The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 14, 1905, Image 1

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    . - -'., Tonight and Sunday, occasional ? ' K i U M ' 1 Vi , I , .n rTn 4 ' . ' v U I il 1
v rain, probably pact snow;, virott ' V I ( J . I I ''. ' (Vf " iC" I - t I , J V U , U L 1 ' J I VvJ , i V-i -
tonights southerly winds, v i jNOiJ t V' -l ( ' l l ., i -J.XL . i , ri ovVxo - i -
: ' V '''''' ' v ' - ' ' ' ' "' ' ' - i . I. i i. i . . "i ' . . . ... i..... ,.i.m,.-:. .'!'. i, ' ,. 1 r
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... .. , ,
(VOL. III. v NO. 270.-
William M?JrMsy
tJoyolye Prominent Hen
k in land Syiidle&
ijheir , AmiMllem Follow IThoM
" of Many Others Engaged In
J : jFIoI' CoVornment Pro
pare Another Coup.
Th two ' MUr brothers and .Joha
Tkempson hv mmda oonfulona to tf
rmt Servlo Agerir w mum X. Burn, 1n-
.' -vollnf nvtrtl promloant people in tb
.. fraudulent transactions relatlv 'to tba
-: manner In" which title -was acquired by
- cenain iniereats to uirfe iraow ia unn
and' Lane counties,: and beck of. their
damactnc adoilsslons is an lnterestlnc
.. story of the stubborn efforts this trio
formerly made to thwart tlie ends of
Juatloe before., finally oonsentinf to tell
--Ihe-trwth- ebowt-the ltuatloiv--'"-r-"'
' ..' Jod" and William. Mealey were the
. first witnesses subtoenaed by the cov
' eminent from Linn end Xene oountles. It
belnc certala from Information et hand
. that they Were the rinv-Ieedera of the
lerve body of claimants 'Who made
'fraudulent timber entries .there.' Jn in-
. swer to the summons of the federal au-
thorltles the two brothers appeared be
' fore Burns and made statements which
he characterized a false,' wlth the result
that -they returned . angrily .to Sweet
-Home with the report that the sovern
- ment had; tried .to put up a Job on them,
CI took: particular pains to so . to : each
Ident . of 'the, coramanlty. who had . In
.the meantime been subpoenaed to appear
-"before the yrand Jury and advise hlna to
2ltive Ueney and Burns a Vide berth when
-. they got to Portland.: : ZT$ 1 .r"..
Shy at winrt.
17-That "t)urtrTinnuBc prevailed
larfS extent-, te evidenced from the Tact
that when Mr. eney came out of the
arand Jury room on the tncrnuic.of their
arrival., and' instructed them to accoin-
peny two special ag-eats of the land de
pertinent tohe Hotel Portland for the
purpose Of makiasT awoxn statements to
.. Burns, not one. of them responded to ilia
Invitation, and for some time they held
" out their determination te keep away
"fromj .him-.-"vi'-''v'i - - .t ..-. . x
.- Andy Nichols was the first, to secede
from the .Impromptu confederacy thus
established, and to. tell a straight story
. about his connection with, the matter.
Ills act i Induced others to follow his
example, t and after, they . had become
- convinced the they would be fairly dealt !
with they came in twos ana tnreea ana
told their stories, their statements In
every instance being verified by docu
mentary evidence already In possession
! of the government. '.
"' The flnlshlnr touch came .when 'the
two- Mealeya and Thompson confessed so
-that of the or more who came here
-Imbued with the idea ox aenance ana
- incidentally to give-Bums a hard rap. not
to exceed threA are Jert, ana it is nigniy
probable that; they will tell what they
. know. .-.:-.---,"' .-
r The hews that these witnesses were
, beginning to' weaken had a most de
pressing -effect npon k number who are
Involved In the scandals, and It is hinted
'.that other confessions of a sensational
character are about to follow; In' these
particular ases It Is becoming exceed
in! v ' Dooular . for" everybody to take
- eare of himself; as step by step the oon-.:
plrators are being driven to me waii
and the colls are tightening around th
- group of aristocratic plunderers and cor.
' rupt officials In lgh- station who have
been prostituting the laws of the pub
Ho domain to their own Interests. -
. - - - .'Hay' 0o "XoaM Boost' -7
How soon the J.inn county and Sweet
Home witnesses will be. able to get
'sway and .return to their-homes la a
matter of doubt." Fifty or more have
; been summoned as witnesses in the land
fraud trials and are still In Portland.
'.'Well; by gosh,' said onev ef them In
' discussing the, subject.' "If It. keeps on
much longer at. this rate I, won't get
, home in time to plant any pumpkin
eeeds." And his attempted. wit Was the
signal for a lot of figuring, with the
resultant mathematical calculation that
at least a year from next, haying time
' would elapae before their families would
' have a chance, to welcome back the dele-
gatlon from Linn county. ' - This estl-
- male was based upon the slow progress
, being made in the taking of testimony.
Tri'tnMs's f ron mimnlstsryeet
Home and Crawf ordsrllie will get away
very seen. v i . ... ... -r: ; v r: ' -:
. - Matters hlv4 , been assuming such
shape within the past few day a as Indl-
-Continued t
. 'J. . ! .
' (Jeeraal BeeHal gerrlee.) . v
San Francisco, Jan, 14. According to
t the story brought here today by. Surgeon
. lit Wedeklnd of, the United' States
cruiser Cincinnati."' the "cruiser was
chased off the coast ; of Japan by: a
Japanese torpedo boat. The Japanese
sighted the warship some distance away,
and although she was flying the stars
, and stripes, started In pursuit. , As the
speedy little vessel drew close to the
cruiser and did not slsfcken her speed
" the Americans began to fear trouble
'The surgeon said:
, i
It 81 T
: I is- I .
wassjeseaaaasaaeisHHaasaBK. v W f.t-st - t
"Mrml HcBride. Formerly Kiss Maud
." -' Will Suejor Divorce. , . " 'r
Five PriestaTand Five Nuns JCIIIed
South Sea Islands
. vanani out vain
V--. (learaal Bpeetat eervic.
laa Kranciseo, uik.',iwiTM' nns
slonarlea. Ave -Cat hollo priests -and-Ave
nuns were killed and eaten by cannibals
In the South sea Islands of New Britain
In October.- News of the affair 'reached
here today for the first "tlma ' Revt M.
L. Stlmson. missionary in the South sea.
arrived - on' the steamer Doclo and tells
the story..;...-' ; . i ; '
The mission Is a German possession.
which Ilea In the tropica off the eoavof
New .Guinea. The inhabitants of the
island Include a tribe of untamaWena
tlves with cannibalistic appetites. Stlm
son engaged In missionary work on tba
Island of Ponapa of the Caroline group
and there heard the story of the killing
of the missionaries and' repeated the de
U.' S.' Senate Confirms Nomina
tion of Alaska's Chfef Exec
" utive to Another Termr:;
'..-ri' fj"-..- .
,irs . jearaal - pedal- Sarvlee.-) "'
''Washington, p. CI.' Jan. 4. The sen
ate this .afternoon confirmed the nomine
tlon of John Green Brady to be governor
of Alaska. He was vigorously opposed
by many - Alaskan' Interests, but . has
made a good record aa a clean and able
executive, 'and was reappointed 1 by . the
president." .... , r'Tfr "-'-i: -'"''?' '
Beady was' born In New York in .1841,
and after being graduated from Tale and
the .Tipton "theological" seminary- estab
lished an 'industrial reform' colony for
New York sliim' boys In Texas, but 'on
account of the lack of funds the project
was abandoned. He-went to Alaska! In
1ST as a missionary and later became
manager-of thefiltka Trading company.
He was appointed governor In 1897, re
appointed In 1900 and now has received
his third appointments J .'.' Vf r.Si ! t
... . . 1 .
. " 1,1 1 ..I 1 . ......
- 8perial Oiipatch to Tke Jownefct-r .'
. Orange vllle, Idaho,'. Jan.,'. it. Wji I,
Rooke, .who ,'waa : convicted of - horse
stealing ' and sentenced to -1 0 , years - In
the penitentiary." was , taken1 there yes
terday. Rooke Stoutly, maintains his In-
5 , SOT SASLT SaTJVBBO.-' V f . !
Troy, Idaho, Jan., 1. Jean Perry, the
14-year-old aon of Mrs. Joseph Perry.
was Injured by. an explosion of powder
In a ahop . where he is employed here.
yesterday. ,- His clothes, breast and
hands wfarerrTSlyurnearTT- . ... .
The Japanese torpedo boat came
wlthln-100 feet of the propellers of the
Cincinnati. ' Undoubtedly her officers
believed we were selling . under . false
eoiore,. for not until they .had .read the
name on the stern did they turn back.
We were ready for any .emergency, and
a 8-inch vgun was trained , on the little
warship as she came on.".' .-' ' '
- l.leut.-Com. J. C. Olllraore of the Cin
cinnati was slso a passenger on the
Doric. five ' years ego Olllmore was
captured by Philippine Insurgents snd
taken far . Into the Interior of JUnaon,
where he was finally reecued. -
Gonne, the Irish Joan of Arc, Who
. by New. Britain Man-Eaters In
Missionaries -' Make v- .';- ,
oaiue tor uiio.
tails of tbe affaJf Jit.jrcljt 1. y Jilm. Jte
Worcr of the horrible affair came to
Ponapa by a ahip ' from .New Britain.
There are mostly Catholic missionaries
In New Britain and these were the ones
that suffered. Five nuns and five priests
were surrounded by a band ot , fierce
tribesmen near the home. of Dr. Hahl,
governor of Ne
w BriUln.
M."The mlaslonarlea were kiTled .with
knives and clubs. . The priests fought
for "their lives and riot ana eacaned.
After kmnfecttnw-ihe-
proceeded to feast on the dead bodies:
Not until the tragic affair was Over did
the German authorities learn of Its per
petratlon. -.The vice-governor: told- me
that punitive measures had jbeen taken."
CA CDCPTATflDC DinTl,nor ngagements' nave oeen reportea.
OU OH CO I A I UHs HI U I r ft is reported that the appointment
i (Jaaraal Speetal.Serrleji.) v - '
'Masatlan, M ex.. Jan. 14. A riot oe
eurred at a ' bbll fight here yesterday.
When -the bulls . refused tot fight a
thousand spectators tors up the. benches
and pulled -dowaithe ralllnrs- and die-
mantled the seats, piling-. the 'debris In
the'eenteV bf "the ring and setting It on
nre, ,y f , . . , , , -r . ... . p-,- . v a ; i
Three battalions of soldiers were; hur
ried, to the. scene -when the. authorities
saw.- hat.' the -f efforts of the police
availed .naught, and outlled: the
charging with, fixed bayonets.,.,.
, i ,
r -. (Rpeatal Dtopatch- to The JoaraaLI l; -!
Jlolena, ' , Jan.' 14 Former Senator
Thomas t Carter made a further' gain of
one : vote today, la , the, senatorial-ballot-.
lng,: but, was still .six short bf election.
The ballot resulted: Cater,; Republican,
41:. Mantle.- - Republican. 8: .Conrad.
pemoorat 3 1- scattering. , 18 ; , no choice.
, . (Joursal Sperlal forvlm.)
'The Hague, 'Jan. 14 The government
has 'chosen a site for the peace palace,
to -ber erected .by. Andrew Csrnegla -'it
will be on the parade ground .near the
Bosch. .The selection must be approved
by t hestates general. , A . , (,,..."
i i There's nothinf more wholetcitiie ur pleaaritrtg hear thlfTtheeartyliugh pi dcftgHtcbTcIi
.-nothing will make the children laugh quicker than the four pares of comic pictures published in The Sun- , X
day Journal. - Frit snd Hans, the
most famoug srtiats of the country sr smong thog thers tomorrow. . '. ; q1- .r ; : f - j - - -;--
' . There art pares devoted to Her eapecially. If she cares for fashions New York's most famous modiste'
fives ber latest hints on dress; if she caret for clubs, The .Sunday Journal prints the only woman's club pegs -fat
Oregorw Lady Henry Somerset, and many other famous-women contribute to The Sunday JournaL -j
VVv.:;"; c,:-: ,.Amuse. anp instruct, YovRSEUTtr
News locgl and telegraphic, the moat complete snd only exclusive leased wire service in Oregon is there ;
to give you s comprehensive view of the world today. - Features of aufficient variety to please, almost every
taste are given also. Chimmie Sadden, Jules Eckert Goodman publish delightfully breesy articles.. , ;
. . .:; -; , -fr- .V
The best and simplest piano
2 ' instructor the only one they neeV
. .You Simply Cant "Do rVitkout The 4
J eee eeeeeeeeeeeeMe 4
Russia'smperor Speaks
Words of Cheer and v
t-.1- ' '.- ; a. 4 ' -t--x
Slav Generals Enthusiastic Oyer
, Conduct of Japanese Navy i
and Troops and" SayJThey,
: . Beat the World. ( :
.. (Bfwolal Dispatch to Th 'jonrnsl.)
London. - Jan. : 14. (Bulletin) The
Borne . eorrespuiideiit Of Hit Exchange
Telegraph-wires thara private telegram
received there from St. Petersburg as
serts thatKuropetkin wilt probably be
recalled on account of rtll health.
- St. Petersburg, Jan:- 14, The car fe
day Issued ah order of the dsy to the
army in praise of the heroic defense ef
Port Arthur by General Stoeasel and the
garrison. The order reads:. -.
"Port Arthur has pissed -Into the
hands of- the enemy. .- Af ter-a ' struggle
lasting -11 - months,-- during seven .-of
which the brave garrison was isolated
and without hope,, nevertheless they sus
tained., the slfge, hardsblpr, privations
and -moral' tortures - without complaint,
determined that the enemy would gain
nothing without paying dearly. 1 - "With
a handful of men ' we withstood the
enemy's- furious attacks. ' - "
"My brave soldiers and aaljors. let not
this sorrow discourage you.. Our enemy,
la brave and strohg, and It Is extremely
difficult ' toeu stain the struggle at a,
distance ef Id. 000 versta; but Knsslals
great and powerfuL-and : during herons"-
tlonal Tire or l.ooai years she baa given
hard proof; f"Jier. ability $0 ovnrcome
'even more serious dangers. - - Each time
she has arisen, more powerful than ever
and full of renewed, x'lror. . -v '.
"We are greatly grieVed by the lack
of success and-the. pamrul losses, but
let us not abandon our courage. -It 1
in' sorrowful - times ; such as these that
the power of Russia. renews Itself. I
am confident that the hour, of victory
Is at hand; and God will bless our dear
army and navy in their effort to crush
the: .enemy - and sustain the honor- and
glory of the fatherland.1
The Russia' casualties during the past
fortnight in -Manchuria ' have - been:.
Killed, aeven officers, 188 men; wounded,
42 officers, 148 meny missing, - 480.- The
list of casualties probably includes those
in the righting at Klnow and Nluchwang
as well as Shahko river, where several
ior tne arand puke. Michael Nlcolavltcn
as president of the ceuncll of ministers
has been confirmed.
-The Russian -New Tear wa cele
brated last night with much of the
usual enthusiasm In private homes, but
with little . public demonstration, r The
New Tear's ball and oeptlon iiSTisJly
given at the' winter palace y-the emperor-
was canceled.- ; "- -;-''... '. -
The rumors that the resignation of
Pqlnee Sviatopolk-Mlrsky- haa been ac
cepted Is without foundation. The en
tire ministerial situation ia unchanged.
"According to a statement Issued today
the -Budgetfor-108 -places the cost of
war the past year at l!l.oo.oo rubles.
Finance Minister Kokovaoff has been
appointed secretary of state and re
tain his present post.
Japan Sends a rormal Surpatch Statlaf
' - That imties Kave Bee rulflUed.
T7 (ionniI Bpeclar Berrlei.i r tr
- Toklo, Jan.' 14. Japan haa sent .a
formal dispatch to' the German govern
ment ' expressing the . conviction that
Germany hag .' fulfilled ' her : duties, .aa
neu"tralthroughoutthe- warfc and, es
pecially during the recent events In the
war sone. . ... v'j..:., ;
. The . imperial . office auinounces - the
completion,, of d flotilla of seven sub
marine boats. . 1 ' v
.. Additional reports from the Japanese
army headquarters state that the Rus
sian cavalry, which was defeated In the
neighborhood of .Tin Kow, retreated . la
(Continued on Page Two.)
Katscn jammer Kids, Fogy Grandpa,'.
teaching system continues to be published and hundreds ! have found this i
to obtain s working knowledge of the
U, 8. Ambassador Joseph M. Choste,
.. ., '
Affidavit Says F. P. Drake Carried
Into Matrinioriial Affairs,
: Regular Fee for Getting Her Position as Cook
' According to an affidavit filed today.
K Pr Drake-of the employment agency
bearing his name,
argeAJbis wife IIJ.UcAet iXSj'TlZ
aa a fee for. finding her -a place where
she could earn aer-Uvetlhood at ill a
month as a cook and' where- alse-theli:
young, daughter, . Hasel, could, -secure
employment-' rll,fFir.i-
Drake andLhls wife, hsve, had dilfer
encesv and s salt .. now Js ' pendlng-"ln
which -Mrs.-Drake -aeks for a divorce.
The affidavit -la -filed In those proceed
tags., . The letter In which Drake recom
mends his wife as a Suitable person for
the position, is sddressed to a business
man of Portland and - mention -Condon
as the - place : to - which hia .wife knd
daughter mar go and labor for their
daily bread.
: Letters revealing the secrets between
man and wife are contained la the af
fidavit. Mrs. Drake' says that she has
at all' times" desired to , live with her
husband, and -uses this language In set
ting forth this fact: . .
wTtt.t T m all -4mA Amm9mA A
with my husband as his wife If he
would take roe to his home or tell tne
Lwhere It is, arid treat me "as his wife;
that I 'have asked, pleaded and Implored
him to. provide a- homefor ine and to
treat me aa he used to do." . i
.' The affidavit proceeds to set forth the
facts that Drake sent her to Minneap
olis in July, 1894.-giving her -ft to pay
expenses and promising to send money
to brlngiher again to Oregdnrbutre-
is upon them all
. IJoarsal Bpedal tervte.)- - '
- Great Neck. Jan. 14. Mrs. How
ard Gould,' mistress of Castle. OouldT at
Sandpoint. has. decided upon an import
ant Innovation to : be Introduced : upon
the estate.' "All keepers and --workmen
on the ' place, numbering S0o.;: will be
supplied with distinctive livery. These
are to be worn on. all .ocoaalona and the
men will -.resemble - those employed "
the estates of royalty, in Europe. -
.":'' r' t . (Joarsal apscUL Service.) , "
London.-Jan. 14. In response to the
call of, John'. X5. Redmond the' members
ef the Irish parliamentary party . have
assembled' at Dublin for a conference to
discuss the distress In. the west of Ire
land. In the language of the call, the
conference ' will ..consider - means to
"force . the . government to provide -. for
the' immediate necessities of the ease
and put -the-landiaol -In operation in
Connaught and- other poor districts." i
eeeeee eeeeeeeeee
child, . there's
Maud - th Mul hi colors, by the
instrument.'. . ' . , , "'..'.,
Sunday Joiirnal ; ;
ss He Appears in the . Painting" by
w -
Employment Business .Ideas
and" Made His- Wife Pay
fused to do so,' so- that she;. was corn-
I pelled to borrow-aaoney to buy a return
Then follow letters 1 that -passed be
tween husband and Wife, one from Drake
to Mrs. Oralt being .copied llterally-in
tne affidavit, as follows: -. .- ., ' .
f - "Portland. Or,-Sept- lr J 104. Well.
MTgj Di-rill-try-Mand-rep- youa tew
lines inis evening. am , woraing early
and Jate and trying nfy very beat to
make aome money, but it comes in slow
as usal you est me what It Is best for
you to doo that-ls hard foe ms to do.
but It looks to me as If the best thing
for you to do is-t'o stay where your
friends are.' I will tell you what I am
doolng anu expect to do In the futchr.
T"havBTjommeneeorTiuirTr a divorce and
I expect to be a single man and you a
single woman within a month from
now so you had better make your plana
a cording, your know so do eye that
you and I have tried to. live together at
man and wife we have failed; while
I don't condemn married lelf our matv
riage was a failure 4k now If you wish
to keep up a scorspondance with me A
will write tb me I will try to answer
yor . letters the best, I can. Ton -are
with your friends ct JLweuld advise you
to stay. 'From ss ever your husband,
F' P. Drake."'; V .
Then' Mrs. Drake makes public the
fact that Drake offered - to find a place
where she could work anu- charged her
82 89 as afeefdr so' doing. ' . " ' '
Financier '.toi , Advance" Loan bf
'" -t. r-aSSIIlAM a biikau .-' - (
iriuiivirvi, rutviiMV vvi
.. '. V t
taint Property-4 v-'" v.-, '
' " i (Joorsal . Special errle.)
BaKlmorei Jan.'14.-.-Elerpont Mor
gair, one of the strongest pillars of the
Protestant f-Kpiscopal - ohnrch In ..the
United States, . is reported - to -have of
fered to assist the distressed Catholic
university at Washington by, advancing
a loan rof 81.000,000,, or -by- making a
purchase of certain property, . the title
of 'Which' Js t claimed by-the-university
under -a . deed - of tnlst V executed by
Thomas K.- !Wagaman,' former treasurer
of the-university-who became bankrupt.
-.-Cardinal Gibbons satd today: . :t have
heard the rumor and I hope it may prove
true, but beyond that I do. hot know. any
thing of. the matter. -1. had the pleasure
of dining with Mr. Morgan-a few daye
ago. but hs made no reference to affairs
of tha-university.' r - . v .v ' . , ;
-The .story !e-. strongly - affirmed In
Washington that Horgaa will come to
the aid of the university there. - '
Montreal,- Jan. H Fire-early today
damaged the -Royal Victoria hospltarto
he SJiteut of -818,0,000. ; . . , . , ,
-efB-t t ! iisaaiai S i aSst y - .
- "i - feTfltaT18Srt- vpeirTP fjejtrTfr. t ' i "
Alameda,. Cel.!--Jan. '14. Maddened
aeanoharmads d by the wild set lone ef
one of their nnmber. which had been
wounded by Al My ber, caused a herd Of
the animals to stuck the frail craft ef
the hunter yesterday. It Was only after
a desperate battle with tne inrunatea
marine beasts that Wy ber beat them off
and rowed hia hunting akiff to. the
beach.-' ,-" '
In the fight. Wyber used his gun and
oars effectively, shooting and striking
wherr t t ' Mrtun'.y presented It
Self, r was oa a ecu"" ;
Cfear Exposition of izzi
What the Portage ,
- Roed Will Do,
Compare- Railway Charges Be
tween The Dalles , and Port-
and and Arlington and ,
:-r i' f'.: .; Portland.. :';-s'.l""1;f.''-; 'i: ''
clsed-the action i of Blue Mountain
grwigt, No8 4fi. of I Orsnde, for-ep
posing tbs "appropriation of - money bjr
the atate for the bullding-of the portage .
road. It called that action the' work ot
little- Oregonlans.-Ta
att6ta-ltMafsV OC" "tllsi 'i
grange have since .'expressed some In
dignation' Over such criticism And have
now ; sent .this ' paper a series of .six
questions to -answer. These oues tlons.
it will be noted, are much on the order
of catch questions, but such ',as -they -are
they are here presented and answered
seriatim. - ..! .-s , .'-?.-
First questlon-v Wha will be the cost
of ' transferring freight from .-. boat- to
railroad, passing same - over portage
road and transferring same back to boat -
First answer: The cost of transfer
ring freight will' be regulated by. the
volume carried. The. more carried.' the'
flees the cost -per' ton. ' Furthermore, as
at least 80 per .cent ef the freight will.,
be" down, freight, ' the. -coe ; will . be re
duced to a minimum, as the freight-will
be delivered and received by steamboat
whoaa. -deck-handa - universally,, handle ,.
ktbe freight carried by them. . These facta
make It lnrpoealble to put in dollars and' -cents
-the- eotaal - cost, but Jt-te -safe
to say the cost will be but little in
excess of that of operatinsj the road. The
Journal believes that with the low-cost -of
operation and the. great benefit that
would flow therefrom to the. Inland Empire,-
the -state could well .'afford to r
make the road free, just as a canal
would be. for freight. Furthermore, the ..
amount of freight carried and' the cost
thereof is ot but secondary importance,
as the chief purpose of the portage1 road
1 to cause a reduction In iatea. In '
I other.' words,-It Is not anticipated that
tne portage roaa win d crowaea witn -freight,
but that by reason of Its exist-"'
ence rates will be lowered . throughout
the Inland "Empire.'": ' Therefore, a,- few
tons of freight might apparently ' cost
a very considerable sum of money to
move;-but. on the other hand, .the cost -of
thousands of tons moved by the rail
road, company -will be greatly lessened
to the producer, thus perfectly justify
ing the legislative appropriation. f
V'. w ;'w ' ateegis,
Second euestlon: : How much farm ins
"land 4a Oregon ia near enough to the Co
lumbia river to be benefited by said Port-',
age road? And," on aa average, how far
are these farms, from . aald Columbia. '
Second answers Every aer of Tahd In "
easrern Oregon will feel the effect of
the lowering of the rates. " This is dear
ly recognised, by the O. IL at N. Co. The
benefit will not be .confined :to a strip
contlguoua to the river.- The question ,
concedes that rates up and down will be
affected at river points,. If. therefore,
the farmer has to haul to the river to
reach the railway, he wilt certainly get
the .benefit of -the lowet;crata On the '
other hand. If he baa the benefit Of a
brannh line, its rates will have to be re
duced, ae no other railroad would dare,
for Instance, to make a river rate to Ar
lington and add enough to the local from
Arlington to Condon. te make up for the -reduction
to Arlington. -No road could
do this with safety, for It would simply
Invite a maximum rate bill on a mileage
basis. . .f..;..i.. .i. .
. ' Where An tha Breach Boedef
'Third question: -In view ef , the fact
that there are branch railroads Into al
most every Inland section to accommo
date them already,' how far can farmers
afford to haul produce and." be beneflttd
by aald portage roadT ,
i Third answer: The third question Im-
plies that the eastern Oregon country
la now accommodated by branch roads.
Just how or where the representatives
of . Blue. Mountain grange got this Idea .
we con t know.. In Union county. In
which - thia grange ia located, there Is
one breach- line-lt-mllee-ln length.- la
Wallowa county, which will eventually
hlOLmuctL.bX-tb Snake river, pr whose
rates will be directly benefited by river
competition,. there la not. one mile of
road.1 ' Tet - both ' these counties are
(ContinuedTon Page Two.)
qaeet- for ducks When he encountered the
aeellons In shallow water In eager pur
salt ef a school ef, Spanish meeker! an I
herring. Animals all around the boat
war capturing flah.
Fearing they ml'M v-set t 1'. " i
vessel. Wyber sou' t t r i -Hona
away by per ; . t - - t
Instead of atan t v s '
Jured sealiri t ( -
males to tv . i i
and roc! 1
wlh he 1
! " I