J OOD EVENING. G Tonight and Friday, occasional rain: probably cooler Friday; high southerly winds. VOL. III. NO. 258. SAND ISLAND STREWN WITHWRECKAGE OF COLUMBIA MUCH OF WHICH IS TORN OUT BY FURIOUS STORM TODAY HAVOC OF Jetty Damaged in Gale That Blows 76 Miles an Hour. ONE OF THE HARDEST BLOWS OF THE SEASON Heavy Rains Have' Fallen on Portland and Throughout Valley But Are Expected to Cease Tomorrow. THF T0RM Between t.000 and 4,00ft. feat of the government jetty at the mouth of the e Columbia . river waa Washed away last night and this morning by a tarrlllc gale which blew at the rata of 76 mUes . an hour. According to the obServar at North Head there Is not more than 500 feet of the trestle work built during the past season left. MaJ. W. C. Lnngfiu says 2.604 feet of the structure are still standing, but he admits that nearly 4.000 feet of the trestle was washed' mrar, 'It was merely the frame work and tha part extending out Into the aea that met with disaster," said the major this morning. "It waa rather poorly sup ported oy rock, tha work not being com plete!, end I was afraid that It would be too fturt to withstand tha storm. The work of replacing tha timbers, of course, cannot be commenced until next spring." Wreckage Along Band Island. District Forecaster Baals received a message this morning from .the keeper ' of tha life-saving station at Sand Island, who reported that wreckage from the Jetty Is strewn all along the beach . In that vicinity. A dispatch from Ob server Kelllhar at North Head verified the report, and stated that there la not more than 600 feet of tha framework of the Jetty remaining upright. Notwithstanding the severity of the Storm tha steamer Columbia crossed the bar yesterday afternoon. Hardly had he gone out before the' gale increased in fury, and It is thought she will have difficulty getting down tha coast. At about the same tlma the steamer Sue Elmore arrived from Tillamook almost 10 hours late. The bar Is running high and that she reached port without sus taining damage is looked upon as for- - tunate. The weather man had warnings up all along the coast almost a day in advance of the ajtorm. and ha states if the mariners failed to head them they have no one to blame but themselves. It Is predicted by the local bureaii that tha gale will not begin to sukatde before tomorrow. The indication are that cooler weather will follow. "One of the most remarkable featurea about tha storm," said Mr. Baals this morntng, "is the fact tha east of the Cascade range chlnooks are blowing. At Walla Walla the thermometer has risen 2 degrees during the past 24 hours and la now 64 degrees at that place. The warm wave will melt much of the snow that fell earlier in the week, leaving the ground comparatively bare. The soil will be In good condi..on to absorb the rain falling1 In that sec tion." It Is expected that tha Willamette river will soon be raging. The melting snow In tha foothills and tha heavy ralna of the past few days. It la be lieved, will swell the stream Ave or alx feet. - Rain has been pouring down at Port lend and throughout tha valley for tha past two days. The Indications are that heavy showers will continue until to morrow. Along nearly all the streets in the north part of the city small rivu lets are running and finding their wajr to ttre river. Qn on of the streets near tha custom house a sheet of wa ter six inches deep extends for more (Continued on Page Two.) PARROT IS CAUSE OF WIFE'S DIVORCE '.. .-pjloarfial Special Serrlee.) CMcaW ro. S-9. W. H. Smith of this city owes his divorce to a parrot. Tlta talkative bird la also the cause of hla nrreni and release under bonds to keep the paace. , r " About a year ago Mr. and Mrs. Smith, then a happily married young couple, wars presented with the parrot by mu tual friends. Mr. Smith st once became attached to tha bird, and his wife de clared in the-dlvorce proceedings that he loved It better than be loved her. Some months after the parrot came to live with tha Smiths the head of tha house was greeted every evening, on his return from workJwith the query. "How Is Al?" This was followed by numer ous Inquiries regarding "Al." Who "Al" waa Rmtth did not Jtaow, -and Polly mere ly1 rocked her head on one aide, looked wise, rind repeated the question. Hmllh Investigated and learned tBat his wife waa having visitors of whom he knew nothing, and among these waa tha FORTS ARE CAPTURED Japanese Seize Fort Ehr lung Shan After Fierce Struggle.. PARAPHET IS BLOWN UP DEFENDERS DISLODGED Revolutionary Outbreaks Occur ing Along Russian Frontier Railways. Destroyed, and Bomb Outrages Occur. (Journal Special Service.) Toklo, Dec 29. General Nogl, com manding at Port Arthur, reports under today.' s data aa follows: '"The besieging army at 10 o'clock Wednesday, morning blew -up the para pet In front or Fort Ehrlung Shan and then occupied the parapet by assault They then constructed defensive works under the cover of heavy guns and mounted field guns, despite the lira of tho enemy. After placing tha heavy guns the army proceeded to the gorge of fork, whence the enemy waa event uallv dislodged, after a strong resist ance. Tha whole fort fell into ' our hands at 7:30 o'clock in the evening. "The Japanese casualties in the cap ture of tha heights are estimated at 1.000 killed and wounded. A later dtapatch states that the third Russian garrison of 600 at the fort es caped. News of the latest Japanese success at Port Arthur haa bean .received with wild demonstrations of rejoicings throughout the empire, and tha fall of Port Arthur la confidently ex pec tea oe fore the first of the year. The holiday srjlrlt is at full tide throughout the empire, and the arrival of Admiral Togo at Kura tomorrow 1s eagerly awaited. vice -Admiral Kamlmura and-otner nig officials will accompany Togo and the party will be personally greeted by the emperor-upon its arrival si iqio. , It Is reported from the Manchurlan army this afternoon that December 27 the Russians bombarded the Bha river railroad bridge with heavy field guns. The Russian guns at Talten Tun have shelled Chlsiang Tun and Shulln Tsu and the Russian cavalry made an attack on Helllntun and were repulsed twice during the same day. Three Japanese were Killed. DESPERATE FIGHTING. Chefoo Hears Too That Ehrlung Shan Fallen. (Joorsal SpecUl ferric.) Chefoo, Dec. 2. Heavy fighting Is reported from Port Arthur yesterday ending In the capture last night of Fort Khrlung Shan, one of the most im portant fortifications possessed by the Russians lying m the oenter of the peninsula and completely commanding a large portion of the town Ojf Port Arthur. The fighting was extremely fierce. Early In the morning the Jap anese blew up mines underneath tho parapet at the, base of the fort, destroy ing theaa fortifications and occupying them by assault. They then mounted guns and under cover of artillery, firo charged along the entire heights, winning a despanate hand to hand en counter and driving the enemy back after a stubborn resistance. FRONTIER OUTRAGES. Kevolnttonary Outbreak! Frequent and Csar Frequently Burned In Effigy. (Journal Special Sartlce. ) Berlin, Dec. It. Reports from the Russian frontier state that widespread (Continued on Page Two.) mysterious "Al." He applied for a di vorce, which was granted December 1,,7-a week ago, "Al" being named aa co-respondent. When his wife left home the parrot disappeared with her. Yesterday Smith saw his former wife with a bird csge In her hand containing Polly, leaving the union ststlon with "Al." Smith seised the parrot, and, heading up town, ran . aa fast aa he could a;o. pursued by Mrs. Smith, with "Al" In tha distance. Filling to catch her. husband. Mrs. Smith swore out a warrant nt cantral police atatlon charging Smith with mak ing threata and disorderly conduct. Smith was arrested along with tha par rot and placed under bonds of 2300 to keep the peace. On his release Hmlth left the police court and hurried to the otty hall, where ho or u red possession of the parrot. You're a good bird, van ff you did make me lose my wife," said Smith. Where 'AIT asked Polly. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY "EVENING, DECEMBER salVMsKssBrfl saH ' nmTBk Um ittTmStF klMtkm 7i iMSjleTsg afca 1SLE. ' ' aVl itl -a--awasssssssB1 ' 4.aaaBBBW BSMaSs Ten thousand dollars is worth standing in the rain to look at, and if you want to know why the Washington street front of Woodard, Clarke St Co.'s drug store at Fourth and Washington streets was jammed with people until 9 o'clock last night, that's the explanation. The-Journal had on Show there, a comfortable little day's receipts, the result of its annual bargain day. The Journal is a'pion&r among newspapers in Oregon in every metropolitan feature and in its bargain day is unique amonghe newspapers of the country. Since mercantile houses and business men handling others wares offered on oertain days special inducements to their customers, The Journal saw no reason why a newspaper shouldn't have a bargain day too. Last year about $8,000 was the net receipts from subscribers, to whom the paper was offered for one day at a reduction of about 40 per cent. It was hardly expected, in view of The Journal's phenomenal increase in circu-- TRAINMEN ESCAPE LYNCHING 8Y MOB Killing of a Workman by Electric Cars Followed by Attack Upon Crew. i SAVED BY POLICE FROM VENGEANCE OF CROWD James Myler Meets Death by Walking in Front of Train at Seattle. (Special Dlapatcti to The Journal Seattle, Wash., Dec. 29. Cries of Lynch'the train craw." "String "em up," followed tha killing of a worklngman in front of the Northern hotel lata last night. To protect them from tha crowd of several hundred congregated about the place where the accident occurred. Pa trolmen Cameeon and Helms took Mo torman W. H. P. Bell, Conductor J. H. Griffiths and Brakeman 8. T. Pierce to the police atatlon, where they ware held for nearly an hour and then released and sent to tha offices of the .Seattle Elec tric company. The man killed la believed to be James W. Myler, although he has not yet been Identlfledi That la the name found on papers and a tlma book In his pocket. Myler was walking north on First avenue south whan a train of the Seattle Electrtfc coal cars was backing toward trs Post street station. Myler changed his course and started directly across West of the track. A number of pedes trians called to him to look out, others culled to the men on the train to stop. Before Myler paid attention to the crlea nnd before tha train stopped, the unfor tunate man was struck and crushed to death under, tha wheals. Tha. crowd be gan to gather, and some one took up the cry of "String 'em up." Soon many were calling the an way. A night squad from the police station was called and managed to protect the crew from vio lence, but were not successful entirely in preserving order. CRIPPLED STEAMER IS IN PERILOUS PLACE t Journal Special Serriee.) Boston. Dee. Is. A wireless message fmm ('"'in Judith ststes that the big sound steamer Puritan broke her wheel during trie night and Is now anchored off the point with a heavy sea running. Qreat anvlety Is felt for the safety of the vessel, which baa a heavy comple ment of passengers. xay mars (Journal gpeetal Service. ) Patchogue, L, L, !.-. 29.. At 9 o'clock this morning a tug succeeded in gcttin a heavy line to the stranded steamship Drumelslnr, which is still In a perilous position. It Is believed, however, that the crew may be saved. THE JOURNALS $10,000 . L . . . -.. -fr - , i r mmmmm HUGHES AND MRS HATCH IN THE CITY After Woman's Divorce, They Were Married in Secret, But Stat utory Time Had Not Elapsed and Hatch Proves Nemesis. While the local police have been exerting themselves to locate Dr. Edwin Hughes and the former wife of Theophl lus Hatch of North Yakima, Wash., they have been quietly living In a neat cottage in a suburb of this city. Until Tuesday night city detectives were as sured that they had left Portland for California. At that time the police re ceived positive Information that they are now in this city, and yet, armed with this Information, have been unable to locate them. Moreover, there comes the surprising Information that Dr. Hughes and Mrs. Hatch were married In Washington be fore they came to Portland. They de clare that their only motive for con cealment Is a fear that they will be prosecuted for contempt of court, the divorce decree granted Mrs. Hatch being Interlocutory and marriage with a third party being prohibited within six months. Dr. Hughes denies that he had a 'wife living In Minnesota when he married Mrs. Hatch. A statement prepared by the couple's attorney for The Journal follows: "Mr. Hatch Is a farmer and stock- raiser, located near Almlra, Wash., and Is worth $80,000. With his wife he lived on the fafm for more than 14 years. She Is 34 years old, 1 years younger than her husband. They had three children, a girl aged It years, a boy aged 12 years and a girl sged 5. Though prepossessing In appearance. Mrs. Hatch has always been a hard working woman. It Is her oontentlon that the accumulation of Mr. Hatch's fortune was In large measure due to her own work and good manngemenr.t She also says that during the last few years of h'er life on the Almlra farm Mr. Hatch was cruel to ner aird over hearing in hla demeanor at all times. She became III. end life as a result grew burdensome. "For this reason she applied for a di vorce, which was duly granted, and by the decree she was given the custody JUDGE IMPOSES HEAVY SENTENCE ON STRIKERS m (Special Dlapatrh to The Journal ) Indianapolis, Dec. 29. In the federal court today Judge Anderson sent 1 1 strikers of the MacBeth lamp chimney factory at Klwood to Jail with heavy sentences for Interfering with non-union workers. Much bitter feeling haa been engendered at he action taken by the Judge among tne strikers. I CORPSE HOT DBBTXTIBD. I Journal SueeUI srt. -r i "lorado Springs, Dec. 29. The police received a telegram today from the Pry chemlcsl company of New fork saying that the firm had bo agent on the road 29, 1904 FOURTEEN PAGES. BARGAIN DAY lation during the last year, -that the amount received this year would be as large as that of last year. However, the amount re ceived up to day before yesterday when the display was pre pared for exhibition was nearly 910,000, and the belated mails have since brought the total bargain day receipts to beyond that sum. No other newspaper north of San Francisco has now so large a mail subscription as The Journal. The photograph here reproduced of the immense display of money was taken under most unfavorable conditions by Kiser Bros. The day was dark and rainy and for that reason the photograph lacks some of the clearness of detail which would have been brought out under better light. Gold and bills are piled on the shelves at right and left of the window, a keg full of gold pieces occupies the center and the floor of the showcase is covered three or four deep with checks, postal orders and bills. of the two girls and one half of the real property, while $1,700. two horses and a carriage were given her for her Interest In the stock on the farm. Before the statutory period for an appeal from thn decree of divorce had expired, being Ignorant of the law, Mrs. Hatch married Dr. Edwin Hughes, the family, physician. The .pair moved to Seattle, 'where Dr. Huglies established an office and soon enjoyed a lucrative practice. "n account of this marriage to Dr. Hughes, Mr. Hatch believed that his wife had been unduly Influenced to se cure a divorce from him, and taking ad vantage of the union with the physician before the statutory period had elapsed, sought to hold her husband for'contempt of court. Conviction would have ren dered him liable to fine and Imprison- Inent. Mr. Hatch also garnlsheed an ac count of the doctor In an Almlra bank, attached all the property he could get hold of and enjoined his former wife from disposing of any of her property. It Is understood he now claims he will spend his wealth to Keep Dr. Hughes nnd his wife from realising anything from the property by the decree of di vorce. ' "Dr. Hughes and his wife came to Portland several days ago to avoid pro ceedings against him for contempt of court. It Is the Intention of Mrs. Hughes. In sccordance with the decree of divorce, to keep the two girls. Within a few days she expects to begin a legal contest for possession of her property. "It is untrue that Dr. Hughes was vr married until he was united to Mrs. Hatch. The allegations of fraud and urv due Influence made by Mr. Hatch will Improved Taiga-. Thougn he has no fears regarding the ultimate outcome ofthe matter. Dr. Hughes does not care to re turn to ' trie-state of Washington for a while, because of the contempt proceed ings which would surely follow such a move. In the Interest of my clients I visited eastern Washington, and am sat isfied of the truth of the representations made to-me." named Mrs. Bessie Bouton, who Is sup-J posed to oe the woman murdered on Mount Cutler. This gives quite a set back to the Investigation, as It eras be lieved would lead to the arrest of Milton Franklin on the charge of murdering the woman. TEXTILE WORKERS MAY : DECIDE TO END STRIKE (Jnnrnal Special Brlo i Fill Blver. Mass.. Dec. ..--Acting on the recommendation of the Textile cmin ell, meetings of subordinate unions have been called for tomorrow to consider the calling off of the strike. The general opinion Is tkat a majority of the unions will declare In favor of ending the strike, which haa now lasted 21 weeks. EXHIBIT .! IS SHOT TO DEATH BY WIFE'S FRIEND Traveling Photographer Mur- dered in Lodging House ai San Francisco. DEAD MAN'S WIFE ONLY - - WITNESS TO TRAGEDY Couple Quarreled and Woman's Divorce Was to Have Been Granted Today. (Jnsrnal Special SerrW. 1 San Francisco, Dec. 29. Edward Bruce Metcalfe, a traveling photographer, was shot to death In his room at a lodging house in this city at an early hour this morning by a man identified by the victim's wife as Edward Keeley. with who m Mrs. Metcalfe haa been LStasjas The-Motcalfee came here a few weeks ago from Auburn, Cal. Quarrels said to hsve been caused by Keeley's friend liness for his friend's wife, resulted la Mrs. Metcalfe applying for a divorce some time since. This caae waa to have been decided today. The only witness to the murder was Mrs. Metcalfe, who states that she saw Keeley emerge from her husband's room a few mtnuten after the shot was fired. run to the hallway, thence downstairs nut on to the street, making good his escape. What the quarrel was about the wlf- does not know, nor can she give a reason why Keeley ahnuld have visited her hus band at that hour In the morntng. There are so many strange circumstances re garding the affair that Mrs. Mi'tcalfe Is under suspicion herself. CHILD KILLED BY (Journal gperlal Sorvlec i Iiii1svlll, Ky.. Dec. 29 In a small white coffin-In the home of his' parents, lies the body of little John Clark, a w-year-old boy. who died last night after 10 hours' unconsciousness aa the victim of a Christmas Celebration. The Inquest showed that Ihe child's death was due to acute alcoholism, which waa brought on by liquor given him by his parents after they them elves hasVaJmblbed tort freely of win and whisky In making merry on Christ mss day The boy was a pretty, fair-haired III tie fellow and waa a son of Ellas Thurston and a stepson of Ronnie Thurs ton. Thurston came Into possesslsou of a Jug of wfne and a quart bottle of whisky nnd he and his wlfe Irojjilged lii-ls afioi Ihe ciirl-Hn.i , -I. ri.ni. a After the couple . had become thor oughly Intoxicated they plied the child The Circulation Of The Journal Yesterday Was 17,310 PRICE FIVE CENTS. JETTY "Unless Something Un foreseen" Arises Grand Jury Done with Him. BROWNELL AND MELDRUM CALLED TO TESTIFY Former President of the Senate and Ex-Surveyor General, Re cently Convicted, Are Be fore Investigators, :CoiiKre!man Binger Hermann again before the federal grand Jury thla morning. - For an hour and a half he was In the Jury room, where ha was aubject ed to a searching inquisition. . For half an hour after his examination was con cluded and he had left the room no other witness was called. Mr. Heney re mained In the Jury room, and it Is sup posed that Hermann's testimony was under consideration. When Mr. Hermann emerged from tha Jury room he was asked whether his tes timony before the grand Jury wan too eluded. yes, I understand so." he replied, "vin- "Then you will go back to Washing ton?" Weir, that Is to be decided later: we shall talk It over. Of course." he added, haatll, "I shall return to Washington soon, but I cannot say exactly when X will go." Wot Likely to Be aaecalled. It is ribt likely that either Senator Mitchell or t'onaresSman HermanntIIl be culled again tlefore the grand jury. Oeorge C. Brownell. former president of the Oregon suite annate, and Henry C. . Meldrum, former surveyor general and recently convicted of fraud in mak ing land sui reya, appearpd'at 2 o docK this afternoon under subpoena to tes tify, before the grand Jury. Brownell waa first cglled Into the Jury room. There Is reason to believe that tha grand Jury wtyl Include in Its Inquiries) some of the frauds committed in the Of fioe of Surveyop-Oeneral Henry Meldrum in the adrveyg of public lands. Her mann was at that time rutted States) land commissioner and Meldrum's su perior officer. All surveys ware ftrgfe' authorised by Hermann. It has neen stated repeatedly in the) past that certain books and papers which) disappeared at Washington just before). Hermann left the land office would play an Important part In The present Invest U gatlons if they could be produced. Among these documents were the 61 ex hibits attached to the famous report of Col. A. R Oreene. which led to Her- mann'a removal from the land officer Included In these exhibits were tele grams which parsed between Hermann and Meldrum, and between Hermann and) Waggoner, Meldrum's chief deputy. The) exhibits were attached to Oreene's re port, and were last seen In the land of fice Just before Hermann's forced resig nation took effect, on February 1, 1D03. Latter Books Destroyed. Over 30 letter books were destroyed by Hermann Just before he went out of the) land office. These are said to have con tained correspondence which the gov ernment would now greatly like to have. It Is probable that testimony concerning the destruction of these hooka will bat given by some of the witnesses brought from Washington and who were subordf nates of Hermann's while he waa land commissioner. No further Indictments are expected ' today or tomorrow. Oeorge Sorenson, who was Indicted with TLoomls, Ormsby et al.. arrived In Portland yesterday from the east. He has not yet entered pleu to the Indictment nor given ball. Right or fen' witnesses from Sweat Home and Foster, -In I. Inn county, are here under subpoena, and mgy be called before the grand Jury late this after noon or tomorrow. HERMANN FINISHES KAntlN 1 1 rnAiNrv freely with liquor. He soon hecaa drunk, hut the father held htm tin whllo Mi.. I ir i.nnr. .1 m., tlmiA, .lnw ma inr'iui. nornc iim' i.iht trie DOT was round uncnnsclnua. it taitxit was called la and did but the poison had taken too deep hold. After llngi-rl-g for several diys) the little fellow becanf -mis and did not regain poar.es lm. .if , hie senses before death, which naUy Following the ..nxier's Inquest parents have" been arrested Both press repentance and contrition sad ueenty grieveo over me result 01 i drunken prank. NelghlKirs sre very uiarnniii alio 'ni ii-ii mr-m wiiii irn l r i ,-i - nt ' l nr 'III I ll 1 1 1 1 I . Ill m W I escape punishment. Th la Is the nrsl case III Ilia a of the state where a valid SSS died alcoholism.