The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 13, 1905, Image 11

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7 ' 4
- W. W. Naushton, ths' " Well
Known Exrtert. Discusss Mint
In the Lightweight Class.
JOE CANS CAHNCtty5.' -V " '
Therefore Thir Authority Demon
strates. That the
Coy Has Earned Title
r'l,'!oiJm "U pugnistio title were
c:jit is m
; sired in. court of liw,R un.'w. W,
1 "5 Naught on In the Ban. rrtnolie Exam
Mm -tMm t r I sstats
'and other thto'g, Jo Out of Baltimore
I . would here mtle difficult la establlea-
.;,lnf hl right to be called lightweight
i ,' champion f th world. . ...... . - '
J , "In the first place he could produce
' -' ample Testimony-to snow ma-- ii-oaa
1 , .been the euatom from time Immemorial
i -championship to, box at "ill pounda,
ringside Wright. Having thua laid a
"foundation, as the lawyers ear, for (he
Introduction of further- evidence, Qaao
'could proceed to make clear that he
. recently enured Into contract with one
.Jimmy Brttt to box for the 'aforesaid
. championship at 13 : pounda ringside;
that aald Jo" Oans snd said Jimmy
Brltt did box for the lightweight cham
plonahln: .that .' Referee Edmund M.
, Oraney declared Oana the winner, and
.that the title, purs and beta followed
.the -decision. --i . - v . -.
-On the f seeof It It looks a, if
I .Judge and, Jury would be bound to re
sard theae - thins aa uncontrovertible
- facta,- yet every fair-minded sporting
- - man knows" that tJans ta champion only
- by virtu of a technicality and that the
. ' "you neater who has provedt himself the
- 7 kins pin of th 111-pound class tn th
year, that. Is, past is dames sawara
rrBrltt ... .. . ,. . .. . .-. .. . '
,.: mvm Afraid of W
In support of this contention tt saay
- b Instanced - that aomthjna
.mount) t , an .admission that Brltt is
Oana' master at' th UarhtweHht Umtt
' : .has com and Is attll eomlnK f rem th
.; Oana stronghold.- Manager Harford, ao
22"ordlng to report, wishes to arrange an?"
other match betwa oana ana urni
r Herford clelree that Klines and saffer-
- lng preentd Qana from showing up In
. . his usual form la. the conteat asid in
Octoberrand from -th f act- that- he
.foe-an afternoon wlsbln In oas an-
'Other .match Is arranged It I o be ,ln-
- ferred that h considers ,lt ,unwlae to
,.f'hav Oana attempt the taa. of making
111 pounds a second time.
"s -Incidentally Herford cU lms that of
' late years pugilists - boxing for tho
'-lightweight championship hay --been
permitted to weigh in- hours befor the
. . cons; summoned them, to mldrlng. Such
j:my.havs been th caa on sundry oc-
-caalons when Gan was auppeaed to be
. boxing for th title, but It did not estab-.
-T llabr"l-nw custom- by any sneana. It
was at 111 pounda rlngsld that Jack
' MoAullffe. Oeorge- Lavlm and other
.undisputed world's champion dfnlled
-.their laurels, and until a new seal of
; . weights Is arranged by some governing
" body appointed for - the purpoee. Ill
rlngilde will have to at ana as tn Blgp
.watr mark kf th Jlghtwelght dasi
W "Jimmy Brlttr -1s , ' natural ' Jlght-
- jwelsht and Bt Into the 111-pound notch
- , better than any puglllst-J know of at
--the present date..- Rational training.
' with neref"a . resort to hardships or
". drastic measure of any srlnd. will land
him In the ring weighing 111 pounds to
the. uttermoat ounce, and at that Crura
h 1 In full- peseesalon f hla atresgth
and Is keyed up for a Ions; Journey.
"It Isn't often . that things turn out
that way,. Battling Nelson says h can
do lit pound Just ss , easily as 111.
f.Toung Corbett' claims that tn his par
tlcular case every fragment-of surplus
' : over. Ill pounds Is "excess baggage. -It
- may 'be - that -'Baf and Corbett- are
" nbblng about It- Long xprlence "ha
. taught me that th pugilist who tells
' 1 th truth about his weight is a rare bird,
-.'..But If Nelson and Cotfbett, both of
. i .whom'- are - - lightweights.' -Stat - their
i cases correctly they have a right to rail
t at th fat which set - their lighting
weights at several pounds shy of the
- '.Jlmlt and permitted - Jimmy- Brltt" to
carry every - shred of avoirdupois that
th championship rules allow.
"Brltt, of courae. had to experiment a
while pefor h found his proper ton
-nag, - When he boxed 'Young Corbett'
at 11. pounds h was a scarecrow.- Jt
. was a grueling fight, th kind which as
' : suredly reduces a man-a couple of
pounds ' while It Is In progress, and
. where Brltf a reserve weight or reserve
ii. -strength "earn from r goodnesa - only
-ksowa. His showing that night atempad
. ;'. him, th gsmest of the game, -but .It- Is
- -t doubtful If he would try to do th same
' ' ' weight again If m gold mine hung in the
. balance- - . v. , . -
-1 ' "Brltt's record Is certainly a credit-
- able one. 'Frank Krne, 'Young Corbett.'
Martin Canole. Jo Oans and Battling
. ' Nelaon are th principal one he has
triumphed over, and these names repre
sent all that Is clever, and stubborn, and
hard-hitting In th lightweight class.-.
1. Bdwiard JPaxdaa,
"gom lnerrat Brltt's pretensions to
' champlonahlp ram beoaus 'they eon-
Siaer him B 'poor puncher.' Thla
4aa; sa a sMhsl 1 i SM
wit, that Jt Is almost Impossible for a
pugilist to become a- popular Idol un
let he la the possessor of a knock-out
punch.- Cleverness Is sll very well with
the gallery gods, who constltutoth real
trial Jury In boxing pastimes. Just as
. they do In theatrical productions,' but It
- Is th sudden -thud and th sight of a
"rhter spread-eagle on the floor Ilk a
drowned sailor on a beach that produce
the wildest yelps of satisfaction. . r--"Britt
may be deflctent as a finisher
he probably is but I'll go nail he pun
" Inhes.hls opponents thoroughly for all
- 'that Ilke Jim Corbett, the greatest
L natural fighter, that ever lived, Jimmy
v lias style thst Is all his own. His
- body blows are particularly effective,
: th left-bander with which he assails
- . his opponent's ribs being. In my opln-
Ion." more Instrumental la bringing him
blned" thsjwall his otasr, punrhes-jCnmr.
; "Just what the future holds for Brltt
.r In th matter of matches Is not very
- clear. Bo far as available lightweights
- of known reputation in theae part are
4 concerned he has , been all ovr th
itround one, and.aiy match he may en.
., gage In must of necessity be a return
. - match." '.,-.. ....... . . , .
The little folks lor Dr. Wood's Nor
, sir Rlne Syrup. . IMe'eant to take; per
fectly harmleael poaltlv eur ' for
coughs, colds, broncbiu. asthma, a-
. essssasssn . (
Winter Coiiip of C!g Leaguers on
JNotable Events in the Na-
'j. 4!AMelraiMa -' c. j '
- Onoe in an exciting diamond sneoanter
at Brooklyn- President Charles H. Kb
beta ted Frank Bancroft off t on aid
and whispered 1b an expoatulatory man
ner:- 1 lia you'd gag your - actor
friends before you lead them out of th
big elty, ' xor over nere in urqouyn
som of them are likely to start- riot.'
- it Was on one ef those noisy after
noons that th Red won out- In the
ninth through the favor of Brooklyn'
first baseman.' John" "Anderson. ;-who
failed to start for s litis fouL sod the
Bsd whom he saved at one slammed
out the hit- that won.-, Abe , Yager,
Brooklyn's official scorer,' stuck an er
ror on th tab xor Anderson aa Dig as
cartwheel. . - '.. - '
"How caa' you do thatT queried
puxxled dnclnnatlan. "Under- the rules
no error can be charged ror mia taxes
of tudaTnant.1-
''Maybe this la stretching thing," re
sponded th Irate Abraham, "but a aian
swlnged dub whO'd make ' bull Ilka that
ought to get it our, errors slapped -on
. "If tns rule-makers wanted to carry
excitement off the field," mused Frank
Bancroft, "all required would be to add
a oolumn for-terrors Of-iuagmeni.'
would cost several thousands, .of. dollars
a year t par for- windows broken
Pullman oars and ' trolley carryalls In
th arguments that would follow ' the
registrations of opinions of th fans and
Scorers, sure to b combs tns
playrsr ... . J--y: ' A . : ,y
Thar ' are-- many good stories .told
about Kelly, th great catcher and hit
ter, but her Is a new on which will
not be known to many people and old
admirers of- th crest nlaysr: "
On time.. when playing with th Chl-
eaco-White, at Detroit, the score
t to 1 ,1a the ninth Inning, th White
at bat Kelly got to ftrat by beating
out a bunt, and Bd Williamson drew a
Th - twe engineered .. a .double
steal. But. as Kelly slid In. h howled
with vain and called for time.
"Kd.".h said, limping towara wui
lamson. "for th love of heaven, pull
my arm. . Faith. I think It' ut - of
Joint.1 . Aa ,Willlamaon , puUsd. Kelly
whlapered to him hurriedly.--"Bay Ed,
toon as Wledemaa (th pitchr raises
hi arm JTbi., golnr to make a break
for him, and you" follow m.. . Til sneak
down th lln and you snaak along be
hind. '- 8eeT -They'll play for me, .eur.
and Xorgt all about you; but when. I'm
close I'll stxaddls my legs and you slid
KaUy returned, to third, still writhing.
as th spectators -thought, in -pain. and.
Williamson resumed seconoV Kven
Pitcher Wiedsman was fooled, and could
hardly believe his . eyes when he saw
KeUy tearing horn. Mike was within
10 feet or the base beror wieaeman re- r
covered his astonishment and aurried
tha ball to Catcher Bennett, But . by
that time Williamson who. as he con
f eased after th game, had out third
baa br li feet was close atshand. Ben
nett bad th ball and was- waiting for
Kelly, but Mlk' suddenly spread his
legs, Williamson dived under and grov
eled to th marble slab, winning th
tamo. . , '. .7 ;,;:- in-
Sctaatltt hav been for year - In
dulging In explanations why a baseball
"curves," and It 4a probable that many
of - thesovjearned man. hav advanced
theories more or less oonolusiv to those
who understand them.-
Som of th elan who stt behind th
plat and watch: the phenomenon rH
abl to comprehend that "the atmos
Phere. an elastic eombresslblavgas, acts
aa a xontlnuoua air cushion on ine nail,
which leaves th pitchr" hand with a
rapid rotary- motion," and that "th
friction or resistance of this continuous
cushion changes th course Of th ball
tn tbe direction given, by th rotary mo
tion." .7 V ';: ','..--
That la why they -can readily-under
stand Why a right-handed pitcher can
throw aa outourv. - He simply give tn
ball "a rapid, centrifugal, rotary mo-
bMPS- to tns left, ana us. aunoepnere,
compressed into an siasuo eusnion anead
of th sphere, with the friction guides
th ball to ths left, or "out." ,
Th probabilities are that th pitcher
who throws a curve sever knew a
solsntlfio feature of the accomplish
msnt, being satisfied entirely with the
fact that h could curv a ball, and
much mors satisfied It hs could do It
and retain "controL" ..
It Is none th Jess comforting, how
ever,- to know why It curve. '.
There seems to be a generaT Impres
slon that ! gotmynicknam of Silk
through som quality I may possess at
an umpire,'.' said Bilk O'Loughlln, la re
sponse to a query. - -
-"When I wa- boy 1 had long rtnglsts
of which my mother and -erister - wsrs
very proud. . Boy like, however,' I never
exactly liked the adornment, and many
a scrap I had with th other kids over
th curls. '..- -j,..--, . -'.. ;
."At last, I begged so hard, my mother
decided that I might have ths offending
curia cut off, much to my delight snd
tns grief or my slstsr. ,
"To th barber's we went then, and
th scissors , man . mads his attack on
my pat.- As h was clipping th curls,
my sister, a few yeara older than I, be
gan io cry.---1'. v.--.
it's a burning, sham to cut off the
beautiful silk,' sh said, stroking one Of
ranen curia. :
Next day. as I wee pasalna-.. tb
hop, th barber spoke to me. and; not
Knowing my nam, called me uiik. Th
nam stuck, and it's still with ms, as
th boys who wore with "me at ths time
passed It on to th others." - - -
Th All-8Urs basketball team are to
Inaugurate their season by plsying their
nrst gam at tn T. M. U. A. gymnasium
this svenlng With, th Vajicouver basket
ball team. Th Vanoouvers wer re
cently defeated by tha Multnomah club
team, and ths All-Btare expect to secure
lln on their own ability against the
clubmen by th result of tonight's contest.-
t ,' - "
Percy Freeman, fcantain of the All.
Stars, is actively. encaed In framing up
a schedule of games for his team durtns
ths somlng season. Th ' gsrti-' will bp
played at I o'clock, " .
KMT01Z1 ManOOI--H-s cared tlioe-aiMt-
( eaaes ot nerveus veeinrr, laaMBala and Atre.
ar. TWf rirmt tbe brttn. nnuitM
rtrnlatte, awke dlrftl,.a Berfert aal laimrt
aetale -If t wbele bring. . all 1raln
M maera i-nprwa p-rmaentfr. - fl.ou ner
a: s Mtea fn-nni to rnr r refuad
num. avOS, Xl-Hed sealed. , Tlnrk fr-.
f-nt-- Mr. Co.. UM ktr at.. 1'lill.e.lnl.u,
r. ar.M la Portia ealy by freak k7
rwHesd Betel PsarssM ' - , .
May Have, assba!I War Re
opening cf Coxlnj Cama-Tnac
Iriz .News - BowlirS; Note.:
Burns and Barry to Inaugurate
the'local' Boxing Came
: This Month.-,: '-V,"f " '
Portland Fight' Fans to Be Given
a Treat After Two Years';
Yearning, i,,
Th proposed - bout between - Tommy
Burns or Chicago ; and pave Barry of
Baa Francisco, la exciting a great deal of
Interest among ths local f pllowers of
flstlaaaT. Both thess men are rated high
among th middlewelghts ef today.'
Th principals.' of th - bout, ' hav
agreed to meet In a 10-round contest at
th Exposition -building, on th night
of January 11, under th atlspDes of
Willamette Athletlo club. - -(.- V
"- This will b th first" boxln exhibi
tion, tbM has-takan pla in thla. city
for almost, two years, or slnca th au
thorltlsa Interfered and prevented . th
MoCleUand-Herrera match In 101. Th
last contest of not to tak plac her
war- between .th Mysterious V Billy
Smith and Jo Wolcott, and th Young
Peter ' Jackson-Jo Wolcott - exhibitions,
and sine that-tun the .local fight fans
havs gone hungry f or. a chano to. wit
ness their favorite sport, unleae they
we fortunate enough to be abl to
mak an excursion to Ban 'Francisco,
where exhibitions ar pulled off about
every, month. .... .. ..
Ths reopening of the boxing gam. In
Portland Is balled with Joy by" the looal
sporting Imtemlty and o reason
1st why 'thts-popular - branch of sport
snouia not prosper nere aa wau as m a
Bay City. ;.. . "' .''.'.. .-. - .'
r For th opening ' card ths WlUam-
ett club Is to be -congratulated la se
curing such, elsver exponents . of th
Italic rt ss ina cniw miumwwa
Burns and. Barryt-
Tommy Burns, the Chicago soy,
ona.of ths cleverest in his dlvtsloq to
day, and upon his ' recent -draw with
PhUadelphlk Jack O'Brien, was heralded
as th coming middleweight champion.
Charles- Bweny. 4h well known ns-
tlo. authority, who was rscenUy In this
city, stated that he had watched Burns
rise in the .fiatlo world, and afUr wit-1
neaslng ths bout with O'Brien, picked
the Chlcaa-oaa aa th -coming em
pioni weeny-further stated that It
was- his belief that 'In another , year
Burns would be able" to easily defeat
either O'Brien or Tommy Ryan. ,
: Davt -Rarrv -of Ban - ivra nclsoor - w no
Is scheduled to meet Burns, hold th
championship of th Hawaiian islands
fas. the middleweight dlvlaton. - Barry
was bora m ireiana ana " yeawa
axe. " He -came to- Ban Tncisco
sral years ago, where he developed Into
a boxer of considerable note, and was
nnmlnmt as a trainer of such well
known flghtera as Jeffries, FltxslmmoUa,
Brltt -and ochera equally weu anown.
T I)...,', rnv mrmmr ha has " met
With only two reverse! both of which
wero decision rendered against - mm.
The first- was, t -the handa of . Harry
Foley, whom he afterward defeated, and
tha other was 'by .-Twin tjuiuvaa.
These men are matched to box at las
Bounds, which is ths mlddlewelrht limit,
and both ar actively- engaged 4 train
ing for th engagement.
. Joernal Beedal terrlee.) '
lu.Jaa JJtanclsoov Jan. . 11 Yesterday's
resnu at ismeryvuie:, . -- j
Blx furlongs 'Meada, won. Saocharat
eecond. Vaxi third; Una 1:1 . ;
Six furlong Cousin Carrie won. Box
Elder second, , Yellowstone third; time,
1:17U. . :
Five and on half - runongs Aiiee
Carey won, Edrodun second, Tbe Repro
bate third:- time. 1-.10H. - -' '
One mile and one eighth veteran
won. Ldttle weiiy aecona, . mm. uura;
time. !:(., - . V " ' " ' '
Seven furlong Martinmas .wi
Stillcbo second, Rowen third; time.
One mil, snd - so yards Tsda won.
Sea , Air second. Lady ; Goodrich third;
time, .lliKs-.; ?'?'- '.'",.'
-r?-AS JV Amgels.
Los Angeles, Jan. 11. Asoot Park re
sults: : - '..''- -.'"'
Six furlongs Linda Bos won, Whit-
ston. second, . Jardla d . Part third;
tlma ' 1'14. Jc.
One mile Varro won, . capabi seo-
ond.- Frangible third: time. 1:BIM
Slauson course Tyrolean won. Inter
lude second, Dod Anderson third; time,
One mile Flo bod won. Hen w ear
ner second, Ralph Young third; time.
1:40. - . .. ..
Five and , 1 one half furlongs Des-
euento wen, . Trsmator second, -Asellna
intra; iime, i;vi. ,
One mile and 10 yards lutiru( won,
Ray second. Patsy Brown third; time.
45K. Montana Peeress, finished Wst,
but was dlsquallned for fouling. ..
.ii i a i '-- ...
t6 AinrrAXi buotiosT.
fJTh director of the Multnomah Ama-
iTiir .Attilt'" .f"B met, last evening ano
chose five members to act as a nominal
ing committee for the annual .election,.
which Is scheduled for reDruary it.
The commlttre was chosen 'ss follows:
H. M. Montgomery. Chetr O. Murphy.
A. B. McAlpln. H. It Herd man and A.
B. Oritsmscher. They arm to select and
gain-the consent of the candidates, and
post the .selections at the club before
the st of Fsbrusryv T. - : ? v r
Charley Shields.'Ed 8chlller and Cal
ZlUr went 10 Arlington the other day
on a a-ooe hunting excursion. Schiller
received a message from ueorge witn-
row, the well-known Arungron sports
man. 'stating thst ths geese wer plenti
ful there, and the local man Immediately
got up a party and -went te the scene.
and ' their friends are expecting wild
goose dinners for Sunday. .''
The following officers were elected at
th annual meeting of ths Oregon
Camera club;. W. BTBt ruble, president;
Henry Beravr, Jr., vloe president; 14.
Thorns, treasurer: J. J. Tyrrell, sec
retary: board of . directors. A. -tlaviri.
II. O. Smith, C IX Hoe, U W.. Jones, C.
WiJtOn. - ' -
baseballtar : - " :
If Draft on Tacoma Is Reopened
the Coast League - Mayl
. VVIthdrawFrom Fold.
. The decision of the national Wseball
commission whereby they expraa their
Intention of reopenmaT the dunning at
son ea the Tacoma club, threatens to
I cause another baseball war, for ' from
aa jraacisoe cocoes rumors er tnreata
of withdrawal from the fold by th
Coast league. The- system of drafting
by. tbe major league la Just a auiob to
blame for this state of . affair 'as - Is
Manager Fisher la thus ooveriiag .up- his
players. As long ' ss no compulsory
system of recording eoatraat with ths
seoretary of the national association la
permitted, there . will occur disputes, ef
thla kind each year. -One f th rules
governing membership in- the assoclk.'
tion of minor leagues I that ejl elubs
shall file copies ef their contract with
player with the secretary of tbe asso-
clatlon. and attached o-thls- rule Js
time limit la which . managers are te
comply.- This rule is overlooked by al
most all managersL as It waa by Fisher,
and therefore the big league were na
abl to tell whether or no they -were -en
title. tev draft Orabam and Overall.
i To reopen the draft oa Tacoma at this
late date would be a decided Injustice to
that club, for . even' though, they, are to
blame, it la almost Impossible to fill
th position of th players tekpn. If an
association that -claims such strength as
does th national association of , minor
leajrus cannot enforce tts-law relattv
to drafting, of what use la It to a club
to be a member thereof T The Facine
Coast league Is not any too much in
Move with this body, and to prmtttbu
unui, no nHivr. uvv ju-tt-Bnraiin
to th larger organisations, may throw
this lea sue into aa- open breach with th
association. ' The mere fact that Fish
er's jrsrv 'list was ' not filed.', with
Seoretary Farrell Is not any worse .thaa
ths system of oovenng up players car
ried oav by th eastera leauea whereby
they protect their . men by makeshift
drafts .by friend tri the major leaguee.
- Something must be. done and shortly,
too,, or the peace of organised baseball
la seriously threatened, for this league
is situated fas from the seat of baseball,
aadTunless ws are given the protection
deserved, affiliation with that body wlU
be of no avail, and It may be back
to the old regime for th Coast leagu. ,
r7ir"the match gam last svenlnxr On I
f-thj Portland bowling alleys the . Pin
Khigtlts took tne nrst anil tnira games
from the All-8tara The All-Stars won
th second gaeT Kruse. captain of . the
Pin Knlghta, had hlgn average, JM.
He also-had high single game, 200. . .
The next gams scheduled Is for Mon,
day evening, January It. between the
Bankers ' snd OamibrinuS team "'"
Mr, Hackett. of San. Francisco visited
the alleys yesterday ; .a fteraooiu. aad
bowled many good games.
,Ths. scores lasteventtifa match
wsrer . . n . :V- --" v -' - ?. -
-All-Stara r-.'Ja,(t)'' 1) . t Avef
Lamond . ...... .157-. 14C. 6( 15f fs
Hague . .........150 l 171 lHl-l
Ross . ,...,Jl.ll IJOrr lls 1 -l
Boulanger . .....141 .170 141-7151 1-1
Hansoa ,1 , -J7 ... lis llll-j
: .ToUfi ip. .71? til 744 yj:
" Pin Knights XI) 1 1V (I) 1 Ave.
Williams . .,..""..lj 141 -nta 1571-1
Christian t 165 .185 11 144
Dale . .,;,.....,191 J5-144 147 1-t
Ollphant ., . .....151 180 .. 155 14S 1-1
Kruse. ........17 loa us 18
- (Jooraal Bpeelal BerrW.
Albany, Or.:. Jan. 11. The Albany col
lege basket- ball team leave thla after
noon for Cottage Orove, where they will
play against the Cottags Orov girl to
night. - This la th second game between
I Tttaia...;...ltt--01--14 I
; . BAJRKJR B1U . AT - ATSAJI .' ' "" I
; l
1 ptnerca-of; thi3sea8XOT,s.-"--v),' " 'iota, Xwc'uxI.C '"-i''Vl I.:::
i- maldrig. Best 40, $12 and :H J " W;Bct $1000, $11.00 nd rftSX I I
V,-. '';.;i---'tl' :.;A SALE UNRIVALED IN VALUE-OIV1NQ
1' 1 - i 'Alterations free fit guaranteed : :--r . ,
r ' I Only Hgb-aasaCoti.IogStcre North cli " ":rc!C: z zres
th two team, th Cottage Orov hav
lnr been In thla city a. week ago whan
th. Albany girl woa by a scors of 11
to 0. A good game is expected this
evening, as both teams, ar determined
to win. A , . w -.- , (y .
John Consldlne, the well-known the
atrical -manager -and sportsman - of . tb
northwest, la attending the field trials,
now being held by the Paolflo Coaat
Field .Trial, club at Bakersfield, CsX
Mr. Consldin is aa enthnstaat oa thor
oughbred dog matter and is aa earnest
advocate ot holding field trials in tbe
north wes
.';,:' '--' '' "y-V--
r. ntnrmmM TzoTOauotnL. '
' The Multnomah dub's basketball team
defeated the Portland academy players
last evening- by the overwhelming score
Of 41 to 7. The lineup; .
M. A. A, a ... Position. -mi: A. '
Martin ......... .L O R......... Flavei
Harder ,.R a L........ Mays
Bellinger .C . ......... Mulford
Kennedy ........ L F R, Swarts
Stedmaa R F L. ReWl
- -
v . Columbia's Usjesde Seen....." ;
The pageantry and costuming ef 'The
Holy City" at the Columbia are Identical
with the, best traditions of bible times,
and the consistent acting render It very
convincing. Mary of Magdala, as por
trayed by Cathrtne Count!, before her
conversion la the typical toy of all tbe
centuries, and after , bea-redemption Is
an example of noble, persistent womanhood.-
Those who-decix the stage and
Ita influence ea morale will recant when
brought In touch with the great lesson
of tolerane and. charity taught by "The
Holy, City.-. . -r-. ; v J. ' ;r-
r.-'rTki Wife- Next WvS-
Starting Sunday matlaee the Colum
bia Stock ompany will- present David
Belasoo'a beautiful companion play to
The Charity Ball," entitled "The Wife."
It la a comedy drama in - four acts.
possessing exoeiiem qualities and hav
lag th distinction of making on of
th longest and-anost profitable, rnna of
th many 'productions of - the famous
Nr Tork Lyceum theatre. Next week
will close Edgar Bsume's angagement.
-A r. Soldiers of Fortune." - ;
.."Soldiers of Fortune" has never been
presented in this ulty, ,aad ' Ita pxodua.
tloa at. the Marquam Grand theatre next
Monday and Tuesday night for-the. re
turn engagement of the popular roman
tio acton, White Whittlesey, is likely to
draw very large audience The great
success achieved by 'White Whittlesey
when. he. appeared here a few months
ago assures him a series. pf delighted
audience for- hi return ' engagement.
By special request : Whittlesey wnl be
seen next -Wednesday night in the dei
llghtful "SJngllsh mnitaryrplar.- "The
fltfOntl m fftlHmalllili Batsltal Ssf JQ j
selling. . - . .. , . v .-.,-..;
Fun sf Baker-.'
'The patron of th Baker are having
- great - week of ? enjoyment - Three
Americans ar making barrels of fun for
the visitor In th fares entitled "Hotel
Toper- Turvy." " -The NewTork Comedy
Four. Boor a big hit, and are crowding
a hundred and twenty- laugh Into a
minute while they are on the stage.- The
three Ash tons do a clever-aerial act.
?Jo0y .Trsmp"at , Empire. .
An Intsrsstlng ;. story, r with pleasing
specialties and . a magnifltient company
to tell It touching tale, are promised
when E. B. Kidder's great Play, "A Jelly
American rramp, , is presenteo si tns
Empire theatre three night next .week,
starpng- with the regular matins Bun
V .. Fun st the Grand.-" ';,;;,'
Those who- braved the storm ' last
alght- saw s.. good show at the Qranit
Con car's dog show - gets' better' as' the
week advances, and Johnny Rlgga be
come mor daring with each' perform
ance, r ..--j - . -, ; --:--t -T ,..',
You See It. t( the Lyric c
AU the rood thtnars Whatcom to-Port
land In th Vaudeville-line are seen at
. Drop us a postal, stating your age and we will msil jrou
full particulars how to protect your family and build u?
iflLeatate j?or yourself, -w .'t.,..,,, -----
AGE 25
0 CENTS a day saved each year will PROTECT yorT
for tjl,000.00 and guarantee you a. GOOD INVEST-
MENLt;;;;v;;yr.Why be without a Policy?
' . . '-'iTr'...'!.' -'-Tnsure With "''V.-,
The Washington Life
''-T-v OP NEW
: Write for particulars. , i'v.;',J--: -:V-''i-:'';' ';!:
rlA-.i"-! BLAIR T, SCOTT, General Bianager."-- v'1
; ; , HARRY B. SCOTT, Agency Director. V :vj;V. VV
609, 610, 611, 612 and 613 Cham, of Cotru Bld Portland, Ore.
1 . 1862 CO A L
the Only Genuine Rock Springs '
in the City.
: Be cu we see the exclusive agents for the TTnlon Faclfls Coal Co. There
' I but on Rook Springs In 'Wyoming., and th mine were opened- la 111 '
by tb Union Psclflo, which Is th sole owner snd miner of Book Serin)
Coal Don't be deceived by any Imitation or Would be Rock Spring. ,
Seaaember. "w " aVaTtb
tse Bast atoRiaoa
' A
Tes .
For Salt
the 'popular T-yric - The'blll thto week
la making a great hit Prince Goto, the
Japanese Juggler", Is popular. The three
Norwood ar ortsinly th.klng of b
nerformers. Fry and .Allen are seen 1n
a clever sketch,' while other on th biu
receive their share of th applause that
la won nightly at the Lyric - Tonight is
gold night. ; ;-' : ,' ' -
t :..w " 1 ". . . - ,
C Continuou Applaua at Star. I.
Continuous applauaa .marks .' the- ef
fort of -Raymond Teal, the great moao
logist, who entsrtsihs the audiences -at
the Star theaten thla weeg. uuiy van
is. . perhaps, the greatest success in
this lln that has appeared in America
for 10 years, and Raymond Teal prom
ise to eit beeid aim oa in xnrone, ,
-1 The Bijou, lhtinfilev S
t;B4na:Toly," th 'swestest singer -on
I the vaudeville. stage, la, justly known aa
the "Mlnature Melba," Sh Is filling a
limited engagement , at - th- Bijou - and
her appearance here has caused a sen
sation in musical circles. . Every act on
tbe bill this week is In the top notch.
"A regular matinee (of Lincoln 3. Car
ter's ; - Interesting play. "Two " Llttls
Waifs." will be given at the Empire
theatre tomorrow afternoon. This n a
play that appeal to. women and chil
dren. ., !:.'- :" : "' ' r'-.-
Fief erred Stock Oaaaed eooa-
Allan A Lswis Best Brand.-
Coal ICfi&iM&K
St, saw sUver,
aaiekly fTye ess 9a. X
OAT Alia on. :-Z Mas, eea
(Bpaehd DiipaU-h te The JoeriaLl
Klamatli Falls. Or., Jan, 11, "Th
oounty court, which 1- in eastpn, yes-: ;
terday mad It levy (or taxes for th .
ensuing year. ...The levy was placed a , -2(-mlU
oa th dollar.) Thla-Js s mill '
higher than last year, but t mills of th
levy will go toward buUdlng and main- '
Ulnlng a pubUo high school. A 125..'
000 structure will be buUt early la th ; .
spring. The- court ' expects to accept -pUna
juid award ; toe contract at itsT"""
March term.-. ;.. !.:iv i v - . J -
County Judge Baldwin will visit Port
land at nce, 'and examine the publta
buildings thers In order to find model
for th new building her. . He will also '
Visit Eugene, -Ashland - and Roseburc
and. If he has. not ..settled .upon-the-plan
by that time, b will make a trip
to San Franclaco, - .
Th Increase of valuation In assess
abl . property reachea a half million
dollar more, than, last year. The finan
cial condition-of the county is good.
Large warrant are selling' at a pre- . . .
mlum immediately upon their issuance. ,
1 J : -
(Bsecial Plapatch te The JoarssL) -'
Corvallls. Or, Jan. : 18. -Miss Grac .
Huff, on of the most popular teacher
In the Corvallls publio school, was oper
ated upon- yestsrdsy afternoon for ap
pendicitis, .The caa is a very serious
one: The operation waa performed by,
Dre. Perriot. and Cathey.' , , - . , . , .