THE QKIOOW DAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER M, 1904. FATE OF UNIT RULE TO BE DECIDED Better Feeling Prevail in Sheep Market and Prica la Twenty-Five Cents Higher Rya Flour and Meal Up Poultry Higher. TODAY'S MARKETS tJ Butt. eSwr, r sir syr W 44 pegee. oeata. editorial "V roEusx Aornnaxx tag. Ckinaa. Th. flallr Imrul. wltk 47. 1 Tke rtaltr Journal. 1 year Tke Dally ImmI, wMk Bnaday. TJ. n.tlr iwnj, f moats ..... Tee Pally Journal, with Bonder. Jka Dally Journal. S Moo'ka Tke Pallr Journal, wltk Saeday. t Tke rviiv par Mk. .IMnC Th Dally, w eacerteo Tumi to Mall. Hi Rallr Jnarnel. wltk Suaday. 1 Tke Dallr Jcrrrn.l. 1 rear Th. Tallr Jonrnal. with Sunday. Th Dally Journal. 9 montke Jka Dally Journal, with teaser. I Tke Dallr Janinal. I montfc Tea Dallr 'oom.1 wltk fnody. 1 Tka D.irr Journal I BNMltk Tke RnnOar Jrornsl 1 rear Tie Sunday Ji.nrnal mnntke Th. IuI WiiUt aml Tka Seml-Weekl Journal. 9 IS f each i.e... lllostrstrd rati market ..11.99 Tka' WaakJr iaara-l. Tka Weekly Joamal. 169 oo ta ma at purr, i year ng eaca Mil, lliastraiea. ran RTttanVeeT ehonlit' to made' kV eWfjfeeial note, espceaa -rdeee aall aaaall " In 1 .no t-rant r'fa gSffffr r 0. U1. Portland. OT. WHISK. TBS JOCKXAL HAT BS SWaTS. Tka Jonrnal caa to found a aak) .t th. fat lowlna places: Rami. IDAHO Ploaa.r book atora. .. CHK AOi. -Poatortca Raw compear. ItS Daar- lEVVKR.rortV.-1nlrl-h araaB SfS7 company tit Berenteetltk atraati J- Waak. Mi trail th and OartJa atraata. Kansas CITrV-Taa Noy New company. tOS AMJET.ES S. r. Onrdner. aTR) Rprta: ttragt; OUrm a JUlem WwTk "print, all !. ""!L" - MINNEAPOLIS II. I. garaosngk. 99 SeBth Third. J NSW YOHK CITT BrentanrTe. Union aqaara. MDRN(4 News company. - O.MAFIA- Millard Hotal n.w. at.ll: Megeatk Stationery enmoany ISO Parnaj street. ALT TAKE CITT rTenynn hotel nawa ataajs Barraw Bm.. 41 Waat Saaaal atraat. Roatk. ST. Long- Phlllo Boeder, 818 Locos t ifcatt , AN FRANCISCO W. R. Arrflng. Pslsoe HoUl aawa atand: O-ldamlth Broa HO BaMat atraat: Erad W. Pitta, loon. Markat atraat. TOK AN B WASH. John W. Oraham A Oa. TACAMA. WASH. Central Nawa aaaapaa. lltl ParllW1 aaaaaa. AVCTION SALES TOMORROW. Bj i,,...rr Baker A Co.. Park aad Alder atraeta, at 10 a. m. Rale of. houaebold faral ture. earpata. ate. Oaorg Baker A Co . aue- t loneera. FUNERAL NOTICE. 'MAN KHUN The funeral aerrlrea of tka late John W. Bankaoa will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 a'eloek at the realdaaea of hi. alater-ln-law. Mr. K BelK 33S Oraad arenne. South. WTATKXR REPORT. The dlalurhaare noted yeaterrtar weat at V.nri.urrr I. land prorea to be of coaajdarakla Intenaltjr and mamltada. Storm waralnaa were r tiered reatarday on Helllngb.m bar. alralt of Km a. mouth of the I olumlrta and at Ma rah a Id. and tkla murnlnc tbar ware egtaadad to all I'uiet aound and fjrar a Harbor aeanorta. Tka To II.. lua uiailninui ulnd reloeltlee oreurred laat night: Nofth Head. mllea aontbeaat. and Tatooah la land. U mllea aouth. Moderately heavy rain baa f.llen la wratara Oregon and weaterti Waahlrujton and the weather ta rloudy and threatening In the ea.tern por tlona of tkaee at aim aad In northern Id. ho The Indleatlona ara for rain tkla afternoon, t. might aad Thuraday la weatern Oregon and neatrrn w anhtngton. aad far rain or enow, with higher trmperaturea raat of tka Caacade niuuntalDa. M ARRIAOE LICENSES. Andrew c. Bolllger. S4: Cora- B. Hagaa. St. - tluat. Aaderaoa. 3T; llilma l.arauu. S4. bkrlea I'. Hotter. S3: Klla M. Watta. 34. Henry' Rauttn. 33: Uarln A. Holderkolm, ST. Khen B. tlraat. M: Klla Kellogg. S. U. M. Hutu more, 3e: Uartrada Stopper. 1. H W. Tin I.... .13: Mary Parka, 33. i. .-..rgo C. Watklna. 33: Maude R. Springer. 33 Peter Uuah. 47. Kllaabeth Jane. 49. t- A. Brown. SO; Bertha M Agaaw. 94. BIRTHS. Herein Ber 34. lo Mr. aad Mr. William R Wllllaawon. of 194 RaaC Twenty .Ink atraat. a Mia. 99. to Mr. and Mra. John R. Boiart of MVi Water atraat, a aaa. CONTAGIOUS DISXASSS. Hreemh-r 99. Birdie Smith 883 Sa.dy road warlrt liter. , k ' i .,.1.1 . I. . 1 1 mm A Ot M. r m I HO" . t ..... - . . in m . at Oood Samaritan nueyitai. raaaa, lypkald t . v.i Burial at Ixme Mr remeterr Ibmaaar 98. Marr A. Ikaman. aged 99 rear. at 413 Orrrton atreet: eaaae. taberetiroala of lunga. Burial at Lone Fir reaaetert. Hei-embea 98, Char lea B. fraaaaa, aged 41 .lean, at M. Vlneant a aaaruttai: eaaae. paraiyaia. 'lturl.1 at l.uie Kir remeterr Heiember 9U. Ckarkaa H. Joknuon. aged 1 rear, at New orana hotel, eaaae. pneumonia. Burial at HHIeboro, or. twemtier 34. Fraueea kta'aira. aged 51 rear at .-"it nr v hoepltall raaaa. kronekltla. Burial at Mt Calrary eeaartery. Deeaaiher 30. John Htlleter. aged 38 yeara at St. Vincent 'a kaanltal; raaaa, perltnnltla Uitrlal at Lone Fir cemetery ( rrmatnrium oa Oregon city ear Una. near Rellwood. modern, aelentlflr. eoaipleU. Ch.rgea aouii., eov: caiiorea. ua ri.iaora w a. m. to 6 p. ay. Portland crrmatlon agatclaUaa. I'artiana or. Tka gidwara Holman t nfl.rtaklng compaay. runeral dlrectara aad emb.lm.ra 930 Third atraat. pa aor. J. P. Ftnlrr St Baa. funeral dtreelii aad rmnatmera. Bare remoraa to new eataa Ilaaajaat. eoraer Third and Madlaon atraat Uotb pboaaa No. S. Funeral wreath, and rat flewer a at Raaa City Oreeakoaae, Twenty aecoad aad r.aat atorriaon. opo. mmeterr. RXAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Ismte Jaggar and wife to U M. Fnnea part lot T. blork 3T8. Iae'a addition I laiula Jega-ar ta Samuel c. Jaggar. part or mm i an. i o. oiora rto. a ad- dltlon William II. Marakall at al. to R. ea.t H krta 3 aad . brock R, tea.b addition Da rid Ooodaell aad wife ta R. rape, lota M aad Id. khrrk It. Raat Portland llelgkta H. L. Power, aad wife ta Oak Park Land .ompany. parcel land la e.tli.u T. Toarnkl I nortk, raaaa I aaat R. Wreka. trnatae. t. II I. Powera parcel land la aerttoa T. liiaaaklp I Hcetk, range 1 aaat Krerett R. smith aad wife to If. r. Flnrk. lot 21. block 19. South Port lead J N. Paarry aad wlfa tm P. R. gdork hcrger. lota I aad 3. blork 8. lata In and 11. block T. Heeenth Street Tee Borate D ' Hoatlagtaa aad huehend ' to - J.. Woadkaai. 3 acrea I aactiaa IS. townahlp I aoath. range 9 eaat Ma Sheriff to I. Lewie, north w aar i. norlkeaat i aectlaa IS. to yaar.. .19 "fell asontk . 99 .aw S.89 1 aoatk. range 3 eaat I K.lma A. Andrew aad haakaad a. R. P. Hall. .TIiSu feat la rot la north ta brock 0. rlty J me. K. Pearcr et al to J N. Paarry. bit 10, blork T. Ser.atk Street Terrace. Sallle B. For be. et al to V Carkaaa. Miath i, krta 9 aad 9. blork 13. aakdl -l.l .ii Rlrerrtew addition ta AIMna Sallle B. For be. at al ta J. Johnaoa. north H krta 8 and block 3. aakdl i tali a Klrerrtew addition to Alhlna i I riatnpher Trarer aad wife ta L. Jakn aaa. rota I I and Ik. kkrek St. Poet. m nth ., IWrge Rata aad wife la 4. Homing. lot 1 and 8. Mark 38. AIMna Patrick Murray to W. M. Phtteceon lot T, Mack 91, ParUaad Uty Uoaealaad.. ONION MARKET IS WEAKER AND DOWN Value Co Lower in the South and Cause a Reaction in Price Hare. POTATOES ARE ALSO QUOTED AT A DECLINE Rya Flour and Meal Advance Chickens and Turkeys Range Higher. Front Straat. Dm. H Tka arladaal aarkat f.aturra r: Onion taarkrt Vrakar and aawa. Pot a tor. ara aaatn full. Rja Sour la ahowina; rlaa. Rjra inral la quoird ui Chl.-krii marart baa attrr toaar Tarkara kara aatlar leaUag. Da a. MY far (raak aiaata f-ol. Loral Rak n eat at a aaaall. Naw potatoaa ara auotad down. Mldra ara ahowina; a rlaa. Oaiaa Markat Waakar aad Dawn. Tka Inral oaloo aMrkat la akawlac waakaaaa oa arroaat of taa lowar outald. uark.ta aad arlraa ara qootod lawar. Tka aklaawat ot Narad, aad Utah aattoaa lata tka California 'krta la kaaplnc tka ton. thara wrak aaa until thaa. atarka ara rlaanad up nothing la tka war of off art n( from that quartar la aa aactad la tkla narkat. Tadar aalaa ara bring mart, at tkla ftfurr. la fart, tka irnrral arfcra of ontona toa.r along ma .uaai . Tb. bujlns prirr la aaaaakartlf eat with that of tka wbolraal. nur Daalara are aow ai- naettaa a farther drop la ralura m. ton. of tka market at tka eloae of bualaaaa taaa Waa not of tka beat. The feeling In the potato market aeema to be tollo-rlB, the toaa In onlnna. for tooay tka market I weaker aad T9c la tka vary too of the hhrlne price out la tka country Paw. If any. purckaeea are being made by the .hlor-r. aa there la no outalde demand account of the cheaper rakaaa ruling la tka aoatk. The ftw purchase made by tka dealer, during the preceding week ware la eatlctpa- tloa of a better reeling in taa eouin aim tin holiday. Br riour aad Meal Ad raaaa Cltr mill, are today quoting an advance of 39c per barrel on rye pour ana meni ana ic In haUa. Bra flour la new uuoted 50a, 99 per barrel: bales. 93.T9. Other brancnea or ina dour market are dull wltk no change la tone. Tka wheat market remain, quiet Oreea Hide. Quoted a Half Dp. Wltk tka general lmprnred feeling aad trength In th bide market there waa an a.1 rac at He par pound In tka quot.tlon aa green a lock tbm morning Dry hydee abow no ckaagea. but the rnaraei -ta rrry arm. lmprored Faallng in Cktckana. There la aa lmprored feeling la Ike rklcken market today. The receipt are eery email and there la a reaumptlon of taa roraaer gewa demand. Price are about He per pound higher Dreeeed Turk.y. Ara Flim. Th... I. od demand for drkd turkey, and tka beat atocka are quoted flrat at 80c per pound, wltk tke ordinary grade ranging from 18c to 19c. Detera took wltk dlerarnr upon lire tarkey ad tke tone of market la not so goon, annougn wio. .,.11.. rrom iv- to 17c. There eoattaaee shortage In tke receipt, of wild bird, and price are firmer with w rnaagea - Tt4B far freak Meats Oood. There la suite a good demand ruling far Ike better claw 99 9999 meaia ana pnre are bring firmly bM at former rulings. Tka receipt ot freak 8 ah from the Columbia rltrar aalmon lad emelt are email Apple Market Slightly Dews. In apples the "calls" continue to come Into the market. This Is h.rlng a aaa errect eayee Ihe rslues of the arat-ciaaa rari.n .oo nr. ton of the market today waa 91-39. A ear of banana. I. due today Soaae rail ahlp menta of Callforala regataowa ou ice ...... Ihla morning. Valuea are generally up. Qalt large amoeat of poor graoe iocai .-.i...... la new coming and I aelllng rower, abb arwa- laak article aalH at sc per pouuu. Today rullag wholesale price: Oram, near aad Teal, ni-.r .. and eld Walla Walla. 940 95c; blueateav 90c; al1j, STc. HAHI'Et rceu,, nana, tuf?Wkale. 938.00 per toe: cracked. 939.00. OATs:rr.rWprlce-.Na. 1 while. 927 00; UlR-uZ- Orerm-P.t.Bt.. 94.99: atralgbta 93.TD; rauey. a. i. a'"""'".--'ie' 94 00; loa, IM 4S; rye, 90a. 9a.00; kales. W-lB. Mlixrfis-Bran. 915-O0 per lorn, mid dling. 935.00; aborta. country. 9x3.00, chop. aiaAn ky. WlUaatette Unary. $19.0041 19.00: mixed. HAY Producers pc"T- '-"Vjr ralley, faacy. iitwsinw. le.ev; eeaaerw T--" -- w 113..I4J19.00; '., 'UZiriS' ' lll.OoSlSOO; cheat. 911.004(1100. Hope. Waal aad am. HOPS 1904. 90c for riporta; 39c for .holer. ae. ear- Brasee eaaa asaeawaw, WtSLtTntract. !. dh--TaM. 999999 to medium. 184Jl7r. Sa. n19c; eastern Ora- BL 18c. SoeSSOCI Btedtam wool, avaaovc, "a TliiVr Prime tier lb. dMar: Ne. 9 aad TCrR-4c per lb; to isaSKirs! "''a-.'-ikTv5 r 19? dry calf. Ne I. under 9 Iks. 19c. dry silled balls and ataga. 1 - leas the. dry 9 Int: sslted hldee, steers, sound au m arwraajwanj r.-.n.i wi. aoond 9c: kip. 18 to ?V a in to 14 lbs. Be: calf. ioiod aader io lb.." 9V,e; graea laaaaltedi 1c " hid. ' Ha; got mm. m .cd; I0ii9e; Aagora. wltk wool aa. 9B each. 96.-4ill.00. Buttsr. Egg. aad PeaHar- ... r-vE-u riT i.mI 'JM 14c : aour llt'TTKK City creamery, beat. 994a90c second grade. 23I3m.. outaiae ranry. ' -a-. on, Id . tra sc. 33 tke; aa.tern and California. 23 H2c; atora. "JJjt,.,.. EU;S -Ne. 1 freak Oregon. aMJ ern aclecU 26c; local cold storsge. 34 35c CHF1E Sear Pull cream, twla. lSVc Y ?-Ve,1. 15c. eastera, Jgai-c - , . M ....T . -.uv s.iive.' aricea hlekeo Mahlsiram aad wife ta C. K. Daw Mock 3. Rol.wn H. O. 2.KI ,;.",',', 'l IH..r,lorff and v. I fe .'i..'jB9i- ilorff 13 feet on eaat Ilea of bests T, Paradise Sprtaga traet... i;' 1: Tltk. Ouaraatee A TnM ,,W"'' ff A. W Bead aad wife, 4.00 acrea In nortkwest A aectlaa 98. tewaafclp 1 south r.age 2 aaat 700 Oat raSr laaaraare aad .hetr.ct t real aetata from tfc. Title Oe are at as ATrBBt pa ay. Ckamaer at Cemmerce bnlldlag. BUILDINO PERMITS Ik amber 37. John Aaakaraoa. dwelling. between Italeey aaa arxiuan atreet reel. 9I.S99. Iiecemtiee 37 Mr. Aaaa Klrkkers. two dwell Inge aeetkeaat corner Tweatr third and Keeraej atreets; . o.t. .... Heeeasher 3t. N. M Wlkaoa. cottage, aertfc weet eoraer Beat Ten Ik aad Freatest streets oat. 9400 December 37 William C. Clark, cottage Bast Teeth ketwssa Primsat and Beech atreeta reel. SlW.i II rrmk.r 38, A. T Cllftoa. seep. Spokane between Raat Tklrteentfc aad Beat Fifteenth treat, coat. fs"Ci naVemher 3S. C. A. Kreeataaroe. cottage Kaai Skirmsa fcelweea aaat Twenty ninth tad f...t Thirtieth streets: eaat. 93 ono December 38. A a goal Radke dwelling. Raat Stark between East Poarleeatk sad Raaa Flf teeatfc atreeta; eaat, B9.099. 7. oid. IShV V" aRgSoCc per brollera. 19Sl34r per lb; fry" ai0Hc Per In. ducks, eld. 10W,c per """,'" ,11!?. per lb; 9eese. 9Hc perjh ;fFa. JjajJ' per lb; dressed, faacy. 90c; ordinary. 19a 19c '"'WILD wAMB Teal. 91 99b1I.T9. wldgeoa. Hard. 93.004Ia.BO; caaaaabaek. 94 90a FralU aad Tog aublaa. POTATO Orearou. 91.00 cwt: buyer' arrala. TodtTk aack: buy- TvdJTkc aack: ba aweeta heat. 91.3ft. crated. aiaaGalJa. mm California. 9c oar lb. ONlbsS- -J.--al. 9A 004919ft. bay" arlcaa country. 99-00; city, SClWftAOS; garlic. Fr'rSH FRUITS Apple. eitra faacy, 11.90 faacy Oregon, 91-90 par koi; orangea. AiAdftc Bar kas: baaaaaa. 9c pef It.; leaaona. choTcr. U Par boa; faacy. 93 T5 per aaa: num. mnmn, wac per iw, auplea. U.90MAIM: peere. 91.0041-90, grape. 91.90 par bai; craaberrla. 90 no per bbl; Jrraey. 910 00 per bbl. prune.. Sc per lb. atrawbarrlaa. 93.00 par 15 ID crate. roU. 91.00 par aack; Wta. 91 35 per aack; Oregon radieaea. 19c par dog; caBOaga uregon. 99.00 cwt; California. 9190. lattaca. kotboaan. Wfjaor par 00a; green pepper., ir je . pepper., lfk- par lb; caUry ftOo.- per doa tomatoea. California, 93. 0; paraalaa. 7ftc S1.S5; pU plant. IMSHe per lb; airing fcaana, : c.lul9owr. il.lJH per doa; butter beau.. 9c: puuipkloa 1c par lb; b.wradlb. 7We par la; .pro II la. e; awuwiie, w. . e" " -,. cbkea. oo sue par do; paaa. 10c per lb DklitD PBCITS Apple, eraporated, TCJfc per lb; prlcot. 9H4ti P" ip; mc... tc per lb lee. ; peaehae. 94112c per lb; paara. - 'per IbroVinaea. IUUaa. p,.lt: French. 9Va4Hc par lb; CalUornl black. ftttfiuc aar lb. California waitr. pSi?. piTtadT u per lb; faada. H 90 per 16 ft BT aar Si goldan. Sc Oraoarlea. Nuta, Eta Sl'GAB Rack haete Cube. 99-40; powdered. 98 3ft. fruit gr.nulated, 99.1ft: dry gTanoUted. 98 16: beat granulated. 99 06; egtra C. 9819; t'OFTR Pack! brnd. 916.. salt- Pine Bala. 2a, 9a. 4a. 6a. 10a, 51.901 dsiry ftoa. an.. JJ WtoX Imported Llr.rpool, 90a. 919.004119 .00; 100. bMa. k. 9a. 9a. 10a. S4.B0; balk. 890 lha. BaLt Coarse Half geouad. 100a. par too. 304.8.50, SO per tea" 96.9619.00; LUerpool S rock. 115 .9I9.0 per Tea; 60 -lb rock, 98 2641076: 100. 96.T90d.29. 1 AtSre prlcia apply t. sales of less tka a ear lotg. t ar loll . .peclal price, aubject to "BAINBAOSalMttt. P"1M BICB Imperial Jataa. Js.. Jkfi- "J- -: 4c; Naw Orkaaa head, SHtrS: Adjack, 8Hc Creole e. ...... -t BBAN8 Small wfclte. de; M?-"t! .ilV aBB, 8j aapati 1kc. 1 miaa. n, awrjr. TILT'S-Peanuts, T14c: js. 9He par lb Bsaaao. er doa: walouia. 14491BC per 10; pine nut. r ..A.m. . ik. kUkw. ana. toe per lb rhaatadu, eastern. lSOISe per lb. Ureal 1 aula, 15c lb: Alberta law iw per lb: fancy 134lftc per lb. pec 14l5c per lb ton. Flak aad Prarlslons. ....... v .-T-u IT.. .ireel Bcf. StseT 3H6r par lb; pork, block, 94ric per lb; r...T.r. RMUr oer lb: bulla. 3Vic per lb; cows 3J3Uc per lb: mutton, dressed IMH 4Hc per lb? real, ertra. 7',4tc per lb; ordl- -Wl PTe."Jb eerr.Poe.U-d nark lloc.ll h.rn. io to ld-lfca 13ic per lb; 14 to 18lba, H.'2Z iVl'R I k ffltc aar lb. e6fCir 9re per lb; bacon. H4J1- V " ? , '. . .ni.r .hart cleare. un- PT: TL. TV .aked. He 'per lb. clear backs, unsmoked. r pgr Wf, BaamsaBk, awaaw per lb; I'ulvn butt. I. . b .l Be 111 to 18 Iba. unsmoked 10 10 .0 iv. per lb; amokes. bc per 10, -tt- Ull V lh .moked. 12c per lb IAM AI. LARD Kettle leaf, 10a. 10V.C oer lb; 6a, 10r per lb; 00 in tioa, PBaw m. steam rendered. iw, e-v c - -"1 1.. ka. ol . lh- eotnn. compoana iierces, ro v BTi K..',: k Mk. a Sic oer lb. 'D;-.vwkrrVON-U.lamb iW l ib tall.. 51- 86; 3-lb t.lla. 82.60; fancy. 1-lb B.ta. Jjt.ow u lh faacy Sets. 1 10 ; isscy "-:'"t Alaska talU. pink, sogpavc; reo, ei o. 3s, tall. 92.00. . . La 0- FISH Bock coa. IC per 10. """"iV; ' . i" lb: halibut. 7c per lb; crane. .. p" .Inert base. 10dl3Vkr per lh; catnan. per lb: aallaon. .teelbead.. 8He per to ; frrasen snr.r 5c per lb; eole. SVkw per 10; ,nwi ma. Sc rear lb? ahrlmpe. 10c per lb; saao. areeeeu. I VAST lh c p. lb; - .P' S .w.s M. it,: bier an an. w p-r 9- In in Mat rlrpr amtflt. 6 atU-r am-It or per 111 ptr lb; l.rfpatpra. 11: freab Bskerl. rV a; ttoandrt.. 6c per per lb; rrwnn. -rrc pn OYSTBlK ShosTw.ler bay. per gal. 92j26 ner .ark 94 00 net: Olympts. per aaca . a liVd abell. per bog. 92 00; raaor clams, 92.00 par baX- Palnta. Deal Oil, Etc BOPR Pur Manila lc: tandard. ISc; urns I, iv5.i TI" 17 .1 u. . .... .. I .... hr.tlO Hilt! Iff-WI. COAL 014a raaa aa "'"'V Ti' - r. sal water white, iron ooi. iw e.. ... wrwde - per g.l: headllgkt. lTp-dag. cases 23 c per gal. Iroft bbl. . wc per ... ijkheeii nib t-iire raw, r o.M W-tt aa rwl4f1 I'lffl tV"fr K,1: IT"r V.I rasasMT crTk. cTr' loT.r 999 00 7 toaT leV. tkaa cat rot.. 938.00 Tl.Soi.lSE-88-des. 2cper gal. Iron (He per gal .au oa.- oee aal: atora. ewes a.-. asl: store tron bbl. 1 Ni per gal rases 23c per gal. iron BBNsU WMJfZm. bbl. 89c per S.I. 38. per gal. boiled, caaea 40c per gal- TOBpInTINR-In cases 86c per gal. w bbl. 81c per gal. Iroa bbl.. T9e per gal. wooden in lh WH1TB TpTrl-Toa lot. Tfc lh t. 1r per lb: lew. lots per lb. WIRE N A 1 1 J Present base at 92.90. lh; 500-lb SHEEP SHOWING A RISE OF A QUARTER Tone of Market Is Stronger- Hog Steady Cat tl Stronger. .. i . a,-, v.rrt. Dec. SBA much better feeling la the .beep market Is snd today ,(uotatUna are akewlng an adrance of 26c Tka lone of the bog market la steady and rattle are airorag. Tke re, -elate today IS hogs 92 rattla aad 300 sheen Official prices now runng lest ea.tern OlIflBjJS! IjlMJaV alley. 9.09a9-I0. Jbtkt. ..-Vi i); atockera aad feeders. 93 .35414 .28 Beat eastern Oregon, steer 99.50J4 it and medium teet. 53.T8443 28. Hogs neat i lame tie ralley. fata. 94.00: 4 aSllSST " ekBBBBBs. aaaa warn. .. -a , , . 4 mm . u9. .nai rnt1 1 ii ni le4-ra, IXTDW! a. a TtigSiB mi mdaium ffiwi. t&OOtii old and llrft cow. OtS,00, .tocker. Jml feeder. 925)298; butts. Sheep Beat faacy sheep. TSOO. Imka. 94 00; ewe. 14 00; atock afceep. 92 80. CHICAO0 MOOS ASS HI0HF.R Cbicr To Dec. 28 ihe hag receipt, today Tke market opened 5 to 10c were i, i .... with 4 noil left over Killing prices Mfied. 9d.4S4-TO; keary. 'M-f9dS4.T5; mugk 94.5094 70. Cattle receipts, cetpts, 10.000. QaUkt ISa higher Sheep 1 0c higher 10.000; sheep LI imp ill Cotton lereer. Liverpool Dee. 28 cotton fatu petals tower. era lo Osttea -Bra Bees' Report. New York. Dee. S9. Tke gtaners' a hows tke aasoaat of cotton ginned December 19 wa 11,909,999 hat. Facets Caffs. Higher. Hamburg Dec. 9S. Caff ee futures. H kigber: Hem. Vk higher St. Leal Brain B.ceipta. Leula. Dar. 38. -Oram Today Year Ago 1 4. Ton 47.700 48.BUI Wheat Can Data . 28.080 .31.900 a-LOTSI Ckieage Brain Oar Lata Chicago. Dec. J ..rein car Iota Car Orade Wkeat 'on. Oata Wheat car 2 day. Wt ... 91 594 9 ... 99 15 11. Dalatk. Tlaifc'e. Cklcago. Dee BBBJ4J: Wkeat Caea grain ri.iblr Today lac .mTIS.ono 1. 199.900 . 7 308.000 1.949 Llrerpool. Dec. 99. 9 p. at. -Wkeat 4J v.4 a-er. Coca I ncbapged ta Vkd klgbei tkaa J eater day. NEW YORK STOCKS SHOW A SMALL RISE But Few Quotations Received in Thi City Today Storm King Rules. - Naw York. Dec. 38 The a lock market today waa Terr unlet on account of the lack of telegraphic wire earrleo from tkla city to other parte of- tka couatry Bloat of the day. rue market opened ellghtly higher than the cloning of yeaterday. Tap trade I entirely local and the rob. me wag Tory email. But a few opening uuotatlona of the New York Block market were received In till, city today, thee, being orer Ike prlrate wire of Orerheck, Starr A Caaka Oo. They abuw a llgkt adrauce orer yeetecd.y' cloalng. Ba ilor 1 a rrom tne eaat .ay tnat me to the wlrea of the rarlntla telegraph . ..unianle. due to the eerere alorma of the paat two daya la area worm than waa Brat anticipated. Ka pair men hare, bowerer. been aent to the or trouble and connection will be tirade aa aoou aa poeslble. The opening and cloelog price ra: 1 loaing Amalgamated Copper Co Ateblaon. coal American Sugar, com Baltlmurr A Ohio, com .. sdt. .IMS, do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit . Canadian r.ctflc, com ..: Chlcsgo. Milwaukee A St. Paul Brie, com Metropolitan Tract lou Co Manhattan Kierated ..101V, . . 1H ''ir . . 37 W ..121V. ! !ioi;' . 137V . .IOT Mteeuurl PmcIHc . 'ennsylranla Hallway People's Oaa. UgM A Coke Co Reading, com Rock 1.1. ud. com .... .17 Southern PaclSc 64V. I'nlon Pacific, com IUH Lnitea ntaxe oteei in, vaan do prrfered r. . S3 SAM FRANCISCO MINING gTOCKS. ' Ran Frsjielaeo. Dec. 3R. OfflcUl mining Quotations, morning session: Bin. - ..9 13 . . . 09 .. .94 Kureka ..1. ophlr ..... 9 'A . 8 .2ft Andea . . Overman ... .on Petoal Beat A Belcher Bullion Caledonia .... challenge .... Chollar Confidence Con.' Cal.-Va.. Coo. Imperial . 1.06 .24 tftcvrplba . . . . ..S .35 ... .oT arngc 47 Seg. Brlcller .2V-lXlerra Nerada.. .64 .90 Sllrer Hill 81 .75 I'nlda tXM 88 1.80 t'tsb -T Lira Yellow Jacket . . .VF .19 I Crown point TO.NOPAH svjcchANQE. nwrt t. Bid. Adama Cot. Mount" In old Field .. Mohawk Jumbo Jumbo Sited M.-N'smars ateassaA .... .9 -.10 . .21 . .89' . .14 . .58 Red Too t -15 . Iltescue "rrrrvji. T08 s.n.l Storm ... .48 ! Helmout Oold 8BM8IBJB 18 5 .-StH North Star . rr. -ii . .3 immway . 1.89HJ 33, 8 AN FRANCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. Ran Dec. stocka closing 10:30 a. a.: a Spring Valley Wstsr CentrsI Light .i Pacini- Light Mutual Klectrlc San Francisco Oaa A Electric Olant Powder Bid. . 89 '. 64 - 83. . 63 . 18 : . 32 . 20' . 91 . 4 II 54 WlVk Hawaiian Sugar Ilonokea Sugar Hutchinson Sugsr Makawell Sugar ynnmea Sugar Paauhau Sugar Alssks Psckora' Oceanic Steamship IV.. 04 H 8 London Stocks Hlgh.r Ixindoa. Dec. 38 Th. stock msrkettoday is steady. patat up. PORTLAND BAMX STATEMENT. clearings Balance. . 49.414. 3)1 WHEAT HAD BETTER TONE THAN USUAL Early Trading in 'Frisco Sends Prices Up Half Cent Barley Is Strong. (Furnished by Orer beck. Starr A Cooke Co., San Francisco. Dec. 99 E. F. Hattoa A to. aar: Wheat opened with a better demand than uaual. eroding the price up In the flrat hour's trading. The market then Isieed Into dullneea sad closed Vic lower. There were oo new development, reported to In9n.-a.-e prices sad outalde demand waa rery alack. Barley was strong cloalng at tke beat price of tke day. ' The official 11:90 s. m markat: WHEAT. Opea. Hlgfc. I.nw. twee. May 9L44 9 4H 9I 44 91 44H BABLRY. May 1.14 1-14 1.14 114 December .... 1.09 1 08H l-OOH It Total Or.ln Visible. Chicago. Dec. 89. World . grain risible sap Plfi- Todsy Ye.r Ago Increase Buah Bush. Rusk. Wheat 99,718.000 99.996.000 8.SS3.on ( 9.000 6.T99.0OU 4ts2.tM Oats 33.872,000 9.290.O00 15.342.000 ADMIRAL TERRY GOES ON LIST OF RETIRED i Journal Special Sorrier i Washington. Dejc. 23. The I'nlted States navr losea a valuailtld and popu lar officer In the parson of Rear Adml ral Sllaa Wright Terry, who waa placed on the retired list today by operation of tha age limit. Admiral Tarry Is no on hla way here from the far eaat. Admiral Terry retires with srnnd record oa il flshtins sailor In Tncle Ham's Service. He entered the Naval academy In H5I from Kentucky, and went through the civil war with cgtruor dlnary valor. He was in the Red river expedition aa commander of the trnna port Benefit Admiral Porter, in a let ter to the secretary of the navy, wrote several hundred words of the highest pralee of Terry. Who was then an en sign. The president advanced the young man five numbers In his grade for the gallant work he did on that expedition. In 1994 he waa placed on Admiral Por ter's ataff and served in that capacity until the end of the war. The past 39 years of Admiral Terry'e life have been spent in shifting from one post to an other In the naval aervtra. During the past year he haa served aa naval com mandant at Honolulu. Jil ARMY QUARTERMASTER IS FOULLY MURDERED (Jooraal Special Berrfce.) Chattanooga. Dec- The body of Capt Howard W. French, constructing quartermaster of the new army poet st Chlckamauga park, wa found this morn ing near a stone quar: y. He had been shot through the heart. It Is believed that He was murdered, either for mo tive of robbery or revenge Capt. Howard W. French was well known In this locality. He came to Vancouver barracks from the Philip pine. In loi. after about two years of service In the islands as a mem ok r of the Seventeenth Infantry After leaving here he became a member of th quarter master'a department and has bawn sta tioned st Chattanooga ever since. NAY WHEAT OFF HALF CENT TODAY All Option Lose in Chicago' Market December Is Off an Eighth. ARGENTINE NEWS IS NOW VERY CONFLICTING July Wheat Loses Three Eighths Cent Wheat and Oats Down Provisions Drop. TODAY'S WHEAT MARKET. Open Today ..81.(3 .. in ... ii". Close Close Today Tues. Loa Today .im. Ici-emher . May X1.12I.B 111 I Mil 1.14V,B .IkllB July .U8H .IHIV. .oo- ll'uriilahed hr Orrrbeck. Starr .A Cooke Co.) Chicago. Doc. 38. The wheal market la .lightly lower today. The early part of tft. e,.aion snowed a g.MMt .lse.1 decline of the re porta of a large Increase In. tke elalble supply the American ahowtne a gain of I i:t:l i... Imah -1m and the total an Increase of 'I..U'l...m Imahels Decemlier oocned un unchanged at 31.1.1 and atler rery abort snow of strength begsn to luae. touching the low point around 91 12.. Its recrwerr from thla waa somewhat alow and It closed at 91-12H bid, a decline of H polut from yeaterday. May option showed a great deal of trading during tke day. It rtra"nd doWii He sT 91 T4 nral hnrl a weak feeling at the aaroa time the ih-cemrii-r iiegau to snow a loss, if rcscted hsck to 91.14 hid at the close, a loae of Sc. Trading In July option wa heeey for a faraway option. It opened unchanged st H.c ami wss low st to...-. it cloaed at iih-.c abuw lug b loa of c from yeaterday 'a close. llrnorl. mini the Argentine are rerv con fllctlng. one cable being; to the effect that the crop waa .11 right, rrhlle otfcora were )ut a pnsltler f lie i (he yield la affected wlfh ru.t and other damage and that the weight per bu.hel will be leas. The com market opened and cloaed lower. Data were weak, and down. Pork waa down, -" point, at the eloae. and lard wss down 2 points Rib were off tb tame amount. The off Ida j market today: .g:. Open High Close. I1.J2HB i ' i B .98H Dec ... Mar . 1.19 9 1.19 . 1.14 1.14 9 1I2H m Julr colts ' ISh 46 OATS. Dec., Jan.. .48U .20. 45A 43HB 45 .- 4H Dae. May July. Jan.. Majr. .8IH .31H 91 H -31 HA MESS PORK 12.511 J2.BT 13.50 -12.55 12.92 12.02 1290 12.85 . LABD. 8.87 tl.ST 8.83 8.85 T.I2 T.I2 T.OT T.10 SHORT BIBS. 8.42 8.4T S4t 8.45 6.72 8.72 8.87 0.70 Jan. . May. ADAMS ASKS RECOUNT - OF DENVER BALLOTS (Journal Special Herrlce.) Denver, Dec. 29. Attorneys represent-. lng Governor-elect Alva Adams today petitioned the state supreme court In be half of the governor-elect to open 204 ballot boxes In Denver and appoint a commission for this purpose. The court la considering the motion this after noon. r r- It Is claimed by Democrats that these ballot boxes were stuffed by the Repub llcsns ss those examined last week by the court were stuffed by the Demo crats. Argument on the application of Dr. Michael Bekhoar. Las Animas senatorial candidate, was heard before the supreme coifrt yeaterday. Authority waa asked to file a writ of mandamus to compel ihe stgte canvassing board to count the retuatks ss sent in, which show that Bcshoar wss elected. The decision of this esse will also he applicable to the senatorial contest from Boulder county, which Is of a similar nature. Watural Conclusion. r From the Chicago Journal. The tearher wss giving a leaaon in Russian history. "And It was Ivsn the Terrible." she related, "who slaughtered so many Inno cent people. Why did he do It" "I Knees It was because he owned an automobile." spoke up the boy whose I rather is s ensrreur. PORTLAND'S GREATEST STORES. NECESSITIES AND LUXURIES ALIKE ARE iw HERE QUALITY IN ONE AS WELL AS THE OTHER. Our Liquor Department Offers Special Inducements at This Time AGENTS t DeTURK'S CALIFORNIA WINES. AGENTS" "CREST A BLANCA SOUVENIR VINTAGE. AGENTS WHITE TOP CHAMPAGNE. Imported and Domestic Wines, Brandies snd Whiskies. Remember, you are given only the best, lull weight reliable goods. You can buy here with absolute security aa to quality. 7th and Washington Phons Main 327 Multnomah Legislative Delega tion Will Try Tonight to Ar range Course of Action. ONE OR TWO LIKELY TO OPPOSE ANY CONCERT If Vote One Vote All Is Accepted Bailey and Malarkey May Get the Berths They Seek. Multnomah's legislative delegation will meet this evening st the city hall for the purpose of agreeing, if possible, upon the course to bT followed In the Organisation of the two houses of the legislature. A aurong effort will be mad to in duce the delegation to act aa a unit. In this way alone. It Is argued. Mult ni. mah county will receive the recogni tion to which It is entitled. Whether the plsn will succeed is n open question. There are at IcAst one or two members of Ihe delegation who will probably refuse to sccspt the unit rule. They are said to be unwilling to pledge their votes blindly to any candi date for either speaxer of the house or president or the senate. If the unit rule should he sdopted to night It will be a signal victory, fox the Republicsn organisation. The queatlon will then arise whether this county Is to put forward K candidate for presiding officer of either house. A. A. Bailey Is an avowed cared id at for speaker and his friends believe that he might win if sc corded the solid support of his own delegation. If on tha other hand it should be decided that Multnomah county will seek to cepture he presi dency of the senste. Dsn J. Mslsrkey will be the favorite aon for whom the .tel. -truii. in will out forth Ms strength. The near spproacn r ."v- o-.w v. ...... the legislsfUre will convene naa inur oughly aroused Interest in the question of organisation and It is expected tht every rratTjnber or tne aeiegation wm u prc"ifeiTlTtonIght. - -5 SAYS WIFE IS UNDER J A HYPNOTIC SPELL .Special Dlapatcb to Tha Joamal.) Uoattle. Dec. 29 WIHIsm K. Parkin son. in sn answer to his wife's divorce complaint filed in the superior court 10 days ago. alleges thst his domestic trouble is sll due to the fsct that his wife is under a hypnotic spell snd con trntiovt ho a man named E. White. Pscklnson states that prior to the time his wife met White he and she hsd lived happily together. Boon after the meet ing however, he noticed a change, and he asks th court to make White a party to the suit. mis Parkinson in her complaint which is very brief, simply alleges cru elty as grounds for a divorce. Preferred Stock Canned Oooda. Allan A Lekwls' Beat Brand. TURKEYS ! TURKEYS ! Corn-Fed Turkeys for New Years LEAVE YOUR ORDIRS EARLY creamery butter 0e and 33c Beat creamery butler S5c snd 0; Dsiry butter ? Renovated butter 40c and 4ec Eggs, per dosen ............ 26c and 3.ic Best sugar-cured hams lc Picnic hams U. ' ' J Jr; Breakfast bscon ;-1c .n?.'"- Cheese c, lOo and 12Jc gwles cheese - 50c rea for. per pound Java-Mocha coffee . . ,. . jjjfi Arbuckle's Lion coffee. .2 pounds for 2Jc LA GRANDE CREAMERY 304 TAMRILL 8TBEBT. DO O. MOI-XJBB A CO.. (BatabUshed 1999.) T AMD STOCK BROZRRT. 4, O row ad Floor. B or COlfsaXMCX. OVERBBCK, STARR Sk COOKE CO, Member Chicago Hoard or 1 raaa. fJBVAXM. PmOVISIOaTS, COTTOK, 8TOCBTR Al 103 Third Street. McKay Building. Portland, Or. WB OO A STRICTLY COlTMISSIOal BCBIMZBB. Continuous Markets by Private Wtr. Tilton. banker, and United Statee National BETTER ABLE TO SUPPLY YOUR TABLE WITH THE GOOD THINGS DEMANDED BY THE CAREFUL HOUSE KEEPER. WE HAVE THE COMPLETE ASSORTMENT FOR YOUR SELECTION FOR YOUR NEW YEARS DINNER. NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF IN OUR F. DRESSER & CO. TW0ST0RES - a. . aaa a a a A A Rwwvw w w w w I i Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK Ws treat auccesafully all prlrate Bag llBM BjS chronic rt'.aeases cf men. also bfcsea. aBsaBkjm. hesrt, Mrer. kldnsy snd throat teiakksl we rare SYI'HILLIS (without meeeasTTl 99 9999 cured forever. Ill 80 to 90 daya. Wa vwaTaw RTHICTLUB. without eperanoa peas, a so vVe .too drains, tke reealt 4t aM .aOaaw. Immedlatelr. We ran reetore the eyxaal v9 of Shy man nnder 50 by see a as et Weal 9jbbh ment pecahar to ouraelrea. We Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week The doctor, of this tnstltsts ara an regedae graduates, bar bad many year expeelawao, hare keea knows la Portland for 19 rear, has a repctstlon to raatntata. aad win aawer tak aa eaae ante eertaia cure aaa Be mr feeted - . Ws guarantee to core IB every eaae take or "barge no fee ftmsatts tlon waa. sjj tars confidential lnetrvveTlve BOOK FOB m.lled free ta rlaln wrapper. If yoa cannot call at office, rmrr rar . 1 tlon blank. Borne treatment em 1 sea fas. Of ea hours a to 8. and T o a Sunday aad holloa ya. nam teja leading aneetarbrt. In the at. Estsbllsksd ,1999. Di-.W. Norton Davis &Co. Van Hoy Hotel, ST. M. Cor. Third and arias Bttraeta. PORTJaAATO. OJ9XOOM. TT 17 TTll SPECIAL 1 mLJL In Cut lUtet Boston Painless Dentists are now giving tbelr annual CUT RATE PRICEfl on all dental work. The charges are less than college price and sll work done by our painless system and by specialists of frorh 13 to 20 yesrs' experience. NO STUDENTS em ployed. 1 ILK, 1 tl smrscisu, lliivaa ui crowned absolutely without pain by oar secret preparation applied to the gums. TEETVi PUTIS Extrsxinw Free rrM BUver ruiluga Void ruilags OVold Cro wna lnU Set Teeth All Work Guaranteed 10 Y TSa Have your teeth extracted without pain and replaced with new ones the same day. Come In at once and take ad vantage of low rates. Be sure you are in the right place. Boston Painless Dentists FTFTH AMD MOBJUSOM Entrance 391 , If orrlaon. Xeararm tal concern In tb) world. Is adapted to all who are run down physically and mentally. It strengthens and builds up and thus restores lost vitality, ill ef fects of malaria, chronic diseases and impure blood. For Sale at KNIGHTS. 307 Washington. volck 8rvtPBr. KEFEttENCES I.Bd tar- Bank of Portland. GROCERY L 15th and rraaisSwaVwiTHO i