HE OREGON ; JAli :' JOURNAL. PORTLAND. '., TUESDAY . JEVENINO. JANUARY, 8. 13. p . r;Ev KO PEACE TALK !S:: HEARD 1M RUSSIA HOARD .v'-'.y, " v- V are the makers ' of the 1 'PATE! IT. r rf j J llfLCw-j ; V' TAKE THEIR SEATS . IIEfTS AT SALEf.1 WiNDTpROOE I ' 1 ' AND' .: ' ; f . v . ' -N. Broward Inaugurated In ;. ....-.'.-Florida With Impoaing ... -r'.v:-- -Pomp.;.....l;- . '.-"XKNNSYtVANlATO NAME3 r r SUCCESSOR TO QUAY Possibility of Peace Meets With Apportionment . Made ; for- th Annual Support' and Ben-." ; r - wfit of 'the). State. , RTJ ST - proof: UMBREIiLAS i'othing But Expressions.,, ; A A . of Indignation. 'A ,y PUBLIC IS STUNNED tVtT r ; BY LOSS OF FORTRESS This ScIo b to Advcrti eAEo ' Sinn's Eswdusivd UiatrcIIaA:- . ........ - . , i . ' j-. j- . WE.REPAIR AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE - AND Fc They cost no more then tbe com mon kind, but wear twice as long vX7 'ALSO provided for GOVERNORS OF LEVY Minnesota and Rhode - Island Solona Begin Their :Seasotvof 4 AA:j- '.' y Law-Making .y 1 Tv.l-Vi. Via 'Jan.' 1 NaDOlCOO 8 -Brownrt was Iwlir ifi"lW'rt 4 . . . . 1 a . . t 1 rrnor cl Fionas.--, ne wer ... tUli were at th same time -Inducted Into office. The " Inaugural proclon waa od ot ttf oat -lropaln rr -n lir. Tha lnauuraJ Mremonlaa took placMn lha rapltoi at noon in tha orraenca of tha membora of tha ccnaral .ajanbinjatata ?rnw - ,7," other apctatora. oath of of flea .JailnllUMil It- Chtaf ,11.1 fonwlck Taylor Tna nw miet --tlo-wae ntrodu$ad by M-Oavimw uovarnor arww .- 1 jha Uat dlapatoh TrohT Htoaoaai. oawa Ions and contlnuad ... applaaa.' .tDe0-tnbar J8. atatad: "Tha poattlon of .1.- ,.M ia daiivsr tha la niOUIllVU ivumm . surural addreas. He apoka In clear, loud tones, and - hla apaach wae fre- - quantly punctuatad with applauee,- The Inaucural baU takea ilaoa thle evanlnc and promteee to be eh erent of unuaual brlUUtnca and eplandor, Vlaltora are . hero .from Jarkaonvllle. St- Autruatlne, Tiunpa, " Key West and" other Jeadtns cltlee. of the atate. ,::Jto: EJ.ECT. KNO; , lflltorvX4eij Oorarnor Voaay , - , (Joortwl Bpecial Stmrfce.l " ' Harrlabura:. Pa j--"1 n1!lm d....ii.i lit hla Annual mea- rruvr thwjk"' ' - aau dealt wlthaTrriehumberof Wr" tera of tmportanee to the atate.; advo eating ainonv other thlnga a new aena- i i unMH..i.ilv. annnrtlonmtnt lon aiitu nc""" " ' end recommending legislation reducing or abolishing the reeo or various mtmtm officials. Other matters touched upon i i . t. - . aaM tha annnlntment III HQ P" " " - . of additional bank examiners and new leglalatlon ln connection wun in nu - . Ilng-aef paaaed by the laat leglalatura . . rt . Kia : . . .. ... lor .a ummr a : . v - At tbeJloe ot lt session (today the . 'legislature wui -aajoum umu ." IT. when, tf -will reassemble to ballot for a United SUtea senator In. place - of the late Senator Quay. Senatpr Knoa. - who la serving by appointment a portion of the unexpired term of Senator Quay, haa announced hla cajidldacyor election i.Ui full six-year Urm. . Senator" Knox a .candidacy haa the indorsement of the Republican organisation leaders and he probably will - receive tbe unanimous : - vote of ttheparty cauco .?. . . Janrnal Bnagtai gal rlf Previdenoe. R. I.. Jsil S. Joorge., H. "TJtter. Kepubllcan, waa Inaugurated today- aa governor of Rhode .'Island In succession to Lucius T. C. Oarvin, Dem-t-rafc The ovent waa attended wlth the customary formalities and -ceremonies. Including an inaugural parade and a public reception. ; -f- -'--- .''' ,' . itiJnrBSOTA's ? St!-Paul. Jan. 1. The Minnesota leg- Talature met at noon today a.nd formally organised. Tomorrow the . hoilae and ; senate wltr meet In- joint session to listen to the Inaugural mease ge of Governor-elect Joha A. Johiaon. and -th - ' farewefl message ef Governor Van Sant ? FORESTRY CONGRESS IS i" -IN SESSION AT CAPITAL : ' i- Jaraal Heeeui garrire.f ' ' r ' ! V- 7 Washington, D. C. Jan. . Drawn to t gether by their common deelre to stim ulate snd nlte all efforts to perpetuate the forest aa a permanent re source" of . the nation, several hundred delegates, - Including presidents of railroads, facul ties ef forest schools, state forest of ti.ui. nfAfuMlnnil fnreatarsL lumber. . men, representatives of the National Ir- . ..uMlillnit. anil nf f lniul .rears. i senutivee of the i'nlted fits. tea land of . flee and foreat reserve service, together : ' with representatlvea of every suts and territory or tne uniiea oisi.es sua eral. of the Canadian provinces, sssem -".'"Ki-i in thta rltv today to take Dart 1 V In the sessions of tha American Ioreet tmgreea This gathering is oy rar ins "'" most notable of its kind ever held In ' America. '. - This afternoon the importsnos Af tha 'public forest, lands to Irrigation and ' erasing wss discussed. The' speakers y included presidents of livestock asao- rlatlons. men of Isrg experleHceTTn irraalns and those-who have made a mnimi atuHv nf araslna In ' the ' foreat ' reserves.-' The Irrigation queetlon was another subject of discussion and -It waa ' exhaustively treated by those In charge . . .AtMMMmntt'i Hulanutlnn wnrkf v snd by representative of the tgrlcliltu. ral Interesta -or me nauun. The -sessions begun today will , tinwo uittll Saturday y mcmsBiiBosan. '. (Hpselsl DlapiiPb te Tbe JoorsslJ - Asotin, Wssh-ran, S. Miss Maud , .,,., tvls, a lonsl af houl tuohr, waa robbed .of a purse containing 5e -while In th Palace ' oepartmeni aiuia -i nposanc i Faturday. The chain waa cut and. the ' - loss waa not discovered for some time. ', There Is no clue.-i . . . ' Cant Do It Heart affections will not get well of , themselves i neither do they remain in 'active. If the. cause is. not removed. ' ' they continue to grow - In number and - severity. ' " . They sre the outgrowth of exhausted " nerve foree, sad the heart -cannot etnn v io rest, aa do other orsnne, but must continue to struggle until completely " disabled, and that s the end. On' tne very--Srat Indication of heart - trouble you can stop all progress and ' effect a cure by the use of , Dr. MUet Heart Care ; the fen net effertl.Tieart remedy known. - .It builds up, feeds and strengthens the 'nerves and mux-!es of the heart and, re. .. stores It to perfect health. ; "f bad oerlovs heart trouble! for two ' month my life seemed to hsng by n thread, when my sttentton was eallnl ' 1 Iw. MIU-s" Heart Cure. I commenced r taking the He.rf Here, and Nervine, and In two wionthe they restored me t com parative jr4 health "RKV. . W. A. H'KI,NH. Port Elgin, Ost, If first bottle falls to benefit, money -' 'back. .- - ,- , - . , '?. ' v '. " : ' v'',y" ' Stocssel ; 9ay -, Worst-Eriemfes Wert Scurvy and Thir tetnjncn shells. ' , ' : . iJoamal tprcUl Tli'"" ' k a. Mlnalr. la now Wll. am " - ' - 6a Ma way to gt-FtarabrrwhTo-ha will hava lmmdlat oonaultatlon with hla advlaara" ragardlng tha altuatlon In tha far eaat. In offlolal clrclea all talk of tha tMaalbitty of paaoa at such a. tlma meota with nothlnf but praealona of lndlrnatlon, r - -f-. -. -- - Tha publlo la atunnad bj thaannourtca- nmt of tha fall or t-on .Annur, wnicn th fovanitnant annonncwl tMa momt. " . h announcamant will ba - . v. H.nntrtlon OB 4ha (UllVWWi vi part of tha rarolutlonary alomeat which will apara nothing tp hraM tha or- arnmant. -f, Deo-mber J8. dtatad: "The poattlon of l. . i. Kvimln. vary Dalnful. Our principal enemlee are acurvy, which la mowing- aown m. - l. 1 1 . .uiji knnw nft. obataale and ln.t' which there la mo protection. There only remain a few not attacked by acurvy. The tale OX tne loaeee oi our ..fl.r. an Indication of tbe T i h.i anatatnad - - Of ) tnral, two KrondraUnko and Bar. pentaky have ieen suiao, Mii.t.j la dead, two are- wounded myeelf and Qennarolra wtstle Oorbatoweky to ouf feiinv from contualona. . Of .nlne'reKl meotal commanders, three are killed and four wounded. ' .- - s. - - 3AAMmn TAIL AT -iJJmriisT "perUl Srlc.T n Jan l.Tha Jananesa effort to break the Russian center .yesterday failed. Omaya'a troops were repulsed with great loss.'"; A ... .,T y PROBING TIMBER LAND FRAUDS IN IDAHO Special Agent Sent ..on Repre sentation Made by . Senator I; ' Dubois Stealings Alleged -vTa'sBIngWHTX tr,-rn.On com- -l.l-l 1 -A Ku a itrAininnt firm of at torneys In Idaho, through .Senator Du bola, the secretary ot the Interior. Mr. Hitchcock, dispatched a special Inspec tor to iaano 10 inc.uii w.ii to be a' systematic- plot of defrauding .....nn... in th. matter of timber I . - J. .-.Inllna- s.ld-tO be t Vi greater magnitude even tnan in -uregon. The charges. Benator. juudois eaya, io inent eltlaena one of a- tl.lAH. eplanil 'Tha phai wnwu M . i . w.. a - - - - Is accompanied by voluminous affidavits 1 alleging frauds to ins extent oi hbh; ftiiiu Tha- nanan were rurned over to President Roosevelt by8enator Dubois and by him- rorwaTaea io eecre Tiry-Hltchrock, wun' m i a j .- , .... i. . - .kMiivH Inwaatlaratlnn ana to earrjr vn prosecutions If warranted. - LAST MEETING OF THE OLD G01I1YCIL4 - I iSaaelal Diana Irk tB Tke Joorosli ) Vancouver,' Wash. Jan. 3. The old city council iaat night bald Its- laat meeting before gome of.. the members ten out and new ones take their placea. Those who retire are W. P. Crawford and J. J. Padden, s,nd the newly eieciea councllmen to fill thess vacancies ae r r. n,..trtn ,nj T I . Hamrlcks.. ' The principal business transacted was ths auditing of bills, ana tne approval oy the council or tne oonaa ox ins mj clerk, treasurer and attorney. ' ' Some time ago- the council condemned the old dock at the. foot of Main street, and recommended tint this dock should Ka a-amovsd. aa It la. rotting fast and Is a very unsightly structure. . This dock belongs -to - Csptaln raaasn, ror many i years a resident of Vancouver, but restd-J ing now in Bsn Francisco. ionn ra ta well, as agent for Captain Padden, addressed ths council and stated that Captain Padden is perfectly willing that this structure be removed, but that he does not feel liie paying for. the labor required In so doing. It Is the opinion of many 'of the councilman that a. prop, erty owner can not be forced to remove 'truetr condemned by" the-authort-tles. and tha opinion II lhatt-although this matter waa laid over for the pres ent, (he clly wlllavaptually rama?ethja dock and pay for such removal out of ths city funds. Although the expenses ' of the city government for the past year have been In excess of the- receipts. -th"reprf of the city treaaurer and clerk ahows that .ha' financial condition of the eltv la in vary good shape. The shortage.' Is caused by the many improvements that have been carried on during the past .M-. ff Jt had not been fur 'these ponses there wouhMw a goodly balance in the city treasury. - - - ul.aAa maiila . AndArana anil Ma ,H Graves of CorvalllS, Or., were Vsncou ... viaiinra waatardav ja. - . . p- Clsy Sparks, a studemt at Pselfle-tiitn versltyy ores uravs,. mi w mi iiau.-ai Saturday After spending the Christmas helidaya In thla city, r-' r. -' u anrf.ium . wz w. ascAjraaia enter. tniniHi - - at a watch-night party Saturday, even tnined f-a f.nnnnvar Fivo Hundred-el ub ing. ,; ' ' '.. . T.aa nnnah. tne wire or tne re. tiring mayor of Vancouver, Is reported ill at her home in thla eltv. Clough Is now in Valdes, Alaska, where ha intends engaging m eusiness. isa Loon. ".;.:,." fleamai. pedal Servlct.) , CorvalllS. Or, Jsn. 1 The county fen-v took a trio down stream on Its own account atanaay morning ai o'clock. Two "teams were aboard, when the -canta parted, and h boat drifted n tha alit nf aklffa a.landlnar waa inade-at Dixon .creek and the aid, Of a steamboat will do requirva in get ting the retry pact s tie jnonrings. "'" iiroyii at tajs. ;-.': (Hneela Dtsyatrk -b- The Joerasl.l I riv . Jan.. 1 -JameA Flnnev aged 11 yetra, a prominent and wealthy farmer and hop grower, died at hla home near thla city on New Year'a Ylay He i.. .... . airfw anil three ehlldren Klla. George and Kdward. He had reaided In tola vicinity for yes re. TotalAmounrtoB Raised n -Tax Roll y Will - Expeed K -One Million.' -r v , )SpcUl DtssaUk to tha Ioersl." . saiam fir ja. l.At a meeting helJ at the capltol building this afternoon, the state board of levy, composed of Governor , Chs Siberia In, . Wffrotarr . -of Btate' Dunbar, and state treasurer Moore, apportioned the atate levy of uu fn. . ataf a nurtiosea and for ' the annual aupport and benefit of the State Agricultural college lor tne yvmr vnuina Decralber' 1, "ItOfr. - The total amount to .bejralaed on , thai. If4 tM roll for atate purposes Is ll.OOO.ooO. and for the aupport of tha Agricultural collegs. JL,- The apportionment maae is as itoi- lows: . -T V- I . ' Per Cent of ' 'C . . - State Taxes-1-'"' -. to bo paid by , ' ' -the Several Total. - County ... a Baker ... '. - .. - 5JJ . ..... . n 2 0 a I zi.vKB.ee Clackamas . ...... .032 Clatsop . . ........ -SriJ Columbia . -222 X1.7S0.O0 10.866.00 vn snT in Crook" w ...(.... 130 -" J.'Si!6.00 Douglas , w .T7Z--45 ' " Bit.v Grant i--rrnty-tvt-fx; ,009 i a aia aa , .....ri oiso U.400.00 r-:ii8s.oo .22.0O ; 11.787.50 J0.S87.3O 1 it.35S.O0 6,837.50 .:UI:oll 8e2.i0 -9,737.B0 120.107.60 i : 31.487.60 .17.i0 . 8.B17.50 ,:-- 60,226.00 33.867.50 .7.481.60 .. t3.86.0 - -10.863.50 ; 8.887.60 - 40.077.60 Jackson .0314 .o6o .0116. .0107 ,042 nnf.R . Josephine . Klamath . . l.aks . . . . Lane , . . Lincoln . . T .Inn . - Malheur 'ivt Marlon . - . . . , . .01S ' -0095 - .tm .0307 . , .0087 .0087 .0480 .OSJ. .0071 .0214 .0301 : .0087 , ,03tl Morrow Multnoman . ..... Polk . . -i Sherman u . -. Tillamook . ITtnatllla . ...... t'nlon . ........ Wallowa . ......... . Washington , ..... v. neeier . Tarahiu . ....... ..jt, -TTotale 036,000.00 NEWCITYCOONCILOF . SALEM HOLDS MEETING (SpeeUI Dlspatck to The JanruLl . a.iM r.. Jan. 1 . The eltv council wUl hold Its first meeting of the new year this evening, ai nummmi m newly elected members wl!be sworn In and the retiring members will vacate their Beats. Thete will be one new member . for each or tne seven eaism wards, as follows: P. W. tensloff . Mm tha nra ' A. Baker i iti. , "... - . - -, . Rep.)" from the eeCTn Pawl Wsllaee n . . t K t rA t r rxnnrtale. Jri Rep.). from the fourth: P. L. Pra .1. nam from tha sixth, and Lee tnhaafla (Reo.l. re-elected from the - aeventh. - Mayor P. W. wVteri will sueeeed hlm- ... nr.il. A Uaaraa aarlll be sworn In a's city recorder; T. B. Cornelius, as marshal, ojo a. r rana retwiirer: : t -t....... aail.i tva made In the appointive offices' is not known. bur t la said that Jamee Lewis, at present a member oOhenlght police torcewUl ka annnlnted health officer and day ni.ht force- vTheae two officers have served the clty-for the past two years, snd have glvensuch thorough satisfac tion that tnsir reiamnun -manded by tha bualneag men of Salem, mi aiaetina- a at raa. com. 1 Hi ai... missioner to succeed -H. C. Tarpley, the present lnoumnenu-whj msi nar u. postpone 0. as the -members of the coun cil stste that they will take time to se lect a ta Oil the offlos. in order that they may name one propexiy euuiinra for the place. . . y . nw -na.jl aa hah nrdlnanoa. which haa created much Interest in this city. will alao come up .ior conaw i tonight's meeting, hot It Is understood action upon tha earns will be postponed in order to allow the new members ot ths council an opportunity jj sMiujr.iis "" " WILL NOT PERMIT CHADWICKS TO MEET . y - Joorasl gperlal gervlee.) ' " ' -n.u.i.i fan 1 Tr Oiadwlek as- peered In the criminal court this, morn ing tA n.l hla bond of 16.000. Mrs. Chadwlck-tiss fixed a new date for Is suing the long expected statement- It .tt i h a-iwan nut Wadnesdsv and the rtmlnr will ltl- her In making ltshe declares. -Msrsnai . cnanaier lonnj re- fused Dr. Ghedwirk'B request, for per- . . nrivata talk with hla lUIBHIUII . " llutu ... . .if. Ma.iaatAW llvlna at his Euclid avenue.-resldenoe Instead of a notei. IMh REDISTRIBUTION ' YEJ SAYS J. J. HILL Knerlal Rerrlee.t " ' v. Turk Tun a Tt IsSiaarned from an authoritative aource today that the Northern Securities case will be appealed m tha irnitaut Statea aunreme court on certlerari proceeains" . jsmes a. nm. president iof,, thfM ISoryiern ; Securitiee nw, na m v an I A 1 - . i'i'l am ' more pleased than . surprised. vf, in the re-disiMbutiou or .assets." MAT XiOtM ABU - (HaWlal DUnatra fen Tha jMarasl.l Washtucns,- Wash., Jan. 3. Mra O. St. John, 'whw' is suffering from a severe casa of . bl'iod poifnntng, has been re,- tA aha linanltal at Walla Walla for treatment. Some time sgo she rsn a Small spnnier . in ner- linger. , omra the finger , began to swell and finally thai entire srm became badly swollen and gave her much pain. It is prob able that she will lose the entire arm. . OXBXi WJIOS SXPX.OICAT. : t . ' .!-Uori Bpeelil Sefvlee.) - - " Tork. Jen. I.-Th Church-of the Incarnaton was the scene of a wedding of note today, when Miss FllaanOr Rus sell became the bride of Mr. L Graeme Scott, of the Rngllsh diplomatic ser vice. The bride Is the daughter of Judge and Mrs, Horsee-Ruseetl -snd a granddaughter of the late Judge Henry Hilton. . ',. ' 1 ; . " . rrefsrred stock Cannes' Oooda, . Allen lewls" Best Brand, y I ADVERTISING SALE We want every one In Oregon to ' know that Allesina making and selling the best Umbrellas for "wear and rough usage to be had an v place at any price. ; In order taget you to helua adymise this faclwe are. having whatwe call our Advertising Sa!le. - ;'V ri'T i? I : ' i. .- :- . A.. y.', ' ' "SALE PRICES Our regular, prices are much less thin the price you! would pay any one else for Umbrellas of similar rjual " ity, for we, manufacture our Umbrellas and they are really sold at factory pricem During this advertising sale all of our factory ' prices are greatly reduced, for half of the money we are appro-. 4 priating for advertising for,1905will be spent in reduced prices. rt We believe that if you are well pleased with the Umbrella you ' buy of us you will do tnore advertising for. us than if we had spent this rtoney in -sortie other way. You must -see the Um ' frella,'lJ;rif5!lves to appreciate the bargains we, are offering. ' 309 y A " . . TV w ; rnviyauw i . ;- r ALBANY MAKES TAX LEYY Old Body Meets In Special Ses sion and Adjourns and New,; ; 0h Called to Order. FATHER AND SON BADLY - i INJURED IN RUNAWAY Portland Minister" Conducts Evangelistic , Services at -v-; Baptist Church. . 'l' ' - ' ' ' " ' - T'' " . " (aptela! Dbtpatek to The Joarnal.) . 1 Albany, JanT l.TBe city oouncll met a anawaiai aaaalon last evening, when the officers' reports for tho past year were submitted. e"f wnicn ina oia count; adjourned-slne-dl. TU-xs couutti was then " called to order, and B, B, Huston and J.;jU TomUnson, the two new councllmen look tha ooth of office a .at hal aaata The Benton county court waa ordered notified that the councU baa .maae a levy v- wib. m. .it nmntrtT. for the year. a - . .,i,al frt nrdap tha tax ana ne arvui wa . collected on the Benton County -property Is atraeff about 71 Acres lyins across .i. .i.. hum thla eltv at the end of the bridge that is now In the city limits and dty.-taxeo-wju -rwv.-i -.1 tnis."-- . ' y . . . . . . ..' .. : ". - v,haaat la' BaiaMf. John Meyer , of Crabtreo m an WU- llam. while driving into nis aiy jr.v-a-a i - n,..aiv tha honei taking frtgbt in the edgt. of -the town.- -Both men were tnrown oui a . i tk.aM auarlnuslv kicked. Both men are badly Injured, butvthelr condition la not oangermw. Albaay CoUeo BoopoM. - nv... itfillaaa reonened this morning with a larger attendance than haa been recorded any time la the past Many m ,i.4,.ia have returned for the luiiuci second term and a number of young men --j have' entered the eollsge since the holidays ror tne iirsi hum. wv",v" . a. . a. n.ua MiHnAk la tnp ma m.si Druau.. ous year in the history of tha Institu tion.' .' 5 . , - ' '"i ..? Bevlval aervloes. . r l. Ts.tmaa nf Pnrtlsnd la eon ducting evsngellstlc services In tho Bap. tlst -cm-rclt in this city and a large ...ji i. haaria. the divine every BUU1CI1... - ...a, . . evening. In .the Chrtstlsan church, Bvan- gftllit Harlow jot Missouri is aiso noia ing svangellstlc services and has good crowds. Both -series of meetings are expected to continue for some sreeks. Sngioee MoOavthr XO. . . E..VnMr McCartlty. "of the tebanon local train," wae taken with a aerious attack of Ulneaa yesieroay aim ms irv--msn. J. Tlbbetts, wss. compel led to run ... , T..I awanlnar another ine ensinv av-. J .. . . . J" engineer came up from Portland to take the place ot tne sick man, , BLOW UP ENGINE AND Z 'AA LEAVE WARNING NOTE ( . '. (tpeetal Wspsteh to The Innrnil.) Chehalls, Or., Jan. I. Unknown par ttcrlftst tilht Mew up a donkey engine used by Ouy Roundtree In logging en the south fork of tha Chehalis rlvsr, li miles southwest of hee. Dynamite was used A -note left tm a eard said: - "Roundtrers camp is noi wimw, ana - lie does not keep out of these woods he will get a bullet through his head." .a. rr.aiih.rt haa raturnetf frnm Securea. ana . -w., . low. :. ' '- ' '' " ' ''l''l-' ALLEGES HE KILLED ' MAN IN SELF DEFENSE ,"'... (Journal Special ger-lee.l Helena. Mont., Jan. 1. Declaring that his victim was advancing upon . him wltti an uplifted . billet of wood In a k.i,nin. manner and refuslne ta halt. Jesse Lepper assigned as his reason for killing The unmeesa. near v. on creea, as detailed l these dispatches. ': . ., a thatr ahaaa rinnlta avaea ,a-a,pr na - r- - ll purposely Jntermiaed by. Qrlmeaud and , a .ki. . V. a atta.Ml a ri... i lanaapj a iront- inia m -... ... made no resistance when approached by the officers, and has been lodged In jail here. - - ; . i ' 1 I ' tmtvnm nr bwawat. ; ; , ' ' i y -T .Seeplsl IHofaMelt e T )J-n.l. - -' "Wilbur. Waah.. Jan. I. Alva Van Os dll. a drayman, was probably fatally lnlured In a runaway here yesterday. Ills forehead was out, teeth knocked oat i and noee mashed. - ( ,.. COUNCIL n JUBILEE AT TOE DALLES Letting of Contract for Construe- A tion of Portag RoacL . i : ry AAA Celebrated. PROMINENT PORTLAND ! MEN MAKE ADDRESSES Visitors Welcomed Jby Large As sembtage of Men And Woman ' A': Who Act as EacortKy. . Special Dispatch te The JesrsaL) That nallaa. Or Jan. I. A . Jubilee a.. a laat - alla.. Kalrt at VTht . . a w,aa ,tmmw m .a" " .. -- Twllaa atiiia-- HMraa . t a ' -Milahrate tha filEETIKC mncn I letting of the contract for the building "iul'urn..-aaataarcaa .t-ka-S.IU-.Ua. .1 111 fF a a 1 - a ,w vin. .wa , A program had been prepared by tha womed of this ' ofty. and when the o'clock train arrived from Portland Hon. J. 1. Teal, attorney for the open river committee; L.- A.-lewis -; and Henry Hahn, of the chamber of commerce open river summiue, ma j uu. mw. , atMl.M a. TV Ta 1 1 aa aa.. alwa. Mm. mlttee. were met by Mayor Frank A, cltisamf of The pallea, and ths visitors were escorted to the Commercial club parlors. . . . . , :, :v. , rf A large- sseWaga-e-uslBee-inen and women waa there to welcome the visitors, and all were jubilant over tm KMaaaia n aa Aneart elver, which, haa aA long-been looked forward to and which IS now SO soon io oe rauisaiion. ' A program of vocal and Instrumental music was llatened to, and speeches by President N. A. Whealdon, of the Com- aaaanlal nlilK ami MtVOP Metlfert. WhO said an effort would be made to bring ine portage roaa to mw wij w iwiutoi with transportation facilities hero. ; TtiAm. Uarlna. alaA enoka nf tha tin. tiring efforts of eastern Oregon people In being determined to get the project started.' ....' -, 'f ' f Mr. .Hahan said In his talk that oast era Oregon had 'not aaked for anything and now she should get all she asks for In getting the portage road-completed. Following Mr. Hahn, tho assemblage wss addressed by U A. Mwis of Port- land.' -r,...- r" " " Refreshments were served and A gen eral social time followodv :': ' CORVALLIS SALOON MEN v SEEK OTHER VOCATIONS (gpeelat TMtpatch 4a The Jenraal.) ' '. CorvalllS. Orw Jan. I. There has been aetlvtty among saloon men In CorvalllS the past" three days, since the prohibi tion law went Into effect. Early Mon day morning employes were hually sn gsged In scraping the painted lettering from the windows, removing signs and boxing up futures, in no Instanco haa there been a protest and everything has been quiet and orderly. . Wueaterfeldt Is said to be going with his belongings to Albany, where he haa an' Interest In aa,Wa- ..InM WIISV A SatlS hSVS aiium-r -.' ' - v-- . . . opened a lunch counter and soft drink establishment in wnai nu no-m Known as -the "Leo.", and various report are afloat concerning the other Saloons, the statement being made that a bakery will (111 one, and that possibly drug store may occupy anotner. : " . a Ouaa to MM. - ttc?btB. "Ha, bleefllngrer pretradlag sllee. Tear drisglst wlU'tefesI ose f PsssJOlat. tun fslls te care yes ts t te 14 dsya. soe. ,- ' .. 1 . 'eszu w9 -minrAwAT.. 4eelsl Dwrateb e te Je-nuL) Rltsvllle.' Wash., ,Jsn- I. Mary Far rier, aged tl years, wae left In "a car rlags here holding-two horses attached thereto yesterday. - A dog hit on horse and the team began running. The child wrapped the lines around . her wrists snd with main fore got the team stopped Inslds ot four block. t ' ' aOCOA 0 tAfTO. ' ' " B. .F. Leek, of Concord, Kr. aays: "For 10 .years I suffered agonies, with a sore on my upper lip, so painful, sometimes, that I cotald not eat After vslnly trvlnr everything eiee, t euren 1 with Biickien a Amies, tot. :reat for burns, cut and) woOndA . At Ked ITross r-usrmaar, main am imm atreets. on the way U th pestoffloo. A TTEND PORTtANO . A AUCTION KOOnS VtMS - aataAtaMa aa ta Zav. 1 a. as. lit amsalaold farnlrare). at onr saleeTeoau. 1 an first ay root - UMBRELLAS OP QUALITYOur "Umbreilas are dif ferent from the common store umbrella.- We have made a life study of how to produce jrhe most wear and rain protection, as r wplL as neat appearance,' for the least money. The result is : that we are using special frames, finished with brass, to make lusting impossible and our patent Hercules frame is windproof and..cannot be turrd wrongside-out We also use special ma- ., terials made and selected .especially for us. We cut arid make up this material fromour own exclusive patterns. ;;,-'i:y..y; V iSurjng our advertising sale we are selling these Umbrellai : at prices 'much lower, than you would have to pay'elsewhere for common store umbrellas,,' ."All of our fine. Umbrellas ire sold at jusv tne price ui uic naiiuica. vc Santa Caus did Aot give you one Umbrella for yourself . : W."-. . - justthe price of the handles.; oee j The mnd Yoa nave Always jn use ror over so years, nd !Tr a Moal a - 0) 1 fa " ! HaaaaaaaSBt Aj , All CoimterfeitsV Jmltatloiis and Jast-asroodM are baftrv aXpeidmenta that trifle wltir and endanger tne healtb of ;'y'yS y Infanta and CSadjrevX&aperie What lc CASTORIA v Cwtftorfa is a fcannleM sabstttaie for Casrtor Oil Par Dropa and Sootklaar flrrnpa. U ta Pleaaant, It y contains jnejltber Optam'. llarphliie ior other: ffarcotia aabstonoe. -Ite aire la iaanmtee.lestixrina T7 and aUays Feverlshness.'1 It cores PJarrhoaa andWtsit '. ' --" Celie.. ,ia relieves Teetlitnf Troubles etttvt peasttpatloa ; j amd Flatulency It aashn.1atet.tbe Fewderesolatea tba y :i: Btomaeh and Bowels, riving bealtby and .iatural aleJ; Tbe Qtildren8 Faaacea-Tbe XXotbes Fiabnd.- y '. r y; ICWUmililSTa R liiALVMYOaVy: Haai'vha Tbo lind Ton Havo Always yyTft-.' Uee ; For, Over 30 Years. Headquarters: for 'A:AAA:' Hbtel and Restaurant" Goods: We manufacture Hotel Ranges, both Portable and to set In hrlck, 4 feet to A 10 feet, or longer. Carry In stock copper snd re-tlnned hotel rooking utensiisi , also the Amethyst Imperial, Colonial and Opaline Enameled waree The larg- i , est-variety of atoves and ranges on the Paclflo coast. We respectfully solicit pyour patronsg--- Loewehberr& AAajJT M a-fJJ 3 L4-Alr gpeel.l rates made to famllleg and , establishment In the hotel. bath JOUIU4 AI7 V7ANT our window, display and it 286::-. Vtsfc!s3tbn Street ; TWO rACTOWX .Connt widwlslcai baa been 'A am Dorne tne aigntnr or Ar- gaa be made under Hla per: aaperrlslon since its InfiuMire ; vui wiuuww uwjim; uu h yds will be sure -to bu an yy i ."j'W&:-; 'i?- --;f'--y ; ;v V. 'Vr y , ''J' '! A"- ' rewena of V? ... 5- y . . J V-.r BoMt: 1 WE ARE ''.'Aa v v Taks -V Oa t lltk Ieing.,, A HIGH POINT TOTpatnt deveiopmenfTias been aTtsinecT yiln the paint In bulk tnd th ready-mtxod . i paints we. offer so prominently., sell so frequently to the great benefit ofjood aJid"les6ain Tiouses ItfThls city, Ws make it a rule to handle none bat - the very best grades .pf paint aU colors, f r't -' . .'''''' ' '. Rsherjhorsen&Co. raosrt Aim Mommxsow 1i5o Portland I '. soar&Air, onaeoar. '. $3 Per Day tad Vpwiir4 v xaASQtrABraaa roa rotrazata ajto ooxxataotAii tairausa ; single twf6.-u.f.,,-,"H t, H. C. BOW&aA. Manager. ADS PAY BEST. .:.y. ''V '.'; j, . . . .. "V - , , ; , ' '-. r. . t i'.t . '7 y : I . 3 -