The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 08, 1905, Image 1

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    'l N;
::vc f73rv k-
.: . The Weather Sunday, cloudy toJ part-
' !y cloudy: winds moetly-northerly. -
VOL. I. NO. 43.'!
, - - - .
ix. ',
Holding -That He
1 :Swx
i ,
A rt7
aton Ff tatfifeti By DisMfTLitomeOTho Had f5f livery Ubstade in
-:Way-- of Jurqrs-rScathing GiUcism of Neglectful Officers and V-
; - : btTihotton of John MJiilnfc -
fr iftdteUnenU fountf r .tho eounty
"T'J'' X ntlclpttoa .of xeUy
-; " 7.i...:.rrto4iitrfcttton. Johk Kmta': b not boo without cuipwwity m . moworout, m aanns ro- 0
doatfrt ovldOBcM eoriimondoWo worlr in. prmoouUoiui for ajnblln. ba not boon Udlotod. Tot. In vlow of tho
' 1 dedalon byyoijrmrtipon Uetmont fHn-k "tblo ind JUrr: un4or-ooUon IUK -wou,awt-aootoa4 k
i oltbor tho sooj or tho copocttr of tho otatriot nttoriioy, for. -whon Bold Indletmont wo nnnoanood to hlnv.ho od-
"tnfi that ho did not know onetlr whothor tho hoctlon to opplleablo, and doBaadod. In offooV that tbo frond ,
a. a
wpjr-flooiara itootr ja --pioiiuiiui
f nubile morala. Upon our 'otatomoat
X " ' " TU loll you rtht ow.
X Ooora. with a nroothottcat eaaa,
JUttt aU ytfat
4 . TThotafoVa,",
f In tho proooeutloa of Jtho IndlotmohU rotutnod by tnia arana jury mswn wyrw- a. . ttiuww wwr
H. Bnnt. aloo- tho eaaoa- agalttot- William" C Klllott ot al. and WUllam C, Ulott, and all gambling caooo whoro ;
iiir.tiBnu hin.tiMit th
. otoanaiC and tho auto of Oregon
rl, , .T..At tho eoneluatoa ot; tho grand. Jury'a report thooo throa prowbo aro o.uotod,tha application of whlcll
J - la obvloua: ' ' "v; --.v. ; V- - r,-HV; . .v"-'';. "'7,1:.- ' v. 7 :l ''J'"
-Tho wicked worketh a deceitful work, but to him that aowoth rtghtoouraoaa ahall be a aura reward.- v.;
I! :r-'.TTha hoary head la a crown of glory, if it bo found in the way" of rlghteouaneaa.'V ' --'.v':;:'"V.
to '' i-'jX wlao man bateth not tho law, but ho that la.abypocrlte therein la a ohlp in a atorm.; ; .. Cvv J !
-,-iohn,,' banning, ' dletrlct attorney,
oourgeo'by the grand Jury yeatorday
''aCternooa in'lta final report, arooo In
Judge George' a court room immodlately
after tho inqulaltorlal body had been
aiacbargod and aaked that the indtotmont
, retuwod agalnat Mayor George H. Wll
f llama on Thuraoay be dlomteood.'
Juogai:ioorga' granted tho motion,
whereupon District Attorney Manning
again addreaeed the court and moved
"the dlamlaaal of the Indictment agalnat
, Chief . of Police Cbarloa H. Hunt.
' Tho court alao granted thle motion,
and -the clerk waa tnatructadT to enter
- tho orders that practically would atrlke
rrrom th rocorda tha namea of tho mayor
and tho chief of police, inaamucn aa
cases in which no arraignment haa been
had aro , not - entered la the criminal
docket. - i-.v ,- - - - :
. , District Attorney MntUnr sctloa
' produced a profound sensation 'In tho
court bouaa and 09 tho wtnga of rumor
It soon spread all over the city, "
Comment ranaed all tho way from
- Condemnation of htaacttoa to expression
' of belief that It waa right However.
'It waa -apparent that hbt haaty move
, waa a tho grand Jury, which a
i. few . momenta before had . fUod with
Judge George a report that paased severe
5 erasure upon the district attorney for
, what they alleged to have been laxness,
- if not more, oa hia part-T-, - -r
t afaaalasTa ' Batraoralaary Kotfoaa.
' i Ur. ifsnnlnar. - so soon aa tho grand
Jury hart UfB.-Utaurt-XOfinvjoana
eald to Judge uoorge; - -
(Wseklnstoa Boreas ef The JooraaL)
. Washington, 'Jan. 7 Chairman Buf
toa.of the livera and harbors oommle-
felon had a conference with the presi
dent today, at which tho advisability of
tha river, and. harbor appropriation bill
for thla aeaalon waa discussed. At this
conf erenoo and at a general one which
' took place between the president and
tha Republican leaders of tho eenate and
houae, the general necessity for economy
in. appropriations waa urged, and with
. tba possible adoption of thla policy In
. view, much uncertainty exists aa to
- whether there will be any vlver and
"harbor appropriations thla aeaalon other
..' than those which may bo provided by
an emergency bill alnillar to the one
adopted laat aeaalon.
t Regardless of. thla uncertainty. Chair
; man Burton and hla committee aro pro
ceeding with tha work of framing the
" bill and aro gtvlng hearings dally to
' Interested members. Original set I mates
from the war department for the. river
and harbor Improvement appropriations
arvregated Ito.000.0t0 to 40.000,000 for
ae.tiU arrreprletio" but C-.'a haa boea
:A:;;i30ExAS;::T6n'rou ?sf' .Youa picture, i'". on
, -J
? v
1 r'i
HniMI.Mi I i I M
tatrict - ttorney. Circuit iu4( Ctaorga
sruA -Jarr MU Kiiyor Ooow IL'WUJIwb ud Jci'l0. ,????r
iwh m ct by Mr. Manaln tbo gramd Jurr
- & A. W . I. A,.Vv. 'mm a hah
-rr . -
that wo wouio moao mm a nn
toa followo- go ahoad ana nna tnia ukuciuwdv wuomi im f por" u
tU bo damnod If . I ion't go right up and Mk hta to dlomlao It; now joa oaa
toaHrour hoaorawo eoun appoint wm m winwww "sw x
la grand Jury, and.tno caaeo oi.tno oiaio oi w.o mmim wm. -
agalnatr 1. KauTo. and tho eaoea of tho
-lf the court pleaaov I have hero an
indictment agalnat our mayor, the Hon.
George H. "VUllama, charging him with
having Violated tho malfoaaaaoo statute,
J thla. vthat ha neglected to Instruct
tho" chief of polloe of this elty to close
a certain -gambling houae on a certain
date. In thla olty. This Indictment waa
turned intp oourt last Thursday by the
grand Jury, and I desire to aay that. I
fully realise that no man la above tho
law, gnd lfMajror Williams waa. upon
evidence) sufficient tn-a court ot (aw to
Justify a trial, presumably guilty of any
Illegal act, I would bo tho first to proas
auto him, if- it lay -wlthlnr the duty of
my office to do ao. But, after havlng
carefully Investigated tho evidence upon
which thla Indictment waa predicated,
I find nothing agalnat Mayor Williams
that would warrant ma as district attor
ney of thla county, unbiased and unpre
judiced la every particular, to put tho
county to the expense of trying thla case
by a, jury, when I am satisfied that aay
Jury would and -ought -to acquit -the
mayor.:: And. furthermore, I believe that
a majority of tho grand Jury who had
Mayor Will lama Indicted did it without
giving proper attention to the testimony-
which waa submitted to them,
and, under the circumstances, I am com
pelled to recommend that the Indictment
agalnat tha Hon. George H. Williams,
mayor of our elty; be dismissed, and
that ho bo fully exonerated of any of-,
f enso charged in the Indictment."
. The foregoing waa read from type
written manuicrlpt which had " been
carefully prepared, and waa ready' for
out and, pared until It la uncertain what
tha blU aa finally framed wlU carry.
- Members of tho oommlttee, Including
Chairman Burton, continue to assert
that there wlU bo a bill of some sort,
but state that It possibly may aot carry
more than $11,000,009 actual appropria
tion, and a limit of ll,00,00, for con
tinuing appropriatlone. Chairman Bur
ton haa taken aa attitude in tho method
of framing the blU which will aerva to
cut it to smaller proportions than pre
ceding bills. . He haa served notice oa
members t bet "the amount of appropria
tion Tor impMvementa will be governed
in a meesore by tha amount which baa
been expended by the states where such
Improvements s re located. .
Under this plan Burton- called upon
Representative Williamson for a state
ment ahowtng tho expenditure made by
the etate of Oregon foe river and harbor
Improvements. . . ......
la response -.Williamson today sub
mitted a statement abowlng that during
the legislative session of 1I0I- aa ap
propriation of 11(6.000 waa made for
tho parpooo of building tho portage road
,i . v. - . f . ..
"... ,' ' J ..
- . ' 1
rMtarday fUrao ' diMttio .tha Z
la IU flnal report m4o thta r- J
IIMlPBMfi tuUtllf ffl IflllirtailB dl
tt : : J
hhfw w
otato of Orogon agatnat a. JO, Broy. -
use' when tha motion waa made to dis
miss. - ..v.,'. ' , '
"Let the order bo entered," said Judge
George, and Deputy Clerk M. R. John
son noted the entry on hie book, -
"May it please tho court. then Bald
Mr. Manning, pursuing his remarks, T
desire to file the name motion in regard
to tho Indictment agalnat Chief Hunt-t
"Let the order be entered.", again re
plied tha oourt, and adjourned tho ses
sion. "Will yon. make a abatement concern
ing your action." waa aaked of Mr. Man
ning, after ho had gone. from the court
room, "giving more in detail reasons
why you movod to dismiss these indlot-
. "No, X cannot say anything in" addi
tion to the matter ' contained In the
Statement read to the oourt. That state
men ia complete, though brief, and I
must refuse to amplify it in aay par
ticular." v
, "Will you aay whether or not there
were any other motives that. Inspired
'your action than thooo expressed ia tha
statement r'v ' ' ' i V.
"No, I positively refuse further to
discuss the matter."
. "Cannot you more dearly enlighten
the publlo upon 'thla subject, Mr. Man
ntngt : The Judge haa refrained from
saying anything, declaring that ho must
perforce apeak only aa a Judge on ,. the
beach." .-
: "Well, he ohare . tho responsibility,
doea he notf waa r. Mannlnsa an
swer, and ha passed toward his office, -
- (Continued on Page Three.) , .
around tho Cellle falls. An appropria
tes waa made tw-ltot of tioo.oos for
tha purchase of tf right of way lor the
government canal and locks for over
coming obstructions - tn . tho , Columbia
river. " -
: la addttionih auto or Oregon ex
pended Il.tt0.009 In dredging and con
trolling the works between Portland and
tha sea. On thla ahowtng Representa
tive Williamson la convinced that Ore
gon will faro favorably if tho proposed
method ia adhered to ia framing the
bill. ,
, , The estimates for tho principal Oregon
iiuprovamenta submitted are tiOO.000 for
the lower Columbia, Portland to tho aea;
SI.) 10.000 for - Improvements at tho
mouth of tho Columbia; tfOMO for
The Dalles canal and locks. .
No definite statement can be ventured
by any member of tha delegation at this
time what amounta era likely t be se
cured for the state in the event of the
bill being aealed at aa aggregate amount
to less than IJMOO.000. Senator Tul-
(Continued oa PageThrea)
r - - ., 1
. - .,-'..,..
f. 'vTv'll'j'? llToT- '
--f'-j j -J ' '- y:'n 'XAA A Vw-d'-.i rv.,'A.;-v'x viX,lroLa.'n.'-- -l .9
Accident In Midst , of Carmn
""Tat Metropclitan: Oera 'J;; j
I ; ."-.l' House. .-
Quick'. Curtain " Prevents Stam
pedeNearly . Twwvty-five y,
: Injured . Performers. ?
(Special Dtapetes by Leased Wire to Tbs Joofsat)
New .York. Jan. T. Following la a list
of those who worn maimed when the
bridge fell during the "Carmen" per-
f ormanco at tho Metropolitan . opera-
house tonight: ' . .
Madame. Akte,-ankle prulaed by falling
timbers; continued throughout the per
formance.- .
Natalie Gorneglt, both legs broken and
so badly mangled aa to make amputation
necessary) taken to Bellevue.
Giovanni Marino, three ribs broken.
New , Tork - hospital Dialgero - Dlsettt,
right log broken, Bellevue hospital; At
telle Langagnl, five ribs' fractured. New
Tork hospital; Ida Rbonstein, Buffering
from shock Bellevue hospital; Wanda
Adam ski, several ribs fractured:1 Belle-
vue hospital; Vlneeto RegandonL right I
- -
A. aoeaia brtdger holding to men. wo
men and children tn the first act of
"Carmen" collapsed tonight while the
audience at ' the Metropolitan - opera
house waa beginning tp applaud .the
songs of the opera stara who had Just
sung the last note that atarted the
gaily glad chorus guard over tho bridge.
It broke' squarely in the middle, drop
ping the to persons to tho stage. y
. pieariy xs oi mi cnonii ptqw wn
Injured. 10 of them eo badly that they
were, taken to hospitals.
There - was an instant panic on tne
stage, and the curtain was rung on the
unexpected scene. ' la lees than rrve
mlnutea however, the .Injured persona
had been-removed from - thaatage .tha
debris from the, broken bridge had been
cleared and tho curtain waa rang up.
permitting the performance to proceed.
i 1
Igperlal Dtspstea ay Ussed Wire to Tbs Jwast)
Washington. Jan. - T. Senator Depew
appeared . today In the rola of a mind
reader end In this role he got off hla
first Joke after tha aaaurancea to him
that be was United States senator from
New York again. He called at tha White
House today. Aaked for tho purpose of
hia call bo said! - i..
' "I knew the prealdent wanted to con
gratulate me end J, came to give him
tha opportunity." . - ". -
'' , ''V ' :;L"s-..- - . , ,' , '- " : - - - - .--v - -
., T ,
(CopTrlfllla. JtOtL W W. Ke BwfU
' ''" " ' ' ' -A. A m. V m. 1m A A
0r Pranoia-J.-Heaeirwia - be- ap-"0
d pointed tomorrow to tho office of .
4 ' United States district attorney , e
to fill tho vacancy caused by,
o the removal- of Joha A. Hall by , o
o President Roosevelt. Mr. Honey's e
o appointment, which la to be made ,
e at tho lnattgatloni pf ' Attorney . o
e General Moody, la only tern- .
a -porary. An Oregon man eventu- o
ally will be chosen to fUl the , o
poeltlon. s -. - -;
. Mr. Honey will continue in fun
e chars. of the land fraud Invss- e
d tlgatlnha aa heretofore; One or - a
the reasona why ha waa selected, 4
to ouoceed atr. Hail is to msura , W
d the validity of all prooeedlngs - o
before tho federal grand Jury In o
connection with the, land fraud
eaaoa. '
Textile Strikers Say That It Is
, Supreme yEffort to Install '?
"Open .Shop. .-
(Special DUpateh by Lsassd Wire to the Joarsal)
Boston! Maaa, Jan. t!-The great tex-
.Ulo atrlke at rail jtiver laasa
Inletar nsuuai in V" Ul w
...,-n,.n, made todav to the American
T" th. hishest officials of the I
T-iiimtea inu nvi. . . --
the--ovldenoe he haa aooured la to kofthrough the foot, and
believed the struggle jp turn ns -
chusetta apindlo olty ia something more
than a deaperata fight over living wages j
between to.OOO ootton operatlvea apd a
half - hundred -or- mora - mill men.- Suob
a struggle,' tremendoua aa it haa been
and ia. la nothing in importance io
what Secretary Hlbbert or tne xsxuio
Workers haa been informed- ia back of
the conflict. ' ' '
Even allowing that tho contention or
the manufacturera at the beginning of
tho atrlke that the reduction in wagee
was due to the condition of tho market,
waa -true, there la still no reason for
the mllla- not being opened at tho old
waa-ea for market conditions have ao
changed: In the pat BISTmontha that-tt
la suacoptlble of ngurlng that tne
prloea of ootton and of cloth have al
tered" sufficiently to pay five-eighths of
all tho wages of tho striken ia Fall
River. - The evidence in the hands ftf
the officials of the United Textile
Workers of America suggest a most
plausible one. It la thSs: That the
fight la one ta the death between the
"open shop" and tha trades anions tn
America.. . : : . 1 .-
. ' to msoBOAjma xzutxa.
(Ipeelal Dtepeteh ky leased Wire Is The Jearsal)
Sacramento. Jan. t. The militia of
California will. If a bill that Governor
Pardee Is championing becomes a law.
be radically reorganised. If. this law
takes place it will bring tha tntlltta un
der tho regulations of tha Pick blU.- ' -
'-page TysrnrY -vo:;..
- -
Ue in Wait for Victim and Fire
v f ; a Bulletfhrough ' ; "
-.i . His Foot.-:-;
Officers Believe Thatjlrje High
" Waymen' Had Intended to .
. Hold Up Another Man.
Two. masked highwaymen dressed in
semi-Indian costume waited at 10 o'clock
laat night on tho Base Line road at the
corner of Forty-eighth street for the
coming; ao tho officers believe, of Tred
Van Kirk, who lives at thataorner. Mr.
Van Kirk, who la a member, of tha firm
ot Van Kirk ft. Bridges, of tha Yakima
market on. First street, has been in the
habit of carrying a aum of money home
on Saturday nights. .A few days ago
the firm sold the business, and thla gave
reason for tho supposition that ha might
have more money in hla possession than
usual. -
At 1:1S o'clock. Adna A.' Fogg, who
Uvea oa the road a short distance beyond
Mr. Van'Klrk's residence, came along on
S't tr-l" L,IV 'ZZZ"-
hla way boma The road la unlighted and
held up Mr. Fogg.
They - shot him
lng by the flash
of tha revolver, so it is believed, that
they had made a mistake In the selection
of their vlotlm, they auickly disappeared
without attempting robbery.
Mr. Fogg, carrying a .t-callber' bullet
in hla foot and bleeding profusely from
tha wound, made, hla way to hla houae
and - telephoned for a physician, who
later removed tho bullet. , The, ball en
tered at tha heel and waa taken out of
tha front of tho foot. Van Kirk arrived
half an hour afterward and notified
Sheriff Word. . ... ,
Mr. Fogg oould give only a vague de
scription of tha men.' There were two
of them, one a tail man and tha other of
medium height Both wore black cloth
masks, overcoats aad .atifx-hata, The
tall man a hat waa decorated with feath
ers, and he had evidently made an at
tempt to disguise himself aa an Indian.
i, Suffering excruciating pain aa ha lay
on a cot at his home, Mr. Fogg told the
story as follows;
"It waa quite dark, and I paased the
two men at the eorner of Mr. Van KIrk'a
lot before they paid any attention to aa
Aa soon aa I got by they ordered mo to
halt. .1 kept right oa walking, and tho
nest moment I heard tho report of a re
volver and felt the bullet In my foot.
I waa looking arnnnd enooh to see thst
the taller
i i the
snooting. Both
of them I
"Hired, s-otr to-
H'lll t T '
e i
ward t'
to sea t
walk 1 c
eulty. I
lng I I
., 2mm mmm . . .' '- j
Kay and Ccrtcr Iskc a-
UastDespcratc Relly; U-
: But In ycln.
EasternlOregon t Legislators In
Caucus Agree to Stand To- " ;
V- gether Both oh OrgSnT. -',.
zation and Laws; "
The light -over the organisation Of tha' '
atate legialature -Bks" reached an acuta ';'
tag. The - supporters ot Carter for .
prealdent of tho senate ano of Kav fee
speaker have refused to accept . the. d..
feat which seemed imminent and are en-
gaged la a determined effort io.' rail
their- f orcea- for a combined onslanght
upon their opponenta. . .- - - -
The struggle ts a fierce One sad victory
la .claimed by both- sides. .. Careful ex- X '
ammdUon of the sltuaUon Indicates,
however, that both. Kuykendall and Mllla v
are safelyla tho lead and cannot now be ' -
defeated, r ' - . : , : . i: '
- From the boat Information obtainable
if seems that in the-tight for the preal-'...,
dency of the senate Kuykendall -verill "
haa the U votes which ho claimed yeeter- :
day, while Carter's known etrength,l
but 10. The speakership f-ht has been '
hoUy oontested, yet Mills' Is atlU In V
tba lead. with more than enough voted
to elect him. - - ';-v -TV-.-;-;.?' :v'; v
Ttm t Oartar'a Oaaoaa. ' 'tT"."
' A caucus of the supporters- of Carter .
for president of the senate was held
yesterday aiteraoon aixilO-ssnators at
tended It. - All of them declared them- ,
selvea supporters of Carter. Among -them
wae Nottingham - of Multnomah,",
who , had previously maintained the
closest secrecy as to the course be-In- V
tended to pursue, and Laycock of Crook. ;
Grant, Klamath and Lake, who- refused
to Join the Oai let - forces until aasared
that his fallow senators from eastern
Oregon would auppoil ineaeurss in whlrh .
hla district la Interested. '
Another important event of tho day
waa a oonfirrenoa ot tho eastern Oregon
members of the lower house, held laat
evenlnar. ak' which it waa agreed that
they would vote aa a unit upon all leg
islation affecting tneir'-inierew,-ana -
upon tho organisation of tha houao.
Manw- rumora were anoat yesterday aa
to new combinations by which Kuyken
dall and Mllla wore to be defeated, but .
those who were loudeet'ln circulating
them did not give facta to substantiate
thslr assertions. It wa persiotantly
aaaerted that Kuykendall was beaten , .
aad at Carter's headquarters there waa
an air of confidence which had previous
ly been lacking- Carterhlmaelf
laanguine ot victory. ;
. "1 am aura of being elected, prealdent .
of the senate.' v ha aald laat evening.
Kuykendall- ia beaten beyond a ques
tion. ... We have formed - a -combination
which makes this certain." --r --
I ,1 But th. confidence of the Kuykendall
followers was unshaken. Dr. Kuyken- -
dall himself lefty for Eugene on tha -evening
train and before hla departure
he reiterated ''hla declaration that he
had the votes to. make him president of
the senate. - , ... .
I can't give you the names. " - ha-
said, ,1ut I have it votes which can
not, be -taken from me. Of thla I am.
absolutely certain, and I am going noma
because I know my fight la won."
Tho hopes of the Carter foreee have
been founded upon the expectation that '
Hobaon? Crolsaa" and "BrowneH duI9T
desert Kuykendall and give their votea,.
to Carter or to some other antl-KQyken-
dall candidate While Brownell might
do this. If satisfied that ha would there
by turn the scale agalnat the Lane eooa-
ty candidate, he will .not throw trhr vote
to ths losina aide, and thus far tho In- '
dleatlona point strongly to KuykeodaJl a
success. Hob eon and Crolsaa are ac
counted by Carter'e friends as doubtful.
DUt tners.ts strong-reason to oeiieve
that, both .are secretly committed . to
Kuykendall.., -.:. ; .-v-r --.
'The It votea which are credited to
Kuykendall are aa folio we: Croiaan,'
Kuykendall. , Booth. Hobson. Ckv,
Loughary, Brownell. Hodson. Holman.
VaiarMj. May."Bichrt. Ccw. rTtrttlo and
Rand. . - '. -. . ' " . i
Carter'e known ; etrength Is but 1.
Nottingham, FArrar. Carter. Layoork,
Wright, Howe, Haines, Wheal don. Bow-
era an and McDonald. ...
One of the rumors current laat eve
nlng was that Carter adherents hoped tn
defeat Kuykendall by refusing to go Ir
caucus, but thla was contradict-! I
Carter himself, lie also t
there wso aay thor- .t
with demncratle
slble snetSr I r-
oo'-'-l r--