The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 04, 1905, Image 8

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U- . .. i -i , I r, -, t ; ., . . -
l I I I I II '
.'car thf Oldar Man De
That " They . Have -
Played Thejr Last.
mah Men Appreciate the
yalty Displayed During VH
.; the Long Season.
, . ri'JRtr: -
. rloss of-Monday's gam with
. sftar -ths Multnomah squad, re
4 to thlr drssslng-room. tired anil'
. though well pleased with - the r
f the match and the brilliant tor
on of a successful season, there
tie customary expresaalona among
ler player regarding their poal.
tention of retiring from the foot
take.;' - .' .. u ."'.".
ne who has not donned the mole-.
and gone through a few seasons
i gridiron work.-this feeling of
g the game at the close of every
I ynotv fully v appreciated. --N
atr' properly appreciate the f ssl
f football player at the cloae of
en unless he himself has engagetl
t game. -'--' - -
1 so It was the same old story
train in the Multnomah dressing
Monday evening. The younger
era were already looking forward
coming season, feeling that their
was coming foi. the glory of. the
Last year, after the closing
1, McMillan,- Pratt, Kerrigan, Mur
nd others declared that their old
had been worn for the last time,
hat their football days were over,
thstandlng , their declarations that
would never again appear In tni
. everr one was out last season
as much Interested as ever. Men-war
the lt to don a suit,' the
100 being, the Christmas game,
ha volunteered his services In or-
s helo defeat Corvallla. Old "War
1" Oeorae attended this game with
temlon of witnessing It, but when
w ton nalnta rolled UD against Bis
4Ud- toy-tho-Srst few minutes of
-. the feeling came over him again
he couldn't resist. He went to the
loose and pat on an old suit and
it the nni. Hi hated, to- sea his
i-mates down. -- When the crowd
1 Mnr an ovation that could be
. A In rha heavens was aiven for hint.
1 when he' trotted on the field In the
mA half to succeed one who waa in
mi the areat throne went wild with
In a second he was la the middle
the fray, ' tackling. Interfering ana
lng his men along, and still George
illls'n stated many tiroes at the close
a-season that Jia wasjhrough with
ball.. .'.."""-; 1. .-
1 his spirit Is typlcsl of thoss who
football. One cannot play that rug-
nine unless he Is fond -of It - A
t-hearted. selfish; yellow . atreaked,
k-legged man would be entirely out
his element on -the gridiron.- He
Jd not be able to stand a bard gams.
ma Munn is on r tat most ea
tlal requisites." Aside from the fact
t the Multnomah club eleven belongs
lortland.-it Is-no -mors-than fair-to
tow the praise upon -them that has
n hnnaitlv earned. Praising our awn
1 la alwave Dardonable, because It
y are not appreciated at -home thay
I not be lauded anroaa.
The members of. the Multnomah tsara
tl that they have-been kindly treated
f h people of this city. Their deeds
v been honestly reported and .every
an has been given nis just aues. ura
ierlng that the season. It games, was
e longest that any team la the. coun-
enjoyed, the interest In the sport In
eased each game -tnateaa 01 tagging.
t has been said thai Multnomah lacks
iirit. but If the hint sets, around thst
.ere Is chance of Multnomah losing
mstch, ws will see the biggest display
f lovattr possible Inaugurated In a few
inutea. MuUnomah is loyal to her
ns. a I way has been, and always will
v. The beat evidence of absolute faith
4 the football teahr" waa shown In- the
hrlsttnas ejamei t- the end jpf the first
alf, with the score It to against ins
nme club: Instead of giving up hope,
le club members rallied their forces
4 started the second half In the same
,rl as 'the player. , This splendid
-raonstration of loyalty was a credit to
ne club, and win be long remembered.
And so It goes from season to season.
Late Monday afternoon a number of the
- flayer said that they had finished foot
all forever. At the banquet; two hours
later, when clever Dave Jordan was
elected captain of the 'Oi. team, the old
spirit again took possession offhs old
players and with one coord they looked
forward to next eesson with as much
Interest as ever before. Tbey told
"Dao"-that they would le with him
r next fall. They had forgotten about
their dirty sglts and the struggle of the
day and were anxlou about the future.
As tho college" teams on the coast are
anttlnaT stronger each sesson. Multno-
r msh's w&rfc win t consequennynarderrf
-Captain Jordan has a hard taag in iront
ot- him. . and everybody wishes him a
- great tesm. Eddie Dowllng bad a pow
! rt,ti tjm - -mA deaairvea areat nralae
) fur the fearleas and Impartial mapper
In which lie captained the squad.' , As
fnr Manager Frank Wstklns, It would
be like "gliding refined gold", or "paint
ing tha lilyTto add anothef word In his
praise.-'' y ". " -. -, v
lng tlvs ths; football memories of
Multnomahl - -
'. . 'lUserUi Dtapateh te Tae Josrsal.t
Klamath Falla. Or, Jan. 4. 'Klamath
Falls Is to have a new chaeer. - The
document' has already been prepared and
annroved by the city council and promi
nent eltlsenssnd will be forwarded 1o
tlio -lotnt-fepresentatle'as -of this oounty
f r passage at the opening of the leg
islature. ' " w "-.- VI T---;--
- Under the old charter. en! yftv eoun
elltnan were elected and' the body chose
Ms chairman from thla number, who
sets . sal es-oraclo mayor. . Under the
st Isrge. there Ixelng ns wards or prs
rlncts In ths city. Under the new chsr-ter.-
the town will be dlylded Into three
wsrds and two councilman will'' be
elected ' f rem each of these wsrds and
a mayor will slso'be sleeted. ' All of
the Improvement will be made In the
new charter nereseary to bring Klamath
' up to ths standard of ths amiill cities
of Oregon from a governments! point of
view. - flhe Is rapidly growing and must
, g tinder modern organisation. Her
' new charter follows ths cbsrter of AI
tiany. Or. to a eonaldcrable extent
r- f m s m m sps s , ta
I S 12 l 1 I "- shMra falllM
) at . IUltThla. raa.. tar ItkoWK'S
' - J f ate axtlai laata aae
a. .a riM al grass Kea
1 J raatasuy. ,
- r
-smwWWswessga .
Buffalo Expert .Appovet Camp'e
v" Suggeetioyie W?th a Few 4
... Slight Yanauons. , . , .
' iTh. Wecent suggest lott f Walter Camp
that li -yards ba Uha' distance to be
..11 for m. firat down Instead of. a
flve-vard dlstanoer 1 attraoUng much
commant all over the -country. Here are
the laUiat remarks n tha schema from
Rnffxlo Da.oeri " I ' r
-Witli ur cnaraetrlstloaoUrprise-w
have a kvB "the- cue. : given by ..Walter
Camp a'd "we wish to aitnounca our
selves unalterably InJfavoroJ tho
yardavln-UhrM downs syswm w xw
ball --with., some modifications. It - la
rii V now ii.l hat under the present sys
tem no tetim could gsJa 1 yarda -very
of ten. i To. prevent the game from be
coming's islckrng duel ' there must tf
changes in I'm other rules. After an ex
hauatlve stiat'y of the matter ws suggest
the Xollowlrig:- ?;?-iijJZl
'i. lt tne man w wiw "
on the orreiki ve ana
fenslve. Thlsl would brace tip the Inter,
ference. It also would pava tha .way
for soma 0-yl rdruns, which SB what
ws are after. 1 V K ' '.l'
1. It thi abdve ruis is noi siim.-
tory, the same gesuit can do reauny
oompllsbed by k ibollshlng tsckllng. A
gams without tt ickllng would I be very
speotaoular lndeid. It would lead to
perfection In gll lng ths shoulder' and
greater precision ln lumping feet fore
most on hs oppotnsnt " '
. "j. Or some pit in might bo devised
whereby about I I nan could play behind
ths Una of scrimrdaga. thus giving tbs
team on the off ens s a cpanco 10 g
fair surt. This ils-would furnish, a
much harder collision when the oppos
ing lines csms togo ther and obviate at
leaat one half of V werx-sias pimy.
which is at present to great an svu.
4. It might also e, was w
the rule against hoiaing in im
What could be mors tesutlful than ths
1 men en ths offena. clinching with. It
opponents on the-defeissT Ths two re
maining players ma ; is. a
the ball and the sols .remaining, player
on the.derense ould then play a little
gam of .come, come, ull away. '
'. Wa are also in favvor 9f ths 10
yard gain! because It 'ould stimulate
hurdling, oh the ncrobgtle pun." It
would be a errand eight o see the full-
dsstr iigntgupaa
lnellnsd plena fonAed of otfurdy half and
quarterbacka, and pen do the three-time
or four-tlms somersault In. tha air. With
uiihin hut air as rsslstatics, any good
plsyer could go at least 10, yards kaforeJ
alighting, wnai nappenau .
h aliarhted would be a different mat'
tmr hiit -wiuM - be overcome) by devel
oping an innumerable mimrxir of -ull-backa.
' In fact, .thla woull be neoee
aary. as no man could malts ths play
mors than ones. " . 1
r-'Wa hav 1 othsr-stiggswtlonw,-ut
don't care to spring them all at a tlma"
(JootbU BpecUI gervlee.f -
Iau Apgeles. Jaa. 4.F1VS ravontss
walked off with tbs coin at Ascot Pak
yesterday. -' Summary: - -v
Six furlongs,. salling--Ught- of Day
wonMagkl MsxksTswondt-4Anona
third: ttane. 1:41. " ' , .
-i"lvs and one half furlongs Interlude
won. Happy Chappy second. Edlnborough
third; tlme 107. v- -
One mils and one eighth Hans Wag-,
ner won, Bmparor of India second, jnie
third; time, 1:SH4. -
Blauson course-DescuentO won,- Bo
logna second, "Cxpltanaao , third; -time.
llOOH. "r? '-fi--' : r-n -rr. "
Brooks course Heather Honey; won,
Akela second. Jlngler third; time, 2:0i.
One tntle Hrlgraon. won. Golden Ivy
econd. Dug Martin third; time, ! Ml H.
. Bsa. Frsnclsco. Jsn.' 4. Frank Pearcs
finished ihlrd in Xha "Irst rsce yestsr
day after-. being touted -for ths best
thing In the svent. Results: v
Blx furlongs, sslllng--Box Elder Won,
Have Run second. Frank Pearcsthlrd;
Urns, ltHy-"-"-'w .-'-'-A
On mile and 8 yards Barrack won,
Rowrna seoood, Olenarvoa third; time,
--. ' ' " ' .'"' -
Hevetr furlonas -Hstoault won, Ths
Oadfly second. M. A. fowaU third; time,
i:ttu -. . i -, - '!-- ..---.: V.
One mile Northwest won, Follow Ms
second. Melstsrslngsr iniro; xim.. i:a.
Blx furlongs - Cousin Carrie won,
Bronsa Wing second. Hlpponax. third;
time. 1:1SU. . .
One mUs and ' one eighth Horatlus
won. Freckman second, Msjor Manalr
third; time, 1;7. - : ;
Buck Keith. Ed Pavey, Count Villa.
Erv Beck and several of their friends
assembled In a down-town cafe after ths
New Tears football game and amused
inemselves'swapplng - yarns, ons Ot
which wss told by Keith as follows:
' "A few years ago' Jack Haskell, who
hss aoDlled for a position aa umpire in
thla league,, waa officiating In a like
capacity In the Western league, and at
that time I was manager ot the Omaha
club. Well. Haskell Is a fellow who
prides himself on his dress, and ons dsy
ha wss standing onia prominent, street
corner In. Omahat wearing his .finest and
inaked olumb 'out of alxbt.' when 'Slats'
Davis.-wtwwasplay lng on ths Denver
club at the time, spotted him ana re
marked-to soms of ths gang who. were
near: ; 'Watch, ma get a "hot-foot" from
Jack."" Bo saying, bs grabbed a hand-
iuiroTTTrsy-gua fwm ti
approaching, ths. umpire with the famll:
lar salutation of -'Hello- Jack, how axe
your alapped -him affectionately on the
chest, bv which 'performance' he splsshsd
ths contents of his hand all over ths
Immaculate ah Irt front and spotlsss
wale eoat of MrHakeU.. Jack gased
at -Davis and then at- his- rutnsd appare(,
and 'was apparently aumrounoea lor i
second or two, snd then quickly recover
lng himself, made a lunge at. his audacious-
ssssllsnt, but Davis waa a wiry
fellow then and easily eluded his oppo
nent snd dsshed off down tho street
with the umpire In hot purullDavls
ststed afterward that Haskell chssed
him about two miles, but failed to catch
him. .But for a week . afterward you
never ssy an angrier umpire thsa Jsck
Haskell.'.' ...
- The Multnomah Rod and Gun club
held a meeting last evening, et which
plans were discussed In regard to Ins
holding of a' championship shoot In
this fity during the Lewis and Clark
exposition. It Is the club's Intention
to raise ,10I to bs expended In ar
ranging for ths "big tournament and In
vltatlose) will ba sent to ell tha crack
marksmen In the country. '
".Joseph Blmon and Bea Belling havs
given tbs club permission to use a plot
of ground, at Vernon us for trap
hooting. The club will install all the
latest appliance In traps on the 'Dew
Ls hooting grounds. .
r;T0 0S BEACfl
Big Preparations Being Made for
the Holding of Rec-- -:
. ord Rft(te$. , T
Sporting Gossip of Every Kind
. That Is Now Prominent (j
iiri Knwlil Service.)'
v. v..b . .n a Already the eyes
of the auto world ars turned eFlorlds
ward, and for many day some of the
greatest drlvsrs ot - the - horssless cars
In .ths world "win o ,vm
ths beach at Ormond. " '
That there , will be a smashing of
sneed records during .ths days between
January M and January x Is certain.
Whether the mils will bs msde in .ao
seconds, however, is aaothsr story which
will not bs told until the dsed is done;
WUh such daredevil chauffeurs aa W.
K. Vsnderbllt. Jr Barney Oldfleld. ,W.
Qould Brokaw.- H. L. Bowden. .Louis J.
Ross. Edward Hawiey. tne an.
h Thomas; Paul .Sartorl. for Alfred
Owynns VsnderbUt; Frank Croker. A.
Webb and others after that mark, how
ever, stranger - things havs happened.
One thing certain, all records tor ths
numDcr oi rages sou tsoi.w ww
tared. -. .... . - ;, -. s '. .
Who wilt bs tha ttsxt maa to'faca
Jimmy Brlttt This qusstlon is nsing
gsaarally aakad by eastern sporting men,
snd ths snswera are as numerous as
ths men who can lay any sort of claim
to bs in Jimmy's class. .-'
It will rest with in ciuo promoiera.
Hatches, are mads by ths box otrice
thess days, snd properly so. The publto
knows who it wsntn to see and. is will'
lng 4o pay for seeing, snd aa boxing la
a business purs and simple, there Is no
reason why it should .not pa conoucteu
oa business principles.
: On ths merits of ths tning J usn
to weigh In at lil pounds at I o'clock
and has put up a forfeit ' Ha .Is light
weight champion technically, and as hs
is willing 'to . def snd ths title - at - ths
weight BS will hold ths championship.
If Brltt wants to read bis title clear to
tbs lightweight championship '-hs must
fight ths negro.' W.neiner.. it. wouia oe
ths best drawing card Jt another ques
tioa and a question -which wiirjisve
deciding fores. . .
KWfflls Lewis. who knocked out Martin
Canols in Mains ths other dsy. Is ths
latest aspirant : for Britfa acalp.-Me
probably will get a match aoonsr or
later, and the way ha handled himself
wUh Canols ought to make It Interest
ing for any boy Of his weight' .. "
Thsr la a chance that boxttig will be
aaain legalised In New York, though. I
am sorry to say, ths 'ehanci looks rathsr
slim-to ma.. -The up-state people are
not given to paying any too much at
tenUoa " W what-thsdtjrrwantas-nd
tha tip-statera havsa -stsong hold on
tha lsglslatura. There may be influence
enough beck of ths movement to put a
modified Hortott law on the statute
books at ths coming session of ths legis
lature; bnt ril have mors conftdenos la
It when the measure Is sent to ths gov
ernor and signed. ' ' Z ' ' :'
r The Intercollegiate golf championship
tournament is to return to ths metro
politan district Tbs svent will bs held
over ths Garden City links during the
third. week in October, i . . : -s
Malcolm McBurney of - Harvard, ths
new president, presided at the meeting
which decided the queuonr-" i n oiner
officials ars 3. W. Watson, treasurer.
representing ths University of rsnnsyi
vanta, and Douglas Laird of . Princeton,
ths secretary. ..
Oliver-X)rew. Irish chsmplon of ths
gams of handball, has been matched to
meet Francis Ordosgoltl, ths French
champion, and In addition to deciding
ths championship ths match will bs an
Imnortant ons .for the reaaon that -It
will demonstrate the reTaiTV' merits ot
ths Frsncb gams as against handball,
as It is "understood in America - .
Ths championship match will bs held
In Jersey City on Jsnuary If. Both
men have earned a reputation that leaves
llttls doubt of Hhcwlnnsr being ths
chsmplon of tho world.-. Tbs only man
who could bo considered In ths asms
class Is Michael Egan. 4hs American
champion, who is now a physical wreck
and. tha Inmata of a sanitarium .In Ban
Franclsoo. .
By the consent of . Drsw- Ordosgoltl
will play the French gams against ths
Irish champion. . Thla gams differs only
In ths service of ths ball. In regular
handball ths ball Is returned to the wall
with a - flat hand stroke, the ' impact
being taken on tha palm of tho hand,
In tbs French game ths ball Is received
In ths hollow of ths hand and is served
by being permitted to roll .forward to
tns lingers, wnsncs it is aeiiverco.- v ,
.At the annual meeting "of the Inter
collegiate Fencing association It wss
decided to - hold the championships st
ths New Tork Athletic club. ' March -14
and 15. Tha Massachusetts Instltuts
of technology and Untveralty of Mlchl
gaa war not admitted to membership
on account of too greatly Increasing ths
else, but dates were sssigned ths formsr.
university thst Andrew M. O'Dea, coach
of tha UnlvsrsTty- of . Wisconsin crew,
who is. at preeent in Ithaca, is trying
to arrange a .race between the Cornell
arid.-ths Wisconsin , second crew soms
time In July. , A dets before tho annual
Intercollegiate regatta at Poughkeepsls
would enable Wisconsin to . bring . her
crews hers soms days before the regatta
and give the man a chance to. become
acclimated. In rowing circles 4t Is glvsn
out-lhat-0Dea's visit hsd to do with
ths purchase of an slght-oared shell
of ths Cornell pattern. He nays hs ex
pects to turn put a verj fat eight for
tb intercollegiate event nextjummer.
v (Jearaal Bpeelal Berrlea.f ; - '.
... Philadelphia,' Pa.. Jan.. 4. Thera re
cently died at Middleboro, Maaa.. Ellis
Draks , at the age of i yesrs, .who
wss ths Inventor of a great ranga of
device for different purposes! Among
ths . most interesting If net tho most
valuable, waa the -cover for the base
ball, which, h. designed - in 1851. .and
which was adopted two years later by
Qeorgs and Harry Wright, the baseball
magnates. As every one. knows, this
Is a perfect geometric form snd con
not be improved upon. Ha neglected
to tsks out a patent on this dlacovsry
because he thought it wss too trivial
but ss baa ball grew . la popularity hs
greatly regretted that ho had not at
tended to this little detail, as hs never
enoyed the benefits of his Inventive
skill in this direction. Some of his
other Inventions, however, were quite
Ajprnt ltable.
insT-j. iJi rrw 30 roat.
All-Stars ' a nd Oambrinus Bowl
. ,. ...
;i,ers Inat tgurate, the Year -
Z :;. on Portland Alleys. ' .
' All Stars and tlojOambrlnus opsn ths
Tsn Plnlesgta aH on ths Portland
bowling alley: as - rs:ss ,it evening
Charlea J. Kruiw. prtwidsnt Of tha Port
land Ten PUf iwagu a, urew tns ursi
ball, and ths Ua ssason waa On.
Quits a large auuVatcs wss on hand ts
h, ntuniM' I mstch between the
All Stars snd the-'i OanjbrInusleams.
Tbs All Stars took tl .odd gams.- In the
second: gsms they did, thsmsslve proud
by capturing ths allejrl record xor a nvo
man team, rolling the fine toUl of MS.
The record wss previa nuyosld by Ths
Journal team.: thslr eors . Doing J.
All ths members of b tn tsama roiled
well and put lots of spa 'It into tha con
test Schonenbactr of ws amortnua
team had ths Wgb avert tge or is? i-i;
Knlli Closset. also of be Oambrlnua,
was-sscoad-wlth 110 Hansoa of ths
All Burs had ths highes t score xor a
singls gams, tIJ; Xmo4Vl had Ml,
ftchonenbsch 110. and Hs fua Q.
- Ths Gold Leafs are pttt 1 against tha
Bankers ' for this svsnlngsi j ' It .should
be a good contest, as both teams ars in
ths pink ot- condition. Tnt priss com
mltteo meets at tho alleys 9 unday, Jan
uary I. at 1 p. m., te maks an rangemants
hant tha .furlaea. 1 T .- V -
Ths . scores pf last svenin, g s msicoj
were: ... 1 . .' . '-' . -
. I,t..-. JJM
. Game Oama :oV-Av,
Boulassar ..1I7 17 W 111
Lamond .....1 III Uriggl-I
Haarus .......111 IOC ,111- 17M
Geo. Ross Ill " Ul . : 107 '141J
Hanson - -III 17 1TT1-1
-TIT - 061 i
Oambrinus; .
- ,.. ,. 1st d
Gsms ' Gama
Gams' A.
114 lirrl-t
JJO 1073-1
Baurk ........ 00. - 170
Bchonanbach 101 ' ITT - .
E. Cloaaet..;.170 104
100 1IWJ-0
Hoffman ..140 --
Kneyss ...,,,U7 ' :1ZZ m isi-
- Reports ' front Ban Francxeco' ataU
that Mike Fisher Is Wanted as) manaajsr
of tha Boston National . leasyJS tsmm.
Just where ths report originated la not
known, bat It is not necessarUy a hot
str spiel, bsckoss Miks's nssns la con
nectedwith It. for svsn bs could not
do very much worse thsa has- the man
agement of .that club during ins past
few yeara.i.. .-!. w '
Tha University olTl,nnsylvana base,
ball team has mads a flattering offer
to Napoleon Lsjols to coach tha ; 'varsity
team thla spring. "Larry" ia consid
ering ths proposition favorably, andtwlll
doubtless accept If bs can arrange to
coach ths college men without Interfer
ing with his - duties, as- manager" and
captain of tha Cleveland team. In ease
hs acoepu the offer, hs says hs will in
sist oa the Psnn team going south for
a few Greeks before the college season
opens and. train at Atlanta. Oa., with the
Cleveland team.- .'": .
; "Chick." Fraer of the ramies was
Invltsd to pitch for a asml-profssSlonai
taam in Chicago .recently against an
other semi-prof esalonal nine. - Ths llneup
against Frasor comprised Jimmy ttyard
Jimmy Callahan, Billy Bulllvan, Jaks
Wslmer. Jack Hsndrloka, Herman Be ha -fsr,
Cb arils Dextsr, Jack McCarthy a Ad
Jack Xbomton, and they poumled
FraseVs delivery to all parte of the Jot
Manaasr Joe Cantiuon or tne hu
waukee club argue that people tion't
wsnt to sea an lncreaae in bating.
They want to see the home teanj hU.
but dont - want' ths other fsUo-ra to
da inr batting. "If it'a hitting tUs peo
ple wsnt-says CantUlon, "why ars ws
mahagerw on tns nunt xor gooa sitcnars
all ths-jtimsT Why doa t w put, in
pitchers -who can Just float ths toall xipT
That kind would savs monsy, but ths
'people wouldn't stand for them a tain'
lute.- '.r. ' .
' : Jimmy ' Collins at a. recent ojnner
tendered to him In Buffalo givf. .ths
laslds facta of ths Pat Dougtoart- deal
laat worried au mauj m.. puw
traer. . Collins said: "Be vera!. : tsami
wttnted Jilm, but tha New Ytirtt team
ofjfertdsw-wruch mora for him i that ws
scad him to that team a ausinass prop-
ofllUon. It was not sentiment. It wss
ntM. friendship, it waa not. gain ioaUr 'It
wast a purs business dsal. lfew Tork
wanted him, I wanted to sell him, and
I did. and thee you arsv' .
a arrv .Herrmann, -chairma a of the
national commission and prtsUdent .of
the Cincinnati - club, .stated yesterday
that- bo believes thst a resolution should
ba-e adopted providing fo? - world's
chatmplonsblp series ach :rear. H
savr tha proposition suggpestaf by
John T. Bruh of Nw Tork. ,. '.,
-,?.- (Jonrsal Sssett Setvles.) ' ' -;
N0)w Tork, Jan. 4. Th pearl' neck
lace, with dlsmond isendant. that - was
takeg'rrom Mrs. Ph'yQls E. Dodge sev
eral -years sgo by Theobald, a formsr
treasury sganW was placed -on view for
inspection today, pretexretory to being
sold at public auction, i ns ssis is sst
for tomorrow and will tako plac in th
Ualtedt States roarshalw amc.
' Ths ' 1 probably the moat notabl
of Its Kind that has svsar .taken Place m
this city , and will culmfrsits s cass that
ba.attmcted national -attention. When
Mr a. Dodge' disembarked from .the
steamshop St. Paul In r Juns, 1000, she
ssld thad most of ths Jewelry sha had
wlttrtterr wss bought -on this country.
Two boxa. however, -narked with tha
names of Tartstan lew I era were found,
and ths leurelry wss oo sflscatsd. A year
later the ra was brought up In -the
United States district eourt. snd on ths
payment or, a part or trio roojuirea auty
Mrs. Dodge' regained alft the sslsed jew
elry except ths famous '.necklace. Later
the cass wug brought, up before the
I'nlted Btstas suprsm court, and a de
clfrton agalnxt Mrs. Dbdgs wss mads.
Bha rbea brought th atim hefors-Prcs
Ident Roosewslt, but , refused to in
terfere. - - - " .- -
atsTXtlXn nWTAXJV'
(SaeHal ntaeattw ts (The JoaraaLt '
- La Grande. Or.; " Janj 4. Th La
Grand Iodic Knights of Pythias hsvs
Installed dicers a foDows for the sn
suing yesrK C. C W. B. Bsrgent; V. C
George H. 1 Harmon; pnslat. N. Accles;
M. V H. Herron: K. (n R. 8,, rVFattl
son; M.' of .F.. John rrawlsyr M. , ot B
U Lincoln: U. A, 1 V. Smith: I. O.,
,W. Hsrrlson; O. O.l Henry Henson;
trustee, K. E.'Romigt district deputy,
F..8. Ivanhoa. '
ttodrlck So Freddy la after ie .rich
Gotrox girt How In tho world did he
make such a favorable. ImprOssmn with
the motherT . f
Vn Albert Oh, that was ea-sy. When
hs saw the mother snd daughttr together
fnr the flret time ne salted Iff ther were
sisters, Chicago fi'sws. . - " . . j
legislatc;iSc;i -'.
tay to saleh
Klamath and. CrQokCounty Rep-
1 resentatives to AlCpov
: ' ' ernment Irrigation.
. . :.t r-Ty
Will Off erAmendment to Present
f4ob and Riot Law; to Ap- 4
. - ply to Stockmen.
(Special. Owpstek t Tae JearaaL) :
Klamath Falls, Or Jan. 4. Joint Rep
resentative John & Shook of Klamath
and Dr. R. E.. Las Btsiner of Lake coun
ty ars both, on their , way to Balem to
ba at'Ttha' Opening of tha .legislature
there on January 0. They went ahead
of time in order to procure data to us
In ths oompllstlon f soma bills which
thsy will Introduce at tbs present ses
sion. ."-;.,' -"..4,-r. ..; -,.:
While each of ths representative; will
maks It his special duty to look after
tb passags of laws aiding government
irrigation in Klamatl) and Lake counties.
each has othsr bUU which h wm in-
.' Dr. RTTKf Low . Ortelnef will offer a
bill amandatory to th present bill pro
hibiting mobs and riots.. Ths main pur
pose of ihs doctor's bill is to atop th
wholeaals killing : of stock In lowrlor
Oregon-la what ar termed the rangs
wars. - He oxpscts to add a provision to
ths bill whereby tha person damaged by
cither riots or mobs may recover com
pensation therefor, either from th city
or town, or oounty la. which, th damage
Is Incurred. H expect by this mesas
to scours tha enlistment of all the prop
erty owners in - preventing riots and
Lmobs, especially In ths esses of tha de
struction of stock. Hs says nis nut wiu
apply to ths protection of cattl man
aa wall aa .sheep . t "x ;
ReprasetiCatlva snoog wui prepare ana
Introduos-amendments - to th - present
law acvasaUng fishing and hunting1 In
Klamath county. H avrs thatThfl
present laws ars defective end that groat
damage lav being dens to thOTUhsrtst and
Lgama in ,ths county.'.... - - ..w , ,
Ths tsjo representatives neis a con
ference 'rlth th government Irrigation
oommltttm whll In Klamath Falls, as
suring that body that they would do
all in Ojslr power to aid It la-passing
suitable ' laws for tha government pro
ject. Th bills covering this point will
ba pratasMd by Attorney -ssia or to
reclamation aerviee of Wsshlngtoa, D.
C Willis ths representatives assured
th lrrigatlbn commltte that thy
would ! do all In their power . to aid
gOTaramant irrigation, thsy would not
snoougag 'tha passsga of lawa which
would affect ths rights of othsr parsons
Interested In Irrigation " In.' Klamath
oounty. Thla was- dona .in view of ths
fact .-that a statement had been made
that ah next Oregon legislature would
paaa lawa praotfcyOly driving all pres
ent private Irrigation corporations out-
Ot thS ft. J. , ?, -' ' - - . - .A. -J.'
7 .. sisaiii j iiiikiAiniin nrPf
v UNHULT nUNUAniMii uic i
g,M.: Jm 4. After oneof ths
stormiest sessions in th history of th
country. Emperor Fran Josef today
formally dissolved th diet In a speech
from th throns. " Ths seaalore ha been
marked by scenes of.Ahs wildest excite
ment and frsattsnt outbreaks of violence.
Feeling agalnat ths govsrnmsnt haa run
strong and th emperor haa been severe
ly criticised. Bo strong has become th
unrest and dissatisfaction that tha am
peror this morning took affairs Into his
own hands by abruptly terminating th
lion.-" ? ' iu' -
. ( a 11 Sentinel: George Slgfrlt, who
has been stopping liv towa the last week,
claims to be on tb sick list,- but shows
no signs of sickness at tna tarns.
Men's Suits
Before Clearance Prices
Youths Suits
$8.50 to $12.00 - r
: $ ! .00 a Karment wooL
, ribbed, sale price t
$ 1.00 Odds and Ends
" ' . v, 'i
.v -Drop us a posul, sUtlng your are and we will mail vou
full partipilars hw to protect your fnaily and build up
an estate (or yourself. " ' 'v. . '
AGE 25
C 'CENTS a day savw4 each year will PHOTECT yon - -far
Cl,OCO.CO nd guarantee you a GOOD INVEST- .
v UENT. - i
v - : :
-", v ' Insure
-Write for particulars. f 'i.,jj,';': l:
' V BLAIR T. SCOTTV General Manager."- .'
;f :-7.; HARRY B. SCOTT, Agency Director. ! .
" 609, 610, "61 J, ; 612 and 613 Cham, of Com. Cldg Portland. Ore.
"-.-.V .:,'.- -' "tf "V '
f We have it;
thinor. ,ntrnripr1 1 to- mnkft t
; Second andrlaylor Steec:-tit
Crazed Man Forces His Way Into
Home of Wife's Parents
; "and Uses a Knife.
Sister-In-LavyH'Alscr Seriously
irWounded by Assailant . r
: Who Escapes. . C
. , (Jeorsal apeelat aerrlee.y
1 Johnstown. Jsa. - 4. Early thla morn
ing Jacob Houser forced ills way Into
tha home Of his wife's parents,, stabbed
his wlfs to death, then klllsd his mother-in-law
and seriously injured her daugh
ter.! Houser had ' been - separated from
his 'wlfs - for soms time. - and hs had
mads "numerous Ineffectual efforts to
j a Mi , fx V
l M .y?f v.
.- 'r; . . 3
Why be without a Policy r .
.with ,
. .'
We scU every- ;
,n n
-FM GuaranUmd Priemt $lAO Vp,
Comm and Consult Our BxpmrU ,;
Letuo-Davis Drug Co
ward a roooncUlationlbat aU vrartaroa
had proved unavailing.
Tha holiday aeaaon appeared te have,
a depressing effect on Houser. who remarked-
to his t rlandsv that bia lonely
Ufa waa unbearable, and that tha alght "
of brilliantly lighted Christmaa trees V
and. the happiness fa tha homes of
othera mad him long for death.
- Brooding over tha separation from his
wife Houser early tha morning ap
peared at tha.hom of .hla mothr-io-
law. where his Wife was stopping.. He
wss mst at tha door by tho mother, Whi t
fattempted AO prevent his ntrane. H
pushed hfF ta-on aid and without ut
tering A word rushsd to tha room ad-".
joining, grasped hla wlfs with on band.
and stabbed hrr- repeatedly-w It h a 4Bg
knlfa ho held In tha other. - -
' Hls mother-in-law attempted to pro-;
teot her daughter and thus draw th
attention of th erased man, who, aa his
wif sank dying and gasptng hr last,"
fiercely attacked tha old lady. Another
daughter attempted to protect- her,-sad -
was In turn severely, wounded. Houser
thsn returned to tha attack on hla moth-
er-ln-law and ' furiously stabbed - her ,
again and again, and as shs braaihed
her last, hurriedly left, th houss anf ;
soaped. - - f "7.".-r. ' '
-, Hs hss not been ea since, though -a
posss Is hunting bin. .:- v,v. ,. r-
," IVa Always aaWar.
- "Brixton thinks hla 4-year-old ehll
is the brightest boy on earth." v
"WelL if that bor aava all tha things f
Brixton says he says, hs la."
$2.50 grades now. $1.85
$3.p0 to $4.66 grades
4r $2.85
J$4.50o $5.50 grades
1 norV-i.Tr... ...$3.85
$6.00 to $7.00 grades r
Men's Shirts
Fancy 5tl'rf Bosoms :
-$ I v50uettasit
ow:u;;;-;r.'.....$ uts
$1 .00 Monarchs, ?
' nOV aaaa kasa7oKC
$li00 Odds and VJP V
75c -ahd $i aolf Shirts,
odds and ends ........50c
. a Radical reductions on all
Men's, Youths', Boys'
and Children's
C.'. Overcoats'' .. 'v-
r' liTiO mark and
r Suited
aV .
. :