The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 27, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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    It THE OREGON DAILY JUUKMAL. ruKiLjtnu, lumufti c v nniwu, .1Bss.,na
S tA L K
Is Now in Full Swing !
Cream of St Louis Exposition
Concessions Anxious to
Come to Portland.
J. A. Hatch, Deserted in North
Yakima, Would Let Wife
Qo With Money.
rVys. Frank Dolan Boats Husband
Whom She Accuses of
Nothing Further to Be Done
Meteorological Reports no Lon
ger Made to Hydrographic
Office of Navy.
Until Gathering of Taxpay
ers and Committee.
Interesting Figures Show the
Amount of Business Done at
Louisiana Purchase Fair.
Couple Escape After Desperate
Flight Through This City
to San Francisco. ;
Victim of Blacksnake Was Po
liceman Who Lately Loot
His Star.
Reports Will Be Read, Judgment
Department of Agriculture Has
Ample Law for Control of
Ocean Meteorology.
Will Be Passed and Ac
tion Taken Soon.
It In promised that Portland will hav
! the cream of til St. touts concessions
next year, and a. good many which the
Louisiana Purchase people were unable
to oblutn. Thte Important feature of the
exposition is receiving apeciai attention
at this lime, and-Uiose shows which are
not acceptable are being eliminated from
' c nslderstlon, as the apace for amuse
ment enterprises is limited.
Thus fartowly a few of tbs important
concession have been contracted for, al
though blank contracts from big show
j men come in with every mail, but the
concessions committee is making careful
Investigation of each enterprise before
Accepting It.
It Is settled that the Truscott Boat
company will navigate ths lake with
launches and gondolas. Thar will be a
baby Incubator, a novelty never before
vhown In the west. Jabour will have an
oriental theatre. The photographic
rivllege is let. The American Inn com-
Siny has its concession tor a hotel, and
sjor Clarkson Is working for the au
tomobile and roller chairs contract.
.There are 10 times more applications for
restaurant space than can possibly be
, granted.
The members of the exhibits commit
tee will hold a conference with Colonel
Dosch this afternoon, at which time It
Is expected- the subject of concessions
.Will receive careful attention.
Following is a statement of the cash
receipts of the "Various concessions on
the wor!3's fair grounds during the ex
position period. While not official, the
fiturts are conceded to be accurate. The
rom-eesion ars given In the order of
their earning:
Inside inn $1.$S,986 0
The Alps Ml. 875. 50
- Boer war H5.675.6S
Ireland $.$.985.25
Hagenbeck's 40.50.25
Creation Mt.S70.00
Hales fire-fighters 2SM54.30
Scenic railway ............ 26J.807.40
Ferris wheel . 281,789.60
Gondoliers and launches.... 210,146.85
Paris 199.231.57
Fair Japan 188.934.00
Galveston flood 176,325.60
Naval exhibit v. 175,510.45
Automobiles 169.444.30
Mysterious Asia 151,226.16
New York to north pole.... 149.S11.90
Jerusalem 14J.259.50
8treets of Cairo 124.109.25
Hereafter 117,789.86
Peanut and popcorn 11S.050.00
Chair concession 106.250.JO
Shooting the chutes 100,974.40
Old St. Louia 86.210.25
1'nder and over the sea...- ,19!.4
Siberia 78.900.00
Bohemian oaf 73.440.r.5
Constantinople 72.050.34
Palaia du Costume (4.240.58
Streets of Seville (1.210 20
Chinese village - 67.820.30
Jim key 49,980.75
Battle abbey 47.149.10,
Magic whirlpool 48.60S.10
Cliff dwellers ' 42,400.09
Ancient Rome 40.632.00
Ksklmo village k 39.816.98
Miniature rail wtw., 3a,U0.20
"Moorish palace t9.240.55
Old plantation .' 28,970.97
Glass weavers 24.855.70
Temple of Mirth !. 19.123.80
Palmistry 18.J25.00
Hunting In the Osarks 12,640.16
Deep-sea divers 12.54 2.90
Statistician S.7J4.66
Total . $7.$14,0$.7$
"The courthouse, which the city of
I.a Grande Is erecting for Union county.
Sa nearlng completion." said Thomas
Crawford, the venerable attorney and
jurist df the Grand Ronde valley yes
terday at the Imperial. "La Grand Is
erecting the building, which la a sightly
brick structure, and the city will donate
its us to the county for It years free
of rent. It waa to hava been completed
by the first of the year, and will prob
ably be finished by th middle of Js
vary, ao that It may be occupied for
the February term of court."
An Increased acreage of beats In the
Grand Ronde valley is promised next
year, as a result Of the splendid produc
tion of the season Just cloved. The
beet indnstry Is spreading and a greater
number of people from the outside are
being enlisted in the growth of the sac
charine root.
Appearing at police headquarters this
morning. A. W. Buckman, an Did soldier,
asked the aid of Chief Hunt In recover
ing possession of his daughter, Florence
Inez Buckman. aged 17 years.
Buckman ssld that Mrs. Wlllfolk of
ITS Hamilton avenue, another daughter.
Induced the girl to leave friends with
whom ahe waa staying, at Santa Barbara.
Cal., and come to Portland. He asserted
that he dislikes the Influence which
Mrs. Wlllfolk has over her young sister.
. Asked what he Intended doing with
Ids daughter in caa he recovers pos
session of her, the old man said he
would take her to Salem and there aot
na circumstances might direct. He wears
an army coat: with braaa buttons, and
In very dlgnlfl"d In demeanor.
"I tried all kind, of blood rmaetai whirs failed
to do BM aaraood bat I bare found lh right thlaf
at last. Mr fare waa fall of simple and blaek
hd. Afwr laklaf Cascarata her all l.ft law
eoatiastae tb of thm ana ncommsndlni
ehees to sir friend. I feel Dae wb I rls tki
Moraine Hope to hae a eaeaea to recommend
"" "" M C Wlttea. N gist St. Xewark, M. J.
best for
f aaggiw "etDOwei
Camow CATnaamc
iota le aai
u xaa aesaw inai iwyiwi v
to cars or mtr weser seek.
Sterile lUmedy Co., Chicago or H.Y,
It has been learned by City detectives
that Dr. Edwin Hughes and Mrs. J. A.
Hatch, who are said to have eloped from
North Yakima, Wash., accompanied -by
her 15-year-old daughter, left Portland
Friday night. By a roundabout route
they will go to San Francisco, with the
Intention of reaching southern Califor
nia. In their possession, It Is alleged, is
11.700 belonging i Hatch.
Dr. Hughea began his service as phy
sician In the Hatch family soma time
ago, according to Information placed In
th hands of th local police. Only a
short Time passed until Mrs. Hatch fell
deeply In love with him. Acting on his
advice, It Is amid, Mra Hatch Informed
her husband that her condition was such
that ahe despaired of ever getting well
She Is said to have mad this represen
tation after her health had been entire
ly recovered. . The solicitous husband
naturally Inquired of Dr. Hughes con
cerning her condition.
She Is In a bad way. th physician
Is alleged to have said, "and nothing will
benefit her but a change of climate. You
should send her to southern California
without loss of- time."
Believing that th life of his wlf
could only be saved by Immediately fol
lowing Dr. Hugh' advice. Hatch drew
$1,700 out of the bank, and gave It to her
for the expense of a trip and a few
months' residence In that state.
HI wlf had left North Yakima only
a short tint when Hatch received an In
timation that the relation she had sus
tained to Dr. Hughes was other than
that of patient. He made an Investiga
tion and learned that Dr. Hughes had
taken the same train' out of the city.
Hastening to Sheriff Grant, his bosom
friend, he confided his fears, and th
two set out In pursuit of Dr. Hughes
and th wife.
At Seattle th husband. It Is reported,
received full confirmation of his fears.
The couple evaded them there, reaching
Tacoma aafely. They were traced to
Tacoma, getting out of -that city a day
In advance of their pursuars. At Port
land the fugitives lay In hiding for a
few days, making their escape Friday
"Lt my wife go." said Hatch, "and If
they are found, don't quibble about th
money, but get my daughter."
But Detectives, Who Had Han
dled Similar Cases, Were
Not Consulted.
That the robbery of furs valued at
12.000 from H. I.lebes dV Co. waa re
ported to the police Is denied by the
chief, but this does not alter th fact
that the matter was brought to police
attention at once-. Detectives ' Snow.
Kerrigan aha" Hotmail, "Who Knew noth
Ing of the burglary until yesterday, as
sart that they are the ones who should
have been consulted, as they are fa
miliar with the circumstances surround
ing the thefts of furs from SUverlleld
a Co. and O. P. Rummelln A Bona, la
fact, "Jack" McCarthy and James, win
are now serving two-year sentences In
the Salem penitentiary for th robbery
of the Rummelln furs, were arresredby
Detectives Snow snd Kerrlgsn.
All three detectives assert that If they
had known of the theft of furs from
I.lebes Co., incidents to which they
attached little Importance In th past
would have received more attention and
doubtless would have resulted In th
capture of th thivea. Detectives Day
and Welner allege that they also were
kept In the dark, the former saying that
he did not follow a clue given him by a
race track tout during ths racing meet
at Irvtngton. because he did not bellev
a third larcany of furs had been com
By th advice of R Citron, his coun
sel, L. C. Buhl has abandoned prosecu
tion of the charge of asssult preferred
against Patrolman Galbralth with the
police commission.
Ruhl charged Patrolman Galbralth
with having struck him with a club, and
pleaded guilty In the police court to
drunkenness and was fined $20 'Patrol
man Galbralth waa ready for trial with
his witnesses. Dr. Slocum, the assistant
city physician, would have testified that
the wound on Ruhl's head was not In
flicted with a club.
Ruhl had no wltneaaes present. Asked
sbout them by his attorney, be said they
had promised to come, but had not
done so.
"Drop It. then; drop It," ordered At
torney Citron.
'1 guess you might ss well go home,
Galbralth." said Chief Hunt. "Conald
eratlon of this charge Is Indefinitely
The city council has been Invited to
attend the meeting of tb license com
mittee to be held tomorrow afternoon
for the purpose of considering the
licenses for next year, as the committee
realises It has a big lob befor It In
making th many changea proposed in
the licenses for 1801.
Provision for licensing many new
lines of buainess which will come to
Portland for the exposition will have to
be made. There are lines of business
in litis city which ar ssld to be licensed
iyo heavily, while It Is considered that
-wet tax upon others Is not sufficiently
It Is proposed to draft a blanket ordi
nance covering all lines of business
which the council Intends taxing. Lines
will be closely drswn. as It Is desired to
iet as much revenue ss possible from
the license department this year.
From the Philadelphia Public Ledger.
Passing through the country, a tramp
i'. piled at a farmhouse and amid:
"It Is needless to aak you th question,
.adam. Yu know what I want."
'Yes." replied the lady. "I know what
you want badly, but I've only one bar of
aoap In the house and H servant Is
using It. Com again torn other time. '
to' I
"You will meet another woman, will
you? You will run around and see hus
sies on street corners and gtv people
a chance to Jeer at your wife, will you?
I will teach you. sir. to have mora re
spect for your wife, whether you care
for her as you should or not."
Accompanying this tirade cam the
sound of a heavy whip rythmloally de
scending on the head and shoulders of
Frank Dolan. who until two months ago
waa a member of the Portland police
force. Th blacksnake waa wielded by
hi' angry wife, Jealousy and Indignation
giving strength to Her blows. Th castl
gatlon occurred at Fifth and GUaan
Dojan tried hard to evade his wlf. but
waa unable to do much more than grope
blindly In her direction, owing to the
rain of blows which descended pitilessly
on his face. A large crowd soon sur
rounded the principals In the affair, but
no on triad to assist Dolan; amid
shouts of laughter his wlf waa encour
aged to ply her scourge more lustily.
Patrolman Kay finally appeared as Do
lan's savior. He separated th pair and
ordered Dolan to go home, threatening
to pla.-e him under arrest if 'he did not
Dolan hurried away.
"He made a date with another woman,
and I was waiting for her," sobbed Mrs.
Dolan, in explanation of her conduct.
"I followed him and gave him th whip
ping he deserved. It is shameful to be
disgraced In this manner."
The patrolman soothed Mrs. Dolan as
beat he could, and Induced her to follow
her husband home.
Dolan hadr trouble in the department,
which led to his resignation about two
months ago. Patrolman Sloan accused
him of acting as stool-pigeon for Chief
of Police Hunt, and waa following him
with the Intention of thrashing him. It
la said, when Dolan drew his revolver
and threatened to shoot. Following an
Investigation, Dolan yielded his star.
Nelson & White Are the Success
ful Bidders on a Quanti
tative Basis.
Contractors' Cost Will Be Little
Over One Hundred and Fif
teen Thousand Dollars.
Nelson & White, tne contractors who
are building the Great Southern railroad
from The Dalles to Dufur were today
awarded the contract for constructing
th Celilo portage road, on their bid of
$115,511, exclusive of rails and rolling
stock. The contract was awarded on the
quantity price basis, compensation to be
made according to the amount of mats
rials used and work don.
The award was made by th state
portage board, composed of Governor
Chamberlain, Stat Treasurer Moore and
Secrary of State Dunbar, assisted by
J. N. Teal, attorney for th Open River
association, Attorney General Crawford
and Stat Engineer A. J. McMillan. Nel
son White agfted to file a bond of
150,000 for faithful performance of the
contract, and to have the road com
pleted by May 16. Failure to have the
road done on that date will subject them
to payment of $500 a day until the Job
Is finished. Th remaining portion of
the state's 1161.000 appropriation for th
portage road, will be applied on cost of
rails and equipment, and the Open River
association will supply th deficit, which
will. It Is estimated, b about $16,000.
Th outcome of the advertisement for
bids Is gratifying to the Open River
executive commute and the state port
age board. It is thought the road can
be built and equipped complete for a
sum between $170,000 and $176,000.
There will b In th stat fund money
sufficient to build the road, and proba
bly a small balance will be left In th
treasury. Th Open River association
will probably enter Into a contract with
the state to equip the line. No second
hand equipment will be considered by
th association.
Human Officer Resing Is th proud
possessor of th handsomest Elks' charm
In town. It was presented as a Christ
mas gift by Ihe Oregon Humane society
and consists of th beautifully colored
tooth of an elk, capped with gold, the
head and i.houldrs of the noble animal
appearing In relief on on side, th other
having Ihe Inscription. "O. H. 8. Pre
sented to Joe Resing. Christmas, 1904."
A meeting of th board of directors of
th society was held so vers 1 days ago.
at which It was decided. In view of th
meritorious work perf armed by Mr. Res
ing, that he be presented wi'.i the charm.
Director Chonahan, who made th pres
entation, spoke feelingly of th good
work ncc,rapllhd by th human of
ficer. Mr. Resing thanked, th directors
for their evidence of appreciation and
said he wwuld ever treasure th gift,
which la now pendant from hla watch
A guaranteed Our (or Us.
Itching, Mia, bleeding or protruding pi lea.
Toor druggi.t will refund none If Paso Otnt
ji.nt falls te ears yos In to U daya. BOe.
Winter Rates to taquina Bay.
Th Southern Paclflo Co. will sell, on
Wednesday and Saturdays of each week,
until March tl, 1 SOS. low rat round
trip tickets to T equina, limited to (t
dare from date of sal. Th sal of
these excursion tickets during th winter
months is a new departure and ha been
brought about through th desire of our
local sportsmen to enjoy the exceptional
ly flna hunting and fishing privilege of
that section.
A free electrical panorama at the
corner of Third and Aldr streets, from
8 a. ro. to p. ta.
"I cannot stat what further action I
will tak In regard to tb Morrison
at reel bridge until I see at th next
meeting of th executive board what will
be don with my previous communica
tion," said George H. Howell this morn
ing. "I have not employed another ex
pert to go over the bridge work. I am
checking up a little on prices, tc, but
will not take further action until the
executive board has time to act on my
previous statement,"
Mr. Howell, although not a member of
th Morrison-street bridge commute of
the executive board. Is firm in his pur
pose to St at the bottom of the cost of
additional work authorised after the or
iginal contract waa let. Th members
of this commute are Mayor Williams,
chairman, and K 1. GUaan, W. L. Boise.
H.C. Wortman and H. W. Goddard.
Neither this committee nor th execu
tive board as a body nas made any In
quiry into the additional work "further
than waa made ut the time it was or
dered. The recant investigations of Madison
Welch were confined to the bridge prop
er, were of a mechanical nature and wer
made merely to determine th quality of
steel used and. If th structural plecea
were up to specifications in sis. The
committee at that time did not deem It
necessary to probe into the additional
work awards, but was willing to stand
on the Judgment of th city engineer as
expressed in h)s recommendations and
the facts revealed to the-ewnmtttee at
th time of authorising tb' work.
Of th report made by Charles 8. Blh
ler. the expert employed by the Taxpay
ers' league and the special committee of
the council, members or th executive
board hava- no comment to make. They
do not car to discuss the mutter until
th next meeting, when it will probably
be brought before them in formal man
ner, and at which time all will doubtless
be asked to record their desires, either
on a vol to consldar Mr. Howell' re
port or other document Introduced. None
of th member carea to Indicate what
action he will take then, or whether any
action will b taken. Each apparently
thinks enough evidence is already in for
Judgment to be passed and Is making no
effort to inquire Into the matter fur
them, with the exception of Mr. How
ell, who Is gathering all possible Infor
mation to back hla statements.
So Judge Hogue Says When
Arnicas Curiae Foley Wants
. Prisoners Released.
Attorney William Foley appeared In
the police court this morning and pleaded
with Judge Hogue to release all per
sona whoa arrest waa due to celebrating
Christmas. H represented no client,
and aald he appeared aa amicus curia.
"Your honor." urged Mr. Foley, "you
have befor you today a number of
men whose IncarceraUon is du to their
enthjualaam In celebrating Christmas.
These men have committed slight In
fractions of th law. Let the court b
merciful, tn remembrance of the things
that go along with the happy yuletlde.
I appear as amlcu curiae, and ask this
boon for these prisoners In that capac
Everything waa quiet. Judge Hague
had listened seriously, but smiled when
Mr. Foley concluded.'
"There Is no question that you are a
friend of the court," said Judge Hogue.
"It seems to be the fashion nowadays
for courts to be represented by friends.
Even the circuit oourt haa friends, I
will carefully consider your prayer."
Thus saying. Judge Hogue proceeded
with the trial of cases, fined several men
and placed others on the rockplla.
Few members of th theatrical profes
sion ever enjoy Chrlatmaa to the extent
that Maxlne Elliott and her company did
last Sunday. The day was spent on
train, but It was not lost. Miss Elliott
had ordered the dining car decorated In
holly and mistletoe and to each grid
ve.ry person who traveled with her or
ganisation from th stage carpenter up,
ahe gave an elaborate dinner, with cham
pagne at each plate. To her manager,
M. A. Tack, she presented a costly dia
mond stud, and all of the others wer
substantially remembered by th beau
tiful star, a $10 gold piece being added
In each aalary envelope.
Miss Elliott received her return last
evening when ahe entered her dressing
room. The mechanical force had cov
ered the wall and calling with ever
green, holly, mistletoe, colored lights
and other beautiful decoration appro
priate to the
President Goode and Director of
Work Huber are working with might
and main on the new exhibits building,
while .Colonel Dosch f laboring over a
floor plan and wondering If he will have
space enough, even after the additional
palace Is completed, to house tb dla
playa already contracted for. Time are
busy at Lewis and Clark headquarters.
Mr. Good has called a meeting of
the executive committee for next Thurs
day. He will then describe the situation
and urge the necessity .of more space
and greater scope
Word from Chairman Hill, of th
government bureau, states that th.. ex
hibition of a mint In operation will be
more interesting here than It waa at
Ht Louis. There will be no actual coins
oast, but a souvenir silver medal will
b turned out for sale, the corporation
furnishing th power and the metal, and
th government an expert operator.
rr a pereletest Oaagh, Ptso'a Owe tot roe
funptloa la an effectual re moor
Dividend Notice.
At a meeting of the director of th
Hlbernla Savings bank, a dividend of
$S par share waa declared payable Janu
ary J, ISOt.
District Forecaster Heals and hi sub
ordinate ar visiting the, various ships
in the harbor for Ihe purpose of gath
ering meteorological data. Until re
cently this work was performed by the
hydrographic office The transfer was
made upon the following recommenda
tion approved by the president:
"That all meteorological reports from
vessels of war or commerce or other
sailing craft, now being forwarded di
rect to th hydrographic offle of th
navy, shall b forwarded direct to the
weather bureau, and the control of ocean
meteorology be transferred to the de
partment of agriculture, which already
has ample law for doing this work."
1'nder ths provisions of the above
paragraph, Mr. Baala la also mailing the
shipmasters In port the following no
tice: "On reaching any port in the United
Statea, the weather report may be mailed
direct to the central office of the weather
bureau in Washington. D. OL or if pre
ferred. It may be malted, or handed to
the local weather bureau obaervet Re
quest for supplies will receive prompt
attention, whether made to local ob
server or to th central office In Wash
ington. "It 1 the deslr to continue marine"
meteorological work on essentially thu
same plan that haa hitherto been tj
lowed. To this end your continued co
operation Is earnestly solicited.
Lines Operating B
Pranclaco Xa ve Increased Charges.
Beginning th first of the year the
freight rate between Portland and San
Francisco will be $2.50 a ton, all com
panies operating coasters having entered
into an agreement to this effect.
Heretofore there ha been no regular
rate fixed, steam schooners taking
freight as low as 1.1-71 a ton; th usual
figure wer $2- The managers met
In San Francisco and .decided that a
minimum scale should be established.
It was held that there Is no money In
th business carrying freight at $1.7$
or $1 a ton. This la th last week that
shipper will have an opportunity to
send good down the coast at the figure
which have prevailed for the year.
Wheat 1 the principal commodity sent
south, nearly every vessel taking out
from $00 . to $00 ton. A couple of
cargoes will probably be sent toXSau
FrancUco this wk at $1 a ton.
Captain Samuel Coulaon, master of
th Oregon Railroad a Navigation com
pany'! tugboat Ocklahama. la lying
dangerously 111 at hla home. $2$ Hast
Twentv-second street. While at Astoria
yesterday he was stricken with paralyse
and waa brought to Portland on th
steamer Luriihe. lie had a similar at
tack several year ago, and his friends
fear for hi recovery. Captain Coulson
hag been In the employ of the Oregon
Railroad a Navigation oompany for
years, and la one of the beat known navi
gator 'Clonk the Columbia and Willam
ette river.
Mad BTo Troubl in Binding Japanese
With Cargo of Ooal for Vladivostok.
According to the San Francisco Com
mercial News the British steamship Ei-
lamy, which cleared from Manila for
Portland on October SS, ha arrived at
Vladivostok with a cargo of coal for
the Russian government. She completed
the passage from the Philippines in 40
days. The steamships Salfordia and
Foschan cleared from Hongkong the
middle of last month for the Columbia
river. Th probabilities are that they
are also en route to Vladivostok with
contraband of war.
Hans Knutsen was washed overboard
from the schooner Joseph Russ and
drowned off Tillamook bay. The ves
sel reached Astoria yesterday from San
Francisco and will load lumber at Rain
ier for the return trip.
The Arabia 1 due to sail for th ori
ent on January 2, and to be ready by
that time she will have to be given
quick dlapatch.
Ice has begun to form In the Snake
river, and It Is probable that the gov
ernment dredge Wallowa will soon have
to be taken out of commission. She la
engaged In cleaning out the channel be
tween Rlparla and Lew 1st on.
Astoria, Dec. 17. Arrived at 7:40 nnd
left up at 8:30 a. m.. steamer Redondu,
from San Francisco and coast 'porta, v
Arrived at 10:40 a. m, steamer W. H.
Harrison, from Slualaw, and tug Sea
Foam, from Gray's Harbor.
Arrived at 11:10 a. m . steamer Au
ral la, from San Francisco.
Astoria. Dec 28. Arrived down at 1
p. m., French ship Jules Oomme.
Left up at $:$0 p. m , schooner Andy
Mahoney and Luzon.
Astoria, Deo. 27. Condition of the
bar at $ a. m., smooth, wind, easi.
weather, cloudy.
On of th most interesting vessels
built In recent years Is the four-masted
schooner Mary L. Newhall, which was
launched from the shipyard of Elmer
S. Crosby, In Bath. Me., last week, ay
th Nautical Oasett. Th frame of th
schooner la on prepared In 182 by the.
government for a war vessel, It being
th beat live oak that could be pur
chased. It wa sunk In Portsmouth
harbor, where It lay until two year
ago, the salt water having preserved It
The schooner 1 rated Al for If years,
owing to her unusual frame. "
Schoonara Virginia and Andy Ma
honey reached port thla morning, the
former from Han Francisco and the lat
ter from San edrn. The Mahoney will
go on the drydock at St Johns for a
general overhauling by Anderson &
Every article (except contract goods)
sharply reduced. Exclusive High
grade Clothing, Furnishings and
Hats are offered here now at a
GOOD SAVING in price to you.
Clothiers Furnishers Hatters
- . B..t'',.. ,. , ."
Opposite Postoffice Square
Dry short slab wood, stove
lengths, per
cord ......r.....
Same Kind of Wood What's the
Difference? Per cord
Banf ield, Veysey Fuel Co.
Phone Main 353
Crow. When ready the Mahoney will
take out a cargo of lumber. The Vir
ginia will load at the North Pacific mill
for San Pedro
With a cargo for South Africa, th
British ship Dunreggan moved into the
stream this morning and will leav
for th sea In a day or two. Her cargo
of 1,197 tons of flour, 276 ton of wheat
and $ tons of fruit was supplied by the
Portland Flouring mllla
Dims at srsAicsnrs iwimm.
a. ,. u.nmnn's Institute last evening
n . in- -
a Christmas dinner was served to about
Caution !
During the coming Law la and Clark Exposition many traveling
spectacle vender will vllt Portland to locate tempnrarlly-unttl
th fair 1 over. Soma of these faker ar already In th city dig
t ribi it ing their circular and booklet broadcast over th eltys
These spectacle peddler ar particularly dangerous quacks and
should be even more shunned than the empiric in medicine. There
la many a quae it who may ease your rheumatism, but ther yla not
one chance In a hundred that the glass bought from a peddler will
help your eye. There ar a hundred chance to on they will hart
roar eyes hurt them eerlously, too. It 1 very important that
your glasses should be perfect . . ,
The artnv reward will be paid for th arras and oonrletldVk of
my on claiming to be oar agent Our glass ar never peddled
or sold at your residences. Any on claiming to represent u 1 an
Impostor. OREGON OPTICAL. CO., 171 Fourth St. T. M, Q A.
Dry short cordwood, stove
lengths, per
cord a
80 Third St., Cor. Oak
Will produce th desired effect if the
right preparation la used. And we can
aupply an article that Is unequaled for
the purposes intended. Bay Stat Paint
cannot be Improved upon. It la easily
applied, effective, durable, highly pre
servative and Impart a handsome fin
ish. Sunproof and weather-proof. Eco
nomical, too. . .
1(0 sailors. Th. labia war presided
over by Mrs. B. T. C. Stevens, who had
several able assistants. James K. Lald
law. British consul, acted as toaatmaa
ter, and congratulated th English win
ners of th International boatrao. A
number of visitor responded to toasts.
Interior Decoration.
A class in Interior decoration will ha
conducted during the winter term at th
Young Men' Christian association night
?chool, beginning Monday, January 1.
'he course Is designed especially for
painter and decorators.
Allen Lewis' Beat Brand.