The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 29, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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Council Committee lsue Liquor
Permits to Keeper of
Notorious Houses.
Flegel States All North End Sa
loons Are Opsnly Violat
ing Statutes.
Retail llqudr licenses were granted
yesterday by the license committee of
the council to J. H. Phillip, who con
ducts a saloon In the notorious Paris
house, to the Green Front theatre, the
Orpheum saloon and several other
bouses which have been running the
oast year in open violation of the law.
Applications or, a. n rtm
Williams avenue. William smun or no
-Williams avenue. ,J. B. H-erncs, ouu
Html street, and E. R
Olcse of 49 North Ffrst street, were
held for further Investigation, while li
censes were denied O. A. Lane of 514
Savler street, Charles D. Schmld of 608
Washington street and H. W. Huaa of
4(6 Dekum street.
Many of the places for which licenses
were granted are notorious combination
houses and are far worse than some Of
the places which were denied permits.
This Is particularly true of the Paris
house, the license for which was signed
by L Zimmerman, Dr. Sanford Whiting
and B. D. Slglfr.
Tha applications of 10 or 11, Includ
ing the Parts house, the Oreen Front
theatre and the Orpheum saloon, were
the last granted.
I think I will leave the signing of
these applications to my successor," ven
tured B. D. Slgler, who will resign from
the council soon.
"It Is better for you to sign them
than to leave the work for on who Is
not acquainted with the situation," urged
A. F. Flegel.
"I don't know what to do," remarked
L. Zimmerman, looking appeallngly
"I am In favor of granting a license
to the Paris house." said Dr. Whiting.
"AH thorn people are bunched together
and If the saloon Is taken from them
they w4Il go out and get thir liquor.
I understand they keep an orderly
"I was there about a year ago, and
It was all right then." piped up Coun
cilman John P. Sharkey, who Is not a
member of the committee.
"What effect will the box ordinance
have on these places?" Inquired Whiting.
"Not much," returned Flegel. "The
real truth Is these places are all con
ducted in open violation of the law. You
men have already signed permits grant
ing licenses to just as bad place as
these-you areholdjng up."
"Here' gOesTBenT" said Slgler, begin
ning to sign the applications. He was
followed by Whiting and Zimmerman,
and the licenses were ordered Issued.
The merits of the Orpheum saloon
were discussed in detail. Flegel raised
the objection that the proprietors did
sot keep their agreement with the com
Ittee, made at the time the license was
rs granted, to the effect that there
was to be no "box rustling.'" no women
and no gambling In the place.
"Within a few weeks." said he. "after
the license was granted they broke their
agreement and the place has been grow
ing worse all the time." -
After questioning "Kit" Carson, one
of the proprietors. It was learned thiR
women received a percentage on liquor
they sell In the theatre.
Councilman Sharkey again made him
self heard. He remarked that he was. at
the Orpheum the night before.
"I saw many respectable people
there.", said he. "Among them was a
prominent county official with a man
friend and some women. They called
me over and I had a bottle of beer with
them. My office is near there and I
never heard any complaint against the
place. The girls who work there sit In
the balconies after they leave the stage
and men meet them and drink with
The petition to grant licenses to W.
M. Smith of 716 Williams avenue and.
8. H. West of 747 Williams avenue met
with strong opposition from Mr. Flegel.
Smith is backed by the We In hard brew
ery and West by the Star brewery. It is
A fight between these two concerns
over the location of a saloon in the
neighborhood. Flegel refused to grant
two licenses, but the committee would
not decide the matter and referred the
applications to the council without recommendation.
Compositions of F. W. Goodrich
Accepted by Paper Con
sidered Church Standard.
Splendid Reputation Gained in
Most Celebrated Cathedrals
in Great Britain.
Frederick W. Goodrich, organist and
choir director at St. David's Protestant
Episcopal ohurch, received notice this
week that two compositions, "Souls of
the Righteous" and "Blessed City."
which he submitted were accepted for
publication by the Parish Choir, on
of the severest judges of musical art in
the country. ,
Mr. Goodrich, whohaa been organist
at St. David's since last July. Is the
uL.iii7.. -4 " fwMor-ota number of meritorious com
Williams and . I ,,,,.. ha. .airtrl .t the ora-sn
. . . .i ...... f -
in many celebrated English cathedrals.
He served at St. John the Baptist cathedral.-.
m. Kensington; St. Peter's at
Hammersmith, London: St. Clement's at
Kensington; St. ColunV at Kensington,
and at Bletchlngly, Surrey county, where
he had a large choir, choral society and
Since coming to St. David's Mr. Good
rich has gained for the church a dis
tinction among musical people, and has
the co-operation of toe representative
vocalists of Portland. On Wednesday
evening be gave a recital, assisted by.
Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer. D. B. Mackle,
James G. Burneas and the men of the
choir. Th program wa appropriate to
the Chrlstmastlde. and was made up of
vocal and Instrumental selections from
compositions by Handel, Bach, Gounod.
Dubois, L'EspoIr, Best and Gullmant.
and was one of the most charming mu
sical events ever given in the city. Mr.
Goodrich's numbers covered a range of
expression sufficient to demonstrate his,
versatility. His numbers were: "Fugue
in D Minor," Bach; "March of the Magi
Kings." Dubois; "Andante Pastorale."
from the oratorio "Light of the World."
Sullivan; a fantasle on old i&igllah car
ols, W. T. Best; "SeTenade,-ro the Ma
donna," by H. Berlioi; "Old Scotch
Carol" and "Old jfrench Noel," Gui7
mant; and the chorus. "For Unto Us,"
from Handel's "Messiah."
Mrs. Bloch-Bauer sang two numbers
from the "Messiah." "Rejoice Greatly"
and "Com Unto Me," and by request
added to the program as previously pre
pared the magnificent "Glory to God."
bv Meyer-Hellmund. which -afforded op
portunity to display her wonderful power
in the fortissimo work.
It Is announced that Mr. Goodrich will
give other recitals this winter.
Tabor and Montavilla Seek
Happiness Through In
dividual Existence.
Those of Bridges Over Balch and
Marquam Gulches Occupy
His Attention. -
Declines to Be Drawn Into Any
Controversy on Figures Made
to Committee.
To Cure a Cold la One Say.
LaxatlTe Brono Quinine Tablets. At)
l r.runa tee money it ll mm to rnrt.
UroTe signature on each boi. ZSe.
Holiday Beach Rates.
For the holidays the O. R. A- N. makes
th vary low rat of Si. 00 for round
trip to beach points. Dates of sale. De
cember 23 and SO. Final limit, January
I. Particulars of C. W. Stinger, city
ticket agent. Third and Washington sts.
Mt Tabor cltlgen will hold a mass
meeting thjs evening at the Baptist
church, to discuss the advisability of in'
rorporatlng. H. G. l'l.itt. chairman of
the Mt. Tabor Improvement associa
tion, and Henry W. Hodges, secrets ry,
called the meeting. When the associa
tion last met a committee to draft a
charter wa appointed, with George H.
Andrews as chairman.
It Is understood that a strong senti
ment against incorporation haa arisen,
and the meeting probably will develop
some earnest discussion.
Those who urge incorporation stat
that unless a town Is formed the peo
ple cannot get Bull Run water, secure
proper street Improvements or obtain
sewer service.
Opponents of Incorporation aver that
getting Bull Run water does not de
pend upon obtaining a charter, but upon
the city of Portland having a surplus of
water to furnish territory outside the
city limits, and that water will be
given them asaoon as It can be spared.
They sav the people there paid last year
28H mills, against 40 paid In the city,
and will this year pay ZS against prob
ably St: that the difference will be at
least 13H mills In favor of present con
ditions. Montavilla people are also looking
carefully Into the question of Incorpo
ration, and yesterday a delegation of
cltlsens visited the city to obtain data.
The committee has examined the char
ter of Oreaham. obtained under the gen
eral statute, and, learning that GresTiam
Is dlssstisfied with It, are considering
the wisdom of drafting a special charter.
Spinsters and widows should not forget
thst there will not be another leap year
till 108.
Preferred Stock Canned Goods.
Allen Lewis' Beat Brand.
we carry in stock all of
the best grades of coal
and Coke, and with our fa
353 Stark Street i
Charles S. Blhler, the bridge expert. Is
today examining the plans and specifica
tions of the Balch and Marquam gulch
hiiitma Mr ttthlar returned from Ta-
coma on an early train, and after a few
minutes conference with Chairman C. K.
Kumelln of the council special commit
tee resumed his work. Less than a week
will undoubtedly surnce ror me exam
ination. "I do not care to enter Into any con
troversy over my work," said the engl
t h flu mnmina at the Portland. "I
made a report, embodying ray conclu
sions, which were reached after careful
investigation, and that nnisnes my
t will stand bv rnv renort. The
report on the -either structures will be
ready soon."
Mr. Blhlr was asked specifically In re-
rH tn tha uaual nractlce in railroad
bridge engineering as An the basis of
payment ror extra or additional wora.
His answer was mads with emphasis
umt u unMkn In the ahtaract. and was
not making reference to bridges of Port
land.. "A percentage basis of profit may be
.,,!. ,,.t.-. I nr tha matter of paying; for ad
ditional work may be left to further
contract agreement or rae parties, . sauu
he. "It would be difficult to state
whether 16 per cent profit on cost of
material and labor Is fair In any case
without knowing conditions of that
peculiar bridge. Conditions vary."
m- nitilap HI A not care to state
whether a IS per cent profit on cost of
additional work wouia ue isar m mw
Morrison street bridge case. He said
i. nrivin.i .-.niArnct orovlded that addi
tional work might be paid for this, or
by agreement. ,
When asked in regard to his estimate
.i k. .i.hi of steal strlnirers used
In substitution of wood, and the original
estimate of the contractor, wnicn snows
th. ..n.rt tn ha but 24.000 pounds
under the contractor's own figured. Mr.
Blhler said that his weight estimate
was In round numbers, ana inai ira m
tie variation indicated amounted to
nnthlnar. The difference would aggre
gate less than SI, 000.
There will be an 'xtra- consiaeraiion
when taking up the First street "bridge
,ln Uornila m 1711 lch the amount In
volved being about 10;000. The expert
will be asked to say u tne price paiu
for this additional work was near its
reasonable value. As work Is but be
ginning on the Balch gulch and the
Front street bridges' over Marquam
th,M hnu Keen no time vet for
additions to be made by the executive
Early next week the special committee
tn t ii r,ant v. ttself into some
sort of Judicial body to determine what
shall be done in regarn to uu swan
extra work. As the committee has been
.. ... l. with tha Taxnavers' league, it
Is probable that another conference will
be had Kith that noay Deiors rciwnuii
finally. It is also barely posslbl that
further light may be ougnt on me con
troverted points. The Pacific Construc
tion company ana Ulty engineer nuio"
may be asked to give details showing
wherein their estimates are more cor
rect than Mr. Blhler. It mil of this
work still leaves the committee con
vinced that an excess Bcaftt of SIB, 000 I
v..i mii. hv the brldse company.
i . ,.,( ahn ha taken ? is the aues-
.11.1 PVVIVM " '
tion. The executive noaxa oraerea ins
work, and has the power of approving
i. ! not bv district assess
ments, as In the case of the Tanner
creek sewer and the guicn Driages, out
is by the city at large, and the council
. . ,.,.,,. latitude In levvlns
nas iiuv .no ... - - -
the amount. The question haa arisen If
the council can ao more man mm
recommendation. How such a recom
mendation would be received by th
...... m tn be. determined.
When the matter was discussed st the
last meeting the sentiment was to have)
. . the hoarrl's own expert, if
any Inquiry whatever was to be made
Into the matter.
TO Investigate atoports.
A meeting of the "special Morrison
street bridge committee of the executive
board is in session this afternoon for
.. r,r Invest tamtlna- the renorts
regarding the alleged frauds connected
with the construction of the structure.
One thing into which the committee will
Inquire very carefully la the charge
that an excessive sum has been allowed
the Pacific Construction company ror
the extras, and especially the steel
It is not at all probable, according to a
member of the committee that the
recommendation of George H. Howell
... aHMini a snaelal committee to In
vestigate the alleged excessive charges
made against the contractors, win ue
considered. He stated that he was of
- .hat the cnmmlttee would
conduct Its own investigation without
hiring another expert.
It la understood that F. Tt. Butler, the
- ,,f tha Pacific Construction i P i T -
company, will make a statement to the
executive bo-irn regarding in cu a
extras used In the bridge. Jt Is said
that, he contends 'the extras cost him
much more than- the prices quoted by the
experts and by Mr. Howell, for the rea
son thst he was under contract with the
American Bridge company to purchase
all the steel to be used on the bridge
from that firm, and that at the time
the contract was made the price of steel
was milch higher than when the ma
terial was quoted In the various re
ports. '
It Is expected that Mr. Butler will
give an itemised account of the cost of
all the extra, material he has used In
the bridge.
Coos Bay people want to trad In
Portland, and have Invited local co
operation in developing that Held. I. S.
Kni rm-in. corresponding secretary of
the Coos Bay chamber of comeree,
writes to the Portland CorqmerclsJ club
asking that Manager Tom Richardson
visit that country and stir up the sub
ject of Portland trade. He says:
"There la "no reason why trade rela
tions between this country and Portland
should not be quadrupled within a short
time. We are loyal to Oregon. Portland
Is Oregon's commercial city, and should
havs th bulk of our tend. Instead of
Ban Francisco. The coal here alone
should prove a strong factor, If once
started In that direction, In bringing
about a closer relationship between
Portland and this section."
Cons county will have a large exhibit
at th Lewis and clsrk fair.
Notabls Improvemsnts Being
Mads in All Lines Center
ing in This City.
Many Millions of Dollars Will Be
Spent on Better Service
to California.
The operation of railroads In Oregon
Is passing through a revolutionising per
iod. The day of slow trains Is nearly
done, and a faster era is coming in on
heavier steel rails, steel bridges, stone
culverts and ballasted roadbeds. The
enormous Improvement wrought tn th
physical condition of the Oregon Rail
road Ac Navigation company's main lias
from Portland to Huntington during
the last 18 months, and the laying of 60
miles of new rails on the Southern
Pacific main Una In southern Oregon
during the last four, months. Is not
nearly all that the Harrlman officials
have planned. A vast amount of work
Is to be done on the Southern Pacific s
Oregon lines during the next year. The
bulk of the year's work will be done
In the next four months. A herculean
effort Is to be made to put this line In
first-class condition for the opening of
the Lewis and Clark fair travel.
Several million dollars will be spent
In Improvement of the Southern Pacific
main line between Portland and the Cali
fornia line. Already an order is placed
for S700.000 worth of steel rails, 80-
pounders, for continuing the work of
track laying north from West Fork.
These rails will be delivered here jjext
month, and the company will put a
large force of men upon the right of way
and rush the work through Before the
fair travel begins. The finishing touches
are being put upon the O. R. A N. main
line, and that road is already In shaeo
for th heavy travel expected.
Efforts from this time will be con
centrated on the main line of the South
ern Pacific from West Fork northward.
South from that point ths improvement
Is nearly completed. New 80-pound rails
have been laid from West Fork to Grants
Pass, a instance of SO miles, and many
steel bridges and fills have taken the
places of wooden trestle. The work
from West Fork to Portland Is planned
away ahead, and although Its completion
may not oome until a year from next
fall, the laying of heavy rails and erec
tion of steel bridges will be pushed as
faT" north as Cottage Grove next year.
This will bring the Improvements to
a point Where level country Is reached.
and beyond which the heavy "helper
locomotives of the mountain divisions
do not run. The object In rebuilding the
mountain divisions first was to provide
heavy tracks for the locomotives that
help pull the Southern Pacifie s trains
over the Slsktyous.
In a few weeks the track Improve
ments will have been completed as far
north as West Fork Materials and 80
pound rails for about ISO more miles
have been ordered, which will complete
the new track nearly to Cottage Grove.
After that work will be continued north
ward, but with less rush, until th.
Cleaning Up Sale of
1904 Pianos
nix i. io i
Tkraa 'saaaaa, esses assured In Blpetagi
aareral hop-win ptasoa : some dkKosttnuea
atylee. and a number a plaaoaTw ha., .-attea
In from roatsl. All of lue abo.e piano., fta
la niasy bave taken in exchange P,rl
payment toward the purchase of aome of or
new Htelnwar. Matey. A. B. Chase. Stroaber.
smanii and ethers of our leading; planus, are
now being offered at prices far below their
real worth. It will pay Jon to sea tbem.
Eaay payment, accepted old lnatruiueuti
taken la exchange.
Soule Bros. Piano Co.
Cor. Miriliss aad Wast Park sts. ,
V. IX Be sure te hear
a-fl -SwSm.
wW It
-SwSwsVVl -sV '
sssk.' -sV
1 s.s.sW. 9
Southern Paclflc trains run Into Portland
nr. sn.nnnnil rails Then will come revis
ion of -time schedules, and undoubtedly
. . At . a 1 I O
a last mrouarn train wiwwii tvuiww
and San- Francisco.
In addition to. the vast amount of
new equipment for the Southern Pacific
already announced that company has or
dered 10 new passenger coaches from
the Pullman company, and Is building
four new mall cars in its Sacramento
Pleo'e Cure for Conanmpttoa li in effectual
remedy for couche and enlds. 25c.
This organisation la non-sectarian and
Is Is, in sympathy with all evangelical
churches. Its aim Is to bring the non-
church-golng element under Christian
influences. Gospel meetings are held
every night In the week tn the Volun
teer armory, at 287 Ankeny street. The
sick are visited and the poor are relieved
to the extent that means are furnished.
All donations of food and clothing are
thankfully received at headquarters,
14S Ash street, rooms S and 4. or phone
Hood 1691. ' On Saturday evening a
watch meeting will be held and every
body Is Invited to have coffee and cake
free of charge and watch th old year
out and the new year In.
S lA L E
Is Now in Full Swing !
Every article (except contract goods)
sharply reduced. Exclusive High
grade Clothing, Furnishings and
Hats are offered here now at a -GOOD
SAVING in price to yod?
Clothiers Furnishers Hatters
Opposite Postoffice Square
- A free electrical panorama at th
corner of Third and Alder streets, from
ft a m. to 9 p. m. a
Dry short slab wood, stove Dry short cordwood, stove
..,..$3.00 ....$4.50
Same Kind of Wood What's the CClf
Diference? Per cord 4 lCV-r
' sr
Banf ield, Veysey Fuel Co.
Phone Main 353 80 Third St., Cor. Oak
.Pending the Completion of the Columbia Southern Railroad
to LYTLEj Crook County, Oregon, an
To Lytle from Shaniko
Beginning within a few weeks, wo that travelers may have not only a comfortable but really enjoyable ride- between these two point-.
The town of Lytle la becoming of such Importance that quick time Is desired to the present railroad terminus, ao tha automobile la
to do the business until ths locomotive Is introduced.
Free Sites for Factories are Given
to Men Who Mean Business
And a flouring mill, woolen mill, sash and" door factory, furni
ture factory, brewery, small machine shop and foundry, and alt
such other concerns aa belong to the makeup of live communities
arc needed at Lytle. I 1
A Great Field for a Good Hotel
Is open here. No more profitable investment could be made,
and whoever secures the location will reap the cream of the
great harvest in store for some one before many months have
waned. Lytle having been officially declared the terminus of
the Columbia Southern railroad, soon to be extended from
Shaniko, will afford an opening for an enterprise of this char
acter that cannot help but make Its owner Independent within a
few short years. However. ONLT PERHON8 ABLE TO ERECT
making money Is too great to make it necessary to peddle tha
offering around or hire some one to accept the prise.
Acres Now Under Irrigation
And (0,000 more will be under water the coming summer, ao that
the perpetual prosperity of Lytle Is assured. ALL THAT
REOION WILL BE IRRIOATED. however, fast aa men can
dig the ditches and build the flurries. Nearly 400 men are now
employed at thta work and the number will be increased from
time to time aa necessities may require, and aa
There Is a future for this part of Oregon as permanent as the
PACIFIC COAST, and if th reader of these lines desire a
home In such a place as that, he or she should take advantage
of the offerings made by the Lytle Townslte owners now, while
city lota are golnf at GROUND FLOOR PRICES.
Acre Tracts Adjoining Townsite Sell at $100 Each
They will be worth a thousand dollars within a year. These
are perfect gardens. Anything Indigenous to the climate may
be grown on thia fertile soli, and In flavor and quality Its fruits
and vegetables compare favorably with any place on earth.
Crook County is One of the Greatest Stock
Raising. Regions In the United States !
rt haa the greatest sheep ranch in the world, that of the Baldwin Sheep A Land Company with Its 60.000 h4 of 'l'J
elllng as high ns $400 each for many selections, while $1.00 haa bsen refused for the choice of bucka Great cattle and I horse ' ""Mr
r maintained, the stock being shipped to eastern markets and there commanding th highest prices to be had for the productions
it any grazing lands on the continent of America.
It Is a Great Country, Indeed! It Is a Rich and Prolific One. Wouldn't You
Like a Home In Such a Place?
For maps, plats, prices and terms of city "ots, acre tract and farm lands, address)
Lytle (via. Bend) Crook County, Oregon.