The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 05, 1905, Image 1

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cod Evcrnrro. : .
i Fair this afternoon and tonights
rain or snow Friday; easterly wind 4,
ivVr'i".'--'-- .- . 'v
i rison fiKrdies?Oflt
Its Arms Before
, ; .i m. . i . 1 1 i i- i . . ' . i 1 . 1 . 1 r - . -. .. . . i- ' - !T ' :
Great IndiCTuUon Throughout CmJ)
: ".Treatment Aaorded.Hcro of Port ? Arthur:
. - a-
- . ' oanal Ipwlal fcrriwij
j:;. Bt Pataraburr. Jan I. It la of f lcUlljr
announced -that Oeneral TSteaael, muat
" com home to atand a court-martial for
j thaurrandr of Port 'Arthur, .W . ; -.
' Thla announcement haa provoked an
--.j- outburst of proteat from tho proaa ot
v" tha country! who point utthat not a
alnala- ntomber of -tha royal' family"
r : at the front in th;tr aaat .Crltlelara
r or- uiio. typonaa reiuueq in tna aup
7 ri preaalun Of lha Ruaa. - - 1 u -. - -The
Nora, Vreraya eUtea: y all
'-JMiaa. let ua have a- eourt-martlal and
trnaka It, if poaalble, aeyere and' cruel.
. Tha ivtigt will- per ha pa .deal leniently
' with thoae who have (lvoti h'ood and
tlvaa for their : country., J,erhae,"WaA
" tha court wurdetarmina .why tha fort,
reaa knows to ba thraataaad by Jttockada
- -waa not aupplled-with neceaaary- tootl
- - and ammnnlilonjttf jloabU rt ' to hold
tHlC V "ifs... - - -' V
Among 4ha- paoplo -of tho-ountry 4h
I','.'., propoaed .courttinartlal of General 8to
aaael la Indignantly received. - Stoeaeel
f 'rla looked upon aa the hero of tha war
and hla gallant defenee lvea him a
' deep hold on tha hearta'of tha popu
"" laea. Tha1 work of-tha-r Port Arthur
? T a-arrleon recolvea nothlna but pralae. 1
Tha-facr la twnjtB- out that Ruaata
;'. kaa had 11 montha of hard but valuable
.' experience In tha art of war under, tha
new jcondltione Impoaed by modern war
' far and It la unanlnibualy anaerted .that
7- Ruaa la cannot afford to quit a loalnf
's flaht.. The autocracy la held to blame
" for. tha fall ' of Por Arthur.- and not
Stoeaael and hla band-of-defend ere. -A
- apeclal from Mukden aaya that fli4ln
' le proceedlna along the Shakhe river.
The Jape neaa have attacked tha Ruaalan
- ' Una in aeveral planee. -but ao far have
, mot with only rcpulaea. . , ' "
aad Tortraaa . rorauUly
-C Orat. t wMiai oft
" :-- Jaaraal Saeelal aarrlee.)
y - Toklo. Jan. I. At t b'clock'thia morn.
'tng tha Ruaalan and Japanese comm la
alone re began to. aaaemble to off eot tha
TTormmrrtuTnlnf'rrof T th i.cltyto
General NogL Tha ceremony .wae an
. Impoalng one. The entire garrlaon and
rion-combatnnta .marched out to tha.
moating place overlooktng Pigeon Hay,
where the Ruaalan rank and file were
made prleonere of war and .will be de
tained until they oan - be tranaferrad
. to Dalny and from there to Japan, :
-Japanea end Huaaiana are rreeiy rra-
temlsmg.- Bplendld. order Is being mafnahsmsjivea as mucn aa posaioie in me
talned, and. the people are quiet. oreatf"leld, atuL-to-keep as far as possl-
bonflrea are still biasing - throughout
. . the country In celebration of tha Jap
' aneae . victory, and frequent crlea of
"Banaar are heard, ut the celebration
la moat orderly.-- "
The eight waa an affecting one,' a a
' long line of aoldlera dad In rag and
1- wanted by diaeaae marched' forward to
' atack their arma for the laat time.. To
. one aide waa drawn tha Japaneae forcea
tn Impoalng "array, with all the panoply
f - of war .that reata on vletDHoua troope.
' gad and delectedly. , the . Ruaalana
marched forward, tha . remnanta of a
' one mighty army. . . - "
- Following the aurrander the Japaneae
A - officer gave a dinner at tha fort to the
iT Ruaalana, j- ;,. .- ;,t,' ...
"'ftaMtearOaa Wau Mae Arm Smt Tfcete
. ' Va la rtoalalted ay Ttotor. ,
(jearaal tperlat aerrkse. ' - -
v , Toklo, Jan. I. A supplementary agree
ment waa puMMhed today which pro-
V" (Jearaal Rpeclal serrlee.l -"
Hw Tork. Jan, ft. Miss Edna.Jtfay
' obtained divorce yeaterday from Pted
Titus. ; T suit was filed about- three
, years ago x The granting of a decree
-ha revived .Interest In the storle from
England during reoent yeaca, which told
of tha Intention of the aotroea to marry
' aartou titled and untitled gentlemen. ,
Recently theae storle said that M las
. Way would marry A. n W. Maaon. the
'author and playwright. Tonight along
tipper ft road way it Is said that a "high
gjllanre" wH) very soon take place.
After the divorce waa granted, Misa
... u- ...'.,.'.....,..'. .. ,.. . ,.., . .v.., . .. ..'!r'i
rand Lays Down"
Victorious HostSi
videf for the appointment of eemmla
slonera to auperlntend tha . enforcement
of the provlalona in the. capitulation of
Port Arthur and deala Willi the treat
ment -ot officer and men.. - The commiav
alonera met at Peyhu mountain at noon
Tueaday.- Offlcera and of fictala are- al
lowed to) Wear aide arma, but tha use of
arma ia prohibited. - - - . , i-
The agreement provide for the trans-.
fer of boepltala, the Immunity of non
combatants, t heir-freedom of action and
tha removal of private property, and r
servea the right of removal of objection
able peraona - and reieaae of Japaneae
prisoner. ' . -, -' ' '
Civil Official at Port Arthur who did
not-aerve-as '.volunteers are to be. re
leased without parole. . , , :
BaJtle neet- Will Bara
v;.:.,..Tafcr4 htrtwi.
-- . ,T " (joorni special sernce.. --i
St. Petersburg.- Jan..; I. The - Baltic
eauadrnii.wlll tint attamnt al -RMMnl tA
continue itjiJourneyxto VladlstbklltPraadaJnIdalloi
Aamirai ttojeaivenaay win pronamy re
turn to European wafers to awett. the
arrival of the third squadron, several
ships of which are expected to be ready
fori eervlce at.the nd of thla month.
He may make one of the untobablted
Polynealan laland hi baae.
. If Vladivostok should be blockaded
Rojeatvenaky would be compelled to aall
for ita relief. The Ruaalan have buflt-
a eerlea of redouble around Vladivostok,
there Is ay plentiful supply offpod'and
clothing and the fortifications have been
greatly strengthened with a, view to
threatening ' the Japanese flank.
BellgiowaMaalao Wk, aeta Bztai
taiaate "Meafhea' Yapaaese. s'
,' (Jearaal Bpeelel terrlea.) -
." 8C Peteraburg, Jan. . Amohr the In
teresting letters from Manohurla is one
Just received ' from . Artillery Captain
t'goraky, who tella of a curioua atata
of reHgteus exaltation produced among
the uneducated Ruaalan eoldtere by the
trained excitement of-the last, few
montha" - - - -
"In two of the Siberian regiments."
he .wrltee, "a sect who call themselves
'Krovoupltsf Bloodaucker ha made
conalderable progreaa. These men have
sworn to accept, no. quarter,-to -expoee
Die mn vxituur Hwnmv HGuuiik-vi ui
number of -faeathan! theyhave killed, 1
To alaughter a race which rejecta Chrlat
they believe to be a ploua act, and many
of them dread any conclusion of peace
which would leave a single Japaneae
alive. A tv the 'recent battle of Bha-ho
some ot theae ntenv oame i Into great
prominence. They atood up In the
trenchee. Be reamed fierce defiance, aod
attempted to rush out to meet the en
emy.' One man kept oonatantly exposing
himself where the fire was. hottest,- and
when a tmlltt went through hla chest
screamed dellghHedly, "Now. I am saved,
brothers,'- They are Christian dervishes,
in fsof aw t-.-i--- -'. a.U V.,.
- (Jearaal SpoeM Service. )
- London. Jan. I. The enemlea of Gen
eral Kuropatkln 'are, aaya a dlniatcn
from Bt. Petersburg, . doing every thing
they can to dlsoredlt-.hlm at the present
Juncture. The latest report" spread by
i, (Continued on Page Two.) - .
' . I ( - -- ' - -r . . -
--. --:..'---- i-' . - -
May .refused to be aeen. Mr. Petty, of
ByraCuaa, father ,of the actreaa, spoke
for her, denying that aha had another
marriage in proapect. . .
The court proceeding . today were
short, and few wltneeaea ware examined.
The testimony waa highly awnsatlonal.
Mlaa Mona Deamond, . the actreaa who
waa tbe atorm center of the domestic
drama, being named by Miss May In
her complaint, waa compelled by sub
poenal to be present during the trial to
listen to the mbarrasalng thtnga aald
about her ' ...
1 Titus was once a champion wheel-
I '
Ul-8: 8eiirtor;luboiBWho Has Prt
'snted Affidavit 'Chargg Timber
rhdicte'd Officials at Uberty on
v Own. Recognizance, Will Be
, ' - Arraigned Monday. .' : :
Grand Jury Examined City Jail,
v and Is Now Making Up -
Final Report. "
Mayor' George H. Williams, Indicted
yeaterday by tha county grand Jury for
malfeaaance . infftMrPPreaarTh
courthouae-todey- end arranged to make
an appearance on Monday, when he will
be arraigned, and, unless granted further
time, will then enter a plea of guilty or
not. guilty Whan PraaldiasL Jud-el
George convened court this morning Dis
trict Attorney- Manning moved that
Mayof Wllllama .be released upon, his
own recognisance. Such an order was
entered by Deputy Clerk M. R. Johnson,
the mayor will not be required to give
bond, - Inasmuch aa. hla appearance tn
court is sssured. "
Charles H. Huht. ehler Of pollci alao
went to the eourthouae. . He. too, .will
be arraigned oa Monday. He waa re
leased on His own recognisance.' '
Bench warrant were issued Tor the
arrest of William C Elliott, ex-city en
gineer; J. M. Cay wood, inapeotor; Henry
Chandler, aurveybr; B,w. Rlner and R.
M. Rlner, contractors' on the .Tanaer
creek sewer,- and deputy sheriffs at once
proceeded to serv thenir
The grand Jury' put In the day ea-
amlnlnglhe various offices and inatl
tutlona. It - waa announced. aeml-
offlciallr,. that .no further rndlctmeata
. a. t - -. . .
wuuia om rvurnea. rto mora eviaence
Is to be taken, and the Understanding la
that the Indictments returned yeaterday
and that portion of the grand Jury a work.
which will be voluminous and deeply In-
tereeting, according to common report.
Bond a required In the aeveral easce
were named by the court at the motion
of the district . attorney, . William
Ellfott, J. M. Csywood. Henry Chandler.
R. M, Rlner and B. W. Rlner will aire
eurety for 11.800 each, and in a number
of minor eases bond war set at leaser
amounts. .. .. . '..-
R. M. Rfner asked the court to lower
the bond Which wa required of him.-He
said that inasmuch aa the defendant in
the land fraud eases gave only
bond a, $1,100 waa too much to aak of
him. - - '
Under the personal escort of Chief
Hunt, the county grand Jury Inapected
the various dfparhnenta at police head
quartera this morning. - Notee on what
wa aeon , were taken by Juror tauae.
.(Continued on Page Two.)
Cilsscjla ' Citizens ?Impli
icated in Land Frauds;-
M in Montana S
Information, Pointing to Conrad,
Opponent of Gibson for Sen- f
:1 ate, '.Has Been ; Filed In
. Washington, Says Rumor. V"
- (Jaaraal 'Bperlel Bervlea.)
Helena,' Mont.. . Jan. . Government
agents are on the way to Montana to In
spect th alleged Wholesale land frauds,
according - to . private ; advice received
here. Itis Said Jhe frauds are far
reaching, embracing Immense- tract of
Umber-and mining land.,-... . . "
Information, had been presented to the
secretary' of ihe Interior alleging vlola-
Uona of the land and deaerrland laws In
Montana on a gigantic scale. Th Infor
mation . presented . alleges that great
tracts of timber land la Missoula coun
ty. Montana, were, taken up 'and paten ta
aecureat from th government .by per?
Jured evidence. i.
It la alleged that many or theae ciaima
war taken by ' Indiana. . Twelve or fif
teen ' prominent aialsen. of Missoula
county are , Implicated in th fraud. -:t
- It Is reliably stated that Information
ha also been presented to the -department
Involving W. G. Conrad, of Great
Falls. Montr Senator Gibson's principal
obDonant for the senatorshlp, In fraud
oommltted aarthwaet flf Great-rails.
Patents were obtained to ireat a!
desert-land.' which has wmej-tt la aJ
legedbeen tranaferrad to-WXL Conrad
and Is included In the land Irrigated
by the big Conrad Irrigating ditch. . -
It wa rumored here that Senator Olb
on' had preaented the information to the
department; but this, according to the
meaaage, ne aenieo in poamva mrmm,
Sssertlnrtht:H Jsd presented no in
formation of any kind to the depart
ment and , received no- communications
implicating any of.thaxltiaena Of Mon
tana. ' ..... ta -.-' i ' '
' In connection with the alleged fraud
a special agent, it la aald, haa Just sub
mitted a report to tna secretary ji"i
wholesale frauda by ,land companies op
erating near Llbby, in Flathead county.
Mont. ..j; " 1
All of these cam will b Investigated
aa soon as inspectors xan om aeni
Montana. In this state n is aaia mm
certain wealthy and lnHuentlar men
have been obtaining large tracta of desert-land
and lande aald to contain cop
per and other ores hy fraud. According
to the report, women ana men nmvw uwn
used as dummies In Montana. Just as
they were used In Oregon. . . -. ......
(ipedar-tepatch .t Tee Joaraat)
Colfax. Waah.. Jan. ft. Charle Mar
tin, charged with murder for th killing
f Tnnk Parken waa found not guilty
oyTrjuryirTntdnlght on the ground of
Inaanlty. - Judge cnaowicaj unmniamj
naked the prisoner to stand up, and aa
he did so, the Judge said: -
"I commit you to the penitentiary un
til released by a higher authority." -
Such a proceeding la very unueual and
the outcome wUL be watched with Inter
ast. ' Habeaa corpus .proceeding wtll
probably be .Instituted for Martin's- re
lease. - " ... .-
-UvmtX Bpedal lerrlc f- -
' nn. vnni . Jan. 1. Members of th .kt t.umbar-TJealerassuclation.
ISO strong, will' vteit tne Dig lumDer
mills of Montana, idaho, Washington
and firearm in June.'' In search of new
markets, according to word received here
today or officials or tne uig eiacaiooi
Milling company. .The dealera wll leave
Omaha June . , ": -'rl-r'
r Balfle' Creek. Mlch Jan. I. The body
of N. a Phelps, th missing financier,
who la eonected with aeveral large pure
food concern lit this city, wa found In
tha river here today. He ha been miss
ing several months. . It Is believed that
he committed sulcld on account of buai-
ness reverses, '' .. .r. - -
',- (Jearaal special IMWI
Birmingham, Jan. I. The Post hear
that Germany la seeking to arrange a
German-American arbitration , treaty
similar - to the Anglo-American treaty
recently tgne' , .
mmmm m
.... ' i . ., ...
; . ; . - r;; f f - . it , -. V, : I ,
. " . I J I .. I - W-.: .- -r,
- I 11 1 . il lk
:v 1 :
mtmr mm
Dr. LW Oitdjrick; Hi Daughter
Mary, and Sheriff ' E. D. : Brry ; of
Cleveland, Who Took' th Doctor
Into Cuitody.. - .
Vital 7 Statistics i for. 'Past Year
; rfnw a Healthy Growth in
.r't''" : Population. ' ' : ' "Z
sjjdkfgj. tio blrth--lis tlt olty
of Portland the paat' year. V Rating the
population at 150.090, each. Individual tn
the- city contributed t'.0t toward, the, in
creas In population by-birth.
The following are the monthly records
of births: January, 141; February, HI;
March.' Ill: April, H; May.' 11; June.
10; October,? I; November, lia;: De
cember,. 14t. '? . -.'." '
, The . deaths ' of the year - numbered
t,Jll. divided among the mnths aa fol
low: , January,' 105:' .' February," 190;
March, lit: April.. 117; May,, lit; June,
It; Julyi-1; Auguat. 101; September,
lit; October. llt; -November,- lit; De
eember. lil." . '. ,-.'.'.' " .:'-. . -'.-.'."v ,
.According to these atatlettcw th In
crease tn population due to the excess
of birth over deatha la I. At this
rate of increase. If the population of
Portland were . enlarged from- no mother
aource,. It would take . about- tot -years
before the population .-waa doubled. .
; litrns on. bovsa.:-; . 1 -
! (Imirml Sprrtil SrrrW.).
' Toledo, O, Jai. Jl.- The Standard OH
company today out th price of eaatern
crude oil to t cent a gallnn and weatem
cent a gallon. '; No reasons art give.
. ' '
(Jearaal SpeHal BerviceTI
- Cleveland. ' Jan. S. Inaanlty 4
; tha defense- of Mrs. Caaate L.
Chadwlck, Ignorance the defenae
of her buabendV this is aald to be
the plan of action adopted! by.:
attorneyS'of the couple. -X
Dr. Chadwlck It ia said will
plead Ignorance of . hi wife's,
transactions, . persist - that he
knew nothing about - them. '
not consulted and had no sua
- Dlclon of the raal atate of af
faire. . In - this contention hla e
statement It Is understood Will '
be corroborated by that of hie
wlfe., ;
. Mrv -Chadwlck says that In av .
q few day her Statement will be q
' ven out. -- .".'.; '; -
. . ... . (Joaraal SpMiaf service.)
Paris, Jan. I. It I announeed that
further proceeding In the - North
commission Inquiring Into' th Dogger
bank . affalrhave been adjourned .until
February. - v -
OAjntAoa wosxs
1 "'
' , (Jearaal Special Service.).
Brockvllle. Ont, Jan. I. Tbe plant ot
tbe Canada Carriage company waa de
stroyed" by Are last . nlghL loss is
IJ00.O0O. ; '. ..
II, "
a a n hi i
(Jitaraal tpeela) service.) i '
Chicago, Jaa, , In a desperate battle
with alleged hold-up men tad train
robber at 11 o'clock thla morhlng.
Policeman Janjes CKeefa was killed and
Policeman Richard Birmingham- was
probably, fatally-injured. Olll ln
berg -1 fatally . ' and , Frank . Oaygan
allghtly wounded. , ..
The policemen-were - aent to 'arrest
Felnberg and Oaygan - for - shooting a
policeman.- After ; conalderable. aearch
they found their men, and approaching
called on them to surrender. ,--
The men hesitated t and both police
men drew revolvers to enforce their de
mand, Faloberg and Oaygan snatched
' .' .' .'. V '-. ..
Th 4ournl
Yesterday Wa
No Etection In Either
of legislature Likely '
on First Belbt :
His' Stand Wilt Affect Speaker
ship and Laycock's ths Presi
dency ' of the Senate-
rr Many Claims. -
Th organisation of tha legislator IS .
occasioning one of the keenest political
fighta - that Oregon haa- witnessed ua
recenfyears. " ' '
Senator Kuykendal) and Benaxor car
ter,-the rival candidates for president
of the upper-house, both -prof to be
absolutely confident of election, -
A. I. Mills and T. B. Kay. tbe leading
candidate for th speakership, are run
ning about neck and nook, while W. I.
Vawter.ctho hlrd man In the race, pro
fesses to believe -that tne Honor
eventually fail to himself. :.- .- J -In
the contest over the presidency ' .
of th tenate the Issue la plainly drawn -between
the machine and the anti-ma- -chin
furue. '. Knykandall has- th baew
ing of every vote which the RepuMIcaa
Organisation, eaa throw to him. At the
present time he ,1s .apparently - on the ,
defensive, for Carter-h carrying the
fight to him and la making- an exceed
ingly aggressive campaign. - Both refus .
to make anr statement of their atrensth -
and content themselves- with predictions
of victorv. .. - '
BmnwOI Attttnos Bwaatfal. '
: Th xumor grows more persistent aa
th - time for- Joining- battle approaches .
that-George C Brownelt may refuse to -align
himself - with: the Xuykendalt
force."" Hla defection would be sertowa, -i
for without him the man -from Lano
cannot courtt,"TBOtrpoit--mor-than -It
votes. It ia notorloua that Brownell
has never- been at heart a KuykendaU
man. and :that. he was exceedingly dla
aatlafled -when compelled by Senator
Mitchell and Senator . Fulton, to with- .
draw from the race, 'a he had himself ,
expected to preside over tha next senate. ,
On the other hand. Senator Layoock
Of Crook. Orant, Klamath and Lake, who
was accounted a supporter of -Carter,
declared thla morning that be was un
pledged. ; !' :-: , -. -f . . ,'
"1 am not pledged to anyoner' aald
Laycook thla morning.' "I want to get
through certain leglatatlon in the Inter
eat -of my -district and that will prob
ably determine my vote for president of
the senate. ' We want a law that will
afford aome revenue to our-county from
migratory, atock. At the present time w
ar subject every year to the lnouniona
of largo- bands .of sheep from other
counties where ' there la no summer '
range. From May; to November thee
herds live upon the ranges In my dis
trict, end there la no eompensatloa for
th eerloua loss, which they Inflicts We
went a law which wilt afford aome pro
tection from thla evil and some revenue
to the county. . ,
!X. suppose that the
Umatilla. Wheeler and Morrow counties
would be -reluctant to vote for-ouch v
law aa w want. I think, however, that
Senator Rand would support It. I have
not promised my vote to either Senator
Kuykendall or Senator Carter, though
both are good friend of mine. I hali
probably vote with whichever one will
give the beat assurance of such legts-u .
lation aa my district needs.'- - - -- y-r"s
This declaration- by Senator Iycock
will doubtless afford fresh encourage
ment to- the Kuykendall ' forces. Rand
isealready- with that faction, and as .
Kuykendall la under but slight obllga-' '
tions to eastern Oregon, it Is quite likely
that he wtll assure Layotwk of hla aid
la securing the legislation he desire. .-."
- It 1s highly -probable. however, that
there will be no election of either presi
dent of the senate or sneaker on tha
first ballot In the upper-, house the .
number of "doubtful" senators
- (Continued on Page Two.) ,
. '
out pistols at almost th earn momeO
and dodging behind tree opened Are.
Policeman OKeefe pitched forward ct
hi face dead at the first firs and bo t
suspects turned tbrlr attention 1 1
Birmingham,.' who stood his grour ,
emptying hut revolver rapidly, but v
careful aire. One of his bullets hit C.
gan in the arm, and 'ha went down t
moat at "the same Instant that I 'r '
ham Jell fatally shot. As be f,l 1
tngham flred his lat cartridge at 1
berg, who had turned to Yon, Ut t
Striking the desperado In t,. r - .
Felnberg maae his e - f
surrendered. Oaygan
polloemaa who e. 11.
asa la lance.