i " . ,,.Ju "7 I - -' - -V- . AV --T----f---" ' ".t y--.--, tf. j , THE TdREGOt DAILY JOUENAUT SVZlTllB.'vnLTillZZDAY T EVSNINO. jfANtJAEY tV "T, ..I, iriHENSE FORTUNE f : IIIDDEH BY MISER 'Ciit ofliait a WUIton Left by V "HXonVy and Eccentrlo New : ',.-''- Jersey Recluse.' . ; MONEY TURNS UP IN' OUT OF WAY PLACES V; : Money Found In Rubbish Heaps, 7 vlpi"-- Dusty Recesses and fie 'rvv tween Book Leaves. - -': V';v. ' (Jesrsal Special ImH) ? ' ' Burlington, W. J., Jan. 4.--Dhying with almost ills last breath that ha bod '' ' wealth other than the horn In which ha lived and their apaolou- ground. Firman fubel la now estimated to have ' j. left an estnt" worth between-S.vv and IIOO.OOO.- Attar hi death ralatlraa made a search oC th premises, which ., resulted In finding more ahaa 11.000 in gold, silver and moth-eatea paper bills, . chiefly of tha denomination of $109, stored In dusty reoesee. out-of-the-way ..v. w nooks, laid between leaves pf -books, whleb-wars aralassl! placed. In - un- Mocked receptacls . and bidden beneath ' -' tha carpets. '. ... This money found, the rwlatlvea wef . " confident that they had merely begun ' t '. hir rfiarAvarina of treasure.. In a pack i ". 'measure In a room In which was eount - leas rubbish, waa 11,700. 7n another . - plaea a clear box held 11.10 In void. A thlnr book, merely a phmphlet, ontalned between-dl oonsecutlve leaves Il-tl04 bllla .1 . . .' "'f . '" Living the Ufa of a recluse for a r -rh' acora of years, having as companion housekeeper Who ws his ward, Dubai t. was known -to have considerable money, dasnlte hi vlrorous -denlela. ; Search amons; tha paper brought to tight .scores of mortgage upon property ot A : reaidcat of the town and country ror ' i mile -around. " : - . - EXAMINATIONS FOR PRACTICE OF MEDICINE semi-annual atate examination " v . for the practice of medicine are being ' held in the T. M. u. A. lecture room .today. This morning, with Dr. A. B. Olllte aa examiner, the aubjeot treated .' ' ware eye and ear. practice of medicine, r materia medics and therkpautlca This - 'afternoon Dr. H. B. Currey of Baker - Cltr' 1 eonduottnr examinations en die? , . ' - eaae of ebtldren, obstetrics and physlol- os-v. Tomorrow morning Dr. Byron . H. Miller, secretary of the state board of . . . . medical axaanlnere, - will --ee l -charge. Twenty-three men are taking the-ex amlnatlona, and all are- from other ' atatas. Almost aU nave practiced elee- .-L-Whare. and there are only two elderly The state beard met last night and discussed the question - of reciprocity with other states, and especially with . the coast atates, la regard ta admitting - physicians to practice In one state from v" 'another. The jjueitlpn is belflg consld- - ered in many statem.ur final action in taa matter jasiowi CARTER FEELS SURE - OF SENATE GAVEL 7,, ..;;v-; WoWcive Details But Is Pos. 1tlvt;Tht He .VV1II Beat r - -A Kuykendafl. -. . t MILLS1 CANDIDACY IN r - - HOUSE NOT AFFECTED tatter's Strength Crowing Daily -Talk With Nottingham and - ' Resume of Situation: ; J ; ; WORLD'S WOODMEN - " ; HOLD JOINT MEETING - George Washington-Camp ft 1 Hid , Rose City Camp 77. Woodmen ef the . : World. In Joint meeting at the Rose City halt- last night" installed thlr- hewljr .-, eieciea omcers. 1'asi vonaui wutiam Reldt of Webfoot camp presided. After " Installatloa short a peaches were made -3 by Organiser H. U Day, Dr. W. O. Man rlon and H. A. JTreldiich of Oeorge ; Washington camp, and ri. Paulson and - D. B. Ulbrand of Rose City camp. . .The ; former camp furnlahed the muale and the latter the refreehrnenta. The ef- fleer installed Were a f oliowrOeerge Washington camp 161 Past consul, H. .A.- rretdrlchrconaut commander.' W. iO. 4 Manlon; advisor, H. X Rlalalng; banker; . a.- T. Welnhard; clerk, H.- Lk Day) ea '," cort, P. Htna; watohman, C &Mad v son i sentry, H. W. Kaasebaum; maaager. C. Hoberg, Roae City Camp TT Past - consul, ri. Paulson; - consul eommandar, E. I Ehlea: advlaor. C If. Gaston; ee 'ort, H. A.Oabbert; clerk, J. W. Booth el ;, banker, M. XL Thompson; watchman, C ' 1 Johnson: sentry. Q 8. Aasted; man- agr. A. M. Wlnklsbeck, a. B. McRae, Walter Ky a s.'. '. BODY OF UNKNOWN FOUND IN RIVER - j-. .... Tha body ef ths aakaowa man. wks was 4uried under many tons ef coal at the bottom ef the river by the eapslstng of tha barge Monarch a week age waa recovered at 1 o'clock thl afternoon by Hugh Brady. wbe bad la charge the dragging ef the liver. The corpse was found just off the Montgomery dock, t'p te a late hour the IdenUty ef the man had not been discovered, nor ha a claimant appeared for . tha body. ; At the. time of hie tragio fat four injured. CONTRACTSDISEASE FROM . SICK CATTLE AND DIES m t--i"liFr"-, I i in,., ., ..-i,,,,...!.,..,. . . .4Soeclal Dtaaateb a Tae Jearaal.1 - Coulee City. Wash., Jan. . M. H. . Mead died yesterday of tubercular trou ble contracted from diseased cattle. He ' doctored some sick stock, and a short 'time afterward a pimple appeared on hie -neck, which gradually grew larger and uior vnTiamen. He could not have an operation fter formed en account ot heart trouble, ejfd finally died In awful agony.'. H warf a .' well-known pioneer. , BTXaarw-ATstAjr A . fc taseeisl Otapalrh e The JoaraaLt -Seattle, Jan. 4. There Is no doubt but that Arthur -Mcdellen;' tb negro anepeeted of highway robbery, whbm I ' saw In the city Jail Is a leper. I have . seen the dlsesse In every form and there fa 'no mlstaklog those aores." Thla I the statement -of Dr. Alexander De Bota, t-wh yeateroay inspeetsd a -negre-ar- -rested on waanington street, on aus . .. . picion .or having a nana in tne robber; r Anton Hansen, a raw day ago. Uy lia srestest Hood end Ever isedne known. It pctivdy end pcmzszztiy czrtt every tsKsr, from n-!iJ to ScrcigSeV It b C!e5od Mcicins. !- Aanator K. V. Carter ' Inalata In tha moat positive manner that ha Wilt be elected president of the state senate. -"As the rote of in Republican sen ators stand now they are II to it. -i I have II end Dr. Xuykendall has It It's a close fight,- but -I am -thoroughly con vinced that I shall win,"- he aatd thla morning. H declined to go Into details or. o. give the name of the aanatora whose support- he expects, saying that it would not be good generalship to give out such Information. . , "P yo concede to Kuykenoaii tne votes of Loaghary-ef- Pelk-countyf nd Coke of Coos and Curry?-' ' 'They are both aald to be pledged W Kuykendall." replied 8ptor;jCr- ter. with a mlla ' 'j- i 'Than you conceaa taem to mini - 1 am very sorry I ssven't time to go tat.duiia , ; ' Carter has a positive strength of at least eight vote Parrar ot Marlon. Wright of Tillamook. Lincoln of Yam hill, Howe of Tamhlll. Halnea of Waah lngton, Whealdon of Waaco. Bowerman of QilUam, Sherman of Wheeler. .nd McDonald Of Union and - Wallowa and hla own.- Laycock -of Crook." Grant, Klamath and Iaka ahould In all probr blllty b Included la the Carter column, fnr Otntivh-trnn effort have" been ada to induce him to break away from Carter, there 1 to reason yet to be lieve that he will do so. - - With nln otesi Carter will need but four more to control the caifcua It Is believed - that C'rolaan and Hobson ot Marion wU eventually caaFthetr vote for carter, though tner are aUU un pledged. : Coke nf Coo and Curry la also unpledged, aa la Nottingham of Multno m.h - it la also Intimated ' that tha promise made by Loughary of Polk to -Kuyaanaaii is not be mav swing over to . the Jackson rnniwiim Loushsrv to Kuykendall. his strength is a follow: Kuykendall of lane, Booth of Douglas, Josephine and Lane, Loughary ot poia, orowneu nt nukimu. Hodson of . Columbia. Multnomah and Washington, Holman of Clackamas and Multnomah, Malarkey, Mava Blchel and Cos of Multnomah, Tuttle of Clataon. and Rand of Baker, Harney and Malheur. Thl line-up give Kuykendall II votes, one less , than tha number required. Id the 11 et ta George C Brownell, whoa support of Kuyken dall la known to be exceedingly remo test. - But for the pressure exerted by Senator Mitchell he would not hare gone to Kuykendall. Brownell has turned many handaprlnga In politic, and it would not be surprising If" h should eventually tuna to Carter. mm Our Annual Sale is riot the mere offering of a few neadersw aa they are caUed; balta at homfaal prices'to attract trade lathe hope-of aeUicj something else. On the contrary, our entire stock la placed on sale at reduction which mean the saving of thousands of dollars to our patron.our saw includes aa departments! tnouaanas oi-'new races, vo oursioro ww ucivwy i.ijffime uu it,mpuinj u uiinjs It enables us to quickly dispose of the year's surplus. stock: it brings -life and activity into what waa once the quietest season of the ycarixrC:- ,rt. Un warranted claim bay been made for Kuykendall. designed to create the belief -that-hi right was already won. This la not the case. If the four doubt ful votes. Crelsan. Hobson. Cok and Nottingham, should go to Carter ha will be -elected. - Among the many claims made by Kuykendall' - friend I - the assertion that Nottingham will vote for the Lane county man. - wi hmm'i is via ear ewiwamshir nnw ansa 1 1 vote." said Nottingham thl morning. I "I am unpledged, and I don't expect to tl anyone before I -o into the sens torlal caucus at Salem how I shall vote. It looks to me like a very close fight between rcarter and KuykendaU, I oa very friendly to bothi"-" 'v ' 'Xra yon regard, the speakership Tight a Involve In any wayiinibJ.uyken- rfallar mntutr' t T " "Not at all. Mr. Mills' candidacy ha nothing to do with Kuykendall.'. I an anxious to see Mr. Mills elected speak Although there are but two candidate tor the presidency of the senate, tha con test I net Jiaeiy to pa settled upon Hie first ballot. In all probability soma blank ballot wlU be east by senator who do not wish to commit themselves at the outsat. If thla take place, the fight may be considerably prolonged. The Repubiiean-maohine is doing all in It power to elect Kuykendall, but Its promisee ar quoted considerably below par, and It la unabl to offer euch In-dueemeata-AS .kav frequently turned the tide la prevloua legislative eonteeta It ha Be federal patronage at It com mand, for the recommendation both of the machine and ef the Oregon delega tion earry much lea weight at Washing ton than they did a row month ago. ah that It can offer t committee chairman- ships In the sonata and promises of that kind can be made quite aa- readily by Carter aa by Kuykendall. . - : . But while Kuykendall prospects seem lee bright than -they did 4 few day ago, the candidacy of A. Ia, Mill for speaker la steadily gaining strength. Promises of support ar said to have eome from unlooked for source and there 1 strong reason ' to expect that there wilt be considerable defections from the Kay column. - It I Tlr'-nrl -that - Vl'ls b" e'rts'ly vote snoagh to elect' htm. HI friends decline to-nem - the representatives whose vote they are -counting On, but are positive In predicting victory for Multnomah' -candidate. Many of - tha membera of the legislature will arrive In Portland thl week and earnest mla alnwary work Is being dons fa Mill' be- halfj Ha Is eaelly the strongeat candidate whom Multnomah could have put for ward and with tha 'solid backing of the delogaUon from thl county ha has a phalanx which. Is steadily growing In numbers. - - .-. BXBTH OP TITR BCOOtf. - . i- Tear or year tne noon is getting . a few tncbea more distant and reversing tha argument, year by year, in th great past, the moon was nearer to us.. Pro- fessor -George mrwln haa shown that long, long ago the moon revolved close to the earth and still earlier formed part of this globe. - Prom that time to -the nreaent he oaleulatea at lea at 4.000.too res rs must have elapsed. The birth ef the eaoon- took place, therefore, some- whewaabout that date In the past., Sir RifrieftA Ball observed that when , the miyttSk near te ee.it attraction must ttmesUsater than those that weak e ttufi. today, and h suggested that tbeeides. by their powerful eroalona, .iflDwasmn ef the land, accelerated tha geenrTcal forces and so reduced the tre- meTOoua period WBlcn tn geologists ha)emaadad. ' .. .". . ' xou mil limutt. OpecUl Mepeteb ts Ts JeeraSl) - -. Cclfsx. WaalL. Jan. . A maas meet ing ef ths Open Hirer tsaoolatlon wa held at the Rldgeway theatre thl after, noon. Many addrsea were t man by prominent men and a lars crowd waa present. -. ., :. ' . :'' " TU never nought pour . ': - Household Drugs or Every- A: X ' i til day Needs - irv::. ''"lwr: price Jhn - tha- .jj-Jr:i ; Mennen' Talcum Powder.., ,...,.,..,.ile Camellne . lee Wisdoms' Robertlne ,..,...,,. Oriental Cream .................. ...... .T Caplllarls i .... , ......... v. . .e Herplclde . , ... , . .ge Ayrr's Hair -Vigor................... 7 Brllllsntin ;.........,...... Llatsrsted Tooth Powder., ......, T Llthla Tableu . t .....le , e melljng Bait ..14e Violet' Ammonia ...lo Colgatee Talcum Powder... .....1 S "S"!? ,w ' '"' '' ' ' .. . Ja . eosodont ... -; V . ... .4. ...... :. .He Almond Meal. 14 lb...,,.MI j...... ..lee Woodbury 'm Orom -eVe t-,ey'e lie -Arnica Tooth Kosp. . ...V, 10e Calvert'a pontine v . , . . , , ..... , . , ; . . . . ...13 -Zonwelee . r , ' .rt ... . .... .lse- Petrolatum large boxes) 1 '8ea Salt (large). ..... J v.. .. .....,lo Sea Salt (small).....,..............,,... te Soap Bark ......... .....-... ...... ...... ee Precipitated Chalk So - Nutmegs, dosen ................ k ........... ee -ujycerine-ana Kose water, os. Glycerine an-Rose-.Wj ter, bs. ...Iffe) Corn Plasters. . . . . i rV7T";.iViyw. b Vaseline, Cold Cream?."..........,.....,,. e ' Japaneae Cleaning Fluid. ..... . ..lie . I,ye lb.-i.-..., - aaeaeeVee , Te Moth Ball lb. .... ... . ..,..... -So Porous Plaster . i ..-i. ........ ........... Cocoa Butter ..-.-v .... ...4.... .....,.... ee ; La Blacha Pace Powder... ?V,.:-;..See Possonl's Pace Powder. , K . SI - 10c Curling Iron 4 '-Java Bice Powder. ................... ....It -Theater Rouge I ........................ ..II Wlllisms' Shaving Stick ......... .i ..... . .la ' 8wan Down Pace Powder. .....,.',,... .'.7- 4 " Absorbent Cotton, pound rolls.. ,.(t ST Dickenson's Witch Hasel, pint. .... .T.....1TO Baking Soda. English, pound. ......... .... e "Epsom Salts, pound... .......... . .......Te Powdered- Borax. Mule Team, package,).. S '., Powdered Sugar Milk, pound;..... ....y.Sae ..'Mixed Bird Seed. -pound..... .....m.... . ve ' Carbolic Acid. 14 pound.. ........... ....,lo ' Seldlit Powaers,'boii,. ........ .....X... .11 Pure Liquors, AMD OSBTUm. One.' dlan CTub.................UM edarbrook (botUed In bond) LM S1.10 alley ..........SIM Hand .......Me Walker'a'Caadlan Club. McBrayer's Cedarbrook r risher Rye . . . , Muskingum Valle; Old Cabinet Blend Welch-, Grape Jutce-(plnt SSo). ........ .9e . Martell Three-Star Brandy ...... ........Sl.t California Portjaad Sherry. teg Tokay ............... .............. .7., .4 Crystal Rock Rye and Tolu-.. ........... e cream nye - In bulk, special per gallon- Muskingum Whisky .............. ' Old Cabinet Blend t t... ........ Irondequolt pore or Sherry r.w.u.J California Port or Sherry.,...... , Tokav. beat No extra charge for containers. W deliver-j -free anywhere in th city. . - Twenty per sent alseona ea an of " lableWW. , One Half Off, F? ,'-Onrrgolar-prlPe ' on all - our Jgpanee ' ,: ." - Importationa -" c - ' " ' nr rsvmur uimi trosmiog ootwm a .Xalf prtoe. - unrig two oxabx Airs mouit xqos -nOVO OOVMMIl gpeotal See asA Sl-10. . , Keep your chest warm?tir'aratolt that cold. rwtwKMmrm Xinwwi rrumwri ....... .j ,wv " Frost' King and Queen Chamois vests, every 1 .on guaranteed perfect .......... .....SSVXS I - USOBMI STXO-KT UOITI. A No mlL no smoke.The mothers' and nurses' delight; burns eight hour box of. ten, .' special. ...... ........la PAefaWaV ftll II AO And Hand Olssses, heavy bsveled ; French" Flats, handsome ebony,. oak. and - boxwood rame .......Slea, SS.S6, SAAO, ST Rubber Goods iT.r:'.-': ' Pure Rubber Oood. Watsr Bottle . Ind Syringes that will glv y sood erv)ce, . t ' Of all the annoying, exasperating aad dan Croua experimeats. the use of a ehesn, traahy, iky hot-water bottl or yrlng 4 the worst, ' buiVere guaranteed good. Any -which ahow a defect - will be replaced at once without charge or quibbla ' v .- ' ''. l "nr Uol-Wilir Bottles -o,t, regular ; ' special .........T l-qt., apscial .-r. .........Te ' SOT AT. sun. t-o.t,' cloth insrtlon, regular I1.J4; special .....a WOOOIBX, pur gum, l-nt, the best sver made, regular ll.U; apeclal. .......... .9l.lt BBS" . Fountain Syringes, all with hard rubber fit "ting. l-at. recw v lar lOcj pe ''.',. clal ; . . "SOTlt - RUBBER. S-qt-. regular 11.11 and li apeclal ae STBZAST. STTO. dim, i-at- raput Mm flow, - regular . l.I0i pcT,,.w -amAMUnm." l-ot.. regular ll.Hi special ........SlAe "XXZ" OOMmXATZOV Hot-Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe., I-qt, regular II. lo; special. ........ ....... .ee 1 rapid flow combination, with spray .vaxinai tuae. onr . very neat; ....4 Japciai.j(. "Tegular f.0; special -.-'--..- IAHOiT BTjrXi . With or without ontinuou flow, r t -n . wt XJaBZaa TABXBA& aBZBwBa. " '.' KABTBXk whirling pry. ...... ...H.T -Dri Tullara Ladles' Spray.....;,.. l.ga ladles' Safety Syringe, all rubber.... ,....TM . NOTK Skilled meg and womad-ara always In attendance In our rubber denertment. La dles will find our private KXCHANQB 11 a J Century, No. 100 A... .... Hygeia. I tip. ;. .-.) Runner Boon sea. aurania. nvsismc..... ...e . SIS - Aaceptla Atomlfgr A-A D&th Cabinets v Ja PUmttMt 4 to Prftt Btth -6yr Woodlark "Vapor Beth Cabinet atlm ulatee th eystem In aTaaxtrrs way. Jt pen th - million 'of pore In th akla - through which lm purities are carried " off. and medicate While dota It. II sm aag weak an. but add vigor . and strength. - Bring a rosy glow, to ' pale and , aallow faces; make - the ' eye blight, ,' soothes and teadle the nervea Xt la tha low prloea kmown. - - . - , Treatise ea bathing appliance aad Baaosy with wVory rrA- Soaps ' - We ell thousands of pounds ef toilet and bath soaps Low prices, high quality. Bvary Well-Bsowa BraaA al r . -: ... i.t.....f.Vn-r; rv - ' OAsrrrxa boap, - epeoiaL sa. Contl, ' Imnorted. fcuggaao, piu weigni, wnne, .......... ,,.. umda. rull welaht mottled. ........... .4e PUT OlIV - lVM'.MW.M4MWbWW.". Salt Watsr Soap. ...... ,-..... ......,.1M ': BtZOBe)BABB TOllJW 'aWAPsV. ' Cotton . ..t.x ......... .... . ..... . Ie . I.lf e Buoy .'...,.... .-. . ..... J 4 Turkish Bath ............ ..f,...-.. ...... Shnker Tar ,.,L.l.ee ; Bneclal. box of cakes--- . ! , Kirk' Olycerlne I..,,.,..,.,.'..;.... ..... IT Ilalry Maid . . ; , e' a -i eee Vw ejQ Cosmos ButtrmQk , . r. - . Hejal Oly0rin eas4afeieag 1pO Armour' Aeeorted . . ....LnH Klrk-a JaTnile H.,..UMfM..m Woodbury , ,. lv 1r. a......,.. ....,,g-.U 4711 ) fefgpwe ; J- Cuttourtv "TT SsOknWS . g p .- 4 'f)r "jeA4Vs Isfonyon's e.tts m4m , : Jersey Cream . ...... I , .. . lo Almond Soap, special, dosen cake,.., ST Olyoerlo Ball, apeclal. doeen., .......... .17 '-"IC'l.'. Fin Perfumes at greatly reduced price: Stanley's Triple Extraotlspsclal. ounce. . .lie Plnaud'a Eaa, Foscsrlna. special ounce. . ,fl.4T Plnaud's Bss, Vellada. special, bunco.,..,. Me Plnaud Ess. Parthsnls. special, oa. .. , .a.Me . 471l Violet Water, regular 7 to epeclal... Hoyt's Oerman Cologne, regular I6o- - . Special a . 0 a g sU9Q FlorldaWater (large) . . . . .... . - All our fine ' Leather Goods. Suit Cases, Tramline Baas. Card Caasa Purses. - Pocket- books. ftoliups.1 Maeo-Roils a redoaUoa of im oax whit.... .............. ,T Drushest 'Brushes! - lay aalda your well-worn" brush and ' In dulge In the delight of a perfect on at :a nominal price. Everyone can afford a good w5?-f Brush during -our sals. ....... , See 7 , tv. . . a AtMAt Imnoria -W ar direct importer !rT1ncKTJrmen-TAi vour awn ana Japanese Drsinw. vrs mrw aa"ui w nw very finest domeatlo good In thla country. Every brush in our stock - hair,-hat. clsth, tooth, win be sold " wt a genwemsa ef an- par ana aarsnT Sals gala ' v.v -- rt.vev9kao . .. . ...... . . ." T5 ..e .m..S1.13 ") .?S7 11.00 Brush 11.00 Brushes 11.10 Brushe ,00 Brush I0 btoss of -W oodlark" Tooth a Brushl which we sell regularly for tto Special !. Thl same brush Is generally sold at 40c, aCUhwBinsnV .Ptg. jnKnV. og aad . Improved method of manufacture enable na to offsr th beet cabinet ever mad at Si sag , No. 0 regular tt.00: pectai ;... v No. s regular II00J apeclal l........ No. -regular tt-OI-apedal" '......;. No, (-regular tll-00; special ........ !S.1B S.9S 6.39 r.8 20 Per cent Oft Our Regular Prices on cut Glass The kind that took first prise at St Leul. Every piece perfect and a work of art. . WpODARD, CLARKE CO. 'jlMTffgX Retafl tod WhoieasDruft- House in tha United Statea :. ; Pirvate Escbanr Ko. It. Extencldna to Bvary Dv partmant.- Quick Dcjivwy to AD Part of th City ::' Canadian Money Taken :. : . AX Full Vafu " rr iti . -v...v.a . s ! lBBBB"-nnwn- PBA' Ldwcfsa" Jardh flcrs , ' - Small stse, spe- ' clal . .,J. "Medium siaa. . apeclal. .iai Large else, special. .$l.Tf 19-Inch Tarksy Feather Puster V.l fame i ss , above. 14-1 neb , .Ie . 1-Inch Bell Ostrich ................... 4 .. ,lo 1-lnch - Wool Puster . . , . , .. .. f , , . , , , . .1A . ,-i..,?.,.it.:iU:.rT eJnao-V:iVii-r-4-'.V American Alarm Clock ..... T.'. " . : .. . ; . .TS Lone Alarm Clock rlne 1 mlndtea .aa . Oold . Plated Mantel Clocks, guaranteed, Jamerioan WaVcWes, ' ata a winders' I',', flioo ' ' . .L ' '--.t- sTOlXB PAPSBj. V . -' ; ' Qusliflne,' lunce roll ftf the best tissue. the 1 lergest and nnaat .on the market spe cial, per doseq rolls ........... .too ' Pelts,. a regular 10-oent Jiackag, 1.000 aheets, , Special, per dosen..,.-., SSo . VBKKXMM BATS VOWBX. PWIal heavyweight,, lie, 21a . .SS . Turkish Wash Rags, plain and with borders, lo and .-v.. ...... ..... ..go S roll. Pennlson's Crepe Tissue, regular-10c, 15o roll, fancy Crepe, assorted design a, lateal Kt terns: regular 10c. - OS irtwis aad Clark glmaaao worn ready. Tear fo the asking. . ,-; vraarT iattaub bstAZM ; abb fBuTOaaui . j- - Ws have th largest stock of Photo supplies on the Coast. Now Is the time - to give y6ur child a Camera. ';. -. r . . . - .--' Wl BBTBXOp ABB ISTXTV r Bring u your film and plates.' No machln wert nsiiieo men aiiana Free darkroom and Instruction Skilled rkroom tion fnr the asking. WBXVTV- C-ApanO IrfOaa.' 1XAA to- your ordera ; on. any ques- T price. A: aaala for " '' B 106; regular V ai. ybo epeciaj. -aee. lasorea. complete list of topic," th most popular of photo text - books; regular, lie special, . eacjv 10. v .u.'-v.- .-j -,j . .-..,'. . nn soeclsl. HlidTns Tripods' regular 1 1.00. a .Hlsglns Photo Psater: regular Ho. . lSo Eastman's Toning Solution; regular tio,, BOS Zlno Washing Boxea; regular 1.0. - . '.All Album S pe tmX redactfon. . .. ---t A great llne-of bargains .In Cameras and Kodaks, new, shopworn and 6aad-hand. i V'Z 'Sundries ? a " : ' ' Vook over thla list, youl "1U 'lnd many Umt orthwhU. . ..... , Gentlemen' Pprses ................... - fadl4 Handbag -v? . ...... f .... .v... . S StmMwMnlA .Vlawa BCtT. ... . - .. i4g Stereoscopes .......... S3 Bronas risoquae ............. . ... m.. . .SM Duatlntf ' Cloth rrmrrrwrM Boys- rocaec atune ....r..... ............ Hand Mirrors '. SUndlng Mirror .,.................... Hard and Soft Wood Toothpick 4 Bexby's Shoe Polish ......-.... Ravenola .................. -, Rasor Strop ....''.'............. -80 SO PhV rUaoh. PiaUi Oomtto sta .S1.M Bold cn a wk trial.'... .. . . .'. ......... . I IflPflllCECODRT Justice's UKIency Towards Prl oner Results in Buncoing ''' rV. , Another Man. ' r' FORCED SECOND CHECIC -TO PAY COURT COSTS Pleadmj; Ignorance on First for gery Is Let Off to Repeat . , ' Performance. ' ; ' (Jooraal Mpeelel tervlei.) Fresno, CaL, Jan. . Justice of tha Peace Smith leniency toward a; pris oner today resulted hi another man be ing made the victim of a confidence worker, R, B- Klrke waa bafor the Judge for passing a worthless check for 11.19.- He aald that he did not know the -check was worthless and of fered to pay the amount and also th court costs. This the Judge permitted i. ta Ja. . IClrka laft tha nnurtroom to get the money and came .back shortly snd paid the amount -due - and dlsap- pnered. - t ; - . - . ..... j.. . Shortly after It wt learned that he had gone straight from tha court to W, Parker Lyona' lurniture atore, written another check on a bank where be had no money and received 126, returned enoT aottled thother; account- wHh-th4 money.. OFFICIALS IN THE NET (Continued from Page One) tlon of the city charter by the legists. tur. '... , Baal Bsglsoted Baty. - i It ahows that he possesses authority to report violations of law te the ex eoutlve board, and to punish oncers who neglect duty or directly violate th law. A th apeciflft IllsgatloA against th chief, the Indictment cite hi re fusal, on October II. 1104. to arrest or esuse the arrest of Peter Ofant and Nathan Sotnmon, owners and conductors of the Portland club, who, "with ether idle and dissolute persona, - resorted there and engaged In games of chance. particularly a gam ot rouletta The fact la recited that an orainanc I on the city books, signed by Mayor Wllliama, making tha conductpf a gambling house sn eftenss punishable In th court a nd that It 1 th duty of the chief of' police to see that thee laws are strictly enforced, which he refused to do on th occasion referred to ia th Indictment It elao charges that th chief knew that Grant aad Solomon knew that game of chance wer being run at ths Portland club, and that, tn full ftoaaetsmn Of uch knowl edge, and possessing power to stop such Infraction of th law, he refused to and did not ceuee the arrest of Grant and Bolomoo. .-. Wltneeses who wer called In the ex amination .Into Chief Hunt' case were about th same as those who Were there when Mayor Williams waa under Inves tigation n. General Bee be. , John Bain? councilman Flsgel, Councllmsn.Zlmmer man. Judge Hogue, George H. Howell, O. M. P. Jamleaon. D. A. Pattullo. B. a Magoon, W. L. Johnson, and a number of policemen, among them Cap tela Grltxmacher. Th Indictment against Engineer Eli llott alio JolnUy Indicted Inspector Cay wopd and Surveyor -Chandler, of th etty engineer fore, and E. W. and- B. M. Rlner, .th contractor on tha Tanner creek sewer. -The eharge I attempting to obtain money and property from the oity of Portland by false pretenses. In a most exhaustive manner, the tra bill goes into th details of the contract between the city aad the Rlner. and lead down to th allegation that on September ST, 1104, th defendant cer tified to the city executive board that the Tanner creek aewer contract -had been completed.-according to spectftca- tlonaand was ready to be aeoepted by the city and the money therefor paid to tha Rlner. - It ta alleged that they knew that the work we defective, and that they were criminally culpable when they tnad- certification concerning th Character of tha work dona when they snew . last tneir representation war false. .. - - In the 'indictment la rehear aed ' the schedule of prices paid for th item e-tjhe--cen4raetr-4,t-rlner feet -of w feet of th am at $4, I1.47H six man hole at 1100. 11.100; 141.4 cuble yard of 00 no rets at 111, ll.Uk Total, ,. it. And it l set forth In ths trae bill that these flgurss were named in tha contract, but that th Work was known to be defective, and that there j was criminal action on the parT"f the offi cial when thay certified to the execu tive board that these sums wer due. when they knew that th work wss not up to peotfloatlona. ' -. , - " Th grand Jury returned several minor kndtctments, , charging .th following crimes; E, w. - Postsr. Isrceny In a dwelling.-on December It, 1M4. A. B, Coon, B. Miller snd.J. B. Batchelor. at. tempt to- commit arsoa en November 1. Charles, Keith, larceny oa November 17. a. w. Meiburn. larceny In a store on December t. M. G. Neess and J. N. Flehman, charged with conducting poolroom on December I and there after," violating the pub I nuisance statute .... "I refuse to make a statement regard ing my Indictment," ' aald Mayor Wll liama thla afternoon. "I will not give an interview ror publication until I hava aeea a copy of the charges and hava thought Of what I desire to bey. . I will npf talk until I knew what t am talk ing about." ; ., . , - Ths mayor I not Inclined to take tha matter vary seriously snd baa tha Idea that th charge can easily be refuted. "How do yon Ilk married lifer naked nvr orsrvei inwno .. , "Well." h replied, a tittle) ruefully. "sfter en I married fou can't be en gaged ny more, yon mow . - nanavVp- BaM On furnltur and carpet at Calaf Broa.' LOOMIS HAS VENGEANCE . (Continued front Page Ona) -Tj husbaaA Loomts however.,! call dnd whea FrlU hurried "on, foUowed. E 00a overteok th mw. -v - 1 want to speak with yon," he aald. Frits mads no response and Looml opened lira H shot only one, and Frit fait '-'" - ;'.-."., . ; - Wtf Bang) TlotiBB. Loom Is hurried to hi horn, found hi wife ta th kitchen. She saw that death waa near, and attempted to scapa H placed himself befor,hr and fir twloa On ball entered the right breast and penetrated her body, the other ntsred her right-, breast Screaming? ah rushed int tha parlor of tha lltUe .home,, with tha frenslad man la .close "pursuit. 1 Then ah stag gered and fell, and died within a few seconda Turning th weapon upon him self Looml pulled the trlser.- The ball truck hla forehead. Caused a glancing wound and strnek against th wall. Seising a rasor from a dresser. nearby, he slaahed a deep- gash across hi threat and fsll across th bleeding body of hi wife. Hi death waa instantaneoua - "Pug" Warn stood tn .front of the Ollenbeck : residence. Ml, Esst Pin street during th forenoon today. , He waa shunned by members of th family. -T-r--' ; BUred a Mssaenger, . ' "Looml cam to me several year ago and naked ma ir I Wanted to make 5," he said.. "I told 'him yes, and then h told ma what to do. I followed Mra Loo mis and Frn and told him all that I saw. He msds ms promise falthfuMy that I would tell no on what I saw or what hla wlf had don. I will keep my prom lea I did what I wss paid to do. I didn't know Looml well, nor Frits. But I know That Looml wss Insanely jealous; and that hi wife loved Frlta" Loomla waa It years of age, and con duoted'aa eyeter-housa on Esst Burnside atreet near Water atreet.' Mis wlf wa tl. Looml wa recently confined to a hospital and left hla business In charge of .Frlta Frits, who wss 31-ysars old, ia aald to' her taken advantage -of the opportunity to win the affections of th sick man' wlfa Both wer well known to the polio and have been In . trouble frequently, . Frit wa also known a Frank Dunn, and ha been aa Inmat of tha reform school and Boys' and Olrlg Aid Society, j r.' 'Print wa Ike srpsal."r:J"-.7"" "My daughter and bar husbaed, Henry Loomla, . had been married about five years, and thsy always .got along nicely until Frits fell In love with Addle sev eral week ago," said H. Ollenbeck. fath er of the murdered woman, thla morn ing. "Wsrned by Loomts to stay away from Addis, Frit continued to pay at tentions to my daughter, with the re sult that now all three ar cold In death. "Frit wa working- for my dn-ln-law In th lattsr oyater parlor near th east approach 40 th Burnsld atreet bridge. Boms three weak ago Loomla became Hi and had t to th hospital. Jn hi absence Frits had charge of th business. It wss during thl ttm that Frit tried to poison th mind cf my daughter against her husband. Prrtl told thst Henry waa paying attention to other women and that Ji wa faith less in many way. At lt my daugh- ter left her pom and FrlU alo dis appeared. ". ; . j ' V .: ' MAftr both had been abeent . everl day, Frltg telephoned Looml and aald that Addi would latum If an would be forglvM and forgotUn. -Thl' Looml promised. But h told - Frltg that ho must keep away from the homa Thl Frit promised. But h would allp up very tlm Looml waa at work, and wad liable to be kept busy for a whlla By hiring a boy to watch th house Lootnls learned Of Frits' continued calls, "At the tlm Addl and Frits disap peared, Looml Went to District Attor ney Manning and tried to get a -warrant for Frltg arrest. Thil Mr. Manning la aald to have refused. Looml then tried to get a, warrant for Frits, charging him with breaking Into a telephone box and stealing nickel and also with taking Looml blcycla Again Mr. Manning 1 said to hav refused to issue th war rant" -:-" ; ' ' V -;-,'Wk Loomla was a membr of Multnomah Camp No. TT. Woodmen of th World. HI wlf wab a member ot Mount Hood Circle of the Woman of "Woodcraft. -J. M. Wood Worth, th clerk Of the Multno tnah ptmn stated that he ha known Looml and hi wife for om tlm aad that th former alway - tor a gooa repuUtlon. H ay ; h wag always bard working nd Induetrtoue. Hla recent Illness, coupled with hi wife actions, slightly deranged hint. , 'J , - PORTLAND IGNORED (Continued from Pag One) Those interestsd in the shipping wel fare of Portland ar very ttiUcB Wrought up ever th matter and declare that If uch Isglslstlon I snacted It will be one of th hardest blow thl port sver re eelved. - .Itia probable that tb various commercial bodies of th city will take the matter up at onee with the view of securing one of th ateamera for Port land. Many ar opposed to a ship-subsidy bill, but If ths merchant marlns I In need of government asslstanc they are desirous of having Portland receive om benefit from It. Th officer and sailors on th steam er carrying the United State mall will be member of tha naval reeerv. and In this manner the government expect to bnlld tip a fraater navy. . There will probably be tl or 10 of each ateamera plying from- th Atlantic eoaat and th gulf...- , .u : J. - .: . . By th plan outlined for th collection ot a tonnage lax tha burden will hava-to be born nearly altogether by tha own ers of the foreign shlpa It I setlmsted that 04 per cent of the tonnage calling at American porta In the ooure et a year come from foreign countries. ,v DEATH RIDES TRAIN r ; , y ; . IN LEHIGH VALLEY ' Mosrsst gpseUI Barries.) " Haselton, Pa., Jan. 4 A coal train of II cars en th Lentah Valley rail way ran away on woatherty hill ur- lng Oi blisserd thl morning. - Arter making Ave mile In three minutes, th train jumped th track and toppled Into a ereek. Engineer Swank. Fireman Tur ner and Brakeman MaeOamer were burled under th wreck and killed. . s PRICE OF MEAT -: WILL RISE (Continued from Page Ona) about all w hav to be thankful oU W always' carry 171,000 Inaurano on tha, building, and aa nearly aa Lean remember there was 170.000 oh the con- . tent. It I Impossible ror us to say . how th fire started. , It may-harv been defective wiring or heated . lard. It stsrted on the top floor, nearest ths. lard departmentr-and the flames were , already through tha roof when dlsoov- ' ered. The trtght-watohman wa In th building, but seems to know nothing to th cause. Th disaster come at -th hardest Urn of the, year for .f Th building was filled Vtth hog prod- act, and b islnsss wa - at its best. T We had enough smoked meats to last throughout th Lewi and Clrk fair, but thy war aU destroyed. W will ' begin to rebuild at the. vary earlieet ' , hour.-- :- ' 1 V 4 - Chief "CamDbell I of th opinion that If tha sutomatlo fire alarm had worked properly' the- department would have been en the can ssvsrsl mlnuU ear- ; Her -and the flame wouia nave oeen ubdutd Jbf or ihey gained much had- . way. According to the eleetrto register -' at headquarters, the alarm waa . badly mixed, showing that tha box alarm and - . th aatomatlo alarm war working st ths same time. First there were four round from box II, followed . by. II ; wild tap; and then came two-n- more rounds from II. - '- - ' , , .-.'.- ; PXOnXmS' afBBTXBO. ' '. t r (Bpeelal -Plesateb The Jnertial.) , . , Mnmnir. Ida.. Jan..' 4. The Latah County Pioneer association held It n-' nual meeting yesterday. Addresses were miiM nr iijuii nor mw.uimni ua' : RrrrVilson Aull. A sumptuous dinner I waa served at noon. There waa a large sttsndanca - Offlcera elected: Presi dent, W. J. McConnell; Vlce-preeldent, M.--J.- Shields; secretary ana treasurer... Henry Cummlnga. - -. - RATIONAL TREATMENT " f -:. ' ' : or' " . "1 . , Stomach Diseases Dlwoarri InjurioueDrus;) A Hsrstlm powwftil CpbhVM Send; twerrfy-fiv tentl to piypostari on Frti TrUt BottU, ; Sold by leading drugjlsU. " ner etamat wrrnowT r iaaTUst: " a etM Pite tr.. Hftw tom. weiW est rest Soeiatt e titiew Tsnnf -t .