The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 10, 1905, Image 6

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XVdklrTe 0V TAeiJ--- '
'i . urn i ;
Many Witnesses . Havs - Been
CaHsd to Testify BeforVthe
.,,!. i ' Federal Grand Jury. .. ' , ,
" J If.?.: i ' . ," t -
Itimbcr corporations
'. ; Government Prepared : to Make
;i Closest Scrutiny of DeaJ;v
; ty'l .!V.n ' Wooded Unds.'
itlfwoimudV"rma ndwomn in
V pregoiv jfho har ta.ken limber Uwl In
, "Jnnnr "probably conflicting with th
..' timber and Ston aof-may l0 them--,
ielve. This mornings session of the
-. . . -.federal grand ..Jury .4 plainly laid the
; Toundation -forl.nik- oxbAuetlva- inquiry
-Into timber and land operations. .-'..: , '
From th Lane and Man eountle." la
iha region tributary to the great Booth
' .'X Kelly tDrabor company, . ha a cfime ,-a
'X--4thr?ng-, wjtneeeea . - From section'
'mora remote It Is learned that othera
' Tare being summoned.' -Federal official
.-Stat -that the .grand Jury ta Inquiring
'.Into timber land operations of the state,
. which broad and euggeatlve acope of
" Jwwk'wilt taus Thrill Tsferaoriariri
- ; trf ; In'' several ' thouaand- Oregon
'. ; breasts. - , v , ' :- ' " t .
. t . The worlf of the grand Jury thla morn
' ' Jing waa termfnated ahortly before the
- ioonfcour-t the desire f District At
r 'torney. Henry, who -asked, aa Jtdjoairo
' 'inent Until o'clock tomorrow, that he
-'.,!'r .dtd-'?rn 1'
.available, .while the Inference followed
that by the date named ta the adjonra
--'-1 Bient tney would te on hand. ; : - 3 -;
' ' i " . ' Wttaaaaea " Am aamlaea. '"V
U Julia MaxwelC stenographer In the
patriot attorneya office under John H.
. 441 . aad - holdlna: the poilllon at the
tprearat time, first entered the myateH
.", eus portala behind which the Inquisitors
;work.l 8he was quickly . fallowed by
,..Uorge B, Oitden, the clerk of tba-gen
rn! land office, . whoe testimony baa
xbeca In demand at several stasis of
;the prosecution, and who waa consplcu-,;-oUia
.In the goverament'a "case against
, c;lngar Heieaaanr "-A-W. Barber.tht
j government surveyor, who has run line
; Jon all of the land Involved In the In
Jvestlgatlon, was caned as the third wit'
nees, and had net been dismissed whea
the Jury adjourned. . ,v- . . '
' Assembled around the entrance to the
. ry -room Was -a throng of Lane and
' -Unn county, men, most of them called
.hither by subpoena.. They awaited -a
summons, nut were as oMacreet In con.
"versaHon regarding the meaning of their
-.presence as they were eager . to learn
' ;what visit before the dread Inquisitors
? ;would bring torth.- Several men from
! Whet la known as th Sweet Home dim
Jtrlct .near Albany were' In the. throng.
; Judge Whitney, ex-county Judge and
twice a member of the atate legislature.
appeared on the, scene and- departed
agaln Others have been drawn to Port.
lHnd.taad all will jio doubt be asked to
.. give teetimony." ,, . ; ;. .
Sf XAght om Bosebarg Offlo Vf
tTJeither Mfc .Meney . nor-r.- Puma
v ared to discuss the Roseburg land office
. . ;case further. Mt luta been learned that
. j-Tana rarxe. a special agent of th San
.. .. Franctaco, Kacramento, ."Stockton and
Alarysvllle land , districts of California,
liea been probing, into the office affair
;of the Roseburg department since De.'
member SO. ' The sudden order of suspen
sion. ia regarded 'In all probability as
,toe. result of ills discoveries. There
have been many rumors since the first
inquiry reiattva to timber land methods
under the regime of Messrs. Booth and
-Brldres: and soma of th wiin.
. 'before the grand Jury are known to be'
in position to. throw light on thla situs
,tlon. "What they will have' to nay of
Vhat To.Do : ; .
For Heart Trouble
-I-bck op my advice with tbig R.
...t markabl Offer A Fall Dollar's
- "1 Worth of my Remedy Free to "
;VV- Prove, that I am Right. ;
. . . ... '
-1 aak ae Nfm-M m i - -'
c There la sethln te prostiae, aothls to par. -.
either bow ec later. To an- aeart sufferer whs
" . r .re-aeay Dr. Baoop's Rasters
Ive-I will g.dl give, free, sot a awn
easiDle. bat foil Sell.- tnri -
" t sst wamated ia nakta this asssasl effef
: f. eroioary naMr, 11 soae
nut Talaly try te stloiolaie R aeert. Bach
ir-Bimeau sro wares tsaa aaeless.. It
- eTraisni IS tse emamm i
"lint te the eaoae of all heart trsable the
heert perfes eud at-enethena th-e mrf Wit. I.
r heart
"7 .""'res taea. Tbea that Is ths
-ran i erari niaeaee. -
For th heart -Kaelf kas ae Bar self-eestro
tkanr s eoatSMa sense. It Is suds te Beet by
"; ttaT that It 1s scareely
. vl.lhle. te the Baked eye.-- et tea the-teasd
' imrm a aay tbis eenrate Berve aunt
4B-. heere 4 Mnend sad -.mlr-yl
. The heart la saoat the eiae t the t lea-Bad
Bt. pen sad eloee year Bat a dosea times.
Tea. ana ,yea win see tM Bastieas labor
. ua nt
' -, ef'Se !
, Kranett
mam ntfie ne-ve sauec em - '
keart s-eve hr only one f the bnm-hes
1 aresi aT-anoioofie.narwoue um
ibc of thla aratrra la ao rLlr .1114 -Hu
. iw oiaera ioat weaaaeaa m irrtrala-ltr at any
pa hit la spt . te spread. Heart wovble ' tire-
: q-wnlly srwea Irrai K remark trosMa thrsoah
r-epatbr. and Kldsey traahla way also tol-
- f"- u ee-k theae ersaae Is op-ssted by a
branch of these Basis arsipathetls .sm-a--the
laalda Berres.
The send of sywssrbr betwee- the aerves
that eparaU ths -iui orgaaa kaa a saerai par
Baee, well, rw what will care weakaew la
acaaca will aureir ears Waakneas Is every
branch whaf will reetore oae eenter will saraly
rearore theni all.
There la sothlns Bew abont this eothlns any
pkratrlBB woald dlipnt. - Bat It reBnlaed for
lir. Hkeop to sppl thla kaowledc -te pat It
td -practical sae. Dr. Rkoop's iUstoratfre 1
ke result of aHrm-ter eestory of endeavor
toes' wis . vary-iae. it onee not doae tha
nrks er deadee the- pain out It dna go at
are to tks aie-a. IkW. laalde iMiia the tmmmr
erre and bullda -K- p.-aud ilrensthtaa It 1 1
lid inaltKTt w rll. 'Z A .."l. .TrT' f
It yea 'have heart trouhle sad; hav sever 1 1
-tried air reaedr. aieaalr write and aak. 1 win
-seed yes aa order a . yoar drusstat wblrh he
will accent ss sladly aa he would serept a
-. dollar. - H will hand roe from hte ebelres
: a etanoa-w aiae-i vnTTfe or rar Bresrrlptton, and 1
i- be will aesd ths hilt to nr. .-ThlapffrH it V
who have owee waed the X-atoraUTe do sot
' seed tkM evldeosa. There are mo vondltleaa
- se-Jwiulrsnaia. -.It le-esa-SBd- frank and
. fair, it la the saprene teat of my Vmltl-ea
l-llef. An that 1 aak yea to de la te write
,. write today...-. - . .. ?
' Fee a n-M erdr far ' Book 1 aa tyapepals.
r tall dollar hoftle Hook 1 ea the Heart.
.yea niat sddiea Hook I ea the Kldseys.
It. noue. Bos 1 l7a, - Hon 4 f-if Weaaaa,
- Tt.elne Ww. atate BnolcTI lhf Men.
"w- book yegWistrraViok' enheuBwtlaaiT
the msfhodf of the Booth-Kelly company
nd of tts manager, Senator R. A. Booth,
will not pe known,, until (ndlotments I-
dioatb ths trend of testimony.
Mr. Park has bees) sromlnetit la land
tnvestlgatrons for the" govern went ' be
for,'- lie will be rymeaabared as ths ape-
cisl agent seat to Alaska, and whose f x
hau stive- rapor based upon Inapaotloo
of every portion tt th great territory,
was given th signal promtneno of being
published by the interior department w
pamphlet form for distribution. . ,
' V Jbaada walaed TrojUlsJeatly. .
Since It has been learned ..that the
government Is extending its Inquiry to
tha - operations of great timber synoi
cates In Oregon and th northwest In
general, development mora fax -reaching
than any arising tbrougn nomesisna
frauds are expected. .. The great timber
belt of the western Cascades not, In
cluded In forest reserve withdrawal
has been the object or Investment by
lumber syndicates for more than dec
ade.. The whit pme area oa th esst
ern slope of this sams rang, espedslly
In the Deschutes vslley and Klamath; ba
sin, ha been gobbled up by, sections and
even townships.- Ja, the. Blue mountains
timber syndicates operating from Michi
gan and Minnesota have acquired vast
tracta. In all of thla region It 4 com
man knowledge that the cltlsen Caking
ther land doe not' Intend to utilise Its
timber reeoureee, but- hopes to sell. In
a vast number of Jnstancea the term of
the sale are understood- at t hi. time of
locating th land. mnC expenses are paid
by tha. ultimate purchasers.- who a a
rul withhold Una! payment nntll tltl
passes. Several investigations have been
made In various parts of the state be
fore, but this is th first time that tba
government- ha entered th -work
quipped for -minute Inquiry and fort tried
t meet th poterilJLnOufBce ot,the tlm.
br Syndicates (gainst whom charges
would vlttmetelyjodge. ' .-. ', -
With, the fore of secret service men
la the field, under command of on of
the government's ' best workers, Mr.
Burns, and directed by a prosecutor re
moved 'from all poaaibla poUueal en-
there 1. proapect for timber land opera,
I ,, . K .. th.. ..... w.v.
beeji - i. tut paaC -. , V : ' ' .
MXllieBair Tvw
: S rarUolpatl-uX i ' Zand - rtwmds.
(Special Dlspatek' t TM JoarsaLl ' i
"Helena Mont, Jag, lO-About a year
ago the federal 'grand Jury 'her - re-
fen dants. whirl, consisted of people la
all walk of llf. with subordination and
perjury- In connection wtth 150 stons
end desert claims In western Montana.
To these Indictments the "defendanta de
murred, - claiming a. failure . to . show
t-aus of action. This demurrer was to
day overruled by Judge Hunt and they
must ow .stand trial.. -.' . . .
' Tha government ha also -brought suit
against Senator Clark .for th recovery
of these . lands, -asserting that R. Mv
Cobban, who secured the lands from" th
indicted" persona, acted .simply sa -an
agent for the senator. , ' Ths. landar
very valuable for their timber. - ,
Constructor, Promise That CT9
-rVyilloon B Running OvWcJ
V; Morrison Street Bridge: . 14
- -,.-.-ti - V- 4
, ' Before th end bf th week th .Mor
rlaon street bridg will be thrown open
to smwai irarai, a large roroej or men
la engaged laying th rati on the draw,
and thla work will be completed. tomor
row. The fittings at the ends of . th
drew are being placed -and, only a few
details havs te- be arranged before
street car -and fr trsmo Is hHowetl!
-'Manager r. M. Butler, of th .taclflo
Const ruction -company stated tedajr jhat
th bridg will - be , thrown: opeoKfor
street cars either tomorrow-r Jthurst
day. If. tba- workmen arr not delayed In
any manner. Th sidewalks , arlll i
placed Immediately, and foot trafllo. will
soon follow. - The- pavement .lp , being
sewsoai awssi e u a j enw avsMsusew, eai swvru'vP
tlmg nest week vehicles will beallowed
te pass over th bridg. . , ; j; '
' T.' S. Williams, a business man of Lew.
lton.'lda., ha arrived in Portland with
a project calculated td further-relieve
the mind of those who are crying that
Portland cannot tak car of fair visitors
neat year.
Mr. Williams has promoted a company
which will erect a large number of cot
tages and furnish th same for light
housekeeping, then' rent for exposition
visitor for any length of time at moder
ate, rates.' He will himself superintend
th construction of th home and will
begin work at an early data.
Th bouse; will be situated near Haw
thorn Park, oa th east side. - They
will he equipped with every article nec
aaary for housekeeping,- and the -tea-
ant will hav th er pense only- of pro
vision. ; Fuel and light, and even ape
cial police protection, will be furnished
by the landlord. ' Th. cottage will Be
ready for occupancy by tha time tha fair
opens, .and may be rented -by th week
or nwn, , . - , : v i.
; .-wiiiowi aUUaAjroxjra.
?(Rpseisl Dispatch to The Jeoroal.)
- Enterprise, Or., Jan. It. t a meeting
held In this, city yesterday the Wallowa
County Development league was organ
ised -with- thds-' officers: President.
Oeorgd Mack of Joseph; vice-president.
A. C. Miller, Enterprise; J. F. Johnson,
Wallowa; W. C. Wilson, Paradise; . tL,
Austin, Flora; R. C, Maya, Loatlne; Mrs.
3 Johnson, Imnaha; aecrwtary, J. . A.
Burlelghi Enterprise; treasurer. W. R.
Holmes,- Enterprise. The object .of the
league - la - to . secure sn - exhibit -of
WklHrwg eorjnly vrodueti at the Lewis
and Clark exposition. - -
itunv. amonunov.
- 3per1al tniipetrh te The JoaraaL)
Vale. Or.. . J s it 1 . -Ou Janu srv"7.
1KB. ' th county r court- of Malheur
county appropriated .11,000 to defray
the expenses of th exhibit from this
county 4e be placed at ths Lewis and
Clark fair. Th entire, management of
the funda and exhibits ha been placed
in tha hand of th Vale Commercial
club and the Ontario board Of trade. . .
enr o xTmA sssszuji.
aearasl gpoelal Berries.)
Washington, D. Jan. It. A poll of
the house Is being taken relative to th
calling of an extra session-for ths pur
pose of tariff. ravleiavv-.A-wiaior1tv of
The house Republicans ar opposed. '
(ieorasl Spaetal BarvW.)
New "Terk. Jan. - It. Itmual ' ' f .
Clemsna (Mark Twain), who ha been
suffering front aeut bronehttla, 1 re
covering raptdy. ,. .: -
V i-$pp.$ic3,c:3
Bill Introduced In State Legit.
T fature Today lor Large
v' v Appropriation 'm
Measure Along- Unei "of Texas
Law Th ree-Cent Fare ;
--t Bill Introduced. - : !
- - Sseetel Wapstth te The Journal.)
Olvmnla. Wiah.. Jan. 16. Renstor
Band of Clark county this afternoon
introduced a bill providing for the rep
resentation of Washington at tha Lewis
and Clark exposition. The bill calls for
sn appropriation of 1M,09 and a com
mission of seven, members.
Senator Reed of. Taklma introduced a
railroad commission bill modeled for
th moat, part on , th Texaa law, but
with -aeveral feature added. ' Th bill
was draw a by T. D, Rockwall of Bpo-
kane, and is said to be a measure of
th - nw administration.
Senator Btanaell Introduced, a bill pro
viding for a t-oent passenger, rate -on
all railroads in th tte oyerlO.mpes
In lengtB....'. ..' - ' .".',. .V ..i .
Numerous Hither bill war Introduced
in both house. -.- . '
There Is little Chang tn'th 'senatorial
Situation. ,'. f'Ti -
Aa unsuccessful effort was made last
night to induce JhKlng Oountr delegawj
iron to sign an agreement to never vnaer
any circumstances vote for John L. Wil
son, Uius removing- WUaoa fTQrn the
fight and leaving th way open for the
election of 11 lea The proposal met with
defeat, and Instead th delegation unan
imously signed a resolution stating that
they were for Piles first, last and all the
time. - Thla was a serious blowto Wil
son, yet pilss baa no. following at all
outside of King county.
Sweeny- I making tha moat progress
of any of th candidates. He 4a a good
fighter and a good mixer, and making an
aggressive campaign. -' . , - -- -v -
The report that Aakenyhad come out
In tha gupport of sybstar waa denied
by th former yesterday. Coster' will
undoubtedly lest oa the first ballot. j '
-uovarnorfieci atesa naa-maae tna 101-
lowlng appolntrasnts oa . his - personal
staff: Herbert U-Jaffe of Seattle, C
K. Wllmost of Spokane, lieutenant-
colonels and aldeev , " : , ; . r .' 1
much arrwtnoiing' is neara at tna ae-.
cosnmodatlons not , ss , to quantity or
quality but a to, price. . Th burning of
th Olympla hotel did more than deatroy
accommodations '.for lit ., people It
destroyed a lobbying place, . which : the
temporary, lobbyi haa not yet afforded.
- .,V: .. .. ' ' -. Y t . - ... ?
r r" (Jearaal Special Servlee.t -'-
- Reading. Pa.. , Jan.- 19.--eevn"m.
be re of th committee of inquiry .Into
the charge against Bishop Talbot, met
at th Mansion House this morning. 'No
quorum waa present, but -notwithstand
ing this, ths -commute wend Into seat
t ion.- Member or. th - commlttss . re.
fused to talk on tha prbablo-utoome
qf th inquiry. '- .' '
.The attorney for to Huntingdon pre.
sentors was present It 'is declared- by
aom churchy members -that veral
member of the commlttss"absented
themselves In order to -prevent a meet
ing through the lack of k quorum. .- , -
. tr V . i i f.,;'.'.'1
ti f nrernnrn -rn :.-- -
milco ncdiun.u iu j
r"tlttukt Special Srfle;rfi-,
WaahlngtonrD. ,C. Jam It. The fol
lowing army order was Issued today
i "At th request of th governor of Mas
sachusetts, Lieut-Gen. Nelson A. Miles,
retired, will report to the governor of
Massachusetts at Boaton for duty In th
organised mUlUa of that atate, for
period of four year, unlee sooner r
llved;"7"'. " r i- r
. Ihl means that; Miles is restored te
the full rank and pay with the allow
ance Of a lieutenant-general for four
year more. He will also receive pay
from Massachusetts a a atat officer,
which will give him a neat' Income. The
pay of a lieutenant-general is 111,000 a
year. i. -., -. ,
.Ban Francisco, Jan. 10. Mall from
Manila-received todayrrtWTs of the at-
tempt of about E00 convict at BUibld
prison to break from Jail on December
7, which resulted in th killing of it
prisoner and th wounding of 40 other.
Six of th wounded were not expected to
live at th time th man was sent and
it others are .in a. aenou- condition.
.... . - ' "' ".'!'' - ." 1
. sTmaetra nojena zaa
! "(Rpeelal tHapatck te Iks. Joaraal.)
Spraa-ue, tVaH.. . Jan. 10. Morris
Efana, for 1& years., resident of this
place, died Saturday. He was prbprletor
of the National hotel, and known over all
the -northwest. .- H -was a -natty of
Walss and cam to America at an early
nse.-: i-te is snrvivea Dy a son ana aaucn
ter. - runeral ana interment wlu be held
in Bpokana . X .::.: ' :
OOOKSIU S-OSl f araar'a .1.
i (Joaraal, SpeeUl Servles.) '
Washlnrton.- Jan. 1 It. Senator Cook
retl has accepted an appointment on the
Interstate commerce - commission. : Hs
will complete his term ia tha nat. x-
pinnc atarca next.
' wreferreA Stock Canned Oa
Allen a Lewis' Best Brand.
Of Much Interest
Is our speoisl sale of discontinued styles
of 104 pianos. We are also Includlnc
In this sals several pianos ' w hav
called In from rental, and a number w
hav taken In exchange ; a part pay
ment for new pianos.- List Includes
Pianos From $125 Up
Oa payueat of S,00 .per laoata. ,
. It. will' pay you to inveatlgat and
will cost yoa nothlns to look.
Spule Bros. Piano Co.
. ,', BTKTWAT Mum. -ST4
MorrUoa St, Ooc Wert Park,
' .-.1 ' "
GREATER. AS-WE -ANNOUNCED.-THI&lS -A----'--- "t----,r C-T r "- TV'"-"":" 7 -
t" --' - -V--- , : j.,. .-rT
111 VVvI 1 HNU i iy
and stock must be reduced bjr February 11th and a certain sum of money realiaed resardless of the sacriflces necessary. Ve'
quote prices, on articles throughout the store that should interest all economical buyers of High Class Furniahia. In every '
case the price asked is below cost, and in some instances lea -than half cost. N , , ' - - r . " v, ; . ,
The" New, Nobby Tan Effects,
- ' ' in Single' and" Double- -
Breasted. ; "
$6.00 Values .; ;v. ;y?4.SO
$5.00 Vaiuesi .t. ;vrr.94.oo
$4.00 . Wash -rVests, . neat pat
" ternsA , .V. . ,:...?3eS0
$3.00 Wash Vests neat pat
terns $2.40
$3.50 Wash Vesta, white pat
tern ,.T
7 Rlciis r Shirts r r
AH our regular" Cluett, Man
hattanr" Star., and : Wilson
make;, $1.50 values at 9115
16 dozen, regular $1.80 Shirts;
' broken lines ........ .0Oe
6 dozen regular " $1.50 Shirts,
' slightly soiled, all sizes; 50
' Lewis'- Form-Fitting, . Pure
Woot" AmericaarHoiery1,'Co.,
Brooklyn Knitting Mill all
go at 20 Per' Cent Discount
Special reductions on all SUIT
Our ala - TCeyaB Sasaaaia,
.- w- ' ranoy aad yiala Ctosoaa.
$5.6o- Sweaters'"".." , ... .$2J50
$4.00 Sweaters i: $2.00
$3.80 Sweaters .. . $1.75
' ' : v - . - - '; -
i ? pom a
From ths Nett Tor Smt.
OW many drunken men did
you this year at t He
raoetracksr asked a' nut-
fai issk...aii j
"J!rtrtn alautli-ths other day:
while talklnjr turf matters over, at th
Hoffrnnn liauaawith. A. regular.
There were Jnlnty few ot intra, -1'Hj
admit." .answered the regular, quickly.
t. f JIAn'l mmi1ImI aajilnw mora
than half a doaen tha whole eason."- '
Th racetraok I not th placa.for
drunken asn," .ooatlnuaa trie nnknnnn.lWDenyiey oecme to ip on the water I
"It ia a place where a clear head aad
ready Intellect count," . ;.- .
And th Plnker'ton was correct in hi
aaaertlon, for ther ar many passengers
oa th water waon at th metropolitan
racetracks. It Isa aooeptsd fact that
very llttl drlnkins ia don by th smart
sportinf men who make th racetrack
their plao of bualneea. They have too
much oa their mind. A big bookmaker
wh alta on a his-h stool all ths afteraonn
and handles thousands of dollars cannot
Induls In Intoxioaata. - On drink of
whisky salrht upset him completely. He
mint keep eool, oold in fact, ao that tie
caa think julokly, use his - beat - Judg
ment, and know all th time what ia
solnc on around him. . -.. .'.; . X
In a word,. It require . nerve, "and
plenty of It to run a book In th line
of a metre poll tan racetrack, and th men
who conduct these book usually ar
th sharpest wltted fellows in th world.
It I not considered Injurious to smok,
so - the bookmakers usually - transform
themselves Into humaa-hlmneys; but
that Is their only vice durlns business
hours. ' t -!-j".' """'
: "Com and hav a drink T" Js aa invi
tation extended a mens; friends all over
th civilised world. When it ia extended
to a bookmaker er a plunger at th race
track he either decline politely or walk
to th bar aad aays- yt ,
."Otar. ma a llttl water."
The bartender All a glasa with mineral
water of some kind and th rambler
Aad Xi Wa eaatlfld.
'tin renlv to your letter of recent date.
will aay that I am cured ar sound ss a
dollar. - I used about three of th fifty
cent packagea, I waa going to write
ou, B wao holding op te ae if the
ties would give me any further trouble,
feel no nlsns of the Pile and believe
I am cured entirely. I had faith in
Pyramid Pile Cure at the alert, and
stuck right to th treatments lu can
refer any one to m you Ilka I can
soon tell. what Pyramid -Pile Cure haa
done for me. Wishing you much suo
ress, I remain. J. & Kinkald. Mgr. for
Flelschman Co., Agency at Knoxvllle,
Tenn," .- . - ,
It 1 a well recornlsed fact that the
best advertising an arttcl can have, I
mat wnicn ia Known . aa -word or
mouftn thla riehtfuliv carries mere
weight than all the clalma which can
be set forth. It follow that Mr. Kln-
f :aid. with his wide aeouatntancer' will
argely .promote the Bale and use- of
ryramia r-ne ttirt because end here
Is th vital point he know whereof
he- sneaks, and not only advsmtea-lis
ae but dose aw with enthusiasm; this
i not te be wondered st and In nomt
of fact can any one, after reading hi
letter, doubt that this remedy cures? '
Pyramid Ptle Cure Is sold by drug
gists for tn low price or nrty rent a
Dsrkare: It Is in suDDOsltorv form. Is
applied directly to, fhe parts affected,
and does Ita work quickly and paln
lenalv: there la no Other, remed '-lust
as good." v
, A llttl bonk describing the causes and
cure of piles I published by Pyramid
Drug Co., Marshall, Mich., and will be
sent free ta any address for th asking.
of Pair
r llen's Wight Shirts
' ' Extra Fine French FlanneL
$3.50 Garment' .7, . . ;C2.E0
$3.50 Garments.,,". . ..$2.C0
Extra Heavy Fancy Flannel
: .o- Effectt, Nice and Warm.
$1.50 Garments '. . .. . . .$1.15
$1.00 Garments . ...... .C0f
t 1
Extra Special for
i'MJ5 fericy EijIish .Worsted Vests;
Z in Fancyt Plaids; made, double breasted; 1test style. r.Z
1 These Vestrwere . sold at t3.0q;and $70; While they t
- last. Clearance only . k
-it t
S All Fancy Silk Suspenders. 1
. V,:.M Per Cent Ji?counVl (; ;
$1.50 Bineeba'' A ..;
- bing- . .Vt"; ." . .$1.10
$1 Extra Fine Webbhig . CSf
15c Extra Fine Webbintr 50t
I'Ca Extra Fine 'Webbiftg 'SSf
- - . - - . .... . '. .
Sober Sct-
with th cool head raise jtca hi lip
and -remarks)
.Hr' luokr
. One la a while, however, on of the
wis fe(low la caug-hl out of line. Pos
sibly he need relaxation from the sreat
tralnln theNsettfnc ring, or 'possibly
I he feel that ' h has earned th rlht
to eelebratetecause of aom "heavy win'
nlngs: but even thouah h "open Wine.
favorite paatim among sporting men
wason temporarily, he doe Tlot over n
step th limits of propriety at tha rc
track. What ha may do away from tha
track 1 another matter, but It cannot
be denied, that sobriety among book
maker at th tracks la nearly always
.tn prevalent good- feature.
. On of the., best - known bookmaker
aaed to play a trick in th days of Out
tenburg that worked Ilk a charm.- Th
regular than, aa now, know that th
player did not - Ask a practice of
drinking.- so whan this particular pen
ciler now and than reeled to hi box
and then shouted th odds tn a wild.
eyed faahloa th opinion prvalled -that
he- had a "beautiful package." Th
bookie wa foxy all th time and wa
aa sober aa a judge, but lust to attract
Crowd and incidentally get th busln
o assumed the appearance of a persori
who was out for th tlm of hi life!
With particular shwdna- h would
pick out a hora that was in torn favor
and lay against him. Then h would
tear off his coat ooHar and tl and yell
at th crowd until he waa black la th
fac:--X , j.-X.' r.....-, ..
'Com on now and play So-and-Sot Tou
guys think1 ha will wlnl Well, herVa I
to 1; yea.. 4 to l.1 that h doesn't I"
"'He soaked t" th regulars would
cry, and then jump forward to play th
horse; But when on such occasions the
bora thu manipulated did not win,' the
Impression began to gain ground that
tha bookmaker was playing a slick game.
and, after, while th frowd was on. put
there Is n chano to. fake nowaday,
because there are too many bookmakers
and too. much buatl la the .ring. A
bookmaker who eleaned up 170,000 en the
season Just ended aald tha other day: '
"I do not know of a single -big book
maker who var drank too much at the
racetrack, and moat of them never drink
at all. It doesn't pay, and la dangerous.
liquor in year, 'but I am an Inveterate
smoker. . Cigars keep my nerve In good
hap. '. I And that they ar a comfort
to me at th moat trying momenta and
I snjoke W of them a day, aa strong. a
I can get them.- t also drink half a dosen
cups of coffee during the day, which is
a tonlov- But that ia all-- Late hours and
dissipation do not ga well with my bust-
A successful- bookmaker gets all
kinds of sleep, end than begin th day
refreshed and ready ' for the hardest
kind of a strain. Uts nerves ar taxed
enough without outalde. Influences. A
maw who drlnke- heavily--could -net-stand
this strain long, and would break down
oomoletely." " .7- :
Yet with such excellent behavior on the
part of bookmakers, sporting man and
others who frequent the .racetracks, the
bar - alway doe , rushing business.
Casual visitors who win. a bet now and
than alway want to treat. They are a
elated. at their suooess that as soon as
they come away from tha cashier's with
crumpled greenbacks la their hands they
want to buy.-c First It Is a bunch of
etgara at all sort of profitable prlcea
Then It la -several rounds of drinks
If It Is straight' whisky. It Is a quarter
a throw. Win sells at SI a quart - Br
,..w7...., , r,, ... .-...t ,
Hen's U.7.!:rc!!-
AJ Oat Terr yfat 9wf Wmrf atUk.
. trtadr. Xveer, Hora aad rusk Xandka
. OBaltOM M M tw Ow SawUi
$5.00 ." Extra Values. ,V. $4.00
$3.00 Extra Values. .:S2.40
$3.50 Extra Valves.., . $2.00
$1.50 Extra Values . . . . $1.20
$1.00 Extra Values,.;, . 80
Wednesday Only
f -V
U.' - , ''-y - . ' , 'T
a customer;. , J
V Hen's Hose
$l,o6. Imported CMhmereper
v ' pair j .... , ... .toa-
i?c "Choice, "Fancy Cashmere,
i PC,PaV -.'!, 50eV
75 "dozen: 50c Fancy tiele and
Cashmere Hose .351
j ; r !
.MB", R. l'1-. - i.
fcimting teroxlandBeCui-
Promotes DistionjClh-erfu
neas am nest .contains rmuier
u Opium .Morphine nor Mineral.
Aperffecl Remedy forConsHpa
Tlon. Sour Stotnach.Diarrnoea
Worms .Convulsions Jeverish-.
ness and Loss or Super
. TaCSirnus Sigrtahir of '.''
goes it M l, bottle, and IUer at 10
cant a'glaaa. - But th prlcea ar paid
without a. murmur, for th buyer have
what they call -'easy-money"- in their
pockets. There I such a comparatively
short tlm between race, however, and
the desire to speculate further I ea great
that long drinking beuta at the bar
are few and far between. Thla means
that drunkenness is a rar occurrence,
and It ther la a' particularly flagrant
caa or it tn raoe track polio . tak
prompt action-.- - ; ' , n
" Sporting "men- seldom - preach temper
aac. at that because they do not believe
in total abstinence. But they say, when
asked why there la so much water con
sumed by th fraternity, that It ia merely
a "wla play.r - On of them in 'talking
of th matter recently aald: - -
"There' nothing la drink, at all. It'
a wast of money standing up at a bar
buying boos for a lot of dead one, and
then again it', tlreaom to feel that you
hav t get up In th morning feeling on
the sum. Lushsrs never hav a dollar
and you eaa bet when you meet a gam
bler who" ta breke, that h Mkas ths old
stuff too much. If you want th coin
x r- V 'FTkaf ( V. ?T '"'"
!X ftSjmdjLjmf : - '
- r . n 'J
: Ij-V
you'v got t kep yeur bd dear In
Hen'sifcts bAXcp
Stetson Standard' $6.00 ' -Hats
. ..;..;.$4.CO
Our 1'Robson" v $3.60 '
Hats i"i t ...... $2.C0
" AU Styles md 'Colorar--T
Men's $1.00 Caps........ C3
Men's 60c Caps... XS
; ttm s UtLzci
$2.50 Ties ..B..S1.CO
$3.00 Ties .;.;Vw....ej,lCe5
$1.60 Ties $1.10
$1.QQ Ties;..,....,. i.i.C3f
60c .Ties . . 4 i . .X. . . .S5f
. S'ear-ln-HaadJ,, nnslish SrDares, .
Imperials Kxtr. Valuav -
AH the Standard Makes; v -$2.50
Silk Lined. .. . . . .$l.CO
$3.00 English Walking $1.50
75c Lambswool . ; ... . .SO
- Same - reduction ' on all - our
Dress Gloves. ' f -'.
Lcdies Forsytbe Vdlsts
Choice bf bur entire line of
Choice of the new fall plain and
fancy Figured Flan-"
x llcdlir Heits,; $3.50
, Chdice of any Lady's Hat in
the house 4rom $6.00 to $12.00
VSitteS. I"", 'f 'f--ej-V Jfr:V -.'-l
For Infants and Children. :-
Thd Kind
For Over
Thirty tYears
I -7
o n or?n rr it tx
His .1 '
Always BouBhl iv
Bears tiie ''v
these days of Ilck'buslne methods." , ,
Ther ar many waalthy sporting men : ,y
In New ork today who hablU us chiefly
responsibl for thslr suoossa, and th ex-;t -ample
set by thm In thl respect 14 -T
worthy of notice by tha frlvolouk young. '
men who think that fast living It ores of "'r
tha leading qualities of i-"trueportMj s ;."
" Douglas count y"'s progresalve cltlaen v '.
are going to combine 'ta-' ntak good f-
roada. - .V -- ' -
oernnaw that re
liva all pin trf
, ntal operation.-
! WasaJagt.
V, er. aWraata.
;7 7-
a it .n I ,'a.. -, -j.t