The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 08, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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    I. ' '
13 : .
fbcii mum
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Object of Resolutions Passed at
Third Annual Meeting of
' sfsa ' ' ' '; "
Sy)r"4 WtrsjuTtfi-nl. 1 jj0fc4Qp4stfllts.e-.i. su ...trsa iwiiaftfty
- i T
?' '"N ?
Papers of Interest Are Read and
v.a Discussed and Officers , '
, T 'Are Elected.
A III - "V X
Reading; from Lft to, Right In Upper Row: John R, Lincoln n4 Oeorg Shtwj la Lower Row Ddmer
and James W. Shaver.
' Wot more than half a - esntury " ths
Shaver family has been Identified with
the history of Portland and Oregon. Mr.
and Mra. O. W, Shaver came to Or.
. iron In IMS and aattlad on a farm near
fcilverton. Tha family moved to Port
land 44 years ago, and baa resided sine
at tha same plaoa on tha east aid of
tha Willamette rtTar. . -"
Tha father planted ail orchard and tn
a few years- began shipping fruit to
Ban Francisco and Victoria, B. C " Ha
also assisted ia supplying the looal mar
ket. - Later e ran a woodyard,- and
supplied tha ocean' steamers, with fuel.
Tha wood wan procured on what in now
known a tha Irvlngton addition and
tha timber-waa cut where the ateel
bridge now 'stands and back for a. dls-
tanea of a mil and a half. 'As tha boys
grew older (her engaged tn various oo
cupstions. ' John R. ran a couple of llr
sry stables on tha aaat aide, and had
a contract for carrying United States
mail ; to " Eagle Creek. " later ; ha be
came a farmer,, and a few yeara age he
waa elected eherlft of Clackamas county
and still retains that posiUon. ' --
John W., 14 years ago,-waa on the
WUlamatta and Columbia - rrrere with
Capt. Charles Bureau.;: and then became
lntereeted- ln the People's Freighting
company. fie -acted as captain on one
other members and tha- name ' was
changed to the ..Shaver .Transportation
oompany.l Ha acted aa captain on one
of tha boats and. la now secretary and
general manager of the Una . :
Lincoln began steamboeting en " the
Praser riTer. British Columbia, with his
cousin. Commodore John Irving. : - Later
he returned to Portland and went to
work on one of the Shaver boats. " Ha
Is now chief engineer of tha oompany,
and holds a -master's. llcansa . ' ..
Oeorge H. went With the company
when still- in- his teena and waa cap
tain of one of-the boats tor , a number
at years.- During tha past seren eum
mers he has been a pilot en she Yukon
river. i . x. '. .
Delmar, the - youngest of tha - StS
brothers, began working- en the com
pany's boats when a mere lad. He Is
now captain of one of the ateamera and
president or the Bhaver Transportation
company. '-i--X:.iv-r,-:tr.--"ri . -V. - ;
President and Republican Lead
er Talk Over Alarming T ;
t ..." Financial' situation. vr-;:
f .lasting Not Harmonious Be-'
. cause of Threatened Cut
in Appropriations.
(special Dusaten by teased Wire te Tee Jearaali
Washington, Jan. 7. The president says
-that at the coufereuoe held with leaders
of the bouse and senate he discussed with
- them various matter of policy. He dis
cussed . the tariff and Interstate , oom,
merca matters.- Thers will be. other
oonferenoes.-. -. v. ..-,'.. ..,..
' This is the official announcement of
the doings of the -big conference at tha
White House called today at I o'clock.
Neither Senator Btkins- sr 8enatc
Foraker ef the Interstate commerce com-
mission, waa -at tha.-oonobvra, .-but both
of them knew what was uppermost in
tha preeldenrS mind, 'a proved by tha
-direct- question put to . Senator - Blklns
when talking 'over the 4lg .question of
regulating ' railroad rates. -
Senator Foraker to Senator Elklns
."What about these bills to fix rates and
regulate railway trafnof" -i . . v
; Senator Elklns "W propose . to take
up. all ef the bills next Friday at tha
' regular meeting of tha senate com ml t-
;,. . ahav nvsetts ran.
The president. It appears, really called
'.tha conference because of the condition
' f the -treasury and the failure of the
theories of Secretary Bhaw and the ex--
perts to account for the, deficit of 7t.
eM,(10ain January. J Hs also called the
conferencs for tha equally strong reason
""--that ha know that some of tha senators.
powerful In authority, nad been Ignoring
. hie recommendations for legislation af
fecting the powers of the Interstate
commerce commission and the regulation
of .railway rates. --
. It will be called that when" the deficit
waa fM.MO.OO0 exclusive of the Panama
canal KAOO0.00O. last July or thereabouts.
Secretary Shaw-and tha other experts
! "Oh. well, the receipts always ran off
at this time of the year; but they Improve
greatly la tha fall and winter."
SPStlolt , Xnereasee. ..-
- ' The fall cams and most of tha winter
' has gone, and tha deficit is said to be
I7t.000.eoo, which looks like an increase
of H.OfiO.000 instead of sny of the'catch
. ing up as predicted by tha Jugglers with
. the flgurea - ' v
' The president talked all this ever to
' day with Speaker Cannon, Representative
OrosvenoT.- Senator Allison.- Represents)-
: tlve Tawnsy, Repraaautativs Payne, Sen
- a tar Spaoner, Senator Piatt ef Connecticut-
and otbei. r-.- y..
. Bepresentative-Tawnsy-, Is . the ; whip
ef tha house. Senator Allison is the
chairman ef the steering committee of
the senate and these two gentlemen
usually know the temperatures of their
houses respectively en any proposed, leg
islation. ' - - r
Senator Allison is also an expert en
tariff, and Representative E. Payne of
the ways and means committee Is an
ethar expert on tha tariff and expendi
tures. According te the official state
ment, therefore, tha president had with
him tha two gentlemen who could tell
. him about legislation on railroads and
all abeat. deficits and the way to meet
- them.
BWeeM a Conference.
' It Is stated that the 'conference was
. not harmonious In the sense that there
waa not an absolute agreement with the
' presidential view of the pushing legis
lation he had recommended In his men-
, The attention of the conference was
. e"Jed to the bill which was understood
t fce tha administration measure, and
I txlnced by Stevena of Minnesota, to
ks e tva rebate system stopped so far aa
r ..a the private freight snd refrlg-
r cure.
-.ministration does sot want just
now to be put In the attitude ef talking
about the-naosaalty of bond Insula
Future conrereaces at the white nouse
will be quite aa interesting, as -the one
held today. - A great deal as to the next
conference Will depend upon -what Sena
tore- Foraker and Slklns will be able
to accomplish with tha Hearst bill, the
Quarles-Cooper bill : and tha .Haughen
bill on the subject of the regulation of
railway ratear V .. f" -. X
"Two thousand acres of dry table land
tn-tha vlolnlty of Canby will be plaoed
andar Irrigation -next summer. - H, D.
Wagnon, capitalist and promoter, and
John - and Fred Hurst of the Aurora
Electrto Light oompan jire banking the
The Molslla river will "ba dammed at
a point 4 K miles southeast of Canby
and an Immense canal will carry the
water out : upon tha plateau. At least
t.000 Inches will be used tor Irrigating.
purposes, besides what wiu ne used in
generating 400 horsepower to run. tha
Aurora Electrie works, whloh -suppllee
electricity to, Aaron. Hubbard, Barlow
Nearly All the Cities Pay Much
--- More , for Education Than---'1
Does PprtiantLT.'
8AN tRANClsCOi oiTLAy5 i-
and Canby.
- The table Und which will bo Irrigated
from tha canal Is several feat above the
Molalla and Willamette rivers. The soU
does not retain auf f lclent moisture ' In
summer to raise good .crops. With a
little water it becomes wonderfully pro
ductiva ;"Ths sofl '"Is1- particularly- adapted --to
raising small fruits and vegetables and
tha . farmers are preparing to make the
14 ol alia, plateau tha Vegetable and berry
garden of Portland After the canal is
finished market gardening will be the
chief oocunation.
"Farmers. who will be benefited by the
Irrigating -plant - held , a -rousing . mass
meeting in tha city hall at Canby yester
day afternoon. ' They were very enthu
siastic over the proposition. Tha meet
ing, resulted In the appointment of a
committee of five to take np the propo
sition, and secure 400 acres for .water
rights. ' The Irrigating plant Will be In
operation by June l. -: -
' (Bpedal PUpatck te Toe leernat)
Washtucns, Wash., Jan. T Tha work
oflha geological survey party under T.
A, Noble, engineer-ln-chlef of the work
on the - proposed Irrigation scheme.
whereby the waters of the Palouss riv
er are te be diverted and made to trtl
gats lands in western Whitman county,
Adams and Franklin counties, has been
brought to a close for the winter.
that can be dona, has bean dona and the
teams and tools used by the surveying
party have been stored here for tha re
mainder of the winter;
Bo far there has been spent approxl
mat el y (1.000,000 on tha survey and In
securing for the government the neces
sary water rights for the project..- This
Is perhaps tha greats et Irrigation pro
ject contemplated by the government tn
Washington and If successfully carried
out will build np another vast empire in
eastern Washington and make produc
tive . mors than 10 townships that, are
new-classed aa. waste land. .
Work on tha canal. It la said, will be
wall .andar headway by next Ji
, (Special DUeatok te Tee Journal.
La Orande, Ore.. Jan. T. The follow
ing business waa transacted, in ' tha
United States Land Office In La Orands
during tha past month; Thirty-five
cash entries, I.tll.ll acres, IM00.7C: 10
mineral entries, 1,117.41s acres. $4,77.40;
five desert entries. 410 acres. 4170:
twenty-six tTmatllla receipts. tLtl4.S;
seventy-one homestead entries, 11.0S4.II
seres, $1,144.41; eighteen final- home
steads, $1,791.41 acres, 1104.41; twen
ty-one . timber snd stons applica
tion ' fee, 1110: one "mineral adverse,
110: eleven cancellation fees. 111; tes
timony fees, 141.14; -sixteen timber and
stons and twenty-one contest affidav
its were filed., The total receipts were
llt.llt.ll. , ,
From, tike Houston Post
There's lust one thing I wanter ssy
te you," began Mrs. Acrid ss her better
half stumbled into the room st I a. m.
"Just one, JTrla. queried he. sollcl-
Distribution of . Increased Money
Amon Local Teacher
Causes Worry.
'City Superintendent of fchocls Frank
Blglsr has been gathering Information
for the achoolT5oardregardTnlrTh ulsv
rise the teachers are receiving In many
of the Oar ge Westarn'oltlasr Bs will ipre-ssnt-thls
Information to the city board
of education tomorrow evening, at which
time, the proposed increase In teachers'
salaries will be discussed. "
Mr. Rlgler will be able te present a
schedule of the salaries paid teachers
In the public schools in Seattle, Sacra
mento, Salt -Lake, Helena. Denver. Spo
kane, Oakland. Tacoma. Los Angeles and
San-rFraaolsee from - the - city- superln
tend en ts down .-to the. teachers of the
primary sradea. -
According-to-the-reporte SanFran
cisoo and Oakland pay the largest sala
liee. In, the former city they range
from 10 to 40 par cast higher than in
roruana. - los Angeles, Bacramanto,
npotane, Helena and Tacoma all pay
higher salaries - than does this . city.
Seattle salaries are nearly the same as
those paid hsra Salt Laks salaries of
grade teachers are perhaps tha loweat
. Tha taxpayers at tha annual meeting
in voting an additional tax of six-tenuis
of a mill -to provide for an increase In
teacher's salaries. Will give the teach
ers of this -elty -over 130,000 this year
mora than they received last
I Just bow this additional money is to
be distributed is the question which Is
troubling the school directors. They are
of the opinion' that the special teachers
and . many of tha high school teachers
snd ' principals are receiving all they
should be paid. On tha other hand, they
feel that many of the grade teachers are
poorly recompensed for their labor.
Taking - these facts Into oonalderatlon
It Is a certainty that tha Increase will
not (be. divided . proportionately among
the teachera. It la expected that the
greater part of the additional money
will go te the grade' teachera while a
small ehare may be added to the sala
ries Of the principals and the tutors In
the high school.
It Is expected that tha report tf the
salaries paid in other cities will bo re
ferred to a special committee, who will
prepare a schedule ef wages to be paid
within tha limit provided by the 110,000
Incrssss in saiarisa '"..7"
Members of the Oregon Osteopathic
association desire to be recognised and
plaoed on a plane with other profes
sions in the state. At the thlro annual
session, of the association yeatsrrtay .it
was decided to draft a recommendation
to be submitted to the stats legislature
asking . that ' laws "be passed ; placing
osteopathy i on a legalised basla
It Is stated that the members of this
branch of ' tha medical profession-and
the public have no protection whatever
from - quack practitioners. ' They - say
that anybody can hang out a sign and
begin practicing. ' In order to elevate
tha -profession and give oonfidenoa lnH
osteopathy an effort will be made to atop
tola It Is desired that only those- who
bold degrees from some credited Insti
tutlon or who paaa examinations- b al
lowed to praotica - - .
' There ware 40-members preeent from
all over the state. The morning session
opensa. at s o oioex in tns imperial
hotaL President F. a Moors of L4
Orande made .the opening address and
a speech welcoming tha physicians to
Portland 'was delivered by Assistant
secretary u. v. Adlx x this city. Greet
lngs were read from California, Colo
rado, Missouri and Washington associa
tions and from the president and seo-
rstary of the national association.
After routine business the following
program waa given in tne afternoon i
Paper, "Oateonathy and Oynecolosrr."
Dr. Gertrude L. Gates of Portland, fol
lowed by a discussion led by Dr. J. M.
Anderson of Ths Dalles; paper, "Oastrio
Catarrh," Or. H. E. Penland ef Eugene,
roi lowed by discussion led ny Dr. C XL
Walker; paper. "Pott's Disease.'' Dr. R.
a Oraffls of Portland, followed by dis
cussion by Dr. Cart Bmlth of Portland.
Tne -discussions following the papers
proved to be very interesting. . Tha ex
change of Ideas on ' different Subjects
was also benenclaL . .s-v.., i s-
At tne evening session Officers were
elected as f ollowa: r PresMent. J. B. An
derson of The Dalles; first vice-prnai-
.dent tr. w. m Mercer of saiem; sea'
ond vice-president Dr. W. "A, Rogers of
Portland; secretary.-Dr. Hexsls Carter
rurdom Moors of La Grande: treasurer,
ut, xi. jr. uarr pi ortiana. r
" (Special Dispateh te The Journal.)
: Salem. Jan. 7. Upon a warrant sworn
out by the Salem Justice court John
Wadklns was . arrested this afternoon.
charged with selling "liquor without a
license at Turner. The prisoner waived
examination, and 'is held In ths county
Jail on 1 160 bonds no await the action
or th
Another Week of -Start'
ling Sales at Eilers
' Piano House. -
No action .Will be taken graiftlng the
Empire - Construction company n fran
chise for aa automatlo telephone service
In this city until the councllmen take
their proposed trip to Los. Angeles and
Ban Diego. ' In-each of these cities ths
petitioners have Installed an automatic
telephone "central.' . The promoters de
sire ths council to see the systsm before
it takes actios on tbs petition for a
irancmaa .
It Is expected that the proposed trip
III bs taken shortly after ths first
meeting In February. Tha party will
consist of the members of ths council
and several other city officials And pri
vate cltlaena i '
Los Angeles will bs first visited. A
day or longer will be spent there and ths
system will be looked Into, la San
Diego a complete automatlo telephone
system Is working. This will be given
careful scrutiny by . ths Inspectors, ss
It Is Identical with the systsm which
tbs oompany proposes Installing In this
city. . On their return ths members of
ths psrty will make short stops st San
Jose. San Francisco and perhaps Bsc-
Matty Instruments the Very
liiftiiest Qrade and Most Ex-
pensive) Every
v Bargain Day,
A psep at our sales reports for the
oaat week would reveal some astonish
ing transaotlona In highest grade Instru
ments. . Ann rrom ineeo reports a num
ber of lmDortant deductions oould he
made They make It very evident that
i-roe penty -prevaus tnrougnout tns
Ths taste bf tha people of this coun
try is for tha very beat that this present
day of advancement offers. .
Eilers Piano House is ths place where
such may be aecured.
-- And this great business concern en
joys a patronage and .prestige . little
short of marvelous,' - .'
Among - the sales of the past -Week
was a costly Weber upright, which went
to ths horns bf Mr. Win. Abel in Port
land; two handsome Cblckerlngs, both
of which - found homes "right over the
way" in Washington; a handsome Wsaef
Orchestral and a Pianola to match was
purchased by Portland parties; a very
costly Weber Pianola Piano; an Aeolian
nanor n jaeiroeiyie pianola, wnicn lar
ter went clear to Hot Laks for ths reel
dence of Dr. Phy. of the famous Sanl
tarium thers; a superb Kimball and 11
other pianos and organs of such famous
makes as tha Brlnkerboff, Haselton,
Haddortf, Story A Clark. Haliet Davis,
juarsnaii at wenaeii, uiarenaon, xMua;
also Kimball and Pacific Queen Orsana
When a business house commands
sucb continued and sremendoua natron.
ags there Is soms reason for It. Tha
superiority of ths Eilers Piano House
Inetrumenta and the price Inducements
i which Its buslnsss methods enables It
to si ways orrer are too well Known and
understood to need rurtber explanation.
. Ws offer tha very lateat and bast and
always at loweat prloas. which makes
svery aay in tne year a nargatn day at
Eilers Piano House. Ws can do this ba
oauee wa have tha facilities for handling
our tremendous business in tbs most
economical manner, and because ws sup
nlv seven larse stores and numerous
smaller ones with fine-planes, -bey Ing
many cariosae airvct irrrm me lactones
at ons time, which Insures prloes for us.
mat xne smaii ueaers cannot nops to I
cure. Ours Is a low, price, quick sal
poller and moderate terms of payment
can be arranged by those who prefer
buying their piano In this manner, which
la tha way, the majority of people do
Whether fron purchase bare a good
nlano for till, or tha varv finest nn.
right mads for 1400 yon get a greater
value zor ine pries loan can na secured
anywnsrs eise. .
Remember, Too
" Here Is the place, and" ths only plsca
that the Metroetvle Pianola, the aarl.
ola the Pianola- Piano and Aeolian Or-
cheetrelle can bs purchased. Eilers
Piano House has the exclusive agency
for theee instruments, throughout ths
Northwest Prices oS" the Aortnla. 1 1 UK
and SltS; of ths Metrostyls Pianola flSO
and ilOO: Pianola Pianos. 4400 to 11.000:
Aeolian Orchestrellee, t00 and up. All
of these Instruments purchasable , by
moderate monthly Installments.
Full . gnaranteee with every sala and
money back In every Instance . where
there Is not absolute satisfaction, which
accounts for our ten thouaaod aatltfled
patrona Eilers Piano House, S51 Wash
ington street, corner Park. Iarge stores
also Spokano and Beattla Wash, Lewis
ton and Boise,' Idsho. San Francisco,
Stockton and Oakland. CaL Write ue
Meddock's English Porcelain
" . Here's a chance to -get genuine Imported China at domestic prices. Your choice
of four, very pretty designs .that can't be matched elsewhere, either as to quality
. ?r or price. Every piece guaranteed not to erase. ' If it does well give you another.
; 50-PIECE SETS ' -
Each set contains 8 five-inch dessert places, 6 seven-inch dinner plates, 6 sevens V,
o butter plates, cups and saucers, covered
dishes 1 nine-inch platter, I f ourteen-inch plat- '
, inch, soup plates 6 sauce dishes, 6 butter plates, 8 cups and saucers, I covered
. . vegeuDie cusn, x operr vegetaDie
ter. I picale dislu 1 JjqwL
. .. : . . '-. . .... . f-' ' ' . f
Plain White, Regular $5.20, Special $3.75
44 POPPY SPRAYS Regular $a50, Special $6.15 'k
very pretty derigntn-pink . and 'greenVwith gold knobs and handles.
MC0BALTBLIJE, Regular 8.75, Special6.25.
.-Pattern similar to the well-known -'Tkmn. Bhie, with under glasedecoration.
,iVery dainty rose and forget-me-not wreath pattern, with 'gold edges and under n
. " glass .decpratioiu,. . ..'. i.
$1.00. DOWN
of these seta can W 1 flH ;, nfiWIM
-yi tyv a- vv i -v.
( Any of these seta can be-'l C
ly had on these special " "V-
?f,m,tf tenrn. t j 50
v 'As an inducement to you to make an early visit jtc our Drapery Department, we:
, shall have a special sale of Lace Curtains the first three days of this week. Here's
' . a chance' to rehang a few windows at very ittle expense. rJf:' ; i;'';?
SO Pairs ; Nottmgham Curtains, Regular $1.30 4 r'i i :-;U'e e ESPECIAL $ J8S
' - - S5 Pairs Nottingham Curtains, Regular $10 .M ........ . .SPECIAL ; .90
; 8 Pairs Nottmghan durtains, Regular $L40 . .............. SPECIAL ' 1.00
' S Pairs NottrnghanT Curtains, -Regular ....'..i.SPECIAL " 10
8 Pdr8.NottmghamJgurtains, Regular $4.00 UC.,..'. SPECIAL 2.25
. 4 Pairs Irish Point Curtains, Regular $4.78 ;..t.
er arsr sys ee .SPECIAL 2.85
8 Pairs Irish Point Curtains. Regular-$4.00 .....;.i.::SPECIAL; 25
7, Pairs Marie'' Antoinette Curtains, 'Regular $7.00 ... .. ; . . ;;SPECIAL 4.00
8 Pairs Brussels Curtains, Regular $5.00 ..... .. . . 1 ... . . .:, . SPECIAL - '4.00
8.Pairs:Brussels Curtains, ', Regular $6.00 !r......'.!.,.T..,...SPECIALp 45
8 Pain Brussels Curtains, Regular" $8.75 ....;;.... i.....SPE(AL 4.75
5 Pairs Arabian! Curtains,iReguiar $7J15 .i,. iV.J. i..SPECIAL i5;00
4 Pairs Brussels Curtains, Regular $7
4 Paus Brussels Curtains, Regular $8.55 ....i... SPECIAL
Pairs Marie Antoinette Curtains, Regular $8.00 , .Hi .... iSPECIAL
8 Pairs Nottingham Curtains,, Regular $7.00 ,.VkV.. SPECIAL 000
-4 Pairs Battenberg Curtains, Regular' $13.00 ..i........ ...SPECIAL 7.00
8 Pairs Souuche r Curtains, Regular $14.00 4 rhf , '.tttf, SPECIAL 8.00
2 Pairs Renaissance Curtains, Regular $15.00 ESPECIAL " 8.90
, Pairs Renaissance Curtains, Regular $12.00 jV. . . SPECIAL 8.25
' 8 Pairs Rococo Curtains, Regular $18.00 . .... . ..... . V. SPECIAL 8.25
: 8 Pairs Brussels Curtains,-Regular $12.00 jiitvii'i t rrnSPECI AL:8.75
, 5 Pairs Arabiah Curtains, Regular $14.00 .;v..v;';';.'';.,'.SPECIAL-0.OO :
8 Pairs Brussels Curtains Regular $15.W v. ;V. ... ., .SPECIAL 10.25
.' if
.- ."-4
' 1
toual, "sin t you sv-feeiins; well 7V, j
4tt further Information. . , , i