ti: crco:r daily, jounriAi; rcrTLAt.Tr. Wednesday .' 'Evzfaiwg jjAiiuARY n; iscj. -1 , - THE CITY'S "QUALITY SHOP," FIFTH. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. THE "DIFFERENT, STOHE FirT.J, SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STHZZT2. PORTLAND'S LARGEST ! FOREMOST STORE - PORTLAND'S LARGEST -4S 1 FOREMOST STORE 27th Annual "Clearance Sales are in Full Swing! Absolutely Every Article asA- fe.r-f And Why? GRAND CLEARANCE THIS WEEK . OF TUB HOM E3-FITTING -r . - STOCKS ON. - Blankets, Comforters,. Cur tains, Rugs and M0. W. CoV : IC" Sewing Machines r ; Hvlp. to wU thf mlnhty Bariln Hoata that go to maka up th Graat Annua! . - Houaekeeper'a -. and - Hotal Mvn u oalv. COBDKD ARABIAN CURTAINS. 71 verr - handaoma atjrlaa In th ebooilnv; apeclal tbla iraak -a fol- low Rg-ular f 2.TS -valuea... 2.85 Ragular 4.0 values..... ...-S3.T5 Recular $8 SO valuaa..,,. 4.50 Rarularf valuaa.. . ..... .SS.2S Recular $7.60 valuea.......-.Se.OO ' All wool, , doubla-facad 'Smyrna Rura t-" '" ';-; 7"r :..-r Slaa 4 by ft, rTl ,valua $11; ' apaclal , . . i -S9.50 Slaa 7ti by 10 ft, remUr valua 111.80; apcUU .......... .fl4.SO laa by ,U ftr.rular. valua $24; apMlal ................. -P18.50 BEST AXMINSTER-RUOa ' Blso by lOhk ft, valua 2.0: apaclal .................. 35.20 laa by II ft, valua f 31.00; apaclal .28.35 BIGELOW. WILTON RUOfiU--i. J 81m by t ft. valu 24.00;- apeclal 21.00 8le by 10M ft. valua tsi.oo apeclal 34.20 Blaa by It ft, value 112.00; apeclal ...i..........3T.80 "O. W. a. K." Sewing -ii .- Machines V :;'-?-Xr - Sold by ua-the year 'round at leas than half the . prlcee charged at the agencies' fur, Identically the aamo ma ohlnea, now cut. to a fraction Of our matchleasjy low year, "round price for clearance. ' .' V - . . Sam as 'above, quartered oak cabi net, i drawers and box top, agency's - quality; special . at.. . . a . 19.50 l-drawer, boa top machine, aa above, the agency's regular 141 machine, ' our $21 quality; apeclal. ..-17.75 A. few of the Incomparable values that apeak for many that are left un- prlnted. -v - - V-' FINE EIDERDOWN COMFORTS. ; In very'. handsome colorlnga. dainty . designs, silk covered. -beautiful com fort, regular I2S value; speclnl "this wc4i atT.... ........S18.75 Regular tlt.OO-rvsluesrt special this tenu?y 'Our Orsnd Annuel Housekeeper's.' Hotel -and Reetsurant- Men agers' Sals of Linens, Towels and -Toweling, .Bedspreads, Pil low Casee, - Flannels, EtO. . , v ,. . ' . 1. ; This great sere of ths every-dsy nseda or. ail classes- is one , of the top-line fes- IVj tures of the BIG I WHITE FAIR In Domestic Alele, Flret Floor.; It Is looked forward to as one of the most extrs- 1 j: Olds.. Wortman CSk King's An nual Clearance Sale of 1 Notions and Small ' : Wares - FIRSTrFLOOR.- A arnd atora-olaantna; avant - 8waap Ins out-tha, stocka of llttla avary-day ends' to a very one. Toilet Bundriee, Perfumarlea. Stationary, Jewelry, No. tlona f or Dreaamakera and iioma Folk, Shopplnc - Bar . and other Leather Good. All in ' on graat. Slaughter Bala thla .weak, - . - - - . There's aureir aomethlng In thla llat you need . ' v " , ... - 26o SHELL HAIRPINS 140 BOX . Xhell Hairplna. JldoarJn box, plain.. . aquare or-loop tope, ragv-vaL Z6o; ' ' apeclal, box-. ..'.,,..14 to THREAD le SPOOL - Unen Thread, In "black and brown, '100 yd a. to apool, rag. vat to; ape- claU apool ,1 to THREAD to SPOOL . - i White -Baatlng Cotton, Jarfe alae,- .poi ana o, reg. vu. lo; apeclal, apool . . . . v......2) le PIN CUBEB- 4o i - Jet Headed Pin Cube a, 100 on eutjav reg. val. oo; apeclal. a... ...... 44 StAFETT PINS f One d. on pard r apeclal. card. .2a 1 So HOOKS AND EYES So - Hooka and Eyea, on tape, black, gray and white, reg. val. 16c; apeclal.. 84 0o SIDE COMBS J0O- i - . . T , Fine Quality Shelt Side Comba, reg. ' vai. (Oo; apeclal, pr 30e) Toilet Sundries 7c CASTILE SOAP Hard Water eaatlle Soap, la long ; bars. reg. val. 7c;' special, bar. ...4a SOc CASTILE SOAP 12c , . Whits Imported Castile Soap, large stse. reg. vat tOe; apeclal, bar. .324 to SOAP to , .j ' Fins Imported Glycerins Soap, reg. vaL tc; special, caks-:.... .. 5. Its SOAP 10O BOX-r . Oatmeal, Glycerine) and Tar Soap, t ... rakeg in, box, reg, VaL- lto;spaclaL ' box .... ....,.., ...... jo JBe BAT RUM le . ; Best quality West India Bay Rum. ; S-os. bottles, reg. , val. too; apeclal, -bottle . . .....v.... ......194 ' , Bay, Rum. 4-ox bottles, reg. vaL 16c; - special; per bottle ............ S 78o DANDRUFF CURE t7o L Coke's Dandruff Curs, large slss 10 os. bottles, reg. vaL 76c; special, bottle . . . ............674 We DANDRUFF CURE 21c JL Small Slss Cokes Dandruff Cure, t-os. bottles, reg. .vaL too; special, bottle ..334 25o TOOTHPICKS 1 So . , -T , Large Hotel Bias Fins Hardwood - Toothpicks, val. 28c; special, box . . .". ...........,..,..,.154 SOo CELLULOID DRESSING COMBS lie ' . t-ln. Amber Celluloid - Dreaatng Combs, In whits, shell, amber snd colors, reg. JOc; special, ea.,,.124 15c CHAMOIS BKIND 18c . Medium Bias Chamois Skins, reg. v. 25c; apeclal. sa 154 WHISK BROOMS 11c Largs Slss Whisk Brooms, reg. vaL - SOc; special, ea. ... , 124 ttoATHBPONQB 18c . 1 J l(c; special, ' ea. .....,!lB4 DR. GRAVES' TOOTH POWDER o Dr. Graves, Unequaled Tooth Pow der, reg. vaL 1 to-,. special. can...S4 WRITING PAPER 12c BOX Fins Box Writing Paper, with en velopes to match, in whits, light ; blue, pale blue and heliotrope, reg ' val. lc; areola!, box,.-, r.... . . .124 tSo WRITING" PAPER FOR 20e Cabinet Box Writing Paper, in t tints. 4 1 sheets paper "snd 41 en velopes, reg.-val, t&c; special. 2Qf, wgauuc oargain iviovemeni inar iviust inierestnpme ouyers and ordinary specUl features of the year. Prices are -mads anon ths most dependable- sort of thla clues "of" trier--chsndlse from ths world's best-known mills standard makes In every senss that wlU erests the liveliest Imag abls Intsrest and crowd ths linen and domestlo stores with -eager- shoppers this week. Buying Is Imperative now with thoss who ears an lota for saving- A few quotstlons from amonster lot of peerless valuss; - , - - , 7$o IRISH DAMASK FOR 6 So YARD Heavy bleached, all linen, Irish -Damask, '81 Inches wide,-value 76o yaw); apeeisl, ysrd ......... .584 Let JJs , See Hcre's-a -StoreithoulrejiiccHarid But it has it has a fixed aim, and fght ahead. :The success straf giving at all seasons of the means merchandise bought from every reputable source ; bought with the helpfulness o the -world's best merchants on-both sides the Atlantic and Pacific We buy only from makers. 'whose goods set the standard for storekeepers, like Marshall Field. . Why Marshall Field? Are we prejudiced? No. There are other good store's this is oneTherc are other BIQ stores Gimbels" of Philadelphia-is '-. the largest in- the "world. : But; Marshall Field's is -the bestweT beHeTe and this is the MARSHALL FIELD STORE OF THE' REAL WEST I Our goods are supplied by makers who supply stores of the Marshall Field class--and sup tIy na other Portland store We iiirn thesegoods 'to; you at all times for a fair brokerage It. is as thoVHarriman 'and Gould and Hill, who control the railroad traffic of half a continent,, put their services in; the "hands of your broker, that you could sit at home and have the whole choice.' Just, now we're !bearing" the market' Good time for you to buy the"bulls" will jump thebars soon and .raise these prices. ;". .;,r , ', 'Xv-'- :iVV Women's HighrGrade Underwear Women's Whits Silk Tights, good win isr weignt-great tl.oo "Value, for, pair i ...... . .... ....... . , A lot of Fins Imported ' Swiss Vests, sleeveless, . white, finely trtmmed, values up to $4.00, all at ONE-HALF PRICE.. - 1'. "Women's- white and; Flesh Colored Winter Weight Mercerised Union : Suits, $3.00 value, for, suit.. 92.39 Shoes : Very Great Barffi rThe Annual Clearance Sales . JN THE. "FAIR-WAT" SHOE " a clearance reouemg our own vasx stocxs or uooa footwear and straightening them. Also helping our suppliers to adjust thslr stocks. For wo buy many, lots that sppear small to ths makers, they -art willing to take a loss on at thla see son to rsdups their stock of mads-upa. We're selling every pair of the Shoes quoted below at a loss soms one's the manufacturers' or ours but ws can't help it The lots are mixed, or we've too few or too many- They're our regular shoes, but wo don't want 'am in our regular stocks at "Inventory. But all sixes are here shoes for every one and to fit ovary one all the family. - "Papa," "mamma," big slater' "Sue and brother "George," and air the "kid dies." , A lot of oarefujr salesfolk to .wait on you, toa Interested? Then soma.- . - WOMEN'S 1.7t SHOES tl.0t 5 , Women's Common Sense Comforts,; - flat heels, flexible soles, good broad . toes,, elastio and lacs sides, reg. val. ' $1.75; special pair 81. 08 WOMEN'S IS 00 SHOES tl.SO Women's Shoes, Louis or-military heels, patent o viol kid, turn os welt ; soles, matt kid tops. reg. val. $5.00; special price, or, pair ...... 2.60 WOMEN'S $1.00 SLIPPERS SOc Women's Common Sense ' Comfort Three-Point Slippers, broad toe, flat . heels, reg. vaL 11.00; special pr 504 These Handsome Turbans are samples made up for swell Eastern trade. They' have served their purpose as such' and were bought at half their worth by our millinery chief and shipped to us to bo sold ss ws bought at a bargain! price. Pretty velvet material In. the very newest shapes and all ths pretty mid-season eolorlnas. with ahini and trimmed with wings,- breasts snr pnnpons. An exceptional opportunity to secure a bargain in one of the seaann'a neweat models. CHILDREN'S 60-CENT CAPS 104 BLUES, REDS AND WHITE THURSDAY ONLY wmm . i n.u . -i i i ... i 1 . .1. i TOILET an PrwirT.-prn ; Fins Bond Envslopes, In wnits and, . blua tint, 28 In pkg., reg. val c; sie , clal, pkg ...Ji.... .64 LADIES' CRt'SH " V . ; LEATHER. BELTS ttc - " LadlesTFlns Crush Leather Belts, In black, brown and tan, all sixes. vaL $1.25; special, ea. . t i , .694 Sale ; the -Linen Opportunity, This the 70 TOWELING FOR le TARD Heavy cotton Huck Toweling,' soft and absorbent after wishing, regit lsr 7s values; Clearanoa special,' yard 54 I 40c REP TABLE DAMASK lie YARD ., Atms-or turkey - red Table Damask, real oil eye, fast colors, ;' 68 Inches wide,, regular' value 40c; .apeclal Clearance price, per yard. ,....,254. 40c TABLE DAMASK FOR Stc A line of. good unbleached Table . Damask, nice firm quslity, 64 Inches wide, vslus 40e ysrd; speclsl, yard ...r... ..... . ..294 With No Hobbies has discovered the solution of the problem of perpetual motion of this model store organization has come thro' best service- year ; thro' offering the public the Women's Kam IN THE JANUARY SALE C- Rare rValueirXJNPERWEARHbSIERY: zbzjL' "q-" V8T. FLOOR. ;.' ,; Clears ne Is a tremehdoua Tiiueciss" In thaso buy aisles. Eailry explained; - one gets, xtr good value; moreover you pay .away leas than you would to buy articles squally aa good, elsewhere la any other good store. Assortments of styles and sixes' are not limited. Plenty of every kind that's good. The woman who wants nice Underwear and Hosiery may buy It now at the prices bf ths inexpensive sort and ths lattsr sort at ths prlos of the 5Vhfap." Sample yalues THESE VALUES 'WEDNESDAY AND THUR8DAT . . . - ' - . - - -T- . Women's Long Sleeve Silk and llslo vests, wnits and plrtk, I1.7S value, tor.... . ..................$1.48 HOSIERT: Women's Black Cotton Hose, with aa- sorted shades . slllc .embroidered boots, 0c val.; special, pair,,. 294 Women's. Black Cotton Hose, full fin. - Ished, ribbed tops and plain tops, with whits solo, 600 val, for 324 STORE SIXTH-STREET ANNEX FIRST. BOYS AND . YOUTHS' Trv shoes trrtrr Boys' and Youths' Box Calf Good Winter Shoes, heavy soles 'and broad toes-p . . Slses 11 to It. wg. vii-1.78r special,. pair .'.-1.18 Sixes It H to 2. reg. vat IJ.OO; r- special pair 91.28 - Slses t to 6 H," reg. vaL $1.60; ' special pair Axajj. - 1.08 Exba Special-Clearance Specials in . For Thursday . , SIXTH-STREET ANNEX SECOND FUOOR.. -v 'A new lino Just received, sent on by the millinery buyer now In ths East, of Smart $8.00 Mid-Season Turbans at $3.00 ...... .. ... .i M mum SUNDRIES Continued : LADIES' LEATHER BELTS Odd Una Ladles' leather Belts, reg. vaL 88a totBo; special, ea. ......54 PURSES lOo EACH ; . Coin Purses, plain calf. reg. .val. its and 18c; special, ea..... ......104 PUR8E8 lie EACH '" - - Assorted Leather-Coin Purses, val - too and 85c! speclsl, ea.. ...... 19) TWO. GOOD SPECIALS IN ' NAPKINk Heavy ' bleached Scotch -TNapklnaT splendid wesiing qualttles. regular $150 values; Clearanco spe eisl dosen ............... .81,10 Regular $1.7$ valued; Clearance spe cial, dosen ....... ....... ,.$J1.25 IJa. SHEETING - llo YARD Two - esses heavy bleached sheeting, full , width, regular, value 12c; . special at, yard i .- J 84 18c PILLOW CASES 10c EACH 700 dosen heavy, round thread Pillow Cases,-warranted to wear, slses 88 . by 46 Inches, regular lie- values; - Clearance special earn ..104 best selection of goods which Greatly Reduced .Women'st::BlMfcficottonlHoaeCwItiL: gray cashmors sols, 80o value, now, palr.... ,;,..854 Women's' Black Brilliant Lisle Hose; full - finished. double- sole solandid , 9o quality; special, pair. .... .384 lwrvaiir.DV eisniiH rmiwrvp rAw. ssMslI A fftBMB A-4sV 1 VA7 SAjk as TRA BARGAINS f In both Women's and Children's Hos- lsry oth Wool and Cotton. . FLOOR, MISSES SHOES Misses' Box Calf or Vlcl Kid Laos '. Shoes, full round toes, stock tips BIses 11 H to I. reg. val $2.00: special, pair 81.48 Slses $H to 11, reg. val $1.75; rwvJBM fs,sg e - Slsss- t to 8. reg. special; pair . . $1.28 vaL $1.80; 984 MEN'S $2.50 8HOE8 $2. Men's Winter Shoes, double soles, ' box calf uppers, Blucher or Bal 28 enema styles, reg. val.' $1.80; spe- 2.68 Only : .a.,m,m n ... Ti m m LADIES PATENT LEATHER BELTS 15c Ladles Patsnt Leather Crush Belts, In black,' rag. val to 80c; special cn- 254 Ladies shopping bags itc : Ladies' Shopping Bass, seal leather trimmed.- reg. vah l.0-and $2.45"; special, aa. ivr,;. .994 . Linen . Store, and : GERMAN FLANNELS 1 So YARD German Flannels, velvet finish. . pretty patterns and plain colorings; special gt, yard.-. fcg ROOMING HOUSEKEEPERS. , ' - ' ATTENTION. .' A line of good hemmed Huck Towels, Just ths thing yr rooming houses, I 'special ralues al ssch, to, loo and . . . . . . A . . . . 124 DBAWN WORK AND BUREAU SCARFS. - .. Fancy linen finish drawn work, hem stitched Bureau Scarfs and Squares, at special Clearance price; each. .IOC, Stc. c, 86c, 8 So sik....T24 Salons 5 Whososets down.ral-i' ment s of "little importance 'when one jeeks the' open ses- f anie to tfie Land of Mammon . must be stone blind." Tiua store is the tryst-- "ing place of Fashion and Fair Prices, chaperoned by- Quality, all days . of the year.;; :V"" A Grind Sweeping Gesrance of Housefurnishings FROM THE BIG 1HIRD-FLOOR CHINA. KITCHEN FURNI8HING AND BRIC-A-BRAC STORES. ' '- In conjunction with the great sals of houaehold linens, bed - mllllnqry. etc., on" first floor, and bedding on fourth; floor,' combining In one com posite , event the grandest array of household and hotel - bargains over 1 orrerea py any roruand house,, ws -print ths following list of . useful household, article at extra special clearance prloss . for . all ths week. Hundreds of others go unmsntioned from lack of space:- . r. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. -Wire Carpet, Beaters, value 15c; ' " apeenff r. rrittr. ; . . . r. . ; ; 154 Metal and Wood Towel Rollers, vslus 1 8CJ1 special 7nv.7TrC. ,7..... ..94 Scrub Brushes, value 20c; ' - special .................. i . T.124 .Wire Clothes Lines. 78 feel1 value 10c; special .124 100 feet, value Iter special; : . 1x4 Large slss Food Choppers No. t. vslue $1.00; special ...,...!. BO Wood Salt Boxes, Value 10c; speclsl ..." ......134 Wood Salt Boxes, value 15c;. special sTiliir,Tr.-ri-iTr-.v;T7r.l7 Folding Lunch Boxes, value 18c; . special ......94 Nickel Towel Bars, value JOc; . special ...... .............. .124 Nickel plated 'Toilet Paper Holders. value 10c; special ........ .....Qf Picture Wire, small slss; special, .package -wrirfm rrsns tl( 3 GREAT BARGAINS THAT WTLL CREATE STIRRING BUT1W -.1 ..7 TIME INi THE ,' ... ' Royal Worcester j! "'''- Corset Salons SECOND-FLOOR ANNBXr Another flurry la Royal Wor-. cester- Bon " , . Ton Corssts. The following 11 styles at ridiculously , .low prices; Stylo lit. tot; 814. , til. . 817. 871. 874,. 818. 828, 804. 811. 84$, 128. $14, - ftt, til. IKu. '. , -4V comprise . Wk nearly all ths corset styles In high, modi man4JpwJmt PxlDcesaBaVJnst dlum and short hip, ribbon and lacs trimmed, material figured silk, im ported black, whits and drab coutllls and black Italian, cloth. Slses, 11 to 10 , ' " - - i Regular prices $1.28. $1.10 '- special i . ti . ; t . r. r . , , . . .S1.S9 Regular prices $$.00, $1.18. $1.50: special B1.4T Regular prices $4.00. $4.18; . ixwlal '.i .:. 81.98 Regular prices $5.00, $8.1$, $5.50: Peclal .82.19 Regutar prices $7.O0,t7.80,. t. 00; , speclsl .... ...... V,. ..,.. .92.99 US This -Week Is Linen Economy Time Hotel Managers. 40o SHIRTWAI8TING S6o YARD All our - finest .quality Imported Madras. Oxford and cheviots, for making shirts snd shirtwaists, - regular 40o values; special at, yard .. . v.. . 254 IOC FLANNELS FOR 1 YARD Our finest grade French Flannels , -- in plain colors, - and all shades. regular tOe values; extra special. - ysrd ,S94 $1.(5 BEDSPREADS 11.80 Full sise, - extra quality crochet Bedspreads, - fringed with cut corners for brass ' beds, ales Marseilles patterns, reru . lsr $16 values; apeclal .Clearance price, each X1.C3 PublicTca RbbriiS; A V,; ';. ' :Second,"FJoor., 4 s - Auspices of Y. W,' C. A.v , ; "Grandma" Munra, Hostess.": 'Menu, Thursday, January.12. . Tea ' Gf fee Chocolate, -Milk in Bottles J Bouillon ' '' Served witlj' WesternBakihg ' - '-, Company's Crackers . . Salad . : .-- Sandwiches - v. .Hot Rolls ' -Bread and Butter' v Y: V ?; .a .: : Tea Cakes .The Great Sale of Woman's v- ; Fashion Apparel CONTINUES IN PORTLAND & LARG EST LEADING SUIT AND - WRAP STORE. 77 Grand Salons Second "Floor. ' ,e greatest , sals of Worn-, an-' Tailored. Street Buita ever held In all - thswofc--r""- Everv Drsss Skirt In ths house, thli, week St HALF PRICE. Thls .. means a heavy loss to us, buf." ft also insures -' an effaej- ual clean-up of ' tho itock ;-: fore Inventory; Our entire stock of Rag lans at great reductions for drastic .clear an oe thle weak. Beautiful Meek Furs' in ths clearance. . 'A grand sweep of hand soms Neck- Womenks $1150 to $28.50 Tailored Street Suits for... . J', $6.98 " TWO EXTRA 8PECLAXS. ' $8.00 and $180 NecJtL8esj4sv.$3.9 French Coney Jn both the dyed and natural xolora, Opoapum. Sables- and Isabellas. Grand choosing In. this " lot Best 15.00 and $8.00 values In f. th SltV at tthAlM thfM mtm. i for . . ; . .... .'.' 71 r . . oo $11.80 AND $18.00 NECK FURH $7.08. In Near-Seal Electrra Seals and Opos sum, 'long or short styles, reversible - fur lined or HimmI wtf k .tr.K ' v..-- ' satin; best $1160 and $ 16.0ft' values in too city at a choice this week $t.$o to $8.80 Valuing skirts V - 82.10. A ' sensational bargain," unprecedented values in, these wanted skirts, for walking, shopping, tramping, wear ' in the school room, shop or store-all-round -utility skirts. WOMEN'S 13.60 TAILORED WAISTS In pretty flannels, alpacas- and . eta .. mines, red. navy, cadet, black, white, --brown and - handsome "H Island" plaids.- tailored with exquisite cars and best workmanship; best $2.60 ....values; special all-week, or while ' they last, for a choice at.'. . -81.29 LONG OR SHORT ' KIMONOH AND DRESSING SACQUE8 ALL- RAD- ICALLY REDUCED TO , k- . MtTHS . OF - w-.;..,- .'- PRICES. ' Women's lt Corset Covers A THIRD " . LE88 PRICED FOR ' THURS-' DAT. Regular $"T Valoes and -UpAU at' One-Third off! r - Ccritt CctCj UNDERMU8LIN ANNEX SECOND -- - FLOOR. A FEATURE OF THE "BIO WHITE "in- rOR TOMORROW. r Ladies fine Corast Covers, full front French effect. In an endless variety of styles ra smbroldery or lace, slses front 21 to 48. .Regular prices $1.00 and-up; special at ONE Anmv vt r vomorrow . only. - 18o PILLOW CASES llo EACH 804) dosen bsst grads smooth lines - finish Pillow Cases. 46 by 88 Inches ' regular value lie; extra special, sack ........144 8e FLANNELS Sic" YARD A U wool Oregon Fiaaaels. good and heavy, red, grey and navy blue, resnlar value 48o ; extra spsclsl ysrd.? ' t WASH GOODS Its YARD Odd I of printed voiles satin str shirtings, mulls snd silk sr regulsr values 10c; cloeln- ' clal, yard 18o LONG CLOTH -fine qnallty, 10 y kvr 1.60 Vsluee; mi: mm -; -m--' ill i -i'.- "4 a