The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 09, 1905, Page 13, Image 13

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    !:0. .'JANUARY - . US3.
( I . -.eee.l
wn kt the eesfoffiee of Portland. Or.,
inoeportettee tbreugfc Um nll ae secoad-
M Mttor. - -
. CUl
Pmih ior ahurle eonlaa Im'm ia .
r?.. 1 .e,Ui P. ; W
- . ' ,
v , - j--tilkphokh. i M t
( -Kdltorisl Boom. ........ ....Mala 8S0
. - Buslsees OMm,.., ,...-.,". Mala 600
- .'. roo ADTutnmra xxraxazrrAriTX.
.,..Vltend-Bensamln Special Advartlalnc Agency.
..,.":.' "UK WBKlfft . . . .. . (,
"y t: imduraoi sate. 'v -
. 25 J5?.' iaa,ml Baaday, Petri.. T.0
2? ! yr. ....... LOO
A-zl Vr .v soaesy, mum. .t
Ji J,"'r 'ou"f. month ' a.60
1 25 if.11 JowmI, wltk Sunday, Booth. 1.86
. The Dally Jowul, a Bwntb777. 1.80
, The Dally, mee wm. dslivered. Beadsy-- -
Included . ,15
v.., The- Dally, .per week, delivered. . afeadey
- - excepted ,.,.-..,. ,....,,.,,..,. J'
" ; TMi by Matt. . :, ... - '
2? 5!" i"i. Sunday, ( rw.;..T.o
V Tk Dally Journal. I year. ...,.'...... f., BOO
ine iuy Journal, wltk Bandar, Bxmtli. 8.T8
-TH Dll nmntha. . 1
S'1' Journal.! wltk Sunday, 1 aMBUul .M
i . Tha. Dally Joaraal,1 S monto. ........... .i l.M
i."" H" orai, wua suuoay, j mmia., .
".TJ lly Journal. 1 axmlk. M
, TIM Ruaday Journal, 1 yaar. ,.... ...... ,v f.00
r Tbk Buoday Jouraal, nwntka.. 1.00
TW laml-Weakly feuwO. -. . .
' The Raml-Weeklr Jouraal. to U Mw
i ' ". UlaatreUd. toU Burkat r4 -.
' "port, J ytar ....,... MJO
v Tk VeeUy tmtll ' 'p .
t ; Waakty Joaraal. loeelaaHM ef nti-1-- '
v. lea aark hane. iltoatratad. ftUl aurke J'-
... "P. year.. ...1.00
Raajlitaacae aboald ka aude by draft, coital
, . aotce, viairaea srdara a ad email wukt are
(ccepuble la 1 aad t-cnt poatage atampa.'
' -P. O. Bex '131, Portland, Or. - , V.
, ...ymnz m jopkhal -mat bi roxrvs.
Tke Joqrn.I ca ka found ea aaU at tk foV
lowlna placeei . .. -.- ..,J.,...","7T
woi88, IDAHO book atore. "
ktllll AOO PaetofBoa Kewe com pen, ITS Dear-
bora ttreet, : . . ...
, DKJVVEB. COIX). KaadrVk Book 4 Itatloaery
rompaay. P13 (Wwlwiti etreeti 1. , Black.
Blltamtta ai d lin klm aiiBi la -v .T -
- x JsANSAB riTY Vea Noy New eempeoy.
9 L0 ANOkXER B. Oardaar, 3A Boaffl
i- Jprln atrert; Ottrar Ualaae, aud Boetk
BdtIus. atrt.
Eavaaaafa, Sontk
OMAHA Millard Hotel aeera eta ad; Maeth
HtattorauL rompaay, 1 Peri am etreet.
SALT I.AK1 CITY Keoyea Hotel aewe aUad;
Brrow Broe., Wis Beeoad etreet, Boatk.
: T. town faille Reader, did Letuet etreat.
: BAN rUANCIBCO W. B. Ardldf, paleea Hotel
. - - newa atand; Ooldamltk Brae., 23 Batter
eirret; riw w. fitta. inns Market etreet.
BPOKANB. WA8H Joha W.-Orakam m la.
TACOalA. WAKH. Ctrlewa oompdny, UJi
V- 'i'-r Portland Auction roomi Ml Pint atreet.
A at 10 a. m. Bale of keoaekoid auwS eu. wua
. 'iowen, qacfioneer. . ...v-..:. . '- t-
By Oeorn Baker Co., -Park and Alder
treett. at 10 ' a. m. Bale of awderd. r.t.
claap fnTnliblnp of private reaMeaea, - Oeorpe
raavr at -vm eocuoneera. 11
' wzATHzit axrosT;
' . Durlne ' tke lajrt 4.V anem :Mjbn.l kvH
ralaa k.ra fallen la CaUrorata aad Itarbt aaow
ia reported , la the ktlaatmlppl . ralky a far
.i aooiu aa evraaaaaa. - a eota wave m eeatral
. . . .near tbe Oekotaa, - wltk teanperatarea from
10 lo BO deereea below arre. - Pair-aad' eold
CZ .wea'ner coatiaoea. ia la nana raeloc. atatea.
Tbe indlcatlooa are for aeaerallr- fair end
eontlnned cold weatber In tbln dletrtot Tinalit
; ' arereded tonllit by Hjrkt aaow la axtrelu ee.t-
. - jnr-vrraoa, eaytera naaauaxom ana norm ere
. r - nssus xiemrsis.
. e ' l PI. TT. Jeoea, 20! Joeepblna Hattoaf' I. '
, , Petrr Uaaecd, 2S; Jeaepkiae UaffeL 1. -..j
'' " ' - - v--,:
Weddlna Carda. c W. a. Bnritk A naL. 'Waak.
.-..laatoB) blda ceev Poartk and-Wahlntoa U.
OOUH December ML- to Mr. ! and Vra. Fred
rt. tiiiB, are seat Tajra atreet. Mbytk; t aoa,
' . JOHNBON December J4, to ; Mr. and Mr,
" John Johnaoa, 46 Baet lra nt atreet; a aba.
-y DKMKNTItB Jannary to Mr. and Mra.' J.
, iiemeiKiue, ee- waerman atreet: a daaafcter..
. LB A MAN January a, to Mr. and Mra. Clar-
r: enra ieemaa, xe BieTenta atreet, aortks
BI MOTT-Jaaoary S, t Mr,' aad Mra. o.
r. ii r. est Reennas mni a MUflT. . I
OWBK-.Dec.mber aa. to Mr. aad Mr. P.trT
-1. uwta, if naryiaaa aeeaa a daaaktrr
' , t COBTAOIOPt PUSilSS. . .
" BT.ARB Jaaaary T. B. M. Slakr, Tklrd and
' uarnaea eueera; aeariet rarer. :
. 'R,'?-af- W4SBS. Jkt'
rBNBT Jaanary B. MarmTnrTTeney. asd B
i jr., ei wire, ur.j esaae. aeseral parei
Burial at BWerrlew cemetery,
Creamtarraai aa Oram City ea Haer Bear
Brllweod; modem, adeotlflc. complete. Ckaryea
Astute,' 8S; cblhlrea, f. V t.l tor a a. at.
-t? r "v Portlaad CrenaaOeai aaaocUtioa.
Tka aVfward Hoi ma a llndertsklae namnf
fnoeral dlrertor aad ambalBMra. . SJO Tblrd
aireea. .' i-noae aw(. , . ;
embalDMr. bare, removed to their jiew eeteb-
. nenmeni. eornar mra ana Haaieon atreats.
uota pnoaeB no., a.
Funeral' wreath and rat aower d eneHalrr
.at Roe. Cite Oreenkoaee- Tweatr lain. aal
uuk wnai opp, ceaieiary.
. : SXAX, SWATS T AKgP lag, w i ;
H.wfhorne eatata to U M. Albrecht lot '-'"
i. : block It. Hawtkora Pint ddltloa,.t BOO
William M. Kinv and wire . to v. B. ,
. 8nark. aoutkweet H lota a and 4.
. block 20. James John' Second addltloa
f to St. John ,
5 flllllam Moralaaoa and wife to P. W.
u Toraler, eaat M feet lota 1 and t, weat
H lota f aad B. block 1. Dolaa'a addi
. . . t(oa W
, tirace rsnett ami aitsrano to j. x.
,' Oreca, let S, block ' 4, Woadlawa
- ' Melaftr ...... ......
The JT M. McTrakea rmparvtn Mr. K
nfToia" lot IJv Mock Bernbari
. . v mra .. ...,... ...... 4..,.
Hawtbnrae' eatata to H. H. Menate,
M 10, block e.Hawtaoroa Pint ad-
n dltloa . ... : . .
, M. U Itolnrook and wlfd to William Mills.
" lot 14. block T. 8t John park addh
' ' tlea ),.,- .........
. U Browa et al. to A. Pace, lot 1,
- block J. Oak Kaolt -,,.
r ' t Oenrae B. Qnlrfle and wife to Mr. H. W.
Read, kit ST. Arlcta JPsrk: tot &. block'
T - I, Portemoutb "Villa e traded j.. . (no
' V Balfonritrtbrle larestntrat eempeay
- P. A. Chrletrasoa at L. weat 0 feet
'." lota 1 and f west 0 feet of aortk
feet lot . block 11. aabdlrMoa IToeb-
etel's addltioa ' 00
... Mam T. MetaaaB at al ua S.-Clark, Ik j.
aerea In Theeaaa W, and Cynthia a....
Gates donatio land claim ...........
W. kV Btowe to tL Belerana, tot IB,
' 1 and M. klork 8. Bralnerd addition: ,
lets 17. la. Block JJ. trrlBatoa Park..
adfiittou ;
M P- Bobert to I. I Bebertr 4 feet ef 1
let.eeJ ..l-at lt A, hl
tin, loara somttoo ... j.. ........... ,
' Walter Reed et (I. to C. Reed. Iota aad
T. blnrb 1ST. Caevk adriltkm ...
. C. Alasworta,' trnatee. to O,
- . lot 14, block I. Myrtle, park
IJanal. A 1 e. W
aaard et aU. let a. block TS, Btepfceaa
- addltlas, t.100
1 Knrtbera i Coaatie . Ineeatmeat Treat, . ,
, Umlted. to J. M. HoTedeaaard. let , .
- 'blork IX Btephcoa addltloa ;J
- S H. Carter aad wife to A. M. Roar.
.u atnrk, lets INI and IT, klork 11, Peel a- '
. aaltr addition 284
- T. C. Belckla te U Lewie, lots 4 k ad S,
fclock a. Moant Tabor Villa BOO
Sheriff te J. B. Scott. Vrta la Portland- . -
r-. (-My Hoaieetnad, Saarls Park. Penlnea- ,
. lar addltioa Me. a. Carter a addltloa '
Portland .and Bkeelsl.a' . .. B
facnb Kb leu to J. P. McCarray. acre
(,.. a D. B." Soatbmayd donattea lead v
- claim -v. .. . .. - ...,.,. TOO
Julia A. Preemn et al. to W. M. Free...
, lull II, blnk M, c - "., 400
Tore-...'. I It , 7 y
lot i, a. b.ui a, j. . . . ... .d
. .... v . -' '' ... .. ' f "
New Utt s Issued by Western
Reflnery Which I Very Much
' x Complicated. c r
With Higher .Prices . in East Local
Of Wheel Looke.Vp--r-Meats
, .-.y - -aire- rirmere : -t
.ffl'v,'.',,. ..... ,...' 'U : ',:
' Punt Street, JaB, I. Tke priaflpal aarkat
irataree loeeyi tt -
. Buaar adeeeco .Us, - t,-
Coloatma aawlt a tower.
Paney potatoes are ia dame ail, ,
Deklera are afraid of alee. -v .
'Kaa eoatlnae "te weakea. . ,v-
l'oultry prime are at If for. : ..- . ...
- Balpjoa reeatpta are attli avail, v "
Preek mala quoted firmer.
" Car California ecetablee la, .
" Um Aaalaa eatery. . i;
' : Suasr ' Xarket . Us' Vp. '- --
A aw price list aa bees BBnoanoed by
tbe WeateraXBukar Beflnlna: company. Tbe
new list la rather complicated and dealer
bardie knew what to say or which way to
iatarne.1 It- r Nevertheless ' today they - m
an advance of 16s per ' tnadrsd pounda la
tbe lasal-Talaa Us saw list Muf, .90 for
tan 4rf araaulatad. p , --.,T.-r--j--,,
SMaaHaa' a 'eaaW-Saa. M?
" Tk auaar altaatloa la a very evea ane at. It
beat. The aaw llrt acntNxit by tk Weetsra
eompany aaaeaacea that tka former dteceost
ef Sac per kondred pounaa waiea incr sas
been allowed toc-cusa aaa fee weauni,
bet that tha net price was fu lower. By the.
naiiud e..eetlmetloa tha Met la de
rived that tnsteed afn-prte of auar beina
10: klfbar. It i ia reality aaowiaa aa ao-
vaace of lae. ,,Tkia latter way eeaiue "
the oaly one Tor tae joooere a iimv '
: Baaura CempsUed - to Sa Mhtln.
' Aa (ae as the suaar war bsina declared off.
tbe oealera do not beUeva It. but any that tke
asbt ia off aa far ae taa - et eeierp rai loarj
eonceroed. They alalia that by taklaa "
tbe llaUted aelUn price the trust baa limply
ukea th daht from Ita own sbonlders aad
placed It apoa thoaa of tha aameroea Boast
Jobber. Jobber may possibly eat prtoee end
sn toelr awa threat bat. that ia aa coaeera
of tke bla reflalna companyi-,
Srie fa Seat Advaneea Afaia.
Today Artmckla f and-tlieAiaeslcaii Bofar
ReMnina company, ssatsra duaar coe earns, tele
arapbed that as advance of 10 per kandred
pound aaa hern made, la tba price of
product ; todaj-. TkJ wajK predicted la The
Joaraal 'yeetseday.v Tkur-ttskeai . advances of
be pef bandred poaada la tka east since tbs
previous - change here. BeporU eay that tke
market taf firmer attkaasw quoUttoas. - t-, .
. j.' ,'' 'Colombia. Smelt Sa tw. ' "
.There mas' a cat ef H a pound ia th pries
of Columbia river smelt today, th price beina
.Receipts are aala snowing an lncrasss.
A feme fresh ealmoa are being received from
tba lower Columbia, but, aot near eooogk to
anpply tba market, wblck Is aalng eaid storage
proaact. . Steel beads are tba only one eosalng.
raaey Pilatss
tTThere in a oetter demand for fancy potatoes
from California aoa price, are amrenina ap
la a (berytaar - way; -Tba tecal eaU, Boweeer,
ii! n . eery aexrow tooa aadV tk market 'if
anytklna is wtk.rr'---'r- ''
. . XMaJ Ara . Afraid a valeaa. v
Onlee" XaalerB are eery wary, aad are not
parcnaelnf to any attest, i Lata report from
curnrmle ear that tha Banket ,1a weaker oa
ccauat af- the' fcaaeler receipt ef Colorade
lat -t.l. fc .Ithoeerh nut ef sack rood aaallty
ae tad local product, aU at rifhtly hlaber
-w, Saaltry Stlffara NaV . '
- The receipt, of poultry eontlooe under th
aemand. - FrKea are -inereiorv setoa ' an-iu
eeere fUm around IB for ! aad UV4a for
tratrbt reopa of ben. To ere remalaa-a aood
deauiBd ton Ubm aa well aa wild-daeka and
araee. ,. A Hmlted amount of tiffaeya would
Mad fo4 aalL
7 reek Meat ftneted firmer,
AM is- flmoeee IB the free awat market.
BeoetavUt; altaouav fairly Ubetat are not. op
' . . - -
?, tb ."fTi larfeoeniand and price ar
heliur etretebed a trifle.
? Wheat Market I firmer.
rirmnaa. is rullnaT In tha whrat market.
Tbe rosters market la better aed ltHjulrlra from
there are mora numerous; Mo lata sales are
reported, bowevdr. :
.Today ruling whslesals Belli na prices are:
Oraia, riaayaad Feed.
WHEAT New and pldWalU- Walla, 830
84ci blueatem. atj"wcTaiiey, air.
BARI.RT Feed, 822.80; jrsiled. 823.T8l
eg. bu,ov. . .1"
X)RN Whole, moo -toai rckrd. 127.00.
i BKB 81.0O per cat. .. .
1 'OATS Producer price No. 1 wklta, (27.80;
mrmm B'M N.Hrt OA. - ' -
FLOl K.stera ' Ore gos Patents, (4.8B
tralgkta. 88.T8: Valley. 4.10: arabanv Ms.
84.00; to. 84 .48; rye, 8fla. 84.00; bales. $2.78.
MlteOsTCPKS Bran. 81. 00 pee toa; mid
dllnss. 82S.00; abort., oouutry, 821 SO; chop,
HAY Producer price Ttsjofoy, Willamette
valley, fancy, f li.nois.ooi ordinary, l.ooa
14.00: eaitera Oregon, 8lB.oold.00; mlied.
8l2.oooia.oni, ciovar, pn.uuuiz.w; arraia,
ll.0uijl3.00; oheat, U.O0tjU.0O. , . ,
. Hops, Wel aad BDdag. . "
norHt lt4. 28iiB28U for choice: pra
os v r for nrlmes and owdlaas. 1
W00L-Xintrcts 1808 clip Valley, sears
te medium, taf-i1 aaa, viae; aaatara Ore
gon, IOC. . : 'vi
nttn.J rt cew. wo,
SFIBBPBKlrlS Bbearliaf. 100cf short wool.
B0twc; Bedlam wool, an00a, loaf wool,
aOciatl.OO sack. r- - -
IlUiUW-mm, per bs,.sjbc: na. a aaa
grease. 232H. -' - '
Vnil llB A e, so ew evf way i op-price,
MinEB Drv hide. So. 1. Id lba and an.
lBtjlSWe per lb; dry kip. Na, 1 8 to 18 lbs,
Ike: drv calf. No. 1. under. 8. Ib. lsa: drv
Baited belle and stars. 1-8 lane tbsa drv Bint:
ealted kldes, steer, eonnd, 80 lb ar aver.
av la ao us, ac; wnr ou in. aaa -cowa. inj
ae; staaa aa buibv aoeea, ec; aip. ia te
aTbe.84c; aouad. 0ttolda iSsaMssT I
Be lb leas: culls, lc aer Ib leas: koree hides.
salted, each. 81.Mdtl.To; dry, each, 81.00610;
eolt hides, each, ' 2&tSOc; gnat aklna, aommoa.
rack, lorjlaci Aaaor. vlth wool oa, each
arceti.ov. i , (.. .--,,,.
anmertaggn aaa rwmnrj, -TJTTBR
PAT Sweet, tSHcrrsonr, tevtc. '
BOTSinVeOttr rnsBr. beat.' nvrf.'kv.
aacoBd grada, , 82X2oci outside fancy, 27 He; j , . . w.w .wi.n TB aOXe ISH
Callfornlua2He,e: store, llHOlte.. .
. auyo ae. i irvaa vregoa,. tc; seaurn
S4c ' ' ' - - .- .
CHKKflK- Kawrui cream, twom ISH Q 14c;
yonng America, lnc; eastern, lfte. 1
POIXTKY Predaoera' price Thickens, Btxed,
so per in; neae, ivtse per IB raoat
srs. aid. . lOHc . per lb; ' yoona. 19a aer uv
broilers, UM per lb; fryers, lie per
Hi; darks, aid, 10Vi par poand. yeang, 1141V
per lb; gee... 8CHe per Ibl tarkv. 19911
per lb; drseeed. l-tjlue per Th. 7 '. " . "
WILD -OA ME Teal. il.SOlttl.TB:. wldaa:
M 00; mallard, 83.6O.JS.00; , canvaabacks, 84.M
- .- FiaJU abd TagrUWas, ... : -------
POTATOBa Beat Oreeoe. a5aMa,'"Bae
wayer prices,' T5i: aecomt grade, T0aToc
sacs; saying pnre, suajaaci sweets, beet, 81.28:
crated. 81.40iwl.48; new California, Sc per lb.
OJsiOJtB Locel, a, an; buy err prices, roea-
ddttlea '
A.' B. Carter
'W. 'BeVk.'
Jr.. lot id.
block 28. Llncols Park Aaa(
Oet ynr tnsnrtnea end abstract, to real
aetata from tha Title Ooa ran tee 4k Trust com
pany. Chamber of Commerce building.
FBAZEB Jaaaary T. C F. FVaaee, cat tare.
Kaet TSBJblll tietweem East Thlrty-Blntk Bad
Reet Portletk etreea: coat. 8WI0. .
TIlOMPSMikl Jannary T, T. Thomaeon, repairs
, o bonee. Bast Tbtrry-thlrd betweer BelBMat
end Kaet Yamhill streeta: coat, tl.nno.
SHERRY Jarmary 8, W. Sheeby, J -story data.
r,Mvpa"a r iweea. miasa aaa ciay streeta;
coat. d.OvO. .'.'..-, y
try. 1 00.J rry. J1.00) garlle, aeiOsHrW lb.
ei.ow rancy ureann per aoa ,
cneap graaea, ' sui'aa per ooi :
naval, ll.To'dla per boa; eedUBBa,
. u a. a
oraneea. BOtiiooa ner aw haaenaa Be ear Ik
Mamie, choice, is as per Dos; rancy, ss is
per bos: Howe,' bias
apples, la.ftv.J.eOl pa
11 M) per box; araabarr
HaascsB, aoa war luwt
pears, JIM l.ft files,
rrles. M OO ner bel: Jeeoy.
10.00 r-w bbl: Brnoes. Is bs Ibi tinbeulea.
i.7o" g per lo-itr crau.
V A EX. EB Turnips, 11.00 par sack; ear-
rov per seek; aeta. al jo per ssea
u ii jima, ids per ooa; eavoai
ibbsas. Orem
! v.uforaia; lataaa. katkeesa,
per due: pre a peppers; Tc per B; -chill
-.. Us dss lb: aelerr. BOslaue aer doe
toutoes, California, 12. bO; paranlpa, T6e; e
piaat. uO'per id: atnng Beans,
1 per do;
8c pampktos. lc per kb; borer radlabv ft 8 per
o; earuuu. i; aaosareoma, aoa par hi
chokea, 04f-o pa due; aaaa, ls aaf
cucuipbera, Caltforsls kotkouaa,' ll.ta ooa.
biSD FRUITS Apoles, evaporated, Tata
lb; aprloota, 8' t air ibl aexka, Ik
lb lass; peachee, k git per lb; peers.
per lb prusea, Itahaa. aH parent
rreoca, aHMna per . ia; .aiuonua oucm.
tHC per lb; California Wblte. per lb
plum, pitted, per lb; dates, toU. 8
per a fards, fl.o par 1-U boa. ,
roeariea, Jiuta, It.
Bt'OAB Back- basis Onbe. fd-Hl paw dared.
I8 60; fruit araBulated. tASO; dry frssalated.
.ao; beet 'sranuUted. extra C,;
aoldea U, go. To; bbl MM, H bole aoe, bosas koc
savaaea sac basis, lees aoa cat xsr saaa.
sa; mapie, lauvas pel la. .,. .
-HOKBY lOlfc.
V COPriCB Packaee Brando. 818.88. -
SALT Fine Bales, 2a, 8a. it. a. 10s, 81.80;
t.bto. dairy, Ooa, eMjH.kO:xl0Os, iw.oO;
Imported Liverpool, Mm, IlS.OOflld.oO; loos.
tU0 18.00; ta,. tlfBOfe 14.80; astra Baa,
Ben. ZB, Be, , 10a, 40; MUXV aV
4.00! aackaTaOa. a6e. ' .. . .
M SALT Coarse Half aroand. 100, par' tea,
S.au4id.80- aoa per tea,, 8.86S)8.u0 Uvarpool
lump rock, 810.80 18.80 per toal 80-b It
88.2oald.TS: loua. lfi.TsaazS.
(Above price apply to as lea of lee than ear
Iota. ; Car lota t specUl. prtov subject to
auctuatious. -
; GRAIN BAGS Ca lent ta, S.TB.A0 par 108.
RICB Imperial Jaiaa, No. l"4le Ka. t,
ci New UrUaaa bead, atetileef Adjaek. 8tp
Creole, 4. ' . ...
BBANa Bmsll white, 4c large whits. HI
"InhV-da, bayeu. tei JUmaA, pci Mexlcaa red.
NUTS PoBBUta. TUei tnmboa. 8 He per Th;
raw, J10e
per in; roosxea, ; exassiu,
doe; walnuts. 14)18 per lbl pine
bo9VUv per
Bute, loetllUe aer lb: hlckorv Bunt. 10a Ver lb
chestaata, essters. IS a 1 Ac per U; BraaU aata,
15c per lb; alberta, lBOld . par lb) , fancy
Pecans, 14QUc par U; alaaaada, iQM par lb.
Meat. Fish aa IWaieas.
'PRRSH klSATS Proa. Mnat naaf. ataera.
ow per to; pora, biock, sjn per u
packers. Aeosks aer lb; balls, ties per lb
cowa. 8ffl3lc. per M; attea. walker end
lambs. dldTc! ewea.-edrSUe: veaL eatrar Bad
one per 10; oraioary. inuse per id. .
. HAMS BACON, BfC Partlsad pack flocal)
bams, 10 te 14 lbs, 124 per lb; 14 to 18 lbs.
u per ib; 18 to aojba. 12 per lb; cottage.
VVic per lbl breakfast becoa, fatlMa Par Ib;
pl.nlcs, Sc per lb; . rag.Ur abort eleera. aa
amoked, lOc per lb: smoked. 11a per lb; dear
backa, aaamoked, per B: -ssseked, lOtt
per lb; L'nloo butta. 10 to IS Ibe, aaamoked, la
per lbl smoked. He per Ib; clear bellies. Bar
smoked. Ue per lb: amoked. IB pec lb.
LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 107 10 M Bet
lb; 8s, 10H per lb; 80-lb ttoa, 10c per lb:
team rendered. 10s, to per lb; 8a, 8e per
lb; 80a, BMe per Ib; compound tierces. 8 per
w; rune, one per id; bos. sr pes ia.
CANNED UAXMON Colombia river 1-lb talla,
11.85; 2-lb U1U,- 82.50; fancy, 1-lb lata. 8100
n-.w mmasj aaw, u.jv, hw -,u vtkb, MWi
laaka talla, plak. 80ffi90; ladJtMAwaslaal
talL SS 00.
ISH Rock end Te ner lb Bonndera. Be Bee
Ib: halibut, te ner lb: 81.2S aer aatf;
Striped baas, 10Q12H per lb; cat flab., T per
o; eaiBKia, steeiaeeas, i par ib; n aata ail
Hj per lb; bcrrlaa, 5c per lb; soles.
sc per lb; sbrlmp. 10c ner
per in; perch,, be-per lb; ebad roe, per
shad. Be oar lk: blank cod. 8r aer lbl
lumbla (tver melt, 3H per lb; silver smelt, be
Per Ibl . lobsters, latae: fresb mackareL Be
per lb; erawfom. SO par dost soaadera, 8 pay
Ib; sturgeoa. To per lb.
OXBTBB8 anoaiwater bay, per. gal, as.
par eack. 8d.08 act;- Olympian per aack. 8nTas.
CLAMR-Hard ahell, per box. tl.00; raaar
etaawv' ewv per VOX., . . ., . ....
" Salats. " OesI oil Sis. '
ROPE Pare Manila. ' lee? nalisr' Uksi
nam,, v i . xaiia wi.uu oiaai, vae.
COAL Ollr-Pear rr Astrsi Cases, 21 Ha per
gal; water, white. Iron bbm M par gaC
wosnrs m per nn neeaiiarnc n i nee eaea.
pwne per gui, iroa ooa lis per KB I.
LISSeeI) OIL Par raw. I a bb Te S2e asr W
esse STo per gal; manias kettle bolledV eaea
awe per gaL bbl 64 per gal; groan dj cake,
car lota 82S.08 per toa, lea thaa car lota eaTlW
per ton. ........ ...
OABOLIW 88 dig, essM tie per gaL fcroa
eeie aw per gai; sieve, rsaee asa per gat.
Iroa, bbla 18e ner eaL .
BENZINk-88-deg. eases 22 per gal. troa
bbl H per gal. '
,PAINf OIL -Raw, bbh) Saa per fat, BBS
eoo oer gai ; ooiieo, caves sue per gaL
TCRPBNTTN B la asses 80c par aaL woedea
bbla, Slo pet gaL iroa bbts, T8 par gaL la-lb
case lota 84 per gal. ...
WHITB LBAlWTon lots f per .lb: BOO-Ib
aw i me per ib; teas nam as per IB,
WIBB WAILS Preeeat baas at. 8180.
conoN is five to: s
(Furnished by Ovarbeck. Start A Cooke Co.l
New York, Jan. a. Cotton closed 8 te 8
pel o is sower, uinci.l aaotstioos:
Open. Hlrk. Low. 'Close.
January .Jr....Vr... 802 T03 ' 88A - rl(l2
Merck 'TOP Til tAtt
Aprll-w... T18 l.
May .....s. T18. T24 J Tod
June. ,. T14 Tld . TIT.
July ................ T2S J tltd , TI8
August ............. 73S . T4 TZ1
September .......... T i TS0
October , TttB - 148 - 727
T. A. Mclarvre A 0a. say: We da aot at tae
me men t see anything to Indicate aa unload
ing movement on th part at the southern
holders.- and, barring this, - wa do aot find
any. reason on wblcb to. baa. eipactatlea of
any slump re tne mariet. w aaber to tae
tiplnloa that the cottoa market la goad to trade
In betweeB TH0c. and that below the latter
Wei (neeetmeot buying ana be advlaed. For
the tisM being a scalping nositloa la tka anar-
kct promisee the beat resull
'4 '
tlvarpsal Cettoa Klgaar.
IJvernsol. : Jan. . Cottos closed dtaady at
a points ap. ..- -:.,r ,y
' Portland T'nios Btorkyards. Jsa. 8. Tbe boa
market aa account of tba liberal receipt t
late la aborning a weaker toa ana price la
asa instance, are aractlcallr 28 aer kaadred
pounds dnwa. The rattle aad sheep markets are
both firm with quotation unchanged .from
those of Hatnrday. . .. ' T
Tt- -'ifT 'Jy-"a .nnL. IT af tfa r nil
ivi aneep, : .
Official roll a r wlcea today aaow
,.. . n . - a. MMtA, "
Willamette valley,-, 8b.0iS.lO; llgkt, 84.80:
China fats, 84.00 tackers Bad feeders, da. 28
t'attss Beet 'aaatara Oregno stsera.' (4.00;
right and medium steers. 8 so; beet sows,
8.1.2568.80; medium rows. 82.80; old and
light costs. 82.00; stockcra. and feedsra, 12.26;
bulla. 82.110. .
- Kheen Beet furtev sheeo." 84 0a44.a8l taatha.
14.801 awes. 4.00t4.B; stack Bkeep, 8XT8.
'-'.Fsrura Oeffee Klgber. fZlLi
Wvw Tort. Jan. 8. Havre soffea sdvaaced
H asint; Hembarg-advuBrsd H potat. Rio
recelnt T.0O0 base aurket aalet. . Baatas..a
days. IT aega. ...
V Saw Tsrk Sagar Swrhat,
Kew Tork Jaa. 8. Suaar Raw. arm at Sat.
BTday'a sdvsace: Leadoa Beet. JeBaarp wp 8Hd
to ins tvji! reerurv up . as lea paid.
Higher prices ripected. . , -
CKIOAOO oiB ttlAJm-'--! i."
Chicago, Jan. 8. Livestock- receipts: ,
. ...r-. Hogs Cattle
-. Hogs Cattle Bkeep
..dfl.Orto 27.0110 . faonn
rales re
Kanaaa City.......
.. dWai B.Oiai X nno.
a.rne) 4.000 8,000
Hogs opened ateasy witn s.omo lert aver. Re
eel pre a year ere were ae.ono.- Prleee: Mixed.
r. ,1t4 4rt; good. 84.anfJ4.T0; raagfc, ,84.8611
AA; light. 4 26i80. . ' "w
tstrie errene;.-. -..i. .,a e i,.L
oraA U Stacrsi, -
T. Iek, of Conciord. K pays:
54 yeara I sufferecl agnnlsa. wltn
b aora on my upnar Ho. bo painful,
ometimee, tut i -ouio not aat. After
vilnlv trvllte avarvthlnw elae. T sort J
ft with Bucklen'B Arnica, Bslvs." Ita
grent for btirna, rula and wound a. At
Red CYbbb Pharntapr, fHathr and Oafe
treeta, on tha war- to the) poatofflid.
Mora Complications . in
7 Price l Dowrr
7 nit on Chouldsn cf J.
Common Stock i Also- Shows a
CaUip-e-AJton i One and a "
' , Half Up.
most Of the List !
Mstropoli'tan 'and Chicago
' : Northwestern Each Close
j . Dollar Down. '
AmalaTBBaltaal --B .111
Chea. A Okle,.( .1H
Bri. com . , ... .28
Loala, A Hash.. .VTH
Max. Central... .S7g
Atckisom ....... .28 ,
Bsit. A Ohio.,. ,28
ac paol .sou
Csnadlaa Pa..-.8TH
nwiBii as ntaU.,, .zn
- 1 vewuraa.
Mankattaa l.TS
Mlaaeori Pe... l.0O
Peunsylvaala ,.TS
Rep, Bteei. eom. .28
Car A Foundry, ,a
Brooklya L .... .28
Al toa .......... ix
rTsna, Coal 78
v. r., coas,.c: ,io
U. P.. pfd .... S00 "
war. a vtaat. ... ,m
SteeL coea..... .78
BtsfL pfd ..... 1.12H
1. -
ABeeaad ....B .29
Bogar ....,.;.. .80
U. A JT,- W...,. 1.00
Metropolitan ... 1.00
Katy, enaa.....' -.26
Paclfte Mall ... .80
Cole, Fuel 28
Brie,. Bd pfd..l .20 '
Brie, let pfd.. .12ij
etootkara psg.,, ; j'
. s, u .... -Zn
traniisnea ay Overbeck. Starr A ftocke Co
New York, Jaa. a takea aU la alLtke
" II , L. t, M wua. . A Bare
. mwun te toe til vi tae
psjtst when tbs report came that Lawsoo
had left Beaten - dt - Washing ten. presumably
to confer with Attorasy-OeaerU Moody. Unlea
Paetna preferred soada a good adaaacs. aaMoat
lagta 82, wall the common was; ap Too.
ascoada Mlnlns Ce...
AmaL Coonee Ca......
Atehkaaa, eem.wrirtA ti
da preferred
m. Car Feaa4.,oom
Asa. Sugar, sem
eat nrereiiee. .
a.m. amen.
do . Brafi
do pcafsnrad
paiuava-e at
10414 10BH104H
Brooklya Bapld Transit.
taaiii.n racinc, wa
CkL A Altea, sees..
- ds aref erred. .......
M.. a tt. .
Chi.. MIL A BL Kill...
vai. SB itor., cobs,..,
Chi. Tarmlaal Ry......
CbasapeBke A Okie.....
Cole. Fuel A Irea, earn.
Colo. Boutk., eom......
op an peererrea. .....
do 1st nraferta
Delaware A Hadsoa....
O. A B. O.
ew) aa prsverreu ......
do 1st ncererrea. . ...
Illinois Central
Louisville m nasnviue
Metre. ITactlou Co. . ...
Mankattaa Btevated..,
109 H
atexicaB uan (rat e,y.....
M., Bt. r. at, at
do erarerred . . u . . .
Missouri Psclflc.. .TT108
M, A. A T., com....
do preferred.......
New-. York Central...
Nor tolls at Wasters, nam.,
da., prsferrad, .... . . ."
eTiMlMt . :l
100H 109
K. X., Ont. A W
4141 41
lev 14
naaayivaBta .bj....m.
P. Q.. L. A 0. Oa.
Prsaaed Bteel Car. coat...
do preferred .j...
Facia Mall 8 team. Ob..
Beading, com....... ...
81 H
ae a preierreo.......
da Ut preferred......
Rep. Iroa A Steel, aom.
do preferred
Bock Jslaad. .coat......
do areferred. .........
07 H
Bon there By., eom
do nreferred ..........
Southern Psciae. ........
84 HI
St. L. A S. F.. km PIB...
do 1st preferred......
ItLkkW, coat,...
do preferred..........
Texas A Pecloc.........
Tens. Coal A Iroa
70 H
Lnloa raciBe. eom. . t ,
do preferred. ......I,.
TJ. 8. Leather, aom.....
do preferred. ...t..,
0. 8. Rubber, com
as preferred. .t.
TJ. aV Steel Co., Com. .. .
da areferred ....
Wheat A L. B., .
101 H
28 .'
it -1
48 I
i H
2b 1
48 !
44 H
21 H
42 W
do km prererrea .......
da let preferred.. .i..;
rieeeaalB Centrai, com.
aa ntlantd
21 H
42 .
Wester UbWb- Tlt
Wabash, com,
JftitwWT9a. . a d
Tots f sale, for day. 687.108 shorts.
kloasy, .AH.Pr ' ,
BottoaV J. a.Ofnelal copper closing:
Adventure .. d 00
Mohtwk ;.... 81.00,
Old Domlnloa. 27.001
drcedlaa .... s.tb
Arnold ..,,... -.TO
OereeU ..... .04
Atlantic ..... it.tb
parrot ....... . aa.ou
IPhoenlB --..' ' t-TS
Blngbank - sn.oo
Calumet ..... 05 0O
Ceatemalal ... .24.78
Qulnry ...... 108.00
Trinity ........ 8.00
Copper Range. 08.00
victoria ..... ' a.TB
Wotvarlaa ... 104.H0
Isle Royal. IT- M O
Cnlted Bute tASO,
Dsly mesa . .ie.
OreeB Copper. . 28.00
Michigan ,, -
Paloe, eWcbber A Os. say: Tk fester todsy
is a considerable break la United. Btsts
Mlrdnsr. caused by a report eutlag teal tae
mbkuv waa aot making wear as mach money
aa ihey claimed, aad that tbs afnclals were
oawtlllng to lean aa annusi report aa. tan
si want, Peieen.ll-, ma de jot-hallev Mi
tbe facta aa set dowa are tree aad would aal
... . mm MtiAtwrt-ts nav anr at
tentlon te theas. Btreng buying al Irjly
has been very aot Ices lUe ef Uta. We bear
that tbe If fairs ef the eompeay are getting
lata better shape thaa for sem time psau
Baa Prase! eo. Jsa B.-J0faclal Brining atiete
r V. i t--i - ,- na '.
suichee 28 Potoaf i.2i
Con. CaL-Va.if.. 170 - ll'nton Com vrv '.T8
0?hh '. ...'...: .06 Yrilow Jacket "., .JO
Caledonia ,M . Baclnioaer ...... ..00
iu3.". 180 IHskT. Norcrass. 1.24
; sid. '
AdamB .,.. .10
Columbia Mt .. .88
!ortk Star
Bed Top . J
tie Ides kncBor. .z
Oold Field ..... .ap
Jim Butler .... .4
'ambs .... , ... .n
. ... ,o. i.-tetaoa ........ .jo-a
.rj02taold .18
B. A18 I , ...... , t .(, t ;, .
Baa FrsaeiscB.' Jsa. 8. Local
stark ckntag.
fo.8o a. . av ... - . ;
" - Sid. Ask.
... 8 ..
. 10U
Ceatral Light
Matusl Kiectrn
Saa Fraacleea Saa A Blectrle ...
4 'H 81
Oiant Powder ......... . ......
... 0 ...
.. T ..
... IB 18H
... 1614 ; inW
... 81 . 82,
... XS 21
... .
...10T . ..
Hawaltaa mgsr e.. .........
Hoookea Sagar
Hiitrhlnene Bugar .............
Ossaiea Bogar .................
Paauhaa Suaar
Alaska Packers ... .
Callforala win ...........
Oceeele Steamship
PaclBe Ststea Te lech ana ...
V , ! atarliag.
80 days, Aad-IJH.
rar Irlarket
uarTrust Puts;
rs.' : -rU .Ut
January Option Is Nearly Two
s' .1 Cents Higher Than on
' : .Saturday.
V.: i-
Entire Market Is Stfonger---Cash
Situation Strengthened v-
Everywhere, '"T
' " TODAX'S WHEAT MABSST. ' " .. '
', ' Opea ' Close Closa Oala
- - 'v.' Todar ... Toder. i Bat. ' Today
lannarv ... .8 tl 14V kl.lTi a .01 ti
May.......... 1.15 ' 1.1THA L16HA .01
duiy.... ...... jm; ; ' . - .smia
iPurnlabed ky Overbeck, Starr A Cooke Ce-
-'Chlcaro. Jas. Locaa A Brysa -eay
The wheat aurkec.nae Been etrous!. Bsort
save been free buyers and coupled- with buying
of moderate, liars by local people, have keen
fact ore la causing a Vary aharp advance in tae
market. Trade has been large and tbe eoors
of prices at ao time Shewed any besiuncy.
but draneed steadily all through tne aeaelon.
A slgslflcsBt feature of the day's news Is re
pur te from all primary market reflecting an
Improvement la tka cash ettuatlon, wltk ab.rply
higher price . for th sf I grades ef wheat.
White it la true that shorts have t a certain
extent been satisfied wltb tbs adtsadng prices
which at times looked' Ilk a stampede y thla
element, we aes very little indication of selling
by tk strong laterest popularly sopposed to be
long aa Unmeasa line-tor May delivery. Tk
etioa at tha market - today clearly indicates
bow strongly u trenches toe eastern sienwt
I st this tlBMk, - They are In a position to sit
back aad take Bdvsntajts of a badly over
sold mar Sat. To aa it looks vary squally for tbs
sborjt laterest. '.:', '
.:.'...;..' Oar A. Tama ktarkst. ' -Ai. ' .
Ia asmpaudsaa vritk wheat, corn has been a
iry tame market, wltk narrow fluctuation
and trade without a special restore. wi sas
ao thing likely . so chsnge existing cnaoitlons la
tkls market for tke Immediate futare. ' We
feel the ablnntnat demand will have to a how ma
teriel Improvement to maintain high, prices far.
earn at thl time.-.,
- Osta Kola oist, , . - ' -
The oats market has again ruled aulet with
trade altogether local. It still looks like a alow
ace rs lsa market wltk 8 taodency to drag a
uttie aowar.- . , -.,-f.
: Sfb , Suytng SaatBra.. -.S.
Tha provisions market kaa ruled steady to
streag. baying ef rlba being tke festnrs. . Until
tke hoft aurket abows a .considerable Bsor
Indication of running lata smaller receipts, ws
doubt very mack If tbs speculative market will
bs muck better then a scalping affair. . ,
Today official , marketa;
0pawr Hhjk.
Low.'-, do.-
JSBs -evk.. t. ;-. ..
May.,..w IJS
Jnly..... , .PHH
i- ' v m - 'vvnit." T t r
...e A ' .41 ',41 - . .41
.... . .44 ''..44 -4H ..44H -
..... .44 .46 ' . .44 Z ,40B
.... '1.4fi , ' .. ' " .. .46B
' 0AT8.
Faa..... -
uly... '
.80 :
sa'f-- ,805
i"-. -
Jaa.,., 1S25
12.2T 1X21 .
1182 , 11.88
i? tr
May..... 1A6T
p. LARD.
.an fu
May.M.. '. A8t ...e,-A8a 4c4r AaT-r B
July e.e-7 '. . 7.00 A7 . 887 B
H t ,.'.- m T.ST i B
. . SHORT RIBS. -.-i- .
Jsa ..... ....... ... ' 6.85
Msy J.J1 f " ;' .''.
Ckloage Cask Wheat., r
Cklcajro. Jsa. 8. Oaak wkeat ajkmaaaed
8e- hlgber Official price: - .
..... r , . I .... . - Rid.
No. J red.. i, ...... ...4.... ti.W
Oa, 8 reXl- .4aiMtStt.lO
o. 2 kard winter..,.,, 1.14
e. bard winter. ...... .......J. 1.08
No. 1 northern spring............ 1.21
Ka. aorthera spring..... 1.14
i A
Ma S sprlag.
Saa Prsnciaco, Jta. - t.f-'
The - uffldal 11.80
, m. BMfketi ' '
. . wrriir.
Open. ,. Hlgk.
Msy. ........ .81.4 l.4T
Kay 114H -. LIS '.
Lew., i
' Ciees
Today --- Saturday
.81.1THA I.16HA
chicagd .'.T-. :..7r.xn,
Minaesaou .....i........
Dulutk . t. t ,.-. a.
New York.... ,
, , 1.17
i.iT -
1.17 1 1
. 1.ITHA
8a a Fraaclero, per ecu tel. .
1.4T 1.47
Srata Srlmary sad SktpmeBw, . i,
Chlcsru.' Jaa. 8. Primary recelptai 1
... . ,i- , , - ' Today , "' 1804
t . . Hues. ytoeh
Wheat ........267 imo i or4 ooa
corn. ,,...BeV,uoo thi,ooo
Wheat .......
Cora .........
. ' Orala , oa Pssiige,
Chicago, Jas. 8. Orala oa paaaag:
, . Today , . Decrease .
!. Biiah. Bueb."
Wheat .. ... T..S.7O.0H0 2,244,000.
Cora .........18.243.000 ........
y aW.000
- ' Oklaaga Orala. Oar Lata.
Chicago, Jaa, 8. Orala ear Iota:
.... .-..' ... Care Orade
Eat. J804
Wkeat ................. 6 ,. '
Cora ...... ,,-,. , 4xA - 4 -
Oata .128 80 '
w 87
108 ' ..
" "'' World t Orstk Bklpmeata. "
Chicago, Jaa 8. WorMfg grain shipments:
Last Week
rrev, tv esx
-i;.--L Bueb. .
......... .7. SiHOOO
d etn.ono
Liverpool - Orala
eVkasli Marck I
TS io, n up,- may, is ia, He ap; July,
te Had., d dowa.--.-..- we- V.-.T-
TrW Tork. Jaa. . Coffee cloeed Bnehaneed
to points up. . Official price.: . .
Rid. . I Aak.
Jannary v.......V.iw..t.vlT.r T gj
Feliraary ...,..i'.r.'..,..;t. 7. TO
March 1-88 l i..
April ............... ran- : .
i seU
a 46
A 66
a in
June. ......
October .1.
... S.4A
... 8-BO
. . . 887.008.87
Iill.Saw-Tark-0aah Oof fee. :
Kew Tork. Jan. S. Caak oof fee: Ma. T Rio.
i 18 ide ; str 4SBatos, a hv t --.-. -r.
eVBsdtloW. - -'.
FYntn Cincinnati Commercial Trtbuna
The aueoeesful politician waa reading
a book on etiquette.' . . - ,
-Polishing np a bit, are. your asked
one of the faithful. ' :
Tee, replied the great man. "Whdft
get through with thla I think I will be
a amoother proposition than aver."
a see. 1
- '.. Mamhers Chlraga Board af Trada, "' ' -
,;. . BAXAT, S-MTXaTZOaTS, OOTTOBT, " t fTSt arX3, '
. -, - if Third Street. McKay Bn" rr.
-J'"1 r ...: "' w bo a srrr ist-c.
Continuous atarketa by PrlveM v r-" "
, -TUton, banaatJk and C..,. t
V-;--v.'--..y- ' '
' r-
4 (Fornlshed by OverbeckT Itarr A Cooke C3 4
4 CtUcago, Jan. 8. Tha Inter. 4
d ' Ocean today ' says: i "Junes Jp
d 'Hill, who' aa BaTal with us la' 4
d our aatlraatss, aapa that wheat 4
4 wtU sail at 11.10 In Chicago. In ;
"Aagust ha estlmatedl tha crop aa 4
d . under 4,000,00 buahela. We'd
d. aattmatst) . that It , would . not .d
d make tha aqulvalant of over !d
480.88S.000 of good , wheat. It
aeams J.9 be ' proven - true. " if
mil lent, inatea4 of bear theories,
re to be believed. The visible"
la about the aame ka vea ago.
Wa believe It Is now . near the
top. - Bradstreeta make, the- d
the American vlslbls 81.10.68 . d
bushels a year ago. Our demand ; d
la unusually good. mlUera re-' 4
porting Bales away V ahead) ' and - d
running into Fsbruary. Caah - 4
contract r . whett ' evsrywherm 4
brfnga a premium over May. .; d
e-e e
. In a recent ad drees before the Ameri
can Boclsty of MechaJiloal Engineer) on
'"Some Keflaaroenta ef'- kaechanlcal
Solenaa 'resident' Ambrose , BwaaeF
v "Every (trt of tha clock dowa to
tha minutest detail has been tba sub
ject of atudy and improvement and they
ar-made anct, adjusted with such pre
cision and delicacy that In testing them
trie o,ustlorrta?wttbla how email A frac
tion of second will they run. Mot
content with their marvellous perform
ance when under : normal . conditions,
soma of the flneat astronomical clock.
sra surroundsd bp giaaa or metal eases
In . which a partial - vacuum la - main
tained, aad la order that tha cases map
not b opened or disturbed the wind
ing la done automatically bp means of
electricity, tha frequency of tha winding
In some cases: being aa often ae once
every.; minute.. These clocks are est up
la especially- constructed., rooms or un
derground vaulta. where they are free
from jar. or-vibration, where' the tem
perature and.barometrta oondltlona re
main practically constant Jand where
very possible precaution la taken to
further minimise the errors of tba run
ning rata. . ''"i -., . ."'.
"A clock' in the obaerratory at Ber-
there favorable aondltlons" with a rate
having a mean error of but fifteen one-
thousandths of a second per day and a
maximum--srKrror-iTty-T one-tbi
anjtittftia nP a, tanM tm aws ... -
"Are you on good terms with all" your
guests T" asked tha new arrival .at the
winter ' raaork, - ; ., ., -." r,
"Very arood terms, ohuckled the land
lord of the hotaL -"About lid per day."
Chicago NeWB. :vt-:;.
xxPAntnro or sioSw-alxs. -
- Ia aomellanee - with a raaar. Hoe adanred
kt the regular meeting ef tbe Council, held
guuur aavuug ev we vonacii, new
21, UW4. declaring the property
sad peculiarly keaented by Ue lm
ef that part of Multaomak atreet
necemoer . .1.
apeciajly aad
provement ef
Jn front ef and nbttUlBdi a M a. la kleok
R00, lots 4 and ia block 11p7 soai 4 aad A
in, block 184; lota 4; and la
block, las, luu d aad A la. block
164, lots 4 aad la klork 1B8. all la Bolla-
ays addltioa te Bart Portland; that part ef
Broadway tn front of and abattlag -ea let 4
In . block 186, la HoJlsday'a addltloa to Beat
Portland; that part of Bast - Third street la
front of and abutting aa lot d ia block 78 la
last Portland; that part ea Bast Third atreet
la front of sad abutting ea kite A aad 8 to
block d. la Fruab's Buuare addltloa te Bait
s-pruana: tut part at urand avenue la rront
v. enu aouiung on wot v s, a ana a in nates
B. la
Kern's addltioa te East Portlaad:
that Pert ef Sharer street la front of
kbuttlnar en lot la. In block SO. in Central
Alblna, sjl Jn tbs City ef Portland; bad di
recting the Auditor of the City et Portland
to prepare a preliminary aeaiaswent aad re-
see.i.nt apoa tha property ae specUUy aad
awunariy eeoeniea: ....
Now, therefore, potlce la hereby pivaa that
nch asseaement Is bow oa file in the eflce
f the Aadltor ef tbs City of PorUand sad
that aay abjeetioaa to each assessment must
be flled In writing with tba Auditor of the
CHV'ef Portland within lo Sara from 'tke
1 Hth day ef 'Jsuuafy. 1808. the hut day ef
pubucstloa ef thla notice, and notice IB rurtaar
given that said objections will be beard by
tbe CenaeH at -s meeting to be held oa tk
lBtb day of Febraary-. laOS.' and all (
aggrieved thereby ar Intel aat. A thereto
be present at said BaaetlBg, aad are waned
aot to depart, therefrom until lack raaaass
has bees eempietad.
tr. THOB. O. DBYIiinj,
ladrkar of the City at PorUand. Oregon.
Date of Brat pubUrstlen, December 80. 1P04.
MirnsuBTzs'S kotiok.
Settee ta hereby give that ea the 4th day
of January. lKrj, I took Bp and empoaaded kt
tk City Pound, st Na 101 sixteenth etreet,
in th City ef Portlaad, Oregon, the follow lug
described animate: ,
. Llgkt bay Bar, bla aed far, whits saddle
marks' am back, shod nil around, hath kla
ana sen rront xeer watte;
Dark bay star wltb reached maa.;
Bay mare ebod all around, white-spot
forekead, branded ea right and left kips;
Bay aiare. white .pot ea forekead; . ..
One bav mare colt: ' r
Aad aniens tke awne. or other nereoa ,
having sa interest t a. rein, shall claim
seeetoa ef tbe name and pay all coat aad
roarga ex unr seeping ane sever using tsesa,
together wltk tke pound fees ea said animals,
s provided by ordinance Ne. AD 26. aa amended.
ef eeld City of Portland. I will ea tbe 18 u
day of January . lend, st tbe boor of 10 a. m..
at tha City Posad, at No. 21 Sixteenth. In
said city, sell tha above described a alma Is st
public auction t the highest bidder, to pay
the eoata and charge for taking Bp. keeping
and advertising such animals. 1 .-
listed this 8tb dsy of January, isna. .
P. W. REED. Poandmsster.
Notice I herrhr slvea that ea the Trk
day of January. IPOB, 1 took up and mpoanded
t tk City Pound, at Na 881 Sixteenth etreet.
in th city of Portland, Oregon, tbe following
ueecriDea animui:
Red sad white cow with lower half crop la
left esr: aad Bales tha owner, ar other Bereon
or , person having Interest tberelaBball
lelm noaeeealon of the aame. and oar all coata
sod charges ef the keeping and advertlslns
same, together wltb tbe eoand fees en said
animal as provided by ordinance Na- 6,928. ee
coed, or Bale, city et fort land. I will
na tbe 14th, day . ef Jaaaary, lwal, at tk
hour or 10 a. st.. et tk -city round, at No.
201 Sixteenth, la said city. Sell tbs above
deecribed 'Miami at paella and km ta. tbs
- h'gbest bidder, to pay . the coats and eksrges
... ...sua. ..... ... y. . . . ..... u..u, .
snimai. . .
listed taia ate, aay ar isnuarr. tana.
- P. W. REED, Pouadmaster.
In aceordasce with the Brovletone sf erdf
ance No. 14.80X Daaaed bv tka Council at
tka City ef Portland ea Jesus r? 4. laos. notice
Is kereby gives that the Improvement bonds
numbered cones rstlvslV TVS to 8TA botb BUBV-
ners Joclustv. are hereby railed tor redemp
tion ' Tbe face value with accrued Interest
thai raw will be paid apoa pissiataUon et eeld
sonde st the eface ef the anderalgned ee tbe
1st day ef Ftbruary, 1800. tae aald data being
a seml-anunsL emipoei period. From sad after
aaw ante-tke-lutet est sa ante Bonos
eeasa. .; - . . wmnis,
City Treasure.
Pnrfisad. Oregon, JannevT 8. Tana.
iownrnr, xorxajra oo4
tEstabllabed l(l.)
' Booaa 4, errceaad Tloo!. '
rrJaarawm FS CrOBf bxTIbUTK.
' SAJXB0AB t .77 J '
' '
- Tkroogk Pntlmaa etaadard and teaflst stee.
lag ear dally to Omaha. Chios re, Spoksaei
tourist sleeping ears dally te Ksnaaa Cltra
tkeoagk Pullmaa tonrtet sleeping car (.perse.
ally aoBdnrtedy areekly to Cklcsgo. BeeUslaa)
vAsfcr sere (seats tree) to the Best dally. .
UNloa DBPOI. ' 'JUavea .arrives.
tBiCAOO POI'UXJIBO ' ..." '' ' - " i i
J.PCIAU 8'ira. BV IBkA
Pet tbe Rasr via Baat Dally. Dally. .
- iagtoev. r. :. v t- : :t.:' .
Pea- Eaatera - Waaklag- ' -
tea. Wall Walla. Lew t-U a ax. -,.'.
laton. Coer d'AWne Dally. Dally. . ...
and rt ,'Suclhers V .,..,.'. b'.J'i
petBbV... ...... ' '
ATLABTT0 EXPRF.M. .... . '
m laV Z
Oalnmkla Brver Dlrtslee. , - ' ' ' . i
FOB ASTORIA aad wayl SfW p. as. '; .
potBto. connecting with Dvtiy. Abaet ..
stmr. for Ilwao aad er. liaaday 80 p. ax.---
North Beach, atr. Bas- gsturdey aa Besday.
Bale, Ash-st , doct. jOrtiO p. m. I
Yamhill Krver keute. : ".
OB DAYTON. OregoaT' I 1 .
City aad Yamhill Rives T:C4) a. aa. 8:88 p. as, ... .
CHntn, Mr. Ruth aad Pally, c Dally. ,
fdoc. Ashat. dock. . as. aamday et. Saadtyr
' t Water aermlttinaT.l
SsaXa River Koutol
FOB LRwTSTOrf, Ida., ii.. .
tl FolatS from Dollys -
About i
6:00 a. Bb
:. Friday.
nCKAX OFF1CB. Third sad Wsahlagtaa. Takw"
- . ' 5i.w' BTTN6EB, City Ticket Agent. -A.
ti. CBAIO. Oeneral PsMeogec Agent,
trains, for SaUaa. Roes
burg. Ashlnod. Baera-
8 JSp. m.
manto,Ordre.a.B Fraa-fnrSi B. 8V
geies, ai rssa, new or.
na sad
Moraine- train
cm - st " Woedaern
dally - except Bamdaf
wltb trele for Mi
AageL Bllvertea.
Brownsville, Sprlag.
7:1 Stat.
Waadllag - aad
Albaay passenger
4:08 B.SV
sects st Woodbnra with
Mt. Angel and Bsleasd
toa leeaL ' ' '.'j.i.w
10:18 aav
Oorvallls paasisaai..,.
8hetiasa peeasnger....
j :60 p.m.
8 k a. as
Dn. : IIDafly.' except Sundav. : " ;
Pallasd Oamge akurbea antue and TaaxkfS
- - svivnnaa. - ... - y ....
Depot Pont ef Jefferson Street,
tear Portland dl!y for Oswers T:8S a. a.J
11:80, t. 8:28. 8:20, 8 2(1; 7:45. 10:10 p. m.
Dally (except Sunday!, J0.8-.80. 8:20. 10:d
a. bl.1 1140 p. at.., Sunday paly. 8:08
sadist points dally (exorrt Suadayl 4.-V0 a. BV
amvp t-tsnisna iuv u. m.
. The Jitdsaaadsacs-MoBBwimrh - Motor Lrne .
apsrste dsUy to Mes mouth aed Air Me, aaa.
BocttBg with Sonthera Paris eompeay 'a fracas
. w-lt.. . , . .
Ptret-eue far tt"m Port la ee) to Be eve
aad Ban Fraadaca 810, berths an;
fare Big -' bertbl8x.n0.
Ticket, te Bssteru poinbl and Pntopa alas
Jan.n. Chins. Plooorulu ssd Anerralla
City Ticket OfSce ewer Third and Wash
fvarttta etreet.. Pkeaa Main Tlx - - .
O. W. STIsowit, , s .W. B. roiiAS.'
City Ticket Agent, Pan.- Paea. deew.
tmiON D3POT. -
.-' .
8:80 a aw
Bound Umlted.
Tsooms. Seattle
Olympla. boutk - Bead
and- ftrayTe Barber
nolntn. . -
S J8 a m.
North Coast LI mired.
far - Taeeasa. Bean la.
Butte, at, Paul. -Mla-f-e.oa .
ait.ll. rhleaea. Newl
1:09 a .
Tork. Boston aad points
last and southeast.
TwtB-dty Si prase, far
Taeema, Seattle, Bpa
kane. HeleeewSt. Paul.,
Mlaawapous Chicape,
New York. Beaton sad
11 solute Baat a ad I
Boatheeat. - '
Paeet Sound Kaa
Clty-St. Leu Is pecisL
for Tsecma. Seattl,
nokana Bntto. BUllaes.
Desesr, Omahs, Kanaee
1:80 a BV
city, Bt. Leum aad all
points East sad Boats-
,1 ' I
ds-'ly 'except ea Sontk Bern
AO traia
A. D.
AnvistsBt Bsaisral PSeaaeeae Asant. .
FBI Morrleoa at., eor. TblrdJPertlanA Oa
Astoria & Columbia
: River .Railroad Co.
8:08 a av
For Msygers. Rate tee,
Dally. -Uytk-BT
tekaata Waeaeovt.
Ilftoa- Aetnrla War-
aaatea. . FUvei. Baakd
avond. Fort Steveas,
Ceerhart Perk. Seaside,
as tana sas
Express aufty.
: Astoria Exptaaa '
Tts) a. m
:48 a (h.
Dally. . .
-" t.c mayo. ' ;
1. CL 8V and P. A.. Amarla.kt.
a A. fraWABT, Commirrll AdPMt, Bat Aide
a raon main as
TV) kaa OSae IBB Talrd Bt,
a Tranapssoritlriapntakl
mt TraklriAB Ofltlly -v eaCe
ALX-'fOlNTH AVAST. -Darllght
trip through the Cascade
snd Rocky mountain For full sen t-
ulara ratea fotdera. to, call on er a
dree . '..'.. -
M. BTtTKTTir. tyrry t. t
IBS Wktrd SH 8.
' I Arrtvaa.
aetaraiag irons uanegu. arrive rmrnans deity
f:SO a., sxt 1:68. 8:08. 4:89, d lo, 7-k. u
1:18 p. na. Dally (except Bnadsyl ate. fry-,
JO. 10-20. 11:45 s. m. Except Menday, UiJ
p. m. Benday aaly, 10:08 a. m.
.Leaves from aame denot for Deflaa sad teteet