The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 01, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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. t?mau
: i ,
With Noise, and Acclaim Nine.
Doctor Chadwlck Denounces His
Proceedings - Brought Against
Big Packing Companies Un
Combined With Our Matchless Ecay
teen Hundred and FJvt , Is
: Put on Calendar.- v
'J. . Spouse to Reporters Tor '
-: Buncoing Him.
;.-t I.
Different Stories Told of Esteem
1 n wmcn ne .noias
(Special Dlapetck brUaeea Wire te Ths Joaraal)
'JJw YoravDec. !. When Dr. Chad-
-. wick, huebend jof the now famoua Cassis
' X Chadwlck, arrlvee in Cleveland Sun
day morning, ha will create a tremen-
: -dous sensation -if he repeats the allega
tions against Jiia wife Twhtrh -tie -made
to r porters who aaw blm today.
-Dr. Chad wick told the reporters who
. aw hln two widely. -different stories.
' i. ' 'tgrned On. hie. wtfe- and denounced her
i a swmaier. - s. r t- , . -
. " To other reporter, however, be main-
. . talaed thathls wife waa Innocent and
- i that he -was glad to-go to-her.
to be
with- her n -her time ef need, i Inbta
story of denunciation be' amid that' hla
wife had not alone swindled him out of
.H.000.-lmt j that la addition teae had
squandered - several hundred , thousand
dollHrs that belonged to his daughter
' n -.nrt'i-key. o wa "mmteS-XT- r
, - . eeatTed by Wife. .' ; "V--
- -'-To -two -passengers on: the, Pretoria hs
'' expressed -himself as- being -very better
eslns Mr a. Chadwlck,-and told them
'tuat" lie had been more completely de
- calved by the, woman who builded her
""""fake fortune '" on r. 120,000,000 worth of
- forged Carnegie paper than the rest of
the world'had been-: a m,.-..,..,.,.,..
fitUl another story--was told to Miss
Frances Reed, the daughter of ex-Judge
Reed, end 'Miss' Matilda Eberts, who
were fellow passengers, tie told prac
tically the same story.. Miss Reed said:
? "During the voyage Miss Chadwlck told
'.me her father was financially strapped.
mad that ha had to pawn her Jewels In
come home. Dr. Chadwlck. one day. In
discussing the- case, said: ... 'I am com-
-YttAt YmbrfergahnM B-illt.- Vtfaot
' -nowrirhat:-t9r think-of It, . When we
"""""were married I gave her 150.000. ' I sup-
- posed she had that owner y'Jt'IL-
I' vl'fil! TwisMwsa. ' '
" , TJrTTCadwlcBjuid.:other ;j passengers
.did hot fire -this information to all V
reporters, and the atdry that he did tell
, was different. One prominent point
developed during Jlhe day. After Dr.
iChadwlcJcliad bee T taken from ;-"1hs
. ..ateamer and not srreated because of 4be
- stupidity of a. central .of flee , detectiSt
." who had not arrived St the steamablp
.with .the warrant,' be,- with'- f Sheriff
' Barry was taken to the recorder's court
?;in tloboken. where t.ahgrtff said: - -t
, !-"tour honor, I cannot under tand Why
. -1 have, been-fcrjaught here. The doctor
.has agreed to go to Cleveland without
avwsrrant and X ha-re not placed him tin
er,.xreat. When he gets there he wlir
' .nr'given his freedom" on hell.' for the
.' authorities feet that be Is gullUeas. and
' tly want to get hln.6' tell everything
he knows to the -rand Jury.' ,' ' '
Thla" would make . him a ' wltneaa
Tr , againatMrs. Chadwlck, hla-own-wlfe.
' The appearance of the-doetor-and sheriff
. in the recorder's court, followsd-a.. de
tennlned effort by Central Office De.
tectlve Benolt "and several Hoboken de
' tectlves to take Vt. Chadwlck from
' fcheriff Barry. Dr. Chadwlck Said that
he would gladly tell the authorises ail
he knew about his own affairs' or Mrs.
- Chadwlck a but that there was nothing
' that would reflect on her In anywayt:
- 8ctal Dlapateh by teaaed Wire to Tee Jesraal)
. " PhnaMelDhhwJec. 81. One thousand
dollars .for .Oweii"lCneyi:.Tdead -of. aiiva.
Thia was tne oner maoe loaay oy w
rick Kelly, brother-in-law of Owen Kel
ly, the misting bank director officer of
- the Catholic Local Abstinence union,
president of a building and loan associa
tion and leading member -of the Irlsh-
. " American and Cat hollo societies, opposed
to the -Clan-na-Oael.- It developments
from this reward are encouraging, . it
.will be raised to 15,000 and more. . Be-
' hind Patrick Kelly In this are the same
societies,, members' of which have for
j months conducted a search for Kelly In
- every town of the United States and In
the British Isles. ;
- Behind ..the disappearance, from facts
: fllai iiKf inilliT 'he man Willi lineju.nii
. searching for him. lies- a story of a
' ' mysterious double life. . It Is believed by
! those who know the facts that Kelly met
death while in the evii part of his Jekyll
stvfO?rde existence. His family will
-.', .not'beHeve It. - Mrar Kelly.-the-wlfe of
JPatrtek KnJly, and the sister of Owen
Kelly, believes that her brother has met
with foul play f hat he had aroused ill
:-, feeling in certait Irish societies by his
.-it ewpeoeei of the nVathod ef parliamentary
agitation, and he has been made the vlo
' tlra ef a -conspiracy similar to that In
T the case Of Dr. Crontn of Chicago, who
. , waa lured from his home, wss not hsard
vt f or -mont ha, and whose battered body
was finally found In s, sewer. -1
26T Iha ISO lbs.
Has. S. WUJJAWa. 08 Rllleatt ., Beffalo,
Sew Vera. .
SVowt la) ayalght ; t,t,i .T ponnas
lVea la tour ...... 77t7t777iwtaahm
k va im kin. . .an -
- Tals elf-tore elvee yea aa Mea of aiy aepear.
aave sarore aaa arier mw imkum ar ur.
Kerear. Mr bealtk U Berfert. 1 aever eaorr4
, KrttOT twvltk. la aiy life, aet a wrinkle to he
. hh. Why rerry yee berdea laager wees
- . - relief la at kaad I
mam. tnuMttom wooswajub,
i ' . Orearua Crty, Or. 1
I ' tarn, rmwwrcm vooaviosi,
f ' ' aUjetidaa, Os. aVea
,- ' , , . . arms. a. BL aaowg.
". " Delias. Ox. tow ag jemmta?
IV. Sareer gaarantees Me treataMat te M
V aerfeHly harwIeMi tm. -every panlralar. Ve
. eaareaw, e etarelac, M eeatkga treat boal
' r , Mea, aa rink Ira r dleeeeitarta, Dr. gnroar
' - - aa a onerlatwt la the eeeeeeafel treat.
- eaeat ef ahxfty trw Mm seat M rears, ae4 kas
, v the aeeaaUSMt enlnreeeeat tba awdlral fra-
tettr. a beak let telllag all aeeet U free.
, nrtte teaay.-
; '' O, W. P. 5NYDCS. M. D.
ill aSasa sUdg, Tahrd aa4
Representatives Placed - Under
. , A Arrest But Give Bonds ;
S. . 'or Appearance. -r - 4
(special DtMietea te The Irol.
" Helena, Mont., Deet $1 Following the
ruling recently made by the supreme
court In what Is the beef trut
case, Attorney James Donovan haa Insti
tuted proceedings -In the dlatrlct court
here against the Armour. Cudahy. Swift
and -Hammond Packing companies ,toH
prevent them from doing business in the
etateiof Montana. . The new proceeding
is brought under the penal code, and the
Information filed charges the defendants
jaitn- eonapiraeyi -The 'defendeats- did
actually carry out a restriction or. trade
In the sale of meats and meat products
In this state and1. In this county by cre
atine; a monopoly in-the sale ef such
articles. The Information wmcn la
novelty In its wayr being the flrat of Us
kind ever filed In Uonlinl, "foHowmg the
penal code and after making the allega
tions- given above, concludee: -!r?rww4lSa
"And for the purpose then and thereof
unlawfully entering into -an omigation
each with the' others setting the price
of certain 'artlclea -of commerce, towit:
meata of all klnda and meat product a. o
tar preclude nnreatrleted-competition
and la JUrthajance of said unlawful nur
pose did then and there unlawfully enter
Into an .obligation each with" the other
setting the price of ea Id-articles of com
merce' -so as .to - preclude t vnrestrloted
competition, and did then and there offer
for sale and sell said artlclea' of com
merce te the people of said- county for
consumption at- the prices so settled
and regardless of .competition, contrary
to the iform. force-and ' effect 01 tne
itatu&ln gncn Tjasg made and provide!
and against the pesos and-tJlgnlty of
UnugUtf. of ..Montana." v-i-
- Axvss aMpyaaantattTSOa
ITpon the filing of this - Information
warrants -were issued for the. erreat of
several of the-Tepresenta-tlvea of the
packing companies. - Sheriff CConnell
went to Butte to make the arrests, which
were merely-formal. Thoy--nvbonda
and are required to appear-In Judge
Bmlthlg court here January t. andnrnr
eeurse to be followed by the packing
companies can only be surmUed at thti
time-." It 1s- likely, howeveev -that thar!
matter "will come up on demurrer aa
the ftra step. . :
(Saeelal plenateaay 1 atats Wire to The Jeoraal)
Rome, Dec 11. Plus JC -haa-lrected
the congregation tf the propaganda 'to
make a special study or tne- question
whether priests in -the missions may
practice medicine and - surgery, and it
so, to. what extent and under what con
ditions ' V -- .. -.-y,
It is Intended to extend the permission
already- granted- to many-Catbollo -mis-alonarlea
in order that they may suc
cessfully -compete with the Protestant
missionaries, the secret of whose, reli
gious success lies In the ministrations
they are able to tender. the natives In
their ills. .,. - ','
. Hitherto Catholic - priests . were - per
mitted te prescribe medicine In the anJa-'
slon field, but surgery end the shedding
of blood,, unless In extreme cases or -In
minor, operations, were absolutely fos.
bidden-to "them. It la eapeotad. AhatiMthe JBalvatlon Army special services were
the propaganda should decide to extend
the authorisation to qualified nrleata la
the mission field the work of converting
the natives will receive a new lmpetua,
aneVehe power of -thedergy In tnlaaron-
ary countries "beetrengthened.
(pedal Dtepateh by Leased Wire te The Jearnall
Pittsburg. Dec tl The Union. Trust
company of Pittsburg, of which H, C.
Frlck end United States Senator. P. C
Knox are directors, snd leading stock
holders, today announced the figures for
the year a business which put . ' Fren
aled Finance" in the shsde.
At a meeting of the board of directors
this morning a report submitted showed
thai Hie wet earnings for the year are,- iun ia i i nm i a B if I
per cent On the capital stock of ll.loirH
tt.!7.tl0.(.- Thia ir-at-the-rale of toi
000; - The board of directors declared the
regular quarterly dividend of It per
cent payable forthwith . and : added
14,000,000 to the surplus fund.
During 1001 the Union Treat company
had quarterly dividends of It per cent.
This year there have been four quarterly
dividends of 10 percent declared and en
extra dividend of I per cent, a total fit
00 per cent for the year, t . a
It waa decided to place the I4.tlo0.000
In the surplus fund rather than declare
another extra -dividend.
(pedal Dispatch by Uaaed Wire to Tie Joereal)
New York. Deo. Sl.--Thls Is the last
dsy of former Governor and former Sen
ator David B. Hill In politics, according
to his own announcement. After being
Instrumental In bringing about tba nomi
nation of -Alton B. Parker at the 8L
Louis convention. Hill announced that
at the end wf the year he would retire
for good. - ' : "' . . '
This snnouhcementwaspreTOfted by
the campaign story that if elected Parker
would name Hill to be secretary of state.
Senator Hill was asked In-Albany, this
afternoon. If his promise to retire from
politics was to be kept. - He replied: ,
"I must decline to say anything ex
cept that the announcement to this ef
fect made In Aue-iiaft laaf stands -.Thexa
Is nothing to be retracted, nothing to be
added."----' .- --
-The defeat of Parker was pner the
hardest blows Mr. Hill suffered during
hie career, and if hla decision 'to retire
had not been formed r already, this
Democ ratio disaster would surely hare
strengthened his determination to quit
the field of politics. . . ( r r- ;
lie ii
rAus utto irm. - '
William Mayer, 47 East Couch street,
waa walking along the docks at the foot
of Alder street last night snd fell Into
the river. He waa alone at the time-sad
no one heard his cries for ssslstance.
He finally succeeded in ellmblng upon a
pier and perr-hed there for an hour be
fore he waa found. The man telephoned
to police headquarters, and a policeman
d earned Mayer from 'tils unoomfortsble
position. He la a civil engineer by pro
fession. j , v.-..v;.-. ww.
Watch Services are) Held at Many
Churches, and Everywhere
- There Is Rejoicing.
- For a. brief period before and after
II o'clock. laat night the din of pande
monium 'rang through the -city. Bells
clanged,- whletles -aweerhsd. men and
boya-shouted, through' irumpeta, while
tugs and al aorts of eraft along the
river blew hoarse notes. It was a wild,
uproarious weloome for the year that
was bom, poaalbly also Vehement grief
for the year that Is dead.
Every - sort of -"discordant ' . noise
mingled wMh that, of the 0elU-jBmaU
fboyB7lgnorlng.the curfew, blew
trumpets. Men-asalsted generously in
the din. 'There were scattered reports
of firearms, though they -were few.
Strict orders had been lasued by the
chief of police to prevent the uae of ffunrj
and pistols, and -to arrest apjrww vio
lsted the- order. -- Few - arrests wero
made. ' ' " ' - !
inTJ'ewilork,. according, to : Portland
time, the noiae and.dln of a New-Tear'a
celebration had been beard three hours
before. In Cblcaso ltof began when a
-Pontland-eleck. marked the hour of 10.
Only In cities along rtne racirio coeat
and in the same degree of longitude did
the. New Tear begin at the same time
with Portland. . - ,- ' ' ' .
There' is one hour's difference In time
In every li degreee of longitude. So In
oertaln parte of the world 1004 died at
different tlmea.w-. . : .
- In at leaat two countries it will be It
dsys before -the new year begins. - In
the United States, as in nearly every
other countryr time is 1 chronicled -by
means of the Gregorian calendar. It is
the ayatem that waa prescribed by Pope
Oregury XT 1 1
tiy which the Julian uai
endar waa modified by calling uctober e,
16(2. pclober li. and continuing to count
10 daya In advance. The Julian calendar
waa nroacrlbed - by - Julius Caesar, - the
Roman Emperor, but has been' abandoned
by all nations except Russia and ureeca
Caeear decreed that every three years
f S4ays should be followed by oneef
II daya. 'The decree was made In trie
year 4 B. C. His year waa 11.1 minutes
too long, so It -happened that the. error
amounted to three days In every 4M
years. --JL Pope Oregorw discovered lb
error in. the srsteenlhntuiqranaor3
rected It But neltherHueei nor Oreeee
has sdopted the corrected ;method. -
There are many -other' periods of the
year that are New" Veara. The Hebrew
calendar provides a different one,' The
calendar of the Jews reckons time from
the assumed date of creation, or more
than ,7o years before the -hlrtn of
Phrlst. - rv.-r-
to strtt themselves. In Mohammedan
countries time is reckoned from July If,
i2'j, the , day following Mohammed's
flight from Mecca to Medina, 'wMoav la
known aa the Hegira. -Their yearvcon-
aiataof II lunar months otV4sTft
Many other calendars were Introduced
and- discarded. ' Ihirlng the French revo-
lailw onJ' wss eatabllahSd TvcaBSOrt me
To this day Mormons reckon time from
the death of their prophet, Joseph Smith,
Services wsrs held in practically every
houae of worehip In the city last night.
Watch services In-churchss and in pri
vate . homea were numeroua Special
services were observed at the Toung
Men' a . Christian association . ball on
LKourth street it Attle various poate of
also held. -The Volunteers ofrAmertca
held appropriate observances ' at their
headquarters, 27 Anheny sireet. ,
At the White Temple av special pro
mm waa randeretL The services be ran
at t o'clock and continued, until, after
midnight. Many of tha Baptist churches
of the eltr participaieo. :
ataay Beeeptloas by Wg JffJelala Are
-- . . Anangsn. .:
(Spertal IXapaera by Leased Wire to The' Jeoraal
- Washington: Deo. ! The New Tear1 a
receDtlona for lo will be on a magnlfl-
cent scale.- The Whlte-Housa reception
is. of course, the largeet planned.- The
reception which Admiral and Mrs.
Dewey wilt hold Is the one that has
attracted a large share of the popular
attention at this time.- -Another big re
- - - . . ,
- aalaillll beet tbe home of Speaker
Cannon, wherrf la Cnnon acts ss
hostess, ..' She -UHhave to assist-her
Mrs. J. Ir, Iyooae of Chicago.
- ' Mrs Taft, the wife of . the- aecretary
of war. Mrs." Paul Mdrtbiv wlfe-ef-4he
secretary of the navy, Mrs. Wynne, wife
of the postmaster general, and uenerai
areeUaa- tum rias4,AIL 0Tr the
' World from WashlBeTtoa. -
(Special (Hapatrb byljeaaed Wire te Tbe Jeoraal)
' Washington. Dec. tl. Lieut-Gen. El
EL Harden, in charge of the -time service
at the United States naval observatory,
sent the New Year's good morning flash
over all the-world at the beginning of
1101 from the naval observatory near
thls-city... The flssh was to Indicate the
exact beginning of the new yesr. Tha
officials, however by their, memoranda
are able to keep a check on longitude,
something which was impossible in the
daya before such signals, were utilised. -
A new feature or tne signal tnis year
la that arrangements were made to send
the birth of the new year to Uncle Sam's
vessels which are rigged -with1 wireless
telegraphy. -, ,
nirnnnimr nsmrnrrj- 4 '
r llvJirUli I. O THnl Is kit ;
..a.v-r-ui ;-. i. , m.-:u L, -l,: .
(Eperlal rHrpateb by Leaned Wire te The Joarnal)
New York. Dec. IV. George W. Per
kins has been restored to eompteterfsvor
by J. P. Morgan and, although Arthur
HLNewbo;d of Philadelphia enters the
firm tomorrow, Perkins remains as man
aging partner. 'Newbold takes the place
of Oeorge C. Thomas, who retires after
many years of service In the firm.
For several months it - waa common
report In Wall street that Perkins was
In such bad standing with Morgan be
cause Of speculations- In steel 'Stocks
that be Was to retire from-the firm.
Perkins bought the common stock snd
advised his friends to buy It soon after
It broke from 0 on ita way down to
I a share. It waa atated that whea
Morgan discovered the ' deal he called
Perkins Into the office one afternoon
and directed him to get out of steel or
ant of the firm. Heavy tranaactlona In
the stock .the following dsy Indicated
the decision made by Ferklna.
During our RIDDANCE SALE we will
" "J. . " ' niake Terms on ; : ' r. :i
Ladies' Tailored
Ski rtS follows : -
Up-to-date aarments,
r A . m'
of; city hospital
ndorse" Steps Being Taken for
( Establishment of One for :.
'.'V1 i--X'aSk-
Jr alotn.era to Hold Conference.
Regarding the Matter.
That Portland should have a receiving
hospital -is tho opinion - of Dr. -William
Jones and. Dr. James K. i Bell, members
of the city bosrd of health. They wre
baartUy in sympathy with tha plan iof.
City Physician J. C. Zaft and; City Health
Officer H. It Blersdorf . to establish a
joint city and county emergency hospital
In a central 'location Jn the" clty," Tha
resolution which will be presented by
DrriTSnd-TJr."TSlatsdorf at theTneet-
to appoint a committee to confer with
the county commissioners to devise
plsna for tha proposed emergency hos
pital, win meet with their tavof: .
Dr, Bell stated yesterday afternoon
that a receiving hospital Is something
whlch-Portland should bare. And will
have, within- short time. ; - - . ;
1 sm not familiar with their Ideas
regarding an emergency hoapltal.eald
he. "but I do know that in case of acci
dent to Individuals ss may occur at any
time In a large city the only proper place
to give patients immediate relief is In
a receiving -hoapltaL Portland has no
such place to take a patient but It .la
apparent to me that it should have one.
An .lndivldual'a life "might depend upon
the- promptnees with which his needs
are attended to."" :"- "r
Dr. Jones expressed himself in favor
of an emergency hospital.
"The olty Is greatly In need of such
en institution." hs continued.- "If-a hos
pital such as Dr. Zan and Dr. Bleradorf
proposes, can .be established, and not
cost too much, wrought to have it "The
city will be forced to make provision
for emergency caeea before very long."
In all probability the resolution wilt
be adopted. - A similar resolution will
be presented to the county commission
ers asking them to appoint a commit
tee to meet the committee-" from the
board of health, ' . l
It is the plan to establish a receiving
hospital 'in soms central location where
all emergency cases - may- receive atten
t Ion. -.Connected with-this. It Is proposed
having a publlo dispensary Instead of
contracting with drug llrma to aistrio-
1 vte medicine-1 the poor-filnce tha city
and county will share- jointly rrom tne
benefits to be derived from such an In
stituttonv it is planned to divide the cost
of maintenance between ms city ana
mlntv. ' . . ... .': i -.' .- -
It is argued that tha coat of maintain
ing an. emergency -hospital will not be
much greater than emergency cases now
cost, while the results will be far more
satisfactory. .-..
(Opeelai Mapatrb by Leases Wire to The Journal)
New ,-. York' - Dec. XI. An operation
will be performed this, week' upon .the
arm of Kuhne Bevarldge. - It Is looked
forward to wtta-tapprehenaion by her sla
ter, ths Baroness Von Wrede. who aald
tonight aha feared It might terminate
the brilliant career of the .famous sculp
tress. . - : '. - 4
Miss BeverWge will be removed to Dr.
Bull's hospital on Tuesday. ' The beauti
ful young sculptress gave tha art world
a severe shock on November -a, last
when she barely escaped being crushed
beneath the wheels of an auto. Sba had
Intended going for a drive and the ma
chine, had - been" brought to tbe ifront
door.' Aa Miss Bevarldge wss stepping
into the car the driver In sn, unknown
msnner started it throwing her to the
ground and pinning her left arm under
neath her body and almoat running ever
her. , --- '-- . 1 - .
The breaking of her left arm Is very
unfortunate. It wss with this hand aha
has done all the liner work In modeling
the one which baa won for her a place In
tbe art world eecond to that of no other
woman sculptor of. the "day. v, :
SsrletJ Oaasaa,
' ., From the-Cblcago Newi. . v
"What - kind of ' baking do yon : call
thlsr roared the turbulent husband. VI
gm leading a doge life."-- --i---
"In that case." replied Ms wife, gently,
iwrnape i wui oeiier get you some
do blaeult"
'-" I i - a a a
In Every feespect ; Perfect-
a x . ti e - tv-a m . :
AiaKer ainKinjrKeaucuona
Stopped by Robber ' In Streets
Who Frightens Them v and
: Steals Their Purses.
Tutnf'aaaa t .-fttaVt . . V,,iuaianl
Portland holds a man of criminal -bent
-Whose particular line la ta hold up and
rob women; re. n. , cook - waa . de
prived of. hef parse by a highwayman at
sixteenth and Hoyt streets last night
She is the second woman made, a victim
by the thug In two daya..
According to the report handed to Po
lice Captain Moore last night Mrs. Cook
Hoyt street" when she waa-atopned by4
the-robber He grabbed her puree, oat
of her hand and totoT her that if she gave
an alarm she would "get hurt"T j.
Saying theae words, he walked rapidly
down Sixteenth street Mrs. Cook was
too frightened to make any outcry, and
as soon ss she waa able . to control her
self hastened home and telephoned an
account .of what had happened to- police
headquarters,. . ; The pu rse . contained .- a
pair, of black leather-covered ,. opera
glasses, a door key and .a; small 'amount
of money. --, ' -- ,
;lMrs. C. H.Iayswas;heldJipand
robbed- of her purse, containing 7 and
a. gold watch andchain. In 'the Plasa
block. Friday night by a man answering
the. description-of Ihe. thug' whot de-
I prlved-MrevOoofc of her property,
, All patrolmen nave been-notinea to
keep -a sharp lookout for a man filling
the description given by both women,
snd two city detectives have been spe
cially assigned to Investigate . the rob
beries. Up td an early hour this morn
ing ths robber hsd not been arrested. - - f
Declares That He Has Uot Paid
Any Room Rent for
' ' - ... Two Year. -
W. W. Clark,' arrested by Sergeant
Hogeboont laat rilght on a .warrant Is
sued by Police Judge Hogue.on com
plaint of Mrs. Clara B. Speake, who
chargea hint with vagrancy, declares
that his trouble Is due to 'wpltb work."
Mrs Alice Melbus, the sister of Mrs.
Speake, who has a half Interest with ths
complainant In the lodging house at
107 H FburarstreeL over Traoey at Den-
nys saloon, where Clark has a room, slee
aesserts that hla arrest is due -to "spite
work"--) the, part of her sister. She
says Mrs. Speaks Has s "powerful Imagi
nation" and haa caused similar trouble
previously; . ','. .t-v I , - .
Tom- Traeeyr- ex -prise fighter and
saloonkeeper, denies in the face of the
records -that Mrs. Speake haa sworn to a
complaint against Clark. He avers that
"there is nothing to IV.W-. - - ..
Mrs.-Ppeskc furnishes the clew. to the
whole affair. She la Indignant that her
sister should take sides sgalnst her. -
"Mrs. Melbus." she ssys. "to In love
with Clark, snd has permitted him to
live - at-107 H -.Fourth- street .: for - two
years without paying any rent and doing
practically no work. I have a half in
terest In the bouse snd have ordered him
out twice. ' Mrs. Winters, my paralysed
mother, lives there, and I have to con
tribute toward her Support - This man
has been living off my alster and me,
and I shall see that It ends right here.
Tuesday morning I shall appear In court
and prove what I have changed him
with." . .
, ... :- : I ' - -'"
. f tbobo aju extra,-
The Third Ward Independent Political
club is ths newest political organisation
of the dty. . It was organised during the
week, and officer -have been elected.
The club haa established headquarters In
the Chamber of Commerce building and
proposes to get down to business st once.
The following officers were elected: C.
8. Kaup, chairman of thee executive
bosrd; A. Bowman. president; Wsde
Hampton, .vice-president; . T. Rawley,
second vlce-prealdent; George Whetstone,
treasurer; J. II. Reardsn, aecretary, . u
- "Tou : art fstr." complimented the
young man. "Where are you from" -
"Bt. Louis." resoonded - rmutlu
i piuaning.
l -"ai :
"AhL then, you are the St Louis fair."
i . us v av r -ea
And the C;!;nce In Ecsy -Mlvi&x
lnMaterUlanl AVork
-, - a' At a W Irw
onyeiyixicie. uii,
otcsc iyt cc TCU3
-, ; boau o
SZVJ. t OOHXs. Piesiaes - - -
-K. X. rtXTOOaC, TleaJeslieat - -
A. S. VICXOLa M Ties-hesMsat -. r ',:
.. .. sVLgg PASKT, Sea
t. 0. OOUaVa. -Aaet Saeretary
roowssTioira rmoif
gs te the use of
r '
: In bur book of "
tnm BIOOU. Wi were iWndwJ
, ooiurauon aunni.ina panio ox i a
; ing to s, .wnicn
'ana ie.erwj-er rnoree
'Kcaangea. at .moment'
4Jl(Wour Directors as .above ','eag-f olmseiysa.. ;, -TVt ,.
l - V . capitalists of Baltimore, Md Philadelphia, Pa., and at Other Eaaternaad
r i, - . j oreiga pm a is, -
d. WW mATSaTDW IJiTsuAIIBT naid noon our SneJclal-Cartiflnata A TenAai
.. are Hi per cent on ten days can; I H percent on thirty daya'-call; per-'r
...-vcent oft' ninety --days' ealLv-'-s;-,' ... t ..; ;. .;:,v-
e." TWCWTAMt VS3TO by Trustees,- Attorneys," Capltallatev and -ror Bank and '"
":l-lfe and Plre Inaurance Funds, and all purposes- Where "Bank Paper-.lLiS:
deaired; or ."Sterling; Bills'' could be used as an lnveetment ' . '.,..!
AS i OOaXOT.T.aT to the above; we nave sent " them to Capitalists ahd
i inmiwi m ini-miumuj .t.i..
r .OOWCI.TwiOT On January I,
iheee-Opeolnl Certlflcatea - waa .
'- On December is, la, it was........
, - . - easB aa a a a enssj saaa asa aaw aW aa. sj
Tn , ...p Tn err' dibv4. aJUMBwionaarswa combination
-TO LIVE TO SEE BABYTWwage and mail ear of th,eger-
- - -v--- ' ' : :
(Special Dlspateh by leased WireAeAe Jooraal)
" San . Francisco, Dec. -11. Through the
carelessness of a switchman this morn
ing twe- trains were -wreaked neae -Sulaua
and. an engineer lost his Ufa, The dead
man Is Henry Peters of Oakland. Other
members of the train crews -had remark
able escapes, but -nine were - seriously
hurt -., ;-- - -,.' .
'. Train Ko. 11. the south-bound Oregon
express, that ahould have arrived at Sui
sun yesterday evening st 8:30. was de
layed 14 hours ty alandsllde In the
Oregon mountalna.. It arrived at Sulaun
about I o'clock this morning and a gravel
train., which haa been nillng-ln land for
some additional Switches there, took, the
aiding, to let the passenger peas. The
brakeman failed to doss the switch snd
the express train, running about M miles
an hour, erashed, head-on. into the gravel
train. ' . - ..- .
The Impact waa terrlnci The engines
were -badiydetnollahed. three loaded cars
; ' In next Tuesday's Journal we shall announce, a
new departure in one -of our deptrtments, i-The
, ,tfirst fifty, people' to take advsntage of this great1
"opportunity will indeed be lucky. - If you're uiter - : '
i : ested in getting "something for nothing, it's worth
. 1 ' yur vThile to keep an eye on our ads. 'V- v
Comploto Houaefurnlohero
aT ! t-k av t g ' " yfAr tiy
i oc uio up, iuuk ,
'.. ,' ' 1 ;
. ;V j::.
; .
- S. A. sTOYSS
. SOUS oo
x. w. szoacn -
m ouwoa.a
lnthr "nHnriad ro
- v. ev-
. uraffon, vv aaningion, inano, ;aU".
ll, the total amount on deposit "with ns
1 - -- ... a M.7 1 l.lg
of th gravsl train were )Ued aaa' unoa'-
f!(S (2
-p tooiniyiarfrwtsi(MMnrfr:4
are inoauae'-iz,-o,n or giit-edgvd bomlatf, -..zs
rco;sB:-ajji,saieaDie on tne New fprn of .other stockLf"ea
.were- tnrown to-one side- of --the traek
and badly demolished. - ' ."- w ,
The engine crewa of both trains jumped '
and: alt escaped uninjured ezeept EngU - -neer
Petera He was struck by the bag- "
wage ana matt Car-ami badly-mangled. Hr
waa picked np supposedly dead, but he -later-re
(rained consciousness for' a little
while.-The llrst thing he said was to the-
rauroad physician. Dr. W. O. Duaalag.
He pathetically asked: .i ,, re. ; .
. "Will I live long enough to see my '
little baby? Thia is the first year she t -has
been able to say "Christmas.' "
-A few mlnotglatar he was-dead. - ..
-.'--9gtac-fk tamo. . :--::'
'"Just think, darling." said the bride,
of three short weeks, as they sat at the
dinner 4able, "your little wlfle made thia
cake with her own little heads.":-
rindeed!" aald the maacullna and Of
the combine. "Well, I hope my little
wlfle wilt ss a guaranty of good faith,
eat every bite Of It with her own little
mouth.".. .. ''
i. el.
J --
. 1 . .. '' ' " T
-V .-
.r- -