THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 29, 1804. 1 . .TIB IPS n V:T4 3'wBBBHP?BWP tail .tee1" v-' ' Jl ttf"' twgfSSIBo Din ' X flroav.jacBnB , la j sfl ''lfwi 9BBBBBnBBBBx?sBBBBBBBBBBBBi R W ' Sll H fl : ; III I Ik, asH s Bw mf Bl ' ll H IR '"Jp HhI K' ;'"'.,- i H j BaaaPfstufa. J HsBHM Elizabeth Huebcr and the Counterfeiting Outfit Found in Her Home in New York. She Was Captured With Two in Company With Two Burg lars and a Counterfeiter and Was AT THE THEATRES. "Foe Mother's Sake" Tonight Play-goers will be pleased to see Marie Heath In "For Mother's Sake" at the Empire theatre tonight' and the re mainder of this week with a matinee Saturday. The many exquisite touchea jpf human nature In the play cannot fall to Impress even the moat worldly minded and. on the lover of nature It produces h moat profound Impression. .A'-i.)..' from tne many beautlea of dialogue and Situation the onlooker will find much to interest him In the remarkable de tails of every scene. Annie Clark Ash ley haa been dubbed the apoatls of resl- iBiii in mi, uuuiury, ner realism, How ever, is never offensive. A thoroughly competent company headed by Marie ra The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 80 years, has borne tho slffnatnro of and has VV 8ona All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTOR I A ' Oaatorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare Rortc, Drops and Soothing Sympa. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotics substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms suid allays Feverishness. It cures Dlurrlm n ami Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constioatlon and Flatulency. It -assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA "LWAY Bean the The Kind Ton Have Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. T Engaged to Marry the Latter. Heath, will appear In the production to be given at the Empire. Great Demand for Seats Today. h. C. Whitney's . production of the great success. "The Show Otrl" or "The Magic Cap," a musical comedy in two uctS, comes to the-Empire theatre next week starting Sunday matinee. There will be a special matinee Monday, which la New Year's day. Hilda Thomaa heads the company of metropolitan favorites, which Includes Sam My He, 1....1 Hall, Estelle Bird. Sid Forrester. Josephine Floyd. Bert nln wrlght, May Sweeney, Charles Paroor. Blanche Bertram, Louts' I.ngford. Ida Scott. Thomas Shea. Edna Sweeney. The Apollo quartet, the rainbow sisters, the dnnclng dandles and others, also su sing lng snd dancing girls. Advance Sale Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock the advance sale of seats will open for Wil- been made under hut per- snporvislon since Its Infancy. Signature of VAN CORTLAND The VMM's finatcst CUlnroysat nd Pafmlit This Week 310 Life Readings for 50c SUH WASHINQTON ST. rEKMANKNTLY lAICATKD. THIS ONPKKKTL MAN TELLS Yr .11 ST WHAT 1UI' WANT TO KNOW W1TI101T ASKING T SINOLJI gt'BKTION. HE HAM KK DL'CaUl MM HI TO SO ikntm THE OHKATBST ILAIBVOTANT AND PALMIST 18 VAN COHTLAND. HE GIVES ADVICE ON BUSINESS. INSUBANOt. TRAVELS. CHANtlES, LOVE, LAWSUITS. SEPARATION, WILLS. DEEM. MORTGAGES. PATENTS, CLAIM. ETC. HE WILL TELL WHAT TIl.VDK. 1IIHI NB88 OB PBOPEW10N Vol AUK ADAPTED KOR. TELLS YOU WHEN AND WHOM YOU WILL MARRY. GIVES TRUTH ITL REVELA TIONS OP ALL LOVE AKPAIB8. WILL 1 l.l.l. YOU YOUB COBBECT AGE OR FORFRtT OSiio. INDORSED BY THE LEADING MEN AND WOMEN OF THE NATION. INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. SOME HANDS READ BY VAN CORTLAND: President MeKlnley. Queeu Victoria. Mr. MeKlnley. Li te President Carnot. Surah Bernhardt. Sir George Whit. Admiral Dewey. iWu Ting Fang. Frlnre ot Wain. The Mikado Emperor William. Emperor Prenrl Joseph. Li Hang Chang. Lord Carson, Viceroy of Emperor of China. India. Paderewskl. Julia Msrlow. Maude Adam. Lillian Russell. CONSULTATION STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL satisfaction Otvan or No Fee Accepted. OMr Hours Dally and Sunday, 0 a. m. to P. Sa lt interested eat out this advertisement. Ma feadtsgesT sxaOfc PROF. VAN CORTLAND SUH WASHINOTON ST.. COB SIXTH. Hams and Walker, who came to the Mar quam Orund theatre as the New Tear's attraction in their latest success, "In Dahomey," next .Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, with a special-price matinee Wednesday. Humor, comedy and pathos flow as naturally . from the descendant of the southern negro of the present day at If did from the alave of the old plantation, as he sat before his cabin door studying the stars and the whispering winds that taught him to coo his melodies to his dusky' charmer when he wandered by moonlight among the magnolias that grew about her numble cabin. Charming "Charity Ball." Many people are saying that "The Charity Ball." running this week at the Columbia Is 'the mtist - beautiful pro duction of the Columbia season thus far. - In many respects it certainly Is so. The slse of the audiences would bear out the assertion thst "The Charity Ball" Is oertalnly the moat popular play. "The Charity Ball" Is full of Christmas scenes and Christmas feeling, no picture or lire eouia put one more mm -oughly In touch with holiday cheer and general kindly emotion. It is a picture of New York Ufa In the higher circles snd reveals not only a beautiful love atory between the principal characters but portrays In a masterly way the dramatic conception of Christmas tlds in the metropolis of America. One never saw a more touching scene than when Anne Kruger piles toy a around the lit-, tie sleeping watf from t lie streets. , Picture of Bethlehem. A splendid picture of life In Bethlehem In the daya of the nativity, a pictur esque grouping of the Magi, Hernd, Bhep- herds, Joaeph, Mary and the Angel Ga briel, a reverent and sympathetic dra matic rendering of the wonderfuKscene of the adoration by the high and the low Be f6re the cradle of the Christ child. snd an undercurrent of comedy In the broad farce of "Mak, the aheep' thief these' are some of the striking Inci dents in Ben Oreet's "Btar of Bethle hem," which will be given at the M n -quara Friday and Saturday afternoons and evenings four performances in all. Seats now selling. The Grand's New Features. Not even the downpour of rain cduld keep the crowds away from the Qrand theatre last night. The attraction, as ususl. was the Arsbs, who added to their act and garve It a finish as new as it was beautiful and picturesque. The peo ple are now beginning to comprehend the wonder of the dervish dsnce, snd it meets with thunders of applause. Last night another Imported French picture was shown, revealing the life of a blooded race horse from birth to the race coarse. These are but a few of the acts, all of which deserve commenda tion. . - Coupons for the Star. This afternoon there Is published In The Journal a coupon . which .entitle the bearer to half price admission to the Star theatre matinee tomorrow af' ternoon. At these matinee perform ances with the coupon feature, whVh has become so populsr, tbere is wit nessed the full regulsr performsnce, and this week the engagement of Daisy Harcourt would Insure an hour's charm ing entertainment even If there were no other sots on the progrsm. "The Last Word." John Drew and Ada It nan made one of the biggest htts in Augustine Daly's sclntllatirrg- oomedy, "The Last Word." lyis Is the plsy now In preparation for rtha Columbia theatre, opening with the Sunday matinee, January 1. People are looking forward with keen anticipation to the way these parts will be handled by Edgar Baume and Miss Cnuntlsa. MisS Counties tskes Ihs part of Baronesa Borenheff. which she played With great success In tbe east last year. "The Arcade's Capital Program. If we may Judge the value of the Ar cade's program by the cfoWded attend ance. It la one of the beat that has ever been presented at this fashionable, coay family theatre. Dan and Bessie Kelly are two of the moat comlcsl comedtana who ever Joked a Joke. Lots Mehden hsll. a violinist Is an attractive fea ture and the bioscope picture of. a race between an automobile and a race horse Is wonderfully exciting. No Dullness at Bijou. Right In the middle of the week ta the time to see a good vaudeville shnw. Tha Bijou Is the place to go, ton. "The two red ravens." Welch and Malt land ; May and Miles, with their odd dances and new songs; Burdlck, with his mysteries of the eve and hand, and the excruciat ing Bljougraph pictures will brighten up a dull day. Automobile Given Away Tonight at the Lyric Dr. Wright's automobile will be given away. The recipient must be In tne house. A big hill lmn been arranged for the occasion. Friday night money will be given awny. r' i Mirth at the Baker. A good place to spend a part of your CLAI RVOYANT Sir Francb Drake aoau Washington Street. $10.00 Complete Life Readings for This Week Only I DO HBBERY SOLEMNLY ACRES AND GCABaNTRU to make jou bo cbsras If l fstl te call you by name la fall, names of rour friends, enemies or rivals. I promise tu t,U you whether your huabsnd. wife or smwtheart Is true or false, tell you how to fain the lor of the one you moat deaire, tcii though miles away; how to succeed in btialneas. speculation, lswanlta; how .to marry the one of yonr choice; how to re gale ycath. health snd vitality. RemeTes stII luOusaee. cures drink habit: locates treasure, cures all nervous diauasss. How can I have food tnckt How ess I tnceeed in business 1 Bow can I mas'v my borne hsppy? How can I ronquer my enemies 1 How csn I marry the one I ehoosat How can I marry wellt How soon can. 1 marry? How can I conquer my rival? How csn I make sny one lots me? How soon will my lover proposal Mow ean 1 jr -a lrtt-r T How can 1 get s good position f How can 1 remove bad Influences? How ran I control any one? How make fllrant one think of ra? How can I hotfl mr hnshand's loeal " How esn 1 keep my wife's lovst ' HOf RS DAILY. 10 TO 7. AND jBTNDAY. SOS 4 WASHWtfJTON ST., COB FIFTH .AND WASHINGTON STS CFor twenty hve years the best printers of the North west a repu tation which will be main foinorl "Telephone IclineU LMain 165 VTW. Baltes and Co.FirstjEk Oak COAL F015B0USB Raven Nut Coal, delivered, at per ton . . . r . . .77'. .... $5.75 Raven Lump Coal, delivered, at per ton . . .'. .6.50 Kenton Lump Coal, delivered, at - per ton 97.00 Australian Coal, delivered, at per ton . . . :T.-; . . . $7.50 Carbon ,H11t Cpal, delivered, at , per ton .' 97.50 Rock Springs Coal, delivered, at per ton 58.50 Screened Coal Full Weights. VULCAN COAL CO. OFFTC PHONK MAIN :77w No. 820 BURN8IDE STREET. DR. GUNN'S BLOOD ? NERVE TONIC A TABLET TO TAKE AT MEAL TIME. Acting on the Blood sad Her at It replaces the lets from Msssee, Overwork or Dissipation. To Gain Fink and Strtngth, ( not fat ,. To Rtmovt Weahnats From Ann Cause. To Creole Ntrv Fore. Jo Improoo tht Memory. To Stop Dii tit Spoilt. To Blot Hoalthy Sltop. To Stop Ringing In tart. To Mas Llopr Actio. To Our tldntu Dittos. To Rtmovt Llvr Spvtt. To Mak Skin Cltar. To Cur Dytptasla. Bllloutnett anT Constipation. SOLO BY DRUGGISTS. OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT I OF PRICE, 75c. A BOX; 3 BOXES 12. DR. BOSANKO CO., PHILADXLFR1A. PA. 50c t Headquarters for Elastic Stockings and Trusses LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO. Third and Yamhill Sts. Kodaks ! Graphophones ! i We carry a full line of EASTS AW S ROD OK 8 and COtUMElA OSAPHOPHOSrS. Which are superior to all other Kodals and talking machlnea In the market. GIBSON CO. 348 Washington St.. Portland, Or. IRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP s base sand by Millions of Mother for their children while Teething for over Fifty Teen. It sooth as the child, softens the, gums, sllnra all pain, ourea wind oollo, and la the bast remetly for diarrhoea. nrWTT.aiVE CEKTS A HOTTXE. Christmas week Is at the Batter. The management has an extra g' " "I holld ty week bill, and you tan get a l omblri ulu-i nf music and mirth that will pleaae you and uid In driving away the blues. If ynu want a good, hearty laugh, to aa the Show .at the Bnker you'U not re gret it, , Preferred B took canned Alien St Lewis Bei st Brsnd. BUDAH BERNIQUE CLAIRVOYANT THE VEILED PROPHETESS If Tt1sbI ssHlL J f D l TELL, YOUR NAME" Special This Week, $10.00 Life Reading 50c Tbers are ao mistake la th nredlrtloas mad.' by tbe treat and wonderful psychic. Yoq may wish to know It it Is savlssble te rrske a chance to business. In love, la mar-riaa-e. "Shall I raeeed In at sew nade'tsklng V ''Csn I obtain "i bopes, mr wisbes, my sm- bltlnns?" Kim il r ever enjoy tbe luxuries of wealth f "Caa I truat my friends t" "Have I t'tiemleal" "vVhea shall I marry V "How often shall I marfyr 'Khali 1 ever be dlvorradT" "Does another ansrs'tke love that rlgktfslly belonas to me?"' wv ' "If so. wbotn V "Am I love1 In refnrnT" "Is tbere a rival In my krveT" ' "when shall my love affair termlnsta la sMrnaas?" "Wfieh shall rov domes He trdnlet M f ' "How ran I make my life snd h.mie happy T' "When shall my absent frfend retnrnf yBThy ao f not receive s letter!" HorPJt to to S DAILY AND SUNDAY. 29114 Morrison St., Corner Fifth suni Floor of Boston Dental Parlors. JfOTICI. NOTICE) Is hereby given thst under and by virtue or suinunty vt-stew iu mi' by resolution duly Suil regularly, naeai'd at a a uckbnldera' meutltut at the Oulconda ( otiaoliasted Uold tlluea I'oinrotiv. b.'M at Pendleton. Oreaon on the nib day of November, 1M04, I will, at pubHe aoctton and In front of the court bou door st I'eudtotcn, Oregon, ou January 6, at it o'clock p. m. of ssld day, sell to the hlabrat bidder, provided said bid aball not bo less than S40.000 cash lu band, all "of the properties, both real, personal and mixed, of tbe Uolconds Consolidated Uold Mines company, ssld property being described par ticularly aa follows: 1. Tbe (JoltMiida Lode Mining Claim, pat ented as lot No. 848, coutslulng 1S.044 acres of mlnersl ground snd embrsclng tha Gol c6nds Mine. - 2. The Wide West Quarts Lode Mining Clslm, ami ivntury Quarts Lode Mining Claim, tbe Charleston Quarts Lode Mining Claim, and tbe Telephone Qusrts Ide Mining Claim, sll tour of .ajld uusrts lode mining (in lin patented aa l.i No. STS, and con taining oN.HUM seres. t. Tke IClllott FUrar Mining Claim, sur veyed for psteut under miners! survey No. H7u, coutslulng all acres of placer mineral faneL v T, 4. The Olympla Qusrts Mining Claim. B. The Baltimore Quarts Mining Clslm. o. - i no iiregou uuarts Mining ( lann. T. S. U. 10. Tlx' CiiuteulIAn Quarts Mining ( Is lm. The ( nun. hi Ion Quarts Milling The Apple Plsrer Mining cult Tlio Monte Criato Plsn-r Mining Claim. tne ll ibart 1'lacer Mlulng ( Inlm. 11. The Silver Oem Placer Mining Claim. 12. The Columbia Placer , Mining Clslm. 13. 14. ID. 18. 17. The. McKluley Placer Mining Claim. Jilt- l.ll lie naiay rinoor Mining Claim. Tin- lletter t'lscer Mining ( lalm Tbe Mrtriiuolttsn I'lseer Mlulng Claim. The Msyflower Plsrfr Mining Claim;' The rn. Urn Pl r Mining Claim. Tbe liuicnmts I'lac. r Vilnius Claim. IK 111 All of which clalma are recorded In tbe records of mining rlslmo In the office of the Rsnvirder of Conveysuces of Baker County, Oregon. . Also the south H of tbe northwest and tbe north Va of tbe north t of tbe south west of section .11. township K south, range ST east, Wlllsmette Merlrllnn. In Hskcr Oianty. Oregon, containing 13 sere more cr less; also the reservoir site, located by the Uolconds Mining Company on Ortolier 12, 1801, notice of location of Which Is reconle-l t page SIT. volume ft of tbe mining records of Baker County. Oregon, together with all damn, dttcbes. worka and Improvements of all k'ods connected with tb ssm. Also water right of Hon Inehes oa trait Creek. In Baker County, Oregon. Also that certain mill site located bv Andrew Elliott, notice of location nf which apnesr of record at page SON of book V of the records of water rights of Bsker County. Oregon. Also the mill site known ss the Uol conia Mill tilte, notice of location of which anuesrs of record st paga IU In Jmok M of tbe records of qaarta lacstlons of Baker County, Oregon. Also thst wster right, ditch, flume and pipe na. with rights nf wsy snd essemsnt anncr ilnlng thereto from the waters of Sl'ver teek In Baker Connty. Oregon, miw holng used by tbe Uolconds Conaolldated (iold Mines Compsay fur the imrpose of supplying wster to generate electricity for operating the mill and other msi'hlitery of that corporstlon. Alan all wster rights, dltrhi-n. flumes, pipe lines, reservoirs and reservoir sites, right of wsy and casements, aod water uses and privileges now owned by the psrty of th first psrt ; including those water rlgbts and rights of way, esstmants. ditcher, flumes, reservoirs snd reservoir sites, wster uses snd privileges heretofore located by tbe party of the flrat pert as sri', under the description and name of the Ooicinda Csnal. which ars recorded under the uame of rb'a Oolronda Canal la tbe records of water rights of Bsker Cnanty. Oregon. All of which said rest propertr ebove nsmed. mines, raining claims and rocatlens. snd wster rights snd locations sre recorded 111 the proper records of Bsker County. Ore gon, snd sre situated snd located in said Bsker County. AIM sll of tbe mills tnd msehlnery. tools, lmplemeuta, milting snd other equipment snd atipurt. nnt cra. kssaylug outfit, botata. en gines, boilers snd sll other machinery need In working and operating tbe property of tne psrty of tbe first psrt In Bsker County. Oregon, ss well aa to furnish electric light for tbe ssme. Also one modern 20-stamp mill made by tha Bladen Iron Vorhn, with all of Its psrts snd appurtensncea, mining which sre roek-crunbern, conveyors. 10 Johnson concentrstors, and other appurtenances, electric motors. Also sll mining material, stores snd sup plies. Including caps, powder, fuse, steel, iron, cooking and other utensils, tools. Implements, sll of tbe cord wood liolonsing to the party of the first psrt. nnd now being upon Its renl property nnd mining i Inlm shove men tioned, attilla. lagging snd sll other mlulng timbers, car, rsfls snd track snd pipe. Also two driving horses, one buggy, two arts double harness, one Studehsher sleigh, snd slso sll aod every other srtlcle of per sonal property owned by or belonging to the party of the first psrt. as well ss sll snd every piece suit psreel of resl property owned and belonging to the party of tbe first part, whether af tbe ssme kind snd character as that hereinbefore mentioned or of s dlf f -.'nt kind ana character, all t aatd prop-' erty. real and peraonal, belonging now In Baker Cmintr. Oregon. Also UT.nlS ahares (if tbe rspltsl stick of tbe said Oolronda Conaolldated. Oold Mines Cnmpsny now owned by ssld company and held and known sa treasury stock thereof. The ' idii of ssld ssle will be resh In hsn.', and no bid w-111 be accepted of less thsn $40,000 for lhe entire properly. The money received from such ssle to he spplled In liquidation of all Indebtedness of ssld company. Any remaining surplus to be di vided pro rata arming the then stockholders of ssM compsny. Done and dated st Pendleton, Or., this, the 2ath dsy of November. 1P04 Seel. T. a. HAILKT. President. A t test J. g. BECK WITH. Secretary, ; CITT NOTICES. PROPOSED rM PRO VI MX N'T OT OKAND aTE- Notlce ta hereby given that at tbe meeting of the Council of the City of Portlsnd, Orr- gnn. held inn tne zisi osy ot ineeemner, iu, i the filloning resolution sii adopted: Ucnol.e.l. That the ..nri. lt of the City 6t I'ortlsnd. Oregon, deema It expedient and pur pose to Improve Orsnd avenue from 12 feet north of th south line of Hast Stark street to HI feet north of the north line of Kst Osk street, bv constructing an eteasted road way In width 0 feet for the roadway and two la-foot aldewalh oa either aid of tha said roadway. Said Improvement lo be mad" In"rdnn.e j with the charier and ordtnancca of Ike City, f Port Is sal and the plsns. aie.-iOctir ami atlmates of th city Engineer BIBfl. ta IB CITY NOTICES. i fflce of the Auditor of tha City of Portlsnd. ou Ihs Stk day tf locinler. IStU. Indorsed. "City Engineer's plans und apecnUatldas for the Improvement of tirand Avenue from 12 teat wrih nf the sooth line nf East Ktsrk street to IU feet north of tbe aorth Una ot Kant Osk street and the estlmstes of the work to be doaut snd the probable total cost thereof. The coat of said Improvement to be assessed as provided by tbe rlty ebsrtrr upon the prop erty specially and peculiarly benefited thereby end which Is hereby declared to be all the lots, part thereof and parcels of land lying between tbe north line of Kaat Morrison street and the sooth line of Es(t Burnslde street, snd between s line po feet eaaterly from and par allel with the east Una of Grsnd avenue and a line pt. feet westerly from and parallel with tbe west line of Grnnd avenue. The engineer's rstlmste of the probable total cost for tbe Improvement of Orand svenue la Tbe above Improvement Is to be classed aa an elevstsd roadwsy Improvement snd shall be mslntsinee by the city for a period of five years, provided, however, that the owners of a malorlty of the property benefited by ssld Improvement or sny portion thereof, aball not petition tor a new or different Improvement be fore the aspiration thereof. Tha plana, speclflcatlous and estimates of tbe City Knglneer for the Improvement of aald Grnnd Avenue sre hereby ndopted. Besolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be snd be is nereby directed to give notice of tbe proposed Improvement of said street aa provided by the city enartef. BemonatraQCt-e against the above Improve ment may he filed In writing with tha under signed within 20 days from the data of tbe flrnt publication of this notice. ' By order of the Council, , THOS. C. DEVMN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland Portlsnd. Oregon. Dsts of first publication Dec. 2s, 10. EXTENSION OF EAST OLISAN STREET. Whereas, the Council or tbe city of Portlsnd. dt-emlng It eipedlent to widen Esst GHasn street, in the City of Portland, from the west line of Esst Second street to the west line of I'ulon avenue, ssld street to he an extension la its present coarse and width of East Ollssn street as laid out eaaterly. of Union avenne, did en the 18th dsy of (brfoher, 1004. direct the City Knglneer to survey tb same snd to mark tbe. boundaries thereof, and to make a plat of such survey, and a written report containing s full and perfect description of such proposed street and boundariea thereof, and of the por tion of each lot. tract or psrt of either to be epproprlsted for, such street, and the City Engi ner having msde such survey, plat and report, and filed sorb- prat and report in tbe office of the Auditor of the city qf Portland n tbe Mh day of November, IIS), snd ssld report having been adopted by ordinance No. 14. 3841. entitled: 'An ordinance adopting tbe report of tbe City Engineer In the matter of the proposerl widen ing of Esst Ollssn street, in the City ot Port land, from the west Hue of Kaat Second street to tha west line of I'ulon avenue, aald street to be an extension In its present course snd width of East Oltaaa street aa Uid out eaaterly of I limn avenue. - Now, therefore, all persons interested an hereby notified thst the Council of the City of Portland has sppolnted H. J. Morrison. Thos. Hlslop snd E. Swan viewers to view ssld proponed extension of said street snd make an rstlmste of tbe benefits snd damages occa sion, d by the Widening of tbe ssme. In scenrd anc with section 34 nf the, charter of the City of Portland, and said viewers to meet st tbe office of the Auditor of the City of Port land on Wednesday, tan 11th day of January. 100(1. at the hoar of 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon of aald day- .. Tbe proposed widening of Esst Ollssn street will make tbe said street ftb feet In width snd is more particularly bounded snd described ss follows: Beginning at a point in the west line Af Colon svenue, where tb ssme would be Inter sected by an extension westerly of. the north line of Best Qllssn street laid -out essterly of I'ulon avenue, running thence on a westerly extension of th northerly line of Eaat Ollssn street 111 the waat line of East. Second street; thence southerly along thev-asWKtawly line of East Second street (Ml feet to a point: thence eaaterly aksag the southerly line of East Ullaan street ss now laid out. to the west Una of Union svenue: thnc northerly along the west erly Hue of tiptoe svenue B6 feet to place of ft'j afl!ml widening of Esst Ollsan street will lueluda snd necessitate tha spproprlstlon to public nae nf the following described psrcels or trsets of lsnd: All thst psreel or tiset of Una lying net ween the northerly line or tne proposeu i."i io.nn street, snd line 211 feet southerly therefrulu and parallel id parallel tnerewnn; inn oeiweeD uw lv line of imloii svenue snd the easterly lln of 'Best Third street, contslnlng B.OOO equsre feet Also all that parcel yit tract of land lying between the northerly line of th proposed taat i.llnan street and a , lln 20 feet southerly Iherefro-n snd psrallel therewjth; snd between the essterly Use of East Second street and the westerly lhie of Esst Third street, containing 5.O00 square feet, . All person claiming damsge by reason or the appropriation of the prupi-rty sbov d nerlhed. or sny psrt thrrcof. In the proposed widening of ssld street sre hereby. pcllly notified to file their rlstms for such damage wltb the Aodltor of the CMy of Portland before the Hth dsy of Juuiary. 1900. tha time sp-. piloted for the meeting of tha viewers therein. By order of the Council. . THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Dst of first publication Tne. 24. 1904. ISs Only Double-Track Railway between the Missouri River ard Chicago The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and Ivtth). Less than tiree days Portland to Chicago. Two Through Trains to Chicago are operated dally via the Oregon R. R. & Nar.Co., V P.R.R. and Chicago A Norih-Western K v fb Chicago from Portland and points in Oregon and Eastern Washington. Dally eacursinns in Pullman tourist leepibs; ar,lrtai Fort land through to Chicago without change. B.JL SITCHIg. A. G RARKgS, Ges I Agt. Psc. Cosst, Grsl Agsat. c. a n.-w. av. c. a n w ky. Sly Market hreet, irj Third Street, Oak PsAiicisco, cal. Post land. oaa. i i ii 1 1 am BALTIMORE, tr OHIO R. R. ALL TRAINS VTAWAStiLStaTOaN OREGON Shout line a union Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman stsndsrd snd tourist ak lng cars dally to Omaha. Chicago, Spokane! tourist steeping ears dally to Kansas Cttyl through Pullman tourist alee ping ears (person ally conducted! weakly t Chicago. ataMahat chair ears (seats free) tu tb East dally. UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECIAL. s IS a. am. 5 29 p. aa. ror the Ease via Hunt Dally. Daily, tngtoa. gPOKANB PLTBR. " Tor Esatern Washing ton. Walla WslU. Lew- S i. p. m ta a. av In t..n. Cos or d' Alcoa Dally. Dally, and Gnat Kortbers points. ATLANTIC EXPREM . ,, For the Esst via Hunt- " - -J lagtoa. Dally. Deny. OaisaaWa Elesr KvfcrWa, " rOB ASTORIA and war imp. m. points, connecting with Dully. - Asoet stmr. for Ilwseo and ex. Sunday :0S p. aa. North Beach, etr. Baa- Saturday sa. En Bats. aalo. Ash-st. Seek. 10:00 p. m. , TanxktU Rrese jtet. MIR DAYTON. Oregon I City snd Tambin River T:0S a. as. I:SS a. at. Ciint. mm. Rath and Oily. Dally. ah-at. dock. ez. Sundae ex. gander. (Water permitting.) , FOB LEWI8T0N. IS;., "O way pouu from ogiij . Rlparta. Wssh., attnra 'J L. SnAatene mw.A T 1 . t- Abest 0:00 p. as. Dally. Frldsr. TICK ST Or1CE. Third and Waahlngtoa. Tel. ooue main 7 IX Cj W STtNOEB. City Ticket Agent L. CBAIfl, C.eaer! Pasaengar Agent. EASTvia SOUTH UNION DEPOT. Arrive. OVERLAND EXPRESS trams, tor Selem. Rose- bnrg. Ashland. Sacra 8 30 p. m mento. (Igden. Ban r ran Cisco. Stockton, Los As Kea. EI Peso, New Or na and ths East. Morning train eon T:2S a. Ss. nects at Woodbera dally except Suodayi s SO s. m wnn train ror nr. Angel. 8 I I v e r t a n Bronrnavllle. Spring. 7:10 p. sn. field. Wendllng a B 4 Natron. Albanv naaeenger 4 oo p. m. nects st Woodbarn with Mt. Angel and Sliver- 10:10 as. ton local. Corvalils passenger Sheridan psssenger 7?II0 a Main II s sn 0. e S 2Ss. I Daily. IIDally. except Sunday. Portland Oawego Suhi rhan Barvloe aag Taaihfll Dl vision. Depot Toot of Jefferson Street. Leave Portland dallr for Oasnea T-le 12:00. 2:00. 3:20. .1 20. 20: 7 4S. lii-ln w O:10 p. at. .l,T lO'na nu,o,n ., , , D..1II. I a. m. ; :w. p. Sunday a. m. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland a im s. a : i -no. s-eo. eiss. s is. T:SB 11:10 p. m. Deny (except Snndae) 0:20, I:J0. S:S0. 10:10, 11:40 a. m. Except Monday. 12:23 p. at. 8unwy oplr. 10:00 a.m. Leave from same depot foe Dallas and lata. mediate points dsllr (except Sunday) 440 n. sa. Arrive Portlsnd 10:20 a. , at. The Independence-Monmouth Motor Lbs operate dally to Monmonth and Alette. e nectfng with Southern Psctflc company 'a tracks st Dsilss sod Independence. Flrat-clsas' fare from Portland to and SAn Francisco S20. berths So: fire til. second-class berth 22.00. Ticketa to R.natern point apd Europe, sis . Jscan. Chin. Honolulu .and Anatralta. Cltv Ticket Office corner Third and Wash ington streets. Pbon Main TH C W a-nNOER. W. E. COMA. City Ticket Agent. Hen. We.. Jloewt. TIME CARD TRAINS PORTLAND i UNION DXPOT. Paget Sound Limited, far Tacoma. 8altl Olympta. South Bend aaa Gray' Harbor point. North Coast Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle Butte. St Paul. Min neapolis. Chics go. New York. Boston snd points Esst snd Scuthesat. Twin-City Si press for Tscoms. Seattle. Spo ken. Helena, gt. Paal, Minneapolis .Chicago. New York. Boston snd all points East snd Southeast. Paget gonad Kaasas nty-st. Lout SpedsL for Tseoma. geattl. Spokane. Butte, Bllllnga, Iienver. Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis aod sU points Esst and Soath asst. Depart. -20 a. at. 1:00 p. m. 11 45 p. m. :00 a. av Arrives, oura. T 00 a. as. T OOa. av T:00 p. av All train da'lr except na branch. A. D. CHARLTON. Aanatant General Passenger Agaat, 22S Morrison st.. cor. Third. Portlaad. Or. Astoria & Columbia ver a man in. Laaraav. TOUON DEPOT, Arrlvra. , 8:00 a. av Per Maygsra. Batatas. Dally. Dallr. Clatskaale. Weatport. 11 in a. av Clifton. Astoria. War ranto. I'lavai. Ham need. Port Otresns, Oearbart Park. Seaside. Astoria and Beastora . Bxprasa dally. i ,f. T OO p aa. t . ev Astoria Kxpiaav x ci sen en O. P. and P. a.. Astoria. Or. C. A. STEWART. Comnwrclal Agent. 2W Aide at. Pbon lists SOS. M Ticket Office 113 This, ttv - i t-ii n ait'i inLinioriLui ttw FAST TIME to SPOKANE ST. TKXSW DtlXi MINNKAI'OI.IS CHICAGO A ALL POINT BABT. rmvtleht trin thirouarn thai A ol meiinliia War full ulara. rates, fuldara, tv eail on m. DioxaoaT. OMr laa Third atareara. arwaastad CREE LAND IN I - rn sroraj. I a rest ot irrieatietl. Oregon. WIMTIs? MAP PILB a. asa,kiaiv