The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 13, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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1. I I
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i.. . ... ,.. .
x ui uavu iiuv v u w -
sizes. This uiiderwv retailed-
for from $2.50 to $7.00 ;a suit
Your3lAbicerSaturday :fo
:rv urn I
.t !
t.;.,vyy- r;-
.. i , .
: v Vawter, Capron, Mayger, Muir
l.ffrv.wd Llntblcum 8ur of f
i .
: Spakr Mills However Will De
Vy" lay Official Announcement of :
His' Selections Until Monday.
(Mr Be SC. TmrtoUMl
f. - Baleni. Orv ias. H. U.nbtn of th
, -lower hoose In thanat Icdalatur ar
j aply lntratd In ,th commltl p.
rr. polatmant to b mad br Bpaakar A.
.' ..K . MOla. but ' so' dtflnlt information
to hla Mlsetloaa.wtU .t given out
- vntU th tioua reconvema next Men-
- 4yr-h: At 1 to-aoaie of tha eommttfeTt
liowavar, thoaa aonvarant with tha da--,.nircavof
b orloua mambar aiad tha
v - leftTlalatlon to b tntroduotd ara abla
; . . to maka a ahrewd aruaaa. - . .
i Tha probabla appointment for chair
, mn ofi tha mora Important cotnmlttaca
ytmr. publlahcd yaatardar In Tha Jour
tiaj. , It jlf fotJoedpd that Vawtar .will
i i hava tha , chairmanship of tha waya and
. - iinaana, Maygvr will hva fUharlea. Cap
ron will ba at tha haad of tha commlt
,',T x". on mU'tary af falrr. and Hermann
... will baohalrma'n f tba Cotntnlttoa on
J4 roada and hlahwaya,-onleaa ;ha ahould
deeMo to aak aom ther placa of actual
Importance. ". , .,
,. Mulr or Llnthlcvm will ba chairman
. i of tha eoramlttaa an judiciary and both
will ba mambara of thla -committaa. Ona
of tham will probably hare tha chalr
t jnanahlp of Mrlaton of lawa. . Holcorab
of ' Multnomahwlll doubt Una har (
'TTUpo 6!Tlha i eommlfra on Jnauranca and
. ibanklnr and aeema likely to ba chair
iman. Tha mambara of tha Clackamaa
. . delegation hare bean atrlvlng for a plaea
i "on the railroada committee, and would
. i Ilka the chalrmanablp, though that la
; Jlkely to go ta Monneman, with Cooper
'. aa aaoond choice. Soma algnlflcanca la
attacM.a ta lia awal.ty !
a place on 'thla committee, for
. .- v Brawnall la to be a member of tha earne
r i oommlttaa In- tha , aenata and waa at
: r fna tlma alated for .chairman.
. It aeema, aafa to conclude that tha
. , chalrmanablp of tha commltta on eleo
tlona will go to a Multnbmah man.. Borne
: Important legialatloa la tba Introduced,-
Tta only way to ireL rid
cf ts,&s cad other enrp-
." tlzzi b to dsssse the blood.
1 tr rave tha f?lftti- trim.
7 "V At t" I AT .
- . kk nam. innr ann'tmi muntptnai
ChV.:v.:;.'; - the';. Oregon
price we asl$l for Saturday
LOT. 1
aDdato'Toftha Zuatrallan t ballot
law, and tha- Republican organ tsatlpo la
deeply Intereated In lt. :'
. Crang of Multnomah will' probably ba
a member, lfnot chairman, of tha eom-J
miuee on game, jjauey naa lnrormea
the apeaker that he doea not dealra the
chalrmanahlp af tha tabor committee
and thla will probably, gd to a man from
aoma outalde county.. It la aurraiaad
that Unthlcura wilt bare an Important
placa - en tha committee on public
llbrarlea. Huntley'a ambition to ba
chairman of waya and mana will not
ba granted, although ho may get a placa
on the committaa. Cola will probably
ba chairman of medntqe and pharmacy.
Ijt haa been assumed that Cola would
get the chalrmanahlp of tha committee
on Irrigation but thla la by no means
certain. The-plaee may go touav
Stalner will probably hare a plaea on
thla committaa. ... '.. . .
Beoetrea " kTUaty-f on
; Tint Week of eaaalon.
(Bpeeiar tHtcaT'Th."JorlT
i Salem. Or., Jan. It. BlUa Introduced
In tha houae yesterday:
H. B. It. by Mayger To change tlma
of holding lwta add Clark lir. , i
H. B. 77. by Mayger Pot county pros
ecuting aUoraers, 1 .
H. U. 78. by UnthlcunvwAa to Judicial
rcordaof foreign countrlea.' -. -. .
tL .7t. by Capron To Areata atate
tax commlaalon. .1 . . ' ; . ' .
H. B. t. by Henderson Ae to au
thentlcatlnp' affldartta and depoaltlona
In other am tee and countrlea. ,
. 11. B. II, by Smith of Josephine
For glrla' annex tvatatd reform aehooL
H. s B. J. by . Bramhall To Incor
porate Estacada, Clackamaa eountyj -i,"H
H. B. SI, by Crang To Increaae terma
of circuit court In Multnomah, county
to 10 a year. ' '.
-HrrBrfc:! Blnghant--rixlng travel
ing expenses of school superintendent
ot Lana county. : ., . . J : - ; . .
M. B. M. by Blnrham Fixing aouth-
arn boundary of tana county.
H. B. t(, by Bingham ror an addi
tional Judge In second Judlnlal dlatrlcL
H. B. 7. by Bingham To amend act
authorising bonde for street and sew
ers in Incorporated town.
("Hi B... by Chaaiberlaiit To preTldel
for publication of laws enacted under
in. initiAtive1 sonenanienK. - - . ' r
H. B. It, by WeUsb Requiring aher
Iffa to aacertalO' residence of tax
payera. -.
- m. tf. to. oy Hudson 1 ran marr
rlage license faa to $." . 'V j
H. B. 1. by Cola Ta amend charter
LKinf ton.; M011 u county. .
H. B. II, by Mulr To require publl
cation of legal notloe In nawapapera of
general circulation. '
HL B. 4r by Jaggar To exempt earo-
tng of Judgment debtor. ' -. 1
H. R. , by Shook To provide deputy
gherlff fof Klamath county. .
H. R. 4, by Mulr That court eel ea of
tha houae b extended to mambara, of
tha pre. .' i
H. R. U, by Stalner That aettla-.
ment be admitted to Cascade reaerve at
beadwntera of Bantlam river.
H, ' J. R. I. by Sapron For Joint
committee to Investigate Mut echool. -
-in tha aanata;
8. B. IS. by Brownell Making eight
hours' labor a dar' work,v'
S. B. It. by Whealdon To appreprl-
late mmiey for veterana of Indian war
vt and -b
-,-., by Smith To creata county
and munlrln.l boa ma of health.
S. B. 41--by Booth To approprlaia
oney tcr ertabllahment of a laboratory
tt th trnlvemlty of Oregon."
S. B. a. kr smith To provide for
pla road ta. " "
B, B. 41, by Smith Creating eemra le
sion to establish boundary Una between
I Sac
;'S "
1 jm ' n.w
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Slavcns.
(fpeelal Dlspa.teb to Te Journal.) .
Warren," "OrVJah. I-.M. and Mrs.
Amoa Slavena celebrated their golden
wedding Tuesday. They were marrlef
In Shelby county. III., la 18it, crossed
th plaina wltb an ox team In lift, and
after many exciting adventurt. Inotud
tng two attack Trom Indiana, wintered
In 'Walla Walla, proceeding In th fol
lowing spring to th placa where they
now live. . . They had aaven eona and alx
daughters and adopted five other child
ren. Ona son died in Portland, ona waa
drowned in -Cowlltt river In lit-. Mr.
and Mrsw A. Jr. Slavena of Dawson.
A tak.-wr uiaibta ta coma. - Thar'
malnltig membera of tha family war
Umatilla and Wallowa and Umatilla and
Union counties, v ..
. 8. B. .44. by Pierce TO provide for
custody jnd disbursement of school
funds of district of th second and third
clasa - ..- . 4 ; ; . '
n 11 r Bi
of 1I0S relating to practice of vetart
nary aurgary. ; r
8. B. 44. by Malarkey Requiring that
conditional aale of personal property be
recorded. , v
... S.i B. 47. by Slchet To provide cor
poral punishment for wlfe-beatere. '
. 8. B, 41,- by Crolaan Ta ' authorise
atata board to purchase land near Chanr
poeg for tha us of th atata. 1
S. B. 4. by tyoock To regulate
criminal procedure In Juatlca court .1 -.
B. B.t JO. by Pierce Athortlng nv
Dr. B. E.
The salaatlf la
Dentist that ra
ils vea "all pain In
dental operations.
S4SVi WaaUagtom
V- eas.
Mn's Hats.
. Ten; dozen. Men's- BlackVstiff
Ihat " iatcf "for' $2JS6, $3.00 and
$3.50, and ; were good values
at"that- Satu rd aypnly
r ii-
preaent; with 14 rrandchlldren and ona
graat-grandchlld. About 40 Invited
gueata. - Including- MraC Perry, ' on of
th ft rat women;' to cf ob th plains
Into- Oregon, were there. v :
v Th wedding" berVio 'Va .read: by
Rev, R. Dc Nionolla Of Kalama, Wash
One of the . preaent la A gold, watch
and chain from th aonev tha flrat watch
Mr. Slavena had worn- In all hia Ufa
.The following r tb aooa and daugh
ter preeent: Mr. M. J. Soot t,-Mia
Maud BUven. of Kalama. Wash.;. Mra.
Julia Tralnor, Mr. Maggie Caaldy, Mrs.
R, Oafleld, Daniel William- and John
Slavena. of Portland. Or.; Marlon 81a
rer, Hood Rlvsr; Mla7MxySlaTiia.
Warren, Or.
ploya to bring action, for Injuries
against either the employer or an insur.
a nee cempany . inaarlng tba employer
against loaa.
S. B. El. by Smith Td amend aactlon
I.Stt of the coda forytbe. protection of
s. a. si, by Brown.u (by re3aMrr
To amend aectlon I.ll 01 th coda, for
the protection or elk. .;--.
S. B. ii. by Pierce (by request) To
require admlnlatrator to execute daeda
for property to which tha decaaaad had
mad bond for deed.
& S. 14. by Pierce To ralaa tha limit
of damages for taking human Ufa from
$S.00 to 114.000. . .
8. B. IS, .by Pierce To' amend tha
game lawa In eastern Oregon for th pro
tection of g and duck.
S. B. SI, by Booth To creat th of
fice of atata examiner. , " , , - r
'.-;-.'-. . . r .
r-. ........... .Jmtnil gp.cui fcVrric.) , K T
Reading: Pa Jan. It. The commu
te of Inquiry investigating the chargea
against Blabop Tsbot, made by Dr.
Irvine, met at Wood Chapel of Chflat
Eplacopal church thla morning and per
manent organisation Waa effected. Dr.
Bodina wa elected chairman aad W.
B, Butler ertary. - . , .
' '. V
1 I
Call Issued fof Convention at
Which Important Change Will
vC Be Advocated. .--
-CMAY be taken as basis
Sigler Says All Property Values
for Taxable Purposes Should Tt
?.u-.-. i
- "An aaeeaaora' convention will be held
In Portland, r January II," aald B. U
Slgler, assessor for Multnomah county,
today, "at. which Important cnangea Jn
aaseaament and. taxation law will ba
eonaldered for recommendation to th
legislature. I believ th tlm la ripe
to propose the raising of property val
ue a aasaeead for taxation to the eaah
value required by law, or, at leaat, to
an approximation thereof. I am In favor
of bringing it to paaa aa eoon aa pos
sible, and ahall advocate euch change
when the assessors of tha atata meat.
"No one Informed on tha eubject
doubt the wladom . of aasesslng prop'
rty according to the law. and, provid
ing auch higher aaseeament- could be
had without throwing open the treaaury
to too great draft, in tha levying of the
millage Impoaed for tax,, it would b
wail to follow th letter or th law,
which command tha aaaeaament of all
property at Arue cash value at a volun
tary sale. - . ' - I,"..
. "The asaesinra ' convention 'i could
profltably conaldar - recommending the
adoption of aoma feature of the Call
forale law, which,-in at leaat two par-
tieulara, -excela aura. The are th
maklng of th personal property tax a
114n on realty, and the provision that,
when a property-owner doea not aaalat
the aeeeaaor by bringing In a etatement
of hie property, an arbitrary aaeeesmant
ahall ba made,, which cannot be reduced
ay the. Doara 01 equaiixatton. . ...
' Some important amendment ara
needed in aaaeaament and taxation lawa,
mmAmm tm tiring th. t.ti.l mm ptff n
an Ideal a poaalbla. ' We cannot make
It pdrfeot, aa auggeetad by . Aaaeasor
Dodg of Ban FranclMO county, who. In
a valued treatise on 'Franchise Asseee-
tnanta, quotea tha earing: -
. 'Whoever - hone a fault! eaa tax to'
aea . a . ... ., 1 ... ,
Hope what n r Waa, ta .sot ana! ne'er
ahall be.'
. '"But wa have reached a period of de
velopment when wa muat have signifi
cant change- rw- lawa, and I hope
the ' aaaeaaor'- convention will recom.
mend aaveral amendraenta" - 7 -t
, Tha assessor' convention waa called
by.J. IL Morton, assessor of. Union
county, who ba sent but tha following
notice, after extensive ' correspondence
wltb aaaeaaor throughout n tata:
. . ''La Grande. Or Jan, 7. 1104. ;;.
"To tha Aaaeaaor cf Oregon Oreettng:
"Bom tim age I assumed the -re-ponalblllty
of taking th. inltlattv in
th matter of holding aa aeeeaaor' con
vention, about January SO, 1101, and
uggwated to soms that It ba bald at
Portland. - '
"I have received replle from I a
aaaaora, all of whoa agreed that sack.
J Twenty dozen softand stiff ;
bbsShirtsJwith' bnclahdj,
two'pairs of cuffs, the newest
fall patterns in Cluettanci Star
y makes; regularr507val
a- convention wa . badly needed, and
nearly all agreed that Portland waa the
proper place to hold It. - 11 v
."A few aaaeaaor who live In count I
remote, from railroad facllltle ar not
aura that they eaa attend, but express
their Intention to atund If poaalbla. I
regret vary much that the tlma Is, so
limited that it will be lmposslbl to se
lect aoma one to lead la thla matter,
and respect fully aak that tha position I
am assuming be not considered aa an
arbitrary more on my part, aa condi
tions eeem to require that I tseue a call
for uch a meeting, u '-' - :
From the letters I have received; from
tha aanaaora of th ' different count lea
of the atata I conclude that th con
vention abould ba held at Portland be
ginning January It, .106. and continue
all the week, or to be adjourned at the
option of tha oonvenUon. - - -'
''Iet all ' coma prepared to - intelli
gently dispose ot th queetlona that may
coma before tha convention, r.cK
"With the conclusion, the aeeee-.
or of th atato'of Oregon are called to
meet In Portland. Or., January It. 1103,
at 1:10 p. m. - J. H. MORTON,
: "Aassaaor, Union County, "Orgon.
JJlfBatt Vfrwtal t4at4C9. ' '" "'
- Kew Tork, Jan.- II. Juatlo Oaynor of
the uprem court ha appointed a com
mlaalon to investigate the aanlty or In
sanity of Prodi X. Duke, who la con
fined at a aanatorlum at Fluahlng. Long
Island.,'.... ; '....'i-. :.? 4. .
(Jeuraal Special Serrle.) L,.!.1 1
, Washington, JX C, Jta It.-- Th
comptroller of the currency thla ntorn
ing Issued a eall for reporta on the con
dition of national bankt at tha cloa
of bualneas, Wednesday, January lit
Atwya at&r-nbr tk
. w have auite a number on hand and want
' " Am atUaat aVt.aB.aM A.d -aattrl) fel14 USB " X
., ,(. i'y... W vUIIB UlfCIU VU. "aUlVJajr WUJU ww rw m.r-twt
ood one at $10. $170. tl80. t318 or t238?
ey are worth much
you can buy them on our easy payment plan -.
,"'' of t3 , and $3 per monuL r
reductions.; . "r:':-v U
"Ai::n 6 G!Ii:rt
coaum szxtx
' . "-
f'r;' -
fA' v.
: 1 V7)
A:. "-.;
..." f.iJt ..-iVv-
WOaN $25,000 A-YEAR'
. ... . . . ,r -
M Dollar :
(Continued FromPage Ona.)
he accepted tha third vice-preeldency of
tha Southern, railroad. 4nr 1IS ba waa
promoted to the aaoond vlca-praldney.'-and
in tha-following year .waa oaUed
to eucceed Austin Corbltt a praldnt af '
tha Long laland railroad, v . v !,
Mr. Baldwin bad a remarkable capae-, .
ity. for work, and found tlma to engage,
In widespread Interest In j;
thoa of hi railroad. H wa an arn-r
eaf atudant of social economy, and: waa ;
deeply Intereated In educational work. I
He came prominently before the pubUoU
aa chairman of tha caucua committaa
of II which Investigated vice condition;.'
in Kew Tork -city during Mayor Van-
Wyck admlnlatratlon. ..Ha waa active
in the civic federation and waa'.- frb-P
quently called upon . to arbitrate labor ;
dispute. Much of hi tim in later ,
yeara had been given to tha work of j
the 'southern education board, aad ; to
th f general educational-, board,"' tf,-whlck-b
vu chairman. Ha waa a dl-.
rector of the Corn Exchange bank, th-r
EqulUbl Life Asanranc company, the'
Unlorf - Exchange .. bank,- qd aaveral I
other corpora tlona waa a member
of tha Harvard, City, Law and Nassau
Golf club, the Hamilton club-of Brook-
lyn, the chamber of commerce and, the,.
New- England aoolety. , - .- ,
With Mr. Baldwin at tha tlma of hi
death were hlc wife, who la the daugh-;
tcr of the late Samuel Bowie, and hi
son and daughter.- -, . - . . u
A New Jersey preacher ad viae young
women not to marry until they know all
about their Intended huaband'a paat Ufa.' '
ae eWr i' V aai '
' JFW'---
more than that and ;
- Rc5cr Co.
ajtp xomaxsoaT,
; ' .r :