The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 09, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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MO O BAR B, 'G LA RKkz . 1 3 C Q.
:,....;,. .a, - r .vuv-...,. z...-.:-....
Washington solohs!: mm
; .
..,- 4T a I IV I I . " I . f 1IJ . llfl IU If
iBaorga H. Baker of KlicRltat la ChoaeM?reaident Pro Tarn of tha
v '-i Sanata, J. W. Lyona of Port TownaencT Scretajy,dj. . ;
' Hurley la Made sergeant-ax-Arma. r...
.- 4, i. . -Ti--- , J --rV " -f-- ' r TJ
- 7
fao Changs' Has Takeri Plact In Senatorial Contest and Balloting
Will Klot Commence for a
; . augurated on Next Wednesday -Electoral Vote.
' ' '- - . V..' "Vy'i' .. y
'-T .1 1 Vw ' (Special Tlepet ta The JooraaL) - j
-r-r roiympl Wh., 6n. . Orrnltlonj
; ' -iTT Wrk, wa kll tfc, 4on by eMi?
-i ttouM of th l1lturr, whWh emvfi4
at Dooa.-J.-J. mrt-prtWt-of th
Uat ent, pridl. The chief pUce
. c .wti aUoted followaf P4dnt pro
"1 torn. Gorc H. Baker oft Klickitat; aee
Hi ury, JWV l.jroo .p Port Town
v pm&; aergealU-at-araiav Joha J Hurley
- r 't of Ferry rouaty. 9 r-f - C -'
! - Dflo W. H. Hre of Taklma, apeaker
, ; f laat yar- houaa, called -that body to
. 1 -order. J. O. Meler of Wahkiakum wae
rhoaen apeaker and w. Btorey buck ot
epekane, chief clerk, i '.
Fonoat notlflcatlon that , each .body
had organised waa aachaaced and ' ad
journment waa taken, to , J , a'cloclj fo-
- ' No chanae.baa taken .place ta the
' X3nlted Btatea aenatortal contoet. and it
v la Dow aald that hallo Una will not com-.JL-
menoa vntll one week- from tomorrow.
Becauee of the fact that tha U-a pro
viaaa for tha chanae of admlnlatratloa
- oa tha aeoond day followlnr the oraanl
: aatlon of tha leaialature, afead'a mea
are aod tnaucaral addresa will not i
dellrered until Wednesday. - v '
. . .- . Tha Dresldentlal . alaotara met at 14
' n'rlork today and cast a. unanimous Tote
for Rooaerelt and Falrbanka-B. p. Coa-
- grove WUI carry tne -rote uiwaanuis
v .r;- OrKantaation of tha miaUtura .waa
1 ' eomcleted at yeateraay a -caucus, me
" tuniM mambers unanimously raQfylng
, 1 the nomination -of -1. - ,- Megler -for
L"- aoeaker and appalntlns; a eosnmlttee f
Ji- ,.n, ta distribute the houaa jatronaae.
-Tb sanate aaraed-on- the followlna;
employes: J. W. Lyaons of Jefferson,
, .,aeeretary; 'Vir..-t..tuta. of film, assist
ant secretary; Oeorae' J. Hurley at
-Ferry., armf,;,. W.miamor
. rf riM aaalatant aerareant at arma
Minor Doaltlona .wlU--be allotted to
; aiffarant sections by a ooramlttea on-
' alatlna of Benator J. J. Bmlth, chair
man: Oeorae C Brown. Cary Btewart.
- x J. J. Poaua, L' U. Rings, B. Klnnear andJ
T. Bumner. " ' ' -
v ! riia hnuae . eomralttee. ' which -waa
" - - headedby Dr.- W. It Hare, eonsMta" of
: RenreaentattTea bawea and . Olark of
; . Vina- Llndaler and. Brott Of Bpokane
afNlehol and Reed of Pierce. Roth and
Morraa from-the northweat, Relter from
Lincoln, Btevenaon.- xenn. "7 aim
Blaker from the aonthweat. Dtckaos,
ATreh'Waaantl nd SoaecheS Will
: , ; Celebrate Tonight - tha
Birth of Jackson.
Any of Faithful Overlooked by ln
i'v. - vitatlon Committee Will 1)
, Ba Welcomed. : . :
iSrSH ";:r.J-$ 'X
Jackaonlan Democracy writ tonight Ul
" tha larga dining room of tha Wataon
' restaurant, on Fourth atreet. where un
der tha ausplcea of tha Young Men'a
Democratio club of Multnomah county
they wfl obaerva tha annlvaraary of the.
batUe wf -New Orleans and the victory
f the Ireat Democrat. Andrew Jackaon.
At .t o'clock the banquet .will be
spread and after tha Inner man. la aat
tofted there wlU be a program of toasts
and reaponaee, In .which many notad.
Oregon orators will be head. - - -
Democracy" la to be handlad by that
well-known . af ter-dlnner apeaker C. E.
. Wood, and It la thought that with
"such a subject and vn aach an oceaaloa
ha- will surpass all former ef forte. F.
V. Hdlman. J. B. Ryan, Bert Haney,
i John Lament. Ogleeby Toung, U
Wllhelm and ptherj .wlll-ba called.jn ly
Toeetmaater Allen. - . .
.' Tha opening f tha leaialature at this
" time will prevent tha attendance of a
f number of prominent DemocraU who
were axpected to contribute to the pro-".gram.-
The cluVa affteera extend a
- eordlal invitation ta any Democrat who
. , . -J ..... . .- -,. . - ' ,.T- ' :
v $10 Down and $ 10 Pcf Month b
.r'.' ta the above a tempting proposition? . It certainly ' '
ought to be. There ware only It to atart arlth and '
1 - ajot many left It j'oa want one you will have ta
art anlckly. Think of a piano of aa eetabllabed . , '
.. reputation for only" ItJC. : Our" atore jabounda " In -.
piano bargains and all aold an bur easy payment . . .
' ...iiiFiASToa rsox tiso vr.- 'zyZ:l
Allen & Gilbert
eossia sxzTai
' .''V
Week -Mead Will Be In-;
'- :r-
ifcGWor and Rudlo'from tha aouth-
Chief clerk. Btorey Back. Bpokane; aa-
atatant. C W. Oorham. Snohomish; read
ing clerk. B. Kirkimdall, Oarneld; assist
ant, Li a Melss. Takhna; minute clerk.
B. P. atlbert. BDokane: aeraeant-atHuma,
Oeorae Brealln. Klickitat; assistant,
John Ward. Pleroa; - -"rank WlUlama,
Whatcom docket clerk. 8., p., carusi.
Clallam aod Jelferaon; dealt clerk, A. R.
Kennedy. : Kin v; ' Journal eray i r.
Bhaw. CUrke; asslsUnl. R- D. Campbell,
Dlercet enrolllna clerk, aram cottreii.
lmim; aaalstanta, Walter 1W 11 lams, Pa
cific; U M. Packard, Kln; anarosalDC
clerks, A. P. Loorala, , Whatcom; u. r .
Da Oraff.'. Bpokanar Indea clerk, H.
Oreen, King; bill clerk. . George Oreeg.
Pierce; assistant committee cieras, Al
bert M. McKay. Lincoln; I H. Brewer,
Chehalls;Jamaa Hay. King; C B. Hack-
ett. Ban Jdan; H. H. Mcleoa, taiana;
A. Bardlck. Mason; Harvey Jackson,
Kitsap; Harry Griffith. CowlIU; V- 1
Johna,Plerce; Harry Kemp, Kttsap Roy
RudlOi Walla Waua; M. A Key a, wnai
oomr Oajidy, Taklma; J. ta Johna,
Pierce; Bhlrley, Douglas; Bhotwall, Che
lan; w, J. McLAran, unonomian. - -r
AU senatorial candidates are on the
ground and are buey Intarrlawtng mem
here, At least 1 days will elapse be
fore ballotlnr for aenatora begins.-. On
tha first ballot' Footer will hare a rood
lined approximating t to tea. The other
candidates all express tbemaaivea . aa
well pleased with tha conditions of thetr
IutanahtOovarh-elert"Cboif -- an
nounoea the applontment of Senator Pal
mr aa chairman of the Judiciary oora
mlttea and Oeorae H. Baker of Kllokl
tat on the appropriation committee and
Vandeventer of King at tha head of the
railroad committee.. -
One of the. first bills to be taken p
wlU be appropriation for the Lawla and
Clara: fair. There la a universal aenti
mant among the membera. favoring a big
appropriation and -the appropriation will
probably be I7I.00O but 1100.000 may be
aet aslda. ."
: Governor-elect Mead has announced
tha appointment of A. F.'Kaes oXWalla
Walla to the position or warden or tha
state oenltentlarr and W. Ia Oodman
pf Walla Walla, aa state clerk -of tha
institution; "irzzr; . 3 A ' -'
wishes to attend the banquet and who
haa been overlooked by the committee on
invitation. Platea are l apiece and- ar
rangementa "can ' be made with Frank
"Watson upon arrival at - tha r banquet
room. ; Here la the1 complete progranr.
"To Our Political .Foes; May They
Boon' B -Converted to Our Way- of
Thinking:" responses "by Governor
Oeorga JS. Chamberlain, 'Bamuel White
and Jefferson T. Myers. ..u-i-t
"IU Farea the Land, to Haatenlng Ilia
a Prey! Where Wealth Accumulates and
Men Decay," W. B. PI Hard. St. Helenas
or. - ' - . - .
'"Democratle Democracy," ,X B. B.
Wood. ':-..-.- ; -. - ' ;. .
, "Compensatjons In ; Defeat," WlllUm
A. Manly. -; ... V-. -""
'Andrew - Jackson aa ". Exemplar For
the Ideal Journalist." J. E. Lathrop.-
' "For tha Good of Democracy" H. 8.
Harcourfc .' " -k .. -, ' -7 -
p." 1 ? y-
(Waaaingtea-Bareaa ef The Joornal.) .
- Wathrnrton.-D.-C - Jan.- 8enator
Fulton Introduced today a general bill
providing methods for proceeding In the
condemnation of private property for
tha use of tha reclamation service in "the
construction of irrigation . enterprises
under the reclamation act The t pay
ment for auch lands ahaU be from the
reclamation fund now in the hands of
tha secretary of the Interior.- .. .
(Jooraat Bpaetat bVttIm.J v
Baffalo, N. Jan. a.-r-la the town of
Belvldere, Guissipo Rossi is dead and
another man -dying, while 10 Italian
railroad laborera are aerlausly 111 at a
boardlng-housa frorq eating rat poison
fed to them by a boarding-house keeper.
The woman la In Jail at May villa Her
husband, tha padrone of the . gang,, ta
miaaing. - --r r .. r -
: "Peacock - Belf-rUlng - Buckwheat
Flour". is the- best-en -tha market.;-.
- RamaRcr CoZ
ajto woRBzaoir.'
' a cake i
ke of toUet soap to the
ale and by it we are enabled
We don't keep you wamng tor
.our. patrona.. t . r .-4
Compare These
''Wit thoee yoaava Waa fimg. '
Sememec, an goons are rename
and rreah frosa the aaaanjaoturers.
Mennen'a Talaum Powder. , . . ..124
Camellne '. ; . , ..............'. 26
Wisdom's Robertina , 284
Oriental Cream ....... -..".."...9T
CapUlaiia . . .. . ... ......... ..... ..304
Herplcida v ....54
Ayert Hair Vigor.. ............ 5Te
Biilltantlne . '.i,H ...;.. .104,
Uatarated Tooth Powder..'...,. ..74
Llthla Tablets .......19
l6o Smelling Baits..., ...,....14e
Violet -Ammonia ............ ..16V
ColgaU'a Talcum Powder. . . . . . .1&4
Rublfoam .....,.........:.... .13
Dn.nn ' . : 4 4i
Almond Meal. M 1. .-.....; .16
Woodbury s cream ...,.... ..x
Arnica Tooth Soap ..,.4,4 t,t 12V
Calvert's Dentine ....... . v . J. .13
Zonwelaa -. . . ..... . ........ 12
Petrolatum.' large boxes.,, .....19
Bea Bait. Urge ....... k 16
8ea Salt. BmaU.................9
Boap iaric ,.....,., -v..r, x.aia'
Precipitated Chalk ........ 3
Nutmegs; Aosen 4
Glycerine and Roaa Water, 1 os.,.6
l-ounca ...12
Com Plasters ................... 8
Veaellne., Cold Cream 9
Japanese Cleaning Fluid . . .-. 12
t,ye, jo..... 07
Moth Bella, lb. ................. .6
Porous Plasters ,............-..,.8
Cocoa Butter ....... . .......... .94
La Blacha Face Powder., ,,.....26
Poaaonl'a Face Powder. .... .--.31
lOo Curling- Irons.-, j t. . .v. . .4
Java" Rlea- Powderri.T.'.........21
i neaire avouae ..,. .t" aw
Wimama- Bhavtne JIHrk.-T-n-' , let
Bwan iiovd rsci ruwr..,.il,v,,tv
AnJaorbent Cotton, pound rolls... 27
Dlckeaaon'a Witch -Haael.: pint.. IT
Baking Boda. Engllah, pound. .. .. .4
Epsom BalU, pound..,.., ...7
pAaafal'ltnni. Mule Team. tike-AaV
Powdered Bugar, Milk, pound, ...23
aiixea aim bw), pvwm vr
, Carbollo Add. H pound . , . . . .12
8eldlit . Powders, box ........ ., 1
- Perpetuated Palms
Unfading; aver freeh and beautiful.; at
ae ram caanr anvenox
nana ywts and Clark almanaosaow
ready. Tonre f o tha asking.
osuTOssa.-, ;-v-.-v ; :.;.4: '
(Continued from Page Ona.)
anna my A sqka If details of
tmjfU 1W .VV .-w . . .
thta work are unearthed, aa many doubt-
lesa -will be. It la tne eenviouon w.
gvernmnt off Iclal that tha Iransac
tlona will bo foand to conflict with th
law. . Many big eyndlcates ars oeiieveo
to have .profited Immensely oy xms
method of business. Many of the wlt
nesses being summoned "are- known to
have been approached with auch offers,
and eome of theae men are alao known
. , tiMhar lanil under the
to nave a.wn wv. ..... -- .
timber and atona act, and to have parted
with It immediately aiier :
quired. It la presumed -that their evl-
toU 'bar. tha" -Ulna, of
land frauda on a cmereni m-
now notortoua worn in . . . .
- Kovtag Spirits WIU sa a-oaao.
. . . .h.muIm ta devalon-
ajso in. m -aa----
menu that tha ramiflcatlona of one or
two big comblnea will be mora extensive
and Intricate than publlo dstatls of their
... wa . aaa nat n(IT1Sla
work inaicsie. - ------
. m ... nn. branch, while
timber operatlone are another which or
iginated from the eame P-r00- r
- But whether there la ona ring or afore,
and whether the rmlfitlona are ex
tensive or combined, there la the aame
relentless purpose on tha Pf"
. nMk. . 'That same Indlr-
governmeiii t" r 1..,.,..
ferenca to consequence or aff Iclal influ
ence le manifest in ""rT
. " - .mi -shan witnesses com-
nis nr... Mu-oona,
to grand Jury eubpoenaa It will bo found
V : ...AMaibiiii ant real-
re. .v: '
the head of -tha orgaalaatlon which the
government seaka. f --V
tenner wwi"". " . . n
thelr-work tola m"rnrn.TTBoTTi
with ail posaioie ui"i -
WOUld BO musisrea "'"-' " .
ing spirit of the law Infraction .
gubpoenae tesned for Sestdeata of
eSoma aad Foster Baaiioaa. . ,
- - niaaa'trh The Jasrssl.).
. ,1 w - rw l.n a Manr ceonle
ihova- Lebanon, In 4ha Sweet homo and
aiuaii,, - . - -
rosier pwiiwh -
appear lri Portland tomorrow before tha
federal grano jury as wim
. -m . k. -aaaan4a nf nna nelshborhood
are' among thoee going, down, aad- more'
are expeoted to be called.' It la alleged
to be aa. open raci inn mmwj i
. 1. v..h i.Wm timber clslms In
tha mountains at the behest of ayndlcate
agsnta. i ney nan mair nn.. t"""
and usually received 1(0 each for tha
work. - Some time , ago two men were
.. .v. .k.. .u-ilrtn hlrlna1 ttlaana un.
der thoea terms, ana m larae pvnion ui
the delegation going down as witnesses
1 . Ka ..mnlnvat . Tha V
A. Kriba lands in that'part of Linn
-"-2. ".'-- - ' YS
-T.v arivantao-iiof nur Annual
.SSJP.-wT ...TtJC'.T ..-. .T .Z. . . ' "
finest of French perfumes, from
. aaa e a
to reduce out oveniowing aiocK,
your purcnase or your tnangc. :
Pur6 Liquors .
Walker's Canadian Club. . . . . .fl.Ott
MoBrayera Cedarbrooav bottjed
In bond .... ...... V ...fl.'SO
Tnsher-a Rye A . . ..... . .81. IO
Muskingum Valley f l.XIa
Old Cabinet Blend . .65
Welch's Orape Jiiica plnta aae-43
Martell - Threa-Btar Brandy ... 81.73
California Port and Sherr. . , . .23
loaay iav
CrysUl Rock, Rya and .Tola,... 65
Cream (Rye ... ....-... 91.05
in, duik. special per gaion-
Muskingum Whisky V5.00
Old Cabinet Blend. W.'s-v.-rn r.v.l 12.50
Irondequolt Port or Sherry....) 13.15
California Port or 8nerry. . . . .1 ll.OO
70101, best 1.5
No extra charge Tor containers. . vvs
deliver free anywhere In the lty.-."r
oxrs BTatXaioss AanvwAnm bot-
TLII are .made or.raaaea, not traan.
rhaar win haia wasa aad wear, -not
turn leaky when needed tha most. Our
guarantee la for ona year, our sales
people ere skilled men and. woman, - "
special ....... 73
- verykflneat pure gum, 1-quart; spe
cial . . . . 91.1S
I - special
ntBatTtraf coataUsTATioir a-rmntaB
asm mm wiru morns si.lft
aVASXata' BTSIaTtlBI special. fl.TW
SB, TtrUABVi special. 'V ;. . .fl.98
tasoxt svui nrmrjroi spe-,-1
ciai 27 39 594 08
ITfTMTTsrar. t or ,rnedlotnaX or toilet
, use; special........ 29 63 59
bbsv oirra o r
; , Guaranteed Razors '
Our guarantee means a week' 4' trial
and money back If you're hot' satisfied.'
lABUmr "BBBT" SAXOBSl ape-
otal ...... Ta 98 81.19 81.79
AJTBTT SASOBS, "OaTM" - 7-blade
- OUUll, complete -wiin Sirup, oruaa,
' soap and mirror, all in elegant mo
rocco case, regular flf,0;,ape- ' "
clal , . . ..................12.98
anAX urm. I-blade. complete out
fit, regular $18.00 j special v' 99.98,
TAB Uim xaATliiias- wux
- FIT, a baaaty, complete In every par-
.' ttculnr, regular .to; special
- aafimi. recularly tt.00: spa-
clal . . ....... .......... fl.89
anunn afbtxbb abb sxtsa
" BXABZB New stock Just received.
iu utx-tA -ha-laraslvromnosed
Of timber claims secured thuav-stany
of the settlers are reported to have
evaded tha aobpoenaa or tna grano jury.
Tha 4aiaantuin will m down' to Portland
this evening, and be ready to appear be
fore thf grand jury Tueaoay.
Formally Sworn ta aa araaoeaaor ta la-
'5- . tttet Attonasr Sail. -' , v - '
-0. .nt. T - iTana'ir- la this aftarnonn
United BUtea district 'attorney for Ore
gon. At 1 :li o'clock p. m. District
Judge C B. Bellinger aald from the
bench: r "Mr. Heney, I yhava appointed
you district attorney! you -will step for-
wsrd and teas - tne- . necessary win.:
"Thank you, your honor,' was . tha re
ply, and Mr. Heney at once proceeded
to qualify. "-'' '' '
WhUa there are . no iconditlona' or
reeervatlona In the appointment. It la
understood that Mr. Heney win nuia me
mm.: nniv until it. - hu flnlehed the
land fraud cases,' and then will relin
quish tha position to soma uregon man
to be named by tha president. While In
ha xfliM however. Mr. Heney la district
attorney In every sense of tha word.
and will conduct an tne airairs 01 me
office. Assistant , W. W. . Banks, who
h.i .ha nn.iiliui under John HalL will
continue In hts ofllce. a the removal of
hia superior did not arrecx aim in any
manner. Mr. Banks could aot be re-
.a ...-in. hi. ntir.vaap term, with-
bi"u "'a .... - - :
out charges were preferred, and nothing
haa aeea eaia mat w", ma
paat developmenta. - -. ' 'j' ''
.' (gpedal tneaatek ta Tee tearsal.ll '
'r........ vuaah jr. n a. Nala Ander
son, a Swede, who la thought to be In.
anna, rrfifV a. sensation b stabbing
. . . k.... a. vara! Mm., nn a
niQIKU IO la v.vmmm - " -.-- ---
Spokane-bound train yesterday.. On his
..... a. iM.b.n. ha rafitaait tA laava
arrival to - ' - -
tha train r tell hla hama Finally he
waa removed to a nospiuu. ia wiu re
cover. - , -.. v - . ". . . ;
' (aeeeUl Dtapath ta Tse JoaraaL) '
.a Wralvla Ida.. Jan. 0. While
cleaning a gun which ha did not know
-. jrut Hnvder shot htmaelf
through the hand Saturday, Inflicting a
wound which may maxe amputation new
Dr. B. E.
Searttvt that re-
ltevea all pain In
dental opera tlona.
Hay, Waaaiagtoa
aTa aoa, awvaasa.
Sale.- On nearly every .household or itenonal need you can save
a -cent home of glycerine to a
. S a.1 1 J aa a aa. al ,eke-a-aWaB
. . - a. . .T . a
,na:e ung fw
wu t.v. vr..w..v
ura aaii I thnuaande . af naunda ' at
Tollst and bath Boapa Low prices.
high quality. . .' " - . --'
Bvery Wall-Xnown sraaa a? a crreai
I - saanaaMsa...
: ' ' OABTXXS aOAF. .
Pure OUva7" ;. . . vZi.? . . . . 19
Bait Water Soap. 15
. wAWnm a vi -at , eilll.T attaWSL .
(special, uoaeia tl -Cotton
........... . -'. .......... 35
Ufe Buoy .35
Turkish Bath ....... ........ ..85
Bhaker Tar .35
"-Special, box of cake a , ' -,v . '
Klrk'a Glycerine - 1 7
Dairy Maid ,...... .......19
Coamo Buttermilk . ... ....... ..19
Regal. Glyoerlna .i ............. 19
Armour's Aeaorted ...... ......... -8
Special, cake-. .
Irk a ' Juvenile . ...i ...... lZf
Woodbury's ............. .......15
Pear's :,...............' 11
4711 ...i...
Cut Icvra .... .';. . . . ... 16
Munyon'a . i ... .... i . . 3
Jaraav Cream i . . . . . .. .13
Almond B.oap;' apeclal' doiirtt ' '
Glycerine .Ballai special dosen...97d
'Flna Ferfumea at graatly 'reduetd
prlcee 1 . v . . . ; . , '
Stanley's Triple Extracts; apecUl. ;
ounce '.......... ..... j. ..... ..19.
Pinaod a' Eaa.. Foacarlna apecUl.
ounce. ............... J. . fl.47
Plnand'a EasValleda; ipeclai.
Plnaud'a Eaa. Partheula; apecial,
im Vlnlat Wktar. rearular Tic: -
. apecial : '..' . ......39
Hoyfs German Cologne, regular 15c;'
apecial 3 '. ........ i .,' . ... .. ...... 18'
Florida Water, large ..v.i.a.33
Leather Goods
"From the smallest Card Case to tha
finest Traveling Bag or Suit Caea at
a reduction, of ft per cent. This la
better toan you'll do again Jthla year
anywhere. , ; j,.; ; w.T.;.?v.rX'. ' 'y'i-.
OSaMf WaOTBOTOSa. , ' '-'"'-For
keeping the body warm andpre
ventlng coughs, colds r and all lung
trotrblaaX ' " V " ;"' ' . 'i '-
Woodlark Chest;. ; 43
Froat King and -Qaaen Chamois Vests.
' every one guarantee . -. . , . - -
- perfect r.... ...iy..?;'.9af'aT
iS6 smell, no amoke. the mo there' ajid
nuraea'dellght, burns algm hour a
-box of 10; speclsLv......j...l8
' TSmiOATS mssosa. . . -And
Hand Olaasea, heavy bevsled
French plate,, handsome ebony, oak
-.and boxwood frames, . 91.40,
I 92.2S, 94.50, 9T.OO. - :.
pe'avrm ..ZOm , .,TW.
lurth'earid Washinfirtbn
(Continued From aga Ona.V
Johnson ba discharged.-. Baglefa writ
ten statement follows: -
"To the Editor of Tha Journal We,
through the medium af your paper, wish
to make It known that J. F. Johnson
hss armed hlmeelf with a petition
signed by II man, with which to de
fend himself from tha juat proeecutioft
of tha grand Jury, tha - aama being
cleverly obtained by coercions, and in-i
direct Intimidation. -Mr. J oh neon Satur.
day morning, before tha handcuffs ware
removed, while tha prisoners -were In
tna atocsaae, maao a gnmug iiiu
each man individually and proposed the
. a MtKUn n ihiai who had
never been directly Injured or abueed
by him. under tne innuences wrouani
to bear ail but 14 msa aigneo. aunougu
... .a .ma . hnaa wnA elvnad had
been mtatreaited by him, and aftlxed
their algnatures througn rear ot perse
cution. The following charges will be
preferred agalnat hlnu - '
- "November It. knocked . down and
kMai a,ith wmvlan lea a nrlaoner: De
...ha. a .rfHM. su beaten with a
hammer handle becauae he waa too alck
to work; December a. oraerea men 10 oe
shot if they put hands In their pockets
to get them warm or extricate handker
chlefer alsd blasphemed two prisoners
and their families; December . man
.tt. a .m' M.a n M.knlla and waa
strung up by hands on arrival,' from
a. m. to f p. m., in the .bitter cold with.
out any dinner, tna prisoner an m urn.
pleading for mercy: December It, atruag
.am.m .in 1mm I 1 A a. m tO ll.JSOOn.
on account of slcknsea; December II,
same1 prisoneesirung up- unui """""
cuffs ul enlstsi pwtinoei au.
IISIBl nettinuaii suj anowsue-
prisoner out with rock, then threw water
on him to bring mm o.
"All theae statements can ba verified
by th entire rookplle gang..' If Mr.
Johnaon would ' vindicate - himself, let
him call an Investigation and, try to dis
prove these facta ' - :
Quick action on tha part of Patrolman
Rowley In turning. In the fire alarm
eaved the larga supply of hops stored at
the Oembrinue brewery from .being de
stroyed br fire about 1:10 o'clock this
morning, ft parka from the smokestack
eat fire tit tha roof above where tha hope
are stored. Tha engineer blew three
shrill blasts, then tried to put out the
blase with some hose kept at tha brew
ery for emergencies. Rowley-saw tna
fire and made a rush tor tha nearest fire
alarm bos. .- Tha fire department an
swered the call In the nick af time, far
bad the blasa continued a few minutes
lanser. ths hope, which are dry as pow.
der, would have caught fire. The fire
men quickly put out tna Diase.
i Tha loaa-waa trivial. ,- ...
ad woeas.
AUea ai Lawta Beat feraad. . .
I-.'.,'. . " . .. ' t
xu ivxmn dswi caoincx.,
A 4 1 Atta)M4a) M anamwak r1lf
. 7
No underpaid boys
r-- .
Both Cabinets
IS.XTI - : Our Woodlark
I. pes mea atim
Y. vl a tea tha,
A A ay a tarn. In
V lVi aaasneT.
ViV :-It opens the
I fj( mlllUti
Oaalnat atlm.
of pores In
tha akin
which impur
ities are' car
ried oft and
It doea not weaken, but adda vigor
and strength, brings, a roay glow to
pals and sallow faces, makes the ayea
bright, soothes and steadies the nervea.
i Treatise aa Senior aa4 Saanty with
ears Oabiaet rue. " . -
Improved saethoda of manufacture
enable aa to offer tha beat Cabinet
ever made at areatty Sataeed Frteeei
Na 0, reg. 15.00; speclalt ..... 83.19
No. J. reg. M OO; special... ... 83.98
No,' 4. rag; It. 00: special.,.,.. 86.39
No. . reg. flOOOi special..... 97.98
y Cut Glass :
The kind: that won tha priaa at St.
Lou la.
Boya; Pockathhlvea, . 1-blade,,' horn ' r
' ..handles "v , i i, ,, . . 4 ......... 1.. -9
Polished handles, wlh chain.... 33
Laoiea- Pearl Han d le 1 -bl ad ,
knlvea .'.... ...... S3
Bona Handle, l-blade knlvea. .S7
Heavy Jaekknlf e. I bUdss. . . .37
Pearl Handle, l-blade, good alaa. 98
10-Inch. Turkey Feather Dusters. 15
Same as above. 1 t-lnch. ; i . ... .23
t-lnoh - - Bell' Hrtr1ch :fWt rn tff 8 8
T-lnch Wool Duater. . 12
. r-:r,- OXOOXB. Tir.-JT'r - -'
American Alarm Clock.... ......73
Long Alarm Clock ring S
-: minutes ......... .1 1 .'nfn.-s. 85
Oold-Plated Maptel Clocks, guarkn-teedi'-nir-r.
i . vrr" -wmt t r91.98
American Watchee, stem- v;
- wlndera ...... . . . ........ .91.00
J-: , Vif ' ' -r. t.
' asos 99uMMm -
Btxbya. small, 9, large... ....12
Blxby'a-."Jet Oil" ..'. .....'.. . . 12
Ravanola . . .r.Mt. .. ..... 8
All aur gantia --Tortolaa Shell
Combs to c'.osa out at SAZJP FSZOS.
Qualtnne, a lt-ounoa roll of the bast
tissue, tha largest ad finest on ths
.V market; spectalr-Pr dosen -1 A
roUa ... ...... ...83
Del tar a regular 10-cent package. 1.000
C BheeU; special, par dosen 83
- ' ...... . , . . . .-. . . .
'Bpeelal heavywelghU, ito.. Sto. .39
Turkish Wash Rags, pUln. an4 with
borders, 5 and 8
g roll Dennlson's Crepe Tissue, ragu
1K4 Croli fancy , Crepa. assorted da-
signs, latest patterns jjegalar Io-
Continued From Paga Ona)
rank and file of tha rmy in Manchuria
of tha fall of Port Arthur, and though
Koropatkln la aware of tha event, ha haa
kept tha newa to-himself, j :,r., T..-
Vice-Admiral Pottovsky, ' commanding
the second Pacific - aquaoron, haa- lef t
Suda Bay for Port Said.
Joorasl SpeeUl Berviee.)
1 St Petersburg, Jaa. Great- leara
bare been created here by tha rumor that
a strong Japanese squadron ta en route
with all possible speed for Madagascar
to meet Admiral Rojeatvensky and take
advantage of the Battle veaaala While
they are scattered and undergoing re
pairs. ..-.-.... -j'--.-.." ...!.-; -v .
Pegf arbank Oomsaiaaloa : 0
Sleeta Fonralat' af Fraaee le-aaldamw i
-V' (Jearsal serlet earrk-a.) '
Paris, Jan. . The International oom-
mlsslon to Investigate the Doggerbank
tragedy convened thla morning. Ad
miral Fournler. tha Franch member, waa
unanimously elected president. The body
then retired for aecret deliberation to
agree on regulations to govern tha pro
cedure of the commission. i .
Tha aeoond meeting ta announced for
thla afternoon, . It la expeoted that twa
meetlnga will be held dally until tha
queationa are settled. a- .
: i .' - '.-'-' " '
' ' (Journal peeUl acm.) f
Conatantlnople, Jan. The porta has
bean thrown Into a atate f alarm- over
tha reported discovery of a great amount
of explosives near Dedeaghatch. aald ta
have been concealed by Bulgarians for
ths purpose of the destruction of Con
stantinople. Troopa hare been ordered
ta tha apot. . . .
' ' ' (Jearsal aseeial Berries.) .
Boston, kfaaa, Jan. .The Democrats
ef MaasaekTBsete have' completed ar.
ran gem en t a for tha: big reception and
banquet to ba held at tha Revere house
tonight In celebration of Jackaon day.
Th affair will bd attended by Governor
Douglaa and other stats officials, and by
tha Democratle leaders of several other
atatea. Senator Carmack of Tennessee
la to deliver tha -principal addresa
I eva3 aa
atkei A aaa "ej fa - fA -r
from 3 to CO per. cent from
department Is Included in this .
j 1- t V . M avl.:.
oura ia the Quick lervice tore.
and girls delay and disconcert
r " ' srabxax Fsioxa ' nr ows' 'i-
h Photo DepUl
Now, la tha tlma to buy a Camera
for your, bar or girl. -For; health,
comfort and. personal safety - It beets
a shotgun. The photographic work
which a boy undertakea is a liberal
education In Itself and all this ap
plies to girls it's not an expensive
pleasure. We give Instruction free at
all times.
Ansco Camera and 'Films. Monarch,
and Cyko Papers. 'Everything that's
new and goo4, In ' photography, wa
have. - : , -v
WS SSTBXiOV. 4Ut raisT, 1
' firing us your filraa aad platea. No
machine work. Skilled mea attsnd to
your .orders promptly... F"ree dark
room and Instruction on any question
for tha asking. .-',v-
pwooasAraza i'J'-ii i . ... f.
fsioxas --
at your ow
Fhoaa aVm-.V ,
aaala for.
10I; regular
Tie; apecial.
a. -.
laaorea, a
complete lat
of topics.
tha moat
popular at .
pnoto text.
books, , . regu
lc; speclalt
aar-h 10a.. -
50'-epeclal,,. Sliding Tripod; regu
- lar 11.00. -. "
9 liggina . Photo ' Plaater; regular
15 Eastman's Toning Solution; '
regular 3 60. ... . i;-.- .::
SO Zinc Weaning Boxes; . regular
. 11.00. - - -
A arreat line of bargains In Cameras
and Kodaks, shopworn - aod second-
h - r .. ; -
1 ' Lay aatda your well-worn brush and
Indulge In the delight of a perfect
one at a nomlnar price. . Everyone
can' afford a good brush "during our
We are dtracOnlportera of French,
German' and Japaneae Bruahea. - We-
ara agents - - tor Adams, Evana eV
Howard, manufacturers of tha very
(I neat domestic goods in this country..
EveryTftruah in our stock hair, hat,
cloth, - tooth, nail will be aold at ft
redaotlom of M pea eat daxtar ia
11.00 Brushes . ....... 91.BO
11.00 Brushes '1&4
I l.JO Bruahea ...... ....w.. ..9. 13
0a Brusnea . .......... ;..v 37
... . ...
la gross of- "Woodlark" Tooth
Brushes, which -we sell regularly for
lie thjeelal lao. -This same brush la
generally aold at 0o. -i ' -
sTIlltarr Small n1r frr TTIr Ti T"t
. . - --aaMi' SasraosV - '' - ' -J r.-.
mall alaa. soeelal....
. . .... ...
Medium else, special;.,. 91.19
Letrge slsei apecial
ipeetol. . . .'. . . .if 1.73
Seada,asrtssa few Chamloala, Olaao
weaM AFlras -WisakaCaaa.
dlaa asaaey at fall vaiae. Wa deUvaa
free to all paras af aha city. " a eeaa
pleta Telephena Sashange So. 11
Duka't Wifa SaJd to-Havaa'
Rtcord Similar to Mrs.
rirrlChadwlck'a.!-; ;4:
v.-.'-... .
( Jwiriuir Bpll rVIM. ) ( '
New York. Jan. . It has developed '
that Miss Alice M. Webb, tha bride of
Brodle 8. Duke, a former millionaire,
haa . been ' adjudged ' Insane and . oom
mlttad to a aanatorlum. -rr-
- On tha day that Duke waa taken Into
enatody hla bride "was evicted from a
hotel by tha manager. sna went to tna ,
epartments . of her friend.:'.. Agnes .
Desplalnes, who was formerly interested ;
In the "House of Air Natlona. "
v Duke's bride haa a alater who keeps
the house on West Forty-sixth atreet.
from the third story window of which -
a. abort, time ado ftglrl named Moaa.
from tancaater. Pa., jumped and was -'
killed. , - .1 ' , , . ' -'
It la aald tha Webb woman secured s.
large aum from Duke before their mar- v
riaga. Tna ramuy ,wui aeea to nave tea -marriage
annulled, claiming that Duke ,
waa insane at tha .time the, -cermony -
waa performed. . '.;
. A dispatch from Chlcaaa aays that
atiaa nioD bm a vvcvra mm a iui.m in
approaching that of Mrs. Chad wick. SI A
induces many man to inveet Immense
auma In ber aehemaa, ona of which la a
tobaoco plantation of . ,750 ..acrea t in
lexas. . j. . ,;. ... . ,.
-. (earaal gpnial BMbw.) V -New
Tork. Jan. ' .George' SJ. Kim- '
berly, tha newa, of whose -death from :
pneumonia on Saturday In' a Near Tork "
hospital,- became known .today,.. waa one
of the four sons of Georga B. Klmberly. '
who waa once-owner of the Klmberly, J
diamond .mlnea In South Africa. - Klm
berly lived with hla wife and eon on thai ,
top floor Of a bualneaa building on lower1
Fifth avenue ha poor otrvumstanres. He
was estranged from ether members of
hla family. Hla fortune had been lost i
In unwise apeculatlon . - . '
... .
(Jenraal. io-rtar Barrlce 1 T
Berlin, Jan, t.- More than ( persona 1
have been f rosea to deat In the prov- .
Incee of Eat Pruasla.'Weat Prussia and '
Poaen, In the recent. cold period.
- - -f