THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY gVENINO, PBCBMBjR 11, 190. "7" Eli Vfe Ncwill Riverview c4cademy" Is essentially a home school for boys, where each pupil receives individual attention, where the teach ers and principal take a personal interest in all the boys, participate in their sports and in their joys, and sympathize with them in their sorrows thereby gaining the est com. confidence and affection of every pupil. The table is most generous and whole some, and the home life as nearly perfect as we can , make it. k1 Site: T'ie Academy is delightfully situated on an emi nence' overlooking the beautiful Willamette, and the grounds adjoin those of a small city park. Two ear'Hn'8 pass the doors of the Academy, thus afford ing pleasant and easy access irottutMC heart of the tityj. r The btrildingr of the Academy are sufficiently large and are maintained in a thoroughly cleanly and healthful condition, according to sanitary principles. It is the aim of the principal and his corps of as sistants to enoompass the resident pupils with an. atmosphere of refinement and homelikeness, and their environment conforms to such requirements "as nearly as possible. ... cAthletics The most important duty for an educator to dis charge is to keep the boys in his charge busy. The boy who loafs is the boy who is in trouble most of the time. , During the football and baseball seasons it is com paratively easy to exact discipline. At other times it is more difficult. ; For this reason the privilege of membership in the famous Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club has been turned to account, for, dur ing the first five months of the year, attendance twice a wefek at 'the regular gymnastic classes con ducted by Professor Krohn is compulsory. I A4ttiiard table lia& beets placeTTn Ihc boys' parlor and encouragement isv given, under lfce direction of teachers, to all legitimate amusements. CITABLE WORK OF VOLUNTEERS l Annual Report Show Some- . thing of the Work Done by the Organization. MANY POOR RECEIVE FOOD AND CLOTHING Provision Made for the Halt, Bfind, Hungry, thirsty, Naked and Homeless. J &f With very little of the sounding of mnd tinkling '-ymbHl the volun of America, have accomplished In city during the year a work that almost incredible to those unfamiliar I with the life of the slums. The ' headquarters of the Volunteer! located at 243 Ash street. The mis sion hall is at 267 Ankeny street. No record ia kept of the various charities that are bestowed, hut a record Is main tained of the number of poor who are MJped. During the year 14 families have been ovlded with housekeeping furniture, eh as beds, tables, stoves, chairs and jdmllar articles. Provisions have been nt to 200 families, some of whom have en supplied for weeks at a time. Fuel been supplied to some, while medl- haa been sent to others. , ..During the year 6.126 pieces of wear- IB apparl were given to women and Hdren; 43 pairs of shoes and 243 Itm of stockings; (2 overcoat. Ill its, "14 pairs of trousers. 37 vests. ICS suits of underwear, 296 shirts and articles of wearing apparel were llstrlbuted. In addition to the clothing. 307 meals Were provided for the hungry and 28 lodgings for the homeless; rents weie ald for 1 families. There was a total attendance of 13.- t&0 persfins at the 260 street meetings. And 37.103 persons at the. 339 Indoor meeting. During the year 32.317.9S N Ira raised in addition to 1321.25 given W th- Volunteers on Thanksgiving day. U Kurlng tb year 327 persons claimed to have been saved by the efforts of the Volunteer: 364 homes were aided and work was found for (0 needy persons. ' The captain In charge of the Volun- h leer wlU be (lad to receive old clothing, if His telephone number Is Hood 1391 and hla office Is at 243 Ash street. Captain and Mrs W. B. Arents are Wc Are Prepared IP i i- . i i uiiiuniK mwi. with vitrified sail - glased sewer, pipe end an quote discount th0T will intereet. Our products jT a oeceaaary adjunct to Q O O V WORK. Let us hear from you. DIAMOND BRICK CO. Vbasrs. o V Yard Foot write to Phone In charge, of the America. local Volunteers of SERIES OF SERMONS ON THE LITTLE WORD IF Dr. Brougher, minister at the Whit Temple, has arrang'dto preach a unique aerie of sermon on. the little word "If." Jtte will begin tomorrow night, and con tinue them each Sunday through the month of January. The dates and top ic are as folows: ' January 1. "If I Had My Life to Live Over Again;" January I, "If I Were a Young Voman;" Janu ary It, "ltl War a Young Man;" Janu ary 22. "If I W ere a Millionaire;" Janu ary It, "It I war a Preacher." In order to make these sermons as practical and helpful as possible. Dr. Brougher Invite the reader to writ him concerning the topic suggested, and specially to answer the following question: Young man. If you ware a young woman, what kind would you be? Young Woman, if you war a young man. what kind would you be? If you ware a millionaire, what would you do with your If you were a preacher, wha you be? Answers to Mrea questions will be used In the writer' name will not be made public. WILL OBSERVE WEEK OF PRAYER IN ALBINA Several churches In Albtna have ar ranged to observe the week of prayer, the first week of January, by holding union services. The meetings will be a follows: Monday evening, 7;30 o'clock, at the Rodney Avenue Christian church, corner. Rodney avenue and Knott street, subject "Revival, and How to Secure It." leader, Rev. J. Bowersox. Tuesday even ing, at the Third Baptlat churoh, corner Vancouver xv.nna an1 knnti air...r . , I . . Methodist church, corner RuaU and Kerby street, subject "Duty," leader. Rev. U. H Pratt.- Thursday evening, at the United Evangelical church, corner Fargo and Kerby streets, ubjct "How to Awaken Interest in Our Churches." leader, Rev. E. M. Bllsa Friday even ing, at the Mississippi Avenue Congre gational church, corner Mississippi ave nue and Fremont street, subject "Per sonal Responsibility," leader Rev. F. L. Young. Chemistry. A splendid opportunity I afforded for the study of unorganic chemistry at the Y. M. C. A. wight school. The labora tory will accommodate thre more men. The next term begins Monday, January 2. The feea are 16 for a three month's term. This covers the coat of chem-1-' ' A wva jaw Aim a stobt. From a Bt. Paul apecisi. Ml Nellie Stover, daughter of Mr. Kate B. Stover of (0 Summit avenue, laughed o heartily at a story .told by one of a party of friend1 at her home that she dislocated her jaw. Bh sud denly ceased laughing and ait with her mouth wide open and a pained expres sion on her mouth, she could not close her mouth until a surgeon was called and her jaw reset. Till I the story that caused Miss Bto-ver to dislocate her law: "A man was shaving when he cut off the end of hi nose H. dropped the raaor, which cut off hi big toe The doctor put the piece back In- place and cemented them with radium water, but accidentally transposed them. They grew together nicely Now the man ha to trim a toe nail at the end of his nose and take orr hi shoe to NEWILL Riverview Academy 940-948 CORBETT STREET Take the "S" Car at the Comer of Third and Morrison A BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for BOYS and YOUNG MEN j School Reopens 8:30 a. m., Thursday, January 5, 1905 yPupils Admitted at Any Time. A beautiful home, pure and cheerful atmosphere, a building with all modern improvements, perfectly competent and painstaking instructors, thorough preparation for business or the professions, an institution indorsed by prominent men in- Portland and the. northwest. This it an ideal school in which to place your- son. For terms and literature Main 2668. RESIDENTS OPPOSE THIS FRANCHISE People on Northrup and Overton Streets Want No Electric Road There. OREGON TRACTION CO.'S PLANS ARE DELAYED Council Committee Will Examine Territory and Select Thor oughfare for Line. Oregon Traction company, which emplated building an interurban line to Forest Orove, is having difficulty in ing a franchise for it line within the dtty. ding to the survey, the road I to the city on Northrup or Overton gga Property owner proteabagalnst Cleaning Up Sale of 1904 Pianos TILL JANUARY 1, 1905! Three piano: rases damned In nipping : eTeral sboD-wora piano: some dlacon tinned atrles, and a number of pianos we hare called In from rental. All nf the above pianos, be side many we have taken In exchange aa part e or our Strohber. Kmeraoa and others of imr leading pianos, are now belna offered at Drlces far below tbelr real worth. It will nay roe to see them. psrme ma nitrnmenrs taken in eichause Soule Bros. Piano Co. I 8TEINWAY DEALERS. ) Morrises and West Park Ma Car. V. B Be ears t bear PADERF.WSKI STEINWAY PIANO AaMOaY. JABYAXY 4, afl LH ' If vJ W " enW A. C. NEWILL, Principal androprietor the franchise being granted on Northrup street, and aak that the road be built down Overton atreet; people on Overton "street say they will never consent to have an electric, line built In front of their home, but ar willing that the company should lay the rail on North rup atreet. At the meeting of the street commit tee of the council .yesterday Attorney W. T. Mulr appeared in behalf of the railway company, ana aeverai property owner from rJbrthrup and Overton street were present Aa there waa no quorum, the franchise could not be con sidered. " It wa uggted by Councilman Rumelln that the engineer of the com pany take all the member of tb coun cil over the territory, at which time the selection of the atreet will be made Thl suggestion will. In all probability, be followed. The company desires to enter the city over either Northrup or Overton street and run east to Twelfth. From Twelfth the line will turn north to Stark and east on Stark to First street It waa stated yesterday by a represen tative of the company that everything la In readiness to begin the construction of the road aa soon as the franchise Is se cured. Work will be begun In the city and proceed toward Forest Orove. The line will be 26 mile long, and will cost. when fully equipped, 1660,000. One hour service between this city and Forest Orove will be in operation ss soon as the road 1 completed. City service will be given as far aa Willamette height. It Is desired to have the road In opera tion by the time the Lewis and Clark ex position opens. WOULD WRITE OF THIS GREAT ARTIST IN IVORY There is something about Paderewskl, who gives his only concert In Portland next Wednesday at the Armory, Tenth and Couch streets, that arouse the deep personal Interest of his auditora There IS a subtle, indefinable atmosphere which enwrap the hearer: and the at moaphere surcharges the hall, whether It be large or small. The brilliant wo man who signs herse.f "Israfel," once wrote: "Now every artlat has his own Instinct ive tone-color with which he Informs his art. As you would write of Orelg In sil ver, and Maeterlinck In chrysuprftse, and good old Omar In ruby, so I would write of Paderwkl In Ivorw. if mere words had color smooth, polished, lux urious tones, lit from within by- a strange white glow these are yerltable masaeuses of the soul, manipulating lta every nerve with the skilled tenderness of the sympathetic phychologlnt. refin ing on exquisite shade of emotion, wnk ing the whole keyboard of feeling with sure sensitive touches. The sale of reserved seats will open next Monday morning In the lobby, of the Marquem ursnd theatre at 10 o'clock. No subscription list. A ATD B Th bureau of statistics provides In recent Issues of the consular reports table showing the trad for many year of the United States with China and with Russia The former was by far the greater every year of the past 20. We sold last year 111.162,000 worth of goods to China and bought from her (2fl.S42.000 worth. The year before we anld 118,000.000 and In l6t 124.000.000 Russia bought of ua last year 110.- 04 4.000 and sold us S10.71t.000. War preparations accounted for much the largest purchases on record In six years w have anld much mora to China. Tea explains why our Chinese Im ports ar so hear. n REVENUE FOR COUNTY FOR USE OF BRIDGES Commissioners Will Fix Rates to Be Charged Roads Cross- Ing the River. Early next month the county commis sioner will fix rate to be charged the electric railway companies for the priv ilege of running cars over th Hurnalde and the Madison street bridges. Ac cording to the agreement the city will derive the benefit of all money collected from the electric roads for a like privi lege over the new Morrison street bridge When the Madison street bridge waa old to th city 10 year ago, th East Sid Railway company obtained a con tract with the city, for running car over the bridge for a period of SO year for a monthly rental of S 1 00. The Oregon Water Power a Railway company, a successor to the East Bide Railway com pany, claim to succeed to this right. Th county court i disposed to raise this rate. It Is said, and an attempt will be made to break the agreement on the ground that the sum received Is not suf ficiently Urge. Before the consolidation of the City A Suburban Railway company and the Portland Railway company both lines were using the Burnslde street bridge. and it waa expected that t(00 a month would be received from these companies for the use of the bridge next year. Now that the companies have been consoli dated it will be necessary to fix a new rate. For the use of the Morrlaon street bridge by the railway company th city will receive not less than tl.000 aa year1 to be a i pi led to th interest en- the bonded indebtedness Incurred to con struct the brldge.Thl may be Increased to such amount as the ails council may desire. At present th county receive tlSO a month from the City A Suburban Railway company for street car privi lege over this structure, but thl 'will now be lot. A Wonderful Thing. From the Bt. Lout Chronicla "My neighbor has on of the best trained dogs I ever saw. It's wonder ful." "Huh. one of my neighbors has some thing more Wonderful than that. He has .a well trained boy." It's Easier to cure, than endure those dreadful sick or nervous headachea. It's all in knowing how. In lust a few minutes, without any other effects but Just to cure the pain Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills will relieve you and your suffering. If It's any pain. anywhere, or from any cause, lust take one of Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills and in a vary few minutes you will have no further thought about either pains or ptlla, and can go about your business or pleasure, free from suffering oa dis tress. " For year spells of nervous headache would fay me uo for two or three davs at a time. I have no more such days. I take one of nr. Mile' Antl-Pntn Pills, snd In 20 minutes It Is usually all gone. IfRM. RI'TH RBVflRn (laremonl N H If you ar net satisfied with first box. Jour druggist will return your money. i doses. SB cents. Never sold la bulk. Order ff the Day 6MA.U. ........... Reveille. 7 :5 A. M Setting-up Exercises. 7:30 A.M..' Breakfast. 8 :15 A. M. .Inspection of Rooms. 8 :20 A. M Guard Mount. 8:45 A. M Chapel. 9 KM) A. M Study and Recitation. 11:30 A.M Recess. 11:40 A. M Jrill. 18:30 P.M Luncheon. 1 :30 P. M . . . . Study and Recitation. 3:30 P. M. .. . Recreation. fi r80 P. M .Retreat. 5 :50 P. M . . . . , Inspection of Rooms. 6:00 P.M Dinner. . 7 :30. P. M Study. 9:15P.M .Tattoo. 9:30 P. M ...Taps. Course ef Study The course of study, from the time a pupil enters the primary department until he graduates from the academic, demands the most careful and exact work of which a pupil is capable. The instructors are most competent and conscientious, and they base the success of their efforts upon their unceasing re gard for thoroughness. Students are prepared for business or college. A daily record of recitations is kept, examinations are given every ten weeks, and quarterly reports are sent to parents. The records are kept in a large register designed especially 'for - this purpose, and are open at all times to the inspection of parents. Frequent letters, detailing the progress of their sons, will be sent to parents by the Principal. Students wpm Mr. Newill and his teachers have frepared have been admitted to Harvard, Yale, Co umbia, Cornell, West Point, Annapolis, George town, Ann Arbor, Stanford, Berkeley and many other institutions. Aside from the regulations enforced by the raili- tary training and customs, the discipline of the iWhool and household is best expressed and exem pdified by the rules governing polite society in every phase of social intercourse. Unselfishness and a thoughtful regard tor the comfort and wishes of others are the foundation of true", gentle manhood, and will fit a boy for any circumstances in rife, whether in school or out of it. Ceaseless vigilance, untiring energy and enthusiasm, personal attention to every detail and consistent patience and firmness, are the methods in vogue at the N. R. A. Patronize HOME Industry wrsia vaaev UNION MADE CIGARS They Have the QUALITY 1862 COAL ROCK SPRINGS COAL CO. Sell the Only Genuine Rock Springs COAL, In the City. WHY? Be cause we are the exclusive agents for the TTnfnn Pacific Coal Co. There la but one Rock Borings In Wyoming, and the mines were opened in 186S by the Union Pacific, which Is the sole owner and miner of Ifock Springs i km uwuivvu uj maj Jim nber, W are the exclusive agents. snraa Bast 1B4. Rock Springs Bsg Bag Morrison P 5 Dry short slab wood, stove I SS"- $3.00 1 Same Kind of Wood What's the Difference? Per cord Banf ield, Veysey Fuel Co. Phone Main 353 80 Third St., Cor. Oak Discipline -easy Jfjsay m COAL 1904 lauon or woman AtocKDpringS. ; Coal Co. cdav.s,iw. Bt, near Stiver. Dry short cordwood, stove $4.50 $1.50