The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 01, 1905, Image 3

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    3 Dizzd ip-a or
1 Household r;zrr.:!:3
e of purity1 and genutnenes goee
age. - .. . . .
Petrolatum. lara-a '
bottle 1.
Sa Fait, large... Ji ,
ra pan, i
foap Kark ,
Precipitated Chalk.
nuinwi, aosen.
26 ,
Glycerine and Rom
water, a .
v Water.
' "Water-
rial e
1 Violet" Ammonia! !iSl
i Coiaate'e -Taloum.
i towder , .lKe
r tfoaar ,...1X5
a Tooth
P .
'rt'a Dentin
CUH AllirUJd. CALX, ia tj yetr. opportunity to.thooaaadi of people who know by long experience that cursales are rcnulne ofier- ;
icj . of. tiIe, rtlixtla good at price far below those usually charged by any firm.' Our desire in these annual sales is to reduce our
surplus stock-quickly and at the same time bring within our doors the thousands of newcomers to our state and city.
1 . i . - .... ;.. ;.. . -'I..... l hut ever after friends and patrons.
Strangers before
llB. ll f
Masters 4
aat . Water. a oa
' Corn Plaatera
.ooth . Vaseline. Cold
, Cream '...
Jananeaa Cleaning
ij-wv Ma . . .
'Untk atll
v - -w an v "a ajai i a.
B4aV IMrou - Plasters
Cocoa Butter ...
La Blsch Faca
Powder .. .864
mraii a ns
1 Powder .
10 Curling
; ,iva kio
; Will lama! ghavln
v stick ........ ,.t4
wii uvwb race
Beautify Your Home
, J Our - natural T, preserved1
i race ... - i .. - gpg,
r8hin v : . .--N-J; Tree .
.... Palme are ' unfading, un-,
.changing, require no water .
' .' and are aiwaya freah and
beautiful. . very low prtcea
: auring unia aaie.
. ' Compare theee .. pricee
. with the areenhouee planta, " '
which need - conatant car.v..t
. Our Pal ma. are all potted.
-- .- Prtcea! .. ' "'
Two -fee high. 10c:"
fiPVil IT.
Medical Electric: Buttery
, ahould
Health and Happiness
torbent ttottorL pound roll a Tt.'i7
a "". biiiiuo, puuwi
mom SaJta, pound
I f"'1'"??' B"" WUk. pound M
I Carbolic Acid. . 4 pound
lecrami rowaara. dox
Team, package....... fcV
rund .M..a4i
.....4.........1. .s4
20 per cent discount oii i Eaton
' Hurlburt extra quality ;
Statloriery and Papeterie' .
feet hlch. Tic:
SPECIAL. ..........484
y-flve Inches high, .
KCIAL. ..........
Palme ' from 61.05
to S7.60
Turkish Bath To wets
Special heavy weigh ta, 1 to, - XSo. ... , 394
Turkish Wash Rags, plalil and with borders, to
1 and ,....r...... .-. .- s
84 roll Dennisoa'a Crepe Tiaaua, regular 10c.
' 1S4 roll fancy Crepe,, assorted design, latest
. patterns, regular Mo. ; r . . . : .
Genuine Tortoise Shell Combs
-Ovttlr Hue at half price to cloaa out.; 1
c. Chest Protectors i V-
The genuine famous
; Frost King andJFrost Queen v
. neguiar; ur sptciat price any stsa. 93,19
hare .
give a mild or
powerful current
-uses no liquids,
to spill and stain.
Rellerea - nervous
trouMea; 'head
aches. Insomnia,
v Indigestion and
V the like. "Bvery
battery complete
lln polished oalr
1 box. Set of elec
trodea and . book
Mot , Instructions.
,Moststore - eell
this apparatus for
- $10.00; our special
esle price - K
it 64.98
I .i K j
; (J
Af' Are ' Inseparable
and there Is noth.. .
. Ing which will so
..surely bring them":
', Into the home .a '
j .; which stimulate ,
the system In
Jraears's way. ' It
. Hons 01 pores In
,- the akin through
which. Impurities
'-- are carried of f -
and medicates -
while doing It
but adds "Vigor ; and
. Brushes Good Crvz!::z
j , The kind that wear. . -' !
. . We are direct Importers of French, Qerman and
, 'Japanese Brushes. We are agents for Ail ma.
' Evana at Howard, the mandfacturrrs of the Vrv
' flneat domeatlo goods In this country. Rvery
- -brush In our stock, hair, hat. cloth, tooth and naif.
will be eoid at a reduction o( it per cent during
' i our sale. "
!; r ft 10 Bruhes. 81.'
i.v oruanea 7ae7'- io Brunei .....
10 gross of Woodlark" Tooth Brushes;
. we sell regularly for Ho. Dpft'liil 164.
Military Brush Sit In Ebony,
... . r. -, oojtmfooa
' ,;7,mW:.VCJL'.
BSW sss
10 ' S 1
Syringes, and W&terbottles : v
strength. Brings-a roay glow to pela and sallow
' faces; mskes the. eyes bright, soothes and steadies
Jstseret '
America's ?.;y
ftnet art t)TT"
tery, rich r do ',
signs. .
The faiBouay-."' r
art pottery;
' BmeJl. regular .
t Jl.U; epl.K44 V
. Medium, regu
; apeclai il.6
- Irge, regulac-$ll;.sp-
The best and Chearjeat Couaii and Cold Inauran&
v any aUe; SPECfAt, ,....,.,...,..., ,...434 '
Canadian Club" . . V. . . . . . . . . .v. 81.
r'a Cedarbrook, bottled In bond... II.
im Valleyt ..... ,.7; ..II.
nvslket Canadian
(isher s i
i A Cabinet Blrnd
I we
I: Don't Tor get Our Photo Dept
a ' aanoruia.. exasDeratlna
and dangerous experiments the -
uae of a chea. trashy, leaky hot
water bottle or syringe la the -
Worst. . , - ' .
Ours are guaranteed good. Any
which show- a.- defect will be re.
placed at once without charge or
quibble; -
'tlKM"' hotwater 1 bottleg, t-qt,
regular 7io; special.,. ... .404
: - lt.. special -vviiii .-! r:. . .T34 f
ROYAX. RED -qt.. cloth Inner-
t ion. regular ii.i; spi...frg0
No. . regular-11.00; special
No. 1. regular' l 00; special
No.--, reeular-18.00: sneclal '
No, I, regular $10.00; special
It to the lcest urtued batMng appliance know
eetiae on Banian and eaaty wttkv erery Oni
11.00; special ,........f n.j
10.00; special ...... f.f
18.00: special ...... ....l l.J
IlO.O: aneclal
Triplicate Mirrors
atomizers K
KACntiirr Va.v ISA.
694-Hygla.: t tips.
"104 Rubber - -Sponges,
i durable, hygienic.
'A .
1 r.
'. v, Svealal
Tnree-gtar Brandy s S)X3
iln Port and Sherrjr.. ............... -Sj
. .w. ....... . v . e . 4i
Rock, Rye and Tolu ........... ..; 2
in omit special per gauon - -
Muskingum Whisky ' . ........ . . . .. .M... .SK.OQ
Old Cabinet Blend ISO
Irondequolt Port or Sherry ,.'i.;..,i...,.f j.lB
California Port.or Sherry 1Lt..u.J........ll.ftO
jo nay. neat ii.du
wo extra merge ror containers, aa w aenver
V'lU VMJ STirilU' .eattaeB
Welch drape Uulce (plnU 234
marten I
vream nye ... i
4 k-i v
and personal safety It beats n a hot run. The nha-
tographlo work which a boy undertake 1s a llb
. oral educations In 'itself and all this .applies to
girls It s not an expensive pleasure. We give
:tnsiruction rree at all times. , ' t
' -Ansoo Camera 'and Films. Monarch and Cyko
Papera. : Everything that' new and good In
photography we have. .
wi imur ajtd wmart.
Bring Ha your dim and-plates. No machine
T work. Skilled men attehd to your orders prompt.
al. - Free darkroom and Instruction on any quea-
tiun yr in aeauigv
1 nt..i...ul.
-?w-WOOUta.RK' JrrrK.4OB
maoe, regular !.; special 61. IB
'RKX'!, Fountain Swinges, all with hard rubber
fitting, 2-quart, regular 10c; special .404
' : nOYAl. .RED" ' Rub-
- ber, t.r regular
' " - tl.XS; sneclal ns
e-i.. rapia now.
and Sticks.
a anywner in the city.
' ; f rices v,.;-,
dmxtaa' aas sale, pa anew
Plnaud s Kss Foscarlna; apeclaL ounce.. 8
Plnaud' Rs Vtlleda; special, per ounce. . ,
Plnaud s Ess Partheuls; special, per ounce..
4711 Violet Water, regular 7o: apeelal...
r ovm nrzBa un or MAjmm smkxds. -. - -
- Card . Cases.. allets.Purew.Pocketbooks. -
Cigar Cees Bult.ea..7rraveiimr . rvouupa. Mr-.v2
l -'. " i ...... i ,. -
S,":ZHflillllrn. SMt.
: : II"
rgulir 11.10;
'"REX" .
TION - hot
Bottle ' and
Iff 1 . - - 1 I ' .-. 1 . - A
. v
II, f w i .'V awwumi -
.a-Aj&rptio4 " ...Ato'tir-:
1 lAnrr mAxomwmozA 619.
... Everyone guaranteed. We give yon a week to '
I ,- ry In and money back-lf you don't like H. i-r-.'.
- , full stock of Gillette Bafetla just reoeired. -
: U OVB ' AST wOOSS. - -1
Flna Pottery,' Porcelain. .... Bronaeas-. Btmpaen.gT'
Tryf Tepllta. Ware, Royal Austrian fror
s. Brasa Candlesticks Benares Indian Trev --'j
ax sauTi.1 xvasvoxs vbka
Soap for Everyone
rtvawii Wand a. greM rt
avy beveled French nlate. ebon v. ' oak and
iln Bvrln
regular 1.10:
; special . ......
1 KA.
, -water--
. Foun-
' Hard Birch Ploka. box . .
.'.World Fair Houl slse, round polished Picks.
. fjootl. Imported white ................4T4 '
Luggado, full weight, white 4 4
-Iuggado, full weight, mottled ....... .....4 - 4
' Pure Olive ....,...,...... ....1, 4, .
- Salt Water Soap ......................
5 . UI.L ' '"" If a? '
' avals, for -! -
10S regular
. 7Bc; special. .
latnras, a
'complete list of topics, the most popjilar of photo
: mi'DWHfl, re
ges, t.,
9ulll PlckSv. aasortad slses. ...
..44. 64 an
egular 26c: special. eaahX Mke).
4 special. Sliding Tripods; r "UHgrT" 1.0r
. HlRglns Photo Faster: n' 'c.
brMnuDi Toning hhk
ei Zinc Waahtnr Te! rc
-30ff vPn EMtm'sj;l2a
,- tiontJ with" globe spray vaginal
- V,.b?i tlr lt. e-at, regular -
IJ.60; special . 61.08
( xumt mm STxrvois.
With 'tor, without eontinunua flow .
xitti Hanvi!.i4 wniriing .....
P?r; T-..-..V 62. T9"
i- ur. Tuiwrs' Ladles' spray. . .81.08
cular t8a ' - ' Ladlea" Rfet fHn. .11 ,,k'-
m. m - ' nrm j n ma rim-t
"pi s:
IM. . -
Quallf In. Ji Uronnca roll of the bestissua "the .
- largest and finest on the tnarkat apeclaJ per--:
:r dosen rolls . . .t. ..... .V. TT. . . . . .834
DelU. a. regjilar 10-cent package, ' l.tOS "nheets,
" special per dosen .......c.... ..."'.. -834
.. ' i . .- , r , '.. -. " .
, - - - V"K,4 ,i; J'.-'M.,..;.'.".:T-:'-V
:- '.: .car v
,v Boys' Pocketknlves,-blede. horn handles. .04
.. ronsnea nanaiea, wun cnain ...... . ..r.i
Ladles' Pearl Handle. 1-blad KnlveeJ....:
Bone Handle, 1-blade Knife ....... . . . .
Heavy Jackknlfe. 1 blades
' Pearl Handle, a-blada good ls. ..........
if '10-Inch 'Turkey Feather Dusters
flame- ee above. 14-lnch .... .
-incn reu unncn
T-inch . woo busier
124 t
Fairy' ........ ,.SS4
Cotton, v..f ' S4-
Turkish Hath, 54
Shaker Tar , . .1 54 .
SDeclat. box t cakes
Kirk's .Ciycerlne1
Liairy . Maia . . . , .
Coamo . Buttermilk.
Regal "Olycerlne
Armour Asst.
. 1 ...... a
Olycerlne. Balls; sj
Special, cake.
Kirk Juvenile
. . Mat
Woodbury-. ....184',
Pear's 1 14 "
t ........114
Cutlcura e.......164
Packer' W.......H T
Atunyon ...M. 184
Jersey Creejn
. . . .
dosen cake
American Cut Glass
S IsJS .
WMtlo eklxw atandaae-
for oar Ulasrtod oatalogne.
mfiarn? ClrlngV.V minut: 112 t't" : pW
I J . wa mnrr zmraua
-'. cbutOzss..; - - :. :
W00DARD, CLARKE & C0.7? zznis rs
.1. . s
v.- :. ''' a great redaction i .
.. . a-incnr- riefris -0-Inch
Celery Dishes, Spoon Traye. Knife ReataEoa. ' f
I---- Rons, Vases. Centarplecea, Water Bottles. Tumb- ' :
J : '. 1am Ti... .1 f . . M4nAa n. . 1. ft. 4 .. .1 J .A . .
--where. Every piece perfect and exclusive la -..'
ys." Knife Retaon ' I
i-VV:'-'1';-'-"' 'vr-'.o. i. - .- 1 ' ' ' ' . ,
r Vrr Bhould a-given-that - financial
Jl king1 which wouia insure n
' fulness.-.'."Thesa men j embraced all
adee of jpSTftlcal belief and represented
Aaat variety of interest. At tha very
Meet It was realised that fn tha narrow
nse the paper to bea'auccea could not
- them: that T iruoces could b
cred In- only- ooa. way and .'that M
to leava tha management ; in tne nana
of the men wm ere- to run the paper.
Th.M nniv one thing demanded and
that wae that the-paper should aland for-
w hat was fshr, Jionest ana neceni m
matter who was hit and there would be
k ' .A intM.fere.tea. That understanding haa
4, lnce been : carried out xaiuiiimy
aiava. " - -1-- . " . . .
Tk... ware mil' difficulties ahead of A
the new naner notwlthstsndtng ita sub I
Btantlal financial backing. In tha lltst
, place If Iti go "buslnesa it mustydhow
".-lhatllt deserved It. that It eouio return
,us obviously ImpoBslbl atthe outset.
: SJvery venture of the sort hitherto vn
dertaken had either proved a failure or
had been throttled; to nany it was not
conceivable that It srould be different
with thla , There ws a tremenaous
mount f rood will for the new paper
v,vrywhere bVW can thrlva on
i , Vsood wUl alone unless It la backed by
.'MMtkliur more Bubetantlal. It was
' ' imm ii.t that that barking must come
. v- . -- -- ,, 1
sw Lfrom Iteeir. mat navwunsianuin- an n
F. w : arnod faalina- for It. despite the conceded
- greet need for It. H must first demon
1. trate Ita own success before anything
f vwould Jraajy coma t It. ,.
A n . Sw a Saftae Temaara. ",
Meantime the- Investment In the new-
'paper wa being constantly increased to
Hie surprlre. ana even amasement m
.manv nf thnaa who had watched the
..Toiiree of prevloua venture." First there
. - j .w uM ma.a .IK Mine
--was a- imwww.-nw k" w .
.nltachmentt then tha battery of typeaet-
1ng machine waa eniargeo. uien irre
i.ltlce quarters began to expand. Within
?the last two yeara the paper haa grown
,1B a moat amaslng way." From a little
vomer-In tha Oopdnough bulldlngT The
ImiMi.i 44.,.. tn AMiinv Avar half
. . . . . . wk .Wl i.
length or tn xamnui street bios
a basemen of precisely tne
Isa The little linotype equipment
Increased to embrace nine machtnee
m6re an Immediate necessity.
three deck, two color press waa ra
oed by a four deck, four color preaa
4 that can print 14,000 compute Jg-pege
' ,V .papers in an hour. 1 And the office equlp
men naa increaaea in proportion. 1 ne
11 nmi nt nrnducltis1 the' naner la
now 1700. We feet sure that all our
readers will rejoice te know that. Tha
-Journal la now v paying venture.
. From the very beginning Tha Journal
' as token strong' ground In favor of
-Mlo morality, a greater official re
"Ability and a higher standard, of,
accountability. It haa aoundet
1 ;
I whole
I same
; was
I 'iT"th on
the- keynote for a - bigger and greater
Portland.' a bigger and greater Oregon.
ever It found tbem and it haa gone after
public abuse tn a way that could not
be misunderstood. But In doing all this
ItJiaa act a new and better etand&rd. It
has attacked no on for a private mo
Uve M ha never -sough t-'ta a;raUf.y-a
private malice through lis-coiumns or
to tear down-a man whoso only offense
wa a lgck of regard for -The Journal.
It- haa minever permitted : politic to
stafrd In Its ' way in commending an
offlcialwho deserved Jl or in denouncing
an official whose conduct called for de
nunciation. 8tnc It haa been here every
man could have a fair show and no man
need have gone without a hearing.
Before The Journal cam to town the
sidewalks, with the exception of a few
hundred yard, were of wood, mostly la
a bad stat of repair, and tha street
were In - a frightful condition. The
Journal .fought tooth and to nail for
better . walka and better atreet. and
that It helped to get them the vastly
Improved conditions eloquently testify.
'" ntwn in 1 " -
Whn"th new .civllervlc- commis
sion began It work It waa currently re
ported that It proposed to discharge all
of the old police and firemen to make
way for other who had been active In
electing tha preeant administration. Tha
Journal took up their cause and won a
tnumpnani victory. . s
:.Dr. B. E.
TaSntif 1
H 41st that re
lieves all pain tn
dental ' operatlona
ti't Waahiagtea
SW J avaata.
- In the old day th pest house wa
aa abomination, a crime upon Buffering
humanity. That condition were Im
proved there wa due to the fight made
by Th Journal, backed by the human
people of Portland. . ' : . - t i "
;' SUeet Oai lMacw.' T ..
Many fatai atreet car accidents c
curred In this clty.durlng thewlnter and
spring of IiOIj . Several-ef them irare
caused because' of th lack .pf fenders
oa ths cara. , Th Journal so vigorously
called publlo .'attention . to the matter
that-fender -were placed on the cara,
thus adding to the publlo Mfetyn. .,
. For yeara there had been talk. In Port.
land of -tha need of a flreboat'i1' The
pubtlo fussed and eiitlclced but nothing
came of It I The Journal took up the
fight" and went after it hammer -and
tonga. .Portland now has'a fire boat sec
ond 1a efficiency to none Qn th coast
Portland " lack of hotels had long
been th talk of th traveling public.
Againet those which existed absolutely
no criticism could be made. They stood
wit the very best tn the country. Bui
there were not enough of tbem. Vigor
ou campaigns In this direction led to
the construction ot - mora hotels, not
only -to-meet the average traveling con.
dlttons. but to meet th extraordinary
demands which will be made upon them
during th Talr tn-l08. In addition to
thla another great hotel la protected
that will he a credit to tha whole city.
' Paid Fire XVepartAeat. ' -' : ''
A year ago lent fall The Journal took
up the subject of a paid fir department
At the outset Ita poa'tlen wa bitterty
opposed by those who, having had thing
in a certain way. desired aiwaya to keep
them so. Portland then had. a part paid
department, a few-paid and a large num
ber of volunteer., la - tha . nappy-go-
Jucky village days tbi served the pur-
-poo and It mattered little how the men
were housed or provided . with'' Imple
ments" with which to fight fire. As a
matter, of fact Portland, waa at "a very
low ebb tn thla respect, and the ".fire
houses' era so dilapidated that every
aelf-reapectlng' eltlien was -heartily
ashamed of them. But the fight waa
r lght and til tlma tely - wort- Portland
now haa a full paid department of thor
oughly trained . men fire fighter - of
ing Is vastly Improved, although much
still remalna to be dona- Likewise, be
cause of The Journal, afire station-waa
built tnrthe general neighborhood of the
union- stattoHand ' the, north Portland
factory- and warehouse district., " Plank
have also been drawn -for a new houi
at th foot of Third afreet
.The Journal early realised that closed
boxes In th saloons . and restaurants
Were .perfectdeadfalls " of vice and
formed the greatest - single agency - for
the destruction of young and - innocent
girls. On that subject it had-' many
hearty co-workers, snd soon the whole
city wa aroused to the enormity of the
crimes committed against, the moral of
tha city. . 'An ordinance wan passed pro
hibiting such boxes, ths same to go Into
effect on October 1.. On that date the
matter waa taken Into tha courts where
the measure waa -Judicially upheld. - It
I now tli the supreme court and there
seems no doubt -that the lower court will
be upheld and that, the boxes wilt have
to go. -,
; Street Sign. ' !.'
' Portland . waa poorly equipped with
atreet algna. . Even In the down-town
districts no signs were to be seen and
the stranger within - our gatea was
obliged- to. flounder about- hopelessly to
get his bearings. In view of the near
approach of the Lewla and Clark ex
position when the city would be thronged
with strangers The Journal made a cam'-.
pslgn In favor of street signs with a re
sult that the. whole city I now supplied
wlth-flne metal signs at all atreet Inter
sections, to ihe- great convenience even
of the older residents. ' ' A campaign
that jraa started but which haa not yet
come, to a head was msde In favor of
a now system of numbering the streets.
the block system Instead of th con
tinuous method In vogue here. That, too.
will come; . . ' :
-;, aaagaroe Oonrt.
The 'Journal flan consistently opposed
the "Kangaroo court" presided. Over by
th chief of police. Under that remarg.
able system tree chief every morning
turn loose, a icrtaln number of prison
era without trial and without waiting to
hear from the officer who made the ar-
reat Thare have been times whsn badly
needed barglara hsve been thua net free
much tn th acandal of the comraunlty.
Thla among other things I now being
InveMtlgmtedby thexonnty grand jury.
Of all Portland publlo Institution
there 'waa -nothing that wouM-aorripar
with the city Jail and police headquar
ters aa they used to be. Nothing mora
foul be 'ever been tolerated by a Civi
lised community.. .It fairly reeked with
atench and disease breeding-gernta Af
ter a short, sharp campaign the city
council allowed- the police commissioners
enough money to place the battered bulk
in a presentable condition, much totne
comfort of those compelled to visit it
dingy prtclnrta. . . . .,".,,, r ..
Oouaty tlffalra. . ,
Th Journal' camDatcn on county af
fairs will not aoon be forgotten.. An
expert probed "everything clear to th
not torn, returning a stsrtled
the easy going' people" of Portland.
There still remalna much to be done in
this direction In th way of presenting
reports to the courts but It will receive
the attention It deserves.
Age Inst the saloon urh Th Jour
nal ha ao fight but against' the law- I
breaking, erlms breading and unutterable
dve It haa waged unceasing wan For
a long time the progress mad wa alow
but aeme-ot tha dive keeper have been
driven out of business and others have
a better appreciation of the power of
tha law than they ever had before.'.
' :; v - ' Jatcy. . . j:
One of th liveliest "flgbta ever made
by .The. Journal Waa In connection -with
thaetty at the mouth-of .-thr-rtvrr
From . th Investigations which It had
made 'it wa satisfied that the progress
being made there waa not aa great aa it
should be and the quality of stone being
used failed ' to meet the requirements.
These facta it published, .only to hay
them meet steering, denials. But ihe re
ports qf th experts' whom It aent to
the scene were so circumstantial and
so convincing that a rearrangement of
the atone contract was- mad that com
pletely, mat th can a and lnau re d a jetty
ofthe most substantial quality. ...
. Kook Bottom Dry Xtock. ,
"This was -one nf th earlier fight of
Th Journal and waa aimed against a
manifest gTaft-Nrhlch it waa Bought to
perpetrate at the expense of the city.
It waa almost entirely through the ef
forts of The Journal that- the' people
were aaved from this Infliction. '
. Manual Training. ' ".
' Ofte a-reet n. .V.. ...klu 1 1-
aa Tha Journal saw It Was manual train
Ing, a feature new to the publlo school
system. Itvtherafora mi ahntit .M.Hn.
a public sentiment In Ita favor and after
a year of effort had the satisfaction of
eering ins annual meeting of taxpayers
Indorse th DroJect and the school hoard
set It in motion, Since then the system
has completely Justified Itself and the
Investmsnt made and la now destined to
become on of the best appreciated fea
tures of the whole system.
tjn the' aame way Ths 'Journal haa
strenuously favored the hniMina r an
east aide high school foe which the tax.
payera voted at their meetln held a few
daye ago. It haa" favored; raising th
teachers' salaries and It haa been largely
Influential In hrln.ln. lh,l..lMiii t
haa denounced tha .IiaHmmiIm.. . .
school board In falling to hava the achool
Duiiaings completed on time and It be.
lleve It baa aroused a public sentiment
which Will -never anln tnlarata.Ra Ad
ditions with which th school children
were mn at ina Beginning or the pre'
nt school year. " ".
Ta'' Vortara 'maA.'- 'r'"'' ' y
T7ts strenuous sxertlona .In .
the building of the portage road, that link
so necesary to ths future welfare and
r,. vfc . lUS.
atats. will not be forgotten at thl time
wnen 'tne contract has just been let to
complete the road by the middle of next
" ". - Poor Pacta. : ... "
'It waa largely through the effort of
Th Journal that certain refoyna were
brought about st the poor farm, and'eon
dltion there made- tolerable for the ufi
fortunatea confined within Ita preclncta
. '". Oarbaga araft, ' r- -,' .
- The garbage graft Is still fresh In the
publlo mind. . It waa the prettiest little
Job that hss been concocted for some
time. It would hava meant a fortune
for Ita projectors and some of those' who
Intended officially to aid It through
would have been better bff financially
when they had "delivered the goods." In
nuttlna a auletua oa that -.. rfc
Journal may Justly lay claim to credit
TlaVAgalnst Open Saatbllag.
One of the biggest things The Journal
has undertaken waa Us tenacl'ius snd1
tireless flarhl iMtiwt.fMihHii .....i.'l
Ko nther Institution seemed more rlrt-pl
rooted. It wss popularly aupposed that
many other thin the gamblera shared In
tha ttraftta anil tt thla ...... n I. K . a
hold that seemed proof arnlnst 'dyna
mite J Th gambler' alliance wa a very
atrong alliance. Politically It waa much
aought after, and the weight of -its In
fluenc had bean declalv - In turning
election -The actual -test of strength
came at the election last June. - The
fight' waa very bitter, ana the moral
queatlona involved overshadowed all els.
Tha Journal and the good people of ths
eity ' won a triumphant' lotofy.'Th
lesfwas tnadon t.-9Tflces, both t
ential (o the wlMriof tha gamblers;
and tha people wen aa f verwneiraing vie
tory In a very complicated fight' Public,
gambling haa ceaaed In Portland, but
that only expresses a phase, of the good
that ha been dona It has set new
standards In tha city. It has Increased
official responsibility, and it haa taught
the" people therrTeal strength whsn they
are properly s roused and eonoentrate
their power: It means that there will
be better .and xpurer government , here
after Jn Portland, that ther will b a
keener Interest in publlo affair and. that
oflfcebolders will not only be of a higher
standard, but that they will be truer t
their trust thn they hav vr hereto
fore been. jT . . .
righttag XABd TTand. J
: In no single Instance ha Ths; Journal
been mor bitterly criticised than for Its
strenuous tight against the re-election
of Blnger. Hermann to congresa. And
yet It begin to appear even to th moat
obtusa that The Journal knew precisely
what it waa doing and the action ot the
federal grand Jury yesterday la scarcely
calculated to Increase whatever popular
Impression that may exist that It didn't
knew what It-wa talking about then,
and waa making utterly reckless and
unfounded charge against a great and
good eitnaen of Oregon.
These are aome of the things which In
It twn humble Judgment Justlfle The
Journal. With greater resource, with
ven better will, with a prestige rarely
enjoyed by a paper of Ita yeara The
Journal la better .able than ever before
to doth work which lie before. There
I atlll much left for It to do and for
th people to do.. It propoe to do It
share, to hew to the line, aa It haa been
doing, to aerv th people .with rellgloue
seat. The foregoing make plain it per
fonnanre In the closing year Just closed
In the brief years of Ita exletenc.' It
make the New. Year pledge thla morn
ing to continue the good work witn in
creased enthusiasm during the coming
year. "'- . :; .A .- ....'-. - . i
, Jiu Jiuu. ; : -' . :
. n.ui tinn.innn Mt!:the maater flu.
Jltauian, whose company gave such a
clever exhibition or tne japaness mr 01
r.lnln. tn attack and dsfense
at th Marqusra ths past wsek. will re.
main In th-city ior-a nmuea pnoa
ih. art to Americana Profes-
. . ..' . - . - r .- .
- i. . - ' .Ma,!.. '.mnmn.nll
with Qeneral Nil to teach at the-Rlngler
school of physlcsl culture to limited
classes or private instruction. Professor win .lit In- the work. Thla
Is a rre opportunity to learn the most
wonder fill art or a.ienae anvwn, wu-xw.
ty ever form of attack may be met
and successfully guarded. For full par
ticulars address Profeseor Rlngler, tot
. i ...aa. a. iihMia Main 1161.' -'4)en
eral Nil and Professor Tllngler. ssalBted
by a troop of JapsneB students, will
give a return exhibition , at Rlngler'
hall In th near future
. xjrooxtPOSotTa ormiv.-
(AperUt Dlspatrk te Tt.-JnB, l
La Orande. Deo. ., 11. Articles - have
been filed wlththe secretary of stste
trrrorooratlng ths Sommer Hotel com.
lwny, the Incorporators being M. , II.
Klrtler. John F. Dorda and A. I Mor
ris. The company will hav a capital
stock of $12,000. which will mske an
other first-class hole ror thl city. Th
company expects to make many Im
provement la th hotel la th next year, i
Annua! :) Btiit'
Gathering . 18 H6ld; in vth ;.
r - Church Buildingr-7"
WilKam Stewart Who-Died Near
- Goshen Buried In Masonic '
1..-" Cemetery. -V . .:. :
" '" ' . , ,-.'' '. .
(tpeetaL Dtssateh ta Ths Jearaal.l ,
Eugene. Or.. ec. II. The members
of the First Baptist church of Eugene
held their, annual business and social
meeting yesterday afternoon and even
Ing at the church building. In the af
ternoon election of officers for ths en-
sntng year was held. C. 8. Frank. M. D.
Mitchell and M anion Harlow were chos
en trustees; B. F. . Dorrls, A. Harlow,
It C. Da Cpn, H. A. Oreen."C.' W. Con
verse. 8. O. Marafrt and T. M. Plank, dea
cons; W. P. Boynton. treasurers B, F,
Dorrls, clerk, and Percy Adama, Sunday
achool auperlntendent
In th evening at o clock th annual
church dinner waa served, followed by
the annuel rollcall, mor than 10 mem
bers responding. Rev. O. C Wright is
tha pastor - of th ohurch. - - Under- his
ministry It haa grown rapidly In tha last
yar. V v --..-v
XVeath ef wtlUaaa Stewart. : .
William Stewart, one . ot Oregon's
sturdy pioneer, died at hla home near
Qoahen, Lane county, December from
a complication of ailment Incident to
old age. - Ha, was' born In Psnnsyl vanla
In ltltr coming., across th plains to
Oregon in issi. settling -on th. farm
where he. continued to reside runtll hi
deatlu- Fir sons, Alfred, -Irs. George,
Lynn and Vern. and an daughter. Mrs.
W. L. Matlock, survlvs him. His wife
died about two years ago. The funeral
wan held today, th body being interna
Irt the Eugene Masonic cemetery.
During Jcmuory,
AH our ooks except net hoc'-?.
are reduced.
: eV
Portland Auction . Rooma ppen 7 at
"'"a. a' T7i . Cau. ."
... Si rum euni, . v J ,a-.
. With th new year come Into, exist
ence a new suction house firm. ' It Is
that of the Portland Auction Rooms, and
open t. No. Ill First street A. Scha
bach, th manager of th new firm, -I
a well-known buslnesa man of Portland.
Oua A. Low It. sn auctioneer and ap
praiser well known In local business cir
cles, . has - connected himself - with the
firm, apd with hla ability will make the
auctioneering force a capable one. While
there will- be regular aale daya at the
auction room, the new firm propose
to task auctions at private residences
a feature. A policy that will be greatly
appreciated la th cash beat en which
th concern win transact buslnesa
"Mn-Tsal tram-tat Berrlce.) '
DrtvVr. Twcltl- Th reeelpt'of halt
a dosen telegrama and letter from a
edge re-w,t.waiC.r '
Padded Poet V
Set Hentys, 5 vols..X;.. .CCv'
George EUot's, rVoIs. .T.91X3.
German. Bibles ..91X3
English Bibles reduced 3 : petL
.-. cent -- , ...
".'.V.V-'...-.'.'.-- '".'
' , " ..- ,.. ;. - -ji - v.- '
Hyland Bros.,
229-231 YAMHILL ST. '
m mw TSAat tu
If you stop to think, th fact that money
Is a mighty handy thing to hav about
the house, when sf fairs are not going
Just right good thing tn even the beC
of times. Best wsy to. have a certain
supply at all times is to deposit your .
present surplus wun us now tor xuiiirs
profit lOur rate of four -per cent com
oounded." accounts for ths "futur
profit? Ask us today all about it
Sixth and Kerrleea street.
southern city, the heme ef which I-
police refuse to divulge, has thrown r
light on the Mdunt Cutler
tragedy. The police hav pre
abandoned th theory that the t
women la Bessie Ronton sM V
refuse te give out a word r .
new development until - the . a
msde which ma be a f
. . - -. V ' ' S
. .... t' . . . - - ' . (