The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 10, 1905, Image 4

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3: -Mnft(n)PHQB Pa
Tuesday. ja:;u.::y id. x::
T j . . . . . . ta
. jaocjkwt-;
Publiebcd every eventa ( gacej
:'.' t- ' ,-.. .,'' s.;v'-' -..-
'HAT.'witH troubles external
" b e that threaten- and
ready arrived, the politicahmachine is having
a bard time of it thete criap January daya7 The outlook
J; Is not promising and it seems JikelyJo-get less ;oi7 But
' '' ) if it all means that it-is simply to result in a transference
ll ot the yoke, if one machine is to be repudiated and an-
' - ' .A. . i . r . . i 1 . wt.... :r -
. omcr micninc .il to uc put m tiisrgc, i wc ais iuuuw
'.' the good old plan of jumping from the frying pan into
. 1( the fire, m has been done so frequently in the past, there
.' i " The " present . chief trouble with
uT Portland i that they re party ridden." The majority of
: ; lacuons ana ye( win as u nas viicd onc . tuc jcbuii
? ;th'af the public is completely at the mercy of one machine
. ; "or the other and when it comes to choice of political
machines then the Lord'helps, for-we have no other
1 1 hope.' , When any, party is assured, of power, when it
. l realizes that It has back of il such
. Jl it will be elected, whether or no, the sense of olucial re-
. !" sponsibility to the public is lost. The man who gets into
' v office looks to the machine which put him there for in
. , li truction,and guidance.' He knows-that the public cuts
I no figure. If he can only placate the machine h is likely
J. to get a nomination, and once he gets .that, the voters
. 1,. who blindly follow, party will do the rest For years the
"T voters have been , practically . helpless. All Jhy were
able to do was t change from one machine to the other.
- . In this way they reached the machine, but so' far as the
. 7.. public service was concerned they got worse when they
.;had had.bad f: -J,---i Vtv.A,'.ru-
- -The election, last June indicated that so far.js Port
' -, land is concerned the voters are beginning to get the .right
point of view." However closely they
in nationat elections they look to
standrforrtfrlocal contests. This
ning of the end of machine domination in the affairs oj
the city and while there is still f big struggle ahead for
. the nrst election the menwhjix sUnd-.forthflmachint
, are foredoomed to defeat
.says that thre is a conspirac to cbntrol the
market of the nation for fresh
control it, and that its control is merciless and oppres
ive? ' This" conspiracy greatly injures both cattle raisers
and meat consumers. What the attorney general says
has been known by'.the public generally a long time. , .
; i The prosecution of the conspirators comprising the
' ''"beef trust" was ordered by the president in the spring'
of 1007, nearly Ihree years ago. : In February, 1903, Judge
TSrosscup of Chicago issued a permanent injunction for-
bidding the packers to combine. The cast now before
iT( the supreme court is an appeal from that decision. If
T' the. .-supreme court' sustains Judge Grosscup's decision,
hen'-wfertWSf shall see the conspirators rearrange their
'Qperations6n some other lines. But a start will have"
T been made toward breaking them up, and after awhile
V congress will be elected that' will' pass laws that will
- put . them : where they belong-r-where the - people will
board them. -- '.
HE PRESIDENT, js beginning
has congress on his' hands", lie .wants and nas,
recommended some reformatory legislation, 16t
7. he rannot have much hope of getting it But he is-so
, enamored ot-M great navy that if congress will give him
- that, he may forego everything else. w .'- . , '
-tv ' The country also "has congress, on its hands.- What
: prospect is there f?r any reformatory or beneficial Jegis
jation? . None. No reform of the tariff, which fouf oiit
" of five people at least desire. They mnstTwait till next
yr -and longer. vv:''7vi;-77"' '; '"r ''v-'-"-'-- -':'
.77 So much has been spent or must be' spent otherwise,
and the revenue system has been so badly managed,' that
" the rivers and harbors, improvement of which is of prime
; i .importance to the people, must be neglected. . f , '.
-',; - The-president has asked for legislation to control
7 railroads, bat at this the average congressman shies.. "O,
this," he says, "is a question of such
' From the Chicago News.
;., ' - As aoon as the remote boundaries ot
-the-great pat Ions shall have been set,
- the frontier posts established end the
disputed titles perfected, there will, not
7 be very much left te light for that can
net be better settled by arbitration.
. - Tben the nations, like Individuals, will
r have a. chance te devote themselves to
V character building, since the eld way of
swaggering ' about and bullying the
neighbors will not be tolerated. There
, - will come a time. Indeed, ,-whea the
' . reformatory process will have reached
ot.:.a stage that will Justify the nations In
. placing full confidence in ,one another.
. When that time comes, if We shall have
. rie hostile Incursions from Mars In the
meantime, Uie nations can proceed to
; disarm.
i- War -Is a fletxllsh device for retarding
1 ".the Intellectual "and moral progress of
Jthe human race. It destroys the oeur-
ageous. the generous and the fit, leaving
," tbe defective and ths craven to become
' - the progenitors of the com lng-race. This
process of killing off the strong hns
; .!, been going on . for thousands of years.
- It Is not surprising, therefore, that the
u i""r"t t ' h t rn-M Yin --n rTTw.
Surely it la time for the world to try a
better, system. -Lt tis nope thet the
. , roralng year will be rendered notable by
. triumphs ot reason leadtng rn-tbe dlrec-
lea et lasttag peace. r ..r"
; . " r . The recent war scare arising out of
: the North sea Incident makes .very per
, tlneat the question as to 01braltars
real effectiveness In a possible wsr an
' tier modern conditions. Mr. C. W. Fur.
- - Jong, - the - well known artist, - recently
. . islted the piece, and Jn thanurse of
- ; sa -Interesting srtlcle in The Outlook.
1 Illustrated brmany.ef.bls own draw
Ings. he says:
"The possibility of - ths rxk baUer-4
- Jes. with their powerful ordnance and
'high ancls'guns. controlling effectively
-eh-temtlea ef water belwegn Tiff aiid
' the African shore. Is aa openL question.
." -i M is true that new guns, of -the most
: effective design have recently'' been
; . mounted, en her blgheet batteries, and
" na. ens who has seen target practice
, from the rock with her smaller suris
- $ run goabi the efficiency of theee larger
ones. ' None but the highest end moot
trusted elncere definitely know their
w range, ana ea questlotts ' about heavy
- rSneaee at UlbvaUar are sot welcomed,
-r a v w n ext TV i uaiiiitn
cor r- cammu.
Sanday ) v aitd I every Sunday morning at
'"--.'eee "rueao, vrew-
and internal, trou
those, which, nave al
Stand pat" , ;
well informed man
if anything to aid
; ' It is becoming
gress does not
One trouble ts
of one partyt and
Oregon and with
A congress more
better. r"-r- - 'V
The people'
i safe majority "thai
secure committee
ronge enapied
and in some cases
the appointees'
In some states,
grown into an
upon taxpayers.
Illinois is one
may stick to politics
jnen and what they I the oppo
indicates, the begin
lican majority was
fidently expected,
do what he can
1 . .
courage na noi
r - Oregon-, like
tom ofpadding
other employes
of the United States
meats, that it does
of news print paper thus created and maintained. :
' The duty . on
enabling a lot. of
- IV- . . ! ... - .
to realize that he
pelled to raise their
' Nowhere was
than by the. Young
The occasion of its
be remembered.
most delightful to
great importance!
quet have every
"Bud as ths rules governing tbe Inspec
tion of her upper worke have of late
years been so rigid. It Is Impossible to
estimate the "value ef the batteries at
that jange. It seems to me there is a
fair possibility that vessels at full
speed, hugging 'close the African shore,
might - get through" with' comparative
safety, even In dear weather) while in
dense fogs or storms they could .go
through unseen. Then, again, the heavy
dark mist cloud, which , so often en
velops the upper half of the rock for
daya at a tlme.-would make aocurate aim
exceedingly difficult and uncertain.. 80,
as Great Britain ceuldJot mine the
straits, but one thing remalne to make
Gibraltar really the' key to the Mediter
ranean,' and that ia a strong and ef
fective squadron acting -In conjunction
with the land batteries. This Great
Britain has, end I believe bar control
of the straits cannot be reesonably
questioned. - , " r1"
' From the New York World. '
It so fell out . that . Cot - William
Zeveley of Muskogee, I. T:, wanted tol
sefw-a telegram to- wsw - totk. mis
f Hens' CoL John Wlupa efTtrlSona wai
with him when he etspped into tbe tele
graph office. ' -. ,
"What you going te do, Bllir asked
I V(11 . . t. ..
'Send a telegram, Zeveley replied.
"Good Idea." commented Bllhipa, t
guess 111 send one too." " "." .
The telegrams were written and
handed to the receiving clerk. '
"Tours will be 40 cents," said the
clerk to Zeveley, ."and yours. turning
to Blllups. wlH- bs 7i cents." - --"Hold
- on - there?" shouted - Btllupa.
"Why Is his only 4S cents end mine 71
centers .. V.:' r' "
.'."Why," said the clerk, -"this- gentle
man's , dispatch Is going to New York
and yours 4s going l Aait Lake eit
f -"Oh,. Jienr sal BlUupesend urine
to New York too." - '" 1
, Beaenelal alaa. ''
-'"' Frtynt'tbd Boston Globe. - -
' Tbe per capita drink bill of the Vnlted
States Is inoreaalng. but. en the other
hsrid. statistics show that more people
ere Joining the church now than ever
before. The Episcopal church, for In
stance, gained s.per cent en its mem
bership Isst. year. " the ' Freabyterlsn
church IH per cent and the Methodist
church ajso made aa unprecedented gain,
i no D " -- i ' , . . . --
V r
,The Journal Building, Fifth and YamhE)
. " v ... ......
...... r-v,
and so complicated that we had better let ft .alone." Th
only people who can understand it are the railroad nien.
. Everybody whose testimony is woith. anything says
the policy of government in the Philippines Is bad. unjust
and unsatisfactory, but 'congress is inclined merely to
' 1 . ." :" f 'it
, The administration .js making an effort to break up
some of the criminal conspiracies called trusts, but no
supposes that congress will do much
in this work. ; - . r , "v .-
more apparent year by year that coir-
really represent the masses of the people.
that there is. too big a majority there
if will be gt eater in the next congress.
equally divided politically tnignt 9
- .' .-'t:. "'. V
will find these things' out after awhile
and act accordingly. v.-."; -.',.; .'..."
'a.. ' ' 1 ' -.7' !!'
TPS TAYROtLS by pUcing on them
the. mes0I. inanyneeoless -employes al
most universal vice of legislatures. Thus mem
bers, Trticnlarljf.jmo're prominent ones 'vrhort ble- to
chairmanships, are given some pat
to reward some ot their political menas
to add, by receiving- a percentage of
salaries, to their own emoluments. " . .
as in California,, this practice has
evil and a burden of large proportions
In some states efforts have been made
ta Tefornrthis-Trrowing vil," but" so far without much
of the states -where padded payrolls
have been carried to the point of becoming an outrageous
scandal.. At Ihe opening of the session in Springfield
last week an effort was made to shut out the grafters,
and though it failed, 13 Republican members joined with
Tnrt. - But thu Repnty.
too large to be overcome. It is con
however, that Governor Deneen will
to restrict this evil, as he is a man of 1
t .i . . . t j . . : " . . 1 I
penoioeg to tnc parry graiiing macnine.
other states,' has suffered from this cus
the ' payrolls with needless clerks and
lOregon legislators have permitted this
species ot gratt in only a jnoderaU-degree but there, is
room for considerable reform iq this particular. ' ;
: Before the session ia over we shall aee whether this
evil and 'imposition upon taxpayers it growing greater of
being circumscribed within narrower limits. ,
NSTANCE&IOF ROBBERY", of the people tirough
'! the Dingley tariff law are very numerous, but there
is perhaps no clearer case than that of the-roonopOly
this product was for th. purpose "of
mills that' from lack of timber . andJ
water could no longer afford to run to- be capitalised at
irvrrat timr ttirr-aetual value a sheer ffift to ' their
owners.V'Twentyfour miHV formed the eastern trust, the
International: Paper, company, the weak ones being cap
italized at what theymight have been worth if near by
wood and water had been plentiful.' These being ex
hausted, congress kindly gave, their owners the people's
money instead. t . ;'". '
11 , No paper was being imported when this duty wat put
on, and there was ho danger of an influx of foreign paper.'
The duty, vas designed to foster a, trust, so .that the
price of paper could be raided, not only so that these
comparatively worthless " mills could be. capitalized at
high figures, but . also: so that the trust could maintain
an extortionate price indenitelyf-as it has done, r; ------
A good many "newspaper publishers have been com
rates of subscription and advertising;
partly on. thisaccount. Jt is finally, as always, ths
common people who have, to make up the colossal for
tunes of the tariff-bred trusts. , ; - ;.77 'v
Jackson's day more fittingly observed
Men's Democratic club in Portland.
banquet last evening was one long to
There Were good speeches and a feel
ing of good-fellowship pervaded the assembly that was
behold. Those who got up the ban
reason to be gratified over the result.
' ". From the January Bookman. ' "
not long age ".one orlande Day, a
fourth-rate actor la London, who had
never been able te secure a part much
beyond the range of a mere supernumer-
lary. wss called la a sudden emergency te
supply the place of MivAUen Alnaworth
at the Criterion theatre - for H a single
nignt. The can Tilled him with Joy,
Rushing to a 'telegraph office he com
posed ths following telegram:.
"Orlando Day " presents Allen - Alns
worth's part tonight at ths Criterion."
This message he sent to one -of the
leading critics. Then it occurred to blm,
"Why not tell them allT" And so, aa tele.
grama are cheap in Kngland he repeated
the meesage to a dosen or mors Import
ant persons. At a late hour ef the same
day. inthe Oarrlck club, a lounging gen
tleman produced one of the telegrams
and read It to a group ef friend a A
chorua of exelamstlons followed the
reading.- r r ---. ii;---rr: ": '
' Mr- J. M. ' Barrie, who was present,
was the only one who had said nothing.
Didn't hs wire you, toot" asked one
of the group. - ;
"Oh. yea" .'"'.". :'.;
"But of course you didn't answer.'
Sri, answer after he had taken the trouble
to wire ma Bo of course I answered
him." ' -
"You did.' Whst did you sayf" "
-"Oh, I Just telegraphed bimt Thanks
for timely warning.',"
From the New York World.
Edward Everett Hale., the chaplain
of tbe senate. Is., chuckling ever tbe
grind he has over a certain New Eng
land senator, whom bs will not name.
Some time ago 'the chaplain' "went to
this aenator and said: "I have never
beard . that" you ere a member et . the
church." ' - .- ,
Ph, yes.'Mhs senator replied, puffing
ont-aroadly.--I am a member of Old
Plymouth ehuroh.' .. ....j. -. .. .. . ... .
"Is am glad te hear It" -rejoined tbe
- Two or three days later the chaplain
went- to the aenator again and said:
"By the way, sens tor.. I Jisve been look
ing up the records of Old Plymouth
church and wss burned IS years
ago and was never rebuilt' .
"Very true," replied the senator.
ralmly. "1 belonged there IS years ago
and did not let a mere fire- disturb any
... . - . . i -. ' '
mall; Change
r "Whack eff the e-ratta,-
The legislature la aafe ' from Indlct-
-.The governor has hie veto machine
ready,, . . - ,' . .
--Uaele Chauxieey la aafe hi going to Bu
rope now. . .- ,
Japan dsservte Port Arthur for keepe
this time. ... y .
Now yon may have another chance to
be Indicted,-.. -..',.... .... .. - ;y . ' '
The organisation fight should, result
la no meanness. ' - v 1 .-' t
rortunatelv that portage road doeent
depend on. congress. .
temoerata will 'eut a small figure as
such la this legislature, v . .
The man at the tall en ot the roll-
ealle aave an advantage. iaii:.
xne omooi rarce is enouga 10 tempt
him to take another wife.
Washington ' state will try te outdo
Oregon -at the exposition j ; -.v-; -
Neglecting rlvera and harbors to build I
oaiuesnipe ia a oaa policy, v 1-
Watch oongreea do nothing M parttoOt
lar benefJeial to the peopia
Xs Tom Laweoa to wind up ay Tearing
aa eortir as a suckling aovei
Waahlnston atate te to be eemmtaar-
ated-baa a aenator to elect.
The Saltla fleet will gd where tt can
be frosen up and so remain aafe.
Railroads deserve oommendatkm for
liberality .In aiding the exnoeltloa.
Much will be for si vea the legislature
If It will eut off the state officers- big
r m '-' t'.- r . T
Newspapers might have a better opin
ion ot H. H. Rogers u ne wouia aiso
advertise. ... . .
f congress-wl
tlon. the Paclflo northwaet might fare
better neat year. .. ,.. ,,
A Blsklyou county (Oexi aieommlU
ted aulclde because he failed In trying te
start a sal 00 a. No mourners. ,
The senate bavtar confirmed the col
ored Cram, the southerners can now roar
against tt as well ae the president.
Panera that are abusing Mr. Heney are
reallV attacking the leoerai grana jury.
alee the president of the United States,
While natives of different atatee are
ornnlilnc state clubs, why not a society
01 -natives 01 fnw. inn, -t.uwstmjti
Said to be a-candidate for road super-1
visor oMl-T. Albany Democrat. Must
1 . -. . - . m. ... .
t. 1 at Vanl rHspatch says Bin ST r
Hermann came to Portland when he wss
II Tera old. and has made tnis city nisiiaono ot luTnrnraoni n
home ever since. ronwra imuf
to much, but not to this.
Irrlgon'e new church ia open te all
denominations. :
Eastern Oregon stock: in fine .condi
tion fat without. leeaing.
irnrtv eases - of measles last Week .In
the Orass Valley district, causing school
to closet:
Ths -late Morrow county treasurer"
bondsmen have paid bis shortage la full
Kcha will send a large delegation to
attend the opening of tbe Lewis and
knark.falr. '., . , .
" Medford-Crater' Lake railroad eon
aldered assured: What about a railroad
to. Mount HoodT ,:.. :1 ;.wf. .fV
: TJmatllla reservation-squaws ars be
coming civilised. . At least one Is; she'
gave her husband a soutrtU thrashing the
other day..
It-Is believed the membership of this!
legislature Is above : the aversge In
ability and Intention te do right. We
sbaU see
Some'.' unknown person
bas sent a
t Z Z.S?-
editor declines to publish leet.he be eon-
A Myrtle Point man who won all .the
money another man naa at -poser was
obliged to pay his victim's wife $! and
wae Tinea eivw n "w
doeent believe this tsa free country.
A Monmouth cow gsve birth to twin
calves In-1901 and 1S01 te one in 110s
and to four en December 1, 194 nine
in four years. ' If she keeps on her
owner . will soon need -a -targe - etoea
ranch. -"- "" . -
Port Orford Tribune: A case . of
whisky 'sent to Gold beach was cbsnged
br hocuspocus Into a case of coal oil
when delivered, and it would take the
whole sky to paint ths. recipient's huge
disgust. !'.. . a.- -t
An Eagle 'club will be ergsntsed St I
Oakland, not a branch of the social order!
of agles, but a club forhe purposeT
of killing the . winged and . featberd
eagles -that, are too numerous and de
structive up there.
. !i .a
A 4-year-old' Corvallls girl wandered
V the railroad depot and earns near
being carried away; was put if and
kept overnight by. a: family; next day
her parents found her, but she waaaent
to. the. Boys and Girls' Aid society.
Dallas, v the count y seat of . Polk
county, has been doing about aa much
growing during ISO as sny -city of Its
slse in the state, or nay ether state. It
Is high time the county aaata of Marion
and Polk were united with a railroad
or an eierie liners "TT r. ,
Last-November two young men
eenvtoted- In v Woodburn - ef - stealing
chickens, snd served t dsys In Jail.
Last week the Justice before whom they
were tried, received a letter from -one
of them, II yeare old, who was at Col
fax. Wash., enclosing 11. 0, the vslua
sf ths fowls stolen, and expressing his
sorrow for the crime, saving that he
would refrain hereafter from associat
ing with bad company and would lead
an honest Ufa His rash restitution Is
tceavlnctnr. evidence of, his sincerity.
Prom the People
- ' V.. 1. ... ...V...
Portlanij. Jan. S. To the Editor of
The Journal-! noticed in The Journal
of the Tth Inst that ex-City BnglaMr
Kiuoti ia reom moctd lor anotaor po
Hlon ooniMotad -with tho city. Ths
Dove rooommondatlon . atruws me
somewhat ot a aort of a rait atlU ox
latlng among those' who. aro In a poal
tlon te look after the publlq ,-walfar.
JJld the city offlcUla aak the publto if
they approved of such an undesirable
recommendation. . or are- they going to
hav U thlr way whether the publlo
iiae it or notr
If Mr. Elliott take the position ef-
rarad him It will lead to the publics
belief that he was purely' connected with
the- sewer ' scandal. What, la 4he pub
lic going to do about these scandalous
preceedtnga-v Are we going te let them
aes by unnotloed or do we want to
leave all the work In the hands of the
editors Ttf our daily napereT
1 tentlon to another what we might cell a
tyrannical law. between a kind of bust
nesa known as the el-rU service commis
sion and the treasurer of the city. The
elty treasurer la employing a Inaa whom
he ean fully - recommend . as ' a com.
patent and reliable efflce man.- and up
to the present -time be baa faithfully
performed the duties 'required of hlna
xst, juat because tba elvil service oro
mission ,waa not asked to-furnish
man they .want to throw him,, out -and
substitute a man of their choloe In his
place,' whether competent or not The
city treasurer baa the power to employ
any one be wiahes aa long as he Is capa
ble. And It la not for the civil aervlee
commission to take matters Into : their
own bands and appoint people for that
office. The elty. of. Portland doea no
ant te be run by any elvll servloe com
mission, . neltbsr does It want any) red
tape attachea te llr It wants men of
good standing, men they can trust, to
look after the management of the elty.
. I hope the nubile wlU take this mat.
ter up and endeavor te taake our 4ny
one of rood report
--r- . ARTHUR B. J1ROWK. 1
The aUera' Ride ef Xs.
PorthmeV-OT4 Jan;- t.Ttr-thai Edrtort
.of The Journal. The tone of your edi
torial page Sunday was of such a pro
aounoed character that It gives me cour
age to address you en one of the sub.
jecta "presents -therv-Bsmely, "-The
Bailor Boarding Houaa and lta. Attend
ant Evils."
- The conditions that make the sailor
bearding house : a possibility - are
brought about not because Of the lrre-
ponatblllty. of those who live upon the
sea, but because ot the penurious greed
of Ship owners who do not furnish ths
crews who, man their ehips with proper
food and aocommodatlona, and who Col
leotlvely, because of their immense In
fluence, with leglalatlve bodlea, restrain
and repress proper legislation! beoause
certain government , off Ictals, paid and
trusted to see that the sljres on west
w"r "" "v ' ". ""S'i.
I uuiib. iur i raraw.riu w, r
1 lima M,Wft MV W VW....W .V . . w
some how ea food that would turn the
stomaeh of a dog; because the "whole
1 wcu u.u w,vMuunui, iunwi.w
autocratic power vested in the master of
the vessel,, and any legislative attempts
at restraint made Ineffective" by the fact
that ' nearly all --marine "officials
drawn from ths ship captain class who
are -t eoek-a-block with prejudice against
ths sailor from tie very nature of their
former power ever tne men and rrom
reactionary remorse in memory of for-
I mer brutal, conduct to belpleaa seamen.
Consuls come of a Class who are never
likely to be accused of undue prejudice
In favor of ordinary seamen, and It .
not an unknown thing that they have'
taken a-part -of the blood money paid
ever to boarding house keepers, -and it
la a fact that sailors -consider consuls
their enemies rather than their friends
The larger the merchant m arras of any
nation the worse the conditions aboard
the deep sea-ships of that nation. Ths
A I LID II inorcunnv suai mo so aass
richest and , most influential In the
world.- The food end treatment aboard
British -ships ia the worst in the world,
and aa a consequence there is a ' far
greater . proportion of desertions , from
British ships' than from . those from
sny other nation. a )'r t'w
Newspsper reporters - who go aboard
Incoming shlpa content themselves with
heertng the story of the grand mpgus
of the--qusrterdeck. . Moot writers of
so-called sea literature constantly mis
represent the. sailor. Bullen. Dana, Rus
sell and Kipling describe, the-sea and
sea conditions 'and affairs aa they ex
ist. V That shore-going, people who make
and eeoute the laws governing sailors
are not better posted on the ectual con
ditions st sea le partly because or what
Bullen describes as ths "Inarticulate
ness" of the sailor, or what Carlyle char-
srli's aa the voice, or. rather, the
t . . . th ,.dumb miaione.-
Ssllors Ydeen a ' foreigners, et leant)
"l' I,. I. ".r. i .
... mA lh. Ar- la ara .1 ...
,.at To boii.j, the sailor boarding
house and Its scoundrellsm H Is only
noe-ary to aee "to It that sailors are
well fed and housed; well used end well
os Id..' -. -)-: u.'
Bailors are rough men. as all bodies
of men ere who are for any length of
time awsv from the Influence of good
Women, but for-real -genuine manhood
gtve me the sailor before the man or
any other class. If you want to know
the' true Inwardness of their case go
among the men themselves and you will
find out why Christ chose his disciples
from emong common seafaring -men.
ef the Oraft. i
Portland, Jan. t.
-Te the Editor of
Th ..y. n, ;.w.tP with
MHtloal machine. - the or
ganisation Is la reality where the elty
graft la to be found. The graft of 'Port
land and lta piacs witn tne macnine
should not be. overlooked, -"Protected by
the- corrupt machine they are among
lta most useful servantsthe grafters
thrive. " .. : ' ' '. '. .. '". '.
Radiating .from . the machine head
quarters "' at election time, like wires
from a telephone station, are tbe lines
controlled by the organisation. By .di
rect oontact these lines tap every ward
In the elty; indirectly every home is
tolled and nearly every votsr le Inter
viewed and an attempt made to Influ
ence him for the machine Candida tea.
Some of these lines lead t strange
plaeee and some hold strong men In
thete sower. Hundreds of nimble and
7 daring workers "are ever alert to keep
each thread of the system Intact. All
channels ef official authority can be
reached by thess lines. ' The police force
respond to ths slightest signal and men
In high stations outside of the pale, of
polltlua bow low upon command from
the head-center of the machine. It
would be a. never ending task to trace
these lines from the machine headquar
ters te there ultimate ramification. Run
eut ene et election time and one would
And It winding Its wsy Into .many
of the toweet dens and dives of vice, I
and thence to the city ball and court I
house, - . , t t ;----- -The
elvll service office In the elty hall
le in charge of one ef the agents ef
the machine. , . T
At the ' very bottom of the welt ef
Iniquity la ths graft. - The machine sells
and rents graft. The machine protects
ths graft la .lta businesa Without the
active support of the machine' the graft
could not continue. Without the eg-
gresslvs eo-operatlon of the graft ths
maculae could- not poll Lha ft uo areas or
1 . ..
tlon from the Third and Fourth, wards. "f squaaron. wwon
Each member of the graft la an adapt In Admiral BlrUeff Is alleged to-be organ
practical politics and controls a num- Js'ng at Libau. Assuming, however, that
bar of ether' men who will act aa re- 5.e.Vv'n".kJI r.W , P"nJd to carry
peatere and Impersonators whenever the rglnal plan, we note that the
machine demands such eervioa.. ,
' ; . . , v, , .
--"' :.,'..',.' , , ";! ' r'-'.v'
... " Taaiag Waee. ...
v Med ford. Or.. Jan. . To the Editor of
The Journal Noticing frequent mention
ia me press i ur we m me yin
taxing mines upon their net output eniy,
aa in some ef the western states, and fa-
vonng tne proposition,. tsaas m v n"
ciuae tnat mention in opposiuon to suuu
a law 19 being suppress ea dj our papers.
in your dauyol January s you puonsn
remarks oy w. may ton asuier. an 0111
eer of th Federal Mining company,' in
which he la repreeented aa saying: "Ths
operators of -the great districts like the
law." It Is not to be wondered at that
these people "like the law" that allows
them to get off for balf or less than half British colony of Mauritius, and lies In.
the peroentage of taxation that other". h tnii.n , una nn.. .
property jpaya To my knowledge the
- - -. . ": . .
000,000. and never alnce thle In vestment
has It twld taxes unon 1 1.800. 000 valua
tlon. . There te elwaye more than one
wy w " -.-"vm ,
. : v 'Zr.
Miller's firm s property bn Maeased as
Xi . i 7r J.i,7T h. .1
"f."!:1. lur. 2? JS
sessment would have been t4,0S9.09 and
the county would have received - more
than four times 141.000, or about. I1T
He further aUtea that the county
tha..old system. i The fact that these
mines war. not taxed at all for eome
time, elalmlng the eUte could net tax
they were enoe assessed, they refused to
pay- vatu a -epeetat previeioa-waa-maae
whereby their got off with a very smell
m a aw. a .tk..
Sn Thi f ,TJrt of V 7 law in
est ox the new ana struggling nine fi,. Phnhmin- . .TT,k....I.
yet a:dlWd.nd-p.yh.thlII,
frrhtlThl. Se
. . ...,u. . ...i.
tallata, who alwaya want special prlvl
lease not shared by the people In com-
mon.T. Provisions of the law, briefly
etated.. are these: ' All the machinery,
buildings, etc.. to be taxed; the mine not
taxed at all aa a mine, put the output
.i, e .h,tMr
natureTleavlng eomedsTlhese
net proceeds oalr to na taxed tne same
aa other property la taxed. Thus it ean
readily be seen haw 11 1.000.000 worth of
property ean get ort with lees tnaa il.-
000,000 assessment. iv win ds nvumi
that the payment of expenses of these
Incorporated mlnee - include- salaries of
everyDoay train poner a- - pmiunni.
Now, I am quite euro that I am safe in
saying that not one half or. the indus
tries In the stats ef lds.hov.lf they had
in na, Mlsrlaa foe falhar. mother, son
and daughter, or a reaaomble eompensa-Ierulser.
tlon . to all who. contributed to . their
support aastboee mines ao, wouia enow
na nt gain whatever- let these hum
ble people.' whether or-not they earn
enough to pay salaries or not; have to
pay taxes upon their property regardjjes I
Of ClrCUmStanoea .
Th state of Ore son will doubtless be I
asked to paaa the Idaho law at thefcom-1
Ing session or the legislature, wnicnima e. iwa swi pi unm upon ner .
mar be summed up thus: Will be asked I merchant navy. We must conclude that -
IlojaUeve the mines of the state from 76 1
nr mm of their lust tax charxa and
fasten it upon the- farmerev.merchants I smaller than that -which) -Togo com
and the homes of the humble element "Of I manded At the outbreak of the war; and
ear state and other property ot those I
who-have 11ml tetf political innuesce.
. Mr. Miller would have us believe that
everybody t Is satisfied 1n Idsho with
thle special advantage granted to 'the
mines, but such ls'not .the case. ' J - -'
A member of the Wallace, Ida, bar,
notlng the injustice and unconstltutlon-
allty of this law,-offered to take the
would pay his expenses; but the-element
of people prejudiced by the law are net
aa element who take cases-to tne
preme court; they pay their taxes, un -
constitutional or otherwise.
The constitution of Idaho provides
hat all property must be taxed equally,
and there le no. Question about tne un
constitutionality of this law. The eor-
noratlone ' knowing ot the submlsslve-
ness of the oppressed people, have but
little fear of the case ever going te the
supreme court. - t
So these wealthy corporations , con
tinue to secure their special advantages.
unconstitutional er etherwlee, and win
until the people ahow them In some way
that they must be content to take -the
same treatment er no better treatment
than the rest, of us get. -
- 1 F. W. GAINES.
Aa Base eaDampaoe)
Portland. Or., Jan. 7.-To the Editor
of. The Journal Now that .the mayor
evidently thinks ths grand jury era dd I
fools, and the- grand Jury evidently
tninxs Manning is wnai Loraraooori vsn-i
derbllt thought or nis son-in-iaw -mat l
le te say, mors kinds of a d d fool than
any man hs ever knew: and now that not I
a few of is in the body poiitio reel likt I
the same sort of fools ourselves for vet-1
Ing others Into making dd fools of I
themselves, don't you think the best way
out of the mess is for -certain and divers I
officeholders to exercise 'the Christian I
virtue ef resignation"? And sr slo
transit gloria round t sure gentlemen I
"- Frsm ths fblftsgo JoumsV i' H
When. the Emperor Claudius returned
to. Rome efter bis great victory ower
ths Goths, of 'whom hs had slain mors
than bis wife was at the sta
tion to meet blm. ' - - -V --. -
"My own Claudia!" ehe -exclaimed, aa
aha. threw herself Inta his erms. - "I am
so proud of say: own dear little, husband.
Rome le just erasy ever him."
Naturally the emperor waa much grat-
Ifled hv hla wtfe'a ehnreolattan.
As they were riding home In the ear- I
rises be teld bar something ef hla cam-1
palgn. i '. ' . - . ' '
"With my own swordl killed two ef
them, attacking me at tbe same time.
And"-they were big men, too, regular
giants .-i . j...
"whor the empress interrupted.
"What do .you mean?"-
"Ooths. ef course, berbarlans
"Oothsr she asked. "Ooths T
Do you I
mean to say all this fuss Is-made over 1
you because you destroyed a. lot of I
"Of course," her surprised husbend re- I
plied.. "Whyr
"Oh." shs said, with Indlfferenca
thought It wae moths."
Which . shows how keenly, even In
those daya wives were interrestsd In
their husbands' struggles for fame and
' . From the New York Sun. . "
There may. of 00 urea., be some foun-
M'or the report that Vice Admiral.
- v wia, or p
I at all eventa delayed untfl 4t ean be r- -
--"'"'" (Y1"'"r ,w " p-
ally, which followed the Cape route, wae
en November it at Angra Pequena, en
the. west coast of .. Africa, south of
8 wakppmuneV having steamed from Tan-
alar at the rata of .about tie niu.
I day. pn the other hand, the principal
i section or I os rieei unoar Rear Admiral
I Voelkersaxa. which traversed . th a,...
canal, was on December ; at tbe French
I port or Jibuti l. -near the southern , ea-
i trance to the Red ses.
Where ihe two Russian admirals will
rendesvoua for ths purpose of concsn-
tratmg the fleet le not. of course, defl.
nltaly known, but It la conjectured that
the plaos. agreed, upon la either . the
falaiula whit-ilk 4 si a. 4arkanrlAnisf aa
.t of Aden: er else Minlcoy. a. coral
io awui oo muss norm vx tne vna- :
I , . tmm Mi.t. i. k-; i J-t
I i.,.., r,....,. - !
Baiavls, oa the straits ef Bunda, which. 1
i is aiwIM tba - van-Bltt flu will '
traverse before burning, northward to
I thmt ,f Admiral Tovo wishes to attack
PPoneat in the Straits of Sunda,
"' hp would be difflcua. is
probable enough that he le now en -hie
way to Singapore. He baa but little
,4mA A an u n v Tim t.-l U ifti . 1 1
J--- LT. . 'T.. C'll. 1 ".Z ,
Jhetloflaii - houl d h. "2.
P10. Z1!? ?h?uW J"?
j WPrto reach Batavla. .t r
-r fo th . -"-v- in
I0- "Jr.r it""!?. ' Ef'Ml'Ji
I wwiH w wiwwy w low xmr VaSl . i
iSHS teflihra batUeherV h7vrbuTd
nturJIy e for the French port of
jsm ,!iivra;
wn too rerure mere were etm rn
stroyeo as ne win learn - at uatavia.
Rojestvenaky may be expected to steam
toward Vladivostok - by the outside
route, which ektrts the eastern eoast of.
the Japanese archipelago. To arrive at
us oeatinauon. nowever, ne wui-nave
tomjllTMtynjw whlclr
I -" . -- .. --i -"
islands' and there, no doubt, Admiral
Togo will "await- him. If he doea not -
suceeed. In stopping his enemy further '
eouth, ! -: .- -. - - - -
Although the Japuese admiral ' has '
been careful to expose his wsr vessels
to only a minimum of risk, recognising'
that they could not be " replaced, he Is '
known to have lost by submarine mtnra -
at least -one battleahlp and one powerful '
Moreover, he would ecareely . S
feel - himself at llbertr to transfer, all
of his effeeffve force to point thou
sands of "miles distant from Japanese':
waters, for the Russians still have In
Vladivostok two armored Cruisers which
might leave that harbor at any hour:
iwniuiu. whuum cut vj- ue prwuni
and interrupt temporarily Japaa'S com-
munlcationa with Korea, bee Idea lnfllot-
the force moved southward to Interrupt
the Baltic fleet . will be materially
will, therefore, be on paper decidedly .
imxenor - to tne squaarons- united- under
I Rojeatvensky.; On the ether hand, the '
I record ef their achievements ehows that-
the Japanese Seamen, far axcel the Rus-
siana, not only In- respect of 'dlsclpllns
and energy, buttn the skill ' and ef-
floienoy that are due to practice and ex-
perlenoe. -,..-.-- -'-
I this or the ether side of. the AUantlo i
(doubts that Togo will be the victor In a
su-ithe great naval battle of which we may
lhear In about a fortnight, if the Russlsn
anmirai anouia na caugat ia tns straits
ef Bunda. r . ;.-, .
x,cwis an dCfart
In winter . quarters
near Mandan,
North, Dakota.
Jan. 10. However, he came back just
as ,we were sending out five men In .
ssaroh ot him. The night had' been ex-..
ceeatvely cold, and this morning at sun-.
rise tne mercury stood st 40 degrees be- .
low aero, or 71 degrees below tbe frees- v
ing . point . He- had. . however, snade - a
fire and kept himself, tolerably warm.
a young Indian, about II years ef age.
also came in soon after. His father.
who came last night, to Inquire after
mm very anxiously,. naa sent mm in. the
iwwwhi to tns ion. ne was ovenaaen
oy me nignt, ana was ODiigea to eieep
on ths snow with no covering except a
pair of antelope skin moccasins snd leg-.
kings and a buffalo- robe. His feet be-
log frosen, we put them Into cold water -
and gave him every attention In our
power.. About the same time an Indian.
who had also been missing, returned to
the fort, and although his dress wss -
verv thin, and hs had alent In the anow
wlthbut a flra be bad not suffered the .
sllghtsst Ineoavanlence. . j ( , ..'.
We have Indeed observed that these ,
Indians support the rigors of ths season -.
In a way which we had hitherto thought
Impossible Amore pleas tag re flection r.
ocourred at seeing the -warm interest -
which ths situation of those two persons
had sxolted In the village. The boy had
been a prisoner and adopted from char-
lty, yet the distress ef tbe father proved.
that he felt for, blm the. tsndersst ef- ,
fectlon." The man was a-person ef no :
distinction, yet the whole Village' waa .'.
full of anxiety for his safety, and when "
they came to us, borrowed a sleigh t -bring
them home with esse, if they enr-
vitso. or to carry tneir, oooies tnsy
naa jwrisne.
does er arrnaa soyany. . f ,
The annuities paid by the British peo
ple te the royal family for lta support '
are aa follows: King snd queen, J,J50,.
000: Prince of Wslee, t too.OOO: Princess '
of Wales. SSO.OOOf-Pri neeee -Christian. -
tio.voo; - Princess . Louise - (duebees of
Argyll), 110,000: Duke -of ConnaUght.
1111,000; . Princess Beatrice, , 110,000:
Duke of Cambridge, stO.000: Duchess et
Albany, 10.000; Duchees of Mecklen-
burg - Btrellts, 111,000. Total, 11,110,000.
The king also receives the revenuee of
the duchy of Lancaster.. Ths Prince , of
Wales has an Income else front the rev.
enuee of the duchy of Cornwall, amount
ing te about tlOO.000 pereinnum. When
the. royal children marry aowrfes are
usually provided for them, . ; . .
',..... "' ' '