The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 29, 1904, Image 9

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I w ukt Tw,r
Former Yale Football Star Talks
About Proposed Changes
in Rule.
Fault Lies With th Leaders Who
Have Been Lying in a
(Journal Special Btniet.)
New Haven. Conn.. Dec. 2. Dr. Dan-
11 A. Jonas of this city, the old Yale
football and baseball player, has vigor
ous opinions about football rules. He
says regarding the proposed changes:
'The rules are all right. Let them
stand. Don't break up the game. Don't
take advantage of the rules. They don't
prohibit playing an open game. There Is
a lark of Intelligence on the part of the
eastern coaches In applying the rules
Why under the aun don't the players
get more coaching in passing the ball
to some one behind them, to somebody
nest them, and turn what couldn't be
more than a three-yard run In a close
"Ttwfteeiiffii iiito g
rules don't prohibit It.
"I find fault with the present coaches
In the east because they don't take ad
-"vantage of the rules as the stand.
The western gam, 'as I understand tt,
Is one to which the coaches show Judg
ment enough to open up the game, and
"fr- p- nntote jsMMa plays.
which are more open. Bo Is the West
Point game, and the West Point team
beat Yale. Why? Because West Point's
team used chances to make Individual
opportunities. The West Pointers did
not blindly hold on to the ball because
rftey were told to no so. They run out
vary play With every man thinking
Just what to do at erery second f" every
play- One man passed to another and
played his individual game.
"Come back to. this style of play and
you give up your need of gisnts In the
line. You get some sinewy, rangy men.
as the western coaches get snd boast of,
and you get a mighty Interesting game.
The eastern coaches sre afraid to break
loose from their traditions, from the
narrow, cramped ideas and ruts into
which they have been drifting and set
tling. It la time to make a 'break, to
rut loose from this narrowness, snd I
promise thst. if they do this, they will
have the moat sensstlonal games ever
seen, snd the te.-n that does tt will win.
Why should a player bold the balk V
Is as poor policy ss It would he 'for a
third haaeman to fear to throw to first
it a catcher to refrain from throwing
to second. ,
"Tlie Yale crew has been through this.
Jt has fought It out snd won on prin
ciple. The heavy men of the type of
Louis Hull of Parrot t and the other
giants have had their dsy. snd today
Yale, wins with the greyhound, sinewy
oarsmen, who left Harvard far behind
last June.
"I played on elevens with Wslter
Camp. He was the most expert open
player of his day. Than he stood for
the open same. I have never seen a
player who could balance the ball as ho
roiild. snd who could keep track of his
fellow players, passing the ball to them
at juat the right time, when tackled.
Let him restore his Vnowledge of the
old game, the moat attractive game ever
played. I appeal to the Tale coaches to
rut loos from the ruts Into which they
have been falling."
Dr. Jones was the moat famous base
ball player of his dsy st Ysle, winning
Intercollegiate championships In toe
esrly '10s. After the close of the senior
year ha was signed by the Athletics
of Philadelphia and pitched that team
Into the championship from third place.
Dr. Jones Is a dentist In this city and
Wbro1 Herpicide will not grew SBBF
natal dee tble vat br destroying the
mlcreste aerates of balr health the hair
M bamatf te grew aa nature Intended t
rvpt Is chronic saMsess. It regatrss bet a
-V. K ' . "N. rwi oVl Tti . ataTaSsaaoaaaa-- "sfJaTSra7sW vV 'Ml' 1 ! M1 ' II hwan
-' 1 1 r l i tax m n " i "w. x i xt- nwv aira jas-. - 7- t -v -7 s i 1 i i v v j a ..
The OmiOXalAXi reamed that -Mils the Baadrms? ttens.
niW SssliiMi WO gava It. tu
Draf Sttres.ll. W. Jd 1st, Sun. in tPKE CO.. frtst. I. fetrstiNkh.. far a Maaak
imioAtion a wmmmwr bau uon
still tskes an active Interest In Yale
athletics, although he has not assisted
In the coaching for years. Wnen Ir.
athlettca he Won the sobriquet, "Jump
ing Jerk" Jonrs.
(Journal Special Berries.)
Log Angeles, Dec. ii. The racing yes
terday waa of a mild nature, mostly
well-played horses winning. Results:
Five furlongs Crown Princess won,
Bun murk second. Revel third; time,
Slauson course Lauretta won, Anlrad
second, Alamansot third; time, 1:10V
One mil Liberia won, Duttful sec
ond. Crlgll third; time. 1:41.
Free handicap, for 2-year-olds and up
wards, six furlongs Oxford won, 'Fire
l .1.1.
Mile and- an eighth Hons Wagner
won, Crub second, Rough Rider third;
time, 1:54-
One mlle--Kmlly Oliver won, Qreat
Eastern .second, Lustlg third; time, 1:42
At Mew Orleana.
New Orleans, Dec. tt. The results
today were:
One mile Lampoon won. Knowledge
second. Arachue third; time. 1 4.1 2-5.
, Mile and a quarter Lady Fonse won.
Bessie McCarthy second, Swift Wing
tnira; time, z: 104-6.
Five ftrrlongs Bstsrro won, Bellln
dian second, Queen Rose third; time.
1:11 f-D. ,
Mile and a sixteenth, handicap Lura
lighter won, Rxtol second, Rankin third
time. 1:10 1-5.
Five furlonga Fannette won, Torlo
second, Yellow-hammer third; time.
1:03 1-5.
Mile and 70 yards Midshipman won,
Dr. Guernsey second. Joe Lesser third;
time, 1:47 1-t.
Who's now the lawful king.
The full-fledged monarch of the ring?
Who's foremost In the battle-lng?
Jlmmie Brltt
Who la th dsddv'a nnlv Mail
The champion of the world and coast?
Tno, wnen we arm,, we always toaat
Jlmmie Brltt
Who fights with feet snd hsnds and
brain 7
Who's too mych for the mighty Dane?
Who laid them low as each one came?
Jlmmie Brltt!
Who's made of Iron, nerve and
Who with the ladies made a hit?
Who's always ready 'with his rait?
Jlmmie Brltt
Whose name is now a household word?
Who is a peach, a gem. a bird?
Who has thcae eaatern stars so blurred?
Jlmmie Brltt:
(Jearaal Special Service.)
Port Huron, Mich.. Dec. 29. A prom
ising program has been arranged by the
Port Huron Athletic rlub for Its boxing
show In the Auditorium tonight. The
main event will bring together "Honey"
Meliody of Boston apd "Buddy" Ryan of
Chicago for a 10 round bout.
GONG !!!
a Mailt komrleom of seals iiiiaaaw te
that tk hair gets Its nourishment direct
from the hair papilla
Therefor, the oair
ranoaai treatment
la to deatror the saflao
of the lea n I htersteMe does this. It
(MS saadrerf. soaps f .111 04 hair anal re.
ua iirr.isf a oeitantrni nair
SJtTse eitraorotaary remits Trr it.
a-' J IPC i 1 " ' M - vx " L-Js-T 9 H P
i ir .IM .TaK TT' n V -mCK - MOH K -X X I i W In Mill -ataman WW V II
-tam aavr i. a w jri anBOBSw awsaa- -x3 "- r n xxai aaam aaau 'A . . v. r
VZiWBkBL. -VAT WkUHnfVaKWnHJIHirH HHA. " U lA . W VH T1TFT IHW I ft SBae-aaa9aoHMBiM.e Boa rwata
Aul. OUT OP 5tWH
Interesting Gossip About
Men Who Are Prominent
rn Racing.
(Jnuraal Special Service.)
New York. "Dec. 29. M. E. de 1 Bt.
Alary of the French Jockey club waa
an Interested visitor to the new Belmont
park courae this week. He pronounced
It one of t o finest snd most complete
race courses in the world, and asked
to be proposes! for membership.
Lucien O. Appieby, has gone to south
ern California, where he will spend the
winter and will probably look In on the
racing at Los Angeles.
W. M. Murray, who started at various
western tracks during the season Just
closed, has gone to New Orleans. Mur
ray's plana for next season have not yet
been made, but he will likely be en
gaged for the same tracka at which he
worked last season. Ha may finish out
at the New, Orleans meeting if Starter
Fltxgersld succeeds In getting a release
from his contract, aa he hopes to do.
John Mackey. thn manager of Rancho
del Paso stud, will go back to California
next week. He wants to be st home bo
fore (he first of January. Last winter
at Ranch del Paso there were two foals
during the first week of January. Mr.
Mackey predicts great things for these
John Hugglns Is off for the south on
his winter vacation trip. Mr. Hugglna
figures upon remaining south six weeks
or two months. He will first visit the
country place of Herman B. Duryea in
Hardeman county. Tenneaaee. and then
go to Texaa. 80 long aa hia game leg.
which has bothered him ever alnee it
waa injured during the war between the
atates. permits he will put In his time
Mr. Hugglns left the Duryea horses at
Sheepahead In the care of the head maa
of the atftble. Hia Inatructlona are.
keep them going whenever the weather
permlta and he expects to find them
hard and firm when he returns.
Matt Allen has 'engaged Oiseau for
two of the richest atakes to be run next
year, the annual Champion and Great
Republic. He la confident the fast
Onus colt has more than an even chance
for both events. .
Boyal Blue Is la training again. Royal
Blue Is a full brother to Blues, winner
of 1(2.000 In stakea and purses during
his career on the turf, and Blue Girl,
whose winnings amounted to ftl.tOO.
Royal Blue waa bought for SS.SOO as
a yearling in the summer or noi, ana
In the fall of that year showed such
fast triala as to lead Capt B. 8, Brown
to believe he had a world-beater, un -
lonunaieiy. me cull woo uijurmi in vnv
of his workouts, and had to be thrown
out of training. Then rheumatism set
in. snd for a time his rsse seemed hope
less. During the past few weeks
Trainer Bob Tucker has glvan the Sir
Dixon colt a raejalar course of training
gallops, and the manner In whlrh the
ygungster takea to his work encourages
the belief that he will yet earn the fame
aa a racer to which, his roytl breeding
entitles him.
I loom I Rrla 1 gerrles.)
Baltimore. Md Dec. 2 At Oermnnta
Mannerchor hall tonight "Amerlcus"
and Fred Basil of Marahavfleld. Wis., are
to wrestle for a puree of 11.000 an a
share of the gate receipts. Rfforts to
bring these two together on the mar have
been making for a long time. The two
Spnenr In fine trim snd an interesting
bout is expected to be the outcome.
) Silllg, J&UB' ''J' ! commerce building on January . Thin I JOHMSOH TO MI1T IABT.
Puget Sounders Confident
nomah's Eleven.
Captain Dowling Will Put in the
Strongest Team Possible
to Select.
What will be perhaps t,lie moat Inter
esting football game of the entire sea
son In the Psritir northwest will take
place on next Monday afternoon at
Multnomah field, . between the Seattle
Athletic club eleven and the Multnomah
club team of this city. The result of
this contest will settle the question of
supremacy In the northwest Special
Interest Is attached to this match on ac
aount of Seattle's 6 to 0 victory over
Multnomah on December 17, when thn
northerners outplsyed the local men and
ramed a touchdown by the hardeat kind
of line plunging. Since the Seattle game
the Puget eound men have materially
Increased the prowess of their eleven,
and they will come to this city with a
splendid aggregation ready to fight until
the laat call of time.
Multnomah. In order to win, muat be
at leaet six points stronger than her
men performed at Seattle, and with this
end In view Captain Dowling has ordered
out all of the "available material" tn
order to select a team that can whip
Seattle. The Corvallts game had a rather
as a number of the men received severe
Injuries, and It will require the beat
kind of treatment and training to round
the trarrtSJnto first-class plsylng form.
What the lineup of the Multnomah team
will be la purely conjectural, as nothing
definite has- been arranged regarding the
disposition of ti e men. It Is scertaln,
however, that Captain Dowling Intends
putting In his strongest men In the first
half. In order that terrific assault can
be sent sgatnst the visitors gt the start.
Ths line has splendid candldatea In Kel
ler. Orleve. Rom. Stow. Seeley, Klrkleyt
Van V 00 r hies and Pratt. For ends are
Jordan. Dowling and Btott. In the hack
flejd will be Murphy and Johnson for
fnu(,rt,rbaoks. n
l,. - ,,,, u-,
nd Lonergan. Mr.Mlllen,
and Dolph as backs.
Gut of this collection of players Multno
mah Intends to pick a team that will
trounce th 8. A. C. Practice will be
held this evening and every man Is ex
pected to attend The last game of the
season Is entirely too Important to lows,
and Multnomah rannot afford to take
any chances.
Worst Of All Experience.
Can anything b worse that to feel
that every minute will be your laat?
Such was th experience of Mrs. 8. H.
Nwaon. Dcstur. Ala. "For three,
years." she writas. "1 endured Insuffer
able pain from Indigestion, stomach and
bowel trouble Death seemed inevita
ble when doctors and all remedies failed.
At lenth I was Induced to try Klectrjc
Bitters and the result was miraculous,
I Improved at one and now I'm com
pletely recovered." For I. Ivor. Kidney.
Jttomaoh and Bowel troubles V.lertric
Hitters is the only medicine. Only &0r.
It's gu-tranteed by Bed Cross Pharmao.
corner Sixth and Oak. on the way to th
post office.
fi.MF W TH F
Tom Jenkins, the ' noted wrestler,
claims to have carefully analysed Jlu
lltsu, the, Japanese method of wrestling.
which is so rapidly coming into vogue
in ttte Lnlted states, and voices the
'Jiu-lltsu. or Japanese wrestling. Is
"""'"g "nr nST, tM j" comblna
lion of ths old Cornish style of collar
and-eibow wrestling and rough -.-fnd-tum
ble Huhtlnjt. I have carefully Investl
gated the Japanese method of wrestling
and waa In company with one of the
bast teachers of the method In Japan
lie explained carefully and thoroughly
to me the style of aeir-aerenae uaea
among hie countrymen.
"The promotera of the system of Jap
anese self-defense claim that with one
of their holds any man can overcome
one twice his alxe and wplght. How are
you to get that hold? There's the rub.
"These so-caHed 'new' holds exploited
bv the Japs have been In use among
American and Kngliah wrestlers on the
mst for many years, and for the moat
portion nve been thought so little of
as to have been barred from reputable
"Jiu-jitsu will not revolutionise Amer
Icsn wrestling. There Is no struggle
whatsoever, snd It would kill the Amer
ican styles, or sny other style, for that
matter, if allowed on the mats here.
There la no struggle, and all there Is to
It Is thst you bend your opponent's leg:
arms or neck until the bones break.
You first get your bone-breaking hold
and then hold on like a bull dog until
one or the othera bonea break or your
opponent or you tap the mat and admit
There Isn't a hold In the entire cat
egory they use and teach that .lasn't
been nsed In English schools by stu
dents for hundreds of years."
J. J, Hogan. famous Yale football
plaver. will abandon the gridiron ror
yB..'ht roeiny Next we ghal I hear of Jim
Jeffries deserting pugilism for the lady
llke game of golf.
After the Multnomnh-Seattle game on
Monday next each member of the, local
team will be given an eight months' va
cation by the Multnomah club. The sub
stitutes are Included as beneficiaries.
Chauncey Bishop, colon ot the Wil
lamette clever will referee the Jieame
Multnomah game on New Year's Mon
day. Bishop knows his business ana 11
will he a treat to see him officiate.
The Seattle team will arrive on New
Year's day. accompanied by a band of
200 rootera. From the Interest that la
being manifested, the attendance at this
gnme will easily exceed sny other match
of the season.
Yesterday local backers of the M. A.
A. C. eleven wired $200 to Seattle, want
tng It placed on the result. When tt
comes to hacking Multnomah . the local
elub men' are there with the goods.
1 m 1
"Kid" Jones, a crack lit 11 -102 -pound
boxer from Denver, Is In the city and
would Ilk to secure a match with any
of 'he local contingent at his weight.
The Portland Hunt club will Inaugu
rate the new year by a run for th
Miss ShogrTn cup on January 2.
Th Peerless Athletic rlub will give
an athletic exhibition at thetr rlub
rooms, 201 Alder street, tomorrow even
ing. December 30 Director Muller hss
arranged a aplendld program and an en
joyable time Is assured all who attend.
The Org0n Flah and "lame associa
tion will hold Its annual meeting In th
large auditorium of th Chamber of
M. A. A. C. Expect Hard Cam With Seat
tle Former Star- Critici th Eastrn
Coaches Sporting and Football Coip.
Commerce building on January t. This
will be an Important meeting and all
the members of the asaoclatlon are re
quested to be present
Young Peter Jackson, the Baltimore
colored boxer, who recently "returned
it successful trip to England, ts
making a splendid showing sround his
native heath. Among the possible
matches In which Jackson may figure In
the near future are bouts with John
Wllle. Mike Schreck and Billy Woods.
Frank A. Gotch. the Iowa wrestler,
has decided to enter the ring In the role
of a, heavy - weight pugilist and has Is
sued a challenge to Champion Jamea J.
Jeffries. Has another Monroe butted
into the limelight?
It Is now a practical certainty that
"Barney" Oldfleld will raoa W. K. Van-v
derbllt, Jr... at the Ormotul Daytona
tournament In Florida next month, and
another memorable contest Ilk the last
on on the surf-rolled speedway la
1 Journal Special gerrte. )
Chemawa. Or.. Dec 29. The nni be
tweeri the ChemawaJ light welghta and th
Columbia JuniorSfTor th championship
or the state will Ue played In Portland
January II, This has been finally ar
ranged between the managers of the two
clubs. The Columblu boys claim to hold
the championship In spite of their recent
defeat. They rlnlm that they wer de
feated by a team heavier than th con
ditions named In their challenge for the
state championship. The Chemawa boya
are practicing dally and are developing
into a raat team, although they have al
ways had to rely 6n' their speed to win
their games tn the past.
(Journal h peels! gorrire )
st ivouts. nee zx. On a wager over
the outcome of the recent football game
between Chcago and Michigan, at Ann
Arbor. A. D. Duck, a civil engineer of
Detroit, started last week on a tramp
from St. l.ouis to New Orleans. Six
men In the office where Durk Is em
ployed In Detroit are working over time
to do his work and are drawing his
If he sucreeds In rarrylng out the
provisions of the wsger he Is to receive
his full sslary for the time he la away.
If he completes ths walk In ho daya he
will receive double pay.
nnre traixiwq at pbhiii.
ml t tee
recently elected football com
of the T'nlverslty of Pennsyl-
has practically agreed that
will be spring training
the football squad. The work
be don under the direc-
tlon of the head roach and Captain Rey
nolds. Last season more than 40 players
look part In the spring practlca, which
rrrmnstcd of puntTng. catching and fall
ing on the ball, together with rudiment
ary" defensive and offensive play, The
training will probably be started about
th middle of April and will continue
for one month.
The Rod and Gun club meeting that
waa scheduled for Oils evening hss been
postponed until nest Tuesday evening.
A apeclal commute of th club la ar
ranging th matter of th prises to be
offered during the Lewis and Clark fair.
Holiday Beach Rates.
For the holidays the K. A N. mskes
th very low rat of f f.tO for round
trip to beach points. Dates. of sal, De
cember 23 and 39. Final limit, January
2. Particulars Xtt C. W. Stinger, city
ttrket agent Third and Washington sta
-4 m
- fgpeelal Wspateh tn The Jnwaal.)
Astoria, Or, Dec. 2. The dremnwa
Indian school eleven defeated the Fort
Stevens team at Fort Stevens yesterday
by the score of 5 to 0.
EISTOggl M A HOOD flat rand hsjoaiMs
of esse, of Nervous Dobllltr. laoumnla and A tro
Dhr. They clear the tirals. stroagtson th
lirnla tlon. make tltgoatti.n perfect aa unport
S'scsotlc l(or to ths- w 1. oka taring. All lralo
Inn leoor. stepped permanently. sine por
it". duet gvarante to ear or refBag 'i 'tl Malle.l "es loo. nets
I'ertlan hto. Ca. ' sreu at., Ihllalnhla.
Pa. AoM Is Portland only kg rraah Maa
Hotel narsascr. iravm asssa a.oot o
J. A,
( Journal Apodal fterviee.
San Francisco. Dec. 20. Jaok Johnson
ItThls endeavor to reach Jeffries hag)
agreed to knock out Marvin Hart In 20) 3
purse. Unless the colored man score
a knockout he will receive the short
end money. The fight has been arranges
to take place here next month.
Men's Sewed Oak Sole 65c.
Extra select lOe: Ladies. 40c an
tot. Goodyear Shoe Repair Factory,
near Gas company's office. Yamhill
street We call and deliver free.
Thursday evenings from
to nln.
-(Pernln System).
-(Touch method)
oewsrosun.t. AUTXMBTZO.
UaLDI and
rugOTi, Tuesday. Wednesday
and Friday evenings from sv
to nine-thirty.
TUITION, 6 Mos., 25.00
By th month six dollars for th
first month, five dollars par moat
for th following five months aa
four dollars per month there
after. Call or send for CatarOoc
If you are
of taking up
it will pay
to investigate
this system.
Write For Oar Catalogu
Holmes' Business
Y M C. A.
Our clsss in stl applhMtkms
art con vane sack Tussrtav and
day afternoon f r on J to 4 o'sloca.
.... "
'. 4-axaxa