The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 29, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Dump of t. Helens Mine Has
Ore Shed Five Hundred
Feet Long.
'Great Tonnage Indicated
Faithful Work of Portland
A Eastern Company.
There la .vet no well defined vein,
the (old being found In granite. The
strike will be sunk on. with the hope
of leading to tfie large lode which en
riched the placer grounds in. that vl-vlnlty.
Foreman Charles H. Sctitnand of the
St. Helen Consolidated Mining com
pany, SKumajilu county, Wushk, returned
to the or.oertles last eveslng after a
conference with Dr. H. W, Coe, general
Manager Mi BClimand Buys u iurge
1t lnk mines And everything la In
readiness for continuance until Hit- next
"Tits main tunnel on the Bweeden
group at Spirit lake," ssld he, "has at
tained a length, of 2,206 feet, all being
t a drift on1 the vein and all practically in
I ore, as shoots are long and come In
,julckly after going out of , the drift.
KWe will drive 4(H) feet further on-tMs
J'yaln to open ground that has tits best
surface showing of the property and
then will begin a big cross-cut to the
bright, which will be driven to open the
Index and parallel veina and constitute
the main working adit of the entire
tgroup. As fissures are numerous In the
iXormatlon there, several blind velna, be
dsides those cropping, will undoubtedly
: fce cut.
"Our ore shad presents a striking ap
pearance. The ahed' has been extended
bout (00 feet from the portal and under
this we are stacking high grade copper
to" the very roof. The ore Is chalcopy
rtte bornlte and some gray copper, sam
ples of which I brought out. The ore
under hum biicu ib ev ivov uciy m
outer end and much of It Is a shipping
.grade without concentrating. If trana
iport&Uon wars reasonably near. The
whole lot saved Is commercial and all
jitun uvru ruio w cu iu 1 1 1 - , a . -
- 'f drifting, without sloping a foot above
the caps of our tunnel. sets. When ths
management begins to ship an immense
quantity of rock la available on this
"Muckers handling rock from the face
of the main drift make over a mile In
one round trip, which Indicates the alow
progress that would be expected Yet
despite this long haul, we are driving
ahead 4.1 feet each shift. Our last
'" work has been In exceptionally rich ore
as we are getting under a fine shoot
proved by an upper tunnel nearly 400
test vertically a Dove. ine ore is me
f ul width of the tunnel and", goea be
.yond and I have not dona enough cross
cutting to determine its dimensions. Our
.......... ,,!, I. nn r.lthr Willi of tlifl
big vein. For a period we were on the
Toot, but 100 feet back from the pres
ent face the vein split and we followed
what geemed to be tne stronger part.
The other branch la probably coming
In again, and It Is t his that glvea such
heavy mineralisation In what waa for
merly our footwa.ll, the main body of
thb vein yet being to our left. The com
has between 6.000 and 6.000 feet
UF. Worn on mis progeny urn m yivm-
nt we operate four camps.
"There Is a crew on the tjnlted mines,
tinder contract of Ous Anderson, another
ifmti the Index under contract of she Ol
Sjons and a third on the Rarl under con-
. tract of Charlea Anderson. We do con
tract work on those three, but prose
cute development on the Lakeside by day
labor. All camps are amply provisioned
or winter and spring work snd will
IS S7 STPaT gnUWIlig"wroT tne next r
season opens.
"At least ems railroad Seems assured
the district for 1906. The large opera
tors of the dtgtrlet have not crowded
transportation, reduction and other late
features of mining, but went to work
first on etrenuoua development, getting
a tonnage In sight. We have this now.
With three months notice to the oper
ator I candidly believe that 600 tons
rf ore dally could be furnished a line
grots ore bodies slraady opened."
(Special DlipatcH to The Journal.)
Surapter, Or, Dec. It. A simple and
yet effective coarse concentration Is
gaining headway In 'this mining district,
its main novel feature Involves the use
of Jigs before ore passes to the tables.
The Badger mine haa used 1ga . from
the beginning of work there by the big
concentrator, but tills pioneer stood
alone fur a period. At the North Pole
two batterlea of table were introduced,
the first of the bumping pattern, which
was set for the course product, and the
second belt maohlueH, which saved the
fines. upt. Charles Klrchen , of the
smeller hss -conducted considerable ex
l.ei i mental work with a Jig. teatlng ores
delivered at the plant with a view to
getting soma expeditious, cheap con
centrating device. In the field. The Im
perial's lessees put Jigs at work there,
In a mall 'Way, with excellent results.
At the Highland Manager Hertocker is
putting in a testing plant, which crushes
to 1-1 melt By Mini era breaker iitnl
then delivers to Jigs and a table. The
heavy saving will be made In coarse
form, yet expert believe there will be a
concentration of two or three into one,
thus ssvlng large sums on freight, The
smelter has forced Into the district con
centrating expedients which may.'b
erected cheaply and which while elimi
nating much of the gtngue. lose but a
smalt percentage Qf the vntnes:
Accident, at Sawmill Plant
Walville Results Fatally
Tor Employes.
(Special Dlipateb. to The Journal )
Helena, Mont., Dec. 2. i Within a
hurt time two strikes have' been made
In two mines near Helena. ' Soma time
go a crosscut on the 600-foot level of
the Bald Butte discovered a itfjt vein
carrying high values In gold. Aiother
crosscut haa just been run on the same
level to prove the vein further. At the
last point of development It Is from
three and on half to four feet wlda
nnd has high values. This vein Is en
tirely new and Independent of the other
svpened, from which millions have been
taken. One car shipped netted more
hsn 11.100.
For ths past year exftlonttlon has been
going on In the Big Indian mine, four
And one half mile south of Helens.
EMoet of the work Is In an entirely new
text Ion and has ore which asstys high.
(Special Difpatch to The Journal.)
Washington, D. C, Dec. 2 The or
der Issued by ths interior department
stopping work of th Hock Creek Power
& Transmission company, which has a
plant on the edge of the Blua mountain
forest reserve withdrawal, near linker
City, haa been token aa an evidence of
the harshness that may be used in for
est reserve regulations. Officials do ndt
regard the matter lei that light. The
management of the Rock , creak company
Oiad been naked to tile certain papers In
dicating the-line of their proposed flume
and the- nature of the work In hand,
which they neglected to do. Had this
been done there would have been no
trouble. The request was - formal In
every respect and Involved no dtmcultx
for the power company. Th fact that
th company had commenced furnishing
power to mines, which could 111 afford
to have the energy our off, caused the
department to glv the caae all possible
dispatch and permit resumption of work.
Cause of Disaster Is Unknown at
Boilers Had Been Recently
J. H. Cyrlf. the eminent mining cor
respondent, In sn article for the London
Economist, states that there are 0,000
coolie In the Rand mines of South Af
rica at present; by next May he thinks
the--number will be te.OOO. - The first
half of next year hajld aea the mines
of the Wltwatersrand climb to the work
of the record year, 1X9 H," before the
Boer war.
There are persistent. . rumors that
President J. H. Burns of .the Portland
.company. Cripple Creek, win have to
fight for control .again -i the Febru
ary - meeting in Iowa. Mine operators
of the district desire lus overthrow
because of the aid end comfort given
th Western Federation of Itinera during
the crulclal days of the big strike. Bum
owns 600,000 share of the 2,000.000
capital atock. Ths active faction against
him own 100,000.- R. C. Shannon of New
York. 400,000; th Strait. in estate.
600,000, and there Is 200.000 scattered
among small holder. Both Shannon's
und the Btratton atock 1 said to be
against Burns, giving but half to that
side. An energetic atruggl 1 reported
to control the other 200.000.
xm ruon dial.
'(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Oallce, Or., Dec. 29. Recording
deeds from T. K. Anderson to H. A.
W illiams and Albert Phillip for placer
ground snd water rights, known as the
Harmon and1 Green diggings, has caused
a little local speculation. The consid
eration named In this deed was 11. At
th same tins a deed waa recorded from
D. I. Oren and C. K Harmon to T. K.
AnderonTbr placer ground and water
right, known as the Harmon and Green
diggings, the consideration being S6.000.
Messrs. Anderson and Williams were
psrtasrs in the operation of two claims
near th center of th Oallce Consoli
dated property. They did not open work
this year at the usual time, but were
understood to be preparing for a steady
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Chehalls, Doe. ' :!). Yesterday ifter
nnon at Walville. a milling town on the
Chehalls a South Bend railroad, 27 miles
weat of Chehalls. there was sn appalling
explosion that resulted In three men los
ing their lives Instantly. Two others
wer so badly Injured that one died soon
afterward, und a fifth Is not expected to.
inc. ins injuries probably being fatal.
Those killed Instantly were: -
K. U. Hick, single, 22 years of ago,
relatives In West Virginia.
Frunk Dowell, St years of age, mar
ried, limes u wife and little girl at Wal
ville. Dowell was a native of Missouri.
Pre Epting, aingle. 2i year of age,
leaves a brother and sister at Walville.
Roy Ickes, aingle, 26 years of age, was
o badly Injured that he lived but si little
while. Ickes' relatives live at Decatur,
m: i. . and he had -but recently - returned
from a visit there. He formerly lived a
Chehalls, after he cam to Washington,
three or fottr years ago. :
Th fifth man who was dangerously
hurt by the explosion was W. Buchanan,
22 years of age, whose relative live at
Mossyrock, In th eastern part of Lewis
county. II.- 1 not expected to live.
- There Is no reason given for the terri
ble accident. Ten days ago th boilers
were Inspected by the official Inspector
of the Insurance company that carries
th risk, and wer found In th bt
Of condition. This morning nothing out
of the way waa noted, but this afternoon,
a the plant waa started up for th after
noon run, there was almost immediately
the explosion that resulted aa above
stated. The mill was badly wrecked, the
damage being estimated at many thou
sands of dollars. The mill stand on th
north side of th railroad track, a little
distance from where the Chehalls 4k
South Bend branch goes by. When the
sawmill proper Is running, fully 100 men
are employed about th mill. Fortu
nately th employes of the mill were but
few of them about the mill today, or th
loa of life would have been very much
greater. The mill plant had been ahut
down for repair recently. The com
pany run a cross arm plant In connec
tion wit Its mill, and this has been run
ning steadily. :
The cross arms plant stands some dis
tance west of th sawmill. Between
them are the dry kilns, the material for
th cross arm plant passing through th
kilns on Its way to the factory. Steam
for th dry kilns, til sawmill and th
Ueross arms factory was supplied from
the boiler which were placed In the mill
proper. Between there and the dry kilns
the boiler house stood up alongside the
mill, and had th mill employes been at
work today, the sawyer, carriage men
and other men shifting th lumber on
the roll, and many others, would prob
ably never have escaped with their live.
The Walworth 4k Neville Manufacturing
company own and operatea the plant.
They engage In a general sawmill busi
ness and manufacture cross arms also.
Th mill ha th reputation of being one
of the best equipped In this section of
the state, and runs pretty much of the
time. Mr. Palms Is In ctisrge. So tar
as known, but one of the men killed to-
flnv whs tuauied, Ruy 1 Ickes being in
one. Polbly the other were members
of some of the fraternal aocletlea of
which there are several at Pee Ell.
Several people from Chehalla and other
nearby places took th train for th
scene of th disaster Just as soon as pos
nroBBAsa wobkxbjo porch
W. H. Stewart, manager of th Con
tinental property, Douglaa county, ha
gone down to Increase the working
force. The compamy will continue de
velopment during th winter, opening
the ore bodies Indicated by surface ex
ploration and In the spring will Install
a reduction plant. Much ore ha been
j exposed and laat reporta aay excep
tionally high grade rock waa taaen rrom
the face of th lower drift
(SpeclalSDUpateh to Tha Jonraal.)
Seattle, Dec. 29. The laat real en-
Lgugement of the Seattle theatre war has
been fought snd Msnager J. P. Howe
and Actor James Nelll have come to
Mr. How, who waa In Spokane when
Acting Manager De I, laser discharged
Mr. and Mrs. Nelll, hurried home on re-
i'.I nt . mna.ntrA tailing him
t ' ' ' v . - - ...... " -
fTrouble. After a conference with Mr.
Nelll he took the management of the
house from De I. laser snd mad Mr.
Nelll stage director. D L laser will re
main In the capacity of atage manager.
The Nell) will not close Saturday night
but will continue their engagement Indefinitely.
Tew People Know Mow Useful it la la
Preserving Health and Beauty.
Nearly eveiybody knows that char
roal la th safest and most efficient dis
infectant ami purifier In nature, but
Sew realise its vslu when taken into
fhe human system for th sain claana
ng purpose.
Chsrcoal la a remedy thst the moro
Sou take of it the better; It I not a
rug at all. but simply absorbs th
spas and Impurities always present
Jn the stomach and intestines and car
ries them out of the system.
Charcoal sweeten the breath after
smoking, drinking or after eating onions
and other odorous vegetables.
Chsrcoai effecLually clears and 1m
j roves the complex fon. it whitens th
teeth and further acts as a natural and
eminently safe cathartic.
It abs.u-bs the injurious gases which
collect in the stomach and bowels; It
disinfects the mouth and throat from
th poison of catarrh.
All druggist sell chsrcoal In one
form or enother, but probably the best
charcoal and the most for (lie money
la In Stuart's Charcoal losengea; they
are composed of the finest powdered
lllow charcoal, and other harmless
antiseptic In tablet form, or rather In
the form of large, pleasant tasting loi
nges, th charcoal being mixed with
honey. - . .
Th dally use of these loxengea will
soon tell In a much improved condition
of th general health, better complex
inn, sweeter breaih snd purer blood,
and the" beauty 'if It is, that no possible
harm can result from their continued
bul on the contrary, greet benefit.
A Buffalo physician, in speaking of
the TMMiaflt of charronl, says: "1
ed vise Stuart's Chsrcoal .'.ozenget to sll
Valient suffering from gas In stomach
rifl noweis. ' sou m iiwt ine complex
in and punt
fy th
Hirnat: I also believe the liver Is gre
V. en anted by the dally use of them:
e -i but twenty-five rent a box at
. i it store,, ana all hough In some sense
1 1 1 en t jrepsrnt1on. jet I tielleve 1
get rear end inner charcoal In Stu
art's Charcoal Loxengea than In any of
th ordlaary charcoal taWota."
Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.)
Seattle, Dec. 2. Capt. John True
bridge ha resigned aa mater of the
new mammoth steamer Minnesota, and
Captain J. H. Hinder of San Francisco
has been appointed to succeed him. Mys
tery, surrounds th change and none of
th Interested parties feels Ilk solving
At the office of the Oreat Northern
Steamship company the only statement
made la that Captain Truebrldge la not
In good health. Captain Hinder haa
been master of the White Star liner Cop
tic out dt San Francisco for several
years and is one of the best known
mariners Ip that port. He hss already
arrived here and taken command of the
During the trip from th Atlantic
coast to Seattle Captain Truebrldge had
the worst experience of his life with
the crew. It was an experience, he has
stated to frienda, that he does not wish
to repeat and It may be that It disgusted
him. The new crew taken on at Vic
toria, before the boat came to this port,
however, is composed of Chinese, and
the ssme a Captain Truebrldge has
been managng for years.
(pedal rXapateh to Tha Journal.)
Sesttle, Dec. If. The Humes Memo
rial commute ha raised 15.000 towKrd
th fund to bring out th body of the
late mayor of Seattle from Fairbanks,
conduct funeral ceremonies and present
a testimonial to hi family. Th amount
It I expected will be doubled before the
work of th commute I through. No
word has been received from the party
In charge of the body alnce It lft
Fairbanks over th snow four weeks
ag o.
Public Speaking.
Mr. William Lee Oreenleaf, whose ex
perience aa a public apeaker and Imper
sonator well cjunllMrs him for work aa a
teacher, will have charge of the class
In public speaking at tha Toung Men's
Christian association night school dur
ing the winter months, beginning Jan
ugry t.
.Special Dispatch to The Jooraal.)
' Butte, Mont., Dec 21. Word was re
ceived last night from Prof. F. B. I. In
field and W. N. Wlnchell, In chsrge of
the Montana agricultural and mineral
exhibits at St. Lout that the packing
of exhibits for shipment to Portland had
begun. The mineral aggregate a num
ber of ton In weight and will be sup
plemented by several private collections,
notably among which will be that of
United State Senator Clark' collection
at Columbia garden.
Cannot Rest
Tour appetite I gon. What little)
you eat distresses you. Strength Is fall
ing sr bilious. Tou have headache,
backache, feel blue and melancholy
and cannot ret or sleep. The fact is
your nerve sre unstrung, snd you are I
on me vcrg of nervous prostration.
They must b strengthened, renewed.
They will not rure themselvea. but must
have a nerve remedy. This you will
find In
Dr. Miles' Nervine
It Is prepared for Just such ailments,
snd I a never-falling remedy, becausa
It soothe, feeds and builds the nerves
back, to health.
If allowed to continue, stomsch. kid
ney and Hi er troubles will soon be
added to your already overflowing meas
ure of misery.
"I suffered from nervous prostration.
When I began taking Dr. Miles' Nervine
I couldn't hold anything In my hands,
nor get frpm one room to another. Now
I do alt my own work." MRS. CHAfl.
l.ANDRt'M, Carthage, Mo.
Nervine seldom falls to do all we
claim far It, and so we authorise drug
slat to refund monev If first bottle doea
Allot benefit.
Quality' is of first consideration, and we guarantee the stand
ard of our sale products to be the same as throughout the
ACCOMMODATION BUREAU Public Telephone), Stamps for
sal, Express Money Orders issued, Sale Depot for Stroot Car
Tickets. Canadian Money taken at par, Prescription ca lied for and
delivered free, free delivery to any part of th eity, fro us of Photo
Darkroom, and free instruction in Amataur Photography.
To be given away during our January Sale. We will
give as long aa they last, a handsome gold trimmed
Bread and Butter Plate to each purchaser of 50c or
nore of any article in our store except Patent Med
cines. These plates are as choice as any ware you can
buy, and are without advertising marks of any kind.
' EXCEPTIONS Souvenirs are not given with
u m ww i.TsrtiTIT?0
Strong Ammonia, pints mid quarts, 4c and. . .74
Qasoline or Benzine, pints and quart. 4c and.74t
Dickinson's best Witch Hazel, H pints. Mi
pints, pints and quarts, 6c, 9c. irc and 28
Pure Glycerine, 1 os.. K lb., H tt. and 1 lb,
le, 8c. ISc and 4
Pur Petrolatum. 2'os. and 1 lb 16
Whit or Carbolated Petrolatum, i-ox.
bottles '.......... ..8d
Wood Alcohol, H pints, pints and quart,
c, 17c and ....S3
Arnica Tincture, Vi pint. pints and
pints, 14c, 24c and
Bensoin Tincture, per ounce
Rtranr Knlrlts Ciimnhor 1 OS. and 4 nr..
4c and 12w
Glycerine and Roao Water, 1 oa. and 4
os., Sc and .. .S
Strong; Rose Water, 1 OS. and 4 os., Sc and. . .8
Pure Carbolic Acid, 1 os. and 4 os.. 4c and 8
Sewing Machine Oil. 1 os., 4 oa. and pints,
Ic, Sc and 884
Pure Sweet Oil, 1 oa.. H plnta, pints
and pints. 3c 7c. ISc and 19
Selected Bird Seed. Mixed, I Id 6)
Sea Salt. 6 -lb. package 12
Moth Balls. S lb. and 1 lb., 4c and 70
Pure Powder Borax. 4 lb. and 1 lb, 4c and. .8
Epsom Halts. V lb. and 1 lb, Sc and....'.' 5
Compound Licorice Powder, 1 os. and U,
lb. So and 8
Sublimed Hulphur. lb. and 1 lb, Sc and 8
Beef, Iron and Wine, plnta 88
Fresh Emulsion Cod Liver Oil and Hypo-
phoaphitee, 4 pints and plnta, SSc and. . .664
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, 25c. 45c and 89
Blaud'a Iron Pllla, per 100 84
Quinine Tableia, . S, and 6 grain, per 100,
27c, S4c and 86d
Charcoal Tablets, 2-oz. boxes 120
Llthla Tablets, 5 -grain, bottles of 60 18
Seldllts Powder, S or 12 of each color.
box, 9c and 17)
Kidney Tea. 6-ox. packaf... 14d
Carbolic Salve or Witch Hasel Salve. 2 oz . .12
Imperial Grape Juice, pints and quarts,
22c and , 48
HunljsLPilgf Msdt, plnta and, quarts. SSo
Chlorate Potash Tablets, bottle 7
Soda Mint Tablet, bottle ....74
Catarrh Cream, tn tubes, 26c and 60c, at
16c and 80
'Cherry Juice Jujubes lO
Mentholated Slippery Elm Losenses oc
Cherry Juice Cough Syrup, 4 oa, and t
os, SSc and ..45
Lister's Antiseptic Fluid, M pint, 4 pint
and pint. 10c. ISc and". 88
Anti-Pain Porous Plaatera , ....7
Miracle Corn Salve 7
Antiseptic Absorbent Cotton. 1 ox, 2 os., 4
ox, 8 os. and 16 ox 4c 6c, c, 16c and 28
A comDlete line of Kent's and Adams' high-
grade Brushes, at 20c discount, and the follow
ing sDecinJ list:
Hair Brushes, , domestic
Hair Brushes, 8 -row
Hair Brushes, 9-row
Hair Brushes. 9-row, solid back
Hair Brushes, 9-row. solid back
Hair Brushes. 12-rdw. aolld back
Hair Brushes, Kent's 12-row.
Hair Brushes, Kent's 15 -row
Hair Brushes, Kent's, 11-row, extra long.
Hair Brushes, Kent'. 12-row, extra long.
Adam' Invincible, 11-row
Adam' No. 66 gentlemen's f-row
Adams' Old Stand-By, No. IB"
Adams' 12-row
Adams' 14-rOW
Adams' Invincible
Cloth Brushes, 74 inches, 6-row 18
Cloth, Brushes, 7 inches, 7-row 27
Cloth Brushes, 8 Inches. 7-row.., ..87
Cloth BruBhe. peclal at 67c, 76c, 81.14
and ...81.88
Hand Scrub Bruahes 3
10 Gross Assorted Hand Brushes 8
Fine Hand Brushes, 14c, 19c and ...38
Nail Brushes, Bon Handle, Sc, 11c, 17c,
SSc and , 68
Tooth Bruahes, exceptional quality, 7c,
ISc and 16
Tooth Brushes, guaranteed. 19c, 2Sc, Sle
and 48
J 1.14
11-row 01.66
8 .84
' .
fjood. serviceable Hot
Water Bags 6
Skldmore Hot Water
Bags, guaranteed
Red Hot Water Bags,
Best Red Hot Water
Highest Grade Hot
Water Bags
Fountain Syringe, with
8 pipes
"Clataop" Fountain
"Multnomah" Rapid
Flow Fountain Syr
inge "Welland" Red Rubber
Fountain Syringe. ...
Combination Syringe
ami Water Bag
Combination Syringe
and Water Bag
Combination Syringe
and Water Bag 1.78
- .44
4 Qt.
.48 Isa
.83 .88
1.13 1.88
1.88 1.48
Marvel Whirling Sorar Syrlnare
Dr. Fuller's Vaginal Spray Syringe 81-78
Ladles' Safety Syringe .88
Bulb Syringes, SSc. 46c. 68c, 89c and 81.84
Atomisers for medicine, 87c, '86c, 67c, 88c 81.13
Atomisers for oil only, 66c and.... 78
Bailey Complexion Brushes 87
Bailey Facial Bruahes... 87
Bailey Shampoo Brushes 68
Bailey Massage Rollers .i. ......87
Pears' Transparent
Pear' Glycsrlne
Cashmere Bouquet. 16c and
Roger St Oal let s Violet, round
Roger A Gallefa Vlolette de Parme
Roger A (J al let's Peau d'Espaame or Vera
Woodbury's Facial
Munyon's Witch Hazel
California Poppy, per dozen
Transparent Glycerine
Armour's Round, perfumed
Packer's Tar
Piver's Le Trefle or other odor. . . .
Soclete Hygienic
4711 White Rose Glycerine.
Soclete Hygienic Violet, round ..18
Mission Olive, per dosen 38
Tar, 6-oz. cake 'a
Fairy, per dosen 80
Oatmeal, per doaen 48
Pears' Shaving Sticks 17
Williams' Shaving Sticks 17
Colgate's or Williams' Shaving Cakes 8
Pure Castile Soap, 1-lb. bars.
Pure Castile Soap, 2 -lb. bars.
ContI Castile, per lb....
Choice Cast lie. 4 -lb. pieces...
Ivory, 4c and
Glycerine Tar
Puck's U. S. Mechanic
Cra ml pa's Tar, 4c and
Sa polio, hand or kitchen
Ladles' Black Combs, 7-Inch, 7c, 9c and
Ladles' Mark Combs. 8-lnch. 8c 12c 16c.
22c and 38
Ladies' Celluloid Combs, 18c, 28c. 84c and. .44
OenTTeTTrWt' Black CombsyaioWc. S7c and. 86
Gentlemeri's Horn Combe, lie. Ur. 24c and. 88
Gentlemen's Pocket Comb, 8c, 12V, 18c and . 28
Fine Combs, black, 6c, 8c, 12c and 18
FiheCombshnrn, extra quality's 14, 19c.
24c and v.. SO
Fine CotrtUs, ivory, 19c, 28c, Cnd 48
Per Dozen.
Oregon, 6-otincS folia 88
Empire, 7-ouace roll 48
Racket, 8-outtce rolls ,66
Quallflno, 9 -ounce rolls 71
King. 10-ounce roll . 83
A. P. W, 8,000 sheets, finest tissue. .... fa. OO
Fixture free with eVenr 4 roll.
Glendal. package 600 sheet 44
Fulton, package 800 sheets 78
National, package 1.000 sheets .....61.16
A. P. W.. package 1.600 sheets .03.00
Roger A Gallet Violet Water, 4 os. and .
. 8 os, 89c and 01.4O
Roger A Gallet Peau d'Espagne. 4 . os.
and 6 or. . 89c and 0140
Roger A Gallet Vera Vloletta, 4 os. and
6 os, 98c and $1.40
Piver's Le Trefle or other odor Extract
vegetal 67
Piver's Le Trefle or other odor Toilet
Water $1.38
Plnaud's Extract Vegetal, any odor 68
Palmer Toilet Waters, Violet, Carnation
or Rose, 26c, 60c and $1.00
Gerard' Florida Water, S os. and S os,
12c and 88
Murray A Lannan's Florida Water, 16c and. 48
R. A o. Extract Vera Vloletta, per ounce. 76
R. A O. Extract Violet de Parme 76
R. A G. Extract Peau d'Eapagne- 78
R. fi Extract Indian Hay or other odors. 78
Piver's Le1 Trefle or other odors, per ounce. 88 A
Piver's Astris, per ounce.... $1.36
Amber Royal Extract, per ounce 72
Bouquet Farnese, per ounce 81.88
Houbigant's Ideal, per ounce 82. OO
Jlcky. Guerllh's, per ounce 68
Palmer Extracts, choice of SO odors, per
ounce BO
Rlcksecker's Ping Pon and Golf Queen,
per ounce, ,5c and ...BO
Dabrook' La Sylva, per ounce 4B
Dabronk' Extracts, any odor, per ounce. ..SB
R. A G. Violet de I -arm. 14 snd S oz,
80c and 88
R. A G. Vera Vloletta, 14 oz. 08
R. A G. Peau d'Espagns 88
Plver Extract Le Trefle or other odors,
Rubber Sponges, 85c. (0c, 75c snd f 1 si sea,
St 24c, 86c. 52c and 80
Large Popular Sponges, Sc and 11
Best Bleached Wool, 16c and 38
Fine Baby Toilet. 19c, 24c. SSc and 68
Fine Face, 12c, 22c and S3
Vegetable Sponges, 15 inch O
Toilet Chamois, Sc, 8c and 12
Elegant White, Clean Chamois, 9c, Its,
82c, 42o. 42c and 78
Pure Cream Tartar, 1-5. 4 snd 1 lb, 7c,
16c and
Pure Baking Soda, 1 lb
Pure Sugar Milk, powdered, 1 lb
Ground $ptces, in 14 -lb. Sifting; cans
Black Pepper, Red Pepper, Ginger,
Cloves, Allspice, Mustard and Sage, per
Cinnamon and Nutmegs, SSo and
Nutmegs, per dosen . ,
Sage, 1-os. packages, domestic and
Italian, 2c and
Strong Extract Vanilla, 1 os, 4 os, 8 os.
pint, 4c, ISc, 22c and
Extract Vanilla from selected beans, 1 ox,
4 oz., 8 os. and pint, 7c, 19c, SSc and
Strong- Extract Lemon. 1 oa- 4 ox.. 8 oz.
and pint. 4c. isc S2o and.. 88
Strong Essence Ginger, 2 os 13
strong; Essence Cinnamon, Peppermint or
Wlntergreen, per os 7
Pure California Olive Oil. 4 pint, 4 pint
and 1 pint, full measure, 12c, SSc and. ...38
"Beri" Imported Ollv Oil. 4 pint, pint
and quarts SSc, 42c snd JfS
"i.-.r- Olive OU. highest quality, 4 Pint,
4 pint and 1 pint, full measure, 22c,
43c and .........81
Mennen'a Talcum, Bo rated or Violet 13
Gerard's Florida Water, S os. and 8 est,
ISc and i 38
Holmes' Frostllla .'ifk 12
Rexall Hair Tonic BO
Java Rice Powder, Bourgeois ..33
Superior Bay Rum, 4 ,pt, 4 pt. snd 1 pt,
8c, 14c and 37
Bensoin and Almond Cream, 4 os 16
Herplclde, Newbro's s 60
Robertine, Wisdom's .a......'... 38
Rexall Cold Cream and Skin , Food, 10c,
17c and 8S
Lister's Antiseptic Tooth 'Powder '....18
Toilet Pumice 6
Toilet Chamois, Sc. 8c and 13
Cameline. Wakelee's 20
QsHesisewV-sVsszs , . ......y ..... ... 8$
La Blache Powder. Levy's....
Oriental Hair Renewer. 60c...
Plnaud'R Eau de Quinine, 40c and. ....... .80
Sosodont. liquid, powder or cream. ........ 12
White's Tooth Powder, 8
Imperial Tooth Wash . 8
Lister! ne, Lambert's, 16o and. rr. , .63
Prepared or Precipitated Chalk. 4 ' 4
Chalk with orris, camphor or wlntergreen. .8
Lyon's Tooth Powder 12
Eu thymol Tooth Cream 13
Wood Toothpicks, hard or soft 3
Milk Weed Cream. Ingram's ,..33
Rexall Almond Cream ....9SB
Ayers' Hair Vigor 63
Roger A Gallet'a Infant Powder 38
Roger A Gallet'a Violet Powder BO
Roger A Gallet'a Althea Powder 7B
Roger A Gallet Peau d'Eapagne or Vera
Vloletta Powder 88
Theater Rouge .'. 14
No. 18 Rouge 1 1 IT
Eyebrow Pencils 7
Cosmetic Sticks 8
Emery Boards, package. 10 ......7
Ongallne, Pray' 33
Buffers, 19c. SSc, 89c, 68c and 78
Creme de Lis, Dickey's SO
Pasteurlne Tooth Paste 18
Woodbury's Face Cream 13
Hind's Honey and Almond Cream ..38
Powder Puffs, wool or down, 7c, 11c, 16c,
26c and S3
Rabbit Paws. 16c. 27c and, 33
Violet Borated Talcum 0
Rublfoam IS
Scheffield's Dentifrice IS
Swan Down Powder 8
Piver's Powder, Le Trefle, Azures,
Saf ranor, etc. 78
Colgate's Violet Talcum, 16c and SB
Torrey Razor, guaranteed 88
Henkle Razors, guaranteed...... 81. 33
Griffon Razors, guaranteed $1.68
Car bo Magnetic Razors $8.80
Gem Safety Razor $2.00, SS.76, 88 75 and up
Razor Strops 14c, 38c, 42c, 68c and up
Genuine Horsehld Strops, 66c. 78c and 92
Genuine Russia Leather Strops, 72c, $1.17
and $1.66
Lather Brushes, 18c, 18c, SSc, 68c snd 7$'
Lather Bruahes, French, badger
64c, SSc and 11.13 and up
Shaving Mugs, 17c, 24c, SSc and 68
Popular Hearth Brooms
Substantial Brooms
Double-stitched Brooms
Satchel Brooms ,
Special 86c quality
sixtra LArge, superior
Black Handle, choice Broorrsf. . .
New York Elastic Trusses. Water Pads OS
New York Elastic Trusses, special modela.81.44
New York Elastic Trusses, double $1.68
Spring Trusses, leather covered. .86 to $1.08
Spring Trusses, leather covered,
double- 8184 to $8.78
Abdominal Supporters 81.48 and up
Special discounts, rsnting fro 40 to 20, or following line Hand mlrron, Leatker toads, Kalrn, Scissors, Stationery. Chest protectors, Surgical Supplies
Pioneer Druggists S. Q. SKIDMORE & CO. 151 Third Street