The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 31, 1904, EXTRA, Image 1

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    3fouimaf extra
VOL. III. NO. 858. '
True Bill Said to Have
Been Found for
Investigation of Specific Acts of
Corruption Made Against a
Member of the Detective
Force by WomartL
George. H. Williams mayor of the city
Portland. I to b indlctd"by the county
' , Brand Jury on t h charge of malfeasance
In office In not fulfilling his aworn duty,
aa prescribed by the City charter, by
failure to order Chief of Police Hunt to
close the gambling houaea, according to
report circulated today. By unanimous
vote, it la eald the Jury decided last
Thuraday afternoon to return a true bill
against the mayor, and the Indictment
waa drawn up yesterday by a deputy
la the office of District Attorney
The Indictment alleges that the mayor
failed to Instruct Chief Hunt to aloe
a certain gambling h erase and to seise
the paraphernalia In accordance with
the pro vis I one of the charter and- city
ordinance Mo. .i9 Two blank spares
were left In the Indictment, to be filled
tn by the Jury with the namea of the
gaming housea selected to ftgure In the
court proceeding to , follow. It Is
rumored that the Indictment has already
been completed and signed by Foreman
Johnson, ready to be rotUrned In the
presence of Presiding Judge (ieorge of
the circuit court next Tuesday. So far
as can be ascertained tills is the only
true bill to be returned against the
This morning the Jury had under con
sideration charges In connection with the
Incumbency of Chief of Police Hunt
Comments of the Jurors In the Jury room
make It practically certain that Chief
Hunt will be lndfbted on one, and per
haps on two or three counts
Charges against the Chief . ,
Investigation of the charge of ac
cepting 1300 from the agent of an east
ern slot machine -eoncern. It is said, has
revealed that the chief turned the money
over to the city. This te said to have
happened last fall.
The culpability of Chief Hunt la eald
to He In hla promise to "throw the town"
open, when the city ordinance makea
any form of gambling a violation of law.
His alleged instruction to his men, not
to Interfere with the operation of a slot
machine at Madame Steele's disorderly
house, located on the corner of Sixth
and Stark streets. It Is stated, will' also
ftgure In the proceedings, as will the
Illegal action taken by the chief In dis
charging from custody prisoners brought
before him aa '"kangaroo Judge. " In the
report which the grand Jury will hand
the court on the day when It Is dis
charged, according to authentlo report,
severe criticism will be passed on many
official acts which are not indictable.
Elliott Bald to Be In Vet.
It Is reported also that the Jury has
votad to Indict former City Engineer
Klllott and a. number of deputies in hie
office ' in connection with the Tanner
creek sewer scandal and other matters.
The only deputies In the city engineer's
office liable to Indictment, whose names
ran be ascertained for publication, are
i 'ay wood and Chandler. ,
Sensational evidence was given be
fore the grand Jury this morning by
Mrs. Shappe. which may lead to the in
dictment of a member of the city detec
tive force. Simon Isaac, a butcher, en
gaged In bualness on Hood street, testi
fied that a Mrs. Shappe stole S10 from
him. but fhat the detective caused her
te return 120. on the agreement that
there was to be no prosecution. The
warrant of arrest waa not returned,
causing Assistant District Attorney Ha
ney to draw the attention of Police
Judge Hogue to the affair.
Judge Hogue ordered Chief Hunt to
have a return made on the warrant. It
was returned. Indorsed, "Not eerved by
order of District Attorney Manning."
Mr. Manning waa summoned before the
Jury and explained that he had Issued
no order, buy had merely glvrn such ad
vice, owing to the misrepresentation ot
the- ease to him.
The fury Was surprised.
For a week sheriff s deputies have
' been searching for Mrs. Shappe. It Is
said that through a police agent aha had
been warned to keep her whereabouts a
secret. Before the Jury this morning
she made an explanation of what be
( -nne of the other 170, It la eald. thai
caused the Jurymen to give vent to ex
clamations of surprise.
Ordinance No. 14.041 was adopted by
the city council June II, 14. On ac
count of its numerous provisions it has
been called the "omnibus ordinance."
naming and gambling are covered by
section It, the text of which la as fol
lows '
"It Is hereby forbidden and declared
unlawful for any person, either as own
er, proprietor, manager, employe or les-
ifWtWed est Pagre Twe.
tBP- "' ' .
saw iMfK,"
I B iMlisWlfl
John H. Hall, United States District
Charges in Connection With
Contracts Closed by the State for
Li and Approved, and
Proceed at
Two contracts were closed today by
the state of Oregon for the construc
tion of the Celllo portage road. Bonds
for the execution of the contracts were
filed and approved. The work of con
struction will be begun at once- and
must be completed by May It. 106. A
penalty of 1600 a day will be. collected
by the state from the contractors If
they fall to have the road completed at
that date.
The contract for the construction of
the road la undertaken by Nelson
White, at the price named In their bid., exclusive of rails and equip
ment. The state of Oregon will furnish
the rails and faetenlnga, the eetlmated
coat of which will be In the neighbor
hood of $.10,000. The executive com
mittee of the Open River association has
entered Into a contract with the atate
to furnish the equipment, consisting of
one locomotive, four box cars, six stock
(Special nianatch te The Journal.)
I, enure. Idaho, Dec 31 Shokensh Ed
wards, a Nes Perces Indian, was found
frozen to death on the bank of the
river near here. He was on his way to
visit his son-ln-law. when he waa prob
ably overcome with a fit from which
he could not rally and froze to death.
He was it years old and in the days
of his vigor was leader of the Nes Perces
tribe. H mi way hated the white men
and since the settlement of the reserva
tion he bad lived the life of a recluse.
His body wee shipped to Basalt.
(Journal Sped. I erle
Washington. Da. $1. The Spanish
minister and Secretary Hay today signed
the new arbitration treaty between Spain
and the United States. The treaty pro
vides for the eubmltting of all questions
of disagreement to an International
court to be arbitrated and renders a pos
sible war between the ' two natlona a
thing of the pest.
Attorney, Removed From Office on
the Oregon Land1 Fraud Csaes
Its Construction, Bonds Filed
Contractor Will
Once. r1 - U
cars, eight flat cars, two cara for the
incline at the big eddy and one combi
nation passenger and. express car. The
committee furniahes a bond. In the eum
of $20,000 to guarantee fulfillment of its
contract with the state. The construc
tion contractors give a bond of $60,000
for performance of 'their conlsfft. Both
bonds are furnished by the Uned States
Fidelity and Guarantee company.
The Open River association's agree
ment to- furnish the equipment provides
that it shall apply on the cost thereof
any eum that may remain front the
atate portage road appropriation after
the atate has purchased the necessary
rails and fastenings, arid that any deficit
shall be raised by the aeaoclatlon. The
subscriptions already secured for this
purpose amount to several thousand dol
lars, and the committee expects no
trouble In getting all the money that
may be required.
1 Journal gpectal KerTt. o i
Chicago, Dec, tl. Becauee .her ehap
erone had given her a "nip"' of brandy
to quiet her nerves end stimulate her
against the exhausting effects of a .re
cent operation. 't'ecel la Ixiftus came neer
making a failure ot her play at rower's
theatre laat night. In the first two aclft
she ataggered from chair to chair Unable
to enunciate her words clearly. Scores
of patrons, mistaking the cause of atlsa
Loftue' condition, left' the house.
The stage manage r at the end of the
second act. announced to the audience
that Mtaa Ixiftus wns euffering from
nervous debility. Later the story came
out regarding the taking of the kranrty
m r 7
(Joaraal Specie Service.)
Washington. D. C, Dec. 1. The most
important topic discussed at the meet
ing of the Panama canal commlaslon
held here yesterday was the charge
made at Improper treatment ef govern
ment employes on the canal aorv Al
though Insisting that the chargee are
sroesly exaggerated, the commission
will make a thorough lnveetlgatlor
' ' i
Attorney Fe J. Heney Said to Have Clear, Presentation Against Both
Mitchell and Hermann (large Against Congressman Is Conspi
racy to Defraud Government of Lands
Binger Hermann, ex-commissioner of the land office and member of concrete from the first district of Ore
gon, was indicted by the federal grand jury thig afternoon for conspiracy to defraud the government of public
United States Senator John H. Mitchell was indicted also.
Hermann's indictment waa made in connection with the McKinley-Puter-Watson-Wart -Case, the details of
whose conspiracy to rob the government were made public at their recent trial and conviction.
Foj tw hours and a half this morning the federal grand jury that has been probing the gigantic conspiracy
M defraud the government wrestled with the proposition of returning an . indictment against the congressman.
The session was turbulent. So heated was the discussion that persons in the hall heard portions of their con
versation.' The subject of Hermann, snd Mitchell's connection with the conspiracy was brought up again immediately
after the jury convened at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. The testimony of witnesses was reviewed snd the matter
of . an indictment discussed from every standpoint. Opposition .0 tuch action was finally overcome and the in
strument was returned. t ' j,
Senator Mitchell left last night for Washington. Congressman Hermann is st the Imperial Hotel and will
lesve for Washington "tonight.
George Sorenson was also indicted on the charge of attempting to bribe John Hall.
1 Husband of Famous
Arrested on Steamer Ere
He Lande.
Goes Peaceably to Hotel With
Sheriff Professing; Ignorance
of Charge?
(Joaraal Special Service.)
New Tork. Dec. II. The Hamburg
American liner Pretoria, having on board
Dr. Chad wick, and hla daughter, Mary,
waa sighted off Fire Island at S o'clock
this morning. Sheriff Barry of Clove
land boarded a revenue cutter and met
the Pretoria at quarantine.
Chadwick was found by newspaper
men Bested in hie stateroom. He waa
asked if he knew that he was under
Indictment In Ohio, and said: "I know
nothing about It," and then shut htmaelf
In hla Stateroom and refused to answer
Chadwick was practically but not
technically placed under arrest by Sher
Iff Barry, who took him with his daughter
to the Myers hotel at Hoboken, where
he conssnted to remain until Barry
gathered hla own effects in New Tork.
The sheriff will then take Chadwick
to Cleveland, leaving at-4:5G o'clock this
afternoon on the Pennsylvania railroad.
atlsa Chadwick will be taken care of
by relatives In New Tork a few days,
after which ahe will probably go to
Jacksonville, Fie., where Dr. Chadwick
la said to have a brother.
When Informed of the forgery charges
Chadwick said: "AM. I know of the
charges against me and Mrs. Chadwick
la what I have seen In the newspapers.
I know nothing of the utterance of this
forgery. Up to the present moment I
had believed my wife innocent of Wrong
doing." Then with a gasp he .said: "I
hardly know what to believe."
While Barry waa absent In New Tork
lawyer Carpenter called on Dr. Chad
wick. Tt waa then announced that Chad
wick will not leave for Cleveland on the
4:56 o'clock train. There la a possibility
that he may Insist on eSjhtlng extradi
tion. lauue A rom.
(Journal Special flervlee.) f
Tendon. Dec, II. Advices under to
day's date from Shanghai to the Morning
post saya that the mining under the
Hongaushnn fort Is almost finished and
that the blowing up of the parapet and
an assault will be commenced) within the
next few daya.
The beet you can make will bs to Read Tkt Sunday Journal. If you do that
Tou will get the best, the eirtlest and the completest information aSout every event of conaequence anywhere:
Tou will please the children. Tor then they can have a laugh over the color, oohilc aupplement. Identical with
the best color sections published In' Near York. Chicago and San Francisco. Op per. Dlrka, Bunny and Hnwarlh
are the heat eartoonlets In the country and their work appeara every week in the Sunday Journal and nowhere
else in Oregon.
You will get the edventage of en entertaining magaslne eectlon. In wMch appear artlclea by the best-known
writers of the day. men and women whose contribution are eegerly sought by the leading magaslnes.
You will have the free muato lessons taught by the neweet end simplest method yet discovered.
You will be entertained by Chlmmte redden s philosophy end Ooodman e theatricei letters
You eron't miss a lhlng thet'e worth while in any line, because there Is Just one .
31. 1904. SIXTEEN PAGES.
hip Sevastopol
Completely Destroyed by
Terrifio Gate.
Togo Too, Busy to Attend Recep
tions Given in His Honor
by Municipality.
(Journal Special Service.)
Chefoo, Dec. II. According to Chinese
reports, the lest day of the yeer has
witnesaed the last of the Russian bat
tleship Sevastopol, that vessel having
met complete destruction In the storm
that Is now raging at Port Arthur. The
other Russian warships crippled by the
Japanese bombardment and succeeding
torpedo attacks, have alao suffered se
verely. The storm has. raged for the
paat 14 hours and le one of the severest
on record. J
l f m
i-BAjt towjt za
(Joaraal Special Service.)
London. Dec. II. A Chefoo dlepatch
eaye that Port Arthur advlcea brought
by a messenger state that the Russian
guns have wrought great damage to
the Japanese forcea who were mount
ing guns In commanding- positions north
of the Btse forts. The -Japanese, how
ever, succeeded in getting eight guns
In position. While the Russlana have
abandoned the small new town, fear
that It Is mined has restrained the Jap
aneae from attempting to occupy it
(Jonrnal- SpeeHTr Service.)
Tokio, Dec, II. Admiral Togo hat
declined the offer of a reception In hie
honor by the municipality, pleading that
he te too busy. He intends to devote his
time in Tokio to a conference with the
naval general etaff. The admiral today
attended general services for the officers
and men killed at Port Arthur, where he
read their eulogy.
(Joaraal Special gu ilss)
Athens, O.. Dec. II. Judge Woods
this morning sentenced six regular eol
dlers found guilty or noting on the
streets of this city during the encamp
ment of l is"! summer, to pay $Soo and
to snend SO days la the workhouse.-!
Sergeant Iott was found guilty of
shooting with Intent to kill and sen
tenced to a year in prison.
Six Fire Fighters Buried Under
Debris of Collapsed Burn
ing Building.
Three Brick Buildings Destroyed
by Flames Topple Onto
Six Cottages.
(Journal Special Her. lee I
Chi. ago. Dec. II. Six firemen were
injured, two of them seriously and a
loaa of $760,000 was caused by a Are
that started In the building occupied by
the Peninsular "Stove 'Company at Iff
Van Hineii etreet. this city, early this
morning. The flames had gained great
headway before .the arrival of the fire
department and' the blase qtllckly com
municated to two adjoining buildings
which were occupied by the Cesh Buyers'
Union and the Zeno Hum company.
Efforts to stay the progress of the
fire which was aided In its work of de
struction by a Stiff breese from the lake,
proved hard. Without an instant's
warning the heavy wall 6f one of the
structures fell with a crash, crushing
six cottages adjoining, almost complete
ly covering them with debris snd burn
ing brands. ,
The tenants of the six buildings on
which the falling wall craahed were ree
cued after heroic work by firemen as
sisted by the police. The occupants
were not seriously Injured, although aev
eral women were hyaterlcal with fright.
The firemen Injured were hit by flying
bricks. Although all of the men kept at
their work, it soon developed that two
of them had sustained dangeroua wounda
from the flying mlsstlev . These -tew
were removed to a hospital.
It was thought for some time that a
woman and child had "been burned in one
of the cottages that waa covered by the
burning rubbish when the wall fell, but
later It was discovered that the two
were spending the night with friends In
another part of the city.
The Are le supposed to have originated
from cross,-, 1 electric wires inside the
gum company's building.
(Journal gpeclal Ser'lee.)
Washington. D. C, Dec. II. A perma
nent continuance of the maneuvers as
held at Atascsdero. Cel.. and American
lake, Washington, and the purchaae ot
the American leke alte by the govern
ment la recommended by General Mac
Arthur, commanding the Pacific division.
In hts report on the maneuvers of the
past year at these points.
President Thinks John
Hall Has Been Shield
ing Suspected Persons.
Declares He Has Message From
Senator Fulton Saying That
He- Has Not Been
Dropped Yet.
(Waahlngton Bureau ef The Jourost)
Waahlnston, Dec II. President
Koosevelt today suspended from office
I lilted States District Attorney John
Hall of Portland, or. This action wag
taken upon the recommendation of -Attorney
General Moody, as the reeult ot
chargee that Hall has been shielding
frem prosecuMon certain persons who
were Implicated in the land frauds.
Hall's suspension may he followed at
any time by his removal and was" fore
shadowed when the attorney gene
to k the conduct of the lead fraud In
vestigations out of his hands, entrust
lag the matter solely to Francis JV
The news thet United States District
Attorney John Hall had haen suspended
by President Roosevelt, on the ground
that he had been shielding from prosecu
tion persona Implicated In the land
f muds, became known this morning and
canned a profound sensation.
Uf all the positive results of the Invee
tlgatlon in progress before the federal
grand Jury, this le the most sensational;
for to nil but a few It came aa aa utter
-According to the rumors which are
m float. Hall attempted to. save from in
dictment F. P. Maya and George C.
Brownell.' and It Is also said la the In
vestigation of the transactions in which
Senator Mitchell and Representative
Hermann are supposed to have been in
volved, the district attorney's seal has
been under the gravest suspicion.
No official notification of the presi
dent's action was received by Mr. Hall,
but he had had an Intimation that the'
blow waa Impending and this mornlna;
news dispatches from' Waahlngton
brought confirmation.
Why Waa Xeney Choeeai
Such summary action la almost un
precedented and plainly shows that
charges of extraordinary gravity have
been filed at Washington. The leeus
was foreahadowed when the entire con
duct ef the Investigation before the
federal grand Jury was taken out of
Mr. Hall's hands two weeks ago and
entrueted solely J to Francis ' J. Heney.
That action was based In part upon the
fact that advance Information as to the
plans of the government and the evi
dence In lta possession bad been com
municated to both Mitchell and Her
mann. The leak was remarkable for the
facts revealed to the two congressmen
were supposed to He omy In the knowl
edge of the government's attorneys. It
Is certain that the decision of Mitchell
and Hermann to return to Portland and
face the grand Jury was formed onlr a
patches received from this city.
Mr. Hall waa before the federal
Only a few hours later came hla au
sion from office by the president
1 1 nan aan pa emnnaiicauv inn aa
person. Implicated In the land frauds,
from Indictment or prosecution, "and In
slats that he has done all In his power
from Senator Fulton this morning.
Tilm that no order of suspension or
mn v a 1 had yet been made.
Bemovel Hay Follow.
p,r 1 , uiai 1 11 c uiun uaa urrn maun m
may be followed at any time by
Halls removal. Assistant District
torney w v ttanas le in no wey
voived in tne trouoiee or nis cnier.
there is no accusal ion of any
coinings on bis part.
John Hall has been United States
trict attorney for nearly seven
His first four years' term expired
In the Oregon delegation over the
ommendatlon of e successor to the
flee. For some time after Senator
ton's election George C. Brownell
an active candidate for. Hall' a place
suddenly dropped out of the
The delegation was still unable te
upon a recommendation and
that President Roosevelt had takes
matter Into his own hands a rut
appointed Hall for another term Sf
years. wnnuui .111 munuaa
from the Oregon delegation.
But when other
were recently sent t the senate
Much surprise was eieteed, but
uea on rag ws .