that there waa a vast nnoooupled
territory in Asia which waa at th .
mercy f Europe, re-artUeee of the feci -that
there are 400,000,000 of Chinese,
100,000.000 of Hindoo and othsr Asiat
ics in occupancy who would outnumber ,
tb Europeans mora than two to one "
- 'Apparently the Asiatics hav been
powerlesaand ths Europeane taking
advantage ofThelr weakness, hav spat
on them aa if they were doge butchered
them If they. wer cattle and do-,
prlvsd them ot th fatherland as if they :
war predestined to be disinherited. .
But th Asiatics hav senses just a
th Europeans. If you love them they '
will reciprocate' love; If you hat them
tbey - will resent hatred; If you treat 1
them gentlemen they will treat you .
as gentlemen; If yon "Hallo, John!"
them they will "Hello, Johnl" you.- The
Insult Inflicted upon them by th Euro
peans for a hundred year aro ladellbly
printed upon -their msmoryr o . that .
their nature to hardened against all ,
Europeans, good a well a bad. The
Boxer- war of 100, while It waa aa out- '
rageou ct en the part of th Boxers,
wa but expression ef their revenge-
nil pint -
Do you say that this spirit of reveng'
ls Immoral, thst It Is unchristian T . But
Why should .th Aslatlos ltaten to ser
mons by thslr snemlea who ar trying
to destroy them,T
- The Boxer war was a failure becaus
the time was not yet come aot because
th Chinese ere- foredoomed to fallt
undsr th blow of th European r The .
Boxer war hla Indeed Apprised th Chi
nese that Chsy Are la a helpless state
Already there are elgha that reform I
steadfastly being carried on. Th reor
ganisation of the Chinese army under
Japanese supervision started eoms years
ago, and the Chinese student graduated
instrumental In . bringing to modernity .
th lend oY their father. .j
' The contention that thChlneee r
different from- th Japan in military .
prows la untrue Tb history ef China ;
abound In stories of heroism. These
very stortee which have been studied
by th Jspanese youth for year havs
Inculcated In the minds of th lalaadera
tb warrior virtue .-"., 1-7-.;- .
: Hsroea go not appear la peace ' It was
th French reroluUoa that proddced
Napoleon- Chine baa had many Na
poleons la thpatT Chine will hav '
Napoleons In futur if , sh ia involved
to universal ,war.- . .;
Japan la fighting RuasU. SPPxrently
t preserve her ewn waU aa
Korea'. Integrity, But. h la bound to;
protect not only Korea, bnt also China
and other Asiatic natlane Nay, with-.;
out having her neighbors strong Japan .
cannot look for her owa national great
ness, j- J-trjr-c,Tj--;?
When e king rules a dorhaln, say one.
Korea and China One without protection
ins Anna w vui hws- w rw
S It 4 for Japw'e Interest that ah re-7
invigorate her neighbors. For a half
century ..prominent man of these Coun-
trie havo-b-pUnln-wlllanc..
fi.i v.. tA a tmm formation b th
upper hous of th Jpans diet, of
"Th East Asiatic Association si a uu
Whe Use th Sam Letters," or the
w A llUnna M This alll-'-
anos- ha not gained political influeaoe'
DUC lis xniurv am pramuHNf. . ?
fnim tha sent tn tall west
erners that his protagonists are bound
to antagonise- them Is apparently
strange - - But truth must P tola, x
u... ! TVi.MansvjIlanPan-
ini m-r ..
Caucasian straggle for snpremaoy will
become certain In the near future, when
th former of in two aniagimuia ht.
gathered up their gtrsngth. Wo
them that Treveke th Ill-feeling ef the
MongolUnsl . ' , " t:; '
..Is there, than. c means or arbitrating
----- iiaunuiia' .batwaaa tha
two opposing parties whereby th Atroc
ities or wars ma-at
ye and no., For any mean of arbl-
I ' ki.v irdl. all de-
iriuvn ivu m.... - w- .
vend for their praeUeabUlty upon th
-. ... A Aft. hMlwft4
aiaposiuon 01 vow
e.i mmr. ts tha reuoanltlon
of th social s wall as pollUcal equal-
geoond. - wider anowwan-e n n i
fair of each thr through liberal In
tercourse I 1' '- . . ' N,.1 '.
Third. -intermnrrUg 4.bewn th
partlea and bblltrtlon of racial dis
tinction , - -v
d. Clark
tt wis an
tn -winter owxrter .-4l
North Dakota. , v ' -' -''.
. . , Ttim Mandana continue to -
pass down- the . rlvsr on their hunting
party, ana were "i ' . ,
men.'-One' of thos sent on Thursday -
returned, with Information that on of .
hi companion naa ni wit
.,ki.. ht tm could not walk bom.
&rwftftMftw - - ,, .
In tUlr- excursion thsy hd killed a ,
ft....i. . - r,ir tvA tvorcunlnss and a .
whits hr The weather was mor mod
erate tOdy. tne mercury
desraes below sero snd th wind from'
th outhstr Ws had, however.- som :.
snow, ftcr wnicn 11 " ' '
XT WOTJXftBaT WXOAI r-.f -'. -.-'
Front th. Irrlgon Irrigator. '-V'-portly..
pompous,, perspiring, pete- .
" cltlseit," dressed ; i nlght-h1rt
flowing beard, with a pair f
.Mm ii'in, m wrln aaeh
l rUUHCI WV.I v .- - r
th Otlutr, bOOUese siocaingiess. -nai-lese'
vlng a pair of hoes Wildly In '
the lr ana xranucaiiy .'"hb -
at th rear of th Spokane train last
unAmw mnrnlnar about I o'clock, tt
flaw. long eastward such wa th spee- ,
taole on th U. ft. a n. iraca in rroni
of our hotel St th hour named.
And If vou think the aforesaid gen-
tlsman's vocabulary ta limited or that;
hi linguistic qualities are no ruuy ae
veloped. you are wrong, for the laa- '
gusg that man uaed and th uproar that
man mad scattered -th rabbits and
coyctes for miles around and Wok up',
ovary TJltlsw of Irriaort- And many of
the word h frantically .yelled are not
to be found tn th lexicon of polite and .
refined language. . . . ...,..
After making his toilet on the rafl-
road track and getting cooled down, he
explained that he really did not Intend ,
ta command th train . to "whoa," it
was merely a- Hggeetlon,- ut 1 hs "
averred and eeeevereiea tna tne hotel,
elerk whe mistook hla call waa J a
blenketv bland idiot . and e bUnkety
blink son of a eea cook or- word to ,
that effect ; r' "