THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 9, 190. ptm at tbt mtoHH or Fortune. u.. ff tr.iKrutloB tbrtssgk U Ball as mom4- "lostsl far slncls eoplat: For S. 10 t 1 C PPr. 1 cent; 10 to 10 Data. S .44 pat. coats. Ml tori I :::KS BOO roREIOM ADVMTliJjro UWMWIATTTI. v rreisna muimiD S peels I Ativsnisin 150 Nassau street. Nw York; toe. cttcaao. IVM0UmW BATta. Tanas ky Oajrlar ' l Mr...R.M r. ' "ninotka! Iff ' "sity Joarovl. wira suaaaj in' naiir Journal, l yaar The Datlr Journal, with laaeay, in.' luur journal, e nmntns The Pally Journal, with Bandar. Tha Dally Journal. S month Tha Dally Journal . with Sunday. 1 Tha Dally, pa week, delivered. Included .. , Th Dally, par week delivered. exeertsd , i Tata by Mall. Hi.- Datlr oarna!. with Sunday, 1 yaar... Th Dally Journal. 1 yaar . Tha Dally Journal, with Bandar. month! Th Dally Jeers!, a months Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday. moths Tha Dally Journal. B month Th Dally 'onrnsl. with Bandar. 1 month. Th Datlr Journal, t month The Sunder Jraraal. 1 veer Tr.a Sunday Jrurnsl. t month Tha Semi-Weekly Journal. Th Serai Weekir Jocrnal. B to 11 rages esoh 1an. Illnstreted. Ball marhat l. part. I year Tha Waakly Journal. Tha Weekly Journal. 100 rotnmns of read 1n each leads. Illaitratrd. fnll markat r-port, 1 yaar .'.... "; Kmittsnees ahonld h mad h draft, posts! Bete, evpress -,-rlers and smell amonnt ar scciptshls In I sod B-eeot pJ'jj".T, r. 0. Bow HI. Portland. Or. WHEHt THE JOURNAL MAT BE FOUND. Tha Jreirfial ess ha found on aala at tha fol- lowina place: Iioihk. IDAHO Pioneer hook Mora. CniCAilu Poatofflc Nw company. ITS Dear- lifrr street DENVER. COIX) Kendrtek Booh Staijtraere oompanr. Bit Seventeenth atraat; J. alees. Sixteenth and Curtis streajB. KANSAS CITY Vn Noy Nawa company. ' LOB AKMET.K8B T. fjardnar. V rrh Bprlar atraat: Otlrar Bala. 10B tooth Bprlna street. MINNEAPOLIS M. J. Ksvsaaorh. 80 Booth Third. KKVV YORK CITT Brentaoo's. fnlon souses. 'v.iikn. Orfln News company. OMAHA Millard Hot! new. ,ta1: Mfnth StaMnnery comnany. IBM Krnum atreeB... ... 8.4 1.T LAKE CITY Banyan hotel nawa tl; Barrow Bros.. 43 West Second (treat. Sonth. BT. LOI-18 Phllln Border. BIB Taornat atret. BA!f FBAVCI8CO W. E ArdlBC. Plaia"otl new -land: OnldsmO Bros V Sutter street: Fred W Pitt" inn Market street. BPOKANE WASH. -John W OeahaBi A Ca. TArOMA. WASH. Cautral Kw company, lltl Paeltle arena. KZETIXO NOTICE. MINNEHAHA TRIBE No. S. Improred Order Bed M' n The regular meeflnira will ha held In the new wIbwbbv Will me tt hall. No. 17"'.. Second atraat. at B o clock p. m. each Thuraday ereulns. TAOB CABTKB. Sachem. t. CABSTF.NBBN. chlf af Reord. AUt TI3N BALES TOMORROW. By J. T. Wllaoa. ISO Klrat atraat, at 10 a. m. Sal of rrocvrles. dry food, etc. t. T. W 1 1a.m. auctioneer. By re.. Raker A Co.. Alder and Park atrerta. at 2 p. m. Sale of bonaehold lrnlrur. cacnata. I'roorao Baker A Co.. auctluncera. WEATHER REPORT The north ..! Btorm ha mad but little pniKrcaa ctaril. It imyiMi to b Of nnlnual a.r.rlty, with the hw barometr readlnjt of 2P 'N iuchca mar the center of the dlaturhunoe. Houthaeat atorm warning ar continued it all aeaporta In thhl dlatrlct. A niatliuuui a Hid reloclty 'of T trrllea from the sooth iecnrrcd la't nbjht i North Head. The wlnd-rrglater-Ina thHtrumontt at' Tatah Inland la "in of order and the maximum xajoulty at that ata tl.ui la unknown; but' It 1 .probably nearly a great aa that al North Mead. lUaw rain harv fallen la weatern Oregon ana weatern' rtaaninft.m " lighter amoiinta are reported 'atern Washington and north rru Idaho.' s KABBIAOE LICENSES. Harry Klabrr. 2Tj Lillian Abram. 34. John r.. Day. AN; Ktidora A. kneel 47. J. Muehr. 27: 0111 Kmmoua. 23. - Walter A. Wtlann. 24. Martha Mllhelm. HI, . '.M- !,.... 3:t; Annie Rlabara, IT. LVuyd V Minn.. n. n 33; Kll-a McUllllrray. in. Aloander Mdlllllrraj, SI; Ora (Irare Mel ton. 31. MIL J. lkiyle, SB; Sarah c. V.ieglela. SS. Adolpbu C. W'llley. 8S; Edith U Moaher. 34. BIRTHS ccemlxr 2A. In Mr and Mr. Lata BJork lund of 4'i Factory atraat; a daughter. C0NTAOI0US DISEASES. 1'-.. int..' 3S. Starr Murray. Wygant nd nit t'ourteeaiti atreeta; niphtherta. Itecrmber 3S. Herbert Jacoliaon, SOB Baat Ninth trcet; diphtheria. December SB, Btrdle Smith. SSI Sandy road; carlrt few. DEATHS. December 2.1. WIlHaa H. Edmundaon. aged p ntontha. at St. .I..lni caaac. pneumonia. Burial at Lnoe Fir cenetery. Crrmatorlnm on Oregon City ear Baa, near Bellwood; modern, elentlflc, complete Cham Adalta, BSft; rhlldren. VUltor B a. m to I p. m. Tortland Cramatloa aaaoclati, I 'or l la ud Or. Tba Edward Holmaa I'ndertiklng company, funeral dlrvctora and ambalmar. 220 TbU-d trt. I'hone 807. J. P. tinier 4 Sob. funeral direct or and emt.alatera. hara remored to their new eatab llahuient. corner Third and Madlaoh atraat Both pboaa No. 0. Funeral wreath and cut Dower a apaelaltj at Boaa City Orrenhonar. TweBty-aecoad and I .-1 Morrtaon. odd. rametarg. Clark Broa. for flower. 188 MorrleoB itraat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS P. H. Marlar and wlf to T H. Smith nnrilTldcd 1 aubdlrlalou R lot 1. hi... k B, V Portland Horaratead I 1 Totnt View Baal Ratatr company to H. Etfenger, bit .11 and S2. block 12. Point View iso John Klrrkaon to M Wllburn. lota 8, 7 and-8. bliuh. 1. Orchard Place SO Sheriff tu W. K. Htuwr, bU 10 anil 12, block 43. Irrlngton Park 14 Sheriff I.. W. D. llanlcy. lota In Pentnau iar addltlnu No. 3 - Jf Sh.-rlff to W. K. Stow, lota IB and BB, block I. I'trdmont Park 8 Sheriff to W. P.. Stow, lot 48. block AO, Irrlngton Park 1 I A. Pitman and huahand to I). Kraut et alj lot IS. block 48. Srllwood , 880 Point View Real Katate corapaar to It. F.ttengar. Iota S.1 and 84. block 11, point View ISO Paalna Llmmcroth and wlfa tu S. I-netb at BL. northwaat aectkm t, townablp 1 north, range I weat 1.578 College KndowflVot aaaoclatlon to A. Bar dick, lot 1-4. Inchjarr. block S. Col lege Placa 850 F.lirahetB B. Oowank-ck and huaband. to R. M. (Illaapte. at W, feat lot B. block 2B7, Cnoeh addltbm 4,750 John Almeter aad wlfa to M. Kbbb. lota 14 and IB. block 13. Bralnard 780 paint View Real Ealata companr to t. Dlckluann. lot 3, biook 12. Point View 78 (1. T. Murhard to A A. Marhard. lot 7. hlnrk 1. Mnhrd Tract 1 C. W. Baumgardnar to M. C Baam gardncr. lota 4. 8 and B. block 4, Ceh 1t.1l AIMna addition 1700 J. tt. hVvtt and Wife to helra of H M. Chaar. lota J-8. Incliulrf. bkwk T. Bat ami' Tract , 1 Adelala learaah hn S Praraon, raat S northwrat north wiot aectlon 25. townablp I north, raas I eaat 1 Daalrl Pelake and wife to K Wilde, lot t. block 1, W hite Tract 850 D B. Rally to A. V. P. Rlcharda-n. 40,1m r,.-t hi block SB. Carter addi tion to city of Portland 1.780 Charlea S. Pinch and wttr to W. D. Sim raona lot 18. Mock 12. South Portland. I.2O0 A. W, toddard ami wlf 10 I.. Lrrrl. lot 4. Vane 800 Amhrnar K. ilantenheln trnatee to I. II. McFaawm, lot 1.1, 10, omen a. Smllharma Laad ompnj t Idlll.... . 810 nuraom, Boom Be urnca tit- H month. .SB Bonds r dhday .10 IJ.JJ .tin 1:5 s C. P. tlashhSt and wlf p C. r. Uchn. TODAY'S MARKETS POULTRY SUPPLY IS RATHER SCARCE Shipments Seem to Have Ceased Altogether and Price Is Moving Up. BUT FEW TURKEYS COMING TO MARKET Improved reeling In Dressed Hogs All Fish Is Scarce Eggs Duller. Front Street, Dec. IB. The principal market fealurea ar: Poultry I rcry carc. Paw turkeya are arrlrlng Improved feeling In dremed hoga. . lireaasd real la quoted Brm. All 11. -all nab la ecera. r Potato and union .continue dull. T uwei Argcuiiav oen Barley and oat mrkt unlet. But little doing In bay. Small demand for fancy applea. . Rgf market la ready to drop. Better coodltlonn itghUr better. Two car banana arrive In. Poultry I Vary Boaro. Bhtpsiasta of chicken Into fhla market aeem te hv eaaaad altogether for tha receipt daring tha pait few daya bar bean nominal. Shipper of chicken will now Bad a hotter market than far aom time If atocka ate Bant In at once. Moat of tba tblppera em to be dlacouraged os account of th low price formerly obtained. That waa dua entirely to their owa effort for practically erery dealer along Front atreet adrled them sot to blp heavily during tha prerlou two week Tht adrlca waa not heeded at all and consequently receipt during the dull araeoa broh all records. Today there waa an eicelteat demand for all aorta of chickens and price are some what higher aa a result. . Boarcity of Turkeys In Market, There Is sow a acarelty of turkeys la thl market Receipt during the past few daya have been very small and the demand bas how 11 aji tSMBtrreoient. Prices are bow being truly held aj 20c per podhd for dreaaed stock There I a Srusll amount of turkey In raid StBrag. hat these do not aeem to ha deelred by the trade. There la a larger aupply of lire tarn gee In the market aad tha ton I qnlta gd. Improved Feeling to Dressed Hogs. There waa an Improred feeling In the dreaaed hog market this morning and price are ahowlng an adraace of He per pouad with the top at BVkc. ThtVra Is also a good feeling ruling la real, bat tha tone Is not so strong a In hoga. There la a better call for prima heat All Frsh Fish la Scarce. There 1 a general scarcity of. all aorta of fresh water tab aad prices are being Brmly held. The receipts of salmon from the sound, a well aa tha Columbia riser, are very amall and the market are resorting to the cold storage produce to All orders. Receipts of Columbia smelt continue small with prices the same. I'atBah are very scarce again. After a big holiday rush there Is bow dullness in Ihe demand for oysters. tl Potato! and Onions Oeatlaa Dull. -The tooe of both the notnto aad the onion market u dull the southern markets snowing th same feeling with depressed price. Other atste are shipping onion to California cheaper than dealers here can do business. There la a ems II amount of potato buying s round 78c for fsncy gitods. ' Wheat Awaits Argaattoa Vawa. The holidsy tone Is atlll on In tha .wheat market. There Is no real weaknea, th tone being luat as good aa over. There I of curse a lark of demand for wheat, but this always occurs at thU time of tha year. Haws troin the Argentine Is amloaaly awaited by the grain trade, for upon the condltioo of the crop there dopoada th future of wheat prices in 1 hi- country. There hi dullaose la barley. nd otls for the same cause. Then 1 but little doing In the hay market, prices remain ing tho same. Butter Conditkn. Slightly Better. r. ...diilone In the creamery butter market are slightly Improred. The large atocka of cold storage creamery carried over from Uat easnn has now about been cleaned up Coun try store butler Is rather dull with receipts larger. Price are ranging from 12 V to 1 4c. Xgg Market Beady to Drop. A fc, ling akin to weaknesa la ruling In the egg market. The receipt continue to show small Increase each day. The warmer weather will bring not much larger euppllee. The market ts now on th. fence aad It would uot take much to cause a decline. Today's ruling wboleaale giwtstloaa are: Oram. Flour aad Feed. WHEAT New and old Walls Walls, S4BJ 85c; bluestem. hSyuoc; rslley. 87c. . HAH LEY -Feed. 122.75, roiled. I2S.7B; brew ing, S2S.ISI. . . . COBN- Whole. I2H 00 per ton; cracked, B)0. BVFr -tl.BS per cat. IAfX8--Producers' price No. 1 whit. $27. Oil gray. S2tl.ooki27.isi. , FL4JL H Baatern Oregon Patent. 4 S3; straight. SS.7&. raltey. 84.IU; graham, las. S4.0ti; lua. $4.48; b"- $ . bslea. $2 78 MlldJITKFFS- Bran. $IS.tM) per ton; mid dlings. $23.00; shorts, country, $22.50; rbop. ilAtta, 11 A V Producers' price Timothy. Willamette raller. fsncy. $; onUnary. PABBfJ 14 Oil; eastern oregou. $18.)4l.O0; mllrd. $l2iHttlS.00; rlorer, $11.0Uii12.00; grslu. $11.00412.00; cheat. $11. 003 11.01). Hop, Wool aad Hides HOPS 1804. 20c for exports; 2Sc for choice; 2Sc for prime and mediums. WOOL -Contracts 1S0S. clip- Valley, cosrs to medium. Mm 17c; no. 17018c; eastern Ore gon. Inc. Mull VI K - New. 30c. H1IKKPSKINS Sbesrlng. ll20ci short wool. 2oiaoc; medium wool, SOtlBOc; long wool, B0re$1.00 each. . TALUIW-Prlm. per lb, 4JBe; No. 2 aad grrsse. 2U2Wr' CIIITTIM IIAnk -4c per lb; Inlying price. HinKS -Dry hides. No. I. 16 lbs snd up, loMIM-j. per lb; dry hip. So. 1. 6 to td Ilia. 18c; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 lb, ISc; dry sslted hulls and stags. 1-3 lees tha dry Bint; sslted hides, steers, aound, 8i ihe oe ore, sue. 60 to 00 TBk. Be: ander fVO ibe and cows. 7 Sc: tags snd bolla. aound. Be: kip. IB to SO Irei. BSc: sound 10 to 14 lb. Br: calf, sound, under IB lbs. tc: green lunsaltedl Ic per lb Iras; culls, lc per lb lea: b-irae hides, salted each. $1 .2?4u I 75. dry. each. $l.ootl 5i); ,s.H hide. ech. fttoaoc; goat skins, common, each, lOSJlBc; Angora, with wool on, each, 26c$1.00. Battar, Eg aad Poultry. B1TTBB PAT Bweet. '; four 2tUc Bl'TTKB -City cresmery. .heat, 2SH8pe' se.H.nd grade, 224225.'. outside faaey 27 s,; nrdlusrr. 28c; cold storage. 22lc; eastern and California. 22t448-'; store. l2-ti4c Ft;t'.S No I fr. sh Oregon .tl)32Vkr: esst ern selects. 2Bc; reguler. 24c.a CIIKRHsj New lull cream, twla, 18Vc; Young America. IV; eastern. JBOIBc. POl'LTB Itedsnrs' patoes Chickens, nlied. 10c per lb; beds. IOVc per lb: roost era. oM. S per lb; rouns 10c per lb: hreilers I2l2,c per lb; fryers, lV r lb; duetts, old. lOHr per pound, young, m3e per lb; gece. BajBXjc per lb; tiirheaa. 18 7c per lb; dressed, fancy. 20c; ordinary. lBtftte ""WILD OA MB -Veal, $I.B0BJ1.TB; wMgeoo. 12 no, mallard, $..i)03 50: rarhrk. $4.801 B.W. fruits ltd POTATOBB Bet Oregon l 0l cwt: nuyer Krce. 78r; second grsde. 7o7V sack; any g price B0ttl&c; sweets, beat. $1 25. crated Bl 4.NH.45. n-w California. V per IB .M..NS I . .I. $1.0ojll.2B; Jmyer' pricey iBtry. $l.Bo. city. PSI tl gsrllc, Btf, loe per It) IKCSII PBlPTS -Applea .itra f.acy. $1.50 faey Oro. $100 per hoi: cep grades. 1 SofcTSc per bos: nar-1. $2 5042. U per bo; . s.edllBgs, $178 ,u.r hoi. Mandarins. $175 per ho,; J.p ersagea. f, f" ,; beJiauaa. ..c per lh. lot 8. block B. ,Mrket Street addltloa . BBS Ssrah H. WllMsms to A. Werner and wife, part lots 12 and 1$. blocs A tathi- bury Kill v ... ....... .. 8B5 A F Carter to Wiiiisib O. Heck . it.. lot S, hrnrk 4. PVrasaat View addltloa. 1 fas Oct yaar laaaraar aad sbstrVet t real estate from th Title Onsrsafee A Trust com aa ay. Chamber of I em ! halldlag- lemons, choice, $5 25 per boi; fsncy. Al 78 per bos: limes, SWllcsn. e)5 per plne appls. $2.5003.011; pears. 41 ootll.Mi; grapes. $1.5o par box; crasMrrUa. $U.o par bbl. Jersey. 810.00 per bbl; prunes, 2c per lb, sirs berries, $2.00 per 10 lb crate. VBOKTAHLKei Turnips, $1.00 per each; ear rota $1.00 per aack; oeets, $1.25 per ssck; Oregon radishes, lac per dos, cabbsg. Oregon. $2.00 cwt; t'slifornls 81.80; lettuce, hot bouse. !tl42:i5c per dos; green peppers, 7c per lb; chill peppers, 15c per lb; celery. 50JUc per doc torn toe, California, $2 50; parsnips. 7B Sll. 23: pie plant. 2a2l,c per lb; string hrene. I) calulflower. ll.llH per dos; butter beans. Sc; puuipklu. 1 per lb; boraeradUh, 71 Be per lh; sprout. 7c; mushrooms. 25c per lb; artt cbokea, ouQSOe per doa; peas. 10c per lb. lilt! ED PBC1TS Apples, evaporated. 7t8' per lb; aprl.ots svt l.v per lb. sacks. Itc per lb leas; peaches. U12c per lb; pear. -per II, . prunes. luttan. 3Ui4r par lb; French. 814Wc per lb: California black, BBMtgr er II., rallfornia white. per lb: plums, pitted, Bar lb; dates, golden. Be per lb; ftrds. $1.80 par 15-lb box. Orooarto. Butt. It. -SI 1; W Sack haaUv-Cube. $8.40; powdered, $ti:i6; fruit granulated. t 15; dry grsnnlated. $8.15; beet granuUted. $tt.05; eglrs C. $6.13; gulden C, $8.85: bhla Me. bbls 28c. boxes 50e advance on' sack basts, lees 28c owt for cash, 13 days; maple, 1441 loc per lb. HONEY I4mjI5c. ' COFFEE Package brands. $15.38. SALT Fine Hales . 2s. Bs, 4s. 5a. 10a, $1.80; ttl. asiry, ous. u.otan,oo; ioos. Imported Uverpool, 00. BlS.OOOlS 00; 100itl3.0u, 214. $13.B04kl4.M: fktr bll. 3s, 8. B. 10s, $4.S0; hulk. 89 table, dairy. Sua. $0.B0ll,B0; loos $uo; I O inj'U 10 o, , I'ss,. trs nut-, 220 lbs. $4.00; sacks, 80s, 85c. SALT Coarse Half ground, 100s, per ton. $5.2008.50; BOB per ton, $5. 00 488.00: Llrerpmil lump rock. $18.801 1 9.50 per ton; 50 1b ruck, .25t38.76: 100s, $6.75(BS28. - 1 A hove price appl.v to asles 01 loss than car lots. Car lota at special price sul,l ct to itctttstlons. OKAIN BA08 Cslcutt. $B.75ai.00 per 100. RICE Imperial Jan, No. 1, 4ie; No. 2, 4c; New Orlsaaa hud, 8 H 6 Be ; Adjsck. 3',c; l eole, 4c. BEANS- Small whit. 4c; large white, 8A,c; inh, 4c; bayou, 2c; Lima, Bc.'Mexlcsu reds. Vt'TA-PeaBOta, 74e; Jumbos, BH per lb; raw, Bttldc per lb; roasted. ; eoeoanuts. SBfJflOc per doa: walnuts. 14015c per lb; pine nuts, 104jtl2jr per lh; hickory uuta, 10c per lh; chestnuts, esstern. 5(U Itlc per lb; Brsxll nuts. 14c per lb: Alberts, 15 ail Be per lh; fancy pecans, 14815c per lb; slsjonds, l15c per lb. Meats. Fish aad Provisions. PBRSII MEATS Front treet Besf. tecrs. xv'.i5c tier lb; pork, block, BQBHc per lb; packer. BQBVic per lh. balls, 2Hc per lb; eow. Sfjttoc per lb: mutton, dreaaed. SH'.4 4He per lb; vl. extra, 7HW8c per lb; ordi nary, 84S7c per lb. HAMS. BACON. ETC. I'. ir I land pack (locl hams. 10 to 14 lb. 12c par lb; 14 to IS lbs, 124c per lb: IB to 10 lbs, 114C per lb; cottage. inve per lb; bresktsst bscoo. 144J1SC per lb; picnics, Br per lb; regular short clears, nn smoked. 10c per lb; smoked. 11c per lb; rlesr backs, unsmokrd. c per lb; smoked, loxic per lb:' rn ion butt. 10 to IS lb. Onsmoked. Sc per lb: smoked, Sc per lb; rlesr hollies, mi smoked. 11c per U; smoked. 12c per lb. IiOCAI. UA. BUS SjSTU lesi. iu, ot pe. lb: 5s. lo. per lb: 50 lh tins. 10c per lu c per lb; steam rendered. 10. V per lb; 8s. Sc per lb; 50s rr id: compounu oerces. one pes ner lb! 50s. Vc per lb. lh CANNED SALMON -Columbia river 1-lb tslls. $l.Sfl; Mb talis! $2.50; fancy, l ib flats. 82 0); lh fsucy nats, fi.zo: isncy 1-10 ;""t Alasks tslls. pink, 85jt9oc; red, $1.80; nominal 2s. tall, $2.00. FISH Hock cod. 7c per lh; flounder. 5c per lb; bsllbut. 7e per lb; crb. $1.28 per dof; striped bss. lots U'v per lh; catBsh. 7c per lb; salmon, steelbeads. SUc per lb; froson sllrer side. BW per lb; herring. 6c per lb; soles. Be per lb; shrimps. 10c per lb; shad, -Jreaaed. per lb; perch, Be per lb; ahad roe, per lb; shad. 8c per lb; black , cod. Be per lb: to lumlds river smelt. 8c per lb; silver smelt, 5c per lb; lobsters. IHc; fredh mscksrel. Sc per lb: crawftsh. c per doa; floundere, 8c per lb: sturgeon, 7c per lb. , OVSTEBS-Shoalwyer bay. per gal. $2.28 per Tick. $400 net; Olympla. per sack. $5 25. CLAMS Hard ahell. per bo. $1.00; ror clam. $100 per box. PaiaU. Cosl Oils, Etc. HOPE Pure Manila, 14c: standard, 12c; Flsnl. 10c: Istla brand Slsl. B4c. COAL OIL Pear or Astrsl Cases. II He per gl; water wblt. Iroa bbl 16c per sL ,.l,n per gal; hoadltght. 170-deg. caaaa 23Vc per gal. Iron bbls 17e per gal. UNSEED OILs-Pure raw. In bhla 52c per gal. cases 57c per gal. genuine kettle boiled, esses per gal. bbls Mc per gal; ground cske. 1 SJ lots $B8. BP per tea. leas than car Iota, $2fl 00 per ton. CAHOUNR SB-dec. eaaea 82c per gal. Iron bbls 28c 'per gsl. stove, esses 24Hc per gal, broa bhla ISc per gal. , BENZINK-sil-deg, cse 22c per gal. Iron this 13 Sc per gal PAINT oil. Haw, bbls 33c per gsl. en. ner .ai: taailsd. rages 4oc per gal. pC ii. TCBPENTlNsr-Jn caae 85c per gsl. woode sL wooden hhls mc per gsl. Iron bbls, 7c per gal. jo-id esse lots ssc mt gai se lots BSC per gai. a WHITE l.EAI Ton lota 7c per lb; 500-lb K . . , lot. 7sC per lb; less lots So par lb. WIBt NAIIA Preeeot base at $2.80. MARKET CONDITIONS CONTINUE THE SAME Portland I'nlon Stockyard. Dec. There I bo change la the llveatock situation from yesterday. Hogs ar fair, while cattle and sheep are 'tmng The re.-.l pi today -IBS hoga aad 14B abeep. Official price now lullng are: Hogs Best eastern Oregon. $5X1; best W lsmette valley, $3.00435.10; light. $4.00: China fats. $4.00; storkers aad feeder. MSMtlB. Cattle Bet eaatern Oregon steers, $3,000 S.B8; light and medium steers, $2.78412.25; neat cow. $2 7573.00: medium cows. . .1 2.50; old and light cows, $1.5002.00; atockers sod feeder. $2ti2.2fi; hulls. il.7BO2.O0. Sheep Beit fncy sheep. $ Ismbs. $4i. ee. $4.00; stock hbeep. $2.80. CHICAGO BOOt ITXOBO. . t'hlcngo. Dec. 20.-Hecelpt tody. 18.000 hogs. 10.000 csttle and 13.000 sheep. Flog opened strong with 5.000 left over from yesterday. Bceipta a year ago were SI .000. Prices: Mixed $4.4314.70; good. $434.75; rough. $4.3304 53: light. $4.3014.80. Cittle Strong, 10c higher. Sheep -Steady. COTTON RECOVERS A PART OF DECLINE iFurntabed by Overbeck. SIit A Coke Co. 1 New York. Dec. 2S - The cottoB market had a sharp break this morning, but recovered some of the loe and closed anout 25c per bale lower tbaa yesterday. The official market todsy: op.-n. High. Low. , 842 84N n45 . or. : 854 84B noil 806 852 . 87 878 B70 878 8S0 888 . SK'.l nW) 87S . mil 803 two .BSD 706 8N4 . 703 70 7UB . 705 710 nop .744 848 BIB January Februsry March April Msy ." Junn July August September ' ' December Mew York Cash Ooffse NVw York. Dec. 20 - ssh coffee: No. 7 Km. S',c. No. 4 Santo. ie. FAIR TRADING SHOWN IN 'FRISCO TODAY iFnrnlehed by Orerbei k. Stsrr k Cook Co.) San Francis, o. Dec. 20. E. F. Hutton Co. say: There baa been fair trading In the local wheat market today due principally by tb.sw who have been short s wait log some develop ments which wonld ease their poeltton. There waa some foreign inquiry sntl It I also rumored that the market Is heavily oversold but unless there Is outside buying of sufficient magnitude to scare these ehorta they will, not ran. nsrley Is dull. Today official 11:20 , m. market Wlf BAT. Open. High. Low. Close. May.. J $1.4B4j $J.4nl. $144' $11. BARLEY December .... 1 IB A I 18 A May 1 '" l.oBt 1 l.ntVk PRIMARY. SHIPMENTS AMD CLE AB ABCE8 fhhoae Dec. 20 Primarr receipts Tmlay Yeer Ago Boaa. Bash BBhsaat 30S.0OB 1 004.IS10 Crsrn ... 1.1BI.IB10 47rt X1 Shlpasenls were: Wheat ... 241.0MI 4.l5.i1ti Corn 43B.00O 22l.lsai Clearance were: Wheat. 1AS00 hnshels: flour. 17 Hl harrele; total. M.OBO bushels, nsrs. 481. uiio laishela; oats. 13,000 bushels. Chieage Orals Oar Lata. Chicago. Iter. 2B. -Or sis ear lots. Car Orada Est. Wheat 14 . tl 4srn ! . 4SS sr Oats Bt It tt Scarcity of All Poultry Products and Prices Ar Higher Excellent Tone in Dressed Hoga But Receipts Are Larger. AMALGAMATED CAIN LARGEST ON LIST Entire New York Stock Market Is Boosted Upward by Buy ing Orders. COPPER PRACTICALLY FOUR DOLLARS UP Anaconda, Union Pacific, Steel Preferred, Sugar Among the Rises. NET ADVANCES TODAY. $180 ICheaa. A Ohio Anaconda .3714 .76 1 28 .37 V 87 B .78 1 00 .N74 ai 1.00 Amalgamated . Atchlsuo Sugar s.sTHi2ie. .75 RE Centrsl 1 37, Louis. A Nash . I. X. Central.. Smeller l.TB 1.25 2.25 Brooklyn L ... Haiti. A Ohio. Parlftc Mall .. Culoradu Fuel . C. A K. W Bt. Paul V. P., com . . . lOnt. 4k Weat... IPrnnsylvanla .. 2.ZI .78 1.00 HP Heading, com.. Venn. Coal .... Southern I'ac... Steel, com Steel, pfd (Furnished by Overbeck. Starr A Cooke Co.) New Ybrk. Dec. 2v. There was a shsrp upward movement In the stock market today. iio- opening waa considers hay higher and mis same strength wss continued au. tnrouga the session The nnteable gains were msde i'iu Amalgamated, Sugar It. fining, I'nlon -Pa-dflc grid Steel preferred. ITie ofBciat market today: ill DESCRIPTION. Ann. ondii Mining Co nnii, 11.-, Amsl Cotua-r Co 1 Ttiu tmta 1041118 70Nl. 13 B7l SBIa Atchison, com 1 ItttLJJllA H71. j" preijrreu I 1 101 1 10 iom,uoia ss v.. ss eouuu., com. oo OO S sv prsierrru ......... Am. Sugar, com 4 $441 1.4 844 14.1T41144I143HI144 I 8211 S2WI 81 s Ml 'A Am. Smelt., com do preferred Am. Ice. com: do preferred Baltimore. A Ohio, com do preferred ilia 111s llli'tt 1 112 OVt 0 I :it... 37 He ! 8 OJ V! ft I BT 1 102 si 104 1,1 102 14 104 s, 1 soS Brooklyn Hsiiid Trsnslt 82 I 831: 82 I 82 Canadian pacific, com. HUUI1S4 I1SSUI1S4 Chi. Altou, com I 43Val 43M 4S 43 do preferred SO Cbl. & Ot. Writ., com. 1 22',l 23141 22 I 23 Chi., Mil. A St. Pal...172s4U74 .172 17:14 Chi. A North., com 207 20S J207 1207 hetiehe A Ohio.". 4 : 4S48H Colo. Fnel A Iron. com. I 40 I 40. 4h BSka Colo. South., coin do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Del., Lack. A eWat.. D. A K. 0., com. .' do tirefcrred ... . 23 1 23 37)41 87 2:1 a 37 1 - 8214 ....1330 Bt 32W, 32 Erie, com d, 2d oref erred. . . S84 88 58Vsi 75V, 73 is, 6611 58)4 do 1st preferred Illinois ceutral. Ixiulsvlle A Nsshrtlle Metro. Traction Co.. Manhattan Klevated. . Mexican Central Ki . 731, 1 1671ail67H58il57N 1141 141 iv l4o' 141 .122;122rsll2114!122 I till, It. l.Ui. ..l v 121 I 22; B 22 M St. P. A Ste. M. I I"".. VI I -j Miasourt PaAIBc 11i71. luelli 1i7'1o7 M . K. A T.. com I 32141 33: 32t S3 do preferred I 83 84 I 83 I $4 New York Cootral 144ril46 14.,., 11, . Norfolk A Western, com. I 7811 S0l 7l 7 N. Y.. Out. A Weat I 41; 41 41 41- l'enus Ivauln Ky 1.'IS,13U1N i:i!i'. 1'. ... 1. c c. i". '-i i"1"' i". i". Pressed Steel Car, com. I ...I 40 ...... UtJ iieit 1 r 1 11 . . . Pacific Mali Steam. 1 S044 Ik t5 m Co.. 48 I 48 Heading. com do 2d preferred. . do 1st . preferrtnl. Ben. Iron A Steel, do preferred Bock lslsud. com . . do preferred Southern By., com do preferred . .j . . Southern PaclUc. . . St. L: A B. W , co do preferred. . . . Texas 4k Pacific... SO 80 SB SB Bl Bl Hl 17 71 i 71 37l S7 38 S8 I 83 . S4 Ml? t 3fi4 48 I 35 1 35 .oil! i 871l S8 no ..TlB6 BS 1 86 BB :-1rtigi 1 ...I SB,. 1 :, 35 I 35 Tenn. Coal A Iron.....', T.. Bt. U A W., cam.. do preferred . I 1. ion Pacific, com..,.. I tax, 1 74 ) 78 I T8 I Hu 38 1 S7 ! 66 58 84 I 64 ..I111II14U12.1U ..) I I I 7 .. 14 15l 14 1 ..1021U2,101;102 ..I 3l 34 88; o-' .. 8hS I 88l SS ..1 SI I SI Vitl 80. 31 . .1 M Uft 1 44l V4 do preferred t'. t. Leather, com... do preferred 1. S. Bubber.. com. . . do preferred I'. B. Steal Co., cam. do preferred Wheel. L. a, com. do 2d preferred do 1st preferred.... Wlsconsiu Central, rot ' do preferred Westers Colon Tele.. Wsbssh, com do paef erred .1 1S, 1! ll B i an : 27C 27 4814l48 48. 48 23 23 I 22: 22 48 I B in . 48 '' '" ',:1 I u5 22. 21 22 23 44 , 44; 43, 43 Ttl sle ror nsy. Money closed t 214 per cent. SAX FRANCISCO MINING BT0CK8. San Praaclsco. Dec. 2. Officii I mining quo tations. ' " Bid. ( Bid. Bullion $ M SaTBga $ .24 Belcher 22 Potoal H Con. Cal.-Va.... 1.8S Union Cob 71 Ophlr 08 'Yellow Jacket... .18 t aledonla 48 Kxchciuer .48 Mexican maie st oorcruss 1.00 TONOPAH STOCKS. Bid. I Bid. Adam's.... $.10 IBelmont $.87 Col. Mountain . .21 Nerada '14 t.olilru Anchor.. .18- Uumho 58 Odd Field 88 I Jumbo Bxten 22 Mohawk 14 IMoVamara 25 Jim Butler ... .BOA I Bay O'Brien .. .1 Montana l.N2ITun. Extension. B.iaiA Bed lop 15 Hold Mountain . .14 Kcscuo 08 I North Star 20 Sand Storm ... .48 I Midway 33 BAB FRANCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. Ssn Frsnclmo, Dec. 2S. 10:80 a. m.: CI lii , . Water Local tocks closing. Bid. 25 53 BO :::::::: S" 18 16 32 32 ::::;::: ST4 !!!!!!!! '4" Spring Vlley Water S r. ias ar aiecinc... 1-scinc Lighting 53 '88 74 18 18 Xt" 31 iltant Powder . .. I.sosilsn Sugar llonok.s Sugar Hit. 1 ...... 1 - Sugar Msksweil Sugar men Sugar I':..iilhau Sugar Alaska Iwrksr i ... I I, , u, rs w 8 187 Ocesnlc Steamship I .one 1 oasi asurss...... 167 NEW TOBX SUMMARY Nrw York. Dec. 20. American atocka In I r.iwWoi are most r well slve parltt tb em I'sctfi- refunding plaa Is about ready Slid Involves new nonas ni isssa. i o, Nsllonal Salt s,mnsny hss dissolved Amert csb Sugar will uot ahaorh National Salt. Stork re plentiful la the loan crowd. The Oould tolbiwlng I sctlvely bullish on the stoch market situation. Tha Bank of England rat la unchanged. PORTLAND BANK STATEMENT Clearlnrs Ha lances si- . v tSS3.404.BA ist.fwts.8I . . is Ww T art London Silver. New York. Dec. 3. -Silver. 81c: Bon. a',.-. ! . OUTBIDX WHBAT BABBITTS Is.ll- lay Qptloa . 11 14SB . I lS ,. I.I4 .. i gals .. Mi I isv, . I l-.-s ? micago s York Milwaukee St. I.uis Bsnsas t'lty... Minn. -a poll" ... I'nlulh San Kranrlaeo, .r .' vt tsatt! Or.iT. Msrkst (Specie! ISasateh tu Toe Journal I Sostile. VYa.. Dee. tt. -Wheat, blaeaten. SBr, , Uh. St.- Liverpool Orals Market Liverpool. Bee. SB l lose Weat. Merefi. 8 1 1', ft Id lower: Msv, Bs 11 vt. Id sewer Com Jesuafr.. 4a It:. tkaV. sxever. Mareb. 4 2S'I. Vkd Warst. SMALL ADVANCE IN MAY AND JULY Former Option Is Three Eighths Higher in Chicago Latter Up Three Eighths. LARGE SALES OF CASH WHEAT ARE REPORTED Pit Continues to Receive Support on Breaks From New York. TODAY'S WHBAT MAKKbT Open Close Clou Usln Today Today Wed. Today December $1.11 $112 $112 $ May 1.12 I.14B 1.14 .00 July .SS .SS .08 .00 1 1 urn i si.. ,1 by Oyarback. Btarr at Cooke Co.) Chicago Dec. St. Logan A Bryan say: Wheat The market la unchauged from (o c higher for May. Argentina estimates of wheal shipments thl week all amount to 4o0,otgi bushels. Lower Urrrpool quotstlons re accounted for by r lling of La Ptatta wheat and general end of the year'e dullness. It Is rumored Him ltm.000 bushel of cash wheat wa sold on this market. Minneapolis cash tuirtcl Is reported slightly higher. The large holders of wheat hsre la general demonstrsted 1 1. etc i.m nty to control the situation by sup porting the market oo the snarpty lower open na. The hull side received belli from tho statistics. Brsdstreet's shows a total decrease of 710.000 bushels, when the trade generally l....ks for small Increase. The Jonea estlmste of th toUl crop 1 BSO.OOO.tggl. or 22.000.000 bushels lesa thsn the government. The Inline dial market will quit likely be governed by the attitude of large eastern holders Corn Trade Barrow. Corn Considering tha sltreme weakness In wheat at the nueuiBg, corn acted remarkably well. There waa Barrow trade with no sig nificance. This market seems to be getting Into a slow scalping rut aad suffers severely from Urk of outside Interest Broomball estl mate the Argentine shipments st 143,000,000 bushel for ibT wtk. Oats Needs a Mossi Th oat raarktt la badly la need .of a Moans to lead It out of dullness. .- Provision Trade la extremely light and largely professional In character. Packers must take more lntereet Vi make business lively. The off Iris I markete today: II KAT. ('pen High. .$ 1.11 $ 1.18 . 1.11 114 . .88 .BB CORN. . .45 .45 . . .43 .48 . .45 .45 46 OATS. Low. Cloae. $ 1.11 $112 1.12 114 8 OS 45 .43 .4$ .48 .45 45 II .48 .46 jBt '.8liB Dec. . . . May... July . .. Dec. . . . Jan ... May... July... Dec Stly JB... May... Jan.... M.y... ft .81 .31 MESS 14 .UK 12.55 114S 13.4W 13.S7 13.77 11.80 LABD. 8.8S 8 77 A77 B 7.13 7.63 7.0S SROBT BIBS. - V . B. 45 8.40 6.40 It t.70 ABB 6.87 12.63 12.86 sTUlf r a - a . May July JAMAICA SUPPLIES LABOR FOR PANAMA Secretary Taft Enters Into Con tract to Ship Island Negroes to Work Canal. i Journal Special Service. ) New Orleans. Bee. tt. 1 Th , United States Boverritnent has entered Into a contract with th government or Ja maica whereby the Utttrr will provide the bulk of 'the labor to be used In build ing the Panama canil. The Jamaica negro la the only avalla-s ble resource. Taft met the governor of Jamaica Just before sailing for home and the agreement was" ste last act. Under the leYm of the contract th United States government will dcpoalt with ihe authorities st Kingston a fund sufficient to insure the return of th laborers, at A mean pries of $10 per head. The first Intimation of the deal with Jamaica wa brought her today by paasenger on the steamship Ban Jos from Colon. AhTBASSADOK. CHOATE TO Ijoornsl Special Service i London, Dec. 29. While many rumor are current' relative to the realgnatlon of AmbaBaador Choate, It Is authori tatively shSted here that nothing In the nature of a communication as to his realgnatlon has been sent to the presi dent. Ambaaaador Choate Is, however, going home and It I also stated on au thority that he will. Boon after Presi dent Roosevelt Is Inaugurated, hand In his resignation. Oregon sympathise with Uncle Bam; both have been buncoed In the land busi ness. , TT f SPECIAL 1 stLs-V 1 n Cat Rates Boston Painless Dentists sr now giving their annusl CUT RATE PRICE8 on all dental work. Th charge ar lea than college prices and sll work done by our palnle system snd by specialists of from 12 to 26 years- experience. NO STUDENTS em ployed. TEETH jxtracted. filled or crowned absolutely without pain by our secret preparation applead to th gum. TEETH -a lor x .I i e T O I - 1 I 1 A Extracting Free Examination Free Silver rilling tta Sold rulings 7Se Oold Crowns 33 0C mil 8t Teeth 3-00 AO Work Guaranteed 10 Years Have your teeth extracted without pain and replaced with new on tha asm day. Com In at once and take ad vantage of low rate. Be aura you are In tha right place. Boston Painless Dentists riTTH AMD XOBBZSOaf 8TB Sntrano 891 , Morrison, lsawaot O 0 991 , Morrtaon. tad concern la th woria. WCUTLERY MILLS THE CHOICE OF MULTNOMAH Bailey Withdraws and Malarkey Won't Try for Presidency of Senate. KUYKENDALL'S AID IS RECKONED UPON He Is Expected to Use Influence for Mills in Return for Votes for Himself. A. t.. Mills baa been put forward by the Multnomah legislative delegation aa Its candidate for speaker of the house In the coming session of th legislature. At s. meeting of th delegation held lttat evening It was agreed that all idea of electing a Multnomah man to the presi dency of the senate shall be abandoned and the efforts of the delegation shall be concentrated upon the speakership, with Mr. Mills a the candidate. A. A. Bailey, who has been an as pirant Tor the speakership, withdrew, realising that he could not command th undivided support of the delegation, snd Dan J. Malarkey, who ha been fre quently mentioned as a possible candi date for president of the senate, will not k that honor at this session, Although he Intimated to his colleagues that he might salt their support in 1907. AU But One Pledged for MUls. Mm Mill was reluctant to. enter thef speakership tight, but. the other members of the delegatrM' were Insistent,' declar ing thst he wa the only man from this county whom they could hope to elect a th presiding officer of either house They urged upon him also the Impor tance of securing for Multnomah the recognition which it deurv. and Mr. Mills finally consented to) become a candidate. Me will be backed by prac tically th full strength of the delega tion, the only senator who has nofcom mltted himself being Senator C. W. Nottingham, who waa not at the meet ing;. No action wss taken as to candidates for oresident of the senate, but It Is understood that at least six of Mult nomah's seven senators- will probably vote for Kuykendall of Lane. Nottlng ham Is thought to prefer Carter, but ts still unpledged. Kuykendall win be ex; pected to throw sll the votes which h can control In the lower house to Mills A question of some moment la whether Kuykendall can deliver the votes of the three representative from Lane county all of whom are said to btr promised to Kay ef Marlon. Only a few days ago a prominent pol It li-mn from Ldtn county slated In most positive terms that under no circumstances Could these three votes be changed from Kay to any other candi date for speaker. Even to elect Kuyken dall president of the senate, he declared te, Lane county representatives would not break their pledge to ivay. KrtykendaU'a Chances. If Kuykendall receive th support of only lx of th saven senators from this county he will still be short one vote, according to the present estimate of hi strength. H la credited with Ix senatora outside of this county, lncludlna himself and IT. 8. I.oughary of Polk. It requires II to control the R- iitiMknn unt u in the senate In order to, win. Kuykendall must gain the vote of either Nottingham of Mult nomah or of Crolsan or Hobeon of Ma rloh. All the other Republican senator. 10 in numbef, are conceded to Carter. If Nottingham, Crolsan and.- Hobson Should BlUoaSt their votes for Cuter he will be tha- next president of th senate. Up to the present time Kay of Marlon ha' been regarded aa so fax In the lead In the speakership fight that his success was almost aured. The appearance of A. L. Mills aa a rival candidate, backed by the IS vote of thl county in the lower house, makes a decided Chang In the dtuatlon and gives Kay a formid able competitor. The problem now I whether the Marlon county candidate can hold the following that hitherto ha been arrayed agalnat him. Kay has said that he has msde no promises of any kind to any of his supporters, but Inti mates that he can eaally win over addl- tlonal votes if he should consent to offer such inducements. At least one vote, that of Orahame of Marlon, is said to have been offered to Kay in exchange foe the promise of a committee chair manshlp. To some extent at least the probaDill Ue or Mills' election seem Involved lu the success of KuykendelUau candidacy for prealdent of the senate.. Should MCuykendall fall. Kay s prospect would brighten. There Is no prospect, however large the appropriation made or how success ful tha faira ar. that the etate board of agriculture will ever get out of debt. Defective Drainage Is responsible for many and varl oua Ills typhoid fever one of the many. Let us sell you tiling or sewer pipe that acids or constant use won t damage. ' We are manufacturers of Stand srd Sewer Flpe snd fittings. Drain Tile, Vitrified Brick, etc. Our. price are S low a qual ity can be aold for. Diamond Brick Co. Office 161 Baaaeil St.. Portland, Or. Yard Toot Ankeny airsei COMMISSION ) CO. (incorporated Room 2 Chamber of rtWtttTc, Ground Floor. Capital aad Surplus $600,000 00. Brokers In Grain.Provisions, Slocks and Bonds 1 srg'st Privets Wars Bysteta la Ameries. a sad t'oaaervs'lvs. DOWsfxara, BtoramrB a co., (EatabllBhad lilt.) t ARB btoob: no Boom 4. Oronnd ftoor. CBIAMBKK ur We Cksrfs Re lntereet far Carrylas Lavas J ttoeka B. K. ALOE.N, Mnnagar OVERBKCK, STARR Se Marnbara CbleatT Board at 1 102 Third atreet, McKay rlssHssss. MarhsSt h FtIVBA WI rT At4M.lka.kara. aad Ualtad 'awwW Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK IV treat SBossMTSfull all BrtVBti rtronle rllaessea ef men. also bit Beset Hess kMnev and throst tflBI . troBBie. W cure SYPRILLIB (wltkoot roerrurr) ta Stat ored forever, la BO to BO oaf a. ray ra TRICTLTBK. wltkout SDeratXBB a lata. I daya a We .tor. drs'os. te reset, of atf ab Innmdistsly. We ess restore 0' any men nnder IV) By mesa Blent peevjnar to ourselv We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Weejk The dartors ot this Instltata sra .11 rsrla rraduat. bava bad assny yat have boaa known la Portland fot have a repctstloa to maintain, and take bo case unlets cert IB cor feeted We mars nfee to eite In everr eae wa t trk or enarre no fee rSnsnlta tlori ns. Vers confidential. InstraetlTe BOOK rOB Bislled free in rials wraoner. If row cannot sti st ome. sow Mob blsnk. noTns trestment Of bonr S to B. sd T B a. . holidays. 10 to IS. t leadlmr soeetsri.t. In th Wi ' "Vs Vstsbitsbed tstt. Dr.W. Norton Davis Co. Baa Moy total, w. a. Oor. Tlnm Btr.ats. O. OEB WO Tho Qreat Chinese Doctor I lsV'hU wotvlarful cauB euraa are so won known throughout th United State. and beoaus o raanr neopi are tnanxrui to htm for saving apl ar ths him for s thalr lives from OPERATIONS Ha treat any and, all disease wltlb powerrui (. hibus Whs. root, bud, barks and vgtbla that are entlraly rrr known to aeiene In tnla try. and through the use of le.r rewjedles. ThtB Jamou Z th action of over 800 different remeoiaa th a of these .'Ts"tl"i" :.h n. used In dtffarafife dlBeaaeB Ha guarante. , to our tarrW astlima. lung troubles rheurnatlsm ajr vousness stomsrh. liver hldixaya. fa. mala trouble and all prlvaU dlasaa. Hundreds of toatlmontale. unargea moderate Call and se Mm. COtTSTTLTA TTOW TKB. Patient out of th. elty writa ftjr blank and circular, ancloa stamp. Ad SssxBB THE C. QEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. lit Alder street, 1'ortland. Or. tton thl paper. ' 1 ' 'ii (m O SPICES, o C0FFEETEa4 BAKING POWDER. nORINC EXTRACTS AMuttPuriry. FlrnsfFl-vor, CL05SET ft DEYEBS WEINHARD'S City Brewery Largest aad Most nssaassta Brewery ts th. STorthwast. Bottled Beer a Specialty nuriMi wo. ra. Office 13th aad Burnsid PORTLAND, OREGON. vara OTAHinB BX.B VI J WS BB1BBBSJSJSJ is iBiareaassi sun usees . absal tea wa MaRVTL 4BVKL. aeeept no ether, bat send stamp for liliistrsled tH-ok- ii.e ii follpar vain. 1. 1 particular and dlresSfos Sat . I B4a to lames. aaBsxsss Time. BViag., B.W t urk. ror Sal Or WOOD ABD. OT.asr m BOWL A MABTIB-AldTich as m. se I. r an of B S6I44 PsInlsssL sad I 1 1 vast urn axw. tel. (.nt or ao4 al4kr or see, I lu Btala aSIBTSBt a -ii I n-.i.r a.i os SURF CURE FOR- P lis fonsva. wsjD ss alio. SSSVB, Ull Bs maMfeMSl si Ml I wf1 Bayjs iy IBTRk mCOmv DO ummV mKm ' 'i'l?TM BTBiW ass s sxrlsssn. J f II II fS.SS.llS. Tssaam eisassin.t tja