The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 30, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Federal Body Hears District At
torney and Two Other
Witnesses. .
No Fresh Indictments Reported
. Linn County Witnesses
Throng Federal Building.
No additional Indictment! we"- re
turned by the federal grand Jury today.
A throne of witnesses, moat of them
Trom Sneet Home and Foster. In Linn
.county, rilled the' lobby outside rw Jury
ft room an! waited wearily fortltelr turn
t o face the Inquisition of Mr. Heney and
W the Jurors. .-..v-V
Only three wltneaeea were called' thla
morn Inn The flrat was ex-Senator
. Charlea Hilton, who remained In the
Jury room only a few minutes. He la
supposed to have been subpoenaed, only
40 throw light upon some minor point,
as gossip has not connected him with
the frauds.
I l itlted States District Attorney. John
Hall was then notified that the jury
desired him to sppear before them as
a witness, and he went st once Into the
jury room. Mr. Hall's examination last
ed over half an hour. The nature of
the questions asked him Is not known,
but It Is regarded as significant that
( he should have been called as a witness.
It Is conjectured that Mr Hall has
knowledge of certain transactions In
which George C. Browhell was Involved
and which are now being subjected to
the grand Jury's scrutiny.
Since the conduct of the present In-
, vestlgatlon was taken out of Mr. Hall's
hands by the attorney general and In
trusted to Mr. Heney, the district at
torney has rarely entered the Jury room.
I and then only for a few minutes at a
. time. r
The last witness at the morning ees-
, alon was W. J. Burns of the govern
ment secret service. Mr. Burns re
mained In the Jury room for about half
en hour.
"Would you' really like to Know what
happened while I was In the Jury room?"
' he said in a confidential undertone, to
a curious inquirer. "Well I will tell
you. The grand Jury indicted me, but
I begged off. But they turned right
around and indicted me again, and now
I am in hot water."
And then Mr. Burns resumed the oc
cupation of curling the ends of his
Dr. W H. Davis, mayor qf Albsny:
Br B. Ormsby and Oeorge Sorenson. all
of whom were indicted earlier this
week with C. Ei Loomls and Henry A.
Toung. appeared before the clerk of the
United States court this morning and
gave bonds in the sum of t4.000 each.
Dr. Davis s bondsmen ars J. w. Pus
ick, a banker, and D. P. Mason, both
' of Albany. Dr. Davis, wj? was secom
' panted by his attorney. J. R. Wyatt, of
Albany, declined to discuss his Indict
ment. saying merely that while ha might
-have a statement to make later, he was
-rJlot prepared to give one now.
Captain Ormshy's- bond was filed by
his attorney. L. H. Tarpley. the sureties
being John H. Albert, a banker of Salem.
and Oeorge P. Rogers of the same city.
Ormsby executed the bond at Salem be
fore Justice Moore of the supreme court.
Oeorge Sorenson gave asv his surety
the United States Fidelity a Guaranty
company, of which' Hartman. Thompson
Powers - ars the local agent. "Z' r
f Isanti Special Strrlr.)
Philadelphia. Dec. 10. "Can a btehop.
or ought a blahop to write defamatory
letters In secret In order to Injure any
member of the ministry?" said Rev.
Ingram T. Irvine today.
'My reinstatement," continued Irvine,
"Is of secondary consideration when con
trasted with this query. Of course I
wish this unjust accusation of Bishop
Talbot's removed, but I wish, entirely
without malice to be vindicated in tho
sight of God and my friends."
Irvine denied all charges brought by
Talbot, and said the charges agstnst
blm originated in his persistent refusal
to serve communion to Mis. Emma D.
Elliott of Huntington, Pa, who is
divorced sgalnst the wishes of Bishop
Mrs. Emma D. Elliott, Implicated In'
the charges brought against Blahop Tal-
hott hv Rev. Irvine. declnreiri that her
accuser and the bishop's should be
horsewhipped. She denies that she ever
had acquaintance with much lesa
married James Alexander or James
Henry Brandenberg Springs Into
River and Saves Drowning
Edward Long.
Losing his balance. Edward Long,
checking clerk for the Portland Asia
tics Steamahtp company, fell from a
lumber barge Into the river last night
and would have drowned had he not
been given Immediate assistance. Henry
Brandenberg gallantly went to his res
cue and nulled htm from the water VT
The barge was loaded with lumber,
which was. being placed Into the hold
of the steamship Arabia. Long wss
checking up the timbers, end he stepped
on the end of a protruding plank, which
flew up and threw him Into th river.
and Use Tancouver Perry.
Although steamboat men are not al
lowed to curry cattle from Oregon into
Washington unless ths owners have cer
tificates showing ths stock in a healthy
condition, they claim that this is done
regularly by those operating the Van
couver ferryboat. J. V. Harrison, agent
for the Kamra line of steamers, says:
'1 refuse to handle the stock, but ths
qwner usually drives the snlmnls across
the peninsula and takes them acroaa the
river on the ferryboat. He never stops
to have the animals Inspected. The mat
ter has been called to the attention of
the Washington veterinarian, and he has
promised to put a stop to the traffic.
And there the matter resta."
It is a Waahlngton law recently en
acted which It is alleged la being evaded.
It provldea that neither a hnrae nor a
cow may he taken rrom Oregon to waan
Inaton without Inspection by a compe
tent veterinarian. A heavy fine la im
posed for violation of the law.
Those Interested la Intercepted Cargo of
Arabia Notified of Boas la's Action.
All Interested In the cargo of the
Arabia, which was appropriated by the
Russian -government, have been notified
that an appeal from the decision of the
prle court has been granted, and a sec
ond inquiry will be held before the su
preme court at St. Petersburg on Janu
ary It. The consignees snd underwrit
ers will probably appoint representatives
to look after thslr Interests st the hear
Ing. The eases of the Calchaa and
Knight Commander will be heard at the
same time. .
The Arabia will finish discharging her
cargo In time to move over to the flour
mills today. longshoremen worked on
her all laat night. Thsy put lumber
In two hatches for the outward trip, and
removed freight to the dock from the
remaining two hatchea. If the vessel
is to get out on time the work of load
ing her will have to be continued day
and night.
Superintendent Mcintosh, superintend
ent of the dry dock, reports that the
workmen employed to Clean the hull of
the schooner Andy tfahony were in no
danger Of drowning whan the pontoons
begun to sink the other day. He says
the wires of one of the -motors got
crossed, and the pontoons had to be low
ered a short distance In order to get
the dock on a level.
"The men were not In more than It
Inches of water." ha declares.
' Careful Inquiry has failed to reveal
the Identity of ths nan who was
drowned Wednesday evening from the
barge Monarch. Richard O'Reilly of
the Oregon Round Lumber company says
fully 64) different people have called at
hla office in ths past two days report
ing that they have friends missing.
Astoria, Dec. 10. Arrived at t and
left up at 8 a. in., steamer Oeorge W.
Elder, from San Francisco.
Astoria, Dec. 29. Arrived down at
3. no p. in.. British bark Dunreggasj. -Astoria.
Dec. SO. Condition of ths bar
at 8 a. m . rough; wind, southeast;
weather, cloudy.
'Special Diapatcll to The Journal I
Baker City. Or,, Dec. 30. The wool
Crop of Baker county la practically
cleaned up. Moat of the aales were made
at It cents, although as high aa Hi 4
cents Is ssld to have been paid In sev
eral Instances. The Baker City market
la now cleaning up practically at II
Clean tip" Rale
On furniture and carpets at Calef Bros.'
Article's of Incorporation war filed in
ths county clerk's office yesterday b)
the Newport Navigation company, which
will operate steumhoata and ferryboats
on Taqulna bay snd Its tributaries. The
capital stock Is tt.000, and the Incorpo
rators are John Marshall. Oeorge A.
Marahall and Charles Rlvears. The
company owns the steamer Richardson
plylRg In these waters.
(Joeraal Special Service.)
Valparaiso, Chile, Dec to. Ths out
come of a conference between the Chil
ean government officials and ths Amer
ican charge d'affatrea held here yester
day resulted In sn agreement that no
American Bailors shall be granted shore
leave at this port. The cause of this
action Is due to the disturbance crsated
by some bluejackets from American war
ships, who while on shors became Intox
icated and created some trouble, though
not of a serious nature.
Did you ever hear of a
real bargain counter
This Is lust what yoo will find on our second floor.
Every piano Included In the big cut nothing re
served Now Is the opportunity of a lifetime. Ev
ery requirement met from a 1200 piano up. and all
sold on our esay payment plan. Only a few days
at thess prices. Do not -overlook It.
it tow but rr or v it n oooo.
Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker Co.
Croup of Wealthy Men Form a
Combine to Aid Peary in
Reaching North Pole.
Vessel Equipped With Powerful
Engines and Built to Re
sist Ice Floes.
(Journal Special Service.)
New York, Dec. to. A group of
wealthy men has combined to aid Lieu
tenant .R. E. Peary In reaching the North
Bats. They have formed a club and
Incorporated it. The president of the
club Is Morris A. Jeesup; treasurer,
Henry Barrlsh; secretary. Ji. 1. Bridge
man. Among the directors are John
H. Flagler. Anton A. Raven and Fro
feasor H. F. Osborne.
The organisation has raised .princi
pally from the members, a considerable
sum to avoid dslay. and has assumed
the responsibility of contracting for and
ars now building a special ship of excep
tional strength snd powerful engines,
to be completed about March 1. ltot.
Ths ship will be ths first avsr con
structed in this country for Arctic dis
covery, and ths strongest ever built
anywhere for that purpose.
(Continued from PagsOna)
His information was gained from
United States Engineer Ifeghardt. who is
now engaged in making a survey of the
remnants of tha Jetty. A remarkable
feature about it is that the portion
which withstood the storm la the outer
end which extended out Into tha sea.
"I do not believe It, hardly possible,"
said ths msjor this morning, "but it
may be that tha teredos have been at
work down that way again. Ths rock
plied around the framework of ths
structure can be saved. If tha weather
should become favorable ws may be able
to do soma repair work to the trestle
this winter. However, I will not know
definitely about this mstter until, later
on. We will have to Inquire thoroughly
Into the subject before taking any steps
to make repairs."
Willamette Biver 14 Feet Above tow
Mark at Eugene Sat Slowly B spading.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Eugene. Or:. Dae to. The Willamette
river at Eugene reached 14 Yeet above
low-water msrk this morning, but is
slowly receding Oils afternoon. Al
though out of its banks In many places,
no. great damage is reported. "Factories
here that are operated by water power
ars Idle today, the back water from
the river rendering the power useless.
Tha slough In ths southern part of
ths city is overflowing, and spreading
over a large territory, tha residents! In
that vicinity having to wade to reach
the sldewslks, which ere afloat. Tha
rainfall of the past 41 hours ending at S
o'clock this morning, was two and a
half inches.
rectories Prepare Fore Flood Pre rail
ing Opinion Is That Sanger Za past.
(Special Dispatch to Ths Journal.)
Oregon City .Or., Dee. to. Tha recant
heavy rains have raised the waters In
the Willamette river at this point a
considerable degree, and the several fac
tories operating along the river banka
were busily engaged yesterday evening
In taking precautions In expectation of
While today the waters sre quite high.
the prevailing opinion here Is that tha
danger of a damaging overflow is past.
Big Water Sweeps Bailroad Bridge
, Bear Albany Away.
f Special DlapetOh to Th Journal I
Albany, Or . .Dec. 30 The WHamett
river Is rising rapidly st this place.
The bridge across the South San t lam on
the .Woodburn-Natron branch of the
Southern Pacific went out this morning.
The train from tha south end branch
was compelled to coma down the
Iebanon branch to this .city, thence out
on the Corvslls & Ksstern to Mtinkers,
where It again transferred to its own
Big Water Flows Into
Forms Small Xahkes and Still Rising.
(Special IHspatch tn The Journal i
Salem, Dec. tO. Aa a result of ths
heavy ralna In the past few dsys many
basements In this city are flooded and
lakes formed on the low ground sur
rounding ths town.
The Wllaroette river at this point at
noon todsy was 14 feet above low water
mark and rising at tha rate of two
tenths of a foot an hour. Smaller
streams sre out of their banks. So far
no damage Is reported from ths high
f Journal Special Service.)
leondon. Dec. 10. In Plrbrlgtit church
yard n memorial of a remarkable kind
has Just been placed over the grave of
the late Sir Henry M. Stanley, the Af
rican explorer, whoss widow wss desir
ous of securing for tha purpose some
great monolith, "fashioned by the sges,
tempered and colored by time and un
touched by man. search waa made,
especially In tha neighborhood of Dart
moor, and eventually a large granite
monolith was discovered that appeaeretl
to be suitable. It was In a recumbent
position, forming part of a fence on the
roadside, snd three or its rsces were
known to have been exposed for many
This stone, which IS 11 feet long, 4 reet
wide. 2 feet t Inches thick and weighs
sis tons, was conveyed from Devon
shire tn Plrbright with much difficulty,
and it now stands with tha simple In
scription. "Henry Morton Stanley;" also
the name by which he waa known on
ths dsrk continent, "Bula Matarl" (the
Bock Breaker), the word "Africa" and
above all a cross.
Eagle Ball.
Tomorrow night, New Tear's eve, at
Merrills Auditorium hall; Everest's
orchestra. New maple surf sea re
polished -uom for 1.004) couples.
dentlmen 10 cents, ladles 21 cents.
sheet, which contains four pages, which we give you, holding 50 stamps each. When you have filled one or mere pages bring
them to us and we will give you in exchange beautiful Silver and China ware of the beet quality. You will soon secure a hand
some Dinner Set and a fully supply of high grade Silverware absolutely free, or, as stated above, $2 cash or $2.60 in mer
chandise for 10 pages or 500 stamps.
The Forgotten Ones
Can be made happy by buying here.
- We still have a good assortment of
Useful Presents and Toys
for New Year's Presents
,! - "' ,', ,. x , '. - ' jgV ;,h;'i .. v r- - '-" a: . a-- r--- - - - -- -i,
Which we are how selling at half original prices
Our Mid-Winter Clearance Sale Starts
Wednesday, January 4th
Black and Colored Dress Goods
Women's Tailor-Made Suits
Women's Coats and Wraps
Women's Muslin Underwear
Men's Shirts and Neckwear
Handkerchiefs, Veils and Pans
Towels and Toweling
Sheets, Sheeting and Cases
White and Colored Flannels
Corsets of All Kinds
Notions of All Kinds
Dress Trimmings
Black and Colored Silks
Women's Cravenette Raincoats
Women's Silk and Cotton Petticoats
Women's and Children's Hosiery
Men's and Boys' Sweaters
Dress Findings and Linings
Silk, Wool and Kid Gloves
Percales and Ginghams -Blankets
and Comfortables
White Bedspreads
Men's and Women's Underwear
Women's Dress and Walking Skirts
Women's and Children's Furs
Men's Socks and Suspenders
Women's and Child's Millinery
Laces, Ribbons and Neckwear
Table Damasks and Napkins
Silk and Cotton Umbrellas
Outing Flannels
Curtains and Draperies
Yarns and Worsteds
All Embroideries
At Columbia THeatre TonirfHt and Jat-
urday Afternoon and NigKt
few fail and win
ter 10-15.
Ask for
so a nua
a swell monthly
of fashion
Oat a free oopy
of oar Taaeiesi
'J ' Vearart aioelst-esj ilss
London. Dec. 10. In the January
number of the Nineteenth Century Field
Marshsl Lord Roberts has contributed
an artlcla tn tha nature of a lacture
calling attention to tha neeesesry
duties of all classes of Great Brltala
relative to tha exigencies of tha times
as thsy relate to tha increasing de
mands that .are mads by modern war
fare. In part lord Roberts' srtlcls save:
"A terrible lee eon awaits ths nation
whose soldiers find Jhemsedves op
posed by equally brave but better train-
331 Seventh St.,
Is now riding in s $800 au
tomobile, the gift of Dr.
B. E. Wright. Mrs. Bourne
wss present at the Lyric last
evening and held the lucky
And today has the
Cor. Seventh
ed opponents oft-the field of battle. No
amount of money, no national sacrifices
wlU than avail, for modern warfare
moves fast, and time lost in peace can
never he made up during tha stress of a
campaign. I hoM tma flew - very
strongly, and would urge my fsllow
countrymen with all the force at my
command to look the plain facte In the
In discussing ths qusstlon of compul
sory service, which he does not advo
cate. Ksjrl Roberta says:
v "It Is tha boundsn duty of tha stats
to see (hat every able-bodied man in
this country, no matter ta what grade
of society he may belong, undergoes
soma kind of military training. In youth
Sufficient to enable htm to shoot
tralght snd carry out simple orders If
ever his services ars required for na
tional defense."
Prosperity does not come to a busi
ness establishment unless deserved. To
Insure a healthy growth It is essential
to first establish yourself in 'the confi
dence of tha public. To do this is no
easy matter. The "skinner" or "faker"
Is slways at Work sbuslng conndnncss.
In order to prove to them the honesty
and loyalty of a buslnsss house it first
requires absolute honesty In all dealings
pro and con. In other words, the estab
lishment must be in the hands of honor
able people, flood, substantial and late
style good must be sold aa low aa pos
sible. Deceiving the public is commer
cial 'suicide. The prise or lottery stores
are not popular with tha massea The
people demand full value In merchsndlse
for the money expended. In fact, people
wfll trade whsra they can get the bast
value for their money. Advantagea of
buying goods so thsy can be sold under
competition Is another feature. The
Chicago, the big clothing store, 69 7 1 -7.1
Third street, la Portland's greatest and
best store. The, page ad In today's
paper Is an. honest statement well worth
Mrs. Bourne Cot Automobile.
At tha Lyric theatre last night Mrs.
Jonathan Bourne of No. til Seventh
street was awarded the StOO Toledo auto
mobtls, which wss given away by Dr.
B. E. Wright. Mrs Bourne Is tha wife
of Jonathan Bourne, a promlnsfft local
Clltlctan-and mining man. Tha num
r that won the sutomobila for Mrs.
Bourne was No. 11,711. Nearly 141.000
coupons were given out by Dr. Wright
since June 1.
Watch Night.
Tonight a til gold watch will be given
away at tha Bijou theatre -the first of
a series Of II Rlfte R0 bicycle and an
1100 automobile absolutely gtvsn away
to ths patrons of tha Bijou with a great
show as an attraction, all for 10 cents
admission to any seat in tha house.
Sews II Baaie Point 'young women had
new gowns made for tha grand mask ball
there, bnt what ealeh thougnt at the oth
ers was not reported, If expressed.
Continued from Page One.)
tha jury was drawn by Judge Oeorge tn
chambers, and that Marlon R. Johnson,
clerk of department No. 1, did tha work.
The facts, aaay to obtain, stamp it as
veriest nonsense. Witnesses saw the
drawing, which took place in Judge Ice
land's court room. In open court, with
Attorney Kd Mendenhall looking on.
newspaper men watching the drawing,
and members of tha ragular Jury panel,
attorneys and spectators crowding tha
room. Clark Henry Burn, not Marlon R.
Johnson, draw tha names.
Among tha wltnaaaes before ths grand
Jury this morning wore Johnston W.
McCulley. police reporter on a morning
paper: Attorney Murdoch, Policeman C.
K. Fosler, Louis Hersch and Prank Mart.
Ml OOUMi aumws.
'Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Pullman, Wash.. DeC. to. Fire in the
gymnasium of the Ptrtn Agricultural
college destroyed some papers of value
on Wednesday night. The college firs
department did good sarvlca .
fSpeetal rnepateh te Tb. loeraal.)
Chehalls, Wash., Dec 10. The bodies
of Epling. Hicks, and Buchanan, the men
killed In tha Walvllle accident Wednes
day, ware brought to Chehalls today.
Buchanan, the fifth victim, died last
night. Ickes was burled at Pe-Bll.
Hicks, Epling and Buchanan will bo
burled here. Dowel's body waa taken
to Missouri by his wife.
(Special IHapateb to Tha Joeraal.)
Wilbur. Wash.. Dec to. W. B.
Thompson, proprietor of a wood yard
bars, came near having hla arm ampu
tated yesterday by getting that member
caught in a steam woodsaw. Hla cloth
ing waa cut and bis arm gashed, neces
sitating several aUtchss.
(Special 1 Ha patch te The Joeraal.)
Pomeroy, Wash.. Dec. 30. Sheriff
Strain arrived from Colfax today in
charge of Jack Carroll, wanted for burg
lary here, and oaptured In La Crosse,
Whitman county.
Cara.(lBOMD4ry.Gr4pfai3 Dayav-'- -4yW tkos, 33c
Saturday Night!
TO MEET the demand upon
the "Sunday Journal" made
by classified advertisers, on
Saturday, "The Journal will accept
such advertising which will be
printed under proper classification
up to 10 o'clock on Saturday night
21 Words for 15 Cents
and a Valuable Premium Free