The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 12, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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    ' i - ' . - - .- :l . '' . 'v - ..." -a k
"Portland la Jiib'i nearest neighbor,
I said there la no better body of man than
(the Portland chamber of commerce -to
4 take the Initiative to atop the cruel and
bloody war between Japan-end -Kuas la,"
declared Mayor Oeorge H, Williams last
'Bight, at the annual banquet "of the
i 1L-f .1 n M ,., ww
The declaration was received) wltfi n
" thuslaam, and a resolution was adopted
-Mklnr President Roosevelt to Intercede
. 'or peace. , . :. ' -r- '-..'- .
-VSt has bean said there ia a .role
among nations that none shall interfere
, .. gwtweea belligerent - until -" both ' shall
have consented to such action. ' I do not
. . believe .In the--exlstence of - any such
rule," said the mayor. "As well might
peaceful men stand by while a strong
man beats a weak man to death, unless
' the strong man consents) to be interfered
with.- There Is a law Higher than the
comity of natlone its . seat la on the
mnn ox ura, ana iw wicv i tun aw?
. mony of the world. .
" He cited the operation of the Monroe
doctrine, and the" war. with JBpaln in
v MinMwt e lilti nnaltlnn The liiMUntf
adopted the . f olloWlng resolution pre-
' vented by Mayor WlUlama: ', i
"whereas. ... Conditions have arisen In
" the war between -Japan end Russia
which make It desirable for the -sake of
niunuuy ua' tin wnmu w. wui ctra-
cerned that there should be a speedy
termination ox such war; therefore, be It
"Resolved. By the chamber of com
merce of Portland. Ot, comprising Its
A - representative citizens, that the preal
nt of the United States be. and ha la
. .. hereby; respectfully requested to use his
. Influence and good -offices as speedily
auHf suovuvBir mm uvhiuiv iv ru. maM uu
to the hostilities between Russsla and
Japan and secure an honorable peace be-
tween the two. - nations.", i-'-
Tew Officers. --.-.
') m. i . .... i .. a
IIm ,Ka mmaamKaa aaaa.i.a1a 1
I n V mi tha fAmmarnlBl Aluh nmm. .nil a
banquet -followed It- The new officers
nrei President,-W.- D. Wheelwright ef
Paclfio-Efcport Xumber company; vloe-
, presiasni, it. tv llQge.o.1 Kioge at owirt
secretary, Samuel Connell of' Northwest
Door company; treasurer.- Ladder Til ton;
inunn, nugn jacuuir ox memo raper
comnanr : Julius Ia Meier of Meier A
Frank company: Edward Cooklngham
of Ladd c Tilton; Paul Wesalnger of
. Henry Welnhard estate; Jay Smith of
, Jtaranailoweua Hardware company; J.
J-rnost lAldlaw of James taldlaw. Co.
-, If as ants Annaal Bepork
. ' W. J. Burns, the retiring president. In
lila annual report referred to the work
.. Accomplished last year. He eeld the
.chamber received from 21 to .Si letters
II A HAAMil ...,.. J AWVU 111 WU II 1.1 ,
i and relating to immigration, and to these
' Inqulrted M.WO- pieces of literature had
. teea aenL Many conventions had been
- Vrongfat, here -and legislation affecting
the Interests of shipping and commerce
bad been looked after. . ,.
What the lty- needs -most was an ap- v ,.,v,y ilvh, wiif mi
"L tm nATtnaiunlt, In. n m.. Ih.' 1m.a 1
- tie that It might be relieved of the ne
. resslty of maintaining a- shin 'channaL
Keference waa. made to the work to ae-
- nre the portage -road and to secure pur
- hlM of the Okaa. - f!itv loelra 4v ha
- clued the Harrimaa system for lack of
' .teamshlp service, which had, ha says,
compelled Portland to send a large. por
- tlon of her oriental ahipmenta via Puget
nound.. ' - -
- "The floor shipments of the last three
. years," he eeld.- ""how that Portland -la
: doing barely .one, third of the -buslneaa.
i The ' actual .tlgurea are: ' Portland. In
. I5,0e0 barrels, and Pufet sound,
. 1.7 71.06 barrels; Portland, In 104. 171.
' 00 barrels, and Puget aeund.. 1,100,000
' jarrelaJ' ', t . i...1 .. .
Opem Slver Work.
The open river Committee. Henry
Hahn and Ia A. twls, jportlng' on the 1
prpgreaa of the portage road .undertak-
lag. rendered a financial atatement shew, 1 1
l.rlV..rli,rriu - v.,l... -
sj) -va. eu sye.Aseiar.Biej puwaui lUfsj MVt
: lics4tA latest stvl best lacflitles In
' 0 UMmUf enable the ta
eii rarfatioa la ntaiorials tad la la pro
a( aaaflnfactaraA "!.,""'""'
Datiihg Pdivdor
prellmlnaxr jpensa tMil.61 had been
expended, leaving a balance of 1717.11 In
the treasury. The disbursements were.
11,011.11 for legal services. $14t.0 for
expense of- attorney.- f (0 for engineer's
services, S1I7.S0 for expense of engineer,
1660 for right of way, $11.70 for expense
of open, river eonvmlttee and tl.4 for
printing,' stationery, atenographlo. work
and publishing legal notices.
r "The effect of the portage road," aays
the committee, "will be to speedily se
cure temporary relief from . excessive
freight rates and to expedite the' com-
plletloa of the Celilo canal and locks.
We wish to congratulate the people of
Portland and of Oregon, .on., this their
first practical .demonstration of the de
velopment spirit we prefea to call It
the "help yourselves' , policy.: : The' sup
port given so unstintedly to the portage
road la strtdUy la -line for. the promo
tion of much larger .undertakings, of
wnicn there are several very important
opportunities, 1 ... a southeastern Ore
gon rail or electrio road, a Tillamook
road,' etos .: J-' ' ... .-:
"In conclusion, your commlttee-fi be
half of the" chamber, desires -to extend
thanks to K. B. Calvin, president of the
Oregon Railroad e.. Navigation company,
to Beufert Bros, of The Dalles and L li.
Taft of Celilo for the right of way gen'
erously donated for the portage road;
to the business men of Portland for their
prompt financial aid enabling the com
mittee to continue lta-eampalgn, and for
their liberal subscriptions to the much
needed guarantee fun; to Mesa is. Smith;
Mariner, Blalock and Peters of the Open
River 'association for their valuable and
untiling assistance; to the people of the
Inland Empire for their subscriptions to
the deficiency-fund- for the-completion
of the portage .road." ; '-
-.'V.-Tt work Aooompliehod.
WTA Meara. chairman-' of; the trans
portation committee, reported yon work
done - In organising the North Paolne
Coast ' Jobbers' and Manufacturers' as-aociatloiw-
to secure equitable freight
rates for Portland. Seattle and Tacema;
to prevent renewal of the government's
contract with the Paclfio Mall Steam
ship company; to build a wagon road
from Rampart to Glenn gulch, Alaska;
to defeat the parcel post ..bill now be
fore congress; to oppose the uniform
bill of lading.: ndto 'secure equitable
distributive rates from Portland . td
Idaho Jobbing territory. '
Secretary Samuel Connell Included In
his report a atatement by W. R. McKen
sle. accountant. It shows that the funds
for the year amounted to I7.17S.TI, of
which 11.721 waa apent for salary of aa
slstant secretary and $906 for the Cham
ber of Commerce Bulletin and other of
fice expenses) 117 for advertising In
Minneapolis and Das Moines-newspapers ;
$800 to the Commercial elub'a promotion
fund;, $6(1 for entertainment; $$$ for
rraln -standard committee: 4S8 lor
Doetage: tilt for printing; V6 fori
rent; $S$ -for- sUtlonery; $76 for tele
graphing; $600 for Lewis and Clark fair,
and $10$ for 'miscellaneous expenses.
The chamber now has Ml members, a
gain of. two over last year. ...
The new president, Mr.-Wheelwright,
presided at the banquet and made -the
opening .addreaail. He paid hjs respects
to the railways, criticised the the meth
ods iby rwtiten they - are -commonly or
ganized, and aa a result of which their
officials are compelled to exact exorbi
tant . rates wherever- possible," In order
to par dividends on largely exceaslve
stock Issues. : He advocated .legislation
aa one. means of relief,) and the Inter
ventlon of auoh bodies as the chamber
of commerce as another form. -He de
clared ' Portland to be suffering from
lack of stemsblp facilities and said -the
railway .lines should be required 'either
to furnish adequate water transporta
tion -or permit others to come In' and
supply steamship lines. Jy granting to
them the same through rates give a. to
lin.T nnntmUma hy
which fair and just privilege It will be
la, - , '.v' -. -.
lines to exist.
Referring to the Lewis and Clark fair.
he extolled the late H. W. Corbett as one
of Its first active advocates, and those
who have charge of Its building as men
able and efficient In the task they have
undertaken. . He expressed the hope that
there would be some provision later to
convert the grounds into a publlo park,
and the sentiment evoked applause. .
' ' O ipartaaaa' Za On favez, .
",Tom Richardson,, manager of the Com
mercial olub,-spoke on the subject ef
ellmstlo .advantages, sad compared the
Pacific northwest with the Gulf coast,
to. the great advantage of the .former.
As one who has "resided In both sections,
he wss able to speak advisedly; '
J. H. Scott of Salem advocated good'
roads. He said Portland, being the cen
ter of real estate Interests of Oregon,
owed a duty te the state to take up this
question and lead In the movement for
better roada. The prise was the devel
opment of Oregon and her markets. The
problem ef land transportation was all
Important t
"It Is costing more," he said, "to carry
the products of eur state from the farm
to the railway station than It oosts to
transport them from that point to the
foreign market' So long aa this condi
tion exists in Oregon we cannot compete
with ether statea and nations that are
building good roeds. The government
has given millions of acres in land
granta to secure rail transportation, and
millions of money to Improve water
wayst Ait this -Is-but "an Indication of
the vast importance of the good roods
question. ... r... , - r-' :r:
- - . Consul Killer's Compliments, ' 7
"United SUtee Consul K-B. Miller, of
Nlu Chwang, China, spoke on conditions
In the orient, after complimenting Port
land on the great progress made during
the five years of his absence from Ore- I
The United Statea Is the best part of
the world, and, the Paclfio northwest is
the best part of the United States," he
said. ."The proposition now being earn
estly considered by our government, of
sending commercial attaches to each of
our foreign legations. Is a move ojf great
Importance to the Pacific coast, it will
reaedt in rapidly developing our ori
ental trade- I believe the attaches who"
go to oriental stations. should' be Pacific
coast men.' : --
He suggested the lmportanoe of rem
edying the presenTThetbod of shipment
of goods from . Portland to' interior
points and aea porta of Japan, China and
Korea. in many instances -the goods
shlDDed from- this city must -be
shipped at Shanghai -or Kobe on other
llnea that carry them to Tien Tain, Che
fbo, Neu Chwang and other places, and
often they do not reach -their destination
in good order. jtll goods should be
shipped on through bill of lading, guar
anteeing safe delivery at destination, as
la done by the Japanese line running out
of Seattle. i- . - r --. '"- " ' -
Mr. MlUer said the war In the orient
waa not a contest for possession of Man
churla or Korea. It waa a ' fight . by
Japan for -her existence. He thought It
would be Impossible for the United States
to escape, responsibility for- some part
in the settlement of the war, and spoke
strongly In favor of mediation, express
ing the. belief that "thia country should
and would do Its part to secure peace.
"The United Statea Is in a better po
sition than any other country to supply
the people of the orient with all Unds-ef
products." he saidWena our-oriental
trade development depends upon our tak
ing a hand In the aettlement of the v
Should Russia conquer, she will domi
nate China, and destrdy Japan, and the
Interests of the United States there will
be at her mercy. The day Is coming
when1 the voice of the United Statea must
be heard in determining the question or
peace In the orient" r- -
In connectlon-wlth the recent gifts of
Oregon grape sent by the Portland Com.
merclal club to prominent eastern peo
ple for holiday decorations, oeorge a.
Hlmes gives an Interesting account of
the origin of the shrub and Its adoption
as the state nower of Oregon, ine
first known reference to thw shrub is
In Parsh's "Flora of North America,'
published by James Black Son, Lon
don, Kngland, ItlC and It Is there first
called , "Oregon Orape or Holly-leaved
h "While considered a shrub, the Oregon
grape sometimes ' attains a height of
17 'feet, with a ' diameter of four and
a half Inches." says Mr.JKlmes..ri have
a sample 'of that alee -In my -custody
now. The flower blooms In ApiiL Is
'very "handsome, though . delicate, and
is a bright lemon yellow In color. The
fruit 'grows In small clusters, resembles
small .dark - purple - grapes, and while
edible, la very sour, but makes excellent
jelly. - '.'.,--. .s, - .t-r-ii-,"
'It waa upon my. motion, at a meet
Ing of the Oregon-Horticultural society
In lltt, that ' the question of adopting
a state flower waa first raised, my per
sonal oholce being the Oregon grape on
account of Its permanent leafage In
varigafed c616TsTTici:bfdIhgtoIts ex
posure to -the sun, and-its marvelous
adaptation fnr rtrnnrMt.yourppsesat
all aeasons of the year. After considera
tion by the above society for. two years,
in which the claims .of other flowers
were, urged. It was adopted on July 18.
ltt- The Women's Federated clubs of
Oregon secured the passage of resolu
tions by Joth houses of the state legis
lature of Oregon, 11(1, formally de
claring the Oregon grape to be the state
flower," .- r -: 7 ';'.','"
Collections for - city licenses have
reached $64.$7$ 28 for this quarter. All
licenses became delinquent , yesterday,
and today notification waa aent to de
linquents to appear at the office In the
city ball and pay the necessary fee.
There are still several . saloon men
who have failed to take out permits to
conduct saloons this quarter, and 4 he at
tention : of the license Inspectors - will
first be directed toward' them. There
have been two Instances where saloon
men have kept their places of business
open for several days after January 1
and have then closed their houses with
out paying-additional llcensea It is un
derstoodthat several arrests will fol
low. - .- .- -'-." .v . - i
wimm clam
. .' -1 -.
Tablats to B Erecttd Along th
, Bout Taken by tho Path- ; :
' ."' . V -'. '. .... J .. "' . ' ' '
Names of Site in Letters So
Large That He Who Runs
May Read.
. :. ...... ;
i Sultiable tablets are to be erected
along the Columbia, river fromCelllo to
Fort Clatsop to-mark the -camping spots
or captains Lewis and Clark during their
historic - trip acroaathe continent . 100
years aga This work was fathered and
la being pushed by Frank J, Smith,
Willamette and Columbia river steam'
boat man. Mr. Smith states that he ha
received assurances .from . transporta
tion llnea that they will aid . In thi
work, .and officers of the Oregon Hu
torical. society heartily Indorse, the plan.
It Is proposed that the work of erecting
the tablets begin early thia spring,
It haa not yet been decided what sort
of tablets will be used. - Bronxe, iron
and granite have -been suggested. But
no matter what the tablets . are eon
atructed of, large boards palrfted white
will be put up alongside the memorials.
on which will be. Inscribed In bold let
ters the date "when ..the .explorer
stopped at that' place, as well as the
name given the spot by the captains or
the Indiana It la planned to make these
signs large enough -to be read by people
on paeelng trains and boats.
Several atatea have similar projoeta
under way, Montana taking the lead In
the movement The great pathfinders
spent the first winter of their trip In
North Dakota, and the people of that
state are talking or marking the Lewis
and Clark - trail across that common
wealth In a suitable msnner.
J Mr. Smith has spent much time In, lo
eating the exact camping spots, of the
explorers along the CnlumMa jlyer. He
made two trips frop CelUo gorgeidprr-wldlngatnyTerson.caualng
Fort Clatsop In a rowboat climbing 1-
most inaccessible .crags and clitrs along
the river in order to make euro of the
points in question. By the aid of the
very beet government hydrographlo and
topographical eharta, studying extracts
from the .Lewis and Clark original jour
nals and .' numerous Interviews with
straggling lands or wandering Indians,
Mr. Smith -haa been able , to- definitely
locate thesa camping spots. Nearly all,.
he states, .were . located - on - the mos
beautiful points along the river.
Mr. Smith la now at work on a nar
ratlve of the Lewis and Clark Journey
from CelUo to the sea..' which -will be
Illustrated by pictures of . the csmping
places, maps or the various side-trips
and views of old Indian villages and
burial grounds. With his history will
be- blended the legendary lore of- the
river Indians and descriptions of seen
ery along the .Lewis and Clark route.
Thli Information-Mr. Smith secure -at
first hand from the Indiana ,
Annuat Meetin jand Election of
Young Women's Christian
- ; Association. ' , ' .
Mrs, I. H. Amw, Mra. James Falling,
Mrs. oJaoob Kamm . and Miss Mabel
Haseltlne . were re-elected directors of
the Toung Women's- Christian associa
tion-at the - annual meeting' last night
There was a large attendance. Reports
of the officers -showed .splendid, work
dona in the past year.- ,
Mrs. W. J. Honeyman, the president.
gave her ..annual report-In -which ah
reviewed the work of the past year, and
recommend - that - the ' travelers' aid
work be taken up the coming summer.
She announced that it was planned. to
establish headquarters at the Lewis and
Clark fair In the form of a Swiss
Chalet where women could find , rest
luncheon and other comforts. - Space had
been secured, and $1,600 or mora would
be expended. A permanent home for
the society would be .built soon, she
thought' r
A rote of thanks waa extended Mrs.
Helen - Ladd-Corbett ; and friends ' who
presented the association with a library
of 400 volumes last year. The tea room
In Olds, Wortman ac King's store was
ahown to be doing a; good business;' and
the ' domestic actenoe department was
progressing in an encouraging manner.
The Tsporta of Miss Harriett S. Vance,
the general secretariat and Mlaa Mabel
Haseltlne, the treasurer, gave a resume
of the work of the year and the financial
condition of the association.
It waa 'announced that Mrs. Honey-
man had been invited to serve on the
national committee. -. Muslo and refresh,
ments followed the meeting: , . ; ,
Dan Rogers and' W. B. Johnson met In
saloon this mornlngv and exchanged
greetings. Dan bought a stein, which
Johnson wouldn't drink because It was
too COld. he said. - He only drinks Scotch snows.
'See what a Una coat and vest a kind
lady gave me," remarked Johnson, as he
proudly exniDited the garmeata
Tt la a aweii-iooker and ought to 'M
warm this weather," replied Dan. "Let'S
try it on. . j . ,.. ,
TdhBgon louk ma coat and vest '.oft
and Dan tried them on. He liked them
and marched out of .the 'saloon.
"1 benight yon a drink." he said, "and
yon -ought to be willing to da ma a
fever.".-, .. ,
Johnson hurried to Chief Hunt- whj
refused a warrant' unless the else of the
coat and vest waa recalled. Johnson
couldn't give . their dimensions, so the
warrant was not issued. He says he
told Officer White about the exchange.
-and the officer took the affair .under ad
visement .
Later Deputy City Attorney ritsger-.
aid Issued a warrant for . the arreat of
Rogera i--. -.- ..
The coat and vest were taken oft to
day," said Mr. Fitsgeraldf "and suit will
come off tomorrow."., - . -
Johnson Uvea at 121 Front street
Rogera waa arreste6V: ,
" " " Trom the Chicago Tribune.
"How did' you get your wife out of
the burning building so quickly without
sjarming nerr . - ,
1 told her aa auction sale of house
hold goods waa just beginning la the flat
next oor."
Whea afUatsd wlta a hard eels. Mklu la aa
effeoUre aa flaa'f Care. . tSa, .
PowerfulJnflyence Behind Meas
ure That Will Be Presented '
- ::V,VC-V to Ugislature.V
Law Has Proved Decided Sue
cess Whereat Has Seen In
. J V , - - Operation. ;
- Oregon- may , soon have a ' ' Juvenile
court law. A bill providing for eatab
Ushlng such institutions Is being- pre
pared by Judge H.-W. Hogue, Superin
tendent W. T. .Gardner of the Boys'
and Girls' Aid society, and Mra B. H.
Trumbull.' members of a Joint commit
tee from the . Oregon Prisoners' Aid
society and the Oregon Conference of
Charities and , Corrections, which or
ganisations are agitating the movement
- The bill provides for Juvenile courts
in all judicial districts containing 100,
000 persona or over, .. If there are two
or- more Judges in the district one Is
chosen to 'preside over .the oourt whtct)
la a court or inquiry instead of a court
of .criminal procedure. The Judge acts
aa Judget lawyer and Jury combined. The
court . also ' appoints one or more dis
creet persona to act as . probation of
f loers to - serve . without - eompensattoa
to eee that proper care is given Juven
iles who have been before the court
- "Under, thia law," children under It
years ox age. wno are nomeiesa ana
destitute, or who have not the proper
pareatlal care, or . delinquent children
who are criminal or Incorrigible, are
brought before the court, who. says what
disposition shall be made of them. Care
ful watch la kept over them until they
become It years' of age, and If- It la
seen, at any time, that a change of
surroundings 1a necessary the probation
of fleer .reports to the court, who orders
the change.
xn connection witn me qui providing
for the Juvenile court will be a meas
or. contributing to the delinquency of
any . child shall be guilty of a misde
meanor and may be subject, to . a fine
of $1,000 or imprisonment in the -county
Jan for one year. - - -..-.. . -
The juvenile court law la now In ef
fect In - California, Colorado, Connecti
cut Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, - Mis
souri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio,
Pennsylvania T and "Wisconsin. ; where
good results are already shown tnrth
diminution , of Juvenile crime. - -
At Eighteen He Has a Record in
- :vf olico Courts Second ' ;
rr- -to None. rzr f
With the arreat of Frank Thomoaon.
alias "Peanuts," who waa held to .the
grand Jury yesterday, : officers believe
they -have cut abort the career of one
of the smoothest and most successful
Juvenile criminals who aver operated in
roruiiH, singula oiuy, ji years oi age
the boy Is said ta have been Implicated
In mora crimes than any youth of sim
ilar age that haa ever been arrested In
thia city. - . -
- Stella Boyd. IT years old. appeared la
municipal oourt this morning to answer
a aerloua cbarg in connection with the
arreat of Thompson, she wni committed
to the Magdalene home. i . -
Thompson flrat encountered offlcers
whea he was 11 year of aga ' Ho i
arrested, then for complicity In the rob
bery of a section .house in Troutdale.
He worked with a number of older crim
inals, it la said, and waa used by them
to climb transoms and' similar -work.
He waa Implicated, the detectives say,
In the Crimea committed by the gang of
which the , notorious Robert La Farge
was the leader. La Farge and others
of the gang were sentenced - to terms
tnth state penitentiary. .
.Thompson Is said to have takes part in
at least eg crimes, ann nas joen in me
munloipal ' court on lnaumerable occa
sions. ... - .. .. .. . ..
Silverfield-BrandesT Suit" Over
Ninety Dollars Costs Many
rr "t Times That Sum. - -
Paying in
attorney ' fees and - court
costs several times the amount of money
Involved, B. Bllverfleld resisted the claim
of F. H. Brandts and went Into court to
compel Brandea to accept $t less than
tl.Olt, the- contract prtoe for making
and Placing fixtures In BUverfleld's store.
Thomas0'I)ay represents Bllverfleld and
C J. Bchnabel and A. T. Lewis appeared
for Brandea. The case waa on trial yes
terday and today before a Jury In Judge
Fraaer'a court.
Brandea sued Bllverfleld to recover
tl.Otf. the contract price, plus $12$ for
extras, end t$7i. damages for delay. BU
verfleld's defense was that he had a
signed contract In which Brandos agreed
to -complete the 'Work in 10 day a or
forfeit tit a day for all time conaumed
over that. He claimed Brandea took It
Brandea to. accept '$' less than' the
$1,0$. contract price, notwithstanding
ih- inll sum of money at state, the
case has been bitterly fought,' and a
bewildering array of . wltneaaes hare
been in court. . - 1 .. -
Of Much Interest
la urapeclal sale of discontinued styles
of 1104 planoav We are -also moludlng
In this sale several nlanoa wa have
called In from rental, and a number we
have taken In exchange aa pkrt pay
ment for aew pianos. List Includes
a Pisnos Frcn $125 Up
Oa aaymaats ef
It - will i pay yon to' investigate .and
will coat you nothing to look. - ' -
Soule Bros. Piano Co.
-V-; V -H .-"Werare - offering; you ther fihesti-1' : - 1:v J; i-r-
' V ; - "' Ready"ttYear Clothiiijj made in "-'V-, v
;.aJaL'U'-,' 'America at a 'sharp reduction cjqr- - - f r . !
Ajud Clearance .1.
S . . Nqt odds and ends out of style"';t:-'r-jl
; Y -y? garments buti finest in ; the -. ; ' i
-rT-T;--;-,-.:;.:- 1 ".'v.'""'" '::r?r--- ''. .1
C- ' ,". All broken lines of our fine Un--; '.! j .rt '
C-C i i i' : v: .derwear is nutrlted ,to; gfj -at' just : :i
"'"'if ;y;- --: half of"regula-Tmces.','-;--::::
i l!rv : ':..,"..f.''.. ..'. ; C':':'''v-::'" 1 ':
tpiX"MOR;R I S O Nl S T R E E j ?
Hotel and; Restaurant Qobds S
- We manufaotnre Hotel rUngea, both -Portable and to set In brick, feet ta
10 feet, or-longer. Carry In stock copper and re-tlnned- hotel oooklng utensils;
also the Amethyst. Imperial, Colonial a ad Opaline Enameled warea The larg- '
est variety of atoves and, -ranges an the Pacifle ooaat -We respectfully sollolt -
your, patronage.
OTm non n MAZV awS. '
1862 COAL
. 'eSrf tftm nfv Aaenlaa D-L "ea---' '.'
VVV - A. IT:
!'' .)
- .a .v
, : it. the enjr. ' . . yrtrtr, ., ; ; :
Bar cause we are the exclusive agents for the Union Peolflo Coal Co. There
is but one Bock Springs In Wyoming, and the mines were opened in ltd
by the Union J'aclnc.. which la the aole owner and miner of Rock Bpringa
. Coal, Don't be deceived by any trntutloa or wouldbe 1 Rock Bpringa - .
. - smsmbet, :we ar '-iM.asolaatTa '', a4rea' .Wma ia T eed, - aan
' ; --jrT-?- ' ' aWbaaa Bat laa,
: . ' SM aaat Btrttaea
Go and See
the Optician
129 tth Stft,
A J.
Dry short slab wood, Tetovo
1 I
Same Kind of Wood What's the '
Difference? . Per cord ............. :.....
Ban! icld; Veysey Fuel Co.
Phone Main 353 , . 80 Third St., Cor. Oak
Take ea aa latu a t-wi
. aka caa-te- lata ft trvtag.
- V l
- . .-..n
m, aaa mlva.
Afar Jildtf
A Sticker
way of wording it that the
glue we sell will adhere In everv In.
stance where It Is used. For Patnta,
Oluea, Varnishes, White Lead, Oil, Tnr
pontine and painters' sundries, call here -every
tlma . ........ i . .. T-
Fisher, ThorSa3n & Co;
IDry short cordwood, stove"
r jengths. per. -"(J A
T cord.,... ...4).0U
ST sUnrlsa Oa West Park.
'' ::- ''.- .-' --f--
.. . -. . . .
i 1"