The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 28, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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Racing War May Be Averted
Answer Filed in Castro Case
Football, Baseball and Bowling
Western Jockey Club May Re-
visa Dates and Avert
Serious Trouble.
Royal White Easily Beats
Field in Third Race at
Oakland Track.
Interesting Gossip Concerning
Those Who Are Interested
E. in Thoroughbreds.
i Six-, ial In .pat eh Ui To. Imrul.)
t'uurnal Hpeelal BerTlc.
San Francisco, Dec. 38. Ths going
wan badly upset yesterday by Royal
White at 30 to 1, rapturing the third
event. Results:
Futurity count The Gadfly won(
Salable second, McGregor third; time.
8U fin longsAlice Carey won. The
Cure second. Revolt third; time, 1:14.
Six furlongs Royal White won. Trav
era second, Yellowstone third; time
Six and a half furlongs, handicap.
purse Matt Hogan won. Tocolaw sec-
New York, Dec. IS. For the lack oft-- judge third; tine. l.tOM.
more tmportsm matters to eastern rao-
ing men Just now. a gaod deal of attnn
tlon 1 being paid by them to the western
racing situation. The way the situation
looks now from this point of view the
Western Jockey cmi) will nave io re
gV l . ,i..i. ii f.. the n 1011
Br i.i .1.1 . .. It In., in 1 1 ktalnrv If
lUiHJiumiii. ..jr,".A iuii " , .. - -
L alien like Ed Corrlgan of the Hawthorne
track. M. J. Winn of the Louisville
Jockey club. Home Respeae. Pevereaux
and Shannon of the Kaaex Park club of
H t Springs, and the backers of the New
'Orleans Jockey club cut loose, the ban
of outlawing promised by the Western
Jockey club will have small terrors for
the owners of thoroughbreds, and there
will be a good deal of money lost by the
DCODrletors of racing tracks.
The east will tike no part In the
fight, according to the present state of
! feeling, -fend'-with the eastern tracks
i open to them, the men who choose to
'' tm Wtth the opposition can snap their
finseia at the Western Jockey club.
It would look to the unbiased mind
that this Is a good time for a compro
, salse. and It Is generally believed here
- when the stewards of the Western
Jockey club meet In Chicago on June S.
that the dates will be revised and
I costly war avoided.
O. at. r. Belmont's Plans.
It has been stated that Oliver H. P
Belmont Is going In for the breeding of
thoroughbreds on an extensive scale.
Like all the Belmonts he has always
been more or leas Interested In racing.
, Mr. Belmont has not followed the fssh
. Ion of many of the young men of great
wealth, who have gone In for breeding
and mads his venture about New York.
He has an abiding faith In the virtue
of blue grass for thoroughbreds, and
has leased the Falkland Stud at Lexing
ton. Ky.. and If things shape themselves
ght will buy It. Ethelbert will lead
Ills stud for the present. There was
Some talk that Mr. Belmont Intended
to buy the famous Belle Meade farm at
Kashvllle. but this rumor has no founda
tion. It Is1 understood, however, that
.astern parties are negotiating for the
Tsnnsssrn property and will continue
it as a great breeding establishment
One of the newcomers on the turf
this year will be George Gregory of this
city, who lias a string of fine horses
thst will be raced on the metropolitan
tracks. They will be handled by John
R. Todd, one of the oldest and best
known trainers In this country. Todd
-Melsterslnger won.
Elder third; time.
Mile and 60 yarda
Briers second,- Box
Mile and 100 yards W. R. Condon
Won, G. W. Trahern second, . recxraan
third; time, 1:47.
Los Angeles. Dec. 28. Siypmary at
Ascot: I
Five and a half furlongs, selling
Tim Hurst won. Joe Kelley second. Light
of Day third; time, l:-THr J
Slauson course, selling .Nation won.
Rose of Hilo second. Great Mogul third;
time, 1:091.
Handicap, steeplechase, short course
Allegiance won. Gray Morn second. Flea
third: time. 3:11.
One mile Gold Rose won. was Mwirt
second. Ralph Reese third: time. 1.3SV
SelUna. Brooks course Needful won.
Helgerson second, Merwan third; time,
Seiltnc. six furlongs Hllona won
Cloverton second, EdlnborougU tturu;
time, 1:14.
At m
Orleans. '
-he wonderful advance In trottine.
within the past 20 years Is shown by the
increase in the number of horses whlcn
have mads tha 2:10 Hat
The following table shows how the
"select circle" has grown since. Only
new performers are given. From Hb4
up to and Including 181 no new addi
tions were made to the list, but Maud 8.
reduced Iter record to :' u',.
1891 ,
190 J
No. No.
otters. Pgcers. Total.
2 1 3
, i
s 11 lti
14 20
10 II H
It , 21 83
13 60 J
8 40 S
It -48 fit!
20 41 HI
18 62 70
16 4 79
11 4 (0
2 8 ;
34 70 9
32 72 11
Portland Baseball Club Claims
That Clever Shortstop Is
in Their Debt.
Attorney-General Moody Causes
Suit to Be Brought
Against Paper Trust.
Proceedings' Instituted Against
General Paper Co. in St.
Paul Federal Court.
Totals 232
Deo. 38. The results
Mix furlone-s Girl From Ulxte won.
Iong Days' second. Dixie Andrews third
time. 1:17 3-6.
Mile St. Tammany won. Gay Boy
second. Falnerlan third; time. Ii4i
Mile The Trlfler won, i-awturaei
second Mr. Jack third; time, 1:47 1-6
Six and one half furlongs Frontenac
won. Matador seconu, .-aiarus. . iiaru,
time 1 :22 4-6.
Six furlongs Topic won, n.a riemey
second. Toolsey Mack third; time
1:17 3-6.
Seven furlongs Gregor K. won, f ore-
master second. Mayor jonnson tnira.
time 1 30
The following half dosen lines of
poetry are known as 'The Aggies" Slo
gan, and were written expressly ior
last Monday's game:
'It's tough to be skuii,
But Joy when you've won.
And the rooters are wild with the fun.
And so we all say.
When the ball Is In flay.
Ti. hatter tn skin than be skun."
The splendid manner in which the Cdr-
vallls students accepted their defeat on
lias neen i tor a ion. me mm. m ju.w best evidence of their
lie is ine man - " ... . . . .-,.--
recovering his health.
: who trained' Albert Vale, when
Fbdds f 30 to 1 'at Chlcagi
I A few days Ister ha got the horse home
again a winner at odds of 60 to 1. Twice
again within the next week he won
with Albert Vsle the odds In each case
being It to 1.
Oassatt Off ths Turf.
Because of many reports of late that
ne won at "; .V" . K,,, ,.,.. rr rnrvui.
Mr-am in 1899 P-'"S. " - -
flat BBU 1UBC
The Multnomah eleven will turn out
for nrartlce Thursday. Friday and Sat
urduv nights of this week at 7:30 o'clock.
The members of. the team are too sore
and stiff after Monday s game to get
out aaaln before tomorrow evening.
From the reporta that come trom se-
A. J. Casaatt, head of the Pennsylvania I at tie. one would think that the Seattle
railroad, wan tbout to return to racing,
R. Penn Bmltn. manager of Caanatt'a
farm at Cheaterbrook, Pa., has mads
a statement In which he says that Mr.
Cassatt has no intention of returning
tn the racing field Smith ssys mat
his business interests are so heavy
that hi finds It necessary to give up
all of his time to them. and. while his
love for thoroughbreds Is as strong as
aver, he will not re-enter racing.
A number of noted raclgg men from
this country and abroad have visited
New York during tha weak. Among them
wsa George M. Hendrie of the Highland
Park Jockey club of Detroit.
'The decision to hold one meeting st
Kenll worth Instead of two looks to me
like s wise one." said Mr. Hendrte, "and
the fact that the dates clash with a part
of our meeting at Highland Park will
not materially affect either course ac
cording to my way of thinking, and on
broad grounds the one meeting Ifleig. Is a
good one. We may curtail our Fort
Erie dates a bit. but Buffalo will have
Its full mo.. la of racing. One good fea
tare of the arrangements of dates Is that
It gives, clesr time for Hamilton: This
Is a small meeting and a truly sporting
meeting, run without reference to profits
and with no conflict In dates the meeting
will be a first-class one.
BSC tag In Maryland.
Another notable visitor was W. P.
Hlggs of the Maryland Jockey club.
He la enthusiastic over the racing out
look at Baltimore. He said:
"We hope before many years to have
a number of valuable stakes on our
schedule, but. of course, will begin mod
estly." It lias been proposed that ws
give a stske for two-year-olds at the
earing meeting next year, which .will
have 11,000 added money, and a race at
one mite and a half for the fall meeting,
to which will be added 31.600. These
stakes to close a few weeks In advance
of the date of decision.
'This will be our start, hut we want
to move along after that. We shall be
at considerable expense next season
for Improvements, and by the time of
the fall meeting think our track will
le first-class In every particular."
The famous schooner yacht America,
first winner of the America cup. may
roe again next season. The hull of the
old racer Is as sound as It was .10 years
ago. and rrsparred and refilled she ran
and probably will be put In as fine rar
ing trlm,aa ever she was. With Amer
ica In competition with Modern schoon
ers, in aa ocean race, a line could be
had as to what, if any, Improvement
has been made In the line of racing craft
of the schooner type In the past, third of
a century.
It la SLovb rnmoN
i St, nilaelptli
I Sr.. SS
! the weret
eartk. ret tb
t curs WHBN toll
DO. Manr bare elm
pres. Has SB
skis, snres Is
ni'.nth. aleers. falling
kalr bene Miss, ca
tarrk, and ena't -sew
seait to DB BROWN.
Pros . for BROWN'
per Bottle, lasts aaaa
Is Prartlann oslr aak Baa,
Athletic club Intends wiping- up the
earth with Multnomah on Monday next
and after that throwing the local men
off the sphere. There Is no getting
around the fact that It will be a dlffl
cult game, and If Multnomah wants to
win. the hardest kind of work will have
to be done.
The following players have been in-
lted out for the Seattle game: Grieve,
Keller, Ross. Seeley, Pratt, Stow, Kirk
la. Van Voorhls. Dowllng. Jordan. Stott.
Blanchard. Crosby. Bennett. Murphy,
Johnson. Lonergan, Corbett. . Hornn.
Dolnh and McMillan. Out of that bunch
of Dlavers Multnomah ought surely se
lect a team that can trounce Seattle to
a fond farewell.
The coming of Gen. Buenemon Nil and
his troupe of exponents of the Japanese
art of physical culture -known aa Jiu
jitsu It exciting considerable interest
among local athletes. Several well
known wrestlers have signified their
willingness to meet General Nil In a con
test on the mat.
Little Mike Daly, Jr., the 11-year-old
son of M. J. Daly, tha owner pf Claude
and other well-known stake-winners, is
a full-fledged Jockey at that tender age.
and is frequently seen riding for his
father at Oakland. M. J. Daly now has
three sons who are well-known Jockeys.
Two of them, Johnny and Willie, rode In
the east last summer. Johnny, ths old
est, was set down by the judges De a use
he could not control his temper, utile
Mike Is a turf favorite. It would set
your blood wild to aae the little fellow
urging his horse on with the enthusiasts
In the trainers' stand yelling at the top
of their voices. "Go on, Mike! Go on,
Mike!" and then the patter of the speed
ins hoofs. Papa Daly allowed Mike to
A dispatch from San Francisco says
that Manager McCreedle is endeavoring
to trad Phil Nadeuu for Jerry Freeman.
This Is likely an error, for the local
manager stated some time ago that he
had signed a first baseman.
President Lucas of the Pacific Na
tional league Is on his way to Spokane
to attend the annual meeting of that
league, which convenes early. In January.
The Portland club Is not the only or
ganisation In the Coast league that . Is
threatened with law suits, for Jack
Hi. key has brought salt against the
Seattle club for salary alleged to be
due him.
-It is reported that -Parke Wilson Is
to exchange Waldron to Seattle for Van
Haltren, as Van Is a great favorite in
San Francisco and not much of a one
In Seattle. - Waldron Is a valuable man
and Seattlt wilt not suffer from the
Word has been received! , here that
"Toots" Homers, formerly a member of
the Oregon Stat Ball league, and who
occupied a position on the Eugene team,
is dead, having succumbed to consump
tion while in Arizona, where he went
for his health.
Roger Bresnahan will catch next year
for the New York Baseball club, and
Jack Warner will go to the Bt. Louis
Nationals. Secretary Knowles said to
day that the Warner transfer had been,
cornpleted. but declined to say what
Frank De Haas Roblson paid for him.
Fred Tenny will either be made mana
ger of the Boston Nationals or will be
sold to the highest bidder. Is the latest
rumor .in Boston.
Cy Young, Bill Olneen, Ciir:r-, Free
man, Btahl and Selbach or. the Boston
world's champions will go to Hot
Springs for a boiling -out before the
spring training .begins.
IRe Weir, the Belfast Spider, has been
engaged by the Boston Americana as a
trainer for the season of 1806. Weir was
at one time the champion featherweight
of the country. Weir will start south
with the team In March and will remain
with them all season.
If Patsy Donovan coaches from the
bench next season, as he says he Intends
to do, the American league will have
but four playing managers Griffiths,
Collins. I.ajole and Fielder Jones. The
National league will have the same num
ber Tenney, Kelly, Nichols and Clarke.
It now develops that Iron Man Joe
McGlnnlty signed a two-year contract
with New York and Is working a new
gag to get a' supplemental raise. He Is
quoted as making the declaration that
If he completed a .deal at South M .Mis
ter. Indian Territory, he would "go into
business" and retire from Saaeball.
Ball Player Was Discharged
When Fans Declare He
Was Making Good.
i Journal Special Serrlce.)
St. Paul, Deo. 38. Action against the
General Paper company and Its numer
ous branches was yesterday Instituted
In the United States court. The action
consists of a petition tiltd by District
Attorney Haupt. Frank B. Kellogg and
James M. Beck, special assistant attorney-general
of the L'nlted States, In
behalf of Attorney-General Moody for
tha United States. .
The petition seeks to enjoin and re
strain the defendants from doing busi
ness through the General Paper com
pany as sales agent. - An unlawful cont
ain! resrulats
Drop us a postal, stating your age and we will mail you
full particulars how to protect your family and build up
an estate ton yourself .'
AGE 25
6 CENTS a day saved each year will PROTECT you
for $1,000.00 and guarantee you a GOOD INVEST
MENT. Why be without a Policy?
Insure with
The Washington Life
Write fpr particulars.
N BLAIR T. SCOTT, General Manager.
HARRY B. SCOTT, Agency Director.
(03, 610, 611, 612 and 613 Cham, of Com. Bldg.. Portland, Ore.
the "fan" that 'astro "made good," but
that he could not work in harmony with
Dugdale. and that his discharge was
aue to tnar, rather than to his Incom
petency as a player.
At-any rat.e Castro was released by
I'uguair. manager, and he then entered
suit aaainst the. company, for what he
claimed was due him. Bauer A Greene
attorneys ror the club, yesterday, filed
their answer to Castro's complaint. In
which they get forth that. Instesd of, the
company owing Caatro. Castro owes the
company bR9.25. money drawn by Cas
tro at various times during the season
In excess of his salary to the time of his
release and they therefore pray the court
for judgment against Csstro for that
A curious phase of the controversy Is
mat astro, discharged by Dugdale.
ijuis i asiro owes tne t'ortland Base
Hall company ti'.i !,
lhe Portland Baseball comnanv owes
i .111 in casiro g . v
These are two propositions thst will
ne decided as to the correctness of each
by trying out the case before the circuit 1 blnatlon to control sales
court. Castro sued the baseball comnanv prices Is alleged tn violation of an act
for 3870. aliened to be due him for sal of congress, approved July 2, eruVrrtediM
ry unpaid. Castro was stance! as short- "An act to protect trade and commerce
...... A- . 1 . . . . . I I . 11. IV
.mil i "i me past season, ana was Dlaveo I .a"lc- ibli.hi.d aim wviiu'im,-
at various positions, In fact, every nosl-
tlon on tha team, excepting pitcher first I it I also alleged that tha result of
base and catcher. He was discharged at tn combination is the eliminating of all
San Franeleeo by Dugdale, manager, on competition, and that the manufacture.
September 3, .and the accounts between I and distribution of paper has been
the player and the club at that time not only greatly restricted, but an In
form the material for the legal squabble crease In the price to almost SO per cent
now on in the courts. . nae neen maae.
It Is the general understanding among TU petition further states thst with
rue exception or a inxoreu lew in util
es go and St. Louis, there Is not a news
paper or an Individual west of the Mis
sissippi river that ran purchase else
where than from the General Paper com
pany The court Is asked to declare the
combination unlawful and also to com
pel the defendants to appear In court
and answer all such questions as may
seem necessary In relation to the al
leged charges In the petition.
Fit Guarantmmd. Prlcwt $1.30 Up.
Com aitd Consult Our Expert.
Lauoa Davis Drug Co.
eral Moody and his assistant called
on ffae president late last night and held
a discussion that Issted some time, It Is
thought to have been In reference to
the fctilt against the psper company.
Attonvey-Oeneral States
Illegal Com-
(Journal Special Serrtee. i
Washington. Dec tt. Relative to the
suit against the General Paper company
i . I ...... .. . a D..l ...... n I .. .
manager this season. Is not negotiating L""' " , 'r -..iT.'' " .
with Walter McCreedle. the new man- TV'V.-.J. " '
'The boy rushes from his reading, writ
Ing and arithmetic." says I 'add v. "and he
can't get here too soon. He exercises the
horses when not engaged with his stud
ies, and Is always after me to let htm
rWle a race."
Philadelphia Jack" O'Brien and "Jim"
Jeffords. It Is said, will shortly try con
clusions lh a 10 round hunt at Reading.
The Oregon Agricultural college bas
ketball team defeated the second team of
the Multnomsh club In a cleverly played
and exciting game at the club gymna
sium last evening by the score of 32 to
12. The "Knrmers proved the faster
team and had things their own way from
the atart.
It la reported thst negotiations are
now. under way at Han Francisco toward
matching Jimmy Brltt and Young Cor
bett. The bout will probably take place
In February.
In ths match game last evening be
tween the All-Stars and the I'm Knights
the All stars won the best two out of
three games, and also registered the
highest total of pins.
The Pin Knights won the first game
by 11 pins, but the All-Stars took the
second by (7 pins and ths third by 95
pins, which won them the match by 4
Mr. Hanson, of the All-Stars, had the
highest total, 4S, lacking but one pin
of a 200 Average. He also had the high
est single game, 23t. Mr. Kruse had
the second highest score. While he did
not go above the double century mark,
he rolled a vary steady and consistent
game. There were five games above
the double century mark, Mr. Hanson
getting two and Messrs. Dale, Hyamith
and Hague one each.
The boys all rolled well and are
rounding' into ood form for tha coming
league season. Tha I'ortland Ten Pin
league will hold a meeting Friday even
lnr to arrange their schedule or games
for the season, which opens January 2
1905. The captain of each team Is re
quested to pay the entrance fee for his
team to the treasurer of the league by
Saturday. Iecember 21, 18C4.
After the meeting Friday night there
will be a rmrtch game between the Port
lands and a pick-up team.
The scores of last evening a match
All-Stars (1) i2 (31 Total
Lamond 10 IS" ICS 47
Hague 14 14 '.'11 44
Ross 180 lil 413
Boulanger 13 167 162 44S
Hanson . 1(1 23( 202 90
out the following statement
'These gentlemen, after an exhaustive
examination of the matter slmultane
ager, a conference having been arranged
for yesterday or today between the ex-
?.!nV5 "?W raan,r"r C"tro ously with that conducted by the depart
inn, ue IHS1 ior loe coming season. I .2 , e.l . .h
It, -,,1,1.11 Tan." ml, I-. . i - I .
aa.r r.ri aw " j. i torney-general that In their opinion the
- . .- .a,TcuTln -Pro facts ascertained support the complaint
and justify. In tha public Interests, the
and con the merits of the legal contro
versy now going on. They assert quite
generally that Ely. president of tha club,
was satisfied with Castro, Istllevlng that
he was a valuable man. but that it was
solely on account of his disagreement
with Dugdale that he was released.
filing of a petition to enjoin the opera
tlons of the General Paper company; a
corpora. Ion of Wisconsin, which Is the
Instrumentality through which the al
leged combination to control the prices
and distribution of these products In the
western- states Is conducted. In this
opinion tha department of Justice con
curs. '
Owing to tha fact that Attorney-
i Special Tnspstrh to The Journal.)
Tekoa. Wash., Dec. 23. Workman em
ployed In excavating for the Oregon
Railroad Sk Navigation company near
this place- have, within tha last few
days, unearthed a great number of
skulls and other portions of the human
anatomy. Some of the skulls and bones
are badly decayed and crumble to pieces
as soon as the sir strikes them, whll
others are In a fair state of preserva
The bad lea were evidently buried many
years ago, and are generally believed tn
have been aborigines. Coeur d Alene In
dians who live on the reservation near
here claim to know nothing of the re
mains, .and that none of their tribe, ao
far as known, was ever burled there. All
their dead aa far. back as the oldest of
them can remember have been buried' at
tha old mission near Cataldo, Idaho.
Over 25 skulls- have so fsr been resur
rected and carried away by curio seekers.
Moravian Church Celebration
Mecca -of Musicians and
Music Lovers.
Sign Card Writing.
. A class for clerks snd window
dressers meets on Monday and Wed
nesday evening at the Young Men's
Christian Association for instruction In
sign and card writing. Winter term be
gins Monday, January 2.
Equitable Life Policy Holders
Should read the analysis of the Kqult
able Life financial methods tn ths cur
rent number of the Bra Magaxlne; 10
cents, all news stands.
(Jo-nut fteeem BWrrlea. j
Hethlehem. Ph. Deo. 23. This-quaint
little city, which owes Its fame chiefly
to the fact that for nearly two centuries
It has been tha center of actlvltlsa of the
Moravian church In America, la just now
the Mecca oi musicians and music lov
ers from many parts of the country. The
occasion Is the Hach festival, for which
preparations have been "going forward
aver since last year, when a similar fes
tival was given and proved a great suc
cess. The series of concerts opened
this afternoon, and will continue until
Saturday. ,
The present 'festival Is only a part of
a cycle of unusual proportions. Tha
cycle Is to be divided Into three parts
a Christmas, a Lenten and aa Easter
festival It was decided to separata tha
nine days of the cycle In this manner In
order that the music might be presented
nearly as possible at the proper
church seasons for which tha works ware
originally composed.
The concert opened this aff.Moon with
the "Christmas Oratorio," which was
presented In Its entirety. The festlvsl
is under, the general direction of J. Fred
Wnlle. a pupil of Helnberger, and . who
haa bean organist "' of tha Moravian
church here since 18SS.
Grandest display of fine scenery ever
aeen Portland at the corner of Third
snd Alder streets. On exhibition from
9 in tha morning tin a at nignt.
Professor Krohn of the Multnomah
club entertained the boys' and girls' ju
nior classes yesterday afternoon at tha
club, by having a Christmas tree cele
bration. About 250 of the young people
wer.. present and each an was given
gift. Dancing was enjoyed for an hour
The woman's annex assisted Mr. Krohn
In the entertainment of the young pen
On Friday morning the woman's annex
will hold their rxerclses at the club.
The program will consist of athletic
performances, fencing, drill 'marching
end other events:
In a hotly contested gsme of basket
ball on the floor of the T. M. C. A. gym
naslum the evening class team met de
feat at the hands of a team from Van
. ouver by the score of 32 to 22. The
Evening Class. Vancouver
Mel m rich
Crick .
Ball ..
. .C.
.G. ,
. M unge
. Sparks
. Dubol
.771 358 839 2.49S
Pin Knights 1
Buxan . .'. . .179
II. u.mM I,
i.. 1. . I... , 1, flr.l ,1,,,., Mlu ua. m l .V . . .
' - - a..- - ,, . 7l"man
. .Ill
, .181
51 2
193 S29
137 413
104 441
177 667
.387 791 774 2.432
The Multnomsh Rod snd Gun cluh
will hold a meeting tomorrow evening.
Ths principal business that will
before the meeting will be the discussion
of plans for lhe Lewis and Clark shoot
that will be held tn ths latter pert of
June The rod and gurt men Intend to
hold III biggest shoot erer pulled off In
the west slid artlva preparations are
already under way for Ha management.
Stomach Diseases
Discard Injurious Drug's
A Harmless Powerful Cat-micMe
Endorud by l.Hkdmf Phyticimt.
Send twenty-five cents to pav postage
on Frn Triml Botili. Sold by leading
nor eiaiMMf without sjt ssMarwsc:
2M Pbincc 9T . NEW VOflK.
WaiTf fftM PSftJf bVm t fM lUTIONai TMTWFT
(Special Maps i eh to Ths Journal.)
Spokane. Wash.. Dec. 28. The 18th
annunl meeting of the Washington State
kalucatloual association will convene this
evening with an address by J. H. Acker
man. state superintendent of public In
structlon for Oregon, who will speak
on the subject. "The Public School Sys
tern From the Standpoint of a Stste
Superintendent." After the lecture the
association will adjourn to the Hote
Spokane, where an elaborate reception
will be held. Arrangements have been
made for the receiving of 1,000 guests at
the hotel. Dr. David Starr Jordan will
There are about 460 teachers and vis
Itors at these meetings.
(Special niapatch to The Journal. I
Moscow Ida. Dec. 28. The Pioneer
association of this county will hold Its
annual meeting In I. O. O. F. hall Mon
day, January 2. The committee In charge
consists of Colonel R. H. Barton and
Uodfrey Weber.
A Night in Japan.
l-iere are some or the things you
could do If you -understood the Jlu
Jltsulan science. You could break the
arm or wrlkt of a man by a blow with
the open hand; you could defeat the pur
pose of a hold-up man, give him the
Vital Touch" snd kill him instantly.
If is the most successful form of physi
cal exercise ever known. Gen. Bunemon
Nil. Professor RIngier and IS little Japs
will snow you now all this can be a
compllshed on Thursday night at the
Marquam theatre. Chief of Police Hunt,
the mayor of tha city ami other mem
bers of the city's, government are taking
great Interest In this mysterious Japan
ese science and It is possible that jul
jltsu will become s part of the police
manual. The fact that a Jspaneac police
man can arrest a man. conquer him If
he be ugly, without abnelng him by
using a club or billy, hts appealed to
Chief Hunt and ha will detail a number
of policemen to witness the perform
ance. Seats sre now selling at the Msr
quam theatre. .'
Indianapolis. Ind.; Dec. 38. In the
presence nf one of the most nctahl
gatherings of Masana In Indiana lait
night. Vire-Presldent-Elect Fslrbanks
a Mason.
of all
Up to and Including $13. 50 Grades, at
ass-saw 4SswSr
An unprecedented snd inimitable offer of high grade All-Woo! Suits at less than wholesale cost-
no old stock we never have any, but every suit this year's manufacture.
$15, $16.50, $17.50, $18.50 SUITS, cfc $ 1 4.65
$20, $22.50, $25 SUITS, $ 18.65
Proportionate reductions on everything in the house excepting contract goods and
OUy High-Ciao CieOa Sure Norti r tUc Okmbtr sf Csnatrcc
Stark and