. ... ', , .i ..... i - .. . . ': D'-v.-.- r'Ji'vi.ri r-'? M'.. a TUB;.' Da DacooM daily jouxsiax; POKTtAiiD, tiiitrsday cvcrgirq - jaast U -i: SSeSt. IIA,,I ;Sacretary of Land Commissioner . ; " fty. Gives ; Tsstlmcnf Before - i'Jr 'Ci .. Grand Jury.'' KNEW OF DESTRUCTION OF LETTER PRESS BOOKS ti F. Filter Returns to Portland in Interest .'of Convicted Lr2?:U- Brother.';; ; -: : : 'No witnesses went befor the federal V.j-'.-r- grand .Jury this morning, although ."' th waiting throng en the second, floor f h aestoffiee building momentarily ' . tipNM ti be .summoned. Two days tht Linn and Lane delegation, ha ap .... . peered, aecordnsv'ts their -aubpoenas, - yet they bay not yet been called upon . ; to. tail what Uiey Knew r umber land ; .v,pparatlona. .- v I ., ?-'.'- i . District Attorney Heney held a, long - conference thla , morning with Judo Bellinger . before descending '. to the : :2T rr,n4i JUT room. H and the members " ' " of tha grand Jury wera cloaeted together . until the noon hour. -!,Jhera la'n likelihood that if Indict . raenta are erven exit within tha next few - day a they wllT. haveaa.important near- " 1ng upon the situation. They will prob- ' i -ably be .confined to the eases of Klbart It. Brown and wife, the romantlo young honeymoon trip through tha oouthern r - r'wtatao tmmedUtatr after thelr-jUlesed -' ' fraudulent connection with-tha home' ...1,- - Mead antrtoa la -11-7- became known. , Oa hetiyaotheauv that lull always . 'precede storm, "and baaloa this a , -v sumption upon tha personnel of the , :: , 'throK of witnesses now Inr dally t tendance and waiting" Jtobe called. It If . evident the operations of Tho Booth' .., .f. jfelJy Lumber company will come within the scope of scrutiny as the next lm- ' -yortaat movo of 4he Inquisitorial body. ' wearijr kit tbese witnesses are persona jf- who have been : instrumental in taking inn, hnmoataads and Umbos claims in the Sweat Home. Footer , and Caaoadia raaton. 'for- various corporations .and -money inieraaiav ana the theory la Uiat - they are hero now to describe their rela tlons with theee people. It la not be lleved that they will become involved In any aenoua trounio wun ; in rovern J neant, , prOvldln they telt a stralht atory be tore the rrand iurr. Otherwise - they would become liable to indictment i . for porjory In addition to-. a eontfplracy '.' v,' charge, as there decs not appear to be . , . . any doubt .that - the . government is de- . - termlned to get-at tha facts in regard to . . . all queetionabje transactlona concerning -. acquisition or the nubile domain. . f It la barely possible- that aa additional ."C,.. Indictment may be returned againatBln ger Hermann, and this - idea ,1a em- - phaslsed .from the faot that Elliott P, Hougn, at present la charge of tho Cal- fornia aoctlon of local land off loss in ; the general land off ico, and. who was .Uermann a private secretary duzicg the ' jawera term asiomralasloner. waa.ex- . rueed from further attandanoe after in r -r -r. tastlmeny " yesterday, and will depart I -m gwa wtfTT evening. rte " v. knowg a great, deal about- tha doatrae- L.-aioa f tetter-prees hooka in the . general land off Ico immediately pre- 4tng his ehlerg flirorced retirement from tha position, of commleelonerT and hi. testimony la conaldered to l-xiB4im,-j' VZir able- In cnnnectlw with MmSt3?l VL. ' .reaiurea pr te case that are aupposed : to implicaU Hermann with fraudulent ' land schemes la thla a tats; but it la not . -thought that his evidence la calculated to cut much of a figure outside of these matters. . ... L. F. Puterlhe Eureka CalTaTCorney, - appeared here yesterday,-and tf is be . ..lleved Ma unexpected return may have .. aomethlng,0 do with the Intereeta of --, his brojher.. . ....i.,V . i '( Oeorge Soranaen,whb was recently rn. 'dieted for offering to bribe District At , torney JIall in connection with land , : fraud prosecutions, -appeared before .Judge Bellinger thla afternoon by his ' attorney. Judge Aleck 8 week, and aaked . that the date for Ma hearing be fixed. ,. . Ilstrlet Attorney Honey aaked thar tha ' data be set early as possible, but Judge. 1 Swaek. said that he had not time vat to -4iwioini imo m cut inorougniy, and .- asaea tnat ha be. given this opportunity, .-Judge Bellinger said that It could not -- be fixed before the.tad inet which Time .. waa round satiafactory to both aldea. tc Aomotrwa. .-ii. ' ('esrsal tpmUl gerrl.lt v New Tork. Jan. 11. During a denae fog Ihla ' anornlng the British ateamet Indus, from Camden. ; ran ashore on -Fire Island bar. The steamer's position la not dangerous.. She has a cargo of .'agar.-"tv. . - . Of course, a Clan Tin can be 'gotten jip .cheaply to ; look like cubatantial article, ; but we do not make that kind. Our are , made with due regard tot durability, under the erear -WTiether in gold or silver, I plain or enameled, we wilt ; quote prices that are the -t lowett considering the superior grade of work we are capable jof executing, i Z' ;.(-.:. v i.. j Designs Drawn to salt your own - ideas and Ianciea,T Orders . proenptlf f illeoV -.,7' '.. it ... .-., -:. .- Ao?& G Fddenheimcr Cor. Third and Washing . -r ton Streets.- Jeweler "t Silycrsmlths : v v. Optfclans. .; - viass lrins PARCELING OF PLUMS -NEXT ON PROGRAM r-' r- (Continued From Pa (a One.) turo waa delivered thla morning before a Joint assembly of tho senate and tha house. Many visitors 'glled tho lobby, and alt available space upon tha floor. The senators tiled into tha house at 11 o'clock and tho Joint assembly was called to ' order by Presldrnt KuykendaU. Senator Millar , moved' tho.. appointment of a committee to' advise the governor that tha assembly was ready to receive his . message. - senators ' Miner ana Sichet and fUpreaentatlvea Kay.. LJntbl enm and Smith of Josephine were ap pointed and watted Immediately upon tha governor. The members arose whan tha governor antered tha chamber and remained atandlng aa he advance to the spanker's dealt. r ; . Tho governor waa greeted by. presi dent KuykendaU and 8pakeiMiUa. lie begaa Immsdlataiy to read his mee- sage. At tlmea tha governor aid not reed the full -text of his message, but stated briefly the substance of -.the recommendation. lie was 'followed With close attention by the legislature aad visitors. ' ' T ," .. , ' .; The governor epoke with great earn stnese, especially when urging tho leg islature to establish a whipping post for the punishment of -wife-beaters. 1 This recommendation seemed to meet with- approval, far It waa heartily ap plauded, tho Republicans - Joining With tne uemocraia in tne Demonstration, . jabaaa'a Slaado. ; Incident to today's proceedings In the house was tha presentation of tb fol lowing resolution by Smith of Joeephtne-, pataoorati -. . ? v ' "Wherean,- It haa bean, charged by one of tho leading (lewapaperaof ' tha atato that thla branch of the legislative assembly "fees' been organised by the 'great liquor intereats of the state;' -Whereas, 1 Said charge 1 a reflection upon tha members, of tha house who have, under customs and rules, eon trolled Jb organisation; therefore, be tt '."Reeoiveit That a committee Of five be appointed to 'Investigate such charges and determine tha truth or falsity there of, with power to summon witnessea and hear evidence concerning the same." t Ths resolution was.-of course, de fee ted by an overwhelming majority, yet a feeling of resentment at - the Ore- gonian'a editorial flings, which prompted the - Introduction of the resolution, ' la general- Mulr of Multnomah voiced thla feeling byrinjr. wfr" 'i pwe at reached on the roll call: - t:' "I vote no, but In explanation 1 wish ta. aey that I am persuaded a very, one believes the newspaper statement.:, al luded to la untrue, and therefore la unfit for serious consideration." ' - Richie echoed this aantlmant by say log: ., . V ..-,-. , The aooner auch chargea are burled no aroppea out or eigne tne oetter. ... "The house was practically ,unanlm6ua in its opinion that the'Oregonlan a aa' sertlolis should be Ignored. . ' . v : " Tax Code ': Routine bualneas occupied the bouse during its brief session preceding tha joint assembly- when tho governors message waa delivered. A number of bill -were introduced; among - them a bill by capron authorising the governor to appoint three commissioners to pre pare a tax code. 14 provides that each commissioner receive H,80, and the board is clothed wtth full power; to Mayger Introduced a bill ratifying (ha acuea erinexwTB..nii .uars; . DOara In changing the date of the opening of the fair from jday to Juno I. , A bill to Incorporate , tha .town Of Eatacade ..was presented by Bramhsil, I Crang Intrndimnit a bill rhrngttig theM!' t,pr-"1"ffT nt t erma. of the ctsewit court la the fourth udlclal district, and Welch presented and record taxpayers' addreasea. To. Increase the marriage lloenae fee Lfrora t to II la tha purpose of a bill by Hudson.' ' - . - A feature of this morning's proceed ings was -the presentation of a gavel to Speaker Mills by the Oregon Histor ies! eoclety, through Kay of Marlon. Tha speaker responded- suitably. ... v 1 FOR EIGHT-HOUR DAY SrowsaU Xatrodneea a Kaboy Keaaara la ,:?. .. oaa,'';.:l;':i'v , 'V;' (By Traak Xn rerkUur.) Salem. Orj Jan.' It. Nine bills were Introduced in the senate this morning. The most Important was bill No. II by BrownelL making eight hours a legal day's work In all mechanical trades, arts ana employments, including mills, fac tories and mines. Coercloa,hy employ- era trinada punishable by a fine of from 111 to 1100 or Imprisonment not exceed ing 10 days. .-. '-- r House bill . No. (, allowing Clatsop county to levy a special tax for the construction of a new court house, was passed. " . ' . ' - '".."'"" Other -bills introduced - were Wa fol lows: By Whealdon,- to appropriate f 45, 000 to; compensate . yeterana of the In dian ware of ill!. f r- - By Smith, to establish ' county ' and municipal boards of health.? By Booth, to appropriate 15,000 to es lablish a laboratory at the University of Oregon to test the strength of lum ber, stone and other building materials. - The government haa promised to sta tion an engineer at such a laboratory. By Smith, to construct, - permanent roads in th different' counties upon a special tsx. -- , '-.',. p.':. .. - By Smith creating a commission to establish a boundary Una between Uma tilla and Wallowa and Umatilla and Union. -' :ir By Pierce.' providing for the custody, disbursement of and accounting for pub lic school funds of districts other than those of tha first class. Bjf Smith, regulating the practice Of veterinary surgery' and medicine. By Malarkey. requiring that - condi tional aalea and leases of realty be re corded with tha county clerk. Booth read the following Hat of addi tional committee clerks, prepared by the eaucua, tha senate rat-fying: Hiss May CMjeeClatsop Mrs, g. Wolfe, Mult Thornton. JacksOnt?. O. Danneman, Gilliam.- This makes It elerks now la the senate. .-t-.-'u' '.,', '. On motion of Tuttle the standing cent' mlttee on fisheries was increased from three to Ave nembfs.:.. The see I on this morning waa opened with prayer by Rev. W. C Xantner of the ' Oongregatlonal church.-"- ' QUARTERLY PARTY ' OF CALVARY CHURCH The Calvary ' Preabyterlan church. eleventh and Clay streets. wUr IieM Its earterlr sociable tomurmw gvwntUaVf Everybody la Invited and all members of the congregation are aaked te bring aa many friends aa they may desire. . The program la aa- follows:.. Mala ejuartet, plantation songst piano solo. Adolph B. Hansen; recitation, Mrs. Clark; solo. Mrs. VT. K. Scott; recitation, Jaiss Adella lAum analn' ejuartet .'"Old ' Kentucky llewiei rerltatlon. Miss Amelia Swing Mort; and cup tea, -, .:. ., Anyhow, .Klamath '.county, though tt may have toe many Irrigation projects. Is get likely to get too muoh Irrigation. MESSAGES HAYr CO OVER THE WIRELESS Negotiation in -Progress -That Will Ukely ' Result itf ' Station at the Fair. ' CONCESSION ASKED FROM - t: EXPOSITION MANAGERS Many States Send Promises of . Large Appropriations for . i iiaiivioviiiy iiiiijvt I'orUand may have a permanent long distance wirelesa telegraph station. General Manager A, I New of the Paclflo Wirelesa Telegraph company of Lab Angeles and B. 1 Fhllllpe, general representative at Seattle, are In tha city today promoting a propoaltlon under which they hope to have, a station In operation by the time the Lewis and Clark exposition opens. , They, are in conference with President Ooode and Di rector of Works- Dosolv both of whom tmanlfrst great Interest In the plan, and it la expected that favorable action witrt be taken at the conclusion of tho meet ing thla afternoon. .jt.L .-.:-. V t. :. . If the atatlon is installed here. It will not bo for ' exhibition ' purposes - aJ to gether. The wirelesa company asks the fair corporation to provide aa a bonus a building one large room somewhere on the grounds, and a,maat for the loca tion of the delicate Instruments,, thla property to become the telegraph com pany's after the fair.- .The atatlon will not be removed from the city", although tt la likely that It will be tranafsrred to the bualneaa district at the conclu sion bf the exposition. ' "We have been InetaJling stations up and down the ooast for some time past," said Mr. New today, "and many of the in are now la operation.: We want to cloaa tha gap between the Puget sound coun try' and lower California. - Our original plan waa to use only, seacoaat towns, which would mean a plant at Astoria, but we were Invited to consider Portland instead. In view of tha comlngxexpoal- Uotj. - 'We eajneTeTendook-Trveri the grounds and find- them admirably suited to the Installation of a long dis tance station. - ; '.'.-; -..- ."W ask only a sulUble shelter "for the equipment and want a provision that we may use It permanently, either by mov ing the building downtown or using a wire from that neighborhood Into ' the business district.- A room IS by 10 feet J would bo ample, with a maat or tower for the aerial Instruments. We are hopeful that the exposition officials will agree that.. the consummation of this plan would be not only a drawing card, but an -educational advantage to fair vlaltora. - Incidentally, It would advertise wirelesa telegraphy and the Paclfla.com- pany." , - . . - Mr.- New states that next Saturday at Seattle the long-distance station will be thrown open to newspaper men, celebrat ing the completion of the first 10 miles of wirelesa telegraph " system on , the cpaat. -v"."". . . Late tlifa afternoon a.commlttee of ministers headed by Dr. Stephen B. Wise will have a: Conference wttb -President' Ooode to once more thresh out the Sun. day closing questlonthat fa,' to name" additional, members of tha committee which la to arrange the nature of Sun- Mmrcbr totes, lecturea. mualc. etc-, intended to exemplify the Itfeal Amerloan Babbath. The opposition which haa existed to opening oc the -exposition gates on Bun day is gradually dying out -The voice of American labor la about to be "heard regarding If. Tomorrow night at the meeting of the local branch of the Fed eration of ,Labor It la expected a reaolu tlon will be introSuoed petitioning. If not demandiog, that In view of Sunday being tha only opportunity for the laborer to lee the big show, the gates be kept open on tne seventh day. The fair manage. ment will have further announcements to make on -this subject1 about . the. and of the Week. : . .-. . Special commissioners to neighboring states continue to send In or bring moat encouraging reports. J. p. Marshall re turned from . his circuitous - tour this morning, having visited Utah; Idaho, Ne. vada..Arlxona and California. . la moat of these atates he found the legislatures in session and men or prominence ex htbltlng the frlendlleat. feeling toward the Liewis and Clark project. In Call. fornia there la a fine prospect of an ap propriation of 111,000 In addition to tha original ' 120,000 appropriation. - Thla state, Mr. Marshall says, haa a rostly ex hibit already prepared, and will put up a Building. " : ; uovernor walla or vtan ence prom. laed that hla state would have a build' Ing, and Mr. Marshall found the' new governor, John C Cutler, no less entbu elastic. The present legislature will make a good-slaed appropriation. - In Arlsons, Governor Brndle, who has always been a friend of Portland, will do his utmost to secure the passage of a measure for at least. I IS. 000. In-all of the states Mr. Marshall, urged state buildings, but he haa not flnlahed yet He leavea tomorrow for revisits to Utah, Idaho and Montana, and will keep ' peg. a-lng" away until the very last minute. Washington and California have had all the missionary work necessary, and are counted safely In llna - y ' , - . EASTERN BANKERS PROMISE TO COME 1 A souvenir calendar sent out by the Merchants' National bank of Portland to eaatera and middle west correspondents has brought many-replies that have an Important- bearing on prospective att tendance at the Lewis (and Clark fair, The calendar has a tolrdseye picture of tthe - exposition grounda Responses show that-1 bore, will be a considerable attendance of bankers at the fair. Every inly expressed a lively. Interest In the event, and many of" the writers stated positively, that they will visit Portland this year, . ' . . '.'.,.. .... - , . f 1 m i i '' ' aTxaxanAjni isttuii imozu The Ancient Order of Hibernians In stalled! of flcera last night In their hall. Second and Stark streets. The degree work was especially elaborate.. There waa a large attendance and . nine new membero were Initiated. The of fleers are as follows: Prealdent, K. II. Deery: vlceirealdent Patrick CConae!!; treas urer. J, aV-Malley; recording secretary, D. W. Lane; financial secretary, Far relH aergeant-at-arma, T. P. tioughertyj ' saVgarA vVfrae. AJssJATX.-, - (Special Mspatrk te The Joarosl.) ..' " Oregon City, Jan.' It Mary Mc Donald, tho 11-year-old daughter of John McDonald, waa the victim of an at tempted assault yeaterday afternoon. Her father IslaAlaeha. Taoonlld eeeaped from her. assailant, who la believed to be here. No arrest has as yet been nude, . f , ..i , . : 'V . " "STe erred Stock Oanaed ooaa, ' Alien Lwuf Beat Bread. ; . 520.00 OVERCOATfl t 1 T Q C ,r -ARE REDUCEO TO-.., 56.00 bVERCOATfi ? ARE REDUCED TO-........:.. 01&.OO r OVERCOATS - - V ARB REDUCED, TO 31500 OVERCOATS ARE REDUCED TO... .Sec the Window Disptejr Here's An Overcoat Opportualty Wise Man Won't Miss I T I anae-awai m - s-w . ' .. ililliElpiii) - ncnnrciY:l :"".v" 166 1B LA7S0H SAYS "SELL: ft Hrst Metssige From tho Plunger indicates Another Attack on LJThesa JTvyo StockSeLU HIS WORD IS POTENT, I '; IkteUUVEeU . j COPPER Ai STEEL NO PECUNEOUWSJgtotogr Frantic Efforts to Steady Stag gertn.; ' Market Vain and -: -Practically ;Att.FalU4 - : '.'.-a lovrnal goeeial gervlee.t New Tork. Jan. 1 l.--"SelI - Amalga- matad Conner and the United. States Steel ' issues and aell them quick. thomah W. LAWBON, Lawson today broke hla silence of over . a week and aent , out tha above meaaaga to the traders. The mar ket thla morning -opened rather-elow with quotations, practically the same as yeaterday... There waa a rajr aavance aoon after tha opening, but on the an neuneement by Lawaon to -.rsaU"v the market -eased off despite the greatest efforts of the ...opposition te atop tha loeeea. The largest loss shown In the market today was by Anaconda Mining, which closed down 11.71. Amalgamated dropped 11.25 between the closing of last eight and today and Baltimore unio com mon closed SLUM lower, r ' ': ' The following were the net losses Shown today, as compared with tha cloa lns of yesterday! - -r -- Amalgamated 11.21." Anaconda 11.71. Atchison cents. Sugar Refining 10 cents, American Smelter 10 cents, Car Foundry K cents,' Baltimore dt.Ohlo $1.1JH- Alton TlJfcenta, Colorado Fuel Iron ' 7 cents, ec. raui o cems. Canadian Pacifio 71 cents; Erie common ltU cents. Erie second ti cents, Erie first IS cents, Illinois Central lift cents, Louisville Nashville 12H cents. Metropolitan Elevated 11.17 H. Mexican Central HH cents. Xaty preferred !7Vi cents. Missouri Pacific 71 cents, Nor folk Western 12Va cents. New Tork Central lit cents.' Pennsylvania I7H cents. Paclflo i Mall II, peopier-4aa ! rente. Reading common II cents, Re- PUbllo Steel common .10 cents. Rock Isl and common 50 cents. Southern Railway common lltt cents. Southern Pacific common 7V4 cents, Tennessee Coal A Iron E0 cents, Union Pacific common lift cents, TTnlted States Steel common 25 cents. United . .Steel preferred Jl cents.' - - " ' T " Among the big list Manhattan showed nut very ' atrong and was one of the few to close ahowlng an advance over the dosing or the- previous dsys sear slon. Katy common advanced 26 eanta, deaptte the fact that the' preferred Iploedloweti The closing of the market today waa nervous, although tha sales were few- In number.-' Now that Lawson hss broken Khla alienee, those who profess te know say-, that there Will soon, be ''something doing' on 'change ana a lower market.' t . .. m I - CARTER NINE VOTES:: . ; SHORT OF ELECTION V (SpeeUI Dtapatt te Tbe Jonreet.) Helena., Mont., Jan.. 12.-Today's ftal tntlng -for t uited - St tetr-senatof ire aulted In no choice, although Carter. former ehalrman f he national Repulr-1 Mean committee, waa only, nine votes short of election. . The votes were oast as follows: Carter (Rep.), II; Conrad IDem.l. 20: Mtlhurn (Dem.k. 11. tha baU ance being scattered , bTXTXZi , VsTOOaTSOZOTS. , ' (Kprctal IfUpaXca Tke kernel Spragiie. Waeh Jan. 12. The young man found In an unconscious condition near the railroad here Some days ago haa not recovered' conaclousneea. . Ha waa removed to Mpoksne hospital yes terday. . He Is still unidentified. Ordered Out If jrou want a Coat, come now. If you knew that' we were giving away ; tS bills, you'd come in for your share, wouldn't you? Well, that's just what we are doing, and sometimes . we give ev'en more We are closing out Lour. Overcoats. We won't carry them over. It isn't good business to do so. -nere are a iew t our -cut-pnees l? . ' ::?SC l;-k Wy .doing.. here. ll 1 1 Ou;; ........ .................. i ;85 $13.35 $11.85 ROUBLE 0U1T1TTCKS - 1681 Third Street WILtlJAKE HOTEIrS OF; SCHOOL BUIIPIISG DrVHillrProprietqrxif Hill'a Mill ! tary Academy, Purposes v ' Dr. J. W. Hill, proprietor 'and princi pal of the HJlrHlta acadethy, on Marshall street, between--Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets, has decided to eonvert hla school Into a large hotel for the Lewis and Clark exposition period. about the- middle of-June, anoMaatlng until school' is called, the latter part of September. . Dr. Hill has already; settled upon the mala points of hla project' He now boards and rooms over 10 pupils and teaohersL and besides the rooms oooupted -by them It will be easily possible to make bedrooms of all. tha recitation rooms, parlors, halls, etc, ' while the dining-room haa three tlmea tha capac ity of the sleeping apartmenta. C "I have been greatly encouraged by numerous appllcatlona from residents and strangers," said Or. HJ1L "On man her yeaterday aaked for terms for 10 people for a period of three months. It la certain that great crowds are com Ing and Portland will need every room available to bouse them. My - dining room will seat 200 people at once, which means a capacity -of 100 at each meal I-will be able to board a large number ef people-who-will- secure rooms with out board In .tha neighborhood.. In the matter of ratoa, I wilt be governed by the prices that prevail elsewhere In tha city." . ' . -...'. -: . - Tbe academy is -oa -convenient car tine and within easy walking distance of towa. WOOOMEN TO ENTERTAIN : n ,-i f; FRIENDS TONIGHT - Tola la Woodmen's night at the Mar- aurnn Onirkl - The order will throw open the doors of that theatre to 1 the public, free of charge,-for-a splendid vaudeville per formance, eonal sting of the atar acts of the current bill n all of Portland's vaudeville houses. That the house will be - filled -1 - Its capacity - there is no doubt. ::v-'.':"': r In addition to the various entertaining features from the little houses,' there will be an addrearf by Governor Oeorge H. 'Chamberlain, who will act as master of ceremonlea, and various other fea tures ahowlng the beauties and ad van - tagne of the order. W. c. Hawley of the Willamette University will speak : os "Woodcraft.". Moslo will be a prominent feature of the-bill... The management la In careful hands and every visitor will be welcome. Children under is will not be admitted. , IHTZD , BTTT ' Koitn. "'" "(BpeHal tMepeteti t Tbe JoeniaL) Pullman, Wash.. - Jan. ' 1 1. Harry Ubanks arrived here from tbe penlten- tlsry Inst night. where. lifl. was. scntJiiicfd for two years for' horse stealing, lie had II months yet to serve 'but Waa paroled by Governor . MeBrlde. He has worn cltlsen's clothes and carried mail frenv the-office te the penitentiary since he was committed. Me' made many friends among the' officials and his par don was aaked by many people. He has a position ,here. ... OPMATIOsT 2TATAX. i, ' ' (SpeeUI Mmtrt te Tke Jeeraall Wallace. Idaho, Jan. 12. Frank Haw kins died as a result ef an imputation of one of hla lege yeaterday. Tha leg was lilt tiy wtnrng-mafMnefylnhe summer and gradually grew worse. Hawkins waa 44 years of age. He came to the Coeur dAleneo In the gold ex citement ' He hsd a brother, who Is s Congregational minister In Indiana, and a sister In Texas, who have been com municated witn. .- v , -boi (Joersal Ipxlal Service.) . New York, Jan. ' 1 1. K. H. Sarashon, editor of. the Jewish Morning Journal, Ae ef th mMt ttrnmttieti VI r-Km In 'America, died this morning. $14 of the Store - Go in oraer fogtve you an iaea 01 V Coma arl see. i;J --lf 1 512.00 OVERCOATS CO 4C. Are rsoucso to .rtJIOaUCP $10.00 OVERCOATS ARE REDUCED TO .. $9.00 (OVERCOATS -i ARE REDUCED TO 07VCO OVERCOATS - ARE REDUCED TO Wm TO KVi MO COYS V JVear - Morrlaon WILL' GIVE BRIDGE . TO COUNTY FRIDAY Construction Company Promises Judga Webster That It Will . , . . Bo Ready Tomorrow. ,;- K : Coaqty Judge Webster held 4 confer ence today with T.- M. Butler, auperln tendent of the Paclflo Construction com pany, who called' M tnforsa th court that th Morrison street bridge will be ready for public traffic Superintendent Butler Informed Judge Webater that tomorrow In th af ternoon "the bridge will be turned ever to tn county. ; J. H. Richmond, foreman Mb bridge force, also conferred wlfh Judge Web ster. receiving . Inatructlo'ta .coocemlpg tae operaUott of the bridge . Foreman Richardson sail In his re port to Judge Webster concerning the tests or the drawl - , . i Tha draw is the best I biive ever seen operated. It works mors easily than th old on and can be opsam and closed muoh more quickly."; 1 s -; ' r The bridge wag closed t all trafflo on October II. ; The first stroke of work was done In February, whan pDIng was ortven for the-false work. Team traffic ended May 1 and thereafter until Oo tober II tbe bridge was open alternately for street . cars and i pedestrians. Mr. Richmond, who was foreman on the old bridge, will be In charge of th operation of the new structure, r f .: . It waa slated by th eon tractors lata this afternoon that possibly the. snow, which made handling of Ironwork diffi cult, might delay th opening. CHELSEA DAMAGED. BY 3 QUARTER MILLION FIRE .'.rr- . 'v'- . .(Jearaal Soeelat Rervlee. ' . Chelsea. Maaa., Jan. 12 The Academy of Mualc and th Park and Savoy hotels were destroyed by fire earlyThls morn. Jng. Fireman H. L. Olggey waa fatally injured by the falling walls, - Several othare were slightly Injured. Th loas exceeds 1210,010.- ' ' ;'' ; ., , " nnxmn ttt.TiSObi wtb. V Edmund Felder. ' Wtio, with 'T." K Hunt, has a half Interest In the Philip pine village concession at tha exposi tion,! arrived today to cloa the contract He will probably select a spot behind the government building en the penin sula for the village, and there will be a Philippine theatre on th Trail. . .-r . "Want Ad." Looking for a stare? . Don go any further until you have investi gated the one advertised under heading "For Rent-Storea." Ifg. 9 apt to ault you, sure. ;iTI , ; '', ' Newspaper men. will find an In teresting ad under . claaelncation '. '3ualness Chance. " Man wishes to dispose of CuntrylIPrAl Chance for a rustler. Whatever you do, be our and read -th- "Lost and Found" ads, and, by doing so, yen may be able : to restore soaaethlng found to th owner and claim reward. - It pay to read them. . tt (wi i r ii v . 'm w n i m IU . rgv - nm --range r nen- nere a - your chance. , The -ad -is under, heading "For , Sale MUoellane- Atse. . rwtn't tnlea I. , ' Why Journal want ads sre-In- s creasing can b explained by on ' word Rmulta fllmele. Isn't It 1 W Nnl airaaitrv Ca u. man' Agents wanted Lady or gentle man with fair education. If yott-; are good hustler, read th rest av oi tne aa on tne ciassinea psge. .. 2iikiimoiii.MMiimii T TTTTTTTrTTTTTl wnaia 11:$85- $6.35 $4:65 RAILROADS ADVERTISE; LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR Very Handsoma BrochurfTTIs ;':l.iuod by Northern Paoifio rr Railroad Company.: - , -- The Northern Pacino" Railway eom- : pany has lssaed th neaUat place of ad--vertlalng thgt aa yet come to hand In : ' eonneattoA with the Lewis and Clark exposition,-- It la In the form af a booklet - TaUHfulIy"l)rIhUd and.profueely lllus-- t rated, containing about 60 peaes-of ex tremely - Intereating hi tor leal data re- gardlng th expedition of-ar century ago, -; and muck matter deacripUVe of the forthcoming fair, t Tbe' eover are nleely " colored and show s view of. th -Jalr ; groundr and - portraits of Lewis and Clark. The llluatratlona Include ideal-'TV tatla pictures of big features and build- j tags of th exposition and reproductiona " of pages f tb .Lewi and Clark Journal, ' of landmarks and various point of In- . terest touched by th explorers. Soma a pace I devoted to typical Oregon aeanea and views now to be seen along the rout of the pioneers of th northwest, ( In excellent halftone. - Finally a, map of ' t the grounds Is printed. - ' - i 1 - S' . Th work Is a great credit to the origi nator find publishers, as well as to Olln 13. Wheeler, who la responsible for the reading matter. Mr.. Wheeler haa al- ' ready written two volumes on the Lewis and Clark expedltlon.i.- -- ;-t ' " "The New Tork Central Passenger de-J; part ment has begun advertising exten- ' slvely for the Lewis and Clark fair." said W. G Beach rest, general agent, this "Jj morning after looking ever hla mall. ' In a letter from General Passenger Agent . Daniels It Is stated that the February. ' number of .the -Four Track New will contain ' two . pagea. a ' design ef the grounds and aa artlole deacrlptlv of -the- progress made, and that tb com- ;', pany I Issuing ,10,000 special folders' for tha fair. . The Four Track News for the next four months will print exten sive deaortptlv articles for-th ex post- tloa i . ... ' ...,.'', . i ,. WILL FIQHTTRUST BYt,' EMPLOYING CONVICTS f .. - ; (Jooraal Hseelal Serrlee ' ,: V, Llnooln. Neb., Jan 11 A bill was In- v ttoduced In th bouse - this - morning y aimed at the binding twin trust sit authorises tb Installation f a twine plant at tha penitentiary and to employ -convict labor. The same plan has been -successfully operated In Kanaaa, - j- s. rww4t News In Brief J 1 Stockmen, attention Than.U goes on -to say that 140 acres of X nest grasing tana, green ail the year round, will be sold at 11.10 j iter acre. Better read thla: tells Overcoats Great Savings "ail "about it. Ad ; under heading ' jf,u' "For BaJe Real jitat.-,' Hers you are, two S-rooni eot- Uges stSt" Johns, near car Una. f . for sale. Look for the ad under - head "For Sale Real EsUte.Hr Th ; rtHna sail addpeae a nwna, ash W "t v "We " have ' some '' nanralna ' t . rooming houeea" says the nfadt aon Real Estate company. Fair soon will be on; they would make gooa inveetmentj SUIl another man wants a farm , to rent about 100 acres: offer what ' you have. It'a better to get rent money regular than, aell, dont you X ' think T , . , ' ' -y ' . . . J Astor house la advertising first-f rises . rurnianea rooms at , ex . ceedlngly low prices, it'a In fin location: better as about' there ; ir you era loosing ror rooms. Ad T t la . tinder "'Fot Rent Furnished I