'v1 v- ;f::3'; br-cs:r daily jourliJAU tchtlaiid, Monday' i venii:o," January tv fTfZS ... Rwiv&l cf the Wresti!n3.Qarne-. Now' of the Baseball Fliyers---Boxing; Notes Racing, Sports. r.A. HOftJUf , . . . . . ilESTUiifiisc;;; CiinEfiilfiSTiflT3 ilSEDALLlTEMl SEASON'S SCIiECllLf - r,:onE takiks i::ld vT After Ipng. Run Iri England In. FOR TEH Pin riEH Indications. Point - Towards ia Change In the North- ' r '.west League, jf;-'-; T..TTD Dj. WW. IN WQRbD DF SPORT Prize; Committee of Portland; 'X League Arranges Trophies for -: ; '.., the Coming Yw.',' SIXTEAMS HAVE ':3 V'Xh: X ENTEftED.THE RACEf " .-. , . ... -... . .. , , . ... .. ...,. i . .. terett Begin to Lag .-- "These Days." V- r - iREVIVAL OF SRORT - ; ; r-t ON WESTERN COACT Records of Wrestlers, Autoists. i2j2LYachtsmenand Men With J theOar. ' Wrestling la again getting a alight .' foothold -To. this eountry, - especially In .'. New York and In the far west. It had a great ... run In England, but the . ; people there hare tired a llltl of it, ', and prefer the boxing same. Juat now .- Jenkins. Carkeek and others hare taken itp their' abode o Ban Francisco, with , the hope of booming things -there, -r At , present Frankr. Ootch ef Iowa . ) t the - , holder of the eatch-ae-catch-can cham- ' plonahlp of America. . having defeated lorn Jenktn -for the : title -Jenkins claim the : match -waa not won legiti mate! jr by Ootch, bnf aa the referee awaraed turn the verdict the title goee ,:,,.' to the Iowa man. Harvey Parker has; . been the recognised 140-pound cham. . plon. but bla defeat bjr Alex Swanaonln -V ...New lorhMwb him of tmtt-tltla Oesrga Hackeoachmltt, the Russian. -Is the ;. world's champion, having met and de feated all comers In - London, Including r JenkLne. . The record of big' events (or . the rear la aa follows:-' '.' ' - At London, January' II Jack Carkeek. i the American wrestler, achieved many honor m the international tournament -r-j. In the- final -round he thre.w Cherpel- jiaoa.-1ttia; Bwiss eaport, ; and wpn-tournament.- ' -Af Buffalo, January. lt--walter W11 loughby of that cWy won- the .ralddle ' weight wrestling rhampionahlp from Ed r AthertonV Wllloughby -won the first fall la 10 minute and the second In 19 -minutes. M - - . . At Belllnghanv- Wash.; January It - --champlon Tom Jenkins waa -defeated -by -.-"yrank Ootch 'of .lowa'ln one of the . -..L hardest fougbt-wreatt,lpg matcheg In. tbe r -. history- of wrestling, At the. end ef Me t first bout Jenkins waa carried ' to pis . -Krner and ' restoratives) had to) br d nlnJstered. In ithe second boutv-aeelng ... ttiat- he .wee euro, to loee.' jfnkina e- Jlberalely ronlad Ootdh by. placing, a rtranglehold en him, and when the Iowa '. boy got away from him,' Jenkins aimed . . a. ylcloug blow at Ootoh. but failed 'to t-: lend, IC -Ootch weighed lf pounds and Anklna , .. ' '7- ?; At London, January t In a Oraeeo ' Roman wrestling match, for the cham----plonehlp of ths world and a purse of ; '' ( 0,004, Oeorgs Kackenachmltt,ta Raa r also, .defeated Ahml MadralL. a Tnrk. liadraU'a arm waa dlalocated In the flret ,,; bout. V-J Haekenachmttt . weighed 20t ' , afcnnde-aixt Madrall 114. !' .T - H At t Buffalo, March 1 Tom YenkuU ' ratted 'to throw Jim Parr twice tn otto -.I- -; fiotti ; He secured -one falW In SOsmln- --. ntea. . i ... , - - - v.- :.; At low TaJla,' afarcb 40 Frank ' ffotch, the champion heavyweight wrest - Ir, in a handicap match, defeated Chris y Paraon, the strongest man on the Pacific .-' ... ooaet- - v - .-'"---- v - - , At New Torkv March il Tom Jenkins defeated John Piehlngln a mixed g,tyle f MX Baltimore.' March IS Shad Link -' : won thetltle of heavyweight catcti-as- - catcbcan wrestler ofthe south tof de feating Oeorge Burllngama. - Link won two out of three t alia. . - f At Chicago, -March Il--John X. Roo ? hey, the "grlpman," sent Peter J. Vlsser, the Boer wrestler, flown, to defeat. At-BtPauK-Mlrovr-March It Clar- : ence Bouldln. Cuban, defeated. Max ltt ia bfg- two" In Three falla. v l .At Baltimore; 'April 1 Que Bchoer! , Vein - defeated v Harvey Parker in v two straight falla. . v ' v. ' -. . -5 - . i At Seattle, Wash., May It John Berg defeated Tom Daviee and weft the eham -; plonahlp of the Paclflo- coast. - Daviee - was rendered almost- unceneclous, but wrestled to the. end or the- bout. ' At Vancouver B. C Jane If Den ': Mcleod defeated Chief Two Feathers In .. av straight match. -.-' : . . v "At liOndon, England, JunelO Oeorge ' H&ckensehmm dereatea Tom JtcLner- ney. r '"""r; . " - - ! '2 At Buffalo, 'June IT Frank Ootch da-fate4-Jln5"Parr 4n two straight falla. A I Afiilrtn 1Tnlffut Jnlv .nr.. " Hackenschmltt defeated Tom Jenkins of America In two' straight " falla,- mixed style.. '.. It was for the championship - of the world. . . . L.x. Vancouver, B. C Auguet Frank Ootch defeated ' Dan 8. tMcLaod ' In a oatch-as-catch-cah match, taking two of -i : three falls, - .-, - At Vancouver, B. C, August I Frank ; Oot defeated Zan McLeod tn twe t,:2 straight heata. . catch-aa-catch-oan. ,. ,. - At Davenport, Ia October St Farmer ', Buraa won from Orlpman Rooney-of - Chicago in 'two of 'three falls. At Now Tork. December II Alex i; - Bwanson defeated Harvey - Parker In a ". catch-aa-catch-can match. . ' .;'.;:. r'i . ; astoaaobiibir. " . ' -At Ormond,'Fl4; January" Ig--W.'K.' Vadderbllt rods s mile unofficially In ' Vanderbllt rode five miles In 1:11 -f. f ' At, Ormond, Fla., January 10 W, K. . Vanderbllt rode 10 miles' In ' minutes and. 10 seconds. ' . - At Boston, Masa. nay is M A. oreen covered tbs . dlatanos from New - Tork Oily to Boston In 10 hours IT minutes elapaed time and I hours IT minutes ao-f tual.vtdlnr tint ; - . - - - -F.. K. Stanley made the eight-mile as - cnt ef Mount Waahtngton In. II minutes II l-l aeconds. ' - '' AtNew York,- JuljT II Alfred O. .. Vanderbllfs fo-horsepower ear driven by v Paul Srtort,: broke records from If to - 10 miles... Time. 11.41 1-L.ll.ll 4a. r-i;.j., l i.jt l-i. h it i-i. . i At Detroit, Mich., August I Charles .Schmidt rode 1.000 miles at Grosae point - jtrack. , Time, II hours. II minutes end . ill 1-0 second, an average ef IIU mllea T- an hour. - Schmidt was relieved forthort - periods Sirring trial. ' X At Buffalo. N, t' Barney Old field. :.on an oval track, went II mllea In II minutes 41 seconds-with heavy machines, t same place, and. data with light ma .. chines. Charlea Schmidt rode II- mUee lg II minutes It 1-V seconda. - . ' - , " At Aurora. IlL, August ST Jed New- kirk, over half-mile track, mad a mll In 1.11 l-l. . . . . At Chicago, October 1 Carl Fisher drove his middle .weight machine twe mllea la I.OI.flat.. -. : - At New . Tork. October I Oeorge Jfeath. an American, driving a Panhard uto of Parle, France, won the WUIUm JC Vanderbllt Jr. cup la Ue Interna Frank Ootch; Wresfcer, tlonal race of 101. 4 mllea. The" time waa hours It minutes - and - 4f seconda. Albert Clement, driving a. Clement-Ray-.' a-a macnine, was eecona. ,iim, . . . - -. , i . . . , wi m - . J - , At cieveund. O- October 10 Barney Oldf leld won 10-mile race from Earl Klewr la 1,17 1-1,- Oldf leld- won- l-nxlle race tn 4.41 1-5. . -- ' . - - At Clavalasd, O:. October it cnanes Oorndt In a Winton rode 10 mllea In o.4i; Kan .Kiser drove nig machine i miles la Sl.it. - .. ..; . - .v;..-- ' ". Zn Taoktrng; cArolas. AlthouKhthre were- so racea for the America's cup during the. season of 1104, international yachting waa-not entirely neaieoted.' Commodore " Plant's t fine Herreachoff schooner- Ingemar. repre- eewtmg the New Tork Taoht club, Went to foreign waters and captured a. locker fuTA of.cups In England. snd Germany. She' won "Didst of the' races' In which ahs-partietpatael, despite ridiculous hand loans In. some Instances.. t ' The races on this side of ths Atlsntle for -the. Cape -May and Brenton's Reef AiintiAth rtf whlh war war Tttv t hm three-maated sebooner Atlantioi-were In ternational evanta, because the Cups have been held in England, and are within ths reach of yachts of any nation In the world: '";,-' .-.-- v - There. was no racing ror tns Canada, s CUP., now held by the Rochester Tacht club, tut ths Royal Canadian Tacht club ha challenged for a series of' racea In I0- The Beawanhaka eup, now held by the St. Lawrence Tacht club -of Montreal, was sailed for at Montreal early - in Augva.t between the White Bear, repre senting tna St. Faui Tacnt club or that name, and th Noorna. representing the Canadian elub. ' Whit Bear : won th Tlrst ana Tour in . races of be series under conditions which gave encourage ment that she. would take th fifth and deciding contest. ' But the Noorna beat her in .th last race, after an exciting contest. In which the White Bear at one time looked like a winner. The margin at - the finish was only If seconds.- At Philadelphia, July's C a Titus of New Tork won-the senior sculls from J, a Juvenal of Philadelphia in 11.17. At Heney, England. July T U F. Sholee of Toronto, Canada, won the dia mond sculls, beating A. . D. Cloutt of London. - Time. I.St. ' -1 - At Sidney, N. 8. 'W, July 10 Oeorge Towns defeated Dick Trealdder of New castle for the world's; aculllng; rhanulbegthnfng of the second half of last plonehlp and. a purs of, 11,000. ..Time, 11.41 4-e. . At . Peughkeepele, N. -Tv Jene St In the Intercollegiate regatta Syracuae snlwrsity- won- th sight: 'Oared race In lO.lt 1-6 1 Cornell waa second and Penn sylvania' third. Columbia. Georgetown and- Wisconsin f lnlehed In order named. Syracuae won the freshman eight-oared race ; and' Cornell won th ' four-oared, race, i ... ,. (, V At New London, Conn.. July 1 Tale defeated Harvard In their annual eight eared race. Time, 11.41 H, Harvard won th four-oared race, v At London. England. March It Cam bridge won the annual boat race from Oxford by four length:- A free electrical panorama at the Cvrtier of Third and Aider street, from I m. to I p. m. WJio Wgntg to Fight Jeffries. FOOTBALL PLAYER,. . '. ; RESENTS CRITICISM To th V Editor f of Th Journal Apropos of article ; labeled "Sporting Comment. In the Sunday Oregonlan, " It Is not strange, that the reporter who never wore a cleated ho ahould have an opinion directly opposite to that -of such men as count Villa and cnauncey Blahop, men of natural football reputa tion, both as player and officials. Nor is- this elur out of line with the previ ous report of games in that paper. ' It IS Indeed, sham that people with suck radical and original ideaa with regard to footbalt-nrs so tinf ortunats as not to have either played or acted as offi cial. We deem it a distinct loss to th game. - That football la And always ha been rough Is conceded, by even the most untutored, and for tha benefit Of super ficial observer th tn of th straight arm with open hand, either by the run ner or a forward . breaking through th Una Is not only permissible, but euatomary. ' -i " ' ' - It la not exaotly pleasant to be Jam med out of the way. by the' stiff arm In ths face, but It Is not slugging, nor Is It Intended a .auch nor takes aa such by any one familiar with the rudiments ef th game.: However, tha cry of brutal lam and slugging has gone up and al ways will go up from tha oarpet knights thiui wha fla-ht a man a- the teacuos .agalnat. their more sturdy. aniLvlgorou brothers, who wear tne leatner neimet and shin-guard. ; CARROLL, 8 EE LEY. ! Portland, -January ,-;'0.i-'f MIk Fisher has begun the new. year badly from a betting standpoint. , Th Tiger tamer won two wagers, ana yet no Is money out of pocket. ' Ths other day ho visited th race track and picked out a' race horse which he liked -and backed htm for something leea than a million. The akate won the race, but ths baseball marnata loaf h la ticket. He tried to sat- 1f y Bl bookmalcer that he bet on hsl horse, but unluckily, the man on th block had a wretched memory. - So poor Mlks Is out not only bis money Invested, but th money he won.- In other words,' he got It' In the k'neck both ways . Now for misfortune No. S. ' Fisher wagered Dr. B. Dugdals a suit of clothes at the son that the. Tiger would beat out the Browns. As kls team flnlahed first and Portland last Mike, figures that Dug dale ought -to--esm through. - Dugdale welches on the ground fhat he .ejtjlt Portland before th season dosed, and ergo th bet la off. - Now Mlks will have to buy his own cloth ea. Teddy Good man also hasarded a suit with Dugdal on th proposition 'that San Franc la oo would beat Portland, and, like Fisher, he will hav t treat himself. - .. ... . . .;. -- ngy : Editing a newspaper, rn th conception 6f the average man., is almost as diffi cult as regulating ths nl verse. Net s a Texas doctor, who, besides practicing medicine, Vuns a drug business, livery suhie, a harness anr buggy gtor and a blacksmith shop. :- - - ... ..f. . . . ... . .. .. . 't . ' . ' ,.' ... .... A SIX CLUB LEAGUE 'J-ttA i V MAY BE ORGANIZED MoCloskey Will Have Helena uAgainrr But Wllmotr-V- . Mav KM m. . " " (special Intpatca to The Jeuraal.)'w ' T Butts. Mont, Jan. I. From "present' Indications H is1 bejleved that lt will b banner baseball year . for Butt. The big mining camp Is ordinarily s, good ball town, and there 1 no reason why ths club'Trom bar,, under popular management, should pot become g" win'' na. Local enthusiasm and Interest, th main things needed,, but very often not found. Are her tn abundance. . .. f . - The burping queatlon Is whether the present Paclflo Northwest league will continue or whether. It will' be enlarged and whether Butte will enter a newly- projected league. Is ths latter case-it is probable that af new franchise would, be procured and ths Butt club would nter and etart.the season upon an alto gather different footing. Ths plan In favor Juat now is to have a-slx-lub league taking in Butte, Spokane. Boise. Bait Lake, Hblona and either - Oreat r aus or ugaen, wiin tne cnance in favor ef tbs latter. Butte, Spokane and Salt .Lake are three aa good baseball Ire.. . Ogden ' Is another place where there is money and a fondness for the gams In fact, Ogden fans ars still "sore" ' because- Boise got th league membership away from them last year because the Idaho town, ottered a little more of the filthy lucre. Besides, Boise had the valuable services of McCloskey. whloh won it the pennant.-It look a aa though McCloskey would .get hold of Helena this year. x- - r- - " ' . It la In the year of 105 that the league mint become firmly eaubllshed. If at alL , . " 1.. - Utters in Butte' will come to a focua very aoon.. It Is posalble that Manager Walter wllmot, who holds tha fran chise for the local club, will step aside and that some ons alas will -beeoms ths magnate her. The 'fact,- however, that he has reserved J5 player doe not look that way. H. is much Interested In se curing better rates from, the railroads. It is pointed out that tney nave agreed upon a 1 -oentra t to tbe Portland ex position, and the question-Is ssked why they ahould not be thus liberal with the ball' league and " its- members. . This matter -will -be-ake up wlthlaa.-few dayav - - - - . There 1 some excellent ' material among tne nrieen men wnom ar. wii mot nss reserved.' ' They1 krs Dowllng, Hoon, Vasblnder, Sporer, Roach, Bande- lln aria Howell, pitcners; epencer ana Swindells, catchers,- Huber, second base; RUnkle, shortstop; MoHale,. right Held; Shaffer, first baae, and Kane, third baa. BILLIARD TOURNEY " atm;a;a:club How the Cue Men of Multnomah 7 Afe"Sbooting In thrCom-" petition; Ths Multnomah club' billiard tour nament oontlnuee to hold tha board at th club, xne etanaing in me tourney to date i as rojuowai , First Olaas ' .v. WonLot. C. W. Zeller - 0 W. B.'Streeter ..,....,.,... I Lansing Stout ............... 1 W. H. Wyman 1 -': i Lost. : . Beoond Claaa . - -. t - - won. C. D. Barton ..-."........ I W. B. Fechhelmer l P. E. Brlsham 1 Giiv Holman . 1 K. W, Blackston7r7T.;7.JrO l Third Class ' Won. Lost 8. L. Banka . ; r... T .rriv;... I , I A. E. Ksrrlxan t ' 1 W. Johnson . 1 - I F. E. Ford . .......,.., 0 ' 1 H. E. Reed ... 0 ' 1 Fourth Class- .Won. Lost J. R. Roger 4 , 0 Merle Roe u.. I . . .1 JTC. Muchl ...' I I j R. P. Xnlsht .1...... ........ I O. L. Spencer ............... 0''' I Tbs schedule during th coming week Is aa follows: Tuesday, January 10, I p. m., P. E. Brtghara vi W. B. Fech helmer; 1:10 pi m.. W,B. Fechhelmer vs. Oar Holman. Wednesday. January II, I s. m.. F. E. Ford vs. it. JC Reed: :2j p. m., F. B. Ford vs. W. Johnson. Thurs day. January 12, I p. m R. p. Knight va. Maris Ross; 1:10 p. nv, R. P. Knight vi. O. L. Spencer. "Friday, January-II, I p. m., C W. Keller va Lansing Stout; 1:10 p. m Q "W. Zeller va B. LVBlgler. ... J " ' ' ' -'-'i-. Bxmora wru now oxva.. ; fab. ii. .il . Bam Berger Is not -taking ths action of ths Olympic club of San Franelceo In forcing him to resign In a very kindly spirit, and says he will engage an At torney to, appear before the officials of ths elub 1 to ' defend hi case. Berger claims that he baa. never resolved .money ror airy of bla. fights,, and Inasmuch aa the Olympic club has made the assertion that be has received remuneration for hie eervlcee Id th shape of doubts eagles Instead of the regulation gold medala ha aayg ke will tasks them prove that he actually received gold opln for appear tag In ths roped arena, ' He baa engaged a member of tbe bar to look after bla Interests and If th club officials do not adjust the matter aatlafactorlly ths heavyweight champion will take the case into eourt. - Berger wlahea te get hit amateur standing cleared up, and aa th Olymplo clsb kas Oakeo. to Initiative, hs aays the -burden of proof la apon them. - If they cannot provs their asser tions and do not place him In good stead ing he will seek redress through the medium or tn win a. v - - tbe went slseees s earta, petthe hum to ear WngN Iuu KNOW ' WHAT TO DO. Jlaar Bars Mm. DLO0D r ' 'Jame Jeffries, Who It Willing; to ATHLETES REGRErsi: . - INJURY TO COATES Weill Knoyvn-Hurdlec -and-Broad Jumper Suffering From u . an Old Injury. : . Intereat In track and fleM svent in thie city for the coming aeaaon has al ready uken hold of the followers of the sport and If all thlnga go well, this will be a banner year In that line of athletlo skill. It was with keen regret that tha newa of Hurdler Coatee' lateat Injury waa received by the members of Mult nomah club. ' Coe-te Is ons of ths beat hurdle racers In the country and Is alas a "-at. broad iumDer. On th football team's last trip to California coataa suf fered an Injury to hi right knee. - Tne member began to heal rapidly, but on several oecaalona while walking, hi knee turned and consequently gave ths Injured part a severe setback, on Fri day last his knee went back on him again.- Coatee holds ths running broad Jump record of the northwest, 11 feet 11 inches, and la considered ths fastest hurdler In this section. In the ISO and 120 yard hurdles. Ths member of th Multnomah club are anxtoua concerning Coatee, aa much was expected of hlra during tbe coming season.. The other msmbers-ef-th M. A. A. C. track team ar In good condition, and feel confident of being able to carry tha club' colors to Victory ,onc mors. . .'BASEBALL- CHAT. rr The Rochester rlub of th Eastern leaaiie" and th ' Mllwguks ulutl of th American association sr Dialing zor ie Butler's services. Unless Ike can some to terms with th local dub ha states that he Will ask Judge McCresdl .to keep kls word and not prevent him from eloelng with any eastern club ho wishes. Butler says ha was promised immunity from reserve at the time of tbs- tranafer ef the-local franchise, providing he did not sign with a coat team. - -Roots Castr had a-talk with Manager MoCreedls, yesterday -during which ths local manager aseured the Veaesuelan that hs would not hinder htm In any way In going ta Kansas . Cltyr Castro Is grateful to McCreedls for this aasur anoe aa it clears up all doubt regarding where he Is to play next season. "Dick" Esan, . who.' held -down, the initial bar for th Baa: Jos team during th past season, turned out to be oo of tha- finds' of 'ths year and his almost faultless playing attracted th attention of th managers of a number of Coast league clubs. Negotiations with Seattle, Los Angelee and Oakland hav corns to sn end by Egaa attaching his signature to a Seattle contract. During nis stay in San Joes Egan became a prims fav orite with ths local fans.- Hs Is good with tbs stick, a sbtfty base runner and an almost faultless fielder. , j Hank Harris announces having se es, red sight t wirier for his elub with which to start the coming season. The Hat. comprises Joe Corbet t, Oeorge Wheeler, Frank ' Barber and Jimmy Whale n, last season's staff; Roscoe Mil ler, formerly of the Pittsburg F'tneiB, and three youagateg fret te ( j 4 V . ... r " . ' 4 Meet Ootch. or Anybodr .ElM. tate league, . Henley; Sales and Roy Hit. :.-..'., i... , .. ,.- Th Sporting ...News aays that Jos Coutillon. owner bf, the Dea Moines. Mil waukee- and other ' clubft. has ' traded DuatnafUleri the pee Moines oumeiaar. Td-a Coast league club for Bob Oanley ndTpm DeUhanty Just how the deal1 waa made la not stated, and ths fact that Delehanty and Oanley belong to . Our Make 7 t: r- wwgy"e!S!H?T''w--r- agg ;, y"w . : ' ' - - .' ': ' . . -L -;. f ' " " . ;- :X-- ;y..;,,,r2'X XX""X'J:i :i ;X--X,:.X:t-XX:'X: ''. ',X.: mnmx ' x -y:x - xXs-x. ? x on $ 'tj-.: ::xixx 3 X . his' I ic I, . -If '-.. -. T T.- xmmx 'Y mghett Individual Average BovtU ef WiirRecelve Costly Medal "X-Xr;- for His - Work. --V- . : : . ' ' . r- , ... ' i . ; - Th prli comratttea of th Portland Ten pin league met at tha Portland al leys yesterday : afternoon .and'; decided to distribute prises for the league sea- ' son aa follower -V v"':'"; .2 '.' . - 2':::' " High team average for a series, It.JO ; per, roflnrh.v high team average for1 ".' slngls gama 12.60 per -month; high, ln . dividual average for a series, 11. I -per . month; high, individual garoa 12.10 par -month; high individual . average for'...' season. - $2 medal; second high - IndN vidua! average for "aeason.' 110 medaL Tha team prise for th season will'., be distributed II per cent for th team finishing first, 0 for the team finishing second and 15 per cent for th teanv fin ishing third.-.- .. ' ; ' -- There ar. flv teams In ths. league. The Banka, All-Btara. Oambrlnua,' Gold, . Leafs and Pin. Knights.- Each teem " plays 10 series or 00 game. Ths ached- ; tile runs as follows: . Jan. I, All-Stars va Oambrlnua: Jan. ' 4. Bankers va Gold Leaf; Jan. I. Gam-. -brinua va Pin Knights; Jan. I. AU-Starg ' va Gold Leaf; Jan. 11. Oambrlnus Vs. '. Bankers; Jan. II, AU-Btars vs. Pla Knights; Jan. -II. Bankers va Oambrl- nssf Jan. -1 , Gold Leaf va All-feUre; ' Jam It. Pin Knights va Bankers; Jan. St. Gold Leaf vaPln Knights; Jan. IS. All-Stars va. Oambrlnua Jan; 21, Bank- ers va Gold Leaf; Jan. 10.. Oambrlnua va-PIn Xalghta February 1. Bankers va. Alt-Star; Feb. S Pin Knights va Oold Leaf; Feb. I, Gold Leaf va. Oambrlnua; Feb.' I, All- -Stats va Pin Knights.; Feb. jl, Gambrl- . nus va Bankers; Feb. It. Oold Leaf vs. , All-Stars; Feb. II, Bankers vs. Pin Knlghtsr Feb. II.- All Star va Oam btinus; Feb. SO. Oold Leaf va. Bankers; Feb. II. Pin Knights vs.. OambrlnuH'. Feb. SI, Bankers va All-Stars; Feb. IT, Pin Knlgbta va Oold Leaf. - March 1. .All-Stars vaankers; Mfl'Lll i I;- Oambrlnus va Oold Leaf; "March" Bankers va Pin Knights; Msreh .-GoM -Leaf v. Oambrlnus; March -t, P1n Knlghta.va, AU-8tars; March 13. Pin Knights va' All-Stars; March IS, Gold Leaf vs. Bankera; March II, All-Stars va Oambrlnus) March 20H Oambrlnus vs. Bankera; March St. Pin Knlgbta va Gold Leaf; . March tt. - Oambrlnus vs- All Btara; March 17; Bankers va Oold Leal; -March St, Pirn Knights vs. CJmtr1nus;jv Msreh-10, U-Stars-var Bankers. jpril I,- Gam brlsu vsv-Ootd' Leaf; April . I, Pin Knjghts ta .All-Btars; " April . Bankers y1 Oambrlnua;' April .. 10. Gold1 Leaf va- All-Btars; Aprl 12, , Pro Knights VJ Bankers:- Apcil 'It, Gold Leaf va Pin Knights: April '1J. All-Stars vs. Bankers; April It, Gambrl hus va Oold Leaf; April 10, Bankera va .-' t Pin Knights; April S 4, Oold Leaf va All-Stsrs? April II, Gambrhuia .va Pin . Knlghta ' . ' i v.. i--2...- different, club make th trade some what doubtful. ' ' '. " ! - i) "'. ' i - i aW-sssrISels Xevvs,. , "' From.' th' Cincinnati Commercial Trfb- v, . ., .. una ' '. '.'. ' V . 'Lover Toa ar worth your weight in 22122 ! -.2.22... . il.1jlii.- Ths "Girl Then eyou'd better, hurry, foe l am taking anti-fat. ; . .' Clearance Price Worth jiaoo, $12.00 and! $13.50 ALL SIZES. Every jSult; This 'Season and Perfect Fitting, j : EveiTthlhg Reduced