THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVS.It;.T0. JAIIUAHY 12, i: IJ. S MARKETS ,Egs Ar Scarcer With Prices Fluctuating ' Upward Live and Dressed Hot a Quarter i. Up Changes In Oil Cake Prices. - TODAY' Entered at th. Mtoftet o( PoetlaDd, Or., for trMmruttuu through Lb mil, a aecood rla. matter, (w. ', t Poetace Cur alngl ropka: Por K 10 hi 124 - .' er page. 8 ee.H 82 to 44 carta, crate. 1 aa.j-b,vab. ' rjiiunit anni ....... 4. ,-, ,yv Uala 250 k.,Vl .....,-.. aUla euO roBzxoy ASvzxTiBuro xi-J-xistBTATTYX. - Vreeland-Beagamia Special AdeorfLIng Agency, iM Naeea V-irrt. ft Ti-t : 1 . !, Chicago. , '. ,, : . . -f.-- " ( ; '' ': - cvbsckotiox utn, -, . - - : - - Terms by Carrier. " T Ttr Journal, wttk tluuday. I year... 8T 50 Tbe Kafir. jornl, I yeir .-.n A00 Tbe hulljr Journal, with Monday, moutbe. 8.18 Tba l-elly Journal, S month..... 8,80 Tba Dallj Jouru.L Hh IMmdajr, I month. 1.SA Tba Dallr Journal. month. . . . . Tba Itally Journal. Bltb Hundar. 1 axmtb.. .MS The IalT. wi ib- dullrereA -Sunday Included . ....... ... .rC. ., .18 Tba Itailr. bar awk. delivered. Sunday eicepted ..... ! .-1... , i-Term hy MAIL Tke lteHrlm.1 with Hnutaff 1 Mir 17. Ml Tba Delly Journal, 1 mr .... t.W Ilia lmtly Journal, with Konday, Bum tba. 8.13 Tba latly JaurnaL 8 month..... ,. US Tha Dailjt Journal, with Hiimlay, 8 awntba . 1.8 .Tba Ilally JowlL man tba 1.40 Tha bellr JournaL wltb Bond. 1 mouth .-l i Tli. llollr JaurnaL 1 aamilh. ............. . .80 Tba Sunday Journal, I year. . ............. t.00 lbe Sunday Jouraal. A muothe. ....... ..... 1.00 .ii.'. .---.jse !-Weekly JournaL- ..-. 'The Reml Weekly Journal. I to II pofee; 1 each Imm. tl loa, rail M.rk.l re- - awrt. J jaar ................... .........! '.j Tba Waakiy JaunaU. -Ta Wrrkljr Jaaroal. lot) ruin una at raaaV ina aak I mm llhutratad- fall Biarkrt Mrmlttaaraa aboald to anda by drattB. aactal ll-aaanaata ara Kiraptabla la 1 atMl t taut anataaa ataajja9 . -PTW. Box Portland. Or. nut m o0mi at . s rown " Tba Imraal VwlM nlacaa- ba toaad -aa aala at tba tov - HlllMU lliAlin Pltnaar bank atara.' ' IHK Atrtt PaatofOoa. Naara rata pan, JT Daar '-. w bnrn atrcat.. i - - " - iHCNVKK.-COIX). Kaadrlrk Book JUatiooary . l-if-wmoany. til Marantaratk atrea;-J. juaea, - Klitwath and Cartla atrwta. K ANNAS I'lTV Vaa lint Km MIMH LliM ANUKLR8 rl. V. Uardner. IK . ftnrth KprlTui atraa; UUrar aV.UaiBaa. Jui Btwtli " Fprtiiff'atrret. , , .. ... . M1NNKAIHUb kt J. Karaeaofh. 80 Boatb ThIHI . .. . . !KF.W YORK CITT BraaUaa'a, V'nlaa aquara. fMiOEN f.1b Nt M.Biny. ' OMAHA Millard Hutai m-aa atan4 -kUaatk Mt t I.mmvv ramiunf mat farnun atrart. ' SALT I.AKH i'lTY.-Keiuott llotai wUiidx! , Harrow Brua.. 43 Waat Marand atraat. avaitB. ' HT IJkl-Il Pl.llln ItoMbt ata IiMit atraat, . i A' KKAS'I IHCU W. K. Arrtlnr, 1'alar Dotal nawa atand; Uoldamltb Bn.. 1M Butter atraat; Frad W. I'ltta. 10! Markat trat.J pllK il O-IKII Juhn W. ttrabam A Co. ' TAt'oy.lTWAJUl. Central Newa companjr. J1J1 PaHSa i xxxTixa itoticz. MIXNERARA TBIBK. No. '1.1 lmprora4 Oroat Bad.ktaa). Tba raular aMatlsca wlU ha .bald .in tba aaw . wirwaaj. T uiamaite naii. .. Uftt, Kacoad arraat. t f o'clock p. am. t Tborsdaj araoloa. - . ? PAOB TABTBB. Bacnam. : I : CA?UtTS!StrCo.f f Uccorda. ; Atrcnox baIxs fovoutow. R j"T. Wllaan. MO rirat atraat. at 10 a. aaU- ! grorarlra, dry ooda, e. J. T.WIIaB, By Uanrya Bakar Oa., Park ana) -AMar atraara. at 1 . .. laale at caarral bunarbold furnttarav aarprta.' ate Uaoraa Bakat Co. . awtwaiaara. r . WXATHIB BXPOBT. ' THa dlararhanra vaotardar tn rka anntb "want aaanratad Into tarn oarra. ma of whlck Mnred raptdty anrtbaaatward and la now cantral aar tba lownr lakaa; It canard baary rain la tha kmar kliaaiaalppl nllay and Iraaar anxatata n ua Ainmw ataiaa rrora iaw ajiaiana . dl.tiirbanct rrmilnad nrarly atatlonary In tha atwitawaai, wnara it la ramoiy loainK anarity A hick nraaaar araa of aonalilmibla aaa nltndr ritatxia from tba Caaac'laa nortkwaat a.mtb to tha Trial Panhandle. Orrr tola araa ' tha tawiaratnrra haaa fallen 10 to 15 drfraaa. aritta aaro traather extatidluf aa (araautk aaj ortbara Kanaaa. ' ' . Tbara la arldanaa of a dUtrnrbanca at off tba Orefna eaaat, arhlra will probably-am outward during tha Tr"tr M boor and aaaaa llffbt rain or aoow wait of tba Oaavado monntalaa aad light aaoat to tha eaet of tbla rane. .. ... , . ' i , - .-. r u. - Waddlnit Carda. W. O. Bmltk aV Go.,! Warh- tnfto bus., -cor. roorta ana n auinftaa ata. BIX TBI. t ,IJ! TAUJET-Jannary . to W. and atra. - - C-barlaa U Vailaj. M4 Jaffaraoa atraat, a datiibtar. CRHHKUUtMO rtaramhar 14. to Mr. and Mra. Angl--VrraKhlBo. Twoaty-flrat and Dtrta ion atraani a aon, . j... ' lNtMKiHIMuN-Jauaary 11. to Mr. and ICra. Alfred iuaoordaaa, 441 Thirteen tk atraat. a COVTAOIOVi BISXASXS.; WOKK Jannary 10. Edmund, noraaca and Hoaar, 41 Hojt atraat, irpkoid Imr. BXATXB, I HABRIeWmnary 11, WIIHam Harrta, a red TT yaara, Tl Kaat Rlrhtk atraat; nana, earabral Baawrrna(o. norlal at tanat nr cemetery. Y M Jaeuary JOi, i,,ytBWM(l M yeajn. .a, Bi'fc Jloound atraat: canae, paeaawnla.- Bttrial ai. tna l ir camatary. . . rramatorlnni OranCHy - Una; near ' Ballwand; aaodent. aMeotlnc. coionleta. tanjea - '.nanna, . roTmran, azn. vtattora i i. a, " to p. a. , I'ortland Llematlon aascUfloa, fortland. Oregon... w- . , Tba Edward llalman I'adertiklng amntwaf. fnneral dh-rrtara and embalmers. . C20 Third treat." IWM WW .i . T. J. P. rinler A Una. fnneraV dlrectora and aiakalmara, karo remared to their new eetah ll.acaeat.-. aarnar 1 Blra and Madtoaa itraeta. Botk pkoara tip. . 1 . , Pnnaral wraatba and rat lowara a apaelalty at Koa rtty Orerabonaa. Twaataeond and r-aei jaornaom, opp. camerary. ) ' Clark Bran, for flowara. 3m Monleun, atraat. XAtl MTATX TXABiriXl. Hs: .Hlcbard WlUlanw to ti. W.' Watt, aboot ' . aerea aeatbeaat H Cllatoa. Kelly ' t, U V t)M3 Ca.-ta J.' Cameroa and wife to M. J. , tirabanv, bta ft. . block 14, Uawthorqa'l , 1 rirat . addition. I....;. I10 John C. Tolnwn to l? W. matt, lot! 1 , 4. htork 3n, Tnlman Traat.. ........... . Sop Harorlty Baalnga A Traat company to , O. Da KQllka. ft a I. north M, lot T.. ' ' - hkk T2, arolkara' addiUoa to Car- atbara addltn ..,.'... 4 Akira Harold to J. Wall, lata Jft.4 Itx-lu-. . -TTai.- lw ITina kiur addition I Banw to f. V. Int.h. Ma 13. J4 block T. klanlo Park anbdlwlalnn.-.vvv.. ... 1 tll'Sart Onnderao and wlfa to C. Olhua. . ndlrldad H rntereat tracllini bVwk 1, - Jaaiea John'a aodltloa to Ht. .' JOboa. .. 1084 Pralnentar Kaal Rauta aonnanr to tl. C. and J. M. Pardn. lota 21 hx-lualra. - blaafc IS. Peniaanlar addition Ten. ll( Akiya rlarald to 4V Habertaad.- lota M - a&. Mock Al. Pent naii la r eddltlea No. . , I tnaaataaoat Company ta, William K. King ' lot !, - tot 4.bloek , l'led- ww.o ,..r JOUO BtrrUng Land eoaipany to t. Clm, W .. T. bWa 7. Daacber'i Benoad addition Tnf J. K. ncntt and wife to r. MroeatbaL ' . lot 4, blork U. Colaa addition. ' 1 l.ltarVw K. Ml and wife to W. Waller, lot a, blork 14. Ladd'a addltloa Ot Boaalla Baearaa to . Portland ia anaa. pany. lot ft, blo.-k-. Coaeft nddltJoa.. , 1 i ' I lrt -wonr ' Inaoratio ind abatrnrta " to " real awrato renin tha Tltlo Inaranieo A Traat tmm. pany, ( k.aibrr ft Commerce banding. , XTTtDIBw PMJfTTS. . Wl vr :ir I January II. H. B. W!arbelarn twlra to dwelling, at arxwartta otraet near Merrer ariWrnc: lt, "). l:. r,rKT -J.aa.rr II. J. '. Bobertl. dwellla. ' (no Tayl between Kaat TWentylghth . auJ te Iwentrnjntk alreeta; ooat. H.tKn. HI Ti'lliNrMiN - J.oa.ry It. tr. Wood Hntchtn- aoH. allrratRaa to dwelling.' " Twanty-flnH aaialaguai . aad trerall atreeta: .... et. i Ol !H. fBTMAt A KlXrt-Jannarr 11. "Ida. a A King, alleyarUnaa-aa building. B PRICE OF EGGS IS Receipts on Account of the Cold T76nap-Are SmaHef-ThanT'T-' ': O ' (;. ; the Inquiries.:; ',s; COAL'OIL is quoted; A HALF CENT LOWER Dressed Hogs a Quarter Cent Up Cheese Rrmer -Cream- , ery Butter Dull. " " . ( : Pnint' Hlraal, Jan. 11 Tba prim-lpal feature today: - ';, -.:. f Kg ranging higher' Igila. '. Poultry market Terr, tlrat. v u: .Coal oil 1. laevdowa.j V-v ' Potato men afraid oil froat -Oukin Biarket . to better abipet.t- . i. Wheat la not no flnav 1 7 : Kaatern floor deawnd ofT. T Hotter Biarket ta quoted weak." " it 'hoea ta quoted ' firmer , , v'; " '. 'llreaaad boga ara r an. . '.' Vaal demand akowlng -llrnrneaa. -i - .Oata Barktt la nut so firm. Slight lacreaaa la lalmon racelpta. urket ' Egg alarkat b Hlgkar Agaia. The cold rain aeema to bar caileed afrlk In tba rank of lb laying ben, for tha re. celpte at ml ttm -are very amall. Tba" de mand ta abowlng an. tneraaaa and prlcea today tf local freah atock .want ta Sue. There ara but few 'aaatera egg in tha market Joal'kt praaent ano) tbar, are quoted at a adTanr af -about .le. Hkeporta from Wlllametta valley point, howcrer. c to kow that tba country More keepera bar qnlt liberal anpplle of air which they ar holding fur aa .adra acq ta prica. .. --' 'j - - ltxy atarfcat t ' Try - Tirm. Today- wa poultry day oa the atroet, and altkooffk .th -racelpta war aemewkat larger tha a of lata, tba aupptlea -were not up ta tba demand, area at tba Braaaat blgb . ruling prlca. loaje. aeaad tttraeye at good quality arrlred tbla aaoratng on the etreat and found a aale from (0 to Kte a pound. Wild game la eery auan-q a Ilk IU dmaad good. Coal 0U U a Xalf Oaat Lewar, With tha cheaper price oa raw oil 1b the middle ata tea the market of lata baa not beea aa firm, and today-, tba Itandard Oil ooapany notified Jobbara af a rut of Vk la former Itata. Ta new prlcea ara: Pearl or A tret caaea. tic: water white. rna barrela, 'IBVic; wooden barrahx 17c: beadllght, caaea. 23r Iroa barrela, 1H gallou. N'a chance were made 1 atbar alU. , -.. -. . V rt''Mm AfraU af rret.V- - Tha weather mna raw tn for targe amount of oaaaor fraai tbe potato ahlppere tbla morn' lug.- w be they found a large part at their atock baa been nipped by tba cold and were taorefocw reraeteee for ahlpptng purpoaea. They had bee led to bailer that eandltloaa would Btoderake, aad were therefore not aa careful In guarding agaloat Cold. Tbe market tor fancy atock U la good akape. -The California a tea met took out,8.7 Back, laat Bight to. tn Bay city. ' Onloa Jfaxkat ti 'aUr. - Tbcra h better feeling la tba onloa mar ket and the top of tbe Jobber' aelllng prlc la now at 82 80. . Tbe buying prlca ant - la tba country, bowerer, baa not yet been a bora u. aa dealer bar ara afraid of larger Colorado ablpmenta t the California ' aurket. The ateamar Itt -n'gl-t - k , 84 tickl ',t !fln iraeiac.---.--. :s ji.jMrtnn t-s. v , auian iui vibau a vii - The demand for flBsr. from, tbe at and far aootket baa dropped off nearly altogether on account of the lower prlcea ruling la tba The local wheat iHuaUoa la alao eery dull, eery little buelnes of any kind offering. Price Ui aarnc. , la Quoted Weak. -1 Condition bow ruling la tba eiaaiaey butter market ara not any to good n4 rroot atraot mercnant aay that they cannot clean an tha preeeuf kguaea. The city creamer lea, with tbe-eireptloa of on that baa beea booettng tbe prlaai report tbe aame condition. . Oral nary creamery atock la rery. wekk...j.L.I. Cbraaa b ft 00 tad firmer. ; With tbe amaller receipt tba rbeea market ia abowlng eoaatant mptoremeut la the- too and ruu, rreaot .twin ara aow quoted nrmer at 14c. while Young America are readily aelllng at 10c A adraaea u looked for- by local jobber. .- .;..-r. ,. Praaaad Bag A ftnartar Higher. I ' Reerlnt of boon a long. Pmat treef 'are quite liberal, but tbe market la firmer aad prlcea today are He hlaber. - Kecelpta af eeal are alao quite. Bberil but the ton ef lb aaareai m gooa. Slight bra la tajaea Beoalpt. ' Tba receipt of atealhead from -tha Oolumbta abow a very alight lacreaaa today. Chinook ara Tory acerc aud command eery high figure. A lew nose ox ameii arriTra. . naaor dame are aearce. Tbday'a Wboleale Belling price, arret lead. axe: .... ...v t. , V-'--"'errala, Tleur aad Feed. WHEAT New end old Walla Walla. 190 B4e: hlueatem, eWa-nVJ ralley. BTr. - . BARLEY reed, 8U.00; rolled, IW.75: brew ing, i.u. - - .1. -'' COH3S v. note, rou; rxacKea, gJT.OO. Blki 1H per ewi. . OATH Producer' prlc N. 1 Whltk. A2T.S0) rray. 2n.oo.rf 27.00. . FLOIJB Kaatora ' Oregoa Patent. - 84 6: atralgkta, f.7n; eaUey, 84.10; graham, Ua. 84.00; 10. 84.48; rye, 80. 88.00; balea. S 7S. MILLBTrrr-a Braa. 818.00 pee ton; mid dling, tatt.00; . skorta, eoautry, okoD. kiH.uo. MAi rrooucera- price 1 imoiny. -wiuametre ralley, fancy. 14 Oritajli.OO: ordloary. Ill.ooa la.ia:. eaatera 1 eo-ooi io.ov, miaeo. 8iS.oo9U0:' - etorer, 8H iiOulJ-OO; grata, ell.OOklM.ov; , raeai, fii.wnu.WA, i. x - Rap, Weal . aad Bid. : - HOPS in, aft 422814 for cboleai ' SBe'fnr prhne and medio ma. WWII-contract laue cup raiiey, to atedluav 16nc; Baa. IT 0 18c; eaau eaeter (rre- e IA. . muhaik new, uc MHKtPHKlNM Bhearlna. InelJOe: abort wool So.lOc; medium wool, Botj&Oc. loag wool, bocUl O0 each . - TALIXJW Prime, pet Jb, 40Bc M. aad greaae. 22Hc. - I'HITTIM MABK de per lb I buying price, n 1 ir-n tT niuee. n. j, a jua na up, tllaiav prr lb; dry hip. Ke-1, I to II He, IBci dry calf, H. lv under a lb, l.; gr. aalfed bulk) and atag. 1-8 lee tbaa dry lint: altcd fcluV. ateere, oad, do lb or erer, IHct Mi w aj ipe, n; anoer aw 10 an eowa. 7 a be: itin and bull, eoend. Ac: kin. 18 to 0 I be, 84e; aound. 10 ta 1 lb. 8e: calf, ouad. andetr 10 lb. 8 He; greea aaaltdl 1 ner lb leaa: rulla. Ic per lb leaa : boraa bide. aalUd. eact.JlJiai.7iL BJI. clit 81-fJOOlJa; roit aide. eca, ,aaitMOi goat aiins, eommoa, each, w4lfti Angoca. ailk - wool - ea, aoe 28cqtH.0. -.. - - - . : ner, Tga ana rearcry.' 4--BITTEB PAT Bweet, 28 H Q 31c; Boar, 17fJ c. . j . . ' Bl TTKK City creamery, beet. 80tlS2Uet second grada, 2222Ac; an Wide fancy. 8TH01 ordinary, 2or; Cold atorage, , Xliie; eaatarn aad Cllfnla. t2VtJon, atore.' I2ei4c. r.itn No. 1 freah. Oregmv XVe; aaatera, 2ka27a .m., . .. CHEEHB New Fall cream, twos. IlurllAe? Yetieg Ainerica, I8e;' eaatera. loe. IHlf LTRlf ProOaaeea' prlc Chicken, mired. lz4UVi per lb: bena. U.r per Ibl rooater. old. lie- per lh; youag. 12ltni 'per- ll; nrollera, -184qT11r per lb; fryer. 12 Wc per lb; duck, old. I0l! aar pound, young. flfjIK per lb; gaaee. 8ti".e par lb; tukeya. IdailT per lb; draaeed. IMQIbg per Ih. WILD OA MB Teal. tl.80ul.T8: wtdaaoa. l aa aullar,- f8.08t eaaeaahocka, fi.fta Plfik betwee Aide and Waahlngtoa etraet; coat. 821 . CAPLBH Jaana'ry 11. t. M. Caplea, aealdeac, r-ttoaby Oetweea iUkwy aad Mcmuicb treeta; enat. gl.bfeX . PACK Jannary It, Mra. A. Pace, dwelling, MllwaukM aremi between kin sad Karl atreeta: mat. 800. ' HFHII Jitraary ft. xrWeaB.-rwrriaw, Pant Keeeett between Raat Twoutr-Hrhtk and Ea Twentr-nlntk atreeta: coat. JI.400. . ORKiltiMON PI HI.INHIN4 co.-Vaouary 12, IWegnnlan Publlehlag Co.. rep Ira to build in, Borthweat curat r tilth ed Alder atreeta; eoat,. 8I.0O0. . ' fratU aad TagaUMaa. ' PATATflKaWMeaf Oraaoa. B041M Bar wtl bayera prion, TAUkor: aaooad grada. TuttTSo ack: buying price. Wiudoc; aweeta. beat. fl.4ii ai.So; cralrd, 1.5ouLtkjtijw t'allf orally. k . OM6.N"H-lcal. l2.rOfH.BO: barera1 prleee. country. fi'X'; rlty. xo : garua, wmoa per id. FRKall rttuna Appiea. aura- lancy 11.60 fancy Oregon, 11.00- par boa eheaa friiiM. 17. nar - bos: oranaea L ' ll.7fttiJ.34 par hoi: aeedllaga, I1.T4 par boi j Mandarlna. I1.T6 1 per boil -Jap oraagaa. BOOdSa par boil banaaaa, be par k: leaMMia. cbwlr. fc) par hoi; fancy, ti l per box: lime.' Mulran, oc per 100; pin. anpka), VZ.aoqls.ou: pee re,; grapaa. 1.5V par hoi : craobarrlea, tk.ot par bblj. Jaracy IO.OI1 oee bhl: nrnnea. Sr ner In. VB0RTAB1.IC" Turnlpa. Il.on par Back! ear. rota, 11.00 pay aacki baeta, 81. Ho par aaekl orraoa radlahea. 10 oar canaaa. uraaoa, 2. cwti I'aUfornU $1.80; Wttac. Botboaaa. lc Mr dua: areaa naooara. Tc oar Ibl cbIM NiMtf nannera. ' IB nor lb: erlerr. OttOOa par aoai iomatoaa, ' California, ti.00; paranlpa, lb t)1.88: eta plant. JJHe par lb; atrlug baana, IJci. cauliflower. II par A; butter baana. Be; pamiHtla. la par lb; borarraaiea. ?a pee lb; apron U. TV: artlrkokea. oOMr per-do; paaa. lte par lb: rucumbera, uainornia not L.u ll.TS doa. DRIED rkUITS Applaa, ' araporatad. TOe per lb; aprlroU, tHttlle par lb; aack. H per b la; paarhaa. Bttla par IB: paar. - par- lb. prunea, Itallaa. U,4,a par ttl Preoch. 1Ht4V4 par Ibl CaUtaraU - bhtrk. ItNWwr tbl California white. par lb; plum, pitted, per Ih: data, ffoldea, par lb; farda. 11.80 par U-lb boi. ; ; .. Sraaariaa. Bata. Xta. ' " . srGAR Bark- baala Cube. a 40; powdered. 88.2S: fruit aranulatrd. M.lft: dry granulated. M IA: bet eranoleted. UO: extra C. I tS.Oo: k-oldea C, 80.00; bbla, IOC, H bbla, HBe, bokaa Ml '-.draoea oa ek baali. leaa 28 gwt for. caak. 18 day: maple, 14ulo par lb. Hois ET It HO lie. r iii.-ii.a p.b... tnuti inn. I ' HALT Mna Bala, z. , 4a. SaJ 10k, fl Ml ; table, dairy.- ooa, a.DOfJill.ou: iw. b-ooi luiportad LtrarpooL otw. (ik.oufllAw; iota. MH.50WlS.0o; 224a, I .! 14.60; antra 144. Ba, ta, 8a. 10, 84.00: kalkv (M aarka. 80a. 88c. HALT Coaraa Half greandk 100. 'per bM. i. B&.aftelAUOi Lleerpaol I5 20aJO; luma rock. ow per eai ew-ia . iwi ka.2fiait.71: luua. in 76tl 2S. (Abtir prlca apply to tiles af lea tbaa cat Inta. car lota al aoacUi uicse avbject t guctnatlnna I ORAIJi BA08 Calealt. I3-T9KAOS per 100. KICK Imperial Jataa. Vo. 1, 4f, Ko. A, 4c; New Orleaaa toad, 8HC8c; Aajaak, s fPaWkla. aiaa V BBANB Bmall whit. 4c: targe whlto. 8HI pins. c Bayou, xti umal, ti meucaa NLT Peanatl, tl4 Jumtos, H par lb; raw. BaklOa nee Ih: eaaated. 1 eoeoanuta. M00e per do; walnut. I418e per lb; pine aut. 10Jl2He per lb; hickory aats. 10 par u; Cbeatnuta. eeetern lleliae bh lb: BralU BBta, 16c per Ih: Albert. 163 loe per lb; fancy pecaaa, US IS par lb; sUaoad. 13018 f " Ka. rih ar.1 Prermloa. ' PBEBH MIC ATS Front atreet Beef, staera. 448e-pei II.. pulkbhiok. tHc per lb liacaera, oatauke per 10; ouiia, a par wi cow, BQ.tlie per lb: mutton, wether aad lamba, iiTc; ewe. 4jSlkci Teal, eitxa, 8 He nee H.. Mr,flnuw-a Mae IK 1 . - - HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland Back (local) hama, lo to 14 Ibe, 12M per Ht 14 all Iba, izo par b; is to xo lb. 1241 kfeo Ber lb! break fa at bacoa. i2 per lb; CotUga, liajiae par id; nlcnlc. - Be Bar lb: reonlar abart elaara. imoked. loe ner lb: imoked- lie per lb; dear backa, aaamoked,' e per lb; imoked. 10 per Ibl' Union butt, lo ta IB lb, unamokad. 8 per lb: smoked, 8 per lb r clear bellim, aa mokrd. lie per lb; imoked;,- 12c POT lb. LOCAL LAUD Kettle leaf, 10. 101 Bar lb: B. 101Ae ear lb: SO-lb tina. lOe oar lb: team rendered. 10, Bt per lb; 8a, 8 par id; at, ue per id: conipouna tierce. ) par Lb! tuhe e per lb; boa. 0 par lb. CANNED SALMON Oolumbi rirer Mb toll. II. HO; 2-lb talK 82-BO; fancy, l ib lit. 82.00; M-lb fancy 8a al. raaey i-u oeam, a. ( AUik ulla. plak, a&QSOc; red. 1.80 aoatiaal bb. j bu 1 BtA. a; 1 bbbtw aao vtbsIi P4k. is , 2a. taL.s2.0d 82.00. - FISH kock eod. Tc per n: Bonndcr. Be per lb; halibut. 7e per lb; era be, 81. 2 per dod trtped baas, 10Q12HC per lb; eatfleb. Te par lb; ealmoBr teelhead. S4e per B; frooea allTer aldca. 8 Ha per lb: herring, Se per lb; solas, 8e per lb; ahrlmp. 10 par lb! ahad, giinl, - trtped per Ibt Barch. 8e 1 lb; abed ma, par lb; bad. Be oar lb: black lumbla rleer emelt, 2 He per erlb; illTer emelt, 5c per Ibl lobateea, 12 He; freah ckerei, ae for lb; arewBab, 20 par do Bounder. 8a par 10: ainreeon. ic oer in. 0Y8TEHH Bboalwater bay, per gal. 82.M per aack. 84.00 set; OlympU, per, aack, SA.2B. , CLAM Hard ahelL par bos. 82.00; rssor aiauia, .vw pee nut. ... . l . jMBt 0eal,Png..-e(to, ' BOPB Pure Manila. Iter standard,' IXKet Btoal. 10ac: let la brand BleaL 8, ' COAL OIL Pearl or A.tral Caaea, 21 per gsi; wstrr wBite, iron unai. lose per gai woooea, 17c per gai; seadiigBC, iTV-oeg, sie per gai; iroa onia.. ibh Pr cat. . UNBRED OIL Pur raw. la bbla B2e Bar caL eaeee B7e per gal; 80 per cal. bbla cal: canslBB enaioe kettle bolieo. 1 BBe ner cal. bbla 64 per cal: aToead ck. ear lot 828.00 per tea. leas uaa car lots sou.w per ton. , -'- OABOUHB BBdeg. eases 82c aar gal. bbla 26e par gel; etera, eases 84 Hi per troa bhl ike per gaL- . BBNZINE 3-deg, case 22 per gaL bhl MIA a til 1 . . PAINT OIL Haw, bbU SB per git, eases 88c per cal; botlod. aea 40e per gaL TUKPKNTINB In caaea . Bar caL woodeu bbla. tie per gal. Iroa bbbv TO aar gal, 10-lb caao iotb no per gai, WHITB LEAD Toa lot T par lb; S00-tk vt. T4e par in: leas lota Bo per in. - -WIBE K A I LA Praaent baee at 82.80. HOC MARKET IS SHOWING ADVANCE Receipts Are Liberal and Ton Is Good- Prices Show Rise Lj....,.. 0 a Quarter. . " PortUnd t'Blea Btorkysrds. " Jin. 12. The receipts of hog la th local yards eoattnue liberal, but tbe tea la good sad prices today re showing SB sdrgac of practically 25e with tbe beat llocki Belling- firm . at 8A.A0. Th rattle receipt! failed to mateWallaa today and th Biarket la very firm at unchanged Dgnree. Tba receipts of sheep ere fab? and or Ice rood. Ike receipt - todav 271 aeaa and- 2Th eattle. Official ruling prlcea today show: Hun Beat eaatera Or re on tAfiO: beet Wll. lamette ralley. AV10: light. China fata. 84.00; stocker and feeder, 8.2S4.8B. Cattle Beet .eaatarn Oregoa Keare, 84.00; light and medium ataera. pa BO; beat eowa. .iaisn; medium cows,; old and Hcht c.wa. 82.00: atackera aai teedera. A2.2&; Bulla, 83.00. Hheeo Best -fancy sheas. 84.00Ct4.2B: lamb. 84.00; ewes, 84.0Hti4.28; stock sheep, 3175. - 1 : -1 - CHICAGO, H0OS tTXADT. S AM...,. ..-a Tlcg, Jia. 12,-j Lit esloi k receipts. . Ho. Cettle. Bhee. Cblcaga .......... .A.. ...4o.ixa) 22.000 Kaneaa T.OiK) 2.0on Omaha 4 ....1 8.000 S.OnO B.Ouo Hon onetied Heady with T.OOO left ever. Receipts a year icn wee 84,000. Baling price: Mlien. 84.4ftt4.72Hi goodt 84.Bii $ iilbt. I4.J3B4.55. Cettle loe Vowerj i4-75; rough, Bbeep Bteady.-.4. . ' ; COTTON STEADY ONE TO TWO POINTS OFF (Furnlrhed by Orerbeck, Rtirr A Cook Co.) New York. Jaa. 12. Oottou futareu cloara about ateedy. 1 to 2 potats lower. Official cot toa artceat - - - . tipea. wen, law,- tmae. January . , . , ; ooB BTS 781T4 7TrT rrwnvT. .a. kfarrh . . e e 08. Tot T4 118 Til . 878 - aanaNl . . . BMiianS 6TT axonrlH) 71 af.T nm igoT T04 TiXliffoll mT,u: 101 Jon -, July . ... a - T13 Ancuat ,.t j T08 October . . .77 f - o. ... TuStjlO Vew Orleaas BpetOattoa. - New Orlaan. Jib. 12. Hoot eottim Bnebaaaed: ailddllnc, 6e; sale. A4u0 balee. . 1 .J.. ... - v- tlreipeel Ostiek Klgtor. LlrerBoOL Jan. 12. 4'AtIon future eloaed to lpolntl higher. ..., warn a-raui Tlalkle. - - Cblcsga. . Jsa. 14 Bradatreet'a era 4 a raanre snows a deer In . tba rial hi eoppiy of wheat ef t.8011.010 Aaalnat a Awni. r 2.7SU.SOO Mat Week, f . tlrarpeot wrsla "alark. ' XJrernonl. Jan. 1ft-'ee. wivul '' Uma ta IAS loeree- U,. Ye a. a t. 'a t !"i. 4d. d mwT" ' ."T Core-M.rrk, 4a ld. 4'gp. May, 4s fled, d up. CHICAGO 7IIEAT TAKES A TOLE Market Opens Unchanged ' From Wednesday But Loses Later r V " on Bear Raid. ; j MAY OPTION LOSES : I i HALF CENT IN SESSION aw ' ; 1 , July Wheat Down Three. Eighths After Opening Same as t ' j -Yesterday. : J : TODAY'S WHEAT--' MABK XT. ! . - '. Opes - Cine Close .-' Loea -i.wliy ---Today ---Wed.- Today May..., 31 IT I.1H 81 IT - .00 H July.j... ...... .W .la9 - .00 'Furnlahed by ' Orerbeck. ' Bfarr A Cook Co.! Cklrego, Jan. 12. Tba wheat la abowlng a low today. Th bear element Is getting la It beet body blows la aa effort t keep tke 'mar ket from going toa high. Tbe loos today abuwa waa mad despite tba fact that tba nrtaiar reearota anatlaaa ta how a deer. '- The Ttalble aapplr for tba world. 'Broordtng to BradetreeL m BhawlBg a loaa af 2.HU0.0OW buabebv, Crop r porta are .eery conflicting, bat too trad la sot laflueaced by thla ta aar areat Slteat, May wheat opened thw morning St 3l.1T. th same aa ta closing -of 'yeaterday. From tbla mark It went bat a. half a cant higher. It fluctuated badly during tba day ea Tory par row limit. It eloeod at tba low polat of tba day at 31 18H. 8 ham of H om ta preeloos day clime. .. - - . .. July optloa of wheat ' opened anrhsngeA from yeaterday at Bc, It high mark; It cloeed at BOUe, a loaa ef troa yeaterday. Today's ofliciai mark eta: ' v. , WHEAT. ; :C- ' - ' . .. Obb. ' HJgh. - Low. 1 - Close.' Jaa. t A 81.14H May;., l.lf i.lTV4 r 1.18H . J.IH , July...? :Mk .M ,8ivl - .Ii j- ... . C0BN?. ' ly a44 , r.t : ' '.44 H uly.... .45 ..4di .45 - apC.,.e - ..... 'r'. '-, OaTa. . - i . Julr..C. JlS . .aii .81 ,80UB .S1HA .i3a apt....4 ,11 -.BIH MEBB rUBK. Jaa.. ; ''-.-1S.S0 May.... 1A70 ; 1XTT 12.(2 12.88 . '.. ..... . .. LABD. . .. Jaa...... AIM ' oft ' . .go - - 60 May.....' Ago-."", A83- .2 July....r AM T.0S , ABA ., Aim lUUai AUJBa Jib..... -B.40 a st . Abu . : A4K 40, ABB 40 . e - A80, My..;. July,.., AT2 " . AAA ABO 'FRISCO FLUCTUATED - IN JJARROW LIMIT (rorrrtahed by 'trrerbec. BUrf ACooke-Ca: Baa Fraaclies. Jib. 11 A F. Hnttoa A 0. say: Th , wheat market ha beea eery leaetle today, prices fluctuating within 1 narrow -rang. . December waa aelllng at 81-81, wbtca -moka bob - toa aign, wita to, crop yet to b gathered. - -", Barley haa beea aomewbat weaker ea fan? offering. Thar waa a totter feeling Bear the chwe. . when good bay lag . saoiid aa., adTancs Of t. : .-, .. .' Tha ameigl 11 :0 a. ta. mirket: ' ':r ' WHEAT. r - - j---- . , . . Open. High. .. Lew. " Ctooe. Miy.......11.4S(A S1.4SIA B1.4A I poccmpec t. Ji : l tf l l if l BAELBT. May. ,,'t.U 1.1 1.15 rxDCAJtr, tsxnmm abtd ot-iajlabcxa. Chicago, Jis. 1A Primary racalpta: : ' -joaay - '- - s. ' '' Buab. - Wheat B2B.000 . 4.0U9. o i. ono eoo.000 Corn ...... KhlDmeata WBaat-'--.-3vrr.-;..-.....k;.. 27T.0OO 4S1.0nO Oora i. 471. Ota 4O8.000 Clearaacea today: Wkeat and floor. 42. ano buahela; eora, 631,000 baabela; oate,- 400 ''- ' Ohio- Ouk Wheat. . V, Cblcaga, Jsa. - 1A Caak wheat: - . . . Bid. Kb. S red ....,,.,,i.,,.'l.S0N , No. 8 raM. ...... .... ,. .. 1.18 ..- No. S hard winter....... 1.14 IN. hard winter ; 1.08 ' No. 1 aortbera eprlog..,. 1.20 - N. S aortbera asrlna. ......... 1.12 l.lTlf 1.1T 1.14 M 1.21 1.1B M No. iprlng....... .......... Lll ; 1.18 . , 0Trnn whxat exosxt. V Mar Optloa Cblcaga . , ........ .11.1 Milwaukee Minneapolis Dulutk t. JO 7 1 18 ....... 1.18V a i. i. . . .,............-.... ..... 1.17 A 1.08 ..... 1.4ll Kanaaa t ity. . Baa Frincfcac. . per, cental . " Si. Louie wrala BeoeipU. St. Loli:Jaa. 1A Oral receipts: -, - - .Today Year Age - Bmb. ' ... Bnan. Wheat ..................... A41.00ft . loa.orta Cora,. 1T.0O0 r Bu.uai OsU , T.000 '10.000 ? SAJT lTLlJfTJIBOfJ Brrjrrjra STOOXA. Baa rrsBclBeB.' Jan. 1A Official mlnln ano. t.uiw, wjueauus wwina. . Bld. Bid. .4T .21 , T8 M . -.Be) - IM - Bullloa .25 Belcher i -24 Barag) ...v;;.. Potoal. ........ I'nloa Cob. Yellow Jacket.. Cob. cal, TS... 1.75 Ophlr . .08 caieaonia ...,, .et Rxcbi Mellcaa ...... A 10 Hala TON0PAH STOCKS.. Adam ;. ,10 Montana , Red Tub. .J..., X.OTH .IT Ma, .a- -.08 Colambla kit.. .S3 A Golden Anchor.. .28 d Field..... ,T0 SatHfcttnrra . ...r- .50. Belmont i,....Tl Narad fc .lll Ton. Ertenaloa.. 8.28 flold Mouuula.. .18 North Star..,,.. .23 Midway ........ ,32 Uaaawk -Id Jim Butler..-..., .4 Jumba ." Jumbo Bet..,,, .21 McNimira 28 Bay oBrtea.... .0b Bow Trk Summary. New' York. Jaa. IA Uow Joaaa A 0a. tor: The seatlment la unchanged. Baltimore. A Ohio will not change Ita Wabaah-Baltlrjore Ian. Htock ars plentiful In tbe loaa crowA :ihtr-ntn road aoow for Norember aa aree- ge Bet Increaae of 1A41 per cent. The aame roadi ror to nrei wees oi January aaow aa SA TaULirCISOO LOOA1 STOCKS, t -, Baa rrsaetsra. " Jsa 12." Local stacks etoa- lag, 10:80 a. m.1 Bnrlne-- Valley Water itnlA SHaa' racinc aeujntins .... av a. F. oae A aiacmc. boia 80 Ulant Pewdee ...,.......,........A'H Ilawallaa BUgar, .......... T6 ..... Ilonoke Sugar. 18 . 1 Hutchlnpoa Bugar.. ........ ...... 16 16 Mahawell Bucar....,, 22H - A2H Paauhatf Sugar 20 Alaeka rarkeea. ...... .-. ...... n , 13 . Oceenle- flteamablp. Paclfie Coaat Bonn. .... Paris -Alatel Telephone ... 8 ,.,1BT- .".'... . .,108 - ,.., .' V TOEJt OOFTXX 'BLABIIT. New York. Jaa. 18 Official eoffee -eloalng: Wl Rid. Aak.J January ,.T.50 11.66' July V February;, , T.BO T.B6I Augaat i March . . T.10 ! 75 September April .. 1.80 - T.BBI October . 8" 10 , 8 25 SUA 40 8 IM pais 8.80 8 40 A4S S 66 80 May ... T.M - B ow Norember June 8 AOS .lOIDecemtor . ASA Haw York Oaak Oaffee. . New Yrk. Jid. 12. Caak coffee: K. T Rio, Je; Bo. Banuau, 8(tBa, . . , 'eBBuB-aawaBaBBaBeyBp f ,( - '' - ' ;,wr Yark Sugar ,UmiM.'-' ; Hew York,- Jaa. 11 Kogar: Raw and re fined, firm and anekanged; teextnn beat, Jan uary, lA;lld; Fcbraary, le; market firm. ; UMLCiT Ci'L- LAVC.TS ADVICE Says' Sell Amalajmated Copper -and Steel Issues Pit Takes ' the Hint. ; AMALGAMATED LOSES ONE , DOLLAR TWENTY-FIVE Manhattan One of Few to Show , a Cain-Pacific Mail One" -f:,' Dollar ' Down.' 7"-V atock Losses. Amalgamited , .1.25 Atchlaoa .25 IMei. Central.. ,.B0.iaH Mlaaourl Pae... .10 .12H ,"TH .26 .'oal. Car round .1IH CMot Pael .,- .75 Norfolk A Weak ; ........... Hep. Bteel. Canadian Pa.., ,.75 ill. central.... .02 H Loula m ttsah..' .12H!Houthra By.... Mrtropolltaa ... 1.87 HITenoeaeae Coal. .Oil aaty. pta... nk u. t. Anaeoada ...... 176 IN. Y. rotn... .62 V4 Central... .75 b . . . . r Bait. A 'Ohlor! 1.12IA Padttc Mall...,. 1.00 . Haaaing ........ . Bock Ta. earn... .AO ju. caul........ IXHlHoutbee Pae.... .071 KTle. zd l steal com....... ,zd Erta, first.. .28 Uteal preferred.. ,2 (Puralabed by Qrarback, Starr A Cooke Ce New Tork. Jan. 1A The stock taarket Is ahewlBg a loaa today. Tba aalea were eery mall. , Lewaoa bmk hi anueual alleaca by aaylng: "Bell Amalgamated Copper quick, alas vnuea -Btaiea ateet laauea. -- - . Tbe market waa blcber at one carle A but ea tawaan'a anuannrimaat- Ik an was quite a bit of Belling pr eaau re. Todays axncial krtt f DXSCBIPT10N. nacoada Mining C . . TTT 100 Amal Copper Co. .11 T3- do preferred .... 4Av.Ct Fouad eoat. do Drf...... 100 MLALM?. Amerlcaa Huaar. eom..il41A Aniorleaa Smelt, -. enat. . ( 81 'BO prcl...... ill Baltimore A Obloi earn. 103 oo . prei.. It B T.. Can. Pae.. asm..... Chi. A Alton, oom... S5.1 thL A O. W....... Chi. MIL A 8L- P... 22 1T1 Chi. Ter. By....... Ches. A Ohio........ Col. Fuel A Iroa. eom. . 1 Col. Bout hara. com.-.... av.1 on .. arac pref. da ' eecond Braf.... Denrur. A A, .fl.u.w Erie, com do eecond pref... ' do ' tret pref Illlnola Oeutral ....... Louwrlll A NlSBTll!.. MetropoUtsa Trae. Op.. ManhitUa Ehreitad ... Mealgaa On. Ry...V... Minn., flt. P. A Bt. at. Mlaaoarl PaHfle 150 1BT: 140 1T1 83 108 108 108 tt: Ml.. Kaav A Taxss, com oo prei....... ....i Mew York Central.. 8S1 4, Norfolk A Waat.eoml TH TV oo preierrea. . U. ,H aWTKII ...... .. N.. X- Dot, AC Wear 41 Pauuay t, ante - raJr.Veev, 1st.: P. O. U - A 0. CO.1108H IT 1 oi llwS ITeaaeq .ateei vsr, eomi.. do preferred ....I.. racinc hbu b. b. ua... aniuui, ' cvMunew . . . . . . I do second preferred., da flret Braf erred. .. . Sep. Iroa A Steal, .com do prei Bock Ietand. common, do preferred........., Bout kern By.... eommoa. do preferred. ......... Sou there Padfle. ....... dp preferred... St, L. A B. P.. Sd pfd. 88 88 AS 110 70-H 10 T0 uo urn. prei St. L. A S. ' W., eom. jWtwj 114114H Tecaa A PsclBc. . . . . . Tenaeaae Csal A (roe. Cnloa PaclOe, somaua.. do preferred...,'...... V. S. Leather, com.) do, preferred. . 0. S. Kubbar,. eommoa da- preferred. ... V. S. Bteel Co.. earn dft lewf Tft,)l , . . tm'i a THl si H 154 1 lax. Wheeling A Lake Erie. r WlMoaala Central, ao nrafarred-.i-.. C. ,- Telegraph,,,, J 82H Wabaab. do . preferred Amerlcaa Ice, Total sales for dayv 804.100 share. . Mouey, z per 10XTLAHB BAJTX BTATXatTVT. Clearing Bats ace .rn.tM.M , 153.M3.2T SALES OF HOPS MADE , 7 : AT LOWER FIGURES 0 '' q q . .. q q . ThA hop market , is showlnv ,q q weaknees : and . lower prlcaa an . d 4 ruling aa a result 'Tha heavy d d sales by -Klsber were the vpen- d d Itif wedger Tha' Tollowlnf sales - d '-wera made At noon today; E. ld d Klrkpstrtck to Julius Wolf. J08 d d bales, choice, at It Cents; J. A. d d ' Joneg of Ne-wburg to Cutter 'A d d .Linn, 100 bales, jrime. to- choice, d q At it penta!- ' - .1 - q q -r Jeumal Special Serrlc.) Berlin, Jan. 1 1. The subscription list for Russian , 4 per cent state loan opened, toddy but , closed im mediately, owing to numerous applications. , ; C. OEE WO The CLreat Chinese Doctor ' I called great be. 'cause htg wonderful ruras are ao well known throughout the United State and becauae So many peoole are thankful to him for eavtns their lives frora , OPERATIONS: Hd treats any and all dlaaases with Eowarf ul Chinese erba, root a buda irks and vegetable .o "thst are entirely un known to meu.cwt eeletvoe m thie oeun try, and through the wse of trie hnr tear radles. Ttile famona doctor know tb action or Over 0O Binerani rwrnuaie that he has successfully aaecj in oirratwni dlseaaee. He guarantees te oara aauirra utjoik, lung troubles, rheumatism. nT vousneaa. atomach, llvev, kldneya, fe male trouble and all private dlaeasee Hundreds of testimonials. Charge moderate. Call and see him. OOWBTTXiTATIOBT rasa. - -, e.iiaata out af the city writs for blank and circular, aacksee stamsv Ad, THE CiEE WO CHINESE. ; MEDICINE CO.' . 111 Alder street, Portland. Or. -' Btslr way Of 261 Alder street lead te of- IIca Mention this paper, , v. 9 . -. , . J . , ' . House Adjourns and Senate Will - Follow Suit This After-; noon. WHIPPING POST FOR - v 1 WIFE BEATERS ASKED Sig Sichel Etirs Senate With a Novel Measure - Some Pre dictlonsas to Committees.' (Soeetal Diapatck t Tba JoaraaL) Salem, Or., Jan. 11. Th house Ad journed ."until Monday and tha sonata will do the BAine. " Bailey of Multnomah ' will probably gat aa Important chairmanship, posai bly , aaaeaamant - and taxation. - As he waa at one time candidate for speaker, he -will doubtless ' be accorded propel recognition. The chairmanship of cor porations aeema entirely undecided. Borne eastern Oregon man may be choaen. for the ehalrmanahlp-of mining. . Bits Is the only . member from that part - of the -atata . who supported. Mills for speaker, and this eauses him to be men tioned In oonnectlgn with thla place.-. If Colo of Umatilla ahould not be chairman of Irrigation he will probably get the chAlrmuahlp of tnadlclne end pharmaer. ' -.- .. ? . Senator Big Blchel ereated A decided ensAtton At thU Afternoon's seas ion of tbe senate . by Introducing a bill- pro viding for whipping as a punishment for wife Deal era. r the terms or -tna niu wife , beater on conviction Is .to be given -not mora than 40 lashes or Im prisonment In the county jail not, ex ceeding one year. Any Justice of- the peace or municipal Judge ia to have the Jurisdiction. . Any polio officer, town marahal or sheriff is empowered to administer' the punish ment within the conflnea of the prUon. If tha' bill paasea it may be amended to make the whipping public -The 'bill Is la pursuanoe of the recommendation In the governor's message, which waa read .this morning. i ' J Pierce by request Introduced a bill maklnt!lheniablllty-6f any peraoiTAr corporation caualng death-' by-eareleee-neaa or negligenoe $18,800. Tha bill was defeated in the laat Beaalon. - Brownall la the author of. a bill by request of the Pendleton Game Associa tion making the killing of elks anlawrul fori! years from Its paeeag. NET ROLE FOiT f - lARRAflT SHAVERS J..W , i . .... - '- -" , ... . - '-- .',--.-. r Hriceforth,-t)rokers buying ""orders for county warrants will be required to present orders properly- filled out. with A description of tha particular warrant which . they , have .purchased . or . upon which they have advanced money. The custom of "years," which haa been the basis "of extensive bualneee and Consti tute lara-a-nortlon of tha transaction of strong rfMnclalv concerns, -will -be tOpped. : -' "v.. . ; r '' li----" The change In .the manner of handling orders for county warrants. Is ths re sult of an incldqnt that oocurred today, when Charles Monell, agent of Ashley Rumelln, brokers, preaented an order for warrant - due to K, a. Uoding for $(.18, which warrant war taken. It la aaaerted ia. payment Af a claim for 1.78 paid to Uoding tn purchase of an order for his witness fees In the mu nicipal court.' -' - ' - It appears that for many years brok ers have kept agents at tbe courthouse. armed - with printed blanks, ' which are signed by persons selling the - broker orders for warrants due, ' Tho broker baa preaented tbe printed blank, the person baa signed It, in praotlcaHjvall caaea without . readiiuf It, and on IM blank la thla Agreegenra. ' ' . . I hereby, Appoint and constitute hint (the broker) my true and lawful .at torney, irrevocable, ' for me and In my place, name and stead, but to his uaa, to receive and receipt for aame; to bring suit for collection of said claim; to. Indorse, any. warraota or checks Is sued in payment therefor; lo fill In or change any and All blanks And entries in this Instrument aa he (the broker) may see flt; to draw upon any person, firm or corporation I may be hereafter , em ployed with or-am now employed with, for any amount that may . be due him (the broker) xrom me. ,tr. --'...i:- Tbe claim la made that by the au thority of these orders the broker may erase the description of A warranr for f I and substitute therefor a description for Another- warrant for f 1,000, or any other sum, which virtually turns over to the broker tbe entire Amount of money that - may be due from "the county to any-, person . doing , business with . the broker, leaving .the remainder in the broker's cuatodyafd subject to - pay'' mnt back only at the broker's Willi -- The new order issued by tbe county J clerk will compel all orders for wsr j rants . to bear an exact description of tbe warrant that haa been bought, and, lacking such accurate - description, ita delivery to the broker will be refused.! , . cn. gu:::i's clc:s i i:ir.YE tc::ic A TABLET TO TABS AT BtBAtl TTJf B, Aejjaa ea Sie Skied sad nereis It raplaoes ttn less . - -Trasi Bunan, Oiafasrker OHilsiBsa. . T A Fin aad trogt. I aef at a - ' f gearae Wtmkmm fnm tnf Caaea, Ts Ortutt Aere racea To atereve (As Ateaaara, fe fffes Wrra fio MteJUg Afeea.. r Atop g7f'sf ara, U Ha 1 1 Imr Act h. . Te One 8Ceeg Caeaoa. T Aaawe ieer Aseta, Te Aoke tkln 01 w. Te Oar PreaeaeM HMoumtm sae Ceeefpafion, SOU) SY DNUOSItTS, OS SY MAIL ON RECEIPT f Of PSICt, Tba. A SOX) 8 B0XM tl. SB. BOSABKO OTX, PBULAOBXPKXA, PA. Every I7cr.:n mmnta imnr - abook to woDoorfot BtAaTYil WMriewf Stray Tb BOW Tagtaal Seraita, nv eiaaia-fo.. naet-Aaf. at M oat Con ren laat. ifbaoai annot aopply th BtAAtaaaj aoeapt aa ' aaner. buiaaad MaanaTor lllnetratrd hnoa tmmM. It hdull aartlcnbira and dlractlona in. vvuani io laaiea. m a a. VOJW AU, Bw Xewkv .h. a nwaaeaaaaawaitf A. Bt anv,,. ' ll t ' AC -. OVERBKCIC, OTARR 2j COOICB CO. , "".." Members Chicago Board of TradA--J '' , PBOYZnOaTB, COT j J01 Third Street, McKay Building. Portland, Or. ' . . - ' ' , ' WS HO A STmiOT.T OOatXaSSXOBT BTJEYXTSgS. '' Continuous Mirkefs by Private Wire, tjnlck Bervlce. REranKNCKrV-iidd A TUtop, bankers, and United Stateo National Bank of Portland. - T:"f I-Sim. "-a'" ', 7 Mtzoufi River The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurloss train' in the world. llrawlng-roora sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than ttiree CMjt i'ortland to ChicagCk to Chic ico are oparsted - dsliy U the Oregon R. R. Ac Na. Co., y. P. R, R. gad Chicago ft North-Wastern Ky. to Chicaga (rooi Pottlind and -points In Oregoa and Eaatern Wiihlngton. . Dally szcarsloDs in Pullman toarlrt sleepingcirifrom Portland through " ts Chicago without cbanga. J B,B.JTCHia.' a.0. BABKBB,'" eaai Act. raa. Ceeet, , Gaaaial Ageat, c a v.w. . v- c. a mrWrkf. , errMaikat itraeA. ..' rj Thlel SttaatT 1 Ska gMAatiico, caa. Poaiuuu, Oaa. SaVUriMCAJT, tVGSUO It. Re Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A r WEEK We treat katenefally SB private sareoaa t ad ' rnronle dleaaree ef mea. alee hlooA. etoaucb. . . heart, nver. kidney and tkroat troubleav . Wa , are SYPHILLI8 . Jwlthoot merearyV U ststL eared formavla 30 to en day. Wa tama.a - BTRICTUBB, without eparaooa ee Bank la 18 - We atop drains,- the result ef self ibwaa, rmajedlstely. We ran reetor The eexual vtsa - 1 af any maa under 8 by bmbs at local kraae- - pecunar ta emrseiraa. ,'." ; '. We Core Conorrhoea to a WetX ' Th doctor at tbla tnetttete are si! reeutae graJaate. - kae kad- ma By yeera ernertenea, aae beea bsnwa la Portlaad for 18 yeera. --- toe e repctatlea to malatata. sad will aadee- ; takaae aaae aula- eattala eare eaa to ; Wq guarantee te eer In' eeeev eee am 'eader, --r-- take or 'bare aa fee. Cneulrattnn free, fit ter eeefldeattil Iatrartlve BOOK YOg MEM atafled free In rlaln wrannor. - - 'v' If yoe earmot can si office, writ for aae. . ; . Horn BUBk.: Home treatment aatiaaafat - Of a bear S to B. ano 1 te i..; . , boUday. M ts IS, Sunday sad Vto leedlBg iic4nTtta la the BorfhweaV . Ratabllabed 188. . Di.W.r;ononDavb&fo Tab XToy - JxoteL,' Sr. " itl OoavThir aad ' xnas Bxreexs. JTOBTIaAJIO. OAVBOOH. MEN 4N0 WOUEli I Cea Big for unnatural r I dtacbraaa,tnammtloaa, y Irrltatlooa or alottatleas PmlnUMa. end Bel L Msf mmnmumr ww nt vr BBMswavsiBj, . t . .snSBATLBi I Bold by Xrwnjlaa , . kki. " av laat la alala wrapper, ; itTiaiumjirv tie, gent or poteonaua. Joy axil ., pre', IOC SI .80. or 8 bnttlee St.TS. Ctroulsr sea la muait COMMISSION) CO. (tneorporated ' Room 1 Chamber of1 Commerce, Ground p ioor. . lapital AAA Bwrplaa SoaooiMa ' r ' Broksrs In ' ", -. i . . - Crain,Provi$ions, Stocks and Bonds J t.argret PrtvaPJ Wire Syltear ta Asmrtra, - ' Baaaeaelhl and Ouaan latlea, ..;" We Chars M. latorae far Cerrrlag Uag ' I.., i.a,.-,-;,-SBkehm . . .i, ... . .. . ... , E. K. AleDKN.' Manager ' ' powirnra, TOPxavs pp.. . (EsUbllwhed 1131.) - , Asm sTTPOai amoxzsg. XVoosa 4, OrouA moot. ' OXLAXCXBX1 OP TOBtaaaOB.' TOW, bTTOOXB AJTO BPSTBS, af x-ccna laltekle I 1 a PeMeoW BaUilH. 8 -a- I B""!" .kr- Ja -.- 1 - ' '