w::d'' E-t'iJDrc::iLQ ri i fuzx..' begii jiihiig cnvi v v .1 cod EVErnrra Ths C'rcuL.crv -.-OiTho Journal " ; Yesterday Wu,I Tonight and Friday; threaten!'--. witn tign ight rain or snow; - easUuy , wluds. ... r . VOL. III. NO. 03. pfelCE FIVE ; CErttS. PORTLAND,! OREGON, (THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 12. 18C3. FOURTEEN PAGES. G I83I3: OF PLK Six Thousand Workers In the Bsiu , Riot Kill- Jzg Cossccks. RESERVISTS PREFER . v ' JAIL TO SOLDIERING Rather Go' to Prison Where It Is - Warm Than Sent . to - Man- churla Two Hundred Re-7 -, emits Killed in Smolensk.' -""" ' " ? (JouroaT BpeciaT Berries.)': " ".' ' St. Petersburg. Jan.' 11. Mora than 0.000 workmen are In open revolt In tha Baku petroleum diatrlot Forty Coaaacka .'have .been killed in the last three days In conflict -' with t tha men and 170 wounded. Tha government authorities -claim thl workmen hava beB Incited by anarchists.- -J: v'?'-' ' f-fcv-. '' "'-Tha reign of ' terror "stall continues. r-Tha revolting workman pillage and mur der by day and- night and the govean 7mnt ta utterly unable to suppress "the -uprising. '.. - . ;'....' ' Dlapatchaa from Warsaw otata that much excitement., haa bean created : by ' tha posting of tha following -reyolu- tionary proclamations--:. :. . '-"Oneo " again : the Russian Tcec asks .that ahall trail, hungry and eold, ; naked and bare-footed, through tha Man- churlan deserts. Tha fact of hla having enslaved us giv.ea him eur right to de mand that we ahall aaorlflca our Uvea . for him. ' Tha war la no causa of ours. Japan la not our. foe, but. our friend. Rise, therefore. Ilka one man. and defend your serves, - Down with tha - autocracy of the c?xer. ' . x Further news of tha reservist axeaaaea ; at Smolensk tato that tha Uuuy tialli - left Dvlnak for Waraaw via Bmolenek. Whan tha train arrived at Waraaw 1,600 aoldlerf began to demolish the atorea in tha principal atreata. - Tha cltlaenai warp " 'panie atrlcken. - Tha gmrrlaon waa called nut and tha aoldlere atoned by tha ra- ...aarvlata. . -- r" : r-v-fs , , -The goveriior then ordered the troop - to fire, and 100 reervlata wera killed. - Tha hoapltala aro f Iliad with wounded. The' colonel commanding tha reaerriata ' , returned i to Dvlnak - and ahot himaelf v from sham' and another , officer alao . ' killed himaelf on tha way to Smolanak. large number of reeervlata are Jart prieon. ; Thar declare they da not, want .to be needleealy slaughtered, v a "Put ua In prleon." they aay. .'"If we t go to war we will be. killed.; Batter be ant to Bioaria tnan aacnncea tot no r thing, and prleon la Warmer" than Man churia.' 1 - ,, - t- M' ARTHUR TO SEE WAR. 7apaa arotUlaa Orlaoom that Faraalaatoa Za Aaoordad to Amarloaa. , Jearaal Bpedal BerTke.) ' ' Toklo, Jan. II. Minister Orlaeora haa . bean notified by tha Japaneae war office that Japan will be 'pleaaed to permit General McArthur and one aide-de-camp t aoeompany tha Japaneae army In Man--churtg. Satisfaction ia ' expressed In 2 Amarlca'a action In the aendlna; of an of floer of auch a high ranfc , . . FOaTTTOlTB TaVBATT. (SpeeUl Dispatch te The--JearaaL) : Washington. Jan. 1 1. Russia haa been notified that owing" to the abort aeaalon . of congress, further aegotlatlona on r tha subject of the Russian and American arbitration treaty will be postponed. t ' TOBTOO BOATS AT BOWL (ionrnsl- Bprelsl Barries.) 'Sues, Jan. 1 1. Three more Russia a .torpedo boaU have arrived here today, making aeven now at thla port. . xnixAmxjrBS at sxbav. .J r-l (Joorasl Bpftriat Bsrrtce.) TJ Llbau. Jan. II. F(jr aubmarlnaai have arrived hare- from tha United Bute to be aent to Vladlvoatok by rail. -.? , - LA FOLLETTE ADVOCATES ' TAXATTtOWlOrRAILWAYS ' Clsaraal Bpertal Bervlee.) Madison. Wla, Jan. 11. Governor Uk Folletta delivered hla third biennial mea aaga .to tha legislature thla morning. He advooatea absolute, control of rall - road 'rate by a rata commission. He -attacka oorpo ration lobbyists, branding them aa public 'enemies and advocates) control and advalorera assessment and tha taxation of jstreet. InterurbaaP and , electrto roade, gas. alectrlo lighting and life tnauranca companlea. . suTasiiisns ro tmm atosv' .. "fc 7- ' (ioarsal BpeHal Brvk.) '-;""''. -rr-SaltTAk; Utah. Jan. 11. At a Joint ucut.f,tha.liepubllcang jpt thaJeglg-.. lature held laat night George Sutherland . . waa nominated unanimously for United fttatee senator to succeed Thomas . Keams. The eeleotlon waa accomplished ' through Mormon Influence.' . . f . , i- , i , WTJUfa OOSTOVOV The People Market - association baa been Incorporated by R. Relerson. H. Adama. Arthur D. Smith and J. H. Alexander, the capital atock to be $10. 00. Tha object ta to conduct general market place In Portland. . t LEGISLATURE SNUBS i t ; ; iiyi RETIRING GOVERNOR a - . ...-.' d ;. (Joeraal Special flerrlce.) , a ' Cheyenne. Wyo., Jan. 11. The a a Wyoming leglaUtur , ln Joint a aeaalon have - adminlatarad aa atlnglnr anub to Acting Gov- e d ernor - Chatterton on hla ' retire- a .mant 4- by abruptly adjourning a a : when Chatterton aroae to da- a UytJla fertwell meaaaaa. : ,7 a 4 - Fennlmore ChaUerton waa a a elected aecratary of atata when : a) a-De Foreat Rlcharda . waa made a governor. Upon tha death of a Governor Rlcharda h(-bouu;'4 acting -governor. Ha made an . i active campaign for tha nomlna-. . tlon and hla " light aerloualy orranded mambera of tha Repub- lican imachlne. who auceeaded to defeating-him and - nomrnatinr' . B. D. Brooka.' Tha rebuke ad- . mlnlatared to Chatterton by tha ' , leglalature waa dictated by poll- tiouna wnom ha bad antagon- mo. . t - r, . . , . MRS. CLARK HER NATIVE Millionaire . Senator - From Mon tana and Wife Arrive From - -V; v.. . . v -y BRIDE'S FIRST RETURN . SINCE SECRET WEDDING Couple Will Reside in Washing ' ton Mansion While Congress "."t Is in SessPon.- " Juraal Bpsclal Service.) New Tork, Jan, 11. Senator ,WUHam A. Clark of Montana brought back from Europe on tha at earner Kron 1 Prlna Wll- helm hla young; wife.' but left hla baby behind la raria with a doaen nuraea. Mr. Clark waa jso-UI on ..the- trip -that tha ship aurgeona ware In constant at tendance. . " - -'.. Because . tha senator married Mlaa Anna.Xa . ChapeUe, a French-Canadian young woman. - thre yeara. before - the public announcement . of tha ; ceremony, and becauae there waa a girl baby-two yeara old when th Wedding- news was made public, there waa oonalderable cu riosity to see Mr a. , Clark when aha landed, from tha at earner. In tha hope of discouraging cfurlosltv aeakara. Mra Clark remained on th ateamer for over an hour after tha vessel berthed, r She underestimated the lasting qualities of thoaa who while waiting, discussed tha quaatlon aa to how society would re ceive her. . " - . -r,... , The senator and hla wife wlll;evto Washington, where a maeslon will be opened. After tha eaaaion f congress, the couple will again go abroad. . Tha romance of Senator Clark . and Mlaa Anna La ChapeUe first became known laat year, when Senator Clark aansTTof 'ropaenrngomC Wenda to be prepared for a great surprise be-1 fore ha returned. Ma than gave out the news of his having been married three year before. ..i..:. - f:. Th senator first met Anna Xa Cha peUe l years ago, ' when ah waa scarcely IT yeara of age, . , Her father went to Butte from Montreal to Improve his health and fortune and died there, leaving hla 1 family pennllesa. On hi death bed h confided his children to tha car of th millionaire mining magnate. Anna a muatcal talents wera eonaidet able and aha was aent first to the con servatory in Boston and then abroad.' She grew Into . a radiantly beautiful woman of th French -Canadian - type, petit ami graceful, with Inatrou dark eyee and a wealth of chestnut hair. Whila-atudytag In Parte ah waf rtad ta-her-benefactor. ' ' Tha email daughter born ,to them first saw the light of dsf In Senator Clark's villa ea the bay of Algiers, where the honeymoon was spent; - It l said that the baby coat 410.000 before she waa e week old: So great was the aecrscy and so magnificent the preparations for thla event that Algiers people are firmly convinced that sir a Clark Is a morgan atlo -wife of a great king. v A second child was bom to Senator and afra. Clarkslat year. but. U lived barely an iaao-.-,., --e . - ill ' ' ' 4 visits I LAND 1 . u,. yr. ... : 1 . 1 W " 4 v" mmtt Senator, W. A. Clark of HonUna an His Wife WhWu Mias Adit L--- chappcHe. Their Secret Marriag ThrcTYArB -A(o-Was Announced ' But Short Tirn Since, f ' ' I,...... "., - SAFE GRACKED; GASH UNTOUCHED : - (Jonnut Special Bervlee.) ' Forest Grove,, Or, Jan., 11. A daring attempt waa made at 4:40 o'clock thla morning to rob the E. W. Halnoe bank at this place. "The vault door was blown from its fastenings and the outer door of "the safe proper was' blown off . with nitroglycerin, but the money, amounting to many thousands of dollars, was not reached. . . - . .v T" The robbers gained entrance presuma bly at the rear. : Several sacks of. Sugar, potatoes and beans were taken from the watrous 4k Co. store and used to deaden , the nolaa of the explosion. A drill bit, which' the burglars used, waa found. The contents of the aafe-were fully insured. , .. ' After dracktng . the afe kt .Forest drove the men are supposed to have gone directly, to Gaston, four ml lea south of Forest Grove, and there com mitted a similar crime. The Hibba gro P A V CTflTP Tfl RF.PI FPT 1 M 1 - ' u OtftLtU I BOTH LODGE AND CRANE ..-Mnaraal SpeeUl Berries.) -. i -. ' Boston. Jan. 11 The Republicans of the leglalature in caucus this morning nominated Henry Cabot Lodge for the long term sens tors hip and Murray Crane for the nneaplred term of the late Sena tor Hoar, ' . Wlnthrop Murray Crane is a native of Daltoa, Mase. where he was born 12 yeass ago. He la a paper, maafactuver and a director of the International Trust company. He waa elected' lieutenant governor Of Massachusetts In 1816 and served aa governor in 1808-1. He waa Senator Hoar. TO DEPORT CHINESE : FROM NORTHERN OHIO ' - (Jearaal Special Berries.) ' , 1 Cleveland. Jan. it. United States At torney Sullivan haa issued instruction! to Chinese Inspectors In the - northers Ohio district to laveetigate all Chinamen unlawfully living la, the district with the view of deportaUoav U af-"l i cery store at Gaston was broken into and rifled. Knlvea and other artlclea were taken.' It waa reported -to .the local police thla morning that the crarkamer secured 1100 worth of plunder, at . the grocery, store,, .;, ..I- f UTAH BANK BLOWN UP. " Sartag Attempt by Three, Syaaaaltera Who Are Boated Away y Saploaloa. v'' -- fJoaraal Special Btifln.) - ::Salt lAke, Jan. It. A daring attempt waa made thla morning to - rob . the Plngree National bank at Morgan. Utah, by three dynamiters who failed because the noise of the ezproston aroused th town and frightened the men away. The robbers fled without attacking the 'In ner vault,, tn which bet ween. $15,000 and 120,000 was kept,. A posse. Is In .search of . the 'robbers. . ' . TRAINS COLLIDE AT. '-' . . .FULL SPEED IN FOG Hearasl Bpoelsl iKfita) La Vegas, N- M Jan. 1L Santa Fa train No. 4.-California limited, while running at a high rate of speed, 'collided head on with a freight at o'clock thl 7' morning ' n't ".dens, fogTh crews had no time to Jump. One' fire man Is ' missing. - Three persons were badly Injured. A negro barber was killed. Msny passengers were bruised, thou gh none are reported serious! y nun. - - r- i NEARLYTWO MILLION IN LESS THAN A YEAR Jnarasl BperUt BerrleeT) 1 New York. Jarw IS. Tha numerous friends nt Cornelius Vanderbllt are con gratulating him on hia recent successes In tbs stock market.- where It la said he baa added within the last eight months nearly 11.760,000 to his fortune.'' Van dervllt'e auccea',ls principally In Inter borough Rapid Transit atock, which haa advanced practically 10 points in one yes'. :.s K ! .? .';--, J-4 i'.il- f.-jitji-JKI J Both of Oregon Congress men Are Agfiinst Tar 1 -viff Chanties. ; PLAN TO RE-ESTABLISH T ARMY POST CANTEENS j Ship Subsidy Bill Is Reported - Favorably - Upon by Commit--t . ej-lPostofflce Inspect- : -i -.ors Are Switched. '- i . (Wsshlagtea Buresa t The Josrosl.l j Washington, D. C. Jan. 11. Both of th .Oregon congressmen today lined up In opposition to a revision of tha tariff. With the other Republican congressmen frotn tha northwest they signed a state ment denouncing tha advocacy of tariff revision as - both . ."untimely and lll advlsed." - if :; - '-ttstTfn-'--'::y I Tha rf',,Btand-pat"' J policy .' was first enunciated by. the lata' Senator Hanns, and was adopted by tha party politicians during tha past campaign. It therefore cause no aurprlae to find eongresaroaiT standing - in- Una with-tha heavily pro tected industries against a revision-of tha tariff for the relle of the people. Th " preeldenfa attltud for-tartff Tre form la- not In Una with his party's and 1 a radical exhibit of hla growing Inde pendence of party dictation. . All of th leaders of Ih house except RepresentatlvS, Fayne, chairman of "the waya and means oommlttee, who la laid up with rheumatism, and Repreaantatlva Tawnayr ar against tvlBlon.Th work of erystallising sentiment against ravls ion Is being done -toy Repreaentatlvea Dalxell of Pennsylvania and Oroavenor of Ohio. ' I Tha "friends of revision aeem taking no'actlve "jfojerest Q advancing tneir taeaa in, tna House, put claim to have many members- in - tha- various delegations on' their side. . - Ship abaddy BoTTT The ahip subsidy bill proposed by th merchant marina commission was lo day - reported favorably from tha sen ate eommltte orrcommerce, .An amend ment was adopted providing for an in crease in the mall aubventton to ships, from the Pacific coast to Hawaii. Japan, China and tha Philippines from 1100.000 to 1400.000, if tha way the service la es tablished, and from 1600.000 to f 100,000 for' fortnightly service. . 7 " " Despite - the ; energetlo protest -of Fourth Assistant Postmaster General wit-i yi..imff.i., nMiiriil Wyna t day Issued an order transferring tha en tire corpa of 100 poatomce Inspectors from Bristow's supervision to his. own The order becomes effective Monday. Chairman .Wads worth of the house committee on agriculture has IntroducedH'rSWy 2tS 1 a bill authoring the secretary of rHSB1,,1 T!?f". '-f. 'L h- culture to quarantine any state or ter ritory where livestock la affected by contagloua disease and also for the regulation of the movement of livestock. The senate committee on military af fairs today took up the Proctor bill pro viding for the restoration of tha army canteen. It la understood the cetnmtttee will report the bill favorably and push IIS HOMESICKNESS CAUSES -SCHOOL BOY'S SUICIDE ' iJesrasI aal Bervlee.) . - Ashevllle. Tt. CU Jan. 12. Oscar F. Whltaker, Paragon, Ind aged IT. a student at tha Bingham .school and a aon of an Jndlana millionaire, committed aulclde by- hanging himself on a tree in the deep woodland receaav. .The rea son assigned 'by Whltaker's schoolmates and Col, R. - Bingham, the head of the school, la that the boy was homesick. He wae severely hssed several daye ago, and this is believed to have been the cause. - .', '' ' -Young Whltaker carefully prepared for the suicide... In hla pockets-were found hie class -card on -which ha had written "Notify my father. J. S. Whlt aker of Paragon. Ind.. In case of acci dent" "Whltaker bad been in school three. weeka : v . - -Snow began falling at It o'clock thla morning. Half an hour later the ground waa covered with a mantle of white and fei email boy shouted with ale as he brought out the red-run nered aled given him as a Christmas present It waa put to all sorts of severe tests during the- afternoon a the heavy fall of anew continued, but Btoodtheeraieadf young America manifested his delight with merry peala of laughter. All the principal streets In - the residence dis tricts have been blockaded with happy youngsters, v .J . - v " -.- It is the first know ef the eeeeont at Portland. With the temperature at 10 degrees above. ere this morning and the ground ifrosen to the depth ef sev eral Inches the conditions are Juat right for several days ef -excellent sleighing. With the exception of Monday, when the mercury stood at the Sams point, this ts the ooldeet day ef the season. .WhU i ' ' ' . ' 1 '' iii. , W I A W Va I 'w Va b I . I V V , Ve I V pleteTaskBeforefLcg Reconvenes Next .Monday Vawter Likely to Preside Over Vays andEZinSj the Host Important Committee Soms Otto ProbabilitiesStrife m the:Senate r r;;;- (By George K. Trowheidge.) "'Balera, Or.. Jan. 1 J. With 41 Stand ing - oommttteT-tor-appoto--nd many rival aspirants .-'for. chalrmanahipS, Speaker Mtlla has an exceedingly dif ficult task on-hia hands. The eppolnt menta will not be determined, until af ter his return to Portland and will not be announced until the legislature, re. convenea next Monday. ". . ' 4 ' Mahyinembera -have bee.n' requested by the apeaker to indlcat their pref erence as to oommltteea, but all aay as yet that they have received no poaltlye aasurance of appointment. - . ll is , known, - however, -that-. Vawter wilt be chairman the. way and means committee, which la the most Important chairmanship in ' the house, and carries with it the leadership of the majority on the floor. Vawter says hs has. no. prom ise of the1 place, but therC ta no doubt entertained but that it la Jo go to hiin. He came to Mills' aid at a critical time In the Bpeakerahlp, struggle, and the ap pointment ta regarder aa merited. . -;''v-' -."''VfrBoaB Boeklnga, Jir,v. y:i. ' Huntley baa "asked for t he waya and meaaa chatrmanah ip, but la not likely te get It It la generally believed that either Linthlcura or Muir will hava" the chairmanship of the" Judiciary 'commits tee. - The place la of much importance held at the last aeaalon -hy-JEddy of Tillamook- . Both Multnomah . men will doubtless be members of this com- mltte.-'' .. . s ' - -'1. -'- Capron of Multnomah,- It is believed. Is booked fof the cbalnhanshlp on mili tary, n-'Tti Ht ft" f - i"ti'rv' family, hla ancestors ever since the rev olutionary war having aeen sotiye serv ice, i-. ... .'..;'. ... i'T ::,,.. ... Mayger of' Columbia la expected to be chairman 5 of : the f Isheriee -- committee, though Jagger bf Clackamas aaked,. for the plaoe. - Mayger haa already Intro-' duced several bills for the fishing inter eetfr; . :. More ProbablUttea. - Jv.-i Cole of Umatilla wUl probably , be chairman of irrigation and Btelner of Lake will doubtless have a place on the yininl", . ' ' - I. - ,i '- , The chairmanship - of - rail waya ia sought by both Cooper and 8onnemann.' the latter ia believed to have the batter chance. . r" .': , dealces It. .. It is a very desirable com' mlttee, especially this session, when a number of road .bills-are to be con sidered, some of which are of much im portance. ' '.., . .. - Some of the committee on clerkships have already been agreed . upon. J. . U. Campbell of Oregon City will- again be chief clerk of the waya and means com mittee. C. S. Jackson of Roseburg.la to be chief clerk of either the Judiciary or ' claims. Joseph of Columbia will probably be chief clerk of the commit tee on enrolled btllaC i.. , , , .'. STRIFE IN SENATE. Ooslloting Frnmlais of Pisses oa Oosa- -.. aalttses Said to Save 'T.Ciy rraak IV-Yerklns.) - Salem. Or., Jan. 12. Domestic strife among the .Republican senators over the committee appointments , haa . aroused much personal feellng.-whlcb may have a marked.- effect on legislation, unless bsrmonious arrangements ace made be tween now and Monday. .. Brownell waa promised the Chairman ship of the railroad, committee a month ago by Kuykendall, If he waa elected. Meantime Brownell and Crolaan entered Into a compact, reliably reported. : by which-the former was to withdraw in favor of the latter. Crotsaa la aaid to Wl N T E R ' SCO L the , weather man la averse to making any predictions be states Jhat tha in dications are that It will alao anow to night How much longer It is likely to continue, be explains, depends altogether upon circumstance. " At the rate the flake have been, fall ing thla afternoon, and it no change oc curs In the atmospherical -ondltiona, wtll.be fully a foot of anow Jn the streets of Portland by early tomor row afternoon. Te even think about It makes the eld-tlaaer shiver,- aa he le wholly nanaed te anch weather. The newcomer from the northern states of tha middle west welcome th change, It remind him of boas and th acenea Of b.1 youth. Livery men are getting their aleighs In good repair,, expecting to reap a rich harvest In the neat few daya if the weather eltuatlon remains anchan1 f ir that length of ' ". Tv f -I era also eongr . ; things axe Cv of tmm have den Brownell a- favor, whtok the consideration for the deal .i Both man are aow-aftsr. the chairman-. ahip of. the railroads committee. - Crot asn's friends aocusa. Brownell of break Ing . faith. Kuykendall - la - nonplussed. The chancea are .believed to favor Crol san, but tha matter la still unsettled. Kuykendall says that no announcement, of oommlttee will be made vatil Man . day.v-.-i--t-.-v -:-;:r-y. . A more serious proposition Is -the troe ble between 'Kuykendall - and ' Coai ef Multnomah, the man who le accusing , the president of violating a pledge.- t - - The -day - before an agreement was reached between . Kuykendall and th -Carter men, Co ; was sent to en deavor to . induce Farrar . to awltch to , Kuykendall. Co waa told , that be, could promise . anything 'reasonable. Through a friend of Farrar'B, Co, ia duced the Marlon senator, to agree to switch.- This ia said to have caused the Carteo. force to capitulata --'Farrar-s - friend had stipulate with Coe-as "a return for , thla favor that, Coahow, 'a Democrat, should ta placed -on the Judiciary cemmlUe. , Coe ao in- l: formed Kuykendall, -whereupon -th president said that the eeeaaatttee waa . already formed, with Kana as chairman, the ethers being Malarkey, Cjpka, Carter andTPlefc (Democrat).". -T- . " - rKemember your agreement' with me -before I undertooktogetFarrara switch," said Coe. - Tea. answered" Kuykendall " but Z " cannot 'have two Democrats op the moat Important committee In. the aenate' . Coe insisted that either the committee he enlarged or on member be eup planted by Coahow. Republican leaders .. were called in conference, a short time previous to the afternoon aeaalon yea- -terday.r Coe said his honor waa at stake and that he had depended on Kuykendall or. he would not have- goh to Farrar'B : friend. r-, - . -v " ,r-( ' He dellvere hi ultimatum and ssld that if the leaders did not went the deal made public they had better take action before Monday. -- : . Up to a lata hour, this afternoon Plerc had not been removed from - the committee, but he experts to be soon. It Is possible th committee may be ea- larged . .. . .- - - It Is known that Tattle will b chair shan of the committee-on fishing Indue- , tries; Malarkey on revision of laws! Farrar on ways and means; Lsyeook on Irrigation, and Co, en medicine, phar macy and dentletry. .. .. Farrar will be rewarded -With the chalrmanahlp of the waya and mean committee for agitating th change to Kuykendall for president- In the Carter -rank. Rand's and Mslarkey'e commit tees have- agreed to work together. ; - - Booth has ateadlly refused to accept the chairmanship of any commltteac He sad that ha had worked hard in the past and does not feel physically able o ' undertake the labors ef a chairman. - It ia deemed possible that Brownell. If Crolaan secures the chairmanship of the railroad committee. . may euppiaat . Coke on the Judiciary commute. ) After the adjournment of thla morn ing's aeaalon. Rand took the flat stand ': that Pierce must not be forced off the Judiciary committee to make place for Coahow. A resolution will be introduced thla afternoon increasing the eommltte to aeven in order to prevent It GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE READ rreffomiaB C ' :. Piepare Vast Oode.'.' Salem, Jan: -IS. Governor George BV Chamberlain's .me ge-te- the leglat- (Continued on Pag Two.) D EST DAY -i ' - . , :.. them called up a patron this afternoon and asked him If he needed some coal, and added that ha also had Ire for sale. "You may bring me a lead of toal." eame tfe reply over the 'phone, "but Juat now I have all the tee I want, thank youT . ., SSTOTT AT AtJTOTTB. , -r ' SpeeUI Disaetnl) a Tse Jearaal. I . J Astoria,' Or., Jan. 11 now fell he- at noon today and a protracted cold t. 1 Is predicted. j ,;V FatAJ TZJt C ;i " ' (Saeetst f"-e Te Um 1 CorvalllB. Cr.. i 1 X . ' of tM se i li ( s-mund ti h i t free-e le ttw f 'm are..f f . I i' ii I t Cl t , .1 I ' -